Mitchel Walldrop-Complexity PDF
Mitchel Walldrop-Complexity PDF
Mitchel Walldrop-Complexity PDF
M. Mitchell
* Scnusrrn
NewYonr LoNooN TonoNro SvonevToxyo
Simon & SchusterBuilding
1230Avenueof the Americas
New York, New York 10020
' of CongressCataloging-in-Publication
W.ldtoP, M. Mitchell'
Complexity:the emergingscienceat thg edgeof order and
chaos/ M. Mitchell waldroP'
p. cm'
Includesbibliographicalreferencesand index' -
l. Sctce-Philosiphv. 2. Complexi$ (Philosophv)
I. Title.
501-dc20 92-28757
To A. E. F.
VsroNsoF THEWHors 9
Visionsof the Whole
*a ar *sa* s * s s 6 * s & ' { s * * & & * & I 6 * & & S { b4 *
Sitting alone at his table by the bar, Brian Arthur staredout the front
windJwof thetavernanddid hisbestto ignoretheyoungurbanprofessionals
driftingin to getan earlystarton HappyHour. outside,in the concrete
of the financialdishict,the $pical SanFrancisco fogwastuming
into a typical San Francisco drizzle.That was 6ne by him. On this late
aft rnoonof March 17, 1987, he wasn'tin the mood to be impressed with
brassfittings,ferns,and stained glass.He wasn'tin a mood to celebrate
Saint Patrick'sDay. And he mostdefinitelywasn'tin a mood to carouse
withersatz Irishmenwearing bitsof greenon theirpinstripes. He iustwanted
to silently sip his beer in frustratedrage. Stanford University Professor
William brian Arthur, nativesonof Belfas!Northern lreland, was at rock
And the dayhad startedsowell.
That wasthe ironyof it all. When he'dsetout for Berkeley thatmorning,
he'dactuallybeenlookingforwardto thetrip asa kindof triumphal reunion:
local boy makesgood.He'd reallylovedhis yearsin Berkeley, back in the
early1970s.Perchedon the hillsidesnorth of Oakland,iust across the bay
from SanFrancisco, it wasa pushy,vital,alivekindof place full of ethnics
and streetpeopleand outrageous ideas.Berkeleywaswherehe'dgottel his
Ph.D. from the Universityof California,wherehe'd met and marrieda
tall blondedoctoralstudentin statisticsnamedSusanPeterson, wherehe'd
spenthis first"postdoc"yealin the economics department. Berkeley,of all
the placeshe'd lived and workedeversince,wasthe placehe wantedto
Well now he wascominghome,sortof. The eventibelf wouldn'tbe a
big deal:iust lunch with the chairmanof the Berkeleyeconomicsdepart-
ment and one of his formerprofesorsthere.But it wasthe first time he'd
comebackto his old departmentin years,andcertainlythe firsttime he'd
everdone so feelinglike an academicequal. He wascomingbackwith
twelveyeanof experience workingall overtheglobeanda maiorreputation
asa scholarof humanfertilityin the Third World. He wascomingbackas
the occupantof an endowedchair of economicsat Stanfold-the sort of
thingthat rarelygetshandedout to anyoneunderagefifty' At ageforty-one,
Arthur wascomingbackassomeonewho had madeit in academia.And
who knew?The folksat Berkeleymightevenstarttalkingabouta iob offer.
Oh yes,he'd reallybeenhigh on himselfthat morning.So why hadn't
he, yearsago, iust stuckto the mainsheaminsteadof trying to invent a
whole new approachto economics? Why hadn't he playedit safeinstead
of trying to get in stepwith somenebulous,half-imaginaryscientificrev-
Because he couldn'tgetit out of his head,that'swhy.Because he could
seeit almosteverywherehe looked.The scientists barely seemed to rec-
ognizeit themselves, mostof the time. But after three hundred years of
dissecting everythinginto moleculesandatomsand nuclei andquarks,they
finally seemedto be turningthat process insideout. Insteadof lookingfor
the simplestpiecespossible,theywerestartingto look at how thosepieces
go togetherinto complexwholes.
He could seeit happeningin biology,wherepeoplehad spentthe past
twentyyearslayingbarethe molecularmechanisms of DNA, andproteins,
and all the other components of the cell. Now they werealsobeginning
to grapplewith the essentialmystery:how can severalquadrillionsuch
moleculesorganizethemselves into an entity that moves'that responds,
that reproduces, that is alive?
He could seeit happeningin the brain sciences, whereneuroscientisb,
psychologists, computerscientists, andartificialintelligence were
strugglingto comprehendthe essence of mind: How do thosebillions of
denselyinterconnected nervecells insideour skullsgive rise to feeling,
thought,purpose,and awareness?
He could evenseeit happeningin physics,wherethe physicistswere
still trying to cometo termswith the mathematical theoryof chaos,the
inhicate beaug of fractals,and the weird inner workingsof solidsand
liquids.Therewasprofoundmysteryhere:Why is it that simpleparticles
obeyingsimpleruleswill sometimes engagein the mostastonishing,un-
The lrish ldea of a Hero 17
predictablebehavior? And why is it thatsimpleparticleswill spontaneously
organizethemselves into complexshuctures like stars,galaxies,snowflakes,
and hurricanes-almostas if they were ohying a hidden yeamingfor
organizationand order?
The signsweroeverywhere. Arthur couldn't quite put the feelinginto
words.Nobodycould,sofarashe couldtell. But somehow, he couldsense
that all thesequestions werereallythe scmequestion.Somehow, the old
categories of science werebeginningto dissolve. Somehow, a new,unified
sciencewasout therewaitingto be born. It would be a rigorousscience,
Arthur was convinced,iust as "hard" as physicseverwas,and iust as
thoroughlygroundedin naturallaw. But insteadof beinga questfor the
ultimateparticles,it would be aboutfux, change,and the forming and
dissolvingof pattems.lnsteadof ignoringeverythingthat wasn'tuniform
and predictable,it would havea placefor individualityand the accidents
of history. Insteadof being about simplicity,it would be about-well,
And that wasprecisely whereArthur'snew economics camein. Con-
ventionaleconomics, the kind he'd beentaughtin school,wasaboutas
far from thisvisionof complexigasyoucouldimagine.Theoretical econ-
omistsendlesslytalkedaboutthe stabilityof the marketplace, and the bal-
ance of supply and demand. They transcribedthe concept into
mathematicalequationsand provedtheoremsaboutit. They accepted the
gospelaccordingto Adam Smith as the foundationfor a kind of state
religion. But when it cameto instabilityand changein the economy-
well, they seemedto find the very ideadisturbing,somethingthey'djust
assoonnot talkabout.
But Arthur had embraced instability.Look out the window,he'd told
his colleagues. Like it or not, the marketplace isn'tstable.The worldisn't
stable.It'sfull of evolution,upheaval, andsurprise. Economics hadto take
that fermentinto account.And now he believedhe'dfoundthe wayto do
that, usinga principleknownas"increasingreturns"-or in the King)ames
translation,"To them that hath shallbe given."Why had high-techcom-
paniesscrambled to locatein theSiliconValleyareaaroundStanfordinstead
of in Ann Arbor or Berkeley? Because a lot of olderhigh-techcompanies
werealreadythere.Them that hasgets.Why did the VHS video system
run awaywith the market,eventhoughBetawastechnicallya little bit
better?Because a fewmorepeoplehappened to buy VHS systems earlyon,
which led to moreVHS moviesin the videostores,which led to still more
peoplebuyingVHS players, andsoon. Them thathasgets.
The examplescould be multiplied endlessly.Arthur had convinced him-
self that increasingreturns pointed the way to the future for economics, a
future in which he and his colleagueswould work alongsidethe physicists
and the biologists to understand the messiness,the upheaval, and the
spontaneousself-organizationof the world. He'd convinced himself that
increasing returns could be the foundation for a new and very different
kind of economic science.
Unfortunately, however, he hadn't had much luck convincing any-
body else. Outside of his immediate circle at Stanford, most economists
thought his ideaswere-strange. |ournal editors were telling him that this
increasing-returnsstuff "wasn't economics." In seminars, a good fraction
of the audience reactedwith outrage:how dare he suggestthat the economy
was not in equilibrium! Arthur found the vehemencebaffing. But clearly
he neededallies, people who could open their minds and hear what he
wastrying to tell them. And that, asmuch asany desirefor a homecoming,
was the reasonhe'd gone to Berkeley.
So there they had all been, sitting down to sandwichesat the faculty
club. Tom Rothenberg, one of his former professors,had askedthe inev-
itable question: "So, Brian, what are you working on thesedays?"Arthur
had given him the two-word answerlust to get started:"Increasingreturns.'l
And the economicsdepartmentchairman, Al Fishlow, had staredat him
with a kind of deadpanlook,
"$ul-\rys know increasingreturnsdon't exist."
"Besides,"jumped in Rothenbergwith a grin, "if they did, we'd haveto
outlaw them!"
And then they'd laughed. Not unkindly. It was iust an insider'sioke.
Arthur knew lt was a ioke. It was trivial. Yet that one sound had somehow
shatteredhis whole bubble of anticipation. He'd satthere, shuck speechless.
Here were two of the economistshe respectedmost, and they iust-couldn't
listen. SuddenlyArthur had felt naive. Stupid. Like someonewho didn't
know enough not to believein increasingreturns.Somehow,it had been
the last straw
He'd barelypaid attentionduring the restof the lunch. After it wasover
and everyone had said their polite good-byes,he'd climbed into his faded
old Volvo and driven back over the Bay Bridge into San Francisco. He'd
taken the first exit he could, onto the Embarcadero.He'd stoppedat the
first bar he found. And he'd come in here to sit amidst the ferns and to
give some seriousthought to getting out of economicsentirely.
The trish ldea of a Hero 19
Somewhere aroundthe bottomof his secondbeer,Arthur realizedthat
the placewasbeginningto getseriouslynoisy.The yuppieswerearriving
in forceto celebratethe patronsaintof lreland.Well, maybeit wastime
to go home.This certainlywasn'taccomplishing anything.He gotup and
walkedout to his car;the foggydrizzlewasstill comingdown.
Homewasin PaloAlto, thirty-fivemilessouthof thecity in thesuburban
flatsaroundStanford.It wassunsetwhenhe finallypulledintothedriveway.
He must havemadesomenoise.His wife, Susan,openedthe front door
and watchedhim ashe waswalkingacross,the lawn:a slim, prematurely
grayman who doubtless lookedaboutasfed up and bedraggled ashe felt.
"Well," she said,standingtherein the doorway,"how did it go in
Berkeley? Did theylike yourideas?"
"lt wasthe pits," saidArthur. "Nobodytherebelievesin increasing
SusanArthur had seenher husbandreturningfrom the academicwars
before."Well," she said, trying to find somethingcomfortingto say,"l
guessit wouldn'tbe a revolution,wouldit, if everybody believedin it at
the start?"
Arthur lookedat her,struckspeechless for thesecondtime thatday.And
thenhe iustcouldn'thelp it. He startedto laugh.
and the fact that he knew German. They neededsomeoneto work out of
the Diisseldorf office. Was he interested?
Was he? Arthur had the time of his life. The last time he'd been in
Germany he'd worked at a blue-collar summer iob at 75 cents an hour.
Now here he was, twenty-threeyearsold, advisingthe board of directors
of BASF on what to do with an oil and gasdivision or a fertilizer division
worth hundredsof millions of dollars. "l learnedthat operatingat the top
was just as easyas operatingat the bottom," he laughs.
But it was more than iust an ego trip, Basically,McKinsey was selling
modern American managementtechniques(a conceptthat didn't sound
asfunny in 1969asit would havefifteen yearslater). "Companiesin Europe
at that time typicallyhad hundredsof suMivisions,"he says."They didn't
even know what they owned." Arthur discoveredthat he had a real taste
for wading into messyproblems like this and coming to grips with them
firsthand. "McKinsey was genuinely 6rst-rate," he says. "They weren't
selling theories and they weren't selling fads. Their approach was to ab-
solutelyrevel in the complexig, to live with it and breatheit. The McKinsey
team would staywith a company for five or six months or more' studying
a very complicated set of arrangements,until somehow certain patterns
became clear. We'd all sit around on the edgeof our desksand someone
would say, must be happening becauseof that,' and someone else
would say, thot must be so.'Then we'd go out and check it. And
'Well, you're almost right, but you
maybe the local executive would say,
forgotaboutsuchand such.' Sowe'dspendmonthsclarifyingand clarifying,
until the issueswere all worked out and the answerspokefor itself."
It didn't takevery long for Arthur to realizethat, when it came to real-
world complexities,the elegantequationsand the fancy mathematicshe'd
spentso much time on in schoolwere no more than tools-and limited
tools at that. The crucial skill was insight, the ability to see connections.
And that fact, ironically,waswhat led him into economics.He remembers
the occasionvividly. It was shortly before he wasdue to leavefor Berkeley'
He and his American boss, GeorgeThucher,were driving one evening
through West Germany'sRuhr Valley, the country'sindustrialheartland.
And asthey went, Thucherstartedtalkingaboutthe historyof eachcompany
they passed-who had ownedwhat for a hundredyears'and how the whole
thing had built up in an absolutelyorganic,historicalway. For Arthur it
was a revelation."l realizedall of a suddenthat this was economics."If
he everwantedto understandthis messyworld that fascinated him so much,
if he ever wantedto make a real differencein people'slives, then he was
going to have to learn economics.
So Arthur headedto Berkeleyafter that 6rst summer on an intellectual
high. And in total innocence,he announcedthat economicswaswhat he
would study.
Actually, he had no intention of completely shifting fields at this late
date. He'd alreadyfinishedmost of his requirementsfor a Ph.D. in oper-
ationsresearchat Michigan; the only remaininghurdle wasto completea
dissertation,the large piece of original researchwith which a Ph.D. can-
didate supposedlydemonshatesthat he or she has masteredthe craft. But
he had more than enoughtime to do that the Universityof California was
insisting that he hang around Berkeleyfor another three yearsto fulfill its
residency requirements. So Arthur was welcome to spend his extra time
taking all the economics courseshe could.
He did. "But after the McKinsey experience,I wasvery disappointed,"
he says."This was nothing like the historical drama I'd been so fascinated
with in the Ruhr Valley." In the lecturehallsof Berkeley,economicsseemed
to be a branch of pure mathematics."Neoclassical"economics,as the
fundamental theory was known, had reduced the rich complexity of the
world to a narrow set of abstractprinciplesthat could be written on a few
pages.Whole textbookswere practically solid with equations.The brightest
young economistsseemedto be devoting their careersto proving theorem
after theorem after theorem-whether or not thosetheoremshad much to
do with the world. "This extraordinaryemphasison mathematicssurprised
me," saysArthur. "To me, coming from applied mathematics,a theorem
was a statementabout an everlastingmathematicaltruth-not the dressing
up of a trivial observationin a lot of formalism."
He couldn't help but feel that the theory was iust too neat by half. It
wasn't the mathematical rigor he objectedto. He loved mathematics.After
all those yearsof studyingelectricalengineeringand operationsresearch,
moreover,he'd acquired considerablymore backgroundin mathematics
than most of his economics classmates.No, what bothered him was the
weird unreality of it all. The mathematicaleconomistshad been so suc-
cessfulat turning their discipline into ersatzphysicsthat they had leached
their theoriesclean of all human frailty and passion.Their theoriesde-
scribedthe human animal as a kind of elementaryparticle:"economic
man," a godlike being whosereasoningis alwaysperfect,and whosegoals
are alwayspursuedwith serenelypredictableself-interest.And iust as phys-
icists could predict how a particle will respondto any given set of forces,
economistscould predict how economic man will respondto any given
economic situation:he (or it) will iust optimize his "utility function."
Neoclassicaleconomicslikewisedescribeda societywhere the economy
The lrish tdea of a Hero 23
the Pilgrims got off the boat there becausethe Mayflowergot lost looking
for Virginia. Them that has gets-and once the colony was established,
there was no turning back. Nobody was about to pick up Boston and move
it someplaceelse.
Increasingreturns, lock-in, unpredictability,tiny eventsthat have im-
mense historical consequenss5-"fhs5e properties of increasing-returns
economics shockedme at first," saysArthur. "But when I recognizedthat
each properg had a counterpart in the nonlinear physicsI was reading, I
got very excited.Insteadof being shocked,I becamefascinated."Econo-
mists had actually been talking about such things for generations,he
learned. But their effortshad alwaysbeen isolatedand scattered.He felt as
though he were recognizingfor the first time that all theseproblemswere
the sameproblem. "l found myselfwalking into Aladdin's cave," he says,
"picking up one treasureafter another."
By the autumn, everythinghad fallen into place.On November5, 1979,
he poured it all out. At the top of one page of his notebook he wrote the
words "Economics Old and New," and under them listedtwo columns:
Economicsassoftphysics ashigh-complexity
And so it went, for three pages.It was his manifesto for a whole new
kind of economics, After all those years,he says,"I finally had a point of
view. A vision. A solution." It was a vision much like that of the Greek
philosopherHeraclitus,who observedthat you can neverstepinto the same
river twice. In Arthur's new economics,the economicworld would be part
of the human world. lt would alwaysbe the same, but it would never be
the same. It would be fluid, ever-changing,and alive.
To say that Arthur was bubbling over with enthusiasmfor his vision
would be an understatement.But it didn't take him too long to realize that
his enthusiasmwas lessthan infectious, especiallyto other economists."I
thought that if you did somethingdifferent and important-and I did think
increasingreturns made senseof a lot of phenomenain economicsand
gavea direction that was badly needed-people would hoist me on their
shouldersand carry me in triumph. But that was iust incredibly naive."
Beforethe month of Novemberwasout he found himself walkingin the
park near IIASA'SHapsburgpalace,excitedlyexplainingincreasingreturns
to a visiting Norwegian economist, Victor Norman. And he was suddenly
taken aback to realize that Norman, a distinguished international trade
theorist, was looking at him in bafflement What was the point of all this?
He heardmuch the samereactionwhen he beganto givetalksand seminars
on increasingreturnsin 1980.About half his audiencewould typicallybe
very interested, while the other half ranged from puzzled to skeptical to
hostile. What was the point? And what doesany of this increasing-returns
stuff have to do with real economics?
it? The
Questions like that left Arthur at a loss. How could they not see
point wasthat you have to look at the world as it is, not as some elegant
theory says it ought to be. The whole thing reminded him of medical
practice in the Renaissance,when doctors of medicine were learned in
matters of theory and rarely deigned to touch a real patient. Health was
simply a matter of equilibrium back then: If you were a sanguinePerson'
The lrish ldeaof a Hero 39
or a choleric person,or whatever,you merely neededto have your fluids
brought back into balance."But what we know from 300 yearsworth of
medicine, going frorir Harvey'sdiscoveryof the circulation of the blood
on through molecular biology, is that the human organismis profoundly
complicated. And that means that we now listen to a doctor who puts a
stethoscope to a patient'schestand looksat eachindividual case."Indeed,
it was only when medical researchersstartedpaying attention to the teal
complications of the body that they were able to devise proceduresand
drugs that actually had a chance of doing some good.
He saw the increasing-refurnsapproach as a step down that same path
for economics."The important thing is to observethe actualliving economy
out there," he says."lt's path-dependent,it's complicated,it's evolving,it's
open, and it's organic."
Very quickly, however,it becameapparentthat what was really getting
his critics riled up was this conceptof the economylocking itself in to an
unpredictableoutcome. If the world can organizeitself into many, many
possiblepatterns, they asked,and if the pattern it finally choosesis a his-
torical accident, then how can you predict anything? And if you can't
predict anything, then how can what you're doing be called science?
Arthur had to admit that was a good question. Economistshad long ago
gotten the idea that their field had to be as "scientific" as physics,meaning
that everything had to be mathematically predictable. And it was quite
some time before even he got it through his head that physicsisn't the only
kind of science. Was Darwin "unscientific" becausehe couldn't predict
what specieswill evolvein the nextmillion years? Are geologists unscientific
because they can't predict preciselywhere the next earthquake will come,
or where the next mountain ranee will rise?Are astronomers unscientific
becausethey can't predict preciselywhere the next starwill be born?
Not at all. Predictionsare nice, if you can make them. But the
"tt.n". f /
of sciencelies in explanation, laying bare the fundamental mechanismsof f f
nature.That'swhat biologists,geologists, and astronomers do in their fields.{
And that's what he was trying to do for increasing returns.
Not surprisingly,argumenb like that didn't convinceanyonewho didn't
want to be convinced. On one occasionat IIASA in February1982, for
example, as Arthur was answering questions from the audience after a
lecture on increasingreturns, a visiting U.S. economistgot up and de-
manded rather angrily, "fust give me one exampleof a technology that we
are locked in to that isn't superiorto its rivals!"
Arthur glancedat the lecture hall clock becausehe was running out of
time, and almost without thinking said, "Oh! The clock."
The clock?Well, he explained,all our clocbloday havehandsthat move
"clockwise."But under his theory,you'd expectthere might be fossiltech-
nologies,buried deep in history, that might havebeen just as good as the
ones that prevailed. It's iust that by chance they didn't get going. "For all
I know, at some stagein history there may have been clocks with hands
that went backward. They might have been as common as the ones we
have now."
His questionerwas unimpressed.Another distinguishedU.S. economist
then got up and snapped,"I don't seethat it's locked in anyway.I wear a
digital watch."
To Arthur, that was missingthe point. But time was uP for that day. And
besides, it was iust a coniecture. About three weeks later, however, he
receiveda postcardfrom his IIASA colleaguefamesVaupel, who had been
vacationing in Florence. The postcard showed the Florence Cathedral
clock, which had been designedby Paolo Uccello in l44?'-and which
ran backward.(lt alsodisplayedall 24 hours.)On the fip side,Vaupelhad
simply written, "Congratulations!"
Arthur loved the Uccello clock so much that he made a transparencyo[
it so he could show it in overheadproiectors in all his future lectures on
lock-in. It alwaysproduced a reaction. Once, in fact, he was showing the
clock hansparencyduring a talk at Stanford when an economics graduate
student leaped up, flipped the'transparency over so that everything was
reversed,and saidtriumphantly,"You see!This is a hoax!The clockactually
goesclockwisel" Fortunately, however, Arthur had been doing a little re-
searchinto clocks in the meantime, and he had another transparencyof a
backwardclock with a Latin inscription. He put this transparencyup, and
said, "Unless you assumethis is mirror writing done by Leonardoda Vinci,
you have to accept that these clocks go backways."
Actually, by that point Arthur wasable to give his audiencesany number
of lock-in examples.There were-Ug!g5tlqq;!!g and Q-WERI*Y,of
course.But there wasalso the strangecaseof the-iqlejgalc@bgglign
."engine-Jnthe 1890s,Arthur discovered, when the automotiveindustry
wasstill in its infancy,gasg\ggwasconsidered the least-promisingpower
source.Itschiefrival,SlqLyas welldeveloped, gasoline
wasexpensiv.,,roiry,-Eif.rously explosive,hard to obtain in the right
grade,and requireda new kind of enginecontainingcomplicated new
parts.Casolineengineswere alsoinherentlylessfuel-efficient, If things
hadbeendifferentandif steamengineshadbenefitedfrom thesamenine$
yearsof development lavishedon gasolineengines,we mightnowbe living
The lrish ldea of a Hero 41
In 1982,Arthursuddenly
foundIIASAto bea farlesshospitableplace
thanit hadbeen,courtesy
of the rapidlychillingColdWar.The Reagan
administration, eagerto avoid any further taint by associationwith the Evil
Empire, had abruptly pulled the United Statesout of the organization.
Arthur was sorry to go. He'd greatlyenioyedworking with his Soviet col-
leagues,and how could you beatan office in a Hapsburgpalace?But things
worked out well enough, as it happens. As a stopgap,Arthur took up a
one-year visiting professorshipat Stanford, where his reputation for de-
mography seemedto stand him in good stead.And shortly before his year
there drew to a close he got a call from the dean: "What would it take to
keepyou here?"
"Well," Afthur replied, securein the knowledgethat he alreadyhad a
fistful of iob offersfrom the World Bank, the London School of Economics,
and Princeton, "l seethere'sthis endowedchair coming open. ."
The lrish ldea of a Hero
The dean was shocked. Endowed professorshipsare very
Thef are generally only awardedto the most distinguishedresearchen.
effect, they are sinecuresfor life. "We don't negotiatewith endowed
she declared.
"l wasn't negotiating,"said Arthur' "You iust askedme what it
take to keep me here."
So they gaveit to him. In 1983,at agethir$-seven,Arthur
Professor Population Studies and Econom-
Dea., and iirginia Morrison
in academia!" he laughs' He was one of the
ics. "My first permanent iob
youngestendowed professors in Stanford's history'
to be gof
It was a moment to savor-which in retrospect,turned out "
to have many such momenb for a long while'
thing. He wasn't destined
Honieue, much his fellow economistsmay have liked his work in
his ideas on increasing'returns eco-
raphy, many of them seemedto find
nomics outrageous.
To be fair, he says,many of them were also quite receptive' even
critics had almost always
thusiastic.But it was true that his most virulent
been Americans. And being at Stanfordbrought him face to face with
no sweat whatever' I could
fact. "I could talk about theie ideasin Caracas,
talk about them in Vienna, no sweat. But whenever I talked about
pay. People got angry at the
ideas in the United States,there was hell to
very notion that anything like this could happen'"
Arthur found the Am-ericans'hostility both mystifying and disturbing.
some of it he put down to their well-known fondnessfor mathematics.
After all, if you spendyour careerproving theoremsabout the existence
market .q,rilib.i,r*, and the uniquenessof market equilibrium, and_the
efficiency of market equilibrium, you aren't likely to be -v9ryhappy
,o-.o.t" along and tells you that there'ssomethingfishyabout market
As the economistfohn R. Hicks had written in 1939' when
he looked aghastat the implications of increasingreturns, "The threatened
wreckageis that of the greaterpart of economic theory'"
But Arthur also sensedthat the hostility went deeperthan that. American
economists are famous for being far more passionatelydevoted to free-
market principles than almost anyone else in the world. At the time, in
fact, the R.ajan administration was busily cutting taxes, iunking federal
regulations,"f,rivatizing" federalservices,and generallytreatingfree-market
..!itrlir* as a kind of statereligion. And the reasonfor that passion,as
Aithur slowly came to realize,was that the free-marketideal had become
bound up wiih American idealsof individual rightsand individual liberty:
both are groundedin the notion that societyworksbestwhen peopleare
left aloneto do whattheywant.
"Every democraticsocietyhasto solvea certainproblem,"saysArthur:
"If you let peopledo their own thing, how do you assurethe common
good?In Germany,thatproblemissolvedby everybody watchingeverybody
elseout the windows.Peoplewill comeright up to you andsay,'Put a cap
on that baby!'"
In England,they havethis notion of a bodyof wisepeopleat the top
lookingafterthings."Oh, yes,we'vehadthisRoyalCommission, chaired
by Lord So-and-So. We'vetakenall yourinterests intoaccount,andthere'll
be a nuclearreactorin your backyardtomorrow."
But in the United States,the idealis maximumindividualfreedom-
or, asArthur putsit, "lettingeverybody be their own )ohnWayneand run
aroundwith guns." Howevermuch that idealis compromised in practice,
it still holdsmythic power.
But increasingreturnscut to the heartof that myth. If small chance
eventscanlockyouin to anyof several possibleoutcomes, thentheoutcome
that'sactuallyselectedmaynotbethe best.And that meansthat maximum
individualfreedom-and the freemarket-might nof producethe bestof
all possibleworlds.So by advocatingincreasingreturns,Arthur wasin-
nocentlytreadinginto a minefield.
Well, he hadto admitthathe'dhadfair warning.
It wasin 1980,he recalls.He had beeninvitedto givea seriesof talks
on economicdemography at the Academyof Sciences in Budapest. And
one evening,at the barof the Budapest Intercontinental Hotel,he found
himselfchattingwith academician MariaAugusztinovics. Standingthere
with a scotchin one hand and a cigarettein the other,shewasa most
formidablelady.Not only hadshemarried,in succession, mostof the top
economistsin Hungarybut shewasa very perceptiveeconomistherself.
Moreover,shewasan influentialpolitician,with a posthigh in the Hun-
gariangovernment.Shewasrumoredto eatbureaucrats for breakfast.
thur sawno reasonto doubtit,
What areyou workingon thesedays?sheasked.Arthur enthusiastically
launchedinto a discourse aboutincreasing returns."lt explainsso many
problems,"he concluded,"all theseprocesses and patterns."
Augusztinovics, who knewexactlywhatthephilosophical stakeswerefor
Westerneconomists, simplyIookedat him with a kind of pig. "They will
crucifyyou," shesaid.
"Shewasright,"saysArthur."The yearsfrom 1982through1987were
dreadful.That'swhenmy hair turnedgray."
The lrish ldeaof a Hero 49
Arthur hasto admit that he broughta lot of that agonyon himse]f.
I hadbeenthekind of personwhoformsinsideallegiances in theprofession,
he says' "But I'm not
then the wholething might havegonesmoother,"
an insiderby nature.I'm iustnot a ioiner'"
With thai lrish streakof rebelliousness, he wasalsonot in a mood to
dressup his ideasin a lot of iargonandphonyanalysis iustto-makethem
palatabieto the mainstream.'Ri-td that'swhatled him to makea critical
Lctical blunder:in the summerof 1983,when he waspreparinghis
paperon increasingreturnsfor ofFcialpublication,he wrote the thing in
moreor lessplain English.
,,I *", conui.rced that I wasontosomething crucialin economics," he
l,So I decidedthat I shouldwrite it at a very intelligiblelevel'
whereit couldbe understood evenby undergraduates. I thoughtthatfancy
mathematics would iust get in the wayof the argument.I alsothought,
'Gee, I've publishedhe"uily tnathematical papersbefore'I don't needto
'proveanything.' " h-ehadn'tknownit before,he says,he learnedit soonenough'
Theoreticaleconomists usetheir mathematical prowess the waythe great
stagsof the forest use their antlers:to do battle with one anotherand to
.rtiUtlrh dominance. A stagwho doesn't use his antlers is nothing.It was
fortunatethat Arthur circulated his manuscript informally that autumnas
an IIASA working paper. The official, published version wasn't to seethe
"The of dayfor anothersix Years.
mostprestigious u.S. iournal,TheAmericanEconomicReview, sent
the paperbackin early1984with a letterfrom the editor saying, in essence'
..No way!,'The sentthe paperbacksaying
euar:terlylournalof Economics
that its ,.ui"*.r, could find no technical fault, but that'they iust didn't
think the workwasworthanythin g. The AmericanEconomicReview, under
a neweditorthistime, tentatively accepted the paper on its second submittal,
bouncedit around internallyfor two and a half yearswhile demanding
innumerablerewrites,andthenreiectedit again.AndTheEconomiclournal
in Britain simplysaid,"Nol" (Aftersomefourteenrewrites,the paperwas
finally accepted by The Economicloumalandpublishedin March 1989as
,.CompetiniTechnologies, IncreasingReturns,and Lock-Inby Historical
Arthur wasleft in helpless rage.Martin Luthercouldnail his ninety-
fivethesesto the churchdoorof Wittenbergto be readby oneand all. But
in modernacademia,thereare no churchdoors;an ideathat hasn'tbeen
publishedin an established iournal doesn'tofficiallyexist.And what he
iound doublyfrustrating,ironically,wasthe factthatthe ideaof increasing
returnswasfinally beginningto catchon. It wasbecomingsomethingof
a movementin economics-andso long as his paperwasin limbo, he
couldn'ttakepartin it.
Thkethe economichistorians,for example-the peoplewho did em-
pirical studieson the historyof technologies, the origin of industries,and
thedevelopment of realeconomies. Stanfordhada first-class groupof them,
andtheyhadbeenamongArthur'searliestandmostenthusiastic supporters.
For years,they hadsufferedfrom the factthat neoclassical theory,ifreally
takenseriously, saysthat historyis irrelevant.An economyin perfectequi-
librium exisboutsideof history;the marketplace will converge to the best
of all possibleworldsno matterwhat historicalaccidentsintervene.And
while very few economisbtook it quite that seriously,a lot of economics
departments aroundthe countrywerethinkingof scrapping their required
courses in economichistory.Sothe historianslikeillock-in.They likedthe
ideathat small eventscould havelargeconsequences. They sawArthur's
ideasaboutincreasingreturnsasprovidingthem with a rationalefor their
No onewasa moreeffectiveadvocate of thatpoint of viewthanArthur's
StanfordcolleaguePaul David, who had independently publishedsome
thoughnaboutincreasingreturnsand economichistorybackin the mid-
1970s.But from Arthur'spoint of view,evenDavid'ssupportbackfired.At
the nationalmeetingof theAmericanEconomicsAssociation in late 1984,
Davidparticipatedin a paneldiscussion on "What Is the Useof History?"
and usedthe QWEMY keyboardexampleto explainlock-in and path
dependence to 600economists at once.The talk createda sensation. Even
the hard-coremathematicaleconomists wereimpressed: here wasa theo-
retical reasonfor thinking that history wasimportant..Even the Boston
Clobewroteaboutit. And Arthur wassoonhearingpeopleaskhim, "Oh,
you'refrom Stanford.Haveyou heardaboutPaulDavid'sworkon lock-in
and pathdependence?"
"lt wassimplydreadful,"Arthur recalls."I felt I hadsomething to say,
and I couldn'tsayit-and the ideasweregeftingcreditedto otherpeople.
It appearedthat I wasfollowingratherthan leading.I felt lilceI wasin
somedoomedfairy story."
The Berkeleydebaclewith Fishlowand Rothenberg in March 1987was
arguablyhis lowestmoment-but not by much. He beganto havenight-
mares."About threetimesa weekI'd havethis dreamof a planetaking
off-and I wasnot on it. I felt I wasdefinitelygeftingleft behind." He
seriously beganto think of abandoning economics and devotinghimself
The lrish ldea of a Hero
full time again to his demographicresearch.His academic
to be turning to ashes.
All that kept him going was stubbornness'"I lust pushed' and-pushed'
had to give
and pushed,';h. r"1o. "ilust kept believingthat the system
Actually, he was right. And as it happens, he didn't have too
longer to wait.
l*t*i**@***6s &$$4SS8SSS 9S *S**A** aatc{t
plan was that he would invite ten economistsand that Phil Anderson, the
"So could
co.,derrsed-*atterphysicist,would invite ten physicalscientists.
you come and give a paper on mode-locking?" he asked'
"Certainly I iould,; Arthur heard himself say' ModeJocking? What the
devil was rnodeJocking?could Arrow be talking about his work on lock-
in and increasingreturns?Did Arrow even know about his work on in-
creasingreturns?"lfmm-whsre is this institute?"
,,lt'sin SantaFe, up in the foothillsof the Rockies,"Arrow said,climbing
back on his bicycle. with a quick good-byeand a promiseto send more
information later, he pedaled off, his white helmet making him visible
down Stanford'spalm-shadedwalkwaysfor quite a long distance'
Arthur staredafter him, hying to figure out what in the world he had
just committedhimself to. He didn't know which surprisedhim more: that
physicistswould want to talk to economists-or that Arrow would want to
talk to him.
Actually, Arthur wasn't the only one baffed by the Santa Fe lnstitute.
The first encounter was alwaysa bit of a shock to everybody.The place
violated stereotypes wholesale.Here was an outfit founded by aging aca-
demicsrich with privilege,fame, and Nobel Prizes-the very peopleyou'd
expectto be smugly content with the statusquo. And yet they were using
it as a platform to foment a self-proclaimedscientificrevolution.
Here wasan institutepopulatedlargelyby hard-corephysicistsand com-
puter iocksfrom Los Alamos, the original Shangri [,a of nuclear weaponry.
And yet the hallways were full of excited talk about the new sciencesof
"complexity": a kind of Grand Unified Holism that would run the gamut
from evolutionarybiology to fuzzy subjectslike economics,politics, and
history-not to mention helping us all to build a more sustainableand
In short, here was a total paradox.If you tried to imagine the SantaFe
Institutehappeningin the business world, you'dhaveto imaginethe director
of corporate research for IBM going off to starta little New Age Karmic
counselingservicein his garage-and then talkingthe chairmenof Xerox,
ChaseManhattan, and GM into ioining him.
What makes it even more remarkableis that the entrepreneurin this
picture-George A. Cowan, the former head of researchat [.os Alamos-
wasabout as un-New Age as anyonecould imagine.At agesixty-seven he
was a retiring, soft-spokenman who managedto look a bit like Mother
Teresain a golf shirt and unbuttoned sweater.He was not noted for his
charisma;in any given group he was usuallythe fellow standingoff to one
side, listening. And he was certainly not known for his soaringrhetoric.
Anyone who askedhim why he had organizedthe institutewas liable to
get a precise,high-mindeddiscussionof the shapeof sciencein the twenty-
first century and the needto takehold of scientificopportunities-the sort
The Revolt of the Old Turks 55
back to their labs in 1946. There he would sit with his fellow council
members:a bunch of augustscientistsgatheredaround some conference
table in the New Executive Office Building in Washington.Then the
president'sscienceadviser-George (fay)KeyworthII, who had been named
to the post the year before while he was a young division leader working
under Cowan at Los Alamos-would lay out a seriesof issuesfor their
comment. And Cowan would haveto admit to himselfthat he didn't have
a clue as to what to sayabout them.
"The AIDS thing was still quiet back then," he says,1'butthere was a
senseof suddenalarm. It was coming up every meeting. And frankly, I
was very puzzledhow to respond."Was it a public health issue?Was it a
moral issue?What? The answerwasn't so obvious at the time.
"Another issuewas manned spaceflight versusunmanned spaceprobes.
We were told that Congresswasn't going to vote a dime for the unmanned
spaceprogramwithout the manned component.But I had no idea if that
wastrue or not, It wasa political issuemuch more than a scientificissue'"
Then there was PresidentReagan's"Star Wars" StrategicDefenseIni-
tiative, the vision of a space-basedshield to protectthe country againsta
massivenuclearmissileattack.Wasit technicallyfeasible? Could it be built
without bankrupting the country? And even if it could be, was it wise?
Wouldn't it destabilizethe balanceof powerand spin the world into another
ruinous arms race?
And what about nuclea1power?How did you balancethe risk of a reactor
meltdownand the difficulty of disposingof nuclearwastesagainstthe virtual
certaintyof greenhousewarming due to the burning of fossilfuels?
And so it went. Cowan found the experiencedistressing."These were
very provocativelessonsin the interlinked aspectsof science, policy, eco-
nomics, the environment, even religion and morality," saysCowan. Yet
he felt incapableof giving relevantadvice. Nor did the other academic
typeson the ScienceCouncil seemto be doing much befter.How could
they?Theseissuesdemandedexpertiseover a broadrange.Yet as scientists
and as administrators,most of them had spent their entire lives being
specialists.The corporateculture of sciencedemandedit.
"The royal road to a Nobel Prize has generallybeen through the reduc-
tionist approach," he says-dissecting the world into the smallestand sim-
plest pieces you can. "You look for the solution of some more or less
idealized set of problems, somewhat divorced from the real world, and
constrainedsufficientlyso that you can find a solution," he says."And that
leadsto more and more fragmentationof science'Whereasthe real world
demands-though I hatethe word-a more holisticapproach. " Everything
The Revoltof the Old Turks 61
affects everything else, and you have to understand that whole web of
Even more distressingwas his sensethat things were only getting worse
for the younger generationof scientisb. fudging from what he'd seenof the
ones coming through Los Alamos, they were impressivelybright and en-
ergetic-but conditioned by a culture that was enforcing more and more
intellectual fragmentationall the time. Institutionally (asopposedto polit-
ically), universitiesare incrediblyconservative places.YoungPh.D.'s don't
dare break the mold. They have to spendthe better part of a decadein the
desperatepursuit of tenure in an existing department, which means that
they had better be doing researchthat the department'stenure committee
will recognize.Otherwise,they'regoingto hearsomethinglike, "Joe,you've
been working hard over there with the biologists.But how doesthat show
you're a leaderover here in physics?"Older researchers, meanwhile,have
to spend all their waking hours in the desperatepursuit of grantsto pay for
their research,which means that they had better tailor their proiectsto fit
into categoriesthat the funding agencieswill recognize.Otherwise, they're
going to hear something like, "foe, this is a great idea-too bad it's not
our department." And everybodyhas to get papersacceptedfor publication
in establishedscholarly iournals-which are almost invariably going to
restrict themselvesto papersin a recognizedspecialty.
After a few yearsof this, saysCowan, the enforcedtunnel vision becomes
so instinctive that people don't even notice it anymore. In his experience,
the closer any of his tos Alamos researcherswere to the academic world,
the harder it was to get them to participate in team efforts. "I've wrestled
with it for thirty years," he sighs.
As he thought about it, however,he beganto feel that the most distressing
thing of all was what this fragmentation processhad done to science as a
whole. The traditional disciplineshad becomesoentrenchedand so isolated
from one another that they seemedto be stranglingthemselves.There were
rich scientific opportunitieseverywhereyou looked, and too many scientists
seemedto be ignoring them.
If you wanted an example, Cowan thought, iust look at the kind of
opportunitiesopeningup in-well, he didn't really havea good name for
it. But if what he'd seenaround Los Alamoswasany indication, something
big was brewing. More and more over the pastdecade,he'd begun to sense
that the old reductionist approacheswere reaching a dead end, and that
even some of the hard-core physical scientistswere getting fed up with
mathematical abstractionsthat ignored the real complexitiesof the world.
They seemedto be half-consciouslygroping for a new approach-and in
the process,he thought, they werecutting acrossthe traditionalboundaries
in a way they hadn't done in years.Maybe centuries.
One of their inspirations,ironically enough, seemedto be molecular
biology. That's not the sort of thing that mostpeoplewould expecta weapons
laboratoryto be interestedin. But in fact, saysCowan, physicistshave been
deeply involvedwith molecularbiology from the beginning.Many of the
pioneersin the 6eld had actuallystartedout as physicists; one of their big
motivations to switch was a slim volume entitled What ls Life?, a seriesof
provocativespeculationsabout the physicaland chemical basisof life pub-
lished in 1944 by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schr<idinger,a coinventor
of quantum mechanics.(Having fled from Hitler, Schrddingerspent the
war safelyensconcedin Dublin.)One of thosewho wasinfluencedby the
book was Francis Crick, who deducedthe molecular shucture of DNA
along with JamesWatson in 1953-using data obtainedfrom x-ray crys-
tallography,a kind of submicroscopicimaging techniquedevelopedby phys
icists decades earlier. Crick, in fact, had originally hained as an
experimentalphysicist.GeorgeGamow, a Hungariantheoreticalphysicist
who wasone of the original proponentsof the Big Bangtheoryof the origin
of the universe, becameintensely interestedin the structure of the genetic
code in the early 1950sand helped inspire still more physicistsinto the
field. "The first really perceptive lecture I heard on the subject was by
Gamow," saysCowan.
Molecular biologyhad fascinatedhim eversince,he says,especiallyafter
the discoveryof recombinantDNA technologyin the early 1970sgave
biologiststhe power to analyzeand manipulate life-forms almost molecule
by molecule. So when he became head of researchat the laboratory in
1978,he had quickly thrown his supportbehind a maior researchinitiative
in the field-officially to study radiation damagein cells, but actually to
get Los Alamos involved in molecular biology on a broaderfront. [t was a
particularlygood time to do so, he recalls.Under director Harold Agnew,
Los Alamos had nearly doubled its size in the 1970s,and had opened itself
up to much more nonclassifiedbasic and applied research.Cowan's em-
phasison molecular biology fit right in. And that program, in turn, had
had a tremendousimpaet on people'sthinking at the laboratory' Especially
"Almost by definition,ll he says,"the physicalsciencesare fields char-
acterizedby conceptual eleganceand analytical simplicity. So you make a
virtue of that and avoid the other stuff." Indeed, physicistsare notorious
for curling their lips at "soft" scienceslike sociologyor psychology,which
try to grapple with real-world complexity. But then here came molecular
The Revoltof the Old Turks 63
biology, which describedincredibly complicated living systemsthat were
nonethelessgovernedby deep principles. "Once you're in a partnership
with biology," saysCowan, "you give up that elegance,you give up that
simplicity.You'remessy.And from thereit's somuch easierto startdiffusing
into economicsand social issues.Once you're partially immersed, you
might as well startswimming."
But at the sametime, saysCowan, scientists werealsobeginningto think
about more and more complex systemssimply becausethey could think
about them. When you're stuck with solving mathematical equations by
paper and pencil, how many variables can you handle without bogging
down?Three?Four?But when you haveenoughcomputerpowet you can
handle as many variablesas you like. And by the early 1980s,computers
were everywhere.Personalcomputerswere booming. Scientistswere load-
ing up their desktopswith high-poweredgraphicsworkstations.And the big
corporateand national labsweresproutingsupercomputerslike mushrooms.
Suddenly,hairy equationswith zillions of variablesdidn't look quite so
hairy anymore. Nor did it seem quite so impossibleto drink from the
firehoseof data. Columns of figures and miles of data tapescould be
transformed into color-coded maps of crop yields or of oil-bearing strata
lying under miles of rock. "Computers," saysCowan with considerable
understatement,"are great bookkeepingmachines."
But they could also be much more than that. Properly programmed,
computerscould become entire, self-containedworlds, which scientists
could explorein waysthat vastlyenrichedtheir understandingof the real
world. In fact, computersimulationhad becomeso powerfulby the 1980s
that somepeoplewere beginning to talk about it asa "third form of science,"
standing halfway between theory and experiment. A computer simulation
of a thunderstorm, for example, would be like a theory becausenothing
would existinsidethe computerbut the equationsdescribingsunlight,wind,
and water vapor. But the simulation would also be like an experiment,
becausethose equationsare far too complicatedto solveby hand. So the
scientistswatching the simulated thunderstorm on their computer screens
would see their equations unfold in patternsthey might never have pre-
dicted. Even very simple equations can sometimesproduce astonishing
behavior. The mathematicsof a thunderstormactually describeshow each
puff of air pusheson its neighbors,how eachbit of watervaporcondenses
and evaporates,and other such small-scalematters; there's nothing that
explicitly talks about "a rising column of air with rain freezing into hail-
stones" or "a cold, rainy downdraft bursting from the boftom of the cloud
and spreadingalong the ground." But when the computer integratesthose
The Fellows
provedto bea trickybusiness.
it hadn't beentoo difficult to find funding. cell-Mann had usedhis contacts
to wangle$25,000from the CarnegieFoundation.IBM kickedin $t0.000.
And cowan had gottenanother$25,000from the MacArthur Foundation.
(Gell-Mann, who was on the MacArthur board, had felt it was improper
to ask himself.)
Much tougher, however,wasthe issueof whom to invite. "The question
was,"sayscowan, ''could you getpeopleto talk to one anotherand mutually
stimulate one another about what washappeningat the boundariesbehveen
disciplines?And could we developa community that would actually nurture
this kind of thing?" It wasall too easyto imaginesuch a meetingdissolving
into mutual incomprehension, with everyone talking right past each
other-if they didn't walk out first in utter boredom. The only way to guard
againstthat was to invite peoplewith the right quality of mind.
"we didn't want the reclusivetypes,the oneswho shut themselvesoff
to write their book in some office," sayscowan. "we neededcommuni-
cation,we neededexcitement,we neededmutual intellectualstimulation."
In particular, he says,they neededpeople who had demonstratedreal
expertiseand creativity in an establisheddiscipline, but who were also open
to new ideas.That turned out to be a depressinglyrare combination, even
among (or especially among) the most prestigiousscientisb. Gell-Mann
suggesteda number of people who might do. "He has great taste about
intellectual strengths,"sayscowan. "And he knows everybody."Herb An-
derson suggestedsome others, as did Pines and phil Anderson. "phil has
a hell of a lot of common sense,"saysCowan. "He comesdown hard on
people he feels are fakers." Finding a mix that covereda broad enough
The Revoltof the old Turks 85
Yes, Dave, Phil Anderson told Pines over the phone. Yes, he was inter-
estedin economics. It was a bit of a hobby, in fact. And yes, this meeting
with Reedsoundedinteresting.But no, Dave, I can't come. I'm too busy.
But, Phil, said Pines, who knew that Anderson hated to travel, if you
work it right you can ride out on Reed'sprivate plane. You can bring your
wife, and you both can havethe fun of takinga privatejet. It's incredible.
Those iets go right to your destination. It cuts six hours off the door-to-
door time. It'll give you a chance to get to know fohn, and discussthe
programwith him. You can . . .
All right, said Anderson.All right. I'll come.
And so late in the afternoonof Wednesday,August 6, 1986, Anderson
and his wife, foyce, climbed aboardthe Citicorp Gulfstreamiet and rocketed
off toward Santa Fe. Well, Anderson had to admit it was fast. It was also
freezing.The Citicorp jet flew at about i0,000 feet,well abovecommercial
airspace,and its heatersdidn't seemquite able to handle the chill. foyce
Anderson huddled in back under a blanket while Anderson himself sat up
front talking economicswith Reedand threeof his assistants: Byron Knief,
Eugenia Singer, and Victor Menezes.Also along was Carl Kaysenof MIT
an economistwho had once been head of the Instifute for AdvancedStudy,
and who now served on the boards of both the Russell SageFoundation
and the SantaFe Institute.
Anderson found Reed to be pretty much as Adams had describedhim:
smart, direct, and articulate.Around New York he had a fiercereputation
for firing people en masse.But in person he struck Anderson as easygoing
and unpretentious-the kind of CEO who likesto chat with one leg draped
over an arm of his seat.He clearlywasn'tintimidatedby Nobel laureates.
In fact, he said he'd been looking forward to this meeting, for exactly the
same reasonhe enjoyed the meetingsof the RussellSageboard and all the
other academicboardshe was on. "That sort of thing is fun for me," he
says."It gives me an opportunity to talk to an academic-intellectualgroup
of folks who tend to look at the world quite differently from my dayto-day
iob. I think I benefit from seeing it both ways." In this particular case,
Reed recalls having had a great time thinking about how to explain his
admittedly biasedview of the world economyto a set of scholars."lt was
obviously different from the way one would explain it to a bunch of
bankers. "
For Anderson, the trip to SantaFe provedto be a marvelousbull session
The Revoltof the Old Turks 93
Walk down the corridors of almost any scientific institution in the world,
and you won't get far before a glance through an open office door reveals
a posterof Albert Einstein:Einsteinbundled in an overcoat,absentmind-
edly walking through the snowsof Princeton.Einsteingazingsoulfully at
the camera, a fountain pen clipped to the neck of his ratty sweater.Einstein
with a maniacalgrin, stickinghis tongue out at the world. The creatorof
relativig is very nearly the universalscientifichero, the very emblem of
profound thought and free creativespirit.
Back in the early 1950s,in Sacramento,California, Einstein was cer-
tainly a hero to a teenagedboy namedStuartKauffman."l admiredEinstein
enormously," he says."| is the wrong word. loved. I loved
his image of theory as the free inventionof the human mind. And I loved
his idea that sciencewasa questfor the secretsof the Old One"-Einstein's
metaphorfor the creatorof the universe.Kauffman especiallyremembers
his first contact with Einstein's ideasin 1954, when he wasfifteen and read
a popular book on the originsof relativityby Einsteinand his collaborator
teopold Infeld. "I was so thrilled that I could understandit, or thought I
could understandit. Somehow,by being powerfully inventive,and free,
Einstein had been able to createa world in his head. I remember thinking
that it was absolutelybeautiful that anyonecould do that. And I remember
crying when he died [in 1955]. It was as if I'd lost an old friend."
Until reading that book, Kauffman had been a good, if not spectacular,
studentearningAs and Bs, Afterward,he wasinfamed by a passionfor-
well, not scienceexactly.He didn't feel that he had to follow in Albert's
footstepsthat closely. But he certainly felt that same fierce desire to peer
into the depths. "When you look at a cubist painting and seethe structure
hidden within it-that's what I wanted." The most immediate manifes-
tation, in fact, was not scientific at all. The teenagedKauftnan developed
an all-consumingdesireto be a playwright,to fathom the forcesof light
and dark within the human soul. His first efiort, a musical written in
collaborationwith his high-schoolEnglish teacher,Fred Todd, was "ab-
solutely atrocious." And yet the thrill of being taken seriously by a real
adult-Todd was tweng-four at the time-was for Kauffman a crucial step
in his intellectual awakening. "lf Fred and I could write a musical when I
wassixteen,evenif it wasn'ta very goodmusical,then why not the world?"
So the Stuart Kauffman who enteredDartrnouth as a freshman in 1957
was every inch a playwright.He even smokeda pipe, becausea friend of
his had told him that if you wanted to be a playwright, you had to smoke
a pipe.And, of course,he continuedto writeplays:threemoreof them
. thatyearwith hisfreshmanroommateandhigh-school buddx Mac Magary.
I nut Kauffman soon began to noticesomething about his plays:the char-
I acters pontificateda greatdeal. "They blabbered about the meaningof life
I and what it means to be a good person-talking about it instead of doing
lit." He began to realizethathe waslessinterested in the plays persethan
J in the ideashis characters were grapplingwith. "I wanted to find my way
to somethinghiddenand powerfulandwonderful-without beingableto
articulatewhat it was.And when I found out that my friend Dick Green
at Harvardwasgoingto maiorin philosophy,I wasterriblyupset.I wished
I couldbe a philosopher. But, of course,I hadto be a playwright. To give
it up meantgivingup an identityI had begunto assumefor myself."
It tookabouta weekofstruggle,he recalls,beforehe reacheda profound
revelation:"l didn't haveto be a playwright-l couldbe a philosopherlSo
I spentthe nextsix yearsstudyingphilosophywith enormouspasion." He
startedout in ethics,of course.He hadwantedto understand the problem
of goodand evil asa playwright,and sowhatelsecould he possiblydo as
a philosopher? Yet he quickly found himselfattractedelsewhere,toward
the philosophyof scienceand the philosophyof mind. "lt seemedto me
theyharboredthe depths,"he says.What is it aboutsciencethat allowsit
to discoverthe natureof the worldTAnd whatis it aboutthe mind that
allowsit to knowthe world?
With that passionto carryhim, Kauffmangraduated third in his class
at Dartmouthin 1961,and then went on to a Marshallscholarship at
Oxfordfrom 1961to 1963.As it happens, he didn'thavelby a verydirect
route."I had eightmonthsbeforeI had to be at Oxford,so I did the only
rationalthing possible:I boughta Volkswagen busand lived in the Alps,
skiing.I hadthe mostprestigious possibleaddress in St. Antonin Austria.
I parkedin the parkinglot of the PostHotel, and I usedtheir reshoomall
But oncehe arrivedat Oxfordhefelt in hiselement.He canrecallhaving
beenin threeincrediblyexcitingintellectualenvironmenbin his life, and
Oxfordwasthe first. "lt wasthe first time in my life that I wassurrounded
by peoplewho weresmarterthan I was.The Americanstherewereiust
spectacular. The Rhodesscholars,the Marshallscholars.Someof them
are now fairly well known, David Souter,who wasin our groupat Mag-
dalene,is now on the SupremeCourt. And GeorgeF. Will and I usedto
go haveIndianmealsall the time to escape collegecooking."
Kauftnan'spassionfor understanding scienceand the mind led him to
Secretsof the Old One 105
false). But whatever the image, he felt that this on-off behavior captured
the essenceof the regulatorygene. What remainedwas the network of
interactionsbetweengenes.So, as the Berkeleyfree speechmovement was
unfolding down on campus,he spenthis sparetime sittingon the rooftop
of his apartment in Oakland, obsessivelydrawing little diagrams of his
regulatoiy geneshooked up in wiring diagrams, and trying to understand
how they turned each other on and off'
The obsessiondidn't let up, even after he finished his premed coulses
at Berkeleyand startedgoing to medical school in San Franciscofull time.
It wasn't tirat he wasbored in medical school. Quite the opposite:he found
medical schoolvery, very difficult. When his teachersweren'tdemanding
mountainous quantities of memorization, they would go through an infi-
nitely painstakingsystems analysisof thingslike the physiologyof the kidney.
At thai point, moreover,he still had every intention of practicing medicine.
It appealedto the Boy Scout in him: it was a combinationof doing good
and knowing exactly what to do in any given situation, like pitching a tent
in a storm.
No, Kauftnan kept playing with the networksbecausehe almost couldn't
help himself. "l passionatelywanted to be doing this bizarre scienceabout
these random nets." He got a C in pharmacology:"My notes from that
classare all full of diagramsof genetic circuitry," he says'
He found that circuitry terribly confusing at first. He knew a lot about
abstractlogic, but almost nothing about mathematics.And the computer
textbookshe found in the library told him almost nothing that was helpful.
..Automata theory was well establishedby then, and that was all about
logical switching nets. But those bookstold me how to synthesizea system
that would do something,or what the generallimits were of the capaci$
of complex automata. What I was interestedin were the natural laws of
comple* systems.Whence cometh the order?And nobody was thinking
about that at all. Certainly nobody that l knew." So he kept on drawing
reams of diagrams, trying to get an intuitive feel for how these networks
might behave. And whatever mathematics he needed, he invented for
himself as best he could.
He quickly convinced himself that if the network became as densely \
tangled as a plate of spaghetti,so that every gene was controlled by lots of I
other genes,then the systemwould iust thrasharound chaotically.Using I
the lig-ht bulb analogy, it would be like a giant Las vegas-style billboard I
- haywire, so that all the lights twinkled at random. No order here'
Kauftnan likewise convi.,cel himself that if each gene were controlled I
by at most one othergen€, so that the network wasvery sparselyconnected,
I then its behaviorwould be too simple. It would be like a billboard where
I most of the bulbs just pulsed on and off like mindless shobe lights. That
wasn't the kind of order Kauffman had in mind; he wantedhis geneticlight
bulbs to organize themselvesinto interestingpatternsanalogousto waving
palm hees or dancing flamingos. Besides,he knew that very sparselycon-
nected networks were unrealistic facob and Monod had already demon-
that real genestendedto be controlled by severalother genes.(Today,
/' the number is known to be gpically two ro !ep.)
So Kauffman startedto concentrateon networksin between,where the
connectionswere sparse,but not too sparse.To keepthings simple, in fact,
he looked at networks with precisely two inputs p". g.n.. And here he
began to find hints of something special. He already knew thet densely
connected networkswere hypeisensitivein the extreme:if you went in and
flipped the stateof any one genefrom say,on to olff,then you would higger
a whole avalancheof changesthat would cascadeback and forth through
the network indefinitely. Thatt why denselyconnectednetworls tended to
be chaotic. They could never settledown. But in his two-input networks,
Kauffman discoveredthat flipping one gene would typica\y not produce
an ever-expandingwave of change. Most often, the flipped gene would
simply unflip, going back to what it was before. In fact, ro ton! as the two
different patternsof gene activation were not too different, theyLuld tend
to converge. "Things were simplifying," saysKauftnan. 'rI could seethat
light bulbs tended to get into stateswhere they got stuckon or off. " In other
,, yodtr the two-input networla were like a billboard where you could start
s" lights blinking at random, and yet they would alwaysorganizethemselves
/ { into a flamingo or
\ a champagneglass.
order! Stealingwhatevertime he could from his medical counes. Kauff-
man filled his notebookswith more and more of his random two-input
nehvorks,analyzingthe behavior of each one in detail. It was both tan-
talizing and frushating work. The goodnewswasthat the two-input networks
almost alwaysseemedto stabilize very quickly. At most they would cycle
over and over through a handful ofdifferent states.That's exactlywhat you
wantedfor a stablecell. The bad newswasthat he couldn't tell if his models
had anything at all to do with real geneticregulatorynetworks.Realnetworks
in real cells involved tensof thousandsof genes.And yet Kauffman'spencil-
and-papernetworla were alreadygetting out of hand when they contained
only 6ve or six genes. Keeping track of all the possible statesand state
transitionsof a seven-genenetwork meant filling in a matrix containing
128 rows and 14 columns. Doing it for an eight-genenetwork would have
Secretsof the Old One 111
required a matrix twice as big as that, and so on. "The chancesfor making
an error by hand were iust awfully large," saysKauffman' "l kept looking
longingly at my seven-elementnetworks, I just couldn't stand the idea of
having to do eight."
"Aiyway," he rays,"somewherein my sophomoreyearin medicalschool
I couldn't take it anymore. I'd been playing long enough. So I went across
the street to the computer center, and I askedif someonewould help me
programit. They said, but you haveto pay for it'' So I whipped out
my wallet. I was readyto pay for it."
Having decided to take the plunge into computers, Kauffman vowed to
go all out, he would simulate a network with 100 genes-looking back on
it no*, he laughs, it was a good thing he didn't quite know what he was
doing. Think of it this way. One gene by itself can have only two states:
on off. But a network of two genescan have 2 X 7, or four states:on-
on, on-off, offon, off'off' A network of three genescan have 2 x 2 x 2,
or eight states,and so on. So the number of statesin a network of 100
g..,.J i, 2 multiplied by itself 100 times, which turns out to be almost
lxactly equal to one million hillion trillion: I followedby 30 zeros.That's
an immense spaceof possibilities,saysKauffman. In principle, moreover,
there was,,o ,."ron why his simulatednetworkshouldn't haveiust wandered
around in that spaceat random; after all, he was deliberatelywiring it up
at random. And that would have meant that his idea of cell cycles was
hopeless:the computer would have had to go through roughly one million
triiion trillion transitionsbefore it ever startedretracing its steps.It would
be a cell cycle of sorts,but vastbeyondimagining. "If it takesa microsecond
for the computer to go from one stateto another," saysKauffman, "and if
it had to keep running for somethinglike a million trillion trillion micro-
seconds,you'd have billions of times the history of the universe. I'd have
n.u., *"d. it through medicalschool!"lndeed,the computerchargesalone
would have bankrupted him long before graduation'
Fortunately,however,Kauffman hadn't done that calculation at the time.
So, with the aid of a very helpful programmerat the computer center, he
coded up a simulated two-input network with 100 genesin it, and then
blithely turned in his deck of punch cards at the front desk. The answer
came back ten minutes later, printed out on wide sheetsof fan-fold paper.
And exactly as he had expected,it showedhis network quickly settling into
orderly states,with most of the genesfrozen on or off and the rest cycling
through a handful of configurations.Thesepatternscertainlydidn't look
like famingos or anything recognizable;if his 100-genenetwork had been
a las vegasbillboardwith a hundredlight bulbs,then the orderlystates
would havelookedlike oscillatingblobs.But they werethere, and they
"I wasiust unbelia,ablythrilled!" sayslGuftnan. "And I felt then and feel
now that it wasratherprofound.I had found somethingthat no one would
haveintuitedthen." Insteadof wandering througha spaceof one million
hillion trillion states,his hvo-inputnetworkhadquicklymovedto an in6n-
itesimalcomerof thatspaceandstayed there."It settleddownandoscillated
througha cycleof five or six or sevenor, more typicallyit turned out,
aboutten states.That'san amazingamountof orderiI wasjust stunned."
That firstsimulationwasonly the beginning.Kauffmanstill hadno idea
of whysparselyconnectednetworlswereso magical.But they were,and
he felt asthoughthey had givenhim a wholenewwayof thinking about
genesand embryonicdevelopment.using that originalprogramasa tem-
plate and modifyingit as needed,he ran simulationsin endlessvariety.
When and why did this orderlybehavioroccur,he wantedto know.And,
not incidentally,how could he testhis theorywith realdata?
well, he thought, one obviouspredictionof his model wasthat real
geneticnetworkswould haveto be sparsely connected; denselyconnected
networksseemedincapableof settlingdown into stablecycles.He didn't
expectthemto havepreciselytwo inputspergene,like his modelnetworks.
Natureis neverquitethatregular.But from his computersimulations and
his reamsof calculations,he realizedthat the connections only had to be
sparsein a certainstatisticalsense.And when you lookedat the data,by
golly, real nehvorlcseemedto be sparsein exactlythat way.
Sofarsogood.Anothertestof thetheorywasto lookata givenorganism
with a givensetof regulatorygenes,and askhow many typ., it *",
capableof producing.Kauftnanknewhe couldn'tsayanything "-ll
ofcourse,sincehe wasdeliberately trying to studythe typicir behaviorof
networks.But he could certainlylook for a statisticalrelationship.His
presumption all alonghadbeenthata oneof his
*"bJe-st4te cycles.$o hebeganto runbiglera simulationsl
trackof how manystatecyclesoccurredasthe sizi of the modelnetwork
. increased.By the time he got up to networksof 400 to 500 genes,he had
/ determined that the number of cyclesscaledroughly as the squareroot of
(\ the number of genesin the network.Meanwhile,he had alsobeenspending
sparehour in the medical school library, pouring through obscure
. .. references looking for comparable data on real organisms.And when he
finallr plotted it all up, there it was:the number of cell typesin an organism
I ff
did indeedscaleroughly as the squareroot of the number of genesit had.
I ,L '
Secretsof the Old One 113
.,Goddamnit, it workedl"saysKauftnan. It wasthe
And so it went.
mostbeautifulthing he hadeverexperienced. By the endof his sophomore
yearat medicalschool he had run up hundredsupon hundredsof dollars
in computerbills. He paidit all withouta quiver'
thought there might be some truth to that, he still didn't think it got to
the heart of the matter.
When you look at economic history, as opposedto economic theory, he
told Kauffman, technology isn't really like a commodity at all. It is much
more like an evolving ecosystem."In particular, innovations rarely happen
in a vacuum. They are usually made possibleby other innovations being
alreadyin place. For example,a laserprinter is basicallya Xerox machine
with a laser and a liule computer circuitry to tell the laser where to etch
on the Xerox drum for printing. So a laser printer is possiblewhen you
havecomputer technology,lasertechnology,and a Xerox reproducingtech-
nology. But it is also only possiblebecausepeople need fancy, high-speed
In short, technologiesform a highly interconnectedweb-or in Kauff-
man's language,a network. Furthermore, these technologicalwebs are
highly dynamic and unstable.They can grow in a fashionthat is almost
organic, as when laserprintersgive rise to desktoppublishing software,and
desktop publishing opens up a new niche for graphics programs. "Tech-
nology A, B, and C might make possibletechnologyD, and so on," says
Arthur. "So there'd be a networkof possibletechnologies,all interconnected
and growing as more things becamepossible.And thereforethe economy
could becomemore complex."
Moreover, these technological webs can undergo burstsof evolutionary
creativity and massiveextinction events,iust like biological ecosystems.Say
a new technology like the automobile comes in and replacesan older
technology,the horse.Along with the horsego the smithy, the pony express,
the watering troughs, the stables,the people who curried horses, and so
on. The whole subnetworkof technologiesthat dependedupon the horse
suddenly collapsesin wlrat the economist JosephSchumpeteronce called
"a gale of destruction." But along with the car come paved roads, gas
stations, fast-food restaurants,motels, traffic courts and traffic cops, and
traffic lights. A whole new network of goodsand servicesbegins to grow,
each one filling a niche opened up by the goodsand servicesthat came
before it.
Indeed, said Arthur, this processis an excellent example of what he
meant by increasingreturns:once a new technologystartsopening up new
niches for other goodsand services,the people who fill those niches have
every incentive to help that technology grow and prosper.Moreover, this
processis a major driving force behind the phenomenonof lock-in: the
more niches that spring up dependenton a given technology, the harder
it is to change that technology-until somethingvery much befter comes
So this idea about technological webs was very much in keeping with
his vision of a new economics, Arthur explained. The problem was that
the mathematics that he had developedwas only good for looking at one
technology at a time. What he really neededwasa networkykind of model
like the ones Kauftnan had developed."So," he askedKauffman, ',could
you do a model where a technologyis 'switchedon'when it is created,
Kauffman listenedto all this thunderstruck.Could he? What Arthur was
describingwas, in a very different language,a problem that Kauftnan had
been working on for a decadeand a half.
Within minutes Kauffman wasoff, explaining to Arthur why the process
of technological change is exactly like the origin of life.
Kauffman 6rst got the idea back in 1969, around the time he arrived at
the theoreticalbiology group in Chicago.
After medicalschool,he says,beingin Chicagofelt like beingin heaven.
Looking back on it, in fact, Chicago was the second of his three most
exciting intellectual environments."lt was an extraordinaryplace full of
exhaordinarily able people," he says."The departrnentin Chicago was the
focus in the United Statesfor the sameset of friends I'd met in ltaly." fack
Cowan wasdoing his groundbreaking work on corticaltissue,writing down
simple equationsthat describedwavesof excitation and inhibition moving
acrosstwo-dimensionalsheetsof neuronsin the brain. JohnMaynardSmith
wasdoing his equallygroundbreaking workon evolutionarydynamics,using
a mathematical technique known as game theory to clarify the nature of
competition and cooperationamong species.Maynard Smith, who was
there on sabbaticalfrom the Universig of Sussex,alsogaveKauftnan some
much-neededhelp on the mathematicalanalysisof networla. "John taught
me to'Do sums,'ashe put it," saysKauftnan, "and I curedhis pneumonia
one day."
Now that he was surroundedby colleaguesand soul mates,Kauftnan
quickly discoveredthat he had not been alone in thinking about the sta-
tistical properties of networks. In 1952, for example, the English neuro-
physiologistRossAshby had speculatedalong much the samelines in his
book Design for a Brain. "He wasaskingquite similar questionsabout what
is the generic behavior of complex networls," saysKauffman. "But that
Secretsof the Old One 121
wascompletelyunknown to me. I got in touch with him assoonas I found
out about it."
At the same time, Kauffman discoveredthat in developing his genetic
networks, he had reinventedsome of the most avant-gardework in physics
and applied mathematics-albeit in a totally new context.The dynamics
of his genetic regulatory networksturned out to be a special caseof what
the physicistswerecalling "nonlineardynamics." From the nonlinearpoint
of view, in fact, it was easy to see why his sparselyconnected networks
could organizethemselvesinto stablecyclesso easily:mathematically,their
behavior was equivalentto the way all the rain falling on the hillsides
around a valley will flow into a lake at the bottom of the valley. In the
spaceof all possiblenetwork behaviors,the stablecycleswere like basins-
or as the physicistsput it, "athactors."
After six yearsof agonizing over thesenetworks,Kauffman was gratified
to think that he was finally beginning to understandthem so well. And
yet-he couldn't help but feel that somethingwas still missing.Thlking
about self-organizationin genetic regulatory networks was all very nice.
But at a molecularlevel, geneticactivig dependson the incrediblycomplex
and sophisticatedmolecules known as RNA and DNA. Where did they
come from?
How did life get startedat all?
Well, according to the standard theory in the biology textbooks, the
origin of life was rather straighdorward. DNA, RNA, proteins, polysac-
charides,and all the other moleculesof life must have arisenbillions of
yearsagoin somewarm little pond, wheresimple molecular building blocks
like amino acids and such had accumulated from the primordial atmos-
phere. Back in 1953, in fact, the Nobel laureatechemistHarold Urey and
his graduate student Stanley Miller showed experimentally that an early
atmosphereof methane, ammonia, and the like could haveproducedthose
building blocks quite spontaneously;all it would have taken was the oc-
casionallightning bolt to provide energyfor chemical reactions.So over
time, went the argument, thosesimple compoundswould have collected
in ponds and lakes, undergoing further chemical reactionsand growing
more and more complex. Eventually,therewould havearisena collection
of moleculesthat included the DNA double helix and/or ib single-strand
cousin, RNA-both of which havethe power to reproducethemslves.And
once there wasself-reproduction,all the restwould then follow from natural
selection. Or so went the standardtheory.
But Kauffman didn't buy it. For one thing, most biologicalmolecules
are enormousobjects.To makea singleproteinmolecule,for example,
you might haveto chain togetherseveralhundredamino-acidbuilding
blocksin a preciseorder.That'shardenoughto do in a modernlaboratory,
whereyouhaveaccess to all thelatesttoolsofbiotechnology. Sohowcould
sucha thingformall by itselfin a pond?Lotsof peoplehadtriedto calculate
the oddsof thathappening,andtheir answers alwayscameout prettymuch
the same:if the formationweretruly random,you wouldhaveto wait far
longerthan the lifetimeof the universeto produceevenoneusefulprotein
molecule,much lessall the myriadsof proteinsandsugars andlipidsand
nucleicacidsthat you needto makea fully functioningcell. Evenif you
assumed that all the trillionsof starsin all the millionsof galaxies in the
observable universehad planetslike Earth, with warm oceansand an
atmosphere, the probabilitythat anyof them wouldbring forth life would
still be-infinitesimal. If the originof life hadreallybeena randomevent,
then it had reallybeena miracle.
More specifically,however,Kauffmandidn't buy the standardtheory
because it equatedthe originof life with the appearance of DNA. It iust
didn't seemreasonable to Kauftnan that the origin of life shoulddepend
on somethingsocomplicated. The DNA double helix can reproduce itself,
all right. But its ability to do so dependscriticallyon its ability to uncoil,
unzipitstwostrands, andmakecopiesof itself.In moderncells,moreover,
thatprocess alsodepends on a hostof specializedproteinmolecules,which
servevarioushelperroles.How could all that havehappenedin a pond?
"It wasthesameimpulsethatlaybehindmy question of whetheryoucould
Fnd order in geneticregulatorynetworks,"saysKauffman'"There was
somethingtoo marvelousaboutDNA. I simplydidn't want it to be true
that the origin of life depended on somethingquiteasspecialasthat. The
'What if Cod had hung anothervalence
wayI phrasedit to myselfwas,
bond on nitrogen?fNihogenatomsare abundantin DNA molecules']
Would life be impossible?'And it seemed to me to be an appallingcon-
clusionthat life shouldbe thatdelicately poised."
But then, thoughtKauftnan, who saysthat the criticalthing aboutlife
is DNA? For that matter,who saysthat the origin of life wasa random
event?Maybetherewasanotherwayto geta self-replicating systemstarted,
a way that would have allowed living systems to bootstrap their way into
existence from simple reactions.
Okay,then. Think aboutwhatthatprimordialsoupmusthavebeenlike,
with all thoselittle amino acidsand sugarsand suchbangingaround.
Obviously,you couldn't expectthem to iust fall togetherinto a cell. But
you couldexpectthem to undergoat leastsomerandomreactions with one
Secrets of the Old One 123
another. In fact, it's hard to seewhat could have stoppedthem from doing
so. And while random reactionswouldn't have producedanything very
fancy, you could do the calculationsand show that, on the average,they
would have produceda fair number of smallish moleculeshaving short
chains and branches.
Now, that fact in itself wouldn't have made the origin of life any more
probable. But suppose,thought Kauffman, just supposethat some of these
smallishmoleculesfloatingaround in the primordial soupwereable to act
as"catalysts"-submicroscopic matchmakers.Chemistsseethis sort of thing
all the time: one molecule, the catalyst,grabshvo other moleculesas they
go tumbling by and brings them together,so that they can interact and fuse
very quickly. Then the catalystreleasesthe newly weddedpair, grabsanother
pair, and so on. Chemists also know of a lot of catalystmolecules that act
as chemical axe murderers,sidling up to one moleculeafter another and
slicing them apart. Either way, catalysb are the backboneof the modem
chemical industry. Gasoline, plastics,dyes,pharmaceuticals-almost none
of it would be possiblewithout catalysts.
All right, thought Kauffman, imagine that you had a primordial soup
containing some molecule A that was busily catalyzingthe formation of
another molecule B. The first molecule probably wasn't a very effective
catalyst,since it essentiallyformed at random. But then, it didn't need to
be very effective. Even a feeblecatalystwould have made B-type molecuies
form faster than they would have otherwise.
Now, thought Kauffman, supposethat molecule B itself had a weak
catalytic effect, so that it boostedthe production of some molecule C. And
supposethat C also acted as a catalyst,and so on. If the pot of primordial
soup wasbig enough, he reasoned,and if there were enough different kinds
of molecules in there to start with, then somewheredown the line you
might very well havefound a molecule Z that closedthe loop and catalyzed
the creation of A. But now you would have had more A around, which
meansthat there would have been more catalystavailableto enhancethe
formation of B, which then would have enhancedthe formation of C, and
on and on.
In other words, Kauffrnan realized, if the conditio.nsin your primordial
soup were right, then you wouldn't have to wait for random reactionsat
all. The compounds in the soup could have formed a coherent, self-rein-
forcing web of reactions. Furthermore, each molecule in the web would
have catalyzedthe formation of other molecules in the web-so that all
the molecules in the web would havesteadilygrown more and more abun-
dant relative to molecules that were not part of the web. Thken as a whole,
in short,thewebwouldhavecala.lyzed It wouldhave
been an "a
all this.Hereit wasasain:order.
Kauffmanwasin ad6Thenhe realized
Order for free. ader arising naturally from the laws of physicsand chem-
istry.Order emergingspontaneously from molecularchaosand manifesting
itself as a systemthat grows. The idea was indescribablybeautiful.
But was it life? Well no, Kauffinan had to admit, not if you meant life
as we know it today. An autocatalytic set would have had no DNA, no
geneticcode, no cell membrane. In fact, it would have had no real in-
dependentexistenceexceptas a haze of moleculesfloating around in some
ancient pond. If an extraterrestrialDarwin had happenedby at the time,
he (or it) would have been hard put to notice anything unusual' Any given
molecule participating in the autocatalytic set would have looked pretty
much like any other molecule. The essencewas not to be found in any
individual piece of the set, but in the overall dynamics of the set: its
collective behavior.
And yet in somedeepersense,thought Kauffman, maybean autocatalytic
set would have been alive. Certainly it would have exhibited some re-
markablylifelike properties.It could grow, for example:there wasno reason
in principle why an autocatalyticset shouldn't be open-ended,producing
more and more moleculesastime went on-and moleculesthat weremore
and more complex. Moreover, the set would have possesseda kind of
metabolism: The web molecules would take in a steadysupply of "food"
molecules, in the form of amino acidsand other simple compoundsfoating
all around them in the soup, and catalytically glue them togetherto form
the more complex compounds of the set ibelf.
An autocatalyticsetwould even exhibit a primitive kind of reproduction:
if a set from one little pond happenedto slosh over into a neighboring
pond-in a food, say-then the displaced set could immediately start
growing in its new environment. of course, if another, different set were
alreadyin place, then the two would engagein a competition for resources.
And that, Kauffma.t realized, would immediately open the door for natural
selection to winnow and refine the sets. It was easy enough to imagine
such a processselectingthose setsthat were more robust to environmental
changei or that contained more efficient catalysb and more elaboratere-
actions or that contained more complex and sophisticatedmolecules. Ul-
timately, in fact, you could imagine the winnowing processgiving rise to
DNA and all the rest. The real key was to get an entity that could survive
and reproduce; after that, evolution could do ib work in comparatively
short order.
Secrets of the Old One 125
okax this was admittedly piling up a lot of ifs on top of ifs. But to
Kauffman, this autocatalyticset story was far and away the most plausible
explanation for the origin of life that he had ever heard. If it were true, it
meantthe origin of life didn't haveto wait for someridiculouslyimprobable
eventto producea setof enormouslycomplicatedmolecules;it meant that
life couli indeed have bootstrappedits way into existencefrom very simple
molecules.And it meant that life had not been iust a random accident,
but was part of nature's incessantcompulsion for self-organization'
Kauffman wasenthralled. He immediately plunged into calculationsand
computer simulations and random network models, doing exactly what he
had done at Berkeley:he wanted to understandthe natural laws of auto-
catalytic sets.Okay,he thought, you don't know what compoundsand what
reactionswere really involved way back when. But at least you can think
about probabilities.Was the formation of an autocatalyticset a wildly
unlikely event?Or was it almost inevitable?[,ook at the numbers' Suppose
you have a few different kinds of "food" molecules-amino acids, et cet-
era-and supposethat in the primordial soup, they start linking up into
polymer chains. How many differentkinds of polymerscan you make this
way? How many reactionsare there among the polymers, s'othat you can
make a big web of reactions?And what is the likelihood that if you had
this big web of reactionsit would close on itself and form an autocatalytic
"As I thought it through," he says,"it became perfectly obvious to me
that the number of reactionswent up fasterthan the number of polymers'
So that if there wasany fixed probability that a polymer catalyzeda reaction,
there'd be some complexity at which this thing would have to become
mutually autocatalytic."In other words, it was iust like his genetic net-
works: if the primordial soup passeda certain threshold of complexi$,
then it would undergo that funny phasetransition. The autocatalytic set
would indeed be almost inevitable. In a rich enough primordial soup, it
would hcve to form-and life would "crystallize" out of the soup sPonta-
The whole storywas iust too beautiful, Kauffman felt.lthad to be true.
"I believe in this scenario as strongly now as I did when I first came up
with it," he says."I believe very strongly that this is how life began."
Arthur was ready to believe it too. He thought that this was great stuff,
and not only becauseit wasa marvelousideaabout the origin of life. The
analogiesbetween autocatalysisand economics were iust too delicious to
accddbacd--'>accd + dbacd
Or they coulil do the reverseand ioin at the ends:
bfuad + cccba-->bbcadcccba
It was lessthan two weekslater, on October 25, 1986, that Merit Kauff-
man was killed. And in the aftermath of her death, the Santa Fe house
suddenly became a great deal more for the Kauffrnans than a vacation
home. From then on it wasa refuge.Liz and Ethan movedthereessentialiy
full time, while Stuart Kauftnan himself became a kind of exile moving
in between, tethered to Penn only by his students,a salary, and a tenure
Secretsof the Old One 135
slot. His departmentchairman,recognizingthat it wasa matterof emotional
salvation, arrangedfor Kauffman to spendup to half his time in Santa Fe.
"lt was extraordinarilykind," he says."Not many placeswould allow you
to do that."
Kauffman sayshe remembersvery little about the following year. In May
1987 he liarned that he had been awardedone of the MacArthur Foun-
dation'sno-shings"genius" grants.He wasexhilarated-and yet he hardly
felt it. "Thlk about one ofthe worstthingsthat can happenand one ofthe
bestthings that can happen." He basicallyretreatedinto his work. "Being
a scientist,"he says,"is the placeI can go to that feelsnormal." And often
he would walk along thesedirt roadsin the desert,gazingat the mountains
and looking for the secret.
It ta'* 1 t* 1 3 t a s * a r* * f a** r **a a?a o **a *nt*f
Immediately,he says,he could seeall the physicists in the room sitting
,.Herewasa subjectthatwasn'ttrivial.It waslike theirsubiect,but it
hasthesetwo interestingquirks-strategyand expectations."
Unfortunately, the economists' standard solutionto the problemof ex-
oectations-perfect rationality-drove the nub. Perfectly
physicists rational
agentsdo haE]Eeffiftf5eing perfectly predictable.That is, they know
everythingthat can be known about the choices they will face infinitely
far into ttrefuture,andtheyuseflawless reasoning to foresee all thepossible
implicationsof their actions. So you can safelysay that they will always
takethe most advantageous action in any given situation, based on the
availableinformation.of course,theymaysometimes be caughtshortby
oil shocks,technologicalrevolutions, politicaldecisions aboutinterestrates,
andothernoneconomic surprises. But theyaresosmartandsofastin their
adjustments that they will alwayskeepthe economyin a kind of rolling
equilibrium,with supplypreciselyequalto demand.
The only problem,of course,is that real human beingsare neither
perfectlyrationalnor perfectlypredictable-asthe physicisbpointedout
at greatlength.Furthermore,asseveralof themalsopointedout, thereare
real theoreticalpidalls in assumingperfectpredictions,even if you do
assumethat peopleare perfectlyrational.In nonlinearsystems-andthe
economyis mostcertainlynonlinear-chaostheorytellsyouthattheslight-
estuncertaintyin your knowledge of the initial conditionswill often grow
inexorably.After a while, your predictionsare nonsense.
"They kept pushingus and pushingus," saysArthur. ,,The physicists
wereshockedat the assumptions the economists weremaking-that the
testwasnot a matchagainstreality,but whetherthe assumptions werethe
\ commoncurrencyof the field. I caniustseePhil Anderson,Iaid backwith
\ a smileon his face,saying, reallybelievethat?'"
\ Th. economisb,backedinto a corner,wouldreply, but thisallows
us to solvetheseproblems.If you don't maketheseassumptions, then you
I can't do anything."
\ And the physicisbwould comeright back,"yeah, but wheredoesthat
fou-fou're solvinglhe wrongproblemif that'snot realig."
Perpetual Novelty
ranging their
rangrng !!err building blocksas they gain experie1199.
ations of organismswill modify and rearrangetheir
processof evolution. The brain will continually strengthenor weakenmyr-
iad connectionsbetweenib neuronsas an individual learnsfrom his or
her encounterswith the world. A firm will promote individuals who do
w_elland (more rarely) will reshuffie its organizational chart for greater
efficiency. countries will make new trading agreementsor realignlhem-
selvesinto whole new alliances.
At some deep, fundamental level, said Holland, all these Drocesses of
Iearning, evolution, and adaptationare the same. And on. of the funda-
mental mechanismsof adaptationin any given systemis this revisionand
recombinationof the building blocks.
Third, he said, all complexadaptivesystemsanticipatethe future. Ob-
viously,this is no surpriiet" th. ;;oilmi. TE6"a'ntftb;tion
of an ex-
tendedrecession,for example,may lead individualsto deferbuying a new
car or taking an expensivevacation-thereby helping guarantee that the
recessionwill be extended.The anticipationof an oil shortagecan likewise
send shock wavesof buying and selling through the oil ma*ets-whether
or not the shortageever comes to pass.
But in fact, said Holland, this businessof anticipationand prediction
goes far beyond issuesof human foresight, or even consciousness.From
bacteriaon up, every living creaturehas an implicit prediction encodedin
its genes:"In such and such an environment, the organismspecifiedby
this geneticblueprint is likely to do well." Likewise,everycreaiurewith a
brain has myriad implicit predictions encoded in what it has learned: "In
situationABC, action XYZ is likely to pay off."
More generally,said Holland, every complex adaptivesystemis con-
stantly making predictions based on its various internal models of the
world-its implicit or explicit assumptionsabout the way things are out
there. Furthermore,thesemodelsare much rnore than passiveblueprints.
They are active. Like subroutinesin a computer program, they can come
to life in a givensituationand "execute,"producingbehaviorin the system.
In fact, you can think of internalmodelsasthe building blocksof behavior.
And like any other building blocks, they can be tested,re6ned, and rear-
rangedas the systemgainsexperience.
the Game
Masterof the
Master 147
He filed that thought away in his mind as something to mull over. For
the moment he wasmore than busyenoughwith his own proiect:an attempt
to simulate the inner workings of the brain itself. It startedin the spring of
1952,he remembers,ashe waslisteningto J.C.R. Licklider,a psychologist
from MIT who had come for a visit to the Poughkeepsielab and who had
agreedto give the group there a lecture on what wasthen one of the hottest
topics in the field: the new theoriesof learning and memory being advanced
by neurophysiologistDonald O. Hebbpf McGill Universi$ in Montreal.
probiem was this, Licklidffi,i-explained: Througtr a microscope,
most of the brain appearsto'be a study in chaos, with each nerve cell
sendingout thousandsof random filamentsthat connect it willy-nilly to
cells.And yetthisdenselvinterconnected
is obviouslynot random.A healthybrain producesperception,thought,
and actionquite coherently.Moreover,the brain is obviouslynot static.It
refinesand adaptsits behaviorthroughexperience. It learns.The question
is, How?
Jhree yearsearlier,in 1949,Hebbhad publishedhis answerin a book
entitledTheOrganizationof Behavior.His fundamentalideawasto assume
that the brain is constantlymakingsubtlechangesin the "synapses," the
pointsof connectionwherenerveimpulsesmakethe leapfrom onecell to
the next. This assumptionwasa bold moveon Hebb'spart, sinceat the
time he had no evidencefor it whatsoever. But havingmadeit, he argued
thatthesesynapticchanges werein factthebasisof all learningandmemory.
A sensoryimpulsecomingin from the eyes,for example,would leaveits
traceon the neuralnetworkby stren$heningall the synapses thatlay along
its path. Much the samething would happenwith impulsescomingin
from the earsor from mentalactivityelsewhere in the brain itself.And as
a result,saidHebb, a networkthat startedout at randomwould rapidly
organizeitself. Experiencewould accumulatethrougha kind of positive
feedbachthe strong,frequentlyusedsynapses wouldgrowstronger,while
theweak,seldom-used synapses wouldatrophy.The favoredsynapses would
eventuallybecomesostrongthat the memorieswouldbe lockedin. These
memories,in turn, would tend to be widely distributedover the brain,
with eachone corresponding to a complexpatternof synapses involving
thousandsor millions of neurons.(Hebbwasone of the first to describe
suchdistributedmemoriesas"connectionist. ")
But therewasmore. In his lecture,Lickliderwenton to explainHebb's
secondassumption: that the selectiveshengthening of the synapses would
causethe brain to organizeitselfinto lsslt4remhlig!"-sgfssg of several
thousandneuronsin which circulatingnerveimpulseswould reinforce
themselves andcontinueto circulate.Hebbconsidered thesecell assemblies
to be the brain'sbasicbuildingblocksof information.Eachone would
correspond to a tone, a fash of light, or a fragmentof an idea. And yet
theseassemblies wouldnot bephysicallydistinct.Indeed,theywouldover-
lap, with any givenneuronbelongingto severalof them. And becauseof
that, activatingone assemblywould inevibbly lead to the activationof
others,so that thesefundamentalbuildingblocls would quicklyorganize
themselvesinto largerconceptsand more complexbehaviors.The cell
assemblies, in short,would be the fundamentalquantaof thought.
Sittingtherein the audience,Holland wastransfixedby all this. This
wasn'tiust the arid stimulus/response view of psychology beingpushedat
the time by behavioristssuchasHarvard'sB. F. Skinner.Hebbwastalking
Masterof the Game 159
about what was going on inside the mind. His connectionisttheory had
the richness,the perpetualsurprisethat Holland respondedso stronglyto.
It felt right. And Holland couldn't wait to do somethingwith it. Hebb's
theory was a window onto the essenceof thought, and he wanted to watch.
He wanted to seecell assembliesorganizethemselvesout of random chaos
and grow. He wanted to seethem interact. He wanted to seethem incor-
porateexperienceand evolve.He wantedto seethe emergenceof the mind
itself. And he wantedto seeall of it happenspontaneously,without external
No sooner had Licklider finished his lecture on Hebb than Holland
turned to his leaderon the 701 team, Nathaniel Rochester,and said, "Well,
we've got this proto$pe machine. Let's program a neural network simu-
And that'sexactlywhat they did. "He programmedone," saysHolland,
"and I programmed another, rather different in form. We called them the
No hubris there!"
In fact, the IBM Conceptors stand as an impressiveaccomplishment
even forty years later, when neural network simulations have long since
become a standard tool in artificial intelligence research.The basic idea
would still look familiar enough. In their programs,Holland and Rochester
modeled their artificial neurons xs "neds5"-in effect, tiny computersthat
can remember certain things about their internal state.They modeled their
artificial synapsesasabstractconnectionsbetweenvariousnodes,with each
connectionhaving a certain "weight" correspondingto the strengthof the
synapse.And they modeled Hebb's learning rule by adjustingthe strengths
as the network gained experience.However, Holland, Rochester,and their
collaboratorsalso incorporatedfar more detailsabout basicneurophysiology
than most neural network simulations do today, including such factors as
how fast each simulatedneuron fired and how "tired" it got if it was fired
too often.
Not surprisingly, they had a tough time getting it all to work. Not only
were their programsamong the 6rst neural network simulations ever, they
markedone of the first times a computer had beenusedto simulateanything
(asopposedto calculatingnumbersor sortingdata).Holland givesIBM a
lot of credit for its corporate patience. He and his colleaguesspent un-
counted hours of computer time on their networks, and even took a trip
up to Montreal to consult with Hebb himself-at company expense.
But in the end, by golly, the simulations worked. "There was a lot of
emergence,"saysHolland, still soundingexcitedabout it. "You could start
with a uniform substrateof neuronsand seethe cell assembliesform." And
whenHolland,Rochester, andtheircolleaguesfinallypublished
yearsafterthebulkof theresearch
sultsin 1956,several wasdone,it was
A particularly fruiful source of ideas for rhe Glasprtenspiel files *ar y'o lt
another book that Holland came upon one day as he was browsing in the .1,[ L"fu
stacksof the math department library: R. A. Fisher'slandmark 1929 tome t o n b
on genetics,The Cenetical Thnry of Natural Selection. ft{ f
At first, Holland was fascinated."l'd alwaysenjoyedreadingabout ge-- ""t t
neticsand evolution, evenin high school," he says.He lovedthe idea that
genesfrom the parentsare reshuffledin each new generation,and that you
calculate how often specific traits such as blue eyesor dark hair will show
up in their offspring. "l thought, this is really neat!' But reading
Fisher'sbook was the first time I realizedthat you could do anything other
than hivial algebrain this area." Indeed, Fisher used much more sophis-
ticated ideas from differential and integral calculus, as well as probability
theory. His book had provided biologistswith the first really careful math-
ematicalanalysisof how the distributionof genesin a populationwill change
as a result of natural selection.And as such it had laid the foundationfor
the modern, "neo-Darwinian" theory of evolutionarychange.A quarter
of a century later, it was still pretty much the stateof the art in the theory
of evolutionarydynamics.
So Holland devouredthe book. "The fact that you could takecalculus
and differentialequationsand all the other thingsI had learnedin my math
classesto start a revolution in genetics-that was a real eye-opener.Once
I saw that, I knew I could never let it go. I knew I had to do something
with it. So I kept messingaround with the ideas in the back of my mind,
And yet, asmuch asHolland admiredFisher'smath, therewassomething
aboutthe wayFisherusedthe math that beganto botherhim. As he thought
about it more and more, in fact, it beganto bother him a lot.
For one thing, Fisher'swhole analysisof natural selectionfocusedon
the evolution of iust one geneat a time, as if each gene'scontribution to
the organism'ssurvival was totally independentof all the other genes. In
effect, Fisher assumedthat the action of geneswas completely linear. "I
knew that had to be wrong," saysHolland. A single gene for green eyes
isn't worth very much unlessit's backedup by the dozensor hundredsof
genesthat specify the structure of the eye itself. Each gene had to work as
part of a team, realizedHolland. And any theory that didn't takethat fact
into account was missinga crucial part of the story.Come to think on it,
that was alsowhat Hebb had beensayingin the mental realm. Hebb'scell
assemblieswere a bit like genes,in that they were supposedto be the
fundamental units of thought. But in isolationthe cell assemblieswere
almostnothing. A tone, a flashof light, a commandfor a muscletwitch-
the only way they could mean anything wasto link up into larger concepts
and more complex behaviors.
For another thing, it bothered Holland that Fisher kept talking about
evolution achievinga stabtq_9q*dfdtgg-that statein which a given species
has attained its optimum size, its optimum sharpnessof tooth, its optimum
fitnessto surviveand reproduce.Fisher'sargumentwasessentially the same
one that economistsuse to define economicequilibrium: once a species'
fitnessis at a maximum, he said, any mutation will lower the fitness.So
natural selection can provide no further pressurefor change. "An awful
lot of Fisher is that way," saysHolland: "He says, the systemwill go
to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium becauseof the following process.. . .'
But that did not sound like evolution to me."
Masterof the Came 165
He went back and rereadDarwin and Hebb. No, Fisher'sconcept of
equilibrium didn't sound like n at all. Fisherseemedto be talkingl
about the attainmentof some pristine,eternalperfection."But with Dar- |
win, you seethingsgettingbroaderand broaderwith time, more diverse,"I
saysHolland. "Fisher'smath didn't touch on that." And with Hebb, who
was talking about learning insteadof evolution, you saw the samething:
minds gettingricher,more subtle,moresurprisingasthey gainedexperience
with the world.
To Holland, evolution and learning seemedmuch more like-well, a
game. In both cases,he thought, you have an agent playing againstits
environment, trying to win enough of what it neededto keep going, In
.gyglulionlhaLaayoff is literally survival,
and a chancefor the agentto pass
its geneson to the next gbneration. learning, the payoffis a rewardof
some kind, such as food, a pleasantsensation,or emotional fulfillment.
But either way, the payoff(or lack of it) givesagentsthe feedbackthey need
to improve their performance:if they'regoing to be "adaptive"at all, they
somehow have to keep the strategiesthat pay off well, and let the others
die out.
Holland couldn't help thinking of Art Samuel'schecker-playing program,
which took advantageof exactly this kind of feedback the program was
constantly updating its tactics as it gained experienceand learned more
about the other player. But now Holland was beginning to realize iust how
prescientSamuel'sfocus on gameshad really been. This game analogy
seemed'to be true of any adaptle system. In economfEffil!-a]dffTfG
@is-iii vo'Es,A'ndon and on. At some level, all
these adaptive systemsare fundamentally the same. And that meant, in
turn, that all of them are fundamentallylike checkersor chess:the space
of possibilitiesis vast beyond imagining. An agent can learn to play the
game better-that's what adaptation is, after all. But it has iust about as
much chanceof finding the optimum, stableequilibrium point of the game
as you or I have of solving chess.
No wonder "equilibrium" didn't sound like evolution to him; it didn't
even sound like a war game that a trio of fourteen-year-oldboys could
cobbletogetherin Wally Purmort'sbasement.Equilibrium impliesan end-
point. But to Holland, the essenceof evolution lay in the journey, the
endlesslyunfolding surprise:"It wasbecomingmore and more clear to me
that the things I wanted to understand,that I wascurious about, that would
pleaseme if I found out about them-equilibrium wasn'tan important
part of any of them."
Moving to multiple genes was also the key to moving away from this
obsessionwith equilibrium.
In fairnessto Fisher,saysHolland, equilibrium actuallydoesmake a lot
of sensewhen you'retalkingaboutindependentgenes.Forexample,suppose
you had a specieswith 1000 genes,which would make it roughly as com-
plicated as seaweed.And suppose,for simplicity'ssake, that each gene
comesin just two varieties-greencolor versusbrown color,wrinkledleaves
versussmooth leaves,and so forth. How many trials doesit take for natural
selection to 6nd the set ofgenes that givesthe seaweedits highest 6tness?
If you assumethat all the genesare indee(Spendent, saysHolland,
then for each gene you just need two trials to fiiifiilHrc*n-Varietyis better,
Then you have to perform those two trials on each of 1000 genes.So you
need 2QQ0!5!g!gjn all. And that's not very many, he says.In fact, it's such
a comparativelysmall number that you can expectthis seaweedto attain
its maximum fitnessfairly quickly, at which point the specieswill indeed
be at an evolutionaryequilibrium.
But now, saysHolland, look what happenswith that 1000-geneseaweed
when you assumethat the genesare no-t_r:r-dSpsndg$,.To be sure of finding
the highestlevel of fitnessin this case,natural selectionwould now have
to examine every conceivable combination of genes, becauseeach com-
bination potentially has a different fitness.And when you work out the
total number of combinations,it isn't 2 multiplied by 1000.It's 2 multiplied
by itself 1000 times. That's_2rm0,or about 10r00-a number so vastthat it
makeseven the number of moves in chessseem infinitesimal. "Evolution
can't evenbeginto try out that many things," saysHolland. "And no matter
how good we get with computers,we can't do it." Indeed, if every ele-
mentary particle in the observableuniversewere a supercomputerthat had
been number-crunching away since the Big Bang, they still wouldn't be
close.And remember,that'siust for seaweed. Humansand other mammals!
have roughly I00 times as many genes-and most of thosegenescome in
many more than two varieties. I
So once again, saysHolland, you have a systemexploring its way into
an immense spaceof possibilities,with no realistichope of ever finding
the single"best" place to be. All evolution can do is look for improvements,
not perfection. But that, of course, was precisely the question he had
resolvedto answerback in 1962:How? Understandingevolution with mul-
tiple genesobviouslywasn't just a trivial matterof replacingFisher'sone-
variableequationswith many-variableequations.What Holland wantedto
know was how evolution could explore this immense spaceof possibilities
andfind usefulcombinations of genes-withouthavingto searchoverevery
squareinch of territory.
As it happens, a similarexplosionof possibilitieswasalready wellknown
to mainstreamartificial i;Fell@-ie researchers. At Carnegie Tech (now
Carnegie Mellon Universig)in Pittsburgh,for example, Allen Newelland
HerbertSimon had been conducting a landmark shrdy of human problem-
solvingsincethe mid-1950s. By askingexperimental subiectsto verbalize
theirthoughbastheyshuggled througha wide variety of puzzles andgames,
includingchess,Newelland Simonhad concluded that problem-solving
alwaysinvolvesa step-by-step mentalsearchthrougha vast"problemspace"
of possibilities,with eachstepguidedby qbsu11$i{ule of thumb: "If this
is the situation,then that stepis worthtaking."By buildingtheir theory
into a programknown as GeneralProblemSolver,and by putting that
programto work on thosesamepuzzlesand games,Newell and Simon
had shownthat the problem-space approachcouldreproduce human-s$le
reasoningremarkablywell. Indeed,their conceptof heuristicsearchwas
alreadywell on its wayto becomingthe dominantconventional wisdomin
artificial intelligence.And GeneralProblemSolverstood-as it still
stands-asoneof the mostinfluentialprograms in theyoung6eld'shistory.
But Hollandwasdubious.It wasn'tthat he thoughtNewelland Simon
werewrong about problemspacesor heuristics.Shortlyafter he got his
Ph.D., in fact, he had madeit a point to bringboth of them to Michigan
as part of a maior seminaron artificial intelligence.He and Newell had
beenfriendsandintellectualsparringpartnerseversince,No, it wassimply
thattheNewell-Simon approach didn'thelphim withbiological evolution.
The ap
trthgtlhere-arc.!g3r!q!!c rules,no guidance
6ffsort; succeeding generations explorethe ipaceof possibilities by
mutations and random reshuffiing of genesamong the sexes-in short, by
trial and error. Furthermore, those succeedinggenerationsdon't conduct
their search in a step-by-stepmanner. They explore it in parallel: each
member of the population has a slightly different set of genesand explores
a slightly different region of the space.And yet, despitethesedifferences,
evolution producesiust as much creativity and surpriseas mental activity
does, even if it takesa little longer. To Holland, this meant that the real
unifying principles in adaptation had to be found at a deeper level. But
Initially, all he had wasthis intuitive idea that certain setsof genesworked
well together,forming coherent, self-reinforcingwholes.An examplemight
be the cluster of senesthat tells a cell how to extract energy from glucose
*ol."ffio', th! cluster that conhols cell division, or the cluster that
Master of the Game 169
governshow a cell combineswith other cellsto form a certainkind of
tissue.Hollandcouldalsoseeanalogsin Hebb'stheoryof the brain,where 1
a setof resonating cell assembliesmight form a coherentconceptsuchas
"car,"or a coordinated motionsuchasliftingyourarm.
But the more Holland thoughtaboutthis ideaof coherent,self-rein-
forcingclusters,the moresubdeit beganto seem.Foronething,you could
fi nd rg4lggggl-.*egPl"s almost anywhereyou looked.*$u-b" rqgti,u$-in a
computer piogram._-De.pp,*me,nts,ina bureaucracy. Gambils in the larger
strategyof a chess ga;e. Furthermore, you couldT'nd"6ii-mples at eyery
level of organization.If a cluster coherentenough anil stabli enough,
thin"ii'ian usuallyserveasa buildingllock for somelargercluster.Cells
maketissues, tissuesmakeotgffidr-nlilile organisms,-organisms make
ecosystems-onandon. Indeed,thoughtHolland,that'swhatthisbusiness
of "emergence" wasall about buildingblocksat onelevelcombininginto
newbuildingbloclaata higherlevel.It seemed to beoneof thefundamental
organizingprinciplesof the world. It certainlyseemedto appearin every
complex,adaptivesystemthat you lookedat.
But why?This hierarchical,building-blockstructureof thingsis ascom-
monplaceasair. It'ssowidespread thatwe neverthinkmuchaboutit. But
when you do think about it, it criesout for an explanation:Why is the
world structuredthis way?
Well, thereareactuallyanynumberof reasons. Computerprogrammers
aretaughtto breakthingsup into subroutines because small,simpleprob-
lemsare easierto solvethan big, messyproblems;it's simplythe ancient
principleof divide and conquer.l,argecreatures suchaswhalesand red-
woodsaremadeof trillionsof tiny cellsbecause the cellscame6rst;when
largeplantsand animals6rstappeared on Earthsome570million years
ago,it wasobviouslyeasierfor naturalselectionto bringtogetherthe single-
celledcreatures that alreadyexistedthan to build big new blobsof proto-
plasmfrom scratch.GeneralMotorsis organized into severalzillion di-
visionsand subdivisionsbecausethe CEO doesn'twant to have half a
million employees reportingto him directly;therearen'tenoughhoursin
theday.In fact,asHerbertSimonhadpointedout in the 1940sand 1950s
in his studiesof business organizations,a well-designed (emphasize well-
designed) hierarchyis an excellentwayof gettingsomeworkdonewithout
anyone personbeingoverwhelmed by meetingsand memos.
As Holland thoughtaboutit, however,he becameconvincedthat the
most importantreasonlay deeperstill, in the fact that a hierarchical, I
building-blockstructureutterlyhansforms a system's
abilityto learn,evolve,'I
and adapt.Think of our cognitivebuildingblocla,which includesuch
conceptsas red, car, and road. Once a set of building blockslike this
hasbeentweakedand refinedand thoroughlydebugged throughexperi-
ence,saysHolland, then it can generallybe adaptedand recombinedto
build a greatmany new concepts-say,"A red Saabby the side of the
road."Certainlythat'sa much moreefficientwayto createsomethingnew
than startingall overfrom scratch.And that fact,in turn, suggests a whole
newmechanism for adaptationin general.Instead of movingthroughthat
immensespaceof possibilities stepby step,soto speak,an adaptivesystem
can reshuffleits building blocksand takegiantleaps.
Holland'sfavoriteillustrationof this is the waypoliceartt$Lusedto work
in the daysbeforecomputers,when they needed'tomakea drawingof a
suspectto matcha witness'sdescription.The ideawasto divide the face
up into, say,l0 buildingblocks:hairline,forefuad,eyes,. nose andsoon
downto the chin. Then the artistwouldhavestripsof paperwith a variety
of optionsfor each:say,l0 differentnoses,l0 differenthairlines,and so
forth. That would makea total of 100piecesof paper,saysHolland. And
armedwith that,theartistcouldtalkto thewitness,assemble theappropriate
pieces,and producea sketchof the suspectvery quickly.Of course,the
artistcouldn'treproduce everyconceivable facethat way.But he or she
couldalmostalwaysgetprettyclose:by shufflingthose100piecesof paper,
the artistcouldmakea totalof l0 billion differentfaces,enoughto sample
the spaceof possibilities quite widely."So if I havea process that can
discoverbuilding blocks,"says Holland, "the combinatoricsstartworking
for me insteadof againstme. I can describe a great
many complicated things
with relativelyfewbuildingblocks,"
And that, he realized,wasthe key to the multiple-genepuzzle."The
cut and try of evolutionisn't iustto build a goodanimal,but to find good
buildingblocksthatcanbe put together to makemanygoodanimals."His
challengenowwasto showprecisely andrigorouslyhowthatcouldhappen'
And the first step,he decided,wasto makea computermodel,a "genetic
algorithm"that would both illustratethe process and help him clarifythe
issues in his own mind.
Emergence of Mind
gaveseminarswhen people invited him to. But that was iust about it. He
lidn't ,n"k. dramatic ciaims for genetic algorithms at the maior confer-
H. didn't apply genetic algorithms to flashy applications such as
"r,".r. diagnosis,itr.n"a that might make venturecapitalistssit up and
take notice.-He didn't lobby for big grantsto establisha
geneticalgorithms.He didn't publish a popularbook warning that massive
needed to meet the
F"a.r"t f.ittaing of genetic allorithms was urgently
That seemsto be the one game he doesn't like to play. More to the
he really doesn'tseemto care if he wins it or not. Metaphorically speaking,
"It's like
he still prefersto putter awaywith a few buddies in the basement.
on a sandlot team
playing baseball,'ihe says."fust becauseyou'replaying
not in the maiors-it's the fun that matters.And the kind of science
I do has alwaysbeen a lot of fun for me'"
,,1 listen,"
think it would havebotheredme if nobodyhad been willing to
,,But I've always been very lucky in having bright, interested
he adds.
graduatestudentsto bounce ideasoff of'"
" attitude:
lnd".d, that was the flip side of his buddies-in-the-basement
lot of energy into working with his immediate group at
Holland put a
one time he typically supervised six or seven graduate
Michigan. At any
students-far aboveaverage'Startingin the mid-1960s,in fact' he
with Ph.D.'s at an average of more than one per year'
to graduatethem
iso-. of them havebeenreallybrilliant-and greatfun for that reason,"
he says.Holland deliberatelytook a rather hands-offapproachto guidance,
having seen too many professorsbuild up a huge publication list by
.,joint" ,.r."r"h papersthat were in fact written entirely by their
grrd,rlt.'rtudents. "So tirey all followed their nosesand did things
we'd all meet around a table about once a
iho,rght were interesting.Then
where he stood on his dissertation, and we'd
,..k] on. of them *ould t ll
all critique it. That was usually a lot of fun for everybodyinvolved." .
In the mid-1970s,Holland also startedmeeting with a group of like-
minded faculty membersfor a free-wheelingmonthly seminaron--well,
just about having to do with evolutionor adaptation.In additron
"nyihing to
io Burks, the group included Robert Axelroi, a political scientisttrying
understa.,d*[y ,.,a whe.r pei]lEilill6ilperate instead of stabbing each
other in the back;Michael bohen, anotherpolitical scientist,specializing
in the social dynamicsof human organizations;and william Hamilton,
an evolutionarybiologistworking with Axelrod to understandsymbiosis,
socialbehavior,and other forms of biologicalcooperation'
"Mike Cohen wasthe catalyst,"recallsHolland. It wasjust after Ad-
aptationcameout. Cohen,who had beensittingin on one of Holland's
courses,cameup afterclassonedayto introducehimself,and said,"you
reallyought to be talkingto Bob Axelrod."Hollanddid, and through
Axelrodsoonmet Hamilton.The BACHgroup-Burks,Axelrod,Cohen,
to work in a "K"; very earlyin the group'sexistence they hied to recruit
StuartKauffman,but lost out to the Universigof Pennsylvania.) ,,What
tiedustogetherwasthatweall hada verystrongmathematical background,"
saysHolland. "we alsofelt very stronglythat the issueswerewider than
any one problem.We beganmeetingon a regularbasis:someonewould
seea paper,and we'd all come in and discussit. There was a lot of
Indeedtherewas-particularly on Holland'spart. The bookwasdone
now, but his conversations with the BACH grouponly underscored what
it had left undone.The geneticalgorithmand the schematheoremhad
capturedsomethingessentialand right aboutevolution;he wasstill con-
vinced of that. But evenso, he couldn't help but feel that the genetic
, algorithm'sbare-bones versionof evolutionwasiust toobare.Something
I had to be missing in a theory in which "organisms" areiustnakedpieces
| 9f DNA that have been designed by a programmer. What could a th.ory
I like thattell you about complex organismsevolving in a complex environ-
I ment? Nothing. The genetic algor!$m was all very nice. But by ibelf, it
I simplywasn'tan adaptive agent. :
1' Nor, @netic algorithma modelof adaptation in
I the human mind, Because it was so explicitlybiological in its design, it
- couldn't tell you anything about how complex concepts grow, evolve, and
/ I
. ! recombinein the mind. And for Holland,that factwasbecomingmore
and morefrustrating.Nearlytwenty-fiveyearsafterhe'd 6rst heardabout
Donald Hebb'sideas,he wasstill convincedthat adaptationin the mind
and adaptationin naturewerejusttwo differentaspects of the samething.
Moreover,he wasstill convincedthat if they reallywerethe samething,
they oughtto be describable by the sametheory.
So in the latterhalf of the 1970s,Hollandsetout to Fnd that theory.
that he could trace all the way back to his IBM daysand his conversations
with Art Samuel about the checkerplayer.
Prediction is just what it soundslike: thinking ahead. He can remember
Samuel making the point again and again. "The very essenceof playing a
good game of checkersor chessis assigningvalue to the less-than-obvious
stage-iettingmoves," saysHolland-the moves that will put you in an
advantageousposition later on. Prediction is what helps you seize an op-
portunity or avoid getting suckeredinto a hap. An agent that can think
ahead has an obvious advantageover one that can't.
But the concept of prediction also turns out to be at least as subtle as
the conceptof building blocks,saysHolland, Ordinarily, for example,we
think of piediction as being somethingthat humans do consciously,based
on ,o*. explicit model of the world. And there are certainly plenty of
those explicit models around. A supercomputer's simulation of climate
changeis one example.A start-upcompany's business plan is another,as
is an economic projection madeby the Federal ReserveBoard. Even Stone-
henge is a model, its circular arrangementof stones provided the Druid
prieits with a rough but effectivecomputer for predicting the arrival of the
equinoxes.Very often, moreover,the modelsare literally insideour head,
as when a shopper tries to imagine how a new couch might look in the
living room, or when a timid employeetries to imagine the consequences
of t iing off his boss.We use these"mental models" so often, in fact, that
manyprychologists areconvincedtheyarethe basisof all consciousthought.
Buito Holland, the conceptof prediction and modelsactually ran far
deeper than conscious thought-or for that mattet, far deeper than the
existenceof a brain. "All complex,adaptivesystems-economies,minds,
organisms-build models that allow them to anticipatethe world," he
declares.Yes, even bacteria.As it turns out, saysHolland, many bacteria
have special enzyme systemsthat cause them to swim toward stronger
concentrationsof glucose.Implicitly, thoseenzymesmodel a crucial aspect
of the bacterium'sworld, that chemicalsdiffuse outward from their source'
growing less and less concentratedwith distance.And the enzymessi-
multaneouslyencode an implicit prediction:If you swim toward higher
concentrations,then you're likely to find something nutritious. "It's not a
consciousmodel or anythingof that sort," saysHolland. "But it givesthat
organisman advantageover one that doesn'tfollow the gradient."
A similar story can be told about the viceroy bufterfly, he says.The
viceroy is a striking, orange-and-blackinsect that is apparentlyquite suc-
culent to birds-if only they would eat it. But they rarelydo, becausethe
viceroy has evolveda wing patternthat closelyresemblesthat of the vile-
tastingmonarchbutterfly,which everyyoungbird quicklylearnsto avoid.
So in effect,saidHolland,the DNA of the viceroyencodes a modelof the
worldstatingthatbirdsexist,thatthe monarchexists,andthatthe monarch
tasteshorrible.And everyday,the viceroyfluttersfrom flowerto flower,
implicitly bettingits life on the assumption that ib modelis correct.
The samestory can be told yet againabout a very differentkind of
organism, saysHolland:the corporation. Imaginethata manufacturer re-
ceivesa routineorderfor, sa5 10,000widgets.Sinceit's a routineorder,
the employeesprobablydon't give any profoundthoughtto the matter.
Instead,they just set up the productionrun by invokinga "standardop-
eratingprocedsys"-asetof rulesof the form, "lf the situationis ABC,
then takeactionXYZ." And just aswith a bacteriumor the viceroy,says
Holland, thoserulesencodea modelof the company'sworld and a pre-
diction: "lf the situationis ABC, then actionXYZ is a worthwhilething
to do and will lead to god results."The employees involvedin carrying
out the proceduremay or may not know what that model is. After all,
standardoperatingprocedures are often taughtby rote, without a lot of
whysand wherefores. And if the companyhasbeenaroundfor a while,
theremay not be anyoneleft who evenremembers why thingsaredonea
certainway.Nonetheless, asthe standardoperatingprocedurecollectively
unfolds,the companyasa wholewill behave asif it understood thatmodel
I I" the cognitiverealm,saysHolland,anythingwe call a "skill" or "ex-
I pertise"is an implicitmodel-or moreprecisely, a huge,interlocking set
I of standardoperatingprocedures that havebeeninscribedon the nervous
I' system and refinedby yearsofexperience. Showa textbook exercise to an
experienced physicsteacherand he won't wasteanytime scribblingevery
formulain sight,the waya novicewill; his mentalprocedures will almost
always showhim a pathto thesolutioninstantly:'lAha! That'sa conservation
of energyproblem."Lob a tennisball across the net to Chris Evertand
shewon'tspendanytime debatinghowto respond: afteryearsof experience
and practiceand coaching,her mentalprocedures will allow her to slam
the ball backdown your throatinstinctively.
Holland's favoriteexample of implicitexpertiseistheskillof themedieval
architects-who createdthe greatCothic cathedrals. They had no way to
cf,ffi fTfanyiffin g"fse that a modernarchitect
mightdo. Modernphysicsandstructuralanalysis didn't existin the twelfth
century.Instead, theybuilt thosehigh,vaultedceilingsandmassive flying
buttressesusingstandardoperatingprocedures passed downfrom masterto
Master of the Game 179
in the yearssincethen. Thesenetworksaresomewhatmoresophisticated
than perceptrons, saysHolland.But theystill couldn'tsupportcell assem-
blies.Indeed,mostversionshaveno resonance at all; the signalscascade
throughthe networkin one directiononly, front to back."Theseconnec-
tionist networksare very goodat stimulus-response behaviorand pattern
recognition,"he says."But by and largetheyignorethe needfor internal
feedback, which is whatHebbarguedyou neededfor cell assemblies. And
with fewexceptions, theydon'tdo muchwith internalmodels. "
The upshotwasthat Hollanddecidedto designhis simulatedadaptive
agentasa hybrid, takingthe bestof both worlds.For computationaleffi-
ciencyhe would go aheadand usethe kind of ifthen rulesmadefamous
by expertsystems. But he wouldusethem in the6lirit of neuralnetworks.
[la35rher *,,'*^ s
buy and sell in their digital marketplaceas before.But everyso often, the
systemwould selecta pair of the shongestclassifiersfor reproduction' These
classifierswould reshuffe their digital building blocls by sexualexchange
to producea pair of offspring.The offspringwould replacea pair of weak
classifiers.And then the offspringwould havea chanceto prove their worth
and grow strongerthrough the bucket-brigadealgorithm'
The upshot was that the populationof rules would changeand evolve
over time, constantly exploring new regions of the spaceof possibilities.
And there you would have it: by adding the geneticalgorithm as a third
layer on top of the bucket brigadeand the basicrule-basedsystem,Holland
could make an adaptive agent that not only learned from experiencebut
could be spontaneousand creative.
And all he had to do was to turn it into a working program.
His colleagues'exasperation
aside,Holland's6rst classifiersystemran
well enoughto convincehim that it reallywouldworkthewayhe intended
it to-and, not incidentallXthatit reallydid holdtheseeds
of a full-fedged
theoryof cognition.In testsof an earlyversionof the system,which he
publishedin 1978in collaborationwith Michigan psychologyprofessor
|udy Reitman,their agentleamedhow to run a simulatedmazeaboutten
Master of the Came 191
:gg@lbg+sf leamine,res$oninc.
an{ tntelgqdiscc'vgv. Asthev
in their l2!9lg&-nAucti,qrr,illTour ofiEem-t-ad
pendentlycometo believethat sucha theoryhad to be foundedon the
three basicprinciplesthat happenedto be the samethreethat underlay
Holland'sclasifier system:namely,that knowledgecan be expressed in
termsof mentalstructures thatbehaveverymuchlike rules;thattheserules
are in competition,sothat experience causes usefulrulesto growstronger
and unhelpfulrulesto growweaker;and that plausiblenew rulesaregen-
eratedfrom combinations of old rules.Their argument,which theybacked
up with extensive observations andexperiments, wasthattheseprinciples
could accountfor a wide varietyof "Ahal" type insights,rangingfrom
Newton'sexperiencewith the appleto such everydayabilitiesas under-
standingan analogy.
In particular,they arguedthat thesethreeprinciplesoughtto causethe
sP9lltanri!)ulrmergetSC-of -{glaglt hierarchiesas the basicorganizational
structureof all humanknowledge-iiiriaeertneyappearto do. The cluster
of rulesforminga defaulthierarchyis essentially synonymous with what
Hollandcallsan ietemel model.We useweakgeneralruleswith shonger
exceptionsto makepredictionsabout how thingsshouldbe assignedto
categories: "If it's sheamlinedand hasfins and livesin the water,then it's
a fish"-but "lf it also has hair and breathesair and is big, then it's a
whale."We usethe samestrucfureto makepredictionsabouthow things
shouldbe done "It's always'i' before'e' exceptafter 'c' "-but ,,If it's a
wordlike neighbor, weigh,or weird,thenit's'e'before'i."'And we use
thesameshuctureagainto makepredictions aboutcausality: "lf youwhistle
to a dog,then it will cometo you"-but "If thedogis growlingandraisir,rg
its hackles,then it probablywon'tcome."
The theory saysthat thesedefault-hierarchy modelsought to emerge
whetherthe principlesare implementedasa classifiersystemor in some
otherway,saysHolland.(In fact,manyof thecomputersimulations quoted
inlnduction weredonewith PI, a somewhat moreconventional rule-based
programdevisedby Thagardand Holyoak.)Nonetheless, he says,it was
thrilling to seethe hierarchies actuallyemergein Goldberg's pipelinesim-I
ulation.The classifier systemhadstartedwith nothing.Itsinitiaisetof rulesI
had been totally random,the computerequivaleniof primordialchaos.I
And yet, herewasthis marvelousshuctureemergingout of th. chaosto
astonish and surprise them.
"we wereelated,"saysHolland. "lt wasthe first caseof whatsomeone
couldreallycall an emergent model." i
A Place to Come Home To
the convent that next Monday afternoon, Pines came up to him in the
hallwaywith a smile on his face.
"Did the conferenceget over okay?" askedArthur.
"Oh, we're very pleased,".saidPines.Eugenia Singerhad been partic-
ularly enthusiastic, and was preparing a glowing report for Reed. Mean-
while, he added, the scienceboard had met right after the conferencewas
over, and first off, they wanted to invite Arthur to ioin the scienceboard.
Arthur wasastonished.The scienceboardwasthe institute'sinner sanc-
tum, the seatof all real policy-makingpower. "Certainly," he said.
"And there'sbeen a further thought," said Pines."We're very anxious
not to let this opportunity slip. Everybody'sso excitedabout the conference
that we want to expand it into a full-scale researchprogram. We'd been
discussingthat, and we were wondering if you and fohn Holland could
come next year [meaning the next academicyear,twelve months from then]
and get the programup and running."
It took Arthur about two secondsto work that through. The scienceboard
wasaskinghim and Holland to run the program.He stammeredout some-
thing to the effectthat he did havea sabbaticalcoming up, as a matter of
fact, and it soundedlike greatfun. And-yes, he'd be delighted.
"l was enormouslyflattered,"he says,"and I felt very humble indeed.
But running throughout that-and still to this day-was this notion of
me?'I mean, this is Phil Anderson,or Ken Arrow, and here I am,
and they're askingme what I think about this or that. So I had the reaction
that-didn't they really mean somebodyelse?Certainly nothing like that
had happenedto me before in my academiclife. "
"You know," he adds, "it's perfectly possiblefor a scientist to feel that
he has what it takes-but that he isn't acceptedin the community. John
Holland went through that for decades.I certainly felt like that-until I
walked into the SantaFe Institute, and all theseincredibly smart people,
people I'd only read about, were giving me the impressionof 'What took
you so long to get here?"
For ten days, he had been talking and listening nonstop. His head was
so full of ideasthat it hurt. He was exhausted.He neededto catch up on
about three weeksof sleep. And he felt as though he were in heaven.
"From then on," he says,"l stoppedworrying about what other econ-
omists thought. The people I cared about sharing my work with were the
people in SantaFe. SantaFe was a placeto come home to."
;s*&* **#**s*136*s 8st*s*sn*i sa+t ttt t*i*a
Epiphany at MassachusettsCeneral
any computer work to speakof. But I really did tons of reading," he says.
The origin of the universe, the structure of the universe, the nature of
time-it all seemedto have the right smell. "So when the situation dete-
riorated, I went back to Boston and startedtaking coursesin mathematics
and astronomyat Boston University."
He had taken a lot of the mathematicsbefore,of course.But Langton
thought it might be a goodmove to startall overfrom scratch."l just wasn't
paying attention before. I wasn't in school becauseI wanted to be. I went
becausethat's what you did. You just got squeezedout of the tube of high
school, onto the toothbrush of college." He could only afford to take a few
coursesat a time on an outstudent basis,while he worked at various odd
jobs. Yet he threw himself into those courseswholeheartedly,and started
doing remarkably well. Finally, one of his teachers,who had become a
good friend, said, "Look, if you really want to do astronomy, go to the
Universityof Arizona." Boston Universitywas 6ne for a lot of things, he
said. But Arizona was one of the astronomicalcapitalsof the world. The
campus in Tucson was right in the middle of the SonoraDesert, where
you could find some of the clearest,driest, darkestskieson the planet. The
mountaintopsin the areasproutedtelescopedomeslike mushrooms.Kitt
PeakNational Observatorywas only forty miles away,and ib headquarters
was right there on campus. Arizona was the place to be.
That made senseto Langton. He applied to the University of Arizona,
which acceptedhim for the fall of 1975.
Artificial Life
And now all thesethingsthat I'd beenthinkingof that might be the case
if I coulddo this-well, theywereall possible,too. It waslike a landslide
The dominoesfell, and iust keptfallingand fallingand
of possibilities.
that of the chaotic fluid. Order and chaos intertwine in a complex, ever-
changing dance of submicroscopicarms and fractal filaments. The largest
ordereditructures propagatetheir fingers acrossthe material for arbitrarily
long distancesandlast for an arbitrarily long time. And nothing ever really
l,angton was electrified when he found this: "There was the critical con-
nectioil There wasthe analog to Wolfram's ClassIV!" It was all there. The
propagating,gliderlike "extendedtransients,"the dynamicsthat took forever
L r.ttf. dowt, th. inhicate dance of struchrresthat grew and split and
recombined with eternally surprising copplexity-it practically defined a
! second-orderphasetransition.
i So now Langton had yet a third analogy:
Order-+ "Complexity"'+ Chaos
Solid+ "Phasetransition"+ Fluid
The questionwas,wasit anythingmorethan an analogy?Langtonwent
right io work, adaptingall mannerof statisticaltestsfrom the physicists'
w"orl<larrdapplyinjthemto thevon Neumannworld.And whenhe plotted
his resultsai a functionof lamMa, the graphslookedlike somethingright
out of a textbook.To a physicisttheywouldhavescreamed "second-order
I phase transition." Langton had no idea why his lamMa parameter_wgrked
lro *.11. or whv it seemed soclosely analogous to (Indeed'
temperature' no
it yet.) But therewasno denyingthat it did' The
J on. ,.rlly understands
phasetransition wasn'tiust an analogy'lt wasreal'
\ Too static -+ "Life/lntelligence" -+ Too noisy
But what did they all add up to? Just this, l,angton decided:"solid" and
are not iust hro fundamental phasesof matter, as in water versus
ice. They are two fundamentalclasses of dynamicalbehaviorin general-
including dynamical behavior in such utterly nonmaterialrealms as the
spaceof cellular automaton rules the spaceof abstractalgorithms. Fur-
tirermore, he realized, the existenceof these two fundamental classesof
Life at the Edgeof Chaos 235
dynamicalbehaviorimplies the existenceof a third fundamentalclass:
.,phase transition"behaviorat theedgeof chaos,whereyouwouldencounter
complexcomputationand quite possiblylife itself.
So did this meanthat you might onedaybe ableto writedown general
physicallawsfor the phasetransition,lawsthatwouldsomehowencompass
both the freezingandthawingof waterand the originof life?Maybe'And
maybelife begansomefour billion yearsagoas somekind of real phase
hansitionin the primordialsoup.langton had no idea.But he did have
this irresistiblevision of life aseternallytrying to keepib balanceon the
edgeof chaos,alwaysin dangerof falling off into too much orderon the
on"eside,and too much chaoson the other.Maybethat'swhat evolutionf
is, he thought:iusta process of life'slearninghow to seizecontrolof moreI
and moreof its own param€ters, so that it hasa betterand betterchanceI
to staybalancedon the edge. I
Who knew?Sortingit all out couldbethework of a lifetime. Meanwhile,
by 1986l,angtonhad finally gottenthe engineeringschoolto agreethat,
asa thesistopic, his ideason computation,dynamicalsystems, and phase
transitionsin cellular automatawere quite acceptable. But he still had
plentyof workto do in gettinghis basicframeworkfleshed out enough to
satisfyhis thesiscommittee.
else.So here he is pulling wiresthroughthe wall. But all that time his
dissertation is standingstill.
"Art Burl.sand I were continuallyat Chris on this-as wasDoyne,"
'Look,you'vegotto getyour union
Hollandadds."The themewasalways,
card,or you'regoingto regretit later.'"
langton understood that message completely;he wantedto gethis dis-
sertatiJnfinishediust asbadlyastheywantedhim to. But evenwhen the
networkwasup andrunning,of course,he still hadto takeall thecomputerI
codeshe'dwrittenfor the Apolloworkstation at Michiganandrewritethem !
to run on his Sun at Los Alamos.Nas$ iob. And then therewere the i
preparations for his artificiallife workshopin September 1987.(Partof the
whenhe'dcometo LosAlamoswasthathe couldorganizesuch
a workshop.) And-"Well, thingsiustran awayfrom me," he admits'"I
didn't get anything doneon cellularautomatathat firstyear'"
what tangton did getdonewastheworkshop.Indeed,he threwhimself
into it with everything he had. "l wasdesperate to getbackinto artificial
life," he says. "At Michigan I had done tons of computerizedliterature
searches, and they were frustrating. If you used the keyword
Reproduction,'you'd geta floodof stuff.But if you tried'Computers and
Seif-Reproduction,' you got nothing. And yetI kept stumbling across articles
in weird, out-of-the-way places."
He couldsense it. Somewhere out therewerethe authorsof thoseweird,
out-of-the-way articles: people iust like he hadbeen,lonelysoulstrying to
follow this bizarre scent all by themselves without quite knowingwhat it
was,or who else might be doing it too. l,angton wantedto find thesepeople
and bring them together, so that they could begin to forgea real scientific
discipline.The question was how
In the end, saysLangton,there was only one way to do it: "l iustl
announcedthat therewouldbea conference on artificiallife, andwe'dseeI
who showedup." Artificial life wasstill a goodlabel,he decided."I'd been
usingit sincethe Universi$of Arizona,and people immediately grokked
whai t meant." On the other hand, he considered it crucial that people
understandthat term very, very clearly,or else he might startpulling in
everyflakein the countrywho wantedto show a whacked-out videogame'
"I spenta long time, aboutone man-month, wording the invitation," he
says."We didn't want the conference to be too far out, or too science
fictiony.But we didn't wantto iustlimit it to DNA databases, either.So
I passed the invitationaroundhereat LosAlamos. I refined it. I wentover
and overand overit again."
Then, once he had the invitation worded the way he wanted it, there
twas the question of how to broadcastit. Via nationwide electronic mail,
,maybe? In the UNIX operating systemthere was a utility program called
SENDMAIL, which had a well-known bug that could be exploitedto make
an electronic messagegeneratemultiple copiesof itself as it traveled."l
thought about using that bug to send out a self-reproducingmessagethat
lwould spreadthrough the networkto announcethe conference-and then
lcancel itself," saysLangton. "But I thought better of it. That wasn't the
hssociationI wanted."
In retrospectthat wasprobably just aswell. Two yearslater, in November
1989, a Cornell Universig graduatestudent named Robert Morris tried to
exploit that same bug to write a computer virus-and ended up nearly
crashingthe whole nationwide researchnetworkwhen a programmingerror
allowed the virus to propagateout of control. But even in 1987, says
Langton, computer viruses were one of the few subiectsthat he actually
wanted to discourageat the meeting. In one sense,they were a natural.
Computer virusescould grow, reproduce,respondto their environment,
and in general do almost everything carbon-basedlife-forms did; it was
(and is) a fascinatingphilosophicalquestionwhetheror not they are truly
"alive." But computer viruses were also dangerous."I didn't really want
to stimulatepeople to go out and play with them," saysLangton. "And
frankly, at that time, it was pretty iffy whether, if we said anything about
'No you
virusesin the workshop,the lab might actuallystep in and say,
can't do this.' We didn't want to attracthackersto come to Los Alamos
and try get into the securecomputers."
In any case,saysLangton, he finally iust mailed the invitationto all the
people he knew about who might be interested,and askedthem to spread
the word. "l had no idea how many peoplewould come," he says'"Five
to 500-I was clueless."
Sometime after the meetingwasover,Lan$on receivedan elechonic
mail message from Eiiti Wada,who had cometo the meetingfrom the
; Universi$of Tokyo. "The workshopwasso intensive,"wroteWada,"that
I I had no time to confessto you that I wasin Hiroshimawhen the first
i atomicbomb wasdroppedthere."
\ H. wishedto thank Langtonagainfor that mostexcitingweekin Los
\ Alamos,discussing the technology
of life.
tia;$ta Gsst*c
The FledglingDirector
Holland, meanwhile, was having the time of his life at Santa Fe' He
loved nothing better than to sit down with a bunch of very sharp people
and kick ideasaround. More impor$nt, however,theseconversationswere
leading him to make a maior coursechangein his own research-that is,
the conversationsplus the fact that he hadn't been able to 6gure out how
to say no to Murray Gell-Mann.
"Murray's a greatarm twister," laughs Holland. In the late summer of
1988, he says,Gell-Mann had telephonedhim in Michigan: "fohn," he
said, "you're doing all this stuff on genetic algorithms. Well, we need an
example we can use againstthe creationists."
The fight against"creation science"wasindeedone of Gell-Mann's many
passions.He had gotten involved severalyearsbefore, when the Louisiana
SupremeCourt was hearing argumentsfor and againsta statelaw requiring
. that creation sciencebe taught on an equal footing with Darwin's theory.
lc.ll-Mrnn had persuadedalmost all the U.S. recipienb of what he calls
fl.,the Swedishprizes" in scienceto sign an amicuscuriae brief urging repeal.
And the court did vote 7 to 2 to throw out the law. But in the wake of that
decision, ashe readthe newspapercorrespondence,Gell-Mann had realized
that the problem went well beyond the activities of a few religious fanatics:
"People wrote in saying, course I'm not a fundamentalist, and I don't
believe all that nonsense about creation science.However,the name brand
of evolution they teach in our schools seemsto have something wrong with
it. Surely it couldn't be by blind chance that it all happened,'et cetera, et
cetera.So these weren't creationists. But they couldn't be convinced, some-
how, that iust chance and selection have produced what we see'"
So what he had in mind, he told Holland, was a seriesof computer
programs, or even computer games, that would slrou people how it could
happen. They would reveal how chance and selection plessule, operating
over a vast number of generations, could produce a huge amount of evo-
Iutionary change. You would fust set up the initial conditions-essentially
a planet-and then let things rip. In fact, said Gell-Mann, he wasthinking
of organizinga workshopat the institute to talk about such games.Wouldn't
Holland like to conhibute something?
Well no, actually, Holland wouldn't. He was certainly sympatheticto
what Gell-Mann was trying to do. But the fact was that he had a very full
plate of researchproiects already*not the least of them being a classifier
systemhe was writing for Arthur to apply to economic models. From his
point of view, Gell-Mann's evolution simulator would be a dishaction.
Under Glass ZS7
Besides,he'd alreadydonethegeneticalgorithm,and he couldn'tseethat
d_oing it all overagainin anotherform wouldteachhim
Hollandsaidno asfirmly ashe could.
Okaythen,saidGell-Mann,whydon'tyouthinkaboutit. And not long
after,he calledagain:fohn, this is reallyimportant.wourdn't Holland
changehis mind?
Hollandtried to sayno oncemore-although he courdalreadyseethat
he wasgoingto havea toughtime in the end,
aftera longconversation, he abandoned all furtherresistance. "All right,"
he told Gell-Mann,"I'll try."
Actually,Hollandadmib, he wasn'tputtingup much of a fight by then
anyway'In betweenthe phonecalls,ashe'd thoughtabouthow to make
Gell-Manntakeno for an answer,he had startedto think moreand more
aboutwhat he would do if he had to sayyes.And he'd realizedthat there
might actuallybe a rich opportunityhere.Evolution,of course,wasa lot
morethan iust randommutationand naturalselection.It wasalsoemer-
genceand self-organization. And that, despitethe besteffortsof Stuart
Kauffman,Chris langton, and a greatmanyotherpeople,wassomething
that no one understoodvery well. Maybethis wasa chanceto do better.
"l startedlookingat it," saysHolland,"and realizedthat I coulddo a model
that would satisfyMurray-or at leasta pieceof it might-and still do
somethinginterestingfrom the research viewpoint."
The model wasactuallya revivalof somethinghe'd done backin the
early1970s,Hollandexplains.At the time he wasstiil workinghardon
geneticalgorithmsand his bookAilaptation.But he wasinvitedto sive a
talk at a conference in the Netherlands. And for the fun of it, he dJcided
to tacklesomethingcompletelydifferent the origin of life.
He calledthe talkand the paperbasedon it "spontaneous Emergence,"
he says.And in rehospect,it took an approach thrt *", quite siriilar in
spirit-to the autocatalyticmodelsbeingindependently pursuedby stuart
Kauffman,IVlanfredEigen,andotto R<issler at aboutihl sametime. "My
paperwasn'ta computermodel,assuch," saysHolland. "It wasa formal
modelin which you could do mathematics. I wastrying to showthat you
could designautocatalyticsystemsin which you could-geta simpleself-
replicatingentity, and that this would occur many ordirs of magnitude
fasterthan the usualcomputations predicted."
Thoseusualcalculations-stilllovinglyquotedby creationists-were6rst
put forwardby quitelegitimatescientists backin the 1950s.The argument
was_that self-replicating
life-formscould not possiblyhaveoriginatJdfro*
randomchemicalreactions in theprebioticsoup,because theti'merequired
e\"(.- compare it to a game that my daughter Mania has, called Mail order
Monsters," saysHolland. "You have a bunch of possibilitiesof offcnseand
fr3"x defense,and how you put thesetogetherdetermineshow well you do against
other monsters."
More specifically,explainsHolland, Echo represents the environment
as a large flat plain dotted here and there with "fountains," which gush
forth vaiious kinds of resources represented by the symbols c, b, c, and d.
lndividual organisms randomly move about this environment in sheep
mode, placidly grazingon whatever resources they come across and placing
them in an internal reservoir. whenever two organisms encounter one
another, however,they instantly shift from sheep mode to wolf mode, and
In the battlethat follows,saysHolland,the outcomeis determinedby
eachorganism's pair of "chromosomes," which are iusta setof resource
Asvmbols strunetoeetherinto two sequences such as aabc and bfud' "lf
I uou'r. on. of tf,eoiganisms,"he explains, youmatchyourfirststring,
I which is calledthJ'offense,'withthe otherorganism's secondstring,the'And if theymatch,you geta high score.So it's much like the
irrr-un" system:if youroffensecomplements the otherguy'sdefense,-then
yo,r'u"*ri. breach.He doesthesamethingreciprocally back.His offense
" hereis awfullysimple.
is a matchagainstyour defense.Sothe interaction
Do your offensiveand defensive overwhelm
capabilities his?"
Peasants Under Class 261
If the answeris yes,he says,then you get a meal:all the resourcesymbols
in youi opponent'sreservoirand in both his chromosomesgo into your
reservoir. Furthermore, saysHolland, if eating your erstwhile opponent
means that you now have enough resourcesymbols in your reservoir to
make a copy of your own chromosomes,then you can reproduceby creating
a whole new organism-perhaps with a mutation or two. If not-well,
back to grazing.
Echo wasn'texactlywhat Gell-Mann had had in mind, to put it mildly.
It had nothing obvious for a user to play with, and nothing at ail in the
way of fancy graphics. Holland simply couldn't be bothered with any of
that. To run the thing he would type in a shing of cryptic numbers and
symbols, and then watch as a cascadeof even more cryptic output came
pouring down the screenin columns of alphanumericgibberish.(By this
point he had graduatedto a Macintosh II computer.) And yet Echo was
Holland's kind of game. In it he had finally eliminated this businessof
explicit, outside reward. "It's the closure of the loop," he says.,,you really
are going clear back to the point of, If I don't gather enough resourcesto
make a copy of myself, I don't survive." He had capturedwhat he regarded
as the essenceof biological competition. And now he could use Echo as
an intellectual playground, a place to explore and understand what co-
evolution could really do. "I had a list of severalphenomenathat occur in
ecological systems,"he says."And I wanted to show that even with this
very simple structure, each of thesephenomenawould show up in one
way or another."
At the head of that list was what the English biologist Richard Dawkins
called the evolutionary arms race. This is where a plant, say,evolvesever
tougher surfacesand ever more noxious chemical repellents to fend off
hungry insects,evenas the insectsare evolvingeverstrongerjawsand ever
more sophisticatedchemical resistancemechanismsto pressthe attack.Also
knownas th-e.Re9 Qu:en hypgthe-lis,in honor of the lrwis carro[ character
who told Alice that she had to run as fastas shecould to stayin the same
place, the evolutionaryarms race seemsto be a maior impetusfor ever-
increasingcomplexity and specializationin the natural world-iust as the
real arms race was an impetus for ever more complex and specialized
weaponryduring the Cold War.
Holland certainly wasn't able to do much with the evolutionaryarms
race in the fall of 1988;at that point Echo was barerymore than a design
on_paper.But within a year or so, it wasall working beautifully. '.If I startld
off with very simple organismsthat used only one letter for their offense
chromosomeand one for their defensechromosome,"saysHoiland, ',then
LrJtwrLEAt t r
^-,,trF l{whatI beganto seewereorganisms
Y\'^n3 ,-lilUt nisms
- ' nisms coJd
coftd lengthen,,l'.ii,.:l'"i::"T'_
lengthentheir chromosomes throughmutations.lThey co-
evolved.One wouldadda little moreoffensivecapability;
^.,^t.,-l f)-- .,,^,,11 o,ll o little -.t" ^ffensive canebilifu: the other would
the other would
It has recently come to our attention that you have entered the third
yearof your postdoctoralfellowship,at the sametime that you havenot
yetcompletedyourPh.D. dissertation. Accordingto DOE Rule40-l 130,
we are not allowedto employ postdoctoral fellowsbeyondtheir third year
unlessthey haveobtainedthe Ph. D. degree. In your case,dueto a clerical
error, we neglectedto warn you in advanceof the possibleviolation of
this rule. In view of this fact, we have obtainedan extensionfrom the
DOE office, so that you will not be liable to returnPaymentfor the FY89
portion of your fellowship.However,until you haveobtainedyour Ph'D'
degree,we will not be ableto extendyour appointmentbeyondlZll/88'
was finally done-with all the rigor that Cowan and Pinescould askfor-
l,angton ielt that he had createdsomething much more than a seriesof
p.p.rr. His dissertationmight be off in limbo somewhere,but the workshop
uoi,r*" promisedto lay the foundation for artificial life asa seriousscience.
Moreover, by taking all the ideasand insights that people had brought to
the workshop, and distilling them into a preface and a forty-seven-page
introductory article, l,angton had written his clearestand most articulate
manifesto yet for what artificial life was all about.
clusion, you could seeit as a new and thoroughlyscientificversionof
vitalism:the ancientideathat life involvessomekind of energy,or force,
or spirit that transcends merematter.The fact is that life doestranscend
merematter,he said-not becauseliving systems are animatedby some
vital essence operating outsidethe laws of physics and chemistry,but be-
causee population of simplethings following simple rulesof interaction
can behavein eternallysurprisingways.Life may indeed be a kind of
biochemical machine,he said.But to animatesucha machine"is not to
bringlife to a machine;rather,it is to organize a populationof machines
in sucha waythat their interactingdynamicsare
Finallx saidLangton,therewasa third greatideato be distilledfrom
the workshoppresentations: the possibilitythat life isn't iust lifte a com-
putation,in the senseof beinga propertyof the organizationratherthan
the molecules.Life literallyis a computation.
To seewhy,saidLangton,startwith conventional, carbon-based biology.
As biologistshavebeenpointingout for morethan a century,one of the
moststrikingcharacteristics of anylivingorganismisthedistinctionbetween
its genotype-thegeneticblueprintencodedin its DNA-and if pheno'
type-the structurethat is createdfrom thoseinstructions.In practice,of
course,the actualoperationof a living cell is incrediblycomplicated,with
eachgeneservingasa blueprintfor a singletypeof proteinmolecule,and
with myriadproteinsinteractingin the body of the cell in myriadways.
Waitingfor Carnot 281
But in effect, said langton, you can think of the geno$peas a collec-
tion of little computerPrograms executingin parallel,one programPer
gene.When activated,eachof theseprogramsentersinto the logicalfray
Ly competingand cooperatingwith all the other activeprograms'And
collectively,theseinteractingprogramscarry out an overallcomputation
that is the phenogpe:the structurethat unfoldsduring an organism's
Next, movefrom carbon-based biologyto the more generalbiologyof
artificial life. The sameflotionsapply,saidl,angton.And to capturethat
fact, he coinedthe term generalized genotype,or GTYPE, to referto any
collectionof lowlevel rules.He likewisecoinedthe termgeneralized phe-
notype,or PTYPE, to referto the shuctureand/orbehaviorthat results
whenthoserulesareactivatedin somespecificenvironment.[n a conven-
tional computerprogram,for example,the GTYPE is obviouslyiust the
computercodeibelf, andthe FIYPE is whatthe programdoesin resPonse
to input from the user.In Langton'sown self-reproducing cellularauto-
maton,the GTYPE is the setof rulesspecifringhow eachcell interactedwith
its neighbors,and the P|YPE is the overallpattern.In Reynolds'boids
program,the GTYPE is the setof threerulesthat guidesthe fight of each
boid, and the PTYPEis the focking behaviorof the boidsasa grouP.
More generally,said[an$on, this conceptof a,GTYPE is essentially
identicalwith John Holland'sconceptof an "inte?nTl*ffi6ifel"; the only
differenceis that he placedevenmore emphasis than Holland did on its
role asa computerprogram.And by no coincidence,the GTYPE concept
appliesperfectlywell to Holland'sclassifiersystems, wherethe GTYPE of
a givensystemis justits setof classifier rules.It likewiseappliesto his Echo
model,wherea creature's GTYPE consists of its offenseanddefensechro-
mosomes.It appliesto BrianArthur'seconomy-under-glass models,where
an artificial agent'sGTYPE is its hardlearnedset of rulesfor economic
behavior.And it applies,in principle, to any complexadaptivesystem
whatsoever-anythingthat has agenb interactingaccordingto a set of
rules.As their GTYPE unfoldsinto a PTYPE,they are all performinga
Now, what'sbeautifulaboutall this, saidLangton,is that onceyou've
madethe link behveenlife and computation, you canbringan immense
amountof theoryto bear.For example,Why is life quite literallyfull of
surprises? Because,in general,it is impossibleto startfrom a givensetof
GTYPE rules and predictwhat their ffYPE behaviorwill be-even in
principle.This is the undecidabilig theorem,oneof thedeepest resultsof
computerscience:unlessa computerprogramis ufterlytrivial, the fastest
. tf lf,^,1 ? ?o$n
U",lit,JrU,lb 1.cfrm).owt l,o( lt"u.
282 * v 9^l), Aq (nflr$a/ o A-'cno*, COMPLEnTTY
way to find out what it will do is to run it and see.There is no general-
purposeprocedure that can scan the code and the input and give you the
answer any fasterthan that. That's why the old saw about computers only
doing what their programmerstell them to do is both perfectly true and
virtually irrelevant;any pieceof codethat'scomplexenoughto be interesting
will alwayssurpriseits programmers.That's why any decentsoftwarepackage
has to be endlesslytestedand debuggedbefore it is released-and that's
why the users alwaysdiscover very quickly that the debugging was never
quite perfect.And, most important for artificial life purposes,that'swhy a
living systemcan be a biochemical machine that is completely under the
control of a program, a GTYPE, and yet still havea surprising,spontaneous
behavior in the PTYPE.
Conversely,said Langton, there are other deeptheoremsfrom computer
sciencestatingthat you can't go the other way,either. Civen the specification
for a certain desiredbehavioq a PTYPE, there is no generalprocedure for
finding a set of GTYPE rules that will produceit. In practice,of course,
those theorems don't stop human programmersfrom using well-testedal-
gorithms to solve preciselyspecifiedproblems in clearly defined environ-
ments, But in the poorly defined,constantlychangingenvironmentsfaced
by living systems,said Langton, there seemsto be only one way to proceed:
hial and error, also known as Darwinian natural selection.The process
may seemterribly cruel and wasteful, he pointed out. In effect, nature does
its programming by building a lot of different machines with a lot of
randomly differing CTYPES, and then smashingthe onesthat don't work
very well. But, in fact, that messy,wasteful processmay be the best that
nature can do. And by the same token, fohn Holland's genetic algorithm
approachmay be the only realisticway of programming computersto cope
with messy, ill-defined problems. "It is quite likely that this is the only
efficient, general procedurethat could find GTYPEs with specific ffYPE
traits," Langton wrote.
If Langton's to soara bit higherthanmost
scientificprose-well, that wasn'tat all unusual in his corner of Los Ala-
mos. Doyne Farmer, for one, was famous for his cruiSesin the conceptual
stratosphere.A prime example was "Artificial Life: The Coming Evolu-
tion," a nontechnical paper that he coauthoredin 1989 with his wife,
environmental lawyer Alletta Belin, and then delivered at a Caltech sym-
posiumcelebratingMurray Gell-Mann'ssixtiethbirthday:"With the advent
of artificial life," they wrote, "we may be the first creaturesto createour
own sllccessors. . If we fail in our task 4s creators,they may indeed be
cold and malevolent. Howevet, if we succeed,they may be glorious, en-
lightened creaturesthat far surpassus in their intelligence and wisdom. It
is quite possiblethat, when the consciousbeings of the future look back
o., ihi, era, we will be most noteworthy not in and of ourselvesbut rather
for what we gave rise to. Artificial life is potentially the most beautiful
creationof humanitY."
Rhetoric aside,however,Farmerwasperfectlyseriousabout artificial life
Waitingfor Carnot 285
as a new kind of science.(Most of the "Coming Evolution" paperwas in
fact a reasonablysoberassessment of what the field might hope to accom-
plish.) By no coincidence,he was equally seriousabout supportingChris
Langton. It was Farmer, after all, who brougtrt Langton to Los Alamos in
the first place. And despitehis exasperation over Langton'smuch-delayed
dissertation, he found no reason to regret having done so. "Chris was
definitely worth it," he says."Peoplelike him, who have a real dream, a
vision of what they want to do, are rare. Chris hadn't learned to be very'
efficient. But I think he had a good vision, one that was really needed'
And I think he wasdoing a really good iob carrying it out. He wasn't afraid
to tacklethe details."
Indeed, Farmer was wholeheartedlyserving as a mentor to Langton-
even though Langton happenedto be 6ve yearsolder than he was. Down
the hill, where Farmer was one of the very few young scientistsincluded
in the inner circle of the SantaFe Institute, he had persuadedCowan to
contribute$5000towardLangon's artificial life workshopin 1987.Farmer
had made sure that Langton was invited to speakat institute meetings. He
had served as an advocateon the in$itute's scienceboard for bringing in
visiting scientiststo work on artificial life. He had likewiseencouraged
Langton to set up an ongoing seriesof artificial life seminarsup at Los
Alamos, with occasionalsessionsdown in Santa Fe. And perhapsmost
important, when Rrmer had agreedin 1987 to head the new Complex
Systems groupwithin the LosAlamostheorydivision,he had madeartificial
life one of the group'sthree maior researchefforts,along with machine
learningand dynamical systemstheory.
Farmer wasn't exactly a natural-born administrator type. At age thirty-
five, he wasa tall, angular New Mexican who still wore a graduatestudent's
ponytailand tee-shirtsthat saidthingslike, "QuestionAuthority!" He found
bureaucraticbusywork to be a pain, and he found the writing of proposals
beggingmoney from "some boneheadback in Washington"to be even
more of a pain. Yet Farmer had an undeniable gift for generating both
funding and intellectual excitement. In the field of mathematical predic-
tion, where he had originally made his reputationand wherehe still spent
most of his researchtime, he wasat the forefront of finding waysto project
the future behaviorof systemsthat seemedhopelesslyrandom and chaotic-
including certain systems,such as the stock market, where people had
incentiye to project the future. Moreover, Farmer had no compunction
about channeling most of the group's "general-purpose"money toward
langton and the tiny cadreof artificial life researchers,while making his
own nonlinear forecastingwork and other effortspay for themselves."Fore-
castingproducespracticalresults,so that I could promisethe funding
agenciesa payoffwithin a year,"he says,"whereaspracticalresultsfrom
artificiallife are fartherin the future. With the currentfunding climate,
this makesAlife almostunfundable. This wasdrivenhometo me when
one of the agencies that fundedmy predictionwork calledto askabouta
proposaltheyhad receivedto studyartificiallife. Fromtheir attitudeit was
quiteclearthat they viewedartificiallife on a par with flyingsaucers or
astrology. They were upset to seemy name appearingin the list of refer-
ences. "
This wasnot Farmer'sideaof the idealsituation,by a long shot.He
genuinelylovedthe forecasting work. But betweenthat and the adminis-
trativeBS, he had very little time left overto work on artificiallife. And
artificiallife somehow strucka chordin him thatnothingelsedid. Artificial
life, he says,waswhereyou could getright down into the deepquestions
of emergence andself-organization,questions thathadhauntedhim all his
systemsarc not deeply entrenched in the ordered regime, which was es-
slntially what he'd been sayingfor the pasttwenty-fiveyearswith his claim
that self-organizationis the most powerful force in biology. Living systems
are actually very close to this edge-of-chaosphasetransition, where things
are much looserand more fuid. And natural selectionis nof the antagonist
of self-organization.It's more like a law of motion-a force that is constantly
- emergent, self-organizingsystemstoward the edgeof chaos'
talk about networksas a model of the geneticregulatory system,"
saysKauffman with the enthusiasmof a convert. "My claim is that sparsely
connected networks in the ordered regime, but not too far from the edge,
do a pretty good iob of fitting lots of featuresabout real embryonic devel-
opment, and real cell types, and real cell differentiation. And insofar as
that's hue, then it's a good guessthat a billion yearsof evolution has in
fact tuned real cell gpes to be nearthe edgeof chaos.So that'svery powerful
evidence that there must be something good about the edge of chaos'
"So let's say the phase transition is the place to be for complex com-
putation," he says."Then the secondassertionis soniethinglike,
and selectionwill get you there."'Packard, of course,had alreadydem-
onstratedthis assertionin his simplecellularautomatamodel. But that was
just one model. And anyway,Kauffman wantedto seeit happen in his own
genetic networks, if only to bolster his argument about evolution bringing
ieal cell typesto the edgeofchaos. So shortly after he heard Packard'stalk,
he worked up a simulation in collaboration with a young Programmer'
Sonkefohnsen, who had iust graduatedfrom the Universityof Pennsylvania.
Following Packard'ssame basic strategy,Kauffman and fohnsen presented
pairs of simulated networkswith a challenge:the "mismatch" game' The
id.r *"r to wire up each networkso that six of their simulatedlight bulbs
were visible to its opponent, and then set them to fashing the light bulbs
at each other in various patterns;the "fittest" network was the one that
could flash a seriesof patterns that were as different as possibleftom its
opponent'spatterns.The mismatchgamecould be adiustedto makeit more
complicated or less complicated for the networks, saysKauffman. The
question was whether selection Pressure,coupled with the genetic algo-
rithm, would be enough to lead the nehvorksto the phasetransition zone
where they were iust on the vergeof going chaotic. And the answerwas
yes in every case,he says.In fact, the answercontinued to be yeswhether
he and fohnsen startedthe networksfrom the orderedregime or the chaotic
regime. Evolution alwaysseemedto lead to the edgeof chaos.
So does that prove the coniecture?Hardly, saysKauffman. A handful
of simulations don't prove anything by themselves."If it turned out to be
true for a widevarietyof complicatedgamesthatthe edgeof chaoswasthe
bestplaceto be, andthat mutationandselectiongotyouthere,thenmaybe
the whole loose,wonderfulconiecturenuld be answered,"he says.But
that, he admits,is one of thosepilesof rubblehe hasn'thadtime to clean
up. He'sfelt too manyotherwonderfulconjectures beckoning.
ffil;,ftl* j:';",?:
me onedayrecently:if you startwith somefoundersetof strings,they may
give rise to autocatalytic setsof shings, they may give rise to autocatalytic
'" li.]h -
" - + . squirting
"-,,i,+l-- ieb, theymaygiveriseto mushrooms,
+L-,, --., ^i.,- ,:-- eggs,or whatever.But ll .
l^ -,.^L- ^-..,1-^+^.,^- n,.r
Science is about a great many things, saysDoyne Farmer. It's about the
systematicaccumulation of facts and data. It's about the construction of
logically consistenttheoriesto account for those facts. It's about the dis-
covery of new materials,new pharmaceuticals, and new technologies.
But at heart, he says,scienceis about the telling of stories-storiesthat
explain what the world is like, and how the world came to be as it is. And
like older explanations,such as creation myths, epic legends,and fairy
tales,the storiesthat sciencetells help us understandsomethingabout who
we are as human beings, and how we relate to the universe. There is the
story of how the universeexplodedinto existencesome l5 billion yearsago
at the instant of the Big Bang;the story of how quarks,elechons,neuhinos,
and all the rest came fying out of the Big Bang as an indescribablyhot
plasma;the storyof how thoseparticlesgraduallycondensedinto the matter
we seearound us today in the galaxies,the stars,and the planets;the story
of how the sun is a star like other stars, and how Earth is a planet like
other planets;the story of how life aroseon this Earth and evolved over 4
Waitingfor Carnot 319
billion yearsof geological time;the storyof how the humanspecies first
aroseon theAfricansavannah some3 millionyears agoandslowlyacquired
tools,culture,and language.
And now thereis thestoryof complexity. "I almostviewit asa religious
issue,"saysFarmer."For me asa physicist,asa scientist,my deep-down
motivationhasalways beento understand the universe aroundme. Forme
as a pantheist,natureis Cod. So by understanding natureI get a little
closerto God. Up until I wasin my third yearof gradschool,in fact, I I
neverevendreamed I wouldbeableto geta iobasa scientist. I iustviewedI
it aswhatI wasdoinginsteadof ioininga monastery. I
"Sowhenweaskquestions likehowlife emerges, andwhylivingsystems
are the waythey are-these arethe kind of questionsthat are reallyfun-
damentalto understanding whatwe areandwhatmakesus differentfrom
inanimatematter.The morewe knowaboutthesethings,the closerwe're
goingto getto fundamental questions like, 'What is the purposeof life?'
Now, in sciencewe can neverevenattemptto makea frontalassaulton
questions like that, But by addressing a differentquestion-like,Why is
therean inexorablegrowthin complexity?-wemaybeableto learnsome-
thing fundamentalaboutlife that suggests ib purpose,in the samewaythat
Einsteinshedlight on whatspaceand time areby tryingto understand
gravity.The analogyI think of is avertedvisionin astronomy: if you want I
to seea veryfaint star,you shouldlook a little to the sidebecause your eye I
is more sensitiveto faint light that way-and assoonasyou look right - at 'J
the star,it disappears."
Likewise,saysFarmer,understanding the inexorable growthof com-
plexity isn't goingto give us a full scientifictheoryof morality.But if a
newsecondlawhelpsusunderstand whoandwhatweare,andtheprocesses
that led to us havingbrainsanda socialstructure,then it mighttell us a\
lot moreaboutTloralitvthan we know now. I
"Religionstry to'imposerulesof moralityby writing them on stone
tablets,"he says."We do havea real problemnow, becausewhen we
abandonconventionalreligion,we don't know what rulesto follow any-
more.But whenyou peelit all back,religionand ethicalrulesprovidea \
way of structuringhuman behaviorin a way that allowsa functioning I
society.My feeling is that all of morality operatesat that level. It's an-.|
evolutionaryprocessin which societiesconstandyperformexperiments,
and whetheror not thoseexperimenbsucceeddetermines which cultural
ideasand moralpreceptspropagate into the future." If so, he says,then a
theorythat rigorouslyexplainshow coevolutionary systems are driven to
the edgeof chaosmight tell us a lot aboutculturaldynamics,and how
societiesreachthat elusive,ever-changing
"I have partial answersto what it all means," saysStuart Kauftnan, who
speaksas a man who's had reasonto be reflective of late. Shortly before
Thanksgiving1991,he and his wife Liz werepassengers in a car crashthat
left them both severelyiniured and could easilyhave been fatal; they spent
months recuperating.
"For example, supposethat these models about the origin of life are
correct. Then life doesn'thang in the balance.It doesn'tdependon whether
some warm little pond iust happensto produce template-replicatingmol-
eculeslike DNA or RNA. Life is the natural exDressionof complex matter.
It's a verydeeppropertyoTifrEfrltry--"r-a-*&Alts-K
andbeingfar from
equilibrium. And that meansthat we'reat home in the universe.We're to
be expected. How welcoming that is! How far that is from the image of
organisms as tinkered-togetherconhaptions, where everything is bits of
widgetrypiled on top of bits of ad hocery,and it's all blind chance.In that
world there are no deep principles in biology, other than random variation
and natural selection;we're not at home in the universe in the same way.
"Next," saysKauftnan, "supposethat you come back many yearslater,
after the autocatalytic sets have been coevolving with one another and
squirting stringsat one another. The things that would still be around would
be thosethings that had come to evolvecompetitiveinteractions,food webs,
muhralism, symbiosis.The things that you would seewould be those that
made the world they now mutually live in. And that reminds us that we
make the world we live in with one another. We're participantsin the story
as it unfolds. We aren't victims and we aren't oubiders. We are part of the
universe, you and me, and the goldfish. We make our world with one
"And now supposeit's really hue that coevolving, complex systemsget
themselvesto the edgeof chaos," he says."Well, that'svery Gaialike. It
saysthat there's an attractor,a statethat we collectively maintiii-iTiSiBlVes
"l think there'sa personality that goeswith this kind of thing," Arthur
says."It's peoplewho like process and pattern,asopposedto peoplewho
are comfortablewith stasisand order.I know that everytime in my life
thatI've run acrosssimplerulesgivingriseto emergent,complex*.rrin.rr,
I've just said,'Ah, isn't that lovelyl'And I think that sometimes, when
otherpeoplerun across it, theyrecoil."
In about1980,he says,at a time whenhe wasstill strugglingto articulate
Work in Progress 33s
his own vision of a dynamic,evolvingeconomy'he happenedto reada
bookby the geneticistBisbad-kwonJin. And he wasstruckby a passage
in which Lewontinsaidthat scientists cgglp.iLhua"rypgs. Scientists of the
first type seethe world as being basicallyin equilibrium. And if untidy
forcessometimes pusha systemslightlyout of equilibrium,then they feel
the whole trick is to push it backagain.Lewontincalledthesescientists
"Platonists,"after the renownedAthenianphilosopherwho declaredthat
ffiefiessy, imperfectobiectswe seearoundus are merelythe reflections
of perfect"archetypes. "
ofthe secondtype,however,seethe worldasa process
Scientists of flow
and change,with the samematerialconstantly going around and-around
in endlesscombinations.Lewontincalledthesescientists "H%SlSegq,f
after the Ionian philosopherwho passionately and poeticallyarguedthat
the world is in a constantstateof fux. Heraclitus,who lived nearly a
centurybeforePlato,is famousfor observingthat "Upon thosewho step
into the sameriversflow otherandyetotherwaters,"a statement thatPlato
himselfparaphrased as"You can neverstepinto the sameriver twice'"
"When I readwhat l,ewontinsaid,"saysArthur, "it wasa momentof
revelation.That'swhen it finally becameclearto me whatwasgoingon.
'YeslWe'refinallybeginningto recoverfromNewton'' "
I thoughtto myseli
Back in Santa Fe, Cowan was sorry to hear Holland say no to the
professorship.But he had to admit he was impressedby the way Holland
had finessedhis way out of a bad situationat home. And he wasevenmore
impressedby the fact that Holland had played"bet your iob" to securethe
ongoing link with Michigan-something the institute was overioyed to
have, and probably never would have had otherwise.
In the meantime, howevel Cowan had to deal with Maxwell. He and
Simmons spent the early summer of 1990 keeping the fax lines hot with
very polite reminders to [,ondon: pleasedon't forget to send the money.
Maxwell's personalcheck for $150,000-the first installmentof the first
year's$300,O00-finally arrivedin August.And it wasonly then that they
told him that Holland wouldn't be able to accept. "Do you think it would
help if I went to Michigan and talked to him?" Maxwell responded.
346 COtvlpLEXtTy
Well, no. But SantaFe wasableto offera compromise: Hollandand
Gell-Mann would sharethe professorship for the fall 1990semester that
wasjust shrting, during which time Holland would lay the groundwork
for this new adaptivecomputationprogram.In l99l the positionwould
rotatebehveenStuartKauftnan and David Pines.And in the meantime,
the institutewould usethe fexibility to bring in someFrst-class younger
people,suchasSethLloyd, jamesCrutchfield,and Alfred Hubler.
That, said the fax machine,wasquite acceptable to Maxwell. It also
provedto be quite acceptableto everyonethat the newcomplexityjournal
be publishedthroughMaxwell'sPergamon Press.The detailswereworked
out by cowan and Maxwellduringa long transatlantic telephoneconver-
sation-shortly beforeMaxwellsuddenlydecidedto sellpergamonto help
financehis otheracquisitions.And in lateRbruary 1991,aftera seriesof
increasingly urgenthansatlanticreminders,Maxwellevenremembered to
sendalonganother$l 50,000to payfor thesecondhalfofthe professorship's
academic year.
For those who want to learn a bit more about complexity, the book and
articles listedbelow will be a start.Few ofthem are intendedfor casualreaders:
the field r'sst// so new that most of the written accountsare in the form of
conferenceproceedingsand iournal articles.Noneftleless,many of the refer-
enceshereshould be reasonablyaccessibleto nonexperb.And virtually all of
them contain further referencesto the technical litenfure.
|udson, Horace Freeland.The Eighth Day of Creation. New yorkr Simon &
. -Kauffman, StuartA. "Antichaosand Adaptation."ScientificAmericdn(August
l99l): 78-8,1.
y Kauftnan, Stuart A. oigins of order: self-organizationdnd selectionin
v Evolution. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress(1992).
To the dozensof people who have given so generouslyof their time and
patienceto help makethis book what it is: a heardeltthank'you. All booksare
a team effort, and this one is more so than most, Many of you have received
only a passingmention in the text, or none at all. Believeme, that doesnot
diminish either the importanceof your contribution or the gratitudeI feel.
To Brian Arthur, GeorgeCowan, fohn Holland, Stuart Kauftnan, Chris
Langton,Doyne Farmer,Murray Gell-Mann, KennethArrow, Phil Anderson,
and David Pines: a special thank-you for enduring endlessinterviews and
telephonecalls, for sharingyour own struggles,for educatingme in the ways
of complexity and, not least, for readingvariousdrafts of the manuscriptin
whole or in part. For me, at least,the processhas been a ioy. I hope it has
been for you as well.
To Ed Knapp, Mike Simmons,and the staffof the SanteFe Institute:thank
you for hospitalityand assistance aboveand beyondthe call ofduty. The Santa
Fe Institute is truly a place to come home to.
To my agent, PeterMabon: thank you for your guidance,advice, and re-
assurance,which alwayshad a calming infuence on a frequently nervous
To my editor, Gary Luke, and the production staff at Simon & Schuster:
thank you for your enthusiasticsupport-and your yeomanefforb on behalf
of a book that wasvery late.
And to Amy: thankyou. For everything.
Academyof Sciences,Budapest,48 on emergentptoperties,82-83
Adams, RobertMcCormack, 86, 88, 9l meetingwith Reed,92-93
Adaptation, 146. SeealsoComplex on reductionism,8l
adaptivesystems Anthropology,86
ariving at edgeofchaos through, 309 Arrow, Kenneth, lZ, 74, 52, 97, l)6,
coevolutionand, ]09 tt7-t8,140, 142, l+t, r9r,744,
evolution and, 179 215, 246, 250, tZ', t26, 140
Holland'sanalysisof, 144-19, 166 Arthur and. 52-53
in humanmind, 176 on evolutionaryeconomics,J26-27
Adaptiveagents,145, 176 on increasingteturns economics,
in evolution,179 t95-96, tZ7
computersimulationof, l8l-91 personalitycharacteristics,52
Hebb'ssearchfor theory of, 180 on SantaFe Institute versusCowles
Hofland on, 176-77 Foundationresearchprograms,327
in inductivemode, 253, 254 Arthur, SusanPeterson,15, 29, ll7
simulated,l8l-91 Arthur, William Brian, l5-54, 98, 240
Adaptivecomputation, 341-'13 academicbackground,li-16, 19-28
origin of term, 342 at American EconomicsAssociation
Adaptivesystems.SeeComplex adaptive meeting,50
systems Arrow and, 52-51
Agents,in adaptivesystems.SeeAdap- in Bangladesh,26-27
tive agenb codirectonhipof SantaFe Institute of-
Agnew, Harold, 62 fered to, 199
AIDS, 60, 248 "Competing Technologies,Increasing
Alchemymodel, ll5-16 Retums,and lockln by Historical
Anderson, Herb, 84 Events."49-50
Anderson,loyce,92 on complexityas scientific revolution,
Anderson,Philip, 12, 79-8\, 95-96, 727-70
tt6, t37, ltg, t40, l4'' 149, 195, asdirectorof SanhFelnstitute,244-
244, )04,318 245.247-18,tZ4-t5
economicsworkshoporganizedby, 97 24, 25-26
370 lndex
Arthur, William Brian (Conf.) Kauffmanon, lll, 315-18
StewartDreyfus and, 24 node-and-connect.ionshucture of. 290
in Germany,21, 25 selectionand adaptationin, ll7-18
Hofland and, 144, 147-48. 194.242- simulating,ll2-33
243 Automatatheory, I09
ideasfor SantaFe Institute, 245-46 Axelrod,Rohrt, 176, 2$,277
on increasingreturnseconomics,29, Evolution of Cooperation, The, 264
at InternationalInstitute for Applied
SystemsAnalysis,28-47 Bagley,Richard,ltl, 297, 314
Kauffmanand, 100-101, lt7-20. Bak, Per, 304-6
113-i4, tJ7 Balance,betweenordet and chaos.294
personalitycharacteristics, Bangladcshpopulationand develop.
point of view, 38-46 ment,26-27
on SantaFe Institute approach,326- Behavior
))5 collective,emergent,95
at SantaFe Institute economicswork- patternsof, 66
shops,99-101, ll7-20, lll. l16- Belin, Alletta, 284
t43, t97-99 Bethe,Hans,57,68
speculationsof, 127-)5 Big Bangtheory,62, 64, 76, 81, 295, ll8
StanfordUniversityprofessorship, Biology,16,29-30
,2 developmental,106
as visiting professorat SantaFe Insti- molecular,62, 76
tute,5l-54 physicists and,62-67
A*ificial intelligence,71, 157, 180, Bloch, Eric, 90
185. Seea/so Neural netwotk simu- Bohr, Niels. 68
lations Boldrin, Michele, 196
A*ificiaf life, 199-240, 277-81, 299 Booker,Lashon, l9l
Farmeron, 284-99 Bottom-up organization,and evolution,
l,angtonand, 215-40 294
langton'suseof term, 198,2\7 Branscomb,Lnuis, 87
metaphorof, 329 8rock, William, 246
possibifityof creation of, 282'84 Brookingslnstitute, 352
"rcal," 283-84 Bucket-brigade algorithm,188-89, 19l,
rulesof, 281-82 272, 291
scienceof, langton as founder of, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Tfte,
)22, )18-59 foundingof, 58
value oi 289 Burks,A*hur, 160-61,162, 165,22i,
Artificial Life Worlshop, los Alamos, 224
Asimov,Isaac,"The Final Question," Cairns-Smith, Graham,219
286 Calvin,Melvin,128
AspenCenter for Physics,71, 83 Campbell,David,122
Atomic EnergyCommission,58 Campbell, fack,79
Augusztinovics, Maria, 48 Carruthers, Peter,69-70, 84, 87, 749
models, supportof SantaFeftrstitute,69-70
t24-28, t70, t12_)7, t48,235_ Cell, asself-organizing
236, Z9l Cellassemblies, 182
Alchemyprogramand, 3l 5 Cellularautomata, 87, 217,219
analogyto economics,125-27 Class I rules,225,228,2t1,2t]
emergencein, 289, 296-97 ClassIf rules,225-26,ZZ8,73l.z]^t
lndex 371
ClassIII rules,226,227,228,82, C o d d ,T e d ,Z l 7 , 2 Z 0 , 2 Z l
Lt5 Coevolution. J09
IV rules,226,227,228-30,
Class edge-of-chaos principle and, 294
B1 as force for emergence,259-60
phasetransition in,
edge-of-chaos Coevolutionarymodels, Z9Z, )09-lt.
292-9) See alsoEcho model
evolution and,227 edge-of-chaos phasehansition, 3l I
Came of Life as specialcaseof, 219 Cognition
l,angton and,72l-22 computermodel of, I8l-82
nonlinear systemsand, 225 learningand, 180
rules followed by, 225-)0 Cognitive science,71, 76
self-reproductionand, 721-22, 279, as interdisciplinary,7l
281 Cognitive theory, 192-203
Cellular Automata (Codd, editor), 217 clasifier systemand, 190, I9l
Cellular differentiation, 106 Cohen, Michael, 175,176, 189
Change, power-lawcascades of' ]08-9 Colgate,Stirling, 70
Chaos. 65-66, 3ll. Seea/soChaosthe- Combat, as metaphorfor interaction,
ory 260
classifiersystemand, 193 Competition, in adaptivesystems,185
evolution and,103 and cooperation,l8r, 262-6,
hansition to, 230 (seealso Edge of in evolution, 262
chaos) Compfex adaptivesystems,294-99
Ciaos (Gleick), l3l, 287 buitding block structureand, 170
Chaostheory, l3l-12, ]29. Seealso chemishyand, 314-15
Edge of chaos economyas example of, 145 (seealso
as emergingscience,287 Economics;Economy)
Farmeron, 287-88 emergentbehavior in (seeEmergence)
Los Alamos as world centerfor, 70 generalizedgenotypeversusPhenotyP€
and self-organizingcomplex systems, of,281-82
t2 Holland's work and, 166-94
useof, 95 levels of organization, 145-46
Chemical Evolution (Calvin), 128 nichesof, I47
Chemishymodel, 314-15 prediction and, 146, 176-77
Chenery,Hollis, l17, 195-96 realignmentof, 146
Chessanalogy,I50-51 rulesof. 280-81
Chiaromonte, Francesca,J58 Complex systems.SeealsoComplex
Church, Alanzo,278 adaptivesystems;Complexity; Edge
Citicorp, 91, 92, 94-95, 96, 181-94, of chaos
242-43, 244, 252, 258, ll8, 140 characteristics of, I l-12
Classifiersystems,188-89, 272, 289, computersand, 67
290 defined,ll
Arthur on, 272-73 spontaneousself-organizing,I I
bucket-brigadealgorithm, 188-90, Complexity, 294. Seea/soComplexity
19l,291 research;Complexity theory
\ cognitivetheory and, 192-93 in economics,18
\ deusex machina, 258-59 at edgeofchaos, 293
systemand, 193 growthof, 6r, 165,294-99,316-18,
geneticalgorithm,188-90, l9l, I99, l19
242-4t,Z5Z,272, phasetransitionsand, 732, 283
node-and-connection shuctureof, 290 SantaFe Institute approachesto, 248
as self-adapting,273 scientists'fascinationwith. 6l-64
372 Index
Complexity (Cont.) first lectureson, l5l
Wolfram on, 86-87 newkindsof,71,76
Complexity research rule-basedsystems,Newell-Simon.
computersin, 87 I8l-8t
exampleof questionsdealt with b* 9- softwarepackages,debugging,282
ll _
troublein definine,9 defined,289
Complexig theory models,289
metaphors and, ll4 Connectionisttheoryof memory, 158-
asscientificrevolution,J27-10 l t 9 , 1 6 0 ,l 8 l
asworld view, Jll Connections,289-90
Computation(s), of complexadaptivesys- adjusting/changing, 291
tems, 106, 212, 280-Bt, 31t-4i powerof, in learningand evolution,
asessenceof life, 212, 280 29t.292
Computergraphics,95 sparse,303
Computersimulation,63-64, gj, 177, Consistency, in adaptivesystems,185
251. Seealso Echo model; Model- Conway,fohn, 201, 219
ing Cooperation
of adaptiveagenb, t8l-93 and competition, 262-65
of autocatalysis,B2-13 (seealso Au- in evolution, 262-64
models) in real world, 263
of complex adaptivesystems,needfor, Cost-benefitanalyses,33I-32
t47 Cowan, GeorgeA., l), 57-69, l4t.
connectionist,289 241, 276-77, 95_17
of cooperation,262-65 academicbackground,5t-56, 57
ofearthquakes,305-6 dissatisfaction with academicapproach
of economics,93,95, 2$, ZSl, ZiZ* to science,60-61
255,268-74 Gell-Mann and,77-74, ]3i, 717-14
ofecosystems, 309-13 ideasfor interdisciplinaryinstitute for
emergentbehavior in, 242, 270 study of complexity,68-69
ofevolution, 256-58 at L,osAlamos, ,7-r9, 66-69
of flocking behaviorof birds, Z4l-4). as ManhattanProjectscientist,56-58
279, 129 personalig characteristics,54*5 5
ofgeneticnetworks,lll-14, l16 at Santa,FeInstifute, after presidency,
of immune system,266 t > > - >/
lessonlearnedabout complex adaptive as SantaFe Institute chairman of
systemsfrom, 279 boardand president,77-71,77-79,
local controlin, 280 84-8r.735-14
of neuralnetworks,I ll, lt9-60, White HouseScienceCouncil and.
l8l,289-90 59-61
origin-ofJife,124-25, 313, )14 Cowan,|ack,85, 87,134
of plant development,279-80 Kauffmanand, I 16
of policy options, 266-67 Cowles Foundation,j27
rule-based systems,l8l-82 Crick, Francis,29, 67.,Zl9
of stockmarket, 266, 27)-74, 729 Critical states,self-organized,304-7
value of, 289 Crutchfield, lames, 287, 346
Computer virr-rses, 238, 279, 78\
propertiesof, 283 Danceof Life, The (Ellis), 156
Computers Darwin, Charles,75, 102, 179,287,295
in complexityresearch,63, 87 David,Paul,50
conflict resolutionstrategies,184-85 Dawkins,Richard,?32,?38, 26l-62
development of, at IBM: 155-t7 Debreu, Gerard, 24
Index 373
Default-hierarchymodels, 192, 19) historians,on increasingreturnseco-
Detectors,182-83 nomics, 50
Dewdney,A. K., 279 lack of attention to empirical fact, l4l
DNA, l2l, 122 openness to new view of economics,
as molecular-scalecomputer, 3l )25-26
structure of, 29-30, 62, 219 theoretical,on increasingreturnseco-
Von Neumann'sanalysisof self-repro- nomics,49-50
ductionand, 219 Economy
Doofen,Cary,274 as complex adaptivesystem,145
Double Oral Auction Tournament, 271 computer-simulationoi with adaptive
Dreyfus, Stuart, 24 agents,243, Z5l, 257-55
Dynamical behavior,Wolfram's classes Third World, pafternsof develop-
ot- /1>-t> ment, 195-96
Dynamical systems,287 world, computer simulationsof, 9J
nonlinear, and cellular automata, Ecosystems
225-30 (seealsoCellular automata; computersimulationoi j09-ll
Nonlineardynamics) at edgeofchaos, 108-ll
Edge of chaos,210-31, ?92-94,
Earthquakes as balancepint, 12
computermodels,305*6 cellularautomataat, 714
diskibution of, 305 complexityand, 295
power law for, 305-6 defined.l2
self-organized criticalityand, l0l-4 ecosystems at, 108-ll
EaslWest PopulationInstitute (Hono- Farmeron, 293
lulu), 25, 29 as l,anglon'sphrase,230
Echo model, 7ffi-62, 266, 292, 709, langton on, 302
310 origin oflife and, 215
Econometricmodels,9l as region rather than boundary, 302
Economics self-organizedcriticality and, 107
analogyto autocatalysis models, 125- theory of, difficulty of testingin real
r27 world, 107-8
analogyto chess,150*51 EDVAC, 16I
computersimulationsof, 9), 95, 24), Effectors,182-81
2rr, 252-55,268-74 Ehrlich. Paul, 25
evolutionaryapproachto, 252 Eighth Day of Creation, Tie (fudson),
"increasingreturns" conceptin (see 29, 74
Increasingreturnseconomics) Einstein,Albert, l0l
instabilitvin. I7 Ellis, Havelock,156
neoclassicalview of, 17, 22-24, 77, Emergence,152, ZA0, 2t8
74-)5, )7-38, 43, 140-41, 378, and adaptation,149, I8l-84
ll0 Andersonon, 82-83
new (seeIncreasingreturnseconomics) bottom-up, 278-79
asnonlinear,65 coevolutionand, 259-60
SantaFe Institute approachto, 250, in computersimulations,242,270
252, 7.54-5r, 110 (seea/soIncreas- Farmeron, 288-92
ing returnseconomics) hierarchicalbuilding-block structure
SantaR Institute programin, 95-98 and, 169-70
asself-organizing system,34 meaningof, 242
spinglassmetaphor,138-39 Emergentmodels,270
Economisk default-hierarchiesmodelsas. I9l
attitudesof. l'12 E N T A C .l 5 l . 1 6 l
374 Index
Enhopy, 286, 288 positive,ll8, ll9, 196
Equifibrium, 165, 167 rule-basedsystemsand, 183
complexadaptivesystemsand, 147 stockmarket and, 196
in economics,255 Feldman,Marc, 87, I l4
Ermoliev,Yu.ri,46,246 Rrmi, Enrico, 56, 68
Ervin, Frank,200, 205 Feynman,Richard,68
Evolution. SeealsoCoevolution Fisher, R. A., 163-61, 166-67, ZS9
cellular automataand, 222 Fishlow, 50
competitionand cooperationin, 262- Flocking-of-birdscomputer simulation,
265 2 4 t - 4 7 . 2 7 9 .1 2 9
of,256-58 Fogelman-Soule,Frangoise,301
developmentof theory of, 299 Fontana,Walter,297, ll4-15, lt8
edgeof chaosand, 103 Forrest;Stephanie,272
Fisher versusHebb on, 164-65 Free-market ideal, 47 -48
hierarchyof control in, 294 increasingrefums economicsand, 48
as longestterm adaptation,Hebb's Freeman,Christopher,43
study of, 166-74 Friedez,Gideon. 221
movementof, towardgreatercomplex-
ity,296 Game of Life, Z0l-1, 209, Zl8, ZZ9,
paradoxin, 262 z7t,zJ4
self-organizedcriticality and, 108-9 artificiallifeand,202-l
Evolution of Cnpration, The,261 ascellularautomaton, 219
"Evolution, Games,and lrarning" con- Gamestheory,150,262
ference,l,os Alamos. 1,18 Gamow,Ceorge,62
"Evolutionaryarmsrace," 261-62 Geanakoplos, lohn,725
Expectations Gefl-Mann,Murray,12,53-54,73-77,
in economics,l4l 80,8t, 83,84, 136,t49,24r,258.
rational.270-71 26t,284,37t,346
Expertsystems,180, l8l Cowanand,7,-74, )35,347-51
Exploitationlearning, 291 asheadof SantaFeInstituteboardof
Explorationleaming, 291, Jlz trustees, 89-90
"Extendedtransients,"229,?30, B1 asheadof SantaFe lnstituteScience
Rrmer, Doyne, l)l-12, l?'1, 148,23j. on Holland,148-,19
246,258, 276, 284-99. 3t3. tt4, interests
of, 71-75,256-58
329,)r8 personality
"Artificial Life The Coming Evolu- Generalizedgenotype, 28I -82
tion," 284, 285 Ceneralizedphenotype, 281-82
on chaostheorx 287-88 Genes,regulatory, 106,107,108
on emergence,288-92 Geneticalgorithms,188-90,l9l, 242-
Langtonand,235, )22 243,2r2, 272.)03
personalitycharacteristics,285 international conferenceson. 199
"RosettaStonefor Connectionism," Geneticcircuih,106
290,294,312,34t_42 Geneticcode,29-10
on science,Jl8-19 strucfureof, 62
on self-organization,286-88 Ceneticnetworkmodels.
Feedback,29 289
Holland on, 180 neuralnetworlaand, lll
intemal, l8l orderly statesof, I I l-l l
naturalselectionand, 179 phase-transitionlike behaviorin, 301
negative,139 regulatory,I l0-ll, 120-21
patternsand, 16 Geneticorder,Kauffmanon, 108-ll
Index 375
Genetics Arthur and, 144, 117-48, 194,242-
Fisheron, 16l-64 243
molecular,106-7 Burksand, 16l-62
Cenomes,106*8, 290 on emergence and adaptation,148,
regulatorysystems,I I 5- l6 149-50
Getg, Gordon, 354 on equilibrium, 167
Cleick, fames,Lll, 287 geneticalgorithm,I88-90, l9l, 247-
Global behavior,106 z4l, 252, Z7Z, 101
Global sustainabilityprogram, 349-52 and Hebb'stheory, 158-60
Ccidel,Kurt, 778,328 at IBM, 155-60
Goldberg,David, l9l-92, 193 Langton and,224
Goldenberg,Edie, 144-45 MIT seniorthesis,l5l-55
Goldstine,Herman, 16l on personalcomputen, 189-90
Coodwin, Brian, I I6 programmingknowledgeof, 154-55
Gould, Stephenf ., 308 SantaFe Institute Maxwell professor-
Cutenberg,Beno, 105 ship offeredto,741,144
Holyoak,Keith, 192-91
Hahn, Frank,247,250, Zrr,175 Hubler, Alfred, 146
Haken,Hermann, 287
Hamilton, William, 175, 176
Hebb. Donald O., 157-60, 169,176, tBM. 156-57,159
182, t83-84, 188 computerdevelopment,I 55-56
theoryof learningand memory, 164- Hollandat, 155-60
165 IIASA. SeeInternationa'lInstitute for
Hecker,Siegfred,275 AppliedSystems Analysis
Heidegger,Martin, 329 Immune systemmodel, 289
"Heraclitians," 335 Increasingrefumseconomics,17-18,
Heraclitus,J8 79, )4-18, 42
Hewlett-Packard, 69 acceptanceof, 195-96, 325-26
Hicks,fohn R.,47 Arthur on, \8-46 (seealso Arthur,
High technologyindustries William Brian)
governmentpolicyand, 41-42 free-marketideal and, 48
standardsand,,42-47 Kauffmanon, Il8
Historicalaccidents,\6-17, 19, 4l "legitimization'rof, by physicists,139-
Holistic approach,versusreductionism, 140
60-61 Marshall on,41-:45
Holland, fohn H., 144-94, 197, ZZ0, mathematicalanalysisof, 14-46
246. 2t2, 257-5+, 278-79, 289, propertiesof,16-J7
290,295,109,l4l, '12, )46 technologicalchangeand, I 19-20
academicbackground,I 5l-55, l6l- Induction.25t,2t4
162. t66. t75 Induction (Holland, Holyoak, Nisbett,
Adaptationin Natural and Artificial and Thagard),'191,272, )44
Systems,174 Information processing,I 53
on adaptivesystems,144-47, 166-94 Insight, 193
at Artificial Life Workshop,los Ala- Interdisciplinary research
mos, 198, 199-200,2]8-40 cognitivescienceas, 7l
bucket-brigade algorithm,188-90, universitiesand, 67
t9t, z7z,791 Internalcombustionengine,40-41
on classifiersystems(seeClassifiersys- InternationalInstitute for Applied Sys-
tems) temsAnalysis, 28, )2, 39-40
Gell-Mann and, 256-57 Arthur at, 28-47
at SantaFe Institute, 2'14 InternationalSchumpeterSociety,326
376 Index
3l intuition of, 202-7
Japan, economic of, ,13
development at Los Alamos Center for Nonlinear
fohnsen, Sonke,
103,109-12 Studies,2)6-40,722
foule,fames,298 marriage,216
29-30,31, speculationsof, 320-21, t29, ?30,
34 3t8*59
Kaniovski, Yuri, 46, 246 cognitionand, 180
Kauftnan,Stuart,162,l9+,235,Z4f, computermodpling of, 185-89
249,257,2r8, 2r9, 289,299_104. in economics,modeling effecb of,
329,111,316,358 t>t
Arthurand, 100,ll7-20, 133-34. Hebb'sneurophysiologicaltheory of,
t)7 155-56
on autocatalysis, l2l-ll, ll5-18 lack of interestin, l8l-84
automobile accident, 321 l,evins, Dick, I 16
background, 103- 13 Lewontin,Richard,116, ll5
Licklider,I. C. R., I57, lt8, 159
deathofdaughter, l17, ll4-15 Life
ecosystem modelof, 309-13 artificial (seeArtificial life)
Farmer and,288 behaviorof. 280
fruit fly development work,129-J0 as computation, 272, 280
Goodwinand,I 16 computersimulation of (seeArtificial
HorsehilFallshome,134 life)
marriage,I 14 edge-of-chaos phasetransitionand,
McCullough and,lll-16 102-1
on origin oflife, l2l-29 as emergentproperty,82, 278
Oigins of Order,The, )00 organizationas essenceof, 288, 292
personality characteristicsof, l0 l-Z orfgrnol, tt>, /.>/->6
on self-organized criticality,307-8 Lindenmeyer,Aristid, 238-39,
speculations of, 321-22 279
Kaysen, Carl, 92 Linear systems,versusnonlinear sys-
Keck,William,Jr.,154 tems, 6,f-65. See alsoReduciion-
Keynes, ism
fohnMaynard, 23
Lloyd, Seth, 346
Keyworth,Ceorge(lay),II, 60,69
Knapp,Ed, 88, 349,353-54 Lock-in, ofeconomicadvantage, 36, 37,
^ FeInstitutepresident, 354* 39-40,50,139
i;i" examples
Knief,Byron,92 fapaneseeconomy and, 13-44
Koopmans, Tialling,24 Uccello clock and. 40
Kopal,Zednek,154 los Alamos, ,4, 60, 61, 62
Artificial Life Worlshop, 199-240
Carruthersat. 69-70
lane,David,272,325,)r8 Center for Nonlinear Studies,216,
langton,Christopher C., 199*240, aat
257,258,274-84,291,3u, tZ} chaostheory research,70
of,715-10, Complex Systemsgroup, 285-86
322,358-19 GeorgeCowan at, 57*59, 66-69
background,200-38 "Evolution,Games,and Learning"
Farmerand,2J5 conference,235
hang-glidingaccidentandrecovery, missionof, 68'
208-lI nonlinear dynamicsresearchat, 66-
Hollandand.224 70
Index 377
MacArthur Institute.]r0. 3r2 neuralnetworkmodels,I I l, I 59-60,
McCarthy,fohn, 157 18r,289-90
McCullough,Warren,I l3-16 nodeand connectionstructureof, 289
death, I 16 (seealn Connectionism)
Kauffmanand, 113-16 random.of reactions.lJ2
McKenzie,Lionel, 2'1 propertiesol 120-21
McKinseyand Company,20-21,27, Ncural networksimulations.lll. 159-
24,25 160. l8l. 289-90
McMahon bill (1946).t8 McCullough-Pittsmodel, I l3
McNicoll, Ceoffrcy.76-27 Neurosciencc,l6
Manhattan Prciect, 67-68 Newell,Allen, 168, l8l
MANIAC, 70 Nisbett.Richard.192-91
Marimon, Ramon, 746, 270,271 Nonlincardynamics,64, 65-66,76,
Marshall, Alfred, 44 l2l
Mathematics.fermentin. 7l Carruthersand, 69-70
Maxwell, Robert,341-46, 355 cellular automata and, 225
MaynardSmith,tohn, l16, 120,100, Easternphilosophyand, 331
il l formation of patternsand, 65
Memory, Hebb'sneurophysiological the- [,os Alamos researchon, 66-70
ory of, 155-56 self-organizingsystems as, 65
Menezes,Victor, 92 Novelty, perpetual, 147
Metaphors,and complexsystems,329, Nuclearpower,4l-43, 60
]J4 wastedisposal,60
Metropolis, Nick, 71, 72,76,78-79 weaponresearch,55-59
supportof SantaFe Institute, 70-71
Miller, Stanley,I2l, 128, lt2 Operationsresearch
Miller, fohn, 246-47, 266, 273 defined, 20
Mind, studyof. SeeCognitivescience Williams as studentof, 20
Minsky,Marvin, ll5 Oppenheimer,I. Robert, 58, 68
Mitchell. Melanie. 159 Order,29), 291, )11
Modeling/models,76. Seea/soCom- Christianityand, ll0
puter simulations genetic,108-13
of complexadaptivesystems,needfor, Kauffmanon, 102
t47 from molecularchaos,124
econometric,9l Prigogineon,12-33
emergent,252,25) Organization.Seealn Self-organization/
internal.146.147 self-orga ni zing systems
Kauftnan and, 105 as essenceof life, 288, 292
mental. 177. 278 levelsof, in complexadaptivesystems,
predictionand,177 t45-46
Monod, Jacques, 3l propertiesof, 288
Moravec, Hans, 219 Origin of life, 121-25, 119
Morris, Robert,2J8 autocatalytic setand, 124-25
Mountain Bell, 78 computersimulatirinof, 121-25, )13,
Naturallaw, beliefin, 8l Packard.David. 69
Nelson,Richard,252 Packard,Norman, l3l, 148,235,287,
Networks 288, 302-j, 3t3
"frozencomponents"in, l0l Palmer,Richard,246, 252, 272,271
geneticnetworkmodels,ll0-14, 289, Papert,Seymour,I 15
301,303 Pathdependence, 50, 139
378 Index
kttems understandingversus,J06
ofactivegenes,31, 107 Prigogine,llya, 32, 287
Arthur's awarenessof, 27-28, 1l-32 Pinciples of Economiu (Marshall), 44
of behavior,66 Prisoners'Dilemma, 262, 26'-65
computersimulation of, 61-64 iterated,263
ofconnections, 289-90 TIT FOR TAT strategy,264-6,
of economicdevelopment,195-96 Processcontrol, 278
increasingcomplexityof, 66 Programminglanguages,154
nonlineardynamicsand, 65 Prusinkiewcz,Prezemyslaq279
reasonsfor, 36-J7 Psychologists,71, 195
Perelson, Alan, 248, 289 Purmort,Wally, 165
Periodicattractors,226 Qu"rkt, 53-51,74, 311, 348
Perpetualnovelty, 1,17 QWERTY keyboard,as exampleof lock-
Phasetransitions,228-10, 213-3r, i n , 1 5 ,4 0 , 4 2 , 5 0 , 1 3 9
to chaos,210-31 Rationalexpectations,Sargents'swork
complexity and, 232, 29j on,270-71
edgeof chaos, 292-9), 302-) Rationality, l4l-42
origin of life and, 2)5 bounded,250-51
self-organizedcriticality and, 107 perfect,250-51
Physicists,62,287 Reaganadministration, 46, 47
attitudesof,112-4] ' "Star Wars"
economishand, 119-40, l4l-43 tive, 60
and empirical fact, 140 Red Queen hypothesis,26J
Physics,16-17 Reductionism.Seeallo Linear systems
Arthur's studyof, 32 Andenon on, 8l
Pines,David, 7l-72, 75, 79, 80, 81, versuscomplexity, 329
246,n6-71, as deadend approach,60, 6l
t46 versusholism, 60-61
academicbackground,7l Reed,/ohn, 91,93, l)6, l1), 119, 196,
at Los Alamos. 7l t97, 241, 215
Pipelinesimulation,19l-93 meetingwith SantaFe Institute scien-
Pitts, Wdlter, I 13 tists, 92-96
"Platonists,"335 personalitycharacteristics,92
Policy-making, Arthur on, JJ0-34 Reichenbach, Hans, 2ll
Political policy, Taoistapproachto,771- Reitman,Judy,190-91
3t4 Religion, )]0. SeeolsoTaoism
233 Farmeron, ll9
Council(NewYork),26, 27,
Population Researchstyle, Arthur on, 29
t6 Reynolds,Craig, 741-4\, 779
Populationgrowth, Third World, 75-27 Rice, Stuart, 127,128
PowerJawbehavior,105 Richardson,Ginger, 100
global, 106 Richter, Charles, ]05
possibilityof testing, 308-9 Rio Grande Institute, 79, 89. Seealrc
Predictability,)9, 142, 729 SantaFe Institute
Prediction Riolo. Rick. 189-90
complexadaptivesystemsand, 146, Risking. SeeExploration learning
176-77 RNA, I2I
implicit, l,16 Robotics.281
modelsand, 176-79 Rochester,Nathaniel, 159, 160
in relationto science.255 Rockefeller,fohn D.; IIl, 26
lndex 379
Otto, 128 seniorfellows at, 69-77
Rota,Gian-Carlo,70-7l, 72,75 staffing of, 99
Rothenberg, 50 Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Ruelle,David,lJ7, 195 link with, 145
RussellSageFoundation,91, 92 Sargeant, Tom, 116-37, 246,266, Z7l,
Rust,fohn, 273 271
Scheinkman,Josd,I17, 196
Salmon,Wesley, 213 Scholes,Christopher,35
Samuel, Arthur,157,165,180,194 Schriidinger,Erwin, 62
Samuelson, Paul,24 Schumpeter,foseph,46, 119,2r2, t26
Sandpile metapho4304-5 Schwartz,Douglas, 85-86
SantaFeInstitute,12, ll Science,318-19
accomplishments of, 339 and prediction,255
approach of, 247-55, 326-)5 Scientists
approach to complexity issue,248 typesof, 315
approach to economics, 250-55 world views,ll4-15
Arthurasvisitingfellowat, 57-54 Segura-Langton, Elvih, 216, 217, 221,
Arthur'sintroductionto, 57-54 221-74, 86
ArtificialLife Worhhop,279 Selection,versusself-organization,100-
ArtificalLife II Workshop, 722,32) tOl, lll
atmosphere of, 100,249-50,329 Self-assembly, 218
attainment of name,89 Self-fulfilling prophecy,274
building,99-100, 158 Self-organization/self-organizing systems,
ascatalyst, 325 317
ComplexSystems SummerSchool, adaptive,I I
7)9 autocatalyticsetsand, 133
conhibutions to complexity science, defined, 102
324-27 developmentof theory of, 299
Cowanand,5)-16, 66-69,78-79 economicsas, 34
(seeaIsoCowan,GeorgeA.) Farmeron, 286-88
DoubleOral AuctionTournament, in geneticself-regulatorynetworks,
273 l2l
earlypfansfor,68-73 Kauffman on, 300
economics program,244-15,tt9, knowledgeof,298-99
)41 living systemsand, I0Z
economics workshops, 95-98,l13- as nonlinear,65
t1i, t49-rt, t94-97, 247-r5 Prigogine on,17-)4,65
focusof studyat, 5\, 54-55 rise and fall of civilizationsand, 86
foundingworkshops, 79, 84-89 versusselection,100-101, ll3
fundingof, 77-78,89,90, 91, 96, spontaneous,I I
99, 244,247-48, 7t5-r9, t54-55 Woolfram on, 86-87
ClobalSustainability program,349- Self-organizedcriticality, )04-5, )56
t>L of earthquakefault zones,306
Hollandand,225,345(see alsoHol- Langton'sformulationsin relation to,
land,fohnH.) t06-8
impromptuseminar/bull sessions
at, Self-reinforcingmechanisms,Arthur on,
249-50 t77-39
incorporationof, 79 Self-reproducingsystems,217, 2\7. See
mission,72-73,79 a/soComputer viruses
asnewkind of scientificcommunitv. cellular automata and, 221-27
337.t)8 computersand, 2)7
of, 87
organization SelfishCene, The (Dawkins),238
2an A .,
#nlt )&ol P'Uo's.L99
Shanriofi.Claude. l5l T heory of Self-ReproducingAutomata,
Shaw, Robert, 287 Tfte(Von Neumann),217
SimCity, 267 Thom, Rene, l16
Simmons,Michael, 89, 1'8-79, )42, Time-delayedcontrol theory, 24, 25
)44 Tobin, fames,97
Simon, Herbert,168, l8l Trivelpiece,Alvin, 90
Simulation l,aboratories,267 Turing, Alan, 234, 278, 328-29
Singer,Eugenia,92,%,95, l1), 195,
211 Uccelloclock,40
Skills, as implicit models, 178-79 Ulam, Stanislas. 219
Smith, Adam, 279,328 Uncertainties,and chaos,66
Smith, Stephen,l9l Universalconstructor,218
Society,Farmer on, )19-20 Unpredictability,36- 37
Sociologists, 195 Urey,Harold,l2l, 128, ll2
Spencer,Herbert, 287
Spiegel,Arthur, 78 Vaupel, fames,.10
Spin glassmetaphor,for economy, 138- VHS, lock-in to, 15-16, 40
l19 Volker, Paul, 94, 95
Standards,economic rewardsof, 42 Von Neumann,fohn, 68, 70, 16l,217
StanfordUniversity,Arthur as professor analysiso[ self-reproduction,2 17- 19
at, 46-52 work on cellularautomata,218-20
Stockmarket, 269-70
computer simulation of, 266, 271-74, Wada, Eiitr,240
)29 Waddington,Conrad, I l6
positivefeedbackmechanismand, 196 Watson,fames,29, 62, Zl9
self-fulfilling prophecyin, 274 Weisbuch,Cdrard, l0l
Strangeattractors,226.SeealsoChaos Weisskopf,Victor, 8l
theory What Is Life? (Schriidinger\,62
Strategies,in economics,l4l Whirlwind Proiect,at MIT, l5l-55
Strauss,Lewis, 58 White HouseScienceCouncil. 59-61
Strucfure.SeealsoOrder; Patterns Wicksell'striangle,271
hierarchicalbuilding-block,169-70 Wiener, Norbert, 287
increasein, 295 Wiesenfeld.Kurt. l0.l
Summers,Lany, 117, 11) Wigner, Eugene,68
Superstringtheory, 348 Wilson. Robert. 87
SymbolicsCorporation, 240 Wilson, Stewart,l9l
Symbols,l8l, 184 Winter, Sidney,252
Syntheses in science,75-76,87-88 Wolfram, Stephen,86-87, 225, )17-14
Wolpert,lrwis, l16
Wootters,William, 286-87
Tang,Chao, ]04, )05-6 World Resources Institute,75, )50, )rZ
Thoism World views, l3J
policy-makingand, 130-14 new,219,255
world view of, ll0. t33-74 of scientists,lJ'l-J5
Tate, l,awson, 210 Wriston. Walter, 9l
Technological change,ll8-20 Zegura, Steve,2l'1-16
Thagard, hul, 192-91 Zurek, Woiciech, 248