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Designation: D 880 – 92 (Reapproved 2002)

Standard Test Method for

Impact Testing for Shipping Containers and Systems1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 880; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope E 122 Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate a

1.1 This test method covers two procedures for conducting Measure of Quality for a Lot or Process3
impact tests on loaded containers or shipping units (pallet 2.2 ISO Standard:
loads), as follows: ISO 2244 Horizontal Impact Test (Horizontal or Incline
1.1.1 Procedure A, to test the ability of a container or Plane Test: Pendulum Test)4
shipping unit to withstand impacts, and
3. Terminology
1.1.2 Procedure B, to test the ability of a container or
shipping unit or interior packing, or both, to provide protection 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms applicable to this
to the contents, when subjected to impacts. test method see Terminology D 996.
1.2 Either of these two procedures may be used to evaluate 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
different designs of containers of the same size and carrying the 3.2.1 hazard— removable solid object of any size or shape
same load. These procedures are suitable for testing various placed on an impact surface (backstop) so as to contact a test
types of containers such as boxes, crates, barrels, drums, kegs, specimen at any desired location during the impact of the
bags, sacks, or pails made of various materials or combinations specimen into the impact surface (backstop).
of materials and for shipping units such as pallet loads or 4. Summary of Test Method
palletized units.
1.3 The procedures described in this test method are par- 4.1 An apparatus having a guided carriage capable of
ticularly suitable for testing large or heavily loaded containers. holding a test container or shipping unit impacts into a rigid
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded impact surface (backstop) with or without hazards at a prede-
as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for termined impact velocity. When testing the ability of a con-
information only. tainer or shipping unit to withstand impact (Procedure A)
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the multiple tests with the same impact velocity or increasing
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the impact velocities may be conducted until failure occurs. When
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- testing the ability of the container, shipping unit, or interior
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- packing, or combination thereof, to provide protection to the
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau- contents (Procedure B), a predetermined number of impacts, at
tionary statements are given in Note 1 and Section 7. predetermined velocities, are applied and the container(s) and
contents are then inspected.
2. Referenced Documents
5. Significance and Use
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ- 5.1 The impact test has been found useful in laboratory
ments2 simulation of impacts such as those encountered in manual and
D 4003 Test Method for Programmable Horizontal Impact mechanical handling and transportation. The impact test simu-
Test for Shipping Containers and Systems2 lates some types of shocks that could occur in the handling of
D 4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, or packages or shipping units and helps evaluate the ability of the
Packaging Components for Testing2 package to protect the contents against these shocks. The test
D 5277 Test Methods for Performing Programmed Hori- may also permit observation of progressive failure of a package
zontal Impacts Using an Inclined Impact Tester2 and damage to the contents.
5.2 The test results within a given laboratory using this test
method may be useful for evaluating and comparing packages.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 on
Packaging and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.22 on Handling and
Current edition approved Aug. 15, 1992. Published November 1992. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
published as D 880 – 68. Last previous edition D 880 – 86. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd Street, 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09. Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 880 – 92 (2002)
However, because of the variability of test machines that have operating personnel must remain alert to potential hazards and
been used in the past, especially the impact surface (backstop), take necessary precautions for their safety. The test area should
it has been found that interlaboratory correlation of test results be cleared prior to each test. Stop the test immediately if a
has been poor. dangerous condition should develop. The testing of hazardous
5.3 These procedures are not intended to simulate rail car materials or products may require special precautions that must
coupling environment. Refer to Test Method D 4003 and Test be observed. Safety equipment may be required and its use
Methods D 5277. must be understood before starting the test.
5.4 This test method fulfills the requirement of ISO 2244.
8. Sampling
NOTE 1—ISO 2244 may not meet the requirements for this test method.
8.1 The number of test specimens depends on the desired
6. Apparatus degree of precision and the availability of specimens. Practice
6.1 Testing Machine: E 122 provides guidance on the choice of sample size. It is
6.1.1 The test machine shall consist of a guided test carriage recommended that at least three representative test specimens
with a flat test specimen mounting surface and an impact be used.
surface (backstop) with the plane of the face perpendicular
9. Test Specimens
within 630 min (1⁄2°) to the direction of movement of the
carriage at impact. 9.1 When the specimen is being tested by Procedure A to
6.1.2 There shall be an impact surface (backstop) that is determine the ability of the container or shipping unit to
integral with a solid mass at least 50 times the maximum mass withstand impact stresses, either the actual contents or a
of the test specimen. The impact surface firmly attached to the dummy load simulating such contents can be used. When the
mass, shall be a steel plate not less than 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) thick. specimen is being tested by Procedure B to determine the
The impact surface (backstop) must have dimensions greater ability of the container or shipping unit or interior packing, or
than those of the impacting surface of the test specimen to both, to provide protection to the contents, actual contents shall
permit full contact with the shipping container. be used. For both procedures closing, strapping, or sealing
should be the same as will be used in actual shipment.
NOTE 2—The purpose of the apparatus is to provide an impact surface
(backstop) and mass that will improve interlaboratory correlation of test NOTE 4—Certain contents or ingredients of the objects under test may
results and the accuracy of tests between laboratories. The test can be be replaced by inert materials of approximately the same weight and
conducted on apparatus that does not meet the requirements of 6.1.2, characteristics.
provided it is clearly stated in 14.1.1. 9.2 Identification of Members—See Annex A1.
6.1.3 The test machine shall provide some means of moving
the test carriage to obtain the desired impact velocity. This may 10. Calibration
be the result of mechanical or pneumatic means, gravity 10.1 Calibrate the impact carriage so that the desired impact
through the use of a 10 ° (nominal) incline, or a pendulum velocity (65 %) may be achieved.
device. 10.2 Make the calibration using the carriage with a load
NOTE 3—Depending upon the configuration of the test machine there simulating actual contents equivalent to the package/product’s
may be other forces acting before, during, or after the impact that may weight. Measure the velocity of the carriage just before impact.
affect the test results.
11. Conditioning
6.1.4 The test machine should preferably have a means of
preventing multiple impacts. 11.1 It is recommended that atmospheres for conditioning
6.1.5 The test carriage shall provide surface friction such be selected from those shown in Practice D 4332. Unless
that the test specimen does not move during the period from otherwise specified, precondition and condition fiberboard and
rest to impact, but will move freely upon impact. other paperboard containers in accordance with the standard
6.1.6 The impact surface (backstop) may, if desired, be atmosphere specified in Practice D 4332.
equipped with hazards that can be so placed as to contact the
12. Procedure
container at the time of impact at any desired position between
top and bottom edges of the container. The dimensions, 12.1 Procedure A:
material, and location of the interposed hazard should be 12.1.1 Testing of the Ability of a Container to Withstand
carefully specified. Impacts—Place the container or shipping unit to be tested on
6.2 Instrumentation: the carriage with the face or edge that is to receive the impact
6.2.1 Instrumentation that may be an optical or mechanical located projecting 2 in. (51 mm) beyond the impacting end of
timing device is required to measure the carriage impact the carriage.
velocity to an accuracy of 62 % of the actual value. When 12.1.2 If it is desired to concentrate the impact at any
testing is within a laboratory and for comparative purposes particular position on the test specimen, attach an optional
only, instrumentation is optional. hazard to the impact surface (backstop) in the desired position
before the test. The hazard should be strong enough to
7. Safety Precautions withstand the impact of the carriage if it should strike it.
7.1 The procedures given in this test method may produce 12.1.3 Position the carriage so that the predetermined im-
severe mechanical responses in the test specimen. Therefore, pact velocity will be obtained and release. Measure the impact

D 880 – 92 (2002)
velocity of each test to ensure it is representative of the desired 13.1.7 Description of the test sequence, the impact velocity
impact velocity. The cycle of impacts continues by either of each test, orientation of specimens on the carriage, and the
repeating the original impact velocity or increasing the impact use of any optional hazards, including the dimensions, mate-
velocity for each cycle of impacts. rial, and location carefully specified, and
12.1.4 The sequence in which the faces and edges are 13.1.8 Detailed record of damage to the test specimen or
subjected to impacts may be at the option of the operator and contents, together with any other observation that may assist in
will depend on the objective of the tests. Continue the test until correctly interpreting the results or aid in improving the design
failure of the container or shipping unit occurs. Depending on of the test specimen or the method of packing, blocking, or
the purpose of the test, failure is when some predetermined cushioning.
type of damage has occurred, that is, exposure or spillage of
contents, or both. 14. Precision and Bias 5
12.2 Procedure B: 14.1 Precision:
12.2.1 Testing of the Ability of a Container, Shipping Unit, 14.1.1 This test method is usually conducted to determine if
or Interior Packing, or combination thereof, to Provide Pro- a container or shipping system completes the prescribed test
tection to the Contents—Conduct this test in accordance with without specified damage. With this situation, no statement can
12.1 until a predetermined number of impacts at specific be made about the precision because the results merely state
impact velocities have been applied. Open the container or whether there is conformance to the criteria for success.
shipping unit to inspect the contents unless previous evidence 14.1.2 When the test is conducted to determine the input
of failure is apparent. stress required to cause a specified type of damage, the
precision depends largely upon the item being tested. The
13. Report equipment, instrumentation, fixturing, methodology, and per-
13.1 Report the following information: sonnel also play important roles in precision. A research report
13.1.1 Reference to this test method, noting any deviations indicates that there can be considerable variability between
from the procedure, replicate tests for vertical impacts; it is believed that similar
13.1.2 A description of the test specimen in sufficient detail conclusions are true for horizontal impacts.
for proper identification, 14.2 Bias—This test method has no bias because the results
13.1.3 Description of the contents, are defined only in terms of this test method.
13.1.4 Identification of the purpose of the test, 15. Keywords
13.1.5 Identification of apparatus, including angle of incline
if appropriate. Instrumentation used, including date of last 15.1 impact test; incline; packages; pendulum
instrument calibration. Details of any modifications to either
apparatus or instrumentation, if known, shall be included, 5
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:D10-
13.1.6 Method of conditioning, 1004.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Rectangular Containers—The procedure for identifi- top of the box as “1,” the right side as “2,” the bottom as “3,”
cation of the members (faces, edges, and corners) of rectangu- the left side as “4,” the near end as “5,” and the far end as “6.”
lar containers shall be as follows (see Fig. A1.1). A1.1.2 Identify the edges by the numbers of the two faces
A1.1.1 Facing one end of the box with the manufacturer’s that form the edge: for example, 1-2 identifies the edge formed
joint where applicable, on the observer’s right, designate the by the top and the right side, and 2-5 the edge formed by the
right side and near end. (The 2-5 edge is the edge having a
vertical manufacturer’s joint, and the 2-3 edge is the edge
having a horizontal manufacturer’s joint in fiberboard contain-
A1.1.3 Identify the corners by the numbers of the three
faces that meet to form that corner: for example, 1-2-6
identifies the corner where the top, the right side, and the far
end meet.

A1.2 Cylindrical Containers—The procedure for identifi-

cation of the members (top, bottom, sidewall, and chimes) of
FIG. A1.1 Members of Rectangular Containers cylindrical containers shall be as follows (see Fig. A1.2).

D 880 – 92 (2002)
A1.2.2 Identify diagonal impacts on chimes by identifying
the impact point by number, that is, impact on 1. Where it is
desirable to impact on a midpoint between two locations on the
chime, such a point can be designated using two numbers, that
is, impact on 1-3.
A1.2.3 Identify impacts on sidewalls by identifying the
impact point by two numbers, that is, impact on 3-4. Where it
is desirable to impact on a midpoint between two locations on
the sidewall, such a point can be designated using four
numbers, that is, impact on 1-3-2-4.
A1.3 Sack and Bags—The procedure for identification of
the members (faces, sides, top and bottom) of sacks and bags
shall be as follows (see Fig. A1.3).
A1.3.1 Facing the front of the bag with the top up, designate
FIG. A1.2 Members of Cylindrical Containers
the front as “1,” the right side edge as “2,” the rear side as “3,”
the left side edge as “4,” the bottom as “5,” and the top as “6.”
A1.2.1 The ends of two perpendicular diameters on the (Where a sack or bag has one or more side seams, Side 2 shall
upper surface of the cylindrical container shall be designated as include a side seam).
1, 3, 5, and 7, and the other ends of lines parallel to the cylinder
axis passing as 2, 4, 6, and 8. If the package has one or more A1.4 In the case of shipping units or other types of
side seam joints, one of the joints should occupy the position 5 individual containers, any convenient and adequate system of
to 6. identification may be used.

FIG. A1.3 Members of Sacks and Bags

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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