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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) What happens to the oxygen that we breathe? 1)

A) It is exhaled.
B) It is incorporated into organic molecules during cellular metabolism.
C) It is combined with hydrogen to form water.
D) It acts as a coenzyme in the production of ATP.
E) A and C

2) Which of these results in a REDUCED molecule? 2)

A) loss of H+
B) loss of electrons
C) gain of H+
D) gain of electrons
E) A and D

3) The addition of a phosphate group to a substrate is called __________. The enzyme that 3)
catalyzes this reaction is referred to as a __________.
A) phosphorylation; kinase
B) phosphorylation; phosphatase
C) proteolysis; peptidase
D) proteolysis; kinase
E) None of the above represents the correct terminology.

4) An exergonic chemical reaction 4)

A) converts molecules into molecules that have less free energy.
B) releases energy as the reaction progresses.
C) requires the input of energy.
D) A and B
E) A, B, and C

5) Enzymes 5)
A) may be synthesized as inactive molecules.
B) may require the binding of cofactors such as calcium.
C) do not require coenzymes for metabolic reactions.
D) A and B
E) all of the above

6) In the metabolic reactions of cells, molecules such as vitamin C and biotin act as 6)
A) modulators.
B) cofactors.
C) coenzymes
D) vitamins.
E) B and C

7) When a chemical reaction is in equilibrium 7)
A) the reaction has stopped.
B) there are equivalent amounts of reactants and products.
C) the reaction is proceeding at its maximum rate.
D) there is no net change in the amount of reactants or products.
E) A and D

8) How would the lack of a required cofactor for an enzyme affect that enzyme's function? 8)
A) The enzyme would function more slowly.
B) The enzyme's function would not be altered.
C) The enzyme would function more quickly.
D) The enzyme would not be able to function.
E) none of the above

9) One kilocalorie (kcal) is the amount of energy needed to raise one __________ of water by 9)
1 degree Celsius.
A) cup
B) gallon
C) liter
D) tablespoon
E) milliliter

10) An enzyme that adds or subtracts water molecules is 10)

A) ligase.
B) lipase.
C) hydrolase.
D) kinase.
E) lyase.

11) An allosteric modulator binds to 11)

A) the active site.
B) the product.
C) the substrate.
D) a region of the enzyme other than the active site.
E) the surrounding tissue.

12) Enzymes are often useful as diagnostic tools. How? 12)

A) Damaged cells release enzymes into the blood so that plasma levels of the enzyme are
noticeably elevated.
B) The liver releases enzymes that accumulate in the urine.
C) Enzymes destroy damaged cells so X-rays reveal smaller body organs.
D) Enzymes destroy pathogenic bacteria so blood levels of bacteria decline.
E) None of the above offers a rational explanation.

13) When an enzyme's activity is destroyed by heat or a change in pH, the enzyme is said to be 13)
A) tertiary.
B) broken.
C) conjugated.
D) denatured.
E) toxic.

14) During feedback inhibition, in order to slow or stop a cell from using a particular biochemical 14)
pathway, the end product of that pathway
A) turns into a sticky mucus. B) accumulates inside the cell.
C) is removed from the cell more quickly. D) becomes toxic to the cell.

15) Before converting amino acids into intermediates for energy metabolism, they must first 15)
A) detoxification.
B) deamination.
C) denaturation.
D) depeptidization.
E) delousing.

16) An enzyme reacts with only limited, selected substrates; this characteristic is referred to as the 16)
A) common bond.
B) product.
C) isozyme.
D) specificity.
E) active site.

17) For each NADH molecule that moves through the electron transport system, what is the 17)
potential yield of ATP molecules?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 2.5 D) 3.5 E) 4

18) Information stored in the nucleus is translated into 18)

A) carbohydrates.
B) lipids.
C) phospholipids.
D) proteins.
E) none of the above

19) The first law of thermodynamics states that 19)

A) the total amount of energy in the universe is constant.
B) energy can be neither created nor destroyed.
C) natural processes move from order to disorder, or entropy.
D) what heats up must cool down.
E) A and B

20) Lactate dehydrogenase 20)
A) catalyzes the reaction lactate → pyruvate.
B) uses NADH to produce NAD+.
C) uses NAD+ to produce NADH.
D) catalyzes the reaction pyruvate → lactate.
E) All of the above statements are true.

21) Coenzymes are 21)

A) derived from vitamins.
B) organic molecules.
C) organic cofactors.
D) A and B only
E) A, B, and C

22) __________ is the process where fatty acids are slowly disassembled into two-carbon units. 22)
A) Kreb's cycle
B) Oxidation phosphorylation
C) Lipogenesis
D) Beta oxidation
E) Glycolysis

23) Phosphate groups may be transferred from one molecule to another during 23)
A) hydrolysis reaction.
B) addition reaction.
C) dehydration reaction.
D) exchange reaction.
E) B and D

24) The sense strand of DNA 24)

A) serves as a guide for mRNA synthesis. B) is not a strand of DNA.
C) is not involved in mRNA synthesis. D) none of the above

25) The liver and skeletal muscles store glucose as __________ for a ready energy source. 25)
A) glycogen
B) lipids
C) urea
D) glucose
E) ketone bodies

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

26) The enzyme __________ and __________ ions are required for the synthesis of mRNA. 26)

Carbon dioxide and water readily combine to form carbonic acid. The change in pH as the acid dissociates can be
demonstrated with an indicator dye that changes color at a particular pH. In your physiology lab, you perform this
experiment in two beakers containing room-temperature water and indicator, labeled as A and B.

27) Your lab group forgot to dump the beakers at the end of the lab period. The next day 27)
you asked your professor to let you into lab to clean up. Did your beakers look the
same? If not, explain in terms of reversible reactions and equilibrium disturbance.

28) What are the five ways that cells regulate flow of molecules through their metabolic 28)

Carbon dioxide and water readily combine to form carbonic acid. The change in pH as the acid dissociates can be
demonstrated with an indicator dye that changes color at a particular pH. In your physiology lab, you perform this
experiment in two beakers containing room-temperature water and indicator, labeled as A and B.

29) CO2 is bubbled into solutions A and B from a pressurized tank for 10 seconds. A 29)
stopwatch was used to measure how long it took for the solutions to change color. The
data below were generated by the students.

Group # Time for reaction (seconds): Time for reaction (seconds):

Solution A Solution B
1 62 0
2 58 0
3 57 0

Write the chemical equation for this reaction. Determine average values for each beaker.
Explain how the reaction times differed. What may be present in beaker B that is absent
from beaker A?

Match each term to its definition.

A. intermediate
B. anabolism
C. biochemical pathway
D. key intermediate
E. catabolism

30) reactions that result in the synthesis of large molecules 30)

31) During the synthesis of proteins, amino acids are assembled in the proper sequence 31)
because the tRNA molecules that bring them to the ribosome have a(n) __________ that
is complementary to a specific codon in the mRNA.

32) Compare and contrast potential energy with kinetic energy. 32)

33) The rates of chemical reactions that occur in the human body are controlled by special 33)
molecules called __________.

34) Lipids are broken down into __________, which feeds into glycolysis, and __________, 34)
which are metabolized to acetyl CoA.

35) A molecule of __________ consists of all the codons needed to produce a specific 35)
polypeptide chain at the ribosome.

36) __________ is the disappearance rate of reactants or the appearance rate of the products 36)
of a reaction.

Match each term to its definition.

A. intermediate
B. anabolism
C. biochemical pathway
D. key intermediate
E. catabolism

37) a molecule that participates at a branch point 37)

In the reaction shown, identify the role of each of the participants.

CO2 + H2O H2CO3

A. enzyme
B. substrate(s)
C. product(s)

38) H2CO3 38)

For the following instructions, refer to the diagram below.

Left half of a DNA segment

39) Using the left half, construct a piece of m-RNA on a separate sheet of paper. 39)

40) Place a dotted line around a triplet. 40)

41) Explain how these statements differ, and identify which one(s) is/are correct. Explain 41)
what is wrong with each incorrect statement.
A. A chemical reaction is at equilibrium when there is no further change in substrates.
B. A chemical reaction is at equilibrium when the amounts of substrate and product no
longer change.
C. A chemical reaction stops when it reaches equilibrium.
D. A chemical reaction is at equilibrium when the amount of substrate equals the
amount of product.

For the following instructions, refer to the diagram below.

Left half of a DNA segment

42) How many amino acids would this strand of DNA specify? 42)

43) In the process of __________ a phosphate group is attached to a molecule. 43)

Classify each scenario below as to primarily which type of work is being done.

A. chemical work
B. transport work
C. mechanical work

44) enlarging one's muscles through body-building exercises 44)

45) Based on the facts about chemical equilibria in animal systems, indicate for each 45)
summary reaction below if it is reversible or irreversible (don’t worry about balancing
the reactions). Explain the lack of reversibility. In what kind of system would the
reaction(s) you selected as irreversible be reversible? Explain.
A. C6H12O6 → CO 2 + H2O
B. ADP + P i → ATP
C. H2O + CO 2 → H2CO3

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.

46) Define substrate and product. Are these definitions relative or absolute, and why?

47) What is alternative splicing and why is it necessary?

48) What is chemiostatic theory? What is its role in metabolism?

49) Define the law of mass reaction.

50) High protein (low carbohydrate) diets have become popular in recent years. Based on what you've learned
about metabolism and the body's energy needs, explain what might be some of the disadvantages of this
type of diet.

Answer Key
Testname: CHAPTER4

1) E 28) 1. by controlling the enzyme 41) Only B is correct as written. A

2) E concentration could be corrected by
3) A 2. by producing allosteric and clarifying that it is
4) D covalent modulators concentration or amount of
5) D 3. by using two different substrates that ceases to
6) E enzymes to catalyze reversible change; individual molecules
7) D can form or break at any given
8) D time, but the overall amount
4. by isolating enzymes within
9) C will not change because
intracellular organelles
10) C synthesis will be balanced by
5. by maintaining an
11) D degradation. C is incorrect
optimum ratio of ATP to ADP
12) A because the reactions continue
13) D 29) CO + H O → H CO → H+ +
2 2 2 3 as long as conditions such as
14) B HCO3- presence of catalysts, favorable
15) B temperature, and presence of
Average time for beaker A to
16) D substrates are maintained. As a
change is 59 seconds, and for
17) C given enzyme can both
beaker B is 0 seconds, that is,
18) D synthesize and degrade, both
the reaction occurred faster
19) E processes will continue even at
than the student could
20) E equilibrium. D is incorrect
measure. An enzyme such as
21) E because at equilibrium there is
carbonic anhydrase was
22) D no net change in amounts, but
present in beaker B.
23) E it is not necessary for
30) B
24) A concentrations of substrates
31) anticodon
25) A and products to be the same as
32) Potential energy is the energy
26) RNA polymerase, magnesium each other.
an object has stored in its
or manganese 42) three
position while kinetic energy
27) While the beaker solutions 43) phosphorylation
is energy associated with a 44) A
were yellow when you left the
moving object / movement. 45) Only A is irreversible in animal
day before, they were red
again the next day. The carbon 33) enzymes systems. The products are
dioxide evaporated over night, 34) glycerol, fatty acids rapidly removed from the
driving the reaction back in the 35) mRNA system as soon as they are
reverse direction, because the 36) Reaction rate formed, so they are not
amount of substrate changed. 37) D recombined. This reaction is
This caused the pH to increase 38) C reversible in plants, which
again, above the level required 39) Strand should have form and store glucose for
to maintain the yellow color. mirror-image S-P backbone, food, but also need to use some
with a base projecting off of of the glucose to make ATP.
each S, to the left, in this
order: C, U, A, A, U, G, C, A,
40) Dotted line should encompass
a sequence of three
nucleotides, with bases GAT,
TAC, or GTG.

Answer Key
Testname: CHAPTER4

46) Substrates are chemicals that 50) Low carbohydrate diets shift
bind to the enzyme and the body to a fasting mode
become altered (bonds formed because glucose is needed for
and/or broken), producing a the brain, central nervous
product. A product is the systems, and red blood cells.
result of enzyme action on After glycogen stores have
substrates. These terms are been depleted, the body will
relative because chemical convert protein and fats into
reactions are reversible. glucose and ketone bodies to
Example: if two monomers provide the energy needed.
bind to the enzyme and form a The disadvantages of this shift
dimer, the monomers are the are excess ketone bodies can
substrates and the dimer is the seriously disrupt the body's
product. If instead the dimer pH balance (lead to ketosis)
binds to the enzyme and splits and loss of protein from body
to form two monomers, the tissue (this occurs even when
monomers are the products abundant protein from food is
and the dimer is the substrate. provided).
47) Alternative splicing occurs
when enzymes clip segments
out of the middle or off the
ends of an mRNA strand and
then splice the remaining
piece back together. It is
necessary because mRNA
contains segments with exons
(encode proteins) and introns
(noncoding region). The
introns of the mRNA are
removed before it leaves the
48) Chemiostatic theory is a
model, and its role is to
explain the movement of
electrons through the electron
transport system, an important
component of metabolism.
49) When a reaction is at
equilibrium, the ratio of the
substrate to the products is
always the same.


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