Professional Education
Professional Education
Professional Education
32. The transparency International’s perception 37. How would you characterize the moral
that the Philippines suffers a cultural malaise of attitude of Hispanic friars who taught religion
corruption, what component of our character but were unfaithful to their vow of property by
needs to be further developed along the amassing the land properties of natives?
Learning To Be Pillar of education in the 21st A. Scrupulous
century? B. Strict
A. Familial-social component C. Lax –not strict enough or careless
B. Physical-economic component D. Pharisaical***
C. Intellectual-emotional component
D. Ethical-spiritual component*** 38. How would you characterize the moral
attitude of prisoners with criminal minds, who
33. Of the three aspects of learning, which is have no sensitivity to the welfare of other
NOT mentioned as needed so that the people?
individual learner in the 21st century can learn A. Pharisaical
how to learn? B. Strict
A. Ability to think C. Lax
B. Mathematical skills D. Callous***
C. Memory skills***
D. Concentration 39. Teacher Susan is of the thinking that from
the very start students must be made to realize
34. This powerful European country supplied study is indeed hard work. To which philosophy
arms to Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a does Teacher Susan adhere?
terrorist war in the Middle East. What was the A. Essentialism***
principle of moral discernment applicable in this B. Perennialism
case? C. Progressivism
A. Principle of double effect D. Reconstructionism
B. Principle of lesser evil
C. Principle of material cooperation 40. What was the degree of moral certitude
D. principle of moral cooperation*** when U.S. statement decided to drop the
atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to
35. Which of the following best defines a prevent mass deaths by a land invasion of
morally mature person? Japan?
A. Cultural values clarification A. Doubtful
B. Unhampered exercise of one’s right B. Certain***
C. Transmittal of one’s moral viewpoint C. Perplexed
D. Knowledge and practice of universal moral D. Probable
41. After the embarrassing incident, Teacher
36. Educated in a religious school, Dona goes to Dante vowed to himself to flunk the student at
confession every day to be free of any kind of the end of the school term. What has Dante
done that is against the guidelines for using 46. Teacher Jun applies humor to defuse a tense
punishment? situation. What kind of joke is NOT acceptable
A. Punishing immediately in an emotional state to the classroom?
B. Using double standards in punishing A. Funny bloopers
C. Doing the impossible B. Folk humor
D. Holding a grudge and not starting with a C. Sex Jokes***
clean slate*** D. Comic humor
42. Following the principles for punishing 47. From the classroom management strategies
students, which of the following is the LEAST applied on erring students, which of the
desirable strategy for classroom management? following should not be done?
A. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is A. Surprise quiz***
done B. Communicating problems to parents
B. Punishing while angry*** C. Parent-principal conference
C. Punishing the erring student rather than the D. Shaming erring student before the class
entire class
D. Give punishment sparingly 48. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance
Approach to discipline, what happens when
43. According to the guidelines on punishment, students defy adult by arguing, contradicting,
what does it mean that the teacher should give teasing, temper tantrums, and low level hostile
the student the benefit of the doubt? behavior?
A. Make sure facts are right before A. Power seeking***
punishing*** B. Withdrawal
B. Doubt the incident really happened C. Revenge Seeking
C. Don’t punish and doubt effectiveness of D. attention getting
D. Get the side of the students when punishing 49. Teacher Anna dealt effectively with a minor
infraction of whispering by a student to a
44. To demonstrate her authority Teacher neighbor during class. Which of the following
Tanna made an appeal to undisciplined did she do?
students. What kind of appeal did she make by A. Reprimand quietly
saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, don’t engage in B. Continue to teach and ignore infraction
that kind of behavior, you can do much better?” C. Reprimand student after class
A. Invoke peer reaction D. Use nonverbal signals (gesture or facial
B. Exert authority expression)***
C. Internalizing student’s image of
themselves*** 50. Of subcategories of movement behavior,
D. Teacher-student relationship what is happening when the teacher ends an
activity abruptly?
45. What is the term for the leap from theory to A. Thrust
practice in which the teacher applies theories to B. Truncation*** -abrupt end
effective teaching methods and theories? C. Stimulus-bounded
A. Integration process*** D. Flip-flop
B. Informational process
C. Conceptualization process 51. Of subcategories of teacher movement
D. Construction process behavior, what is happening when the teacher
goes from topic or activity to other topic or
activities, lacking clear direction and sequence content did he achieve when he made certain
of activities? his information came with the “information
A. Truncation explosion” which he got in the Internet, such as
B. Dangle how to effectively teach phonetics?
C. Thrust*** A. Learnability
D. Flip-flop B. Significance***
C. Balance
52. Of subcategories of teacher movement D. Interest
behavior, what is happening when the teacher
is too immersed in a small group of students or 57. Among the major goals of Philippine
activity, thus ignoring other students or education, which seeks to develop judgement
activity? as to right and wrong, and commitment to
A. Truncation truth, moral integrity and strengthening of the
B. Flip-flop moral fabric of society?
C. Stimulus-bounded*** A. Self-realization
D. Thrust B. Autonomy
C. Ethical Character***
53. What mistake is teacher Zeny trying to avoid D. Enculturation
by never ignoring any student or Group of
students in her discussions and other activities? 58. Teacher Job made certain his lesson content
A. Non-direction can be useful to his students, taking care of
B. Dangled activity their needs in a student-centered classroom.
C. Divided attention*** What is this kind of quality content?
D. Abrupt end A. Utility***
B. Balance
54. Teacher Mona is a great lecturer and so she C. Self-sufficiency
is invited to speak and represent the school on D. Interest
many occasions. What is one quality of her
lecturers when she follows a planned sequence, 59. In the implementation of the curriculum at
not diverting so as to lose attention of her the classroom level, effective strategies are
listeners? called “Green”. Which of the following belongs
A. Explicit explanations to the Green Flag?
B. Continuity*** A. Homogenous students grouping
C. Inclusion of elements B. Content delivery based on lessons
D. Fluency C. Excess in chalkboard talk
D. Student interest and teacher enthusiasm***
55. Teacher Job makes certain content E. Rigidity of movement
interesting to his students. Focusing on
learners, he also uses many simple examples, 60. Teacher Maggie explains by spicing her
metaphors and stories. What is this quality of lectures with examples, descriptions and
lesson content? stories. What is this quality in her lectures?
A. Interest*** A. Planned sequence
B. Feasibility B. Elaboration through elements***
C. Self-sufficiency C. Use of audiovisuals
D. Balance D. Simple vocabulary
64. A young mother observes her seven year old 69. The test questions in Teacher Dante’s test
girl glued to her computer games. What aspect were confusing and subject to wrong
of family life may suffer due to obsession of the understanding, especially to poorer students.
young with technology gadgets? What was wrong with the test?
A. Family social life A. Inappropriate level of difficult of items
B. Family economic life B. Unclear directions
C. Discipline and obedience C. Ambiguity*** unclear/confusing
D. Parent-child relationship*** D. Test items inappropriate for outcomes being
65. Can technology take the place of the
teacher in the classroom? Select the most 70. Of the following, which exemplifies the best
appropriate answer: example of cooperation and voluntarism in the
A. No. it is only an instrument or a tool. Parent-Teacher Associations?
B. Yes, when they hire less teachers and acquire A. Helping hands after a natural crisis, e.g.
more computers. devastating storm***
C. Yes, when teachers are not competent. B. Attending regular meetings
D. Yes, such as in the case of computer-assisted C. Fund raising for PT funds
instruction (not teacher-assisted instruction)*** D. Running the school canteen
66. What kind of tool is technology as 71. Among standardized tests, which reveals
evidenced by its use in word processing strengths and weaknesses for purposes of
databases, spreadsheets, graphic design and placement and formulating an appropriate
desktop publishing? instructional program?
A. Personality tests A. Fiction novels***
B. Achievement tests B. Autobiography
C. Diagnostic tests*** C. Biography
D. Competency tests D. Historical accounts
72. Among standardized tests, which can show 78. Among components of direct instruction,
how students perform in comparison with each which is the identification of the skill required
other and to students in other schools? and how it is used with the teacher sharing a
A. Competency tests cognitive secret?
B. Subject exit tests A. Modeling or instruction***
C. Achievement tests*** B. Application
D. Diagnostic tests C. Guided practice
D. Review
73. Teacher Bea makes her tests easy for
students to understand, easy to administer and 79. Of skills teacher should understand and
score and suitable to test conditions, e.g. time. students need to acquire, which is the ability to
What is she achieving for her tests? integrate complex information into categories
A. Efficiency*** through its attributes (characteristics, principles
B. Usability or functions)?
C. Reliability A. Scanning
D. Validity B. Complex cognitive
C. Sharpening-leveling
74. Students must be taught self-responsibility D. Complexity-simplicity***
is the desire of the _____ teacher.
A. Existentialist 80. Inculcating moral maturity among students,
B. Utilitarianist which of the following relates to belief and
C. Pragmatic ideals?
D. Constructivist A. Promoting human equality
B. Refraining from prejudiced action
75. Which of the following is NOT an advanced C. Avoiding deception and dishonesty
process of meta-cognition among learners? D. Respecting freedom of conscience***
A. Learning how to recognize thoughts
B. Acquisition of new knowledge*** 81. In reading newspapers, which sections
C. Assessing own thinking provide critical views about current socio-
D. Learning how to study economic and political events or issues?
A. Ads and commercial section
76. Of comprehension or thinking strategies, B. Community news section
which is relating one or two items, such as C. Opinion page***
nouns and verbs? D. Entertainment section
A. Basic elaboration strategies***
B. Complex rehearsal strategies 82. What is the main organization and
C. Complex elaboration strategies orientation of fiction dramatic novels?
D. Affective strategies A. Informative
B. Narrative***
77. In reading books, which kind of literary work C. Argumentative
are most likely very creative by way of D. Expository
descriptive language and imaginative dramatic
83. Research studies showed that children in 88. In his History class, teacher Naomi used
slums generally have lower reading current events IQ contest to determine
achievement than children in urban schools. champions in identifying people, places, and
What factor is shown to affect reading events. What learning objective outcome does
achievement? she aim to achieve?
A. Mobility A. Knowledge or recall***
B. Personality and emotional factors B. Perpetual abilities
C. Socio-economic status*** C. Application
D. Listening comprehension D. Responding
84. Who asserts that teaching is not just 89. The following are examples of non-verbal
depositing knowledge into the empty minds of behaviour by teachers. Which one is the
the learners? It is helping students create restricting or non-helpful non-verbal
knowledge and meaning of their experiences. mannerism in class by teachers?
A. Constructivist*** A. Teacher pats good student on the back
B. Essentialist B. Facial expression connotes approval
C. Existentialist C. Teacher avoids eye contact***
D. Pragmatist D. Teacher displays supportiveness by laughing
85. Among models of reading strategies, what 90. In the instructional framework for learning
did student Mina adopt when she began with strategies, which component is demonstrated
what was in her mind by making predictions or by teacher Jose who identifies the skills
hypothesis from the title of an essay she was required in writing a personality essay and
going to read? shows his personally written essay while
A. Top-down*** showing the steps he used to complete it?
B. Down-top A. Review
C. Interactive B. Consolidation
D. Bottoms-up C. Application
D. Modeling***
86. When preacher John read the Genesis story
on creation, he explained that God is so 91. Without misuse of learning time, Teacher
powerful he created the universe in only seven Odie requests students with singing talent to
days. What level of reading comprehension did perform in class, adding to make learning a
preacher John apply? source of fun. What facilitating environment is
A. Evaluative reading on character, plot or style Teacher Odie adopting?
B. Literal reading the lines A. Tolerates ambiguity
C. Applied reading beyond the lines*** B. Permits confrontation
D. Interpretative reading between the lines C. Recognizes right of students to make
87. What is the main organization and D. Makes students feel accepted***
orientation of science and social studies reading
materials? 92. Principal Luis sets up structure and designs
A. Expository*** provide facts in a way that is for teaching-learning that favour free and open
educational and purposeful communication, acceptance, respect, freedom
B. Descriptive from threat, and trust in self.
C. Narrative What is his general view about learning?
D. Argumentative A. It is a consequence of experience***
B. It is at times a painful process
C. It is an evolutionary process 98. Of the dimensions in learning, which is NOT
D. It requires school resources included as an aspect to be given importance in
values education?
93. In Erikson’s stage Theory of Development A. Dogmatic dimension***
Questionnaire, which affirmation does NOT B. Behavioral dimension
belong to the stage of initiative versus guilt? C. Affective dimension
A. People can be trusted*** D. Cognitive dimension
B. In difficulty, I will not give up
C. I feel what happens to me is the result of 99. From cluster of meaningful learning
what I have done activities, which does not belong to verbal-
D. I am prepared to take risk linguistic intelligence learning?
A. Ecological field trip***
94. In his Mathematics class, teacher Don uses B. Debates
practical examples to teach abstract C. Journal writing
mathematical concepts, ensuring that learning D. Reading
is useful in life and not just for the test. What
guiding principle in selection and organization 100. In cognitive learning, what are firmly
of lesson content is he following? established and thoroughly tested principles or
A. Utility*** theories?
B. Significance A. Facts
C. Interest B. Concepts
D. Feasibility C. Hypothesis
D. Laws***
95. For cognitive learning, what are sets of
facts, concepts, and principles that describe
underlying mechanism that regulate human GOODLUCK AND GODBLESS !!! :)
learning, development and behavior?
A. Facts
B. Concepts
C. Theories***
D. Hypothesis