CCS0021L - Information Management (LAB)
CCS0021L - Information Management (LAB)
CCS0021L - Information Management (LAB)
This course introduces the concept of databases and database management system. The students will
learn how to examine the database management in business for routine processing and management
COURSE reporting, design databases using ERD, and use SQL statements to store, retrieve and manipulate data
DESCRIPTION in the database. In addition, students will be introduced to basic data and database administration and
installation. The software tools that will be used in this course are Oracle database 11g express edition,
oracle data modeler, and Oracle SQL developer.
FEU Institute of Technology aims to be one of the top five technology educational institutions in the Philippines.
FEU Institute of Technology is dedicated to provide quality, relevant, innovative and industry-based education producing
competent and principled professionals with greater sense of responsibility, social awareness and high competitiveness
contributing significantly to the betterment of the society.
The College of Computer Studies aims its program specializations to be a catalyst on the delivery of industry-based standards
solutions and internationally recognized IT education.
The College of Computer Studies is committed to provide industry- based information technology solutions, international
academic linkages, researches and IT certified professionals.
Module 1: The Database
1 • Explore the Environment and Development Student can clarify/ask questions Recitation 1
(2.83 hrs) environment of Process on matters concerning course Boardwork
Oracle DB syllabus and laboratory rules and Lab Exercise 1
− Basic Concepts and
1 hr application guidelines. The student will be
Canvas • Apply the applying the different approach in
different database − Traditional File Processing database
approach System
− Range of Database Discussion of Syllabus Content,
Applications Assessment Tools/Rubrics
Setting of Goals; Expectations
− The Database
Development Process
2 • Use Oracle Data Module 2: Modeling Data in the Hands-on Demonstration Recitation 2
(2.83 hrs) Modeler to do data Organization Laboratory Activity Boardwork
modeling tasks − E-R Model Notation Student can use the Oracle Data Lab Exercise 2
1 hr • Convert Rules of − Modeling the Rules of the
Canvas Modeler and familiarize with the
organization using Organization
Data Modeler − Modeling Entities and different ER Nation and rules
− Modeling Relationships
3 • Use the Oracle Module 3: Enhanced E-R Model Hands-on Demonstration Recitation 2
(2.83 hr) Data Modeler to − Representing Supertypes Laboratory Activity Boardwork
create the and Subtypes Student can use the Oracle Data Lab Exercise 3
1 hr Enhanced ER − Specifying Constraints in
Canvas Modeler to use create the
Diagrams given Supertype/Subtype
the rules of the Relationships enhanced Entity Relation Diagram
organization − Entity Clustering
• Identify the
entities that will
be clustered
Midterm Exam 1-5
(1.33 hrs)
12 • Use SQL Module 10: Data and Database Hands-on Demonstration Recitation 4
(2.83 hrs) Statement that will Administration Laboratory Activity Boardwork
grant roles and − Role of Data and Database The student can execute scripts Lab Exercise 8
1 hr privileges for Administrators
using the Advanced SQL
Canvas users and revoke − Open Source Movement
them using SQL and Database Movement Statements with the help of SQL
Developer − Database Software Data Developer
• Understand the Security Features
solutions to solve − Database Backup and
the problems in Recovery
data security − Recovery and Restart
• Control the Procedures
different access of − Types of Database Failure
the users in the − Disaster Recovery
database − Database Performance
− Data Availability
13 Module 11: Creating Other
(2.83 hrs) • Use SQL Schema Objects Hands-on Demonstration Recitation 4
Statement that will − Views Laboratory Activity Boardwork
1 hr create simple and − Sequence The student can practice giving Lab Exercise 9
Canvas complex views, − Index grants and revoking grants to the
apply with check − Synonym
option constraint different user with the help of
to a view, to create Module 12: Introduction to
and use sequences. PL/SQL
• Understand the − Benefits of PL/SQL
need for PL/SQL. Types of PL/SQL blocks
Project Presentation
(1.41 hrs)
- Courseware Materials. This can be downloaded from the Learning Management System (LMS) via the url
- Laboratory Manuals. This can be downloaded from the e-learning facility (
- Project Specification Document
- Netbook/ Multimedia Projector
Midterm Grade Final Grade
Midterm Grade (MG) = 70% (Lecture Grade) + 30% Final Grade (FG) = 70% (Lecture Grade) + 30% (Lab Grade)
(Lab Grade)
Lecture: 70%
Lecture: 70%
Class Standing (CS) 60%
1. Average of at least three long quizzes 35% Class Standing (CS) 60%
2. Teacher’s Evaluation 5% 1. Average of at least three long quizzes 35%
3. Class participation 25% 2. Teacher’s Evaluation 5%
(Seatwork, Assignments, Recitations) 3. Class participation 25%
4. Short Quizzes, Class Exercises 35% (Seatwork, Assignments, Recitations)
4. Short Quizzes, Class Exercises 35%
• Taylor, A. G. (2019). SQL for dummies (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: For Dummies.
• Harrington, J. (2016). Relational Database Design and Implementation (4th Edition). Morgan Kaufmann
• Juric, N., Vrbsky, S., Nestorov, S. (2016). Database Systems: Introduction to Databases and Data Warehouses. Prospect Press
• Kroenke, D. M., & Auer, D. J. (2016). Database Concepts. Pearson.
• Sullivan, D. (2015). NoSQL for Mere Mortals (1st ed.). Boston: Addison-Wesley.
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