The Executive MBA: Shaping The People Who Shape The World

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The Executive MBA

Shaping the people who

shape the world
Study in London or Dubai.
20 months, part-time.
Inspiring you to achieve 04
In a class of its own 06
The Executive MBA programme 08
A foundation for success 10
Your personal leadership journey 12
Tailored to your goals 14
Global Business Assignment 16
The broader experience 18
Managing your schedule 20
Career impact / Delivering value
to your organisation 22
The alumni view 24
How to apply / Our programmes 26

The Executive MBA

Connecting art and business
Study in London or Dubai.
20 months, part-time.
The dynamic artwork in this brochure was created by students at
Camberwell School of Arts for the Find Your Voice competition, launched
A unique experience.

by London Business School to represent visually the embodiment of the

School’s aim: to give every student a voice and the opportunity to make
their mark on the world. From the works submitted, 35 were selected by a
joint panel of judges to be exhibited at London Business School’s Regent’s
Park campus, and used across all its communications. View and download
the work at at
Shaping the people
who shape the world
Are you a leader looking for an elite global network? Then it may
be time to experience something truly transformational.

We understand your desire to have a profound impact in

everything you do. We have it too. Maybe you want to accelerate
your existing career, transition beyond your technical area
to a more senior leadership role, or innovate and pursue an
entrepreneurial path? Whatever your motivation, invest in your
future and go from experienced to exceptional.

London Business School’s (LBS) Executive MBA (EMBA) –

divided into two streams and delivered in two commercial
and financial centres, London and Dubai – helps you to
enhance and develop the practical skills and essential
knowledge to empower you as a leader. Over 20 months,
gain a deep understanding of yourself and learn how to lead
with impact. You’ll apply what you learn immediately, creating
value in your existing role, and setting you up for your future.

Experience the programme with a senior, talented peer group

of high achievers from wide-ranging backgrounds and industry
sectors. Learn from leading faculty and international business
practitioners to add depth of theory to real-world context.

Ready? Get set for transformation.

Nicola Simpson, Programme Director, Executive MBA (London)
Nouf Al Khalifa, Programme Director, Executive MBA (Dubai)
Inspiring you
to achieve
Our reputation for academic excellence and global
perspectives puts you at the cutting-edge of business
thinking. Whichever location you choose, our Executive
MBA will transform your vision and career development

London Business School is a top-ranked The Executive MBA programme is

institution, consulted by organisations, based on the highly effective model of
government agencies and entrepreneurs learn-apply-evaluate-adjust. Apply each
and is recognised in leading business new classroom concept, theory and
publications. Our rigorous and innovative framework back into the workplace and
Executive MBA gives you outstanding assess its value and relevance to your
academic research, cutting-edge organisation. Become more effective
business practice and connections to the in your current role, gain the ability to Meet the world on
business communities of both London communicate confidently with other
and Dubai. business functions across industries our Executive MBA
and cultures, and the impact on your

World-class degree organisation will be immediate.
Studied over 20 months, the Executive
MBA provides a grounding in all areas of International community
business and management. The The School community includes students across nine degree
programme awards the London Business faculty from more than 31 countries programmes from more than 100
School MBA degree qualification, and alumni from more than 150 countries
offering the same breadth of general countries. You benefit from lifetime

management disciplines as the full-time membership of this diverse and
MBA programme. unrivalled global network.

And as an Executive MBA alumnus, you The latest business thinking nationalities in each class (average)
benefit from the School’s internationally As an Executive MBA student, you have

recognised brand and reputation access to both our world-class faculty
throughout your career. and our cutting-edge research centres
and activities.
Prime study locations increase in salary (three years after
London and Dubai offer first-class Centres of research excellence include; graduation)
access to the world’s most influential Aditya Birla India Centre, AQR Asset
markets, organisations and business Management Institute, Centre for
leaders. Elect to complete your studies
in London or Dubai. London Business
School’s faculty travel to both centres
to ensure a fully aligned curriculum.
Corporate Governance, Deloitte Institute
of Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
Leadership Institute and Private Equity
at LBS.
faculty from more than 31
Your choice is dependent simply on countries
your personal circumstances and career


Convenient format
To meet the needs of working alumni across 150 countries
professionals, the programme format is
designed to ensure the most effective
use of classroom time, minimising the
need to be away from work.

Advance your prospects
The Executive MBA
programme gives you
access to cutting-edge
thinking and practice in two
of the world’s most exciting
business communities –
London and Dubai.

Consistently ranked
among the best
international business
schools by Bloomberg
Business Week
and the FT

“The Executive MBA

exposes you to the best
of both worlds – a young,
vibrant city of contrasts
and the mature UK
economy. Studying in
both cities is an
unparalleled experience.
The education you get
makes you aware of
every aspect of business
and the economy.”
Salman Mankani (Canadian/Pakistani),
EMBA (Dubai) 2009, Senior Director,
Middle East & Africa, CEB

EMBA at a glance Executive MBA (London) Executive MBA (Dubai)

Primary study location London Dubai

International study Global Business Assignment options in Dubai, China, Argentina, South Africa
and Russian Federation. Elective opportunities in Columbia (USA) and Hong Kong.

Duration 20 months

Two start dates January and September

Format Study while working full-time

Core courses Consecutive Fridays and Saturdays Four or five-day modules

of alternate weeks each month

Electives Schedule dependent on elective choice

Degree awarded MBA

Accreditation EQUIS, AMBA, AACSB, KHDA 05
In a class 8%
of its own 10%North America
North America

Our Executive MBA programme offers an

unrivalled opportunity to embrace global
business perspectives and to network
with fellow professionals from all over the
world – and from almost every industry
and job function imaginable 1%
Latin America

Industry sector of EMBA

London students*
Finance/Banking 19%
Appreciating the opportunities and
challenges of diversity is a valuable
business skill. Connecting with people
from different backgrounds, cultures and
Latin America/
Telecommunications/IT 12% industries encourages you to view the Caribbean
Professional Services/ 11% world differently, and inspires new ways of
Consulting thinking. Develop the knowledge and
Automotive/Manufacturing 7% confidence to speak authoritatively with
Public Admin/Regulatory 6% senior people across all areas of business,
Bodies and the skills and insights to operate
Mining/Metals/Chemicals 6% effectively in cross-cultural teams
Construction Services 4% anywhere in the world.
Food/Beverages/Tobacco 2%
Non-profit Organisations 1% Study with diverse and
Travel/Tourism 1% high-calibre peers
Publishing/Electronic Media 1% All Executive MBA students have a strong
Transport/Distribution 1% professional track record and proven
Other 29% academic ability, coupled with the drive
and motivation to undergo a rigorous MBA
programme alongside a demanding career.
Industry sector of EMBA Everyone accepted on to the programme
Dubai students* makes a valuable contribution to the overall “London Business
Professional Services/
richness of the learning experience, sharing
insights on the obstacles they face in their
School is a truly global
Consulting role or sector and solutions that work in business school and it
Mining/Metals/Chemicals 9% their organisation.
Telecommunications/IT 6% attracts global talent.
Public Admin/Regulatory
3% The collaborative and supportive learning
environment of the programme fosters
It’s the diversity of
Automotive/ Manufacturing 3% a lifelong, close-knit and internationally the class that should
Property/Real Estate 2% diverse network. As you engage with
Non-profit Organisations 1% the EMBA community, your learning attract potential
Law/Legal Services
journey continues. The results are truly
transformative and enriching, both
students. There’s a
Food/Beverages/Tobacco 1% professionally and personally. lot to be learnt from
Travel/Tourism 1%
Publishing/Electronic  1% different people and
Other  35%
their backgrounds.”
Abdulwahab Al Betairi (Saudi Arabian),
EMBA (Dubai) 2010, Founding Partner,
* These figures are an average of two EMBA London and The Family Office Co.
EMBA Dubai intakes. Admission decisions are taken in
accordance with best equal opportunities practice.
Where do you come from?
Typical EMBA London class
comprises 28 nationalities.
Average EMBA Dubai class is
made up of 26 nationalities.*

37% 5% UK UK



30% Europe
(excluding UK)

(excluding UK)

Middle East/

43%Middle East/
14% Asia



New Zealand

New Zealand
Follow our EMBA student blog:

“The programme “The network “What I learned

opened my of LBS has impacted my
eyes to a alumni would transformation.”
number of other bring more
possibilities.” opportunities
than anywhere

Marwa Saleh (Bahraini), EMBA (Dubai) Visar Fida (Austrian), EMBA (London) Jessica Dugan (American), EMBA
2016, Head of IT Development, The 2015, Minister, Government of Macedonia (London) 2014, President and CEO,
Family Office Company Poïesis Therapeutics

We were told at the beginning of the I chose London because it’s one of the What I learned has impacted my
programme that we would review and financial market capitals of the world. transformation – from someone with a
reprioritise our career goals, and that’s It’s an advantage for the work I do. The background in science and medicine to an
definitely been my experience. I initially network of LBS alumni would bring more entrepreneur with solid business credibility.
planned to focus on financial operations, opportunities than anywhere else. The
but the programme opened my eyes to School gave me financial knowledge that
a number of other possibilities. I didn’t have before – knowledge that, as
a leader, I need. 07
The Executive MBA programme
In a dynamic environment, surrounded by a diverse and global LBS community –
the programme delivers a transformative personal and professional journey

1. Know Yourself 2. Know your context 3. Lead yourself

Using techniques such as psychometrics In a world of constant change, progress The modern business environment is
and 360 degree feedback, you’ll explore depends on being able to navigate a demanding of its leaders, whatever
the attributes that define you as a leader shifting landscape. You’ll learn how to their path or personality. You’ll work on
– laying the foundations on which you’ll assess the wider business context and strengthening key professional skills
build throughout the EMBA. how to approach the opportunities and and personal attributes that you’ll forge
obstacles it may present. forward throughout your career.

“I’ve learnt how to communicate in a more inspiring way,
to be humble, to lead and be part of diverse teams, and to
work with people from multiple geographies. Classes and
group work are amazingly rich and insightful.”
Victoria Rusnac (Romanian), EMBA (London) 2016, Head of Retention Marketing, Intuit

4. Lead others 5. Reflect on your transformation 6. Continue your journey with the LBS
Great leaders inspire and engage. You’ll A time to critically reflect on what you’ve community
learn how to communicate with clarity, learnt, consolidate your knowledge and Your experience is even more powerful
ensuring you can always engage the consider how best to start putting it into when augmented with the experiences
people with the power to turn your vision practice within your organisation, and of others. As you engage with the
into reality. expand your sphere of influence to your LBS community, your learning journey
community and society. continues. 09
A foundation
for success
Core courses give you a solid grounding in the tools,
frameworks and analytical skills that can be applied both
tactically and strategically to the business world

Corporate Finance Developing Effective Leaders

Analyse the two key goals of the financial and Organisations
function: to invest wisely and to make Explore how an individual’s personality,
decisions about how best to finance motivation and managerial style effect their
a company. Examine the investment working relationships. Examine macro-
decisions companies make, and financial organisational issues and apply diagnostic
market decisions, such as capital frameworks for organisational analysis, and
structure. test out new insights in your workplace.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Developing Entrepreneurial

Business Ethics Opportunities
Recognise and manage ethical and Examine the unique challenges involved
social responsibility issues as they arise in managing an entrepreneurial venture,
in business and formulate standards whether they are start-ups, small, early-
of integrity and professionalism. Topics stage entrepreneurial firms or units within
include an examination of the ethical larger, well-established companies.
dimensions within business conduct, Working in teams, you will assess the
professional standards and responsibilities. attractiveness of a real entrepreneurial
opportunity and prepare a feasibility study.
Data Analytics for Leaders
Develop the managerial tools to make Financial Accounting
informed decisions when relying on data. Understand how to communicate
With an emphasis on concepts and company results to investors, creditors and
reasoning, rather than technical detail, analysts. Appreciate the rationales behind
you learn to understand and quantify different accounting methods and develop
uncertainty in a managerial context. a critical view of managers’ accounting
choices. Learn how to compute and
Decision and Risk Analysis interpret basic financial ratios, and
Accurately evaluate the impact of explore the reasons behind international
risk on your business to improve your differences in reporting.
decision-making and performance, even in
uncertain times and when resources Introduction to Management
are scarce. Accounting
Examine basic accounting techniques,
accounting for delegated decision
making and the impact of strategic
and organisational change on
accounting information.

“The core classes are rigorous and put
everything into perspective for me. They
are tailored to address current business
practices and core skills.”
Anshul Govila (Indian), EMBA (Dubai) 2011, Deputy COO,
Universal Hospital LLC

Executive Leadership Strategic Management

Develop your interpersonal skills and Develop your ability to think strategically,
your application of core management evaluate strategic options and anticipate
techniques to persuade others and drive and manage strategic change.
change. Group exercises show you how to
make the best of your leadership potential. Understanding General Management
View your role in the wider context of
Managerial Economics society and consider how creating
Study how organisations behave under an effective working environment
different market structures by exploring benefits economic and social progress.
the logic and language of microeconomics, Highlighting the professional challenges
focusing on prices, markets, incentives and responsibilities you face, this course
and optimal decision-making. delivers a framework to draw on your own
managerial experience.
Examine the tools to develop and deliver Understanding the International
customer value. Focus on branding, brand Macroeconomy
management, targeting and positioning, Study the forces that determine the
pricing strategies and segmentation. corporate environment and backdrop
against which firms operate. Consider how
Operations Management value is created, how technology impacts
Distinguish and develop the appropriate on the economy, and the role of trade
methods for managing operations in in influencing national wealth, corporate
changing business environments by performance and industrial structure.
focusing on productivity and
customer service. 11
Your personal
leadership journey
Gain the knowledge, skills and attributes required for
effective leadership that will last you a lifetime

A great manager is not automatically a Executive Leadership Development also a deeper understanding of how to
good leader. Managers may have the Your executive leadership development present yourself more authentically in your
skills to carry out operations and maintain journey begins at Orientation and is leadership role. Some of the most popular
the status quo, but leaders drive change grounded in rigorous academic research. practical skills workshops* include:
and inspire those around them to new The NEO self-assessment reveals your
heights of performance. So, how will you personality traits, while a 360-degree Executive business writing – understand
inspire people to follow you? survey gives you detailed insight into how to structure clear, written
the strengths and weaknesses of your communications to your audience
True leadership is about maximising current leadership behaviour. Both help
your personal impact by understanding you to ‘know yourself’ and find new and Executive presentation delivery –
your unique attributes and the difference better ways of ‘leading yourself’ and examine your presentation style and learn
you can make to others. Our Executive ‘leading others’. The executive leadership new tools and techniques to develop and
MBA supports your individual leadership programme also establishes a framework deliver presentations with more impact
journey through a process of continuous for setting tangible, tactical goals
personal and professional development. from day one, enabling personal and Personal brand – learn how to
By understanding a series of perspectives professional transformation. communicate your ideas effectively in
on leadership and exploring leadership both formal and informal situations
style through interactive learning, you will Leadership Skills Workshop
come to know yourself and develop your We provide a range of practical Engaging and inspiring others – explore
own unique capabilities. skills training to complement your how to engage and inspire others
transformation from effective manager effectively as a leader
to inspiring leader. These sessions not
only give you the techniques to handle Coaching as a leader – learn how
the responsibilities of leadership, but to create and develop trust-based
relationships with people inside and
outside of your team, including how
to give and receive feedback with

The essence of leadership: Listening to

& observing others – develop your ability
to listen and to observe your colleagues
and gain a better understanding of their
“The EMBA programme has definitely intent, state and unexpressed goals.
elevated my thinking, changing me *Please note workshops are subject to change
from a functional technician into a
business leader”
George Evans (British/New Zealander), EMBA (London) 2014, Executive
Assistant to the CEO, Europe Arab Bank

Journey by Dominika Sroczak

“This is an abstract interpretation of the journey taken by
students to find their voices. The rectangular shapes are
birds on their journey. Smaller squares form the steps a
student’s career path takes, and rectangular clusters of
squares suggest different career levels.”
Read about the Find Your Voice art project on p2

“What I have gained the most from
my experience so far is my enhanced
confidence, not only in my skills and
capabilities, but in the goals and
objectives that I set for myself. I feel like
my scope of options and possibilities has
multiplied exponentially and virtually no
goal is unattainable.”
Danae Vassilopoulou (Greek), EMBA (Dubai) 2015, Area Marketing
Manager - Middle East & Africa, Bulgari
Tailored to your goals
Broaden your network and customise your learning.
Tailor the programme to your specific needs and
interests through our wide portfolio of electives

Electives Electives may be timetabled in intensive Optional business project

See the business world from all angles. block weeks or spread across a term on As part of the elective portfolio, you may
Choose from more than 70 electives weekdays, evenings and weekends. choose to undertake a business project.
to broaden or concentrate your sphere Your elective choice may be limited by Apply your learning to an issue concerning
of knowledge. The elective portfolio your availability to attend classes. If you your own or another organisation. With
showcases the depth and quality of commute long distances, or have less supervision from faculty, this is a superb
our faculty research. Its diversity flexibility in your work schedule, you may opportunity to provide a substantial,
allows you to customise your degree wish to complete electives scheduled at tangible benefit to your company. You will
and build foundations towards your the weekend, in modular format. Talk to us demonstrate your ability to identify and
future career. for advice on devising the most effective understand general management challenges
elective schedule. and evaluate and implement solutions.
You’ll successfully complete six electives for
the award of degree. Subject areas cover Entrepreneurship Summer School
Accounting, Economics, Finance, Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? The
Management Science and Operations, Entrepreneurship Summer School elective
Marketing, Organisational Behaviour, and enables you to test the feasibility of a new
Strategy and Entrepreneurship. business opportunity using field-based
research. Meet experienced peers in
those markets and build your network
Capital of entrepreneurs.
Markets and
Our diverse elective options include: Financing An entrepreneurial mentor will be your
sounding board for new ideas and
will also provide assistance in helping
Negotiation you to overcome obstacles – as well as
Paths to
and giving you invaluable help to build up
Bargaining your contacts.
Managing Advanced
Change Corporate
Summer Supply
Mergers, School Chain
Acquisitions Financing the Management
and Alliances Entrepreneurial
Advanced Strategic
Financial Agility
Statement Energy: Entrepreneurship
Analysis Markets, in Emerging
Models and Markets
Management Strategic

“The opportunity to learn from
world-class academics in a
setting that encourages reflection
and debate is rare. I had great
experiences during the core
courses and as it’s an extremely
flexible programme, I was able
to tailor my elective choices to
support my career goal.”
Andrew Freeman (British), EMBA (London) 2012, Advisor
to Assistant Director General, World Health Organization

Build, Grow, Glow by Sylvia Moritz

“Nowadays it requires more than one person to innovate,
build and change. We collaborate to share knowledge and
skills across disciplines and sectors. This glowing sphere
represents students coming to the School to get hands-on
experience and to build a community spirit of co-operation.”
Read about the Find Your Voice art project on p2.
Global Business Assignment
Explore the themes of development and globalisation first-hand
in a dynamic environment, and consider their implications for
yourself, your organisation and the world economy

Global impact
Designed to develop your skills in Host companies arrange guest speaker Location Assignment theme
managing across boundaries and coping and alumni sessions. Described as a
with ambiguity, the Global Business highlight by many students, the Global Dubai How do you create a
Assignment is your opportunity to Business Assignment is also highly modern global hub that
undertake a week-long project in a key beneficial for the host organisation. delivers corporate and
global business location*. national success?
Explore different sectors
Working as part of a group, you At the end of the week’s assignment, China What are the
experience the way business is your group presents its findings to senior implications for the
conducted in other economies and executives, a written report to the world’s fastest growing
markets. It tests your ability to apply skills company and an academic report to economy in the global
in an unfamiliar business environment the School. market?
and provides genuine benefits to the
companies you are working with. The portfolio of Global Business Argentina How do businesses and
Assignments offers a choice of theme institutions adapt and
Expand your network and location. Participating organisations survive in this volatile
The Global Business Assignment also have included a mining company, climate?
gives you the opportunity to work government research organisation,
alongside students from other degree advertising agency, retail bank, South Africa Conduct an internal
programmes, widening your professional supermarket chain, security company, communications audit
network. With a choice of location and computer manufacturer, construction to understand how
the option to take part in more than firm, a zoo, radio station cultural change is led.
one assignment, this is your chance and city council.
to gain knowledge and understanding Russian Work with fast-growing
of a different industry, economy and One Global Business Assignment is Federation companies to help them
geographic location. compulsory and you have the option of effectively develop their
undertaking a second one at additional businesses.
*Locations are subject to change cost, as part of your electives.

“The Global Business Assignment brought to life how the economy was
created in the region. The companies we visited were very transparent
about the challenges they faced conducting business there.”
Jo Buckross (British), EMBA (London) 2016, Country Manager - Gibraltar, Lloyds Banking Group


China Argentina

South Africa

“One of the great things about being on this programme
is having the opportunity to spend time with international
peers and colleagues, which is an education in itself.
You also see yourself through their eyes and discover
who you really are – it’s a lifetime experience.”
Lulwa AlHamdan (Saudi), EMBA (Dubai) 2016, Senior Learning Manager, Saudi British Bank
The broader experience
Take advantage of the many opportunities London Business
School opens up, from hearing inspirational and thought-
provoking speakers to pursuing your interests at student clubs
and joining in our highly respected alumni community

Guest speakers* for Whether you choose to focus your The London experience
Executive MBA study in London or Dubai, you have the Situated in Regent’s Park, close to the
students have included: opportunity to form a unique and lasting city’s finance and retail centres, London
connection with London Business Business School offers a comprehensively
Dr Josef Ackermann, School’s vibrant community. equipped campus.
Chairman, Zurich Insurance Group
The School stands out in the global The School’s reputation and location
Amr Al Dabbagh, market for its multicultural, international attract inspirational leaders to speak on
Chairman & CEO, profile. The eclectic mix of career campus. Our prestigious Leading Minds
Al-Dabbagh Group backgrounds of our student body events series bring together international
and faculty make for an exceptionally leaders from business, government and
Paul Buicker, stimulating learning environment. On civil society - to share their insights and
CEO, Nestlé campus you have the opportunity debate the issues affecting society, the
to connect with students from other economy and the world of business.
Vittorio Colao, degree programmes, some to name
CEO, Vodafone include; MBA, Master in Finance, The Dubai experience
Sloan Masters in Leadership and Our Dubai campus is in the Dubai
Marcy Fletchall, Strategy, Global MiM and EMBA-Global International Financial Centre (DIFC), a
Senior Advisor, Abu Dhabi programmes, as well as Executive hub of finance and banking – ideal for
Government Education participants, alumni and connecting students with this community.
corporate partners.
Mo Ibrahim, The Gulf Association, with a flourishing
Chairman and Founder, Mo Ibrahim Student clubs membership of 800 students, alumni
Foundation More than 104 professional, regional and faculty, also support social and
and sporting clubs contribute to the professional networking initiatives in
Heather McGregor, campus dynamic. Clubs provide endless Dubai and neighbouring countries.
Entrepreneur, Columnist & Speaker opportunities to network, to explore your
personal interests and to develop your
Colm McLoughlin, leadership potential.
Executive Vice Chairman,
Dubai Duty Free A network for life you are encouraged to embrace every
On graduation, you join an elite alumni opportunity to get involved and to build
Chris Perry, community which continues to add your personal network. Alumni are also
General Manager, value to your professional development. invited to London and Dubai for reunions
Wild Wadi Water Park, Dubai Supported by the Alumni Relations and to hear special faculty lectures and
team, this global network of more than workshops that continue your learning.
Paul Polman, 104 alumni clubs is a highly valued
CEO, Unilever resource of expertise and friendship. Alumni share and shape the vision of the
School. They contribute to the ongoing
Peter Voser, The global alumni community, of more development of the Executive MBA
CEO, Royal Dutch Shell than 40,000, organises hundreds programme by interviewing candidates
*Position at the time of visit of social and professional events and speaking with potential students.
worldwide, to which speakers, faculty,
industry professionals and business Find out more at
leaders are invited. Whatever the format,

Communication by Ara Cho

“The bright, bold colours of this illustration express the energy, intelligence and ambitions of
London Business School, where students with a global perspective interact and communicate.”
Read about the Find Your Voice art project on p2 19
Managing your schedule
Build a solid foundation in business and management through our core courses.
Then customise your programme with electives and a Global Business Assignment.
Here’s how it all fits together

Part One – Core modules – 11 months


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Consecutive Fridays & Saturdays Consecutive Fridays & Saturdays Consecutive Fridays & Sa
of alternative weeks of alternative weeks of alternative weeks

Orientation Global Business

Assignment (GBA
in London option(s)

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Monthly four or five day Monthly four or five day Monthly four or five day
modules usually modules usually modules usually
Wednesday – Saturday Wednesday – Saturday Wednesday – Saturday


Orientation Leadership development Electives

Start forging lasting connections with your Central to the curriculum is a focus on Choose from more than 70 electives
Executive MBA classmates and the wider leadership. Prior to the programme (see p14). These modules let you
School community at our opening session there is a 360-degree assessment, specialise in a particular area or widen
in London. The first of two joint sessions, the results of which are analysed with your knowledge of business topics.
for the London and Dubai classes, this coaches and peers. Multidisciplinary The 25 to 30 hours of learning can be
residential week is an important step simulation provides insights, skills and timetabled in intensive block weeks or
towards building extended and diverse behaviours to be an effective global spread across a term on weekdays,
networks. Starting in either January or business leader. evenings and weekends.
September, this session is dedicated to
understanding the principles of general Core courses Global Business Assignment
management and leadership. You’ll Each stream returns to their primary Apply your new skills in a week-long
evaluate how each programme element location for the majority of core courses. Global Business Assignment and learn
applies to your career, and enhance your These are taught in London on consecutive to conduct business in a key economic
self-awareness as you develop your Fridays/Saturdays of alternate weeks; in destination (the United States, Dubai,
leadership skills and recognise your needs. Dubai in four or five-day monthly modules. China, Argentina, South Africa and the

Committing to the experience Support systems The School’s intranet can be globally
Your timetable is dependent on where To support you throughout this intensive accessed and offers selected course
you choose to study and parts one and experience, dedicated programme materials, library catalogues, faculty
two also mean making arrangements to managers, based in London and Dubai, research, discussion forums and
complete modules such as electives and help you benefit as much as possible electronic journals. It is also a valuable
the Global Business Assignment. from School facilities and events, and networking tool connecting you with other
ensure you make the most of your time members of the School community.
In addition to timetabled learning, you – both socially and academically.
should allow for about 20 hours of study
outside the classroom.

Part Two – Elective modules – 7 months


Term 4 Term 5
aturdays Format dependent on Format dependent on
selection of electives selection of electives

Global Business Global Business
A) Assignment (GBA) Assignment (GBA) in London Graduation
option(s) option(s) Programme

Term 4 Term 5
Format dependent on Format dependent on
selection of electives selection of electives


Russian Federation). You may choose to Private study helping you manage the demands of
focus on one organisation, or opt for a You can expect to set aside around 20 study, work and family life.
more wide-ranging study of organisational hours per week of individual study time,
challenges. You can even opt to take a though this will vary at different points Assessment
second Global Business Assignment, at in the programme and on your elective This programme is rigorously
additional cost. choices and exams. assessed using some or all of the
following tools:
Finale Study groups – individual projects/essays/reports
London and Dubai streams come Teams and group work are at the heart – examinations
together for another residential module. of the collaborative learning experience. – class participation
The final module prepares you for career At the start of the programme, you’re – group assignments/reports
transitions by focusing on your lifelong assigned to a study group with five or six – class presentations.
aspirations and commitment to personal students with different backgrounds and
and professional development. key strengths. Together you complete
tasks and projects. Your group’s close
bonds and camaraderie are critical in

Career impact
Put your new knowledge to work and give yourself
a genuine edge from the moment you start

Your career goals are unique. Whether • One-to-one coaching

your aim is to accelerate within your We provide unlimited one-to-one career
existing organisation by identifying fresh coaching support to meet your individual
or global responsibilities, make a career needs. The in-house team deliver a
transition, or pursue an entrepreneurial bespoke coaching experience for you
venture, the Executive MBA can help you based on a combination of real-world
with the skills and confidence to succeed experience combined with impressive
in managing your career. coaching accreditations.

The Career Centre works in partnership • Insightful market expertise

with you to support your professional Our visiting executives provide valuable,
career development. Apply your deep-dive insights on a range of
enhanced leadership skills as you employment sectors and executive
experience increased or varied search, including finance, consulting,
responsibilities and become empowered healthcare, technology/media and FMCG.
to navigate your own career. Meet with them one-to-one or in small
groups to enhance your knowledge.
Career Centre
We offer four key areas of support in both Alumni Career Centre
London and Dubai: Alumni Career Centre offers all alumni
continued career support, to help you
• Career management toolkit plan and manage your career, explore
Take advantage of our careers resources career options, navigate a job search and
which gives you access to a wealth of optimise the School networks. Alumni at
content and materials, digitally and face- any stage in their career, anywhere in the
to-face. Benefit from a series of career world, are welcome to contact Alumni
development workshops, all designed Career Centre for tailored support.
to refine and improve your career skills.
Get equipped with the information and You’ll also benefit from confidential career
techniques to build your network, craft coaching, workshops, webinars and
and communicate your personal brand, best-in-class career resources. You’ll
write a powerful CV and deliver masterfully maintain exclusive access to the School’s
at interview. job board, CV database and recruitment
events to help you connect to the market.
• Connecting you with the market
Our calendar of leadership programme
networking events, including a ‘Breakfast
Speaker Series’, alumni and general
manager panels, and an ‘Evening Speaker
Series’, are all designed to give you the
chance to hear from diverse industry
leaders and alumni. We also post all our
jobs by experience level on our job board
with 24/7 access for students and alumni.

Right Up Down Left by Sylvia Moritz

“There are many opportunities for students and it
may feel like a maze of confusion until they find
their own voice. Staircases and corridors show the
School’s departments and the students’ journey
towards their individual goals.”
Read about the Find Your Voice art project on p2.

Delivering value
to your organisation
Invest in yourself to invest in your business. Professional
development might seem personal, but the impact of your
experience brings tangible benefits to your organisation

Having your organisation sponsor your The case for sponsoring an employee to
Executive MBA is a major investment in take the Executive MBA is compelling.
time and/or more. If you’ve been selected We have a sample business case for
to apply, have the confidence that you’re guidance when going to your employer.
joining an elite peer group of global Visit
senior executives who will challenge your
thinking. Your organisation will experience Key benefits for your employer:
the impact of your transformation, • Leading management education
immediately. brings powerful expertise and new
thinking to your organisation.
As you grow to meet your full leadership • Practical content brings immediate
potential, the knowledge you bring will benefits as you apply what you learn
see you advance at speed through your from week one.
organisation. You’ll add value as you • Exposure to other industry players and
obtain the best from the rest of the world their experiences presents insights on
and apply a global perspective to the how to tackle challenges enabling greater
biggest challenges facing your company. creativity and motivation.
• You are better equipped to reach
Make your case your full potential and drive your
Ensure that your business case clearly organisation forward.
demonstrates how the rigorous and relevant • Conduct a focused analysis on a
content of the Executive MBA programme major challenge facing your
will enable you and your organisation to organisation and make
meet the key objectives and challenges recommendations through the
facing your business. optional business project.
•T he annual Employers’ Evening is
Executive MBA students can clearly show an opportunity for all sponsoring
benefits from the earliest stages of the organisations and their employees to
programme, bringing back knowledge meet and discuss topical business
and perspectives from the programme issues with leading faculty members.
and their fellow students. Signal to your • Build global business networks – many of
organisation that you are serious about the School’s events and conferences are
your development, and highlight where the open to guests from your organisation,
programme’s content, the academic and alumni, corporate partners and faculty.
softer skills development, and the structure
will enable you to achieve this.

“The Executive MBA delivers immediate

impact. Since completing my degree I question
things more, and I’ve learned not to accept the
obvious. I think deeply about the added value of
any process.”
Ahmed Hamza (Egyptian), EMBA (Dubai) 2012, Policy & ER/IR Manager, Oman LNG
L.L.C. 23
Alumni view
Where does an Executive MBA at London Business
School lead? We’ll let some of our graduates tell you

When Navin Valrani turned 40 in 2011, The EMBA’s impact on him, his family opportunity to pursue the kind
he took stock of his life and put down a and businesses has created a bond education I had at LBS.
list of things he wanted to achieve. On it between him and the School that is The Monica and Navin Valrani
was an MBA. changing the lives of today’s students. scholarship fund intends to give such
“Until the programme, I never seriously opportunities to female students from
“I read the Financial Times and when looked at acquisitions within the India who would otherwise not be able
the rankings came out, there was LBS at construction industry. Within 3 months to afford an education at LBS. It’s such
number one,” says Navin. “Then I came of graduating, we had completed our a privilege for my family and I to be able
across an ad for an information session first acquisition within the construction to give back to the School.”
on the EMBA Dubai programme. I went services sector. LBS gave me a whole
and met the admissions team who gave new perspective on how to look at Navin’s company, the Al Shirawi Group,
me the application and said I needed to business. is opening a preparatory school under
do my GMAT. So I did and the next thing the name of Arcadia. From the vision of
you know I was in for the September However Navin credits the greatest Navin’s father, it will hopefully be the
programme.” impact on his life on his association with first in a series of schools that will
school after he graduated. “When I change the fortunes of children in Dubai.
The two years that followed changed graduated, I was so happy that the team “My contribution to the school every day
Navin’s life and career forever. “It was could design a scholarship that fits with is valued as a result of my education at
wonderful in so many aspects,” he says. my values, for Indian women who want LBS,” he says. “Arcadia will be the most
“First of all, the knowledge that you pick to study at LBS. For too long, far too impactful venture we have undertaken in
up on the Executive MBA (EMBA) gives many women from the Indian the UAE. It will truly be transformational
you a fantastic toolkit to work with. subcontinent have not been given the as far as the K1-12 English education
You’re exposed to the most outstanding scene in Dubai is concerned.”
faculty you could possibly come across,
and you can socialise with them after
class and have some really good
informal discussions. I am where I am
today in my life, and with the growth
rates of the businesses that I lead,
because of LBS. The organizations I
lead have experienced a top line growth
of 63% and a bottom line growth of
85%, within two years of graduating
from LBS.”

Navin credits the EMBA with

reinvigorating his ambition and giving
him and his businesses an energy that
pervades his life to this day. “I felt I was
10 years younger! Everyone doing an
MBA is ambitious by definition. You’re
doing it because you’re moving, maybe
you want to change roles or get
promoted, you want some change in
your life. Ambition is very, very “Everyone doing an MBA is ambitious by
contagious. When you’re around people
who are that driven, you become more
definition. You’re doing it because you’re
ambitious and it becomes a cycle that moving, maybe you want to change roles or get
drives ambition in everyone.”
promoted, you want some change in your life.”
Navin Valrani (Indian), EMBA (Dubai) 2013, CEO, Engineering Services
Group, Al Shirawi
Liane Bauer is one of a growing number Being based in Dubai and responsible
of people using scientific acumen to for clients in Africa, the Middle East,
exceed in business. Turkey and Pakistan, Liane’s career is
already as international as it gets, but
Moving ideas and insights from the lab the diversity of her programme’s cohort
to the marketplace embeds a scientific was a surprise to her. “We have 60
mind-set into the culture of a business, people and nearly 30 different
and those who choose to bring those nationalities. We’re so lucky. We ask
skills to the right organisation can find ourselves all the time how we get along
themselves rising through the ranks together so well.”
quicker than they could have imagined.
For Liane Bauer, the journey was Having the world in her classroom
organic. hasn’t kept her at home, however. Liane
just completed an elective in London
A neuroscientist by trade, Liane where she met a totally different but
completed a PhD, joined a German equally diverse bunch of fellow students.
diagnostics company and then moved “I never expected that the network in
to Abbott’s diagnostics business. She LBS, the different people you meet
has since worked her way up to the post would be so impactful -- both from a
of Enterprise Solutions Director for knowledge and business perspective as
Africa, Middle East and Pakistan. well as from the point of view of peers
from different industries who provide
When Liane’s company suggested she honest and insightful feedback on you
look at a graduate business programme, as a person, which helps me to self-
London Business School’s Executive reflect and hone my skills as a leader.”
MBA was her first choice. “I received a
list of preferred schools from my
employer and was very interested in “My employer wanted me to go a prestigious
LBS. I asked two of our VPs for advice
and both had high regard for LBS.” school, and at the top of my list was LBS”
Liane Bauer (German), EMBA (Dubai) 2016, Enterprise Solutions Director:
Liane says that on every one of the core Area Africa, Middle East & Turkey, Abbot Diagnostics
courses she’s taken so far, there’s at
least one thing that she applies
immediately to her work. “I push myself
and make sure I apply a few things from
each course at once. It helps the way I
manage and coach people, the way I
lead a team.”

How to apply The application process
Our rigorous admissions process ensures that you will Applications are completed online.
be studying alongside a diverse group of talented, You can save your work as you go
over several sessions, to ensure you
high-potential achievers. We are looking for people prepare a well thought-out
with the right balance of managerial experience, application. For more information
interpersonal skills and academic ability and to begin your application:

Who are we looking for? “The Executive MBA 2 ou will need all of the following
To be short-listed for interview, you must items ready to accompany your
demonstrate the following: is as challenging as completed application:
• competency in the management of
people, projects, budgets, clients and/
it is rewarding, and • three application essays
• one-page CV
or processes over a sustained period there will be necessary • two reference forms,
• exposure to international and diverse submitted online
teams, and a keen interest in pursuing sacrifices for you to • official academic transcripts
a career with an international context
• a strong motivation for undertaking
make. As such, it is
or certificates
• GMAT/EA/GRE score
an Executive MBA critical that you gain • English language certificate
• an undergraduate degree awarded (where relevant)
by a recognised university, or other the understanding of • application fee
equivalent professional qualification
• a good GMAT/EA/GRE score.
your family, employer, In exceptional cases, the GMAT, EA
colleagues and 3  GRE can be waived. We will
Come and meet us consider test waivers for candidates
The Admissions Committee looks for friends before you whose work experience,
evidence that you have fully researched
the programme. Attending an information
fully commit to such a professional status or prior degree/
training indicates a high level of
event is a great way to learn more rigorous programme.” analytical or quantitative ability. 
and to meet with staff, students and Please note that test waivers are
alumni. These events include monthly rare, and are only given to
insight evenings at our London campus, Brett Hunter, Senior Recruitment and candidates with a suitable level of
events in cities around the world, EMBA Admissions Manager (London) seniority. The Admissions
programme Q&A sessions and Masters Committee decides on a
experience days. For more details, visit Fees candidate’s eligibility for a test The programme fee includes tuition, waiver in all cases.
course materials, essential core course
If you are unable to attend an information textbooks, and hotel accommodation  here are two intakes each year
event or you have any questions about and catering for the compulsory Global
4 (January and September), and
the programme or application process, Business Assignment and two core applications are accepted on a
please contact us. We can also arrange residential modules studied in London. An rolling basis, with recommended
for you to speak to, or meet with, a additional fee is payable for the optional deadlines posted online. It is vital
member of the Executive MBA team or an second Global Business Assignment and that you manage the timing of your
EMBA alumnus. some elective course materials. For full application carefully as, the sooner
London team information on fees, you apply, the sooner you receive
Email: [email protected] visit a decision and can plan your
Tel: +44 (0)20 7000 7505 schedule with your organisation,
Dubai team Funding colleagues and family.
Email: [email protected] Many, but not all, Executive MBA students
Tel: +971 440 193 01 are fully or partially funded by their
employers. If you are not being sponsored Once we receive all elements of
by your company, you may be eligible to your application, we let you know
apply for a scholarship. We offer a limited whether you’ve been short-listed
number of partial scholarships each year. for interview. Following your
For more information on your funding interview, the Admissions Committee
options visit: reviews your entire application.
Most decisions are made within
six to eight weeks of receipt of a
completed application.

Our programmes
London Business School can boost your capabilities and
potential at every stage of your career
Duration / Format / Primary study location Years of experience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Masters in Financial Analysis

12 months / Full-time / London
For recent graduates looking to embark upon a career
in finance.

Masters in Management
12 months / Full-time / London
For recent graduates with less than one year of full-time
postgraduate corporate work experience or with less than
two years in a non-traditional business role.

Global Masters in Management

24 months / Full-time / London and Shanghai
For recent graduates with up to two years’ full-time
postgraduate work experience. Strong interest in Asia
and knowledge of Mandarin highly recommended,
but not mandatory.
15-21 months / Full-time / London
For individuals who are looking to make a vertical shift
in their career path, change industry or job function,
or develop an entrepreneurial toolkit.

Masters in Finance (full-time)

10-16 months / Full-time / London
For individuals wishing to advance their career or change
their area within finance.

Masters in Finance (part-time)

22 months / Study while working full-time / London
For individuals wishing to advance their career or change
their area within finance.

Executive MBA
20 months / Study while working full-time / London or Dubai
Designed for those who want to accelerate their career into
general management or move beyond their technical or
functional specialism.

EMBA-Global Americas and Europe

20 months / Study while working full-time / London
and New York
For dynamic, mid-career managers and professionals
who are highly ambitious and have, or aspire to have,
transnational responsibilities.
EMBA-Global Asia
20 months / Study while working full-time / Hong Kong
For dynamic, globally focused executives and managers
wishing to deepen their understanding of western
and eastern business practices.

Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy

12 months / Full-time / London
Designed to prepare experienced senior managers for their
next career challenge.

Executive Education
Our Executive Education portfolio comprises both open
enrolment and company-specific programmes. Open
programmes range from three days to four weeks in length
and span general management, finance, HR, leadership,
strategic marketing and strategy.

Key: Range of work experience in class Key target range of work experience Key target range of work experience 27

London Business School London Business School

Regent’s Park Dubai International Financial Centre
London NW1 4SA Centre of Excellence
United Kingdom The Gate Village
Tel: +44 (0)20 7000 7000 Building 2, Level 3, P.O. Box 506630
Fax: +44 (0)20 7000 7001 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 440 193 01
A Graduate School of the University of London Fax: +971 440 193 30

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