Cawson S Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
Cawson S Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
Cawson S Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
Cawson’s Essentials of
Oral Pathology and
Oral Medicine
Professor Roderick A. Cawson
For Elsevier
Commissioning Editor: Alison Taylor
Development Editor: Veronika Watkins/Katie Golsby
Project Manager: Andrew Riley
Designer: Christian Bilbow
Illustrator Manager: Karen Giacomucci
Ninth Edition
Cawson’s Essentials of
Oral Pathology and
Oral Medicine
E.W. Odell
Professor of Oral Pathology and Medicine,
King’s College London
Honorary Consultant in Oral Pathology,
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS
Foundation Trust, London
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Preface xv Defects of enamel and dentine 33
References xvii Regional odontodysplasia (ghost teeth) 33
1 Principles of investigation, diagnosis and Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia 34
treatment 1 Other systemic diseases affecting teeth 35
Taking a history 1 Extrinsic agents affecting teeth 37
Consent 5 Odontomes 41
Clinical examination 6 Disorders of eruption 42
Medical examination 8 3 Disorders of development 45
Clinical differential diagnosis 8 Clefts of lip or palate 45
Investigations 9 Cleft lip and cleft palate 45
Imaging 9 Isolated cleft palate 48
Histopathology 10 Syndromic cleft lip and palate 48
Laboratory procedures 14 Other facial clefts 48
Molecular biological tests 15 Stafne’s idiopathic bone cavity 49
Haematology, clinical chemistry and Hereditary prognathism 49
serology 18 Ankyloglossia 49
Microbiology 18 Cowden’s syndrome 50
Other clinical tests 20 Other craniofacial malformations 50
Interpreting investigations and making a 4 Dental caries 53
diagnosis and treatment plan 20 Aetiology 53
Bacterial plaque 53
Microbiology 54
SECTION 1: Hard tissue pathology 23 Sucrose 57
2 Disorders of tooth development 23 Susceptibility of teeth to caries 59
Abnormalities in the number of teeth 23 Saliva and dental caries 60
Anodontia and oligodontia 23 Pathology of enamel caries 61
Additional teeth: hyperdontia 24 Pathology of dentine caries 65
Syndromes associated with Clinical aspects of caries pathology 68
hyperdontia 25 Arrested caries and remineralisation 68
Defective enamel formation 25 Caries in deciduous teeth 69
Defects of deciduous teeth 25 Hidden caries 70
Defects of permanent teeth 25 Root surface caries 70
Amelogenesis imperfecta 25 Clinical aspects of reactions to caries 70
Chronological hypoplasia 29 5 Pulpitis and apical periodontitis 73
Molar-incisor hypomineralisation 30 Pulpitis 73
Defective dentine formation 30 Pulp calcifications 77
Osteogenesis imperfecta with opalescent Periapical periodontitis, abscess and
teeth 31 granuloma 77
Dentinogenesis imperfecta 31 Acute apical periodontitis 78
Dentinal dysplasia (‘rootless’ teeth) 32 Pathology and sequelae 78
Acute apical (dentoalveolar) abscess 79 8 Infections of the jaws 117
Chronic apical periodontitis and periapical Normal healing of an extraction socket 117
granuloma 81 Alveolar osteitis 117
6 Tooth wear, resorption, hypercementosis Osteomyelitis of the jaws 120
and osseointegration 85 Acute osteomyelitis 120
Tooth wear 85 Chronic osteomyelitis 122
Attrition 85 Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis 123
Abrasion 85 Chronic low-grade focal osteomyelitis and
Erosion 86 sclerosing osteitis 124
Abfraction 87 Osteoradionecrosis 124
Bruxism 87 Proliferative periostitis 125
Resorption of teeth 88 Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws
Hypercementosis 91 (MRONJ) 125
Pathology of osseointegration 91 Traumatic sequestrum 127
7 Gingival and periodontal diseases 95 Sclerotic bone islands 128
The normal periodontal tissues 95 9 Major infections of the mouth and face 129
Gingival and periodontal fibres 96 Periapical (dentoalveolar) abscess 129
Gingival crevicular fluid (exudate) 96 Collateral oedema 129
Classification of periodontal diseases 96 ‘Fascial’ or tissue space infections 129
Chronic gingivitis 96 Facial cellulitis 130
Chronic periodontitis 99 Facial abscess 132
Pathology 101 Antibiotic abscess 133
Systemic predisposing factors 103 Necrotising fasciitis 133
General principles of management Cavernous sinus thrombosis 133
of chronic periodontitis 105 Noma (cancrum oris, necrotising stomatitis) 134
Complications of chronic Actinomycosis 135
periodontitis 106 Other ‘actinomycoses’ 136
Gingival recession 107 The systemic mycoses 136
Aggressive periodontitis 108 Systemic infections by oral bacteria 137
‘Prepubertal’ periodontitis 109 10 Cysts in and around the jaws 139
Periodontitis as a manifestation of Classification of cysts 139
systemic disease 109 Common features of jaw cysts 140
Down’s syndrome 109 Treatment of jaw cysts 141
Papillon–lefèvre syndrome 110 Treatment of soft tissue cysts 142
Periodontal (lateral) abscess 110 Odontogenic cysts 142
Acute pericoronitis 110 Radicular cyst 142
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis 112 Lateral radicular cyst 146
HIV-associated periodontitis 113 Residual radicular cyst 146
Gingival enlargement 113 Inflammatory collateral cysts 146
Hereditary gingival fibromatosis 113 Dentigerous cysts 146
Drug-induced gingival overgrowth 114 Eruption cyst 148
Localised juvenile spongiotic gingivitis 115 Odontogenic keratocyst 149
Plasminogen deficiency gingivitis 115 Basal cell naevus syndrome 153
Other inflammatory gingival swellings 115 Orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst 154
Lateral periodontal cysts 155 Fibroosseous odontogenic lesions 179
Botryoid odontogenic cysts 155 Cemento-ossifying fibromas 180
Glandular odontogenic cyst 156 Cemento-ossifying fibroma 180
Calcifying odontogenic cyst 156 Juvenile ossifying fibroma 181
Carcinoma arising in odontogenic cysts 157 Multiple and syndromic cemento-osseous
Gingival cyst of the newborn 157 fibromas 181
Gingival cyst of adults 158 Cemento-osseous dysplasias 181
Non-odontogenic cysts 158 Periapical cemental dysplasia 181
Nasopalatine duct or incisive canal cyst 158 Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia 182
Nasolabial cyst 160 Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia 182
Sublingual dermoid cyst 160 Familial gigantiform cementoma 182
Thyroglossal duct cyst 161 Malignant odontogenic tumours 183
Branchial cyst 161 12 Non-odontogenic tumours of the jaws 187
Foregut cyst 162 Exostoses and tori 187
Other cysts in other chapters 162 Osteochondroma 187
11 Odontogenic tumours and related Central giant cell granuloma 188
jaw lesions 165 Noonan and other syndromes 190
Benign epithelial tumours 165 Langerhans cell histiocytosis 190
Ameloblastomas 165 Osteomas 192
Desmoplastic ameloblastoma 168 Gardner’s syndrome 192
Metastasising ameloblastoma 169 Ossifying fibromas 193
Unicystic ameloblastoma 169 Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma 193
Squamous odontogenic tumour 170 Haemangioma of bone 194
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of
tumour 170 infancy 195
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour 172 Malignant neoplasms of bone 196
Benign epithelial and mesenchymal tumours 172 Osteosarcoma 196
Ameloblastic fibroma 172 Chondrosarcoma 197
Ameloblastic fibrodentinoma and Ewing’s sarcoma 198
fibro-odontome 173 Myeloma 199
Primordial odontogenic tumour 173 Amyloidosis 200
Odontomes (odontomas*) 173 Solitary plasmacytoma 200
Compound odontome 174 Lymphomas 200
Complex odontome 174 Metastases to the jaws 200
Other types of odontome 175 13 Genetic, metabolic and other
Calcifying odontogenic cyst 176 non-neoplastic bone diseases 205
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour 176 Genetic diseases of bone 205
Benign mesenchymal tumours 176 Osteogenesis imperfecta 205
Odontogenic fibroma 177 Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia 207
Granular cell odontogenic tumour 177 Osteopetrosis: marble bone disease 207
Odontogenic myxoma 177 Achondroplasia 207
Normal dental follicle 178 Cleidocranial dysplasia 208
Cementoblastoma 178 Cherubism 208
‘Cementomas’ 179 Hypophosphatasia 209
Sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia 210 Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) 231
HIV-associated oral ulcers 261 lesions 291
Nicorandil-induced ulcers 261 Fordyce spots 291
Lichen planus and similar conditions 261 Leukoedema 292
‘Desquamative gingivitis’ 262 Frictional keratosis 292
Lichen planus 262 Cheek and tongue biting 293
Vulvovaginal-gingival syndrome 267 Stomatitis nicotina 293
Malignant change in lichen planus 267 Oral hairy leukoplakia 294
Lichenoid reactions 268 White sponge naevus 295
Lichenoid drug reactions 268 Candidosis 296
Topical lichenoid reactions 268 Oral keratosis of renal failure 296
Graft-versus-host disease 269 Skin grafts 296
Lupus erythematosus 269 Psoriasis 297
Chronic ulcerative stomatitis 270 Other white lesions 297
Immunobullous disease 271 19 Potentially malignant disorders 299
Pemphigus vulgaris 271 Terminology 299
Paraneoplastic pemphigus 273 Field change 299
Mucous membrane pemphigoid 273 Erythroplakia 300
Erythema multiforme 275 Speckled leukoplakia 300
Stevens Johnson syndrome 277 Leukoplakia 300
Toothpaste-induced epithelial peeling 277 Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia 302
Other mucosal allergic responses 277 Smokeless tobacco-induced
Oral signs in reactive arthritis 277 keratoses 302
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome Chronic hyperplastic candidosis 304
(Kawasaki’s disease) 278 Oral submucous fibrosis 304
Miscellaneous mucosal ulcers 279 Lichen planus 305
Wegener’s granulomatosis 279 Lupus erythematosus 306
Oral reactions to drugs 279 Dyskeratosis congenita 306
Uncommon mucocutaneous diseases 279 HPV-associated dysplasia 306
17 Tongue disorders 283 Syphilitic leukoplakia 306
Normal structures 283 Management of dysplastic lesions 307
Furred tongue 283 Smoking cessation 312
Foliate papillae 283 20 Oral cancer 317
Lingual varicosities 283 Epidemiology 317
Erythema migrans 283 Aetiology 318
Lingual papillitis 284 ‘Early’ and ‘late’ oral carcinoma 321
Hairy tongue and black hairy tongue 284 Oral cancer distribution 322
Glossitis 285 Pathology 322
Anaemic glossitis 285 Management 326
Glossodynia and the sore, physically Role of the dentist 331
normal tongue 287 Oral cancer screening 332
Macroglossia 287 Screening and detection aids 333
Amyloidosis 287 Verrucous carcinoma 333
Other diseases affecting the tongue 289 Diagnostic catches 334
21 Other mucosal and lip carcinomas 335 Adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified 363
Soft tissue pigmentation 387 Immunosuppressive treatment 408
Melanoma 388 Bone marrow transplantation 408
Graft-versus-host disease 408
SECTION 3: Systemic disease in Other organ transplants 408
HIV infection and AIDS 408
dentistry 391 Oral lesions in HIV infection 411
27 Anaemias, leukaemias and lymphomas 391 Candidosis 412
Anaemia 391 Viral mucosal infections 413
Sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait 392 Bacterial infections 413
The thalassaemias 393 Systemic mycoses 413
Leukaemia 393 Malignant neoplasms 413
Acute leukaemia 393 Lymphadenopathy 414
Chronic leukaemia 394 Autoimmune disease 414
Lymphomas 394 Gingivitis and periodontitis 414
Hodgkin’s lymphoma 395 Salivary gland disease 414
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas 395 Miscellaneous oral lesions 415
Burkitt’s lymphoma 395 Oral adverse effects of HAART 416
MALT lymphoma 396 Risks of transmission of HIV infection 416
Nasopharyngeal extranodal NK/T-cell
30 Allergy, autoimmune and autoinflammatory
lymphoma 396
disease 419
Other types of lymphoma 397
Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions 419
Leucopenia and agranulocytosis 397
Atopy 419
Aplastic anaemia 398
Contact dermatitis 419
Agranulocytosis 398
Latex allergy 420
Cyclic neutropenia 398
Allergy to local anaesthetic 421
28 Haemorrhagic disorders 399 Asthma 422
Preoperative investigation 399 Other type 1 reactions 422
Management of prolonged dental bleeding 399 Mucosal allergic responses 422
Blood vessel abnormalities 399 Oral allergy ‘syndrome’ 422
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia 399 Allergy to metals 422
Angina bullosa haemorrhagica 400 Angio-oedema 423
Purpura and platelet disorders 401 Autoimmune diseases 423
Clotting disorders 402 The connective tissue diseases 424
Haemophilia A 402 Rheumatoid arthritis 424
Christmas disease (haemophilia B) 403 Sjögren’s syndrome 424
Acquired clotting defects 403 Systemic lupus erythematosus 424
Combined bleeding disorders 404 Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) 425
Von Willebrand’s disease 404 Autoinflammatory diseases 425
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 404 Sarcoidosis 425
Plasminogen deficiency 404 31 Cervical lymphadenopathy 429
29 Immunodeficiency 407 Tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy 430
Selective IgA deficiency 407 Atypical mycobacterial infection 431
C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency 408 Sarcoidosis 431
Syphilis 432 Coeliac disease 451
Chronic renal failure and dialysis 471 Spina bifida 493
Renal transplantation 471 The muscular dystrophies 493
38 Pain and neurological disorders 473 Myasthenia gravis 493
Dental and periodontal pain 473 40 Mental health disorders 495
Pain in edentulous patients 474 Pain without medical cause 495
Painful mucosal lesions 475 Anxiety disorders 496
Pain in the jaws 475 Depression 496
Postsurgical pain and nerve damage 475 Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa 497
Pain induced by mastication 475 Psychoses and schizophrenia 497
Pain from salivary glands 476 41 Dentistry and elderly patients 499
Neuralgia and neuropathy 476 Dementia 499
Trigeminal neuralgia 476 Other systemic diseases 500
Trigeminal neuralgia in multiple sclerosis 477 Oral disease in the elderly 501
Trigeminal neuropathy 477
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia 477 42 Complications of systemic drug treatment 503
Postherpetic neuralgia 478 Local analgesics with vasoconstrictors 505
Bell’s palsy 478 Chemical dependence 505
Burning mouth ‘syndrome’ 478 43 Medical emergencies 507
Atypical facial pain 479 Sudden loss of consciousness 507
Atypical odontalgia 479 Fainting 507
Paraesthesia of the lower lip 479 Acute hypoglycaemia 508
Facial palsy 480 Anaphylactic reactions 508
Bell’s palsy 480 Cardiac arrest 509
Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome 481 Strokes 510
Other causes of facial palsy 482 Circulatory collapse in patients on
Headache 482 corticosteroid treatment 510
Migraine 482 Chest pain 511
Migrainous neuralgia (cluster headache) 482 Angina pectoris 511
Intracranial tumours 483 Myocardial infarction 511
Disturbances of taste and smell 483 Respiratory difficulty 512
Epilepsy 484 Severe asthma and status asthmaticus 512
39 Physical and learning disability 487 Left ventricular failure 512
UK discrimination legislation 488 Convulsions 512
Learning disability 488 Epilepsy 512
Down’s syndrome 489 Other emergencies 513
Fragile X syndrome 490 Haemorrhage 513
Other chromosomal abnormalities 490 Violence 513
Behavioural disorders 491 SECTION 4: Learning guide and self-
Autism 491
assessment questions 515
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 491
Physical impairments 491 44 Learning guide 515
Cerebral palsy 491 Self-assessment questions 521
Multiple sclerosis 492 Index 529
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It is interesting to see how this book has evolved over the predatory open access journals with material that has not
last 50 years or more. The first edition was the first book been properly peer reviewed, and images of misdiagnosed
to integrate oral medicine, pathology and surgery in a practi- diseases. The textbook provides a repository of informa-
cal, student-orientated fashion. It was truly a book of essen- tion that is subject to the author’s professional scrutiny
tials and was correspondingly small and concise. However, and comes with context and explanation. There is no
like all textbooks it has grown, fulfilling different functions comparison.
from those originally envisaged. I hope students will like my attempt to provide more
The world into which this edition will be launched is very accessible sources to read up on the diseases that interest
different from that of the last. The ready availability of them. Lists of further reading have been dropped; I doubt
information on the Internet, changing needs of students and they were much used, if at all. There are now PubMed ID
innovative dental curricula have all had an impact. Though references and websites provided where they are immedi-
this edition contains more facts, its larger size is accounted ately relevant. Putting these numbers directly into a search
for by considerably more explanation than previously engine will take the reader directly to a selected information
included. This is intended to meet the higher-level under- source, from where further references can be trusted.
standing and application of knowledge required of students My thanks are due to Veronika Watkins, Alison Taylor,
today. Clive Hewat, Christian Bilbow, and all the team at Elsevier
The demise of the textbook has been long predicted, for maintaining the excellent production standards of previ-
ever since the Internet was launched. My work on this ous editions.
edition reinforces my belief that the textbook accom- Producing a new edition such as this takes many hun-
plishes something the Internet is incapable of providing. dreds of hours of intensive work, and I am grateful to my
In completely revising this text I have searched the Inter- colleagues at work for their forbearance but most of all to
net using the standard search engines and open access my wonderful wife Wendy who has supported me uncondi-
sources. I have been more than disappointed. Although a tionally and maintained her sense of humour during the
few sources provide accurate and up to date information, many months I spent in front of my computer.
the majority of easily found Internet resources provide the
opposite. Search engine results frequently offer websites E.W.O.
with plagiarised and out of date information, fake and London 2017
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References to further reading are now inserted through- the format PMCID: PMC4334280. They can be
out, immediately adjacent to the relevant text. To resolved in the same way as above. If searching
make searching for web URLs straightforward, links on the PubMed website itself, do not forget to
to the relevant websites can be found at select PMC in the window to the left of the Various types of ref- search box.
erence are provided, all designed to be immediately ISBN numbers: These are ISBN13 codes to books in
available through the internet. In the electronic the format ISBN-13: 978-0723435938. The
version of this book they are direct links: numbers can be entered either into a search
PubMed ID: These are shown with a few words of engine, although a search in the website of an
description and a number in the format PMID: online bookseller or your university library will
25556809. Entering the text PMID and number take you directly to the book title and a copy.
into an Internet search engine should take the Where possible, books available in electronic
reader direct to the reference. Alternatively, it can format have been selected.
be entered direct into the PubMed website at Web Uniform Resource Locators URLs or web and this has addresses. These may be entered directly into the
the advantage of immediately showing the abstract address bar of a web browser. Some are long and
and links to the full text of the article. References complex and case sensitive. To avoid this, some
have been selected to be open access full text are given just as the home page of an organisa-
publications where possible, but it may be neces- tion with instructions on text words to enter into
sary to log in to publishers’ websites or access the search box. These should find the relevant
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Principles of investigation,
diagnosis and treatment 1
The principles of patient investigation and diagnosis are are always applicable, but to ask targeted incisive questions
summarised in Box 1.1. requires knowledge of disease. Effective history-taking and
diagnosis of medical conditions are therefore founded in
pathological knowledge.
TAKING A HISTORY Rapport is critical for eliciting useful information, and
Taking a history and making a diagnosis are not completely gaining rapport must take into account that almost all
generic skills that can be learned and then applied to any patients are nervous to a degree, some are inarticulate, and
patient. Skills of gaining rapport, listening and questioning others are confused. History-taking needs to be tailored to
the individual patient.
Initial questions should allow patients to speak at some
length and to gain confidence. It is usually best to start with
an ‘open’ question (Tables 1.1 and 1.2). Medical jargon
should be avoided, because even regular hospital attenders
Box 1.1 Principles of investigation and diagnosis who appear to understand medical terminology may use it
• A detailed medical and dental history wrongly and misunderstand. When a patient uses technical
• Clinical examination jargon, it is wise to check what they mean by it. Leading
• Extraoral questions, which suggest a particular answer, should be
avoided because patients may feel compelled to agree with
• Intraoral
the clinician.
• Investigations selected for specific purposes It is sometimes difficult to avoid interrupting patients
• Testing vitality of teeth when trying to structure the history for the records. Struc-
• Radiography or other imaging techniques ture can only be given after the patient has had time to give
• Biopsy for histopathology (including the information. Constant note-taking while patients are
immunofluorescence, immunocytochemistry, speaking is undesirable. Notes should be a summary of
molecular biological tests) relevant information only.
• Specimens for microbial culture Questioning technique is most critical when eliciting any
• Haematological or biochemical tests relevant social or psychological history or dealing with
embarrassing medical conditions. It may be appropriate to
delay asking such questions until after rapport has been
gained. Some patients do not consider medical questions to
be the concern of the dentist, and it is important to give
reasons for such questions when necessary.
Table 1.1 Types of questions During history-taking, the mental and emotional state of
the patient should be assessed. This may have a bearing on
Type of question Example
some diseases and will also suggest what the patient expects
Open Tell me about the pain. to gain from the consultation and treatment. If the patient’s
Closed What does the pain feel like? expectations are unreasonable, it is important to try to
modify them during the consultation, otherwise no reassur-
Leading Does the pain feel like an electric shock?
ance or treatment may be satisfactory (Box 1.2).
• Introduce yourself and greet the patient by name Characteristic Informative features
• Be culturally aware Character Ache, tenderness, dull pain, throbbing,
• Act courteously and respectfully, maintain professional stabbing, electric shock. These terms are
detachment of limited use, but information on the
constancy of pain is useful
• Put patients at their ease, be empathic
• Start with an open question Severity Mild – responds to mild analgesics (e.g.
• Mix open and closed questions
Moderate – unresponsive to mild
• Avoid leading questions analgesics
• Avoid medical and dental jargon and idiomatic Severe – disturbs sleep
Duration Time since onset. Duration of pain or
• Listen ‘actively’ attacks
• Explain the need for specific questions if asked
Nature Continuous, periodic or paroxysmal
• Divide the consultation into manageable sections for If not continuous, is pain present between
the patient attacks?
• Summarise your findings back to the patient for
Initiating factors Any potential initiating factors
confirmation of meaning
Association with dental treatment, or lack
• Assess the patient’s mental state of it, is especially important in eliminating
• Assess the patient’s expectations from treatment dental causes
Exacerbating and Record all and note especially hot and cold
relieving factors sensitivity or pain on eating as they
suggest a dental cause
Box 1.3 History of the present complaint Localisation The patient should map out the distribution
of pain if possible. Is it well or poorly
• Record the description of the complaint in the patient’s
defined? Does it affect an area supplied
own words
by a particular nerve or artery? Is the
• Elicit the exact meaning of those words distribution of the pain consistent with
• Record the duration and the time course of any anatomy?
changes in symptoms or signs
Referred pain Try to determine whether the pain could be
• Include any relevant facts in the patient’s medical referred
• Note any temporal relationship between them and the
present complaint Pain is completely subjective and, when physical signs are
• Consider any previous treatments and their absent, special care must be taken to detail all its features
effectiveness (Table 1.3). Especially important are features suggesting a
• Check previous investigations to avoid their dental cause. A fractured tooth or cusp, dental hypersensi-
unnecessary repetition tivity or pain on occlusion are easily misdiagnosed.
Factors triggering different causes of pain are discussed in
detail in Chapter 38.
1 Table 1.4 Questions to be included in a medical history and their relevance* (Continued)
Question Subsidiary or follow-up questions Important features of relevance – not all can be included
Principles of investigation, diagnosis and treatment
Do you have any Ask specifically about penicillin and Reveals atopic patients prone to allergy
allergies … other drugs including local
… to medicines Ask whether the patient has ever Allergies to medication potentially prescribed by the dental
… to metals, foods, taken penicillin surgeon, including related drugs
plasters, etc. Latex allergy and cross-reacting food allergies
… or asthma, hay Identify potential triggers of attack relevant to dentistry
fever, rashes, etc.? Rashes may be cutaneous counterparts of oral disease
Potential adverse effects of steroid inhalers used for asthma
Have you ever had any Does anyone else in your family have Risk of haemorrhage following extraction, surgery or possibly
problems stopping problems with bleeding? local anaesthetic
bleeding after a cut or Have problems followed tooth If familial, raises possibility of haemophilia and other inherited
surgery? extraction? bleeding conditions
Have you ever taken Warfarin or any Contraindicates prescription of drugs that prolong bleeding such
medicines to thin your blood? as aspirin
Anticoagulants interact with drugs prescribed for oral conditions
and prolong bleeding after surgery
Have you ever come An open question to allow patients to Infection control risk following blood exposure
into contact with proffer relevant information in this Oral manifestations of immunosuppression
someone suffering sensitive area. Not usually followed Risk of significant medical complications that may present to the
human up unless the patient offers that they dental surgeon
immunodeficiency are or may be HIV positive, in which Oral adverse effects of anti-HIV medication and drug interactions
virus (HIV) infection or case minimum information required Patients at risk should be encouraged to have an HIV test
acquired is the name of the relevant physician
immunodeficiency and permission to contact them for
syndrome (AIDS)? … details of the condition
or any other sexually If positive ask about viral load, CD4 Gives an indication of degree of immunosuppression and
transmitted infection? count and medication infection risk
Do you smoke? Or use Type and amount smoked, expressed Predisposes to oral, nose and sinus and aerodigestive tract
smokeless tobacco or in pack years (number of carcinoma
betel quid … 20-cigarette packs per day Predisposes to atheroma, hypertension and cardiac disease
multiplied by number of years of Associated with oral red and white lesions and potentially
smoking). 25 g or 1 oz loose malignant disorders
tobacco is equivalent to 50 Amenable to cessation advice in the dental setting
… or marijuana, Cannabis carries additional health risks over smoking, possibly
cannabis or other including oral carcinoma
Do you drink alcohol? Units consumed per week and type of Synergistic effect with smoking for oral potentially malignant
alcohol disorders and oral cancer
For female patients, is Stage of pregnancy Risk from X-ray exposure
there any chance you Pregnancy modulates healing and is association with remission in
might be pregnant … aphthous stomatitis and predisposes to pyogenic granuloma
and gingivitis
… or are trying to Contraindicates prescription of many drugs
become pregnant?
Are you otherwise An open question to allow patients to provide information that
generally fit and well? may not be covered by more specific questions
For parents of child Type and reason A broad question to identify behavioural and developmental
patients – is your Normal developmental milestones conditions that may affect provision of treatment
child receiving any achieved?
other therapy or Any additional support at school?
special support?
Do any diseases run in May reveal haemophilia and other bleeding disorders and a host
your family? of other genetic diseases and syndromes
Is there anything else May reveal general malaise, fevers, weight loss, psychiatric
about your health you problems and reveal attitudes to health and disease not elicited
would like to tell me? by other questions
How is your mental The stigma attached to mental health and learning difficulty
health? problems requires a subtle approach if this is suspected but
nothing has been elicited by previous questioning.
*There is deliberate ‘redundancy’ in medical history questioning, that is, a point of significance may be covered by questioning from more than one perspective to
ensure nothing significant is missed. Thus, even if a patient claims that their heart is fine, rheumatic fever should be asked about specifically and jaundice and
hepatitis both explored independently. Patients may well not recognise medical names and react to one question but not another.
This table groups conditions that are related, but some favour following a systems-based approach, a surgical sieve, various mnemonics or a medical history
4 questionnaire. Clinicians should become adept at using whatever system they prefer and use the same system all the time to avoid inadvertent omissions.
some structure is required to ensure no items are missed, naturally into questions about home circumstances, rela- 1
and questionnaires perform a useful function in this regard. tives and social history which can be revealing if, for
When undertaking a consultation for a complaint appar-
ently unrelated to teeth, dental examination must still be
thorough, both for the patient’s sake and for medicolegal
reasons. As a minimum, the standing teeth with a summary
of their periodontal health, caries and restorative state and
any tooth wear should be recorded. When dental pain is a
possibility, full charting, assessment of mobility and percus-
sion of teeth are necessary and further investigations will
probably be required.
Testing vitality of teeth The vitality of teeth must be
checked if they appear to be causing symptoms. It is also
essential to determine the vitality of teeth in the region of
cysts and other radiolucent lesions in the jaws at presenta-
tion. The information may be essential for diagnosis and
cannot be determined after treatment.
To be absolutely certain, several methods may have to be
used. Checking hot and cold sensitivity and electric pulp
testing are relatively easily performed (Box 1.5). Unfortu-
nately, it may not be apparent that a pulp test result is
Fig. 1.1 Large foliate papilla or lingual tonsil that may be misleading. Care must always be taken to avoid causes of
mistaken for a lesion on the side of the tongue. false-positive or false-negative results (Table 1.7). Poorly
1 Table 1.7 Possible causes of misleading electric pulp Table 1.8 Useful diagnostic information from
test results examination of the hands
Principles of investigation, diagnosis and treatment
In practice, it is usual for dental investigations to be per-
formed first, but the dentist should be capable of performing
simple medical examinations of the head and neck. Exami-
nation of the skin of the face, hair, scalp and neck may
reveal unexpected foci of infection to account for cervical
lymphadenopathy or even malignant neoplasms. The eye
can readily be inspected for conjunctivitis or signs of mucous
membrane pemphigoid, anaemia or jaundice. Examination
of the hands may also reveal relevant information (Table
1.8). Dentists should be able to examine cranial nerve func-
tion, but more extensive medical examination by dentists
is usually performed only in hospitals.
CLINICAL DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Fig. 1.3 Hands with taut, shiny, pale skin on the tapering fingers,
a long term effect of Raynaud’s phenomenon, in this case
The diagnosis and appropriate treatment may be obvious associated with systemic sclerosis.
from the history and examination. More frequently, there
are various possible diagnoses, and compiling a differential
diagnosis becomes a critical part of the overall diagnostic A well-crafted differential diagnosis lists possible diag-
process. At this stage the clinician has to integrate their noses in order of probability, based on their prevalence and
knowledge of diseases and their range of presentations with the likelihood of causing a specific combination of symp-
the findings from one specific patient, thinking broadly but toms and signs. Even if only one diagnosis seems appropri-
keeping focused. If a good differential diagnosis is compiled, ate, it is worthwhile to note the next most likely possibility
then the process of selecting investigations and narrowing and any other causes which can be excluded. This ensures
down to the final diagnosis will usually be straightforward. that all appropriate investigations are remembered and
Conversely, if the correct diagnosis is not included in the reduces the possibility of the patient having to return for
differential diagnosis, it may never be discovered. Mistakes further investigations. When the patient’s complaint or
often follow clinicians simply forgetting to consider a pos- presentation is relatively non-specific, do not list every pos-
sible diagnosis, and a written differential diagnosis helps sible cause. Too long a list is difficult to convert into a
even experienced clinicians to organise their thoughts. focused investigation strategy, and it may be best to use
generic terms such as ‘benign neoplasm’ or ‘odontogenic Table 1.9 Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value
tumour’ to keep the list manageable. and negative predictive value
1 Table 1.10 Imaging techniques for lesions of the head and neck
Principles of investigation, diagnosis and treatment
features appear unusual or beyond the experience of the lack specific microscopic features and biopsy is rarely justi-
clinician. fied. Conversely, a major aphtha may mimic a carcinoma
that only microscopy will exclude.
Imaging and diagnosis ISBN-13: 978-0702045998
Histological examination is not a ‘test’ in the same way as
blood investigations. The pathologist will issue a report that
Histopathology describes the macroscopic and histological features seen in
the specimen and provide an interpretation, usually specific,
Value and limitations sometimes less so (Box 1.7). The interpretation will be based
Removal of a biopsy specimen for histopathological exami- on the clinical information transmitted to the pathologist
nation is the mainstay of diagnosis for diseases of the on the request form, and often this is critical to the reported
mucosa, soft tissues and bone. In the few conditions in diagnosis. Pathology reports, and not just the ‘bottom
which a biopsy is not helpful, it may still be valuable to line’ diagnosis, need to be read and understood because
exclude other possible causes. they may contain important caveats about the confidence
As with all other investigations, biopsy must address a with which a diagnosis is made or suggestions for further
specific question. For instance, recurrent minor aphthae investigations.
Box 1.6 Requirements for useful oral radiographic Box 1.8 Types of biopsy
Box 1.9 Core or needle biopsy
Principles of investigation, diagnosis and treatment
Box 1.10 Essential biopsy principles Box 1.11 Advantages and limitations of frozen
• Quick, easy
Eosin (acidic, red) Haematoxylin (basic, blue)
• Samples all levels in the epithelium, but no deeper
• Local anaesthetic not required Cytoplasm of most cells* Nuclei (DNA and RNA)
• Useful research technique Keratin Mucopolysaccharide-rich ground
• Value depends on the analytical method applied to the substance
sample Muscle cytoplasm Reversal lines in decalcified bone
• Unreliable for diagnosing cancer. Frequent false- Bone (decalcified only)
positive and false-negative results
*The cytoplasm of some cells (such as oncocytes in some salivary gland
tumours) is intensely eosinophilic. In others such as plasma cells it is
basophilic or intermediate (amphophilic).
Box 1.14 Essential points about specimen fixation
• Fixation is a critical step to prevent autolysis and Tissue processing
degradation of the microscopic structure of the The fixed tissue is dehydrated by immersion in a series of
specimen solvents and impregnated with paraffin wax. The wax block
• The usual, routine fixative is 10% formal saline is mounted on a slicing machine called a microtome and
(formaldehyde solution in saline or, ideally, in a neutral sections, usually 4 µm thick, are cut and mounted on glass
pH saline buffer) microscope slides for staining. It takes 24–48 hours to fix,
• Fixation must be complete before the specimen can be process, section and stain a specimen before the pathologist
processed can report on it.
• Fixative must diffuse throughout the specimen–fixation
is a slow process
Some common stains used for microscopy
• Small surgical specimens fix overnight, but large The combination of haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) is the
specimens take 24 hours or longer most common routine histological stain. Haematoxylin is
a blue-black basic dye; eosin is a red acid dye. Their typical
• Chemical reaction with the tissue causes the fixative to
staining patterns are shown in Table 1.11.
become weaker as fixation proceeds. Therefore,
Periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stain is probably the second
specimens should generally be put in at least ten times
most frequently used stain. It stains sugar residues in car-
their own volume of fixative
bohydrates and glycosaminoglycans pink. This is useful to
• Never fix specimens for microbiological culture or identify salivary and other mucins, glycogen and candidal
immunofluorescence; take these fresh to the laboratory hyphae in sections. Alcian blue is a turquoise stain for pro-
immediately on removal or use special transport media teoglycans with negatively charged sugars, such as the sialic
acid containing salivary mucins. Salivary mucins therefore
stain with both PAS and Alcian blue, whereas ground sub-
stance in connective tissue stains only with Alcian blue.
used in the mouth, brush biopsy (Box 1.13) having super- Decalcified and ground (undecalcified) sections
seded it. Specimens containing bone and teeth need to be softened
by decalcifying in acid to enable a thin section to be cut.
Laboratory procedures This delays the diagnosis by days or weeks according to the
Although a clinician does not need to understand the details size of the specimen and technique used.
of laboratory procedures, it is necessary to understand the Decalcification must be avoided if examination of dental
principles to enable the optimal results to be obtained. enamel is required, for instance to aid diagnosis of amelo-
Failure to prepare or send the specimen appropriately can genesis imperfecta, because the heavily mineralised enamel
prevent diagnosis and necessitate an additional biopsy. is almost completely dissolved away. In such cases, a ground
section is prepared by sawing and grinding using special
Fixation saws and abrasives.
Fixation is a key process. The surgeon must immerse the
specimen in ten times the specimen volume of 10% formal Immunofluorescent and
saline immediately on removal. Do not delay. In the absence immunohistochemical staining
of proper fixative, it is better to delay the biopsy and obtain Immunostaining methods make use of the highly specific
the correct solution. Specimens placed in alcohols, saline or binding between antibodies and antigens to stain specific
other materials commonly available in dental surgeries are molecules in the tissues.
frequently useless for diagnosis (Box 1.14). Do not confuse Antibodies that recognise specific antigens of interest can
10% formal saline (formol saline) with normal saline. be purchased. They are produced either by immunising
Formal saline is formaldehyde dissolved in saline and kills animals with the purified target molecule and then purifying
and fixes tissue to prevent autolysis. Normal saline is isot- the resulting antibodies from serum, or generated in vitro
onic saline infusion, not a fixative. (monoclonal antibodies). The staining process is shown in
Special types of fixative are required for electron microscopy Figs 1.6–1.8. The antibody binds extremely specifically to
and for urgent specimens. Whenever microbiological culture the target molecule, and the combination is made visible,
is required, the specimen should be sent fresh to the labora- either by binding a fluorescent molecule that can be seen in
tory or a separate specimen taken because fixation will kill an ultraviolet microscope or an enzyme such as peroxidase
any micro-organisms. that can react with a soluble substrate to form a visible red
representation of
antibodies binding to B
the tissues at a Cell Cell
molecular level
Section of fresh Drop of fluorescent-
frozen tissue on a labelled anti-IgG
microscope slide antibody added,
incubated to allow
binding to any IgG
present, excess
washed off. View
under ultraviolet
light microscopy
Fig. 1.6 Method and application of direct immunofluorescence. (A) Example: diagnosis of pemphigus and pemphigoid. Aim: to detect
the site of the immunoglobulin (IgG) autoantibody already bound to the tissues in a biopsy. Green fluorescence indicates site of antibody
binding; red fluorescence is a stain for cell nuclei to make the tissue structure more easily interpreted. (B) In pemphigus, green
fluorescence reveals IgG autoantibody bound around the surface of the prickle cells in the epithelium (see Fig. 16.28). (C) In pemphigoid,
green fluorescence reveals IgG autoantibody bound along the basement membrane (see Fig. 16.33). (Images courtesy Dr Balbir Bhogal.)
representation of
antibodies binding to
the tissues at a Cell Cell Cell
molecular level
Section of fresh Drop of diluted Drop of fluorescent-
frozen normal tissue serum from the labelled anti-IgG
on a microscope patient added, antibody added,
slide, either normal incubated to allow incubated to allow
human mucosa or any autoantibody binding to any
animal tissue-not present to bind to autoantibody which
from the patient the tissue, excess has bound to tissue,
washed off excess washed off.
View under
ultraviolet light
A microscope
Fig. 1.7 Method and application of indirect immunofluorescence. (A) Example: control of treatment for pemphigus. Aim: to detect
circulating autoantibody in the serum of patients with pemphigus. (B) If present, serum autoantibody binds around the surface of the
prickle cells in the epithelium and is revealed by the binding to it of the green fluorescent antibody. In this example the nuclei are not
counterstained red.
Antiviral IgG antibody anti-IgG antibody Coloured
Virus in biopsy (primary antibody) (secondary antibody) reaction product
of antibodies
binding to the Virus Virus Virus Virus
tissues at a
molecular level
Section of fresh Drop of IgG Drop of anti-IgG Peroxidase
tissue from biopsy antibody against antibody labelled substrate added,
on a microscope the virus (primary with peroxidase incubated to allow
slide. Natural antibody) added, (secondary reaction with
peroxidase incubated to allow antibody) added, peroxidase. An
enzymes in the it to bind to virus incubated to allow insoluble coloured
tissue inactivated in the tissue, binding to any reaction product
with hydrogen excess primary antibody is formed at the
peroxide washed off already bound to site of primary
virus, excess antibody binding
A washed off
Fig. 1.8 Method and application of immunocytochemistry. (A) Example: diagnosis of viral infection. Aim: to detect viral antigens in
infected cells. (B) In this example, brown reaction product identifies cells infected with cytomegalovirus.
of DNA probes
binding to viral
DNA at the B
tissue level Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus
Fig. 1.10 (A) Method and application of in situ hybridisation to detect viral DNA in tissues. (B) In this carcinoma, blue colour reaction
product indicates the site of human papillomavirus DNA.
oropharyngeal carcinoma cells are common applications in been ordered and to allow the interpretation of the results.
dentistry. It is important to include details of any drug treatment on
It is also the method of choice to detect the fusion genes blood test request forms. Always put the blood into the
that result from chromosomal translocations, which are appropriate tube because some anticoagulants are incom-
often specific to individual types of salivary neoplasms (Ch. patible with certain tests. A haematologist will not be
23). The break points in the chromosomes are known, and impressed by a request for assessment of clotting function
two probes labelled with different colour fluorescence on a specimen of coagulated blood.
markers are designed to bind on each side of the break point.
In a normal cell the probes bind close together, one on each Microbiology
side of the potential break point, and can be seen down a
Despite the fact that the most common oral diseases are
microscope as four spots of colour in each nucleus (because
infective, traditional microbiological culture of organisms is
there are two copies of each gene in a normal cell). Both
surprisingly rarely of practical diagnostic value in dentistry
colours are visible close together. If one of the gene copies
(Table 1.14, Box 1.15). Direct Gram-stained smears will
is rearranged (the gene is broken), one pair of markers
quickly confirm the diagnosis of thrush or acute ulcera-
binding to the normal chromosome will show the normal
tive gingivitis, and H&E-stained smears can show the dis-
pattern. The fluorescent markers on each side of the broken
torted, virally infected epithelial cells in herpetic infections
gene no longer bind close together and are seen as two
more easily than microbiological tests for the organisms
widely separated spots of colour in the nucleus.
The application of in situ hybridisation is shown in
A key microbiological investigation is culture and sensi-
Figs 1.10 and 1.11.
tivity of pus organisms. Whenever pus is obtained from a
Haematology, clinical chemistry soft tissue or bone infection, it should be sent for culture
and determination of antibiotic sensitivity of the causative
and serology microbes. Those of osteomyelitis, cellulitis, acute parotitis
Blood investigations are clearly essential for the diagnosis or other severe infections need to be identified if appropriate
of diseases such as leukaemias, myelomas or leukopenias antimicrobial treatment is to be given. However, such treat-
which have oral manifestations, or for defects of haemosta- ment has usually to be started empirically without this
sis that can greatly affect management. Blood investigations information; the sensitivity test may dictate a change of
are also helpful in the diagnosis of other conditions such as treatment.
some infections and sore tongues or recurrent aphthae that Soft tissue infections of the head and neck are often
are sometimes associated with anaemia. treated without microbiological diagnosis. This is partly
As noted earlier, tests should address specific questions because the flora is complex and mixed with many anaer-
(Table 1.13). The request form should always be completed obes and organisms that are difficult to culture. The anaer-
with sufficient clinical detail to allow the haematologist or obes do not survive ordinary sample-taking procedures.
clinical chemist to check that the appropriate tests have Culture results are usually a poor reflection of the actual
Gene of interest DNA probes that bind each side of CHAPTER
the gene of interest, labelled with
red and green fluorescent dyes
Table 1.13 Types of blood test useful in oral diagnosis (see also Appendix 1.1)
Test Main uses
‘Full blood picture’ usually includes erythrocyte Anaemia and the effects of sideropaenia and vitamin B12 deficiency
number, size and haemoglobin indices and associated with several common oral disorders. Leukaemias
differential white cell count
Blood film Leukaemias, infectious mononucleosis, anaemias
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Raised in systemic inflammatory and autoimmune disorders
Particularly important in giant cell arteritis and Wegener’s granulomatosis
Serum iron and total iron-binding capacity Iron deficiency associated with several common oral disorders
Serum ferritin A more sensitive indicator of body stores of iron than serum iron and total
iron-binding capacity but not available in all laboratories
Red cell folate level Folic acid deficiency is sometimes associated with recurrent aphthous
ulceration and recurrent candidosis
Vitamin B12 level Vitamin B12 deficiency is sometimes associated with recurrent aphthous
ulceration and recurrent candidosis
Autoantibodies (e.g. rheumatoid factor, antinuclear Raised in autoimmune diseases. Specific autoantibody levels suggest certain
factor, DNA-binding antibodies, SS-A, SS-B) diseases
Viral antibody titres (e.g. Herpes simplex, Varicella A rising titre of specific antibody indicates active infection by the virus
zoster, mumps virus)
Paul–Bunnell or monospot test Infectious mononucleosis
Syphilis serology Syphilis
Complement component levels Occasionally useful in diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus or familial
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme Sarcoidosis
Serum calcium, phosphate and parathormone levels Paget’s disease and hyperparathyroidism
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test HIV infection
Skeletal serum alkaline phosphatase Raised in conditions with increased bone turnover, e.g. Paget’s disease and
Lowered in hypophosphatasia 19
1 Table 1.14 Microbiological tests useful in oral diagnosis damage which can have resulted from autoimmune disor-
ders such as Wegener’s granulomatosis and for the detection
Principles of investigation, diagnosis and treatment
Appendix 1.1
White cells
Total count 3.6–11 ×109/L
Neutrophils 1.8–7.5 ×109/L
Lymphocytes 1–4 ×109/L
Monocytes 0.2–0.8 ×109/L
Eosinophils 0.1–0.4 ×109/L
This page intentionally left blank
Disorders of tooth
development 2
Development of an ideal dentition depends on many factors teeth most frequently missing are third molars, second
(Box 2.1). premolars or maxillary second incisors (Fig. 2.1), the last
Significant structural defects of teeth are much less teeth in each series. Absence of third molars can be a dis-
common than irregularities of alignment of the teeth and advantage if first or second molars, or both, have been lost;
abnormal relationship of the arches. The main groups of otherwise, orthodontic problems of alignment and space
disorders affecting development of the dentition are sum- loss are the only effects.
marised in Box 2.2 and Summary chart 2.1 and Summary Absence of lateral incisors can sometimes be conspicuous
chart 2.2. because the large, pointed canines erupt in the front of the
mouth beside the central incisors. It is often impossible to
prevent loss of space, even if the patient is seen early. It is
ABNORMALITIES IN THE NUMBER also difficult and time consuming to make space by ortho-
OF TEETH dontic means to replace the laterals, so combined proce-
dures with prosthodontic replacement are often used.
Anodontia Disguising the shape of the canines is destructive of the
Total failure of development of a complete dentition (ano- tooth, usually unconvincing cosmetically and produces a
dontia) is exceedingly rare. If the permanent dentition fails poor contact.
to form, the deciduous dentition is retained for many years. Genetic causes PMID: 25910507
If the teeth survive caries, attrition will eventually destroy
the crowns. Lack of alveolar bone growth may make implant General review PMCID: PMC3844689
placement difficult.
Oligodontia or anodontia with
Isolated oligodontia systemic defects
Oligodontia means few teeth. Failure of development of one Anhidrotic (hereditary) ectodermal dysplasia
or two teeth is relatively common and often hereditary. The
The main features are summarised in Box 2.3. In severe
cases, no teeth form. More often, most of the deciduous
Box 2.1 Requirements for development of an ideal teeth form, but there are few or no permanent teeth. The
dentition teeth are usually peg-shaped or conical (Fig. 2.2).
When there is anodontia, the alveolar process, without
• Formation of a full complement of teeth teeth to support, fails to develop and has too little bone to
• Normal structural development of the dental tissues support standard implants without surgical bone augmenta-
• Eruption of each group of teeth at the appropriate tion. The profile then resembles that of an elderly person
time into an adequate space because of the gross loss of vertical dimension. The hair is
• Normal development of jaw size and relationship fine and sparse (Fig. 2.3), particularly in the tonsural region.
• Eruption of teeth into correct relationship to occlude The skin is smooth, shiny and dry due to absence of sweat
with their opposite numbers glands. Heat is therefore poorly tolerated. The finger nails
• Maintenance of tooth position by normal soft tissue are usually also defective. As a temporary measure, dentures
size and pressure or overdentures are usually well tolerated by children.
Box 2.3 Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia: major
Hard tissue pathology
• Usually a sex-linked recessive trait
• Hypodontia
• Hypotrichosis (scanty hair)
• Anhidrosis (inability to sweat)
Supplemental teeth These are supernumerary teeth with contrary to guidelines, is now a rare cause of permanent
a normal morphology, and they are usually an extra tooth discoloration.
Hard tissue pathology
Consider rickets, Multiple bone Generalised yellow, Early loss of Severe patchy Possibly a family No family history. No family history,
renal disease, fractures or family brown or green deciduous or enamel opacities, history of No vertical or primarily
epithelial defects, history of discoloration permanent teeth possibly with discoloured teeth horizontal pattern. permanent incisors
syphilis, osteogenesis staining or or early tooth loss Enamel opacities and first molars. No
hypophosphatasia, imperfecta or missing areas of and defects vertical pattern.
irradiation during similar teeth. enamel Vertical ridging, Painful. Enamel
development Sclera may banding or pitting disintegrates
be blue
Histology of a
tooth may be
helpful but All teeth brown, Tooth morphology Consider fluorosis Probably Consider variants Probably
extraction is not translucent and enamel amelogenesis of amelogenesis molar-incisor
warranted for enamel, attrition normal. May be imperfecta imperfecta and hypomineralisation
diagnosis. may be gross. horizontal banding Large pulp Short mild fluorosis.
Exfoliated Short tapering or staining chambers conical Differential
deciduous teeth roots. Bulbous extensive roots. diagnosis difficult
may be informative crowns of near Consider severe early resorption of Pulp chambers
normal morphology tetracycline deciduous roots obliterated
staining (as may
Dentinogenesis be found in cystic Consider Consider
imperfecta/ fibrosis patients) undiagnosed dentinal
hereditary hypophosphatasia dysplasia
opalescent dentine
Summary chart 2.2 Differential diagnosis of developmental and acquired abnormalities of one or a group of teeth. 2
pattern of inheritance, type of defect (enamel hypoplasia, hypocalcification and hypomaturation and take a family
hypomineralisation or hypomaturation) and appearance history, which may reveal an inheritance pattern.
(smooth, rough or pitted). At least 16 forms have been rec-
Review types causes PMCID: PMC1847600
ognised on clinical grounds, but some are the same genetic
condition with differing severity, and the classification is
Hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta
Inheritance can be autosomal dominant, recessive or The main defect in this type is deficient formation of matrix,
X-linked. However, the most common types have an auto- so that the amount of enamel is reduced but normally min-
somal inheritance and are thought to be caused by muta- eralised. The enamel is randomly pitted, grooved or uni-
tions in the genes for ameloblastin (C4), or genes for formly very thin, but hard and translucent (Fig. 2.8). The
enamelin (C4) or tuftelin (C1). In the case of the autosomal defects tend to become stained, but the teeth are not espe-
dominant type of amelogenesis imperfecta, the defective cially susceptible to caries unless the enamel is scanty and
gene is enamelin (C4). fractures to expose dentine.
The less common X-linked types are caused by a variety The main patterns of inheritance are autosomal dominant
of defects in the AMELX genes encoding amelogenin, and recessive, X-linked and (a genetic rarity) an X-linked
located on the X and Y chromosomes (the copy on the Y dominant type. In the last type, there is almost complete
gene being inactive) and, confusingly, it seems the same failure of enamel formation in affected males, whereas in
mutation can sometimes cause hypoplasia, hypomineralisa- females the enamel is vertically ridged (Figs 2.9–2.12). Occa-
tion or hypomaturation in different patients. sionally, cases are difficult to classify (Fig. 2.13).
Genetic factors act throughout the whole duration of
amelogenesis. Characteristically, therefore, all teeth are Hypomaturation amelogenesis imperfecta
affected, and defects involve the whole enamel or randomly The enamel is normal in thickness on eruption but with
distributed patches of it. By contrast, exogenous factors opaque, white to brownish-yellow patches caused by failure
affecting enamel formation (with the important exception of maturation, a process of matrix removal and increasing
of fluorosis) tend to act for a relatively brief period and mineralisation that is partly developmental and partly post-
produce defects related to that period of enamel formation eruptive. The appearance can mimic fluorotic mottling if
(a chronological pattern). the spots are small (Figs 2.14 and 2.15). However, affected
Until there is a better understanding, dentists should at enamel is soft and vulnerable to attrition, though not as
least be able to identify the three clinical types of hypoplasia, severely as the hypocalcified type.
Hard tissue pathology
There are several variants of hypomaturation defects such Fig. 2.10 Amelogenesis imperfecta X-linked dominant
as a more severe, autosomal dominant type combined with hypoplastic form in a male. This premolar has a cap of enamel so
hypoplasia and milder forms limited to only some tooth thin that the shape of the crown is virtually that of the dentine
surfaces. core.
Hypocalcified amelogenesis imperfecta The teeth tend to become stained, and enamel is rela-
Enamel matrix is formed in normal quantity but is poorly tively rapidly worn away. The upper incisors may acquire a
calcified. When newly erupted, the enamel is normal in shoulder due to the chipping away of the thin, soft enamel
thickness and form, but weak or chalky and opaque in of the incisal edge (Fig. 2.16). There are dominant and reces-
appearance. sive patterns of inheritance.
Chronological hypoplasia
gastroenteritis. Measles with severe secondary bacterial
➔ Summary chart 2.1 p. 26 infection used to be the most common cause of this limited
Any severe disturbance of metabolism can halt enamel for- type of dental defect, but such defects have become uncom-
mation. Dentine formation is less sensitive to insult, so mon since measles vaccination.
tooth formation will usually continue to produce a normally Unlike inherited forms of hypoplasia, only a restricted
shaped tooth with only a band of enamel missing. The usual area of enamel is missing, corresponding to the sites of
causes are the childhood fevers or severe infantile development at the time of the illness.
Hard tissue pathology
Lateral Lateral
incisor 1st 2nd incisor 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
Central Molar Molar Central Canine Premolar Molar
incisor Canine incisor
Fig. 2.19 Charts to determine the chronology of enamel hypoplasia. Chronological hypoplasia should affect many teeth symmetrically
consistent with the time of illness.
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
➔ Summary chart 2.1 p. 26
This condition produces identical changes in appearance
and structure of the teeth to those in osteogenesis imper-
fecta but is caused by mutations in dentine sialoprotein, a
dentine matrix protein, rather than collagen genes. Previ-
ously there were thought to be two types (types II and III),
but the condition of shell teeth is now thought to be just a
more severe presentation of type II caused by defects in the
same gene. Dentinogenesis imperfecta can be associated
with developmental hearing loss.
Clinical features
The enamel appears normal but uniformly brownish or
Fig. 2.20 Molar-incisor hypomineralisation. Typical appearance purplish and abnormally translucent (Fig. 2.21), giving an
with discolouration and breakdown of enamel almost exclusively opal-like appearance that leads to the clinical description of
on permanent incisors and first molars. ‘hereditary opalescent dentine’. The appearance is caused
by the dark dentine being visible through the enamel, which
Osteogenesis imperfecta with opalescent is usually normal but may have hypoplastic defects in a
minority of patients. The shape and size of the crowns is
teeth ➔ Summary chart 2.1 p. 26 essentially normal, but the roots are slender and stunted,
This uncommon defect of collagen formation disturbs for- giving the tooth a cervical constriction and bulbous outline
mation of both bone and dentine. Many forms are known, radiographically (Fig. 2.22). Dentine formation progresses
and the condition is described in Chapter 13. Types III and to obliterate the pulp chamber at an early age. There is a
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 2.21 Dentinogenesis imperfecta. Showing the grey-brown Fig. 2.23 Dentinogenesis imperfecta. In this 14-year-old, the
translucent appearance of the teeth which are of normal teeth have worn down to gingival level, but the pulp chambers
morphology. have become obliterated as part of the disease process. A rim of
enamel remains around the necks of the posterior teeth.
Hard tissue pathology
Affected teeth have very thin enamel and dentine sur- Natural history and treatment PMID: 17613259
rounding a greatly enlarged pulp chamber. In radiographs,
the teeth appear crumpled and abnormally radiolucent or Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia
hazy, due to the paucity of dental hard tissues, explaining This rare disorder may be a mild form of the genetic condi-
the term ‘ghost teeth’ (Figs 2.30 and 2.31). tion hemimaxillofacial dysplasia; it can be mistaken for
Histologically, the enamel thickness is highly irregular fibrous dysplasia or regional odontodysplasia.
and lacks a well-defined prismatic structure. The dentine, Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia causes unilateral
which has a disorganised tubular structure, contains clefts expansion of the alveolar process of the maxilla in a child
and interglobular dentine mixed with amorphous mineral- in the primary or mixed dentition. The premolar and molar
ised tissue. The surrounding follicle soft tissue may contain regions are most frequently affected. Enlargement is due to
small calcifications (Figs 2.33–2.34). both fibrous enlargement of the gingiva and swelling of the
If they erupt, the teeth are susceptible to caries and frac- alveolar bone. The antrum is small, and the maxilla is
ture. If they can be preserved and restored, crown and root distorted, although only rarely to the extent of causing facial
dentine continue to form, and the teeth may survive long asymmetry. Eruption of teeth in the affected area is delayed,
enough to allow normal development of the alveolar ridge and they are hypoplastic to varying degrees, with enlarge-
and occlusion. However, extractions are often required even- ment of the pulps, thin pitted enamel, an irregular pulp/
tually. This should not be done until it is certain that erup- dentine interface and many pseudoinclusions in poorly
tion has completely failed or the defects are too severe to be organised dentine, and pulp stones. Permanent successors,
treatable. particularly the premolars, may be absent.
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 2.39 Gardner’s syndrome. Multiple unerupted abnormally
formed supernumerary teeth. See also Fig. 12.16.
Fig. 2.38 Multiple pulp stones in a case of Ehlers–Danlos
Hard tissue pathology
Box 2.6 Grading of mottled enamel
Fluoride exerts its effects through inhibition of ameloblasts.
At intermediate levels (2–6 ppm), the enamel matrix is
normal in structure and quantity. The form of the tooth is
unaffected, but there are patches of incomplete calcification
beneath the surface layer. These appear as opacities because
of high organic and water content that cause light reflection.
Where there are high concentrations of fluorides (higher
than 6 ppm), the enamel is pitted and brittle, with severe
and widespread staining. Deciduous teeth are rarely mottled
because excess fluoride is taken up by the maternal skele-
ton. However, when fluoride levels are excessively high
(higher than 8 ppm), as in parts of India, mottling of decidu-
ous teeth may be seen.
With severe mottling of the enamel, other effects of exces-
Fig. 2.48 Fluorosis. Severe effects from an area of endemic sive fluoride intake, especially sclerosis of the skeleton, may
fluorosis. Closer view showing irregular depressions caused by develop. Radiographically, increased density of the skeleton
hypoplasia and white opaque flecks and patches.
may be seen in areas where the fluoride content of the water
exceeds 8 ppm.
The severity of defects in relation to fluoride concentra-
tions is shown in Table 2.1, and its relationship to caries
prevalence in Fig. 2.50.
Mild dental fluorosis is not readily distinguishable from
non-fluoride defects, and non-specific defects are more
common in areas where the water contains less than 1 ppm
of fluoride. Minimal mottling is associated with levels of
Fig. 2.49 Fluorosis from an area of endemic natural fluorosis in 1 ppm fluoride in temperate climates and 0.7 ppm in hotter
Gloucestershire. countries.
1000 4
Hard tissue pathology
900 Moderate 3
Index of mottling
800 to
Odontomes result from aberrant development of the dental
lamina. The most minor examples, although they are not
usually called odontomes, are slight malformations, such as
an exaggerated cingulum or extra roots or cusps on other-
wise normal teeth. All gradations exist between these anom-
alies and composite odontomes where the dental tissues Fig. 2.54 Dens in dente or mild invaginated odontome. In this
have developed in a completely irregular and haphazard radiograph, the enamel-lined invagination and its communication
manner bearing no resemblance to a tooth and occasionally with the exterior at the incisal tip are clearly seen. The pulp is
forming a large mass (Ch. 11). compressed to the periphery.
Dens invaginatus is an exaggeration of the process of
formation of a cingulum pit. Dentine and enamel-forming
tissue invaginate into the pulp to appear radiographically as
a tooth-within-a-tooth (dens in dente, Fig. 2.54). In the full
dens invaginatus, also known as an invaginated or dilated
odontome, the invagination extends the whole length of a
tooth and sometimes through a widely dilated apex (Fig.
2.55). Often the invagination has incomplete walls allowing
the exterior to communicate with the pulp and devitalising
it. Alternatively, food debris lodges in the cavity to cause
caries which rapidly penetrates the superficially located pulp
Dens evaginatus is the opposite, an enamel- and dentine-
covered spur extending outward from the occlusal surface
of a premolar or molar (Fig. 2.56). Fracture exposes the
internal pulp horn.
Geminated teeth, meaning double or twinned teeth, are
most common in the maxillary incisor region. The pulp
chambers may be entirely separate, joined in the middle of
the tooth or branched, with the pulp chambers of separated
crowns sharing a common root canal. The crowns may be
entirely separate or divided only by a shallow groove. The
roots may be single or double. These defects are commoner
in the deciduous dentition. In the past, effort has been
expended trying to decide whether such teeth arise by fusion
of two tooth germs or partial splitting of a single germ. This
distinction is pointless, and it seems likely that the condi-
tion is genetic; it is often bilateral and is rarely seen in
excessive crowding.
These malformed teeth usually need to be removed before
they obstruct the eruption of other teeth or become infected,
or for cosmetic reasons.
Enamel pearls are uncommon, minor abnormalities that
are formed on otherwise normal teeth by ameloblasts that Fig. 2.55 A dilated and invaginated odontome in a lateral
differentiate below the amelocemental junction. The pearls incisor, sectioned vertically. The central cavity communicates with
are usually round, a few millimetres in diameter and often the exterior through an invagination in the cusp tip.
Hard tissue pathology
Natal teeth proceed and after a few years eruption catches up with the
normal timetable. Systemic diseases that cause delayed erup-
Teeth present at birth or shortly afterward are called natal
tion are all rare. Eruption is complex, and many diseases can
teeth. Almost always these are normal deciduous lower
interfere with it. Both chemotherapy and radiotherapy arrest
incisors that erupt prematurely. Occasionally they may be
or interrupt eruption as well as tooth formation.
supernumerary teeth, though deciding this can be difficult
Single tooth failure of eruption is almost always due to a
as radiographs are difficult to take at such a young age.
mechanical obstruction or ankylosis.
Removal may be required to aid feeding or when inadequate
Primary eruption failure is a rare condition. Usually some
root development risks their displacement and inhalation,
teeth erupt, but then all teeth distally in the quadrant,
but they are best retained.
sometimes all, remain unerupted and may eventually anky-
Bohn’s nodules may be mistaken for erupting teeth in
lose (Fig. 2.59). Half of cases are familial, and some are
associated with mutation of the parathyroid hormone recep-
Natal teeth are seen in a number of rare developmental
tor gene. A common mild presentation is failure of eruption
disorders, pachyonychia congenita, Ellis-van Creveld and
of only permanent molars, and the first permanent molars
Hallermann-Streiff syndromes.
are almost always involved. There may be bilateral involve-
ment, a Class 3 skeletal pattern and oligodontia associated.
Delayed eruption This condition does not cause delayed eruption of single
Eruption of deciduous teeth starts at approximately 6 teeth. Teeth in primary eruption failure do not respond to
months, usually with the appearance of the lower incisors, orthodontic traction, and treatment usually requires extrac-
and is complete by approximately 2 years, earlier in females tion. Restoration is then difficult due to lack of alveolar bone
and with considerable individual variation in timing. Mass growth.
failure of eruption is very rare despite the biological com- Causes of delayed eruption are shown in Box 2.8.
plexity of the process. More often eruption delay has local
causes and affects one or a few teeth. Primary eruption failure PMID: 17482073
Failure of a single tooth or adjacent teeth to appear in the
mouth within a few months of the contralateral equivalent Changes affecting buried teeth
should trigger radiographic assessment to check for its pres- Teeth may occasionally remain unerupted in the jaws for
ence and location. However, delayed appearance of the decid- many years without complications, or may undergo varying
uous dentition in the absence of a cause does not warrant degrees of hypercementosis or resorption (Ch. 6). Alterna-
concern until it is delayed for 1 year provided no mechanical tively, dentigerous cysts may develop (see Ch. 10), as often
cause is evident, as eruption times are so variable. happens in cleidocranial dysplasia.
In generalised delay caused by systemic illness, for instance
in preterm infants, recovery normally allows eruption to
Box 2.8 Causes of delayed eruption of permanent teeth
Hard tissue pathology
Disorders of development
Important developmental defects of the jaws are summa- lip is therefore the result of an early developmental disorder,
rised in Box 3.1, and some are discussed more fully in other whereas isolated cleft palate results from influences acting
chapters. later, after the primary palate has closed. By contrast, a
prolonged disorder of development can prevent both primary
and secondary palates from closing and leaves a severe com-
CLEFTS OF LIP OR PALATE bined defect (Figs 3.3 and 3.4).
Clefts of the palate alone and those of the lip, with or Clefts of lip and palate form because of failure of growth
without cleft palate, are genetically distinct conditions. The and migration of mesenchyme to form the alveolus and lip,
embryology of the lower face and mechanisms of closure of not because an embryological line of fusion fails to close. In
the palatal shelves and fusion of the soft tissue processes to contrast, cleft palate develops because of failure to close the
form the upper lip are very complex. Until around 6 weeks cleft during development.
of development, the mouth and future nasal cavity are one. The main types of cleft are summarised in Box 3.2. A
Then fusion of the median nasal process and maxillary complete cleft of the lip is one that extends into the nose,
processes of the first branchial arch forms the midline alveo- completely separating the lip into two portions. Incomplete
lar ridge and anterior palate, or primary palate. By the end clefts are limited to lip or lip and alveolus, and there is some
of week 9, the secondary palate has formed by growth of the continuity between the segments to stabilise the tissues.
palatal shelves, their rotation and fusion. Formation of a
complete palate therefore requires growth and migration of Cleft lip and cleft palate
tissues, breakdown of epithelium to allow fusion and growth Cleft lip (with or without a palatal cleft) is a single condition
of the mandible to allow the tongue to drop out of the way. that presents with varying degrees of severity. It is the most
The process takes slightly longer in females, and the longer common craniofacial anomaly and affects approximately 1
period of development makes them more prone to palatal per 1000 live births, roughly half of whom have a cleft lip
clefts than males. Many genes are involved, and there is a alone and half of whom have cleft lip with a cleft palate.
relatively long period during which an environmental insult Twice as many males as females are affected, and the right
could interfere with the process. Approximately one in 700 side is twice as frequently involved.
babies have clefts of lip and/or palate. Mechanisms are sum- There is a strong genetic background to cleft lip and
marised in Figs 3.1 and 3.2. palate, but the aetiology is complex. Either dominant or
The sites of clefts vary because the lip and anterior palate recessive inheritance can be found in familial cases, whereas
(the primary palate) develop independently and before the others appear multifactorial. The risk of having such defects
hard and soft palates (the secondary palate). Isolated cleft is considerably greater if one, and particularly if both, of the
parents are affected or if the cleft is more severe. There are
many candidate genes affecting different stages of palate
development. Hedgehog pathway and PTCH gene variants
Box 3.1 Developmental defects of the jaws, mouth affect growth and patterning, and TGF beta is involved in
and face fusion. Many other genes have been implicated. IRF6 (inter-
feron regulatory factor 6), FGFR2 (fibroblast growth factor
Defects of the jaws receptor 2), MSX1 (Msh homeobox1), fibroblast growth
• Clefts of the palate and/or lip
• Cleidocranial dysplasia (Ch. 13)
• Cherubism (Ch. 13)
• Basal cell naevus syndrome (Ch. 10) Box 3.2 Clefts of lip and/or palate
• Gardner’s syndrome (Ch. 12) Cleft lip
• Osteogenesis imperfecta (Ch. 13) • Unilateral (usually on the left side), with or without an
• Craniofacial anomalies anterior alveolar ridge cleft
• Hereditary prognathism • Bilateral, with or without alveolar ridge clefts, complete
Defects of the soft tissues or incomplete
• Ankyloglossia Palatal clefts
• Cowden’s syndrome • Bifid uvula
• Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Ch. 14) • Soft palate only
• Branchial and thyroglossal cysts (Ch. 10) • Both hard and soft palate
• Lingual thyroid (Ch. 36) Combined lip and palatal defects
• White sponge naevus (Ch. 18) • Unilateral, complete or incomplete
• Some pigmented lesions (Ch. 26) • Cleft palate with bilateral cleft lip, complete or
Defects of the teeth (Ch. 2) incomplete
Hard tissue pathology
palate Incisive
Secondary foramen
septum palatal Fused
shelves palate
Fig. 3.1 Development of the lip and palate. Schematic diagrams of the development of the lip and palate in humans. (A) The developing
frontonasal prominence, paired maxillary processes and paired mandibular processes surround the primitive oral cavity by the fourth week
of embryonic development. (B) By the fifth week, the nasal pits have formed, which leads to formation of the paired medial and lateral nasal
processes. (C) The medial nasal processes have merged with the maxillary processes to form the upper lip and primary palate by the end of
the sixth week. The lateral nasal processes form the nasal alae. Similarly, the mandibular processes fuse to form the lower jaw. (D) During the
sixth week of embryogenesis, the secondary palate develops in the form of bilateral outgrowths from the maxillary processes, which grow
vertically down the side of the tongue. (E) Subsequently, the palatal shelves elevate to a horizontal position above the tongue, contact one
another and commence fusion. (F) Fusion of the palatal shelves ultimately divides the oronasal space into separate oral and nasal cavities.
(From Dixon, M.J., Marazita, M.L., Beaty, T.H., et al. 2011. Cleft lip and palate: understanding genetic and environmental influences. Nat Rev Genet. 12(3), pp. 167-178.)
Upper lip
Hard palate
Soft palate
Fig. 3.2 Cleft lip and palate types. A set of illustrative drawings of cleft lip and palate types. A and E show unilateral and bilateral clefts
of the soft palate; B, C and D show degrees of unilateral cleft lip and palate; and F, G and H show degrees of bilateral cleft lip and palate.
(From Dixon, M.J., Marazita M.L., Beaty, T.H., et al. 2011. Cleft lip and palate: understanding genetic and environmental influences. Nat Rev Genet. 12(3), pp. 167-178.)
Disorders of development
Fig. 3.3 Cleft palate. A broad midline defect is present. (By kind permission of Mrs E Horrocks.)
factors (FGF1 and FGF8) and BMP4 (bone morphogenetic philtrum and nasal aperture. Early surgery has best results
protein 4) are the most likely. with least subsequent scarring and distortion, so repair is
Environmental causes are also recognised and include usually performed at approximately 3 months, but earlier
smoking and alcohol, phenytoin and retinoids and other in some centres.
drugs. These environmental causes usually cause clefts The palatal cleft is treated initially by an obturator plate
combined with other developmental defects. that must be replaced regularly as the child grows. Surgery
is performed between 9 and 12 months of age, and a bone
Review PMCID: PMC3086810
graft may be required for wide defects. Palatal surgery leads
to scarring that inhibits maxillary growth and contributes
Management to the class III appearance of the face in later life.
The birth of a baby with a cleft lip triggers very early involve- Re-operation may be necessary to lessen the deformity
ment of a multidisciplinary team. Important considerations (Fig. 3.5).
are summarised in Box 3.3. Immediate considerations are Between the ages of 1 and 5 years, attention needs to be
psychological support for the family, both for the initial paid to hearing, for which ear grommets may be necessary
shock and during many years of treatment to follow. It is to prevent otitis media and hearing loss. The distorted soft
important to establish feeding as soon as possible. Cleft lip palate musculature fails to open the pharyngeal end of the
alone causes few problems, but a cleft palate prevents suck- Eustachian tube, predisposing to glue ear and infection. Poor
ling, and either a feeding plate to close the defect or specially hearing may interfere with development of speech, already
designed feeding bottles may be required. compromised by the inability of the soft palate to effectively
Cleft lip is closed surgically, eliminating the cleft, repair- seal off the nose when plosive sounds (such as ‘p’ or ‘b’) are
ing the continuity of the lip muscle and recontouring the made. Speech therapy and sometimes soft palate surgery
Disorders of development
Fig. 3.6 van der Woude syndrome. Cleft lip and lower lip pits.
(From Hartzell L.D., Kilpatrick L.A., 2014. Diagnosis and management of patients with
clefts: a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach. Otolaryngol Clin North Am, 47,
pp. 821-852.)
The extreme genetic form is often called ‘Habsburg jaw’*
and is probably a single gene disorder inherited as an auto-
somal dominant. Although this severe inherited form is still
occasionally found, most families with a protruding mandi-
ble may simply be at one end of the spectrum of normal
variation, and result from polygenic inheritance. Marked
Fig. 3.7 Lateral facial cleft, a severe lateral cleft and severe prognathism can also be seen as an acquired condition in
bilateral cleft lip and palate. (From Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 42 acromegaly.
(2014) 1985e1989 42:1985-9.)
often involving the eye and sometimes the cranium
Ankyloglossia, or tongue tie, is caused by tethering of the
(Fig. 3.7). These are associated with severe distortion of the
tongue tip to the floor of mouth, lingual alveolar mucosa or
face, often with major tissue deficiency. Such facial clefts
gingiva by a short lingual fraenum (Fig. 3.9). In severe cases
are usually continuous with a cleft lip and palate at their
a broad thick fraenum effectively fuses the anterior tongue
inferior end. Surgical correction of the defects is extremely
STAFNE’S IDIOPATHIC BONE CAVITY *Hereditary prognathism has been associated with the Habsburg
dynasty. Originally a Swiss family, the Habsburgs ruled many European
This is a relatively common developmental anomaly caused countries between the 11th and 18th centuries. The trait persisted for
by a lobe of the submandibular gland indenting the lingual generations through interbreeding between European royal families,
aspect of the mandible, below the level of the inferior dental particularly in the Spanish branch. However, recent evaluation of por-
traits suggests that the family’s striking appearance was caused in part
nerve canal. The cortex is invaginated into the medullary
by additional hypoplasia of the maxilla, accentuating the appearance.
space. In a panoramic or oblique lateral radiograph the (Peacock, Z.S., Klein, K.P., and Mulliken, J.B., et al. 2014. The Habsburg
concavity appears to be a circumscribed cyst in the mandi- jaw–re-examined. Am J Med Genet. 164A, pp. 2263-2269. [PubMed:
ble, surrounded by a layer of cortical bone. 24942320])
Hard tissue pathology
to the floor of mouth. The cause is unclear but has been Multiple hamartoma or Cowden’s syndrome* is a geneti-
associated with several genes known to cause cleft palate cally diverse condition in which patients have mucosal
and clefting syndromes. However, most cases are solitary polyps in the gastrointestinal tract, multiple skin and oral
abnormalities and often have a family history suggesting an nodules and a high risk of developing malignant neoplasms.
autosomal dominant inheritance. Nearly half of affected Mutations are classically in the PTEN gene, although many
individuals will have an affected first-degree relative. When variants associated with other genes exist.
there is no family history, males are usually affected. The Inheritance is usually autosomal dominant and skin, and
incidence is approximately 3%. mucosal lesions develop in the second decade. Skin lesions
Reduced lingual mobility can affect feeding in the neo- are more obvious, multiple nodules 1 or 2 mm in diameter
natal period and development of an adult pattern swallow, around the nose and mouth particularly (Fig. 3.10). Histo-
disturbing the soft tissue guidance for tooth position. A high logically the nodules can be found to be caused by a variety
frenal attachment may cause a midline diastema. Speech of hamartomas including trichilemmomas and neuromas.
can be affected when the tongue tip cannot contact the Multiple oral nodules develop on the dorsum of the tongue,
upper incisors. However, patients develop compensatory gingiva and buccal mucosa. The appearance is often referred
speech and swallowing mechanisms, and the condition to as papillomatosis because of its shape, but viral papillo-
often regresses slightly during early childhood, so there may mas are not a feature. All these nodules are benign.
be no significant consequences. However, the inability to Diagnosis is largely clinical because the oral lesions
sweep food debris from the mouth, protrude the tongue or appear like fibroepithelial polyps and have no specific fea-
eat ice cream from a cone may drive adults to seek tures. Suspected cases need urgent investigation because the
treatment. risk of breast and thyroid carcinomas in later life is so high.
Routine surgical treatment is therefore controversial. The
Web URL 3.1 Review:
fraenum is easily divided and, if there are feeding difficulties,
this is appropriate and much more easily performed shortly
after birth than in an older child or adult. It is also likely to Web URL 3.2 Online risk assessor:
be most effective before speech and swallowing are estab- ccscore/
lished. In general, if a fraenum is attached to the ridge rather
than the floor of mouth or within 10 mm of the tongue tip
and is not elastic, it is likely to cause problems. OTHER CRANIOFACIAL MALFORMATIONS
Not all functional tongue tie is associated with an obvious There are many rare syndromes and diseases with charac-
fraenum. The so-called posterior tongue tie is a fibrous band teristic craniofacial abnormalities. Key features are shown
below the mucosa tethering the centre of the tongue. It is in Table 3.1. The craniosynostoses are caused by early
posterior to the usual site, but still in the anterior tongue, fusion of sutures, distorting the shape of the skull while it
and best thought of as a deep tongue tie. The band may grows.
only be palpable or noticed because the tongue dimples
centrally on movement or will not protrude. Posterior ties *Cowden’s syndrome is one of the few syndromes named after the
also cause feeding problems. patient, rather than the person who first described it.
Disorders of development
Disorder Type/cause Dental and oral signs Other features
Crouzon syndrome Cranial synostosis resulting Small maxilla, dental crowding, Varied abnormal skull shape,
(craniofacial dysostosis) from mutation in fibroblast high narrow palate, anterior proptosis and hypertelorism,
growth factor 2 gene. open bite increased intracranial pressure,
Autosomal dominant or hearing loss. Normal
sporadic mutations. intelligence. Epilepsy in 10%
Apert syndrome As Crouzon syndrome As Crouzon syndrome, soft As Crouzon syndrome with
palate cleft in one-third of additional syndactyly and other
cases, progressive hand and foot malformations.
enlargement of posterior Learning disability, which can
alveolus soft tissue. Delayed be reduced by early surgery
tooth eruption
Treacher-Collins syndrome Developmental anomaly of the High arched palate and Characteristic narrow face with
(mandibulofacial first and second branchial crowding. Small mandible small zygoma and outward
dysostosis) arches, autosomal dominant with small coronoid process, slanting eyelids. Colobomas
and frequent sporadic cleft palate in one-third of (notches) on lower eyelid and
mutations in one of three cases, severe lateral facial absent eyelashes, deformed
known causative genes clefts and absent parotid outer and middle ear, deafness
affecting neural crest glands occasionally
Hemifacial microsomia A unilateral developmental Cleft palate and facial clefts Cardiac, vertebral and central
(Goldenhaar syndrome) anomaly of the first and occasionally nervous defects. Deformed
second branchial arches outer and middle ear, deafness,
colobomas on upper eyelids,
accessory auricles in front of
ears. Very variable presentation,
similar to Treacher-Collins but
usually unilateral
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Dental caries
Quote: ‘For sweetness and decay are of one root and BACTERIAL PLAQUE
sweetness ever riots to decay’.
Ou-Yang Hsiu of Lu-ling (AD 1007–1072) Plaque is a tenaciously adherent deposit that forms on tooth
surfaces. It consists of an organic matrix containing a dense
Dental caries is a disease characterised initially by subsur- concentration of bacteria (Figs 4.2–4.3).
face demineralisation of teeth by acids, created by bacterial In microbiological terms, plaque is a biofilm of bacteria
metabolism of dietary refined sugars. Caries is one of the embedded in an extracellular polysaccharide matrix. In the
most common of all diseases and still a major cause of loss protected environment in a biofilm, conditions are very dif-
of teeth despite being completely preventable. ferent from those on a clean tooth surface or in saliva.
The ultimate effect of the caries process is to cause break- Bacteria in biofilms can exhibit cooperative activity and
down of enamel and dentine and thus open a path for behave differently from the same species in isolation in a
bacteria to reach the pulp. The consequences of the caries laboratory culture medium. As a consequence, a biofilm
process, even from its earliest stages, include inflammation may be resistant to antimicrobials or to immunological
of the pulp and, later, of the periapical tissues. Acute pulpitis defences to which the individual bacterial species are nor-
and apical periodontitis caused in this way are the most mally sensitive. The biofilm traps and concentrates bacte-
common causes of toothache. Infection can spread from the rial products, favouring survival and interactions between
periapical region to the jaw and beyond. Although this is species. Bacterial plaque must therefore be regarded as a
nowadays extremely rare in the UK, people in other coun- living ecosystem and not as a mere collection of bacteria. A
tries occasionally die from this cause. key feature is the ability of dental plaque to concentrate and
retain acid.
Global burden caries PMID: 23720570 Clinically, bacterial plaque is a tenaciously adherent
deposit on the teeth. It resists the friction of food during
AETIOLOGY mastication and can only be readily removed by toothbrush-
ing. However, neither toothbrushing nor fibrous foods will
In 1890, W. D. Miller showed that lesions similar to dental remove plaque from inaccessible surfaces or pits (stagnation
caries could be produced by incubating teeth in saliva areas; see Fig. 4.5). This tenacious adherence is mediated
when carbohydrates were added. Miller concluded that by the matrix polysaccharides.
caries could result from decalcification caused by bacterial Plaque becomes visible, particularly on the labial surfaces
acid production. Miller’s basic hypothesis was confirmed of the incisors, when toothbrushing is stopped for 12–24
in 1954 when Orland and his associates in the United hours. It appears as a translucent film with a matt surface
States showed that caries did not develop in germ-free
It has become conventional to consider caries to be mul-
tifactorial (Fig. 4.1 and Box 4.1). However, although the Possible interventions Possible interventions
multifactorial concept aids understanding, it is critical to Reduce intake of cariogenic Reduce Strep. mutans numbers by:
sugars, particularly sucrose • reduction in sugar intake
understand that caries is caused by dietary sugar intake. All
• active or passive immunisation
other factors are dependent on that or only modify its effect.
The cause of caries is eating refined sugars.
Primary role sugar PMID: 24892213 Diet Bacteria
Diet and caries PMID: 26261186
Time Susceptible
Box 4.1 Essential requirements for development of
dental caries
1. Bacterial plaque biofilm Possible interventions Possible interventions
Avoid frequent sucrose Water and other types of fluoridation
2. Cariogenic (acidogenic) bacteria
intake (‘snacking’) Prevention during post-eruptive
3. Plaque biofilm stagnation sites Stimulate salivary flow maturation
4. Susceptible tooth surfaces and sugar clearance Fissure sealing
Remineralising solutions
5. Fermentable bacterial substrate (sugar)
Properly contoured restorations
6. Time
Fig. 4.1 The major factors in the aetiology of dental caries.
Box 4.2 Stages of plaque formation
Hard tissue pathology
Box 4.3 Essential properties of cariogenic bacteria
Dental caries
• Acidogenic
• Able to produce a pH low enough (usually pH 5) to
decalcify tooth substance
• Able to survive and continue to produce acid at any pH
• Possess attachment mechanisms for firm adhesion to
smooth tooth surfaces
• Able to produce adhesive, insoluble plaque
polysaccharides (glucans)
• Able to survive in the competitive bacterial
environment of plaque
Bacterial polysaccharides
The ability of S. mutans to initiate smooth surface caries
and form large amounts of adherent plaque depends on its
ability to polymerise sucrose into high-molecular-weight,
sticky, insoluble extracellular polysaccharides (glucans)
(Box 4.3). The cariogenicity of S. mutans depends as much
on its ability to form large amounts of insoluble extracel-
lular glucans as on its ability to produce acid.
Fig. 4.5 The stagnation area in an occlusal pit. A ground Glucans enable streptococci to adhere to one another and
section of a molar showing the size of the stagnation area in to stick to and colonise the tooth surface, probably via spe-
comparison with a toothbrush bristle placed above it. The
cific receptors on the bacteria. In this way, S. mutans can
complete inaccessibility of the stagnation area to cleaning is
obvious. colonise freshly cleaned sites, spread from site to site and
enable a critical thickness of plaque to build up. The cari-
ogenicity of S. mutans is strongly related to production of
that may interact with and contribute to S. mutans being sticky, insoluble, extracellular glucan produced by some
able to persist in plaque when substrate is sparse. strains. The proportions of the different types of polysac-
Caries lesions tend to develop at specific sites, usually charide, and the overall amounts formed, depend both on
approximally or in deeper occlusal pits and fissures, and the the strains of bacteria present and the different sugars in
cariogenic bacteria are found in the plaque overlying the the diet.
caries, not floating free in the saliva. These sites tend to be The importance of sucrose in this activity is explained by
plaque biofilm stagnation areas that are difficult for the the high energy of its glucose–fructose bond, which allows
individual patient to clean (Fig. 4.5). the synthesis of polysaccharides by glucosyltransferase
without any other source of energy. Sucrose is thus the main
Plaque microbiology ISBN-13: 978-0443101441
substrate used to make such polysaccharides. On a sucrose-
rich diet, the main extracellular polysaccharides are glucans,
The ecological plaque hypothesis glucose polymers. Other sugars are, to varying degrees, less
Although much evidence points to S. mutans as the sole cariogenic (in the absence of preformed plaque), partly
cause of caries, it is possible to have high S. mutans levels because they are less readily formed into cariogenic glucans.
in plaque but no caries. Current research suggests that S. Fructans formed from fructose are more soluble, produced
mutans can only cause caries when it is a component of a in smaller amounts and less important in caries.
mixed plaque that fosters its virulence. S. mutans survives Acid-producing micro-organisms that do not produce
best in acidic plaque at high sucrose levels but requires other insoluble polysaccharides do not appear to be able to cause
organisms to reduce the plaque pH if no sucrose is available, caries of smooth surfaces. Even S. mutans becomes
Critical pH
Dental caries
exposure to sucrose, lactic acid is the quantitatively pre- sucrose
dominant acid, particularly during the trough of the Stephan • Sucrose forms as much as a third of the carbohydrate
curve. Lactic acid has a lower pK constant and causes a content of many persons’ diets
greater fall in pH than equimolar solutions of acetic or • It promotes colonisation of teeth by Streptococcus
propionic acids that may also be detected in plaque. mutans
Stephan curve PMID: 23224410 • Its disaccharide bond alone contains enough energy to
react with bacterial enzymes to form extracellular
Plaque minerals dextran matrix
• Its small molecular size allows it to diffuse readily into
In addition to bacteria and their polysaccharides, salivary
components also contribute to the plaque matrix. Calcium,
phosphate ions and, often, fluorides are present in signifi- • Bacterial metabolism of sucrose is rapid
cant amounts. There is some evidence of an inverse rela-
tionship between calcium and phosphate levels in plaque
and caries activity or sucrose intake. The ability of plaque
to concentrate calcium and phosphorus is used in mineral- Box 4.8 Experimental evidence for the critical
ising mouthwashes. The level of fluoride in plaque may be contribution of sucrose to caries activity
high, ranging from 15–75 ppm or more, and is largely • In caries-susceptible animals a sucrose-rich diet
dependent on the fluoride level in the drinking water and promotes caries production
diet. This fluoride is probably mostly bound to organic
• Caries is not induced in susceptible animals if sucrose
material in the plaque but, at low pH levels, may become
is fed only by stomach-tube; its effect is entirely local
available and active in ionic form.
• Sucrose in sticky form clings to the teeth and remains
available to bacteria for a longer period and is more
SUCROSE cariogenic
• Sucrose-containing fluids are quickly cleared from the
Ingestion of sucrose leads to a burst of metabolic activity in mouth and less cariogenic
the plaque so that the pH may fall low enough to dissolve • Frequent feeds of small quantities of sucrose are more
enamel before slowly returning to the resting level. The cariogenic than the same total amount fed on a single
frequency with which substrate is made available to the occasion
plaque is therefore important. When sucrose is taken as a
• Dry mouth delays clearance of sugars and enhances
sweet drink, any surplus beyond the capacity of the organ-
caries activity
isms in the plaque to metabolise it at the time is washed
away. If sucrose-containing drinks are taken repeatedly at
short intervals, the supply of substrate to the bacteria can
be sufficiently frequently renewed to cause acid in the plaque
to remain persistently at a destructive level. Box 4.9 Epidemiological evidence for sucrose as the
A similar effect may be caused by carbohydrate in sticky cause of dental caries
form, such as a caramel, which clings to the teeth and is • Low caries prevalence in populations with low sucrose
slowly dissolved, releasing substrate over a long period. A intakes
given amount of sucrose is more cariogenic when fed to • The decline in caries prevalence during wartime
animals in small increments at intervals than when the sucrose shortages
same total amount is fed as a single dose.
• The rise of caries prevalence with increasing availability
In addition to acid production, providing sucrose leads to
of sucrose
a significant increase in synthesis of extracellular polysac-
charide. This prevents acid from diffusing away and being • Archaeological evidence of low caries prevalence in
neutralised by saliva. eras before sucrose became freely available
Colonisation by cariogenic bacteria, especially S. mutans, • Low caries prevalence in disorders of sucrose
is highly dependent on the sucrose content of the diet. metabolism (hereditary fructose intolerance)
Sucrose is required for initial colonisation, and increasing
availability increases the number of S. mutans in plaque.
Conversely, severe reduction in dietary sucrose causes S.
diets. Communities living on traditional diets with little or
mutans to decline in numbers or disappear from plaque.
no sucrose had a low prevalence of caries, as seen, for
Essential features of sucrose incriminating it as the most
example, in studies of parts of China and of Africa, the
cariogenic substrate are summarised in Box 4.7.
Seychelles, Tristan da Cunha, Alaska and Greenland. Many
Primary role sugar PMID: 24892213 studies were carried out on Inuit races who were caries-free
when consuming their traditional diet of seal or whale meat
Diet and caries PMID: 26261186 and fish. These non-cariogenic diets vary widely in their
composition. The one common feature, and one differenti-
Epidemiological studies ating them sharply from Westernised diets, is low or negli-
The importance of sucrose in human caries is seen in epi- gible consumption of refined sugar, particularly sucrose.
demiological studies and a few interventional studies, as Britain is an example of a country where consump-
summarised in Boxes 4.8 and 4.9. tion of sucrose has been exceptionally high, though it has
Dental caries has been most prevalent in well- recently started to fall. In Britain and other countries, the
nourished, Westernised communities with sucrose-rich incidence of caries has risen roughly parallel with rising
1 100
2½ to 3-year-old children
Hard tissue pathology
90 4 to 5-year-old children 90
6 to 7-year-old children
80 80
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1939 1944 1945 1946 1947
Fig. 4.8 The wartime restrictions on diet and caries in Norway. The continuous line shows an estimate of the individual daily sugar
consumption during and after the war. The heights of the columns show the incidence of caries in children of various ages. Rationing of
sugar started in 1938, but it is apparent that the incidence of caries declined slowly and continued for a short time after sugar became
freely available. The greatest reduction in caries was in the youngest group of children whose teeth were exposed to the wartime diet for
the shortest periods. (From Toverud, G. 1949. Decrease in caries frequency in Norwegian children during world war 2. J Am Dent Assoc 39, p. 127.)
consumption of sucrose. Food shortages during the 1939– International increase caries PMID:19281105
1945 war largely abolished sucrose from the diet and in
Web URL 4.3 USA caries data:
Britain, Norway and Japan and caries rates fell dramatically
(Fig. 4.8). When sucrose became more plentiful at the end of
the war, caries prevalence progressively rose. Public health Web URL 4.4 UK child caries survey:
measures and fluoridated toothpaste are considered the .uk/catalogue/PUB17137
main reasons for dramatic falls in prevalence over the last
decades. Caries has become epidemic only in relatively recent
In the UK in 1973, 6% of 12-year-olds had caries, with a decades while sucrose has become cheaper and widely avail-
mean DMFT (decayed, missing or filled teeth) of 5 teeth. able. In Britain, there was a sudden, widespread rise in
By 2010, the percentage had dropped to 2% and the DMFT sucrose consumption in the middle of the 19th century.
to 2. However, prevalence in the deciduous dentition This resulted both from the falling cost of production and,
remains high, and in 2013, 27% of 5-year-olds had decayed in 1861, the abolition of a tax on sugar. Evidence from
teeth. exhumed skulls confirms the low prevalence of caries before
sucrose became widely available and the steady rise in prev-
Web URL 4.1 UK caries epidemiology: alence thereafter.
dentalhealth/ Patients unable to metabolise fructose as a result of an
enzyme deficiency (hereditary fructose intolerance) cannot
Sugar changed history ISBN-13: 978-0140092332
tolerate sucrose (a glucose-fructose disaccharide). These
Development of caries and Westernisation of the diet children avoid all sucrose-containing foods and have an
are closely linked. Many countries with a previously low unusually low incidence of caries.
caries incidence still have older adults who are caries-free,
but the prevalence of dental caries among children and Experimental studies on humans
young people has risen rapidly as a result of sweet-eating
In the Vipeholm study, more than 400 adult patients were
habits and processed foods with ‘hidden’ sugars. This effect
studied in a closed institution. They received a basic low-
has also been strikingly well documented in the popula-
carbohydrate diet to establish a baseline of caries activity for
tion of Tristan da Cunha who, until the late 1930s, lived
each group. They were then divided into seven groups that
on a simple meat, fish and vegetable diet with a minimal
were each allocated different diets. A control group received
sucrose content and had a very low caries prevalence. With
the basic diet made up to an adequate calorie intake with
the adoption of Westernised diet, the caries prevalence had
margarine. Two groups received supplements of sucrose at
risen to eightfold in some age groups by the mid-1960s,
mealtimes, either in solution or as sweetened bread. The
after the entire population was temporarily evacuated to
four remaining groups received sweets (toffees, caramels or
the UK.
chocolate), which were eaten between meals.
Web URL 4.2 Caries WHO data: The effects of sucrose in different quantities and of differ-
media/en/orh_figure7.pdf?ua=1 ent degrees of adhesiveness, and of eating sucrose at
different times, were thus tested over a period of 5 years. caries activity was very slight in the control group having 4
Caries activity was greatly enhanced by the eating of sticky the low-carbohydrate diet.
Dental caries
sweets between meals (toffees and caramels) that were
Vipeholm original paper PMID: 13196991
retained on the teeth. Sucrose at mealtimes only had little
effect (Fig. 4.9). The incidence of caries fell to its original Vipeholm revisited PMID: 2704974
low level when toffees or caramels were no longer given, and
In another large-scale clinical experiment in Turku
(Finland), an experimental group was allowed a wide range
24-toffee of foods sweetened with xylitol (a sugar alcohol) but no
21 group sucrose. The control group was allowed as much sugary
(sucrose-containing) foods as desired. After 2 years, the
experimental group showed 90% less caries than those who
had been allowed sucrose.
These two studies, though classics in their time, describe
caries produced by a grossly cariogenic diet. Evidence from
these studies has been important in linking frequency of
MDF teeth per person
• Fluoride is incorporated into the teeth during In animals, removal or inactivation of major salivary
development glands leads to increased caries activity roughly in propor-
• Fluoride acts mainly after eruption in early lesions by tion to the reduction in saliva production. Dental caries may
reducing enamel solubility and favouring also become rampant in humans with xerostomia (Ch. 22).
• A constant supply of small amounts of fluoride is most Buffering power
effective in reducing dental caries The buffering power of saliva depends mainly on its bicar-
• Fluoride may reduce acid generation in plaque bonate content and is increased at high rates of flow. The
buffering power of the saliva does increase the pH of plaque
to a degree and prevents the pH from falling to very low
levels. A rapid flow rate, with the greater salivary buffering
power that is associated, has been found to be associated
with low caries activity.
tary hypoplasia or hypocalcification of the teeth, aside
from molar-incisor hypomineralisation, do not render teeth Inorganic components and enamel maturation
susceptible to caries. However, newly erupted teeth are gen- Calcium and phosphate ions are able to exchange in soluble
erally caries susceptible until post-eruptive maturation is form between the enamel surface, plaque and saliva, and
complete. concentrations at these three sites are in a dynamic equi-
librium. Newly erupted teeth are more susceptible to caries
Effects of fluorides than adult teeth. Radioactive tracer studies show that newly
Fluorides from drinking water and other sources are taken erupted teeth can incorporate 10–20 times as much calcium
up by calcifying tissues during and after development. When and phosphate as adult teeth while they undergo post-erup-
the fluoride content of the water is 1 ppm or more, the tive maturation. During this process, saliva can provide
incidence of caries declines substantially. Fluoride may fluoride for incorporation into the enamel.
affect caries activity by a variety of mechanisms (Box 4.10).
High doses of fluoride during dental development do affect Antibacterial activities
the structure of the developing teeth, as shown by mottling Saliva contains thiocyanates, a lysozyme-like substance, the
of the enamel. However, the lower incidence of dental caries peroxidase system and other theoretically antibacterial pep-
where water is fluoridated at low level is due to its environ- tides and substances. Nevertheless, the mouth teems with
mental effect on the teeth after eruption, reduced solubility bacteria, and there is no evidence that non-specific antibac-
of the enamel and promotion of remineralisation after terial substances in saliva have any significant effect on
phases of acid attack. caries activity.
Although the intake of fluoride can be supplemented in
many ways, water, milk, salt, toothpastes, rinses and varnish Immunological defences
to name a few, water fluoridation is considered the most
cost effective and the US Centers for Disease Control con- Immunological defences against S. mutans appear to be the
siders water fluoridation as one of the ten most important main physiological mechanisms conferring caries resistance
public health measures of the 20th century. on some individuals. Immunological defences could be
Fluoride is the only nutrient that has been proven to have mediated by immunoglobulin (Ig)A in saliva or IgG in cre-
this protective action, and fluoride in water and toothpastes vicular fluid. The IgG responses are the most important in
has had a major impact on caries prevalence. Combined resistance, but the natural immunity level varies widely
with a much more recent general reduction in sucrose con- between individuals. Protection is not that strong, as dem-
sumption, these factors have made caries in the young onstrated by the fact that immunodeficiency does not pre-
largely a disease of the disadvantaged. dispose to dental caries. These defence mechanisms are
easily overwhelmed if the diet is high in sucrose.
Web URL 4.5 Fluorides in prevention: then It has been shown that dripping a solution of monoclonal
search ‘fluoride prevention caries’ in search box antibody against S. mutans onto the teeth prevents re-
colonisation by S. mutans in humans. For this to be effec-
Web URL 4.6 US recommendations: then
tive, plaque must be removed before treatment by using
search ‘fluoride dose prevent control’ in search box
chlorhexidine and effective oral hygiene. The effect of anti-
ADA guideline PMID: 24971851 body lasts for several months after applications, and this
‘passive immunisation’ has the potential to reduce caries
Web URL 4.7 UK recommendations: Perform a web search for
activity significantly. The effects are probably not mediated
‘delivering better oral health evidence toolkit’
by traditional immune mechanisms but rather by binding
Role of dentist in water fluoridation PMID: 23283928 to the bacteria and preventing adhesion to the forming new
plaque. Once new plaque is established without S. mutans,
Cochrane review water fluoridation PMID: 26092033 the stable biofilm ecosystem prevents recolonisation long
Problems with Cochrane review fluoridation PMID: 27056513 after the antibody has been washed away.
Key facts about the effects of saliva on plaque activity are
summarised in Box 4.11.
SALIVA AND DENTAL CARIES The main biochemical events in dental plaque in the
development of dental caries are summarised diagrammati-
Saliva is critical in caries. It provides natural buffers for the
cally in Fig. 4.10.
acids in plaque, delivers antibacterial compounds and
washes sucrose and bacterial products away. However, its Protective effects saliva PMID: 26701274
Box 4.11 Key facts about the effects of saliva on Box 4.12 Stages of enamel caries
Dental caries
plaque activity • The early (sub-microscopic) lesion
• Salivary components contribute to plaque formation • Phase of non-bacterial enamel crystal destruction
and form much of its matrix • Bacterial invasion of enamel
• Sucrose dissolves in saliva and is actively taken up by • Cavity formation
plaque • Undermining of enamel from below after spread into
• The buffering power of saliva may limit the fall in pH dentine
caused by acid formed in plaque
• The buffering power of saliva is related to the rate of
secretion. High flow rates may be associated with
lower caries activity
• Gross reduction in salivary secretion leads to increased
caries activity when a cariogenic diet is eaten
• Immunoglobulin A is present in saliva but has little
effect on caries activity; it may prevent bacterial
species from recolonising plaque after cleaning
The early caries lesion
The earliest visible changes are seen as a white opaque spot
Fig. 4.10 Diagrammatic representation of the main biochemical that forms just below a contact point. Despite the chalky
events in dental plaque, initiating caries. (From McCracken, A.W., Cawson, appearance, the enamel is hard and smooth to the probe
R.A. 1983. Clinical and oral microbiology. Washington DC.)
(Fig. 4.11). The microscopic changes under this early white
spot lesion can only be seen by using polarised light
PATHOLOGY OF ENAMEL CARIES microscopy or microradiography.
The initial lesion is conical in shape with its apex toward
Enamel, the hardest and densest tissue in the body, consists the dentine and a series of four zones of differing translu-
almost entirely of calcium hydroxyapatite with only a cency can be discerned. Working back from the deepest,
minute organic content. It forms a formidable barrier to advancing edge of the lesion, these zones consist first of a
bacterial attack. However, once enamel has been breached, translucent zone; immediately within this is a second dark
infection of dentine can spread with relatively less obstruc- zone; the third is the body of the lesion and the fourth is
tion. Preventive measures must therefore be aimed prima- the surface zone (Fig. 4.12). These changes are not due to
rily at stopping the initial attack or at making enamel more bacterial invasion, but due to demineralisation and reminer-
resistant. alisation in the enamel. The features of these zones are
Enamel is rendered carious by acid diffusing into it and summarised in Table 4.2.
dissolving it. The crystalline lattice of calcium hydroxy- The translucent zone is the deepest zone. The appearance
apatite crystals is relatively impermeable, but the organic of the translucent zone results from formation of sub-micro-
matrix around the apatite crystals and in prism sheaths is scopic spaces or pores where acid has dissolved apatite crys-
permeable to hydrogen ions. tals located at prism boundaries and other areas of high
Caries is not a simple solubilisation of enamel, but a organic content such as the striae of Retzius. The translu-
dynamic process of alternating phases of demineralisation cent zone is so-called because of its appearance when the
1 Table 4.2 Key features of the enamel zones preceding cavity formation
Hard tissue pathology
Dental caries
Fig. 4.16 Undecalcified section showing early enamel lesions in
the enamel surrounding and deep to an occlusal pit.
Fig. 4.14 The same lesion (Figs 4.12 and 4.13) viewed dry under
polarised light to show the full extent of demineralisation. (Figs
4.12–4.14) (by Silverstone, L.M., 1983. Remineralisation and enamel caries. New
concepts. Dental Update 10, 261–273.)
Hard tissue pathology
Dental caries
The earliest stage of dentine caries starts deep to a carious
enamel lesion before any clinical evidence of cavitation. At
the earliest detectable stage of enamel caries radiographi-
cally (Fig. 4.23), the dentine changes cannot be seen. Diffu-
sion of acid from the enamel lesion into the dentine causes
demineralisation of the mineral component but leaves the
collagenous dentine matrix intact. However, once bacteria
have penetrated the enamel, they spread along the ame-
lodentinal junction to attack the dentine over a wide area.
The lesion is therefore conical with a broad base at the
enamel junction and its apex toward the pulp (Fig. 4.24).
Infection of dentine is facilitated by the dentine tubules,
which form a pathway open to bacteria (Fig. 4.25) once they
have been slightly widened by acid attack. After deminerali-
Fig. 4.22 Caries spread along the amelodentinal junction at
higher power. The greater porosity and organic content here
allows caries to spread preferentially laterally, though it only
spreads to match the lateral extent of the surface caries, until a
late stage.
Box 4.13 Process of enamel caries
• Permeation of the organic matrix by hydrogen ions
causes sub-microscopic demineralisation
• Microradiography confirms that these changes
represent areas of increasing demineralisation
• The dark zone is evidence that remineralisation occurs
within the cavity
• The surface zone is largely formed by remineralisation
• There is alternating demineralisation and
• When demineralisation is predominant, cavity
formation progresses
• When remineralisation is predominant, caries arrests
but normal enamel cannot reform
• Bacteria cannot invade enamel until demineralisation
provides pathways large enough for them to enter Fig. 4.23 Early enamel caries. Bitewing radiograph showing
(cavitation) several approximal lesions, just visible. No dentine changes are
seen, but they would be present microscopically.
? Naked eye
Bitewing X4
Naked eye
Clinical X4
White Cavity
Spaces Decalcification Organic change
Translucent zone 1% – –
Hard tissue pathology
Dental caries
Fig. 4.29 The zones of dentine caries and pulp-dentine defence reactions. Left panel, zones of dentine caries: A, infected dentine,
includes both destroyed zones and areas of bacterial penetration; B, affected dentine, demineralised dentine, with sparse bacteria only.
Right panel, defence reactions: C, translucent dentine produced by peritubular sclerosis surrounds the lesion; D, regular reactionary
dentine reduces the size of the pulp and protects it; E, pulpitis, the immunological and inflammatory reactions triggered by odontoblast
damage does not help resistance to caries. (Fig 9.4 p46, in Case 9 A large carious lesion. Banerjee A in Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry 3rd edn 2010 Ed Odell E,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh).
1 These changes start to develop early but at best can only CLINICAL ASPECTS OF CARIES
slow the advance of dental caries. Even the densely miner-
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 4.30 Translucent dentine in dentine caries. The dentinal Fig. 4.31 Translucent dentine. There is early occlusal caries in
tubules are seen in cross-section. Those in the centre of the the fissure, and below it peritubular dentine has sealed off the
picture have become obliterated by calcification; only the original pathway to the pulp to produce a zone of translucent dentine.
outline of the tubules remains visible, and the zone appears When dye is put into the pulp chamber, it cannot pass along the
translucent to transmitted light. On either side are patent tubules tubules in the translucent dentine as it does elsewhere. The
filled with stain. (Kindly lent by Dr GC Blake and reproduced by courtesy of the translucent zone is thus rendered less permeable to bacteria and
Honorary Editors, Blake, G.C., 1958. An experimental investigation into the permeability of acid. (From Cawson, R.H., Binnie, W.H., a Barrett, A.W, et al. 2001. Oral disease. 3rd ed. St.
enamel and dentine. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 51, 678–686.) Louis: Mosby.)
Fig. 4.32 Regular reactionary dentine below occlusal caries. Bacteria extend more than half the distance from the amelodentinal
junction to the pulp, and the underlying pulp horn has been obliterated by reactionary dentine. The reactionary dentine bulges into the
pulp. Note the lack of inflammation in the pulp, organised tubular structure and odontoblast layer.
Dental caries
Fig. 4.35 Extensive but arrested caries following treatment for
caries caused by sweetened medication.
Table 4.4 The pathology of dental caries and its relevance to caries progression and treatment
Dental caries
Feature Significance
Plaque flora is a stable ecosystem The bacterial flora is influenced by its environment, but the ecosystem will resist
change in the short term. Denial of cariogenic substrate by dietary control will reduce
the number of cariogenic species, but dietary change must be maintained to be
The early caries lesion begins as a Bacteria cannot enter the enamel until the surface layer is destroyed and until then
subsurface process can be removed by cleaning. Until cavitation, complete repair by remineralisation is
possible and prevention of cavitation is critical
Enamel is permeable, pores between Enamel is porous, acids diffuse in readily to initiate caries and diffuse to dentine to
crystallites account for 0.1% of its volume trigger pulp defence reactions early in the lesion’s lifespan, well before a lesion
Odontoblast processes extend to the cavitates
enamel–dentine junction
The translucent zone in enamel caries is The translucent zone indicates progression. Many lesions are not active much of the
present in only approximately half of time
caries lesions examined
The dark zone of enamel caries is seen in The dark zone indicates remineralisation. Therefore, almost all lesions undergo
almost all lesions periodic phases of remineralisation. In a remineralised or arrested lesion, the dark
zone extends to replace much of the body of the lesion
Caries lesions undergo rapid phases of Caries may remineralise, arrest or progress only very slowly so that, initially,
demineralisation and remineralisation. observation or preventive intervention rather than restoration is appropriate for most
Activity or arrest may be the outcome enamel lesions
depending on the relative proportion of
The surface zone of an enamel lesion is Pressure from probing may cavitate lesions, converting an arrested or slowly
only 30 µm thick and porous progressing lesion into an active lesion. Diagnosis should not attempt to indent the
surface to judge ‘stickiness’, only to remove plaque and feel the surface texture
Fluoride and other remineralising agents may enter the lesion easily
Porous enamel takes up exogenous pigments so that longstanding lesions become
‘brown spot’ lesions
Fissure caries spreads laterally into the The surface layer of occlusal enamel becomes undermined but is not initially directly
walls of a fissure, not into its base involved. It may not fracture or appear abnormal until the underlying lesion is large
(occult caries)
The shape of the enlarging occlusal lesion An occlusal lesion involves a much greater area of dentine than a comparably-sized
is guided inwards and laterally by the smooth surface lesion
prism direction
The shape of the advancing front of a To conserve tooth structure, cavities should have smooth rounded outlines and no
caries lesion in dentine is smooth and sharp internal angles
Caries spreads laterally along the Lateral extension of a cavity is often determined by clearing caries from the
amelodentinal junction amelodentinal junction (ADJ). However, caries usually only spreads laterally to
approximately the extent of the lesion at the enamel surface and in underlying
dentine. Although leaving caries at the junction is undesirable because it leaves
enamel poorly supported, removal of ADJ caries can be undertaken conservatively
Cavitation develops unpredictably in Some assessment of the patient’s caries risk involving dietary analysis, fluoride and
relation to the size and extent of an other factors is required before deciding that any lesion requires operative
approximal lesion on a radiograph intervention. Lesions in a high-risk patient cavitate earlier than in a low-risk patient
The pulp–dentine complex responds to The pulp–dentine defence reactions should be preserved, and this is best achieved by
caries. The dentine just before the non-operative intervention rather than restoration. Minimal dentine should be
advancing front of a caries lesion is removed in cavity preparation. In deep lesions, removal of all softened dentine over
relatively impermeable as a result of the pulp should be avoided
remineralisation and tubular infill
Dentine caries may be divided into zones of Traditionally, cavity preparation involved removal of all softened dentine. However, it is
demineralisation, penetration and not necessary to remove all infected dentine to provide a successful restoration. The
destruction or into zones of infected and correct amount to remove is usually judged by the degree of softening. Discoloration
affected dentine is a less effective indicator. Discoloured but ‘reasonably firm’ (not hard) dentine may
be left in situ. These zones are of little significance beyond understanding the
disease process, and none can be reliably identified clinically
Peritubular dentine and remineralisation Lateral spread is slowed as caries penetrates dentine. When removing softened
form a translucent dentine zone that walls dentine with hand instruments or a slowly revolving bur, sclerotic dentine may be felt
off the lesion to be harder than adjacent dentine and should be preserved
1 Table 4.4 The pathology of dental caries and its relevance to caries progression and treatment (Continued)
Hard tissue pathology
Feature Significance
Peritubular dentine forms slowly Only slowly advancing lesions are delayed by this defence reaction. A sclerotic zone
visible radiographically indicates a slowly progressing or arrested lesion
Dentine tubules in mature teeth are slightly Bacterial penetration of dentine toward the pulp can only take place after some
smaller than bacterial cocci dentine demineralisation
Demineralisation precedes bacterial Not all softened dentine must be removed during cavity preparation
invasion in dentine by a small and
variable distance
The advancing front of bacterial penetration The relatively large mechanical instruments used to remove softened dentine will
into dentine is irregular at a microscopic always leave some infected dentine behind. However, if sealed effectively below
level restorations, these bacteria will be rendered inert
Superficial infected dentine is denatured It is not necessary to remove all infected dentine to place a restoration, only the
and cannot remineralise. Deeper affected dentine that cannot remineralise if sealed below the restoration. Therefore, caries
dentine will remineralise even though it removal should be more conservative / minimally invasive below a well-sealed
contains bacteria adhesive restoration
Dentine matrix is denatured by bacteria in This renders the dentine susceptible to chemomechanical caries removal using
the superficial layers of the zone of proprietary mixtures of sodium hypochlorite. This procedure removes only the most
destruction damaged carious dentine, a conservative approach that preserves the deeper layers
that can remineralise
Dentine splits transversely along Dentine caries in the outer zone of destruction is easily removed in large flakes with
incremental lines of growth in the zone of hand instruments
Caries indicator dyes stain softened as well Adhering strictly to the dye protocol will remove remineralisable dentine that should be
as infected dentine left in situ. Caries indicator dyes promote overcutting
They stain collagen
Reactionary dentine forms slowly and Reactionary dentine provides little protection below rapidly progressing lesions
varies markedly in amount, quality and
permeability and is found below only half
the lesions in permanent teeth (more
frequent in primary teeth)
Formation of reactionary dentine requires a Less is formed in older individuals. Once the pulp is inflamed, the quality of any
good blood supply and healthy pulp reactionary dentine is poor and it is unlikely to be of much benefit
Symptoms of pulpitis do not correlate well Pulp vitality may be lost without symptoms or with only mild symptoms. An
with caries activity, lesion size, pulpal assessment of the state of a pulp is desirable to plan restoration of a deep carious
inflammation or even direct pulp lesion but, if based on symptoms alone, is unlikely to be accurate
Lesions of root caries also have a surface Avoid hard probing of apparently intact though discoloured surfaces, as for enamel
remineralised layer caries
Bacteria penetrate dentine early in root Removal of infected dentine is not always necessary to treat early root caries
caries lesions but are accessible to
non-operative preventive measures
Deciduous teeth have approximately half Caries progresses faster in primary teeth than in permanent teeth
the thickness of enamel of permanent
teeth, larger pulps, longer pulp horns and,
at least initially, larger dentinal tubules
Fig. 5.1 Traumatic exposure. The pulp has been exposed during
cavity preparation, and dentine chippings and larger fragments
have been driven into the pulp. The tooth was extracted before a
strong inflammatory reaction has had time to develop, but it is Fig. 5.2 Cracked tooth. The pulp died beneath this crack, which
clear that some inflammatory cells have already localised around was undetected clinically. Decalcification of the tooth and
the debris, which will have introduced many bacteria to the pulp. shrinkage on preparation of a section has revealed the crack.
Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp) In this rare by granulation tissue (Fig. 5.13). The surface of the polyp
condition, despite wide pulpal exposure, the pulp not merely eventually becomes epithelialised and covered by a layer of
survives but proliferates through the opening to form a pulp well-formed stratified squamous epithelium. This protects
polyp. the granulation tissue and allows inflammation to subside
A pulp polyp appears as a dusky red or pinkish soft nodule and the granulation tissue to mature into fibrous tissue.
protruding from the pulp to fill a carious cavity. It is painless The same degree of pulpal proliferation can occasionally be
but may be tender and bleed on probing. It should be dis- seen in teeth with fully formed roots (Fig. 5.14) but is most
tinguished from proliferating gingival tissue extending over common in children. As in open pulpits, this is because
the edge of the cavity by tracing its attachment (Fig. 5.12). open apices provide a better blood supply and prevent the
When a pulp polyp forms, the pulp itself becomes replaced pulp from dying as a result of pulpal oedema.
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 5.11 Open pulpitis. Beneath the wide exposure the pulp
has survived in the form of granulation tissue, with the most
dense inflammatory infiltrate immediately beneath the open
Fig. 5.10 Pulp capping. This pulp capping has induced a thick
layer of reactionary dentine (with regular tubules, best seen on
the left hand side of the pulp chamber wall coronally) and
reparative dentine with a more irregular structure (on the right of
the pulp wall). Unfortunately these reactions do not produce a
complete barrier, and failure of the procedure is indicated by the
inflammatory cells concentrated below a gap in the barrier.
The chances of an inflamed pulp surviving are poor, and
treatment options are limited (Box 5.2). As noted previously,
the concept of irreversible pulpitis is considered useful for
treatment planning, but criteria are poorly defined.
Open pulpitis is usually associated with gross cavity for- Fig. 5.12 Pulp polyp. An inflamed nodule of granulation tissue
mation, and it is rarely possible to save the tooth, despite can be seen growing from the pulp chamber of this broken down
the vitality of the pulp. first permanent molar.
Box 5.3 Key features of pulpitis
Fig. 5.13 Pulp polyp. A hyperplastic nodule of granulation tissue
Pulp stones, rounded masses of dentine that form within
is growing out through a wide exposure of the pulp. The surface is
ulcerated, and the loose pulp has been replaced by the the pulp, can be seen in radiographs as small opacities. In
proliferation of fibrous tissue and vessels with inflammatory cells. the past, they were thought to cause symptoms but do not.
They are common in normal teeth but have an increased
frequency in teeth affected by caries, trauma, orthodontic
movement and other potential irritants.
For unknown reasons, they are common in the teeth of
patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Ch. 14), dentinal
dysplasia type II (Ch. 2) and the rare disease tumoral
Histologically, pulp stones consist of dentine with normal
or incomplete tubule formation (Fig. 5.15). A distinction
used to be drawn between free and attached pulp stones.
However, this is frequently an illusion caused by a plane of
section which fails to pass through the connection between
the pulp stone and the pulp wall. Most are large rounded
irregular calcifications, often based on a central nidus of
unknown material. Others, referred to as diffuse calcifica-
tions, lie parallel with the pulp wall and are thought to be
an age-related degenerative change.
Pulp stones and diffuse calcification are of no clinical
significance except insofar as they may obstruct endodontic
Hard tissue pathology
ACUTE APICAL (DENTOALVEOLAR) bacteria pass through the apex. The bacteria trigger acute
ABSCESS inflammation, and pus starts to form and pain becomes
intense and throbbing in character. At this stage, the gingiva
The bacterial flora in the pulp chamber is virulent and over the root is red and tender, but there is no swelling while
anaerobic and can readily induce an abscess if sufficient inflammation is confined within the bone. Unlike pulpitis,
An established abscess will usually either drain through
a sinus and become chronic or, much more rarely, progress
to osteomyelitis or cellulitis. Usually pus and exudate will
burrow a sinus tract to an adjacent pocket, the alveolar
mucosa or skin. Once infection escapes into the medullary
cavity of the bone, oedema may develop in the soft tissues
of the face (Fig. 5.17).
Escape of pus to the skin is not common, but a classical
presentation is the tracking of a sinus onto the skin near
the chin as a result of a traumatically devitalised lower
incisor (Figs 5.19–5.20). The regional lymph nodes may be
enlarged and tender, but systemic symptoms are usually
slight or absent.
Escape of pus takes a few days after the onset of pain; this
relieves the pressure and pain quickly abates. If the exudate
cannot escape, it may distend the soft tissues elsewhere
to form a soft tissue abscess or cellulitis as described in
Chapter 9.
Apical abscesses are polymicrobial infections and frequent
cultivable isolates include Veillonella sp., Porphyromonas
sp., Streptococcus sp., Fusobacterium sp. and Actinomyces Fig. 5.17 Oedema due to acute apical periodontitis. An acute
sp. Despite the mixed nature of the infection, penicillins periapical infection of a canine has perforated the buccal plate of
remain the most effective antibiotics, with metronidazole bone causing oedema of the face; this quickly subsided when the
reserved for those allergic to penicillin. However, an apical infection was treated.
abscess cannot be treated by antibiotics alone; the causative
tooth or its pulp must be dealt with because bacteria in the
pulp chamber are inaccessible to the drug.
Summary chart 5.2 Diagnosis of pulpal, periodontal and other pain in the teeth and alveolus.
Sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold, poorly localised Pain on biting or pressure on tooth, usually well
localised to one or more teeth
Neurological or Neuralgic or
vascular pain psychogenic pain
Dentine Pulpitis Cracked tooth Periapical Periodontal Sinusitis
hypersentivity or cusp periodontitis abscess
Tooth is vital or partially vital and
may be hypersensitive to testing
Shooting or Pain on pressure Pain onTenderness on Teeth vital unless Unusual localisation
Pain of short electric to single tooth, pressure to pressure to previously devitalised trigger or perceived
duration more or Irreversible shock-like caries or other single tooth, teeth with for other reasons cause, associated
Reversible pulpitis
less limited to pulpitis pain on biting, cause of apices near
tooth vital, with depression,
period of often only on pre-existing abscess in sinus, usually anxiety or delusional
stimulus, Symptoms may be Poorly defined one cusp or in pulpitis may concurrent or
ligament visible states, teeth vital
particularly cold limited to duration entity, usually one direction, be present, or revealed byrecent nasal unless previously
of stimulus or persist identified by also when a periapical, lateral probing furcation or sinus devitalised for
for varying period severe fracture line canal or furcation symptoms, not
or deep pocket other reasons
afterward, caries continuous or involves radiolucency only usually severe
Confirm diagnosis or other cause spontaneous periodontal in longstanding pain
by identifying may be evident pain ligament cases Consider mimics of Consider atypical
exposed dentine pulpitis such as odontalgia, atypical
May resolve on Responds Confirm by Resolves on Resolves on Resolves on trigeminal neuralgia facial pain, ‘phantom
or tooth wear and
treating cause but most identifying drainage or drainage and treatment of and the prodromal tooth’ etc., but only
once established reliably to crack extirpation of pulp local treatment sinusitis symptoms of facial after excluding
may progress to extirpation of or extraction or extraction Herpes zoster organic causes
irreversible pulpitis, pulp or infection
even after an extraction
asymptomatic period
Clinical features
The tooth is non-vital and may be slightly tender to percus-
sion, but otherwise, symptoms may be minimal.
Many periapical granulomas are first recognised as chance
findings in a routine radiograph (Fig. 5.18). The granuloma
forms a ‘periapical area’ of radiolucency a few millimetres
in diameter with loss of continuity of the lamina dura
around the apex. In longstanding lesions there may be
hypercementosis on the adjacent root or slight superficial
root resorption. The margins of the radiolucency may
appear fuzzy when inflammation or infection are active, but
are usually well defined and appear sharp in larger lesions.
Good demarcation alone is not evidence of cyst
Fig. 5.19 A persistent skin sinus from a lower incisor rendered A periapical granuloma is a typical focus of chronic inflam-
non-vital by a blow some time previously. This young woman mation characterised by lymphocytes, macrophages and
was seen and treated unsuccessfully for 2 years by her doctor, plasma cells in granulation tissue. It is important to recog-
surgeons and dermatologists before anyone looked at her teeth. nise that a periapical granuloma does not contain true
granulomas histologically. The term granuloma is a historic
description for granulation tissue, in the same way that the
word is used in pyogenic granuloma.
Inflammation is densest in the centre close to the root
apex, and there is an uninflamed layer of fibrous tissue
around the periphery separating the inflamed tissue from
the bone. Osteoclasts resorb the bone to make space for the
granuloma. There may be a central cavity with a few neu-
trophils, but no pus and no infection (Figs 5.21 and 5.22).
Inflammation may trigger epithelial rests of Malassez in
the adjacent periodontal ligament to proliferate (Fig. 5.23),
and this is the mechanism by which radicular cysts develop
(Ch. 10).
Hard tissue pathology
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Box 6.1 Features and effects of bruxism
Fig. 6.5 Erosion. Saucer-shaped defects on the labial enamel Only the grinding itself is diagnostic and may be unknown
resulting from acid drinks being trapped between the upper lip to the patient. The attrition caused could look like that of
and teeth. See also Fig. 34.1. physiological wear. Bruxism is variably associated with
muscle pain and headaches. The muscle pain of bruxism is
felt in the morning and is the same as muscle pain after
Abfraction exercise. However, most ‘bruxists’ experience no pain, and
Abfraction is a theoretical concept that has never been pain does not correlate with the severity of the grinding or
proven to apply to human teeth in normal function. The clenching.
hypothesis is that occlusal stress is concentrated around Bruxism is often considered to be linked to pain dysfunc-
the cervical region of the tooth, flexing and microfracturing tion syndrome, but the association is not strong (Ch. 14).
the cervical enamel. The enamel is supposed to be weak- It has also been suggested that bruxism may result from
ened as a result, prone to fracture away, and predisposed to occlusal interference, but bruxism may even be carried out
abrasion. It is difficult to see how such a mechanism could with complete dentures.
contribute to abrasion of the more elastic dentine. Bruxism has been linked to a number of medical condi-
tions. It is common in learning disability, Down’s syn-
Abfraction PMID: 24250083 drome, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease and autism, but
causative associations are difficult to prove in such a
common condition. A number of drugs are associated with
BRUXISM bruxism, or at least with repetitive mandibular movements,
Bruxism is the term given to periodic repetitive clenching including dopamine antagonists, tricyclic antidepressants,
or rhythmic forceful grinding of the teeth. Some 10%–20% amphetamines, caffeine and drugs of abuse, particularly
of the population report the habit, but the incidence rises ecstasy (MDMA).
to 90% when intermittent subconscious grinding is included.
Bruxism has an equal sex incidence, is more common in Management
children and young adults and uncommon after middle age. Bruxism should be treated conservatively, and any interven-
The aetiology is unknown but probably multifactorial. tion should be reversible. Reassurance and explanation are
Bruxism is also common in those with disability (Ch. 39). often all that are required, and stress management such as
Grinding the teeth is often a subconscious response to frus- relaxation, hypnosis or sleep advice may be tried.
tration and, although usually then brief, may be acquired as Any restorative or implant treatment must be planned
a more prolonged habit and damage the teeth. taking the extra occlusal load into account because bruxism
Bruxism is divided into nocturnal and daytime types. In is associated with high failure rates of restorations such as
nocturnal bruxism, the teeth are clenched or ground many veneers and also predisposes to cusp fractures.
times each night but for only a few seconds at a time. Appliances are widely prescribed, but there is no firm
Bruxism is performed during light sleep, and the movement evidence to support their use. Claims that appliances act by
is a grinding movement that can be heard by a bystander. changing the vertical dimension, relieving occlusal interfer-
The forces exerted and the total time of occlusal contact are ence, repositioning the condyles, changing mandibular
much longer than physiological occlusal contact. posture or preventing periodontal ligament proprioception
Those who indulge in bruxism during the day may grind, are unproven, and their mechanisms of action are unknown.
clench, or perform other parafunctional habits such as Nevertheless, appliances frequently appear to be effective,
cheek, tongue or nail biting or tongue thrusting in addition. and they can be useful to protect against severe attrition.
The last of these can be seen to cause a crenellated lateral Appliances may be attached to upper or lower arches,
border of the tongue. The daytime bruxing movement tends including flat posterior bite planes and various types of
to be clenching rather than grinding and is not usually occlusal splints. All should be worn at night only and ini-
audible. Symptoms, if any, worsen while the day progresses. tially for 1 month. If there is no improvement, treatment
Daytime bruxism is seen more frequently in females. should be discontinued to prevent adverse effects on the soft
Whether it is a response to stress is controversial. tissues and occlusion.
Bruxism is often performed in a protrusive or lateral excur- If effective, the appliances may be worn intermittently
sion so that the forces are borne on few teeth and in an during exacerbations. Soft vacuum-formed appliances are
unfavourable direction. The resulting attrition can be deeply inexpensive and readily fitted as a short-term diagnostic aid
destructive, particularly in a Class II division 2 incisor rela- but are quickly worn out by a determined bruxist. Any type
tionship. The signs of bruxism are shown in Box 6.1. of appliance can occasionally worsen bruxism. If bruxism
1 appears related to anxiety, a short course of an anxiolytic teeth need to be removed surgically. Ankylosis in the per-
may help break the habit. Occlusal adjustment has been manent dentition is often associated with replacement
Hard tissue pathology
shown to be ineffective and should be avoided. resorption, leading to eventual loss of the tooth.
Appliances probably do not help daytime bruxism.
Botulinum toxin to reduce the power of the masticatory Resorption of deciduous teeth
muscles is an as yet unproven treatment. The deciduous teeth are progressively loosened and ulti-
Sleep bruxism PMID: 26758348 mately shed by resorption as a physiological process. The
cyclical nature of resorption causes the looseness of the
teeth to vary before they are shed. It used to be thought that
RESORPTION OF TEETH pressure from the permanent successor induced resorption,
but it is now known that the follicle of the permanent suc-
Teeth can be resorbed by osteoclasts in the same way as
cessor produces soluble factors that control the resorption
bone. The cells are often referred to as odontoclasts, although
of both the bone and deciduous tooth root in the path of
they develop from the same precursors as osteoclasts and
eruption. When a permanent successor is absent, resorption
are differentiated only because they resorb teeth and are
of deciduous tooth root starts later than normal and
slightly smaller. Precursor cells are present in the periodon-
progresses much more slowly. However, it does usually
tal ligament and in the dental pulp and can be triggered to
progress until eventually the tooth is lost.
migrate to the tooth surface and differentiate into odonto-
The main complication of resorption of deciduous teeth
clasts by specific mediators.
is ankylosis and submergence (see previous text). Occasion-
Odontoclasts resorb and remove dentine by the same
ally resorption from the lateral aspect of the root cuts off a
mechanisms as osteoclasts resorb bone (Fig. 6.6), excavating
fragment that remains buried. This can either be resorbed
Howship’s lacunae along the resorbed surface. Resorption
or may eventually exfoliate like a small sequestrum of bone.
is intermittent, and odontoclasts may not always be present
as they disappear during inactive periods. Whenever resorp-
tion takes place, there is usually some attempt at repair by Resorption of permanent teeth
apposition of cementum or bone and resorption follows a All teeth have microscopic areas of resorption and repair of
cyclical progression. no significance on their root surface, but more extensive
The pattern of intermittent resorption and repair can resorption of permanent teeth is pathological. There are
occasionally lead to ankylosis, in which a tooth becomes various causes (Box 6.2). The most common are inflamma-
fused to the surrounding bone. This may be seen in both tion and pressure from malpositioned teeth (Fig. 6.7). A
permanent and deciduous teeth but causes more problems minor degree of inflammatory resorption is common on
in the deciduous dentition because the jaw is still growing. root apices associated with periapical granulomas. Occa-
Ankylosis will markedly delay shedding of the tooth and sionally, this is a prominent feature leading to concern over
eruption of the permanent successor. The ankylosed tooth the diagnosis (Fig. 6.8).
submerges as the alveolus grows around it, and there may Resorption of teeth by lesions such as tumours and cysts
be space loss as distal teeth tip into the space. Submerged is often said to indicate malignancy. However, resorption
may result from simple pressure, and benign cysts and
neoplasms may cause resorption if they are present for suf-
ficient time. The quality of the resorption is more important
in defining a possible malignant neoplasm. Resorption by
malignant neoplasms is typically rapid, irregular and
described as ‘moth-eaten’ radiographically.
Cementum is most readily resorbed, whereas enamel is
the most resistant tissue, but sometimes the crown of an
impacted tooth may be completely destroyed, although this
takes many years (Fig. 6.9). Immature permanent teeth are
resorbed more quickly because the dentine is less heavily
mineralised and the dentine around open apices is very
Idiopathic resorption
Idiopathic resorption of permanent teeth may start from the
pulpal surface or the external surface. Either can produce
the clinical feature of ‘pink spot’, a rounded pink area where
the vascular pulp has become visible through the enamel
overlying the resorbed dentine. A pink spot centrally in the
crown suggests internal resorption, and one close to the
gingival margin suggests external resorption. Idiopathic
resorption often affects several teeth, sometimes many, and
additional lesions should be sought radiographically when
Fig. 6.10 Idiopathic internal resorption. In this unusually severe
one is found. example, resorption affects the roots of three lower incisors. Note
Mechanisms and diseases PMID: 20659257 the smooth outline and process centred on the pulp.
Hard tissue pathology
by using calcium hydroxide dressings if the resorption is of cementoblasts that can appear like hypercementosis radi- 6
apical. However, when the injury to the periodontal liga- ographically, but there is root resorption and a characteristic
Hard tissue pathology
hemidesmosomes in the same way as normal junctional period may be caused by movement, such as from that from 6
epithelium adheres to tooth. early loading, or placement outside the cortex with perfora-
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 6.21 Gross infection around old types of implant. There is a subperiosteal implant in contact with almost all the maxillary
alveolus. Note the extensive bone loss below it, visible most clearly at the left tuberosity. There are two blade implants in the mandible,
both with bone loss extending down the stem to involve the blade. The patient is at risk from severe infection and continued bone
destruction until the implants are removed. (Courtesy of Professor R Palmer.)
Box 7.3 Factors contributing to or exacerbating Fig. 7.4 Chronic gingivitis. The epithelial attachment remains at
chronic gingivitis the level of the amelocemental junction, and inflammatory cells
are concentrated below the junctional epithelium and extend into
Local the deeper gingiva, around the interradicular fibres. The alveolar
• Poor tooth cleaning technique crest is not resorbed.
• Dental irregularities providing stagnation areas
• Restorations or appliances causing stagnation areas
Systemic Box 7.4 ‘Initial stage’ chronic gingivitis
• Pregnancy • Develops within 24–48 hours of exposure to plaque
• Down’s syndrome • Plaque related to gingival sulcus
• Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus • Vasodilatation
• Infiltration predominantly of neutrophils
• Leakage of exudate into gingival sulcus
• Clinically appears healthy
Clinical features After 1 week, the ‘early’ phase starts with epithelial
The gingivae become red and slightly swollen with oedema hyperplasia and development of a deepened crevice.
along the gingival margin (Fig. 7.3). Chronic hyperplastic Inflammation is then visible clinically.
gingivitis is a term sometimes given to chronic gingivitis in
which the gingiva appears to enlarge. This is a result of
inflammatory oedema rather than genuine tissue hyperpla-
sia and largely resolves with treatment.
Both local and systemic factors can exacerbate chronic Box 7.5 Established chronic gingivitis
gingivitis (Box 7.3). • Develops after 2–3 weeks
• Dense, predominantly plasmacytic infiltrate
Pathology • Infiltrate fills but limited to interdental papillae
By definition, inflammation in gingivitis is restricted to the • Destruction of superficial connective tissue fibres
gingival margins and does not affect the periodontal liga- • Deepened gingival crevice
ment or bone (Fig. 7.4). • Epithelial attachment remains at or near
The development of gingivitis has been arbitrarily divided amelocemental junction
histologically into ‘initial’, ‘early’ and ‘established’ phases
• Alveolar bone and periodontal ligament remain intact
(Boxes 7.4 and 7.5), whereas the fourth ‘advanced’ stage
refers to chronic periodontitis. It must be appreciated that After about 3 weeks, the advanced stage is
these stages are artificially distinguished, being largely based characterised by extension of plaque into the crevice, loss
on animal studies and experimental gingivitis studies in of bone and disruption of the periodontal ligament and
humans. They simply reflect the stages of development pocketing.
of chronic inflammation as would be seen at any body
site. By the standard of the very slow rate of disease pro-
gression in a patient, all these stages are very rapid early
events. tissues and induce inflammation by soluble factors and
triggering immune responses. There is a complex host-
Microbiology microbial balance in which the largely commensal organ-
Although gingivitis and periodontitis are caused primarily isms survive but have their growth limited by the host
by microbial plaque, these diseases are not simple infec- response. In achieving this, the host responses induce
tions. The causative organisms remain largely outside the bystander damage of the periodontium. The biofilm of
Box 7.6 Key pathogenic features of dental plaque
Hard tissue pathology
Clinical features
Chronic periodontitis is initially asymptomatic. In the early
Fig. 7.6 Accumulation of plaque stained after 24 hours by stages patients may complain only of gingival bleeding or
disclosing solution. an unpleasant taste. Periodontitis is a potent and common
cause of halitosis.
The clinical presentation depends on the level of oral
hygiene. When hygiene is moderately good, the gingiva may
not appear significantly inflamed, and there are few visible
clues to the destruction hidden below the surface. When
hygiene is poor, the additional plaque present subgingivally
incites intense inflammation; the congested gingival margins
become purplish-red, flabby and swollen.
Loss of attachment leads to pocketing so that a probe can
be passed between teeth and gingiva. In untreated or severe
disease, the interdental papillae detach from the teeth. As
pockets deepen, the papillae are destroyed and the gingival
margin tends to become straight with a swollen, rounded
edge. Calculus forms in pockets, trapping more plaque, and
bone loss renders the teeth mobile. Teeth tend to drift out
of alignment and are dull to percussion and eventually
become increasingly loose. In a florid untreated case, bleed-
ing follows minimal pressure, pus may be expressed from
pockets and teeth may eventually exfoliate spontaneously.
Fig. 7.7 The effects of tooth brushing in the same patient. In some patients, recession is the predominant sign, espe-
Plaque remains interdentally in most areas, explaining why
cially where the gingival tissues are thin. Pocket formation
gingivitis is often localised here.
may be limited, but the gingival margin migrates apically
with loss of attachment, tooth support and a similar
Box 7.7 Pathological processes in chronic
Hard tissue pathology
• Chronic inflammation
• Destruction of periodontal ligament fibres
• Resorption of alveolar bone
• Migration of the epithelial attachment toward the apex
• Formation of pockets around the teeth
• Formation of subgingival plaque and calculus
theory. It is suggested that the colonisation of plaque by Table 7.2 Possible virulence factors of plaque bacteria
these disease-associated species changes the plaque ecosys-
A further complication arises from the detection of Bone-resorbing Actinomyces viscosus bone-resorbing
viruses in periodontitis. It is now thought that viral infec- factors factor
tions in the tissues synergise with the bacterial flora in
disease. Similar synergy is thought to occur in other bac-
terial diseases such as sinusitis following viral infection. Bacteria remain largely in the pocket. The vast majority
Some viruses produce cytokine analogues and viruses can of the bacteria in periodontitis and gingivitis are in the
interfere with neutrophil, macrophage and complement subgingival plaque. Here organisms have a relatively pro-
activity. tected environment outside the body, plentiful nutrients and
Epstein–Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and other herpesvi- a protective plaque ecosystem of interdependent species. It
ruses are particularly associated with localised and general- is usually assumed that the inflammation in the pocket wall
ised aggressive periodontitis and acute necrotising ulcerative is mediated by soluble bacterial factors penetrating the
gingivitis but are also found in chronic periodontitis. In tissues and by bystander damage resulting from immune
such cases, the virus may be infecting lymphocytes in the reactions.
gingiva (reflecting prior systemic infection and latency) or Bacteria can penetrate the tissues. However, it is known
the epithelium, but virus is also found in the subgingival that bacteria can penetrate the tissues, and this is best
plaque. Although their role is controversial, possible mecha- demonstrated by the bacteraemias associated with tooth-
nisms by which viral infection of lymphocytes could alter brushing and tooth movement. It seems likely that the
inflammatory processes are known. bacteria that are pushed into the tissues would elicit a much
more intense inflammatory reaction and so bacterial pene-
Viruses in periodontitis PMID: 26980964 tration may be associated with periods of tissue damage.
Not only does the flora induce inflammation, but the flora Some bacteria also have the ability to invade the tissues,
depends on the inflamed environment. Treating periodonti- both into the epithelial cells of the junctional epithelium
tis with anti-inflammatory drugs alone alters the flora, and beyond. Species including P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, F.
excluding anaerobes that depend on blood as a nutrient nucleatum, A. actinomycetemcomitans and T. denticola
when inflammation and bleeding subside. can be found in tissues in small numbers, and some have
developed mechanisms to invade the epithelial cells, down-
regulate their virulence factors and survive and even multi-
Microbial virulence factors ply inside the cell, where there are plentiful nutrients and
Many potential virulence factors are known to be produced the bacteria are protected from the host immune system.
by periodontal micro-organisms (see Table 7.2). These The invading bacteria are able to develop a new commensal
include enzymes, toxins and bone-resorbing factors, but balance with the host cells, move from cell to cell and
individually these are of only theoretical importance. It is develop resistance to the antibacterial mechanisms inside
probably the total production by the plaque biofilm that is the epithelial cell. Only a tiny minority of the plaque flora
important and, as noted earlier in this chapter, it may has this invasive capability, and it is possible that invasion
require specific circumstances to switch on synthesis of happens only from time to time. However, the intracellular
these factors. In general, it is the organisms listed in Box bacteria would be protected from antibiotics and removal by
7.8 that are known to produce the widest range and largest root debridement and so potentially become important. Bac-
amounts of such virulence factors. Some are highly specific terial invasion can be found in healthy, as well as diseased
in action, such as the Aggretibacter actinomycetemcomi- gingival sites, and its importance is unclear.
tans leukotoxin, whereas others such as endotoxin or Subgingival calculus Calcification of plaque in a pocket
lipoteichoic acid are cell wall components with a broad produces subgingival calculus. The deposits are thin, more
range of proinflammatory activity, including activation of widely distributed, harder, darker and more firmly attached
phagocytes, complement and bone resorption. than supragingival calculus. Calculus appears laminated
histologically, reflecting incremental mineralisation. The
colour is caused by incorporated of blood breakdown prod-
Pathology ucts into the plaque before calcification. Subgingival cal-
A number of fundamental pathological principles of perio- culus helps perpetuate chronic periodontitis. It retains a
dontitis are important in understanding the disease and its reservoir of bacteria, helping to sustain inflammation, and
treatment: acts as a barrier to healing. Effective removal also acts
Hard tissue pathology
as a surrogate marker for thorough root surface decon- millimetres. It probably detaches and re-forms intermit-
tamination and is important in achieving good treatment tently depending on the degree of inflammation.
outcomes. Destruction of periodontal fibres Collagen fibres are
Chronic inflammation Neutrophils migrate continually destroyed progressively from the gingival margin down to
into pockets though junctional epithelium, probably render- the level of the floor of the pocket, but only in a localised
ing it permeable to bacterial products as a result. Plasma zone around the pocket. Beyond this, there is fibrosis result-
cells typically predominate in the tissues, accompanied by ing from inflammation, but the extra collagen is not organ-
lymphocytes. Inflammatory cells infiltrate the gingival con- ised into functional bundles to support the tooth or gingiva.
nective tissue and spread between the bundles of collagen Destruction of alveolar bone starts at the alveolar crest.
fibres (Figs 7.9 and 7.10). Dense sheets of these cells accu- The bone crest recedes just in advance of the floor of the
mulate, especially under the pocket lining epithelium, close pocket. The zone of inflammation in the gingiva or around
to the plaque and calculus. the pocket is invariably separated from the underlying bone
Pocketing depends on the thickness of the gingival by a thin zone of uninflamed fibrous tissue (see Fig. 7.12).
tissues. When plaque extends along the tooth surface and Inflammatory cells are never in contact with the bone and
the overlying gingiva is thin, the gingiva is lost, producing resorb it remotely using soluble factors or other cell signal-
recession. Thick gingiva is more resilient and becomes ling mechanisms to activate normal osteoclastic resorption.
undermined by the destruction extending down the root, It has been suggested that the inflammatory cells may
producing pocketing (Fig. 7.11). Pockets protect the plaque extend to alveolar bone and periodontal ligament during
from removal by abrasion or tooth cleaning and expose a periods of active disease, but histological evidence for this
large surface area of tissue to irritation by bacteria and their is lacking. Osteoclasts are rarely seen, probably because
products. Pockets also favour the growth of anaerobic their action is intermittent and the rate of bone destruction
pathogens. extremely slow. The result of bone loss is deep pockets and
Pockets surround the teeth. One wall is formed by cemen- loss of attachment (Fig. 7.14).
tum, there may be three bone walls or soft tissue walls Innate immune mechanisms are thought to be critically
depending on size and bone loss. The pocket lining epithe- important, particularly the non-specific responses of neu-
lium is continuous with the gingival epithelium at the trophils and macrophages to bacteria. These are probably
pocket mouth and is often hyperplastic but very thin. At the responsible for preventing bacterial invasion of the tissues,
base of the pocket the epithelium forms the epithelial and their importance is seen in the rapid destruction associ-
attachment. ‘Ulceration’ of the lining is often described but ated with neutrophil deficiency diseases such as Papillon-
rarely seen histologically. If it develops, it seems likely that Lefèvre syndrome, Down’s syndrome and diabetes mellitus.
it heals rapidly. Neutrophils secrete many potent antibacterial compounds,
Epithelial migration The epithelial attachment migrates in the pocket often as ‘neutrophil extracellular traps’, com-
from enamel on to cementum, forming the floor of the plexed with DNA.
pocket (Figs 7.12 and 7.13). The attachment to cementum Adaptive immune mechanisms are involved in periodon-
is strong, and a clear refractile cuticle formed by the epithe- tal disease, as they are in every microbial disease. However,
lium can sometimes be seen joining the epithelium to the effective responses are hampered by the fact that the target
root surface (see Fig. 7.2). The length of the epithelial bacteria lie outside the body in the pocket, where the envi-
attachment is variable but may extend over several ronment is controlled by the bacteria and not the host.
It seems likely that humoral responses are the most destruction progresses in rapid spurts. These may be trig-
important, cell-mediated immunity playing a role only gered by reduction in host defences or perhaps by poorly
within the tissues in maintaining and controlling inflam- understood ecological and virulence changes in the plaque
mation. Antibodies produced against plaque bacteria may flora driven by changes in the subgingival environment.
mediate opsonisation and killing of bacteria by neutrophils
Review pathology of periodontitis PMID: 24762896
and macrophages in the pocket and can also activate com-
plement in the pocket, though probably with little effect. Review host defence PMC: 4510669
The bacteria in the biofilm on the tooth are protected by
the matrix. Unattached bacteria near the pocket wall may Neutrophil NETs PMID: 26442948
be more susceptible.
Overall, it is clear that the immunological reactions in Systemic predisposing factors
chronic periodontitis are protective. The importance of the Many diseases and habits are said to predispose to gingivitis
immune responses is seen in HIV infection, in which peri- and periodontitis. The role of pregnancy has been noted in
odontal destruction may be greatly accelerated and acute the section on gingivitis. More are discussed later in the
invasive infections develop. section on systemic disease. However, few cause accelerated
Bystander damage always accompanies inflammatory periodontitis. Most are immunosuppressive and cause acute
diseases. It may be more prominent when excessive activa- infection around the teeth, and a few are structural and
tion of neutrophils, macrophages, complement and other cause early exfoliation of teeth, but the mechanisms and
inflammatory and immunological mechanisms is triggered clinical picture are quite different from plaque-induced
by bacterial factors. Cytokines secreted by inflammatory disease in normal individuals. Two factors that do genuinely
cells often have damaging effects, such as bone resorption appear to represent a more severe form of the typical disease
triggered by interleukin 1 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor are smoking and diabetes. Others are shown in Box 7.14.
alpha. However, damage by these host mechanisms is
minor, and disease progression is very slow; inflammation
and immunity are overall protective. When inflammation Smoking
is suppressed, as for instance in smokers, periodontitis Smokers have greater susceptibility to periodontitis but,
progresses more quickly. paradoxically, less inflammation is evident clinically. The
Episodic and chronic nature of destruction A remark- reasons for this are not understood, but smoking is known
able feature of periodontal disease is that tissue destruction to interfere with inflammatory and immune reactions, prob-
is so slow, despite the presence of huge numbers of bacteria ably by activating endothelial and inflammatory cells in the
in periodontal pockets. In an otherwise healthy person, it is lungs and circulation, and by inducing them to secrete
not uncommon for half a century to pass before 1 cm of cytokines and other compounds inappropriately. Also, nico-
alveolar bone is lost. Although overall slow, it is clear that tine is a vasoconstrictor, although its effects on the gingiva
Hard tissue pathology
Box 7.13 Complications and possible complications
Recession of the gingivae and exposure of the roots is
common (Figs 7.17 and 7.18). It is progressive and so
Fig. 7.16 Severe bone loss. Extensive bone loss with insufficient worsens with age, but it is not a feature of ageing itself and
bone support for effective treatment. The tooth to the left of susceptibility varies. The major predisposing factor is thin-
centre has infrabony pocketing extending almost to the apex, ness of the gingival tissue, so recession is worst around
though the pulp remains vital.
upper canines, lower incisors and lingual to lower molars.
Loss of attachment in areas of thick tissue produces pockets
whereas thin tissue is destroyed entirely. Recession cannot
be reversed.
Aggressive periodontitis is defined as periodontitis charac-
terised by rapid attachment loss and bone destruction in
otherwise healthy patients. Often the destruction seems out
of proportion to the small amounts of plaque present and
there seems to be a clear association with the periodontal
pathogens A. actinomycetemcomitans or P. gingivalis. A.
actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin-producing strains are
claimed to be closely associated and can be isolated specifi-
cally from the sites of destruction. High concentrations of
antibodies are found in the serum and gingival fluid. There
is often a familial background to aggressive disease, and
patients have slightly impaired neutrophil function, both
chemotaxis and phagocytosis, or hyperreactive macrophages
that produce excessive cytokines. However, these underlying
factors do not cause other diseases or predispose to other
Fig. 7.18 Periodontitis with recession. In this case, gingival infections and have been suggested to be induced by the
destruction is almost as great as the degree of bone resorption so periodontal flora.
that excessively long clinical crowns have been produced. Although aggressive periodontitis is recognised by its
Supragingival calculus and a dense inflammatory infiltrate in the rapid onset and progression, it seems to be self-limiting.
gingiva can be seen. The tooth to the left of the midline appears After a period of rapid attachment loss, the disease process
non-vital. Although the pulp cannot be seen, there is a periapical often slows and becomes indistinguishable from chronic
granuloma and apical inflammatory hypercementosis. periodontitis. Diagnosis is based on clinical and radio-
logical features. The microscopic features are the same
The exact cause of recession is unclear, but the most as in chronic periodontitis, and biopsy is not helpful in
common association is with plaque-induced inflammation. diagnosis.
One hypothesis suggests that epithelial proliferation of the
junctional epithelium in inflammation results in an epithe- Localised aggressive periodontitis
lial ‘bridge’ of rete processes extending to the external gin- This condition was previously known as localised juvenile
gival epithelium across the narrow band of inflamed periodontitis, and the changed name reflects that it may
connective tissue. This is followed by remodelling of the develop in adults, although almost all cases seem to start
gingival margin to preserve a normal epithelial thickness. around puberty. It is uncommon, having a prevalence of
Whether cervical abrasion caused by a stiff brush and abra- approximately 1:1000, with those of African or Afro-
sive toothpaste follows recession or causes it is impossible Caribbean descent more frequently affected.
to ascertain, but the two are closely linked. Recession at the The characteristic feature is rapid breakdown of attach-
papilla, as opposed to in the thin buccal or lingual aspect of ment on permanent first molars and incisors, often in a
teeth is always associated with prior periodontitis. strikingly symmetrical pattern and in individuals younger
Other hypothetical causes include acid regurgitation and than 30 years old. By definition, no more than two teeth
minor tooth movements. It is clear that the thin tissue is other than incisors or first molars can be affected. Gingival
not resistant to any insult and recession often follows direct inflammation is minimal or absent, and the main feature
trauma from factitial injury, trauma from oral piercings, is drifting and loosening of teeth (Fig. 7.19). Deep, angular
topical tobacco and betel quid. bone loss and displacement of the anterior teeth are typical
Receded gingival margins often appear relatively findings (Fig. 7.20), and teeth may exfoliate spontaneously.
Box 7.14 Premature periodontal tissue destruction
Fig. 7.20 Juvenile periodontitis. Young adult patient aged 20 OF SYSTEMIC DISEASE
years, showing severe bone destruction around three first
permanent molars and upper and lower incisors. Probing depths A diverse range of diseases can present with periodontal
exceeded 10 mm. (Courtesy Dr R Saravanamuttu.) destruction, some simply predisposing to conventional peri-
odontitis and others causing distinctive patterns of destruc-
tion. Predisposing conditions such as diabetes have been
administration is the most successful approach and may be
previously dealt with and others fall into the category of
dramatically successful in the early stages of the disease. A.
aggressive periodontitis. All except Down’s syndrome are
actinomycetemcomitans is particularly sensitive to tetracy-
uncommon or rare, but are important to distinguish from
clines and minocycline has been the traditional choice of
early-onset periodontitis in that the underlying disorder
antibiotic. However, better results are claimed with combi-
may threaten the patient’s health or life.
nation treatments of penicillins and metronidazole. Culture
Recognised causes of premature periodontal destruction
of subgingival flora has been suggested to tailor the anti-
are summarised in Box 7.14 and are discussed in more
biotic selection but is rarely available.
detail in separate sections elsewhere.
Persistent pocketing often requires surgical treatment,
Agranulocytosis and acute leukaemia may also be associ-
and maintenance therapy is critical to prevent relapse.
ated with necrotising gingivitis and periodontal tissue
Because the disease has a strong genetic background, sib-
destruction. Agranulocytosis is mainly a disease of adults,
lings should be screened for the disease.
whereas the common childhood type of acute leukaemia
Aggressive periodontitis: DOI 10.1111/prd.12013and other arti- (acute lymphocytic leukaemia) typically produces gingival
cles in the same issue enlargement rather than periodontal destruction. The
importance of cyclic neutropenia has been greatly exagger-
ated. It is little more than a pathological curiosity, and
‘PREPUBERTAL’ PERIODONTITIS early-onset periodontitis is by no means always associated.
Severe periodontitis in children is very unusual, and it is All these immunodeficiency disorders are typically associ-
now thought that all periodontitis affecting the deciduous ated with abnormal susceptibility to non-oral infections.
dentition has an underlying systemic cause, almost always
a host defence defect and usually leucocyte adhesion defi- Down’s syndrome
ciency. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency results from lack of In Down’s syndrome, gingivitis is exacerbated by excessive
functional surface adhesion receptors on neutrophils, mac- plaque formation and difficulties in establishing effective
rophages or both, preventing these inflammatory cells from toothbrushing habits. Progress to periodontitis between age
emigrating into inflamed or infected tissues. This causes 15 and 25 was usual in the past and early tooth loss was a
recurrent skin and fungal infections and delayed wound frequent consequence (see Fig. 39.4), but enhanced
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 7.21 Periodontal abscess. The abscess is pointing on the alveolar mucosa well above the attached gingiva. The probe is inserted
deeply in the pocket communicating with the abscess.
preventive regimes have proved effective and patients with Drainage through the pocket mouth is prevented by
Down’s syndrome now retain more teeth into adulthood. inflammatory oedema and soft tissue swelling.
Multiple immunodeficiencies and ‘early ageing’ of the
immune system contribute, and there is early colonisation Clinical features
by periodontal pathogens. Small teeth with short roots pre- The onset is rapid. Gingival tenderness progresses to throb-
dispose to tooth loss. Calculus used to be considered preva- bing pain. The tooth affected is vital and tender to percus-
lent, but recent data suggests this is simply a reflection of sion. The overlying gingiva is red and swollen. Pus may
oral hygiene and not a feature of the syndrome. exude from the pocket, but a deeply sited periodontal abscess
may point on the alveolar mucosa, forming a sinus. The
Papillon–lefèvre syndrome vitality of the tooth and its less severe tenderness usually
Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome is an exceedingly rare autosomal distinguish a lateral abscess from acute apical periodontitis.
recessive disorder. The main features are, typically, hyperk- The great depth of the pocket, from which pus may exude,
eratosis of palms and soles starting in infancy and early- helps make the diagnosis clear (Fig. 7.21).
onset periodontal destruction caused by a loss-of-function Radiographic changes are not visible until after approxi-
mutation in the cathepsin C gene. Those with the disease mately a week. A radiolucent area may then be seen beside
are homozygous for the mutation and completely lack the tooth.
cathepsin C activity. Parents and carriers are heterozygous
and have low cathepsin C activity but suffer no ill-effects. Pathology
Cathepsin C is a lysosomal protease that plays an essen- The bony wall of the pocket is actively resorbed by many
tial role in activating antibacterial compounds stored in an osteoclasts. There is dense infiltration by neutrophils and
inactive form in neutrophils. Lack of activation impairs pus formation (Figs 7.22 and 7.23). The pocket deepens
host responses to bacteria. Patients may also have intel- rapidly by destruction of periodontal fibres, sometimes to
lectual impairment, intracranial calcifications, hyperhidro- the apex of the tooth. Alveolar bone in the floor of the origi-
sis and recurrent skin infections. Diagnosis is by genetic nal pocket is destroyed, and the pocket extends rapidly.
screening. Occasionally, pus tracks apically or from a deeply sited
pocket so that a facial abscess or cellulitis results.
A periodontal abscess results from acute infection of a peri-
A periodontal abscess should be drained, ideally through
odontal pocket. The alternative name of lateral abscess indi-
the pocket, by subgingival curettage and the root surfaces
cates that the abscess lies at the side of the tooth rather
thoroughly debrided. Incision through the overlying gingiva
than apically. The causes are uncertain but probably related
is best avoided unless drainage through the pocket fails, as
to factors that tip the host-bacterial balance in favour of the
a permanent soft tissue fenestration may result. However,
bacteria. Thus, it sometimes follows treatment such as root
if periodontal disease is severe and widespread, it may
debridement when trauma to the pocket lining implants
be more appropriate to extract the affected tooth. After
bacteria into the tissues or damage by a foreign body such
treatment, the site will have suffered a significant acute
as a fish bone or toothbrush bristle trapped in a pocket. Food
attachment loss.
packing down between the teeth with poor contact points
may contribute. More often the cause is obscure and may
be a change in the pocket flora or host defences. Pericoroni- ACUTE PERICORONITIS
tis is a form of periodontal abscess beneath the operculum
of a partially erupted molar. More generalised chronic peri- Incomplete eruption of a wisdom tooth produces a large
odontitis is usually associated. stagnation area under the gum flap that anatomically
1 If radiographs show that the third molar is badly mis- causes free bleeding. The severe halitosis, likened to rotting
placed, impacted or carious, it should be extracted after hay, is characteristic.
Hard tissue pathology
inflammation has subsided. Spread of infection (cellulitis or Lesions remain restricted to the gingivae and supporting
osteomyelitis) may follow extraction of the tooth while tissues. They mainly spread along the gingival margins and
infection is still acute, but is rare. deeply, destroying interdental soft and hard tissues, but
When an upper tooth is biting on the flap, it is often rarely spreading to alveolar mucosa. Deep spread can cause
preferable to extract it, especially if the lower tooth is ulti- rapid destruction of both soft tissues and bone, producing
mately to be removed. If there are strong reasons for retain- triangular spaces between the teeth (Fig. 7.26).
ing the upper tooth, the cusps can be ground sufficiently to If treatment is delayed, the end result is distortion of the
prevent it from traumatising the flap. In the past, caustic normal gingival contour, promoting stagnation and possibly
agents such as trichloracetic acid were commonly used to recurrences or chronic periodontal disease.
reduce the operculum. This was very effective but carries a
risk of accidental burns to adjacent mucosa or skin. Electro- Aetiology
cautery may also be used. In severe cases, particularly when The bacteria responsible are a complex of spirochaetes and
there is fever and lymphadenopathy, penicillin or penicillin fusiforms (Fig. 7.27). These organisms are present in small
and metronidazole should be given. numbers in the healthy gingival flora. With the onset of
Pus may track posteriorly from the operculum to cause ulcerative gingivitis, both bacteria proliferate until they
serious fascial space infection as described in Chapter 9. In dominate the local bacterial flora. This, together with inva-
the pre-antibiotic era, acute infection from pericoronitis was sion of the tissues by spirochaetes seen by electron
a relatively common cause of death in young adults. microscopy, and the sharp fall in their numbers with
Both treated and untreated acute pericoronitis may effective treatment indicate that they are the responsible
become chronic if the operculum remains. In the absence agents. Nevertheless, it is still uncertain whether this
of further acute episodes, there is extensive bone loss around
the partially erupted tooth and its neighbours so that the
second molar can be compromised.
Acute ulcerative gingivitis is a distinct and specific disease
that can cause significant periodontal tissue destruction.
The disease is also a complication of HIV infection as dis-
cussed in Chapter 29.
Clinical features
The incidence of ulcerative gingivitis has declined sharply
in the Western world in the last 60 years. It typically affects
apparently healthy young adults, usually those with
neglected mouths.
Typical features are summarised in Box 7.16.
Crater-shaped or punched-out ulcers form initially at the
tips of the interdental papillae. Ulcers are sharply defined Fig. 7.26 Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis. Characteristic
by erythema and oedema; their surface is covered by a features, a crater-shaped ulcer starting at the tips of the
greyish or yellowish tenacious slough. Removal of the slough interdental papillae, and covered by an ulcer slough.
Box 7.17 Bacteria implicated in acute ulcerative Box 7.19 Causes of gingival enlargement
‘fusospirochaetal complex’ is the sole cause of ulcerative usually generalised but are sometimes localised to one or
gingivitis and other bacteria have been implicated (Box more discrete areas.
7.17). Bacteriologically, HIV-associated periodontitis resembles
Despite doubts about the precise identity of the bacterial classical periodontitis in HIV-negative persons, but poor
cause of acute ulcerative gingivitis, it is clearly an anaerobic control of viral infections may also contribute. It is typically
infection and responds rapidly to metronidazole. associated with a low CD4 count and a poor prognosis for
Host factors Ulcerative gingivitis is a disease of other- the patient.
wise healthy young adults usually with neglected, dirty
mouths. However, ulcerative gingivitis may also develop in Management
children having immunosuppressive treatment and in Debridement and removal of any sequestra under local
patients with HIV infection. anaesthesia, chlorhexidine mouth rinses, systemic metroni-
Local factors appear to be important and ulcerative gingi- dazole and analgesics may be effective. Additional broad-
vitis does not appear to be transmissible. Ulcerative gingi- spectrum antibiotics have been recommended by some, but
vitis (‘trench mouth’) was almost epidemic among soldiers increase the risk of thrush to which these patients are par-
in the 1914–1918 war and civilians subjected to bombing ticularly susceptible. If thrush is present or develops, anti-
in the 1939–1945 war. Other evidence also suggests that fungal treatment is required. For persistent pain, oral
stress may be a predisposing factor in this infection. Smoking analgesics are indicated.
and upper respiratory infections have also been implicated. The condition of linear gingival erythema in HIV infect-
However, ulcerative gingivitis is relatively rarely seen in the ion is caused by candidal infection in the gingival crevice
UK now (Box 7.18). and on the free gingiva.
Oral hygiene and debridement are essential. A 3-day course GINGIVAL ENLARGEMENT
of metronidazole or penicillin greatly accelerates resolu-
tion. Once the acute phase has subsided, the oral hygiene Gingival swelling may be due to fibrous hyperplasia, inflam-
and other associated risk factors must be addressed to lessen matory swelling or infiltration by other types of cells
the risk of recurrence. (Box 7.19).
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 7.28 Hereditary gingival fibromatosis. Fibrous overgrowth Fig. 7.30 Gingival hyperplasia due to phenytoin.
of the gingiva has covered the crowns of the teeth and almost Characteristically (and unlike Fig. 7.28), the fibrous overgrowth has
buried them. originated in the interdental papillae, which become bulbous but
remain firm and pale. Localised gross enlargement such as that
around the upper central incisor may result and forms a plaque
Fig. 7.34 Acute leukaemia. (A) Gross leukaemic infiltration has
caused the gingival margins to reach the incisal edges of the
teeth. (B) The benefits of plaque control with an antibiotic mouth
rinse and oral hygiene have restored the normal appearance,
showing that these gingival manifestations are dependent on oral
Hard tissue pathology
3 10
Fig. 8.1 Stages in the normal healing of a single-rooted tooth extraction socket.
Box 8.1 Predisposing factors for alveolar osteitis
Infected food and other debris accumulates in direct contact
with the bone. Bone damaged during the extraction, particu-
larly the dense bone of the lamina dura, dies. The necrotic
bone and socket lodge bacteria which proliferate freely in
the avascular spaces unhindered by host defences. In the
Fig. 8.2 Dry socket. Typical appearances of chronic alveolar surrounding tissue, inflammation prevents spread of infec-
osteitis; the socket is empty, and the bony lamina dura is visible. tion beyond the socket walls. Dead bone is gradually sepa-
rated by osteoclasts, and sequestra are usually shed in tiny
fragments. Healing is slow. Granulation tissue cannot grow
frequent in susceptible patients when local anaesthesia is in from the socket walls and base until the necrotic bone is
used, as a result of vasoconstriction. removed.
The immediate cause is early loss of clot from the extrac- Although there is no infection within the tissues, the
tion socket due to excessive local fibrinolytic activity. The colonisation of the socket and sequestra by oral bacteria
alveolar bone and gingiva have a high content of fibrinolysin probably contributes to pain and slow healing. Anaerobes
activators (plasmin), that are released when the bone is are thought to be significant and can produce fibrinolytic
traumatised, degrading the clot and leaving the socket enzymes. However, antibiotics including metronidazole
empty. Once the clot has been destroyed, bacterial colonisa- have not been shown to either prevent dry socket or speed
tion from the mouth is inevitable, and bacterial enzymes healing reliably. Only chlorhexidine rinsing preoperatively
contribute to clot lysis. has been shown to reduce incidence.
The oestrogen component of oral contraceptives enhances
serum fibrinolytic activity and interferes with clotting, and Prevention
its use is associated with a higher incidence of alveolar Preventive measures are shown in Box 8.2. Because damage
osteitis. to bone is an important predisposing factor, extractions
should be carried out with minimal trauma. Immediately
Clinical features after the extraction the socket edges should be squeezed
Patients aged 20–40 years are most at risk, and women are firmly together and held for a few minutes until the clot has
more frequently affected. Pain usually starts a few days after formed.
the extraction, but sometimes may be delayed for a week or In the case of disimpactions of third molars, where alveo-
more. It is deep-seated, severe and aching or throbbing. The lar osteitis is more common, prophylactic antibiotics are
mucosa around the socket is red and tender. There is no sometimes given. Their value is unproven, and there is no
clot in the socket, which contains, instead, saliva and often indication for using antibiotics for routine dental extrac-
decomposing food debris (Fig. 8.2). When debris is washed tions. However, in patients who have had irradiation for oral
Box 8.2 Prevention of dry socket Box 8.3 Alveolar osteitis: key features
Hard tissue pathology
It is important to explain to patients that they may have a There are no strict definitions, and not all cases can be
week or more of discomfort. It is also important to explain easily categorised.
that the pain is not due, as patients usually think, to a Syphilitic, actinomycotic and tuberculous osteomyelitis of
broken root. Local conditions strongly favour persistence of the jaws are distinct entities, but largely of historical
infection, and the aim of treatment is to control symptoms interest.
until healing is complete, usually after approximately 10
Treatment is to keep the open socket clean and to protect ACUTE OSTEOMYELITIS
exposed bone from excessive bacterial contamination. The ➔ Summary charts 5.1 and 13.1 pp. 79, 222
socket should be irrigated with mild warm antiseptic or
saline to remove all food debris. Chlorhexidine must not be In acute osteomyelitis bacteria and inflammation spread
used; allergy to chlorhexidine in this situation can be fatal. through the medullary bone from a focus of infection.
It is then traditional to place a dressing into the socket to By far the most common cause is spread of infection from
deliver analgesia and close the opening so that further food a periapical infection, but there are other potential sources
debris cannot enter the socket. Many socket dressings have of infection (Box 8.4). The jaws are resistant to osteomyeli-
been formulated and should be antiseptic, obtundent, tis, and most patients have a predisposing cause. These may
adhere to the socket wall, and be absorbable. Whatever is be local factors, usually causing sclerosis and reducing the
used, the minimum dressing to close the socket opening is vascularity of the bone, or systemic predispositions to infec-
used because dressing packed hard into the socket will delay tion. The most important are summarised in Box 8.5.
healing. Non-absorbable dressings must be removed as soon The effect of immunodeficiency is variable, and acute
as possible to allow the socket to heal. A dressing may only osteomyelitis of the jaw is uncommon in HIV infection.
last 1–2 days, and the whole process needs repeating until
pain subsides, normally after one or two dressings. Frequent Clinical features
hot saline mouthwashes also help keep the socket free from Most patients with osteomyelitis are adult males, who have
debris. more dental infections than females. Almost all cases affect
Key features of alveolar osteitis are summarised in the mandible, which is less vascular than the maxilla.
Box 8.3. Early complaints are severe, throbbing, deep-seated pain
and swelling with external swelling due to inflammatory
Dry socket review PMID: 18755610 and 12190139 oedema. Later, distension of the periosteum with pus and,
finally, subperiosteal bone formation cause the swelling to
OSTEOMYELITIS OF THE JAWS become firm. The overlying gingiva and mucosa is red,
swollen and tender.
Unlike the long bones, osteomyelitis in the jaws is almost Associated teeth are tender. They may become loose, and
always of local origin and not caused by blood-borne infec- pus may exude from an open socket or gingival margins.
tion. The classification of osteomyelitis is somewhat con- Muscle oedema causes difficulty in opening the mouth and
fusing, with a range of overlapping conditions. Their names swallowing. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and tender
are more descriptions of their clinical presentation based on and anaesthesia or paraesthesia of the lower lip, caused by
the chronicity of the infection and effects on the bone. pressure on the inferior dental nerve, is characteristic.
Box 8.5 Important predisposing conditions for
Acute osteomyelitis is a suppurative infection with a mixed
bacterial flora, much of which forms a biofilm on sequestra
of bone. Oral bacteria, particularly anaerobes such as Bac-
teroides, Porphyromonas or Prevotella species, are impor-
tant causes. Staphylococci may be responsible when
osteomyelitis follows an open fracture and the bacteria enter
from the skin.
The mandible has a relatively limited blood supply and
dense bone with thick cortical plates. Infection and acute
inflammation cannot escape, and the pressure spreads
infection through the marrow spaces. It also compresses
blood vessels confined within the rigid boundaries of the
vascular canals. Thrombosis and obstruction then lead to
further bone necrosis. Dead bone is recognisable micro-
scopically by lacunae empty of osteocytes and medullary
spaces filled with neutrophils and colonies of bacteria that
Fig. 8.4 Osteomyelitis of the mandible following dental proliferate in the dead tissue (Fig. 8.5).
extractions. The outlines of the extraction sockets can be seen, Pus, formed by liquefaction of necrotic soft tissue and
together with dense sequestra of bone lying in a poorly inflammatory cells, is forced along the medulla and eventu-
circumscribed radiolucency. ally penetrates the cortex to reach the subperiosteal region
by resorption of bone. Distension of the periosteum by pus
Frequently, the patient remains surprisingly well but, in stimulates subperiosteal bone formation, but perforation of
the acute phase, there may be fever and leucocytosis. the periosteum by pus and formation of sinuses on the skin
Radiographic changes do not appear until after at least 10 or oral mucosa are rarely seen in developed countries and
days, and radiographs can provide little useful information after effective treatment.
before this time except to identify a local predisposing cause. At the boundaries between infected and healthy tissue,
Later, there is loss of trabecular pattern and areas of radio- osteoclasts resorb the periphery of the dead bone, which
lucency indicating bone destruction and sometimes widen- eventually becomes separated as a sequestrum (Fig. 8.6).
ing of periodontal ligament. Affected areas have ill-defined Once infection starts to localise, new bone forms around it,
margins and a moth-eaten appearance similar to a malig- particularly subperiosteally.
nant neoplasm (Fig. 8.4). Areas of dead bone appear as rela- Where bone has died and been removed or shed as seques-
tively dense areas which become more sharply defined as tra, healing is by granulation tissue with formation of woven
they are progressively separated as sequestra. Later, in young bone in the proliferating connective tissue. After resolution,
persons particularly, subperiosteal new bone formation woven bone is gradually replaced by compact bone and
causes a buccal swelling and appears as a thin, curved strip remodelled to restore normal morphology.
of new bone below the lower border of the jaw in lateral or Osteomyelitis early diagnosis PMID: 21982609
panoramic radiographs.
Osteomyelitis of the newborn is a distinctive variant Management
affecting the maxilla shortly after birth and is potentially
The key factor is to assess whether the infection is limited
fatal. The cause is either birth injuries or uncontrolled
to the jaws or may be spreading systemically. A severely ill
middle ear infection. Other than in children, the maxilla is
or very pale patient and a very high temperature suggest
very rarely affected.
possible systemic spread and indicate a need to check for
Osteomyelitis of newborn PMID: 15125285 an underlying predisposing disease and consider blood
Box 8.7 Acute osteomyelitis of the jaws: key features
Hard tissue pathology
Box 8.9 Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis: key features
Hard tissue pathology
• Affects adults
• No sex predilection
• Affects mandible almost exclusively
• Patchy diffuse sclerosis in the alveolar process
• Changes more marked around sites of periapical or
periodontal chronic inflammation
• Persistent ache or pain but no swelling
• Radiographically resembles but is distinct from florid
cemento-osseous dysplasia
• May be a presentation of the SAPHO (synovitis, acne,
pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis) syndrome
Pathology Fig. 8.9 Sclerosing osteitis. A focal zone of sclerosis associated
with periapical inflammation from a non-vital lower first molar.
• Bone sclerosis and remodelling (Courtesy of Mr EJ Whaites.)
• Scanty marrow spaces and little or no inflammatory
infiltrate, although adjacent to areas of inflammation
• Elimination of originating source of inflammation, but
sclerotic areas remain radiographically
Box 8.10 Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis: key features Box 8.11 Prevention of osteoradionecrosis
Proliferative periostitis is not an infection, but a response
to it. Inflammation or infection causes the periosteum of
the surrounding bone to become active and lay down layers
of new bone around the cortex as a healing response. This
new bone is rapidly formed and less well-mineralised than
the normal cortex and may expand the bone by up to a
centimetre or more in thickness. The process is intermit-
tent, producing multiple layers that can be seen radiographi-
cally as ‘onion-skinning’.
The ability to produce large amounts of periosteal new
bone is more or less limited to children and adolescents. In
older patients it forms more slowly and during a longer
Fig. 8.11 Chronic osteomyelitis secondary to radiotherapy. Part period. Chronic osteomyelitis in children and adolescents
of the necrotic portion of the mandible is visible, having ulcerated is often dominated by the periosteal reaction, which can be
through the skin. florid enough to cause facial asymmetry.
Proliferative periostitis develops over malignant neo-
plasms and foci of osteomyelitis, so the underlying cause
risk, and it is almost always the mandible affected, following must be identified. When it is osteomyelitis, vague pain is
irradiation of oral or major salivary gland cancers. typical, and the focus of infection or a small sequestrum
The causative bacteria are oral flora and periodon- may only be detected on cone beam CT.
tal pathogens, which gain entry to the bone after minor Key features are listed in Box 8.12.
trauma, dental infection or tooth extraction. The mucosa
Clinical description PMID: 289735
is atrophic and heals poorly after radiotherapy. Infection
spreads rapidly and is difficult to treat. The clinical and Signs and causes PMID: 9768431
radiographic features are those of chronic osteomyelitis (see
Fig. 8.11) except that healing is impaired, sequestra separate
much more slowly and there is no periosteal reaction. The MEDICATION-RELATED OSTEONECROSIS
course is often prolonged, and surgical intervention and OF THE JAWS (MRONJ)
aggressive antibiotic therapy are usually required. Pentoxi-
fylline, a tumor necrosis factor antagonist, and hyperbaric Previously called bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis, this
oxygen are claimed to aid healing, but results are variable condition is now known to be induced by a variety of
and the latter is very expensive and not widely available. drugs that inhibit either osteoclast activity or angiogenesis.
Unfortunately treatment is not always successful, and low- It is also known as antiresorptive-related osteonecrosis
grade grumbling osteomyelitis may persist for the rest of a (Box 8.13).
patient’s life. The majority of patients affected are elderly and have
Prevention is key, and the dentist plays an important role metastatic malignant disease because this is the main indi-
(Box 8.11). cation for the causative drugs (Box 8.14). Steroid use and
smoking can also contribute.
Treatment PMID: 23108891 Bisphosphonates are prescribed to prevent osteoclastic
Risk of development PMID: 22669065 bone resorption and thus the enlargement of bony metasta-
ses and development of pathological fractures. The drugs
Prevention after extraction PMID: 21115324 are concentrated in osteoclasts and bound into bone matrix
• Children and adolescents mainly affected clast inhibition also delays bone healing.
• Usually associated with periapical but sometimes other Osteonecrosis is associated with the most potent bisphos-
inflammatory foci phonates administered intravenously, and oral doses for
• Periosteal reaction affecting lower border of mandible osteoporosis carry a much lower risk. Exactly why bisphos-
causing ‘onion skin’ thickening and swelling of bone phonates cause areas of bone to become non-vital is unclear.
It has been thought that the drugs cause sterile necrosis,
• Sometimes incorrectly called Garrè’s osteomyelitis*
which then becomes infected. However, it is also possible
Pathology that the effect is an osteomyelitis from the outset, modified
• Parallel layers of highly cellular woven bone by reduced healing capacity of the bone. The jaws are par-
interspersed with scantily inflamed connective tissue ticularly at risk because of their poor blood supply in the
• Small sequestra sometimes present elderly, potential foci of dental infection and covering of thin
easily traumatised mucosa, but other bones have been
Treatment affected.
• Eliminate focus of infection Bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclasts and also inhibit
• Bone gradually remodels after 6–12 months angiogenesis and are frequently used to treat metastases to
bone, particularly from multiple myeloma, breast and pros-
*Garrè’s (note correct accent and spelling) osteomyelitis is tate carcinoma. This is highly effective, constraining growth
a misnomer. In his original description he made no of metastases and inhibiting pathological fractures and their
mention of proliferative changes in the lesion, X-rays had consequences, particularly nerve injury from spinal col-
not then been invented, and he provided no histological lapse. Risk is associated with high-potency bisphosphonates
back-up. This historic term has no place in current usage. such as alendronate, pamidronate and zoledronate, espe-
Reference PMID: 3041342 cially when administered long term and in high doses intra-
venously. Osteonecrosis affects approximately 1% of patients
on these regimes, although occasional cases have also been
reported following oral administration for osteoporosis. The
risk of developing MRONJ following a single extraction in
a patient who has had intravenous high potency bisphos-
Box 8.13 Drugs associated with jaw osteonecrosis phonates is 0.5%.
In two-thirds of patients a dental extraction is the precipi-
• Antiresoptive
tating factor, and in most of the remainder there is no
• Bisphosphonates
identifiable trigger. A striking presentation is painless
Alendronate exposed bone (Figs 8.12 and 8.13); some patients may expe-
Pamidronate rience no acute symptoms or infection for prolonged periods.
Risendronate Once infection is introduced, the condition develops into
Zolendronate acute or chronic osteomyelitis depending on the virulence
And other high potency types of the organism and resistance of the patient. The drugs
• Denosumab (antibody RANKL inhibitor) cause reduced bone turnover so that sequestra of necrotic
bone separate very slowly and healing is inhibited. Later
• Antiangiogenic
complications can include oroantral and cutaneous fistulas
• Tyrosine kinase inhibitors with suppuration.
Sorafenib The organisms colonising the dead bone are a mixed flora
Sunitinib of oral bacteria in a biofilm. Common species are Actino-
• Bevacizumab (vascular endothelial growth factor myces, streptococci, Serratia, and enterococci, and faculta-
inhibitor) tive anaerobes predominate. As noted previously, it is
• Rapamycin (mTOR [mechanistic target of rapamycin] unclear whether infection or necrosis is the primary disease
inhibitor) process.
Review PMID: 16243172 and 20508948
Prevention of infection is paramount. Potential problems
Box 8.14 Risk factors for bisphosphonate-induced should be eliminated before bisphosphonate treatment,
osteonecrosis infective foci eliminated and teeth of dubious prognosis
removed. Some authorities also suggest removal of tori and
• Intravenous high-dose bisphosphonate treatment sharp ridges if prone to denture trauma.
usually for bone metastases or hypercalcaemia of
• Immunosuppression from chemotherapy or steroids
• Anaemia *Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis resembles the toxic necrosis of
• Dental surgery or sepsis, ill-fitting dentures and poor bone called phossy jaw, a scourge of match factory workers in Victorian
oral hygiene times who ingested white phosphorus (P4). They frequently died or lost
• Female patients a whole jaw from osteonecrosis. Public outrage and a famous strike in
East London forced improvements in factory conditions and the intro-
• Elderly patients duction of the (slightly) safer red phosphorus match. Both white phos-
• Smoking phorus and the two phosphonate groups in bisphosphonate drugs mimic
pyrophosphate and act as inhibitors of enzymes that act on it.
Hard tissue pathology
Even while the infection is limited to the bone, and continu-
ing after it drains intraorally, there is oedema of the adjacent
soft tissues (Fig. 9.1). Oedema is a purely inflammatory
reaction, and the swollen tissues contain no bacteria. In Fig. 9.1 Oedema due to acute apical periodontitis. An acute
children oedema is very prominent and gives the impression periapical infection of a canine has perforated the buccal plate of
of cellulitis of the face, but the oedema is soft, unlike the bone causing oedema of the face; this quickly subsided when the
firm brawny swelling of spreading infection, and there is no infection was treated.
1 The fascial spaces extend from the base of the skull to the is a risk of spread to remote sites through lymphatics or
mediastinum, and the inflammatory exudate acts as a vehicle blood vessels.
Hard tissue pathology
to spread the infection into potentially life-threatening sites. Once an infection penetrates into the tissue planes, it
The large volume of exudate and bacterial load produce may spread or become localised depending on the causative
pyrexia, toxaemia and symptoms of pain and trismus. There bacteria and the resistance of the host. Infection from
teeth tends to localise reproducibly in the spaces listed in
Table 9.1, but it will be noted that these spaces intercom-
Box 9.1 The main structures directing spread of municate and infection may involve several of them (Figs
infection in the face and neck 9.2 and 9.3).
• Muscles
• Buccinator FACIAL CELLULITIS ➔ Summary charts 5.1 and
• Mylohyoid 34.1 pp. 79, 461
• Masseter
• Medial pterygoid The great majority of fascial space infections are in the form
• Superior constrictor of the pharynx of cellulitis in which, unlike a localised abscess, bacteria
spread through the soft tissues (Fig. 9.4). Cellulitis causes
• Fascia
gross inflammatory exudate and tissue oedema, associated
• Investing layer of fascia with fever and toxaemia. Before the advent of antibiotics,
• Prevertebral fascia the mortality was high. If treatment is delayed, the disease
• Pretracheal fascia can still be life-threatening through airway compromise or
• Parotid fascia erosion of the carotid sheath when the lateral pharyngeal
• Carotid sheath space is involved. In Ludwig’s angina particularly, airway
obstruction can quickly result in asphyxia.
Ludwig’s angina
Superior constrictor Ludwig’s angina* is a severe form of cellulitis that usually
of pharynx arises from the lower second or third molars. It involves
Mylohyoid the sublingual and submandibular spaces bilaterally, almost
simultaneously, and readily spreads into the lateral pharyn-
Fig. 9.3 Paths of infection from the third molar. The diagram
geal and pterygoid spaces and can extend into the
shows the lingual aspect of the jaw and indicates how infection
penetrating from the lingual plate of bone can enter the mediastinum.
sublingual space above, or the submandible space below, the The main features are rapidly spreading sublingual and
mylohyoid muscle, which forms the major structure of the floor of submandibular cellulitis with painful, brawny swelling of
the mouth. Moreover, because this point is at the junction of the the upper part of the neck and the floor of the mouth on
oral cavity and pharynx, infection can also spread backward to both sides (Fig. 9.5). With involvement of the parapharyn-
reach the lateral surface of superior constrictor, the lateral geal space, the swelling tracks down the neck (Figs 9.6 and
pharyngeal space. 9.7) and oedema can quickly spread to the glottis.
Hard tissue pathology
Malnutrition and underlying infections must be treated. A
combination of penicillin or an aminoglycoside and metro-
nidazole will usually control the local infection, but light
surgical debridement of necrotic soft tissue is also needed.
After control of the infection and recovery of health, recon-
structive surgery is usually required to prevent permanent
disfigurement. However, there is a significant mortality,
almost all cases if untreated and 5%–10% if treated.
Noma mechanisms PMID: 12002813
Noma review PMID: 16829299
**Noma was first described in 1595 in Holland where, as in other parts Fig. 9.10 Noma. A six-year-old child with noma extending onto
of Europe, severe malnutrition and debilitating diseases were wide- the lips and cheek. (From Srour, M.L., Wong, V., Wyllie, S. 2014. Noma,
spread. The term ‘noma’ was coined in 1680. Since then, noma has actinomycosis and nocardia. In: Farrar, J., White, N.J., Hotez, P.J., et al. eds. Manson’s
virtually disappeared from Europe. tropical diseases. St. Louis: Elsevier, pp. 379-384.e1.)
Actinomycosis is a chronic, suppurative infection caused by
Actinomyces sp. Although common in the past, it has
become rare. Half of all cases of actinomycosis affect the
face and neck.
Clinically, men are predominantly affected, typically
between the ages of 30 and 60 years. A chronic soft tissue
swelling near the angle of the jaw in the upper neck is the
usual complaint. In the past this would progress to a dusky-
red or purplish, firm and slightly tender swelling with mul-
tiple discharging sinuses. Pain is minimal. In the absence
of treatment, a large fibrotic mass can form, covered by
scarred and pigmented skin, on which several sinuses open. Fig. 9.13 Actinomycosis. This single, complete loculus was from
However, such a florid picture is rarely seen now. Cur- an early case of actinomycosis that followed dental extraction. The
rently, the usual clinical features are a persistent subcutane- colony of actinomyces with its paler staining periphery (a ‘sulphur’
granule) is in the centre; around it is a dense collection of
ous collection of pus or a sinus, unresponsive to conventional,
inflammatory cells, surrounded in turn by proliferating fibrous
short courses of antibiotics. tissue. It will be apparent that an antibiotic cannot readily
penetrate such a fibrous mass and must be given in large doses to
Pathology be effective.
The key microbiological signature is the presence of Acti-
nomyces israelii or Actinomyces gerencseriae in a mixed
infection with aerobic and anaerobic organisms. These are mouth and are the likely source for actinomycosis of the
slow-growing aerobic organisms, and simple conventional head and neck. Injuries, especially dental extractions or
cultures may only grow the accompanying organisms, fractures of the jaw, can provide a pathway and sometimes
usually coagulase-negative staphylococci, S. aureus and precede infection but, in fact, rarely do so. Most patients
both α- and β-hemolytic streptococci. This may lead to a will have been previously healthy.
false-negative diagnosis, and pus samples for culture must Actinomycosis spreads by direct extension through the
be sent to the laboratory with a form indicating a suspicion tissues and does not follow tissue planes or spread to lymph
of actinomycosis; otherwise the true nature of the infection nodes like other odontogenic infections. The infection is
may be missed. chronic and suppurative. In the tissues, colonies of Actino-
A. israelii is a long filamentous Gram-positive bacterium, myces form rounded colonies of filaments with peripheral,
not a fungus as its name suggests. The classification of this radially arranged club-shaped thickenings (Fig. 9.12). Neu-
genus of bacteria is complex, and many so-called oral Acti- trophils mass round the colonies, pus forms, chronic inflam-
nomyces are now reclassified and not thought pathogenic. matory cells surround the pus and an abscess wall of fibrous
However, pathogenic species can still be isolated from the tissue forms (Fig. 9.13).
1 The abscess eventually points on the skin, discharging granulomas, in which a colony of bacteria very occasionally
pus in which so-called sulphur granules (colonies of Actino- grows beyond the root apex. The colony is like a sulphur
Hard tissue pathology
myces) may be visible with the naked eye as yellow flecks. granule, but isolated in the cavity where it may remain
The abscess continues to discharge, infection spreads later- localised for a long period to cause failure of root canal
ally to cause further abscesses and surrounding tissues treatment. Similar colonies may be found in tonsil crypts
become fibrotic. Untreated, the area can become honey- and growing around sequestra as they exfoliate into the
combed with abscesses and sinuses, in widespread mouth. However, none are spreading infections, none
fibrosis. require intensive antibiotic treatment and none are true
Microbiology PMCID: PMC4094581
Extraradicular actinomycosis PMID: 12738954
Actinomycosis should be suspected if a skin sinus fails to
heal after a possible focus has been found and eliminated.
A fresh specimen of pus is needed. A positive diagnosis can Deep tissue oral mycoses are rare in Britain but may be seen
rarely be made without ‘sulphur granules’, which may be in immunocompromised patients or in those from endemic
found by rinsing the pus with sterile saline. The laboratory areas such as South America and other tropical regions (Box
should be warned that actinomycosis is suspected to enable 9.4). Cryptococcosis is the most common mycosis in AIDS
appropriate media to be used and the culture maintained and is sometimes the presenting disease. Clinically, most of
long enough for these slow-growing organisms to be detected. the systemic mycoses can cause oral lesions at some stage,
Frequently, penicillins will have been given but in doses and often then give rise to a nodular and ulcerated mass,
insufficient to control the infection. This makes subsequent which can be tumour-like in appearance (Fig. 9.14). The
bacteriological diagnosis difficult. In the correct clinical most characteristic oral infection is the nodular mulberry-
setting, empirical treatment as actinomycosis is logical even like gingival hyperplasia and ulceration of paracoccidioido-
if bacteriological confirmation is not forthcoming. mycosis, or South American blastomycosis, a fungal
The mainstay of treatment is penicillin, which should be infection of lungs, lymph nodes, bone and mucosa that is
continued for a minimum of 4–6 weeks, renewed as neces- endemic in Brazil (Fig. 9.15). Clinically, this has a superfi-
sary, because pockets of surviving organisms may persist in cial resemblance to gingival lesions of Wegener’s
the depths of the lesion to cause relapse. Abscesses should granulomatosis.
be drained surgically as they form and sinuses excised. Microscopically, most systemic mycoses give rise to gran-
Combined surgical and antibiotic treatment is most effec- ulomas similar to those of tuberculosis, but there may also
tive. For patients allergic to penicillin, erythromycin can be be abscess formation. Characteristic yeast forms or hyphae
given. may sometimes be seen with special stains such as periodic
Healing leads to scarring and puckering of the skin at the acid–Schiff (PAS) (Fig. 9.16). However, microscopy may not
sites of sinuses, and these often have to be excised for cos- be diagnostic, and culture of unfixed material may be
metic reasons.
The key features of actinomycosis are given in Box 9.3.
Review PMID: 9619663 Box 9.4 Some systemic mycoses that can affect the
Treatment PMID: 25045274
• Histoplasmosis
Biopsy diagnosis PMID: 24870370 • Rhinocerebral mucormycosis
• Rhinocerebral aspergillosis
Other ‘actinomycoses’ • Cryptococcosis
Infections with other non-pathogenic filamentous Gram- • Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American
positive bacteria can be misclassified as actinomycosis. blastomycosis)
Examples are extraradicular infection in periapical
Fig. 9.15 South American blastomycosis. Characteristic nodular
enlargement of gingiva seen in the upper image (A); note B
extension to labial mucosa. The lower figure (B) shows nodular
lesions and erythema extending onto the palate. (Courtesy of Dr RS Fig. 9.17 Mucormycosis. The tissue is necrotic and infiltrated by
Gomez and Dr BC Durso.) the very pale, broad, knobbly branching hyphae of Mucor spp.,
seen as broad ribbons or circles in cross-section (arrowed). These
are difficult to see in routine stains (A) but revealed by Grocott
staining, which stains their cell walls black (B).
A special example of a systemic infection of dental Some of these abscesses are due to oral anaerobic bacteria
origin is infective endocarditis, which can occasion- that are probably aspirated during sleep to cause a lung
ally follow dental operations, particularly extrac- abscess and then a secondary brain abscess. Isolated brain
tions, and cause irreparable damage to heart valves abscesses caused by oral bacteria are recognised but difficult
(Ch. 32). to explain.
1 COMMON FEATURES OF JAW CYSTS Growth of the wall is a less common mechanism, seen
primarily in odontogenic keratocysts. In this cyst the epi-
Hard tissue pathology
Many features are shared by all types of cysts. All cysts thelial lining has a high mitotic rate, and the lumen is filled
enlarge slowly, and there are two main mechanisms of with keratin, which is resistant to degradation, insoluble
enlargement: expansion under internal hydrostatic pressure and thus exerts little osmotic pressure. Instead the wall
and growth of the wall. enlarges by growing, budding and insinuating finger-like
Hydrostatic pressure is the mechanism of cyst growth in processes or developing outpouchings that extend into adja-
almost all cysts. The luminal contents are under pressure cent bone. Glandular odontogenic cyst grows in a similar
for a variety of reasons. There is poor lymphatic drainage way.
from the cavity, the wall and lining have partial properties Growth pattern and effects on adjacent structures differ
of a semipermeable membrane and the lumen contains with the mechanism of enlargement. Hydrostatic pressure
many degraded inflammatory proteins and dead lining cells. acts equally in all directions, and all cysts that grow this
These and other factors produce an osmotic pressure that way enlarge equally in all directions until surrounding struc-
expands the cyst. The pressure is probably intermittent and tures restrict them. Initially they will enlarge like a balloon,
of the order of 70 cm of water and therefore higher than the forming a hollow sphere by resorbing medullary bone. Later,
capillary blood pressure, able to compress veins and lym- enlargement is restricted by cortical bone, tooth roots or the
phatics in the wall so that fluid cannot escape. Expansion cortical layer around the inferior dental canal. The pressure
is slow. It takes 5 years for a cyst in the mandible to enlarge will then push out the cyst in other directions, but pressure
to a few centimetres diameter in an adult (Fig. 10.1), but is exerted on these resisting structures, and eventually the
growth is faster in children because bone turnover is more cyst will move teeth orthodontically, resorb the cortex and
rapid and the bones less dense, providing less resistance to push the inferior dental canal out of the way. Over a longer
enlargement. Enlargement resorbs bone around the periph- period tooth roots may be resorbed. Conversely, the odon-
ery and then pushes the periosteum outward. togenic keratocyst, without any internal pressure, burrows
along the path of least resistance in the medullary bone,
around the teeth without displacing them.
Box 10.3 Radiographic mimics of cysts Expansion of the jaw results from resorption of the cortex
and pushing out of the periosteum. The periosteum is a
• Anatomical structures (maxillary antrum and foramina)
tough resistant elastic layer that the cyst cannot penetrate.
• Large periapical granulomas As it expands, it forms a new cortical bone layer around the
• Odontogenic tumours, particularly ameloblastoma cyst. There is not time to form a well-organised lamellar
(Ch. 11) bone layer, and the ‘periosteal new bone layer’ is mostly soft
• Solitary bone cyst and aneurysmal bone ‘cyst’ (Ch. 13) woven bone. Palpation of the new bone layer can cause it
• Giant cell lesions (Ch. 12) to crack, and the fragments rubbing together give rise to the
• Cherubism (Ch. 13) clinical sign of ‘egg shell crackling’. Cysts expand the cortex
closest to their site of origin first. Cysts arising in the
Fig. 10.1 Growth of an untreated cyst. This dentigerous cyst was identified at the size shown upper left. After 15 months it had grown to the
size shown upper right. It took a further 5 years and 4 months to grow to the size in the lower radiograph. Generally cysts enlarge slowly,
but more quickly when inflammation is present. (By kind permission of Mr O Obisesan.)
Box 10.6 Advantages and limitations of
Hard tissue pathology
marsupialisation of cysts
• Shrinkage before enucleation
• may allow preservation of teeth
• reduce the operative risk to inferior dental nerve
• reduce the risk of mandibular fracture
• Shrinkage allows easier enucleation of residual cyst
• Enucleation may not be possible in a compromised
Possible disadvantages
• Shrinkage is very slow, over weeks and months
• Tendency for the opening to shrink faster than the
• Close follow up required
• Patient must keep the cavity clean
• No complete lining for histological examination
Fig. 10.2 Typical clinical appearance of a large cyst. This
radicular cyst in the right maxillary alveolar process forms a
rounded swelling with a bluish colour.
Hard tissue pathology
Differential diagnosis
Radicular cysts are usually readily recognised by their
clinical and radiographic features, so a confident preopera-
tive diagnosis makes biopsy unnecessary unless there are
unusual features such as root resorption or a poorly defined
Histological examination is essential to confirm diagno- Fig. 10.7 Cholesterol clefts. Cholesterol has been dissolved out
sis, but because the histological features are not entirely during preparation of the section, leaving clefts. The crystals are
specific, it is really undertaken to exclude unsuspected treated as foreign bodies, and flattened multinucleate foreign
body giant cells are seen along the edges of several clefts.
Fig. 10.9 Radicular cyst. The epithelial lining often assumes this
arcading pattern with numerous inflammatory cells beneath its Fig. 10.12 Mucous metaplasia in a radicular cyst. This change is
surface. of no clinical significance and happens in a proportion of all cyst
types, but is most typical of dentigerous cysts.
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 10.13 Residual cyst. The causative tooth has been extracted
leaving the cyst in situ. See also Fig. 10.14. Fig. 10.15 Lining of a residual cyst. There is only a minor
degree of inflammation and the epithelium forms a thin regular
Clinical features
Fig. 10.18 Resorption of tooth associated with a dentigerous
Dentigerous cysts are more than twice as common in males cyst. The crown of this buried canine within the cyst shows
as females, and two-thirds develop on lower third molars. resorption. This is seen only in longstanding cysts, as in this
Upper canines and lower premolars are also affected, reflect- otherwise edentulous patient.
ing the most frequently impacted teeth. These cysts present
between the ages of 10 and 30 years. They grow by internal
pressure and cause the same clinical features as other cysts
that expand the jaw; expansion with displacement of adja-
cent structures. They are often a chance radiographic finding
when the cause is sought for an unerupted tooth.
The cavity is circumscribed, rounded and always
unilocular and contains the crown of the tooth (Fig. 10.17).
Dentigerous cysts grow slowly and have a corticated outline.
Cysts may attain a very large size, larger than 10 cm, and
large cysts may appear to be multilocular on radiographs
(pseudoloculation) because bony ridges on the inside of the
bony cavity are superimposed on the image. The affected
tooth is often displaced a considerable distance, lower third
molars to the lower border of the mandible or high in the
ramus. In longstanding cysts, the enclosed tooth may
become resorbed (Fig. 10.18).
Dentigerous cysts are considered to be developmental, but Fig. 10.19 Dentigerous cyst. The cyst surrounds the crown of
inflammation from pericoronitis or an adjacent non-vital this molar, and the wall is attached to its cementoenamel junction.
tooth may initiate some. Multiple dentigerous cysts are seen There is a uniform, thin epithelial lining with minimal
inflammatory infiltrate. Cholesterol clefts are numerous in the
in those with cleidocranial dysplasia (Ch. 13) who have lumen, a result of the formation of cholesterol crystals in the wall.
many unerupted teeth.
The earliest event is separation of the reduced enamel
epithelium from the crown to form the cyst space. The
epithelium is tightly bound to the enamel during formation The cyst enlarges by internal pressure, expanding the
but more loosely attached after the normal time of eruption, dental follicle, displacing adjacent structures and eventually
but the reason for separation is unclear. As the reduced expanding the jaw.
enamel epithelium stops at the cementoenamel junction,
the lining epithelium is attached there and the fibrous wall Histopathology
is continuous with the periodontal ligament (Figs 10.19 and The wall of dentigerous cysts in their early stages com-
10.20). prises an uninflamed fibrous wall lined by a thin, sometimes
Hard tissue pathology
D Fig. 10.22 Dentigerous cyst. In this uncomplicated cyst there is
no inflammation, and the wall comprises a layer of fibrous tissue
lined by a thin layer of stratified squamous epithelium two cells
Differential diagnosis
The key diagnostic feature is the dentigerous relationship
to the tooth. It is normally possible to make a confident
Fig. 10.20 Dentigerous cyst. To the left is the dentine (D). E is diagnosis radiographically and proceed to treatment without
the enamel space left after decalcification and is separated from biopsy, confirming the diagnosis after enucleation. However,
the cyst cavity (C) by a thin layer left by the inner enamel care must be taken not to be caught out by other lesions
epithelium. The cyst itself appears to have formed as a result of simulating a dentigerous relationship. An odontogenic kera-
accumulation of fluid between the inner and outer enamel
tocyst, ameloblastoma or other radiolucent lesion may occa-
epithelium and by continued proliferation of the latter to form the
cyst lining, which joins the tooth at the epithelial attachment. sionally grow around the crown of an unerupted tooth to
create a similar radiographic appearance (Fig. 10.32). Iden-
tifying a clear attachment at the cementoenamel junction
will reduce the likelihood of this error. Because of this risk,
the diagnosis should always be confirmed by histological
examination, primarily to exclude other unexpected lesions.
It is also sometimes necessary to differentiate an enlarged
follicle from a dentigerous cyst. The width of a normal fol-
licle radiographically can be 2–3 mm. If there is uncertainty
whether a cyst space has developed, radiographic follow up
rather than intervention is appropriate.
Dentigerous cysts are usually treated by enucleation with
removal of the unerupted tooth, there usually being no
reason to conserve the impacted lower third molar. However,
for other teeth, such as maxillary canines that are in a
favourable position, it may be possible to marsupialise a
dentigerous cyst to allow the tooth to erupt, providing space
and traction orthodontically if necessary. Alternatively, the
tooth can be transplanted but with a risk of resorption in
the long term.
It remains unresolved whether leaving disease-free
unerupted third molars in situ, according to current guide-
lines, risks development of dentigerous cysts in later life.
This would appear to be so, but the risk must be very low.
Fig. 10.21 Section through the full thickness of the wall of a Key features of dentigerous cysts are summarised in
dentigerous cyst. There is minimal inflammation, and the Box 10.8.
epithelium is only two or three cells thick. Beyond the fibrous
tissue the outermost layer of the wall is formed by woven bone, a Review PMID: 20605411
feature common to most types of intraosseous cyst.
General reference ISBN-13: 978-1405149372
Clinical features
Peak incidence is between ages 20 and 30 years, but the age
Fig. 10.24 Roof of an eruption cyst. At the upper surface is the range is very broad. The mandible is usually affected. At
keratinised epithelium of the alveolar ridge and, below, separated least 50% of odontogenic keratocysts form in the posterior
by a thin layer of relatively uninflamed fibrous tissue, the lining of body and lower ramus. Odontogenic keratocysts, like other
an eruption cyst. jaw cysts, are symptomless until the bone is expanded or
they become infected, both rare features in this cyst type.
to the cyst causes internal bleeding and a dark blue colour Radiography
(Figs 10.23 and 10.24).
Odontogenic keratocysts produce well-defined radiolucent
Most eruption cysts burst spontaneously, and the tooth
areas, with a more or less rounded or scalloped margin.
erupts normally, but if very large, the cyst roof may be
Some are unilocular, but the majority are multilocular (Fig.
incised or removed. Haemorrhage around an erupting tooth
10.26). The margin is sharply demarcated and corticated
is much more likely to be traumatic than indicate an erup-
tion cyst.
The characteristic growth pattern is evident radiologically
Case series PMID: 14969381 and is almost diagnostic. There is extensive spread forward
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 10.26 Odontogenic keratocyst. Part of a panoramic is found in a third of odontogenic keratocysts, and the
tomogram showing typical appearances. The cyst is multilocular remainder may have other genetic faults in this signalling
and has extended a considerable distance along the medullary pathway. Mutation results in a relatively high proliferative
cavity without appreciable expansion or displacement of the activity in the cyst lining epithelium. This has two conse-
teeth. quences. First, the cysts appear to enlarge by growth of the
wall rather than internal pressure. Second, epithelial prolif-
and backward along the medullary cavity with minimal eration probably favours recurrence if small pieces of epi-
expansion until the whole of the medulla is replaced. There thelium are left after incomplete removal.
is minimal displacement and no resorption of teeth or the The lining becomes folded because growth of the wall
inferior dental canal (Fig. 10.27). In a minority of cases, the exceeds that of the cavity containing the cyst (Fig. 10.28).
cyst may arise at the site of a tooth that has failed to Extensions of the lining penetrate the wall to form small
develop. daughter cysts that enlarge to produce a multilocular lesion.
The lack of expansion results in many odontogenic kera- The cyst wall produces bone-resorbing factors that resorb
tocysts being large at time of discovery. the surrounding medullary bone, allowing the cyst to enlarge
slowly but relentlessly along the medullary cavity.
Odontogenic keratocysts arise from the various rests of
The possible neoplastic nature of
odontogenic epithelium that remain in the alveolus after odontogenic keratocysts
tooth development, probably usually the rests of Serres. There has always been a tendency to regard these cysts as
Many odontogenic keratocysts are caused by mutation, ‘aggressive’ on grounds of recurrence and the fact that they
deletion or other inactivation of the patched (PTCH) gene may grow to a very large size before detection. This, together
on chromosome 9q, a tumour suppressor gene. This gene with the fact that odontogenic keratocysts are caused by
is discussed in more detail in the following section. Loss of inactivation of a tumour suppressor gene, has led some to
PTCH gene activity releases a brake on the cell cycle, medi- classify them as benign neoplasms. The term keratocystic
ated through the hedgehog pathway. Mutation of the gene odontogenic tumour was proposed in 2005 to signify its
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 10.30 Inflamed odontogenic keratocyst. Some areas of the
lining show typical features (A), but in (B) inflammation has
induced epithelial thickening and loss of the basal palisading and
Box 10.10 Possible reasons for recurrence of Box 10.11 Odontogenic keratocyst: key features
Box 10.12 Key features of basal cell naevus syndrome
Hard tissue pathology
The second type of keratinising jaw cyst is the orthokerat-
inised odontogenic cyst (Fig. 10.36). It is less common than
the parakeratinised type and used to be thought a variant.
This cyst differs in a number of respects from the true
Fig. 10.34 Basal cell naevus syndrome. The typical facies with a odontogenic keratocyst, having a lower proliferative activity
broad nasal root and mild frontal bossing. and no association with basal cell naevus syndrome. Differ-
ences are summarised in Table 10.1, and the most impor-
tant difference is that orthokeratinised cysts are less likely
to recur than parakeratinised cysts. The cyst has no particu- several centimetres in diameter and expand the jaw and 10
lar clinical or radiological features that would allow preop- displace teeth.
Fig. 10.37 Lateral periodontal cyst. Two typical examples of Fig. 10.38 Botryoid odontogenic cyst. There is corticated and
lateral periodontal cysts in the usual site adjacent to roots of lower well-defined radiolucency with a scalloped outline as evidence of
canines and premolars. possible multilocularity, but no other clue as to the cyst type.
Hard tissue pathology
a pale ‘ghost’ of the cell (Fig. 10.44). The ghost cells often 10
stack up in layers and may calcify in a patchy fashion,
Extremely rarely, a carcinoma arises from the epithelium of
a cyst lining. In such cases the cyst has usually been
untreated for a long period of time. Radicular, dentigerous
and odontogenic keratocysts can all undergo malignant
change, and the carcinomas are usually squamous in type
(Fig. 11.50).
Such cases are often diagnosed only after removal, but if
allowed to progress will present with the typical features of
carcinoma in the jaw.
Review PMID: 21689161
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 10.44 Calcifying odontogenic cyst, fibrous wall below, lumen above. The epithelial cells in this area are inconspicuous, the
epithelium being almost replaced by numerous ghost cells. Arrows indicate the nuclear holes that give these cells their name.
Hard tissue pathology
Hyoid bone
Thyroid Thyroglossal
cartilage duct
Thyroid lobe
Fig. 10.54 Sublingual dermoid cyst. This is an unusually large Fig. 10.56 Path of the thyroglossal duct. Ectopic thyroid, cysts,
specimen but appears even larger because the patient is raising and occasionally thyroid carcinomas can be found anywhere along
and protruding her tongue. This cyst, unlike a ranula, can be seen the line of the tract, but are commonest where it loops below and
to have a thick wall because it has arisen in the deeper tissues of behind the body of the hyoid. The path of the tract is convoluted
the floor of the mouth. in the adult, but in the early embryo it is a short straight line.
Fig. 10.57 Thyroglossal cyst. A typical thyroglossal cyst in the
midline close to the body of the hyoid bone and just below the These very rare cysts are developmental anomalies in chil-
skin. (From Chummy, S.S., 2011. Last’s Anatomy: Regional and Applied, 12th edition. dren and adolescents, usually in the midline ventral tongue
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.) or floor of mouth. The cyst is lined by gastric or other
intestinal mucosa and is treated by excision.
Summary chart 10.1 Differential diagnosis of the common and important causes of a well-defined monolocular radiolucency in the 10
YES Treat as radicular cyst
? Centred on the root of a non-vital tooth Radicular cyst or apical granuloma and submit specimen
for biopsy
Usually a dentigerous cyst or enlarged follicle. Treat as dentigerous cyst
? Centred on the crown of an unerupted YES
Rarely an odontogenic tumour (e.g. adenomatoid and submit whole
or partially erupted tooth, usually a third
odontogenic tumour, calcifying odontogenic cyst, specimen for biopsy
molar or upper canine
odontogenic keratocyst or ameloblastoma
In the alveolar bone, no particular
relationship to any remaining teeth. Probably a residual cyst unless there are unusual Treat as a cyst and submit
Smooth rounded outline, possibly clinical or radiographic features whole specimen for biopsy
displacing any adjacent teeth
Smooth outline which rises up between
Probably a solitary bone cyst Incisional biopsy indicated
the roots of teeth to the alveolar crest
1 Summary chart 10.2 Differential diagnosis of a multilocular radiolucency at the angle of the mandible.
Hard tissue pathology
Two or more lesions Multiple patchy poorly One lesion, considerable One lesion, little expansion
defined holes in the bone expansion for its mesiodistal extent
without cortication rather
than a discrete lesion
Bilateral symmetrical Various sites Containing wispy Better defined Truly multilocular Radiolucency
lesions strands of radiopacity multilocularity with but sometimes only arching up between
Basal cell naevus jaw and internal septa bony septa a few locules, teeth with a scalloped
Cherubism cyst syndrome (osteoid), teeth radiographically, narrow dividing septa, margin but not truly
(Gorlin-Goltz usually displaced but margin corticated, corticated outline, multilocular, not
Diagnosed clinically on syndrome) may be resorbed displacement and expansion only when displacing teeth,
the basis of history and resorption of teeth medullary cavity usually body and
radiographic features, Diagnosed clinically filled, often extends angle, no expansion
biopsy only if features and by confirming into ramus at all even if close to
not typical multiple odontogenic cortex
keratocysts by biopsy
Unhelpful for giant Unhelpful directly but Difficult to aspirate Pale yellow fluid with
cell granuloma, may exclude other fluid, white cheesy a high bilirubin
blood usually possibilities material composed of content
aspirated keratin on microscopy
Perform incisional biopsy (if very small, excisional biopsy may be appropriate)
1 (‘honeycomb’ multilocular pattern) or a mixture of patterns Conventional ameloblastomas are a mixture of solid neo-
(Fig. 11.2). Expansion may be both lingual and buccal. plasm and cysts (Fig. 11.3), and either component may
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 11.2 Ameloblastoma. Four different ameloblastomas (A-D) showing the range of radiographic features, including honeycomb,
multilocular, and apparently unicystic. All were typical solid/multicystic ameloblastoma on biopsy.
Box 11.3 Ameloblastoma: key features
Hard tissue pathology
with equal frequency in both jaws and often present in the there remains controversy about exactly what constitutes a
anterior regions as a fine honeycomb radiolucency resem- unicystic structure.
bling a fibro-osseous lesion. The islands of epithelium are An ameloblastoma with only one bony cavity radiographi-
sparse, do not show obvious ameloblasts and the lesion is cally can be a conventional solid or multicystic ameloblas-
dominated by densely collagenous (‘desmoplastic’) tissue toma. This will not become apparent until the lesion has
(Fig. 11.11). Behaviour and treatment are the same as for been opened or examined histologically and the multiple
the conventional ameloblastoma. cysts seen. It is therefore important to bear in mind the
various configurations of an ameloblastoma that could
Case series PMID: 11140898
present radiologically as a single cyst. These are shown in
Fig. 11.13.
Metastasising ameloblastoma An ameloblastoma where the epithelium is limited to a
This is a very rare curiosity, a histologically typical amelob- single layer lining the lumen is termed a luminal type of
lastoma which, although apparently benign, gives rise to unicystic ameloblastoma. If there are papillary projections
distant metastases. The metastases are usually in the lung. into the cyst lumen, but no islands within the wall, this is
Some cases appear to have resulted from aspiration implan- termed an intraluminal unicystic or plexiform unicystic
tation at surgery, and others follow surgical disruption at ameloblastoma. In these types, ameloblastoma epithelium
the primary site or repeated incomplete removal, suggesting is limited to the lumen or inner cyst wall and the lesion
that they result from surgical implantation into the circula- may be enucleated.
tion and are not truly malignant. The danger of making this diagnosis on radiological
Both the primary tumour and the ‘metastases’ look his- grounds alone is shown by the third diagram in Fig. 11.13.
tologically identical to conventional benign ameloblasto- Here a conventional ameloblastoma has developed one very
mas, and metastasis cannot be predicted. Because the large dominant cyst. However, there is a focus of solid/
‘metastases’ are really benign, local excision of the second- multicystic ameloblastoma in one area of the wall that
ary deposit(s) should be curative. might penetrate its full thickness or even into surrounding
Case series PMID: 20970910 bone. This has been called the mural type of unicystic
ameloblastoma, but in reality it is a conventional amelob-
Unicystic ameloblastoma lastoma that could easily be misdiagnosed as a unicystic
➔ Summary chart 10.1 p. 163 The histological appearances of the true unicystic amel-
The unicystic ameloblastoma is an ameloblastoma that has oblastomas are similar and are shown in Fig. 11.14. The
a single cyst cavity. Such ameloblastomas present at a tumour cells forming the cyst wall are often flattened and
younger age than conventional ameloblastoma, in the easily mistaken for those of a non-neoplastic cyst.
second and third decades and may account for 10% of all It is often said that unicystic ameloblastomas may be
ameloblastomas. Many present in a true dentigerous rela- enucleated without recurrence. This may be true, but the
tionship to an unerupted third molar. The remainder may difficulty is making the diagnosis preoperatively. The diag-
simulate any odontogenic cyst type depending on location, nosis can only be made confidently after removal because it
but often suggestive features of root resorption, cortical requires detailed histological examination of the whole wall.
perforation or large size may give clues (Fig. 11.12). A single biopsy of a stretched cyst lining is insufficient for
In theory, the single cyst structure should mean that these diagnosis. In many cases unicystic ameloblastomas are not
ameloblastomas could be treated by simple enucleation with recognised before surgery and are enucleated on the assump-
a low risk of recurrence. Unfortunately, making a preopera- tion that they are dentigerous or other types of cyst. After
tive diagnosis of unicystic ameloblastoma is difficult, and diagnosis, it is usually sufficient to monitor radiographically,
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 11.13 Explanations for a unicystic presentation of ameloblastoma radiologically. The two patterns on the left are true unicystic
ameloblastomas, whereas those on the right are conventional ameloblastomas with one or more large cysts. See the text for a further
explanation of the significance.
and most will heal without problems. Any recurrence should squamous odontogenic tumour is prone to overdiagnosis
be treated as conventional ameloblastoma. because there are histological mimics found next to cysts
There is insufficient evidence to give a recurrence rate for and in inflammatory lesions.
unicystic ameloblastomas, but it is clear that they do have This tumour is benign and removed by curettage and
a low rate of recurrence, approximately 10%. extraction of any teeth involved.
Review PMID: 9861335 Case and review PMID: 20697852
Treatment and recurrence PMID: 11023100 Review PMID: 8915020
Fig. 11.17 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (Pindborg homogeneous and often mineralises, producing rounded
tumour). The tumour is composed of strands and sheets of densely mineralised masses with concentric ‘Liesegang’
polyhedral epithelial cells, in the centre with rounded deposits of rings. The amyloid may be sparse or a dominant feature and
secreted pale pink-staining amyloid. Toward the lower left, some can be identified with Congo Red staining. It is a precipi-
of this material has mineralised, stains a darker-blue colour and tated secretory product of the epithelial cells, a defective
gives rise to radiopacities within the lesion.
truncated protein called odontogenic ameloblast-associated
protein (ODAM) that is normally found in tooth germs in
increasing internal radiopacity when it mineralises. Most small quantities, confirming the odontogenic nature of this
present as a mixed radiolucency (Fig. 11.16). tumour. It is the mineralisation of the amyloid that pro-
duces the dense radiopacities seen on radiographs. Because
Pathology the mineralisation is dystrophic and not actively caused by
the tumour cells, the amount of mineralisation is very vari-
This unusual tumour resembles a carcinoma but is benign.
able. Some tumours remain completely radiolucent, most
It comprises sheets or strands of epithelial cells in fibrous
are mixed radiolucencies and some become densely
tissue (Fig. 11.17). The epithelial cells have a prickle cell
morphology with intercellular bridges and appear very eosi-
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumours extend into
nophilic. Their nuclei, in a proportion of cases, show gross
peripheral bone medullary spaces like ameloblastomas, and
variation in nuclear size, including giant nuclei, and hyper-
complete excision of the tumour with a border of normal
chromatism, mimicking malignancy (Fig. 11.18). At the
bone should be curative, but recurrence will follow incom-
periphery these cells can extend into adjacent medullary
plete excision.
spaces, appearing to be infiltrative. Despite these alarming
Key features of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour
features, mitoses are very rare.
are summarised in Box 11.4.
The diagnosis is aided by areas of amyloid deposited in
the connective tissue. This amyloid material is pink, Review PMID: 10889914
Hard tissue pathology
A well-defined capsule encloses sheets, whorls and arcad- BENIGN EPITHELIAL AND
ing strands of epithelium, among which are microcysts, MESENCHYMAL TUMOURS
resembling ducts cut in cross-section and lined by colum-
nar cells similar to ameloblasts (Figs 11.20 and 11.21).
These microcysts may contain homogeneous eosi-
nophilic material. Fragments of amorphous or crystal- ➔ Summary chart 10.1 p. 163
line calcification may also be seen among the sheets of
Although rare, this tumour is important as one that is much
epithelial cells.
more common in children and can be very destructive in
These lesions shell out readily, enucleation is curative and
the growing facial bones.
recurrence is almost unknown.
Ameloblastic fibromas affect young persons aged 7–20
Key features of adenomatoid odontogenic tumour are
years, usually in the posterior mandible. They form multi-
summarised in Box 11.5.
or unilocular radiolucencies that expand the jaw slowly and
Case series PMID 22869356 displace teeth or prevent their eruption.
Box 11.6 Ameloblastic fibroma: key features
➔ Summary charts 11.1 and 12.1 pp. 185, 202
Pathology Odontomes are developmental malformations (hamarto-
mas) of dental tissues and not neoplasms. They are the
Ameloblastic fibroma comprises interconnected strands and commonest odontogenic tumours and are chance radio-
small islands of odontogenic epithelium in a cellular mes- graphic findings or present having prevented tooth eruption
enchymal tissue resembling dental papilla. Unusually, it is in children and adolescents. In their early stages they are
considered that both epithelium and connective tissue are radiolucent, developing opaque flecks and then dense
neoplastic. opaque masses as enamel and dentine form internally (Fig.
The epithelial strands and islands are composed of cuboi- 11.24). Occasionally they may erupt and then often become
dal cells where the strands are thin, but they broaden out infected because of their convoluted shape and because no
and have peripheral buds resembling cap stage tooth germs, organised epithelial attachment forms.
with central stellate reticulum and peripheral elongate
ameloblast-like cells (Figs 11.22 and 11.23). Case series PMID: 21840103
Ameloblastic fibroma is benign and separates readily from
Review PMID: 1067549
the surrounding bone. Conservative resection is effective
but, if incomplete, recurrence follows. In the maxilla, an The two common types of odontome are compound and
excision margin of bone is often taken because the bones complex odontomes. Both are easily enucleated and do not
are thin and confident excision is more difficult than in the recur. If odontomes are left untreated in the jaw, cysts of
There is a potential for malignant change following
repeated incomplete removal (see odontogenic sarcomas). *In the UK, the term odontome is traditionally used, but the inter-
Key features are summarised in Box 11.6. national terminology is odontoma. Odontoma incorrectly suggests a
benign neoplasm. These lesions are hamartomatous and show no pro-
Review: PMC2807540 gressive growth.
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 11.24 A developing complex odontome. These three panoramic radiographs (A–C) were taken 2 years between each and show
the progressive development and mineralisation of an odontome, which has been left in situ because of its size and close relationship to
the inferior dental nerve canal. (By kind permission of Mr D Falconer.)
dentigerous type may form by separation of reduced enamel Fig. 11.25 Compound odontome, a cluster of small deformed
epithelium from enamel. Multiple odontomes are a compo- teeth or denticles.
nent of Gardner’s syndrome (Ch. 12).
There is an ill-defined borderland between odontomes
and some malformed teeth. Dens in dente, invaginated normal teeth, mineralise fully and once mature, stop
odontomes, tuberculate mesiodens, dilated odontomes and growing.
connate teeth are distinctive minor tooth malformations
discussed in Chapter 2. Complex odontome
Key features of compound and complex odontomes are Complex odontomes consist of a single irregular mass of
summarised in Box 11.7. hard and soft dental tissues, having no morphological
resemblance to a tooth and frequently forming a cauliflower-
Compound odontome shaped disorganised nodule of enamel and dentine. These
These are clusters of many separate, small, tooth-like struc- may reach several centimetres in size and often expand the
tures (denticles) within one crypt, the whole lesion usually jaw.
no larger than 20 mm in diameter (Figs 11.25 and 11.26). Radiographically, when calcification is complete, an irreg-
This type is usually found in the anterior maxilla and causes ular radiopaque mass is seen containing areas of densely
minimal swelling. radiopaque enamel (Fig. 11.29).
Histologically, the denticles are embedded in fibrous con- Histologically, the mass consists of all the dental tissues
nective tissue and have a fibrous capsule around the entire in a disordered arrangement, but frequently with a radial
lesion (Figs 11.27 and 11.28). Each denticle has an organ- structure. The pulp is usually finely branched so that the
ised structure with pulp centrally and an enamel cap over mass is perforated, like a sponge, by small branches of pulp
the abnormally shaped dentine. The denticles develop like (Fig. 11.30).
Fig. 11.27 Compound odontome. A denticle of dentine Fig. 11.30 Complex odontome. A disorganised mass of dentine,
surrounded by enamel matrix is lying within more irregular enamel and cementum penetrated by fine divisions of pulp.
calcified tissues.
Other types of odontome
Ameloblastic fibrodentinoma and ameloblastic fibro-
odontome are mixed lesions with a component of complex
odontome and a major component of soft tissue resembling
ameloblastic fibroma. In the fibrodentinoma, only dentine
is present, and in the fibro-odontome, both enamel and
dentine are present.
Both lesions share many features with odontomes, pre-
senting in the first and early second decade, usually in the
posterior mandible. Initially radiolucent, they progressively
develop radiopacity within while the hard tissues grow and
mineralise (Fig. 11.31).
In the past these have been considered benign neoplasms
in their own right, but it is now thought that they are just
odontomes with a prominent soft tissue component and
that, if untreated, they will eventually cease growing and
mineralise. They can be treated by enucleation and do not
Fig. 11.28 Compound odontome. Sections from various areas recur, and may be suspected preoperatively by their radio-
of the odontome, seen in the radiograph shown in Fig. 11.26, paque elements.
show denticles of dentine and enamel cut in various planes, and
more irregular calcified tissues, within a connective tissue capsule. Fibrodentinoma etc. PMID: 16202078 and 6938886
Box 11.8 Calcifying odontogenic cyst: key features
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 11.32 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour. Solid sheets of ameloblastoma-like epithelium, with stellate reticulum, two islands of
ghost cells (right) and irregular islands of dentinoid (left).
Odontogenic fibromas consist of spindle-shaped fibroblasts
and bundles of whorled collagen fibres (Fig. 11.33). Some
lesions contain rests of odontogenic epithelium, apparently
by chance. These islands are not required for diagnosis; they
just reflect the odontogenic origin.
Odontogenic fibromas are benign, enucleate easily from
surrounding bone and do not recur.
Case series PMID: 21684774
Box 11.9 Odontogenic myxoma: key features
Hard tissue pathology
Some sources refer to a group of lesions called cementomas.
This historic designation used to be applied to all localised
cementum lesions, but it is no longer used because the
causes have become better characterised and require differ-
ent treatments. Current terms for ‘cementomas’ are shown
in Box 11.11.
➔ Summary charts 11.1 and 12.1 pp. 185, 202
Hard tissue pathology
Cemento-ossifying fibroma
Cemento-ossifying fibromas are uncommon benign neo-
plasms, arise exclusively in the jaws and typically cause a
painless swelling in the mandibular premolar or molar
region. Patients are usually between 20 and 40 years of age Fig. 11.43 Cemento-ossifying fibroma. This example is more
on diagnosis, but the range is wide. Females are affected densely mineralised, and the peripheral radiolucent rim is readily
several times more frequently than males. apparent.
Like other fibro-osseous lesions, the cemento-ossifying
fibroma starts as a small radiolucency and expands slowly.
Calcification develops centrally while the lesion enlarges.
Most become densely calcified given time and then appear
largely radiopaque. At all stages, the lesion has a sharply
defined margin, often with a thin radiolucent rim sur-
rounded by a narrow zone of cortication. This circumscrip-
tion is a key diagnostic feature and can be detected both
radiographically (Figs 11.42 and 11.43) and histologically
(Figs 11.44 and 11.45). Roots of related teeth can be fused
to the lesion or displaced.
Being a fibro-osseous lesion, it has histological similarity to
fibrous dysplasia and cemento-osseous dysplasias, and it
cannot always be differentiated from them on the basis of
its microscopic appearances alone. One key distinguishing
feature is the well-demarcated periphery, sometimes with a
fibrous capsule between the lesion and surrounding bone.
Clinical and radiographic findings are required for definitive
The histological appearances vary widely and range from
predominantly fibrous tumours to densely calcified masses
depending on size and duration.
Fig. 11.44 Cemento-ossifying fibroma. This example contains
densely mineralised and darkly staining islands of cementum-like
tissue lying in cellular fibrous tissue. Toward the actively growing
periphery of the lesion (lower part) the fibrous tissue is more
cellular and is forming woven bone.
Cemento-ossifying fibromas can usually be readily enucle-
ated, separating from bone in the plane of their capsule.
Occasionally, large tumours that have distorted the jaw
require local resection and bone grafting. Recurrence is rare.
Densely mineralised lesions are relatively avascular and can
Fig. 11.42 Cemento-ossifying fibroma. The tumour forms a become a focus for chronic osteomyelitis following dental
characteristic rounded well-circumscribed lesion radiographically. extraction.
This example is cloudily radiolucent and slow-growing, as can be
seen by the displacement of the teeth. Review PMID: 3864113
Juvenile ossifying fibroma that have significant implications for the patient or their 11
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 11.46 Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia. Three films taken over a period of years showing, (A) the early radiolucent stage
resembling periapical granulomas, (B) intermediate stage with patchy mineralisation and (C) the late stage with well-defined masses of
cementum in the centre of lesions. (By kind permission of Mr EJ Whaites.)
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 11.50 A primary odontogenic carcinoma arising in a cyst
or enlarged follicle. A. initially the radiological appearance is
almost benign, but with subtle erosion of the cortication around
the cyst. B. Two years later the carcinoma has enlarged to destroy
surrounding bone and caused a pathological fracture.
Summary chart 11.1 Differential diagnosis and management of sharply defined mixed radiolucencies in the jaws.
Probably an Possibly
adenomatoid a developing
odontogenic tumour odontome
Radiographic Enucleate and submit If small, enucleate and Incisional biopsy Incisional biopsy Decide whether to
diagnosis may be for histological submit for biopsy. indicated to confirm indicated to confirm remove depending
adequate. If removed examination. If large, biopsy to diagnosis before diagnosis before on material, site
submit for biopsy, Associated teeth confirm diagnosis treatment treatment unless a and patient factors
if not observe may sometimes be classical
radiographically preserved cementoblastoma
Appendix 11.1
Hard tissue pathology
Odontogenic carcinomas
Ameloblastic carcinoma MN
Primary intraosseous carcinoma NOS MN Includes those arising in cysts
Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma MN New entity in this classification
Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma MN All are very rare
Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma MN
Odontogenic carcinosarcoma MN Entity reinstated from penultimate classification
Odontogenic sarcomas MN
*The classification has been simplified since last published in 2005. The keratocystic odontogenic tumour has reverted to its previous name of odontogenic
keratocyst. Bone and cartilaginous tumours are omitted for clarity, see chapters 12 and 13.
†MN malignant neoplasm; BN benign neoplasm; H hamartoma; D Dysplasia. B Borderline – benign but can infiltrate locally, R reactive, U unknown
‡Refers to incidence in jaws and is relative, overall, all these tumours are rare.
Non-odontogenic tumours of
the jaws 12
Tumours of the jaws are conventionally divided into odon- or lobular surface if large. It is not usually noticed until
togenic, as in the previous chapter, and non-odontogenic middle age.
types. Sometimes this artificially separates clinically, radio- Other small exostoses are occasionally seen, usually on
logically or histologically similar lesions, as seen with ossi- the surface of the alveolar processes of the maxilla buccally
fying fibromas. Other conditions including dysplasias can (Fig. 12.3). Sometimes these are multiple and symmetrical,
also cause swellings and destructive jaw lesions. Only a few forming a row of nodules.
are more common in the jaws than in other bones, and only Until recently, tori have been considered insignificant, but
the more important examples (Box 12.1) are considered their thin mucosal covering is prone to damage. Their pro-
here. phylactic removal has been suggested to prevent medication-
related osteonecrosis (Ch. 8), which develops more
commonly in areas of mucosal trauma. This would only
EXOSTOSES AND TORI seem justified for the largest and most trauma-prone
These localised swellings of bone are thought to be devel- examples.
opmental and are very common. They are extensions of the
normal bone structure, with a surface cortical compact bone OSTEOCHONDROMA (CARTILAGE-
layer and, if large, a core of normal medullary bone. No clear
genetic inheritance has been shown, although there is a CAPPED OSTEOMA)
genetic contribution to developing a torus palatinus. These are small columns of bone with a cartilaginous cap
A torus mandibularis develops on the lingual aspect of the at the outer growing end. They form a hard bony protuber-
mandible above the mylohyoid muscle and floor of mouth ance, usually from the anteromedial aspect of the condyle
mucosa, usually lingual to the canine and premolars (Fig. that limits mouth opening or causes displacement. If located
12.1). When small, they are smooth, but larger examples
have a lobular shape and can also form a row of nodules
extending back to the third molars. Mandibular tori are
almost always symmetrical.
Torus palatinus commonly forms toward the posterior of
the midline of the hard palate (Fig. 12.2). The swelling is
rounded and symmetrical, sometimes with a midline groove
Box 12.2 Differential diagnosis of giant cell lesions of
Hard tissue pathology
the jaws
• Central giant cell granuloma. Almost only develops in
the jaws, usually solitary. No serological or radiographic
features of hyperparathyroidism (Ch. 13)*
• Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism. Serum calcium
levels and parathormone levels are raised (Ch. 13)
• Cherubism. Lesions are multiple, symmetrical, near the
angles of the mandible, family history usually present,
patients have mutations in the SH3BP2 gene (Ch. 13)
• Aneurysmal eurysmal bone cysts may contain many
giant cells but consist predominantly of multiple
blood-filled spaces, some lesions have a characteristic
Fig. 12.3 Exostoses. Bony exostoses, aside from tori, are found t(16;17)(q22;p13) translocation (Ch. 13). May arise in
most frequently buccally on the alveolar bone and are often conjunction with fibro-osseous lesions.
symmetrically arranged.
*Giant cell tumour is an intermediate (destructive but
rarely metastasising) neoplasm of long bones, with a
characteristic H3F3A mutation in the tumour. These are
very rare in the jaws, if they occur at all, and must not be
confused with giant cell granuloma.
Many giant cell granulomas grow slowly, and some have
Fig. 12.6 Giant cell granuloma. Characteristic radiographic even been shown to resolve spontaneously. However, the
appearance of a radiolucency with scalloped margins and majority enlarge and require removal by curettage. Approxi-
apparently multilocular. mately 15% of lesions recur, but a second curettage is
usually curative.
Some granulomas enlarge rapidly, perforate the cortex and
resorb tooth roots. Such behaviour indicates a higher risk
of recurrence, and the surgeon may elect to excise the lesion
with surrounding bone, particularly in the maxilla and facial
bones where effective curettage in thin bones is difficult to
achieve. Very large lesions may require en bloc resection. In
the majority of cases, complete removal is not necessary for
effective treatment.
A variety of medical treatments are available that have
been shown to partially control growth, and these may be
used for particularly rapidly enlarging examples, when
patient factors prevent immediate surgery or in children
where facial growth might be affected by surgery. Injection
of corticosteroids converts the lesions to fibrous tissue,
usually in about three doses during several months, and
calcitonin, interferon alpha and bisphosphonates all slow
growth. However, residual lesion may still require surgery.
Key features are summarised in Box 12.3.
Fig. 12.7 Giant cell granuloma. This tissue is vascular and Review PMID: 8426719
contains much extravasated blood, around which giant cells are
clustered. Treatment PMID: 17703964
Box 12.3 Central giant cell granuloma: key features Box 12.4 Langerhans cell histiocytosis: oral lesions
Hard tissue pathology
Overall, the behaviour of Langerhans cell histiocytosis is
unpredictable, but the younger the patient and the greater
the number of organ systems affected, the worse the prog-
nosis. All affected patients should be investigated for multi-
focal disease with a skeletal survey or bone scan.
For eosinophilic granulomas in the jaw, the traditional
treatment has been curettage, and the response is usually
good. However, spontaneous regression during months or
years is reported, and currently more conservative medical
treatment with azathioprine or methotrexate is under evalu-
ation. These treatments seem to work well for skin lesions
and some jaw lesions and should be first-line treatment.
Whether destructive lesions threatening many teeth
Fig. 12.11 Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Destruction of may require surgical intervention is unclear. Intralesional
interdental bone and extension down to a scalloped margin at the injection of corticosteroids may be given as adjunctive treat-
lower border of the mandible. ment and may be safe and effective for monostotic disease.
1 Irradiation may be given if other measures fail or for inac- central zone of medullary bone with marrow spaces (Fig.
cessible lesions of the skull base. Prolonged follow-up is 12.15). Osteomas are easily excised if they become large
Hard tissue pathology
desirable because of the risk of recurrence and because the enough to cause symptoms or interfere with the fitting of a
apparently single lesion may have been an early manifesta- denture.
tion of multifocal disease.
Jaw lesions review PMID: 18602294
For multisystem disease, a combination of cytotoxic
chemotherapy, corticosteroids and irradiation of active bone
lesions is required. The poor survival and rapid progression Gardner’s syndrome
in infants with acute disseminated disease was noted previ- Gardner’s syndrome is a variant of familial adenomatous
ously. Those surviving long enough may benefit from polyposis (FAP) caused by mutation in the APC gene and
marrow transplantation.
Oral lesions PMID: 19758405
Treatment PMID: 20188480
inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The mutation Table 12.2 Types of ossifying and cemento-ossifying
carries a high risk of colon carcinoma. Only a small propor- fibromas
tion of those with the mutation have the Gardner variant
of the FAP syndrome. This has the additional signs of Type Origin Sites
multiple osteomas of the jaw, fibromas and epidermal cysts, Conventional Odontogenic Alveolus and
together with a range of other less frequent abnormalities. cemento- adjacent bone of
These extra features are associated with mutations at spe- ossifying fibroma jaw
cific codons in the gene. Dental features include odontomes, Juvenile trabecular Odontogenic Alveolus and
supernumerary teeth and sclerotic zones of bone in the cemento- adjacent bone of
jaws, in addition to the typical osteomas. ossifying fibroma jaw
Osteomas and dental features are visible radiographi-
Psammomatoid Non-odontogenic Facial bones,
cally before the colonic polyposis becomes evident in the
ossifying fibroma sinuses, skull and
second decade of life. Early recognition may save the life
of a patient, particularly in the 30% of patients who have
a spontaneous mutation and thus no family history. The
dental changes, when present, are easily identified; the
jaws, facial bones and skull are the most common site
for osteomas. Superficial osteomas cause visible deformity,
and the multiple skin cysts and nodules also often affect
the face.
Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma
Genetic carriers may also have jaw osteomas. This ossifying fibroma has also been called juvenile (active)
The risk of colonic adenocarcinoma is approximately 10% ossifying fibroma but is now known to develop at all ages,
by age 21 years and 95% by age 50 years, and prophylactic though most present between 15 and 35 years of age.
colectomy is indicated. They affect the maxilla, facial bones and base of skull,
particularly the ethmoid region, more frequently than the
Review oral features PMID: 17577321 mandible.
Treatment PMID: 20594634 Lesions cause asymptomatic expansion of bone, displac-
ing adjacent structures such as sinuses or orbit (Fig. 12.17).
Genetics supernumerary teeth PMID: 24124058 Radiological appearance depends on the degree of minerali-
Web URL 12.1 Syndrome and genetics and sation, but most are radiolucent or of even mixed density
enter 175100 into search box (Figs 12.18 and 12.19).
Histologically, the lesion consists of a highly cellular
fibroblastic tissue containing compact, rounded dense calci-
OSSIFYING FIBROMAS fications, larger than, but reminiscent of, the so-called
➔ Summary charts 11.1 and 12.1 pp. 185, 202 psammoma bodies in thyroid carcinomas (Fig. 12.20).
These small mineralised balls do not usually fuse together
The group of ossifying fibromas is somewhat confusing as the lesion matures.
because some types develop only in the jaw and are consid- The treatment is enucleation and curettage. There is a
ered odontogenic tumours (cemento-ossifying fibromas), risk of recurrence, perhaps because these lesions often arise
whereas others develop in facial or long bones and must in thin facial bones that make treatment difficult. However,
therefore be non-odontogenic (ossifying fibromas; Table any recurrence is usually eradicated by a second or third
12.2). All types are also classified as fibro-osseous lesions curettage, so that conservative surgery is all that is required.
because of their histological appearances. The psammoma-
Review case series PMID: 7823298
toid type of ossifying fibroma is discussed here and the
others with the odontogenic tumours in Chapter 11. Detailed description PMID: 1843064
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 12.19 Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma. This example in
Fig. 12.18 Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma. Computed the mandible shows a typically very large expansile lesion (A). In
tomography showing a lesion in the typical site involving maxilla, this young child the lesion is in an early phase and no internal
maxillary and ethmoid sinuses and nasal cavity, and expanding mineralisation is evident radiographically. The postero-anterior
the maxilla toward the coronoid process. This example has internal (PA) jaws projection shows marked expansion of the ramus
mineralisation visible (arrowed). (From Wenig, B.M., Mafee, M.F., Ghosh, L., lingually and buccally (B).
1998. Fibro-osseous, osseous, and cartilaginous lesions of the orbit and paraorbital
region. Correlative clinicopathologic and radiographic features, including the diagnostic
role of CT and MR imaging. Radiol. Clin. North Am. 36, 1241-1259, xii.)
Intraosseous haemangiomas are rare, and it is unclear
whether they are hamartomas or benign neoplasms, but
they tend to present in patients younger than 30 years of
age, and more frequently in females. Three-quarters of
lesions arise in the mandible.
Clinically, haemangiomas in bone are usually asympto-
matic and are often chance radiographic findings. However,
some cause progressive painless swellings which, when the
overlying cortex is resorbed, may form a pulsatile bluish soft
tissue swelling. Teeth may be loosened, and there may be
bleeding, particularly from any involved gingival margins.
Radiographically, the features of haemangioma are
extremely varied. They range from a sharply defined cyst- Fig. 12.20 Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma, comprising small
like appearance to poorly defined lobulated radiolucencies darkly stained mineralised nodules of bone in a cellular fibrous
or even a soap-bubble appearance (Fig. 12.21). A serpiginous tissue. Whether mineralisation is psammomatoid or not can be
outline is particularly suggestive. detected histologically but not radiographically.
Box 12.5 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of
Hard tissue pathology
A destructive maxillary tumour in the maxilla in an infant,
together with submucosal pigmentation and high levels of
urinary vanillylmandelic acid, are distinctive, and to provide
Fig. 12.25 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy. Pale treatment rapidly and avoid further destruction, the diagno-
pink-staining epithelial cells, some of which are pigmented sis may be confirmed histologically after removal.
(centrally), arranged in clusters and surrounded by small, round, Surgery is the treatment of choice, but the extent of the
darkly staining tumour cells.
resection is controversial and can range from local excision
and curettage to total maxillectomy. The tumour is non-
encapsulated but usually separates easily from the bone at
operation. Conservative surgery is usually curative but, even
when excision is incomplete, recurrence is rare.
Serum levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine and urinary
VMA return to normal after treatment and may be moni-
tored for evidence of recurrence. As many as 15% may recur
and a very few have metastasised and disseminated widely
and these malignant examples cannot be predicted in
advance. Histology is an unreliable guide to behaviour, as
even those tumours that show histologically malignant fea-
tures may do well.
Key features are summarised in Box 12.5.
Surgical management PMID: 19070747
The cause of osteosarcoma is unknown, though causative a hemimandibulectomy or a total maxillectomy. In recent
mutations in the retinoblastoma gene RB1 and p53 are years it has been common to add radiotherapy and/or chem-
recognised in long bone lesions. otherapy as would be provided for long bone sarcoma.
The mass comprises disorganised neoplastic osteoblasts However, distant metastasis from jaw lesions is much less
that vary in size and shape, from spindle cells to angular or frequent than from long bone sarcomas and the additional
large and hyperchromatic (Fig. 12.28). Bone formation is benefit is marginal. The prognosis depends mainly on the
not necessarily prominent, and a search must be made for extent of the tumour and deteriorates with spread to the
the diagnostic zones of osteoid and disorganised woven soft tissues, to lymph nodes (in about 10% of cases) or to
bone. Mitoses may be seen, particularly in the more highly the base of the skull. In approximately 50%, there is local
cellular areas. Cartilage and clusters of osteoclasts may also recurrence within a year of treatment. The 5-year survival
be found. The variable appearance and sparse osteoid in rate may range from 70% for tumours less than 5 cm in
some lesions make diagnosis difficult in a small biopsy. diameter to zero for tumours greater than 15 cm, and death
Longstanding Paget’s disease predisposes to osteosar- usually follows local recurrence rather than distant
coma, but because the jaws are rarely affected by Paget’s metastasis.
disease, this is not a significant risk factor. However, oste- Treatment PMID: 24246156 and 12237918
osarcoma may develop in skull and facial bones affected by
Paget’s disease, and also occasionally many years after head
and neck irradiation for another cancer. CHONDROSARCOMA
Key features are summarised in Box 12.6. ➔ Summary chart 13.1 p. 222
Case series PMID: 10982954 Malignant neoplasms that form cartilage are chondrosarco-
mas. Those that form both cartilage and osteoid or bone are
Management considered osteosarcomas. Chondrosarcomas of the jaws
Treatment is by radical surgery, a wide en bloc resection behave in a similar fashion to those in the commoner sites
including any soft tissue extension, usually a minimum of in the vertebrae, ribs and skull.
Hard tissue pathology
Ewing’s sarcoma of bone and its near relative, the primitive
Fig. 12.30 Chondrosarcoma. High power of cartilage in a
chondrosarcoma showing the abnormal chondrocytes and neuroectodermal tumour of soft tissue, are members of a
disorganised mineralisation. group of malignant neoplasms that are essentially undif-
ferentiated but show some neural features.
Ewing’s sarcoma is rare overall, and only 1% or so of these
Chondrosarcomas of the jaws are even rarer than osteosa- already rare lesions arise in the jaws. It has a predilection
rcomas and affect adults at an average age of approximately for the body of the mandible in children or young adults,
45 years. The anterior maxilla is the site in 60% of cases. aged 10–20 years. Typical symptoms are bone swelling and
A painless swelling or loosening of teeth associated with a often pain, progressing over a period of months to perforate
radiolucent area are typical. The radiolucency can be well the cortex and form a soft tissue mass (Fig. 12.31). Teeth
or poorly circumscribed, or may appear multilocular. Calci- may loosen, and the overlying mucosa ulcerate. Fever, leu-
fications are frequently present and may be widespread and kocytosis, a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
dense. and anaemia may be associated and indicate a poor
Pathology Radiographically there is a very poorly defined radiolu-
Chondrosarcomas are graded on the basis of how well the cency that can be difficult to see in its early stages on plain
cartilage is differentiated and how pleomorphic and mitoti- radiographs or panoramic views but later may produce a
cally active the cells are. Jaw osteosarcomas are usually at prominent ‘onion-skin’ periosteal reactive bone visible on
the low-grade end of the spectrum. The cartilage is com- CT or cone beam CT (Fig. 12.32).
paratively well formed, with mild atypia in chondrocytes
and only an occasional mitosis (Figs 12.29 and 12.30). Genetics
Chondrosarcomas must be widely excised as early as pos- Ewing’s sarcoma is caused by one of several similar charac-
sible as radiotherapy and chemotherapy have no effect on teristic reciprocal translocations. In 85% this is a t(11;22)
low-grade tumours. Greater margins are required with translocation that fuses two genes (Ewing’s sarcoma gene
EWSR1 and Fli1) that then produce an abnormal tran- the skull. Presentation with jaw lesions is uncommon, but
scription factor responsible for transforming the cells. multiple small foci of bone destruction is a common presen-
Other causative translocations are recognised and are tation in those under treatment or in relapse (Fig. 12.33).
useful diagnostic tests routinely performed on biopsy
samples. Genetics
Myeloma arises by one of several mechanisms involving
Pathology chromosomal translocations. These bring together one of a
Ewing’s sarcoma cells resemble lymphocytes but are approx- variety of oncogenes, often the cell cycle regulator cyclin D1,
imately twice their size. They have a darkly staining nucleus with genes for immunoglobulins, both transforming the cell
and a rim of cytoplasm, which is typically vacuolated and and inducing the excessive immunoglobulin synthesis.
stains for glycogen. The cells form diffuse sheets or loose Myeloma arises from a single cell, and so all the malignant
lobules, separated by septa. Distant spread is usually to the plasma cells are monoclonal; they all secrete antibody of the
lungs and other bones rather than lymph nodes. same immunoglobulin (Ig) class and antigen specificity.
The initial treatment is chemotherapy followed by wide
excision and radiotherapy. Chemotherapy improves the sur- Pathology
vival but, unfortunately, increases the risk of lymphoid Myeloma lesions are masses of neoplastic plasma cells that
tumours in later life. If the disease is localised, 70% of may be well or poorly differentiated. Because the cells are
patients will survive 5 years, but the survival in those with monoclonal, they secrete only one type of immunoglobulin
disseminated disease is less than 20%. Jaw lesions appear light chain, either kappa or lambda, and this is helpful in
to have a better prognosis than long bone lesions, probably diagnosis (Fig. 12.34). Diagnosis can also be aided by serum
because they are diagnosed at a smaller size; this is the main electrophoresis showing a monoclonal band. Light chain
prognostic indicator. overproduction is usual and leads to Bence-Jones protein-
Case series PMID: 21107767 uria and often amyloidosis.
General review PMID: 23803862
MYELOMA Treatment
Multiple myeloma is a malignant neoplasm of plasma cells. Myeloma is considered incurable, but treatment has devel-
The malignant plasma cells localise in the bone marrow, oped to the stage that life can be extended for many years.
multiply to displace the normal marrow and cause multiple Initially, most patients will be treated with combination
foci of bone destruction. Myeloma is a systemic disease from chemotherapy including steroids and a thalidomide ana-
the outset. It is rare for a jaw lesion to cause the initial logue and the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib, and there is
symptoms, but the skull is a common site of involvement frequently a good initial response. Remission is maintained
and a third of patients may have a focus in the jaws. Myeloma and prolonged with a progression of drug regimens selected
is usually diagnosed in patients older than 60 years. to match disease progression and avoid adverse effects.
Clinically, myeloma lesions may be asymptomatic or If patients are fit enough, autologous stem cell transplants
cause bone pain and tenderness, weakening of bones and provide the best survival. During remission, the patient’s
pathological fracture. The malignant plasma cells secrete own stem cells are harvested, either from blood or bone
immunoglobulin in great quantities causing a markedly marrow, and reintroduced after high-dose chemotherapy.
raised ESR. The excess immunoglobulin is detectable by Localised lesions may be treated with radiotherapy or occa-
serum electrophoresis for diagnosis. sionally surgery if they threaten adjacent important struc-
Radiologically myeloma lesions are radiolucencies, tradi- tures or fracture. When bone metastases are widespread or
tionally multiple ‘punched out’ radiolucencies in the vault of symptomatic, they may be treated with bisphosphonates to
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 12.34 Multiple myeloma. A. the tissues are infiltrated by a uniform population of plasma cells, slightly larger than normal cells.
Myeloma is confirmed by immunohistochemistry for immunoglobulin light chains in the right panels. B. staining for kappa light chain
and, (C), lambda light chain; brown stain is positive (see also Fig. 1.8 for method). It can be seen that almost all the plasma cells are
secreting kappa light chain containing antibody, whereas only an occasional cell (probably inflammatory plasma cells not part of the
myeloma) contain lambda light chain. The plasma cell population is therefore clonal and neoplastic.
Box 12.7 Multiple myeloma: key features Box 12.8 The most common primary sites for
• Myeloma is a disseminated malignant neoplasm of malignant neoplasms that metastasise to
plasma cells the jaws
• Radiographically, punched-out lesions appear • Breast
particularly in the skull • Bronchus
• Similar lesions may appear in the jaws • Prostate
• Monoclonal immunoglobulin (usually immunoglobulin • Thyroid
G) produced • Kidney
• Anaemia, purpura or immunodeficiency may be
• Excess immunoglobulin light chain production can SOLITARY PLASMACYTOMA
lead to amyloidosis
A plasmacytoma is a solitary neoplasm of plasma cells that
• Many implications for dental treatment
can be thought of as a localised form of myeloma. Approxi-
mately 80% of these rare tumours form in the soft tissues
of the head and neck region, often in the nose and sinuses.
Multiple myeloma develops in as many as 50% of patients
reduce bone resorption, reduce bone pain and hypercalcae- within 2 years, demonstrating a link between these condi-
mia and prevent fractures and collapse of vertebrae. Median tions and suggesting that plasmacytoma is often the initial
survival for patients recently diagnosed is 8 years, and 15 and presenting lesion of myeloma.
years is currently the likely maximum. Solitary plasmacytoma occasionally affects the jaws and
nasal cavity, and the signs and symptoms are as for a deposit
Dental aspects of multiple myeloma. Treatment is by radiotherapy. More
A myeloma deposit in the jaws or amyloid deposition in the than 65% of patients survive for 10 or more years, but
oral soft tissues can be the first manifestation of the disease. multiple myeloma develop in the majority eventually, some-
Complications of disease and its treatment affect delivery times many years later.
of dental treatment. Bone marrow replacement causes Histologically, the appearances of plasmacytoma and
thrombocytopenia, anaemia, bleeding and purpura. Immu- multiple myeloma are the same (see Figs 12.33 and 12.34).
nosuppression from steroids and loss of normal lymphocytes
cause immunosuppression and opportunistic infections
arise. Antibiotic prophylaxis may be required for surgery LYMPHOMAS
depending on stage of disease. High-potency bisphospho- As discussed later, lymphomas of the oral soft tissues are
nates given intravenously include pamidronate and uncommon except in association with HIV infection and
zoledronic acid, and this treatment carries a risk of are more likely to present as enlarged cervical lymph nodes
medication-induced osteonecrosis (see Ch. 8). (Ch. 27) or parotid gland swelling, the latter in Sjögren’s
Key features are summarised in Box 12.7. syndrome (Ch. 22).
Oral presentations PMID: 24048519
Amyloidosis is a complication of myeloma resulting from
➔ Summary chart 13.1 p. 222
deposition of excess secreted Ig light chains in the tissues; Blood-borne metastasis to bone is almost always from a
this is discussed in Chapter 17. carcinoma, usually an adenocarcinoma (Box 12.8).
1 When a new metastasis is found, others are probably respond to hormonal treatment, such as prostate or breast,
present elsewhere and a skeletal survey, bone scan, positron this may induce a relatively long remission. Palliative radio-
Hard tissue pathology
emission tomography scan or other survey technique will therapy may sometimes make the lesion in the jaw regress
show the extent of the disease. Few patients survive more for a time and lessen pain.
than a few months after diagnosis of a jaw metastasis and
Case series PMID: 17138711 and 25409855
patients are treated palliatively. For the few carcinomas that
Summary Chart 12.1 Differential diagnosis of a well-defined radiopaque lesion in the jaws or soft tissues.
In salivary gland In the neck, usually Unusual or In the alveolar bone Attached to root of Unrelated to teeth. Dense area with
or duct bilateral identifiable shape, and of dentine or a tooth and with a Radiolucent rim sharply defined
possibly very enamel density, possibly radiolucent margin and orange peel margin but no
Probably a sialolith Calcified lymph opaque with internal structure or ground glass or radiolucent rim.
nodes of old visible, with a Probably a densely sclerotic On the surface or
tuberculosis or Probably a foreign radiolucent rim cementoblastoma centre within bone
calcified phleboliths body, e.g. tooth or a cemento-
fragment or Probably an odontome ossifying fibroma Possibly a Possibly an
amalgam or benign odontogenic cemento-ossifying osteoma, either
neoplasm, buried tooth fibroma compact (solid) or
or root fragment cancellous
(medullary bone
with a cortical rim)
Confirm site by Check for Consider excision If radiographic Growth likely to be Growth likely to be Excision biopsy is
sialography or evidence of previous biopsy unless diagnosis of odontome progressive progressive indicated for
ultrasound tuberculosis or surgery complex or tooth is obvious, treatment and to
if unsure reactivation of deeply-sited small Excision biopsy Biopsy or excision confirm diagnosis.
infection lesions may require no indicated for indicated for Search for other
treatment treatment and to treatment and to osteomas or signs
confirm diagnosis confirm diagnosis of Gardner’s
If superficial, large or syndrome
suggestive of other
odontogenic neoplasm,
biopsy or excision is
Summary Chart 12.2 Differential diagnosis of an ill-defined or diffuse radiographic lesion in the jaws. 12
Localised area of Radiopaque or radiolucent with abnormal trabecular pattern–ground glass, Radiolucent
sclerosis orange peel or fingerprint patterns radiographically
Usually single lesion, Expanding lesion in Bilateral symmetrical Usually maxilla, teeth Generalised
opacity only, irregular a patient aged 25 lesions in ramus and displaced, elderly rarefaction and
shape, at apex or site or less, onset in angle of mandible. usually Caucasian, radiolucency affecting
of apex of non-vital childhood, usually History of facial patient. Expansile many bones, loss of
tooth. Not enlarging. maxilla. Destroys swelling as a child only when almost the lamina dura,
Asymptomatic lamina dura and cherubic facies or whole bone is if severe with variably
grows around teeth family history. involved. Associated well-defined
causing little Asymptomatic with hypercementosis, radiolucencies in
displacement in late stages, patchy addition
‘cotton wool’
Probably sclerosing Fibrous dysplasia Consider healing or Almost certainly early Almost certainly
osteitis resolved cherubism Paget’s disease of hyperparathyroidism
(active lesions are bone (late lesions are
radiolucencies) mixed radiolucencies)
Clinical and Incisional biopsy Radiographic and Search for evidence Confirm diagnosis by
radiographic indicated, histological, clinical diagnosis, of Paget’s disease in raised serum calcium
diagnosis radiographic and biopsy not usually other bones especially and/or parathormone
clinical diagnosis helpful weight-bearing bones assay. Biopsy of
and skull vault. radiolucent lesions
Raised serum alkaline will reveal a giant cell
One bone affected, phosphatase. Biopsy lesion
Many bones affected required infrequently
often a jaw
Polyostotic fibrous
Monostotic fibrous
No treatment Observe and await Treat as monostotic No treatment Treat underlying Determine cause
required, observe resolution, reduce fibrous dysplasia. required Paget’s disease. (differentiate primary,
radiographically to swelling surgically for Exclude Albright’s Prevent osteomyelitis secondary and tertiary
confirm lesion does cosmetic reasons or if syndrome (avoid raising forms) and treat as
not enlarge interfering with jaw mucoperiosteal flaps appropriate
opening. Avoid and traumatic
surgery until growth extractions, provide
ceases if possible antibiotics post
Long-term review for
development of
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Hard tissue pathology
Box 13.2 Osteogenesis imperfecta: key features Box 13.3 Osteopetrosis: key features
• Thin fragile bones • Rare genetic defect of osteoclastic activity
• Usually an autosomal dominant trait • Bones lack medullary cavities but are fragile
• Multiple fractures typically lead to gross deformities • Anaemia is common
• Teeth affected, especially in types III and IV • Osteomyelitis a recognised complication
• Jaw fractures are uncommon • Delayed tooth eruption
from mutations in different genes. The dental changes in result of a variety of mutations in proteins that inacti-
osteogenesis imperfecta are currently called ‘osteogenesis vate osteoclasts, preventing normal bone remodelling.
imperfecta with hereditary opalescent teeth’, whereas those There are several types of variable severity and inherit-
affecting the teeth alone caused by other mutations are ance pattern, and the disease can present in children
called ‘dentinogenesis imperfecta’. or adults.
Medullary spaces are minute (Fig. 13.6), and the epiphy-
Dental effects PMID: 7285471 and 24700690 seal ends of the bones are club-shaped. Because of the defi-
ciency of marrow space, the liver and spleen take on
Management blood-cell formation, but anaemia is common, and defective
Treatment with a bisphosphonate may be given to prevent white cells can lead to abnormal susceptibility to
resorption of what bone does form and this carries a risk of infection.
future osteonecrosis. No other treatment is effective, except
to protect the child from even minor injuries and to mini- General review PMID: 23877423
mise deformity by attending to fractures. Care must be
taken during dental extractions, but fractures of the jaws are Dental aspects
uncommon. Implants appear to osseointegrate in the few There may be compression of cranial nerve canals so that
cases reported, enabling treatment of late dental effects. trigeminal or facial nerve neuropathies result. Despite its
Key features are summarised in Box 13.2. density, bone can be brittle so that the jaw may fracture
during extractions. The reduced vascularity and sclerosis
Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia predispose to osteomyelitis, and prevention of dental infec-
tions is important. There is no effective treatment apart
This recently described and very rare autosomal dominant
from marrow transplantation, and then only rarely. The
condition was previously thought to be a variant of osteo-
dense bone delays tooth eruption.
genesis imperfecta with frequent fractures but normal
Key features are summarised in Box 13.3.
healing. Its other features include bowing and cortical thick-
ening of the long bones and multiple ossifying fibromas of Dental changes PMID: 4505753
the jaws. The teeth are normal (Ch.11).
Osteopetrosis: marble bone disease Achondroplasia is the most common type of genetic skeletal
Osteopetrosis is a rare genetic disease in which the bones disorder and manifests itself as ‘disproportionate dwarfism’,
become solidified and dense (Fig. 13.5) but brittle, as a short-limbed individuals with normal trunk and head. The
1 Dental aspects
Box 13.4 Achondroplasia: key features
Hard tissue pathology
cause is a homozygous mutation in the fibroblast growth Box 13.5 Cleidocranial dysplasia: key features
factor receptor 3 gene, that prevents bone forming from
• Absent clavicles, delayed closure of fontanelles
cartilage at the epiphyses and base of the skull. Inheritance
is autosomal dominant, but homozygous mutation is lethal. • Many or most permanent teeth typically remain
embedded in the jaw
Dental aspects • Delayed eruption then prolonged retention of
deciduous teeth
The head is of normal size with a high forehead, but reduced
growth at the base of the skull causes the middle third of • Many supernumerary unerupted teeth also present
the face to be retrusive. The mandible is often protrusive, • Long-term risk of developing dentigerous cysts
and there is usually severe malocclusion and sometimes • Sinuses reduced in size
posterior open bite. Associated macroglossia has been • High arched palate and sometimes cleft palate
described. • Large skull with frontal bossing
Key features are summarised in Box 13.4. • Ocular hypertelorism
Case and review: PMCID: PMC3804960 • Short stature
Cleidocranial dysplasia
In this rare familial disorder, there is a mutation in the Cherubism
RUNX2 gene that controls osteoblast and chondroblast dif-
ferentiation. There is defective formation of the clavicles,
➔ Summary chart 10.2 p. 164
delayed closure of fontanelles and sometimes retrusion of Cherubism causes multiple multilocular bone lesions in the
the maxilla and a range of other features, many affecting mandible and maxilla that develop in early childhood,
the skull. Partial or complete absence of clavicles allows the enlarge and then regress over many years. Cherubism is
patient to bring the shoulders together in front of the chest caused by one of several mutations in the SH3BP2 gene that
(Fig. 13.7). encodes a signalling protein. It is inherited as an autosomal
dominant trait.
Although a dominant condition, there may be no family
history because of variable expressivity and penetrance. As
a result of weaker penetrance of the trait in females, the
disease is approximately twice as frequently clinically
evident in males. Non-familial cases may also be new muta-
tions. Usually, only isolated cases are encountered, but a
family with no fewer than 20 affected members has been
reported. Cherubism is not a familial form of fibrous
The onset is typically between the ages of 6 months and
7 years, but rarely is delayed until late teenage or after
puberty. Typically, symmetrical swellings are noticed at the
age of 2–4 years in the region of the angles of the mandibles
and, in severe cases, in the maxillae. The symmetrical man-
dibular swellings give the face an excessively chubby appear-
ance (Fig. 13.9). The alveolar ridges are expanded, and the
mandibular swellings may sometimes be so gross lingually
as to interfere with speech, swallowing or even breathing,
but the rapidity and extent of growth is very variable. Teeth
are frequently displaced and loosened.
Maxillary involvement is usually associated with wide-
spread mandibular disease and is uncommon. Extensive
maxillary lesions cause the eyes to appear to be turned
heavenward; this, together with the plumpness of the face,
Fig. 13.7 Cleidocranial dysplasia. Defective development of the is the reason for these patients being likened to cherubs.
clavicles allows this abnormal mobility of the shoulders. Other The appearance of the eyes is due to such factors as the
members of the family were also affected. maxillary masses pushing the floors of the orbits and eyes
upward and exposing the sclera below the pupils. Expansion Pathology
of the maxillae may also cause stretching of the skin and The jaw lesions consist of loose fibrous tissue containing
some retraction of the lower lids. clusters of multinucleate giant cells (Fig. 13.11), overall
There is frequently cervical lymphadenopathy. This is resembling giant cell granulomas or hyperparathyroidism.
typically seen in the early stages and may completely subside With the passage of time, giant cells become fewer and there
by puberty. is bony repair of the defect (Fig. 13.12).
Radiographic changes may be seen considerably earlier
than clinical signs and are usually more extensive than the Management
clinical swelling would suggest. The body and ramus of the
Because of natural regression of the disease, treatment can
mandible are particularly involved by large radiolucent
usually be avoided. If disfigurement is severe, the lesions
lesions with fine bony septa producing a multilocular
respond to curettage or to paring down of excessive tissue.
appearance (Fig. 13.10). Lesions often destroy the involved
Treatment in the early stages is likely to lead to recurrence.
tooth germs, leading to missing teeth. Maxillary involve-
Key features are summarised in Box 13.6.
ment is shown by diffuse rarefaction of the bone and exten-
sion to obliterate the sinuses. Extent is most clearly Natural history PMID: 11113824
visualised by computed tomography scanning.
Growth is rapid for a few years and then slows down until Hypophosphatasia
puberty is reached. There is then slow regression until, by
Hypophosphatasia is an uncommon recessive genetic disor-
adulthood, normal facial contour is typically completely
der caused by lack of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase.
restored, although bone defects may persist radiographically.
There are several types of variable severity, milder forms
Severely affected patients may suffer permanent deformity,
presenting at an older age. The early-onset type causes
particularly if bony support for the eye has been destroyed.
rickets-like skeletal disease with defective mineralisation.
General review PMID: 22640403 Teeth lack cementum and therefore periodontal attachment
Hard tissue pathology
Dental aspects
Teeth have priority over the skeleton for minerals, and
dental defects rarely result from rickets except in the most
severe cases. Hypocalcification of dentine, with a wide band
of predentine and excessive interglobular spaces, may be
seen in unusually severe rickets. Eruption of teeth may also
be delayed in such cases. Rachitic children are not abnor-
mally susceptible to dental caries.
Dental effects PMID: 23939820 Fig. 13.14 Rickets. Microscopically, the epiphyseal plate has
become disorganised with loss of the well-drilled lines of
Vitamin D–resistant rickets chondrocytes. There is also fibrous proliferation, but no
This condition caused by genetic failure of reabsorption of calcification.
phosphate in the kidney is associated with characteristic
dental defects and is discussed in Chapter 2.
thinning of bone trabeculae, subperiosteal resorption of the
Hyperparathyroidism bone of the fingers and resorption of the terminal phalangeal
tufts. Dental radiographs may reveal reduced bone density,
➔ Summary charts 10.2 and 12.2 pp. 164, 203 loss of trabecular pattern and definition of the lamina dura
Overproduction of parathormone (PTH) mobilises calcium around the teeth. In severe disease these changes are more
from the skeleton and raises the plasma calcium level. In marked, and in addition the patient may develop one or
primary hyperparathyroidism the cause is usually an more brown tumours. These cyst-like radiolucencies may
adenoma of the parathyroid glands, uncommonly hyperpla- appear unilocular or multilocular (Figs 13.15–13.17) and are
sia of the gland and rarely a parathyroid carcinoma. Mostly more likely to be seen in secondary disease because of its
elderly women are affected. This is less common than sec- long-term course. Bony changes can cause pathological frac-
ondary hyperparathyroidism, in which PTH secretion is tures but reverse with treatment (Figs 13.18 and 13.19). A
maintained by low calcium levels, usually caused by vitamin second effect seen in hyperparathyroidism secondary to
D deficiency or chronic renal failure (because the kidney renal disease is diffuse mandibular enlargement.
enzymatically activates vitamin D). The major symptoms Hyperparathyroidism is also present in 95% of patients
of all types result from renal damage which leads to hyper- with type 1 multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN 1) syn-
tension or cardiovascular disease. drome (Ch. 36).
Bone disease is rarely seen now because of early treat-
Teeth primary hyperparathyroidism PMID: 13912943
ment, but identical features can follow primary and second-
ary disease. Radiographically there are diffuse changes: Diffuse mandibular enlargement PMID: 22676829
Hard tissue pathology
Histologically, the brown tumour comprises foci of osteo- Fig. 13.18 Hyperparathyroidism. A periapical view reveals the
clasts in a highly vascular stroma (Fig. 13.20). There is relative radiolucency of the bone. There is loss of lamina dura
extensive internal haemorrhage. Breakdown of erythrocytes around the roots, loss of trabeculae centrally and coarsening of
produces haemosiderin pigment and colours the lesion the trabecular pattern elsewhere.
brown, hence its name. The histological appearances are
indistinguishable from a giant cell granuloma of the jaws Management
(see Ch. 12)
Diagnosis cannot, therefore, depend on histology alone, In primary hyperparathyroidism, surgical removal of the
and radiographs and blood chemistry are essential whenever causative adenoma is curative. A sestamibi scan (a form of
histology reveals a giant cell lesion (Box 13.7), with a search technetium 99 scan) can often identify the hyperactive
for involvement of other bones if test results suggest gland. For secondary hyperparathyroidism, treatment
hyperparathyroidism. depends on the success of management of the renal failure.
The increased excretion of calcium leads ultimately to Bone lesions may respond to oral administration of vitamin
renal stone formation and renal damage. Other clinical fea- D, whose metabolism is abnormal as a result of the renal
tures also result from the hypercalcaemia. The severe com- disease. Surgery may also become necessary in late-stage
plications make early diagnosis of this disease particularly renal failure to remove parathyroid glands that secrete
important. excessively in response to the low serum calcium, so-called
tertiary hyperparathyroidism.
Brown tumours in jaws PMID: 16798410 Key features are summarised in Box 13.8.
Box 13.7 Biochemical findings in primary
1 ing of affected bones. Closely adjacent parts of the bone Approximately 20% of patients used to have jaw involve-
may show different stages of the disease; a common result ment, but reducing severity during the last decades seems to
Hard tissue pathology
is therefore patchy areas of osteoporosis and of sclerosis have reduced the incidence in the jaws. When they are
(Figs 13.21 and 13.22). affected, the maxilla is considerably more frequently and
Repeated bone resorption and deposition is marked his- severely affected than the mandible (see Fig. 13.21). The
tologically by blue-staining resting and reversal lines. Their alveolar process becomes symmetrically and grossly enlarged
irregular pattern characteristically produces a jigsaw puzzle (Figs 13.25 and 13.26). The sinuses are obliterated in severe
(‘mosaic’) appearance in the bone (Figs 13.23 and 13.24). cases, and the nasal airway can be reduced in size. Outward
Both osteoclasts and osteoblasts are more prominent than
in normal bone, and the osteoclasts are abnormally large
and with more nuclei than normal. In the late stages,
affected bones are thick, the cortex and medulla are obliter-
ated and the whole bone is spongy in texture. There is also
fibrosis of the marrow spaces and increased vascularity with
large vessels. These shunt the majority of the blood flow
direct from the arterial to venous circulation, reducing the
perfusion of bone and peripheral resistance. This places a
strain on the heart and may lead to eventual high-output
cardiac failure.
Serum calcium and phosphorus levels are usually normal,
but the alkaline phosphatase level is particularly high and
may reach 700 IU/L. This is the primary diagnostic test for
Paget’s disease, and with typical radiological appearances,
no biopsy is necessary.
The development of osteosarcoma is a recognised but rare
complication of Paget’s disease that carries a very poor prog-
nosis. Osteosarcoma developing in the jaws is extremely
rare in comparison with other bones but does develop
Many patients live to an advanced age in spite of their
Pathology review PMID: 24043712
Dental aspects
The skull is the most frequently affected bone in the head
and neck. The softened skull vault deforms under the Fig. 13.22 Paget’s disease. A very severely affected individual
weight of the brain and sags down around the sides to with extensive sclerosis and enlargement of all skull bones and
produce the radiological sign of tam o’shanter skull, said to jaws including, unusually, the mandible.
resemble the Scottish hat of the same name. Involvement
of the skull base narrows foramina and in severe cases leads
to cranial nerve deficits, commonly deafness.
Box 13.10 Fibro-osseous lesions
Hard tissue pathology
Fibrous dysplasia
• Monostotic
• Polyostotic
Cemento-osseous dysplasias (Ch. 11)
• Periapical cemental dysplasia
• Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia
• Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia
Fibro-osseous neoplasms
• Ossifying fibroma (Ch. 12)
• Cemento-ossifying fibroma (Ch. 11)
lamellar bone or very dense sclerotic amorphous Fig. 13.27 Fibrous dysplasia. Typical presentation with a poorly
mineralisation. defined, rounded expansion of the maxilla with no displacement
of teeth and intact overlying mucosa.
The concept of fibro-osseous lesions is somewhat difficult
because they are defined only by their histological appear-
ances. This is not very helpful in diagnosis, particularly only one bone, forming both the osteoblasts and the fibrous
when biopsy should be avoided in the commonest disease tissue in the marrow spaces. In the affected region, the
of the group in the jaws. Because of their histological simi- activated fibroblasts and osteoblasts grow excessively, but
larities, the diagnosis depends greatly on the clinical and they remain under some degree of growth control, and the
radiographic findings. The presentation and behaviour of increased growth usually develops at a time when the bone
the different diseases are strikingly different. Fibro-osseous would normally be growing and ceases at around the time
lesions are listed in Box 13.10. the bone would normally be mature.
When the jaws are involved, a painless, smoothly rounded
Review all types PMID: 25409854 swelling, usually of the maxilla, is typical (Fig. 13.27). This
is often centred around the zygomatic region or more pos-
Fibrous dysplasia and Albright’s teriorly. Initially, the teeth are aligned but, if the mass
syndrome ➔ Summary chart 12.2 p. 203 becomes large, it will displace teeth. Patients with fibrous
Fibrous dysplasia is a growth disturbance of bone caused by dysplasia may have missing teeth and enamel hypoplasia,
mutation in the GNAS1 gene. This gene encodes a G protein but the dental defects are mild and poorly described. Lesions
signalling molecule, and the mutation inactivates the G affecting the maxilla may spread to involve contiguous skull
protein, allowing cyclic AMP to levels to rise, activating the bones causing deformity of the orbit, base of skull and
affected cell. cranial nerve lesions (craniofacial fibrous dysplasia). The
The mutation is not inherited but occurs in a stem cell swelling usually grows very slowly, but with occasional rapid
in the very early embryo, as early as a week or two after growth spurts.
fertilisation, before placenta and embryonic tissues have Radiographically, the features reflect the structure of the
started to form. The clone of cells carrying the mutation abnormal bone described later in this chapter, and this
develops normally, and its daughter cells become distributed varies depending on the stage of the process. Early lesions
and incorporated into different tissues so that any patient are patchy radiolucencies but develop into weak radiopaci-
is a mosaic for the mutation. Mutation at this very early ties, with a ground glass or fine orange-peel texture while
stage means that the mutated cells can be mesodermal, the lesion mineralises. The degree of radiopacity increases,
endodermal or ectodermal and could give rise to almost any and late lesions are sclerotic and lack the trabecular pattern
tissue. If the mutation arises later in development after of normal bone. A fingerprint pattern of coarse trabeculae
tissues have started to develop, then the affected daughter may be seen in very old lesions. The cortex and lamina dura
cells will be limited to one tissue. The extent of the mosai- are affected by the process, and their definition is lost radio-
cism, that is, the number of cells affected by the mutation, graphically. The cortex is expanded but thin and barely
defines the clinical presentation. discernable during growth (Fig. 13.28). Two key diagnostic
There is no family history for any of the following pres- features are that the margins merge imperceptibly with the
entations because this is a somatic mutation. surrounding normal bone and that there is always expan-
sion of the bone (Fig. 13.29).
General review PMID: 17982387
Monostotic fibrous dysplasia The microscopic appearances vary with stage. In the early
Monostotic fibrous dysplasia causes enlargement of one radiolucent phase there is loose cellular fibrous tissue that
bone or part of one bone. This typically starts in childhood forms slender trabeculae of woven bone. These link together
but usually stops growing in early adulthood. The jaws are in complex and variable shapes. At the margin there is a
the most frequent sites in the head and neck region and a gradual imperceptible merging into surrounding normal
common site overall, followed by skull bones, ribs and bone (Figs 13.30 and 13.31). During this phase the bone
femur. Males and females are almost equally frequently enlarges and radiographically has a featureless ground glass
affected. It is the commonest presentation of fibrous dys- appearance with no cortex or lamina dura.
plasia, six times commoner than the polyostotic form. After several years, while skeletal growth slows, the bone
In monostotic disease the GNAS1 mutation arises late in gradually starts to mature, though abnormally. The woven
development, so that the clone of affected cells is present in bone trabeculae are larger and more heavily mineralised but
Fig. 13.29 Fibrous dysplasia affecting the left mandible with a patchy radiolucency. No lesion border can be identified.
only develop a minimal peripheral osteoblast layer and a Jaw lesions PMID: 4513065 and 25409854
little thin lamellar bone. Radiographically, the bone is visible
as the coarse trabecular pattern of the orange peel appear- Craniofacial involvement PMID: 22771278
ance. In addition, there may be islands of very dense heavily
mineralised bone, but these are not cementum as some-
times claimed. Occasional loose foci of giant cells can also Treatment
be seen, but these are not a major feature as they are in The disease is self-limiting, but lesions become quiescent
giant cell lesions. Gradually a partial cortex reforms and rather than resolve. The lesion is not well demarcated and
growth ceases. cannot be excised. Disfiguring lesions may be pared down
The bone remains mostly woven in type for many years to a normal contour, but this should be delayed until the
but eventually develops partially into lamellar bone and process has become inactive, usually just after the end of
slowly remodels. By middle age, only subtle radiographic the second decade, slightly earlier in females. Surgery to
features remain. active or recently active lesions risks reactivation and rapid
Biopsy is required to confirm a fibro-osseous lesion, but growth. However, extraction of teeth from affected bone
cannot distinguish fibrous dysplasia from other fibro- does not increase bone growth, fractures heal normally and
osseous lesions with certainty. Identification of the GNAS1 implants can be placed.
mutation by DNA sequencing of cells from the lesion is The late sclerotic bone is prone to osteomyelitis, and the
diagnostic. However, the combination of a fibro-osseous long-term success of implants is unclear, in part because
lesion on biopsy, radiological features and the clinical pres- they lack the support of an organised cortical bone layer.
entation are usually conclusive. The vascular soft bone may During growth the bone may be painful, and in rapidly
bleed significantly on biopsy. enlarging lesions treatment with bisphosphonates reduces
Very occasionally lesions can reactivate and grow in later pain and may be used to limit growth, but is rarely used for
life, but the reasons are unknown. jaw lesions.
Box 13.11 Monostotic fibrous dysplasia: key features
Hard tissue pathology
adjacent teeth is not affected despite their apices extending are often no cyst contents, but there may sometimes be a
into the cavity. The apices are sometimes slightly resorbed. little fluid and some fibrin. There is no epithelial lining.
Fig. 13.32 Solitary bone cyst. Typical appearance showing a Fig. 13.34 Solitary bone cyst. The scanty cyst lining comprises
moderately well-defined but non-corticated radiolucency bone and a thin layer of fibrous tissue. Epithelium is not present,
extending up between the roots of the teeth. and in some cases even the fibrous lining is lacking.
Fig. 13.33 Solitary bone cyst. Panoramic radiograph (A) showing a rounded expansile radiolucent lesion with a tendency to dip up
between the roots of the teeth. This example shows minor root resorption; most cause none. In axial computed tomography (B), the
minimal lingual expansion and limited buccal expansion can be seen, outlined by a thin periosteal new bone layer. (By kind permission of Dr D
1 Management
Box 13.13 Aneurysmal bone cyst: key features
Hard tissue pathology
Primary aneurysmal bone cysts have a clonal chromosomal
translocation. Several are described involving different chro-
mosomes, but all activate the USP6 gene. How USP6 upreg-
ulation produces the lesion is unclear, possibly by triggering
bone resorption and inflammation. Only the fibrous cells in
the lesions carry the translocation.
Histologically, there is a highly cellular mass of blood-
filled spaces without an endothelial lining. When seen at
operation, the appearance has been likened to a blood-filled
sponge (Fig. 13.36). The spaces are separated by fibrous Fig. 13.36 Aneurysmal bone cyst. Cyst wall composed of loose
septa formed by the causative fibroblasts. However, the his- fibrous tissue containing occasional giant cells and large blood-
tology is dominated by other cell types without the genetic filled spaces.
Hard tissue pathology
Summary chart 13.1 Mixed patchy radiolucent and radiopaque lesion with poorly defined margin.
Single lesion Boring central pain Associated with Centred on the apices of No specific features, often at Expansile lesion,
appearing similar to or dull ache, possibly hypercementosis, the teeth, especially if in angle of mandible, possibly possibly with soft tissue
a cyst but with discharging sinuses or usually maxilla, teeth a black or oriental patient. history of malignancy, nerve extension and/or signs
ill-defined margins. sequestration of bone, displaced, elderly Asymptomatic signs, possibly with extension of malignancy, enlarged
Systemic periosteal reaction, patient into soft tissue. Sometimes lymph nodes, nerve
signs of infection leucocytosis, or cyst-like. Usually elderly signs, middle-aged or
enlarged lymph nodes patients elderly patients
Almost certainly an Osteomyelitis acute Almost certainly Almost certainly a form of Possibly a metastatic Possibly a primary
infected cyst or chronic Paget’s disease cemento-osseous dysplasia malignancy malignant neoplasm
of bone of bone or a malignant
odontogenic tumour
Attempt to detect underlying Lesions localised to Localised lesions Involving all of the Primarily Primarily Consider osteosarcoma,
causes either systemic, e.g. apices of a few teeth, alveolar and radiolucent, consider radiopaque, consider chondrosarcoma and
diabetes, immunosuppression, usually lower incisors adjacent bone. primary lesion in primary neoplasm in calcifying epithelial
or local, reduced vascularity in a middle-aged female Usually mandible breast, lung, thyroid, breast or prostate odontogenic tumour
(any sclerotic bony process, patient. Teeth vital kidney or prostate
e.g. Paget’s disease) Focal Almost certainly
or radiotherapy Periapical cemental cemento-osseous florid cemento-
dysplasia dysplasia osseous dysplasia
Clinical Clilnical and Search for evidence Clinical and Clinical and Biopsy lesion Biopsy lesion
and radiographic radiographic and of Paget’s disease radiographic radiographic diagnosis,
diagnosis microbiological in other bones, diagnosis biopsy may help exclude
diagnosis. Perform especially weight- other conditions. Serum
culture and sensitivity bearing bones and alkaline phosphatase
on pus, submit skull vault. Raised will exclude Paget’s
sequestra for biopsy serum alkaline
Treat infection giving Antibiotic therapy, Treat underlying No treatment No specific treatment, Treat according to Treatment depends
priority to draining prolonged, in effective Paget’s disease. required, observe prevent osteomyelitis underlying malignancy by on diagnosis
pus, large amounts dose and as indicated Prevent osteomyelitis radiographically (avoiding raising radiotherapy, chemotherapy
of which may fill the by microbiological (avoiding raising mucoperiosteal flaps and/or hormonal adjuvant
lesion. tests. mucoperiosteal flaps and traumatic therapy. Jaw metastasis
Remove separating and traumatic extractions, provide signifies a poor prognosis
After acute phase sequestra surgically, extractions, provide antibiotics post
treat cyst and submit drain pus, prevent antibiotics post extraction)
specimen for biopsy to further episodes extraction).
confirm diagnosis Long-term review for
of sarcoma
Disorders of
the temporomandibular joints
and trismus
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause various fully is usually temporary, and causes are summarised in
combinations of limitation of movement of the jaw, pain, the following sections.
locking or clicking sounds. Pain, in particular, is a frequent
cause of limitation of movement. These complaints are
rarely due to organic disease of the joint, but diagnosis TEMPORARY LIMITATION OF
requires organic disease to be excluded. Important causes of MOVEMENT (TRISMUS)
limitation of mandibular movement are summarised in
Boxes 14.1 and 14.2. Temporomandibular pain
Trismus is correctly defined as inability to open the mouth
due to muscle spasm, but the term is usually used for dysfunction syndrome
limited movement of the jaw from any cause and usually Pain dysfunction syndrome is by far the most common
refers to temporary limitation of movement. The term cause of temporary limitation of movement of the tempo-
ankylosis means reduced movement due to causes within romandibular joint, as discussed later in this chapter.
the joint, usually bony or fibrous union as a result of infec-
tion or trauma (see Box 14.2). Inability to open the mouth Infection and inflammation in or near
the joint
Any infection or inflammation involving the muscles of
mastication will lead to trismus, either by making opening
painful or because oedema or swelling prevent movement.
The main causes are surgical extraction of third molars,
Box 14.1 Causes of limitation of mandibular acute pericoronitis and infections of dental origin in fascial
movement spaces (Ch. 9).
Pericapsular and remote causes Submasseteric abscess results in profound trismus.
Mumps makes eating painful and limits movement because
• Infection and inflammation in adjacent tissues
the parotid is compressed by the mandibular ramus on
• Injury, condylar neck or zygoma fracture opening. Rare causes include suppurative arthritis, osteo-
• Irradiation and other causes of fibrosis myelitis, cellulitis and suppurative parotitis.
• Fibrous ankylosis in the periarticular tissues Mandibular block injections may cause inflammation and
• Oral submucous fibrosis oedema in medial pterygoid muscle, usually through bleed-
• Systemic sclerosis ing. Needle-track infections are now only of historic interest
since single-use sterile needles have been used.
Intracapsular causes
• Traumatic arthritis and disk damage
• Infective arthritis
Unilateral condylar neck fracture usually produces only a
• Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
mild limitation of opening with deviation of the jaw to the
• Intracapsular condylar fracture affected side, but closing into intercuspal occlusion may be
• Neoplasms of the joint difficult. Bilateral displaced condylar fractures cause an
• Loose bodies in joint anterior open bite with limited movement. A major ‘guards-
• Intracapsular fibrous ankylosis, caused by any of the man’s fracture’ with damage to the fossa causes severe
above restriction of all movements. Less severe injuries frequently
result in an effusion into the temporomandibular joint; both
wide opening and complete closure are then prevented
• Temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome during the acute phase.
• Myalgia caused by bruxism Bleeding into the joint space after a condylar fracture fills
• Cranial arteritis the joint with blood clot and organisation can lead to bone
• Tetanus and tetany formation in the clot, either in one compartment of
• Haematoma from ID block the joint or both, the latter resulting in bony ankylosis.
Early mobilisation of condylar fractures prevents this
Other complication.
• Drugs Any unstable mandibular fracture causes protective
• Dislocation muscle spasm and limitation of movement. Patients suffer-
• Craniofacial anomalies involving the joint ing from displaced Le Fort II or III fractures often complain
of limited opening whereas, in reality, they are half open
1 with the jaws wedged apart by the displaced middle third. curative doses to tumours of the posterior oral cavity,
Reduction of the fracture allows closure. maxilla, pharynx and salivary glands without involving the
Hard tissue pathology
CREST syndrome Morphoea, or localised scleroderma, is considered a very
CREST syndrome is the combination of Calcinosis, Ray- localised form of limited skin involvement producing scar-
naud’s phenomenon Esophageal dysfunction, Sclerodactyly like fibrosis, as oval patches or sometimes linear deep scars
and Telangiectasia and can be thought of as a limited cuta- with a characteristic scleroderma en coup de sabre (‘sabre
neous form of scleroderma with a better prognosis. It affects cut’) morphology (see Fig. 14.3). This latter type often
elderly females. Calcinosis is seen as calcified skin nodules affects the forehead or scalp, with hair loss, deep contraction
a few millimetres in diameter; telangiectasia can result in and resorption of underlying bone (Fig. 14.4), and it occa-
prolonged bleeding. The remaining features are as seen in sionally affects the tongue. Childhood morphoea is a pos-
systemic sclerosis. sible cause of facial hemiatrophy.
Oral features PMID: 8217427 Morphoea review PMID: 24048434
Box 14.4 Important causes of ankylosis (‘true’ or
Hard tissue pathology
intracapsular ankylosis)
• Intracapsular fracture of the condyle
• Penetrating wounds
• Forceps delivery at birth
• Otitis media/mastoiditis
• Osteomyelitis of the jaws
• Haematogenous – pyogenic arthritis
• Systemic juvenile arthritis
Fig. 14.3 Scleroderma en coup de sabre. Linear atrophy and • Psoriatic arthropathy
fibrosis across the forehead. (From Paller, A.S., Mancini, A.J., 2016. Collagen • Osteoarthritis (rarely)
vascular disorders. In: Paller, A.S., Mancini, A.J. 2016. Hurwitz clinical pediatric
• Rheumatoid arthritis (rarely)
dermatology, fifth ed. Elsevier, Philadelphia, pp. 509–539.e8.)
Neoplasms of the joint
• Chondroma
• Osteochondroma
• Osteoma
• Synovial chondromatosis
The main causes are:
Traumatic arthritis. Follows dislocation or fracture. Sur-
prisingly, undisplaced fractures of the neck of the condyle
can remain unnoticed for many weeks until pain of arthritis
Infection and inflammation. Acute pyogenic arthritis is
exceedingly rare but exceedingly painful.
Rheumatoid and other arthritides. These are discussed
Fig. 14.4 Scleroderma. Resorption of the posterolateral ramus is
characteristic but seen only in severe cases. (By kind permission of Dr M Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease of unknown
cause, but with a strong genetic background, that affects
approximately 2% of the population. The disease target is
PERSISTENT LIMITATION OF MOVEMENT: the synovial membrane, which is infiltrated by inflamma-
INTRACAPSULAR CAUSES tory cells, enlarges and grows across the joint surface causing
resorption and joint destruction.
Almost all intracapsular causes of limited opening are
Deposition of immune complexes of immunoglobulin M
caused by ankylosis, due to fibrous or bony union of the
complement-activating autoantibody against immunoglob-
condyle and temporal bone. Causes of ankylosis are shown
ulin receptor (rheumatoid factor) may be an initiating factor,
in Box 14.4. A few, such as neoplasms of the joint itself or
but the disease is self-perpetuating as a result of systemic
synovial chondromatosis, produce mechanical interference
immune activation.
without ankylosis.
The main features are chronic inflammation of many
joints, pain and progressive limitation of movement of
Treatment of ankylosis small joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is the only important
Ankylosis is treated in a similar fashion regardless of which inflammatory disease of the temporomandibular joints, but
of the following causes is responsible, and relatively aggres- is rarely symptomatic in this joint.
sive surgical intervention is necessary. All the fibrous or
bony tissue causing ankylosis is removed, and interposition General review PMID: 22150039
of a temporalis muscle flap or other implant material pre-
vents healing across the defect. In the growing patient, joint Clinical features
reconstruction using a free costochondral bone graft gives Women are affected, particularly in the third and fourth
better results because, in many cases, the graft will grow decades. The smaller joints are mainly affected (particularly
with the patient, preventing subsequent facial deformity. those of the hands), and the distribution tends to be sym-
Early mobilisation with aggressive physiotherapy is required metrical. Extra-articular manifestations include vasculitis
to prevent the ankylosis reforming. and involvement of almost any organ system. Loss of
Box 14.5 Rheumatoid arthritis: systemic and joint
Box 14.6 Rheumatoid arthritis: dental implications Box 14.7 Important features of osteoarthritis
Hard tissue pathology
• Difficulty with oral hygiene, reduced manual dexterity • Onset mainly older than 60 years
and limited range of movement • Slow development of pain and wear of weight-bearing
• Oral access reduced by limited opening joints
• Difficulty lying in dental chair • Usually one or a few joints involved
• Anaemia • Heberden’s nodes
• Sjögren’s syndrome in about 15% • Palpable coarse crepitus of affected joints
• Mild bleeding risk from thrombocytopenia • Bony swelling and deformity
• Cervical lymph nodes may be enlarged during active • Secondary muscle weakness and wasting
disease • Little or no inflammation and no systemic effects
• Risk of atlantoaxial subluxation if cervical spine
• Adverse effects of drug treatment
• Lichenoid reactions from gold, antimalarials and Box 14.8 Dental implications of osteoarthritis
penicillamine • Pain on movement restricts access to care
• Immunosuppression from ciclosporin, methotrexate • Difficulty with oral hygiene, reduced manual dexterity
and infliximab and limited range of movement
• Candidosis from immunosuppression and anaemia • Difficulty lying in dental chair
• Oral ulceration from methotrexate • Joint replacements do NOT require antibiotic
• Anaemia from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prophylaxis unless there are specific patient
• Interactions with drugs prescribed for dentistry indications. Prophylaxis may be considered in diabetics,
the immunosuppressed or those with previous joint
• Adverse effects of drug treatment
• Anaemia from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• Bleeding tendency in those on aspirin
Dental aspects
Although the temporomandibular joint rarely causes prob-
lems, the disease has significant dental implications as
Fig. 14.6 Osteoarthritis. The fibrocartilage layer is split, and the shown in Box 14.8.
underlying bone shows resorption and repair centrally. Dental care PMID: 18511715
Hard tissue pathology
Fig. 14.10 Giant cell (temporal) arteritis. The structure of the Fig. 14.12 Giant cell (temporal) arteritis. At high power,
artery is disrupted by inflammatory cells, and the lumen is much multinucleate giant cells, lymphocytes and neutrophils may be
reduced in size. seen among the remnants of the artery’s internal elastic lamina
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Half of patients with temporal arteritis have this more
extensive condition with weakness, stiffness and pain of the
shoulder or pelvic girdles associated with malaise and low
GC fever. The ESR is usually greatly raised.
General review PMID: 23579169
and eventually destroyed for short lengths of the artery (Figs Tetanus with trismus, case PMID: 26869628
14.10–14.12). Healing is by fibrosis and partial recanalisa-
tion of the thrombus. PAIN REFERRED TO THE JOINT
General review PMID: 24461386
Salivary gland disease, otitis externa, otitis media and mas-
Intraoral involvement PMID: 9483933 and 21176820 toiditis are potent causes of pain referred to the temporo-
mandibular joint. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Management illustrates referred pain from muscles of mastication, and
Biopsy is not required for diagnosis in a typical presentation, any disease in these muscles may produce joint pain; indeed
and treatment should not be delayed because blindness, joint and ear pain may be referred from almost anywhere in
which develops in as many as 50% of untreated patients, the sensory distribution of the trigeminal nerve. Excluding
makes it essential to start treatment early. If a biopsy is dental causes for any ear or joint pain is therefore an essen-
required, it must be at least 1 cm and ideally 3 cm long to tial step in diagnosis.
ensure that it includes the short lengths of affected wall
necessary for diagnosis. DISLOCATION
Systemic corticosteroids should be given on the basis of
inflamed scalp vessels and a high (>70 mm/hour) erythro- The temporomandibular joint may become fixed in the
cyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Corticosteroids are usually open position by anterior dislocation, when the condyle
Fig. 15.1 Herpetic stomatitis. Pale vesicles and ulcers are visible
on the palate and gingivae, especially anteriorly, and the gingivae Fig. 15.3 Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis. There is diffuse
are erythematous and swollen. reddening of the attached gingiva with ulceration in the lower
incisor region extending beyond the attached gingiva.
The DNA virus targets epithelial cells, and replication leads
to cell lysis. Clusters of infected cells break down to form
the vesicles in the upper epithelium (Fig. 15.4). Virus-
damaged epithelial cells with swollen nuclei and marginated
chromatin (ballooning degeneration) are seen in the floor of
Fig. 15.2 Herpetic stomatitis. A group of recently ruptured the vesicle and in direct smears from early lesions (Fig.
vesicles on the hard palate, a characteristic site. The individual 15.5). Infected cells fuse with normal adjacent cells, spread-
lesions are of remarkably uniform size, but several have coalesced ing the infection and forming multinucleate cells. Later, the
to form larger irregular ulcers. full thickness of the epithelium is destroyed to produce a
sharply defined ulcer (Fig. 15.6) associated with an inflam-
floors and red margins. Initially round, the ulcers enlarge and matory infiltrate.
coalesce to produce more irregular but shallow ulcers. The
gingival margins are swollen and red, with or without ulcers. Diagnosis
Symptoms depend on extent of ulceration, but the ulcers The clinical picture is usually distinctive (Box 15.1). A
are painful and often interfere with eating. There is usually smear showing virus-damaged cells provides additional
Patients feel very unwell, and children fail to eat or maintain
fluid intake, sleep poorly and are fractious. Addressing these
concerns is important for children and stressed parents.
Because the disease is ultimately self-limiting, supportive
treatment may be all that is required. Bed rest, soft bland
diet, drinking through a straw and paracetamol elixir are
Fig. 15.5 A smear from a herpetic vesicle. The distended effective. A sedative antihistamine such as promethazine
degenerating nuclei of the epithelial cells cluster together to give
will aid sleeping. Chlorhexidine mouthwash is sometimes
the typical mulberry appearance.
used in an attempt to reduce pain by controlling secondary
infection of ulcers. It also helps maintain gingival health
diagnostic evidence. A rising titre of antibodies reaching a while tooth brushing is impossible. The saliva is infectious,
peak after 2–3 weeks provides absolute but retrospective and transfer to the eye must be avoided because ocular
confirmation of the diagnosis, as can viral culture of vesicle herpes infections may develop into encephalitis by direct
fluid. spread along the optic nerves.
In cases of severe disease, when the patient is immuno- Treatment with antiviral drugs is highly effective, but only
suppressed or complications such as spread to the eye are if administered during the first 48 hours or so after vesicles
suspected, rapid definitive diagnosis can be obtained by PCR appear. Aciclovir is a nucleoside analogue that is only phos-
DNA amplification, ELISA assays or electron microscopy. phorylated by viral DNA-encoded enzymes in infected cells.
These virus-specific tests reveal that approximately 15% of The activated drug blocks viral DNA synthesis, preventing
cases are caused by the type 2 virus that normally causes viral replication. Aciclovir suspension can be used as a rinse
genital infection, but the symptoms, signs and treatment and then swallowed for systemic effect or given in tablet
are identical. form at 400 mg, five times per day for 5 days in adults and
Herpes simplex and zoster are neurotropic as well as epi-
theliotropic viruses. After the immune response develops
and mucosal infection subsides, the virus can remain
hidden from the immune response in the sensory nerves
that supply the site of the primary infection. Virus is
transported back along the nerves from the mucosa to the
neurone cell bodies in the ganglia where it establishes a
lifelong latent infection. During latency there are no symp-
toms, no virus replication occurs and the patient is not
Reactivation of the latent infection depends on the host
cell, not the virus, and triggers (discussed later in this
chapter) switch the virus back into replicative infection,
after which it travels back down the neurones to infect the
skin or mucosa. Only a small proportion of the latently
infected neurones are able to reactivate, so that recurrent B
lesions are focal. They are almost always on the lip (herpes
labialis) but occasionally in the mouth or on the skin. Fig. 15.7 Herpes labialis. (A) Typical vesicles. (B) Crusted ulcers
affecting the vermilion borders of the lips.
Intraorally the palate is the most frequent site.
Many in the population shed virus intermittently into
finally heal, usually without scarring. The whole cycle may
saliva indicating activation of latent infection. They suffer
take as long as 12 days. In the immunocompromised,
no symptoms but can transmit the infection.
lesions are larger, more painful and last longer.
Persistent infection and infectivity PMID: 17703961 Secondary bacterial infection may induce scarring.
Infectious virus is shed from the lesion until it is completely
healed, so a dentist with a cold sore should not work.
HERPES LABIALIS ➔ Summary chart 15.2 p. 253 Recurrent infection can trigger erythema multiforme
(Ch. 16).
Herpes labialis is a secondary infection, that is an infection
in an immune individual following reactivation of latent Treatment
virus. In secondary infection the neutralising antibodies and The need for treatment depends on extent. Many stoical
T-cell responses produced in response to the primary infect- patients manage cold sores with over-the-counter prepara-
ion are not protective because the virus travels along the tions of minimal value. Docosanol is a fatty alcohol with a
nerves inside neurones to the new site. mild effect. In the UK aciclovir, 5% cream, is available
Reactivation of latent virus to produce a herpes labialis without prescription and may be effective if applied before
lesion (‘cold sore’) happens in up to 30% of the population, vesicles appear, when premonitory sensations are felt. Pen-
many more than have ever had a clinically evident primary ciclovir, on prescription, applied every 2 hours is more effec-
infection. Recurrent lesions must therefore usually follow a tive. These agents must be dabbed and not rubbed onto the
subclinical infection. Triggering factors include the common lesions to avoid spreading the infectious exudate more widely.
cold, other febrile infections, exposure to ultraviolet light, Sunscreen on the lips prevents lesions in those suscepti-
menstruation, emotional stress, local trauma, hypothermia, ble to ultraviolet light reactivation.
dental treatment and immunosuppression, but often none Patients who suffer frequent, multiple or large cold sores
is identified. may benefit from more aggressive treatment with antiviral
Clinically, changes follow a consistent course with pro- drugs. Repeated early high-dose treatment both treats the
dromal paraesthesia or burning sensations, then erythema lesion and reduces the risk of future attacks.
at the site of the attack. Vesicles form after an hour or two, Vaccines are in trial and have greatest potential benefit in
usually in clusters along the mucocutaneous junction of the the developing world where herpes simplex infections are a
lips and extending a short distance onto the adjacent skin common cause of blindness and are common sexually trans-
(Fig. 15.7). mitted diseases.
The vesicles enlarge, coalesce and weep exudate. After 2
or 3 days they rupture and crust over, but new vesicles Web URL 15.1 NICE treatment guidance:
frequently appear for a day or two only to scab over and herpes-simplex-oral
Herpetic whitlow
Both primary and secondary herpetic infections are conta-
gious. Herpetic whitlow (Fig. 15.8) is a skin infection in a Fig. 15.10 Herpes zoster of the trigeminal nerve. There are
non-immune host after inoculation from another infected vesicles and ulcers on one side of the tongue and facial skin
site, either another individual or by autoinoculation. Chil- supplied by the first and second divisions. The patient complained
dren with a primary infection may transfer the infection by only of toothache.
finger sucking. Before gloves became routine in dentistry it
was an uncommon occupational hazard for dental surgeons and travels to the skin or mucosa. After 2–3 days the pain
and their assistants. is felt in the skin and a vesicular rash develops, sharply
Antiviral drugs should be prescribed as for a primary limited to the dermatome. Facial rash or stomatitis is there-
infection. fore limited at the midline.
Case and image PMID: 25337767 Vesicles are usually numerous and can become confluent
and pass through the same sequence of rupture, ulceration,
crusting and healing as described for herpes simplex infec-
HERPES ZOSTER OF THE TRIGEMINAL tions over 7–10 days (Figs 15.9 and 15.10). The regional
NERVE ➔ Summary chart 15.2 p. 253 lymph nodes are enlarged and tender. Pain continues until
the lesions crust over and start to heal, but secondary infec-
The varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox in the non- tion may cause suppuration and scarring of the skin. Malaise
immune, mainly children (later in this chapter), while reac- and fever are usually associated.
tivation of the latent virus in nerves causes zoster (shingles), In its prodromal phase the acute neuralgic pain of trigemi-
mainly in the elderly. The mechanism of latency is as nal nerve zoster is a classic mimic of pulpitis, and patients
described above for herpes simplex, but unlike simplex may well present for dental treatment. If no dental cause is
virus, reactivation is a relatively rare phenomenon, and evident, this possibility should be considered. This has
most patients only ever suffer a single attack of zoster. given rise to the myth that dental extractions can precipitate
Although zoster affects as many as one in three adults, the facial zoster.
face and mouth are relatively unusual sites.
Clinical features The varicella-zoster virus produces epithelial lesions similar
Zoster usually affects adults of middle age or older. The first to those of herpes simplex.
signs are pain and irritation or tenderness in the dermatome A national programme of vaccination against varicella
supplied by the nerve in which the virus has become latent. zoster started in the UK in 2013 for those aged between 70
Unlike simplex infection there is severe neuralgic, often and 80 years. Vaccination reduces attacks by approximately
burning, pain initially while the virus replicates in the nerve half and reduces severity in the remaining patients.
Case devitalisation teeth PMID: 16054735
• A recurrent latent varicella zoster infection
• Prophylactic vaccination available Rare oral complications PMID: 20692192
• Typically in the elderly
• Pain precedes the rash Ramsay Hunt syndrome
• Facial rash accompanies the stomatitis Ramsay Hunt** syndrome is reactivated zoster infection in
• Lesions localised to one side, within the distribution of the facial nerve. Virus is latent in the geniculate ganglion,
any of the divisions of the trigeminal nerve which houses both sensory and motor fibres. On reactiva-
tion, patients develop facial paralysis, loss of taste on one
• Malaise can be severe
side of the anterior tongue and vesicles on the tongue, hard
• Can be life-threatening in immunosuppression
palate and in the external auditory canal. It must be dif-
• Treat with systemic aciclovir ferentiated from Bell’s palsy.
• Antibiotics if the rash becomes infected Treatment is as for zoster of the trigeminal nerve, but the
• Sometimes followed by post-herpetic neuralgia, chances of full recovery are lower than for Bell’s palsy.
particularly in the elderly
Management Cytomegalovirus, or herpesvirus type 5, is another almost
ubiquitous virus that causes an acute primary disease and
Herpes zoster is an uncommon cause of stomatitis, but can remain latent to cause recurrent infection. Almost all
readily recognisable (Box 15.2) without laboratory inves- infections are asymptomatic. In those few with clinical
tigation, although viral culture and other more rapid tests disease, primary infection resembles infectious mononucle-
such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are available if osis, sometimes with painful swelling and infection of sali-
required. vary glands.
Mild attacks may require only analgesia and topical The main interest is cytomegalovirus ulceration of the
soothing cream. Facial infections are usually treated because oral mucosa in immunodeficiency, particularly in HIV infec-
of the risk of scarring and higher risk of complications. Oral tion. These ulcers show no specific clinical features but are
aciclovir, 5 mg/kg, every 8 hours for 5 days is effective. The usually large and shallow and solitary. In the immunosup-
dose is doubled in the immunocompromised. The drug pressed they heal slowly, and biopsy is usually undertaken
must be given at the earliest opportunity for maximum to identify a cause. The virally infected cells have typical
effect, ideally within 72 hours, and complemented with inclusions in their nuclei and can be identified on immu-
analgesics. Addition of prednisolone speeds recovery and nohistochemistry (see Fig. 1.8).
reduces the incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia (Ch. 38). Cytomegalovirus infection is treated with the aciclovir
Any patient who is immunosuppressed, suffers complica- analogue ganciclovir or related drugs.
tions, has eye involvement or bacterial infection of skin
lesions or is very elderly should be managed in a specialist Review oral signs PMID: 8385303
centre. Intravenous aciclovir may be required.
In immunosuppression PMID: 8705589
Treatment PMID: 19691461
#!scenario:1 ➔ Summary chart 15.2 p. 253
Complications Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a common viral infection
Zoster will occasionally cause tooth devitalisation and even caused by several related strains of enteric viruses, notably
bone necrosis in the affected area, during or after the clinical coxsackie A16 and enterovirus 71. These are RNA viruses
infection, particularly when the prodromal symptoms spread by faecal-oral contact and, distantly, related to
included toothache. poliovirus.
Involvement of the tip and lateral tip of the nose indicates The disease is highly infectious and often causes minor
involvement of the external nasal branch of the nasociliary epidemics among school children and an occasional parent
nerve, a branch of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal or teacher, often in the autumn. The incubation period is
that also supplies the cornea. This is Hutchinson’s sign*, probably between 3 and 10 days. The disease is unrelated
and it indicates a high risk of ocular involvement and need to foot-and-mouth disease of cattle.
for specialist treatment from the outset.
Zoster in immunosuppression can be a lethal infection if Clinical features
encephalitis develops. Thus, zoster in the very elderly, organ This is a mild viral infection characterised by ulceration of
transplant patients, those treated for malignant disease or the mouth and a vesicular rash on the extremities. Regional
in HIV infection require aggressive treatment and follow up. lymph nodes are not usually enlarged, and systemic upset
Vaccination is not possible in immunosuppression because is typically mild or absent, but there may be diarrhoea and
it uses a live virus. vomiting. The main features are small, scattered oral ulcers
in all areas of the mouth, usually with little pain and an
2 and palate. There are normally only a few lesions, and Pathology
numerous ulcers signify a more severe systemic infection.
Soft tissue disease
Congenital syphilis
Congenital syphilis arises when an infected mother trans-
mits the infection to her child in utero. After almost
vanishing in the developed world, congenital infection is
Fig. 15.13 A tuberculous ulcer of the tongue. The rather Fig. 15.14 Tuberculous ulcer. At the margin, numerous pale
angular shape and overhanging edges of the ulcer are typical. The staining granulomas are present in the ulcer bed. The darkly
patient was a man of 56 with advanced but unrecognised stained multinucleate Langhans giant cells are visible even at this
pulmonary tuberculosis. low power.
2 immunohistochemistry is the likely pathway in most cases influence adhesion of the yeast form to the epithelial cells,
presenting to dentists as the diagnosis is not usually sus- which seems to trigger development of invasive hyphae.
Soft tissue disease
pected and a biopsy may well be taken. When the yeasts adhere, they trigger host cell receptors to
When the diagnosis is suspected, specialist testing must activate an innate host response and attract neutrophils into
be sought as interpretation of the results is complex. The the epithelium. Hyphae are only able to invade a limited
organism cannot be cultured, and serological tests are used. distance into the epithelium, only within keratin and the
Until recently the specific fluorescent antibody tests and upper prickle cell layer. Oral candidosis is a very superficial
T. pallidum haemagglutination or particle agglutination infection, explaining its mild symptoms.
assays were the most specific. Although widely used, the
Microbiology candida biofilms PMID: 21134239
VDRL test is a screening test of low positive predictive value
and multiple tests had to be used. Gradually these tests are Controversies in candidosis PMID: 22998462
being replaced by PCR- based rapid molecular assays of very
high sensitivity and specificity. Tests indicate the infection, There are various classifications of candidosis, but in
but not the stage. reality these diseases merge into one another and can
Benzathine penicillin is the drug of choice, an intramus- coexist. Thus, infection causes a spectrum of presentations,
cular preparation with slow absorption. Syphilis in HIV rather than many diseases (Box 15.5). The commonest
infection requires more aggressive treatment. forms are thrush, chronic hyperplastic candidosis and
denture stomatitis. Chronic mucocutaneous candidosis is
discussed later in this chapter and in Chapter 36.
Candidosis* is caused by several species of candida that are
Thrush ➔ Summary chart 15.1 and 19.1 pp. 252, 314
normal commensals in the mouths of a third or more of the Thrush**, a disease recognised by Hippocrates, is also
normal population, and many more in denture wearers and sometimes called the acute pseudomembranous type of can-
the elderly. This candida ‘carriage’ is not associated with didosis because of the thick white layer of candidal hyphae,
symptoms or disease. dead and dying epithelial and inflammatory cells and debris
Candida sp. is dimorphic. Carriage is associated with the that covers the mucosa like a membrane.
yeast (‘blastospore’) form and only the invasive hyphal form Thrush is common in neonates, caused by lack of an
causes disease. The reasons for the organism switching to immune response and infection acquired during passage
a pathogenic form are unclear, but disease seems to follow through the birth canal. It is also common in the very
some change to the oral environment. Thus, host factors elderly and the very debilitated and on the soft palate of
are probably more important than fungal factors. asthmatic steroid inhaler users who spray their palate rather
The most common pathogenic species is Candida albi- than inhale the drug. It may also follow antibiotic
cans; Candida glabrata, tropicalis and krusei and other less treatment.
frequent species account for some 25% of disease between Rarely, persistent thrush is an early sign of chronic muco-
them. Some of the less frequent isolates are reported to be cutaneous candidosis or candida-endocrinopathy syndrome
more likely to develop resistance to antifungal drugs, but (Ch. 36).
this remains a relatively rare problem clinically.
The concept that candidosis is a ‘disease of the diseased’ Clinical features
dates back to 1868, and many medical factors are recognised Although classified as acute, thrush may have a rapid onset
to predispose to infection (Box 15.4). These are likely to or develop insidiously from a chronic infection and in the
immunosuppressed it may become chronic. Thrush forms
soft, friable and creamy coloured plaques on the mucosa
(Fig. 15.17), and the pseudomembrane can be scraped or
Box 15.4 Oral candidosis: important predisposing wiped off exposing the erythematous mucosa below. This
factors differentiates thrush from chronic forms of candidosis in
• Extremes of age which the white surface layer is keratin. The extent of
• Immunodeficiency (diabetes mellitus, HIV infection, pseudomembrane varies from isolated small flecks to
• Immunosuppression (including steroid inhalers)
• Anaemia, of any type Box 15.5 Spectrum of oral candidosis
• Suppression of the normal oral flora by antibacterial
Acute candidosis
• Xerostomia • Thrush
• Denture wearing • Acute antibiotic stomatitis
• Smoking Chronic candidosis
• High carbohydrate diet • Denture-induced stomatitis
• Epithelium with increased keratin, for instance in lichen • Chronic hyperplastic candidosis
planus • Chronic mucocutaneous candidosis
• Almost any severely debilitating illness • Erythematous candidosis
Angular stomatitis
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 15.26 Median rhomboid glossitis with epithelial hyperplasia, light inflammation below and a band of scar tissue (A).
After confirmation of the diagnosis by histology or a scrap-
ing for hyphae, antifungal treatment is provided, but eradi-
cation of infection is difficult in this chronic infection.
Usually miconazole gel is effective, but may need supple-
menting with a systemic antifungal drug such as flucona-
zole for two weeks. Accompanying angular cheilitis needs Fig. 15.31 Chronic mucocutaneous candidosis. Extensive red
concurrent treatment, and denture hygiene and efforts to and white patches throughout the oral mucosa and angular
reduce the oral load of candida are required as described for
denture stomatitis. Underlying anaemia may contribute and
should be treated first, and ideally smoking should cease.
These interventions not targeted to the lesion itself are
often the key to success.
Long-term intermittent antifungal therapy may be
required. Excision of the candidal plaque alone is of little
value, as the infection can recur in the same site even after
skin grafting.
If, after all these interventions, the plaque remains, con-
sideration must be given to the fact that it may be a leu-
koplakia with superimposed candida infection and require
follow up as a potentially malignant lesion. Although a
potential for malignant change exists, the risk is low.
Review PMID: 12907694
Soft tissue disease
Summary chart 15.1 Summary of the types of oral candidal infection and their management.
Cracking and Soft white flecks Red area beneath Generalised Circumscribed Depapillated
reddening at the and plaques. denture or mucosal redness. dull red areas, and sometimes
particularly on the nodular white Leukoplakia-like
angles of the Readily wiped off appliance, sharply Possibly
palate and/or red patch in lesion
mouth leaving an delineated at its associated with
erythematous margin, with or xerostomia or midline dorsum of
background without angular antibiotic treatment tongue
Firm scraping
Many hyphae and shows scanty
Scanty hyphae on Scanty hyphae on Scanty hyphae on Scanty hyphae on Scanty or no hyphae on smear
smear neutrophils smear hyphae on smear
smear smear
on smear
Topical antifungals Topical antifungal Topical antifungals, Topical antifungal Highly suggestive Consider biopsy With signs of
Limited to mouth endocrinopathy
intraorally and therapy sufficient. e.g. nystatin used therapy. of to exclude other immunodeficiency
syndrome, diffuse
also applied to Ensure denture- with denture out. Stop any causative immunosuppression lesions (especially chronic
angles of mouth. wearing does not antibiotics if especially HIV if nodular) or mucocutaneous
If recurs consider compromise Attempt to possible or change confirm diagnosis if Chronic Late-onset chronic candidosis or
additional infection treatment eradicate candida to a narrower Topical antifungal smears negative hyperplastic mucocutaneous familial
with Staph, aureus. (see Denture from denture spectrum drug therapy usually candidosis candidosis (rare) mucocutaneous
stomatitis) surface—improve ineffective. Topical antifungal
Consider systemic
or candidosis candidosis
Miconazole gel cleaning, soak in therapy usually
is then indicated chlorhexidine or antifungal therapy ineffective. thymoma syndromes (rare)
diluted hypochlorite in Consider systemic syndrome
at night. Cease immunosuppression. antifungal therapy
Biopsy to exclude
night wear. Review with if symptomatic,
Miconazole gel or treatment of acute otherwise review or assess
cream may be exacerbations may be sufficient dysplasia.
applied to denture may be sufficient Treat with
(though the simpler miconazole gel or
measures are as systemic antifungal
Previous attack of similar Single episode of ulcers preceded by vesicles. Repeated episodes at
ulcers. Ulcers heal Sometimes malaise and fever mucocutaneous junction
completely between attacks of lip or nares
No malaise or fever, Recent history of drug Rash on hands and Sore throat, mild Ulcers affecting any part Unilateral vesicles, ulcers
no rash, no drug history, associated with erythema feet (especially palms systemic upset, of the mucosa. or rash on face in
often ventral multiforme, possibly and soles) but not ulcers in Systemic upset may be distribution of a branch of
tongue affected malaise, may be rash with elsewhere. oropharynx and severe with fever and a nerve, usually one or
target lesions or bullous Usually a child soft palate. lymphadenopathy more trigeminal divisions.
eruption, lips often crusted Usually a child Usually elderly patients
with blood or ulcerated
Consider herpetiform Probably Probably hand, foot Probably Probably Herpes simplex Varicella zoster Recurrent (secondary)
aphthous ulceration erythema multiforme and mouth disease herpangina primary infection infection Herpes simplex infection
Treatment for aphthous Systemic steroids Systemic aciclovir if Systemic aciclovir if Topical or systemic
ulceration indicated indicated if severe, topical vesicles still present, in first vesicles still present, in first aciclovir if in prodromal
Symptomatic treatment
if mild and limited to few days of attack or in few days of attack or in phase or vesicles still
for ulceration, bed rest,
mouth. the immunocompromised. the immunocompromised. present, especially in first
ensure adequate fluid
Symptomatic treatment if Symptomatic treatment if Symptomatic treatment if few days of attack or in
intake. Avoid contact
already healing. Stop any ulcers present for more ulcers present for more the immunocompromised.
with other individuals
potentially causative drug than a few days. than a few days. Symptomatic treatment
Bed rest, adequate fluid Analgesia for pain which if ulcers present for more
intake, avoid contact with may be severe, avoid than a few days. Avoid
other individuals infectious fluid from infectious fluids from
vesicles being spread onto vesicles being spread onto
skin or eye. Seek skin or eye or to other
opthalmic opinion if eye individuals
involved. Avoid contact
with other individuals
Appendix 15.1
Soft tissue disease
Drug treatments
Localised or mild infection Immunosuppression or
including chronic hyperplastic otherwise resistant to
Presentation Generalised or severe form Angular stomatitis treatment*
Drug of choice Fluconazole 50 mg/day for 7 Miconazole gel 20 mg/mL Apply miconazole gel Start with miconazole or
and regime days, repeated if necessary. Apply QDS** if lesion 20 mg/mL QDS to nystatin, consider
or Nystatin suspension 100,000 localised the angles of the fluconazole 50 mg/day
units/mL (less effective) mouth 10 days or for 7–14 days
fusidic acid cream
Notes Amphotericin is no longer Most effective if lesion Must treat intraoral Itraconazole has a
recommended as first-line accessible for application infection higher risk of adverse
treatment in primary care due For recurrent infection in white simultaneously. This effects and is not
to poor evidence base and is patches fluconazole may be is always present recommended for use
no longer available in the UK required simultaneously even if not evident in primary care
Fluconazole is reserved for
severe infections because of
the risk of resistance
Cautions Avoid in liver dysfunction and Miconazole oral gel is No adverse effects if Seek advice before
those taking drugs absorbed, particularly if only small amounts prescribing for
metabolised by the liver applied to denture fit surface. are applied as those on
including warfarin, statins and Avoid in liver dysfunction described above immunosuppressive
some immunosuppressants. and those taking drugs drugs, especially
Avoid in pregnancy metabolised by the liver ciclosporin
including warfarin, statins and
some immunosuppressants.
Avoid in pregnancy
If there is conspicuous papillary hyperplasia of the palate, consider treatment (cryosurgery or excision) after treatment when
inflammation has subsided. The irregular surface predisposes to recurrence of candidosis.
*Candidal resistance to azole drugs is possible, but failure of treatment is more likely to result from non-compliance with local measures such as denture wear and
cleaning or an untreated underlying condition.
**Quater in die sumendus, meaning take four times a day.
Biopsy is usually undertaken to exclude carcinoma or malig-
nant disease because of size, induration and failure to heal.
It is therefore unfortunate that the histological appearances
can also be worrying and somewhat resemble some types of
lymphoma. A mixed inflammatory infiltrate of eosinophils
and pale macrophages and endothelial cells extends deeply,
disrupting underlying tissues, and there may be suspicion
of cytological atypia and mitotic activity.
Eosinophilic ulcer case series PMID: 8515985
Traumatic ulcerative granuloma PMID: 3884130 and 9415340
including those associated through deficiency
• Lack of correspondence with any recognisable disease states)
• Bizarre configuration with sharp outlines
Disease Features
• Usually in an otherwise healthy mouth
Behçet’s disease See text
• Clinical features inconsistent with the history
• In areas accessible to the patient MAGIC syndrome Mouth And Genital ulcers with Inflamed
Cartilage, a variant of Behçet’s
disease with relapsing polychondritis
PFAPA syndrome Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis,
another. Rarely, factitious oral ulceration has been a prelude Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis, a
disease of young children of unknown
to suicide.
cause, usually treated with steroids,
The usual presentation is a non-healing ulcer in the ante-
ultimately self-limiting. Probably a
rior mouth, often easily visible, caused by repeated physical
genetic auto-inflammatory disease.
trauma, but presentation and methods of inducing the Monthly fever rising as high as 41°C
injury are diverse (Box 16.1). Even self-extraction of teeth for 3–5 days with mucosal
has been reported. inflammation and enlarged nodes
Biopsy may be performed to exclude organic disease.
Underlying emotional disturbance is typically well con- HIV infection Often associated with ulcers of major
cealed, and definitive diagnosis is often difficult. aphthous type
Self-harm is also a recognised manifestation of a variety
of medical conditions: autism, familial dysautonomia,
Lesch-Nyhan and Tourette syndromes and other causes of Box 16.2 Typical features of recurrent aphthae
learning difficulties. • Onset frequently in childhood but peak in adolescence
Unintended factitious injury can also follow repetitive or early adult life
habits such as picking at the gingival margin with a finger- • Attacks at variable but sometimes relatively regular
nail, but the degree of trauma is then minor and ulcers intervals
rarely develop. • Most patients are otherwise healthy
• A few have haematological defects
RECURRENT APHTHOUS STOMATITIS • Most patients are non-smokers
➔ Summary charts 15.2 and 16.2 pp. 252, 280 • Usually self-limiting eventually
• Ulcers often preceded by a prodromal phase
Recurrent aphthae constitute the most common oral • Ulcers almost never occur on keratinised mucosa
mucosal disease and affect as much as 25% of the popula-
tion at some time in their life. Many cases are mild, and no
treatment is sought.
There are three presentations of recurrent aphthous sto-
matitis (often called recurrent aphthous ulceration or just
recurrent aphthae), each of which is defined by its clinical
Ulcers similar and sometimes identical to aphthous sto-
matitis can be a feature of other diseases or syndromes.
Whether these are truly aphthous stomatitis is unclear
(Table 16.1).
PFAPA case series PMID: 24237762 and 19889105
MAGIC case series PMID: 4014306
Clinical features
Ulcers frequently start in childhood. Recurrences increase
in frequency until early adult life or a little later, then gradu-
ally wane. Recurrent aphthae are rare in the elderly, particu- Fig. 16.2 Aphthous stomatitis, minor form. A single, relatively
larly the edentulous unless affected by a haematological large shallow ulcer in a typical site. There is a narrow band of
periulcer erythema. These features are non-specific, and the
deficiency. The great majority of patients are of high or
diagnosis must be made primarily on the basis of the history.
middle socioeconomic status and are non-smokers.
Many patients have prodromal symptoms of pricking or
sensitivity at the site for a few hours or a day before the Minor aphthous stomatitis is the most common type,
ulcer forms. There is a brief period of erythema before the and the usual history is one or crops of several painful ulcers
ulcer appears. The ulcers have a smooth sharply defined recurring at intervals of a few weeks. Aphthae typically
margin with an erythematous rim in the enlarging phase. affect only the non-keratinised mucosa, usually the labial
The erythematous rim reduces once the ulcer reaches its and buccal mucosa, sulcuses, or lateral borders of the tongue
full size, and while it heals, the margin becomes irregular (Fig. 16.2). Individual minor aphthae persist for 7–10 days,
or less well defined. Typical features common to all types of then heal without scarring. Often all ulcers in a crop develop
recurrent aphthae are summarised in Box 16.2. and heal more or less synchronously. Unpredictable
Box 16.4 Possible aetiological factors
Soft tissue disease
• Family history
numerous clinical trials, no medication gives completely sometimes be so painful, persistent and resistant to conven-
reliable relief. Low-potency and topical agents should be tional treatment as to be disabling. Reportedly effective
tried first. Some patients report that changing toothpastes treatments include azathioprine, cyclosporin, colchicine
is helpful. and dapsone, but thalidomide is probably most reliably
Reassurance and education Patients need to understand effective. Their use may be justified for major aphthae even
that the ulcers may not be curable but can be made bearable in otherwise healthy persons if they are disabled by the pain
with symptomatic treatment. Reducing the number of and difficulty of eating. However, such drugs can only be
attacks is more difficult to address, but some treatments are given under specialist supervision.
successful, particularly if attacks are frequent. The condi- Complementary and experimental treatments Common,
tion usually wanes eventually of its own accord, although relatively inconsequential diseases that are difficult to treat
after many years. will always be used to promote treatments without a good
Corticosteroids Some patients get relief from hydrocorti- evidence base. While the disease remits spontaneously and
sone, 2.5 mg, oromucosal tablets allowed to dissolve next unpredictably, and measurement of symptoms is imprecise,
to the ulcer three times per day. These low-potency cortico- it is difficult to prove whether treatments are either effective
steroids adhere to the mucosa to provide a high local con- or ineffective.
centration of drug and are suitable for use in dental practice. Possible treatments for recurrent aphthae are summarised
They probably reduce the painful inflammation but do not in Appendix 16.1.
speed healing much or reduce frequency of attacks. They
RAS review PMID: 21812866 and 17850936
are best applied in the very early, asymptomatic stages.
Triamcinolone dental paste (Adcortly in Orabase) is no Disease associations PMID: 22233487
longer available in the UK and is superseded by the previ-
ously mentioned mucosal adhesive tablets. Cochrane review treatment PMID: 22972085
Tetracycline mouth rinses Trials in both Britain and the
United States showed that tetracycline rinses significantly
reduced both the frequency and severity of aphthae. Best BEHÇET’S DISEASE
reserved for herpetiform aphthae. The contents of a tetra- ➔ Summary chart 16.2 p. 280
cycline capsule (250 mg) can be stirred in a little water and
held in the mouth for 2–3 minutes, three times daily. Behçet’s disease was originally defined as a triad of oral
However, there are few easily soluble tetracycline prepara- aphthous stomatitis, genital ulceration and uveitis. However,
tions, and use carries a risk of superinfection by Candida it is a systemic vasculitis of small blood vessels and affects
albicans. many more organ systems than suggested by this limited
Chlorhexidine A 0.2% solution has also been used as a definition.
mouth rinse for aphthae. Used three times daily after meals The importance of making the diagnosis is indicated by
and held in the mouth for at least 1 minute, it has been the life-threatening risk of thrombosis, of blindness or brain
claimed to reduce the duration and discomfort of aphthous damage.
Topical salicylate preparations Salicylates have an anti- Clinical
inflammatory action and also have local effects. Prepara- Behçet’s disease is particularly common in Turkey (Behçet
tions of choline salicylate in a gel can be applied to aphthae. was a Turk), central Asia, the Middle East and Japan but is
These preparations, which are available over the counter, less common in emigrants from these areas and is rare in
appear to help some patients. those from Europe, the Americas and Africa. This matches
Local analgesics These provide only symptomatic relief, the geographic incidence of the human leukocyte antigen
but benzydamine mouthwash or spray helps some patients. (HLA) B51 allele (see later in this chapter).
Topical lidocaine or benzocaine sprays and gels are more Patients are usually young adult males between 20 and
effective but can only be used in limited doses and for a 40 years old. Patients suffer one of four patterns of disease:
short time. They do not require prescription in the UK. Mucocutaneous Oral aphthae are the most consistent
Treatment of major aphthae Major aphthae, whether or feature, are not distinguishable from common aphthous
not there is underlying disease such as HIV infection, may stomatitis and may be of any of the three types. There is
all patients*
Sign group Criteria Points Incidence
Oral aphthous Three attacks or 2 80%†
stomatitis more in one year
Genital ulceration Recurrent ulcers or 2 80%
Ocular lesions Uveitis or retinal 2 50%
Skin lesions Follicular pustular 1 75%
rash or erythema
Central nervous Any involvement 1 10%
Vascular Superficial phlebitis, 1 30%
manifestations deep vein
thrombosis, large
vein thrombosis,
arterial thrombosis,
and aneurysm
Fig. 16.7 Erythema nodosum. This is the commonest skin
manifestation of Behçet’s disease. (From Habib, F., 2004. Clinical Dermatology: Positive pathergy 1 5-60%‡
A colour guide to diagnosis and therapy, fourth ed. Mosby, Philadelphia.) test (optional to
*A score of 4 or more points predicts Behçet’s disease with 95% certainty, 98% if
the pathergy test is performed. Incidence of features varies between populations.
†100% using older criteria, previously a requirement for diagnosis.
‡The higher figure is for patients from the middle East and central Asia.
The aetiology is unknown, but the disease has features
including circulating immune complexes, high levels of
cytokine secretion and activation of lymphocytes and mac-
rophages in the circulation. These suggest an immune-
mediated reaction, and it is presumed that this may be a
response to an unknown infectious agent, possibly through
Fig. 16.8 Thrombophlebitis in Behçet’s disease. Inflammation immune cross reaction between pathogen and host heat
and pigmentation highlight the sites of veins (arrow) and their shock proteins.
valves. The racial distribution suggests a strong genetic compo-
nent and HLA tissue types are linked, most strongly to
HLA-B51. This is a common allele and so is not of use in
often genital ulceration and a variety of rashes including diagnosis but can predict ocular lesions.
erythema nodosum (Fig. 16.7) and vasculitis (Fig. 16.8).
Arthritic Joint involvement with or without mucocutane- Behçet’s update PMID: 26487500
ous involvement. The large weight-bearing joints are most
affected. There is pain, but no destructive arthritis and only Diagnosis and management
a few joints are involved. The pain may be relapsing or Oral aphthae are frequently the first manifestation. Behçet’s
constant. disease should therefore be considered in the differential
Neurological This type may occur with or without other diagnosis of aphthous stomatitis, particularly in patients in
features and is usually a late stage. Vasculitis within the a racial group at risk, and the medical history should be
brain causes a variety of neurological symptoms including checked for the features shown in Table 16.3. The frequency
sensory and motor disturbances, confusion and fits. of other manifestations is highly variable.
HIV-ASSOCIATED ORAL ULCERS Fig. 16.9 Nicorandil-induced ulcer. The ulcer appears sharply
Patients with HIV infection (Ch. 29) are susceptible to demarcated and has no well-organised slough or granulation
severe recurrent aphthae that are not otherwise distinguish- tissue in the base (A). Healing took 9 weeks after drug withdrawal
and a scar remains (B). (From Yamamoto, K., Matsusue, Y., Horita, S., et al., 2011.
able from common aphthae. They may be of any of the three Nicorandil-induced oral ulceration: report of 3 cases and review of the Japanese literature.
types, but most are either major or herpetiform aphthae. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 112, 754–759.)
With declining immune function, the ulcers become more
frequent and severe. Aphthae are no more frequent in HIV
infection than in the normal population and are classi-
fied with group 3 lesions (Ch. 29). Ulcers whose presen- appear within 18 months of starting the drug, often a few
tation does not match the three patterns of aphthae are weeks, and are usually solitary on the lateral tongue, buccal
classified just as ‘HIV ulceration’ (previously ‘atypical’ mucosa, gingivae or fauces. Perianal or vulval skin are the
ulceration). usual skin sites. Ulcers can arise at relatively low doses,
Biopsies should be taken from non-healing ulcers to although they are commoner at higher dose.
exclude opportunistic infections and other HIV-associated The oral ulcers have a characteristic clinical appearance
conditions including lymphoma, Epstein-Barr virus or and are strikingly painful (Fig. 16.9). They are deep, with a
cytomegalovirus ulcers and deep fungal infections. punched-out or overhanging margin, and range from 1–3 cm
Treatment with potent topical steroids is frequently effec- in diameter. They may be mistaken for major aphthae or
tive. In severe cases ulcers require the higher potency drugs carcinoma. Ulcers do not usually respond to local medica-
listed for aphthous ulcers, often systemically (Appendix tions and persist for several months unless the drug is
16.1). Antiretroviral therapy reduces severity and incidence withdrawn, when they heal within a few weeks depending
of HIV-associated aphthae. on their size.
Description PMID: 1545960 Nicorandil is known to delay wound healing, and biopsy
shows reduced formation of granulation tissue in the ulcer
Treatment PMID: 9154767 and 14507229 base. However, the features are non-specific, and biopsy
HIV-associated lesions PMID: 24034072 does not aid diagnosis other than to exclude other causes.
Case series PMID: 11174596, 10397662 and 15920586
The potassium channel activator Nicorandil, used to dilate
arterioles in angina, causes ulcers of skin and oral mucosa.
Ulcers have been reported to affect 5% of patients on the Lichen planus is a common chronic inflammatory disease
drug, but this is likely an overestimate. Ulcers usually of skin and mucous membranes. Although in most patients
Soft tissue disease
covered by a smooth, slightly raised yellowish layer of fibrin differentiation from the other immunobullous diseases (dis-
(Figs 16.14 and 16.15). Ulcers are usually surrounded by cussed later in this chapter).
atrophic areas, and striae may be seen around the margins. Typical features of lichen planus are summarised in Box
Plaques are solid areas of keratinisation and often affect 16.5.
the dorsum of the tongue or the buccal mucosa. They are
Clinical features management PMID: 16269024
clinically indistinguishable from other leukoplakias, but
there are usually other types of lichen planus elsewhere in
the mouth to aid diagnosis. Pathology
Desquamative gingivitis is most commonly caused by Histologically, a series of common features are seen in
lichen planus. The gingivae appear shiny, inflamed and varying proportions matching the clinical presentations.
smooth across the full width of the attached gingiva (see There is usually a dense sharply defined band-like infil-
Fig. 16.10). The gingivae are occasionally the only site of trate of lymphocytes running along beneath the epithe-
lichen planus lium. Smaller numbers of lymphocytes infiltrate the basal
Bullous lichen planus results from separation of the epi- cell layers and are seen adhering to basal cells undergo-
thelium because of loss of basal cells and the weakened ing apoptosis. Apoptotic bodies are seen along the base-
basement membrane. Gingiva is the site most likely to ment membrane, and where they cluster there are ‘holes’
produce blisters, but they quickly break down into ulcers in the epithelium from loss of basal cells (liquefaction
leaving small tags of epithelium at the ulcer margin. This degeneration is a historical term for this: there is no
is not a special type of lichen planus, but it does require liquefaction).
Box 16.6 Lichen planus: typical histological features
The diagnosis can usually be made on the history, the
appearance of the lesions and their distribution, ideally con-
firmed by biopsy. A biopsy is usually considered mandatory
for any oral white lesion to exclude dysplasia but is often
avoided in completely typical lichen planus. This is accept-
able provided follow up is to be provided, and the problem
of malignant transformation is understood (discussed later
in this chapter). Biopsy is required in plaque-type lesions or
when lesions are in any other way unusual. Differential
diagnosis is from other lesions described in this section and
is summarised in Summary chart 16.1.
Diagnosis and management PMID: 23399399
Controversies PMID: 22788669
There is no treatment for the underlying disease process;
treatment is symptomatic to manage any flare up in severity
and complications. Asymptomatic striae and keratotic
lesions usually require no treatment. Atrophic and ulcerated
lesions are painful, are sensitive to acid, spicy or irritant
foods and can make eating difficult. There are several treat- Fig. 16.17 Lichen planus. The basement membrane is
ment options. It is usual to start with low-potency topical thickened, and lymphocytes from the dense infiltrate below
treatments. Medium-potency steroids should be provided in emigrate into the basal cells of the epithelium where they are
a specialist centre, not only because of the adverse effects associated with focal basal cell degeneration.
of the drugs but because the more severe disease may benefit
from a broader range of treatments.
No best treatment PMID: 22242640
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 16.18 Lichen planus. Lymphocytes infiltrating the basal Fig. 16.19 Lichen planus. The epithelium is atrophic and greatly
cells are associated with basal cell apoptosis, loss of a prominent thinned. A well-demarcated, dense, broad band of lymphocytes
basal cell layer and prickle cells abutting the basement membrane. extends along the superficial corium immediately below the
A cluster of apoptotic bodies is visible (arrows), each consisting of epithelium.
a shrunken bright pink cell with a condensed and fragmented
Summary chart 16.1 Differential diagnosis of oral lichen planus and conditions which mimic it clinically.
Oral lesions unilateral, Oral lesions bilateral and Oral lesions unilateral,
closely associated with a sometimes symmetrical primarily soft palate or
restoration. Resolves lips affected
on replacement with
another material
No rash, or in a minority Rash: malar (butterfly)
itchy purple papules on rash, or well-defined
wrists, shins or small erythematous scaling
of back, or patches, especially
history of similar rash scalp and hands
Box 16.8 Features suggesting a lichenoid reaction Box 16.9 Some drugs capable of causing
Soft tissue disease
In graft-versus-host disease, lymphocytes transplanted in a
bone marrow transplant attack the recipient’s tissues. The
histological appearances are identical to lichen planus, and
diagnosis is made primarily on the basis of history and
effects in other organs. Occasional cases of malignant trans-
formation have been reported.
Review oral lesions PMID: 9167093
Treatment PMID: 20859645
➔ Summary charts 16.1, 16.3 pp. 266, 281
Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune connective tissue
Fig. 16.21 Lichenoid reaction to amalgam. The features are disease with two main forms, systemic and cutaneous.
similar or identical to lichen planus. Amalgam reactions often have
dense perivascular infiltrates of inflammatory cells deeper in the
Either can give rise to oral lesions that resemble oral lichen
tissue, two of which are seen here. planus.
Systemic lupus erythematosus has varied effects discussed
in Chapter 30. Discoid lupus is essentially a skin disease
with rare oral lesions.
skin testing. It is assumed that tiny amounts of these metals Clinically, oral lesions appear in approximately 20% of
pass into the mucosa and bind to the epithelium to trigger cases of systemic lupus and can, rarely, be the presenting
the cell-mediated immune reaction. sign (Fig. 16.22). Patients are usually female and the disease
Biopsy often shows large sharply defined rounded perivas- is more common in those of African descent.
cular infiltrates deep in the tissues and the epithelium is Oral changes are variable patterns of white and red
often very atrophic, but the features can be identical to areas. They may be identical to lichen planus, with ulcers,
lichen planus (Fig. 16.21). Patch testing for metal hypersen- erythema and striae, although the striae are typically less
sitivity is not completely specific as the skin can react to a well defined than in lichen planus. Features suggestive of
substance that causes no reaction in the mouth. A majority lupus erythematosus are lesions forming a discrete patch,
Soft tissue disease
Box 16.11 The immunobullous diseases
➔ Summary charts 16.2, 16.3 pp. 280, 281
Box 16.10 Chronic ulcerative stomatitis: key features
• Females older than 40 years mainly affected Pemphigus vulgaris is an uncommon autoimmune disease
causing vesicles or bullae on skin and mucous
• Lesions resemble lichen planus
• Direct immunofluorescence shows autoantibodies to
squamous epithelial nuclear protein Aetiology
• Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine moderately Pemphigus vulgaris is a classical autoimmune disease.
effective Autoantibodies are directed against desmoglein 1 or 3, two
proteins of the desmosomes that hold epithelial cells
together. Mucosa is dependent only on desmoglein 3 for its
integrity, and the relative abundance of the two types of
Immunofluorescence reveals the causative autoantibody, autoantibody determines the relative effects on skin and
either bound in the tissues using direct, or in serum using mucosa. Circulating antibody can permeate into the epithe-
indirect, immunofluorescence. The autoantibody is bound lium where it binds to desmosomes and causes detachment
to the nuclei of the basal and suprabasal cells. of the cells from one another. The epithelium loses its cohe-
Diagnosis starts by suspecting the condition in a patient sion and disintegrates.
with apparent severe lichen planus that does not respond to The process starts in the suprabasal and prickle cells,
steroids. Immunofluorescence completes the diagnosis, or forming a vesicle in which fluid accumulates. Gradually
detection of circulating antibody by ELISA. vesicles enlarge to become bullae and eventually burst. Epi-
Steroids are relatively ineffective. Hydroxychloroquine, thelial cells that have lost their attachment become rounded
originally an antimalarial drug but now used in rheumatoid and fall into the bullae and can be seen in a smear of the
arthritis and autoimmune disease, is considered the most fluid, in which they are known as acantholytic or Tzanck
effective treatment. However, resolution may be followed by cells.
relapses. Adverse effects of these drugs require treatment to When the bulla busts, a layer of basal cells remains stuck
be in a specialist centre. to the basement membrane because they are attached by
Key features of chronic ulcerative stomatitis are summa- hemidesmosomes, which do not contain desmogleins.
rised in Box 16.10. However, these cells quickly become abraded, and an ulcer
Review PMID: 18593454 develops.
Loss of the epithelium occurs almost without inflamma-
Diagnosis PMID: 19682320 tion and without damage to the connective tissue so that
there is only a limited wound healing response and tissue
fluid exudes from the burst bulla. Protein, fluid and electro-
IMMUNOBULLOUS DISEASES lytes can be lost in great quantities from affected skin, and
Immunobullous diseases are autoimmune diseases in which the raw areas readily become secondarily infected. Untreated,
autoantibodies directed against components of the skin or the condition can be fatal when skin involvement is
oral epithelium produce blisters. These diseases were previ- extensive.
ously called vesiculo-bullous diseases (a vesicle is a small
blister, and a bulla is one more than 10 mm diameter). The Clinical
two main diseases are pemphigus and pemphigoid, each of Females aged 40–60 years are predominantly affected, and
which has several variants (Box 16.11). Other diseases of those of Indian and Jewish origin are predisposed. Blisters
Soft tissue disease
Box 16.13 Pemphigus vulgaris: pathology Box 16.14 Mucous membrane pemphigoid:
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 16.30 Mucous membrane pemphigoid. Typical oral Direct immunofluorescence reveals the site of autoanti-
presentation with persistent erythema and ulceration of the body binding, its immunoglobulin class and any comple-
palate. On close examination tags of epithelium are sometimes ment activation. In almost all cases immunoglobulin IgG
seen at the ulcer margins. and/or complement component 3 can be found along the
basement membrane (Fig. 16.33). When both IgA and IgG
antibodies are present, the clinical course is usually more
Diagnosis and management severe and resistant to treatment.
In addition to the typical presentation, Nikolsky’s sign (page Indirect immunofluorescence is less useful than in pem-
272) is typically positive. phigus as the autoantibodies circulate only at very low con-
The diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy and immunofluo- centration. It is positive in just more than half of cases.
rescence microscopy and requires either an intact vesicle or Indirect immunofluorescence can be used to differentiate the
a sample from the margin of a blister for best chance of target antigen by using a substrate of normal skin split along
positive immunofluorescence findings. Unfortunately, its basement membrane zone by incubation in concentrated
biopsy of such involved tissue is difficult because the epi- salt solution. Whether the autoantibodies bind to the floor or
thelium may separate from the underlying tissue during roof of the split gives information on the localisation of the
biopsy, rendering it useless for diagnosis. Great care must target antigen. Binding to the floor indicates the variant
be taken to obtain an intact specimen. A skin biopsy is called epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (discussed later).
preferable if skin lesions are present. Mild disease or disease in remission can often be effec-
Histologically, there is loss of attachment and separation tively controlled with topical corticosteroids. Doses are low
of the full thickness of the epithelium from the connective and without systemic effects, and application in a vacuum-
tissue at basement membrane level. The roof of a bulla is formed tray enhances effectiveness for gingival lesions. Mod-
formed by intact full thickness epithelium (Fig. 16.32). The erate disease requires a high-potency steroid topically or
floor is formed by connective tissue alone, infiltrated by dapsone if this is ineffective. If there is severe oral disease
inflammatory cells. or involvement of other sites, systemic steroids with
➔ Summary charts 15.2 and 16.2 pp. 253, 280
This mucocutaneous hypersensitivity reaction affects the
mouth in many cases and, in patients presenting to den-
tists, oral lesions may be the only sign. Erythema multi-
forme is one of the few causes of recurrent oral ulceration
and also produces blisters.
Though the mechanism is unclear, erythema multiforme
appears to be a cell-mediated hypersensitivity reaction. It is
more likely in immunosuppression, HIV infection, systemic
lupus erythematosus and during radiotherapy and
Erythema multiforme may be triggered by many agents
(Box 16.15), but 90% of attacks are precipitated by an infect-
ion, usually herpes simplex infection. Patients with herpes
infections as the trigger have a genetic predisposition, the
HLA DQw3 allele.
When patients have a triggering stimulus, it is usually
Fig. 16.33 Mucous membrane pemphigoid. Frozen tissue 9–14 days before onset.
stained with fluorescent anti-C3 shows a line of fluorescence along
the basement membrane indicating complement activation there. Clinical
Intact mucosa is required for immunofluorescence, and biopsy is
best performed in apparently normal mucosa, not in a lesion. (See Most patients are aged between 20 and 40 years, with a
Fig. 1.6.) slight male predominance. Two forms are recognised. In the
minor form only skin is involved and this is a relatively mild
self-limiting condition. In the major form there are florid
azathioprine as a steroid-sparing agent are used to induce lesions on skin and oral, nasal and genital mucosae.
remission before moving to less potent drugs. Non- There is acute onset, sometimes preceded by vague arthral-
responsive disease requires immunosuppressants such as gia or slight fever for a day in the major form. Then the
mycophenolate. characteristic ‘target’ lesions appear, initially on arms and
Because of the possible risk to sight, ocular examination legs and spreading centrally. Each is a well-defined red
is necessary if early changes in the eyes are suspected. macule a centimetre or more in diameter. During a period of
Minor eye involvement also responds to dapsone, but severe a few hours to days, the centre becomes raised, with a bluish
eye disease requires potent immunosuppression with ster- cyanotic centre. In severe cases, skin lesions blister and
oids and azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate ulcerate centrally. New crops of lesions develop during a
mofetil or infliximab to induce remission. period of approximately 10 days. Oral and lip lesions appear
General review PMID: 15984952 a few days into the attack, most commonly anteriorly in the
mouth on the buccal and labial mucosa and tongue. Target
Treatment PMID: 22727107 lesions are not seen intraorally; the oral lesions are inflamed
patches with irregular blistering and broad, shallow irregular
Bullous pemphigoid ulcers. On the lips, fibrin oozes continually and forms haem-
Bullous pemphigoid is the commonest blistering disease of orrhagic crusts. There is severe pain.
skin. It affects a similar population to mucous membrane Features are summarised in Box 16.16 and shown in Figs
pemphigoid, and the signs are similar. However, it affects 16.34–16.36.
the mouth in less than 10% of patients, producing the same General review PMID: 22788803
superficial erosions as mucous membrane pemphigoid, and
is treated in the same way. The eye is involved only very Oral review PMID: 17767983 and 24034067
Difference from Stevens Johnson PMID: 7741539 and 15567361
Other pemphigoid variants
Linear IgA disease or linear IgA bullous dermatosis is a
form of pemphigoid in which the autoantibodies binding to
the basement membrane are of IgA class. Half of patients
have intraoral blistering, and the eye may be involved. It Box 16.15 Triggers for erythema multiforme
can also arise in children. • Herpes simplex infection, usually a cold sore
Lichen planus pemphigoides is a hybrid condition resem- • Genital recurrent herpes
bling both lichen planus and pemphigoid, usually affecting • Mycoplasmal pneumonia
the skin and very occasionally the mouth. • Varicella zoster infections
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is unrelated to the devel-
• Rarely drugs, penicillins
opmental condition epidermolysis bullosa and presents in
Soft tissue disease
Diagnosis and management The histological appearances are variable. There are lym-
Diagnosis relies on the typical presentation, history of previ- phocytes below the epithelium and basal cell degeneration
ous recurrent episodes and a trigger, if present. When only with apoptosis similar to that in lichen planus, but with
the mouth is involved, a biopsy may be required, but the additional acute inflammation and accumulation of oedema
appearances are very variable and this aids most by exclud- fluid in and below the epithelium, producing intraepithelial
ing alternative causes. vesicle or bulla formation (Figs 16.37 and 16.38).
The attack usually lasts for 3 or 4 weeks and is self- of no significance, and it is not established whether it is an 16
limiting without treatment in the minor form. However, irritant or allergic phenomenon. The common sites are the
Superficial epithelial desquamation can be mistaken for blis-
tering by patients. It may be caused by detergents in tooth- Fig. 16.39 Reactive arthritis oral signs. There is erythema and
pastes, particularly sodium lauryl sulphate, and is best patches of depapillation on the tongue, which when multiple
managed by patient education and acceptance, or changing resemble erythema migrans. (From Fehrnbach, M.J., Phelan, J.A., 2004.
brand. However, the sloughing is often unnoticed or blamed Immunity. In: Ibsen, O.A.C., Phelan, J.A. (Eds.), Oral Pathology for the dental hygienist,
on astringent or sharp foods. This condition appears to be fourth ed. St Louis, Saunders.)
2 infection or gut infections such as with Salmonella sp. or obvious, with nodes palpable and distinctively affecting only
Shigella sp. usually precede arthritis by about 1–3 weeks. one side of the neck anterior to sternomastoid muscle.
Soft tissue disease
Patients are typically males between the ages of 20 and 40 Almost every kind of rash except blisters can occur, but
years; 80% of them are HLA-B27 positive. Pain and swelling involvement of the soles and palms with peeling of skin
typically affect the knees, ankles and feet. from the tips of fingers and toes is a characteristic, but late,
Antibiotics are given to eliminate the gut or other trig- sign (Fig. 16.41).
gering infections; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Oral changes arise early in the disease. Suspected cases
are frequently effective for controlling joint pain. The should be referred to hospital urgently without waiting to
disease may be self-limiting or recurrent and progressively
Dental aspects
The temporomandibular joints can be involved with ero-
sions but are not a major source of symptoms.
Oral manifestations develop in 15% of patients and are
characteristic and consist of scalloped or circinate white
lines somewhat resembling erythema migrans but involving
all or any part of the mouth and the genital mucosa. In other
cases there may be shallow erosions. Lesions are typically
painless and frequently unnoticed.
General review: 18436339
2 Summary chart 16.2 Differential diagnosis of the common causes of recurrent oral ulceration.
Soft tissue disease
Recurrent ulcers
Whole mouth, buccal mucosa or lips. Ulceration fits one Ulcers fit none of these
Ulcers last 1–3 weeks. In some patients arise of the three patterns below patterns
5–15 days after a herpes simplex or other
viral infection or administration of certain drugs.
May have skin, genital or eye lesions
Probably traumatic Erythema Crops of 1–5 ulcers One or two ulcers, Very many tiny Check ulcers are truly
ulceration. Check for multiforme on non-keratinised often larger than a ulcers, coalescing recurrent. Consider
cause and eliminate. mucosa only centimetre in on a red background. causes of chronic
If no response Heal 7–10 days diameter. Heal in No vesicles. No ulceration such as
perform biopsy to weeks or months. serological or other lichen planus,
exclude rare causes Minor aphthae Often soft palate evidence of viral vesiculobullous
affected infection. Often ventral diseases and rare
tongue, heal in 2–3 causes of recurrent
Major aphthae weeks ulceration such as
recurrent viral infection
Herpetiform aphthae
Summary chart 16.3 Differential diagnosis and management of persistent oral ulceration.
Persistent ulcer(s)
Ulcers preceded by vesicles or bullae on skin Ulcers associated with striae, Single ulcer
or in mouth. Nikolsky’s sign may be positive. rash or desquamative gingivitis
Desquamative gingivitis may be present
Probably lichen planus or
Indicates a vesiculobullous disease lichenoid lesion Induration, Traumatic
Oral lesions Lichen planus-like but
symmetrical and not typical. Unusual destructive, signs of aetiology—sharp
bilateral. May be features include malignancy, risk site tooth, denture flange
itchy purple papular unilateral lesion, associated etc.
rash on flexor localised lesion or Possibly carcinoma,
surfaces of wrists, unusual site other malignancy or
small of back unusual causes, e.g.
or shins tuberculosis Treat possible cause
Fragile, short-lived Vesicles or bullae Either history of drug Palate or lip vermilion Consider carcinoma
or ruptured vesicles may last many hours associated with lichenoid border affected. arising in lichen
or bullae. Epithelium or a few days. Eye reaction or close contact with Striae tend to radiate planus, especially if No evidence Resolution
may disintegrate may be affected. Skin amalgam or composite from lesion. Possibly associated with other of healing or evidence
when touched lesions rare restoration or very extensive systemic signs of risk factors or clinical after 10 days of healing at
ulceration with rash lupus erythematosus signs of malignancy 10 days
Biopsy. Take fresh or frozen tissue for immunofluorescence tests if pemphigus or pemphigoid is suspected Biopsy
bound at basement
Consider lichenoid Present Absent, except perhaps Carcinoma or other Traumatic
reaction on the basis for skin lesions cause shown by ulcer
of clinical and Systemic lupus biopsy
Indicates pemphigus Indicates pemphigoid Indicates lichen planus histological findings erythematosus Discoid lupus erythematosus
Systemic Refer for ophthalmologic Symptomatic Stop any potentially Refer for medical Treat oral lesions with topical No further
steroids opinion if eye signs or treatment causative drug or management of or systemic steroids Specific treatment treatment
required symptoms present or topical steroids, remove any possible systemic disease
if severe. Skin topical cause. If lip affected observe long
Topical steroid or lesions usually Otherwise treat as Treat oral lesions term in case of malignant
symptomatic treatment for require only lichen planus with topical or change
oral lesions. Dapsone for topical steroids systemic steroids
severe or resistant cases
Appendix 16.1
Soft tissue disease
Tongue disorders
Box 17.1 Clinical types of sore tongue
• Glossitis
• Anaemia
• Candidal infection
• Burning tongue and burning mouth ‘syndrome’
• Erythema migrans
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 17.3 Erythema migrans. The change of pattern can be seen,
This condition, also known as transient lingual papillitis or
on a later occasion, in the same patient as in Fig. 17.2.
fungiform papillitis, is very common in the population, but
patients rarely seek treatment. One or a cluster of fungiform
papillae become slightly swollen, white and intensely painful
to touch (Fig. 17.5). The condition resolves spontaneously
after a few days, sometimes after only one, and without an
ulcer developing. The cause is unknown, but trauma and
certain foods are usually blamed. A few patients have more
diffuse involvement.
Biopsy does not aid diagnosis and shows non-specific
inflammatory changes.
Description PMID: 8899785 and 19774866
Box 17.2 Causes of glossitis
Tongue disorders
Common causes
• Anaemia
• Vitamin B group deficiencies (especially B12)
• Erythema migrans
• Candidosis and median rhomboid glossitis (Ch. 15)
• Lichen planus (Ch. 16)
Rare causes
• Bacterial infection or commensal overgrowth
• Scarlet fever (streptococcal infection)
• Kawasaki disease (Ch. 16)
• Glucagon secreting pancreatic tumours
• Syphilitic glossitis of tertiary syphilis (Ch. 15)
A red, smooth and sore tongue is particularly characteristic
of anaemia, but anaemic patients may also have an asymp-
tomatic red tongue or a normally appearing but sore tongue.
A high index of suspicion for anaemia must therefore be
The cause is atrophy of the epithelium, which becomes
Fig. 17.6 Hairy tongue. In this patient there are numerous thin and loses its filiform papillae, and therefore the kerat-
elongate papillae but a brown rather than black pigmentation. inised parts of its surface. It then appears smooth and red.
The possibility that candidosis, predisposed to by anaemia,
might cause some of the oral symptoms should also be
considered. Patchy red zones suggest candidosis; the atrophy
antibiotic treatment that disturbs the normal ecology of the of anaemia is more widespread.
oral flora, allowing overgrowth of pigmented species. Like a
furred tongue, trapping of food particles and adherent bac- Iron deficiency
teria may produce halitosis and a bad taste. Otherwise the
condition is asymptomatic, although papillae may be long Three-quarters of patients with established iron deficiency
enough to trigger gagging in susceptible patients. have a painful tongue, and about a quarter have an atrophic
Treatment is difficult. Pale hairy tongue may be mistaken tongue. Conversely, only 15% of patients with glossitis or
for candidosis, but treatment with antifungals is inappropri- soreness of the tongue are iron deficient when assessed
ate and ineffective. Tongue scraping is the best solution, by haemoglobin levels and reduced mean red cell volume.
with measures to reduce predisposing causes such as More sensitive measures of iron deficiency such as fer-
smoking or xerostomia. ritin levels reveal deficiency before anaemia develops, and
such subclinical deficiency is commonly found. It is also
Review PMID: 25152586 common in the normal population without symptoms,
but those with a sore tongue are likely to benefit from
Black tongue supplementation.
The dorsum of the tongue may sometimes become black The glossitis is mild, with minimal redness and loss of
without overgrowth of the papillae. This may be staining papillae around the outside of the dorsal surface (Fig. 17.7).
due to drugs, such as iron compounds used for the treat- There is often angular cheilitis associated.
ment of anaemia or bismuth from antacid preparations, but Treatment is by supplementation. In severe cases there is
is then transient. Occasionally, the sucking of antiseptic rapid resolution of signs and symptoms with regrowth of
lozenges causes the tongue to become black through over- papillae in a month, but mild cases require several months
growth of pigment-producing organisms. Chlorhexidine supplementation and respond slowly.
mouthwash, coffee and other extrinsic agents also stain the Though dietary deficiency is common, all patients with
dorsal tongue papillae preferentially. these signs or confirmed deficiency should be investigated
for a cause of blood loss. The sore tongue may herald no
more than menstrual loss or haemorrhoids, but occasion-
Glossitis ally signals loss from an intestinal carcinoma or other
Glossitis means no more than inflammation of the tongue, significant cause. Blood loss is a more likely cause in
but the term is confusingly applied to many conditions, not adult males.
all of which are inflammatory in origin or particularly
inflamed. Pain and iron deficiency PMID: 10555095
Glossitis is used to describe erythematous changes, pain
or burning, but these can also result from epithelial atrophy Paterson Kelly (Paterson Brown-Kelly) syndrome
and several specific diseases. This combination of iron deficiency, dysphagia and a post
Causes of glossitis are listed in Box 17.2, and anaemia is cricoid oesophageal stricture is known as Plummer-Vinson
discussed in Chapter 27. syndrome in the United States. It affects middle-aged
Soft tissue disease
General review nutritional deficiency PMID: 2693058 and around nerves, joints and in some organs. This interferes 17
19735964 with function and can lead to organ failure.
Tongue disorders
In the head and neck, amyloid of AL type is commonly
B12 case report PMID: 17209796
deposited in the tongue where it almost always signifies
Subclinical B12 deficiency PMID: 8600284 myeloma or a pre-myeloma plasma cell disorder (Ch. 12).
Small deposits form asymptomatic nodules, usually along
the lateral borders, but more extensive amyloidosis makes
GLOSSODYNIA AND THE SORE, the tongue enlarged and stiff, affecting speech and eating
PHYSICALLY NORMAL TONGUE (Figs 17.11 and 17.12). The tongue then feels firm and the
Important causes of an enlarged tongue are summarised in
Box 17.3. In many syndromes and in patients with poor
neuromuscular control or muscle tone, the tongue may
appear large, but be of normal size with a forward posture.
Fig. 17.10 Macroglossia due to a congenital haemangioma.
Amyloidosis is the deposition in the tissues of an abnormal
protein with characteristic staining properties. Several dif-
ferent proteins have the ability to deposit as amyloid, which
requires the molecules to align closely together and bind to
form an insoluble and undegradable mass.
The amyloid protein may deposit at the site of production
or circulate to deposit in remote sites, usually the kidneys,
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 17.12 Amyloid deposited in tongue mucosa. (A) The hematoxylin and eosin–stained section shows a broad band of amorphous
tissue between the epithelium and underlying muscle (1). This stains bright red with eosin where it is densest (2). (B) Congo Red stain
also stains the densest deposits red (arrows). (C) When the Congo Red section is viewed under polarised light, the amyloid shows green
mucosa appears pale and yellowish as surface blood flow is collagen and muscle of the mucosa and tongue and sur-
reduced by deposition around vessels. Vessels cannot con- rounding vessels. Amyloid stains with Congo Red and has
strict properly, and petechiae and ecchymoses are seen in a characteristic, usually apple-green, birefringence under
involved mucosa. polarised light (see Fig. 17.12). Various specialised tech-
Amyloid deposition in salivary glands produces xerosto- niques are used to distinguish the various types of protein
mia. that form amyloid (Table 17.1).
Treatment is for the underlying condition, if that is pos-
Management sible. Surgical reduction has been required for massive mac-
Biopsy is diagnostic. Amyloid appears as weakly eosi- roglossia caused by amyloid.
nophilic, hyaline homogeneous material replacing the Reviews PMID: 15124168 and 23715681
Tongue disorders
Fig. 17.13 Smooth atrophic tongue due to lichen planus. This
is a late change due to longstanding disease. (See Ch. 16.)
Fig. 17.16 Tongue in longstanding xerostomia. (See Ch. 22.)
Soft tissue disease
Review oral white lesions PMID: 23600041 Uncommon Chemical trauma Caustic chemicals
Hairy leukoplakia Epstein–Barr virus
Leukoplakia White sponge naevus Genetic
Oral keratosis of renal failure Uncertain
A leukoplakia is a clinical term for a white patch. Under- Verruciform xanthoma Uncertain
standing how this term is used and avoiding misuse is Skin grafts Iatrogenic
important. A leukoplakia is a predominantly white patch of
the oral mucosa that cannot be characterised clinically or
pathologically as any other definable lesion. This states
clearly that leukoplakia is idiopathic – no cause is known
because the patch cannot be characterised as any other
definable lesion.
Previous definitions included the fact that a leukoplakia
cannot be wiped off, but the importance of this finding has
been overemphasised. The intention is to exclude thrush
(Ch. 15) in which the surface white pseudomembrane can
be wiped off. However, not all types of Candida infection
produce loosely adherent plaques, and this feature is of
minimal diagnostic value.
Unfortunately, the term leukoplakia is widely misused.
To many it means a white patch that has a risk of malignant
transformation to squamous carcinoma. This is true of only
a tiny small minority, but a patient searching the internet
with the term could easily become very frightened. The
term also appears in the names of many specific diseases,
such as oral hairy leukoplakia or candidal leukoplakia where Fig. 18.1 Fordyce’s spots. Clusters of creamy, slightly elevated
the cause is known. Some prefer not to use the term at all, papules on the buccal mucosa.
and simply saying ‘white patch’ instead avoids much of the
Leukoplakia is only a clinical description, and it can be a They are soft, symmetrically distributed, creamy white
useful label for a white patch on first presentation. However, spots from 0.5–2 mm in diameter, grow in size with age and
once investigations and biopsy are complete, either a spe- are more prominent in the elderly (Fig. 18.1). The buccal
cific cause is known or a histological diagnosis can be given. and labial mucosa are the main sites, but sometimes the
The term is then redundant, unless used in the name of a lips and, rarely, even the tongue are involved. Fordyce spots
specific entity. are more or less evenly spaced, but in some patients they
The majority of white patches, without malignant poten- are very prominent and can form a creamy white slightly
tial, are discussed here (Table 18.1). raised plaque that is mistaken for a leukoplakia. However,
they do not show the bright white colour of keratin, and the
Current definition PMID: 17944749 lightly yellow colour of the fat in the gland can be seen to
New definition proposal PMID: 26449439 be below the surface.
Patients can be reassured that they are of no sig-
nificance. If a biopsy is carried out, it shows normal
FORDYCE SPOTS ➔ Summary chart 19.2 p. 315 sebaceous glands with two or three lobules but no hair fol-
licle, as would be present in sebaceous glands on the skin
Fordyce spots or granules are sebaceous glands in the oral
(Fig. 18.2).
mucosa. They are normal rather than ectopic, appearing in
at least 80% of adults, but perform no function in mucosa. And other oral sebaceous lesions PMID: 8355222
Soft tissue disease
➔ Summary chart 19.1 p. 314
Previously known as smokers’ palate, or pipe smoker’s kera-
tosis, this condition has become rare now that pipe and cigar
smoking have declined. It appears to be a reaction to the
heat of smoking, which in these habits is directed at the
posterior palate. Changes take many years to develop. Only
the heaviest of cigarette smokers can produce similar
Clinical features
The appearances are distinctive in that the palate is affected,
but any part protected by a denture is spared. There is
diffuse whitening of the palate caused by hyperkeratosis and
inflammatory swelling of minor mucous glands. The open-
Fig. 18.6 Cheek biting. There is whitening of the buccal mucosa ings of the minor gland ducts are seen as red spots against
and a shredded surface. the white, and in marked cases they are umbilicated swell-
ings with red centres and a distinct line of keratosis around
them (Fig. 18.7). The white plaque is sometimes distinctly
CHEEK AND TONGUE BITING tessellated (crazy paving appearance).
➔ Summary charts 19.1 and 19.2 pp. 314, 315 Diagnosis and management
Habitual biting trauma is distinct from frictional keratosis The clinical appearance and history are so distinctive that
and traumatic ulceration. Unlike the smooth surface of biopsy should not be necessary. If the patient can be per-
frictional keratosis, biting produces small indentations and suaded to stop smoking, the lesion resolves within a few
shredded tags where the habitual chewer nips off small weeks or months.
pieces of the superficial epithelium. The background epithe- Unlike other oral white lesions associated with smoking,
lium undergoes even keratosis in response. stomatitis nicotina carries no risk of malignant transforma-
Biting causes an area of mucosa to appear patchily red tion. Management can therefore be conservative, and no
and white with a rough surface (Fig. 18.6). The margin of biopsy is usually taken unless there are other concerning
the bitten zone is well demarcated as only a limited amount features.
Soft tissue disease
Clinical features
In HIV infection, hairy leukoplakia is usually a late sign
and is ‘strongly associated’ (Ch. 29). Men who have sex
with men are predominantly affected, and highly active
Fig. 18.8 Stomatitis nicotina (smoker’s palate). The epithelium antiretroviral treatment reduces the incidence. Hairy
is hyperplastic and hyperkeratotic, especially around the orifice of leukoplakia is occasionally the presenting sign in unsus-
the duct where there is inflammation. pected HIV infection. Renal transplant patients are also
Hairy leukoplakia produces an asymptomatic vertically
corrugated or shaggy soft keratosis of the lateral borders of
Box 18.1 Stomatitis nicotina the tongue (Fig. 18.9). It may also rarely affect the buccal
mucosa, soft palate and pharynx, but tongue lesions will
• Affects palatal mucosa exposed to smoke and heat
then also be present. The vertical ridging is enhancement
• Areas protected by denture unaffected of the normal epithelial morphology on the posterolateral
• Palate is white from keratosis tongue, and not a useful feature for diagnosis.
• Umbilicated swellings with red centres are inflamed
salivary ducts Diagnosis
• Responds rapidly to abstinence from pipe smoking Biopsy is required for diagnosis unless other features and a
• Benign despite being tobacco-induced cause of immunosuppression are known. Hairy leukoplakia
shows hyperkeratosis or parakeratosis, or both, with a ridged
or shaggy surface. Koilocyte-like cells are the site of the
infection. They are vacuolated and ballooned prickle cells
with shrunken, dark (pyknotic) nuclei, chromatin pushed
If performed, biopsy shows hyperorthokeratosis and acan-
to the nuclear rim, and surrounded by a clear halo in the
thosis of the epithelium with a variable inflammatory infil-
cytoplasm (Fig. 18.10). The infected cells form bands paral-
trate in underlying glands and around ducts but no dysplasia
lel with the surface in alternating layers with parakeratin.
(Fig. 18.8).
The presence of Epstein–Barr virus is demonstrated by
Although the condition is benign, its presence indicates
using either immunohistochemistry to detect virus particles
prolonged heavy smoking and the possibility of carcinoma
or in situ hybridisation to demonstrate their DNA (see
developing at another site in the mouth, pharynx, larynx or
Fig. 18.10).
lung should be considered.
Secondary infection of the surface by candidal hyphae
Key features are summarised in Box 19.1.
is common in examples from HIV-positive patients;
Reverse smoking PMID: 9081765 fungal hyphae are then very numerous and not accom-
panied by an inflammatory response because of the
Caused by hot drinks PMID: 2234881
Fig. 18.10 Hairy leukoplakia. (A) There is thickening of the epithelium and a thick superficial layer of parakeratin, below which the
pale-staining layer of ‘koilocyte-like’ cells lies. Because this patient is severely immunosuppressed, there is no inflammatory reaction to
the numerous candidal hyphae which are present in the surface layers of the epithelium. (B) In situ hybridisation using probes
complementary to the Epstein–Barr virus. The presence of viral DNA is shown by the dark brown staining in the upper prickle cells and
koilocyte-like cells. Details of this technique are included in Chapter 1.
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 18.13 Oral keratosis of renal failure. The white lesions are
symmetrical, soft and wrinkled.
Fig. 18.14 Oral keratosis of renal failure. Microscopy shows Psoriasis is a very common skin disease estimated to affect
acanthosis and a picture somewhat similar to hairy leukoplakia. 2% of the population, but cases with convincing oral lesions
are extremely rare and some doubt their existence. A rela-
tionship with erythema migrans is often stated but
The diagnosis should only be considered when there is
cutaneous psoriasis and lesions wax and wane in severity
with them. The appearance of the oral lesions is reported
to vary from translucent plaques, mild stippled erythema to
that of erythema migrans. Biopsy appearances are not
Fig. 18.15 Skin graft. A skin graft placed on the right posterior
hard palate appears as a scar-like, pale patch. Hair follicles
occasionally survive transplantation to the mouth.
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Potentially malignant
disorders 19
Various oral mucosal lesions indicate that a patient is at risk The oral potentially malignant disorders are listed in
of developing an oral squamous cell carcinoma. Such lesions Table 19.2, with their risk and causes, as far as is known.
are usually red or white in appearance. Their risks of devel-
Nomenclature and classification PMID: 17944749
oping into cancer vary quite widely.
Review PMID: 18674954
The current preferred term for these conditions is oral Field change
potentially malignant disorders. This is meant to emphasise Potentially malignant disorders are thought to result from
that the risk is only potential and may never materialise. field change or field cancerisation. This is a process whereby
‘Premalignancy’ and ‘precancer’ imply that cancer will defi- a wide area of tissue becomes genetically altered, making it
nitely develop, and these terms are best avoided, although prone to develop cancer anywhere within the field. In heavy
they are widely used. smokers, mutations predisposing to cancer can be found
Current understanding also makes the difference between throughout a large field including the mouth, pharynx,
a premalignant lesion and a premalignant disease redun- larynx and lung. Examples are loss of function of cell cycle
dant. It used to be thought that some conditions indicated control proteins or DNA repair enzymes.
a risk of carcinoma at the site of the lesion itself (‘prema- Defects are not limited to individual genes. The cells in
lignant lesion’), whereas others might indicate a risk else- the field may also show chromosome abnormalities, usually
where in the mouth (‘premalignant disease’). We now amplifications or duplications of whole or part chromo-
understand that all potentially malignant disorders are indi- somes. This results from chromosomal instability, a
cators of genetic ‘field change’. They indicate a risk not just
at the site of the lesion itself but throughout the mouth and,
in smokers, more widely in the upper aerodigestive tract.
Other useful definitions for this chapter are shown in Table 19.1 Key definitions for potentially malignant
Table 19.1. disorders
Erythroplakia A predominantly red lesion of the oral mucosa
The oral potentially malignant disorders that cannot be characterised clinically or
pathologically as any other definable lesion
In general, the oral white lesions have the lowest risk of
malignant transformation and red and speckled lesions the Leukoplakia A white plaque of questionable risk having
highest risk, but there are completely benign white and red excluded other known diseases or disorders
lesions. that carry no increased risk for cancer
It is the role of the dentist to recognise these lesions,
assess their risk and refer when that risk is significant. The Precursor Any identifiable lesion or altered mucosa with a
process of identifying ‘at risk’ lesions is fundamental to lesion risk of transformation. A relatively non-
diagnosis and treatment planning. specific term
2 continuous process of worsening genetic damage. The texture and ranges from dull matte red to bright scarlet. The
genetic changes in the altered field are not in themselves margin may or may not be sharply defined. Erythroplasia is
Soft tissue disease
sufficient to cause cancer, but they increase the likelihood uncommon in the mouth but carries the highest risk of
of cancer developing. malignant transformation.
Within an area of field change in the mouth, not all the Almost half of lesions turn out to be malignant on first
epithelial cells have the same DNA defects. There are over- biopsy, and the remainder show some degree of dysplasia,
lapping areas of slightly different changes making up the often severe. The epithelium is atrophic and non-keratinised,
field. Each patch is a clone of cells that has a survival advan- and these features, together with inflammation, account for
tage over normal cells and grows too slowly replace sur- the red colour seen clinically.
rounding tissue. Different parts of the field will therefore
Review PMID: 15975518
have different risks for developing into cancer.
Field change has several implications. The first is that the
extent of the field may or may not be visible clinically or SPECKLED LEUKOPLAKIA
histologically depending on the particular combination of
genetic changes present. The size of the field at risk, there-
➔ Summary chart 19.1, p. 314
fore, cannot be easily determined. Second, the size of the Also known as erythroleukoplakia, this term applies to
field affects the success of surgical treatment because exci- lesions with both red and white areas, usually white flecks
sion could only be effective for a small field. Third, patients or nodules on an atrophic erythematous base (Fig. 19.2).
at risk of one carcinoma are at risk of multiple potentially They can be regarded as a combination of leukoplakia and
malignant lesions and cancers in different sites in the field. erythroplakia.
Dysplasia, features of abnormal growth seen histologi- The clinical features otherwise resemble erythroplakia,
cally, is the best predictor of risk (page 308). It is not neces- and there is a similar risk of finding carcinoma in a first
sarily detectable throughout the area of field change, but it biopsy. Speckled leukoplakia more frequently shows dyspla-
often is. sia than pure white lesions. The histological characteristics
In tobacco users PMID: 12949809 are intermediate between leukoplakia and erythroplasia.
Some cases of chronic candidosis have a similar appear-
‘Mapping’ fields PMID: 16757199 ance, but without the high risk of developing carcinoma.
➔ Summary charts 19.1 and 19.3, p. 314, 316 ➔ Summary chart 19.2, p. 315
An erythroplakia is a predominantly red lesion of the oral Leukoplakia is defined as a white plaque of questionable risk
mucosa that cannot be characterised clinically or pathologi- having excluded other known diseases or disorders that
cally as any other definable lesion. The term erythroplasia carry no increased risk for cancer. Like erythroplakia and
is sometimes used to indicate that these lesions are often speckled leukoplakia, the diagnosis is therefore by exclusion
not raised plaques like leukoplakias, but flat or slightly of other diseases. Many completely benign conditions form
depressed (Fig. 19.1). similar white patches (Ch. 18).
Pure red lesions are rare and usually affect the floor of Leukoplakia is common, accounting for over three-
mouth, lateral and ventral tongue and soft palate of the quarters of all potentially malignant conditions and being
elderly, often smokers. The surface is frequently velvety in present in 1%–5% of the population, more in India and
other countries with many tobacco users.
In the UK, the risk of a leukoplakia undergoing transfor-
mation to carcinoma is approximately 0.3% each year if no
dysplasia is present and 6% each year if severe dysplasia is
Fig. 19.1 Erythroplasia. This slightly depressed, well-defined red Fig. 19.2 Speckled leukoplakia. A poorly-defined speckled
patch on the dorsolateral tongue showed squamous carcinoma on leukoplakia on the cheek of an elderly female. Carcinoma was
biopsy. present at the first biopsy. See also Fig. 19.11.
present. Homogeneous, flat leukoplakias have a lower risk 19.4). However, lesions with red, nodular or verrucous areas 19
than those with a nodular or verrucous surface clinically. (Fig. 19.5) should be regarded with particular suspicion. The
Fig. 19.3 Homogeneous leukoplakia. There is a bright, white, Fig. 19.5 White patch with red areas. This post-commissural
sharply-defined patch extending from the gingiva on to the labial lesion is poorly defined. Lesions at this site are frequently due to
mucosa. The surface has a slightly rippled appearance, and no red candidosis, but this example showed dysplasia on biopsy rather
areas are associated. than simple candidosis.
Soft tissue disease
Sublingual keratosis
The term ‘sublingual keratosis’ is sometimes applied to
leukoplakia on the floor of mouth and ventral tongue, a
high-risk site for malignant change. Sublingual keratosis is
not a specific entity, but white patches at this site do show
some unusual features; they are often extensive, form a soft
plaque with a finely wrinkled surface and often show a low
grade of dysplasia despite having significant risk of develop-
ing carcinoma (see Figs 19.6 and 19.7). The histology and
treatment are as for leukoplakia.
LEUKOPLAKIA Fig. 19.8 Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia. There are large
white patches affecting the typical sites, and on the lower gingiva
This is a distinctive presentation of multiple white lesions the leukoplakia has a nodular surface.
with a very high risk of transformation. Patients are older
than 55 years of age, mostly female, and most are
non-smokers. Patients with proliferative verrucous leukoplakia often
They develop flat leukoplakias that, over a period have a surprisingly good long-term prognosis, developing
of decades, develop a nodular or verrucous surface and well-differentiated carcinomas, often on the gingiva or
progress inexorably to verrucous or squamous carcinoma. buccal mucosa.
Common sites affected are buccal mucosa, gingiva and
tongue (Fig. 19.8). Many patches may be present, each at a Review PMID: 20233330 and 17448134
different stage in its evolution. Patients can suffer several
separate carcinomas over many years. Lesions are difficult STOMATITIS NICOTINA
or impossible to eradicate surgically and recur or develop in
new sites. ➔ Summary chart 19.2, p. 315
The histological features of the lesions are those of leu- Palatal keratosis due to pipe-smoking is itself benign
koplakia, with or without dysplasia, but it is striking that (Ch. 18) but may be an indicator of risk elsewhere in the
these lesions often display an apparently innocuous lack of aerodigestive tract.
dysplasia or only mild dysplasia that can lead to underesti-
mation of the risk.
In order for the diagnosis to have any value, it is impor- SMOKELESS TOBACCO-INDUCED
tant that the criteria are strictly applied. Not all verrucous KERATOSES
leukoplakias are proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, regard-
less of how verrucous they become or how much they The majority of tobacco used worldwide is dried, cured and
enlarge. It is usually said that the ultimate diagnostic crite- then smoked in cigarettes or cigars. However, many cultures
rion is that all cases develop carcinoma. However, recogni- have traditional tobacco habits that use snuff, crude tobacco
tion must be much earlier to benefit the patient, and or commercial preparations topically on the oral mucosa.
identifying the unusual clinical presentation allows close These may be ‘dipped’, chewed or dissolved in the mouth
monitoring and targeted intervention. and are termed smokeless tobacco habits. A dedicated
smokeless tobacco user can consume several kilogrammes important to ascertain exactly what type of tobacco is used 19
of tobacco each year in this way. Most smokeless tobacco and how it is prepared. Biopsy is required to exclude dys-
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 19.15 Human papillomavirus–associated dysplasia. There are numerous mitoses and unusual degenerate and apoptotic cells at
all levels including the upper prickle cell layers (A). These cells often have a chromatin pattern suggesting that they are degenerate
mitoses (inset). Immunohistochemistry for p16 cell cycle regulatory protein is positive (B, brown stain), indicating that the virus is
transcribing its oncogenic E6/E7 proteins (see Ch. 21). DNA in situ hybridisation reveals high-risk viral DNA in some of the cells (C, blue
stain is positive).
of little more than historical interest in the UK. Few patients The diagnosis depends on serological findings. The pres-
reach the tertiary stage in developed countries but may do ence of syphilitic endarteritis may be a contraindication to
so in some parts of the world. Syphilitic leukoplakia was a radiotherapy, making treatment difficult.
feared complication because of its very high malignant Treatment of syphilis does not cure the leukoplakia,
transformation rate of 50% or more. which persists and can undergo malignant change many
Syphilitic leukoplakia has no distinctive features but typi- years later.
cally affects the dorsum of the tongue and spares the
margins. The lesion has an irregular outline and surface.
Cracks, small erosions or nodules may prove on histology MANAGEMENT OF POTENTIALLY
to be foci of invasive carcinoma. MALIGNANT DISORDERS
On biopsy there is hyperkeratosis, dysplasia and the
characteristic late syphilitic chronic inflammatory changes As will be noted in Chapter 20, the prognosis in oral carci-
with plasma cells, granulomas and endarteritis of small noma is good only when the diagnosis is made early and
arteries. the tumour is small. The principles of management are
Box 19.1 Principles of management of dysplastic Box 19.2 Clinical risk factors for malignant change in
Soft tissue disease
Dysplasia grading
Epithelial dysplasia is the combination of architectural and
cytological abnormalities seen in tissues that indicate a risk
of developing carcinoma (Table 19.3). All the features of
Fig. 19.16 Mild dysplasia. In this lesion there is a thin layer of
dysplasia may also be seen in a carcinoma, the only differ-
parakeratin and the structure, maturation and orderly
ence between the two is the way the tissues are arranged. differentiation of the epithelial cells is largely unaffected. However,
In epithelium with dysplasia the structure of the epithelium there is a degree of irregularity of basal cells with variation in size
is retained, but deranged. In a carcinoma, epithelial cells no and hyperchromatism.
longer form a covering layer but invade the underlying con-
nective tissue.
Note that dysplasia means only growth disturbance, and Moderate dysplasia has more layers of basaloid cells and
is used in the names of other completely benign conditions usually increased intercellular spaces as a result of loss of
such as fibrous dysplasia or cemento-osseous dysplasia. It cohesion. There is a disorganised higgledy-piggledy appear-
is only epithelial dysplasia that indicates potential ance in the basal layers. Mitotic figures and very abnormal
malignancy. cells may be seen not only in the basal cells but in the
The more abnormal the epithelium, the higher is the risk middle of the epithelium where basal cells proliferate
of carcinoma developing. The features seen in individual upward at the expense of prickle cells (Fig. 19.17).
specimens vary, but there are common themes. Severe dysplasia contains cells with the most marked
Mild dysplasia is diagnosed when the basal cells show abnormalities and loss of the normal layered structure of
slight disorganisation. There is increased proliferation with the epithelium. Most of the thickness is occupied by basal-
several layers of basaloid cells with large nuclei, and among type cells. There are few or no prickle cells or organised
them are scattered cells with very abnormal shape or size keratin layer, but individual cells may keratinise at any level
(Fig. 19.16). (dyskeratosis). Loss of cohesion is usually marked. The
Soft tissue disease
100 Box 19.3 Options for Ablating High-Risk Potentially
DNA ploidy analysis, a measure of total nuclear
DNA content, is also a good predictor of malignant trans-
formation. Nuclei from the biopsy are stained with a DNA
0 50 100 150 200 binding dye that allows the total DNA content of each cell
Time in months to be measured (Fig. 16.21). It is well known that dysplastic
and malignant cells show chromosomal instability; their
Fig. 19.20 Risk and time course of developing carcinoma in chromosomes have numerous deletions and duplications,
patients with mild, moderate, severe or no dysplasia in white sometimes of whole chromosomes. These changes can even
lesions referred to hospital. be detected in epithelium that does not show dysplasia on
routine light microscopic examination. Tissue with abnor-
mal DNA content (aneuploidy) has a risk of transformation
of 34% in 15 years, about the same risk as a diagnosis of
It can be seen that the majority of patients referred to
severe dysplasia.
hospital have benign conditions with no dysplasia, such as
The value of such tests is that they can often detect risk
lichen planus. In this study, the risk of developing carci-
when dysplasia is not present, so a combination of both
noma rose with worsening grade. Patients with severe dys-
assessments produces the most useful result.
plasia are also at risk of carcinoma developing more quickly,
and many patients with severe dysplasia develop a carci- Review diagnostic aids PMID: 17825602
noma in months (Fig. 19.20). This may well be because the
carcinoma was present at the time of biopsy, but the inva- Predictive biomarkers PMID: 19442563 and 21249481
sive areas were not sampled. However, the diagnosis of Cochrane review diagnostic tests PMID: 26021841
severe dysplasia successfully identified that risk. Note that
even some patients with no dysplasia develop oral carci- DNA ploidy analysis PMID: 23761273
noma, so clinical risk assessment is still important. Note
also that it can take years to develop carcinoma. Treatment
What happens to the dysplastic lesions that do not trans- The management of potential malignancy is controversial.
form to cancer? Some resolve, some stay unchanged and It must be appreciated both that transformation has serious
others may remain and constitute a risk over an even longer consequences for the patient, often culminating in death,
period. but that the vast majority of such lesions will never
Transformation risk UK PMID: 12945594 After biopsy, the clinical features, dysplasia grade and any
Transformation risk Europe PMID: 9813722 and 16316774 other information are compiled into a risk assessment.
Low-risk lesions can be managed conservatively. Patients’
Transformation risk United States PMID: 10815888 and risk factors must be addressed, usually by smoking cessa-
6537892 tion advice or other habit intervention. Candidal infection
Transformation risk Taiwan PMID: 17181738 should be eliminated and follow up instituted, ensuring a
detailed and complete oral examination at every visit.
Transformation risk India PMID: 1056293 Change in lesions is suspicious, and comparison with pho-
tographs or diagrams aids detection of changes.
Other investigations Many patients, particularly those with heavy tobacco and
As dysplasia grading is an imperfect risk assessment, alcohol intakes, have diets deficient in fruit and vegetables,
there is interest in molecular investigations that might be a known risk factor for oral carcinoma. Dietary intervention
better predictors. Detecting abnormalities in chromosome to establish a balanced diet is known to reduce cancer devel-
numbers and loss or gain of function of genes is relatively opment. It has been estimated that each portion of fruit or
easy, but no marker has yet proved a good predictor. Loss of vegetables consumed each day reduces the risk of oral cancer
heterozygosity (reflecting loss of a gene copy, probably due by around 50%, and diet supplements induce regression of
to a deletion) at various chromosomal loci is often found as much as 30% of oral white lesions. Dietary intervention
in oral carcinoma and potentially malignant epithelium. is potentially extremely valuable.
A panel of molecular markers identifying loss at 12 sites High-risk lesions, on the basis of clinical features or
on chromosomes 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13 and 17 can be used dysplasia grade, should receive all the aforementioned inter-
to divide samples into low, medium and high risk groups ventions, but in addition may be ablated, by one of several
from which 2, 15 and 64% of lesions transformed to car- methods (Box 19.3).
cinoma. These results are slightly better than for dysplasia If lesions are of manageable size, it is tempting to excise
grading, but the test is not yet available outside a research them. However, evidence of disease eradication on preven-
environment. tion of carcinoma is very limited, and surgical removal of
2 500 600
Soft tissue disease
Number of nuclei
Number of nuclei
0 0
1C 2C 4C 5C 1C 2C 4C 5C 8C 9C
Integrated optical density Integrated optical density
Fig. 19.21 Ploidy analysis of normal and dysplastic epithelium. Each graph shows the number of cells on the Y axis and the DNA
content of each cell on the X axis. In normal mucosa (left graph) epithelial cells (blue) almost all have a normal diploid DNA content
(called 2c, equivalent to 2 sets of chromosomes or diploid) with a few cells having doubled their DNA content because they are about to
divide (small peak at 4c). Lymphocytes (red) and fibroblasts (black) act as a normal control. Dysplastic epithelium (right graph, blue) has
peaks at abnormal DNA content (main peak between 4c and 5c) and many cells with grossly abnormal DNA content, up to 9c. Such a
lesion may carry a high risk of malignant transformation.
large lesions carries morbidity. Visible mucosal changes are the treatment options are much more clear cut. Such watch-
seen in only parts of the genetically altered field, making ful waiting appears neglectful but avoids morbidity of treat-
excision of the entire potentially malignant area impossible. ment of little value and is supported by the natural history
Only areas of highest risk can be removed. Lesions in the of the disease. However, the evidence that excision does
highest risk areas in the posterior floor of mouth are techni- have some benefit makes this difficult to justify, and patients
cally difficult to excise. need to be well informed if this path is to be chosen. Though
Nevertheless, an attempt is usually made to excise all surgical trials are small, meta-analysis shows that patients
small lesions with moderate dysplasia and any lesions with who have surgical treatment reduce their risk of malignant
severe dysplasia. Removal by laser surgery is well tolerated transformation from 15% to 5% independent of dysplasia
and heals well with limited scarring. Surgical excision pro- grade.
vides a specimen that can be examined for the extent of In the absence of alternative treatments, surgical excision
dysplasia and for possible carcinoma. Early microscopic car- remains the treatment of choice for high-risk lesions, but
cinoma may be found in 5%–10% of severe dysplasia when recurrence of as many as 30% is reported.
the whole lesion is excised.
Treatment effect PMID: 16316774
Laser vaporisation, photodynamic therapy and medical
treatments such as topical chemotherapeutic agents or sys- Treatment review PMID: 23159193
temic retinoids have proved unsuccessful and provide no
Treatment has some effect PMID: 19455705
specimen to detect unsuspected carcinoma, worsening the
outcome. Laser excision PMID: 12102411
After excision and reassessment of the risk following
pathological examination, long-term follow up is required Cochrane review PMID: 17054142
because carcinoma may not develop for 10 years or more
(see Fig. 19.20). Three monthly appointments for 2 years
are usual, gradually extending appointment intervals if SMOKING CESSATION
lesions remain unchanged, habits and diet are addressed
and the patient is educated about the risk. Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the UK smoke, half the
An alternative approach for high-risk lesions is to observe number that smoked in the 1970s. However, this reduction
closely for signs of deterioration, in the hope of detecting is mostly among older smokers; the number of young new
carcinoma as early as possible. Once carcinoma develops, smokers has remained stable, and two-thirds start the habit
2 Summary chart 19.1 Differential diagnosis and management of the common causes of red and white patches of the oral mucosa.
Soft tissue disease
? Red areas with white shredded YES Cheek- or tongue-biting
surface on lateral tongue or buccal
mucosa. Limited to mucosa which
No biopsy required if typical
can be bitten
? Red or depapillated areas
surrounded by a narrow white rim, YES Erythema migrans
usually on the dorsum of tongue, No biopsy required if
healing from the centre, enlarging typical
over a period of days
Stomatitis nicotina
? White palate with red spots in a YES Rapid resolution on
pipe or cigar smoker. Absent from cessation of smoking. No
areas covered by denture biopsy required if typical
? Red areas associated with striae
YES Lichen planus
of keratosis, usually with lesions in
Incisional biopsy usually
cheek and/or desquamative
Possibly candidosis or speckled
erythroplasia or chronic hyperplastic
Treat as candidosis
and investigate for
underlying causes
Summary chart 19.2 Summary of the key features of the common and important oral white patches.
On an edentulous On the buccal White patch which Patches of Lesions composed Extensive white Pale translucent On the lateral
ridge or other site mucosa just within does not fit any creamy or white of striae or areas of mucosa whitening of the tongue, with or
prone to trauma the commissure. other condition spots, usually on the occasionally forming with rough or mucosa, without vertical
from teeth, dentures No specific features clinically posterior buccal or plaques. shaggy surface especially the ridges or lines or in
or appliances to suggest labial mucosa Possibly with rash and poorly defined cheeks, which a patient with
malignant potential or history of rash margins. Possibly a disappears on immunosuppression,
or desquamative family history stretching. Usually especially
gingivitis in black races HIV infection
Probably Probably chronic Clinically a Usually Probably Probably white Probably Probably hairy
frictional keratosis hyperplastic ‘leukoplakia’ Fordyce’s spots lichen planus sponge naevus leukoedema leukoplakia
but could be candidosis possibly a carcinoma. (sebaceous glands)
dysplastic Judge the risk of Biopsy indicatedto Biopsy to exclude Biopsy indicated if Biopsy if diagnosis
Biopsy to exclude dysplasia or Biopsy only if confirm, and always other genetic unusual features in doubt, or if
Biopsy to exclude dysplasia carcinoma from the features unusual if unusual features mucosal disorders if present making the
dysplasia if in a risk history and clinical present unusual features diagnosis
site or patient has features, especially present is significant for
tobacco or alcohol site, associated red treatment of the
habits areas and tobacco underlying condition
habits (e.g. staging of HIV
Responds to infection)
removal of irritant Perform a biopsy.
if frictional Do not biopsy in
general practice
if the risk of
malignancy or
dysplasia is judged
Plan treatment on
degree of dysplasia
and clinical risk
2 Summary chart 19.3 Differential diagnosis of common and important red patches affecting the oral mucosa.
Soft tissue disease
Red patch
Intraoral or on vermillion border of lip.
A red area of mucosa (not an
underlying vascular lesion).
Exclude acute trauma (chemical,
physical, heat) by history
Consider carcinoma from the outset,
a biopsy will probably be required
unless typical of another
condition below
Consider desquamative
Limited to the attached gingiva and YES
gingivitis caused by lichen
adjacent mucosa, possibly affecting
planus, pemphigoid or
several areas
Almost certainly median
Circumscribed patch of depapillation YES rhomboid glossitis or
on central posterior dorsum erythematous candidosis.
of tongue The risk of squamous carcinoma
at this site is minimal
Oral cancer
More than 90% of malignant neoplasms in the mouth compile lip, oral and oropharynx together, and together these
are squamous cell carcinomas arising from mucosal epithe- account for more than 7300 cases each year in the UK.
lium. Most of the remainder arise in minor salivary glands
Web URL 20.1 International epidemiology:
(Ch. 23), and a few are metastases. The term oral cancer is
therefore used loosely to mean oral squamous carcinoma.
Carcinomas of tonsil, pharynx and lip are considered in the Web URL 20.2 UK National audit reports:
next chapter. and use search facility for ‘head and neck cancer audit’
Web URL 20.3 US epidemiology:
Oral carcinoma accounts for only approximately 2% of all India epidemiology PMID: 23410017
malignant tumours in such countries as the United Kingdom Web URL 20.4 UK incidence, mortality: Web search for: ncras
and the United States. In most countries where reliable data head and neck cancer hub
are available, the incidence of cancer of the mouth, although
variable, is low. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
are, however, exceptional, and cancer of the mouth accounts
Age and gender incidence
for approximately 40% or more of all cancer there, although Oral cancer is an age-related disease, and 95% of patients
the incidence varies widely in different parts of this subcon- are older than 40 years, with median age at diagnosis of just
tinent. Relatively high rates are found in parts of China, older than 60 years. There is a sharp and virtually linear
Southeast Asia, France, Brazil and Eastern Europe. This rise in mouth cancer with age, as with carcinoma in many
variation is largely due to tobacco and other habits, and other sites, and oral cancer will become more common with
incidence is rising in these areas. Those who neither drink an ageing population.
nor smoke, such as Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists, Cancer of the mouth is considerably more common in men
have very low rates of oral carcinoma. than women in most countries, but this is tobacco and
Approximately 4500 cases of intraoral carcinoma are reg- alcohol related. In the UK the male:female ratio has sunk to
istered each year in the UK. For the last 50 years, the inci- 1.5:1, and figures for southeast England show little difference
dence of oral cancer has been falling in many developed in incidence between the genders. The change is the result of
countries such as the United States and in Europe. In the the progressive decline in oral cancer in men, but a low rate
United Kingdom, unusually, oral carcinoma incidence is in women. However, there is a worrying but relatively small
slowly rising (Fig. 20.1). Claims that oral carcinoma is increase in rates in the young, particularly women.
increasing dramatically are accounted for by inclusion of Key epidemiological features of cancer of the mouth are
oropharyngeal and tonsil carcinomas in the total. These summarised in Box 20.1.
cancers are not oral, present and behave differently and are Health inequality and oral cancer PMID: 21490236
discussed in the next chapter. Cancer registry data often
Age standardised rates per 100,000
Number of cases/yr
2000 Male
2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
Fig. 20.1 Incidence of oral (red), oropharyngeal (blue) and lip
Box 20.1 Cancer of the mouth: key features
Soft tissue disease
Table 20.1 Some common smokeless (topical) tobacco habits, many more exist but are geographically restricted
Oral cancer
Carcinogenicity in oral
Name Habit Where used mucosa
Chewing tobacco Chewing a damp plug of cured leaf Historically widely used in Europe Moderate to low for oral
(‘spit’ tobacco) tobacco or loose strips of leaf. and United States, now mainly cancer
Often flavoured or sweetened in the United States
Snuff dipping with Placing a pinch of dry snuff in the buccal Southeastern United States and Relatively low. Associated
dry snuff sulcus Scandinavia with verrucous rather than
squamous carcinomas
Betel quid (and Areca nut, slaked lime, betel vine leaf with Indian subcontinent, Southeast Very high when tobacco is
pan masala; or without tobacco, sweeteners, Asia, Philippines, New Guinea included. Areca nut is
supari, paan) with flavourings and spices, rolled freshly or and China associated with submucous
tobacco produced commercially as premixed dry fibrosis in addition
powder sachets
Nass Tobacco, ash, cotton oil quid held in sulcus Central Asia and Pakistan High
Khaini Tobacco and lime quid placed in sulcus India and Pakistan High
Dry (nasal) snuff Dry snuff inhaled through nose Historically widespread in Europe Low, associated with nasal
but now used mainly in Africa and sinus carcinoma
Gutka Commercially prepared powder of areca Indian subcontinent, Southeast Probably high, also risk of
nut, tobacco, lime and other flavourings Asia submucous fibrosis
and sweeteners
Toombak Rolled ball of tobacco and sodium Sudan High
bicarbonate placed in sulcus or floor of
Snus (moist snuff Teabag-like pouch of moist unfermented Originally Scandinavia but now Thought to be low or very
sachets; snuff, sometimes with flavouring. Also prevalent in the United States low. See section on harm
Scandinavian some rolled leaf products reduction (Ch. 19)
Dissolvable Tablets, strips or sticks of completely A novel product Unknown, carcinogen
tobacco dissolvable tobacco for oral use, usually content variable
sucked, contains flavourings
Unlike pipe smoking or smokeless tobacco use, there are stomatitis nicotina of the palate (Ch. 18), a white patch with
no specific oral lesions related to cigarette smoking, although no malignant potential. Recently water pipe (shisha or
cigarette smokers develop patchy mucosal pigmentation and narghile) has become popular with adolescents and young
light keratosis if they smoke heavily. adults but is more damaging than cigarette smoking.
Marijuana smoking is widespread, and the smoke con-
Water pipe smoking: PMID: 27932840
tains many of the carcinogens and co-carcinogens as tobacco
smoke. It is suspected that it may be a more potent carcino-
gen than tobacco alone, but this has proved difficult to sepa-
Smokeless tobacco
rate from the effects of alcohol and tobacco smoking. Much of the world’s tobacco consumption is in smokeless
Tobacco-induced cancers and deaths are preventable. form. Tobacco habits and their risks are shown in Table
Smoking cessation is discussed in Chapter 19 with manage- 20.1, and Chapter 19 describes the habit’s effects on mucosa
ment of potentially malignant disorders, but is equally in relation to potentially malignant lesions.
important in managing patients who already have a The risk varies with the habit but can be extremely high.
carcinoma. In the southern United States, the habit of ‘snuff dipping’
It is unclear how much the risk reduces after quitting causes extensive hyperkeratotic plaques and, after decades
smoking. There are substantial reductions in risk of 50% of continuous use, may lead to verrucous carcinoma (dis-
after stopping smoking for 5 years, but data on lung cancer cussed later), as well as squamous carcinoma. This is a very
suggest that the risk will never drop back to that of someone slow process, and the relative risk of developing carcinoma
who has never smoked. Nevertheless, stopping smoking arises to about ×12 after 15 years and ×50 after 50 years
significantly reduces risk, reduces comorbidity that can use. Conversely, Scandinavian moist snuff (snus) appears to
impact on treatment outcome, and reduces the risk of a carry a very low risk.
second primary cancer. For all smokeless tobacco habits, carcinomas tend to arise
at the site in the mouth where the tobacco is habitually held
Smoking and alcohol PMID: 17647085 and carcinomas are often preceded by red or white lesions
Smoking and smokeless tobacco review PMID: 20361572 or dysplasia. However, carcinogens are also swallowed, and
the pharynx and oesophagus are also at risk.
Pipe smoking Most smokeless tobacco users also smoke.
Pipe smoking has steadily declined in most Westernised Smokeless tobacco review PMID: 15470264
countries and has never become popular with women. The
Smoking and smokeless tobacco review PMID: 20361572
risk is statistically equal to cigarette smoking, and the lip is
considered at high risk. Heavy pipe smokers may also develop Snus PMID: 17498797
2 Betel quid Rhin area of France, alcohol is responsible for the highest
oral and pharyngeal cancer incidence in Europe.
Soft tissue disease
Diet and oral cancer PMID: 24937666 carcinomas of the buccal mucosa, alveolus and tongue. 20
Many have the clinical presentation of proliferative verru-
Oral cancer
Folate and oral cancer PMID: 24974959
cous leukoplakia (Ch. 19).
Diet in Sri Lanka and oral cancer PMID: 23601045 For the remainder, random mutation, background radia-
tion, atmospheric pollution and passive smoking remain
Other habits speculative aetiological factors. There is an increased risk
for those with a first-degree relative who had oral carci-
Mate, or chimarrão, is an herbal tea made from the Yerba noma, but the relative risk is very low.
mate plant, a species of holly. It is drunk mostly in South In young patients, those under 35 years of age, one in five
and Central America, traditionally through a metal straw at have no identifiable risk factor.
a very high temperature. Use is weakly associated with
carcinoma of the oesophagus, pharynx and palate, probably Oral cancer in young PMID: 24103389
largely as a result of the high temperature, though it also
contains known carcinogens.
Mate PMID: 20036605 ➔ Summary charts 19.1, 19.2 and 19.3
pp. 314, 315, 316
Poor oral health
Oral sepsis, trauma from teeth, tooth loss and poor oral It is important to recognise oral carcinomas at their earliest
health have traditionally been regarded as contributing stages because this is the most important factor determin-
factors but are interrelated in complex ways with habits and ing success of treatment.
socioeconomic factors. Chronic trauma has an effect in It is often assumed that small carcinomas are early in
animal studies, probably by promoting constant proliferative their development, but carcinomas vary widely in their
activity, but in humans, such links remain speculative. aggressiveness. Some very small carcinomas are detected
small because they are slow growing and stay small and
Genetic predisposition localised for a prolonged period. Conversely, some large
carcinomas may have grown in a few weeks. Early carci-
Dyskeratosis congenita (Ch. 19) is rare, has oral precursor noma is usually taken to mean a carcinoma at a low Tumor
lesions and a distinctive presentation, so diagnosis is usually Node Metastasis (TNM) stage.
straightforward and established before any oral carcinoma The smallest carcinomas appear as painless red, speckled
develops. or white patches and only a minority are ulcerated (Figs 20.5
Fanconi anaemia is an important but rare cause of oral and 20.6). They are indistinguishable clinically from poten-
carcinoma in the young, and oral carcinoma may be the tially malignant diseases, and approximately half of eryth-
presenting feature. Defects in several causative genes that roplasias and speckled leukoplakias are already carcinomas
are required for DNA repair are known, and inheritance is on first biopsy.
recessive. Patients develop aplastic anaemia and leukaemia After enlarging, a carcinoma may develop into a raised
and have a reduced lifespan. They are also at risk of many nodule, become ulcerated or both. Induration results from
types of cancer, and one in three patients surviving till 50 inflammation and fibrosis and infiltration of the tissues. By
years of age will develop one, even more among those the time a carcinoma has formed an indurated ulcer with
treated by bone marrow transplantation. Squamous carci- the typical rolled border, it will have been present for some
nomas of mouth, pharynx and oesophagus are relatively months (Fig. 20.7).
frequent, and any young patient with oral carcinoma should Pain is generally considered of little value in the diagnosis
be screened for this condition. Clues for diagnosis include of carcinoma. Certainly early carcinoma is often painless,
pigmented skin patches, short stature and a range of other but some patients are seen with a burning or sharp stinging
developmental anomalies, but these features are very vari-
able and genetic screening is required for diagnosis.
Case series PMID: 18831513
Fig. 20.7 Advanced squamous carcinoma. The classical ulcer
with a rolled border and central necrosis is a late presentation. The essential features of carcinoma are invasion and spread
Note the surrounding areas of keratosis and erythema which had to lymph nodes and distant sites.
been present for many years before the carcinoma developed.
Oral carcinoma histopathology
pain localised to the carcinoma, so unexplained pain should The key feature is invasion (Figs 20.9 and 20.10). The epi-
not be discounted. Ulceration may be associated with sore- thelial cells lose their organisation into a surface layer and
ness or stinging pain when sharply flavoured food is eaten. grow into the underlying tissues. Invasion is a complex cel-
Involvement of nerves by a carcinoma produces neuropathic lular process in which the cells lose their polygonal shape
pain, paraesthesia or anaesthesia in that nerve’s distribu- and rigid cytoskeleton and become spindle shaped and
tion. Larger carcinomas may present with referred pain to motile. They induce surrounding fibroblasts and endothelial
the ear, through complex cranial nerve pathways. Pain cells to aid their invasion by producing a fibrous tissue that
increases with carcinoma size and is typically severe only is rich in proteoglycan ground substance and is easy to
in the late stages. migrate through (tumour stroma). Growth of new vessels is
Presenting symptoms are diverse. Maintaining a high induced to supply the increased nutrient requirements of
index of suspicion is critical to early diagnosis, and any the malignant cells. These actively invading cells are short
unexplained lesion that fails to respond to treatment or lived and rarely, if ever, seen microscopically, but in late
does not heal spontaneously should raise suspicion of stage poorly differentiated carcinomas almost all cells can
carcinoma. show this aggressive nature.
Oral cancer
Fig. 20.10 Squamous carcinoma. Higher power shows strands
of malignant epithelium invading the connective tissue.
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 20.12 Squamous carcinoma. In this moderately well- Fig. 20.14 Squamous carcinoma. In this carcinoma, malignant
differentiated tumour, many of the neoplastic epithelial cells are epithelium is invading around nerve sheaths. Although this is
forming keratin pearls. infrequent, occasionally carcinoma may spread some distance
from the main tumour mass along nerve trunks.
Box 20.3 Oral cancer: clinicopathological features
Oral cancer
and behaviour
Submandibular • Early cancers appear as white or red patches or shallow
ulcers and are painless or only slightly sore
• Later carcinomas appear as ulcers with prominent
rolled edges and induration and become painful
• More than 70% of oral cancers form on the lateral
Digastric muscle borders of the tongue and adjacent alveolar ridge and
Jugulodigastric floor of mouth
node • Over 95% are well- or moderately well-differentiated
Submandibular nodes squamous cell carcinomas
Deep cervical nodes • Spread is by direct invasion of surrounding tissues and
Internal jugular vein by lymphatic metastasis
• The submandibular and jugulodigastric nodes are most
node frequently involved
• The prognosis deteriorates sharply with local spread
Omohyoid muscle and nodal involvement
Fig. 20.16 Typical routes of lymphatic spread from lip and Metastases then develop most frequently in lung, followed
intraoral squamous carcinomas. by liver and bone, heralding a terminal phase.
Key features are summarised in Box 20.3.
Tumour thickness and metastasis PMID: 16240329
Metastasis poor prognosis PMID: 20406474
Site variation
The lateral border of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
and the adjacent ventral tongue are common sites. Con-
versely, a carcinoma arising centrally on the dorsum is
extremely rare.
Carcinomas of the tongue only have to invade a millime-
2 tre or so before they enter muscle, a vascular tissue that
1 Sternocleidomastoid
muscle seems to promote carcinoma growth. Carcinoma in the
3 tongue is renowned for its unpredictable spread, in part
because growth is directed along muscle bundles, which in
5 the tongue radiate all directions. Carcinomas sometimes
6 show selective sarcolemmal spread along muscle fibres and
4 grow out long thin extensions of tumour, often reaching the
midline at a relatively early stage. The tongue becomes
Omohyoid muscle
progressively stiffer and more painful. Eating, swallowing
and talking become difficult.
Fig. 20.17 Neck levels for assessing metastasis. The neck is
Carcinoma of the tongue is also known for its unpredict-
conventionally divided into level 1, the submandibular and
submental region nodes, three levels 2, 3 and 4 down the jugular able metastasis. In addition to drainage to lymph nodes
chain, 5 in the posterior triangle and 6 in the anterior neck. around the submandibular gland in level 2, carcinoma of
Metastasis patterns follow lymphatic drainage, and lower neck the lateral border will metastasise directly the jugulo-
levels carry a poorer prognosis. In contrast, thyroid carcinomas omohyoid or other nodes in level 3. One in five carcinomas
metastasise to levels 6 first, then 3 and 4, while metastases in level generate such ‘fast track’ metastases, directly to level 3
5 are usually from the skin or pharynx. without involving level 2 first.
Once the midline is reached, metastases may develop
bilaterally. Tongue carcinoma develops metastases at an
Metastatic carcinoma is initially limited to the affected early stage.
node but, in time, grows through the capsule into the tissues
of the neck. Excision is then difficult, and the chances of Floor of mouth
survival are diminished. This extranodal spread is evident Unlike tongue carcinomas, floor of mouth carcinomas tend
clinically as fixation of the node. to spread laterally producing broad relatively superficial
Metastatic carcinoma forms a hard mass when small, but tumours. If they extend to the alveolar mucosa, they may
in larger masses the central area becomes necrotic. The erode bone, and if they extend up onto the ventral tongue,
centre may then break down, so that the metastasis becomes they may then extend into underlying muscle. Most arise
cystic and fluctuant clinically. anteriorly.
Bloodstream metastasis is an uncommon, late feature of Treatment is difficult, and this site carries a poor prognosis.
the disease and often after several episodes of treatment. More carcinomas here are poorly differentiated, and there are
Oral cancer
Step Reasons/components
Biopsy and diagnosis, initial May be outside or in the specialist centre.
examination The cancer centre will usually run ‘one stop’ clinics for suspected cancer allowing patients to
access a range of services at one visit. Bad news should be broken by someone with
specialist cancer training and the patient should be seen by members of the cancer team as
soon as possible, within 2 weeks in the UK.
Imaging Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), possibly with positron
emission tomography (PET) scans to assess size, stage and possible spread to lymph nodes.
CT of the chest is usually performed to check for lung metastases, which would usually
prevent curative treatment, and to exclude a second primary lung carcinoma in smokers. Cone
beam CT is useful to detect minor degrees of bone involvement. MRI imaging is useful to
detect perineural spread, extension around vessels or to skull base, CT is used for bone
involvement. PET is used to detect metastases or exclude a distant primary in suspected
metastasis to the mouth or jaws.
Seen by Clinical Nurse These advanced specialist nursing staff provide information, assess patients medically and act
Specialist as a ‘key worker’ single point of contact for the patient throughout treatment.
Arrange smoking cessation and alcohol advice, assess home circumstances, ability to cope at
home after treatment and educate the patient’s relatives.
Pre-treatment nutritional Many patients are poorly nourished and need parenteral feeding, either by a nasogastric tube or
assessment a gastrostomy to be able to withstand treatment. If feeding after treatment is difficult,
gastrostomy feeding may become permanent. Improved diet after treatment improves
Pre-treatment speech and Treatment often results in reduced swallowing ability. If radiotherapy fields include the larynx, the
language therapy assessment voice may be affected.
Examination of pharynx and To determine whether smokers have other upper aerodigestive tract carcinoma or potentially
larynx malignant disease that would affect treatment.
Pre-treatment dental Complete examination and eradication of foci of infection and removal of teeth with poor
assessment prognosis to prevent osteoradionecrosis. Dentistry after treatment can be difficult with trismus
and dry mouth. Aggressive preventive regime.
Ultrasound examination and If lymph node metastases are suspected clinically or on imaging, an ultrasound examination and
fine needle aspiration fine needle aspiration under ultrasound guidance should be performed.
Discussion at multidisciplinary Meeting with members of all specialties in the treatment team, reviewing and confirming
team meeting (or tumour pathological diagnosis, extent and staging on imaging, the patient’s medical, psychological and
board) home circumstances and proposing an ideal treatment and any options to be presented to the
Surgical treatment Most patients receive surgical treatment if cure is thought possible.
Post-treatment discussion at Review of success of surgical treatment and any complications, confirm treatment plan or
multi-disciplinary team or update it.
tumour board
Radiotherapy and Planning starts immediately and treatment usually takes 6 weeks, and is followed by imaging,
chemotherapy treatment often a PET scan at 3 months to assess response.
Post-treatment discussion at Review of success of overall treatment and any complications, confirm treatment plan or update
multi-disciplinary team or it.
tumour board
Follow up Involves the cancer team and their outreach staff, medical and dental practitioners.
Web URL 20.7 TNM staging oral cavity: In practice, most intraoral carcinomas are treated by
atlasoralclassiftnm.php Note this is TNM version 7 surgery combined with radiotherapy (‘multimodality
therapy’). Surgery alone is preferred for small carcinomas of
Histopathology predicts behaviour PMID: 23250819
the tongue that may be easily excised and for those involv-
Oral carcinomas are not normally treated according to ing bone because of the risk of later radionecrosis. Irradia-
standardised protocols unlike carcinomas at other body tion provides a more acceptable cosmetic and functional
sites. There have been very few large-scale trials of surgical result than major surgery but involves considerable discom-
and multimodality treatment, and a sound evidence base fort during a long course of treatment and has unwanted
for treatment of individual cases is often lacking. Morbidity effects in the long term (Box 20.5).
of treatment is high, and the patient’s view of adverse effects When surgery is used, it is usually performed first, unless
is often the major consideration in the final treatment plan. there has been a poor response to, or recurrence after, irra-
Small differences in site and extent of carcinoma make large diation (salvage surgery). The aim is to excise the carcinoma
differences to the optimum treatment, because they affect with as wide a margin as possible, ideally 1 cm or more.
important structures or possible reconstruction. Modern surgical methods allow excision, reconstruction,
2 Table 20.4 Tumour Node Metastasis (TNM) staging for oral carcinoma.
Soft tissue disease
Oral cancer
to the oral region The usual agent is cisplatin. All regimens have significant
Immediate adverse effects, particularly with mucositis and immuno-
suppression, and these are compounded by radiotherapy.
• Wound breakdown Only the fittest patients are able to tolerate concomitant
• Reconstructive flap failure chemotherapy.
Late complications at the primary site The targeted therapy cetuximab has received much atten-
tion. It blocks activation of epidermal growth factor receptor
• Disfigurement
(EGFR), which controls cell cycle and apoptosis and has
• Loss of function indirect effects in invasion and metastasis. It is used for
• Pain advanced disease with radiotherapy and provides a 10%
• Dysphagia improved survival.
• Difficulty with mastication
• Poor nutrition and weight loss Management of the neck
• Difficulty with speech When surgery is to be recommended and lymph node
• Trismus metastases have been detected, neck dissection will be per-
• Scarring and fibrosis of tissues formed. Neck dissection removes all the cervical lymph
nodes along the jugular chain from the base of skull to the
• Oronasal, oroantral and skin fistulae
clavicle, together with those in the submandibular and sub-
• Numbness in mouth mental triangles and posterior triangle of the neck. Depend-
• Traumatic neuroma formation ing on the type of resection, the sternomastoid muscle,
• Frey’s syndrome internal jugular vein and accessory nerve may also be sac-
Complications of neck dissection rificed. Neck dissection may also be required to allow recon-
structive flap surgery.
• Shoulder weakness if accessory nerve sacrificed in However, when no cervical lymph nodes appear involved,
radical neck dissection small deposits of carcinoma may already have spread to
• Inability to abduct the arm if cervical plexus damaged lymph nodes. If left in place, they will grow during a
in neck dissection period of months or years to form a recurrence. A deci-
• Sensory loss over neck and chest sion must be made whether or not to perform a neck
• Lymphoedema dissection as an elective procedure to ensure any poten-
• Lymphocoele tial microscopic metastases are removed. However, the
value is a matter of statistical chance, and many patients
suffer an elective neck dissection and its consequences for
no benefit.
grafting or bypassing of many structures in the oral regions. Alternatively, a sentinel node biopsy may be performed.
However, a margin of more than a few millimetres is rarely In this technique, a radioisotope is injected around the
achieved in practice because carcinomas have unpredictable tumour the night before surgery, followed by a blue dye at
irregular outlines or extend close to important anatomical the time of surgery. These drain via lymphatics to the sen-
structures. Also, wider excision may make reconstruction tinel lymph nodes, those that are first in the drainage
difficult. pathway and are most likely to be involved by metastasis.
Reconstructive surgery is normally performed at the same These nodes are identified at surgery by using a radiosensi-
operation as excision, to provide a better cosmetic and func- tive probe and by their blue colour (Fig. 20.19), removed and
tional result, and utilises a range of donor tissue sites. examined histologically. If no metastasis is present, the rest
Excision by a few millimetres is insufficient to guarantee of the neck is almost certainly uninvolved and a neck dis-
removal of the carcinoma, which may recur at the original section and its adverse effects can be avoided. If metastasis
site, and post-operative radiotherapy is, therefore, usually is present, a neck dissection is performed separately. As
recommended. metastasis is confirmed in only approximately 80% of thera-
Surgery also has adverse effects (Box 20.6). peutic neck dissections and 33% of elective (apparently
All oral cancer radiotherapy in the UK is now delivered metastasis-free) neck dissections, this technique saves many
as intensity-modulated radiotherapy, a technologically patients from unnecessary neck dissections and the result-
complex system of linear accelerators allowing precisely ant morbidity.
controlled doses accurately conforming to the 3D shape of
the tumour determined from imaging. This allows higher Sentinel node biopsy trial PMID: 26597442
doses to be delivered to the carcinoma while reducing dose
and adverse effects to surrounding normal tissue, particu- Outcome
larly the eye, bone and salivary glands. Damage to surround- The highest mortality from oral cancer is in the first 2 years
ing tissues is further limited by fractionating the dose over after diagnosis. The disease then continues to claim victims
many visits. A dose in the region of 60 Gy is usual for oral but at a slower rate, and those few that survive for 10 years
lesions, delivered in 30 daily fractions. A mask is made to are likely to have been cured. As a guide to survival rates,
fit the patient’s head and immobilise it during treatment to more than 90% of patients with stage 1 and 2 disease
allow reproducible beam angulation at each visit. Radio- survive the first year and approximately 75% survive for as
therapy planning and mask construction are complex and long as 5 years. Stage 3 and 4 carcinomas will kill almost
involve a short delay before treatment can start. half of the patients by 2 years and as many as 60% at 5
Chemotherapy is less widely used in the UK than in years (Fig. 20.20).
Europe. Alone it gives good initial control, but relapse will As to the site of the cancer, the best results are seen in
always occur without surgery or radiotherapy. For best cancer of the lip, where the 5-year survival rate is 85%. For
2 100
Soft tissue disease
80 Stage 1
% patients survived
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
0 1 2 3 4 5
Years since diagnosis
Fig. 20.20 Survival from oral carcinoma. The markedly different
survival of stages 1–4 can be seen (see Table 20.4) and therefore
the benefit of early diagnosis. These figures are for all oral sites;
those in posterior sites have a worse prognosis than shown. (Data
from England until 2013, National Cancer Registration Service Cancer Analysis System.)
Oral cancer
Approximately 40% of patients suffer treatment failure and
neck incisions and provide a better functional outcome.
recurrence, either at the primary site, in lymph nodes or in
However, its use is limited to small carcinomas.
distant sites such as lung, liver or bone.
Primary site recurrence usually signifies a poor prog-
nosis because either a full course of radiotherapy or as Survivorship
large an excision as practical will already have been per- Improved survival has produced many patients who live
formed. Recurrence in lymph nodes usually appears within long term with the adverse effects of treatment and with a
2 years after treatment. The metastases probably arise from risk of second primary carcinoma. Psychological effects,
microscopic deposits of carcinoma already in the lymph usually depression, disfigurement and other long-term
nodes at the time of initial therapy (occult metastases). medical effects cause poor quality of life. Support for survi-
Neck recurrences may be treated surgically by neck dis- vors is becoming increasingly important, and their complex
section or by radiotherapy and do not necessarily indi- medical needs are ideally managed outside cancer centres.
cate failure of treatment as further treatment is often Some of these patients are vocal advocates for research,
curative. reducing morbidity of treatment and awareness of cancer,
Recurrent carcinoma is often less well differentiated and but the survivorship agenda is in its infancy.
more aggressive. It invades more widely and unpredictably
in the tissues, particularly if previously irradiated, and is
difficult to localise. Re-excision is often impossible. ROLE OF THE DENTIST
Primary and recurrent disease have been treated more
Early diagnosis is critical. Small carcinomas are more easily
aggressively and more successfully in recent years so that
excised, less likely to have metastasised and have the best
more patients than previously now survive, but succumb to
prognosis. Unfortunately, healthcare workers, including
distant blood-borne metastases later. Distant metastases are
dentists, frequently either fail to make the diagnosis or
usually multiple, and there is no effective treatment.
actively delay referral.
Metastasis and death PMID: 20406474 Dentists must be alert to the possibility of carcinoma,
despite its rarity, perform a risk assessment on any chronic
Undetected metastasis and treatment failure PMID: 25074731 ulcer, white or red lesion, or swelling of the mucous mem-
Distant metastasis PMID: 25883102 brane and perform, or refer for, a biopsy. Indecision or trying
the effect of local measures or antibiotics can prove fatal. It
is better if the biopsy is performed by the cancer manage-
Palliative care ment team. Never perform an excisional biopsy of a possible
Palliative treatment is given to patients who have advanced small carcinoma. Once the biopsy site has healed, there may
tumours or for treatment failures. It is an active multidis- be no clue to its site or size, making further treatment dif-
ciplinary treatment, not only pain control, that aims to ficult. Survival is reduced in such circumstances.
reduce symptoms of all types and provide psychological, In the UK every practice is within a cancer network that
social and other holistic needs. Radiotherapy is the most has an urgent referral system for suspected cancer for UK
frequent method for active palliative treatment, but surgery National Health Service (NHS) patients. Referral criteria
is occasionally used when a large tumour compromises the are published by the NHS of the devolved nations and
airway or becomes grossly necrotic. in England and Wales by the National Centre for Clini-
cal Excellence. In each country, every dentist is expected
Causes of death to be familiar with the relevant criteria. Patients meeting
The combination of pain, infection and difficulty in eating the criteria in Table 20.5 can be referred direct to rapid
cause loss of weight, anaemia and deterioration of general access clinics and, at least in England, be guaranteed an
health. This state (malignant cachexia) is ultimately fatal. appointment within 2 weeks. Note that the dentist pro-
In other patients, aspiration of septic material from the vides a key ‘gatekeeper’ role in this referral pathway and
mouth causes bronchopneumonia. is expected to be able to risk assess oral lesions so that
In the terminal stages, oral carcinoma recurrent at the patients with trivial or benign lesions are not needlessly
primary site can form a large fungating mass that erodes referred to hospital. This role is specifically included in
major vessels or the cranial cavity. Extranodal spread from the criteria for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This
affected lymph nodes may ulcerate through the skin and places great responsibility on all dentists to be able to do
erode the jugular or carotid vessels. this accurately.
A small, but possibly growing, proportion of patients The 2-week wait system is for suspected cancers, and it
survive treatment of the primary carcinoma but die later is expected that only a small proportion of referred patients
from distant metastases. will have cancer. Referral criteria are based on having more
than a 3% chance of indicating cancer. If you were highly
suspicious or confident that a lesion was either a high-risk
Novel treatments potentially malignant disorder or already a carcinoma, a
A wide range of new treatments is under trial to determine direct referral on the same day would be appropriate. For
the role for new agents such as small molecule tyrosine some cancers, even a 2-week wait is too long.
kinase inhibitors, new anti-EGFR antibodies or antiang- The dental practitioner is likely to see many more patients
iogenic agents. Talimogene laherparepvec (T-Vec) is an engi- with white or red mucosal patches than carcinomas. As
neered virus targeting cancer that showed promise in an noted in Chapter 15, the vast majority of such lesions are
early trial and awaits full evaluation. A number of molecular benign and may be biopsied in a practice setting. However,
targeted immunotherapy approaches are in trial including it is inadvisable to perform a biopsy of a high-risk lesion
engineering patients’ own lymphocytes to react to their (for instance, an erythroplasia or speckled leukoplakia)
carcinoma and boosting natural immune responses. Robotic because the practitioner may be forced into the unenviable
2 Table 20.5 General practice referral criteria in the UK for head and neck cancer (excluding thyroid)
Soft tissue disease
cavity lasting for more than 3 • All red or mixed red and white submandibular gland
weeks or patches of the oral mucosa • an unexplained persistent sore or painful throat
• a persistent and unexplained lump persisting for >3 weeks. • unilateral unexplained pain in the head and neck
in the neck. • Persistent hoarseness lasting for area for more than 4 weeks, associated with otalgia
Consider an urgent referral (for an >3 weeks (request a chest X-ray (ear ache) but a normal otoscopy
appointment within 2 weeks) for at the same time). • unexplained ulceration of the oral mucosa or mass
assessment for possible oral cancer • Dysphagia or odynophagia (pain persisting for more than 3 weeks
by a dentist in people who have on swallowing) lasting for >3 • unexplained red and white patches (including
either: weeks. suspected lichen planus) of the oral mucosa that are
• a lump on the lip or in the oral • Persistent pain in the throat painful or swollen or bleeding.
cavity or lasting for >3 weeks. For patients with persistent symptoms or signs
• a red or red and white patch in the related to the oral cavity in whom a definitive
oral cavity consistent with diagnosis of a benign lesion cannot be made, refer
erythroplakia or erythroleukoplakia. to follow up until the symptoms and signs
Consider a suspected cancer pathway disappear. If the symptoms and signs have not
referral by the dentist (for an disappeared after 6 weeks, make an urgent referral.
appointment within 2 weeks) for oral Red Flag referral to a dentist:
cancer in people when assessed by • patients with unexplained tooth mobility persisting
a dentist as having either: for more than 3 weeks – monitor for oral cancer
• a lump on the lip or in the oral patients with confirmed oral lichen planus, as part of
cavity consistent with oral cancer routine dental examination. Advise all patients,
or including those with dentures, to have regular dental
• a red or red and white patch in the checkups.
oral cavity consistent with Non-urgent referral:
erythroplakia or erythroleukoplakia. • a patient with unexplained red and white patches of
proved successful in several countries with a high incidence. investigated. Despite claims for high sensitivity, none has 20
In the UK, such a scheme might reach the highest risk yet been proven in a well-designed trial including patients
Oral cancer
individuals who tend to be irregular dental attenders and with the many inflammatory and benign conditions with
would provide an opportunity for preventive advice. which cancers can be confused.
The benefits of a national screening scheme for the UK
Review screening ‘aids’ PMID: 17825602
have been evaluated. Such a scheme would be effective in
identifying cancers but would not to be cost effective. No
study has shown that screening improves life expectancy. VERRUCOUS CARCINOMA
Oral cancer screening thus remains within the remit of
general dental and medical practitioners. This variant of squamous cell carcinoma is a low-grade
carcinoma. In the UK it is more frequent in the elderly,
Cochrane review screening PMID: 24254989 and methods: particularly males, and has a characteristic white, warty
24258195 appearance, forming a well-circumscribed mass raised above
Status screening in United States PMID: 24276469 the level of the surrounding mucosa (Fig. 20.21). If small,
it may easily be mistaken for a papilloma. Verrucous carci-
Patient view screening in dental practice PMID: 23249393 noma in other countries is particularly associated with the
Screening effective in dental practice PMID: 16707071 habit of snuff dipping (mentioned previously).
Brush biopsy
This technique is relatively non-invasive and therefore
attractive for screening or long-term follow-up. It uses a
round stiff-bristle brush to collect cells from the surface and
subsurface layers of a lesion by vigorous abrasion. The brush
is rotated in the fingers in one spot until bleeding starts, to
ensure a sufficiently deep sample. There is little or no pain,
minimal bleeding and no need for sutures. The cells col-
lected are transferred to a microscope slide and the smear
is scanned to identify abnormal cells.
Once collected, the cells can be subjected to several dif-
ferent test systems. A high degree of sensitivity and spe-
cificity for carcinoma is claimed, but studies have shown
widely varying accuracy. It may have a role in follow-up for
patients with potentially malignant lesions after definitive
Saliva tests
It is an attractive possibility that oral cancer or potential Fig. 20.22 Verrucous carcinoma. The epithelium is thickened
malignancy might be diagnosed by a simple saliva test. and thrown into a series of folds with a spiky parakeratotic surface.
More than 100 different salivary biomarkers have been Deeply, the carcinoma retains a broad pushing front.
Verrucous carcinoma consists of close-packed papillary Review and treatment outcome PMID: 11443616
masses of well-differentiated squamous epithelium that are
heavily keratinised. The lower border of the lesion is well Treatment PMID: 18620896
defined and formed by blunt rete processes that indent the
underlying tissues (Fig. 20.22), a process called pushing DIAGNOSTIC CATCHES
Verrucous carcinoma is slow-growing and spreads later- A number of conditions resemble oral squamous carcinoma
ally rather than deeply, so it can be excised relatively easily clinically and histologically, and may be misdiagnosed as
unless it is extensive. If left untreated for a period of years, carcinoma. These lesions are discussed at the end of the
a focus within verrucous carcinoma may progress to inva- next chapter.
sive squamous carcinoma and must then be treated as a
conventional squamous carcinoma.
Fig. 21.1 Photoaged skin. Severe sun damage causing leathered Fig. 21.2 Squamous carcinoma of lip. There is an indurated,
wrinkling. Smoking exacerbates solar skin damage independently crusted ulcer with keratosis at one margin in the centre of the
of any carcinogenic effect on the lip. lower lip.
Oropharynx Pathogenesis
Human papillomavirus–associated carcinomas almost
Annual number of cases
2 100
Soft tissue disease
Non-neoplastic diseases of
salivary glands 22
DUCT OBSTRUCTION Calculi are not a cause of dry mouth, but factors increas-
ing the saturation of saliva including dry mouth, dehydra-
➔ Summary charts 12.1 and 22.1 pp. 202, 353 tion, obstruction and sialadenitis all predispose to stones,
producing a vicious cycle in which the effects of a calculus
Salivary calculi contribute to its further growth. Established stones probably
A stone can form in a salivary gland or duct. At least 80% never redissolve. Stones are frequently multiple.
of salivary calculi form in the submandibular gland, approx- Parotid saliva is less saturated and so produces fewer
imately 8% in the parotid and approximately 2% in the stones. These have a higher organic content, making them
sublingual and minor salivary glands. less radiopaque and sometimes completely lucent.
Minor gland stones are unusual and present as a hard
Clinical features mass in the mucosa or with infection.
Adults are mainly affected, males twice as often as females.
Calculi are usually unilateral. Symptoms are absent until Management
the stone causes obstruction. Intermittent obstruction The stone should be identified by plain radiography or ultra-
causes the classical symptom of ‘meal time syndrome’, pain sound and the degree of damage to the gland from ascending
and swelling of the gland when the smell or taste of food infection and sialadenitis assessed by sialography.
stimulates salivary secretion. Persistent obstruction leads to Occasionally, small stones may sometimes be manipu-
infection, pain and chronic swelling of the gland. lated out of the duct orifice. Larger or distally placed stones
Otherwise there are no symptoms unless the stone passes must be treated starting with the least invasive method
forward and can be palpated or seen at the duct orifice likely to succeed. Lithotripsy uses an ultrasonic shock wave
(Fig. 22.1). Alternatively, the stone may be seen in a radio- applied extraorally and focused on the stone. A series of
graph. However, approximately 40% of parotid and 20% of treatments may fracture the stone into small pieces that
submandibular stones are not densely radiopaque, and will pass out of the duct orifice. If this fails, stones in the
sialography or ultrasound may be needed to locate them. duct but outside the gland can be removed using a ‘basket’
of fine wire manipulated down the duct and around the
Pathology stone under radiological control. Alternatively, microendos-
Saliva is supersaturated, and calcium and magnesium phos- copy can be combined with laser disruption of the stone.
phates deposit around a nidus, probably cell debris. Degen- These conservative techniques are often successful and,
erate cells within the gland can also mineralise and may perhaps surprisingly, the gland will often recover normal
enter the duct system to act as a nidus. Mineralisation function despite a history of repeated attacks of chronic
proceeds incrementally producing a layered structure (Fig. sialadenitis.
22.2). An adherent layer of microbial flora often grows on
stones and this, their rough surface and obstruction trigger
inflammation and fibrosis around the duct.
Box 22.1 Salivary calculi: key features
Soft tissue disease
the floor of the mouth. They are soft, fluctuant and bluish,
Fig. 22.6 Mucous retention cyst. Remnants of the minor typically painless but may interfere with speech or
mucous salivary gland are visible, together with its dilated duct, mastication.
the epithelium of which is continuous with the epithelial lining of Sublingual glands secrete continuously, unlike the larger
the cyst (above). glands, and ranulae can therefore reach a very large size in
the loose tissue. A plunging ranula arises when the mucus
passes through the mylohyoid muscle, which is a discon-
Mucous retention cysts tinuous sheet in many individuals, or around its posterior
These cysts are less common and have an epithelial lining margin. Large volumes of mucus can then collect in the
because they are salivary ducts that become very dilated submandibular space and extend down into the neck, some-
following obstruction (Fig. 22.6). Retention cysts arise both times with minimal intraoral swelling.
within major glands, usually the parotid, and minor glands.
There is less inflammation because the saliva does not Review ranula PMID: 20054853
escape into the tissues, and the pool of mucin is surrounded
by duct epithelium. The epithelium often shows hyperplasia
or oncocytic metaplasia. Untreated mucoceles rupture, often repeatedly, and some
Key features are summarised in Box 22.2. eventually heal spontaneously. Otherwise they should be
excised with the underlying gland. The latter is usually
Ranula found to have been removed with the cyst, but if not, recur-
A ranula* is an uncommon and distinctive type of mucous rence is likely.
extravasation arising in the floor of mouth from the sublin- Ranulae do not require excision. If the cavity is drained
gual gland. The structure is the same as other salivary and decompressed by marsupialisation, it will heal sponta-
extravasation cysts. The cause is damage to, or obstruction neously provided the causative gland, always the sublingual,
of, one of the several ducts of Rivinius that drain into the is removed. The sublingual gland comprises as many as 20
submandibular duct or floor of mouth. small glands, each with a separate duct, and only the
Ranulae are usually unilateral and 2 or 3 cm in diameter involved segment needs to be removed if it can be
(Fig. 22.7). Occasionally, they extend across the whole of identified.
An important diagnostic point is that what appears to be
*The name ranula means frog and comes from the clinical resemblance a mucocele in the upper lip is much more likely to be a
of the thin dilated wall to the air sac of a frog, together with the croaking salivary neoplasm and has a significant chance of being
speech ranulae can cause by displacing the tongue. malignant (Ch. 23, Fig. 23.1). Some salivary neoplasms
Mumps ➔ Summary chart 22.2 p. 354
Mumps† is due to a paramyxovirus (the mumps virus) and
causes painful swelling of the parotids and other exocrine
glands. It is highly infectious and is the most common cause
of acute parotid swelling.
In the UK, mumps vaccination (in the MMR (measles-
mumps-rubella) combination) was introduced in 1988.
Before this there were epidemics every 3 years. MMR vac-
cination is given at around 1 and 4 years of age and is also
available to adults. Concerns over side effects have proved
unfounded, and uptake in the UK is now approximately
95%, but small clusters of cases still occur and in 2005 there Fig. 22.8 Mumps in an adult. Adults often have atypical
was an epidemic of more than 70,000 cases. Several hundred presentations such as this patient with unilateral parotitis. (From
cases occur each year. Almost all are 15–30-year-olds, and General Medical Conditions in the Athlete, Mosby, 2012, Fig. 15-6.Source: Jarvis C: Physical
a quarter will have had at least one dose of vaccine, suggest- examination and health assessment, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2008, Saunders.)
ing it is not as effective as natural mumps immunity (which
is lifelong after infection). The mumps component of MMR
is known to be less effective than the measles and rubella
Vaccination is with a live virus, and a small minority of
recipients develop a mild presentation of mumps with sali-
vary gland swelling 3 weeks after the first dose.
Clinical features
Classically, children were affected in epidemics. The disease
is highly infectious and spread by saliva. Headache, malaise,
fever and tense, painful and tender swelling of the parotids
follow an incubation period of about 21 days.
Currently cases are adolescents or young adults, who
unlike children may have severe and prolonged malaise and
are prone to complications including orchitis, oophoritis
pancreatitis, arthritis, mastitis, nephritis, pericarditis or
Classical presentations are easily recognised, but adults Fig. 22.9 Suppurative parotitis: pus is leaking from the parotid
may have only one or two glands swollen, raising possible papilla.
misdiagnosis as dental infection, sialadenitis or lymphad-
enitis. A history of mumps, but not of vaccination, excludes
the diagnosis. Immunised adults have reduced disease xerostomia, particularly Sjögren’s syndrome or as an uncom-
severity and often atypical presentations (Fig. 22.8). Many mon complication of tricyclic antidepressant treatment.
are subclinical, with mild non-specific malaise and tender Important bacterial causes include Staphylococcus aureus,
glands without swelling. streptococci and oral anaerobes. Typical clinical features are
If necessary, the diagnosis can be confirmed by a rise in pain in one or both parotids with swelling, redness and
titre of immunoglobulin (IgM) antibodies in the unvacci- tenderness, malaise and fever. The regional lymph nodes are
nated. Unfortunately, vaccination prevents development of enlarged and tender, and pus exudes or can be expressed
the IgM antibodies in 90% of cases, and laboratory diagnosis from the parotid duct (Fig. 22.9). The progress of the infec-
is difficult. tion depends largely on the patient’s underlying physical
state. Biopsy plays no role in diagnosis, but shows abscess
Mumps review PMID: 18342688 formation, pus in ducts and acute inflammation.
Mumps post vaccination PMID: 20517181 In view of the potentially virulent pathogenic organisms
involved, aggressive antibiotic treatment is required, usually
Bacterial parotitis with flucloxacillin, but only after pus has been obtained for
culture and sensitivity testing because of the wide range of
Acute suppurative parotitis historically affected debilitated
possible causative organisms. The antibiotic can be changed
patients, particularly post-operatively, as a result of dehydra-
if necessary. Drainage is rarely necessary.
tion. This is now effectively prevented. Currently, suppura-
tive parotitis is more commonly seen in patients with severe Acute parotitis case series PMID: 3468465
Salivary gland infection review PMID: 19608046
†Mumps comes from an old English word meaning to look miserable, Tuberculous sialadenitis is very rare and seen mostly in
describing well the marked malaise felt by sufferers. the parotid gland in HIV infection and immunosuppression.
Box 22.3 Causes of xerostomia
Dry mouth Primary Sjögren’s syndrome causes more severe oral and
ocular changes and has a higher risk of complications than
Diminished flow in salivary
gland duct
Clinical features
Risk of ascending infection,
Risk of stone formation Females are affected nearly 10 times as frequently as males.
acute or chronic
Sjögren’s syndrome affects 10%–15% of patients with rheu-
matoid arthritis, possibly 30% of patients with lupus ery-
thematosus and a variable proportion of patients with or
Risk of stricture without other connective tissue diseases. Sjögren’s syn-
drome is therefore relatively common.
Fig. 22.11 Interrelationships between dry mouth, calculi and Major oral effects of Sjögren’s syndrome are summarised
their complications. Note: dry mouth may promote stone in Box 22.4.
formation, but stones do not cause dry mouth. Onset is in middle age. In the early stages, the mucosa
may appear moist, but salivary flow measurement shows
diminished secretion. In established cases, the oral mucosa
SJÖGREN’S SYNDROME is obviously dry, often red, shiny and parchment-like (Fig.
➔ Summary chart 22.2 p. 354 22.12). The tongue is typically red, the papillae character-
istically atrophy and the dorsum becomes lobulated with a
In 1933, Sjögren noticed the association of dryness of the cobblestone appearance (Fig. 22.13). With diminished sali-
mouth and dryness of the eyes. Later, he found that there vary secretion, the oral flora changes, and candidal infec-
was a significant association with rheumatoid arthritis. tions are common. The latter are the main cause of soreness
These combinations of complaints are caused by two closely of the mouth in Sjögren’s syndrome and cause generalised
related but distinct diseases. erythema of the mucosa, often with angular stomatitis.
Primary Sjögren’s syndrome comprises dry mouth and dry Plaque accumulates, and there may be rapidly progressive
eyes not associated with any connective tissue disease. dental caries (see Fig. 22.14). The most severe infective
‘Sicca syndrome’ is a poorly defined term that is best avoided complication is suppurative parotitis.
because it can be used for any cause of dry eyes and mouth, Parotid swelling is found at some stage in about 30% of
as well as primary Sjögren’s syndrome. patients but is not a common finding because it is often
Secondary Sjögren’s syndrome comprises dry mouth and intermittent. Swollen glands are not inflamed clinically and
dry eyes associated with rheumatoid arthritis or other con- are rarely painful (Fig. 22.15). A hot, tender parotid swelling
nective tissue disease. with red, shiny overlying skin would indicate suppurative
Box 22.5 Ocular effects of Sjögren’s syndrome
Box 22.9 Types of artificial saliva currently available
Box 22.10 Sjögren’s syndromes: key features Box 22.11 Important causes of sialadenosis
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 22.19 IgG4 sclerosing disease affecting a submandibular gland. The gland is destroyed by intersecting bands of ‘storiform’ fibrosis
and inflammatory infiltrate including lymphoid follicles (A). Small veins are obliterated by inflammation (B). Immunohistochemistry
against IgG4 class immunoglobulin produces a brown positive reaction on numerous cells secreting IgG4 (C). In a typical non-specific
sialadenitis, such cells are rarely present in any numbers.
Box 22.12 Causes of ptyalism
Soft tissue disease
Local reflexes
• Oral infections (e.g. acute necrotising ulcerative
• Oral wounds
• Dental procedures
• New dentures
Systemic reflexes
• Nausea
• Oesophageal disease (reflux oesophagitis)
• Rare effect of pregnancy
• Iodine
• Heavy metals: mercury, copper arsenic
Fig. 22.22 Sarcoidosis of salivary gland. The acinar cells are
completely effaced and only a few ducts remain, surrounded by
‘False ptyalism’ (drooling)
fibrosis and pale staining rounded granulomas of loosely cohesive • Psychogenic
macrophages. The granuloma near the top centre contains a small • Bell’s palsy
multinucleate cell.
• Parkinson’s disease
• Stroke
True ptyalism is rarely a significant complaint because
excess saliva is swallowed. However, it is a symptom increas-
ingly considered to merit medical investigation given its
many causes (Box 22.12). Idiopathic paroxysmal sialorrhea,
known to patients as ‘waterbrash’, is reflex secretion caused
Fig. 22.23 Sialadenosis. Typical appearance of bilateral swelling by oesophagitis, peptic ulcers, infections and other gastro-
of parotid glands. intestinal irritation. There is a sudden rush of saliva, some-
times waking the patient because their mouth is suddenly
full of saliva.
an injury to the cheek or a complication of surgery. Infection ‘False ptyalism’, a sensation of excess saliva, is more
often becomes superimposed, and persistent leakage of common than true ptyalism and is either delusional or
saliva prevents healing. The treatment is primarily by surgi- results from failure to swallow. Drooling in neurological
cal repair but is difficult. disorders, or in those with syndromic presentations such as
Sjögren’s-like syndrome in graft-versus-host disease Down’s syndrome, is due to faulty neuromuscular control,
develops in approximately one-third of all cases of graft- often with a forward head and tongue posture and weak
versus-host disease (GVHD), particularly when severe, and swallowing.
mimics primary Sjögren’s.
Drooling PMID: 19236564
Juvenile recurrent parotitis is rare and poorly under-
stood, possibly a low-grade recurrent infection. It starts Botulinum toxin treatment PMID: 23112272
Summary chart 22.1 Differential diagnosis and management of a patient with ‘mealtime syndrome’. 22
‘Mealtime syndrome’
One or more calculi present More than one calculus is often found
No calculi present
Have there been multiple
attacks of more persistent Perform sialography
swelling or pain to suggest or ultrasound scan
chronic sialadenitis?
Chronic sialadenitis Can the calculi be Reveals radiolucent Reveals a stricture Reveals
secondary to excised from an mass of inspissated in the duct compression of the
calculus. The gland easily accessible mucin (usually in duct by an
will probably have to length of duct or parotid gland or duct) Usually the result of external structure
be excised, and this is ‘milked’ out of a calculus which has
the best option from the duct? been passed
the outset
This may be curative. Try ultrasonic Remove as if a stone; Options are: Investigate causes
Review in case of lithotripsy, basket if impossible excise dilatation with bougies, as appropriate
subsequent strictures removal, endoscopic gland or superficial surgical excision or
or sialadenitis and other conservative portion if parotid shortening and
techniques. If these gland resiting of duct.
fail, the gland will have Otherwise excise
to be excised gland or superficial
portion if parotid
2 Summary chart 22.2 Summary of the diagnosis of persistent bilateral swelling of the parotid glands.
Soft tissue disease
Acute onset, usually in Associated with dry eyes and dry mouth Asymptomatic, with Asymptomatic, Soft enlargement in
a child or young adult or without systemic associated with adult or child
with pain and malaise illness hormonal, metabolic or
nutritional disease, Consider
Probably mumps Always exclude especially diabetes, HIV-associated
No associated Associated with an salivary cystic disease
sarcoidosis unless an alcoholism, etc.
autoimmune connective autoimmune connective alternative diagnosis is
tissue disease tissue disease, usually obvious Probably sialadenosis
rheumatoid arthritis or
Probably primary lupus erythematosus
Sjogren’s syndrome
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 23.1 The distribution of salivary gland neoplasms showing the approximate overall frequency of tumours in different sites and the
relevant frequency of benign and malignant tumours by site.
Box 23.2 Histological features of pleomorphic
Soft tissue disease
• Capsule, can be thick but is almost never complete
• Ducts
• Sheets and strands of dark-staining epithelial cells
• Cells at the periphery of sheets detach and secrete
matrix proteoglycans
• Dispersed cells in matrix form ‘myxoid’ stroma
• Myxoid stroma may develop into cartilage
• Cartilage may ossify rarely to form bone
• Other parts of the stroma may be densely collagenous
and hyalinised
• Sometimes there are foci of keratin formation
Fig. 23.7 Pleomorphic adenoma. In this lesion, there is
formation of true cartilage which is undergoing calcification.
can burst at operation, if not gently handled, and even a
small disruption of the capsule can allow the semisolid
contents to seed widespread recurrence in the tissues.
Recurrence is most problematic for parotid tumours, where
spillage of gelatinous tumour into the fascial planes of the
neck can seed multiple nodules of tumour in tissues from
the base of skull down to the clavicle. Unfortunately, almost
all pleomorphic adenomas contain at least some of this
myxoid component.
The strategy to avoid recurrence is to remove tumours
intact with a margin of normal tissue. In the superficial
parotid gland, this is normally considered to require removal
of the whole superficial lobe. The whole gland is removed
for those in the submandibular gland. Tumours in minor
glands are excised with a few millimetres of normal tissue
margin and rarely recur. There has recently been a sugges-
tion that pleomorphic adenomas can be effectively treated
Fig. 23.8 Pleomorphic adenoma. At the margins of pleomorphic by more conservative surgery, ‘extracapsular dissection’,
adenomas there are often extensions of the tumour into and removing a minimal amount of tissue beyond the capsule.
beyond the capsule, rendering enucleation a risky treatment that This is controversial and risks both puncture of the capsule
is likely to be followed by recurrence. or failure to gain clearance in areas without a capsule, but
seems to have a low recurrence rate when performed by
those skilled in the procedure.
cells. These cells can be identified immunohistochemically When recurrence develops, it is often multifocal and dif-
by their expression of cytokeratins and contractile proteins ficult or impossible to eradicate by surgery. Although the
such as actin, but unlike normal myoepithelial cells around recurrent nodules are benign, radiotherapy is sometimes
acini, they have no useful contractile function. Rather they used as a last resort to control surgically unresectable
take on the shapes and functions of connective tissue cells. tumour seedlings in the infratemporal fossa or more wide-
Most are spindle or stellate in shape, secrete excess prote- spread in the neck.
oglycan ground substance and become dispersed in it to If neglected, pleomorphic adenomas can grow to a great
form a myxoid (gelatinous) tissue. Some are rounded and size, over 10 cm diameter is not unusual. Longstanding
look like plasma cells microscopically, and others form col- examples, regardless of size, occasionally undergo malig-
lagen, cartilage or bone (Box 23.2). The proportion of these nant change as described later in the section on carcinoma
tissues varies widely between tumours producing a confus- ex pleomorphic adenoma.
ing range of histological appearances. When no ducts are
present and myoepithelial cells predominate or are the only Review treatment PMID: 18376235
cells present, the tumour is termed a myoepithelioma, but
the presentation, histological appearances and treatment Warthin’s tumour
are otherwise the same. This is the second commonest type of salivary tumour.
Pleomorphic adenomas are treated by excision with a Almost all arise in the parotid glands, usually the lower
margin of normal tissue; without this, recurrence is likely. pole, and account for approximately 10% of parotid tumours.
The reputation of the pleomorphic adenoma for recurrence Although often said to be more common in males, this is
is due a combination of its structure and anatomical loca- not supported by current evidence. Almost all patients are
tion. In the parotid gland, the facial nerve in particular aged older than 40 years, and there appears to be a close
makes dissection hazardous. Tumours in the deep lobe association with heavy smoking, particularly in multifocal
require complete parotidectomy, and it is not unusual for tumours.
tumours to have to be peeled off nerves to preserve them. Warthin’s tumours develop not only in salivary glands but
The risk of recurrence also depends on the tumour. Those also in the lymph nodes around the lower pole of the gland
comprising almost exclusively the gelatinous myxoid tissue and in the upper third of the deep cervical lymphatic chain.
Canalicular adenoma
Canalicular adenomas affect particularly the upper lip and
Fig. 23.9 Warthin’s tumour. Tall columnar cells surround buccal mucosa, and some are multifocal in origin. They
lymphoid tissue and line a convoluted cystic space. have a uniform cellular structure, comprising strands and
trabeculae or duct-like rings of basaloid epithelial cells.
They lack myoepithelial cells and do not form the myxoid
or cartilaginous tissues of pleomorphic adenoma and do not
recur on simple excision.
Fig. 23.10 Warthin’s tumour. At higher power, the tall columnar
epithelial cells are readily identified and beneath them the Oncocytoma is a rare benign tumour that almost always
lymphoid tissue. affects the parotid gland, particularly in the elderly. It con-
sists of large eosinophilic cells with small compact nuclei
(‘oncocytes’), arranged in solid cords, nests or sheets. Onco-
The lymph node tumours are not metastatic but arise from cytes stain a granular bright pink in haematoxylin and eosin
developmental rests of salivary gland ducts that are com- stains because their cytoplasm is packed with enlarged
monly found in lymph nodes at these sites. Approximately mitochondria. As in the oncocytic cells of Warthin’s tumour,
15% of patients will have a second Warthin’s tumour, and this may be caused by mutation of genes encoded by mito-
histologically there are often multifocal microscopic foci of chondrial DNA controlling mitochondrial synthesis. Onco-
developing Warthin’s tumours in surrounding gland or cytomas do not recur after complete excision.
lymph nodes. Oncocytosis is the term given to the process of accumulat-
The nature of this unusual multifocal tumour is unclear. ing excessive mitochondria in cells of salivary glands, prob-
Molecular analysis shows that the tumours are not clonal, ably as a result of the same mitochondrial DNA mutations
suggesting that they are not true neoplasms despite findings described above. Acinar and ductal cells may undergo onco-
of chromosomal translocations in some. The cause may be cytosis as an age change forming small nodules like micro-
defects of mitochondrial genes. scopic oncocytomas throughout several glands. When the
The tumour is a cyst or part solid part cystic mass with change is extensive, the gland becomes swollen and soft,
a thin capsule and a highly characteristic histological and individual nodules may enlarge significantly to develop
appearance with a lymphoid and an epithelial component. into oncocytomas. Oncocytosis is otherwise asymptomatic
The lymphoid tissue resembles lymph node, with many and is often a chance finding histologically in the gland
lymphoid follicles and germinal centres. The epithelial cells excised for an oncocytoma. Similar changes can develop in
are tall, eosinophilic columnar cells that form a much- the kidney, thyroid gland and mucous glands in the mucosa
folded epithelium lining cysts and papillary projections into of the upper aerodigestive tract.
the cystic spaces (Figs 23.9 and 23.10). The bright pink
appearance of the epithelial cells’ cytoplasm is caused by
abnormal large distorted mitochondria that almost com- MALIGNANT SALIVARY
pletely fill the cell. Cells showing this change are referred GLAND TUMOURS
to as oncocytes (see also oncocytoma later in this chapter). ➔ Summary charts 23.1 and 23.2 pp. 365, 366
Warthin’s tumour is benign and cured by simple excision
but may appear to recur because new tumours develop else- Malignant salivary gland neoplasms are rarer than benign
where in the gland. Preoperative diagnosis by fine needle neoplasms. More than 25 different types are recognised, and
aspiration (FNA) is accurate, and it has been suggested that, no one type stands out as particularly frequent. The average
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common single
type of malignant salivary neoplasm, yet it accounts for less
than 10% of salivary gland neoplasms. About half arise in
a parotid gland, but all glands including minor glands can
be affected. The carcinomas usually contain mucin-filled
cysts and so are easily mistaken clinically for mucous
Fig. 23.12 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Higher power showing
extravasation or retention cysts when they develop in minor cysts lined by pale mucous cells and lower right a solid area of
glands. epidermoid and mucous cells.
The cause is a t(11;19) translocation that brings the
MECT1 gene together with the MAML2 gene, producing a
novel fusion gene that activates the notch signalling the name mucoepidermoid (Figs 23.11 and 23.12). Either
pathway, an important developmental pathway that is mucous or epidermoid cells may predominate.
deranged in several types of cancer. The tumour usually grows slowly and infiltrates into sur-
The diagnosis requires histological examination and can rounding tissues and so treatment is by wide excision.
be aided by identifying the translocation if required. Most Mucoepidermoid carcinomas occasionally metastasise, and
contain numerous cysts lined by epithelium that resembles the risk is predicted, although not accurately, by histological
skin epithelium and is therefore called epidermoid. It has grading, dividing the carcinomas into high, intermediate
basal and prickle cells but does not keratinise. Scattered in and low grade types. Approximately 40% of high-grade car-
the epidermoid sheets and cyst linings are variable numbers cinomas metastasise and approximately 30% of patients
of mucus-secreting goblet cells, the two cell types explaining with high-grade carcinomas die of the disease. Conversely,
low-grade and intermediate- grade carcinomas metastasise Perineural spread can produce unusual sensory symptoms, 23
in only a few per cent of patients and are almost never fatal. pain or facial weakness, and occasional patients present
Fig. 23.14 Adenoid cystic carcinoma. In this panoramic photomicrograph taken from a resection, an adenoid cystic carcinoma in the
floor of the mouth has infiltrated into the medullary cavity of the mandible and can be seen in the lower right corner. The extremely
infiltrative nature of this carcinoma is demonstrated by the two small islands of dispersed carcinoma that have penetrated the intact
cortical bone and now infiltrate the buccal muscle over 10 mm from the main tumour.
Soft tissue disease
Secretory carcinoma
This recently described low-grade carcinoma arises in all
glands but usually in the parotid. It is caused by a transloca-
tion between the ETV6 and NTRK3 genes. The carcinoma
is solid and cystic, with papillary areas, and contains many
ducts and spaces filled with secretory material. Approxi-
mately 1 in 5 cases metastasise, but this is a relatively
indolent carcinoma that responds to excision. A similar
carcinoma in the breast is caused by the same translocation,
so that this was previously called mammary analogue secre-
tory carcinoma.
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma arises almost exclusively in Fig. 23.18 Polymorphous adenocarcinoma. High power
minor glands, particularly of the palate. It is the commonest showing the cytologically bland cells organised as sheets, ducts
or second commonest carcinoma in minor glands and, and strands.
though most cases arise in those older than 50 years, it can
develop over a broad age range.
The name derives from the presence of its many histologi- The many patterns can cause histological misdiagnosis,
cal patterns, with sheets of cells, ducts, narrow strands and particularly confusing it with adenoid cystic carcinoma
cysts, the last sometimes containing papillary projections because both may contain cribriform islands and show
(Figs 23.17 and 23.18). The cells themselves are small and perineural spread. Despite the histological similarity, the
bland with very infrequent mitoses, and only infiltration of behaviour of the two carcinomas is very different. Perineural
surrounding tissues may indicate that these are malignant spread in polymorphous adenocarcinoma is very limited in
neoplasms. Polymorphous adenocarcinomas are mostly low extent, unlike in adenoid cystic carcinoma. To prevent his-
grade, but they do metastasise in about 10% of cases, tological misdiagnosis, it is important to obtain a good-sized
although the outcome is almost never fatal. Treatment is by incisional biopsy that includes part of the periphery for all
complete local excision. minor gland neoplasms. Punch and needle core biopsies are
2 gland. There is a fibrotic mass containing proliferating ducts examples arise in the parotid gland, and they are relatively
that can recur if incompletely excised. common causes of a salivary gland enlargement in children
Soft tissue disease
Intercalated duct hyperplasia or adenomatoid ductal but rare in adults. Girls are more frequently affected.
hyperplasia is a nodular proliferation of ductal cells, usually Haemangiomas are soft, sometimes bluish, swellings.
in the parotid and probably of no significance. The salivary gland may be involved by localised lesions or
as part of a more extensive vascular malformation of the
head and neck.
METASTATIC NEOPLASMS Histologically, the parotid parenchyma is largely replaced
Metastatic neoplasms account for approximately 1 in 20 by sheets of endothelial cells and small blood vessels of
lumps in salivary glands and almost all occur in the elderly, capillary type with a few clusters of residual acini and ducts
matching the age distribution of the common malignant scattered through (Fig. 23.20). Sometimes there are larger
neoplasms at other body sites. Almost all metastases develop vessels, a higher blood throughput making the lesion feel
in the parotid gland by lymphatic spread to the intraparotid warm or even an arteriovenous fistula producing a bruit.
lymph nodes, and only involve the gland itself if they invade Despite their dramatic appearance, especially if the skin
beyond the lymph node capsule. The primary carcinoma is is involved, these tumours are hamartomas not neoplasms.
usually in the sites drained by these nodes so that squamous They grow initially but gradually regress in the first 5 years
carcinomas or melanoma of the scalp are likely primary of life and may almost vanish by 10 years of age. Cortico-
tumours. steroids may delay their growth and facilitate later surgery
Very occasionally the parotid or submandibular gland is but propanolol is currently the preferred treatment and is
the site of a blood-borne metastasis from a more distant highly effective. Unless the eye or other important struc-
primary. The commonest example is renal cell carcinoma, tures are threatened, most are treated conservatively depend-
which has a particular tendency to spread through central ing on site and appearance.
veins to the head and neck. Usually these tumours are Review PMID: 19910858
readily recognised as metastases microscopically, though
renal cell carcinoma can resemble some types of salivary
carcinoma histologically. Diagnosis is usually suspected on
the basis of the known cancer elsewhere. The most common non-epithelial tumours of salivary
Metastases to salivary glands are indistinguishable from glands are lymphomas. They can arise in the lymph nodes
primary salivary neoplasms in their clinical presentation. that lie within the gland and are identical to lymphomas
arising in the cervical or other lymph nodes. The type is
usually a high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma of B-cell
NON-EPITHELIAL TUMOURS origin or Hodgkin’s disease. Salivary gland involvement is
sometimes the first sign of these systemic diseases.
Haemangioma of the parotids Conversely, the MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid
Haemangiomas are easily recognised hamartomas that may tissue) lymphomas arise in the gland parenchyma rather
present at birth or in childhood. Almost all salivary than the nodes. These are described in more detail in
Fig. 23.20 Haemangioma of the parotid. (A) The lobular structure of the gland is seen to be preserved, with a small lobule of normal
parotid centrally. (B) The tissue that replaces the lobules, closely packed small capillary vessels with a few scattered residual serous acini
Chapter 27. The majority arise as a complication of Sjö- became neoplastic. This is supported by the fact that most 23
gren’s syndrome, and development of lymphoma is indi- of these tumours are mucoepidermoid carcinomas, a type
Summary chart 23.1 Management decisions and treatment for a lump in the parotid gland.
Perform fine needle aspiration which may provide specific diagnosis If no evidence of these entities on ultrasound, sialogram,
and CT and/or MRI scan to localise the lesion. technetium scan, or fine needle aspiration, proceed assuming a
salivary neoplasm
Proceed to excision
Appendix 23.1
Borderline tumours
Sialoblastoma Very rare, often congenital or in first 2 years of life. Respond well to excision but can
recur, mostly in parotid
Other epithelial lesions
Soft tissue disease
Extranodal marginal B-cell See text of Chapter 27 (‘MALT lymphoma’)
Secondary tumours
Clinical features
A fibrous epulis is most common near the front of the
mouth on the gingiva between two teeth (Fig. 24.1).
Fig. 24.1 Fibrous epulis. This lesion, arising from the gingival Fig. 24.3 Denture-induced granuloma. Fibrous hyperplasia at
margin between the lower central incisors, is firm, pink and not the posterior border of this upper partial denture has resulted in a
ulcerated. firm mucosal swelling moulded to fit the denture.
Soft tissue disease
2 Summary chart 24.1 Differential diagnosis and management of the common localised gingival swellings.
Soft tissue disease
Painful, red, pointing Firm, pink or red, may Soft, red, in a pregnant With a white spiky Anterior to first Pink, red or purplish
or discharging pus, be associated patient, pregnancy or permanent molar, nodule, sometimes
associated with deep with poor oral hygiene, gingivitis associated cauliflower-like surface possibly associated ulcerated
periodontal pocket or local plaque trap, with recent loss of
non-vital tooth carious cavity, Probably a pregnancy- Probably a papilloma deciduous tooth, Usually a benign
overhang or denture related fibrous extraction or trauma. hyperplastic lesion but
Probably an acute flange hyperplasia Typically purple-red, rarely a neoplasm
periodontal abscess (pregnancy epulis) sometimes ulcerated
or granulation tissue Probably a hyperplastic
at the mouth of fibrous lesion, fibrous Probably a giant
a sinus epulis, pyogenic cell epulis
granuloma or denture-
induced granuloma
Provide oral hygiene
Provide appropriate instruction and
periodontal or dental appropriate periodontal
treatment treatment
Reconsider diagnosis Perform excisional Excise any residual Excisional biopsy to Excisional biopsy to Excisional biopsy is
if fails to resolve. biopsy to confirm lesion after parturition confirm diagnosis confirm diagnosis. usually indicated and
Perform biopsy diagnosis, curette bone and submit for biopsy Curette underlying will give the diagnosis
below lesion to reduce to confirm diagnosis bone to reduce
chance of recurrence chance of recurrence
is a female predilection. The swelling is rounded, soft, typi- is similar to that of a giant cell granuloma of the jaw,
cally maroon or purplish and as large as 2 cm in diameter but the epulis is superficial and outside the cortical bone
(Figs 24.12 and 24.13). (Fig. 24.14).
Histologically, numerous multinucleate cells lie in a vas- A giant-cell epulis should be excised, together with its
cular stroma of plump spindle-shaped cells. The appearance gingival base, and the underlying bone curetted. Adjacent
Summary chart 24.2 Differential diagnosis of common and important causes of gingival enlargement.
Gingival enlargement
Patient taking Associated with poor Firm fibrous Smooth or irregular granular Generalised Red-speckled
phenytoin, calcium oral hygiene in a enlargement enlargement or multiple gingival swelling or multiple ‘strawberry gums’.
channel blocker or pubertal patient or apparently unrelated tags. Not responsive to local lumps, normal in Often respiratory
ciclosporin. during pregnancy, to poor oral periodontal treatment colour if small, symptoms, nasal
Interdental papillae bleeding and hygiene especially red-purple and blockage, renal or
predominantly inflammation if affecting all areas May be associated with other sometimes ulcerated other systemic signs
affected prominent and in a child, oral or systemic signs if large. Associated
adolescent or with anaemia, Probably Wegener’s
Probably Consider mouth young adult thrombocytopenia, granulomatosis
drug-induced breathing, puberty or purpura or other signs
gingival overgrowth pregnancy-related Possibly hereditary of systemic
gingivitis gingival fibromatosis illness
Probably leukaemia
Periodontal Periodontal Biopsy shows
treatment (only treatment granulomas
partially effective)
Submit tissue Biopsy if treatment Check for family Systemic No systemic Perform blood film, Biopsy urgently to
excised during fails to produce the history and signs present signs. Oral differential white cell confirm diagnosis.
treatment for biopsy expected associated disorders. mucosal count and red cell Investigate any
to confirm diagnosis improvement Diagnosis is clinical Consider swelling may indices and/or systemic symptoms.
and biopsy unlikely sarcoidosis be present perform biopsy Insitute cytotoxic
If nodular areas to be helpful or Crohn’s treatment urgently
remain enlarged disease Orofacial
after treatment and granulomatosis
require excision,
submit them for
teeth need not be extracted if they are healthy and, if treat- PAPILLOMAS ➔ Summary chart 24.1 p. 372
ment is thorough, there should be no recurrence. A radio-
graph should be taken to exclude the possibility that the These benign lesions have spiky exophytic or rounded
lesion is the superficial part of a central giant cell granuloma cauliflower-like shapes as large as a centimetre or so in
(see Ch. 12) that has perforated through the gingiva. Very diameter. Probably all are caused by human papillomavirus
rarely, similar lesions are a sign of hyperparathyroidism (see (HPV) even though it cannot be detected in some lesions.
Ch. 13). Human papillomaviruses are ubiquitous, and almost
all individuals harbour some of the more than 150 types
Case series review PMID: 3133432 as commensals. HPV types tend to infect particular
Soft tissue disease
anatomical sites. However, this is not absolute, and oral Fig. 24.16 Papilloma. The lesion consists of thickened fingers of
lesions containing genital types 6 and 11, and less com- epithelium. Slender vascular cores of connective tissue support
monly 16 and 18, are found. Papillomas with a rounded each frond. The fronds are keratinised and so appear white
non-keratinised shape (condylomas) are not necessarily clinically.
infections transmitted from genital warts, though they often
are. These types of HPV can be transmitted at birth, in utero
and vertically and horizontally in families without direct
sexual contact.
Oral papillomas are not premalignant. Dysplastic lesions
containing low-risk or high-risk HPV are increasingly rec-
ognised, but they present as white patches and are not
All oral papillomas are painless and of extremely low
infectivity. All types respond to simple excision, including
a small amount of normal mucosa at the base.
Oral papillomas of all types are occasionally multiple but,
if numerous or confluent, HIV infection or other cause of
immunodeficiency should be suspected. Extensive lesions
in the immunosuppressed are difficult or impossible to
Review PMID: 6154913
Fig. 24.17 Focal epithelial hyperplasia. Multiple pale pink
slightly raised rounded nodules on the labial mucosa. (Courtesy of Dr
Squamous cell papilloma Braz Campos Durso.)
Squamous papillomas mainly affect adults and have a dis-
tinctive, clinically recognisable, cauliflower-like or branched
structure of finger-like processes (Fig. 24.15). Histologically, the structure is generally similar to that of
Histologically, the papillae consist of stratified squamous papillomas, but there are typically obvious koilocytes indi-
epithelium supported by a vascular connective tissue core cating active viral infection, which can be confirmed with
(Fig. 24.16). Most are keratinised and so appear white. immunohistochemistry. The causative HPV type is usually
Human papillomavirus (HPV) of various subtypes are type 2 or 4.
associated, but koilocytes (infected keratinocytes producing
virus and with crumpled nuclei, perinuclear space and con- Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia
densed cytoplasm) are seen in only a minority. Probably Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia or Heck’s disease causes
either HPV is present at very low level or has disappeared numerous rounded mucosal papillomas as large as a centi-
from the lesion in its later stages. When present, it is usually metre across, usually clustered on the labial, buccal mucosa
of types 6 and 11. and tongue mucosa (Fig. 24.17). These may be confluent,
producing raised plaques or a cobblestone appearance.
Infective warts (verruca vulgaris) Children, adolescents and young adults are affected, often
Lesions caused by autoinoculation from warts on the hands in familial clusters. The condition is an infection by human
are uncommon but seen particularly in children. The lesions papillomavirus types 13 or 32, which spreads easily between
may appear identical to squamous papillomas, be more family members under close living conditions. The condi-
rounded or even only slightly raised. tion is endemic in some parts of the world.
Verruciform xanthoma is a rare hyperplastic lesion that
can have a white, hyperkeratotic surface resembling a
Verruciform xanthoma is most common in the fifth to
seventh decades. It is usually found on the gingiva but can
form in almost any site in the mouth. It can be white or
red in colour, sessile, have a warty surface and range in size
from one to several centimetres across. It may be mistaken
for a papilloma, leukoplakia or carcinoma clinically, but is
readily recognisable histologically. Verruciform xanthoma is
benign and has no known associations with diseases such
Fig. 24.20 Calibre-persistent artery. This example forms a raised
as hyperlipidaemia or diabetes mellitus that are associated linear firm and pulsatile swelling. (From Awni, S., Conn, B., 2016. Caliber-
with cutaneous xanthomas. persistent artery. J. Oral MaxFac. Surg. 74, 1391–1395.)
the lip to lie just below the vermilion border or labial
The warty surface is due to the much-infolded epithelium mucosa. It appears to be an age change seen in the elderly.
which, in white variants, is hyperkeratinised or parakerat- It may be palpable, or if superficial, visible and forms a
inised. In haematoxylin and eosin stained sections, the nodule or linear curved firm mass, sometimes pulsatile (Fig.
parakeratin layer stains a distinctive orange colour. The 24.20). Some appear bluish, and they are frequently mis-
elongate rete ridges are of equal length and extend to a taken for mucoceles despite the site on the vermilion border
straight, well-defined lower border (Fig. 24.18). (where mucoceles never form). Those on the lower lip are
The diagnostic feature is the large, foamy, xanthoma cells usually to one side of the midline, whereas those in the
that fill the connective tissue papillae but extend only to the upper lip are usually near the midline.
lower border of the lesion (Fig. 24.19). These cells are mac- Histology shows normal labial artery (Fig. 24.21), but
rophages containing lipid and periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) ideally the condition should be recognised clinically as
positive granules. biopsy will cause considerable haemorrhage and produces
Simple surgical excision is curative. no benefit.
Review PMID: 12676251 The name comes from the fact that the lumen of the
artery does not narrow while it passes up into the superficial
tissues, as a normal artery would at the site. A similar vas-
CALIBRE-PERSISTENT ARTERY cular anomaly occurs in the stomach where it is a cause of
gastric bleeding, but lip lesions do not cause this problem.
Calibre-persistent artery is a loop or tortuosity of the labial
artery that pushes superficially from its normal site deep in Cases and review PMID: 20646912 and 26868184
Soft tissue disease
Increasing demand for cosmetic procedures and lack of regu- Fig. 24.22 Injected cosmetic filler material. All of the
lation in some countries have generated a small but steady connective tissue is infiltrated by macrophages containing
stream of patients with adverse outcomes. Probably all multiple small vacuoles of silicone. More deeply, the macrophage
infiltrate had produced extensive fibrosis and the lower lip was
implanted materials can induce an inflammatory reaction, hard and distorted by scarring.
a foreign body reaction or fibrosis in some patients, whether
allergic or irritant (Fig 24.22).
The main irreversible outcome is fibrosis, producing skin
Injected materials include collagen, hyaluronic acid,
puckering, hard nodules and tethering. The lips are a
hydroxyapatites and synthetic materials including acrylates.
common site for injections, and fibrosis here can mimic
orofacial granulomatosis or Crohn’s disease and be very Web URL 24.1 Histological appearances materials:
disfiguring. Surgical treatment is difficult or impossible.
Fig. 25.2 Lipoma of the cheek. The tumour forms a pale, very
soft yellowish swelling.
Soft tissue disease
Soft tissue disease
Physiological pigmentation
This is the most common cause of oral pigmentation. The
gingivae are particularly affected (Fig. 26.2). The inner
aspect of the lips is typically spared. Intraoral pigmentation
is commoner in those with a dark skin and is often called
racial pigmentation. Although pigmentation may be wide-
spread, it is in well-defined symmetrical zones. Melanocyte
numbers are normal, and activity is increased.
Fig. 26.4 Melanocytic naevi. These flat, pigmented patches are
Physiological pigmentation PMCID: PMC3994327
occasionally found on the lip and intraorally.
Melanotic macules
These are well-defined flat brown or black pigmented
patches a few millimetres in diameter caused by increased
Case series and review PMCID: PMC4783540 and PMID: 2175872
melanocyte activity. They are unusual, but still the com-
monest intraoral melanotic lesions.
Gingiva, buccal mucosa and palate are the favoured sites Oral melanocytic naevi ➔ Summary chart 26.1
(Fig. 26.3). The lesions are completely benign. However, as p. 390
the appearance is indistinguishable from early melanoma Acquired melanocytic naevi are otherwise known as moles.
and because they are infrequent, they are usually excised These are common developmental conditions in which
for confirmation of diagnosis unless a long history is melanocytes proliferate and form a mass between the epi-
obtained. thelium and connective tissue (melanocytes outside the
Case series review PMID: 8351123 epithelium are called naevus cells). Moles appear in child-
hood, grow until adolescence and then regress until the age
Oral melanotic macules associated with of approximately 30 years. While they regress, the naevus
cells produce less melanin and migrate deeper into the
HIV infection underlying tissue and become inactive. Intraoral lesions are
Oral and labial melanotic macules may develop in as many unusual and form circumscribed brown to black patches,
as 6% of patients with HIV infection, approximately twice usually flat, approximately 5 or 6 mm across (Fig. 26.4).
the frequency seen in HIV-negative persons. Oral melanotic Palate and gingiva are favoured sites.
macules may appear before infection is recognised and Histologically, the cluster of naevus cells is seen below the
become more numerous while HIV infection advances. epithelium (Fig. 26.5).
Histologically, the patches are the same as conventional Blue naevus is a deeply sited cluster of pigmented naevus
melanotic macules. cells, hence the blue colour. They are almost always on the
Excision biopsy of melanotic macules is necessary for palate of children or young adults. A focus of spindle-shaped
diagnosis. Unlike those in HIV-negative persons, these pigmented melanocytes lies deeply.
macules are more likely to enlarge and to recur after exci- Congenital naevi cannot be distinguished from acquired
sion, giving a clue to the HIV infection. naevi when they arise in the mouth.
Post-inflammatory pigmentation
Inflammation interferes with both melanin synthesis by
melanocytes and its transfer to keratinocytes. Melanosomes
can escape from the epithelium into the underlying connec-
tive tissue where they are taken up by macrophages, a
process known as melanin ‘drop out’. Accumulation of this
subepithelial melanin gives rise to post-inflammatory pig-
mentation. The process is commoner in dark-skinned races.
Intraorally, the most common inflammatory condition to
B become pigmented is lichen planus (Fig. 26.8), and it can
become very dark. Pigmentation may also develop in other
Fig. 26.5 Intramucosal naevus. In this late lesion (A), the naevus inflamed sites and scars. This type of pigmentation is also
cells have migrated down into the underlying tissue and are seen diffusely through the mouth of heavy cigarette smokers.
separated from the epithelium by a band of fibrous tissue, the
intramucosal stage of development. The naevus cells at higher Case series PMID: 20526252
power (B) are pale staining, often have vacuoles in their nuclei and
occasionally form a small amount of dark melanin pigment, as in Syndromes with oral pigmentation
the cell near the top.
➔ Summary chart 26.1 p. 390
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome
All these naevi are asymptomatic but, unless in children
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome is a rare disease characterised by
or having a long unchanged course, should be excised and
multiple mucocutaneous pigmented macules and intestinal
sent for microscopy to exclude early malignant melanoma.
polyposis. The cause is mutation or inactivation of the
Case series PMID: 2359037 STK11 gene that encodes a signalling kinase.
The pigmented patches typically develop during the first
Melanoacanthoma decade of life and can be widespread, affecting the hands
and feet and perioral skin, as well as the oral mucosa. Cuta-
Oral melanoacanthoma is rare lesion, poorly understood
neous patches usually fade after puberty, but the oral
and considered to be a reaction to an unknown insult.
macules persist. The oral patches resemble melanotic
Those affected are almost always of African descent and of
macules and affect the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue and
middle age.
palate (Figs 26.9 and 26.10). They are often the first feature.
Buccal mucosa is the common site, but any intraoral site
The intestinal polyps affect mainly the small intestine,
may be involved. The lesions are asymptomatic flat or
are regarded as hamartomatous and rarely undergo malig-
domed brown-black patches with an ill-defined periphery
nant change, but can cause obstruction and recurrent pain.
(Fig. 26.6). They enlarge during several weeks, remain stable
However, patients are at risk of pancreatic, breast, ovarian
for a variable period and then slowly regress. The rapid
and other cancers. This includes bowel cancers, even though
growth usually triggers a biopsy to exclude melanoma or
they do not arise in the polyps.
excision of the whole lesion if small.
Histologically, the oral lesions show slight acanthosis and
Histologically, there is an increase in melanocytes,
increased numbers of melanocytes in the basal layer, so
increased melanin production and the melanocytes migrate
these lesions are lentigos and not melanotic macules (which
up from the basal layers to all levels in the epithelium
have normal melanocyte numbers).
(Fig. 26.7).
No treatment is required, but patients should be referred
Case series PMID: 12544093 for genetic diagnosis and follow-up.
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 26.11 Amalgam tattoo. Typical appearance and site; Lead line and heavy metal poisoning
however, the lower second premolar, from which the amalgam Heavy metals such as mercury, bismuth and lead can cause
probably originated, has been crowned.
black or brown deposits in the gingival sulcus. The metals
pass in solution from serum into the crevice, where they are
Large dense tattoos may be radiopaque. The amount of reduced to sulphides by bacterial products and are visible
implanted amalgam necessary to produce a tattoo is very through the thin gingival margin as a dark line running
small. Initially they are sharply defined, but the amalgam along the floor of the crevice or pocket (Burton’s line). The
becomes dispersed and lesions slowly enlarge and develop blue line caused by lead (‘lead line’) may be particularly
irregular outlines, and components dissolve and reprecipi- prominent and sharply defined and is a good indicator of
tate on nearby collagen. Particles are also dispersed by chronic exposure and still an important sign for diagnosis
migrating macrophages. (Fig. 26.13).
Early after implantation, there is a foreign body reaction Mercury and bismuth are no longer used in medicine, and
with macrophages or giant cells, but this fades with time. lead is no longer a major industrial hazard. However, plati-
Histologically, amalgam is seen as brown or black granules num released from cisplatin, a cytotoxic drug, can cause a
with fine particles deposited along collagen bundles and blue line, and unintentional toxicity can develop in hobby-
around small blood vessels (Fig. 26.12) because of the affin- ists and others using metals or their salts without sufficient
ity of silver for collagen. Any free mercury solubilises in a protection. Older houses may still have lead piping, lead can
few weeks and is excreted, remaining in the tissues only be inhaled during battery recycling and a cluster of cases in
complexed in amalgam. Germany was due to contamination of marijuana.
If radiographs fail to show metal and there is no record
of implantation in the patient’s records, excision is often Case report PMID: 108646
necessary to exclude a melanocytic lesion.
Corundum, other dental materials, traumatically Soft tissue pigmentation
implanted pencil lead fragments (usually in children) and Topical antibiotics and antiseptics may cause dark pigmen-
cosmetic tattoos are occasionally seen. tation, particularly of the dorsum of the tongue, due to
Soft tissue disease
Fig. 26.13 Lead line. The lead line is the bluish grey darkening
of the gingival crevice, not the physiological melanin also present
on the labial gingiva. (From Forbes, C., and Jackson, W. 2003. Color atlas and text
of clinical medicine. 3rd ed. St Louis: Mosby.)
Box 26.2 Malignant melanoma: key features Fig. 26.14 Melanotic patch. There is poorly-demarcated
pigmentation of varying density in the palate. All pigmented
• Peak incidence between 40 and 60 years lesions such as this should be treated with the utmost suspicion
• Usually appear as black or brown patches and biopsied to exclude melanoma.
• Amelanotic melanomas appear red
• Later cause soreness and bleeding
• Biopsy required for diagnosis
• Very variable histological features
• Should be widely excised
• Median survival probably not longer than 2 years
Pathology Treatment
Malignant melanocytes invade both epithelium and connec- Oral melanomas are highly invasive, metastasise early and
tive tissue. In the radial growth phase, they cluster along have a high mortality. Early diagnosis is critical to survival
the basement membrane. In the invasive vertical growth so that early biopsy of all oral pigmented lesions is
phase, melanoma spreads into the connective tissue. The essential.
neoplastic melanocytes range from round to spindle-shaped As many as 50% of oral melanomas involve regional
cells with hyperchromatic and angular nuclei and usually lymph nodes at presentation, and 20% have distant metas-
granules of melanin (Figs 26.15 and 26.16). However, tasis. Wide excision with, if possible, a 2–5 cm margin
melanoma is highly variable and cells can be plasmacytoid, (often with a simultaneous neck dissection) followed by
epithelioid or small clear cells, and mitotic activity may or radical radiotherapy or chemotherapy or both is
may not be prominent. recommended.
Diagnosis is greatly helped by immunohistochemistry, The 5-year survival for node-negative patients may be
which is often essential for confident diagnosis. The cells 30%, but as low as 10% after metastasis. Many experimen-
are positive for the immunohistological markers S-100, tal treatments are in trial including chemotherapy, immu-
MelanA and SOX10. notherapy, immunostimulatory antibodies and novel
biological agents targeting genes and signalling pathways.
Amelanotic melanomas
Case series PMID: 7633281
Approximately 15% of oral melanomas produce so little
pigment that they appear red or reddish brown rather than Review PMID: 21540752 and 12744608
grey, brown or black, causing difficulties in clinical diagno- Treatment and survival PMID: 22349277
sis. Probably because of greater delay in diagnosis, the prog-
nosis is appreciably worse than for these non-pigmented
melanomas. In such cases, the diagnosis is rarely made
until a biopsy and immunohistochemistry have been carried
Black, dark brown or bluish-brown pigment, radiopaque, Black or dark brown/blue line around gingival margin and
usually adjacent amalgam restorations, lesions usually periodontal pockets
in gingivia or hard palate
Pigment may be lead or other heavy metal sulphides.
Pigment is amalgam or other foreign material. Check for occupational exposure, drugs such as cisplatin.
Biopsy is diagnostic but clinical and radiographic Exclude extrinsic Analysis of serum or biopsy may be helpful
diagnosis may be adequate causes
of pigmentation
Black or dark brown pigment localised to the dorsum of the
Decorative tattooing tongue with or without overgrowth of filiform papillae
Anaemias, leukaemias
and lymphomas 27
Haematological disease is common and can cause serious Pernicious anaemia chiefly affects women of middle age
complications or oral symptoms (Box 27.1). or over and is the main cause of macrocytic anaemia. Unlike
other anaemias, it can cause neurological disease.
Folate deficiency also causes a macrocytic anaemia, often
ANAEMIA in younger patients, particularly in pregnancy. It must be
Causes and important types are summarised in Table 27.1. accurately differentiated from pernicious anaemia because
Haemoglobin estimation and routine indices should be administration of folate to the latter can worsen neurologi-
carried out when any patient has signs suspicious of anaemia cal disease.
in the mouth or has to undergo oral surgery. Leukaemia is an uncommon cause of anaemia, but should
Iron deficiency (microcytic) anaemia is the most common be suspected in an anaemic child.
type and usually results from chronic menstrual blood loss. Sickle cell anaemia and trait are most common in those
Males are more likely to have a cause such as peptic ulcer, of African descent.
haemorrhoids or bowel carcinoma. Thalassaemia is mainly seen in those from the Mediter-
ranean area.
Clinical features
Box 27.1 Important effects of haematological The skin complexion is a poor indicator of anaemia. The
diseases conjunctiva of the lower eyelid, the nail beds and, some-
times, the oral mucosa, are more reliable.
• Anaesthetic complications
Anaemia, irrespective of cause, produces essentially the
• Oral infections same clinical features (Box 27.2), particularly if severe, but
• Prolonged bleeding some anaemias have distinctive features.
• Mucosal lesions Glossitis and oral diseases (Box 27.3) can be the earliest
Mucosal disease
Table 27.1 Types and features of important anaemias
Type of anaemia Causes or effects
Anaemia is the most important, though not the most
1. Iron deficiency Usually due to chronic blood common, cause of a sore tongue. It is discussed in detail in
(microcytic, loss Chapter 17. Soreness can precede a fall in haemoglobin
hypochromic anaemia)
2. Folate deficiency Pregnancy, malabsorption,
(macrocytic) alcohol*, phenytoin-induced,
etc. Box 27.2 General clinical features of anaemia
3. Vitamin B12 deficiency Usually due to pernicious • Pallor
(macrocytic anaemia) anaemia, occasionally to • Fatigue and lassitude
malabsorption • Breathlessness
4. Leukaemia and aplastic Reduced erythrocyte synthesis, • Tachycardia and palpitations
anaemia (normochromic susceptibility to infection and
normocytic) bleeding tendency often
5. Sickle cell disease Genetic. Haemolytic anaemia. Box 27.3 Features of anaemia important in dentistry
(normocytic anaemia) Sickle cells seen in special
Mucosal disease
• Glossitis
6. Beta-thalassaemia Genetic. Haemolytic anaemia.
(hypochromic, Many misshapen red cells • Angular stomatitis
microcytic) • Recurrent aphthae
7. Chronic inflammatory Rheumatoid arthritis is a • Infection, particularly candidosis
disease (normochromic, common cause Risks from general anaesthesia
• Shortage of oxygen can be dangerous
8. Liver disease (usually Haemorrhagic tendency may
Lowered resistance to infection
normocytic) be associated
• Apart from candidosis, this is seen only in severe
*Alcoholism should always be excluded when macrocytosis in the absence of
anaemia or when due to leukaemia
anaemia is found – it is a characteristic sign of alcoholism.
Box 27.4 Factors that can precipitate sickling crises
Systemic disease in dentistry
Dangers of general anaesthesia Web URL 27.1 Description and genetics:
Reduction of oxygenation in severe anaemia can precipitate
brain damage or myocardial infarction. General anaesthe- General review PMID: 15474138
sia, particularly in sickle cell disease, requires special
precautions. Dental aspects
Enquiries should be made about family members with sickle
Lowered resistance to infection trait when anyone in a predisposed genetic group requires
Oral candidosis is the main example. Osteomyelitis can anaesthesia or sedation. If the haemoglobin is less than
follow extractions in severe anaemia. Sickle cell disease is 10 g/dL, the patient probably has sickle cell disease. Rapid
most important in this context. screening tests show erythrocyte deformation when a reduc-
ing agent is added to blood, and haemoglobin electrophore-
sis confirms the diagnosis.
Sickle cell anaemia, caused by mutations in the HBB gene *Sickling was first identified in 1910 in the blood of a dental student
encoding beta-globin, mainly affects people of African, from Grenada.
LEUKAEMIA Management
Being suspicious about features in Table 27.2 is key for early
These malignant neoplasms of bone marrow overproduce diagnosis. Gingival swelling unresponsive to conventional
one type of white cell and expand to replace the normal treatment requires a biopsy.
marrow, suppressing production of normal cells and plate- Any patient having cytotoxic treatment requires dental
lets (Box 27.6). The excess white cells circulate in the blood review and preventive treatment. Meticulous oral and dental
(leukaemia means white blood). There are approximately hygiene control the bacterial population and prevent infec-
9000 cases each year in the UK. tious complications (see Fig. 7.34).
During treatment, chlorhexidine mouthwash will often
Acute leukaemia ➔ Summary chart 24.2 p. 373 control severe gingival changes and superficial infections.
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is the most common leu- Mucosal ulceration by Gram-negative bacilli or anaerobes
kaemia in children (usually between 3 and 5 years old), may need specific antibiotic therapy. Oral ulceration caused
whereas acute myeloblastic anaemia is the most common by methotrexate may be controlled by folinic acid. Extrac-
type in adults. Diagnosis depends on the peripheral blood tions and oral surgery must be deferred until remission,
picture and marrow biopsy. The following signs should raise other than in an emergency, because of the risks of severe
suspicion of acute leukaemia (Table 27.2). infections and bleeding.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Patients are either adolescents or young adults, or
elderly. Three-quarters of patients present with, or have, Fig. 27.8 High-grade lymphoma. Immunohistochemistry for a
enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Nodes are rubbery and B-cell marker produces a ring of positive brown stain around the
mobile and often very large. The mouth is almost never membrane of virtually every tumour cell, indicating their B-cell
involved. origin.
Diagnosis is made on fine needle aspiration or node
biopsy. Excision of cervical nodes is best avoided because of
scarring. only, indicating the infiltrate to be monoclonal and markers
Permanent cure of some types is possible, and the overall to identify the type of lymphocyte (Fig. 27.8).
5-year survival rate is 90% using irradiation and chemo- In general, localised disease is treated by irradiation,
therapy. Those treated with radiotherapy when young are at whereas disseminated disease (the majority of patients) is
increased risk of thyroid and salivary gland tumours in later treated by combination chemotherapy. Oral ulceration and
life. infection are common complications.
Box 27.8 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Systemic disease in dentistry
• In the head and neck affect primarily parotid glands
• Almost all patients have primary Sjögren’s syndrome
• Histologically a difficult diagnosis requiring molecular
• Most are low grade and have excellent prognosis
• A minority are high grade or progress to a higher grade
after some years
• Treatment controversial
Box 27.9 Nasopharyngeal T-cell lymphoma: key
Haemorrhagic disorders
PREOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION It is essential to look for anaemia. It is a result of repeated
bleeding, increases the risks of general anaesthesia and is a
When a patient gives a history of excessive bleeding, a feature of some haemorrhagic diseases.
careful history (Box 28.1) is absolutely essential. Blood grouping is required in case transfusion is needed
The most common causes of bleeding for up to 24 hours during or after operation, if blood loss is severe.
after an extraction are local and should be manageable by
local measures.
The majority of patients with more prolonged bleeding MANAGEMENT OF PROLONGED
have acquired medical conditions, most are not severe and DENTAL BLEEDING
the medical history will normally reveal a cause. Conversely,
the severe haemorrhagic diseases are mostly hereditary, and Some oozing is to be expected for 24 hours after extraction.
the cause also needs to be sought in the family history. Patients returning with prolonged bleeding from an extrac-
Prolonged bleeding is significant. Even a mild haemo- tion socket are a relatively common problem. It is not
philiac can bleed for weeks after a simple extraction, and usually a real emergency, except to patients and accompany-
minor oral surgery is often the first sign of these diseases. ing friends or relatives. A small amount of blood diluted
Signs of anaemia and purpura should be looked for. Any with saliva can appear significant and engender worry in
extractions should be carried out at a single operation and patients and onlookers.
radiographs taken to anticipate possible difficulties. Bleeding starting a few hours after surgery is probably
secondary to vasoconstriction wearing off. If no clot ever
Laboratory investigations formed, and bleeding has been continuous, a coagulation
defect is likely. Onset after a few days is likely to indicate
Details of investigations are decided by the haematologists,
but summarised in Box 28.2.
If bleeding stopped and has restarted, do not waste time
reapplying pressure, which is unlikely to be a definitive
treatment. After local anaesthetic, clean the mouth and
identify the source of bleeding, usually soft tissue. Any
Box 28.1 Information required about haemorrhagic
rough edges of the socket should be tidied up, the margins
squeezed together and the soft tissue neatly sutured over it.
• Results of previous dental operations? Have simple A small piece of Surgicel, fibrin gauze or other proprietary
extractions led to prolonged bleeding? haemostatic agent can be put in the socket mouth before-
• Has bleeding persisted for more than 24 hours? hand, but suturing is the essential measure, compressing
• Has admission to hospital ever been necessary for the soft tissue. Soft tissue bleeding may also be reduced with
dental bleeding? electrocautery, laser or tranexamic acid if other methods
• Have other operations or injuries caused prolonged fail. If there is a bleeding point in bone, it can be crushed
bleeding? with an instrument first. If this fails, a socket pack is
• Is there a family history of prolonged bleeding? required.
Take the pulse and blood pressure and, if significant blood
• Are anticoagulants or other drugs being taken?
loss is suspected, assess for shock.
• Is there any medical cause such as leukaemia or liver Once this is done, enquiry should be made about the
disease? information in Box 28.1.
• Does the patient carry a warning card or hospital letter The patient should be kept under observation to ensure
about bleeding tendencies? that bleeding has been completely controlled. Continued
oozing of blood suggests some haemorrhagic disease and
this, or a family history of this, is an indication for referring
the patient to hospital, because prolonged dental bleeding
is a recognised way in which haemophilia is sometimes first
Box 28.2 Important investigations in haemophilia
• Haemoglobin level
• Cell and platelet counts Post-extraction bleeding PMID: 24930250
• Assessment of haemostatic function, particularly the
• Prothrombin time (expressed as the International
Normalised Ratio) Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
• Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) This is an uncommon autosomal dominant disorder caused
• Thrombin time by different mutations that weaken the walls of small blood
• Blood grouping and cross-matching vessels. Superficial telangiectases develop, particularly
around the lips and in the nose and mouth and on the hands
Systemic disease in dentistry
Fig. 28.2 Angina bullosa haemorrhagica. An intact blood blister
on the soft palate and fauces.
Fig. 28.1 Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. Two patients
with multiple telangiectasias on tongue and lips. The distribution
can vary between patients, not all have lip or perioral lesions. (From
Textbook of Physical Diagnosis: History and Examination, ‘The Oral Cavity and Pharynx’,
Fig. 28.3 Angina bullosa haemorrhagica. A ruptured blood
blister has formed a large ulcer on the soft palate.
Box 28.3 Causes of purpura
Haemorrhagic disorders
Platelet disorders
• Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura
• Conditions with splenomegaly
• Antiphospholipid syndrome
• Connective-tissue diseases (especially lupus
• Acute leukaemias
• Drug-associated
• HIV infection
Vascular disorders
• Von Willebrand’s disease A
• Corticosteroid treatment
• Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
• Infective
• Nutritional
• Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
• Scurvy
• Vasculitis, often allergic types
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
The vascular presentation of this syndrome is noted in
Chapter 14.
Purpura is typically the result of platelet disorders (Box 28.3)
and relatively rarely caused by vascular defects. As well as Fig. 28.5 Systemic purpura. (A) The lesions are due to
platelet aggregation, platelets contribute to coagulation. spontaneous bleeding into the tissues and often form at sites of
trauma. (B) Lesions on the tongue.
General features of purpura
Purpura is bleeding into the skin or mucous membranes,
causing petechiae or ecchymoses. It predicts prolonged Causes of purpura
bleeding after injury or surgery. Unlike haemophilia, haem- Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura The cause is auto-
orrhage immediately follows the trauma but, usually, bleed- immune destruction of platelets. Both children and middle-
ing in purpura ultimately stops spontaneously as a result of aged adults are predominantly affected. The first sign is
normal coagulation. usually purpura on the skin but may be profuse gingival
The bleeding time is prolonged and is the most informa- bleeding or post-extraction haemorrhage.
tive test; clotting is normal. Platelet function tests and Some cases resolve spontaneously, with thrombopoietin
counts are a second step. Thrombocytopenia is defined as receptor agonist drugs Eltrombopag or Romiplostim that
fewer platelets than 100,000/mm3, but spontaneous bleed- stimulate platelet production, or with splenectomy, which
ing is uncommon until the count falls below 50,000/mm3. reduces platelet destruction.
Purpura forms at any site subjected to minor trauma, and AIDS-associated purpura Autoimmune thrombocytope-
the gingival margin is the most common site for bleeding nia can complicate HIV infection and can be an early sign.
(Fig. 28.5). Purpuric patches in the mouth need to be distinguished
from oral Kaposi’s sarcoma by tests of haemostasis and, if
Management necessary, biopsy.
For urgent operative treatment, platelet numbers frequently Drug-associated purpura Many drugs, particularly
increase after systemic corticosteroids. Transfusion of plate- aspirin, interfere with platelet function (Box 28.4). Others
let concentrate is usually reserved for emergency situations act as haptens and cause immune destruction of platelets
and those with very low counts, below 30,000/mm3. At or suppress marrow function causing aplastic anaemia, of
levels between 50,000/mm3 and 100,000/mm3 oral surgery which purpura is typically an early sign.
is safe, and local haemostatic measures alone are usually Fibrinolytic drugs, such as streptokinase, used in the
sufficient, although hospital-based care is prudent. Block acute treatment of myocardial infarction, are potential
analgesia carries risks at platelet levels below 50,000/mm3 causes of bleeding tendencies, so dental surgery is possibly
and must be avoided below 30,000/mm3. hazardous.
Tranexamic acid 5% mouthwash, four times per day, If purpura develops, the drug should be stopped but, in
started just before surgery and continued for 2 days, is effec- the case of aplastic anaemia, the process may be irreversible
tive for most oral surgery. and fatal.
As with other platelet disorders, aspirin and other anti- Tropical haemorrhagic fevers These rare diseases – Ebola,
inflammatory analgesics should be avoided. Lassa, Marburg and other fevers – are highly infectious,
Box 28.4 Some drugs causing thrombocytopenia or
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 28.6 Principles of dental management of Box 28.7 Important acquired clotting disorders
Haemorrhagic disorders
haemophilia • Vitamin K deficiency
• History • Anticoagulants
• Laboratory findings • Coumarins
• Prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time • Dabigatran
• Normal prothrombin time • Rivaroxaban and apixaban
• Normal bleeding time • Heparin
• Low factor VIII levels • Liver disease
• Liaison with patient’s haemophilia centre
• Regular meticulous dental care to avoid the need for
• Preoperative planning of unavoidable extractions or
other surgery Box 28.8 Current United Kingdom recommendations
• Preoperative replacement therapy for treatment of patients on warfarin
• Post-operative precautions • If the International Normalised Ratio (INR) is normally
stable, check it 72 hours before surgery; if not stable,
within 24 hours.
• Patients with INR <4.0 should not adjust dose for
dental treatment.
Intraligamentary analgesia is without risk. Gingival bleeding
in periodontitis is increased, but must not inhibit tooth • Minor oral surgery and scaling can be carried out in
brushing. primary care if the INR is stable and below 4.0.
Patients with mild (5%–40% factor VIII level) or moderate • Local haemostatic measures are sufficient.
haemophilia (2%–5% level) can be managed routinely in • Follow surgical or periodontal procedures with 5%
dental practice. Extractions or treatment requiring inferior tranexamic acid mouthwashes four times per day for 2
dental or lingual block analgesia or subgingival scaling of days.
6 mm pockets require factor VIII supplementation. The • Do not prescribe aspirin or non-steroidal anti-
timing can be adjusted to be at the same time as any pro- inflammatory drugs.
phylactic cover given routinely, or patients may self- • Avoid inferior dental nerve blocks if the INR exceeds 3
administer from their own stock. Severe haemophilia (less and inject slowly in patients with INR less than 3.0. Use
than 1% level) or those with antibodies or inhibitors require other local anaesthetic techniques where possible.
hospital care. Tranexamic acid mouthwash can be used but • Only a few teeth should be extracted at one session,
must be prescribed in hospital; a 7–10 day regime is recom- usually no more than three at a time; avoid excessive
mended for haemophilia A. Desmopressin can be used to trauma.
release body stores of factor VIII, reducing the requirement
for supplementation.
As in all bleeding disorders, local measures must be fol-
lowed, and aspirin and related analgesics should be avoided.
Principles for management in dentistry are shown in Web URL 28.4 NICE guide and drug information: http://
Box 28.6.
3 If serious bleeding starts, tranexamic acid can be given COMBINED BLEEDING DISORDERS
but, if otherwise incontrollable, vitamin K may be needed
Systemic disease in dentistry
Haemorrhagic disorders
ency, as they are in the eye.
Many patients are of Turkish origin.
Review and treatment PMID: 18996031
Case report PMID: 19302964
Nature of lesions PMID: 21993334
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Immune deficiencies can be primary or, more frequently, Oral manifestations of immunodeficiency
acquired (Box 29.1) and may affect B or T lymphocytes,
The main oral effect is abnormal susceptibility to infec-
sometimes both, neutrophils, macrophages or the comple-
tions, particularly candidosis or viral infections. Resistance
ment system. T lymphocytes regulate B lymphocyte activ-
to treatment or recurrences of such infections strongly
ity; T-cell defects may therefore impair antibody production,
suggest immunodeficiency, as do opportunistic infections
as well as reduce cell-mediated immunity.
by microbes that rarely affect normal persons. General oral
Any patient who develops recurrent infections, particu-
manifestations of immunodeficiencies are summarised in
larly if they respond poorly to treatment or are caused by
Box 29.2, but there is some variation in presentation among
opportunistic pathogens, is likely to be immunodeficient.
different causes.
The main causes of severe immunodeficiency are HIV
infection and immunosuppressive treatment, particularly
for organ transplants (Fig. 29.1). Many cancer patients are SELECTIVE IGA DEFICIENCY
also severely immunodeficient as a result of both the neo-
plasm and cytotoxic drugs used for treatment. The severe Selective immunoglobulin (Ig)A deficiency is common and
primary immunodeficiencies are rare. would seem relevant to the mouth because IgA is the only
immunoglobulin secreted in saliva. Selective IgA deficiency
affects approximately 1 in 900 of the UK population but as
many as 1 in 150 in Spain and the Middle East (Box 29.3).
Surprisingly, almost all patients are asymptomatic. Bacte-
Box 29.1 Important causes of immunodeficiency rial sinusitis, lung infections and intestinal parasite infec-
Primary (congenital) tions are the usual infections.
• T or B lymphocyte defects (Swiss-type
agammaglobulinaemia, Di George’s syndrome, etc.)
• Immunoglobulin A deficiency Box 29.2 Important oral manifestations of immune
• Complement component deficiencies deficiency states
• Down’s syndrome (multiple defects) Infections (some examples only)
Secondary (acquired) • Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster
• Infections (HIV, other severe viral or bacterial infections, • Epstein–Barr virus (including hairy leukoplakia)
malaria, etc.) • Cytomegalovirus
• Drug-induced (immunosuppressive and anticancer • Candidosis
treatment) • Bacterial infections
• Malnutrition (worldwide a major cause) • Recurrent sinusitis
• Cancer (particularly lymphoma and leukaemia) Neoplasms
• Diabetes mellitus • Kaposi’s sarcoma
• Aging • Lymphomas
Other possible manifestations
• Lymphadenopathy
• Thrombocytopenia
• Lupus erythematosus
• Autoimmune disease
3 IgA deficiency may facilitate absorption of allergens. Oral effects stem cell transplant PMID: 24817792
There is predisposition to allergy, particularly asthma and
Systemic disease in dentistry
reduced in some countries with access to antiretroviral components that assemble into new virus particles and are 29
treatment. In the richer nations of the developed world, HIV released from the surface coated in host cell plasma
infection has become almost a treatable chronic disease, but membrane.
there is evidence of a worrying resurgence in individuals Initially it is thought that dendritic antigen–presenting
who put themselves at high risk. The highest incidence cells are infected in the mucosa and lymph nodes. These
areas are now sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe infect lymphocytes and macrophages by cell-to-cell contact
and Southeast Asia. In some areas of Africa, nearly a third during the process of antigen presentation. Free virus is also
of the population is infected. Portugal has the highest inci- shed into the blood, but direct cell-to-cell transfer is much
dence in Western Europe. more efficient in spreading the infection through the body.
In 2013, there were just more than 100,000 individuals Each virus particle contains two RNA strands of slightly
infected in the UK, 90% of whom were receiving antiretro- different sequence, and during reverse transcription the
viral treatment. Widespread access to testing may account sequences are recombined to generate virus with a novel
for part of the fall in incidence, but approximately half of sequence. Mistakes in transcription are frequent. These
cases are still diagnosed in late disease, potentially having mechanisms generate genetic variation while the virus rep-
transmitted the infection for a prolonged period. It is hoped licates, and each patient becomes infected with multiple
that the UK epidemic will continue to decline. The main genetic variants of the virus. This genetic variability is
barriers to this are discrimination, stigma and lack of important in generating resistance to antiretroviral drugs.
knowledge. Although new infections overall are reducing, Only a minority of infected cells produce new virus; the
the number of individuals with HIV infection continues to majority die through a process called pyroptosis. This is a
increase because treatment increases their lifespan. Effec- variant of apoptosis, in which the cells detect that their
tive treatment also means that HIV infection now affects DNA has been damaged and undergo apoptosis mediated
all age groups in the UK. by the enzyme caspase 1, rather than the usual apoptotic
The main populations at risk in the UK are those of pathway mediated by caspase 3. Unlike conventional apop-
African descent and men who have sex with men. Drug tosis, in which the dying cell debris is cleanly disposed of,
users are now a very small risk group. Unfortunately, pyroptosis causes cell lysis and inflammation, attracting
between 10%–25% of infected patients are unaware of their further lymphocytes and macrophages that become infected.
status, the percentage varying in different risk populations. This cycle of infection and destruction of CD4+ cells slowly
A worrying rise in infection in men who have sex with men reduces the helper T-cell count and reverses the ratio of
has just produced more than 3000 new cases in a year, the helper to suppressor lymphocytes.
highest ever recorded. Just less than half of cases in the UK The effect of depletion of T-helper cells is depression of
are transmitted heterosexually, and half of those are trans- cell-mediated immunity and progressive immunodeficiency.
mitted within the UK. The humoral immune system is also affected. Apparently
paradoxically, there is polyclonal B-lymphocyte activation
Web URL 29.1 Global epidemiology:
resulting in hypergammaglobulinaemia and autoantibody
production. Antibody is produced in response to the virus
Web URL 29.2 HIV in the UK: but is not protective initially. After several years, some
collections/hiv-surveillance-data-and-management mildly protective antibodies may develop and slow progres-
sion, but antibodies indicate only that a patient is
Web URL 29.3 HIV in the United States: infected.
statistics/overview/ The human immunodeficiency virus also attacks the
central nervous system. Virus is carried to the brain in
Aetiology infected macrophages and infects glial cells, which carry
The HIV retrovirus is an RNA virus. Originally a pathogen receptors for the virus.
of primates, it has successfully jumped species barriers
several times and first infected humans early in the 20th Basic biology of HIV PMID: 24162027
century. The HIV-1 species is more virulent and accounts
for most of the pandemic; HIV-2 is more or less limited to Diagnosis of HIV infection
West Africa, is less infectious and causes less deep Testing for HIV infection has been surrounded by stigma
immunosuppression. and previously required formal counselling before testing.
The chief mode of transmission is sexual. The risk of However, current practice in the UK is to offer testing as
sexual transmission is higher in developing countries, widely as possible in an effort to reduce late diagnosis. The
probably because of the high incidence of other uro- majority of patients who die of AIDS have been diagnosed
genital infections, particularly those that cause mucosal late.
ulceration. The UK national testing action plan suggests that ‘opt-in’
Direct spread to the baby occurs during pregnancy via the testing schemes should be replaced with ‘opt-out’ schemes
placenta, during birth and afterward by breast feeding. The in which patients are offered HIV testing alongside other
risk of vertical transmission is approximately 30%, and this routine medical tests and must actively refuse the test. This
accounts for almost all cases of HIV infection in children. has proved extremely successful in antenatal testing and
Saliva is not infectious, unless contaminated with blood. is also recommended for all new general medical practice
registrations, all surgical hospital admissions, drug depend-
Life cycle ency schemes and services for those with blood-borne viral
HIV directly infects cells, using its gp120 surface protein to infection, TB or lymphoma. HIV testing needs to become
bind to the cell CD4+ surface protein and chemokine routine.
co-receptors. Viral RNA is released into the cytoplasm of A range of tests are available. Antibodies appear approxi-
the cell, and viral reverse transcriptase generates viral DNA mately 6–8 weeks after infection and persist for life.
using the host cell synthetic pathways. The viral DNA Tests may detect antibody or viral RNA/DNA. Detection of
integrates into the host genome and synthesises viral antibody alone by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Stage CD4+ cells/µL % total lymphocytes CD4+ the following indicate stage 3 HIV
1 ≥500 ≥26 infection*
2 200–499 14–25 • Bacterial infections, multiple or recurrent
• Candidosis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs
3 (AIDS) <200 <14
• Candidosis of oesophagus
*CD4 absolute counts take precedence over percentage of lymphocytes.
• Cervical cancer, invasive
Patients must also be positive for HIV infection.
• Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
• Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary
• Cryptosporidiosis, chronic intestinal
• Cytomegalovirus disease (other than liver, spleen, or
(ELISA)-based tests requires confirmation by Western blot- nodes)
ting or immunofluorescence. Viral load testing to monitor • Cytomegalovirus retinitis (with loss of vision)
treatment and progression is performed by measuring viral • Encephalopathy attributed to HIV
nucleic acids.
• Herpes simplex: chronic ulcers (>1 month’s duration)
Caution is required in use of some rapid screening tech-
niques and home testing kits based on blood or saliva as • Histoplasmosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
these have worrying false-negative rates. • Isosporiasis, chronic intestinal (>1 month’s duration)
• Kaposi sarcoma
HIV staging and diagnosis of AIDS • Lymphoma, Burkitt or immunoblastic
AIDS is the symptomatic period of HIV infection. In devel- • Lymphoma, primary, of brain
oping countries it is defined clinically by the presence of • Atypical mycobacterium infection, disseminated or
opportunistic infections alone; developed countries use the extrapulmonary
Centers for Disease Control system based on laboratory • Mycobacterium tuberculosis of any site, pulmonary,
tests (Table 29.1) and infections (Box 29.5). Staging of HIV disseminated, or extrapulmonary
infection is important for selecting patients for treatment • Pneumocystis jirovecii (Pneumocystis carinii) pneumonia
and assessing prognosis and for epidemiological studies.
• Pneumonia, recurrent
AIDS is equivalent to HIV infection stage 3.
In children, HIV infection is staged N (non-symptomatic • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
infection) or A to C based on specific infections. • Salmonella septicemia, recurrent
• Toxoplasmosis of brain
CDC AIDS definition PMID: 24717910
• Wasting syndrome attributed to HIV
Clinical course
*Simplified Centers for Disease Control criteria. Several of
After HIV infection there is a short incubation period, fol- these AIDS-defining illnesses can be detected in the
lowed by an acute disseminated infection and then a long mouth.
latent period until opportunistic infections arise.
Approximately half of patients develop an acute glandular
fever-like illness 2–4 weeks after exposure with fever and
headache, tender lymphadenopathy, throat inflammation AIDS is characterised by multiple infections by bacteria,
and a rash. The features are non-specific and easily misdi- fungi, parasites and viruses. These tend to become sympto-
agnosed or ignored. Symptoms last 1–2 weeks, and those matic when the CD4+ cell count falls below 300 cells/µL.
whose illness lasts longer than 14 days progress more Many of these infections, such as Pneumocystis pneumo-
rapidly to stage 3. The patient is highly infectious during nia, are opportunistic and almost unknown in immuno-
the acute illness. Antibodies develop, and virus is detectable competent persons. Almost any commensal or pathogenic
during the acute phase (also known as ‘seroconversion species can cause infections, including species normally
illness’). considered environmental organisms. The infections are
This is followed by a prolonged latent period during which more severe and more difficult to treat than in the immu-
CD4+ lymphocyte numbers slowly decline but immune nocompetent and often in unusual body sites. Non-specific
responses are sufficient to prevent opportunistic infection. fever, diarrhoea and weight loss are common.
Approximately two-thirds of patients develop persistent Though infections are the main cause of death, there is
lymphadenopathy during this period. Note that the term also a greatly raised incidence of tumours, particularly Kapo-
latent period relates to clinical latency, and that the patient si’s sarcoma and lymphomas because these are caused by
is infectious during the latent phase. This is different from infectious agents, notably Epstein–Barr virus. Plasmablastic
viral latency, as seen in herpes viruses, during which the lymphoma has a predilection for the oral cavity and is virtu-
patient is not infectious. ally only seen in HIV infection.
The latent phase lasts on average approximately 8 years Neuropsychiatric disease in AIDS can range from depres-
but is very variable in duration. Some patients, termed long- sion to dementia and death.
term non-progressors, may remain in the latent phase for A lesser manifestation of AIDS in some patients is auto-
25 years or longer as a result of polymorphisms or muta- immune disease, particularly thrombocytopenic purpura or,
tions in viral receptors or by producing weakly protective less frequently, a lupus erythematosus-like disease.
antibody. Only approximately 1 in 300 infected individuals Once AIDS has developed, the outcome without treat-
are long-term non-progressors; the vast majority of infected ment is death within 2 years, approximately 10 years after
patients progress to symptomatic infection, otherwise initial infection.
known as stage 3 or AIDS. The outcomes are summarised in Fig. 29.3.
Exposure to
HIV virus Box 29.6 Antiretroviral drugs used for highly active
antiretroviral treatment and some oral
adverse effects
post-exposure Entry inhibitors
No infection Infection
Successful prophylaxis may Unsuccessful • Maraviroc
prevent infection
• Enfuvirtide
Asymptomatic Nucleoside/nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Transient glandular fever-like
carrier • Abacavir (Stevens–Johnson syndrome)
‘seroconversion illness’
Patient is • Lamivudine
Patient is infectious
infectious • Zidovudine
• Emtricitabine
• Tenofovir
Progressive Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
CNS infection immunosuppression • Nevirapine (Stevens–Johnson syndrome)
patient is infectious
• Efavirenz (Stevens–Johnson syndrome)
• Etravirine
• Rilpivirine
Symptomatic Protease inhibitors
HIV infection
(AIDS) • Indinavir (dry mouth, taste disturbance)
Very occasional
• Nelfinavir
Prognosis depends long term non • Ritonavir (taste disturbance, circumoral paraesthesia)
Some response on HAART
remain healthy
• Saquinavir (oral ulceration)
to HAART but effectiveness,
overall poor tailored to viral
• Darunavir
prognosis resistance and • Atazanavir
adverse effects
Integrase inhibitors
Fig. 29.3 Outcomes of HIV infection.
• Raltegravir
• Elvitegravir
• Dolutegravir
AIDS per 100,000 population
United States effects from the drugs mentioned in Box 29.6 are indicated
25 in brackets. New drugs are constantly being introduced.
Treatment should start as early as possible because this
20 is more effective and also reduces transmission of infection
to others. The drugs must be changed repeatedly because
15 the high viral mutation rate constantly produces resistant
Spain strains. Treatment cannot be stopped without risking emer-
10 Italy gence of highly resistant strains, which can infect others,
and the drugs are best continued for life. The exact combi-
5 nation of drugs used varies from country to country.
Problems with these drugs include many adverse effects
0 that can limit patient tolerance. HAART can never cure
the infection, it only suppresses viral replication and
• Caused by a retrovirus – usually HIV-1 Undiagnosed HIV disease still presents with oral signs,
• Transmitted sexually, during pregnancy, at birth or in and it is possible to diagnose HIV infection on the basis of
breast milk oral signs. These same signs are also seen in those in late
• Acute seroconversion disease like glandular fever disease with treatment failure.
The accepted list of oral conditions associated with HIV
• Long clinical latent period
infection is now old but remains a useful categorisation for
• Progressive deterioration mainly of cell-mediated clinical use. The conditions strongly associated with HIV
immunity infection remain significant. A third of those on HAART
• Immunodeficiency leads to opportunistic infections still have oral lesions, mostly oral candidosis. Ulcers affect
• Common oral lesions include candidosis and hairy approximately 5%, and Kaposi’s sarcoma and hairy leuko-
leukoplakia plakia each affect approximately 1%–5% of those on HAART.
• Kaposi’s sarcoma and lymphomas, often in oral regions In the developing world, oral manifestations appear to be
• Neurological and psychological disorders more common.
• Effectively treated with highly active antiretroviral Oral manifestations are likely when the circulating CD4+
treatment lymphocyte count falls below 200/mm3, the viral load
exceeds 3000 copies/mL or the patient also has other pre-
disposing factors such as dry mouth. Although oral lesions
should be a good marker of the failure of HAART, no definite
predictors are known. However, it would be prudent to
report any increase in, or new, oral manifestations (other
Box 29.8 Oral disease in HIV infection than papillomas, see later) to the patient’s HIV physician.
(EC Clearinghouse 1993) Onset of signs such as recurrent candidosis or hairy leuko-
plakia often coincides with a rise in circulating viral copy
Lesions strongly associated with HIV infection
number as the disease progression accelerates. For a patient
• Candidosis, erythematous and pseudomembranous on HAART, this indicates emergence of a new genetic
• Hairy leukoplakia variant and a need to consider changing drugs to regain
• Kaposi sarcoma control of viral replication.
• Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Oral manifestations PMID: 8229864
• Periodontal disease
• Linear gingival erythema Oral Manifestations controversies PMID: 23517181
• Necrotising (ulcerative) gingivitis and periodontitis Since HAART PMID: 12656429
Lesions less commonly associated with HIV infection
• Mycobacterial infections
• Melanin pigmentation Thrush or other forms of oral candidosis may be seen in
more than 50% of patients at some stage, regardless of
• Necrotising (ulcerative) stomatitis
HAART, and candidosis is often the first oral sign. With
• Xerostomia HAART, candidosis is now usually chronic or erythematous
• HIV salivary cystic disease in type (Fig. 29.5). Decline in incidence of thrush may be
• Thrombocytopenic purpura partly an effect of antiretroviral protease inhibitors on the
• Ulceration, non-specific fungi, as well as improved immune status.
• Viral infections Erythematous infections respond to topical antifungals. It
• Herpes simplex has recently been suggested that HIV-infected patients
require no longer courses of antifungals than non-HIV
• Condyloma acuminatum
• Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia
• Papillomas
• Varicella zoster infections
Lesions seen in HIV infection
• Bacterial infections
• Actinomyces israelii
• Escherichia coli
• Klebsiella pneumoniae
• Cat scratch disease
• Drug reactions
• Bacillary angiomatosis
• Other fungal infections
• Facial palsy
• Trigeminal neuralgia
• Recurrent aphthous stomatitis Fig. 29.5 Erythematous candidosis. An extensive red patch on
• Cytomegalovirus infection the palate without white flecks which appears as denture
• Molluscum contagiosum stomatitis but without any denture being worn. Such a
presentation is characteristic of immunodeficiency.
Fig. 29.6 Herpes simplex ulceration in immunodeficiency.
Fig. 29.8 Hairy leukoplakia. The characteristic appearance on
There is extensive ulceration along the midline of the dorsal
the lateral margin of the tongue. Posteriorly, the vertical ridging
tongue and separate ulcers toward the lateral margins. In
pattern of the lateral tongue is enhanced. (By kind permission of Professor
immunodeficiency, the ulcers may be chronic and their clinical
WH Binnie.)
appearance may not suggest viral infection. Biopsy may be
required for diagnosis.
Bacterial infections
Infections by bacteria that otherwise rarely involve the oral
tissues, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter
cloacae and Escherichia coli, can develop. In the later stages,
there may be ulcers secondary to systemic infections, par-
ticularly mycobacterial.
Bacillary angiomatosis is a vascular proliferative disease
caused by Bartonella henselae and should respond to anti-
microbial therapy. However, it can mimic Kaposi’s sarcoma
clinically and, to some extent, histologically. It affects the
skin more frequently than the oral cavity.
3 angiomatosis and pyogenic granulomas, from which it can diseases reported in AIDS are lupus erythematosus and a
be distinguished by biopsy (Ch. 25). Sjögren’s-like salivary gland disease.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Summary chart 29.1 Types of gingivitis and periodontitis seen in HIV infection. 29
Gingivitis or periodontitis in HIV infection
Involving alveolar bone or soft Limited to gingival soft tissues Consider and exclude the causes of
tissue, often with extensive desquamative gingivitis unrelated to
loss of attachment without immunodeficiency.
significant pocketing perform smear for candida from
gingival crevice
Diagnose necrotising Diagnose necrotising
periodontitis (’HIV-associated (ulcerative) gingivitis
periodontitis’) (acute or chronic)
in incidence since antiretroviral therapy was introduced, protein can be identified by immunohistochemistry in the
suggesting it is an infection, and the BK virus has been lymphoid follicles.
implicated. Lymphoma is a risk, developing in 1% of patients.
The glands are infiltrated by CD8+ T cells, mostly memory
Review PMID: 23614399
T cells, an HIV effect called diffuse CD8+ lymphocytosis
syndrome that affects many organs. The T cells localise Cases PMID: 9619675
around ducts, kill and replace the acini and cause fibrosis
in a similar manner to Sjögren’s syndrome. In addition, Diffuse CD8+ lymphocytosis syndrome PMID: 25660200
there is hyperplasia of the intraparotid lymph nodes and
development of new lymphoid tissue with lymphoid follicles Miscellaneous oral lesions
in the gland. The ducts enlarge to form numerous cysts.
Salivary secretion is reduced. Mucosal ulcers
Ultrasound scans and the clinical presentation are usually Major aphthae (Figs. 29.11 and 29.12) can be troublesome,
sufficient for diagnosis, but if HIV infection is not sus- interfere with eating and accelerate deterioration of health.
pected, biopsy shows the typical features and HIV p24 They become more frequent and severe with declining
including the eye. Post-exposure prophylaxis is considered Current regulations require that dental clinicians who 29
more than 90% effective in preventing transmission, but have become or think that they have become infected by
these data come from sexual transmission, and it may be HIV, hepatitis or other blood-borne viruses should seek
even more effective in healthcare exposure for a variety of appropriate medical supervision.
reasons. Pregnancy is not a contraindication. Prophylaxis is HIV-positive dentists, who are receiving effective treat-
not recommended for bite injuries. ment, have a viral load less than 200 copies/mL and are
regularly monitored, are now allowed to undertake exposure-
prone procedures. The decision on fitness to practice is
RISKS OF TRANSMISSION OF HIV made by the patient’s HIV consultant physician, and the
TO PATIENTS dentist will need to be listed on a confidential register. Indi-
viduals may be subject to restrictions on a case-by-case
Although transmission to healthcare workers is exceedingly basis.
rare, transmission to patients has occurred. A dentist in
Florida infected six patients, and three other healthcare Web URL 29.4 UK guidance for HIV dentists:
workers have been documented to have infected a single government/groups/uk-advisory-panel-for-healthcare-workers
patient each. However, all these cases occurred many years -infected-with-bloodborne-viruses
ago in the early years of the epidemic, before HAART. There
has been no documented case of transmission to a patient
in the UK.
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Box 30.3 Summary of United Kingdom Health and
Systemic disease in dentistry
3 Allergy to both ester and amide types of analgesic is Oral allergy syndrome must be distinguished from simple
extremely rare, so an effective safe analgesic can usually be type 1 hypersensitivity reactions in which the primary aller-
Systemic disease in dentistry
found. Most other adverse reactions can be reduced in fre- gen is placed on the mucosa. These are much more severe.
quency by good technique and management of anxiety.
Review PMID: 25887974 and 25757079
Review PMID: 20831929
Diagnosis & management reactions PMID: 21905354 Allergy to metals
Nickel and chromium
Asthma Nickel is the most common metal causing allergy, and this
Asthma can carry significant risks in dentistry and is dealt affects 10% of women. It usually causes contact dermatitis
with in Chapter 33. as described previously. Skin patch testing is diagnostic.
Nickel is ubiquitous and present in foods, as well as cobalt
Other type 1 reactions chromium and other dental metal alloys. However, known
Many prescribed drugs and materials used in dentistry can allergic patients can tolerate these in the mouth. In a few
trigger type 1 allergic or anaphylactic reactions. Penicillins it may then cause a characteristic rash but not oral lesions.
are the most frequent trigger prescribed by dentists. Chlo- Indeed, it may even be therapeutic as oral dosing with nickel
rhexidine has recently been recognised to cause type 1 reac- salts has been shown to induce tolerance and can be used
tions, two of which have been fatal following irrigation of to desensitise patients.
extraction sockets. Chromium in dental alloys does not sensitise, because in
its metallic state the metal is immunologically inert.
Chlorhexidine allergy PMID: 23222325
Nickel dental allergy PMID: 21439867
Dental allergens PMID: 19489970
Many patients claim mucosal allergic responses to foods, Reactions to mercury might be either allergic or toxic. By far
toothpastes and other agents, but do not distinguish allergic the greatest danger from mercury is systemic absorption of
from irritant effects. The oral mucous membrane is an toxic doses of organic mercury compounds such as methyl
unusual site and normally appears almost unable to mount mercury, from the diet or environment. Diets containing
contact dermatitis reactions. There is no such condition as fish and other marine products provide the greatest doses
oral eczema. of mercury to humans by far. This mercury comes from
The oral mucosa has some features of an ‘immunologi- environmental pollution concentrated in marine organ-
cally privileged site’ such as the brain or placenta, where isms. Otherwise, high intake is likely to be occupational.
external antigens induce tolerance rather than immune Organic mercury salts are powerful neurotoxins, but not
responses. the metal.
Metallic mercury, with an oxidation state of zero, is
Oral allergy ‘syndrome’ almost completely inert and non-toxic other than by inhala-
This name is given to a mild type 1 hypersensitivity reaction tion of vapour. Mercury in dental amalgam is either in this
in the oral mucosa caused by cross-reacting food allergens. metallic form or reacts to form inorganic salts.
Typical allergens are raw, but not cooked, apples and fruits, Hypersensitivity to mercury or its salts causes an inflam-
nuts and vegetables. Most patients are atopic and have hay matory and sometimes vesiculating reaction when contact-
fever or other allergies. This is a recently recognised condi- ing skin. Allergy can be confirmed by skin patch testing.
tion and appears to be increasing in incidence in parallel The incidence of mercury allergy is difficult to assess
with the increase in childhood hay fever. because testing has, in the past, often been performed with
Those allergic to pollens may suffer cross reactions with high concentrations of mercury salts that are directly irri-
a wide range of raw foods (pollen food syndrome) with spe- tant to skin. It appears that only a few per cent of the popu-
cific cross reactions recognised. The most common allergen lation claiming to be allergic actually are. Even those with
in the UK is birch pollen, and those allergic to it, and par- proven sensitivity can usually tolerate mercury amalgams
ticularly those also allergic to grass pollens, have a chance in the mouth (Fig. 30.3), but care must be taken during
of developing pollen food syndrome exceeding 75%. Birch removal and placement that no amalgam touches the
pollen is suggested to cross react with almonds, apples, patient’s skin. In practical terms, it is usually simpler to use
apricots, avocados, celery, hazelnuts, kiwi fruit, nectarines composite materials.
and many other foods. Topical amalgam lichenoid reactions are discussed in
Those allergic to latex may react intraorally to apple or Chapter 16. These have a moderately strong relationship to
avocado (latex food syndrome) as noted previously. Reac- mercury hypersensitivity and are usually associated with
tions are mild and localised, start shortly after allergen corroded amalgams that leach component metals. Allergy
exposure with an itching or burning sensation followed by to silver, copper or tin components occurs but is much rarer.
localised swelling in site where the mucosa is lax: lips, floor Those who are demonstrably allergic gain the best response
of mouth and soft palate. Diagnosis is based on signs, on removal of the offending restoration(s).
symptoms on exposure and history of allergy. There appears to be no adverse reaction to amalgam
Similar reactions are seen in children and adolescents tattoos in those allergic to mercury.
who use pollen desensitisation as a treatment for hay fever. Systemic mercury toxicity remains a possible occupa-
Short-lived swelling appears when the pollen suspension is tional hazard of dentistry, but encapsulated amalgam has
held under the tongue. Interestingly, this desensitisation rendered this risk of only historical interest. Practices must
treatment also reduces the severity of any associated oral have risk assessments and procedures for dealing with
allergy syndrome. potential spillage. Nevertheless, dentists have had decades
cause gross swelling of the lips, face and neck over a period 30
of minutes to hours and, when severe, can threaten the
Hereditary angio-oedema
Hereditary angio-oedema is due to deficiency or mutational
inactivation of the complement factor C1 esterase inhibitor,
and is thus, pedantically speaking, an immunodeficiency.
However, this complement deficiency produces no abnor-
mal susceptibility to infection. Since C1 esterase inhibitor
is an inactivator of the first complement component, its
absence leads to uncontrolled complement activation via
the classical pathway. The result is excessive bradykinin
Fig. 30.3 Patch testing for dental materials. Four panels of 12 production, causing vasodilation, increased permeability
patches impregnated with different dental materials have been in and pain. In the process, C4 is consumed, and its persist-
contact with the skin for 48 hours. Erythema, oedema and a ently low level in the serum during asymptomatic periods
palpable nodule indicate reaction to mercury but amalgam is a useful diagnostic test, together with assay for C1 este-
restorations provoked no intraoral reaction.
rase inhibitor itself.
Inheritance is autosomal dominant, but 25% of cases are
new mutations and have no family history. Episodes of gross
of exposure to mercury and absorbed significant amounts, but localised oedematous swelling follow stimuli such as
but do not appear to have been significantly harmed. minor injuries and, particularly, dental treatment. The
The possibility of chronic mercury toxicity caused by attacks last several days unless treated and can cause respi-
release of mercury from amalgam fillings has given rise to ratory obstruction. There is a significant mortality.
public anxiety and been publicised by some practitioners Similar angio-oedema may also be an effect of angiotensin-
with vested interests. While mercury, and particularly its converting enzyme inhibitor drugs, and some patients have
organic compounds, are undoubtedly toxic, exposure to defects in other genes affecting function of C1 esterase
vapour or soluble inorganic salts from amalgams provide inhibitor.
infinitesimally small doses. Vapour levels in the mouth have Treatment of an acute attack requires purified C1 esterase
been overestimated and incorrect assumptions made about inhibitor concentrate or fresh frozen plasma, kallikrein
its efficient absorption in the lungs. Most is exhaled and inhibitors or bradykinin receptor antagonists. These drugs
doses do not exceed exposure to environmental levels. The can be used prophylactically if dental treatment triggers
vapour released by removing an amalgam far exceeds the attacks or when intubation is required.
amount it could release in situ in the patient’s lifetime. The most important point is not to mistake an attack for
It is unfortunate that the potential symptoms of chronic an allergic reaction. Angio-oedema does not respond to
low-level mercury toxicity are so vague. Those opposed to epinephrine, steroids or antihistamines.
amalgam list many diseases they say are caused by mercury
toxicity, and these are often chronic relapsing conditions in Case series PMID: 1518394
which disease activity is unpredictable and difficult to Causes PMID: 24484972
monitor. To date, no official body considers amalgam resto-
rations to cause any harm to patients, indeed most actively Management PMID: 25605519
declare it safe. Reactions can also occur to the composite
synthetic alternatives and such substitute restorations
require replacement twice as frequently. AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES
Nevertheless, dentists have a duty to avoid environmental
pollution with mercury. Eventually amalgam may be phased Autoimmune diseases result from immune reactions against
out for environmental reasons, but in the meantime host antigens (‘self ’ antigens). They may be mediated by
amalgam separators in waste water outlets and safe waste antibodies (humoral response) or T cells (cell-mediated) or
disposal (including extracted teeth) are required of every UK both. In many cases the exact mechanisms are unknown.
dentist. To develop a host-targeted immune response requires
breakdown of immunological tolerance. Possible mecha-
Mucosal reactions to amalgam PMID: 18350847 nisms include extrinsic agents inducing a cross-reacting
Mercury toxicity PMID: 9231518 and 9391753 response (‘molecular mimicry’, e.g. rheumatic fever), release
of self-antigens normally held sequestered in protected sites
(e.g. sympathetic ophthalmia) or exposure of internally con-
ANGIO-OEDEMA ➔ Summary chart 34.1 p. 459 cealed antigens when proteins are denatured in inflamma-
tory foci. It is thought that all autoimmune disease results
Allergic angio-oedema from loss of B-cell tolerance. When T-cell reactions are
Allergic angio-oedema is an immunoglobulin E-mediated or involved, they appear to be secondary to changes in control
type 1 acute hypersensitivity reaction. It is directly equiva- by B cells.
lent to an urticarial rash but affects deeper tissues. It may Many autoimmune diseases trigger polyclonal B-cell acti-
also arise in conjunction with an urticarial rash. The head vation, resulting in random activation of many B lym-
and neck, particularly around and in the mouth, is the com- phocytes with antigen specificity unrelated to the disease
monest site, followed by the hands. Angio-oedema can itself. These secrete large amounts of antibody, raising the
Box 30.5 Typical features of autoimmune disease Box 30.7 Features of rheumatoid arthritis of
Systemic disease in dentistry
Table 30.2 Organs and tissues affected in systemic lupus and pigmented and the facial features become smoothed-out 30
erythematosus and mask-like. Opening of the mouth may become limited.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Oral involvement
The most frequently affected oral sites are the gingivae (Fig.
30.6) and lips, followed by palate and buccal mucosa. Gin- Fig. 30.6 Sarcoidosis. Gingival swelling is not clinically
gival involvement produces a lumpy multifocal or diffuse distinguishable from several other possible causes, and in this case
gingival enlargement identical to that in Crohn’s disease or is relatively mild and easily overlooked, but biopsy showed
orofacial granulomatosis. Granulomas are present on biopsy. granuloma formation.
Other lesions include ulcers and swellings. Although they
are uncommon overall, oral lesions frequently precede other
manifestations and are the presenting sign in two-thirds of Heerfordt’s syndrome is the combination of parotid
patients. swelling, xerostomia, uveitis and, often, facial palsy due to
sarcoidosis in salivary gland, eye and facial nerve.
Salivary gland involvement
Sarcoidosis causes bilateral diffuse swelling of major sali- Diagnosis and management
vary glands, almost always parotid glands (Figs 30.7 and Diagnosis depends on chest radiography (Fig. 30.5) and
30.8). This is uncommon but can occasionally be the first biopsy of affected tissue. In the active stages of the disease,
manifestation of sarcoidosis. The disease also affects minor plasma levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and
glands, and in more than 50% of patients with bilateral hilar calcium are frequently raised. Tuberculosis must be
lymphadenopathy, biopsy of a labial salivary gland shows excluded.
typical granulomas and is a valuable, minimally invasive The great majority of patients require no treatment.
diagnostic aid. Concurrent lacrimal gland involvement pro- When required, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are
duces a Sjögren’s syndrome-like clinical presentation. usually sufficient and spontaneous resolution follows in a
few years. However, those with extrapulmonary or extensive severe cases. Sarcoidosis carries a risk of lung cancer and
lung involvement may be given corticosteroids, methotrex- leukaemia in later life.
ate or azathioprine, other immunosuppressants or tumour
General review PMID: 24090799
necrosis factor-alpha antagonists. Many novel targeted
agents are in trial. Orofacial manifestations PMID: 18953304
The mortality rate is 5%, usually from lung or central
nervous system disease. Lung transplants may be used in Literature review PMID: 15888103
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Cervical lymphadenopathy
There are so many potential causes of enlargement of the papillomavirus (HPV)-associated oropharyngeal and base of
cervical lymph nodes that differential diagnosis is complex tongue carcinomas often present with lymph node metas-
and requires knowledge of many diseases. Dental causes are tases before the primary is evident. Conversely, oral carci-
common (Fig. 31.1), and the primary role of the dentist is nomas are usually obvious by the time they metastasise.
to exclude them. Cervical lymphadenopathy without an Various patterns of involvement of cervical lymph
obvious local cause is a warning sign that must not be nodes can be produced by spread of carcinoma of the mouth
ignored, and no dental examination is complete without an (Ch. 20).
examination of the cervical lymph nodes.
Important causes of cervical lymphadenopathy are sum-
marised in Box 31.1. Many have been discussed in other
chapters. Box 31.1 Some important causes of cervical
Lymphadenopathy of acute onset and with tender or painful
nodes bilaterally is the easiest type to diagnose. The causes • Bacterial
are mostly acute viral or bacterial infections, and spontane- • Dental
ous resolution follows. It is persistent enlargement without • apical abscess
such a history that causes diagnostic problems. Various • cellulitis
clinical features provide important guides as to the likely • periodontitis
cause of lymphadenopathy (Box 31.2), but there is no simple
• pericoronitis
algorithm for diagnosis; the diseases are simply too diverse
• Tonsil, face or scalp infections
and individually variable.
A soft lymph node in an otherwise healthy child is • Tuberculosis
unlikely to be of great significance. It is usually due to a • Syphilis
recent viral infection and typically resolves spontaneously • Cat-scratch disease
after a month or so. • Lyme disease
Cervical lymphadenopathy associated with generalised • Viral
lymphadenopathy in a child or young adult with a sore • Herpetic stomatitis
throat and fever is likely to be due to infectious mononucle-
• Infectious mononucleosis
osis as discussed later in this chapter. By contrast, persistent
lymphadenopathy raises the possibility of leukaemia. • HIV infection
In the older patient with a hard lymph node, a carcinoma • Childhood fevers
must be suspected. Thyroid carcinomas and human • Parasitic
• Toxoplasmosis
• Possibly infective
• Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (Kawasaki’s
• Primary
• Hodgkin’s disease
• Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
• Leukaemia – especially lymphocytic
• Secondary
• Carcinoma – oral, salivary gland, thyroid, oro- or
• Malignant melanoma
• Metastases from gastric and abdominal cancers
• Sarcoidosis
• Drug reactions
• Connective tissue diseases
• Recent surgery to mouth or face
Fig. 31.1 Enlarged submandibular lymph node with incipient • ‘Normal’ enlarged nodes in children
drainage to the skin resulting from a dental abscess.
Box 31.2 Preliminary considerations Box 31.4 Typical clinical features of tuberculous
Systemic disease in dentistry
regardless if granulomas are found, the clinical picture fits This infection is very different from TB, and the organisms 31
and sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disease is excluded. are environmental or spread from pets such as birds and not
Cervical lymphadenopathy
Open biopsy and incision of a cold abscess must be avoided spread person to person. It is thought that children contract
at all costs as this would spread the infection widely. these infections through oral contact, developing the equiva-
Affected tissues contain numerous well-organised non- lent of a tuberculous primary infection. A further difference
caseating granulomas with frequent Langhans-type giant is that the treatment for this disease is often surgical. Fea-
cells in a background of fibrosis. After many years, fibrotic tures are shown in Box 31.5.
nodes may calcify and be seen radiographically (Fig 31.2).
Case series PMID: 18312877
Fig. 31.2 Tuberculosis. Calcified cervical lymph node seen in a Fig. 31.4 Atypical mycobacterial infection in a child. Typical
panoramic tomogram. Calcified nodes are often multiple and single large node, slightly tender and with mild erythema of the
indicate past rather than active infection. (By kind permission of Mr EJ overlying skin. (From Hambleton, L., Sussens, J., Hewitt, M., 2016. Lymphadenopathy
Whaites.) in Children and Young People. Paediatr. Child Health 26, 63–67.)
giant cells
Fig. 31.3 Tuberculosis. Numerous multinucleate Langerhans giant cells are conspicuous in this granuloma.
Box 31.5 Typical clinical features of atypical
Systemic disease in dentistry
mycobacterial lymphadenitis
• Firm swelling, usually one large node
• No systemic symptoms
• Incomplete response to antituberculous drugs
• Histologically poorly formed granulomas and no
• Surgery is curative, combined with drug treatment
Box 31.9 Possible effects of toxoplasmal infection
Cervical lymphadenopathy
Acute toxoplasmosis in normal children or adults
• Cervical lymphadenopathy in a disease resembling
infectious mononucleosis
• Atypical lymphocytes present in the blood but
heterophil (Paul Bunnell) antibody production is absent
• Infection usually self-limiting
Toxoplasmosis in immunodeficient patients
• Disseminated disease
• Risk of complications including encephalitis
In pregnant women
• Transmission across placenta, an important cause of
foetal abnormalities
Fig. 31.6 Petechiae on the palate are frequently seen in
infectious mononucleosis.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Fig. 31.7 Toxoplasmosis. (A) Two normal lymphoid follicles from a normal reactive node for comparison, showing the paler germinal
centres surrounded by the dark mantle zones of immature lymphocytes. (B) Four lymphoid follicles from a lymph node in toxoplasmosis
showing granulomas formed by pale clustered macrophages around the edges of, and within, the germinal centres.
Box 31.11 Complications and disease associations of Box 31.12 Drugs that can cause lymphadenopathy
Cervical lymphadenopathy
multicentric Castleman’s disease • Phenytoin
• Anaemia • Carbamazepine
• Lymphoma of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s types • Allopurinol
• Kaposi sarcoma in human herpesvirus 8–positive • Sulphasalazine
disease • Phenobarbital
• Paraneoplastic pemphigus • Lamotrigine
• Autoimmune and connective tissue diseases • Nevirapine
• Infection due to neutropaenia or immunsuppression • Isoniazid
• Amyloidosis • Iodine
• POEMS syndrome* • Penicillin
• Other complications of HIV disease if HIV positive • Captopril
• Tetracycline
*POEMS, Polyneuropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, • Atenolol
Monoclonal gammopathy and Skin abnormalities
The node is enlarged by proliferation of either plasma cells
or lymphocytes. In the plasma cell type the lymphoid fol-
licles are active and enlarged. In the lymphocyte-rich type
(hyaline vascular type) the follicles are atrophic and shrunken
leaving prominent epithelioid blood vessels and proliferat-
ing dendritic cells, surrounded by concentric rings of lym-
phocytes (Fig. 31.8). This latter type accounts for almost all
cases in the head and neck. Diagnosis is usually based on A
lymph node biopsy, and the specimen can be tested for
HHV8 by immunohistochemistry.
Lymphadenopathy is an occasional adverse effect of long-
term treatment with the antiepileptic drug phenytoin.
Phenytoin lymphadenopathy is not associated with sys-
temic symptoms and frequently first affects the neck before
becoming widespread. Substitution of phenytoin with an
alternative usually leads to resolution.
Other drugs that can cause lymphadenopathy (Box 31.12)
do so very rarely. Lymphadenopathy caused by these drugs
is typically associated with fever, rashes, eosinophilia and
joint pains, and they are thought to be drug hypersensitivity
reactions. Other organ damage may be associated, making
these potentially fatal drug reactions. Cervical nodes are the
most frequently affected.
A single firm or hard node in the lower left side of the neck
immediately above the medial end of the clavicle should
raise suspicion of a Virchow’s node presentation*. B
*Rudolf Virchow, a German pathologist (1821–1902) from what is now Fig. 31.8 Castleman’s disease. Hyaline vascular-type disease.
Poland, described this sign. Contrary to some reports he did not actually (A) A normal lymphoid follicle, with a germinal centre surrounded
suffer it himself. Although renowned as the father of modern pathology by a mantle of small dark lymphocytes. (B) Atrophic follicle with a
and cellular theories of disease, he is perhaps more widely remembered prominent swollen vessel entering the follicle from lower left. The
for choosing sausages as a duelling weapon when challenged by Bis- vessel is surrounded by concentric rings of lymphocytes,
marck, the first Chancellor of Germany. resembling the mantle zone of the normal follicle.
3 Lymphatic drainage from the chest, abdomen and pelvis DELPHIAN NODE
flowing in the thoracic duct regularly flows in a retrograde
Systemic disease in dentistry
manner into the lymphatics of the lower neck because of A Delphian node is a single midline level VI lymph node
their low pressure or variations in lymphatic and venous (Fig. 20.17) anterior to the cricothyroid membrane of the
anatomy. Cells from cancers in the thorax and abdomen can larynx that is often the first involved by carcinoma of the
thus seed a metastasis in a lymph node low in the neck. larynx or thyroid. It is named after the mythical oracle of
The left side is more frequently the site of metastases, Delphi, because historically enlargement was known to
and these usually originate from the stomach, abdomen and predict that cancer would subsequently become apparent at
pelvis. Although classically described on the left, the right one of these sites.
side may develop metastases from the oesophagus, chest
and lungs.
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is commonly encountered in dental GENERAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT
practice. Heart disease becomes more frequent and severe
in later life and is the most frequent single cause of death Patients at risk of cardiac events are usually severe hyper-
in Britain in males, with only dementia slightly more tensives, those with severe angina or those who have had a
common in females. Younger patients can also be affected. previous myocardial infarct. Anxiety or pain can precipitate
Infective endocarditis is one of the few ways in which dental a dangerous increase in cardiac load and dysrhythmias
treatment could lead to death of a patient. through the action of epinephrine. To die of fright may be
The nature of the relationships among periodontitis, a figure of speech but can sometimes result from severe
atheroma and diabetes remain unclear, although these con- dysrhythmia. The first essential element for these patients
ditions are often associated. is therefore to ensure painless dentistry and to alleviate
Acute angina and myocardial infarction are discussed anxiety.
with medical emergencies (Ch. 43). Consideration may be given to providing an anxiolytic
In terms of dental management, patients with cardiac before treatment (a benzodiazepine at low dose on the pre-
problems provide no significant barriers to treatment. ceding night and again before treatment) in very anxious
Patients in ASA groups 3 and 4 (American Society of Anaes- patients. If sedation is required, inhalational sedation is safe
thesiologists Physical Status score) for cardiac reasons can because nitrous oxide has no cardiorespiratory depressant
still be managed with intravenous sedation, provided the effects and is more controllable, but it should be adminis-
treatment is individually assessed and provided by a person tered by an expert and not given within 3 months of a heart
with specialist training and in a specialist centre. It is attack or angina attack requiring hospitalisation.
important to be aware of each patient’s disease type, medi- Patients with severe or longstanding hypertension are at
cation (Table 32.1) and severity to assess the likelihood of risk from ischaemic heart disease. Medical advice should be
a cardiac emergency, but the main risks are for general sought before treating those with a resting systolic blood
anaesthesia. pressure over 160 or a diastolic over 95 mmHg.
General review PMID: 11060950 Lingual varices and hypertension PMCID: PMC4499223
Treatment in heart failure PMID: 23444163
Dentistry in heart disease PMID: 20527501
Table 32.1 Some dental implications or adverse effects
of drugs used for heart disease Local analgesia
Drugs Implications for dental Over many decades, different precautions have been recom-
management mended for combinations of local analgesics and vasocon-
strictors with various drugs. Concern often arose with what
Diuretics Dry mouth sometimes
were newly introduced classes of drugs at the time. None
Angiotensin-converting enzyme Burning mouth symptoms, of these theoretical interactions have ever proved significant
(ACE) inhibitors, captopril, lichenoid reactions, in a dental setting with normal doses of drugs. Patients with
perindopril, etc. angio-oedema
Angiotensin II receptor Taste disturbance, dry
blockers, losartan, mouth
disopyramide, etc.
Calcium channel blockers, Gingival overgrowth
amlodipine, diltiazem, etc. (especially with diltiazem
and nifedipine – Fig. 32.1)
Beta-adrenergic blockers, Dry mouth, lichenoid
labetalol, propranolol, etc. reactions, theoretical
interaction with epinephrine
Antihypertensives (as above) Potentiated by general
Anticoagulants Risk of prolonged post-
operative bleeding
Warfarin Risk of prolonged post-
operative bleeding
Antianginal drugs Oral ulceration (Ch.16)
Fig. 32.1 Drug-induced gingival hyperplasia resulting from
treatment of hypertension with nifedipine. These swellings are
centred on the interdental papillae.
3 cardiovascular disease need to be treated with care, but the Bacteraemias can be detected in more than 80% of persons
risks of adverse reactions are very low indeed. after tooth extraction and even after tooth brushing or
Systemic disease in dentistry
The most effective analgesic agent is 2% lidocaine with chewing, but the numbers of bacteria released by the latter
epinephrine and, after half a century of use, no local anaes- are much lower. Although a large number of bacteria in the
thetic has been shown to be safer. The epinephrine content circulation appear to pose the higher risk, it is unclear
can theoretically cause a hypertensive reaction in patients whether chronic low-grade bacteraemia may be as danger-
receiving beta-blocker antihypertensives, because of an ous as a short high-level bacteraemia.
unopposed alpha-adrenergic effect. This interaction is only Normally, bacteria entering the bloodstream are rapidly
likely if doses of epinephrine are considerably larger than cleared by the phagocytic cells lining the sinusoids in the
normally used in dentistry. liver or spleen, or by circulating leucocytes, aided by comple-
In view of the risk of dysrhythmias, it is important to ment. These are largely non-specific mechanisms that do
reduce anxiety and achieve good analgesia. Doses of local not depend on an immune response or the virulence of the
anaesthetics should be kept to the minimum necessary and organism. Almost all circulating bacteria are cleared within
treatment split into several sessions if extensive. Good a few minutes to an hour, and even in a patient with a heart
injection technique is essential. If larger doses have to be lesion, infective endocarditis does not necessarily follow.
given, for example for multiple extractions, then continuous The main sources of oral bacteria causing bacteraemia are
cardiac monitoring is prudent and hospital treatment prob- the gingival crevice and periodontal pockets. The risk is high
ably wise. when oral hygiene is poor. At these sites, large numbers of
If general anaesthesia is unavoidable, it must be given by bacteria are in close contact with inflamed tissue containing
a specialist anaesthetist in hospital, especially as some of dilated, thin-walled blood vessels (Fig. 32.2). The chance of
the drugs used for cardiovascular disease increase the risks. bacteria entering vessels is increased by movement of teeth,
Cardiovascular disease is the chief cause of sudden death even just during mastication. When teeth are mobile, move-
under anaesthesia. ment repeatedly compresses and stretches the periodontium
so that bacteria can be pumped into the tissues, and possibly
Cardiac effects LA PMID: 19893562
the bloodstream.
Vasoconstrictor safety review PMID: 10332135 Either an acute or subacute endocarditis can follow infect-
ion of cardiac valves. Acute endocarditis is not linked to
Adrenaline effects PMID: 19330241 bacteraemia of dental origin and is usually associated with
Anxious patient PMID: 19023307 species of high virulence such as Staphylococcus aureus,
fungi or unusual organisms.
Cardiac transplant PMID: 11863154 Bacteraemias of oral organisms are associated with suba-
cute infective endocarditis and are of low virulence organ-
INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS isms such as viridans streptococci. These bacteria adhere to
the valve using fibronectin and other carbohydrate receptors
If there is a cardiac defect that can be colonised by circulat- to bind to platelets and fibrin on the damaged surface,
ing organisms, infective endocarditis can develop. Patients similar to the mechanisms by which they adhere to plaque
at risk are mainly those with congenital anomalies, such matrix. The more virulent obligate anaerobes of the perio-
as valve or septal defects, or who have prosthetic heart dontal pocket cannot survive long enough in the blood to
valve replacements and often with an additional risk factor cause endocarditis.
(Box 32.1). The majority of these patients have no symp- Attributing infective endocarditis to a bacteraemia caused
toms and some valve defects, such as a bicuspid aortic valve, by dental procedures is difficult. Fewer than 15% of cases of
cause no symptoms to signal their presence. infective endocarditis can be related to (but not necessarily
Damaged valves are infected by bacteria passing through caused by) dental operations. When dental procedures are
the lumen of the large vessels, when turbulent flow around linked to endocarditis, the most common likely precipitat-
a damaged valve brings bacteria in contact with the ing factor is dental extraction, found in more than 95% of
endothelium. cases.
There are many causes of bacteraemia. Bacteria can spread
into the blood from tissue infections, during surgery, colon-
oscopy and, particularly, from infection of peripherally
inserted central catheters (‘PICC’ lines), cannulae and tradi-
tional central lines. Intravenous drug users risk bacteraemia
by using contaminated needles. Mucosal surfaces are potent
sources of bacteraemia because they are heavily colonised by
bacteria, as in the bowel. Oral organisms are responsible for
30%–40% of all cases of infective endocarditis.
More than 2000 cases arise each year in the UK, and a cases of endocarditis might have been associated with den-
quarter of patients die within 1 year. tistry. The incidence of infective endocarditis does not
Cardiovascular disease
Once bacteria adhere to the damaged valve, platelets and appear to have been significantly reduced by the introduc-
fibrin deposit over them. Lumpy ‘vegetations’ of bacteria and tion of antibiotic prophylaxis.
fibrin form on the free edges of the valves, which are pro- It has always been accepted that there is little evidence
gressively destroyed by inflammation and immune response that prophylaxis is effective. It is known that infective endo-
against the bacteria, rendering the valves incompetent. carditis may develop despite appropriate prophylaxis, and
Cardiac failure is the main cause of death, but infective also that bacteraemia from mastication and tooth brushing
emboli and bacteria released into the bloodstream can also may constitute a significant risk because of the frequency
cause renal or cerebral damage. with which it occurs.
In the absence of clear evidence, antibiotic prophylaxis
General review PMID: 26341945
has previously been provided on the precautionary
Clinical features
It is important to appreciate that the onset of subacute Current guidance on antibiotic prophylaxis
infective endocarditis is typically very insidious. Symptoms
The evidence on antibiotic prophylaxis has been reviewed
are vague, variable among patients and may not be related
by several groups in different countries, including the Euro-
to the heart valve damage itself. The descriptions that follow
pean Cardiac Society and the American Heart Association.
relate to subacute bacterial endocarditis caused by oral
All, apart from the UK group, consider that antibiotic
organisms, almost always streptococci, and not to acute or
prophylaxis should be provided, although over the years the
other types of endocarditis in intravenous drug users or
complexity of prophylaxis and the number of patients con-
other groups at risk.
sidered at risk have reduced.
The mitral valve is most frequently affected, but surpris-
In the UK, the definitive guidance is that of The National
ingly congestive heart failure due to valvular insufficiency
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and pub-
is a very infrequent presenting sign.
lished in the British National Formulary. The guidance was
The most common signs and symptoms are all non-
issued in 2008, updated in 2015 and 2016 and remains
specific: fever, malaise, headache, night sweats, shortness of
current at time of publication. It states that antibiotic
breath, joint pains and, over the longer term, anorexia and
prophylaxis is ‘not recommended routinely’ for dental pro-
weight loss. Although association with a dental procedure
cedures. The use of chlorhexidine around teeth before
is rarely if ever proven, when it appears likely, the onset is
extraction is also not recommended.
usually between 2 weeks and 2 months later.
Instead, prevention of endocarditis should rely on a high
The valve vegetations shed small emboli into the systemic
standard of oral health, the responsibility of both patient
circulation. Classically, these cause distant effects such as
and professionals.
splinter haemorrhages and damage to various organs. These
This decision is based primarily on the lack of evidence
embolic phenomena are rare in oral streptococcal endocar-
to support prophylaxis for dental procedures balanced
ditis, but nevertheless a range of rare complications such as
against the risks. If the benefit is small, the risk of anaphy-
stroke, osteomyelitis, meningitis and renal infarcts may be
laxis and antibiotic resistance become more significant. It
seen. Similar complications can arise from sterile deposition
has been estimated that death from anaphylaxis to penicil-
of immune complexes in the kidney and joints.
lin cover is approximately five times more likely than death
These variable and non-specific symptoms make it impor-
from endocarditis.
tant that patients at risk understand that they should report
any mild, unexplained, febrile illness within 3 months of Review PMID: 26794105
dental treatment. Delay in diagnosis is the main factor
Web URL 32.1 NICE guidance:
affecting survival in infective endocarditis.
Previous UK guideline PMID: 16624872
Principles of antibiotic prophylaxis European Soc Cardiol Guidelines PMID: 26320109
The principle of antibiotic prophylaxis is that high doses of
Dental IE in Taiwan PMID: 26512586
antibiotic given before a dental or medical intervention will
achieve a sufficiently high blood level to kill any bacteria US guidelines PMID: 9431393
that enter the circulation before they have the opportunity
Case reports PMID: 26992086
to adhere to the heart valves. In the past, patients at risk
would be given antibiotics such as amoxicillin or clindamy- Web URL 32.2 UK medicolegal advice:
cin as a single dose before any procedure that was consid- and enter ‘antibiotic prophylaxis’ into
ered likely to trigger a significant bacteraemia. search box
This approach remains sound and antibiotic prophylaxis
is used before procedures such as colonoscopy or barium After the discontinuation of antibiotic prophylaxis in 2008,
enema that displace large numbers of bacteria into the the number of cases of infective endocarditis in the UK
circulation. rose by a statistically significant number (Fig. 32.3).
However, it has never been possible to prove that the This has caused some consternation, but review of this
previously recommended prophylactic measures used for additional evidence by NICE did not change the guidance
dentistry were effective. It was estimated that in the UK, in in 2016. This type of epidemiological evidence cannot
a year, no fewer than 670,000 at-risk patients may have make a causative link between the increasing incidence and
been undergoing high-risk dental procedures without anti- discontinuation of antibiotic prophylaxis, although the tem-
biotic prophylaxis. Despite this, only a tiny minority of all poral association is striking. No other cause for the rise
3 14000
Systemic disease in dentistry
No. prescriptions
30 Incidence
Fig. 32.3 Reduction in antibiotic prophylaxis since 2008 NICE guidance and incidence and mortality of endocarditis in England
plotted on the same timescale. The upper graph shows the number of prescriptions for antibiotic cover given by dentists (brown) and
doctors (blue). The vertical brown line indicates the introduction of the 2008 NICE guidance in March 2008. The lower graph shows the
incidence (blue) and mortality (brown) from all cases of endocarditis over the same period. (From Dayar, M., Jones, S., Prendergast, B., et al., 2015.
Incidence of infective endocarditis in England 2000-2013: a secular trend, interrupted time-series analysis. Lancet 385 (9974), 1219–1228.)
Those at risk must also be educated in the importance of is a tendency to restrict it to high-risk dental procedures 32
maintaining good oral health and returning immediately including extraction, scaling, root canal treatment and other
Cardiovascular disease
should they suffer any symptoms suggesting that they have surgical procedures. These suggestions are in line with the
developed infective endocarditis. Patient advice could also European Society of Cardiology guidelines (Appendix 32.1).
include general health advice such as the risks of undergoing Inclusion of these guidelines is not to suggest that they are
other medical invasive procedures, body piercing or tattoo- better than current UK guidance. They are given only as a
ing. Ensuring patients are informed and involved in any reasonable alternative to follow in the absence of UK guid-
decision is paramount. Medicolegally they must be advised ance on what to do when cover is requested by a cardiologist
of potential adverse effects of treatment. or patient. Guidance changes continually, and the current
Any foci of oral infection should be addressed and elimi- version must always be consulted.
nated promptly. Current guidance refers to infection, but Whether or not cover is given, all patients at risk need to
this should be taken to include any foci of periodontitis or be reminded of the signs and symptoms and the need to
gingivitis, as well as overt tissue infection. There needs to return if unwell, after all types of dental treatment.
be a good preventive regime in place to prevent development
Web URL 32.3 Patient advice leaflet/warning card:
of caries and odontogenic infection, as well as of gingival
inflammation. All patients at risk must maintain the
highest standards of oral health.
Some patients will continue to demand antibiotic prophy-
laxis. Similarly, some cardiologists will request prophylaxis IMPLANTED CARDIAC DEVICES
for certain high-risk groups. The recommendations are
guidance rather than mandatory so that clinical judgement Increasing numbers of patients have either pacemakers or
may allow a different course of action provided it can be implantable cardioverter defibrillators to treat bradycardia,
justified. arrhythmias, tachycardia, fibrillation and heart block.
The dentist should always contact the relevant medical Some types of ultrasonic scalers (the magneto-constrictive
consultant about any high-risk patient to ask whether cover and not the piezoelectric type) and electrosurgical equip-
is recommended or when a patients requests cover. Those ment produce a magnetic field that potentially interferes
at particularly high risk are those who have had previous with their function, and use should be avoided as a precau-
infective endocarditis, those with prosthetic heart valves or tionary measure even though the risk appears largely theo-
prosthetic surgical heart repair and those with congenital retical. Pulp testers and apex locators are safe. In the absence
cyanotic cardiac defects. In the absence of national recom- of a good evidence base, seeking advice from the manufac-
mendations, there is no guidance on prophylaxis, but the turer seems sensible and use of the magnetic type of ultra-
cover regime most likely to be recommended is either 2g or sonic scaler should be avoided for these patients.
3g amoxicillin 30–60 minutes preoperatively before extrac- There is no indication for antibiotic prophylaxis.
tions or similar significant interventions. For those allergic,
Case report PMID: 21439866
clindamycin, 600 mg, remains the safest alternative. Even
among those who believe that prophylaxis is useful, there Published European guideline PMID: 26320109
Appendix 32.1
European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of infective endocarditis
Antibiotic prophylaxis should only be considered for patients at highest risk for endocarditis, as described in Table 1 below,
undergoing at-risk dental procedures listed in Table 2 below, and is not recommended in other situations. The main targets for
antibiotic prophylaxis in these patients are oral streptococci. Table 3, below, summarises the main regimens of antibiotic
prophylaxis recommended before dental procedures.
Table 1
Antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered for patients at highest risk of infective endocarditis:
1. Patients with any prosthetic valve, including a transcatheter valve, or those in whom any prosthetic material was used for
cardiac valve repair
2. Patients with a previous episode of infective endocarditis
3. Patients with any type of cyanotic congenital heart disease or any type of congenital heart disease repaired with a prosthetic
material, whether placed surgically or by percutaneous techniques, as long as 6 months after the procedure or lifelong if
residual shunt or valvular regurgitation remains.
Antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended in other forms of valvular or congenital heart disease
Table 2
Antibiotic prophylaxis should only be considered for dental procedures requiring manipulation of gingival or periapical region of
the teeth or perforation of the oral mucosa.
Table 3
Systemic disease in dentistry
Note that either 2g or 3g amoxicillin may be used, 3g the more readily available preparation in the UK.
Clindamycin has a significant rate of adverse effects and should only be used for high risk patients.
It is no longer necessary to avoid Amoxicillin if the patient has already been exposed it in the previous month.
From 2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of infective endocarditis: The Task Force for the Management of Infective Endocarditis of the European Society of
Cardiology (ESC) Endorsed by: European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS), the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM). Habib, G.,
Lancellotti, P., Antunes, M.J., et al., 2015. Eur. Heart J. 36 (44), 3075-30128.
➔ Summary chart 38.1, p. 486
Chronic sinusitis may develop with or without a preceding
acute sinusitis.
The clinical features are those of the acute disease but
milder and without the generalised symptoms of upper res-
piratory tract viral infection. When pain is poorly localised,
radiographic examination of the sinuses may reveal mucosal
thickening, mucosal polyps or a fluid level. Computerised
tomography is the examination of choice (Fig. 33.2), but the
maxillary antrum is well visualised on panoramic tomogra-
phy or occipitomental view.
Chronic sinusitis in some patients produces nasal polyps,
oedematous thickenings and pedunculated polyps of the
mucosa. These can fill the lumen, block drainage and cause
persistence of sinusitis.
Fig. 33.1 Acute sinusitis involving maxillary antrum and When no dental cause is present, the bacteria are initially
ethmoid sinuses unilaterally. The sinuses are completely filled by those found in acute sinusitis, but the flora gradually shifts
oedematous sinus lining mucosa and inflammatory exudate, seen to an anaerobic population after 3 months and S. aureus is
radiographically as opacified sinuses. (Courtesy of Mr EJ Whaites.) often present.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 33.1 Signs suggesting a tooth or root displaced
Systemic disease in dentistry
Systemic disease in dentistry
3 imaging, sputum cytology, bronchoscopy and endoscopic ment can be carried out as usual, but conscious sedation
biopsy. should preferably be avoided.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Only approximately 25% of patients present at a stage Metastases to the jaw or cervical lymph nodes are usually
suitable for surgery. Treatment is frequently therefore by a late manifestation, and an uncommon manifestation is
radiotherapy. The overall 5-year survival rate is 10% and diffuse pigmentation of the soft palate.
has changed little in decades. Patients with lung carcinoma are at risk of a second
primary carcinoma in the upper aerodigestive tract and
Dental aspects must be screened for potentially malignant changes in the
Management depends greatly upon the stage of the cancer oral mucosa.
when the patient is seen. In the early stages, dental treat-
Gastrointestinal and
liver disease 34
GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL REFLUX AND can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies resulting in
anaemia or bleeding tendencies.
Gastro-oesophageal reflux and consequent oesophagitis are Dental aspects
a common cause of the symptoms of dyspepsia and ‘heart Anaemia can have a variety of oral effects such as glossitis
burn’. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, or recurrent aphthae as discussed in Chapter 27. As many
frequent stooping and overlarge meals are frequent precipi- as 5% of patients with coeliac disease may have recurrent
tating factors. If persistent, the oesophageal lining may aphthae, even in the absence of anaemia.
undergo metaplasia to a more resistant gastric-type mucosa Enamel hypoplasia is common in coeliac disease, seen as
(Barrett’s oesophagus). Acid rarely reaches the mouth in any spotty hypoplastic mottling, localised opacities, chronologi-
quantities and, unless severe, reflux alone is not a potent cal banding, pitting or discolouration. These probably result
cause of dental erosion, though it may contribute. Inhibi- from malabsorption and are not specific to the disease.
tion of acid secretion by protein pump inhibitors, such as Usually only permanent teeth are affected.
omeprazole, is highly effective in controlling it. Hypoplasia in a child of short stature and with bowel
By contrast, chronic vomiting or regurgitation of gastric symptoms should raise suspicion of coeliac disease, recog-
acid contents, due to such causes as hypertrophic pyloric nising that many cases are diagnosed late.
stenosis or in bulimia, can lead to marked dental erosion,
General and oral review PMID: 23496382
often, but not always, worse on the palatal and occlusal
aspects of the anterior teeth (Fig. 34.1).
Erosion intrinsic causes PMID: 24993266 CROHN’S DISEASE
➔ Summary chart 34.1 and 24.2, p. 459, 373
COELIAC DISEASE Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease of
unknown aetiology. However, it shares many features with
Coeliac disease is a common and important cause of mal- the autoinflammatory diseases, and some cases are known
absorption affecting 1% of the population. The cause is to be associated with mutations in the gene NOD2 that
hypersensitivity to gluten in wheat and other cereal prod- controls inflammatory responses to bacteria. Mutations
ucts. Almost all patients have the predisposing human leu- cause failure of the formation of the mucin and antimicrobial
kocyte antigen (HLA) DQ2. Specific degradation products of barrier lining the bowel and may also inhibit degradation
gluten trigger ileal mucosal inflammation, with loss of villi of bacteria. Changes in bowel flora are probably also
causing failure of absorption. important.
The disease is frequently asymptomatic, and it may not Granulomatous inflammation affects the ileocaecal
be recognised until adult life as a result of its complications. region, causing thickening and ulceration. Symptoms vary
It can also have a great variety of effects. Malabsorption, with the severity of the disease, but effects can include
stunting of growth, fatty diarrhoea and abdominal pain or abdominal pain, variable constipation or diarrhoea and,
discomfort are typical consequences. The malabsorption sometimes, obstruction and malabsorption. Repeated bowel
resections may ultimately be needed. Many other sites can
be affected including any part of the bowel, joints and skin.
Treatment controls symptoms but is not curative. Dietary
adjustment, corticosteroids, antibiotics, sulfasalazine or
mesalazine, immunosuppressants and tumour necrosis
factor (TNF)-alpha blockers (e.g. infliximab) are used.
General review PMID: 22914295
Oral effects
Most patients have no oral signs, although aphthous ulcers
and candidosis may be associated with anaemia.
When the disease process itself affects the mouth, the
signs and symptoms are the same as those in orofacial
granulomatosis (discussed later).
Non-caseating granulomas resembling those in the intes-
tine develop in the oral mucosa. The common sites of
involvement are lips and buccal mucosa. These show prom-
inent oedema with folds tethered to the underlying deeper
Fig. 34.1 Erosion of the palatal surfaces of the upper teeth due tissues, producing the characteristic cobblestone mucosa
to repeated vomiting. appearance (Figs 34.2–34.3). Linear ulcers often run along
Systemic disease in dentistry
the buccal sulci, particularly the lower sulci, and have hyper-
plastic folds of inflamed mucosa along their margins. The
gingiva (Fig. 34.4) show an erythematous nodular gingivitis
with hyperplastic tags.
The granulomas are typically small, loose and contain few
multinucleate giant cells and are often sited deeply in under-
lying muscle. They may be few in number, and a biopsy
needs to extend unusually deeply to increase the chance of
finding them because only by identifying granulomas can
the diagnosis be made (Figs 34.5–34.6). The granulomas are Fig. 34.6 Crohn’s disease. A hyperplastic tag of gingiva contains
associated with vascular dilatation and tissue swelling in several large round granulomas.
Box 34.1 Typical orofacial features of Crohn’s disease
early disease. Later, there is dense fibrosis that fixes the Fig. 34.7 Orofacial granulomatosis. There is conspicuous
tissues in their distorted shape. swelling of the upper lip with eversion of the vermilion border.
The lip is thickened and tense.
These features can be the presenting features of Crohn’s
disease, and occasionally oral lesions precede gastro-
intestinal symptoms by a long period. Oral disease is much
more likely to progress to bowel disease in children than
when diagnosed in an adult.
Oral lesions may lessen in severity with treatment of
systemic disease. Aggressive treatment is merited in the
early stages to prevent fibrosis and permanent disfigure-
ment. The same drugs as are used for bowel disease are
required, together with steroid injections of swollen mucosa.
Key features are shown in Box 34.1.
Oral features PMID: 2007740
Treatment PMID: 26593695
➔ Summary chart 34.1 and 24.2, p. 459, 373
Orofacial granulomatosis is used to describe oral mucosal
granulomatous inflammation without an identifiable cause.
The clinical features are very similar to oral lesions of Crohn’s
disease, but this is probably a distinct disease. However, dis-
tinguishing these conditions is difficult, and some patients
considered to have orofacial granulomatosis will subse-
quently prove to have Crohn’s disease after several years. The
chances of eventually developing Crohn’s disease are higher
if orofacial granulomatosis is diagnosed in childhood.
Orofacial granulomatosis presents mainly in young
adults, and lip and buccal mucosa are the main sites Fig. 34.8 Orofacial granulomatosis. Low power showing the
involved (Fig. 34.7), with marked oedema and a cobblestone dense inflammation and scarring extending deeply into fat. These
changes are common to both Crohn’s disease and orofacial
appearance. Linear sulcus ulcers and gingival lesions are less
frequent than in Crohn’s disease. Diagnosis requires biopsy
and, as in Crohn’s disease, a deep biopsy is required to give
the best chance of finding granulomas (Figs 34.8 and 34.9).
The cause of orofacial granulomatosis is related to food MALABSORPTION SYNDROMES
allergy. The patients often have subclinical bowel disease, a
higher than average risk of allergy to a range of common Malabsorption syndromes (Box 34.2) can cause haemato-
allergens and react to common food additives such as cin- logical deficiencies that can contribute to development or
namon, benzoates and phenolic compounds. Both type 1 exacerbation of recurrent aphthae, glossitis, candidosis or
and type 4 hypersensitivity mechanisms are implicated. other symptoms.
Treatment is initially by exclusion diet, and nearly two-
thirds of patients respond. Intralesional steroid injections, ULCERATIVE COLITIS
immunosuppressants such as tacrolimus or ciclosporin,
methotrexate or tumour necros is factor (TNF)-alpha inhibi- Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the large
tors (infliximab) may be used depending on severity. intestine causing ulceration and fibrosis. Patients are typi-
cally between 15 and 50 years. The main effect is intractable
Differences from Crohn’s PMID: 21910172
diarrhoea with blood and mucus in the stools. Abdominal
Treatment by diet PMID: 23574355 and 21815899 pain, fever, anorexia and weight loss are seen in severe cases.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 34.3 Important aspects of liver disease relevant Box 34.5 Special hazards to dental staff from
Box 34.4 Important causes of liver failure Box 34.6 Possible results of hepatitis B infection
• Idiopathic cirrhosis • Complete resolution
• Alcoholic cirrhosis • Asymptomatic carrier state
• Viral hepatitis (particularly C) • Acute hepatitis (rarely fatal)
• Chronic active hepatitis
• Cirrhosis
• Liver failure
Causes of parenchymal liver disease and liver failure are • Liver cancer
shown in Box 34.4. Cirrhosis is frequently the result of
alcoholism but often of unknown cause.
Clinical aspects
VIRAL HEPATITIS The incubation period is at least 2–6 months. The virus
replicates in hepatocytes, and the immune response to the
The main types of hepatitis, relevant here, are B, C and D. virus eventually clears the infection, damaging the liver in
Hepatitis B is the chief risk to dental personnel, but the process. The majority of infections are subclinical (ani-
hepatitis C can also be transmitted during dentistry. The cteric), but 5%–10% of patients, particularly those who have
hepatitis B virus can also carry within it the delta agent that had no overt illness, become persistent carriers and can
can cause a particularly virulent combined infection (hepa- transmit the infection. A minority develop acute hepatitis
titis D). with loss of appetite, muscle pains, fever, jaundice and often
All types in dentistry PMID: 10203901 a swollen, painful liver. The illness is often severe and
debilitating but usually followed by complete recovery and
Hepatitis A long-lasting immunity. Overall mortality from clinical
infection is probably approximately 1%. Occasionally, it has
Hepatitis A is the common form of infectious hepatitis. It been as high as 30%, probably as a result of co-infection by
is frequently acquired from contaminated food or water the delta agent.
during a holiday abroad in a hot developing country. The Biochemical markers of infection are raised serum
incubation period is 2–6 weeks, jaundice is usually mild and levels of liver enzymes, bilirubin and often of alkaline phos-
spontaneous recovery takes 3 months or so. Long-term phatase. However, confirmation of the diagnosis is by serol-
complications are extremely rare. A vaccine is available. ogy (Fig. 34.11 and Table 34.1).
3 Acute hepatitis B infection virus within 6–9 months and develop chronic infection and
become chronic carriers.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 34.7 Patients with higher risk of being hepatitis Box 34.8 Important differences between hepatitis C
Occupational infection risk dentistry PMCID: PMC3375115 Delta agent review PMCID: PMC4641224
3 Management
Box 34.9 Standard precautions against transmission
Systemic disease in dentistry
Summary chart 34.1 Causes and treatment of diffuse swelling of the lips and mucosa.
No detectable Pus pointing or Diffuse reddening, Initially soft and recurrent. Firm Recurrent oedema-like swelling, One episode
abscess and no draining, possibly pain, enlarging and persistent in longstanding disease normal between attacks
systemic signs systemic signs of brawny swelling,
of infection. infection systemic
Particularly signs of infection, Biopsy shows non-caseating granulomas History of allergy or atopy,
in children Abscess patient very ill or possible allergen identified
Oedema Cellulitis
cause dental cause as vigorous antibiotic Treat bowel Treat systemic avoidance may traumatic
unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory
soon as possible treatment, drain pus disease, disease, usually help. Patients oedema,
Elimination of
(avoiding surgery if localised, treat oral signs may with steroids. may need to haematoma,
allergens may help If C1 esterase
in an acutely dental cause as improve. Oral signs carry adrenaline insect sting or
some patients. inhibitor level
infected field) soon as possible Treatment improve injection bite, etc.
Intralesional steroid is low, it may
(avoiding surgery unsatisfactory in case the
injections or surgical respond to
in acutely infected airway is
reduction may be stanozolol
field). Adjust compromised
required in
antibiotic treatment during an attack
severe cases
to suit culture and
sensitivity (take
sample before
starting antibiotics)
Treat cellulitis
This page intentionally left blank
Nutritional deficiencies
Despite the UK population living on an unhealthy diet high Riboflavin (B2) deficiency
in fat, sugar and salt, nutritional deficiencies are rarely seen
Riboflavin deficiency can occasionally result from a malab-
in Britain. Susceptible patients are the elderly living on a
sorption syndrome. In severe cases, there is typically angular
scanty diet, severe alcoholics living on a grossly unbalanced
stomatitis, with painful red fissures at the angles of the
diet and those following diets or food fads. On average,
mouth, and shiny redness of the mucous membranes. The
dietary intakes of all vitamins are adequate, apart from
tongue is commonly sore. A peculiar form of glossitis in
vitamin D. Intake of some B vitamins is too low in young
which the tongue becomes magenta in colour and granular
and elderly females
or pebbly in appearance, due to flattening and mushrooming
Malabsorption syndromes (Ch. 34) are a rare cause of
of the papillae, may be seen but is uncommon. The gingivae
are not affected. Resolution follows within days when ribo-
Although several oral conditions are linked to vitamin
flavin (5 mg, three times per day) is given.
deficiencies, patients are generally found to be otherwise
Riboflavin is ineffective for the commonly seen cases of
healthy and well fed with only a borderline deficiency. Pre-
glossitis and angular stomatitis, which are rarely due to
scribing vitamin preparations brings benefit largely to the
vitamin deficiency.
multibillion pound vitamin industry.
Recently, riboflavin has been used to cross-link dentine
collagen in an attempt to toughen dentine for adhesion of
VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES restorations. This is because it absorbs blue light and not
for any nutritional reasons.
The effects of specific deficiencies are summarised in
Table 35.1. Nicotinamide deficiency (pellagra)
Pellagra, which affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract and
Vitamin A deficiency nervous system, is rare in Britain but may occasionally
Vitamin A has a role in epithelial maturation and retinoids, result from malabsorption or alcoholism. Weakness, loss of
more potent analogues, have been tried in conditions with appetite and changes in mood or personality are followed by
abnormal keratinisation such as leukoplakia. Lycopene and glossitis or stomatitis and dermatitis. The tip and lateral
β-carotenes, vitamin A precursors, have also been tried. margins of the tongue become red, swollen and, in severe
Changes in keratinisation are reported but are not reproduc- cases, deeply ulcerated. The dorsum of the tongue becomes
ible, and whether this might reduce the risk of carcinoma coated with a thick, greyish fur which is often heavily
is unclear. Adverse effects are significant. Deficiency has no infected. The gingival margins also become red, swollen and
oral significance. ulcerated, and generalised stomatitis may develop.
A combination of nicotinamide and tetracycline is some-
times used to treat oral pemphigoid, particularly in the
United States, but there is no convincing mechanism of
action and no good evidence base.
Table 35.1 Effects of specific vitamin deficiencies
Deficiency Systemic effects Oral effects Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin A Night-blindness None This disease has many oral effects (see Ch. 17).
Thiamin (B1) Neuritis and cardiac None
Folic acid deficiency
failure Deficiency can result from malnutrition but is more often
seen in pregnancy, or as a result of malabsorption or drug
Riboflavin Dermatitis Angular stomatitis and
treatment (particularly with phenytoin) (Ch. 17). Women
(B2) glossitis
are advised to take folic acid supplements preconceptually
Nicotinamide Dermatitis, central Glossitis, stomatitis and with the aim of reducing the risk of neural tube defects. It
nervous system gingivitis also appears that multivitamin preparations containing folic
disease, diarrhoea acid may reduce the risk of orofacial clefts.
Vitamin B12 Pernicious anaemia Glossitis, aphthae
Folic acid Macrocytic anaemia Glossitis, aphthae Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C Scurvy (purpura, Gingival swelling and
Scurvy, once common among crews of sailing ships, is now
delayed wound bleeding exceedingly rare. In Britain, scurvy may very occasionally
healing, bone be seen among elderly people with an inadequate diet or
lesions in children) eccentric diet or the homeless. The main features of scurvy
are dermatitis and purpura and, in advanced cases, anaemia
Vitamin D Rickets Hypocalcification of teeth and delayed healing of wounds. In the young, bone growth
(severe rickets only)
is delayed by poor collagen synthesis (Fig. 35.1).
Systemic disease in dentistry
Endocrine disorders
and pregnancy 36
Endocrine disorders, apart from diabetes mellitus and
thyroid disease, are uncommon. They are rare causes of oral
disease but, occasionally, oral changes can lead to their
diagnosis. Patients with Addison’s disease, diabetes mellitus
and thyrotoxicosis, in particular, may also need special care
for dental surgery.
Box 36.1 Important features of hyperthyroidism
Systemic disease in dentistry
obstruction because of the large tongue and narrowing of Periodontal adverse effects treatment PMID: 25577420
the glottis. Hypertension and diabetes can also affect dental Dental treatment in thyroid disease PMID: 12148678
management. Otherwise, there is no special risk from treat-
ment, local analgesia or sedation. Hypothyroidism
THYROID DISEASE Cretinism results from deficient thyroid activity from birth,
usually in areas of iodine deficiency or occasionally as a
Hyperthyroidism result of thyroid developmental anomalies.
Hyperthyroidism is most common in young adults, particu- The main features are particularly short stature and intel-
larly women. Causes include diffuse thyroid enlargement lectual impairment, but dental abnormalities are frequently
(goitre), a hypersecreting nodule or adenoma in the gland, associated (Box 36.3). In the untreated patient, sedatives
and autoimmune thyroiditis caused by stimulatory autoan- and tranquillisers such as benzodiazepines can precipitate
tibodies (Graves’ disease). myxoedemic coma and should generally be avoided. Con-
Clinical features are shown in Box 36.1. Graves’ disease scious sedation with nitrous oxide and oxygen can be given.
has additional exophthalmos and pretibial myxoedema Thyroid hormone treatment must begin early to allow
caused by autoimmune inflammation. normal physical and mental development.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism is by drugs such as carbi-
mazole, iodine131, or surgical removal of part of the gland. Adult hypothyroidism
All may cause hypothyroidism. Beta-blockers may be used Hypothyroidism in the UK is most frequently due to Hashi-
for symptom control. moto autoimmune thyroiditis but can follow radioiodine,
Thyrotoxicosis general review PMID: 22394559 drug or surgical treatment for hyperthyroidism. In most of
the world, iodine deficiency is the main cause.
Dental considerations Features are shown in Box 36.4 and aspects of dental
Dental treatment of untreated hyperthyroid patients risks management summarised in Box 36.5.
the medical emergency of thyrotoxic crisis, so recognition
of signs and symptoms is key. Treatment must be deferred Lingual thyroid
until thyrotoxicosis is controlled and any emergency treat- The thyroglossal tract and cysts arising from it are discussed
ment performed in hospital. in Chapter 10.
Dental treatment in treated disease is affected by several Failure of normal development of the thyroid gland is
factors (Box 36.2), particularly excitability and anxiety. almost always caused by failure of the embryonic thyroid
Excessive cardiac excitability is only a theoretical contrain- anlage to descend into the neck. The patient’s thyroid gland
dication to lidocaine with epinephrine, and no other local then lies somewhere along the path of the thyroglossal tract
Box 36.3 Typical features of cretinism
Box 36.6 Typical features of hyperparathyroidism Box 36.8 Typical clinical features of Addison’s disease
Systemic disease in dentistry
and fibro-osseous jaw lesions, as discussed in Chapter 11. Adrenocortical insufficiency is rarely primary (Addison’s
Brown tumours of hyperparathyroidism are discussed in disease) and more frequently secondary to corticosteroid
Chapter 13. therapy.
Bone lesions case report PMID: 25398922
Adrenocortical hypofunction or
Hypoparathyroidism Addison’s disease
The most common cause of hypoparathyroidism by far is Addison’s disease results from failure of secretion of cortisol
thyroidectomy, when parathyroid glands are excised with and aldosterone. The disease is usually autoimmune with
the thyroid. Despite the fact that residual parathyroid tissue organ-specific circulating autoantibodies. Tuberculous or
undergoes compensatory hyperplasia, 20% of patients are fungal adrenal destruction are rare causes, sometimes sec-
affected. ondary to HIV infection. Addison’s disease is also the most
Early-onset hypoparathyroidism is rare and developmen- frequent feature of the rare polyglandular autoimmune syn-
tal in origin, sometimes part of autoimmune polyendocrin- dromes and is then associated with chronic mucocutaneous
opathy or other syndromes. candidosis as described later.
Hypocalcaemia from any of these causes presents as The result is a severe disorder of electrolyte and fluid
mental changes or heightened neuromuscular excitability balance and serious clinical effects (Box 36.8).
and tetany. These are controlled by giving the vitamin D Pigmentation results from compensatory adrenocortico-
analogue cholecalciferol (D3) and calcium orally, with dietary tropic hormone (ACTH) secretion as this peptide hormone
adjustment to avoid phosphorus. Recombinant parathor- has a similar amino acid sequence to melanocyte-stimulating
mone (PTH residues 1-34 (teriparatide) or PTH1-84) is now hormone. Pigmentation is often an early sign and, in the
available. mouth, is patchily distributed on gingivae, buccal mucosa
Effects on calcified tissues are summarised in Box 36.7. and lips (Figs 36.5 and 36.6). It is brown or almost black.
See also Fig. 2.36. The skin pigmentation looks similar to suntan but with a
sallow appearance due to underlying pallor. Exposed and
Early onset hypoparathyroidism case PMID: 19201623 normally pigmented areas are most severely affected.
Addison’s disease is an exceptionally rare cause of oral
Tetany pigmentation but, if there is recent onset with general weak-
In mild cases, tetany is latent but can be triggered by tapping ness and lassitude, the diagnosis should be considered.
on the skin over the facial nerve; this causes the facial Long-term treatment of Addison’s disease is usually by
muscles to contract (Chvostek’s sign). In more severe cases, oral hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone, with salt supple-
muscle cramps and tonic contractions of the muscles may mentation if necessary. The dose of steroid needs to be
progress to generalised convulsions. An early symptom of adjusted to provide additional steroid support in times of
tetany is paraesthesia of the lip and extremities. stress, infection, other illness, surgery or exercise. Failure to
Tetany in the dental surgery more frequently results from provide sufficient steroid, or untreated disease, may lead to
overbreathing due to anxiety, producing the same signs. Addisonian crisis.
Box 36.9 Important features of Cushing’s disease
Box 36.10 Important features of multiple endocrine
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 36.11 Complications of diabetes mellitus that Box 36.13 Pregnancy: oral effects and management
Maternal considerations
Pregnant patients should be fully evaluated as early as pos-
sible so that any treatment necessary can be planned for the
second trimester and emergency dental care avoided. Tem-
porary restorations and stabilisation may be required when
oral health is poor. An intensive preventive regime of oral Fig. 36.9 Pregnancy epulis. These are usually detected and
hygiene and diet control will benefit both the mother and removed during growth and so are often ulcerated and highly
future child. Prenatal fluoride supplementation provides no vascular.
benefit to the child.
The chief oral effects of pregnancy are aggravation of
gingivitis (Fig. 36.8) and possible development of a preg- uterine contractions and fetal methaemoglobinaemia. These
nancy epulis (Fig. 36.9; Ch. 24). Initiation of a high stand- are not considered risks at dental doses, but lignocaine and
ard of dental care and dental education at the earliest epinephrine is generally taken to be preferable as it is more
opportunity is essential. These complications usually affect effective. As noted earlier, the risks from benzodiazepines
those with pre-existing gingivitis and start around the such as midazolam for sedation are such that intravenous
second month. sedation is contraindicated. Nitrous oxide sedation carries
Occasionally, recurrent aphthae remit during pregnancy a risk of interference with B12 and folate metabolism after
but may worsen due to any iron or folate deficiency. very prolonged administration (weeks), but there is no evi-
A few women in the third trimester of pregnancy become dence that it is teratogenic and it is safe after the first tri-
hypotensive when laid supine, when the enlarged uterus mester used with 50% oxygen. Exposure should be limited
impedes venous return. Respiratory reserve is diminished, to 30 minutes and repeated exposure avoided.
and there is a risk of fetal hypoxia. It is easiest to treat all The myth that mothers lose a tooth for every pregnancy
late pregnant patients in a sitting position and in short reflects poor oral health in past decades and is nothing to
appointments, as this is more comfortable. do with increased calcium requirements during pregnancy;
Neonatal respiration is further depressed by drugs such this calcium is provided from bone and diet, not teeth.
as general anaesthetics and sedatives, especially barbitu- Oral Surgery during pregnancy PMID: 18088879
rates, diazepam and opioids, all of which cross the placenta
and are contraindicated in pregnancy. Dental treatment during pregnancy PMID: 23570802
There is no evidence of risks from local anaesthesia, and
Oral health and pregnancy PMID: 15042797
pain is likely to cause greater adverse consequences. Fely-
pressin is an oxytocin analogue and in theory could induce Prescribing considerations in dentistry PMID: 9766109
Renal disease
Renal disease has become important in dentistry because of before haemodialysis, and haemostasis is impaired for 6–12
the growing number of patients who, as a result of renal hours. Dental treatment should be delayed until the next
dialysis or transplantation, survive renal failure. In the UK, day.
nearly 2 million patients have renal failure and a further These patients’ permanent venous fistulas for the dialysis
million at least are undiagnosed. Aspects of renal disease lines are susceptible to infection, and antibiotic cover may
relevant to dentistry are summarised in Box 37.1. be considered for dental surgical procedures. Drugs, includ-
ing sedation, should not be given intravenously because of
the risk of damage to superficial veins, which are patients’
CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE AND DIALYSIS lifelines. A blood pressure cuff must never be placed on
The common causes are diabetes, hypertension or glomeru- the arm with the shunt. Dialysis patients also have a
lonephritis. Some patients are unsuitable for, or unable to greater incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
obtain, dialysis or a transplant. They can suffer a variety of disease.
oral effects (Box 37.2). Prolonged dialysis or renal failure are Patients under dialysis will still have a uraemic oral odour
now the most common causes of hyperparathyroidism. The and bad taste, xerostomia and sore mouth with increased
jaws may be first affected (Ch. 13). In severe uraemia, urea calculus
may crystallise on the skin and oral mucosa (‘urea frost’). Oral findings in haemodialysis PMID: 17577325, 23597063 and
Dental management of patients with renal disease, but 15723858
particularly chronic renal failure, may be affected by many
factors (Box 37.3). Periodontitis and renal disease PMID: 18173441
Patients in renal failure may receive regular dialysis while Dental treatment in renal disease PMID: 17378316
awaiting a transplant, but remain otherwise in reasonably
good general health. Approximately 70% can return to full- Prescribing considerations in dentistry PMID: 21037190
time work.
Peritoneal dialysis has no implications for dental treat-
ment, but haemodialysis does. Patients are heparinised
Normal renal function and health can be restored by trans-
plantation, but it is associated with the complications of
prolonged immunosuppressive treatment, particularly sus-
Box 37.1 Aspects of renal disease affecting dental ceptibility to infections or lymphomas.
management Ciclosporin, which is widely used to help control graft
• Heparinisation before dialysis rejection, can cause persistent gingival overgrowth, and
• Possible hepatitis B or C carriage after chronic dialysis patients are often taking a calcium channel blocker, such
• Permanent venous fistulae susceptible to infection as nifedipine, for hypertension, enhancing the effect
(Ch. 7).
• Increased risk of endocarditis
Hairy leukoplakia can rarely develop in HIV-negative
• Secondary hyperparathyroidism renal transplant patients as a complication of immunosup-
• Immunosuppressive treatment for nephrotic syndrome pression.
or transplant patients Complications of graft rejection, such as bone lesions due
• Oral lesions due to drugs, particularly for to secondary hyperparathyroidism, may be seen (Ch. 13).
• Reduced excretion of some drugs
• Oral lesions of chronic renal failure (Box 37.2)
3 Prescribing in renal failure depends on its severity. Local Children with renal failure may have chronological
analgesics cause no problems, and the usual antibiotics for enamel hypoplasia and dysplastic dentine with delayed
Systemic disease in dentistry
dental infections are safe except in severe disease. Dose eruption of teeth.
reduction according to the glomerular filtration rate is
Drugs and gingival overgrowth PMID: 25680368
usually sufficient precaution for most dental prescribing,
but medical advice should be sought. However, tetracy- Management gingival overgrowth PMID: 16677333
clines, itraconazole and systemic antivirals should be
avoided. Gingival overgrowth children PMID: 16238650
Periodontal abscess and pericoronitis Box 38.3 Important causes of pain in edentulous
The tooth is tender in its socket, and there is a deep local- patients
ised pocket, either swollen or draining pus. The tooth is
• Denture trauma
normally vital unless there are other reasons for loss of
vitality, although involvement of the furcation by the abscess • Excessive vertical dimension
or periodontitis may devitalise molar teeth. • Mucosal diseases of the denture-bearing mucosa
Occasionally, a periodontal abscess may be precipitated • Diseases of the jaws (Box 38.4)
by endodontic root perforation on the side of the root, or a • Teeth or roots erupting under a denture
‘perioendo’ lesion may result from drainage of an apical
infection through a pocket, triggering a periodontal abscess.
Pericoronitis is similar to a periodontal abscess in terms
of pain, but with added elements of pain on biting on the
swollen operculum. muscles from reaching their natural rest position. This
causes the teeth to be held permanently in contact. Aching
Cracked teeth pain is usually felt in the fatigued masticatory muscles, but
The pain of a cracked tooth is distinctive, sharp, excruciat- the excessive stress imposed on the denture-bearing area
ing, lasting only a second or two and experienced only when sometimes causes pain in this region. There may be inter-
occlusion or mastication opens the crack. However, identify- ference with speech or swallowing if the vertical discrepancy
ing which cusp is cracked can be difficult as the pain, like is large.
pulpitis, is poorly localised. The best approach is to identify The best investigation to determine whether pain is
the crack by oblique pressure or instilling a dye such as caused by the dentures themselves is for the patient to cease
disclosing solution. wearing them.
Few painful mucosal diseases affect the denture-bearing
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis area. Denture stomatitis is common but painless. Lichen
planus can extend to the sulcus and impinge on the margin
Acute ulcerative gingivitis usually causes soreness, but
of the denture-bearing area and mucous membrane pemphi-
when it extends deeply and rapidly, as in HIV infection,
goid may affect the palate and sulci. The most important
destroying the underlying bone, there may be severe aching
conditions to be excluded are neoplasms. As most edentu-
pain (Ch. 7).
lous patients are elderly, persistent lesions, whether ulcer-
Odontogenic pain review PMID: 26630860 ated or not, developing beneath or at the margins of dentures,
must be biopsied without hesitation. A carcinoma can
Acute orofacial pain PMID: 26964446 persist for a long time with minimal symptoms, and the
patient may notice no more than the fact that the fit of the
PAIN IN EDENTULOUS PATIENTS denture has deteriorated.
Jaw lesions causing pain in the edentulous patient may
Dental causes can be excluded, and pain is usually caused be associated with a swelling or an area of radiolucency. A
by dentures or to some condition of the mucosa or jaws on painful swelling of the jaw in the edentulous patient is prob-
which a denture is pressing (Box 38.3). ably most often due to an infected residual cyst. Metastatic
Traumatic ulcers, usually the consequence of overexten- malignant neoplasms are very much less common but must
sion, often cause trouble with a new denture. After the be considered and intraosseous lesions evaluated for a
denture has been relieved, these ulcers heal within 24–48 biopsy.
hours. Persistent ulceration after relief of an otherwise ade- Osteomyelitis of the jaws in edentulous patients must be
quate denture is likely to be due to some more serious cause, considered in those who have had radiotherapy, bisphospho-
and a biopsy is then essential. Later, dentures cause trau- nates or similar drugs (Ch. 8).
matic pain when alveolar bone has become severely resorbed, Late eruption of buried teeth, retained root fragments and
allowing the denture to bear on the mylohyoid ridge or exfoliation of small sequestra following extraction may all
genial tubercles. cause pain beneath a denture as the mucosa is pinched
Lack of freeway space due to excessive vertical dimension between them and the denture. In a very atrophic mandible,
of the dentures prevents the mandible and masticatory fracture may need to be considered.
Box 38.4 Causes of pain in the jaws Box 38.6 Pain induced by mastication
Important causes of post-operative pain are summarised in Hypochlorite and endodontic injury PMID: 25809429, 24878709
Box 38.5. Meticulous investigation of post-operative pain is and 23767399
important as it is a major cause of complaints and medico- Guideline hypochlorite extrusion PMID: 25525012
legal claims.
Minor surgical procedures such as a simple extraction or Associated with implants PMID: 25434563
soft-tissue biopsy produce mild pain and discomfort after
local analgesia wears off. Patients frequently take no analge- PAIN INDUCED BY MASTICATION
sics after the first few hours, if at all.
By far the most common cause of significant pain after Pain on mastication is usually dental in origin and caused
dental extractions is alveolar osteitis (dry socket; Ch. 8). by apical periodontitis, but any condition that raises the
Fracture of the jaw following operative treatment is rare but tooth in its socket or displaces it into premature occlusion
can also be readily recognised. Forcible opening of the mouth, can cause this symptom (Box 38.6). Cracked teeth usually
particularly under general anaesthesia to remove wisdom become evident on mastication (see earlier).
teeth, can crush and inflame the temporomandibular joint Pain associated with dentures was discussed earlier.
As many as 14% of patients who have had trigeminal herpes • Middle-aged or older women are mainly affected
zoster develop persistent neuralgia and pain that persists • No visible abnormality or evidence of organic disease
more than 1 month after healing. Most cases resolve slowly
• No haematological abnormality
and only 3% have pain after 1 year. Neuralgia is particularly
likely in the elderly, in females and when the infection was • No candidal or bacterial infection
severe. Aggressive antiviral treatment of the acute infection • Pain typically described as ‘burning’
reduces the risk of developing postherpetic complications, • Persistent and unremitting soreness without
including neuralgia. aggravating or relieving factors, often of months or
The pain is more variable in character and severity than years duration; no response to analgesics
trigeminal neuralgia. It is typically persistent rather than • Bizarre patterns of pain radiation inconsistent with
paroxysmal, but may be burning, itchy or hypersensitivity neurological or vascular anatomy
to touch or temperature change. Pain is limited to the der- • Sometimes, bitter or metallic taste associated
matome affected by the zoster attack. The skin in the • Associated depression, anxiety or stressful life situation
affected area may have reduced sensitivity to touch. The
• Obsession with symptoms may rule the patient’s life
diagnosis is straightforward if there is a history of facial
zoster or if scars from the rash are present. • Constant search for reassurance and treatment by
Unfortunately, postherpetic neuralgia is remarkably resist- different practitioners
ant to treatment. Nerve or root section are ineffective, and • Occasionally, dramatic improvement with
the response to drugs of any type, including carbamazepine, antidepressive treatment
is poor. When pain is severe, large doses of analgesics may
give relief. Alternative drugs include amitriptyline and gabap-
entin. Application of transcutaneous electrical stimulation
to the affected area by the patient is sometimes effective.
Most patients, more than 80%, are female and older than
The instrument is applied hourly for 5–10 minutes every
50 years. Symptoms may affect the whole mouth, or only
day, and persistent bombardment of the sensory path-
the tongue may be sore. The floor of mouth is characteristi-
ways by the stimulator may prevent perception of pain
cally not involved. The pain is typically described as burning,
sometimes as tingling or ‘raw’, and the sensation is persist-
Longstanding postherpetic neuralgia carries a significant
ent, unremitting and usually of long duration. It is bilateral
risk of depression.
and has no aggravating or relieving factors. Classically, it is
Post-herpetic neuralgia review PMID: 25317872 accompanied by a metallic, bitter or unpleasant taste and
often a sensation of dryness despite normal salivary flow.
Risk factors for post herpetic neuralgia PMCID: PMC4685754 Spicy foods and flavoured toothpastes often aggravate the
Bell’s palsy There is a close association with anxiety, depression and
As discussed later, facial paralysis is the predominant and other diseases with a psychogenic component (Box 38.10),
most troublesome feature. In approximately 50% of patients, but whether these are causative or secondary to the pain is
pain, usually in or near the ear but sometimes spreading unresolved.
down the jaw, either precedes or develops at the same time Diagnosis, even when the history is typical, requires
as the facial palsy. Rarely, a patient with early Bell’s palsy exclusion of possible causes. The history, examination and
seeks a dental opinion for the pain felt in the jaw, since this investigations must exclude the potential causes listed in
may precede paralysis by several days. Box 38.11, and the mouth should appear normal. Candidal
infection at low intensity can cause symptoms in the
Burning mouth ‘syndrome’ absence of visible lesions and should be excluded by smears
or salivary candidal counts. Several drugs listed cause
Burning mouth is a distressing and troublesome condition similar symptoms, but rarely. Lisinopril and captopril appear
that has many features in common with atypical facial pain. to be the most frequent. Biopsy plays no role, unless mucosal
However, recent evidence suggests the condition a neuro- disease is suspected.
pathic pain because trigeminal nerve function can be dem- Treatment is difficult. Reassurance and explanation to
onstrated to be altered. Whether this is cause or effect provide a realistic patient expectation is essential. Although
remains unclear, and no cause for neuropathy has been many medications have been tried, antidepressants appear
identified. to help most patients, possibly through central effects other
There are confusing classifications and terminology. Some than their antidepressant mechanisms. Cognitive behaviour
use the term secondary burning mouth when a physical therapy, anxiolytics, topical capsaicin, hormone replace-
cause is present. Others exclude organic disease by defini- ment therapy and topical analgesics can be used, but with
tion. Alternative names include burning mouth disorder, little evidence base. Improving understanding of neuroim-
glossodynia and stomatodynia. Here, burning mouth syn- munological causes of central pain may soon support treat-
drome is used to describe the condition when no cause can ment with drugs that modulate glial activation and central
be found; an equivalent term is primary burning mouth pain mediators, such as pentoxifylline and fluorocitrate.
disorder. Follow up for monitoring and support is required.
Although the cause is unknown, the anterior tongue is
particularly sensitive, supplied by sensory nerves with a low Epidemiology PMCID: PMC4532369
activation threshold and large cortical representation. The
Review PMID: 23429751, 12907696, 23809306 and 26525572
sensitivity of the nerve is controlled by complex pathways
with multiple inputs. Treatment PMID: 17379153 and 26745781
Box 38.13 Important causes of paraesthesia or Box 38.14 Causes of facial palsy
Systemic disease in dentistry
Dental aspects
Rarely, as mentioned earlier, pain felt in the jaw may precede
paralysis. Paralysis reduces oral clearance of food, and debris
can accumulate in the vestibule on the affected side. If treat-
ment fails, sagging of the affected side of the face may be
limited by an intraoral prosthesis. Although this disease is
uncommon in dental practice, its recognition is important
as referral for early treatment may prevent permanent dis-
ability and disfigurement.
Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome
➔ Summary chart 34.1 p. 459
B Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome is a rare syndrome of uni-
lateral recurrent facial paralysis, lip or facial swelling, and
Fig. 38.1 Bell’s palsy. (A) When trying to shut the eyes, that on fissured tongue. Not all these features are present in all
the affected (right) side fails to close completely but the eyeball patients. Onset is usually in adolescence or young
rolls up normally. (B) When trying to smile, the mouth fails to adulthood.
move on the affected side, which remains expressionless, having The facial swelling is identical to orofacial granulomatosis
lost all natural skin folds. The difference is made more striking by
(Ch. 34) initially recurrent, soft, painless facial swelling that
covering each side of the picture in turn. This patient, incidentally,
complained primarily of facial pain, though was increasingly aware becomes persistent due to progressive fibrosis. The buccal
of the facial disability. The severely disfiguring effect of this mucosa may develop a cobblestone pattern and, histologi-
disorder and the need for early treatment is obvious. In this case, cally, granulomas are found. Variants of this disorder include
response was complete. oedema of the eyelids, bilateral facial or rarely multiple
cranial nerve palsies, and oedema of the lip. There is a
rare familial type. There is probably an immunological or
autoinflammatory basis for this disease, and there is some-
Speech and taste are affected, the latter a result of loss of times a response to intralesional corticosteroids. Paraly-
chorda tympani fibre function in the facial nerve. At rest, sis may become permanent. Treatment is as for orofacial
saliva may drool from the mouth. granulomatosis.
The majority of patients recover fully or partially without
treatment, but this can take several months. At least 10% Review PMID: 1437063
of patients with Bell’s palsy are unhappy about the final
Case series PMID: 24963969
outcome because of permanent disfigurement or other
complications. A guide to the need for treatment is the Oral lesions PMID: 6959055
Cerebrovascular accidents (thrombosis or haemorrhage) are Migraine is a common cause of headache but not of facial
a common complication of hypertension in the elderly. Uni- pain. It affects as much as 10% of the population, most only
lateral paralysis (hemiplegia) and often loss of speech occasionally, but a few daily. It is usually readily recognised
(aphasia) are frequent in survivors of the acute episode. by the patient. The existence of overlap between migraine,
Unilateral facial palsy is common but differs from Bell’s temporomandibular disorders, chronic facial, neck and back
palsy in that the lower part of the face is mainly affected pain and their relationship to teeth or occlusion is a con-
and spontaneous emotional facial reactions may be retained, troversial area.
as these are upper motor neuron lesions. Key features are summarised in Box 38.16.
Facial palsy is an uncommon but characteristic manifes-
Review for dentistry PMID: 19065884
tation of a malignant parotid tumour invading the nerve.
The many branches of the facial nerve within the parotid Mimicking temporomandibular disorder PMID: 18230375
gland make it particularly vulnerable to surgical injury, and
sometimes the nerve must be sacrificed during a cancer Dental appliance treatment PMID: 8850287 PMCID:
resection. Nerve grafting is moderately successful in avoid- PMC2583977
ing the consequences.
Ramsay Hunt syndrome is severe facial palsy caused by Migrainous neuralgia (cluster headache)
herpes zoster (Ch. 15). It may be differentiated from Bell’s ➔ Summary chart 38.1 p. 486
palsy by involvement of the ear. Migrainous neuralgia may occasionally be mistaken for
Lyme disease (Ch. 31) causes arthritis, cervical lymphaden- trigeminal neuralgia. It is rarely seen in dental practice, but
opathy and, less commonly, facial nerve paralysis. the pain may be mistaken for maxillary toothache. Migrain-
Heerfordt’s syndrome (Ch. 30) is the rare combination of ous neuralgia is thought to be caused by oedema or dilata-
facial palsy, uveitis and parotid swelling caused by sarcoido- tion of the wall of the internal carotid and probably also the
sis of cranial nerves and salivary glands. external carotid arteries. It causes severe pain in the region
of the eye and maxilla, often associated with facial flushing,
HEADACHE nasal congestion and lacrimation. Classically, attacks wake
patients at the same time each night for several days in a
Headache diagnosis and management is outside the remit row, before a period of remission.
of dentistry, but the lack of a clear definition of headache, Key features are summarised in Box 38.17.
as opposed to pains and aches in the face and neck, makes
some understanding important. Most patients will differen-
tiate headache from facial and neck pain without difficulty,
but there are some conditions that patients find difficult to
Box 38.16 Typical features of migraine
categorise. Temporal arteritis and migrainous neuralgia are
examples. • Intense throbbing headache, usually unilateral
Primary headaches are conditions such as common • Visual disturbances (aura) in classic migraine, not in
tension headaches or migraine without underlying disease. common migraine
Secondary headaches are caused by a separate disease • Photophobia
process, such as an intracranial tumour or haemorrhage. • Sometimes nausea and vomiting
A number of symptoms identify secondary headaches that • Triggers: stress, hunger, certain foods, caffeine, cheese
are likely to reflect significant underlying disease and merit and red wine, menstruation, which vary between
immediate referral. These are shown in Box 38.15. However, patients
it is primary headaches that may be of dental significance.
• Usually a good response to 5HT agonists such as
Web URL 38.2 Classification of headache: sumatriptan
Headache presenting as toothache: PMID 17055919
Dentists often delay diagnosis PMID: 12876249
Bell’s palsy causes unilateral taste loss, and this may persist • Generalised seizures (one-third of all cases)
long after the acute attack. Conversely, smell is prone to • Tonic-clonic
neurological problems because it depends on a small area of • Absence
the nasal mucosa and a single cranial nerve.
• Myoclonic
Taste loss is common following treatment for cancer.
A few patients have a psychogenic complaint of altered • Clonic
taste or smell. The abnormal taste may appear bizarre or • Atonic
limited to a part of the mouth. A complaint of an unremit- • Focal seizures (two-thirds of all cases)
ting bitter taste often accompanies burning mouth syn- • Without impairment of consciousness
drome, and a bad taste is often associated with depression. • With impairment of consciousness
It is rare for an abnormal taste to be a normal taste; they • Continuous seizure types
are usually described as metallic or unpleasant. • Generalised status epilepticus
There is no scientific basis for ‘taste maps’ suggesting that
• Focal status epilepticus
specific tastes are sensed in different anatomical areas. They
cannot be used to investigate taste clinically. Simplistic
testing of sweet, sour, salt and bitter in a practice situation
is possible using a sugar or a sweetener, citric acid, salt and 15 minutes up to an hour. On waking they will feel
quinine (in tonic water) and can at least show that normal exhausted, experience muscle pain, have a headache and be
taste is present. However, testing for taste disturbance is confused. They may sleep for 12 or more hours. Many
complex and best performed in a specialised centre. patients experience a preceding aura (a warning hallucina-
tion) that may give warning. In susceptible subjects, fits can
Taste buds review PMID: 26534983
be precipitated by fatigue, starvation, acute anxiety, infec-
Taste disorders review PMID: 24309062 tions, menstruation or rapidly flickering lights.
In the typical ‘absence’ (petit mal) seizure there is little
Drug effects PMID: 15563912 or no movement apart from blinking or facial spasm, a
Assessment of taste PMID: 15563906 sudden but brief loss of awareness or activity, without sig-
nificant loss of postural or muscular control and lasting a
few seconds. Consciousness is regained without recollection
EPILEPSY of the episode. Most patients with petit mal seizures have
or develop grand mal epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a common brain disorder causing recurrent con- Many patients suffer focal seizures. These usually com-
vulsions or seizures and temporary disturbances of con- prise an aura, loss of speech, clonic movements of one part
sciousness. Epilepsy affects approximately 1% of the UK of the body or automatic apparently purposeful movements
population. such as lip smacking or kicking, and these seizures may not
Onset is usually in childhood or in the elderly, reflecting involve loss of consciousness.
different causes. Onset in the elderly is likely to be a sign Temporal lobe epilepsy is a distinctive cause of focal sei-
of a brain lesion such as a cerebral tumour, cerebrovascular zures. Depending on the focus of the seizure in the temporal
disease or senile or Alzheimer’s dementia. lobe, the patient may suffer unusual symptoms of déjà vu,
The classification is complex, and more than 40 condi- auditory, olfactory or taste or sensory hallucinations, delu-
tions are recognised to cause recurrent convulsions of the sions and emotional disturbances. There may or may not
epileptic type. Epilepsy is most frequently idiopathic, be impaired consciousness. Paranoid or schizophrenic fea-
accounting for three-quarters of cases and assumed to be tures are often associated.
genetic in origin. This type is common in children and Status epilepticus is defined as continuous or repeated
initially causes absence seizures. In the remainder, causes convulsions lasting more than 30 minutes. ‘Convulsive
include many known single gene defects, each individually status’ is repeated tonic-clonic seizures without recovery
rare, cerebral lesions including strokes, trauma, infections of consciousness and is a potentially fatal medical emer-
and haemangiomas, and alcohol abuse, Alzheimer’s, HIV gency (Ch. 43). All other types of seizure may also be
and other neurodegenerative diseases. continuous.
It is easier to understand the seizure types (Box 38.19).
General review PMID: 14507951
In the classical ‘tonic-clonic’ (generalised or ‘grand mal’)
seizure, the first event is twitching or jerking of muscles,
followed by tonic (constant) contraction of muscles causing
neck and limb extension and rigidity. The patient falls to Dental patients with epilepsy will almost always know their
the ground and is at risk of injury. The diaphragm and chest diagnosis and should be under the care of a specialist centre.
and abdominal muscles are in spasm and the vocal cords The main anticonvulsant drugs for major fits are sodium
contracted, causing a brief cry, after which the patient valproate, carbamazepine, lamotrigine or gabapentin. Many
cannot breathe and may become cyanotic. The contraction drugs are available and have specific indications for different
then relaxes and develops into a pattern of repeated clonic types of seizure. Phenytoin, which causes troublesome
convulsions (repetitive jerking movements of the whole drowsiness and many other adverse effects, is largely obso-
body). At this stage the bladder and bowels may void. Tongue lete. Ethosuximide is the drug of choice for petit mal.
biting is a risk at this stage, usually of the lateral border, to
the extent that it is a useful diagnostic feature for the cause Dental aspects
of a seizure. Attempting to prevent this usually fails and The risk of a fit in the dental surgery is so disturbing that
risks injury to the helper. After approximately 5 minutes the all precautions should be taken to minimise this hazard.
muscle spasms cease, leaving the patient unconscious for The key is to identify triggers for attacks in the patient
history. Flashing lights are the best-known trigger, but this missing teeth, particularly anteriorly, can trap the tongue. 38
is relatively rare. Alcohol, tiredness, menstruation and Edentulous anterior spaces should be restored, ideally using
3 Summary chart 38.1 Steps in the diagnosis of important causes of facial pain.
Systemic disease in dentistry
Facial pain
Stabbing pain with a vascular distribution that recurs regularly with
facial redness, oedema and epiphora? Migrainous neuralgia
Is the pain poorly localised and associated with exercise and limited
Consider cardiac angina
to the neck and/or mandible?
All organic causes excluded
Consider psychogenic (atypical) facial pain. Consider especially if associated with Specific cause identified
depression or anxiety neurosis but remember that facial pain may itself produce
depression. When this diagnosis is made it should be periodically reviewed
Table 39.1 Current terminology for disability Box 39.1 Typical challenges providing dental care for
Term Definition patients with disability
Impairment Any loss or abnormality of physiological function • Reduced cooperation with dental treatment
or anatomical structure • Reduced ability to perform oral hygiene and manage
Disability or Restriction or lack of ability to perform a function diet
limitation considered normal • Associated systemic disease
of activity Legally defined as having a physical or mental • Difficulties with transport and access to the surgery
impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and • Possible need for sedation or general anaesthesia
‘long-term’ negative effect on ability to do
• Medications or diets promoting caries
normal daily activities
• Dysphagia, drooling, bruxism
Learning A significant impairment of intelligence and
• Oral effects of medications
disability social functioning acquired before adulthood
• Competence to give consent
Handicap The disadvantage for the individual, resulting • Financial problems for patients
from their disability, which prevents them from
• Discrimination or prejudice in healthcare
performing a normal role in society
Box 39.2 Common impairments affecting dental Box 39.3 Some factors to ameliorate disability in
Systemic disease in dentistry
discrimination and poor access to dental care. Those with year) negative effect on ability to perform normal daily
personality defects can sometimes be totally uncooperative, activities. The definition is broad and applies equally to
and their dental treatment may be severely compromised. conditions such as colour blindness, visual or hearing
The importance of good prevention cannot be overempha- impairment and fear of the dentist. It applies to all the poli-
sised. Many of the problems arising from treatment of cies and procedures of a dental provider, as well as to clinical
people with disability would be solved by good preventive care.
regimens. Under the Act, service providers must not use any reason
Disabilities relevant to dentistry are summarised in Box related to patients’ disability as an excuse to treat disabled
39.2. people less favourably than others. Dentists must make
Physical and learning disability are frequently combined, ‘reasonable adjustments’ so that disabled people can access
as in Down’s syndrome and some cases of cerebral palsy. and use their services. This means more than providing
Learning disability (often associated with physical disability) wheelchair ramps. All aspects of the clinical practice and
affects by far the largest group of children with disability business of dentistry must comply. Some examples of the
needing dental care. All patients with Down’s syndrome, measures expected under the Act are shown in Box 39.3.
many with cerebral palsy and some with epilepsy also have Which are reasonable in any particular setting depends on
learning disability. These four groups account for approxi- guidance from the Disability Rights Commission and will
mately 70%–75% of children with disability. Conversely, change with time and with legal precedents.
many patients with cerebral palsy have normal intelli- Practices that are ‘disability-friendly’ will also be more
gence but may be misjudged because of communication suitable for the elderly and many other groups of non-
difficulties. disabled patients.
The improved survival of preterm infants and better neo-
Web URL 39.2 UK disability definition:
natal care mean that the number of children with disability
is increasing.
3 Management
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 39.5 Features of Edwards’ and Patau syndrome Box 39.6 Autism: typical features
abortion reduces incidence in live births dramatically to Patient view dental treatment PMCID: PMC4228704 and PMID:
approximately 1 in 8000–9000. Learning disability is severe 23943360
in those that survive the medical complications, shown in Planning treatment PMID: 25470557 and 24929596
Box 39.5.
Related issues in treatment PMID: 20675420
Box 39.7 Types of cerebral palsy Box 39.8 Cerebral palsy: key dental features
Systemic disease in dentistry
3 receptor of the neuromuscular end plates cause the disease associations are pemphigus vulgaris and Sjögren’s syn-
by weakening the response to acetylcholine. drome. Use of anticholinesterases can cause excessive sali-
Systemic disease in dentistry
Clinically, there is rapidly developing, severe fatigue. Dis- vation. Patients may also suffer gingival overgrowth from
ability is worsened by cold, emotional stress and overexer- ciclosporin and candidosis from immunosuppressants.
tion. Involvement of the respiratory muscles is potentially Dental treatment should be undertaken shortly after med-
lethal and is most likely to affect the elderly. In many ication and early in the day to avoid fatigue. Stress and
patients the initial signs involve twitching or weakness of anxiety worsen the severity of symptoms. A mouth prop
the muscles around the eye. may help patients reduce the muscular effort of mouth
Serum antibodies to acetylcholine receptors are detectable opening. The tongue may fall back, or feel as if it will, and
in approximately 85% of patients. Anticholinesterases, such patients may feel safer treated upright rather than supine.
as pyridostigmine, are the mainstay but cholinergic effects Denture control is often poor. Poor muscular control may
such as nausea, diarrhoea and bradycardia may be trouble- compromise swallowing and clearance of pieces of dental
some. Alternatives are corticosteroids in combination with debris, so rubber dam may be helpful. It is recommended
azathioprine or ciclosporin. that all local analgesics are used with caution, that is, with
vasoconstrictor and reduced maximum doses, and penicil-
Dental aspects lins are the preferred antibiotics.
Intravenous sedation is contraindicated because of the
Weakness of the masticatory muscles causes the ‘hanging
respiratory involvement. Many drugs used in anaesthesia,
jaw sign’ for which patients characteristically support the
particularly muscle relaxants, can severely aggravate
jaw with a hand. Other effects include difficulties with
myasthenic manifestations. Severely affected patients or the
speech, mastication and swallowing. Paresis or atrophy of
very anxious are at risk of myasthenic crisis with respiratory
the tongue, often with longitudinal grooves, are occasional
failure and are best treated in a specialist centre.
complications. In the rare syndrome of thymoma, myasthe-
nia gravis and depressed cell-mediated immunity, there is Dental treatment considerations PMID: 9582706 and 22732850
chronic mucocutaneous candidosis. Other rare autoimmune
Box 40.3 Anxiety states Box 40.5 Management of dental phobia
Systemic disease in dentistry
Anxiety is a disproportionate fear of everyday events, an the principles outlined in Box 40.5. Cognitive behavioural
abnormal ‘fight or flight’ reaction mediated by catecho- therapy is the most effective intervention, and sedation and
lamines. Anxiety disorders include several distinct condi- general anaesthesia should be methods of last resort.
tions summarised in Box 40.3. Characteristics of dental anxiety PMID: 26611310
Social phobia is the term given to uncontrollable anxiety
in normal social situations. Persistent and chronic fear of Management dental anxiety PMID: 22996472 and 21838825
being watched or judged by others, and fear of being humili-
ated by behaviour or appearance, are typical features.
The main significance to dentistry is fear of dentistry
itself, together with the adverse effects of antidepressant Depression is a serious illness, the impact of which on life
medications. is frequently underestimated. It is common and may some-
times underlie oral symptoms. Typical manifestations of
Fear of dentistry depression are summarised in Box 40.6. Even severe depres-
It is perfectly normal to feel anxiety at the prospect of dental sion is often undiagnosed.
treatment, but the healthy person can overcome these fears A short period of depression following unpleasant experi-
because there is desire for dental care. ences such as bereavement or financial difficulties is normal,
Mild anxiety can be suppressed by the patient or missed but abnormal if symptoms are prolonged and quality of life
by the dentist, who is used to dealing almost entirely with is impaired. Unfortunately, depression is widely regarded as
people exhibiting some degree of fear. Recognition is impor- ‘weakness’, particularly in Britain, and suppression by
tant as anxiety may manifest in different ways in different alcohol is common. In other countries, the healthy outward
patients (Box 40.4). Anxiety is greater in children than expression of grief is thought to be therapeutic. Causes are
adults. complex, partly genetic, environmental and social. Serious,
In most cases, reassurance, simple behaviour manage- particularly life-threatening illnesses can also be triggering
ment, distraction and sometimes a benzodiazepine or inha- factors. Age of onset is approximately 30 years of age, and
lational sedation are sufficient to manage anxiety. most patients are female. As much as 10% of the population
Dental phobia is an extreme manifestation of anxiety and have depression.
may sometimes result from painfully traumatic dental expe-
riences as far back as in childhood. Truly phobic patients Dental aspects of depression
will not turn up for, or even request, appointments and Depressed patients may sometimes be ‘difficult’ or even
suffer the consequences of repeated emergency dentistry. As aggressive and need to be treated particularly tactfully and
much as 11% of the population fear dentistry sufficiently to sympathetically. Dentists need to be alert for depression as
accept pain and suffer detriment to their oral health. The it is common and often denied by patients in their medical
majority are female. Specialist intervention is required using history. Some patients will increase their carbohydrate
Box 40.7 Dental and orofacial associations with Box 40.8 Features suggestive of factitious oral
3 In the acute phase, there may be hallucinations and delu- be provided. Any reaction between epinephrine in local
sions with failure to distinguish reality from what is expe- anaesthetics and phenothiazines appears to be no more
Systemic disease in dentistry
rienced. Patients may fear persecution, hear voices and, than theoretical.
occasionally, perform violent acts. Signs of normal emotion Phenothiazines and some other neuroleptics can cause
are absent, and there is often withdrawal from social contact. severe xerostomia, particularly in long-term use. Phenothi-
A wide range of drugs may be taken including phenothi- azines can also cause involuntary facial movements (dyski-
azines and butyrophenones. nesias) or parkinsonism. Tardive dyskinesia can develop in
approximately 30% of patients treated long-term with phe-
Dental aspects nothiazines. Involuntary movements particularly involve
Mild schizophrenia may appear merely to be stupidity or the face and are irreversible. Repeated grimacing and
result in inappropriate behaviour. Responses to questions chewing movements may be violent and result in scarring
may indicate a failure to get through or elicit entirely inap- and deformities of the tongue. Newer antipsychotics are
propriate answers. Calm manner and avoidance of sudden almost free from this adverse effect, apart from aripiprazole,
stress are important. There is a risk that some patients will which seems prone to cause it.
become violent, but only a small minority. Dental significance review PMID: 15119719 and 8258570
Provided that the patient is cooperative, there are no
major restrictions on the form of dental treatment that can
80 60–74
% of total population
Median age
10 0–14
1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081
Source: Office for National Statistics
Fig. 41.1 UK population projections for different age groups. (From Office for National Statistics. 2011. Results, 2010-based national population projections.
[Online.] [Accessed 16 December 2016] Available from: )
Box 41.2 Neurological and psychological causes of Box 41.3 Features and consequences of dementia
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 41.5 Parkinson’s disease: key features Box 41.6 Some causes of limitation of mobility in the
Complications of systemic
drug treatment 42
The 2013 Health Survey in England revealed that 45% of Review oral adverse effects drugs PMID: 24929593 and
adults were taking prescription drugs and 25% took three 24697823
or more, the number rising with age. The most frequently
Interactions with complementary agents PMID: 23813259
used drugs are statins, antihypertensives and non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs. In some parts of the UK, one in Adverse effects novel biological agents PMID: 22420757
five women use antidepressants. When non-prescription
drugs and complementary medicines are added, and account
is taken of the many new and highly potent targeted thera-
pies, there is great potential for adverse reactions and drug Box 42.1 Important types of oral drug reactions
It has never been appropriate to try to remember more I. Local reactions to drugs
than the most significant interactions with drugs prescribed • Chemical irritation
in dentistry. The British National Formulary and other • Interference with the oral flora
national prescribing guidance in other countries must be
consulted whenever the dentist is unfamiliar with a drug. II. Systematically mediated reactions
The patient’s medical history must include a complete • Depression of marrow function
drug list, ideally with doses and frequency because these • Depression of cell-mediated immunity
often determine actions taken in response. Patients may • Lichenoid reactions
misconstrue the word ‘drugs’ and should be asked whether • Erythema multiforme (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)
they are taking ‘medicines, tablets, injections, or any sort
• Fixed drug eruptions
of medical treatment for any purpose’ or have received any
medications recently, or whether they have been given any • Toxic epidermal necrolysis
sort of hospital card. If unsure, their medical practitioner’s III. Other effects
practice computer should be able to produce a list of current • Gingival hyperplasia
and past prescriptions quickly and easily. • Pigmentation
Unfortunately, of the 2.7 million items prescribed each day
• Dry mouth
at a cost to the taxpayer of some £9 billion each year, much
is either not taken or taken incorrectly. When prescribing,
always give clear concise advice on how to take the medica-
tion, remind patients of the importance of completing anti-
biotic courses and of not sharing medications with others.
Drugs may complicate dental treatment itself, react with
drugs given for dental purposes or have adverse effects in
the head and neck. A selection of key interactions are given
in Table 42.1, and some specific examples and types of reac-
tion are summarised in Box 42.1 and shown in Figs 42.1
and 42.2.
3 Table 42.1 Examples of prescribed drugs having dentally relevant adverse effects
Systemic disease in dentistry
Table 42.1 Examples of prescribed drugs having dentally relevant adverse effects (Continued)
Local analgesics with vasoconstrictors maximal doses of epinephrine appear safe. It might only be
suggested that extra care be taken to avoid intravascular
In the past many drugs, notably tricyclic antidepressants
injection until further evidence accumulates.
and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, have been thought to
It is not logical to avoid lidocaine with adrenaline on
cause significant interactions with vasoconstrictors in local
theoretical grounds when it is the safest and most effective
analgesics. The passage of time and national audit of adverse
analgesic. Choosing a less effective analgesic is unfair on
reactions have shown that the fears were unfounded.
the patient and failure of analgesia may compromise
Current evidence indicates that despite theoretical pos-
sibilities, there are no significant interactions between
Allergic reactions are discussed in Chapter 30.
dental analgesics and any other drugs, provided both the
analgesic and medication are used at normal doses. In 1995, Local analgesics review PMID: 23660127 and 22822998
a dentist was convicted of manslaughter after causing the
Adverse reactions to local analgesics PMID: 22959146
death of a patient on beta-blockers by giving her 16 car-
tridges of lidocaine with epinephrine. However, it appears Prolonged analgesia PMID: 21623806
overdose of lidocaine rather than hypertension, the theoreti-
cal risk, was the cause.
The only significant possible interactions with epineph- CHEMICAL DEPENDENCE
rine (adrenaline) are a drug user who has recently taken
cocaine, at risk of hypertensive crisis, and patients taking The British Drugs Survey suggests that one in five adults
catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitors for Parkinson’s are recreational drug users to some degree, most using drugs
disease. Caution appears pragmatic with these latter rela- relatively infrequently. Leaving alcohol and tobacco aside,
tively new classes of drugs, but even with these, normal the commonest drugs used are marijuana, amphetamines,
Medical emergencies
Dentists must know how to recognise and manage medical Web URL 43.1 Standards for training and clinical practice UK:
emergencies, rare though they may be. Their professional and enter ‘standards primary dental
skills and equipment should enable them occasionally to care’ into search box
save patients’ lives. City traffic and the load on ambulance
Web URL 43.2 Drugs for medical emergencies BNF: http://
services are so heavy that hospital transfer can be delayed. and enter ‘emergencies dental practice’
Under such circumstances, measures taken by the dental
into search box
team may be critical.
Dentists are required to ensure that all members of their
staff are able to provide practical assistance in these circum- SUDDEN LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS
stances. This involves training, keeping up to date and
regular practice. Common themes
Many types of emergencies may have to be faced (Box
The ABCDE approach to emergencies (assess Airway,
43.1). Many can be prevented by good history-taking and
Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure) has become
appropriate precautions.
almost universally used, although in dental practice situa-
References for the emergency procedures discussed here
tions it is the first three and an assessment of consciousness
may be found in the following guidelines and databases. The
that are immediately useful. It is also important to remem-
BNF website provides drug information.
ber that patients in an emergency situation may still be in
Risk assessment and prevention PMID: 23470404 danger from the environment or their position.
Calling for help is also key. Additional personnel not only
Incidence of emergencies in US PMID: 20388811 provide more pairs of hands but also emotional and intel-
Incidence in UK PMID: 10488938 and 10800238 lectual support and, if they are members of the dental team,
help trigger practiced automatic responses. When calling for
an ambulance, it is important to have information about
the patient ready. In cities, the response may be an ambu-
lance, car, motorcycle or bicycle, and the equipment and
Box 43.1 Emergencies that may arise during dental skills of the paramedic need to be tailored to the emergency
procedures based on the information given.
It is also suggested that practices with an automatic defib-
Sudden loss of consciousness (collapse) rillator register it with their local ambulance service so that
• Fainting it can be of use to others in the neighbourhood.
• Anaphylactic shock
Web URL 43.3 ABCDE approach:
• Acute hypoglycaemia resuscitation-guidelines/abcde-approach/
• Myocardial infarction
• Cardiac arrest Fainting
• Strokes Fainting, caused by transient hypotension and cerebral
• Circulatory collapse secondary to corticosteroid ischaemia, is the most common cause of sudden loss of
therapy consciousness in primary dental care (in hospitals, fits are
Acute chest pain of similar incidence). There are several predisposing factors
(Box 43.2), but some patients are particularly prone to faint
• Angina
and frequently do so. The cause is peripheral vasodilatation,
• Myocardial infarction usually combined with an element of bradycardia.
Difficulty in breathing Signs and symptoms are usually readily recognisable (Box
• Asthma 43.3). Sometimes consciousness is lost almost instantane-
ously. Minor convulsions or incontinence are occasionally
• Anaphylactic shock
• Left ventricular failure
• Convulsions
• Epilepsy Box 43.2 Factors predisposing to fainting
• Any other cause of loss of consciousness, including • Upright posture
fainting • Anxiety
Other emergencies • Pain
• Haemorrhage • Injections
• Drug reactions and interactions • Fatigue
• Major maxillofacial injuries • Hunger
Box 43.3 Fainting: signs and symptoms Box 43.6 Management of hypoglycaemia
Systemic disease in dentistry
• Premonitory dizziness, weakness or nausea • Patients often aware of what is happening and able to
• Pale, cold moist skin warn the dentist
• Initially slow and weak pulse becoming full and • Before consciousness is lost, give glucose tablets or
bounding powder, or sugar (at least four lumps) as a sweetened
• Loss of consciousness drink, repeated if symptoms not completely relieved
• If consciousness is lost, give subcutaneous glucagon
(1 mg) then give sugar by mouth during the brief
recovery period. Intravenous glucose (as much as
50 mL of a 50% solution) is an alternative but difficult
Box 43.4 Management of a fainting attack to use in an emergency situation. Glucagon may be
• Lower the head, preferably by laying the patient flat* repeated once, but after that has no effect as all
• Loosen any tight clothing round the neck glycogen stores have been mobilised.
• If no rapid improvement, • Hypostop, a gel containing glucose, may provide
• the legs can be raised or pressure applied to the sufficient glucose absorbed through the oral mucosa
abdomen to increase venous return to combat declining consciousness
• apply pulse oximeter if available • If consciousness is lost, call ambulance, provide
oxygen, apply pulse oximeter if available and move to
• administer oxygen
recovery position
• Give a sweetened drink when consciousness has been
• If no recovery within a few minutes, consider other
causes of loss of consciousness
Box 43.7 Typical features of acute anaphylaxis
*To keep the patient upright worsens cerebral hypoxia • Initial facial flushing, itching, paresthesiae or cold
and is harmful. extremities
• Facial oedema or urticaria
• Bronchospasm (wheezing), hoarseness, stridor
• Loss of consciousness
Box 43.5 Signs and symptoms of acute • Pallor going on to cyanosis
hypoglycaemia • Cold clammy skin
• Premonitory signs are similar to those of a faint, but • Rapid weak or impalpable pulse
little response to laying the patient flat • Deep fall in blood pressure
may include aggressiveness or excitation • Death if treatment is delayed or inappropriate, from
may include period of worsening drowsiness cardiac or respiratory arrest
• Unconsciousness that steadily deepens
Box 43.8 Management of anaphylactic collapse Box 43.9 Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest
Medical emergencies
• Lay the patient flat. Raise the legs to improve cerebral • Sudden loss of consciousness
blood flow • Abnormal breathing (infrequent noisy ‘agonal’ gasps)
• Give 0.5–1 mL of 1:1000 epinephrine (adrenaline) by • Absence of arterial pulses (the carotid artery, anterior
intramuscular injection. Repeat every 15 minutes if to sternomastoid should be felt)
necessary, until the patient responds • Absence of breathing follows shortly
• Call an ambulance
• Give oxygen and, if necessary, assisted ventilation
• Monitor need for assisted ventilation and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Depending on the setting and severity of reaction and Box 43.10 Basic life support (BLS) for adult patients
skills of operator, the following may be given, but are • Check the victim for a response, gently shake his
secondary to the previously mentioned procedures and shoulders and ask loudly: “Are you all right?”
are not lifesaving or necessary for immediate treatment. • If no response, open the airway and turn the patient
• 10–20 mg chlorphenamine slowly, intravenously onto their back
• 200 mg of hydrocortisone sodium succinate • Look, listen and feel for normal breathing for no more
intravenously than 10 seconds
• Call an ambulance or ask an assistant to do so
• Send someone to get an automatic electronic
defibrillator (AED)
Management • If you are on your own, do not leave the victim; start
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Epinephrine is the mainstay of treatment (Box 43.8) and the
• Start chest compressions on the sternum to a depth of
lifesaving element. It raises cardiac output, combats exces-
5–6 cm at a rate of 100–120 per minute, depth is more
sive capillary permeability and bronchospasm, and also
important than a specific frequency
inhibits release of mediators from mast cells.
Circulatory collapse is probably largely due to histamine • After 30 compressions open the airway and give 2
release, which is inhibited by parenteral chlorphenamine. rescue breaths or oxygen by bag without interrupting
Hydrocortisone is slow to take effect but maintains the compressions for more than 10 seconds
blood pressure for some hours and combats the continued • Continue with chest compressions and ventilation in a
effect of the antigen–antibody reaction. ratio of 30:2
Rapid transfer to hospital is necessary to provide circula- • When an AED is available, follow instructions for the
tory support by intravenous fluids and other measures. The specific device
patient must also be given a card and educated against the • Ensure that nobody is touching the patient while the
use of the causative drug. AED is analysing the rhythm
Minor anaphylactic reactions, with slow onset and no • If a shock is indicated, deliver shock or allow automatic
respiratory signs, can be managed by laying the patient flat, shock, ensuring that nobody is touching the patient
raising the legs and providing oxygen. Urticarial rashes and • Continue CPR at a ratio of 30:2 and follow further AED
other mild signs benefit from oral or intramuscular chlo- instructions
rphenamine and bronchospasm from salbutamol inhaler. • If no shock is indicated, continue CPR
Many patients with severe allergies carry an ‘EpiPen’ or
• Do not interrupt resuscitation until help arrives, you
similar emergency epinephrine autoinjector. These are
become exhausted or the patient is showing signs of
useful in an emergency but deliver a slightly lower dose than
is normally administered in an emergency and may need to
be repeated more rapidly than conventional doses. • If breathing restarts, place patient in recovery position,
check airway, administer oxygen
Web URL 43.5 Anaphylaxis UK: Any resuscitation attempt in the UK outside a hospital
anaphylaxis/ should be reported after the event to the National
Web URL 43.6 NICE clinical pathway postevent: Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Audit, at URL, to improve future guidance.
Medical emergencies
physiological feedback mechanism. With time, the lack of Angina pectoris
ACTH suppresses the adrenal and the gland atrophies, so
Acute chest pain due to myocardial ischaemia is the only
that stressful situations that would normally cause a rapid
symptom. Pain is centred on the chest, often described as
adrenal response no longer do so. Adrenocortical function
tightness, squeezing or pressure or indigestion. It may
may take as long as 2 years to recover after ceasing steroids,
radiate to the inner left arm or jaw. Additional signs such
although in most patients 2 months is sufficient.
as nausea, vomiting and shock may occur in a severe attack,
The response of patients on long-term corticosteroid
but suggest a myocardial infarct. A first anginal attack may
treatment to surgery is unpredictable. It has generally been
come as a consequence of an emotional response to dental
considered that all patients who are taking or have been
treatment. Stop treatment and give glyceryl trinitrate sub-
taking systemic corticosteroids are at risk, even those using
lingually (Box 43.14).
high-potency topical steroids on a large area of skin.
Many patients have already had attacks and carry medica-
However, adverse effects do not appear to arise unless the
tion. Unless treatment is immediately effective, the patient
dose of prednisolone exceeds 10 mg per day.
should be transferred to hospital.
Although near-fatal circulatory collapse has been reported
Patients whose angina is induced by anxiety may benefit
to follow dental extractions in a patient taking as little as
from premedication with a benzodiazepine for dental treat-
5 mg of prednisone per day, few cases are well documented.
ment. Those with unstable or recent hospital admission for
In the past, a large additional dose of steroid ‘cover’ (usually
angina should not be treated in dental practice until stable.
100 mg prednisolone) was given before surgery, but this is
now considered an overprotective and unnecessary
precaution. Myocardial infarction
It is currently considered that only surgery under general Myocardial infarction is a common cause of death and must
anaesthesia carries significant risk of adrenal crisis. Even be recognised quickly (Box 43.15), as the patient’s fate may
surgical removal of lower third molars is not stressful be decided by the first few minutes’ treatment. Several
enough to cause a significant release of cortisol physiologi- aspects of dentistry, particularly apprehension, pain or the
cally, and a doubling of the normal daily dose pre- effect of drugs, might contribute to make this accident more
operatively and for 24 hours is sufficient precaution for likely in a susceptible patient.
surgery under local analgesia. High-dose cover is reserved Most patients will have a history of angina or be a known
for general anaesthesia. The risk of adrenal crisis is almost risk patient, but this is not absolute. The symptoms range
negligible in dentistry. from those of severe angina to loss of consciousness depend-
Although steroid cover is no longer routine, there remains ing on the area of the heart involved. Pain can radiate to the
a significant risk of collapse in patients who have recently left shoulder or down the left arm but, very occasionally, is
had their steroid dose reduced or stopped. During the recov- felt only in the left jaw. The pain does not respond to trini-
ery period, they are at risk of adrenal crisis and a lower trate. Vomiting is common, and there is sometimes shock
threshold for steroid cover is required. or loss of consciousness. Principles of management are
Thus, patients with primary Addison’s disease, those on summarised in Box 43.16. Some patients die within a few
the highest doses or with recently reduced doses of steroid minutes after the start of the attack, and it is rash to try over-
remain at risk, and ability to prevent and manage a steroid- ambitious treatment. Prompt ambulance attendance will be
related collapse remains important (Box 43.13). the most useful response, as they can administer fibrinolytic
and other drugs and monitor the cardiac condition. There
Steroid cover PMID: 15592544 should be no concern about giving aspirin as the beneficial
effects far outweigh any potential disadvantages.
Box 43.16 Management of myocardial infarction Box 43.18 Signs and management of a tonic-clonic
Systemic disease in dentistry
Box 43.19 Management of status epilepticus Box 43.20 Management of prolonged dental
Medical emergencies
• Treat initially as any fit (earlier) haemorrhage
• If continuous or repeated more than 5 minutes, call for • Reassure the patient
an ambulance • Clean the mouth with swabs and locate the source of
• Continue to administer oxygen bleeding
• Give 10 mg, buccal midazolam (‘midazolam • If there is point bleeding from bone, crush the vessel
oromucosal solution’) to an adult patient or child older with a small instrument. Soft tissue bleeding will
than 10 years (1–5 years, 5 mg; 5–10 years, 7.5 mg) usually respond to pressure alone
from a prefilled emergency oral syringe. Some patients • Give epinephrine (adrenaline)-containing local
or carers may carry an emergency supply of oral or anaesthetic, remove ragged tissue, squeeze up the
rectal midazolam socket edges and suture it. A small piece of oxidised
• Other preparations of midazolam or diazepam should cellulose (Surgicel) may be placed loosely in the socket
NOT be used below the suture to aid haemostasis, but is usually
• Repeat midazolam if no recovery within 5 minutes unnecessary
• Maintain the airway and give oxygen • When bleeding has been controlled, ask about the
history and especially any family history of prolonged
• Check for anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs
Web URL 43.11 Actions for seizures:
• If bleeding continues despite suturing or if the patient follow menu about epilepsy>first aid
is obviously anaemic or debilitated, transfer to hospital
for investigation and management of any
OTHER EMERGENCIES haemorrhagic defect
• Meanwhile, limit bleeding as much as possible with a
Haemorrhage pressure pad over the socket and by supporting the
Prolonged bleeding is usually due to traumatic extractions. patient’s jaw with a firm barrel bandage
A major vessel is unlikely to be opened during dental • Tranexamic acid mouthwash may stabilise what clot
surgery, and patients are unlikely to lose any dangerous forms while awaiting transfer to hospital
amount of blood if promptly managed (Box 43.20). Post-
extraction bleeding is usually only an emergency in the
sense that the dentist may be woken up at 3 o’clock in the
morning by a frightened patient. Box 43.21 Management of potential violence
Occasionally, bleeding is due to unsuspected haemophilia
• Reassure the patient that everyone is working in their
or other haemorrhagic disorders.
best interests
Post-extraction bleeding PMID: 24930250 • Be sensitive to changes in mood or composure that
may lead to aggression or violence
Violence • Seek help, but devolve dealing with the patient to one
Violence toward healthcare workers is steadily growing. person
Aggressive behaviour can be the result of mental illness, • Separate agitated patients from others and staff, do
particularly schizophrenia, drug abuse (particularly of not allow staff to become isolated and at risk
alcohol) or brain damage. The risk to dental clinical staff • Train in verbal and non-verbal skills to avoid or manage
can be significant, especially because of the ready availabil- adverse situations without provoking aggression
ity of sharp instruments. All practices should have a policy • Communicate respect for and empathy with the
for dealing with violent patients, although the risk is much patient at all times
higher in secondary care. • Ensure staff control their own anxiety or frustration
The ambulance service is not equipped to deal with such when dealing with the patient and do not escalate the
cases so that the police must be called. Patients who abuse situation inadvertently
National Health Service staff may have their access to
healthcare limited after investigation.
General principles of managing potential violence are
given in Box 43.21. These are designed for patients with
mental illness but are equally applicable to all aggressive
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Learning guide
Textbooks such as this grow in size from edition to the end. It is impossible to define a syllabus that would
edition, adding much that can only be described as ref- be appropriate for all countries or dental schools. Some
erence material. Undergraduate students will never see teach these subjects independently, others in integrated
most of the conditions in it, before or after graduation. courses and yet others in problem-based learning format.
Despite this, on qualification they are expected to not only Those practising in tropical areas may well omit Paget’s
diagnose them, but also institute appropriate referral or disease and orofacial granulomatosis and other diseases
treatment. that affect Northern populations and replace them with
It is unsurprising that students often ask despairingly deep mycoses and other diseases of local importance. This
what they need to know. The breadth of oral medicine, is a guide for students based on the author’s views and
pathology, surgery, radiology and the medical aspects of experience.
dentistry is immense, and students need to prioritise their In using this table it must be accepted that there are
limited time to make sure that they know details only when conflicts. For instance in giving a differential diagnosis of a
required. Teachers of these subjects would much prefer stu- mixed radiolucent lesion in the jaws it will be necessary at
dents to enjoy these interesting subjects, be led by interest a basic level to include lesions that are listed in the third or
and curiosity and not learn facts obsessively. fourth columns. This table is to be used as a guide to the
In the past, national regulatory bodies would prescribe the importance of detailed knowledge. Rarer lesions will often
topics to be taught in undergraduate courses. More recently, merit more attention because of the importance of the diag-
there has been an almost complete shift to practical learning nosis to the patient.
outcomes and competencies expected of the graduating How much needs to be known about each topic? Stu-
dental surgeon. This produces a welcome emphasis on dents should focus on information that allows understand-
higher-level learning and the synthesis and application of ing of the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and
knowledge to clinical problems. Unfortunately, the compe- would equip them to discuss the significance and impli-
tencies are often somewhat generic. Both teachers and stu- cations of the condition with a patient and other profes-
dents no longer have a defined syllabus of knowledge to sionals. Those topics in the core curriculum need to be
form the essential factual foundation required for these thoroughly understood and are very much a minimum
higher-level skills. expectation. They are listed from the perspective of pathol-
In the UK there has been a change in both undergraduate ogy and medicine. It is quite possible that a topic such as
and specialist education to focus on the expected future cleft palate would be a core topic in paediatric dentistry
roles of dental surgeons and curriculum space has had to be or orthodontics where the emphasis would be on clinical
made for many new topics. This has led to a concentration aspects.
on ‘what the general dental practitioner really needs to Students often ask whether they need to know histopa-
know’. Knowledge-based topics such as those in this book thology. Certainly, undergraduate courses should not
are thus at risk of being downgraded in the mind of the attempt to teach students to become diagnostic patholo-
student. However, it is important to remember that before gists. Diagnostic histopathology is a postgraduate speciality.
reaching dental practice, many dentists will work in second- Nevertheless, there are good reasons why knowledge of
ary care in specialist departments where a lack of knowledge disease at the tissue level is important. It aids understand-
could be severely detrimental to patients. Many dentists go ing of disease processes and enables students to see the
on to become specialists. biology of a disease in progress. There is no better illustra-
The average-sized UK dental practice will have 20 or so tion of how the patient is affected and a picture provides
patients with lichen planus, one or two with mucous mem- considerably more understanding than could be transmitted
brane pemphigoid or severe desquamative gingivitis, more by words alone. Knowing how diseases affect tissues informs
than 100 red or white patches, numerous cysts and inflam- the decision whether or not to perform a biopsy, what type
matory conditions, and every once in a while a patient with of biopsy is appropriate and how the disease can be inves-
a malignant tumour that must not be missed. Those in tigated and managed. It has been interesting to see how
primary care fulfil an important screening role and act as virtual microscopy systems have made histopathology more
gatekeepers in national health systems. They need breadth accessible to students, who often felt isolated and stressed
of knowledge rather than detail. looking down a microscope on their own. Histopathological
This chapter attempts to provide a syllabus of topics knowledge is required in many areas, to a variable degree as
for students of dentistry to concentrate on. It is based indicated in this book, but not in the detail required of a
on published curricula from the UK specialist societies diagnostic pathologist.
of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and of Oral Surgery, From the patients’ perspective, dentists, whether in
the Scandinavian Fellowship for Oral Pathology and Oral primary or secondary care, are expected to be the experts on
Medicine, the Profile and Competencies for the Graduat- oral and dental conditions. Medical practitioners receive
ing European Dentist of the Association of Dental Educa- only very limited, if any, training in oral disease. An incor-
tion in Europe, US and North American publications and rect differential diagnosis and referral by a dentist may well
competencies defined by the Dental Council of India and start the patient along the wrong, and possibly a harmful,
other accrediting bodies. Some of these are referenced at care pathway.
4 Table 44.1
Learning guide and self-assessment questions
Minimum core topics, detailed Core+ key topics for dentistry Otherwise important Supplementary and
knowledge expected required for differential diagnosis concepts requiring reference topics, primarily
but less extensive knowledge overview knowledge but for postgraduates and
acceptable not detail those in secondary care
The processes of differential
diagnosis, principles of history
taking, examination, selection and
interpretation of investigations for
oral and head and neck disease
Medical history taking, relevance of
disease to dentistry and follow-up
questions for history taking
Detailed knowledge of biopsy Fine needle aspiration Principles of other biopsy
procedures for the mouth and techniques
selection of conditions for which
biopsy is a useful investigation
Relative value of imaging
techniques and selection for
specific purposes
Biopsy specimen handling and Immunofluorescence Molecular tests
interpretation of histology reports
and other investigation results
An appreciation of the relative
incidence of lesions and
Correct definition, use and spelling
of medical and pathological terms
Missing and supernumerary teeth Minor tooth anomalies Dental effects of common Clefts in syndromes
Normal teething and dental Ankyloglossia syndromes Craniofacial syndromes
development chronology Submucous cleft
Cleft lip and palate
Amelogenesis imperfecta, molar Regional odontodysplasia Segmental odontomaxillary Dentinal dysplasia
incisor hypomineralisation, Hypophosphatasia dysplasia Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
hereditary opalescent teeth and Congenital syphilis
dentinogenesis imperfecta Vitamin D–resistant rickets
Chronological hypoplasia and
fluorosis. Tetracycline
Resorption and hypercementosis
Delayed eruption and accelerated
tooth loss
Normal enamel, dentine and pulp Pathogenesis and structural Microbiology of caries,
structure. changes in enamel, dentine and ecological plaque theory
Pathology of caries as it relates to cementum
prevention and operative Streptococcus mutans
treatment, epidemiology and risk
Pulpitis and pulpal reactions to
damage, relationship to treatment,
pulp stones
Apical periodontitis and the
sequelae of pulp necrosis or pulp
removal, periapical granuloma,
radicular cyst, dentoalveolar
abscess and spread of infection
Tooth wear and the processes of Abfraction
attrition, abrasion and erosion
Osseointegration Causes of failure
Learning guide
Minimum core topics, detailed Core+ key topics for dentistry Otherwise important Supplementary and
knowledge expected required for differential diagnosis concepts requiring reference topics, primarily
but less extensive knowledge overview knowledge but for postgraduates and
acceptable not detail those in secondary care
Normal periodontium structure
Plaque-related gingivitis,
periodontitis and their variants,
classification, aetiology,
pathogenesis and tissue changes.
Diseases mimicking gingivitis and
periodontitis and their differential
Effects of systemic disease
Aggressive periodontitis Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome
Acute ulcerative gingivitis, Noma and HIV periodontitis Localised spongiotic
periodontal abscess, pericoronitis gingivitis
Localised and generalised gingival Hereditary types
Drug-induced overgrowth
Common mucosal lesions, fibrous Multiple endocrine Verruciform xanthoma
epulis, fibroepithelial hyperplasia., neoplasia type 2b
pyogenic granuloma, pregnancy Condylomas
epulis, peripheral giant cell Multifocal epithelial
granuloma, squamous papilloma, hyperplasia
papillary hyperplasia of palate Calibre-persistent artery
Haemangioma and the range of
vascular anomalies
Traumatic injuries to soft tissue and Eosinophilic ulcer
teeth, Amalgam tattoo
Infection of dental origin, abscess, Antibiotic abscess
cellulitis, oedema, fascial space Cavernous sinus thrombosis
infections, their anatomy and
treatment, role of antibiotics and
antibiotic stewardship
Other infections, tuberculosis, Mucormycosis Systemic mycoses
Viral infections, primary and Herpangina and hand foot and Herpetic whitlow Ramsay Hunt syndrome
recurrent herpes simplex mouth disease Measles
infection, herpes zoster infection. Chicken pox
Epstein–Barr virus infection and its Cytomegalovirus ulcers
Syphilis, primary and secondary Tertiary syphilis
Candidosis, all oral presentations Chronic mucocutaneous
and endocrine
Recurrent oral ulceration and Behçet’s disease HIV-associated ulcers
aphthous stomatitis, minor, major Nicorandil ulcers
and herpetiform
Lichen planus and lichenoid Lupus erythematosus Malignant change in lichen Vulvovaginal-gingival
reactions, topical and systemic planus syndrome
Graft versus host disease Plasma cell gingivitis
Chronic ulcerative
Immunobullous diseases, Angina bullosa haemorrhagica Linear immunoglobulin (Ig)A Paraneoplastic pemphigus
pemphigus, mucous membrane disease
Erythema multiforme Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Erythema migrans, anaemic (Black) hairy tongue Lingual papillitis Patterson-Kelly syndrome
glossitis, oral hairy leukoplakia Amyloidosis of tongue Keratosis of renal failure
Minimum core topics, detailed Core+ key topics for dentistry Otherwise important Supplementary and
knowledge expected required for differential diagnosis concepts requiring reference topics, primarily
but less extensive knowledge overview knowledge but for postgraduates and
acceptable not detail those in secondary care
Granulomatous disease, Crohn’s Sarcoidosis Reactions to injected
disease and orofacial cosmetic agents
granulomatosis, foreign body
Frictional and reactive keratoses Stomatitis nicotina
Idiopathic lesions, White sponge
naevus, leukoedema
Fordyce granules
Cheek and tongue chewing
Physiological pigmentation, Peutz–Jegher disease Addison’s disease Other syndromes with
melanotic macules, melanocytic Inflammatory pigmentation Melanoacanthoma pigmented lesions
naevi. Heavy metal poisoning
Oral potentially malignant disorders, Genetic concepts of field Dyskeratosis congenita
concept, all diseases other than change, clonal selection Syphilitic leukoplakia
those listed to the right, epithelial and transformation
dysplasia, factors potentiating Human papillomavirus
malignant change, differential (HPV)–associated
diagnosis and management. dysplasia
Oral submucous fibrosis
Prevention from a public health
Oral squamous cell carcinoma, Oral cancer screening and Lip carcinoma Fanconi anaemia
epidemiology, aetiology, spread, prevention
prognosis and principles of Outline and concepts of patient
management. Early and late cancer pathway including
signs. Staging and grading. referral pathways
Radiation exposure and the effects Verrucous carcinoma
of radiation and adverse effects
of treatment for head and neck
cancer. Role of dental
Prevention from a public health
HPV oropharyngeal carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma of skin Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Tori and exostoses Osteomas Gardner’s syndrome Osteochondroma
Osteosarcoma Cleidocranial dysplasia Chondrosarcoma
Hyperparathyroidism Ewing’s sarcoma
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Normal healing of tooth socket, dry
Acute and chronic forms of Proliferative periostitis Chronic focal low grade SAPHO and CRMO
osteomyelitis of the jaws and Dense bone islands and osteomyelitis syndromes
osteoradionecrosis, healing osteoporotic bone marrow Diffuse sclerosing forms
fracture and tooth socket, defects Traumatic sequestrum
Prevention of infection in bone
Correct use of antibiotics
Medication-related osteonecrosis,
causes, prevention and treatment
Principles of classification of jaw Basal cell naevus Botryoid cyst Orthokeratinised
cysts. Odontogenic cysts, syndrome Glandular odontogenic cyst odontogenic cyst
radicular, residual, collateral, Lateral periodontal and calcifying Gingival cysts
dentigerous cysts and odontogenic cysts
odontogenic keratocyst.
Differential diagnosis, role of
biopsy, treatment
Learning guide
Minimum core topics, detailed Core+ key topics for dentistry Otherwise important Supplementary and
knowledge expected required for differential diagnosis concepts requiring reference topics, primarily
but less extensive knowledge overview knowledge but for postgraduates and
acceptable not detail those in secondary care
Non-odontogenic cysts, incisive Soft tissue cysts, dermoid, Branchial cleft cyst Sublingual dermoid cyst.
canal cyst, solitary bone cavity, branchial cysts Thyroglossal cyst Nasolabial cyst
aneurysmal bone cyst, Stafne/
idiopathic bone cavity
Principles of classification and the Unicystic ameloblastomas Calcifying epithelial Desmoplastic
range of odontogenic tumours. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour odontogenic tumour ameloblastoma
Odontomes, ameloblastoma, Ameloblastic fibroma Odontogenic fibroma Squamous odontogenic
cementoblastoma Odontogenic myxoma Malignant odontogenic tumour
tumours Dentinogenic ghost cell
Central giant cell granuloma and Cherubism Melanotic neuroectodermal
brown tumour of Paget’s disease tumour
Langerhans cell histiocytosis Acute and multifocal forms
Fibro-osseous lesions, cemento- Fibrous dysplasia Ossifying fibroma Juvenile ossifying fibroma
osseous dysplasias, cemento- Albright’s syndrome Ossifying fibroma in
ossifying fibroma syndromes and familial
gigantiform cementoma
Myofascial pain dysfunction Condylar hyperplasia Joint ankylosis Systemic sclerosis and
syndrome, causes of trismus Dislocation CREST syndrome
Other organic
temporomandibular joint
Metastatic neoplasms to the jaws Plasmacytoma
Non-neoplastic salivary gland Mumps Necrotising sialometaplasia IgG4 sclerosing disease
disease, mucoceles, sialolithiasis, Sialadenosis
obstruction and chronic
Acute and chronic salivary gland
Xerostomia, causes, Sjögren’s Ptyalism
syndrome, primary and secondary
types, differential diagnosis and
treatment, radiotherapy-induced
salivary gland atrophy
Salivary neoplasms, principles of Salivary duct carcinoma Basal cell adenoma and Secretory carcinoma
classification. oncocytoma, acinic cell Epithelial-myoepithelial
Pleomorphic adenoma, Warthin’s carcinoma carcinoma
tumour, mucoepidermoid Haemangioma of parotid
carcinoma, polymorphous gland
adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic Intraosseous salivary
carcinoma, carcinoma ex neoplasms
pleomorphic adenoma
Anaemia Thalassaemia Giant cell arteritis Nasopharyngeal natural
Sickle cell disease Modes of presentations of killer/T cell lymphoma
leukaemia and lymphoma in
head and neck
MALT lymphoma
Kaposi sarcoma Granular cell tumour Congenital epulis
Causes, investigation and Hereditary telangiectasia
prevention of bleeding in Sturge-Weber syndrome
dentistry, including
Immunodeficiency, pathogenesis, Inherited primary
transmission and systemic and immunodeficiencies
oral effects of HIV infection
Effects of therapeutic
Minimum core topics, detailed Core+ key topics for dentistry Otherwise important Supplementary and
knowledge expected required for differential diagnosis concepts requiring reference topics, primarily
but less extensive knowledge overview knowledge but for postgraduates and
acceptable not detail those in secondary care
Basic mechanisms and treatment Occupational allergy hazards in Atopy
of allergic reactions, latex and dentistry Oral allergy syndrome
local anaesthetic allergy Amalgam restoration reactions Angio-oedema
Causes and principles of differential Infectious mononucleosis Detailed differential Lyme disease
diagnosis of cervical diagnosis of cervical Sinus histiocytosis with
lymphadenopathy lymphadenopathy massive
Virchow’s node Atypical mycobacterial lymphadenopathy
infection Castleman’s disease
Cat-scratch disease
Infective endocarditis Kawasaki’s disease
Acute and chronic sinusitis, Principles of medical Fungal sinusitis Cystic fibrosis
diagnosis and dental management of sinusitis Wegener’s granulomatosis
management, indications for Carcinoma of the antrum
antibiotic treatment Sleep apnoea
Oroantral communication
Viral hepatitis, types, identification, Viral hepatitis types A and E Assessment of patient
risks of transmission and control infectivity
methods, types B, C and D
Hyperparathyroidism, Addison’s Lingual thyroid
disease and steroid crisis,
diabetes mellitus. Dentistry for
pregnant patients
Pain of dental origin, trigeminal Postherpetic neuralgia Multiple sclerosis Melkersson-Rosenthal
neuralgia, burning mouth, atypical Bell’s palsy Glossopharyngeal neuralgia syndrome
facial pain, epilepsy Loss of taste and smell Migrainous neuralgia
Down’s syndrome, autism, anxiety Schizophrenia and its effect on Cerebral palsy. Multiple Spina bifida,
and depression, dementia and dental treatment sclerosis and their effects hydrocephalus, muscular
their effects on dental treatment on dental treatment dystrophy, myasthenia
gravis and their effects
on dental treatment.
Principles of drug reactions in
dentistry, steroids, lichenoid
All medical emergencies
EU competences graduating dentist PMID: 20946246 US Curriculum Oral medicine/Diagnosis PMID: 3476642
UK curriculum pathology/medicine PMID: 15469445 Scandinavian curriculum statement PMID: 20819133
UK curriculum Oral Surgery PMID: 18257765 UK medical training in oral disease PMID: 15620777
US Oral Pathology syllabus PMID: 1430527
Self-assessment questions
These self-assessment questions are based on the material • What is the difference between a lesion, a disease and
of the previous section but may also link to material covered pathology?
elsewhere. They are not intended to be comprehensive, but
give an indication of the understanding and problem solving
abilities expected at an undergraduate level. You will not
find all the information you require to answer these ques- CHAPTER 2
tions in this textbook of essential facts. Use these questions
to guide your additional reading and learning. • What are the causes of failure of eruption of teeth?
• What are the causes of early loss of deciduous teeth?
CHAPTER 1 • How would you differentiate developmental defects of
the teeth from those with other causes?
• How might poor history taking inhibit a patient from • Why are only females affected by vertical ridging of the
providing the information you seek? teeth in some types of amelogenesis imperfecta?
• Can you draw a family tree from a patient’s family • The challenges of restoring dentitions affected by
history and interpret inheritance patterns from it? amelogenesis imperfecta and dentinogenesis imper-
• Which features in a pain history might suggest pain of fecta are different. Explain why in terms of the tooth
odontogenic, neurological or vascular origin? structure.
• What is the difference between a medical history and a • How is molar-incisor hypomineralisation different from
medical history questionnaire? other presentations of defective enamel formation?
• Could you justify all the questions asked in a medical • What are the differences between dentinal dysplasia and
history to a patient? dentinogenesis imperfecta?
• What features of the extraoral head and neck examina- • How might radiographic features of the jaws predict
tion might suggest systemic disease? colon carcinoma?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of the • How would you distinguish tetracycline staining and
various methods for testing the vitality of teeth? How is fluorosis?
it possible to be certain about the vitality of a specific • How would you explain the risk of fluoride mottling to
tooth? a patient?
• What features in the examination of the hands suggest • What might cause loss of tooth vitality shortly after
systemic disease? eruption?
• How would you decide whether or not a lesion was appro-
priate for a biopsy in primary care?
• When is a punch biopsy appropriate in the mouth? CHAPTER 3
• Could you undertake a mucosal biopsy and submit the
• Why might a cleft palate indicate a cardiac defect? What
specimen for diagnosis correctly?
are the underlying mechanisms that link these
• What features in the history and examination would conditions?
prompt you to send a biopsy for immunofluorescence
• Why is the timing of cleft lip and palate surgery
• What is the difference between a screening and diagnos-
• What features in the medical history and examination
tic test?
might make you suspect a submucous cleft?
• What are the advantages of tests based on molecular
• What features of a Stafne bone cavity should allow con-
biology (DNA and RNA sequence)?
fident radiological diagnosis?
• When would a plain radiograph be a better imaging tech-
nique than a cone beam or medical CT scan?
• Which blood investigations might be useful to investigate CHAPTER 4
a patient with oral ulceration?
• How should a sample of pus for culture and antibiotic • How may caries be prevented by reference to the four
sensitivity be collected? major aetiological factors?
• When constructing a differential diagnosis, how would • Can caries activity be predicted by investigating the oral
you decide the appropriate order for the various possible or plaque flora?
diagnoses? • How is the ecological plaque theory different from the
• Which oral conditions may be diagnosed on the basis of specific pathogen theory of dental caries?
the history alone? • If Strep. mutans did not exist, would caries develop?
• Which normal oral structures may be mistaken for • Can you explain how different sugars and differing bacte-
lesions? rial flora affect the Stephan curve?
• Is frequency or amount of sugar intake more important • Does the classification of periodontal diseases in current
in dental caries? use aid treatment?
Self-Assessment Questions and Learning Guides
• What are the effects of dietary fluoride on dental caries? • What is the significance of the histological stages of gin-
• How does an intact layer of plaque over a carious lesion givitis and periodontitis?
affect its structure? • How does the ecological plaque theory differ from the
• What is the importance of cavitation to the treatment of specific pathogen theory ?
dental caries? • What is the rate of progression of chronic adult
• How does enamel etching for restorative procedures differ periodontitis?
from dental caries? • What conditions predispose to periodontitis in children
• How does the viability of the dentine and pulp protect and in adults?
against the sequelae of dental caries? • Which is the key host defence mechanism against
• How can the activity of an individual carious lesion be periodontitis?
estimated clinically? • What are the pathological differences between acute
• How does knowledge of enamel caries influence treat- necrotising ulcerative gingivitis and chronic adult
ment decisions? periodontitis?
• How does knowledge of dentine caries influence treat- • How does HIV infection predispose to periodontal
ment decisions? destruction?
• How is the concept of minimally-invasive dentistry sup- • What clinical features of gingivitis or periodontitis might
ported by the pathology of caries? suggest underlying HIV infection?
• How is infected and affected dentine identified • Which systemic medical conditions may present with
clinically? gingival signs and symptoms?
• Is a tax on sugary drinks justified? • A middle-aged adult presents with advancing periodontal
destruction in a previously healthy mouth. How would
you investigate this patient?
CHAPTER 5 • What diseases have similar presentations to plaque-
induced gingivitis and periodontitis?
• How is pulpitis diagnosed and how may it be differenti-
ated from periapical periodontitis? • What gingival manifestations might lead to diagnosis of
important systemic disease?
• What conditions may mimic the symptoms of pulpitis?
• What operative procedures foster resolution of reversible
pulpitis? CHAPTER 8
• Can you trace the possible pathways from pulpitis to
life-threatening infection? • When and how might healing of an extraction socket lead
• Why, even when dental caries is untreated, are these life- you to suspect important underlying disease?
threatening complications so rare? • Osteomyelitis of the jaws often has local or
• What is the aetiology of tooth-wear and how may it be systemic predisposing causes. How would you identify
associated with general health? these?
• Are there bacteria in a periapical granuloma • How do the radiographic changes in osteomyelitis develop
• What is the role of antibiotics in treatment of periapical with time?
periodontitis and periapical abscess? • What are the differences between chronic osteomyelitis
• Are pulp stones of any significance? and florid cemento-osseous dysplasia?
• Why is dry socket not considered a form of
CHAPTER 6 • Why is chronic osteomyelitis difficult to treat?
• Why do patients with erosion caused by dietary acid • What is the role of antibiotics in osteomyelitis?
intake not usually have problems with excessive dental • Is proliferative periostitis an osteomyelitis?
caries? • What medications cause osteonecrosis and how to they
• Is there benefit in distinguishing attrition, abrasion and do this?
• Does bruxism cause temporomandibular joint pain or
myofascial pain? CHAPTER 9
• How does differentiating internal from external resorp-
• Which microbial species are associated with facial infec-
tion aid treatment?
tions of odontogenic origin?
• What is the clinical significance of excess cementum?
• Which of the various odontogenic soft tissue infections
• How long can an implant remain in situ? of the face may be life-threatening and why?
• How does the absence of a periodontal ligament around • What investigations are required when a patient presents
an implant affect restoration and complications of with a soft tissue infection of suspected odontogenic
implant placement? origin?
• What determines whether a periapical granuloma
CHAPTER 7 progresses to a facial abscess?
• How do you determine when and which antibiotic to
• How do the plaque flora and host immunological prescribe for a soft tissue swelling suspected of being an
responses to plaque mature through life? abscess?
• Can poor dental prescribing increase the risk of serious • How would you investigate and treat a patient with a
odontogenic infections? radiolucency in the posterior body of the mandible?
Self-Assessment Questions
• How is cavernous sinus thrombosis recognised and what • Does the finding of Braf mutations in ameloblastoma
are its dental causes? have any significance?
• How does the presentation of deep fungal infections • Does cemento-osseous dysplasia matter to a patient?
differ from bacterial infections? How would you advise them?
• What systemic mycoses are important to dentistry in the • Why are only some ossifying fibromas considered
part of the world where you practise? odontogenic?
• What is cortication radiologically and what does it mean • A lesion in a child is found to be a giant cell lesion on
if a lesion is corticated? biopsy. How does the site affect treatment?
• What features of the history and examination would lead • How would you further investigate a patient whose
you to suspect a cyst rather than any other localised intra-osseous lesion proved to be a giant cell lesion on
radiolucency in the jaws? biopsy?
• How may hyaline or Rushton bodies aid cyst • How can surgery for giant cell granuloma be avoided?
diagnosis? How would you advise a patient making a decision on
• When should you undertake an incisional biopsy of a treatment?
cyst? • What radiological features might suggest an intra-osseous
• When is a biopsy of a suspected cyst not indicated? haemangioma?
• Which cysts have diagnostic histological features? • How does the clinical course of osteosarcoma of the jaws
• How does the growth pattern of a cyst aid diagnosis? differ from that of osteosarcoma of the long bones?
• What are the arguments for and against considering • How does the position of a radiolucency either above or
the odontogenic keratocyst to be an odontogenic below the inferior dental canal aid differential
tumour? diagnosis?
• How does the orthokeratinising odontogenic cyst differ • It is often said that a sharply demarcated radiopaque
from the odontogenic keratocyst? lesion in bone is almost certainly benign. Is this correct?
• A young adult presents with bilateral odontogenic kera- • What clinical features help differentiate benign from
tocysts. How would you investigate and manage this malignant neoplasms of the jaws?
• Which types of cyst may recur following treatment?
• How would you differentiate an inflammatory collateral
cyst from a dentigerous cyst? • How is osteogenesis imperfecta linked to dentinogenesis
• How is marsupialisation different from decompression? imperfecta and why are the teeth not affected in some
• Is endodontic treatment effective for radicular cysts? types of osteogenesis imperfecta?
• How would you differentiate a sublingual dermoid cyst • What are the causes of failure of eruption of teeth?
from a ranula? • What abnormalities are seen in the bones and teeth in
• How may ranulas be treated conservatively? the different forms of rickets?
• Why is the age of the patient critical in diagnosis of cystic • What investigations would aid the differentiation of a
neck swellings? central giant cell granuloma from a brown tumour of
• What conditions may be confused with Paget’s disease
CHAPTER 11 radiographically and how may they be differentiated?
• When presented with a lesion in the jaws, what features • What is the cause of fibrous dysplasia and how may it be
would suggest an odontogenic tumour rather than a cyst, differentiated from cemento-ossifying fibroma?
primary bone tumour or other cause?
• How is a unicystic ameloblastoma defined and how may
one be diagnosed?
• There is a recent tendency to try to treat ameloblastoma • How would you investigate a patient with trismus?
conservatively. How is this achieved and what are the • How would you investigate a patient complaining of
advantages and disadvantages of this approach? limited jaw opening?
• Which odontogenic tumours would be expected to recur • How would you investigate a patient complaining of
following removal by enucleation and curettage? locking of the temporomandibular joint?
• Which odontogenic tumour might present as localised • What radiographs and other imaging techniques are
periodontitis? appropriate for assessment of the temporomandibular
• The odontogenic myxoma is benign but requires excision joints?
with a margin for effective treatment. Why? • Does a normal temporomandibular joint radiograph
• Which odontogenic tumours contain radiopacities? exclude joint disease?
• You notice a radiopaque lesion attached to the root of a • How would you investigate and treat a case of temporo-
tooth; how would you investigate and manage the mandibular pain dysfunction syndrome with particular
patient? emphasis on excluding organic disease?
• How many distinctive oral presentations of candidosis
SECTION 2 can you identify?
Self-Assessment Questions and Learning Guides
• How does the growth and spread of oral carcinoma cause • How is a sialogram performed? What information can a
death? sialogram provide?
Self-Assessment Questions
• Is it ethical to promote a low risk tobacco habit as prefer- • How may ultrasound aid the diagnosis of swellings of the
able to a high risk habit? head and neck?
• Which benign oral lesions may be mistaken for carci- • There are so many salivary neoplasms. Does it really
noma, either clinically or histologically? matter which one a patient has, provided it is clear
whether it is benign or malignant?
• What advice and guidance should a dentist provide to
prevent lip carcinomas? • What are the common causes of nodular lesions of the
• Do human papillomavirus (HPV) carcinomas arise in attached gingiva?
any identifiable potentially malignant conditions in the • What happens to fibrous hyperplastic lesions if left
oropharynx or mouth? untreated?
• Why might an HPV-associated carcinoma have a better • How would you differentiate a pyogenic granuloma from
prognosis than a tobacco induced carcinoma? a Kaposi’s sarcoma?
• Why might virally induced carcinomas be so much more
common in Eastern countries? CHAPTER 25
• Why is it important to know about the pathology of the
CHAPTER 22 granular cell tumour?
• Does a lymphangioma differ from a cystic hygroma?
• What are the causes of ‘meal-time syndrome’?
• How might you check a lesion for potentially dangerous
• What investigations aid the differentiation of salivary
vascularity before biopsy?
calculi from salivary duct strictures?
• Many lesions are called haemangiomas. Why is their
• What other lesions may resemble a mucous extravasa-
terminology so confusing and which lesions, if any, are
tion in the lower lip?
benign neoplasms as suggested by the name?
• What investigations aid the diagnosis of mumps? For
how long is the condition infectious?
• How would you identify possible causes of dehydration CHAPTER 26
in a patient with dry mouth?
• Which features in the history, examination and investi-
• Does the clinical presentation of dry mouth aid the dif-
gations would allow the differential diagnosis of oral pig-
ferential diagnosis of its possible causes?
mented lesions?
• What combination of laboratory investigations would be
• Which oral pigmented lesions should be subjected to
required to make a diagnosis of Sjögren’s syndrome?
biopsy and why?
• What is the role of the general dental practitioner in
• What features of an oral pigmented lesion suggest
management of dry mouth?
• What is the role of the hospital dental specialties in the
• How are syndromic pigmented lesions recognised?
management of Sjögren’s syndrome?
• What is the importance of sudden salivary swelling in a
patient with Sjögren’s syndrome? How would you inves-
tigate a patient with this complaint? SECTION 3
• A young adult presents with bilateral salivary gland CHAPTER 27
swelling. What features in the history, examination and
special investigations aid your differential diagnosis? • How would you investigate a patient presenting with a
sore uniformly depapillated tongue?
• How would you differentiate the various causes of
CHAPTER 23 anaemia using investigations?
• What are the potential complications of an incisional • Which malignant neoplasms may present as gingival
biopsy of the parotid gland? swellings or gingival enlargement?
• A young adult presents with a unilateral salivary gland • How might a dentist notice the first signs of lymphoma
swelling. What features in the history, examination and or leukaemia?
special investigations aid your differential diagnosis? • What are the oral complications of chemotherapy for
• Which salivary gland swellings should be subjected to lymphoma and leukaemia?
incisional biopsy and which should not? Explain why.
• What alternative investigations might you consider CHAPTER 28
when a biopsy of a mass in a salivary gland is
contraindicated? • How would you manage a patient presenting with post-
• What features of a salivary neoplasm would suggest that extraction haemorrhage?
it is malignant? • How may post-extraction haemorrhage be prevented?
• A 35-year-old male presents with an ulcerated mass on • How does the management of patients on newer
the palate. Discuss the differential diagnosis and appro- anticoagulants differ from that for those taking
priate investigations. warfarin?
CHAPTER 29 • Which diseases of the head and neck, excluding the
oral mucosa, show granulomatous inflammation
Self-Assessment Questions and Learning Guides
• Explain handicap, disability and impairment using exam- • Why are patients with renal disease prone to latex
ples in dentistry. allergy?
Self-Assessment Questions
• Why do normal behaviour management techniques not • How does Parkinson’s disease impact on oral health?
work in children with autism?
• How must dental treatment be adapted for a patient with
each disorder in this chapter?
• In which conditions is there an increased risk of trauma • Which drugs can cause lichen planus–like reactions?
to teeth and oral tissues? How may this be managed? • Which drugs can cause symptoms of burning mouth?
• Which drugs can cause oral or facial pigmentation?
• How may anxiety about dental treatment be managed? CHAPTER 43
• How is depression linked to central pain and what are • How would you differentiate the causes of loss of
mechanisms? consciousness?
• How do drugs for mental illness impact on dental • How would you treat each of the medical emergencies
treatment? listed in this chapter?
• How may depression present in a dental setting? • In each case, which of the actions are most critical to a
successful outcome?
CHAPTER 41 • What adverse effects might ensue if you inadvertently
administered the wrong treatment for a medical
• How might a dentist aid the diagnosis of diseases emergency?
common in the elderly? • Where could you check the current Resuscitation Council
• How may preventive regimens be adapted to suit patients UK guidelines for basic life support?
with the conditions in this chapter? • Are you able to use an automatic defibrillator?
• How may consent for dental treatment be obtained in
patients with learning difficulties or mental illness?
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Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables, and “b” indicate boxes.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme outcomes for, 83b Bacteriological diagnosis, of acute
inhibitors, adverse effects of, pathology of, 81, 81f–82f osteomyelitis, 122
Bone islands, sclerotic, 128, 128f diet in, 320–321 epithelial-myoepithelial, 363
Bone marrow distribution of, 322, 323f ex pleomorphic adenoma, 363,
osteoporotic defect, 221, 221f ‘early’ and ‘late,’ , 321–322, 363f
transplantation, 408, 408b 321f–322f, 322t human papillomavirus-associated
Borrelia burgdorferi, 432 epidemiology of, 317, 317f oropharyngeal, 335–339,
Botryoid odontogenic cysts, 155–156, genetic predisposition in, 321 336f–338f
155b, 155f–156f histopathology in, 322–323, lip, 335, 335f–336f
Botulinum toxin, for bruxism, 88 323f–324f lymph node, 429
Branchial clefts, 161–162 immunosuppression in, 320 lymphoepithelial, 367t–368t
Branchial cyst, 161–162, 162f infections in, 320 maxillary antrum, 448–449
Brittle bone disease, 205 key features of, 318b metastatic
Bronchogenic carcinoma, 449–450 local spread of, 323–324, 324f bronchogenic, 201f
Brown spot lesion, inactive, 69 malnutrition in, 320–321 of mandible, 201f
Brush biopsy, 13–14, 14b management of, 326–331, 326b mucoepidermoid, 360–361
in oral cancer, 333 novel treatments for, 331 myoepithelial, 367t–368t
Bruxism, 87–88 outcome of, 329–330, 330b, nasopharyngeal, 339
daytime, 87 330f oncocytic, 367t–368t
effects of, 87b palliative care for, 331 remote, 383
features of, 87b preoperative assessment for, salivary duct, 363
management of, 87–88 326, 328t second primary, 330
nocturnal, 87 survivorship in, 331 secretory, 362
Buccal mucosa, carcinomas in, 326 treatment failure in, 331 squamous, 321f–324f, 322t, 323,
Bulimia nervosa, 497 treatment for, 326–329, 328b, 327t
Bullous pemphigoid, 275 328f squamous cell, 367t–368t
Burkitt’s lymphoma, 395–396, 396f, metastasis in, 324–325 of tonsil, 337f–338f
414 other habits in, 321 undifferentiated, 363
Burning mouth ‘syndrome,’ , 478, pathology of, 322–326 verrucous, 333–334, 333f
478b–479b patients without risk factors in, Carcinoma in situ, 309–310
Burns, chemical, 279f 321 Cardiac arrest, 509–510, 509b
poor oral health in, 321 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 510,
potentially malignant disorders in, 510b
C 321
screening of, 332–333
Cardiovascular disease, 437–441
dental implications/side-effects of
Calcific barriers, in pulpitis, 74, 76f site variation in, 325–326 drugs used for, 437t
Calcifications, pulp, 77 tobacco use in, 318–320 in elderly, 502
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic UK patient ’pathway’ for, 327t general aspects of management,
tumours, 170–171, 171b, 171f see also Carcinoma 437–438
Calcifying odontogenic cysts, 156– Cancrum oris, 134, 134f–135f Caries
157, 156f–158f, 157b, 176, Candida sp., 244 in elderly, 501
176b Candidosis, 244–251, 244b prevalence and mottling of, 40f
Calcium acute antibiotic stomatitis, Cartilage-capped osteoma, 187–188
hyperparathyroidism and, 211 246–247, 247f Castleman’s disease, 434–435, 435f
as plaque minerals, 57 in AIDS/HIV, 412–413, 412f Cat-scratch disease, 432, 432b, 432f
Calcium channel blockers, adverse anaemia in, 392 Cathepsin C gene, 110
effects of, 504t–505t angular stomatitis, 246, 246f Cavernous haemangioma, 379, 379f
Calculus chronic, 299t Cavernous sinus thrombosis, 133,
salivary, 341–342, 341f, 342b chronic hyperplastic, 249–250, 516t–520t
subgingival 249f, 296 Cavitation, 64, 64f–65f
in gingivitis, 98, 98f chronic mucocutaneous, 296 radicular cyst and, 143
in periodontitis, 99 denture-induced stomatitis, CD4 cells, 409
Caldwell-Luc approach, 445 248–249, 248b, 248f Cellulitis, 223
Calibre-persistent artery, 375, erythematous, 246, 246b, 246f facial, 130–132, 131f–132f, 133b
375f–376f management of types of, 252f Cemento-osseous dysplasias, 181–
Canalicular adenoma, 359 thrush, 244–245, 245b, 245f, 296 183, 218
Cancellous osteoma, 192 tongue, 285 Cemento-ossifying fibroma, 180–181,
of mandible, 192f Capillary haemangioma, 379, 379f 180f–181f, 193, 193t
Cancer, oral, 317–334 Captopril, 504t–505t juvenile, 181
aetiology of, 318–321, 318b lichenoid reaction to, 503, 503f management of, 180
age and gender incidence of, 317, Carbamazepine microscopy of, 180
317f adverse effects of, 504t–505t multiple, 181
alcohol in, 320, 320f for trigeminal neuralgia, 477 syndromic, 181, 181t
causes of death in, 331 Carbonated drinks, and erosion, 86 Cementoblastoma, 178–179, 179b,
clinicopathological features and Carcinoma 179f
behaviour of, 325b acinic cell, 362, 362f Cementomas, 179, 179b
dentist in, role of, 331–332, 332b, adenoid cystic, 361, 361f Cementum, 91
332t ameloblastic, 183, 183f cellular, 91
diagnostic catches in, 334 clear cell, 367t–368t cervical, 70
Central giant cell granuloma, 188b Cicatricial pemphigoid, 273 Convulsions, 512–513
Cerebral palsy, 491–492, 492b Ciclosporin, adverse effects of, Core or needle biopsy, 11–12, 12b
Dental bleeding, prolonged, 399 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour, 176, impaired metabolism, 454–455,
Dental care, of elderly, 501 176f 455b
Dental caries, 53–70 Dentist, role in oral cancer, 331–332, lichenoid reactions, 268, 268b
actions of fluoride on, 60b 332b, 332t oral reactions to, 279
in adults, 69 Dentoalveolar abscess, 79–81, 80f side-effects of heart disease, 437t
aetiology of, 53, 53f Denture-induced granuloma, 369– temporomandibular joint trismus,
arrested, 68–69, 69f 370, 369f 224
in deciduous teeth, 69 Denture-induced stomatitis, 248–249, used for atopic disease, 419
development of 248b, 248f Drug-associated lymphadenopathy,
essential requirements for, Dentures, in elderly, 501–502 435, 435b
53b Depression, 496–497, 496b Drug-associated purpura, 401, 402b
and Westernisation, 58 dental aspects of, 496–497, 497b Drug-induced gingival hyperplasia,
and experimental studies on Dermatitis, contact, 419–420, 420b, 437f
humans, 58–59, 59f 420f Drug-induced melanin pigmentation,
hidden, 70 Desmoplastic ameloblastoma, 383f
microbiological aspects of, 56b 168–169, 169f Dry mouth, 345, 483
microbiology of, 54–57, 55b, 55f Desquamative gingivitis, 262, 262f, Dry (nasal) snuff, 319t
pathology of 273 ’Dry’ socket, 117
clinical aspects of, 68–70 result of mucous membrane Dyskeratoma, warty, 279t
dentine, 65–68, 65f–67f, 67b pemphigoid, 274f Dyskeratosis congenita, 299t, 306,
enamel caries, 61–64, 61f, 65b Development, disorders of tooth, 306f, 321
relevance of, to progression 45–50, 45b Dyskinesia, tardive, 224
and treatment of, 71t–72t Diabetes mellitus, 468–469, 469b Dyspepsia, 451
prevalence of, 57 gingivitis and, 97b Dysplasias, 300
reactions to Diagnosis cemento-osseous, 218
clinical aspects of, 70 differential, 8–9 cleidocranial, 208, 208b,
protective, of dentine and pulp plan, 20 208f–209f
under, 67–68, 67t, 68f–69f principles of, 1–20, 1b epithelial, 309, 309t
remineralisation and, 68–69 Diagnostic tests, 9 fibrous, 203f
root surface, 70 Dialysis, 471, 471b monostotic, 216–218, 218b
and saliva, 60 Diet, for oral cancer, 320–321 polyostotic, 218
sucrose and, 57–59 Diffuse calcification, pulp, 77 gnathodiaphyseal, 207
epidemiological studies on, Diffuse mucosal pigmentation, koilocytic, 306
57–58 383 lichenoid, 305–306
susceptibility of teeth to, 59–60 Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis, mild, 309, 309f
Dental disturbance, localised, 25f 123–124 moderate, 309, 310f
Dental follicle, normal, in Dilaceration, 40, 40f severe, 309–310, 310f
odontogenic myxoma, 178 Diltiazem, adverse effects of, Dysplastic lesions, 307–312
Dental phobia, 496, 496b 504t–505t grading of, 309–311, 309f–311f,
Dentigerous cysts, 146–148, 146f– Disability, 487b–488b, 487t 309t–310t
147f, 208 in elderly patients, 500b other investigations for, 311, 312f
clinical features of, 147, 149b learning, 488–491, 489f principles of, 308b
definition of, 147b physical, 487–494 risk assessment of, 308–312
differential diagnosis of, 148 Disability Discrimination Act 2005, biopsy, 308–309
histopathology of, 147–148, 148f 488 clinical, 308, 308b
pathogenesis of, 147, 147f–148f Discoid lupus erythematosus, 299t treatment of, 311–312, 311b
radiography of, 147, 147f Dislocation, of temporomandibular Dysplastic leukoplakia, 299t
treatment of, 148 joint, 232–233, 233f Dyspnoea, 512
Dentinal dysplasia, 32–33, 33f Disseminated intravascular Dysrhythmias, 438
type 1, 33, 34f coagulation, 404
Dentinal hypersensitivity, 86 Dissolvable tobacco, 319t
caries, 65–68, 65f–66f
DNA ploidy analysis, in dysplastic
lesions, 311
advanced, 66f Dorsal tongue fur, 7t ‘Early’ oral carcinoma, 321–322,
arrested, 69 Down’s syndrome, 489–490, 489f– 321f–322f, 322t
development of, key events in, 490f, 490b Ecological plaque hypothesis, 55
67b gingivitis and, 97b Edentulous patients, pain in, 474–
zones of, 66–67, 67f in prepubertal periodontitis, 475, 474b
decalcified, 66 109–110 Edwards’ syndrome, 490–491, 491b
defects of, 33–35 syndromic cleft lip and palate Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, 36, 36f
infection of, 65–66, 66f and, 48 pulp calcifications and, 77
protective reactions of, under Drug(s) temporomandibular joint
caries, 67–68, 67t, 68f–69f adverse effects of, 504t–505t dislocation, 233, 234t
Dentinogenesis imperfecta, 31–32, causing taste disturbances, 483t Eikenella corrodens, 100b
32f–33f, 206–207 in diffuse mucosal pigmentation, Elderly patients, dentistry and,
tooth structure in, 32, 33f 383 499–502, 499b, 499f
type I, 30 effect on teeth, 37–38 cardiovascular disease in, 502
Elderly patients, dentistry and Erythema multiforme, 275–277, Fibroosseous odontogenic lesions,
(Continued) 275b, 276f 179–183
Gastric secretions, chronic Granular cell odontogenic tumour, Headache, 482–483, 482b
regurgitation of, and erosion, 86 177, 177f cluster, 482–483
Gastro-oesophageal reflux, 451, 451f Granular cell tumour, 340t, 378, Heart burn, 451
Gastrointestinal disease, 258, 378f, 516t–520t Heart disease see Cardiovascular
451–458 Granuloma disease
Generalised aggressive periodontitis, atypical/traumatic eosinophilic, Heart valve replacement, 438
108 255 Heavy metal poisoning, 387
Genetic diseases of bone, 205–211 central giant cell, 188–190, 190b Heberden’s nodes, 227–228
Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma, denture-induced, 369–370, 369f Heck’s disease, 374–375
183 eosinophilic, solitary or Heerfordt’s syndrome, 426, 482
Ghost teeth, 33–34 multifocal, 190 Hemiplegia, 492
Giant cell arteritis, 231–232, 232f giant cell, 189f Heparin, 404
Giant-cell epulis, 188, 371–373, periapical Hepatitis, 516t–520t
372f–373f acute, 77–78, 80f A, 455
Giant cell fibroma, 370 chronic, 81–83 B, 455–457, 455b, 456f, 456t,
Giant cell granuloma, 189f persistence of, 82–83 457b–458b
central, 188–190, 190b pyogenic, 371, 371f C, 457–458, 457b–458b
Giant cell tumour, 188b Granulomatosis D, 457
Gigantism, 211, 463–464 orofacial, 451, 453f–454f E, 455
Gingiva Wegener’s, 279, 447–448, 448f Hereditary angio-oedema, 423
attached, 95–96, 95b Granulomatous diseases, 426b Hereditary haemorrhagic
carcinomas in, 326 Graves’ disease, 464, 464b telangiectasia, 399–400, 400f
enlargement of, 113–114, 113b, Ground (undecalcified) sections, 14 Hereditary opalescent dentine, 30
373f Growth hormone, 211 Hereditary prognathism, 49
lichen planus, 262 Gutka, 319t Herpangina, 241, 516t–520t
normal, 95b Herpes labialis, 238–239, 238f
recession, 107f–108f Herpes simplex virus
swelling of, 372f
Gingival crevicular fluid, 96
H herpetic stomatitis due to, 235
ulceration in immunodeficiency,
Gingival diseases, 95–116 Haemangioma, 379–380 413f
Gingival fibres, 96 of bone, 194–195, 195f Herpes virus diseases, 235, 236t
Gingival overgrowth, drug-induced, of parotids, 364, 364f Herpes zoster, 239–240, 239f, 240b
114, 114f Haematological deficiencies, 258 Herpetic stomatitis, 235–238, 236f
Gingivitis Haematological diseases, 391, 391b in AIDS/HIV, 413
acute necrotising ulcerative, Haematological values, normal, 21t clinical features of, 235–236
112–113, 112b–113b, 112f, 474 Haematology, 18, 19t diagnosis of, 236–237, 237b
in AIDS/HIV, 414, 415f Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), 14, latency of, 238
chronic, 96–99 14t pathology of, 236, 237f
desquamative, 262, 262f, 273, Haemophilia primary, 235–238
274f A, 402–403 treatment of, 237–238
ligneous, 405 clinical features of, 402 Herpetic whitlow, 239, 239f
localised juvenile spongiotic, 115 principles of management of, Hidden caries, 70
pregnancy and, 99 402–403, 402f, 403b Highly active anti-retroviral
transition, to periodontitis, 102f B, 403 treatment (HAART), 411b
Glandular odontogenic cyst, 156, investigations for, 399b Histiocytosis, Langerhans cell,
156b, 156f Haemophilus influenzae, 443 190–192, 190b, 191f, 434
Glossitis, 285 Haemorrhage, 513, 513b Histopathology, 10–14
in anaemia, 391–392, 392f Haemorrhagic disorders, 399–405 failures in, 11b, 12f
in antibiotic sore tongue, 289f blood vessel abnormalities, Histoplasmosis, 136b, 136f–137f
causes of, 285b 399–401 History, taking of, 1–6
median rhomboid, 247–248, laboratory investigations of, 399, consent, 5–6, 6t
247f–248f, 289f 399b demographic details, 2
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 477 preoperative investigation of, 399, dental history, 5, 5b
Glucans, 55 399b essential principles of, 2b
Glucose, 59t prolonged dental bleeding, 399 family and social history, 5
GNAS1 mutation, 216 purpura and platelet disorders, medical history, 2–5, 3t–4t
Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia, 207 401–402 pain history, 2t
Goitre, 464 Haemosiderin, 188–189, 212 present complaint, 2, 2b
Gold injections, adverse effects of, Hairy leukoplakia, 294–295, 294f– HIV (human immunodeficiency
504t–505t 295f, 295b, 413, 413f virus), 408–411
Gonorrhoea, 279t Hairy tongue, 284–285, 285f, aetiology of, 409
Gorlin-Golts syndrome see Basal cell 516t–520t clinical course of, 410, 411f
naevus syndrome Hand-foot-and-mouth disease, diagnosis of, 409–410
Gout, 228 240–241, 241b, 241f hairy leukoplakia, 294
Graft-versus-host disease, 269, 352, Hand-Schuller-Christian triad, 190 Kaposi’s sarcoma, 380
408 Hands, examination of, diagnostic life cycle of, 409
Granular cell epulis, 378 information in, 8t lymphadenopathy, 433
HIV (human immunodeficiency Hypnotics, adverse effects of, In situ hybridisation (ISH), 17–18,
virus) (Continued) 504t–505t 18f–19f
oral lesions in, 261, 411–416, Hypocalcification, of tooth, 59–60 Incisional biopsy, 12
412b Hypocalcified amelogenesis Incisive canal cyst See Nasopalatine
oral melanotic macules associated imperfecta, 28, 30f duct cyst
with, 384 Hypofunction, 466–467 Infancy, melanotic neuroectodermal
periodontitis, 516t–520t Hypoglycaemia, 508, 508b tumour of, 195f–196f, 196b
recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Hypomaturation amelogenesis Infection
258 imperfecta, 27–28, 29f in fascial space, 129–130, 130b,
risks of transmission of, 416–417 Hypoparathyroidism, 466, 466b 130t, 131f
salivary gland disease and, 350, childhood, teeth in, 35, 35f immunostaining techniques for,
414–415 Hypophosphatasia, 209–210 17t
staging of, 410, 410b, 410t teeth and, 35, 36f in oral cancer, 320
treatment of, 411, 411b, 411f Hypoplasia, of tooth, 59–60 recurrent aphthous stomatitis,
HIV-associated necrotising Hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta, 258
periodontitis, 414f 27, 28f–29f in temporomandibular joint, 223
HLA tissue types, 260 Hypothyroidism, 464, 465b see also specific infection
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 395 Infectious mononucleosis, 432–433,
Homogeneous leukoplakia, 301f 433b, 433f, 516t–520t
Hormones, recurrent aphthous
stomatitis, 258
I Infective endocarditis, 438–439, 438b,
Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), 435b Iatrogenic nerve injury, 475 Infective warts, 374
Human papilloma virus-associated Idiopathic resorption, of permanent Inflammation
dysplasia, 306, 307f teeth, 89–91, 90f periapical, 77
Human papillomavirus (HPV), 374, external, 89–90, 90f in periodontitis, 102, 102f
429 internal, 89, 89f plaque-induced, 93
Human papillomavirus-associated Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic secondary, radicular cyst and,
oropharyngeal carcinomas, purpura, 401 143
335–339 IgG4 sclerosing disease, 365 in temporomandibular joint,
aetiology of, 336 Imaging, techniques in, 9–10, 10t 223
clinical features of, 336–338, 337f see also specific technique Inflammatory collateral cysts, 146
histopathology of, 338, 338f Immune mechanisms, in Injuries
incidence of, 336f periodontitis, 102 of jaw, 223
pathogenesis of, 336 Immunobullous diseases, 271–277, temporomandibular joint,
treatment for, 338, 338f 271b 223–224
Hutchinson’s teeth, 36, 37f Immunodeficiency, 407–417 Instrument, aspiration of, 446,
Hyaline bodies, in radicular cyst, causes of, 407b 446f
145f oral manifestations of, 407, 407b Insulin, adverse effects of, 504t–505t
Hydrocephalus, 493 Immunofluorescence, 516t–520t Insulin-dependent diabetes, 467t
Hydrogen ions, 63 Immunofluorescent staining, 14–15, Integrase inhibitors, 411b
Hyperactivity, 491 15f–16f, 17t Intellectual impairment, 489
Hyperaemia, pulpal, 74f Immunoglobulin A (IgA), 60 Intensity-modulated radiotherapy, for
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 122 linear disease, 275 oral cancer, 329
Hypercementosis, 91, 91f selective deficiency, 407–408 International Normalised Ratio (INR)
causes of, 91b Immunoglobulin G (IgG), 60, 270 prothrombin test, 403
Hyperdontia, 24–25 Immunoglobulin G4 sclerosing Intestinal polyposis syndromes,
syndromes associated with, 25 disease, 350, 351f 454
Hyperparathyroidism, 188, 211–212, Immunoglobulins Intracapsular ankylosis, 226b
212f–213f, 213b, 465–466, light chain overproduction, 199 Intracranial tumours, 483
466b myeloma, 199 Intraluminal unicystic
brown tumour of, 188b Immunohistochemical staining, ameloblastoma, 169, 170f
Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour 14–15, 16f, 17t Intramucosal naevus, 385f
syndrome, 465–466 Immunologically-mediated diseases, Intraosseous carcinoma, primary,
Hyperpigmentation, oral, 416 419b 183, 184f
Hyperplasia Immunosuppression, in oral cancer, Intraosseous salivary gland tumours,
angiofollicular lymph node, 434 320 365
condylar, 228–229, 229f Immunosuppressive treatment/drugs, Invasive fungal sinusitis, 445–446
Hyperplastic candidosis, chronic, 408 Investigation, 9–20
249–250, 249f, 304 adverse effects of, 504t–505t plan, interpretation of, 20
Hyperplastic gingivitis, chronic, 97 Impaired drug metabolism, 454–455, principles of, 1–20, 1b
Hypersalivation, 352 455b Iron, deficiency, 285, 391
Hypersensitivity, dentinal, 86 Impairments, 488b Iron-deficiency anaemia, glossitis in,
Hypersensitivity reactions, 419–422, Implants 286f
420f failure of, 93–94, 94f Iron supplements, adverse effects of,
Hypertension, 437, 437f complications of, 94b 504t–505t
Hyperthyroidism, 464, 464b factors associated with, 93b Irradiation
Hyphosphatasia, 516t–520t osseointegrated, 207 in elderly, 502
salivary gland disease and, 351
temporomandibular joint K homogeneous, 301f
malignant change in, clinical risk
ankylosis, 224 factors for, 308b
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 380–382, 381b,
Isolated cleft palate, 48 in oral submucous fibrosis, 304,
381f, 413–414
Isolated oligodontia, 23, 23f 305f
Kawasaki’s disease, 278–279, 278f,
other conditions associated with, pathology of, 301, 301f–302f
24 proliferative verrucous, 302, 302f
features of, 278b
with systemic defects, 23–24 speckled, 299t, 300, 300f
Keratocyst, odontogenic see
Isomalt, 59t sublingual keratosis in, 302
Odontogenic keratocyst
Isotretinoin, adverse effects of, syphilitic, 306–307
504t–505t Lichen planus, 261–271, 265f–266f,
frictional, 292, 292f–293f
299t, 305–306, 306f
oral of renal failure, 296,
aetiology of, 262–263
J 296f–297f
pipe smoker’s, 293
atrophic type, 264f
dermal, 263f
Keratosis follicularis, 279t
Jaw(s) diagnosis of, 265
Khaini, 319t
bisphosphonate-induced differential diagnosis, 266f
Koilocyte-like cells, 294
osteonecrosis of, 125, 126b, gingiva, 262
Koilocytes, 374
127f histological, typical, 265b
Koilocytic dysplasia, 306
claudication, 231 lichenoid processes, 262t
Koplik’s spots, 241, 241f
cysts in, 139–162 lichenoid reactions, 268–269
classification of, 139, malignant change in, 267–268
139b–140b management of, 265–267, 267b
clinical presentation of,
L oral, 264b
pathogenesis of, 262–263
common features of, 140–141, Laboratory procedures, 14–15 pathology of, 264–265
140f, 141b see also specific procedure post-inflammatory pigmentation,
dentigerous, 146–148, Lactic acid, 57 385, 386f
146f–147f Lactitol, 59t severe erosive, 264f
eruption, 148–149, 149f Lactobacilli, 54–55, 66 striate pattern, 263f
fluid content of, 141 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, tongue, 289f
gingival, 157–158, 158f 190–192, 190b, 191f, 434 Lichenoid dysplasia, 305–306
lateral periodontal, 155–156, acute disseminated, 190–192 Lichenoid reactions, 268–269, 268b
155b, 155f chronic multifocal, 190 to amalgam, 268, 269f
mixed radiolucencies in, 185f presentations of, 190t Light chain overproduction, 199
monolocular radiolucency in, ‘Late’ oral carcinoma, 321–322, Ligneous gingivitis, 405
163f 321f–322f, 322t Linear gingival erythema, 413
multilocular radiolucency in, Lateral facial cleft, 49f Linear IgA disease, 275
164f Lateral incisors, congenital absence Lingual papillitis, 284, 284f
nasolabial, 160, 160f of, 23f Lingual thyroid, 464–465, 465b, 465f
nasopalatine duct, 158–160 Lateral periodontal cysts, 155–156, Lingual tonsils, 7f, 7t
odontogenic keratocyst see 155b, 155f Lingual varicosities, 283, 283f
Odontogenic keratocyst Latex allergy, 420–421, 421b Lip
radicular see Radicular cyst L-DOPA, adverse effects of, carcinoma, 335, 335f–336f
radiological features of, 141 504t–505t cleft, 45–48
soft tissue, 142 Le Fort II/III fractures, 223–224 lower, paraesthesia and
treatment of, 141–142, 141b Lead line, 387, 388f anaesthesia of, 479–480, 480b
differential diagnosis of giant cell Leading questions, 1 Lipoma, 377, 377f–378f
lesions of, 188b ’Leaf fibroma,’ , 369, 370f Lipopolysaccharide, 106–107
ill-defined or diffuse radiographic Learning disability, 488–491, 489f Lipoteichoic acid, 101
lesion in, differential diagnosis Learning guide, 515–520, 516t–520t Lithotripsy, 341
of, 203f Left ventricular failure, 512 Liver disease, 404, 451–458
infections of, 117–128 Leprosy, 279t Local anaesthetic, allergy to, 421–422
injuries of, 223 Letterer-Siwe syndrome, 190–191 Local analgesia, 437–438, 437f
metastatic carcinoma in, 201f Leucopenia, 397–398, 397b–398b Local analgesics
non-odontogenic tumours of, Leukaemia, 391, 393–394 in dentistry, 421t
187–202 acute, 393, 393b, 394f with vasoconstrictors, 505
osteomyelitis of, 120, 120b chronic, 394, 394b Localised aggressive periodontitis,
osteonecrosis of, medication- clinical features of, 393t 108, 109f
related, 125–127, 126b management of, 393 Localised juvenile spongiotic
osteosarcoma of, 197b, 197f in prepubertal periodontitis, 109 gingivitis, 115, 115f
pain in, 475, 475b Leukoedema, 7t, 292 Localised melanin pigmentation,
Junctional epithelium, 95, 95b Leukopenia, 408 383–386
Juvenile arthritides, 228 Leukoplakia, 299t, 300–302 Lockjaw, 232
Juvenile ossifying fibroma, 181 clinical features of, 301, 301f Loose bodies, in the
Juvenile periodontitis, 108 hairy, 294–295, 294f–295f, 295b, temporomandibular joints,
Juvenile recurrent parotitis, 352 413, 413f 229
Lower motor neuron lesions, facial Marijuana smoking, in oral cancer, Methyl mercury, 422
nerve, 480 319 Metoclopramide, adverse effects of,
Mucous retention cysts, 343, 343f Necrotising sialometaplasia, 340t, Odontogenic keratocyst, 149–154,
Mucoviscidosis, 449 350, 351f, 365 149t, 150f
Multicentric Castleman’s disease, Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, clinical features of, 149, 153b
434–435, 435b acute, 474 definition of, 149b
Multifocal eosinophilic granuloma, Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis differential diagnosis of, 151, 152f
190 (NUP), 414 histopathology of, 151, 151b, 151f
Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia, Needle-stick injury, 416 inflamed, 151, 152f
374–375, 374f Negative predictive value, 9t neoplastic nature of, 150–151,
Multifocal Langerhans cell Neoplasms, 229 151t
histiocytosis, chronic, 190 in elderly, 502 pathogenesis of, 150, 150f
Multinucleate giant cells, 209, 210f metastatic, 364 radiography of, 149–150, 150f
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) salivary gland, 355–356 recurrence of, 151–153, 153b
syndromes, 468, 468b–469b, see also Tumours treatment of, 151–153
468f Neuralgia, 476–479, 476b Odontogenic myxoma, 177–178,
Multiple myeloma, 199f–200f, 200b glossopharyngeal, 477 177f–178f, 178b, 516t–520t
Multiple sclerosis, 492–493, 493b migrainous, 482–483, 482b Odontogenic sinusitis, 444
trigeminal neuralgia in, 477 postherpetic, 478 Odontogenic tumours, 165–183
Mumps, 223, 344, 344f, 516t–520t trigeminal, 476–477, 476b adenomatoid, 172, 172b, 172f
Muscle spasm, temporomandibular Neurilemmomas, 377, 377f calcifying epithelial, 170–171,
joint and, 232 Neurofibromas, 377 171b, 171f
Muscular dystrophies, 493 Neurological disorders, 473–485 causes of, 165b
Myasthenia gravis, 493–494 Neuromuscular dysfunction, 492 classification of, 165b, 186t
Mycetoma formation, 444 Neuropathy, 476–479, 476b malignant, 183, 183b
Mycobacteria, 431 trigeminal, 477 primordial, 173
Mycobacterial infection, atypical, Neuropsychiatric disease, in AIDS, squamous, 170, 170f
431, 431f, 432b 410 Odontomas, 41–42, 173–175, 174b
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, Neutropenia, cyclic, 398 ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, 175,
431 Newborn, gingival cyst of, 157–158, 176f
Mycobacterium scrofulaceum, 431 158f complex, 174, 174f–175f
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 430 Nickel allergy, 422 compound, 174, 174f–175f
Mycoses, systemic, 413 Nicorandil, 261 Oestrogen, 119
Myeloid leukaemia, 393, 394f adverse effects of, 504t–505t Oncocytic carcinoma, 367t–368t
Myeloma, 199–200 Nicotinamide deficiency, 461 Oncocytoma, 359
immunostaining techniques for, Nicotinic acid deficiency, 286 Oncocytosis, 359
17t Nikolsky’s sign, 272 Open questions, 1, 1t
multiple, 199f–200f, 200b Noma, 134, 134f–135f Opioid drugs, adverse effects of,
Myocardial infarction, 437, 509, 511, Noma periodontitis, 516t–520t 504t–505t
511b–512b Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, 395, 395f Oral allergy ‘syndrome,’ , 422
Myoepithelial carcinoma, 367t–368t Non-neoplastic bone diseases, Oral bacteria, systemic infections by,
Myoepithelial cells, 357–358 205–221 137–138
Myoepithelial islands, 347 Non-odontogenic cysts, 139, 139b, Oral biopsy, 12
Myoepithelioma, 357–358 158–162 Oral carcinoma, HPV in, 339, 339t
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Oral contraceptives, 119
analgesics, adverse effects of, Oral drug reactions, 503, 503b
N 504t–505t
Noonan syndrome, 190
Oral examination, 6–8
Oral health, in oral cancer, 321
Naevi Normal eruption, teeth, 42, 42b Oral hyperpigmentation, 416
blue, 384 Nucleoside reverse transcriptase Oral involvement, 426
oral melanotic, 384–385, 384f inhibitors, 411b Oral keratoacanthoma, 340t
white sponge, 295–296, 296b, Nutritional deficiencies, 461–462 Oral keratosis of renal failure, 296,
296f 296f–297f
Naevus cells, 384, 385f Oral mucosa see Mucosa
Nasolabial cyst, 160, 160f
Nasopalatine duct cyst, 158–160
O Oral pigmentation, syndromes with,
clinical features of, 158–159, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 497 Oral potentially malignant disorders,
159b, 159f Occupational allergy hazards, 299, 299t
pathogenesis and pathology of, 516t–520t Oral submucous fibrosis, 224, 299t,
159–160, 160f Odontalgia, atypical, 479 304–305, 305f
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 339 Odontoclasts, 88 Oral ulceration
Nasopharyngeal extranodal NK/T-cell Odontodysplasia, regional, 516t–520t persistent, differential diagnosis,
lymphoma, 396–397, 397b, Odontogenic ameloblast-associated 281f
397f protein (ODAM), 171 recurrent, differential diagnosis,
Nass, 319t Odontogenic cyst, 139, 139b, 280f
Natal teeth, 43 142–158 Organ transplants, 408
Neck, management of, oral cancer in, carcinoma arising in, 157 Oroantral fistula, 446, 446b, 446f
329, 330f orthokeratinised, 154–155, 154f Orofacial granulomatosis, 451,
Necrotising fasciitis, 133 Odontogenic fibroma, 177, 177f 453f–454f
Oropharyngeal carcinomas, human Pain, 473–485 Periapical granuloma
papillomavirus-associated, causes of, 473b acute, 77–78, 80f
Persistent idiopathic facial pain, 479 Platelet disorders, 401–402 Psychoses, 497–498
Petit mal seizure, 484 Pleomorphic adenoma, 357–358, Ptyalism, 352
Peutz-Jegher disease, 516t–520t 357f–358f, 358b causes of, 352b
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 385–386, carcinoma ex, 363, 363f Pulp
386f–387f, 454 Plexiform ameloblastoma, 166–167, calcifications, 77
pH 167f capping of, 74, 76f
low, of plaque, 56b Pneumocystis pneumonia, 410 diffuse calcification, 77
of mouth, 56 Pneumonia, Pneumocystis, 410 pain, 73
Phaeochromocytoma, 467–468 Pocketing, 102, 103f, 105–106 polyp, 75, 76f–77f
Phenothiazine, 224 Polyendocrinopathy syndromes, 467t protective reactions of, under
Phenothiazine antipsychotics, adverse Polyglandular autoimmune disease, caries, 67–68
effects of, 504t–505t 467 traumatic exposure of, 73, 73f
Phenytoin Polymerase chain reaction, 17, 17f Pulp stones, 77, 78f
adverse effects of, 504t–505t Polymorphous adenocarcinoma, Pulpal hyperaemia, 74f
lymphadenopathy, 435 362–363, 362f Pulpitis, 73–77, 473
Phobia, dental, 496, 496b Polymyalgia rheumatica, 232 acute, 53, 73, 74f–75f
Phosphorus, 57 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, 218 closed, 74, 74f
Photoaged skin, 335f Polyps causes of, 73, 73b, 73f
Physical disability, 487–494 antral, 446, 446f chronic, 74
Physical impairments, 491–494 fibroepithelial, 369–370, closed, 74
Physiological pigmentation, 384, 384f 369f–370f hyperplastic, 75, 76f–77f
Pigmentation sinonasal, 449 clinical features of, 73–74
diffuse mucosal, 383 Polysaccharides, bacterial, 55–56 irreversible, 74t
localised melanin, 383–386 Porphyromonas gingivalis, 100b key features of, 77b
post-inflammatory, 385, 386f Porphyromonas species, 121 management of, 76–77
skin, 218 Port wine stains, 379 open, 74, 76f
soft tissue, 387–388 Positive predictive value, 9t pathology of, 74–75
Pigmented lesions, oral, 383–389, Positron emission tomography (PET reversible, 74t
383b scanning), 10t treatment options for, 77b
amalgam tattoo, 386–387, 387f Post-inflammatory pigmentation, Purpura, 401–402, 414, 414f
causes of, 390f 385, 386f AIDS-associated, 401
heavy metal poisoning, 387 Posterior tongue tie, 50 causes of, 401–402, 401b
lead line, 387, 388f Postherpetic neuralgia, 478 drug-associated, 401, 402b
melanoacanthoma, 385, Postsurgical pain, 475, 475b general features of, 401, 401f
385f–386f Potentially malignant disorders, idiopathic thrombocytopaenic,
melanomas, 388–389, 388b 299–313 401
melanotic macules, 384, 384f field change in, 299–300 management of, 401
melanotic naevi, 384–385, 384f key definitions for, 299t Pus, in osteomyelitis, 121
Pindborg tumour, 170 in oral cancer, 321 Pyogenic granuloma, 371, 371f, 380
see also Calcifying epithelial terminology in, 299 Pyostomatitis vegetans, 279t, 454,
odontogenic tumours Precursor lesion, 299t 454f
Pipe smoker’s keratosis, 293, 299t Predictive value, 9t Pyroptosis, 409
Pipe smoking, oral cancer and, 319 Pregnancy, 469–470, 469b, 470f
Pit caries, 63 epulis, 371
Pituitary gigantism, 463–464
Plain radiography, 9–10, 11b
gingivitis and, 99
’Prepubertal’ periodontitis, 109
Plaque Prevotella melaninogenica, 100b Quadriplegia, 492
accumulation of, 99f Prevotella species, 121 Quantitative polymerase chain
bacterial, 53–54, 54f, 56f Prickle cells, 294 reaction analysis, 17
acid production in, 56–57 Primordial odontogenic tumours, 173 Questions, types of, 1t
stages of, 54, 54b–55b Proliferative periostitis, 125 advantages and disadvantages of,
calcified see Calculus Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, 1t
factors compromising subgingival, 302, 302f
105b Prolonged dental bleeding, 399
factors promoting stagnation and
persistence of, 105b
antibiotic, 439, 440b, 440f
gingivitis and, 97–98, 98b infective endocarditis, 441t–442t Radicular cyst, 139, 142–146
minerals in, 57 post-exposure, HIV and, 416–417 clinical features of, 142–143,
sucrose as substrate for, 57–59 Protease inhibitors, 411b 142f–143f, 143b
Plasma cell gingivitis, in lichenoid Proteinuria, Bence-Jones, 199 definition of, 142b
reactions, 269 Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma, differential diagnosis of, 144
Plasmablastic lymphoma, 414 193, 194f histopathology of, 143, 144f–145f
Plasmacytoma, 200 Pseudocarcinomas, and diagnostic lateral, 146
solitary, 200 catches, 339, 340t pathogenesis of, 143
Plasmin, 119 Pseudomembranous colitis, 454 radiography of, 143
Plasminogen deficiency, 404–405, Psoriasis, 297 residual, 146, 146f
405f Psoriatic arthropathy, 228 treatment of, 144–145
Radiography Root debridement, 105 Sclerosis
conventional, 10t Root surface caries, 70 multiple, 492–493, 493b
for juvenile periodontitis, 109f Rootless teeth, 32–33 systemic, 224–225, 225b, 225f,
for periodontitis, 99, 100f Rosai-Dorfman disease, 434 425
plain, 9–10, 10t, 11b Rothia, in gingivitis, 98 Screening tests, 9
Radiolucency Round stiff-bristle brush, 13 Scurvy, 205b, 402
fibrous dysplasia affecting left Rushton bodies, in radicular cyst, Sebaceous carcinoma, 367t–368t
mandible, 217f 145f Sebaceous glands, 291
mixed patchy, 222f Second primary carcinomas, 330
Radiopacity Secretory carcinoma, 362
degree of, 216
differential diagnosis of well-
S Sedatives, adverse effects of,
defined, 202f Saccharin, 59t Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia,
Radiotherapy Salicylates, 259 34–35, 35f
effects of, to oral region, 328b Saliva Selective IgA deficiency, 407–408,
intensity-modulated, 329 antibacterial activities of, 60 407b
for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, artificial, 349b Self-inflicted oral ulcers, 255–256,
339 buffering power of, 60 256b
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, 240, 482 and dental caries, 60 Sensitivity, 9t
RANK genes, 213 effects of, on plaque activity, 61b Sentinel node biopsy, 329, 330f
Ranula, 343, 343f enamel maturation and, 60 Septal defect, 438
Rapport, 1 immunological defences of, 60, Sequestra, 122
Raynaud’s phenomenon, 8f, 224 61f Seroconversion illness, 410
Reconstructive surgery, for oral inorganic components of, 60 Serology, 18, 455
cancer, 329 tests for oral cancer, 333 Severe dysplasia, 309–310, 310f
Recurrent aphthae see Aphthous Salivary calculi, 341–342, 341f, SH3BP2 gene, 208
stomatitis 342b Sharps injury, 416–417
Red patches, of oral mucosa, 314f, Salivary cysts, 342–344 Shell tooth, 33f
316f Salivary duct Shingles, 239
Regional odontodysplasia, 33–34, carcinoma, 363, 516t–520t Sialadenitis, 344–345
34f–35f strictures, 342 Sialadenosis, 350, 352f
Reiter’s disease, 277–278 Salivary fistula, 351–352 causes of, 350b
Remineralisation, and dental caries, Salivary function, in elderly, 502 differential diagnosis of, 354f
68–69 Salivary gland Sialo-odontogenic cyst see Glandular
Remote carcinomas, 383 involvement, 426 odontogenic cyst
Renal disease, 471–472, 471b neoplasms, 355–356, 356b, 356f, Sialoblastoma, 367t–368t
Renal failure 367t–368t Sialometaplasia, necrotising, 340t,
chronic, 471, 471b non-neoplastic diseases of, 365
oral keratosis of, 296, 296f–297f 341–352 Sialorrhoea, 352
Renal transplantation, 471–472 pain from, 476 Sicca syndrome, 346
Resorption, bone, 99, 213–214 sarcoidosis of, 427f Sickle cell anaemia, 210, 391–393
Respiratory tract disease, 443–450 Salivary gland disease Sickle cell disease, 392–393
Retrocuspid papilla, 7t HIV-associated, 350, 414–415 dental aspects of, 392–393
Retromolar region, carcinomas in, hypersalivation, 352 Sickle cell trait, 391–393
326 irradiation and, 351 Sickling crises, 392, 392b
Rhabdomyosarcoma, 380 sialadenitis, 344–345 Sinonasal polyps, 449
Rhesus incompatibility, 40, 41f sialadenosis, 350 Sinus histiocytosis, with massive
Rheumatoid arthritis, 226–227, 227f, temporomandibular joint pain, lymphadenopathy, 434, 434b
424, 424b 232 Sinus, skin, 80, 81f
clinical features of, 226–227 Sarcoidosis, 350, 352f, 425–427, Sinusitis
dental aspects of, 227, 228b 426f–427f, 431, 516t–520t acute, 443
lichenoid reaction to gold of salivary gland, 427f allergic fungal, 444–445
treatment for, 503, 503f Sarcoma chronic, 443–445
management of, 227 Ewing’s, 198–199, 198f–199f fungal, 444
systemic and joint features of, of fibroblasts, 380 invasive fungal, 445–446
227b Kaposi’s, 380–382, 381b, 381f, odontogenic, 444
Riboflavin, 461 413–414 Sjögren-like syndrome
Riboflavin deficiency, 286, 461 Scaling, subgingival, 105 in AIDS/HIV, 414
Rickets, 211, 211f, 462 Scalpel biopsy, 11–12 in graft-versus-host disease, 352
vitamin D-resistant, 37, 37f Schizophrenia, 497–498, 516t–520t Sjögren’s syndrome, 346–350, 424,
Rifampicin, adverse effects of, Scintigraphy, 10t 430
504t–505t Scleroderma, 224–225, 226f, 425 aetiology and pathology of,
Rivaroxaban, 404 Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma, 347–348, 348f
Root 184f autoantibodies in, 348t
aspiration, 446, 446f Sclerosing osteitis, 124, 124f, 125b clinical features of, 346–347,
displacement into the maxillary Sclerosing polycystic adenosis, 346f–347f
antrum, 445, 445b 363–364 complications of, 349–350
diagnosis of, 348, 348b, 349f local spread in, 324f Sucrose, 59t
histological changes in salivary small, 323f acid production and, 56
glands in, 347b UK patient ’pathway’ for, caries and
key features of, 350b 327t as cause of, 57b
in MALT lymphoma, 396 Squamous cell carcinoma, 367t–368t contribution to, 57b
management of, 349b Squamous cell papilloma, 374, 374f cariogenicity of, factors
ocular effects of, 347b Squamous odontogenic tumour, 170, determining, 57b
oral effects of, 346b 170f colonisation by cariogenic bacteria
primary, 346 Stafne’s idiopathic bone cavity, 49, and, 57
secondary, 346 49f consumption of, 57–58, 58f
Skin Stages of healing, of extraction dietary intake, 54
grafts, 296, 297f socket, 117, 118f effects on plaque polysaccharide
pigmentation, 218 Stains, used for microscopy, 14 production, 55
sinus, 80, 81f Staphylococci, in osteomyelitis, 121 Sugar substitutes, and dental caries,
Sleep apnoea syndrome, 449 Staphylococcus aureus, 438, 443 59, 59t
Smell disturbances, 483–484 suppurative parotitis, 344 Sulcular epithelium, 95b
Smokeless tobacco, in oral cancer, Status asthmaticus, 447b, 512, 512b Sulcus, gingival, 95f
318f, 319, 319t Status epilepticus, 484, 512–513, Sun-damaged lip, 335, 336f
Smokeless tobacco-induced keratoses, 513b Supernumerary teeth, 24, 24f
302–303 Stephan curves, pH in plaque after Supplemental teeth, 24f, 25
clinical features of, 303 sucrose rinse, 56, 56f Suppurative arthritis, 223
management of, 303, 304f Stevens Johnson syndrome, 277 Suppurative parotitis, 223, 344,
pathology of, 303 Stevia glycoside, 59t 344f
Smoker’s cough, 449–450 Stiff-bristle brush, round, 13 Surface zone, 62
Smokers, harm reduction for, 303 Stomatitis Surgery
Smokers’ palate, 293 acute antibiotic, 246–247, 247f for oral cancer, 327, 329b
Smoking angular see Angular stomatitis see also Periodontal surgery
cessation, 312–313 chronic ulcerative, 270–271, 271b, Surgical biopsy, 11–13
oral adverse effects of, 313b 271f Syndromic cleft lip and palate, 48
heavy, 383 cinnamon, in lichenoid reactions, Synovial chondromatosis, 229, 229f
lip carcinoma and, 335 269 Syphilis, 242–244, 432
recurrent aphthous stomatitis, denture-induced, 248–249, 248b, congenital, 242–243
258 248f primary, 243, 243f
Snuff-dippers’ keratosis, 299t herpetic see Herpetic stomatitis secondary, 243
Snuff dipping, with dry snuff, 319t non-infective, 255–282, 282t tertiary, 243–244, 243f
Snus, 319t recurrent aphthous see Aphthous Syphilitic leukoplakia, 306–307
Social phobia, 496 stomatitis in oral cancer, 320
Soft tissue pigmentation, 387–388 Stomatitis nicotina, 293–294, Systemic diseases
Soft tissue tumours, 377–382 293f–294f, 294b, 302 in elderly, 500–501, 500b
Soft tissues, oral examination and, 6, Stones, pulp, 77, 78f periodontitis as manifestation of,
7t Streptococci 109–110, 109b
Solid/multicystic ameloblastoma, dental caries, 54 Systemic drug treatment,
165–166, 166f dentine caries and, 66 complications of, 503–506
Solitary bone cyst, 218–220, 219b, in gingivitis, 98 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
219f infective endocarditis, 439 269, 424–425
Solitary circumscribed neuromas, 377 sinusitis, 443 organs and tissues affected in,
Solitary eosinophilic granuloma, 190 suppurative parotitis, 344 425t
Solitary plasmacytoma, 200 viridans, and dental caries, 54 Systemic mercury toxicity, 422–423
Sorbitol, 59t Streptococcus mutans, 54, 55f Systemic mycoses, 136–137, 136b,
South American blastomycosis, 136b, cariogenic properties of, 56b 413
137f dental caries in, 54 Systemic sclerosis, 224–225, 225b,
Spasticity, 492 and ecological plaque hypothesis, 225f, 425
Specificity, 9t 55
Speckled leukoplakia, 299t, 300, 300f Streptococcus pneumoniae, 443
Spina bifida, 493
Spirochaetes, 100b
Stress, 258
Stretching devices, trismus, 224,
’Spit’ tobacco, 319t 224f Talimogene laherparepvec (T-Vec), for
Spitz-Holzer valve, 493 Stringy artefact, 12f oral cancer, 331
SQSTM1 gene, 213 Strokes, 510, 510b Tardive dyskinesia, 224, 498
Squamous carcinoma, 290f Sturge-Weber syndrome, 379f Taste disturbances, 483–484, 483b,
of lip, 335, 335f Sublingual dermoid cyst, 160, 161f 483t
oral, 321f Sublingual keratosis, 301f–302f, 302 Teeth
advanced, 322f Submasseteric abscess, 223 additional, 24–25
clinical features of, 322t Submucous cleft palate, 48 aspiration, 446, 446f
early, 322f Submucous fibrosis, oral, 224, 299t, caries see Caries
grading of, 323 304–305, 305f cracked, and pulpitis, 73, 73f
histopathology of, 323f–324f Sucralose, 59t deciduous see Deciduous teeth
Teeth (continued) T helper cells, 409 Tricyclic antidepressants, adverse
developmental disorders of, Thiocyanates, 60 effects of, 504t–505t
Undifferentiated tumours, Viral identification, 20 HIV associated hairy leukoplakia,
immunostaining techniques for, Viral mucosal infections, 413 294
17t Virchow’s node, 435–436 leukoedema, 292
Unicentric Castleman’s disease, 434 Viridans streptococci, and dental mucocutaneous candidosis, 296
Unicystic ameloblastoma, 169–170, caries, 54 oral keratosis of renal failure, 296,
169f–170f, 516t–520t Vitamin A deficiency, 461 296f–297f
mural type of, 169, 170f Vitamin B2 deficiency, 286 psoriasis, 297
Upper motor neuron lesions, facial Vitamin B12, deficiency, 258, 461 skin grafts, 296, 297f
nerve, 480 in tongue, 286, 286f stomatitis nicotina, 293–294,
Vitamin C deficiency, 461–462, 462f 293f–294f, 294b
Vitamin D thrush, 296
V deficiency, 462
-resistant rickets, 37, 37f, 211
white sponge naevus, 295–296,
296b, 296f
Vaccination, for human Vitamin deficiencies, 461–462, 461t see also Leukoplakia
papillomavirus-associated Vitamin K deficiency, 404 White patches, of oral mucosa,
oropharyngeal carcinomas, 338 von Willebrand factor, 404 314f–315f
Valve defects, 438 von Willebrand’s disease, 404 White sponge naevus, 295–296, 296b,
van der Woude syndrome, 48, 49f Vulvovaginal-gingival syndrome, in 296f
Vaping, for smokeless tobacco- lichen planus, 267 ’White spot’ caries lesions, 68–69
induced keratoses, 303 Whitlow, herpetic, 239, 239f
Varicella-zoster virus, 239
Varicosities, lingual, 283, 283f W
Vasoconstrictors, local analgesics
with, 505 Warfarin, 403, 403b
VDRL test, 244 Warthin’s tumour, 358–359, 359f X-linked dominant hypoplastic type
Verruca vulgaris, 374 Warts, infective, 374 amelogenesis imperfecta, 27,
Verruciform xanthoma, 375, 375f Warty dyskeratoma, 279t 28f–29f
Verrucous carcinoma, 333–334, 333f, Wegener’s granulomatosis, 279, Xerostomia, 345, 346f, 414
516t–520t 447–448, 448b, 448f causes of, 345b
Vesiculo-bullous diseases, 271 White mucosal lesions, 291–297 Xylitol, 59t
see also specific disease causes of, 291t
Violence, 513, 513b cheek biting, 293, 293f
Vipeholm dental caries study, 58, 59f
Viral hepatitis, control of
Fordyce’s spots, 291, 291f–292f
frictional keratosis, 292,
transmission, 458, 458b 292f–293f Zoster, 239
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