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DLL - English 5 - Q3 - W5

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 26 – NOVEMBER 30, 2018 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of various Demonstrate understanding that words Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of
linguistics nodes to comprehend are composed of different parts to Demonstrates command of the research process/different
various texts know that their meaning changes conventions of standard English formats to write for a variety of
depending in context grammar and usage when writing or audiences and purposes
Demonstrate understanding of text speaking
elements to comprehend various texts
B.Performance Standards Analyzes text types to effectively Uses strategies to decode correctly the Uses the correct sentence structure Rewrite/revise texts using
understand information/messages meaning of words in isolation and in in giving and following directions appropriate text types for variety
context (oral and written) of audiences and purposes
Use linguistic cues to appropriately
construct meaning from a variety of
text for a variety of purposes
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives 1. Infer the speaker‟s tone, mood and Distinguish text-types according to Use a particular kind of sentence for Organize information from
purpose features (structural and Language)- a specific purpose and audience- secondary sources in preparation
2. Use appropriate strategies to keep Cause and effect following and giving direction for writing, reporting and similar
the discussion going Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words academic tasks in collaboration
based on given context clues with others
(synonyms, antonyms) Write a three-paragraph feature
Observe politeness at all times article
Show tactfulness when communicating
with others
II.CONTENT Inferring speaker‟s tone, mood and Cause and Effect Using particular kind of sentence for Organizing Information
purpose Synonyms and Antonyms a specific purpose and audience- Writing Feature Articles
Using appropriate strategies to keep following and giving direction
the discussion going
1.Teacher’s Guide pages CG p. CG p. CG p. CG p.
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from learning https://www.goodreads.com/book/sho http://learnenglishteens.britishcounc file:///C:/Users/DepED/Downloa
resource (LR) portal w/417780 il.org/skills/listening-skills- ds/Short%20Reading%20Compre
https://www.superteacherworksheets. practice/giving-directions hension%20Passages.html
com/synonyms-antonyms.html http://busyteacher.org/6568-

B.Other Learning Resource Story: Antonio‟s Life Story: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Map, activity sheet, chart short passages, chart, activity
Activity sheets Ears card
Charts, activity sheets
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Game : Let‟s play “ ” . Each team has Describe the picture using synonyms Tell what kind of sentences according Arrange the following events to
the new lesson two players. The first player is and antonyms to structure are the following: make a paragraph
blindfolded and the other one serves 1. The children are playing ball in Plant A seed
as guide. The first player has to pass front of a neighbor’s house. ______ 1. Then place a seed in
the obstacles to reach the king‟s 2. Children, don’t play ball in front of the hole
palace and give the message to the a neighbor’s house. ______ 2. Next, covered the seed
king. All he/she has to do is to follow 3. Why do you play ball in front of a with soil
the instruction to be given by the neighbor’s house? ______ 3. Last, let the seed grow
second player. Let „s see who can 4. Please don’t play ball in front of a in the sun
reach the kings‟ palace successfully neighbor’s house ______ 4. Then sprinkle the
5. Ouch!!! The ball hit me. water on the soil
______ 5. First dig a hole in the
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson a. Motivation a. Vocabulary Development Arrange the following shape in order Game: Puzzle
How did you find the activity? yam – (through picture) to make one figure.
How did the blind man reach the mischief – (through context clue) Follow the instruction:
palace? nonsense- (through context clue) a. The figure with three sides should
Is it easy for the blind to reach the satisfied – when someone’s needs or be at the top
king‟s palace? Why? wishes are met. b. Under it is a close figure without
1. Motive Questions tidbit – a small bit of food sides and corners
This time you are going to hear a story B. Motivation c. The figure is not you and not me
about a boy who can see things even Look at this picture. What do you see in but maybe a she or a he
though he is blind. the picture? How did you come up with that
What do you want to know about the What harm can mosquito bring to us? figure?
story? Aside from carrier of dengue,
2. Vocabulary development chikungunya and zika virus,
1. cars honking- (through picture) what makes the mosquito an annoying
2. crumbles easily- (context clue) insect?
3. sliding down – (through gesture) Motive Question
Mosquitoes are dangerous insect
despite of its minute size.
They also disturb us in our sleep
because They buzz in our
Do you know why mosquitoes buzz in
our ear? What do
you want to know in the story?
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of the Reading the story by the teacher Read the story Kendrei is a new comer in our school. Out to Lunch
new lesson Original File Submitted and Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ear On her first day to school our teacher All morning, all that Ted could
Formatted by DepEd Club Member discussed with her the classroom think about was eating lunch. He
- visit depedclub.com for more rules got up late and did not get a
Listen to your teacher during class chance to eat breakfast before
hours. the school bus arrived.
Do your homework. Ted was hoping to have a Ham
Study for the test. sandwich. Ham is Ted’s favorite
Pay attention in class. lunchmeat. Ted also enjoys
Do not sleep in class. apples, but doesn’t like the green
Do not cheat. one.
Raise your hand before you speak. At lunchtime.
Smile every time you speak with Ted ran to the cafeteria. When he
other people got in line he asked for Ham
sandwich but they only have Egg
and Tuna sandwiches. Ted is
allergic to Tuna, so he asked for
the egg. He ate the sandwich so
fast but he did not enjoy his lunch
as much as he expected
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing a. Answering the motive question 1. What happened one Saturday What do you call these sentences? Why is Ted so hungry for lunch?
new skills #1 B. Comprehension check-up morning? What are you going to do with these What is Ted’s favorite
Who are the friends in the story? 2. Who greeted Iguana Good morning? classroom rules? lunchmeat?
When and where do they meet? 3. Did Iguana reply? Why? Are the directions clear? What color of apple you might
What does Francisca do whenever she 4. Who spread the bad news in the Is it important to make the direction find at Ted’s lunch box?
sees Antonio coming? forest? clear? Why? What food item should Ted never
(write the answer on the board) 6. Why did the owlet die? What have you noticed with the kind eat?
How does Antonio feel every time her 7. What did mother owl do? of sentences used in giving the Did Ted enjoy his lunch? Why?
friends tell him everything she sees? 10. What was the real problem in the classroom rules?
(Write the answer on the board) forest? What kind of sentences are they?
What does Francisca do when she sees 11. Who do you think started the chaos
him crying? in the forest?
What does she tell to comfort her
friend? (write the answer on the
What can you say about their
friendship? Why?
How would you feel if you have a blind
friend or a blind member in the
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing Look at the sentences on the board. Let us help King Lion find out who Game: Simon Says Do you know how to make a
new skills #2 What emotion or mood did Francisca among the animals was held This time let’s play a game. Let me simple story? Can you rewrite or
express when she said it? responsible why the sun did not shine me see how well you can follow the retell the story you have read a
What emotion did Antonio express in the forest direction I’m going to give. while ago? Here are some of the
when he said to Francisca the What were the reasons why the The teacher explains the rules of the guidelines you can use.
condition of his eyes? problem occurred? game Going back to the story. Let us
How about sentence no.3. What mood What do you call them? (Causes) The object of the game is to listen recall the important details or
is expressed in the sentence? What was the result? carefully to the instructions and only ideas we need then let us
What do you call the words happiness What is it called? (Effect) do what is instructed if you hear the organize the ideas to make a new
excitement, sadness and compassion? Now, who do you think created the words 'Simon says.' If you do not story
(emotions or mood) problem? hear the words 'Simon says' before What important elements did we
What other feelings or emotions can an instruction, it is important that used in organizing the ideas?
we express aside from love, happiness you do not do what was instructed. If How did we arrange the events?
and sadness? How can the characters you do what is instructed without Can you write your own story
convey these kinds of emotion to the first hearing 'Simon says,' you will be using the following details?
readers or the listeners? out of the game.
What other feelings or emotions can “If I say Simon says stand up and
we express aside from love, happiness walk three steps backward. You have
and sadness? to follow. But If I say back to your
seat without saying Simon says first
do not follow the direction given. The
one caught following the order will
be out of the game.
Did you enjoy the game?
How did you play the game?
What was the hardest part of the
Why did your classmate lose in the
Is it important to follow the
F.Developing Mastery a. Guided Practice a. Match column A with column B Writing own’s story
Infer the general mood expressed in A. B.
the following situations. 1. Marco got his pail and shovel
Choose the answer from the box a. The mother gave it
below a bottle
1. “It breaks my heart to see you very 2. It was a windy day
ill, said Auring to her sick daughter. b. The mother gave it
2. “Today is the day I‟ve been waiting a bottle
for.” 3. The phone rang
3. “I can‟t thank you enough for the c. A bird gobbled it up. You are going to buy a book in the
help you‟ve given me.” 4. Nan plants seeds bookshop. Using the map give a clear
4. “Wow! Your dress is so nice.” d. The dog went to direction on how you will reach
5. We won! We won the game!” sleep there. Use imperative sentences in
Admiration 5. The horse ran at the fence e. He giving direction
happiness sadness jumped over it
gratitude 6. A worm wiggled
excitement f. The girl chased it
7. A baby began to cry
g. He builds a sand
8. The sun went down
h. Jana flew her kite
at the park
9. The sun went down
i. The seeds grow
10. The dog lay in the mat j. It got dark
b. Choose one issue then write at least
two causes and the
would be effect.
global warming deforestation flood
water pollution landslide air pollution
G.Finding Practical application of concepts Engagement Activity (Group Work) Write one positive and one negative Act out the following: Group 1: A Make a short story using the
and skills in daily living Group 1 - The Constructor Construct effect for each cause. Use Little Help Please Take the pupils following details. You may write
sentences/situations that express the your imagination and write complete outside for a little excitement with additional details to make your
following mood a. anger b. jealousy c. sentences. this directional game. Divide the story creative
excitement d. worry e. afraid Group 2- 1. Cause: The cat crossed the street. pupils into pairs, and take them Character
The Performers Act out a situation Positive Effect outside to an open play area. Have Mother
that expresses the following moods a. Negative Effect: one person in each pair put on a children
Anger b. Love c. Sympathy 2. Cause: I wore a red shirt. blindfold. This person will be the Events
Group 3- The Artist Compose a song or Positive Effect: mover. The other person in the pair wake up early every day
poem that shows at least two Negative Effect: will be the direction giver. Once each cook food
different moods. 3. Cause: Judd brushed his teeth. pair has one person blindfolded, set the table
Positive Effect: place an object at the other end of Wash the dishes
Negative Effect: the playing area. The direction giver Clean the house
4. Cause: The bird landed on the must then shout directions to the Goes to market
branch. mover who will proceed to the object Setting
Positive Effect: and retrieve it. All of the pairs give At home
Negative Effect: directions at the same time, so the In the market
5. Cause: The bee flew to its hive. mover must focus on his partner’s
Positive Effect: voice. The first mover who reaches
Negative Effect: the object wins that round. Then
have the pairs switch roles and place
the object in another area. Award
points to the team who reaches the
object first in each round. Play as
many rounds as you like and award a
prize to the winning team. Group 2: A
Dinner Party Put your students into
groups of four to act out a dinner
party. Two of the students will be the
hosts and the other two will be the
guests. In front of the class if
possible, have the students act out a
polite dinner party where the hosts
offer different options to their guests
They can offer drinks, food and
desserts. The guest can ask
something to the host, use
imperative sentences in giving and
following direction Group 3: Rules to
Live By Let the students make a list of
five rules they want people to follow
in life. Use imperative
sentences.Once the pupils have
finished their work. Display them
around the classroom or in the
hallway. Perhaps the life rules will
encourage your students to behave
kindly to one another.
H.Making generalization and abstraction How would you infer the mood of the How will you identify cause?effect? Remember: In preparing a report, or writing a
about the lesson character? 1.In giving and following direction story we must know how to
imperative sentnce is a simple organize ideas. We can use
structure to communicate. different strategies such as
2.Use simple and words to easily graphic organizers, outlining,
convey the ideas mapping and others. Make a list
3.The instruction must be clear of your story's major scenes and
arrange them in order of
importance. Decide what other
scenes are needed to enrich and
support the major scene. Use
these to add a smoother flow of
the story
I.Evaluating learning We adopt variety of tones in our day- Write your own effect for each cause. Make a 3 paragraph feature
to-day speech. This intonation of our Use your imagination and write story. You can write any topic of
speech determines what message we complete sentence. your choice.
desire to convey. Change the tone of 1. Cause: The sun is shining
the following situation as stated. Effect:
1. Happiness to sadness Father: “We ________________________________
are going on a vacation. Son: That‟s 2. Cause: Jacob heard a bell ring
great!!! Effect:
2. Positive to negative “You will get ________________________________ Do what the directions tell you to do
good grades like in the previous 3. Cause: Ramon loves animals 1. Draw 3 trees next to the library.
exams” Effect: 2. Color the hospital red and white.
3. Sarcasm to sympathy “Serves you ________________________________ 3. Draw a car next to the gas station.
right you‟ve failed in the test 4. Cause: I planted some seeds 4. Color all of main street green
Effect: 5. Draw a black and white dog next
________________________________ to the fire station
5. Cause: Jake did not go to bed early.
J.additional activities for application or Read the paragraph and answer the
remediation questions.
a. A seed falls down. Rain soaks it. The
sun warms it. Roots grow. It
becomes a plant!
Why did roots grow?
Why do seeds fall?
b. Give the synonyms and antonyms of
the following words
1. Coward
2. Bold
3. Abundant
4. Blissful
5. Affection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to
evaluation next objective. objective. next objective. the next objective. the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80%
mastery mastery mastery
B.No.of learners who require additional ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties ___Pupils did not find difficulties
activities for remediation answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. in answering their lesson. in answering their lesson.
___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in
answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson.
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the
because of lack of knowledge, skills because of lack of knowledge, skills because of lack of knowledge, skills lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
and interest about the lesson. and interest about the lesson. and interest about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest knowledge, skills and interest
___Pupils were interested on the ___Pupils were interested on the ___Pupils were interested on the about the lesson. about the lesson.
lesson, despite of some difficulties lesson, despite of some difficulties lesson, despite of some difficulties ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested on
encountered in answering the encountered in answering the encountered in answering the the lesson, despite of some the lesson, despite of some
questions asked by the teacher. questions asked by the teacher. questions asked by the teacher. difficulties encountered in difficulties encountered in
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite ___Pupils mastered the lesson despite ___Pupils mastered the lesson answering the questions asked by answering the questions asked
of limited resources used by the of limited resources used by the despite of limited resources used by the teacher. by the teacher.
teacher. teacher. the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson ___Pupils mastered the lesson
___Majority of the pupils finished ___Majority of the pupils finished their ___Majority of the pupils finished despite of limited resources used despite of limited resources used
their work on time. work on time. their work on time. by the teacher. by the teacher.
___Some pupils did not finish their ___Some pupils did not finish their ___Some pupils did not finish their ___Majority of the pupils finished ___Majority of the pupils
work on time due to unnecessary work on time due to unnecessary work on time due to unnecessary their work on time. finished their work on time.
behavior. behavior. behavior. ___Some pupils did not finish ___Some pupils did not finish
their work on time due to their work on time due to
unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior.

C.Did the remedial work? No.of learners ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
who have caught up with the lesson above above above above

D.No. of learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies worked ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
well? Why did these work? ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up
lesson lesson lesson the lesson the lesson
F.What difficulties did I encounter which my ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
principal or supervisor can helpme solve? require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation
G.What innovation or localized materials did Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
used/discover which I wish to share with  ___Metacognitive 
Development: ___Metacognitive 
Development: ___Metacognitive Development: ___Metacognitive Development:  ___Metacognitive
other teachers? Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Development: Examples: Self
taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, assessments, note taking and
vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. and vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and
 ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-  ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-  ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-  ___Bridging: Examples: Think- vocabulary assignments.
share, quick-writes, and anticipatory share, quick-writes, and anticipatory share, quick-writes, and anticipatory 
pair-share, quick-writes, and ___Bridging:Examples:Think-
charts. charts. charts. anticipatory charts. pair-share,quick-
    writes,andanticipatorycharts.
 ___Schema-Building: 
Examples: ___Schema-Building: 
Examples: ___Schema-Building: 
Examples: 
___Schema-Building: Examples: __Schema-Building: Examples:
Compare and contrast, jigsaw Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, Compare and contrast, jigsaw Compare and contrast, jigsaw Compare and contrast, jigsaw
learning, peer teaching, and
learning, peer teaching, and projects. peer teaching, and projects. learning, peer teaching, and projects. learning, peer teaching, and projects.
   projects.  ___Contextualization:
 ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization:   Examples: Demonstrations,
 
Examples: Demonstrations, media, Examples: Demonstrations, 
media, Examples: Demonstrations, media,  ___Contextualization: media, manipulatives, repetition,
manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and local 
manipulatives, repetition, and local Examples: Demonstrations, and local opportunities.
opportunities. opportunities. opportunities. 
media, manipulatives, repetition, ___Text Representation:
   and local opportunities.  Examples: Student created
 ___Text Representation:  ___Text Representation:  ___Text Representation:  drawings, videos, and games.
 
Examples: Student created drawings, 
Examples: Student created drawings, 
Examples: Student created drawings, ___Text Representation:  ___Modeling: Examples:
videos, and games. videos, and games. videos, and games.  Examples: Student created Speaking slowly and clearly,
drawings, videos, and games. modeling the language you want
 ___Modeling: Examples: 
Speaking ___Modeling: Examples: 
Speaking ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking
students to use, and providing
slowly and clearly, modeling the slowly and clearly, modeling the slowly and clearly, modeling the ___Modeling: Examples:
samples of student work.
language you want students to use, language you want students to use, and language you want students to use, Speaking slowly and clearly,
Other Techniques and Strategies
and providing samples of student providing samples of student work. and providing samples of student modeling the language you want
work. work. students to use, and providing
___ Explicit Teaching
Other Techniques and Strategies used: samples of student work.
___ Group collaboration
Other Techniques and Strategies ___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and Strategies
used: ___ Group collaboration used: Other Techniques and Strategies
throuh play
___ Explicit Teaching ___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___ Explicit Teaching used:
___Answering preliminary
___ Group collaboration ___ Answering preliminary ___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching
___Gamification/Learning throuh play activities/exercises ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Group collaboration
___ Carousel
___ Answering preliminary ___ Carousel play ___Gamification/Learning throuh
___ Diads
activities/exercises ___ Diads ___ Answering preliminary play
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Carousel ___ Differentiated Instruction activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Diads ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Carousel activities/exercises
___ Discovery Method
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Discovery Method ___ Diads ___ Carousel
___ Lecture Method
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Lecture Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Diads
___ Discovery Method Why? ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Complete IMs
___ Lecture Method ___ Complete IMs ___ Discovery Method ___ Role Playing/Drama
___Availability of Materials
Why? ___ Availability of Materials ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Complete IMs ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn Why? ___ Lecture Method
___ Group member’s
___ Availability of Materials ___ Group member’s ___ Complete IMs Why?
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn collaboration/cooperation ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs
in doing their tasks
___ Group member’s in doing their tasks ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials
___Audio Visual Presentatio of
collaboration/cooperation ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
the lesson
in doing their tasks of the lesson collaboration/cooperation ___ Group member’s
___ Audio Visual Presentation in doing their tasks collaboration/cooperation
of the lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation in doing their tasks
of the lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson

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