Municipal Solid Waste Management and Disposal by Digambar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Nema National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
Municipal Solid Waste Management and Disposal by Digambar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Nema National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
Municipal Solid Waste Management and Disposal by Digambar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Nema National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
ISSN: 2278-0181
ETWQQM -2014 Conference Proceedings
―Solid wastes are the discarded leftovers of our advanced IV. TYPES OF WASTE (Khan and Ahsan, 2012)
consumer society. This growing mountain of garbage and trash
represents not only an attitude of indifference toward Residential and Commercial Waste
valuable natural resources, but also a serious economic and Institutional Waste
public health problem-Jimmy Carter‖. Waste can be Industrial Waste
considered as substance or objects which are disposed of or Construction and Demolition Waste
intended to be disposed of or are required to be disposed of Municipal Services Waste
(K.Sasikumar, 2009). Solid Waste is defined as a material that Agricultural Waste
is cheaper to throw away than to store or use. Solid Waste is a Treatment Plant Waste
serious problem that must be managed properly and timely. In Special Category Waste
many cities waste is either burned in pits, dumped in random
locations, or disposed of in uncontrolled dumps without any V. MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE
treatment causing harmful impacts on environment and human
health. Proper waste management not only helps protect
Municipal Solid Wastes include waste from residential,
human health and the environment but also preserve natural
commercial and institutional areas, construction and
demolition wastes, and waste from municipal services.MSW is There are other similar strategies. For example the EPA in
normally assumed to include all the waste generated by a USA has a hierarchy of options: (Encyclopedia of
community except the industrial waste. It may be Hazardous Environment and Ecology)
and Non hazardous. Hazardous waste possesses at least one of
the four characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactability Source reduction
and toxicity. Household hazardous wastes (HHW) such as Recycling (reuse and recycling waste)
paints, batteries, medicines etc. are hazardous waste. HHWs Treatment-destroying, detoxifying or neutralizing
require special care during disposed of. wastes
Disposal-discharging waste
MSW which is biodegradable and non biodegradable but is not
corrosive, toxic, ignitic, or reactive is considered non Another possible hierarchy is the 6 R’s
hazardous solid waste.
Rethink Refuse, Reuse, Replace, Recycle, Remove.
Other schemes utilize the 3R’s-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Distribution of each component of wastes by its percent
weight of the total weight is known as composition of MSW. VII. WASTE DISPOSAL
Treatment and Disposal methods depends on the this
composition. High percentage of food and yard waste is
suitable for composting. MSW contains mostly food, yard The most effective way to solve the problem of solid waste is
waste, paper, plastics, card board etc. (ISEM, 2000) by reducing the waste in the first place i.e. stopping waste
before it happens. First priority should be the source reduction.
The second option, Recycling and composting. Disposal in the
III. PROCESSING OF MSW landfills should be the last option. Generally waste
management methods include source reduction and reuse,
Processing of MSW is essential before its disposal to protect recycling, composting, vermiculture, engineered landfills,
the environment and human health. MSW should be collected incineration and land application.
and transported to a suitable site regularly as per MSW
(management and handling rules). Segregation of MSW at the
source plays a vital role in proper management. Disposal and
Treatment facilities highly related to segregation.
The easier method of waste management is to reduce creation
of waste materials thereby reducing the amount of waste.
According to Wikipedia, ―Waste management is the
Waste reduction, prevention or minimization means reducing
“generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring,
waste by not producing it. Source reduction, often called
treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition of solid ―waste prevention‖ is defined as ―activities to reduce the
wastes”. There are various types of solid waste including
amount of material in products and packaging before that
municipal (residential, institutional, commercial),
material enters the municipal solid waste management
agricultural, and special (health care, household hazardous
system ―It can be done through recycling the items instead of
wastes, sewage sludge).‖Waste Management Hierarchy is an
buying new one, avoiding use of disposable products like
arrangement or ranking of solid waste management actions. It
plastic bags, reusing second hand items, and buying eco
is shown in the figure-2 below friendly items. Waste prevention actually avoids waste
generation. In brief, waste minimization protects the
environment and conserves natural resources. It prevents the
formation of GHGs that are very harmful for the environment.
materials. Other items are batteries, tires, computers, renewable energy source as non-recyclable waste can be used
electronic items and mobile phones. over and over again to create energy. It can also help to reduce
―The case for recycling is strong. The bottom line is clear. carbon emissions by offsetting the need for energy from fossil
Recycling requires a trivial amount of our time. Recycling sources. Waste-to-Energy, also widely recognized by its
saves money and reduces pollution. Recycling creates more acronym WtE is the generation of energy in the form of heat or
jobs than land filling or incineration. And a largely ignored but electricity from waste.
very important consideration, recycling reduces our need to
dump our garbage in someone else’s backyard – David f) LANDFILL
Morris”. Many of these items contain toxic substances. These
items should be disposed of properly. In some countries, waste
Usual practice of open dumping of solid waste can
is recycled before reaching the landfill sites.
contaminate groundwater and degrade the soil, attracts disease
carrying rats and insects, causing fire also. Properly designed,
c) COMPOSTING constructed and managed engineered landfill is the best
alternate to the open dumping. Engineered landfill (shown in
Composting is also a recycling process. It is an easy and Fig. 3) has an earthen or synthetic layer to protect the
natural bio-degradation process. In this process, organic waste groundwater contamination from leachate.Landfill should have
turns into nutrient rich food i.e. humus which acts as an a way to vent, burn, or collect methane. The Landfill is the
organic fertilizer for the plants and soil, thus reducing the most popularly used method of waste disposal. This process of
needs of fertilizers and pesticides. The conversion of waste waste disposal focuses attention on burying the waste in the
material into humus is known as composting. Composting is land. Landfills are found in all areas. There is a process used
mostly used for organic farming. Composting is one of the that eliminates the odors and dangers of waste before it is
best methods of waste disposal as it can turn unsafe organic placed into the ground. Although this is the most popular form
products into safe compost. It is a slow process and takes a lot of waste disposal but it is becoming less these days due to the
of space. This process is affected by following parameter. lack of space availability, suitable site, local opposition (not in
my backyard) and the strong presence of GHG like methane
Particle size and other landfill gases, both of which can cause numerous
Moisture Content contamination problems. Methane can be recovered to
C/N ratio generate electricity.
Blending and Seeding
Air requirement
Mixing and Turning
Organic waste is decomposed with the help of Earthworms g) ADVANTAGE OF ENGINEERED LANDFILL
(burrowing type). They produce the material known as
vermicasting which contains earthworm excreta. It is simple, As the waste decomposes in open dump sites, it creates
cheap and appropriate biotechnology to biodegrade the organic leachate (a mixture of toxic and nontoxic liquids and rain
waste. This excreta is very useful as a organic mannure. water) which may get local water supplies and contaminate the
drinking water. These sites release gases that are explosive and
e) WASTE TO ENERGY (RECOVER ENERGY) flammable. Sometimes waste is burned at these sites, which
poses a direct safety threat because of the danger of explosion.
Waste to energy process involves converting of non-recyclable Since improper waste disposal produces GHGs, which
waste items into useable heat, electricity, or fuel through a contribute to climate change. While, properly designed,
variety of processes. This type of source of energy is a constructed and managed landfills aim to prevent or minimize
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