A. Murder
B. Parricide
C. Homicide
D. Qualified Homicide
Answer: B
2. PO3 Bagsik entered the dwelling of Totoy against the latter’s will
A. Trespass to Dwelling
B. Violation of Domicile
C. Usurpation Of Authority
D. Forcible Trespassing
Answer: B
3. Charlie and Lea had been married for more than 6 months.They
live together with the children of Lea from her first husband.
Charlie had sexual relation with Jane, the 14 year old daughter of
by Charlie?
A. Simple Seduction
B. Qualified Seduction
C. Consented Abduction
D. Rape
Answer: B
4. Prof. Jose gave a failing grade to one of his students, Lito. When
Prof. Jose on the face. What was the crime committed by Lito?
B. Direct Assault
D. Grave Coercion
Answer: B
5. A warrant of arrest was issued against Fred for the killing of his
A. Indirect Bribery
B. Direct Bribery
D. Qualified Bribery
Answer: D
A. Parol Evidence
C. Suicide note
Answer: D
A. preponderance of evidence
B. ultimate fact
C. evidentiary fact
D. sufficiency of evidence
Answer: C
generation to another.
A. inheritance
B. heritage
C. pedigree
D. culture Answer:
9. The authority of the court to take cognizance of the case in the
first instance.
A. Appellate Jurisdiction
B. General Jurisdiction
C. Original Jurisdiction
D. Exclusive Jurisdiction
Answer: C
A. Counsel de officio
B. Attorney on record
C. Attorney at law
be exercised.
A. jurisdiction
B. jurisprudence
C. venue
D. bench Answer:
A. RA 6425
B. RA 8353
C. BP.22
D. RA 6975 Answer: C
A. qualified thef
B. robbery
C. thef
D. malicious mischief
Answer: B
A. grave threat
B. grave coercion
C. direct assault
D. slander by deed
Answer: B
16. These are persons having no apparent means of subsistence but
A. Pimps
B. prostitutes
C. gang members
D. vagrants
Answer: D
A. Tumultuous
B. charivari
C. sedition
D. scandal
Answer: B
A. violation of domicile
B. arbitrary detention
C. expulsion
D. direct assault
Answer: C
A. illegal detention
B. arbitrary detention
C. forcible abduction
D. forcible detention
Answer: A
A. concubinage
B. bigamy
C. adultery
D. immorality
Answer: C
A. Accomplices
B. Suspects
C. principal actors
D. accessories
Answer: A
A. prescription of crime
B. prescription of prosecution
C. prescription of judgement
D. prescription of penalty
Answer: D
is suspended.
A. Pardon
B. commutation
C. amnesty
D. reprieve Answer:
A. mala prohibita
B. mala in se
C. private crimes
D. public crimes
Answer: A
26. Felony committed by a public officer who agrees to commit an
A. qualified bribery
B. direct bribery
C. estafa
D. indirect bribery
Answer: B
A. libel
B. falsification
C. perjury
D. slander Answer:
A. Treachery
B. evident premeditation
C. ignominy
D. cruelty Answer:
B. conspiracy
C. band
D. piracy Answer:
30. The failure to perform a positive duty which one is bound to.
A. Negligence
B. imprudence
C. omission
D. act Answer: C
31. Ways and means are employed for the purpose of trapping and
A. Misfeasance
B. entrapment
C. inducement
D. instigation
Answer: B
32. Those where the act committed is a crime but for reasons of
A. impossible crimes
B. aggravating circumstances
C. absolutory causes
D. Complex Crimes
Answer: C
A. Insanity
B. intoxication
C. passion or obfuscation
D. evident premeditation
Answer: B
B. a plea of guilty
C. a plea of mercy
D. a plea of surrender
Answer: A
35. At what time may the accused move to quash the complaint or
D. Monday morning
Answer: C
A. Arraignment
B. plea bargaining
C. preliminary investigation
D. trial Answer:
specified by law.
A. Subpoena
B. recognizance
C. bail
D. warrant Answer:
laws of the land, of the acts in issue in a case, for the purpose
A. Trial
B. Arraignment
C. pre-trial
D. judgment
Answer: A
39. The adjudication by the court that the accused is guilty or is not
penalty and
A. trial
B. Pre-trial
C. Arraignment
D. Judgment
Answer: D
A. pre-trial
B. arraignment
C. preliminary investigation
D. plea bargaining
Answer: C
41. It is evidence of the same kind and to the same state of facts.
A. secondary evidence
C. corroborative evidence
D. best evidence
Answer: C
A. secondary evidence
C. corroborative evidence
D. best evidence
Answer: B
A. documentary evidence
B. testimonial evidence
C. material evidence
D. real evidence
Answer: A
44. When the witness states that he did not see or know the
occurrence of a fact.
A. positive evidence
B. corroborative evidence
C. secondary evidence
D. negative evidence
Answer: D
45. Personal property that can be subjects for search and seizure.
46. All persons who can perceive and perceiving, can make known
A. Suspects
B. witnesses
C. victims
D. informers
Answer: B
A. abortion
B. infanticide
C. murder
D. parricide Answer:
B. mysterious homicide
D. tumultuous affray
Answer: D
A. legal question
B. juridical question
C. prejudicial question
D. judicial question
Answer: C
Answer: A
A. impossible crime
B. mistake of facts
C. accidental crime
D. complex crime
Answer: B
A. 36 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 48 hours
D. 72 hours
Answer: D
B. parens patriae
Answer: A
A. compound crime
B. impossible crime
C. complex crime
D. accidental crime
Answer: B
55. The law which reimposed the death penalty.
A. RA 5425
B. RA 8553
C. RA 7659
D. RA 8551
Answer: C
A. discernment
B. insanity
C. epilepsy
D. imbecility
Answer: D
owner or author
A. responsibility
B. duty
C. guilt
D. imputability
Answer: D
58. Something that happen outside the sway of our will, and
A. fortuitous event
B. fate
C. accident
D. destiny Answer:
A. subpoena
B. information
C. complaint
D. writ Answer:
B. presumption of innocence
B. special laws
C. common laws
D. statutory laws
Answer: C
A. Exempting
B. alternative
C. justifying
D. aggravating
Answer: A
with the law, and hence, he incurs no criminal and civil liability.
A. exempting
B. alternative
C. justifying
D. aggravating
Answer: C
64. When the offender enjoys and delights in making his victim
B. cruelty
C. treachery
D. masochism
Answer: B
65. One, who at the time of his trial for one crime shall have been
A. Recidivism
B. habitual delinquency
C. reiteracion
D. quasi-recidivism
Answer: A
A. Craf
B. treachery
C. evident premeditation
D. cruelty Answer:
67. The law hears before it condemns, proceeds upon inquiry and
A. Recidivist
B. quasi-recidivist
C. habitual delinquent
D. hardened criminal
Answer: C
A. Primary
B. Best
C. Secondary
D. Conclusive
Answer: D
A. Primary
B. Best
C. Secondary
D. Conclusive
Answer: D
71. These questions suggest to the witness the answers to which an
A. leading
B. misleading
C. stupid
D. hearsay Answer:
A. Criminal Law
B. Criminal Evidence
C. Criminal Procedure
D. Criminal Jurisprudence
Answer: C
A. 20 years
B. 15 years
C. 10 years
D. 40 years Answer:
A. Accomplices
B. Accessories
C. Instigators
D. Principals Answer:
A. libel
B. slander by deed
A. misfeasance
B. malfeasance
C. nonfeasance
D. dereliction
Answer: B
A. subpoena
B. writ
C. warrant
D. affidavit Answer:
A. alias
B. common name
C. fictitious name
D. screen name
Answer: C
the same.
A. quasi-recidivism
B. recidivism
C. reiteracion
D. charivari Answer:
A. Municipal mayor
C. Police Officer
D. Municipal Councilor
Answer: C
81. In its general sense, it is the raising of commotions or
A. Sedition
B. Rebellion
C. Treason
A. 30 days
B. 15 days
C. 10 days
D. 60 days Answer:
officer or employee.
A. illegal detention
B. arbitrary detention
C. compulsory detention
D. unauthorized detention
Answer: B
A. treason
B. espionage
C. rebellion
A. sanctuary
B. prison
C. jail
D. dwelling Answer:
and wrong.
A. treachery
B. premeditation
C. recidivism
D. discernment
Answer: D
A. Estafa
B. Murder
C. Rebellion
D. Rape Answer:
88. It means that the resulting injury is greater than that which is
A. Aberratio ictus
B. Error in personae
D. Praeter Intentionem
Answer: D
A. Aberratio Ictus
B. Error in Personae
D. Praeter Intentionem
Answer: A
90. A stage of execution when all the elements necessary for its
A. Attempted
B. Frustrated
C. Consummated
D. Accomplished
answer: C
A. Absolutory Cause
B. Mistake of facts
C. Conspiracy
D. Felony Answer:
A. Material
B. Formal
C. Seasonal
D. Continuing
Answer: A
A. Culpable
B. Intentional
C. Deliberate
D. Inculpable
Answer: B
A. Negligence
B. Diligence
C. Imprudence
D. Inference Answer:
B. Misdemeanors
C. Felonies
D. Ordinances
Answer: A
A. General
B. Territorial
C. Prospective
D. Retroactive
Answer: A
A. Bill of Attainder
B. Bill of Rights
D. Penal Law
Answer: A
A. Search
B. Seizure
C. Arrest
D. Detention
Answer: C
99. Pedro stole the cow of Juan. What was the crime committed?
A. Robbery
B. Farm Thef
C. Qualified Thef
D. Simple Thef
Answer: C
100.Pedro, a 19 year old man had sexual intercourse with her 11 year
A. Child rape
B. Qualified Rape
C. Statutory Rape
D. None of these
Answer: C
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