ATHE Level 6 Management Specification - LSIB, UK
ATHE Level 6 Management Specification - LSIB, UK
ATHE Level 6 Management Specification - LSIB, UK
Credits : 120
Duration : 6 months / 9 months
Entry Requirements 4
Unit Specifications 8
Research Project 11
Strategic Marketing 16
Project Management 23
Programme Leadership 27
Risk Management 32
Strategic Planning 34
Entry Requirements
This qualification is designed for learners who are typically aged 16 and above.
The Level 6 Award in Financial Decision Making for Managers is a 10 credit qualification.
Learners must complete one mandatory unit.
Unit Title Level Credit GLH
Level 6 Award in Leading Organisational Equality and Diversity
The Level 6 Award in Leading Organisational Equality and Diversity is a 10 credit qualification.
Learners must complete one mandatory unit.
Unit Title Level Credit GLH
Level 6 Award in Managing Finance in the Public Sector
The Level 6 Award in Managing Finance in the Public Sector is a 10 credit qualification.
Learners must complete one mandatory unit.
Unit Title Level Credit GLH
The Level 6 Award in Managing Stakeholder Engagement is a 10 credit qualification. Learners must
complete one mandatory unit.
The Level 6 Certificate in Human Resource Management is a 15 credit qualification. Learners must
complete one mandatory unit.
The Level 6 Certificate in Project Management is a 15 credit qualification. Learners must complete
one mandatory unit.
Project Management 6 15 60
The Level 6 Certificate in Management is a 30 credit qualification. Learners must complete the
mandatory unit plus one additional unit.
Unit Title Level Credit GLH
Mandatory Unit
Optional Units
Strategic Marketing 6 15 60
Level 6 Diploma in Management
The Diploma in Management is a 120 credit qualification. Learners must complete the 6 mandatory
units plus a further 3 or 4 optional units.
Unit Title Level Credit GLH
Mandatory Units
Leadership and Management 6 15 60
Research Project 6 10 40
Strategic Marketing 6 15 60
Optional Units
Project Management 6 15 60
Programme Leadership 7 10 40
Risk Management 6 10 40
Strategic Planning 7 15 45
Unit Specifications
Unit Format
Each unit is presented in a standard format. This format provides guidance on the requirements of
the unit for learners, tutors, assessors and external verifiers.
Unit Title
The unit title reflects the content of the unit. The title of each unit completed will appear on a learner’s
statement of results.
Unit Aims
The unit aims section summarises the content of the unit.
Unit Code
Each unit is assigned a RQF unit code that appears with the unit title on the Register of
Regulated Qualifications.
RQF Level
All units and qualifications in the RQF have a level assigned to them which represents the level of
achievement. The level of each unit is informed by the RQF level descriptors.
Credit Value
The credit value is the number of credits that may be awarded to a learner for the
successful achievement of the learning outcomes of a unit.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes set out what a learner is expected to know, understand or be able to do as
the result of the learning process.
Unit Format
The assessment criteria describe the requirements a learner is expected to meet in order to
demonstrate that the learning outcome has been achieved. Command verbs reflect the level of the
qualification e.g. at Level 6 you would see words such as analyse, evaluate and synthesise.
Indicative Content
Performance management
Goal setting, reward, performance measurement, job design and characteristics and
employee needs
Group dynamics, teams vs groups, motivation of teams and role within teams
Team leadership
Roles and models of team leadership, effective team leadership, managing conflict,
teams in the organisation, value of teams, how teams work and how teams don’t work,
communications, collaboration and team decision making, creativity of teams and
measuring team success
6.9 Research Project
Aims This unit aims to develop the skills required to produce a research
question and carry out independent research using appropriate
research techniques. The unit also aims to enable the learner to
analyse research findings, evaluate research methodology used
and present findings.
Unit Level 6
Unit code T/503/5119
GLH 40
Credit Value 10
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. In order to achieve this unit learners must
carry out a comprehensive piece of research on a chosen area.
Learners will need to carefully select a topic for research and may
require guidance from the tutor to ensure that it is appropriate and
it will provide sufficient evidence to meet the Learning Outcomes
and the standards required.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Be able to recognise valid areas for 1.1 Determine and validate appropriate areas for
research and develop research Research
questions 1.2 Determine a suitable research approach
1.3 Develop suitable research questions/
hypotheses for selected area of research
2. Be able to carry out research relevant 2.1 Develop a detailed research proposal for
to research questions chosen area of research and agree with
2.2 Apply relevant research methods for area
and type of research
2.3 Analyse ethical issues relating to research
2.4 Analyse research findings and generate valid
3. Be able to evaluate research and 3.1 Evaluate research methods, techniques and
present results and conclusions findings and comment on validity of research
3.2 Present results and conclusions in a suitable
format for audience
Indicative Content
Surveys and sampling, case studies, ethnography, experiment, phenomenology,
grounded theory, action research, using a mixture of approaches
Objectives or hypothesis? The five W’s (What? Why? Who? Where? When?),
developing the research question
Research methods
Questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, observations, documentary evidence, use and
suitability of each method
Ethical issues
Why ethics are important, managing ethical issues and taking account of ethical issues
in research
Aims of analysis, quantitative data techniques– calculating e.g. mean, median, mode; using
graphs and charts, validation of data, qualitative techniques – approaches to analysis e.g.
narrative, discourse analysis, content analysis, recording sources and findings, advantages
and disadvantages of each method
Presenting research
Writing up research, formats for presentation – e.g. written reports, oral presentation,
referencing systems and bibliography, considering audience
6.1 Human Resource Management
Aims To develop skills and knowledge in the field of human resource
management strategy. To look at contemporary issues which affect
human resource strategy within organisations.
Unit Level 6
Unit code L/503/5093
GLH 60
Credit Value 15
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. Learners will approach this unit from a
theoretical perspective but examples from organisations will be
required to illustrate the work. This is particularly the case for LO3
where the learner will need to relate their work to a particular
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the role and importance of 1.1 Define strategic human resource
human resource management in Management
achieving organisational effectiveness 1.2 Explain the importance of human resource
management in organizations
1.3 Analyse the framework of strategic human
resource management
2. Understand the formulation and 2.1 Analyse the strategic human resource
implementation of human resource Process
strategies 2.2 Assess the roles in strategic human resource
2.3 Analyse the development and implementation
of human resource strategies
3. Be able to assess a range of HR 3.1 Identify a range of HR strategies for an
strategies that may be implemented Organization
within an organisation 3.2 Assess HR strategies and their application in
an organization
4. Understand contemporary issues 4.1 Identify contemporary issues affecting
affecting strategic human resource strategic human resource management
management 4.2 Analyse contemporary issues affecting
strategic human resource management
Indicative Content
Definitions and models of strategic HR management (e.g. contingency model, best practice
model, Harvard Framework, Ulrich’s model, control based, resources based etc.),
fundamentals and characteristics of strategic HR management, types of strategies (e.g.
personnel, generalist, outsourced, centres of excellence etc.), approaches to strategy, criteria
for successful strategy
Legal requirements, contribution to the organisation, fit with corporate strategy, human capital
management, improving organisational performance through strategic HR management,
alignment of HR and corporate strategy
Role of top management/Board of Directors, stakeholders, Strategic HR role of front-line
management, HR Function, HR specialists/consultants
Resourcing strategies (HR planning, flexibility, retention and talent management etc.)
Learning and development strategies (learning culture, learning, organisation, organisational learning
strategies, individual learning), performance management (definition and purpose, scope, process
and approaches)
How strategies apply in different organisations, measuring success of strategies and how
they fit with organisational strategy, culture and mission
Internationalism and challenges for strategic HR management, diversity management and equal
opportunities, downsizing and its strategic implications, legal, globalisation, culture/equality and
diversity, work life balance, communication/IT
6.5 Strategic Marketing
Aims This unit enables the learner to understand how corporate strategy
informs marketing strategy. It also enables the learner to
understand how to carry out strategic market analysis and how to
implement a marketing strategy.
Unit Level 6
Unit code D/503/5096
GLH 60
Credit Value 15
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. In this unit learners will generally use
theoretical knowledge and understanding illustrating their work with
examples from suitable organisations. LO4 requires learners to
apply their knowledge to a specific organisation.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the principles of strategic 1.1 Assess the role of strategic marketing in an
marketing Organization
1.2 Analyse the relationship between corporate
strategy and marketing strategy
1.3 Analyse how marketing strategy is developed
2. Understand how to carry out strategic 2.1 Evaluate approaches to internal
marketing analysis environmental analysis
2.2 Evaluate approaches to external
environmental analysis
2.3 Explain how internal and external analyses
are integrated
3. Analyse strategic marketing decisions 3.1 Analyse decisions and choices to be made at
and choices a corporate level
3.2 Assess how these decisions influence
marketing at business unit and functional
3.3 Analyse approaches to competitive
positioning of organizations
4. Understand how a range of marketing 4.1 Identify a range of strategies that can
strategies can be implemented to contribute to competitive advantage
contribute to competitive advantage 4.2 Analyse marketing communications
4.3 Analyse marketing strategies, their
application and implementation for an
Indicative Content
External analysis
Macro environment, micro environment, competitor analysis. Wider external factors
including Government
Fit between external, external environment
Competitive positioning
Marketing objectives, risk, market leader, market challenger, market follower, market niche
4. Understand how a range of marketing strategies can be implemented to
contribute to competitive advantage
Marketing strategies
Segmentation, targeting and positioning, relationship strategies, product innovation and
development, branding, service marketing, pricing and distribution, E-marketing
MARCOMS strategic process, setting objectives, media choices, the role of Public
Cost decisions, frequency, operations and measurement, international communications
Applicability for organisation and environment, resources, implementation ,
management, implications
Indicative Content
Personal skills
Skills audit, role of appraisals/PDR, use of feedback
Personal development
Continual review and reflection, learning from activities, using feedback on activities,
recording achievement
Measuring effectiveness, evaluating effectiveness, benchmarking with others
Identifying activities that were not effective, areas needing further development
Further development
Further development needs and opportunities, building on success, updating plans, the
importance of continuous development and reflection
6.8 Financial Decision Making for Managers
Aims The aim of this unit is to develop the skills required for analysing
financial information and making business decisions based on
published financial information. Where appropriate, information
about business structures and format of published financial
statements can be taught in either a national or international
Unit Level 6
Unit code A/503/5218
GLH 40
Credit Value 10
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. In order to achieve this unit the learner
will need to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of
finance in business decision making. The learner will need access
to the financial information of actual organisations and will develop
skills in analysing and interpreting the data.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Be able to analyse published financial 1.1 Analyse different ownership structures and
statements for business decision- how they measure financial performance
making purposes 1.2 Analyse published financial statements for
decision making purposes
1.3 Calculate financial ratios from published
accounts that can be used to support
business decision-making
2. Be able to analyse sources of finance 2.1 Differentiate between long and short-term
available for long and short term business finance needs
business needs 2.2 Evaluate the sources of finance available to
2.3 Assess the implications of different sources of
finance for the organization
2.4 Make recommendations for sourcing finance
for business projects
3. Be able to analyse financial 3.1 Analyse budgets and cash flow for decision
information for business decision making purposes
making 3.2 Assess capital expenditure or investment
projects using investment appraisal
3.3 Make recommendations for managing
business finance and expenditure
Indicative Content
Ownership structures
Sole traders, partnerships, limited companies, public limited companies (plcs), public sector
organisations, other less-used forms: charities, limited by guarantee, co-operatives,
international business structures, implications for finance (share structures, availability of
finance), control issues
Financial statements
Structure of statements for each type of organisation, differences between organisations,
reporting requirements (UK and/or international law and standards)
Different ratios: profitability, liquidity, efficiency, capital, investor, using ratios: calculation
and interpretation, industry benchmarking, limitations of ratio analysis
2. Be able to analyse sources of finance available for long and short term
business needs
Business finance needs
Long term – non-current assets
Short-term – working capital; importance of working capital for business continuity
Costs of finance, effect on financial statements – substance over form risk
Sources of finance
Range of sources, external and internal sources, long-term and short-term role of stock
markets and advantages, disadvantages of each source
Matching source of finance to project (long or short term, external or internal, asset backed
finance etc.), making, supporting recommendations
Analysing results, non-financial considerations, decision making, supporting
3.4 Design procedures for managing project
change proposals
4. Be able to monitor and control the 4.1 Identify issues and risks that may impede a
progress of projects Project
4.2 Design systems for monitoring and appraising
the status of a project
4.3 Design control systems to detect and manage
issues arising in the course of projects
5. Be able to review, evaluate and 5.1 Identify issues and risks likely to be
closeout a project encountered in the final stages of a project.
5.2 Assess the necessary project tasks to be
completed in the final stages of a project
Indicative Content
Risk Management - identifying risk, impact analysis, risk management/planning, review cost-
benefit and risk equation for projects. Consider other issues impacting on project e.g. issues
of globalisation (advantages and disadvantages of cross-country/culture projects)
Managing conflicts
Role of Project Manager: managing team and stakeholders, setting schedule, budget and
timing, developing the project plan, managing project risks, interfaces with other projects
Project plan
Value proposition, sponsorship, accountability, deliverables, responsibilities, resource
allocations, timeline, milestones, critical path
Status and plan documentation and regular monitoring meetings, defining
responsibilities and accountability, communications, traceability and audit trails,
formalized frameworks and stages
Interpersonal skills
Leadership, e.g. motivating others, delegation, and decision-making. Networking, e.g.
network building, and communication skills, teamwork, e.g. collaboration, mentoring
Project monitoring
Project closeout
Formal evaluation of project and team performance, document learning points for future,
assess success factors, post-implementation report, sign off on deliverables, hand
over/archive documentation, contract closures, closing out financial accounts, reassign team
Indicative Content
Programme objectives
Benefits of programmes
Project planning
Project plans, activities within projects, briefing project managers, making managers
accountable reporting structures, timescales
Resource management – people, finances, physical resources time, co-ordination of
resources, managing resource constraints/limitations
Stakeholder reporting
Stakeholder involvement – timing, frequency, methods of involving stakeholders (e.g. face to
face or written), maintaining dialogue with stakeholders, reporting to stakeholders – timing,
frequency and format
feedback from project team, managers and stakeholders and giving feedback to team,
managers, stakeholders
Programme evaluation
Evaluation against programme objectives, evaluation of own programme leadership skills –
reflecting on own performance, obtaining, using feedback
Future improvements
Analysing feedback for areas to improve, identifying training and development for project
and programme teams, sharing knowledge, learning from project with organisation
6.3 Economics for Business
Aims To provide an economic context for business and business
behaviour and develop the knowledge and understanding needed
to analyse the macro and micro economic environments.
Unit Level 6
Unit code M/503/5118
GLH 60
Credit Value 15
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. Learners will approach their work from a
theoretical perspective and will need to use exemplar material to
illustrate the points which are made. This may be taken from their
own experience or from research.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the micro-economic 1.1 Explain the importance of the micro-economic
business environment environment to business organizations
1.2 Analyse business objectives and business
behaviour in the economic context
1.3 Analyse the impact of market structures on
business organizations
2. Understand the macro-economic 2.1 Explain determinants of national income
environment in the domestic context 2.2 Explain the impact of government policies on
the economy
2.3 Analyse the impact of the macro-economic
environment on business organizations
3. Understand the implications of 3.1 Analyse features of the international
operating in the international economic economic environment
environment on business 3.2 Analyse the economic implications for
organisations business of operating in a global business
Indicative Content
Market structures
Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, labour and factor markets
(UK/EU labour market regulation), market failure, market regulation, competition
2. National income
Measurement and issues, data sources and reliability, equilibrium and circular flow,
multiplier, inflation, deflation
Government impact
Fiscal policy, monetary policy, tax, expenditure, aggregate demand and supply, supply side
policies, inflation, unemployment, balance of payments, economic growth
SWOT and PESTLE analysis, political, technological, environmental, legal
3. International environment
Multinational operations, international environment and exchange rates. Areas: EU,
North America, East and South East Asia, free trade and protectionism, trade agreements
International organisations – World Trade Organisations, World Bank etc., global monetary
Coping with local competition, operating in emerging economies, understanding
different economic systems, global competition and strategic foreign exchange issues,
global collaboration, issues sustaya
6.4 Risk Management
Aims To raise business risk awareness and develop knowledge and
understanding in the assessment, monitoring and control of
business risks. To enable the learner to develop an appreciation of
the implications of business risks.
Unit Level 6
Unit code H/503/5097
GLH 40
Credit Value 10
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. Learners will approach their work from a
theoretical perspective and will need to use exemplar material to
illustrate the points which are made. This may be taken from their
own experience or from research.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the risk management 1.1 Examine the role of the risk management
function in business function in business
1.2 Assess the role of business function sin the
management of risk
2. Understand how business risk is 2.1 Analyse the risk assessment process
assessed and managed 2.2 Evaluate approaches to managing risk
2.3 Examine the risk management process
3. Understand the effects of business 3.1 Analyse the main drivers of business risk
risks and how they can be managed 3.2 Appraise the impact of different types of risk
for a business organization
3.3 Assess which business areas are high risk
3.4 Analyse risk management strategies
Indicative Content
3. Understand the effects of business risks and how they can be managed
Strategic risks (e.g. competition, changes in society or markets), financial risks (e.g. liquidity,
foreign exchange, credit risk), operational risks (e.g. product failure), hazard risks (e.g. natural
Disasters), information risks (e.g. computer hacking).
4. Understand approaches to crisis management and business continuity
Factors – size of business, operating environment, physical environment etc. Impacts
– loss of profits, loss of assets, inability to trade
Business continuity planning, impact assessment, threat assessment, scenario definition,
recovery solution design (including customer / stakeholder management), implementation and
communication, testing
5. Be able to examine factors affecting 5.1 Compare core organisational values (ethical,
an organisational strategy plan cultural, environmental, social and business)
with the current business objectives of an
5.2 Develop appropriate vision and mission
statements for an organization
5.3 Produce agreed future management objectives
for an organization
5.4 Develop measures for evaluating a strategy
6. Be able to plan for the implementation 6.1 Develop a schedule for implementing a
of a strategy plan strategy plan in an organization
6.2 Create appropriate dissemination processes to
gain commitment from stakeholders in an
6.3 Design monitoring and evaluation systems for
the implementation of a strategy plan in an
Indicative Content
Stakeholder expectations
Customer expectations, supply chain relationship, market and investor expectations
Socio-political and legal changes, technological change and development, product
development; analysis tools: TESTLE, SWOT; customer analysis, competitor analysis
Market position
Market share analysis, life cycle analysis, Boston (BCG) Matrix
SWOT analysis, resource analysis, competitive analysis, skills and competencies audit,
Competitiveness analysis
Benchmarking, portfolio analysis, market segmentation
Strategic options
Corporate expansion, mergers and acquisitions, niche marketing, diversification, control of
distribution channels, efficiency in production, technological leadership, market share
Assessment criteria
Balanced scorecard; targets / interim targets / goals; success metrics
Resources, skills and competencies, roles, action plans, responsibilities and
Corporate culture, corporate / brand image, organisational structure and staffing, operational
abilities, market share, resources, patents and IP, corporate experience, contracts, licences
and relationships
Implementation plan
Establish plan with end user buy-in, establish tracking system, align budget, align
departmental plans to strategy
Stakeholder buy-in
User participation in strategy process, tie departmental plans into strategic plan, align
performance management and reward systems to strategy implementation
Lack of ownership, communication failures, ‘meaningless’ plan without buy-in, no
accountability, lack of employee empowerment.
7.9 Sustainable Business Strategy
Aims To raise awareness of sustainable development issues and how
they impact on the strategic development of the business.
Unit Level 7
Unit code F/503/5141
GLH 40
Credit Value 10
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. The learner will need to demonstrate
their understanding of sustainability and its effect on business
organisations. To support their work learners should use actual
examples from their own experience in employment or as
consumers and from their research.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the global sustainability 1.1 Analyse the global sustainability agenda and
agenda how it translates into national practice
1.2 Analyse the forces for change in the
sustainable business environment
1.3 Evaluate the impact of current sustainability
issues on business organizations
2. Understand the concept of the 2.1 Determine the extended boundaries of the
sustainable business organisation sustainable business organization
2.2 Evaluate impact on business structure and
objectives of becoming a sustainable
business organization
3. Understand sustainable strategic 3.1 Determine change required within business
planning organisations to meet sustainability agenda
3.2 Analyse the concept of the triple bottom line
and how it is implemented in business
3.3 Review the process of sustainable strategic
business planning
Indicative Content
Changes in management and leadership, new techniques and considerations e.g. supply
chain management, consumers, risks and impacts for shareholders and managers,
monitoring and evaluation of performance in wider sustainable enterprise, conflicts between
corporate and sustainability objectives
6.6 Managing Quality and Service Delivery
Aims This unit aims to introduce the learner to the delivery of excellent
customer service. The learner will also develop knowledge and
understanding required for quality measurement and management
of service delivery (for public service or healthcare management
programmes the unit can be delivered in context).
Unit Level 6
Unit code F/503/5351
GLH 40
Credit Value 10
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. Learners can approach this unit
theoretically across the sectors or in the specific content of public
service or healthcare. Their work must be illustrated from the
learner’s own experience or research.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand how to identify and meet 1.1 Identify stakeholder groups and their
stakeholder needs in service delivery expectations for service delivery
1.2 Assess the impact of poor service quality for
the organisation and stakeholders
1.3 Analyse how stakeholder needs are met
2. Understand how to manage quality of 2.1 Analyse the concepts of quality and quality
service delivery standards in relation to service delivery
2.2 Evaluate approaches to quality management
in service delivery
2.3 Explain how quality standards are set and
3. Understand how to promote 3.1 Analyse the concept of continuous
continuous improvement of service improvement in service delivery
delivery 3.2 Evaluate the need for continuous
improvement in service delivery
3.3 Explain how continuous improvement can be
Indicative Content
Quality management
Total quality management, implementing standards, excellence model, theories of quality –
Deming, Juran, Crosby, quality strategies in service delivery, developing a quality led
organisation, involving staff in quality management, roles in quality management
Encouraging staff involvement and rewarding it, competence standards implementing change
in organisation, managing and monitoring continuous improvement, performance
6.10 Leading Organisational Equality and Diversity
Aims The aim of this unit is to enable the learner to develop an
understanding of the importance of managing equality and diversity
within the organisation and to understand how to lead the approach
to equality and diversity within an organisation.
Unit Level 6
Unit code K/503/5120
GLH 40
Credit Value 10
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief. In order to achieve this unit the learner
will need to demonstrate a full understanding of the importance of
managing equality and diversity in organisations. The learners will
need to apply their knowledge and understanding to specific
organisations and this may be in the UK or in a selected country.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand the importance of 1.1 Analyse the legal requirements relating to
effectively managing equality and equality within the organisation and in the
diversity organisations relationships with others
1.2 Evaluation the implications of guidance and
codes of practice relating to equality and
diversity in specific industry sectors
1.3 Analyse the implications of equality and
diversity for the organization
1.4 Analyse the needs and expectations of
stakeholders in relation to an organisation’s
policy on equality and diversity
2. Understand the dynamics of leading 2.1 Determine how to gain commitment to
and managing equality and diversity in equality and diversity within an organisation
an organisation 2.2 Analyse policies and procedures that need to
be in place to promote equality and diversity
2.3 Evaluate methods of communicating
commitment, policies and procedures to
relevant organisational stakeholders
2.4 Assess how to address equality and diversity
2.5 Analyse methods to review and monitor
equality and diversity
2.6 Determine how to reach diverse stakeholder
Indicative Content
Benefits of equality and diversity in workforce and benefits of equality and diversity in
stakeholder/customer base
Needs and expectations of those inside the organisation and needs and expectations of those
outside the organisation
Importance of communicating commitment, policies and procedures, training staff and
raising awareness of staff and stakeholders
Ensuring suppliers are aware of commitment, policies and procedures e.g. website
designers, printers consider accessibility issues in terms of language, size of text, facilities
management consider suitability of premises access and use etc.
6.11 Managing Stakeholder Engagement
Aims The aim of the unit is to enable the learner to develop the
knowledge and understanding required to engage with
stakeholders and to learn how to manage stakeholders in projects
and organisations.
Unit Level 6
Unit code D/503/5213
GLH 40
Credit Value 10
Unit Grading Structure Pass
Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the
unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE
sample assignment brief.
Learners must demonstrate an understanding of the critical role of
stakeholders in projects and organisations. Learners will need to
exemplify their work from research and from their own experience as
a stakeholder in employment, as a learner and a consumer.
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Be able to analyse key stakeholders 1.1 Analyse stakeholders and their needs and
expectations for either an organisation or
1.2 Evaluate and map stakeholder relationships
1.3 Assess the importance of stakeholder
2. Understand how to build an effective 2.1 Analyse methods to engage stakeholders to
stakeholder engagement strategy to validate the implementation of policies
implement policy 2.2 Develop a communications strategy to
effectively engage with stakeholders
3. Understand how to build and maintain 3.1 Explain how to build and maintain
stakeholder relationships relationships with stakeholders
3.2 Analyse issues that may affect stakeholder
3.3 Analyse potential conflict situations and
possible resolution
3.4 Assess the importance of monitoring and
reviewing stakeholder engagement
4. Understand how to engage with the 4.1 Analyse methods to elicit stakeholder views
stakeholder groups on policy and other issues
4.2 Analyse how to gain stakeholder validation
and agreement for policies and plans
Indicative Content
The concept of stakeholder and underpinning principles, determinants of key stakeholders for
a project, process or organisation, range of stakeholders e.g. internal and external
stakeholders; other organisations, individuals (depending on organisation - patients, service
users, customers), groups (interest groups, user groups, pressure groups etc.), statutory
requirements to involve specific stakeholders, industry guidance on stakeholder involvement,
change ineffective, lack of support for service, products etc.
Reasons to involve stakeholders – statutory, guidance, support for change
implications of not engaging effectively with stakeholders
Communications strategies
Methods of communication with stakeholders – face to face (meetings, presentations, focus
groups, interviews); telephone (interviews, using questionnaires); electronic (email, social
networking, websites etc.); written (questionnaires, reports), managing communications – in-
house (is contact with organisational representatives important?); outside specialists (is,
independence/ neutrality important?) and identifying suitable communications methods for
specific stakeholder groups
Political and legal issues, economic and social issues, equality and diversity, resource issues,
barriers to engagement – physical (location or spread of stakeholder group); non-physical
(attitudes, disengagement, cultural, social)
Conflicts that may arise e.g. between organisation goals and stakeholder expectations;
between stakeholders; between resource availability and resource needs, Resolution of
conflicts – dealing with conflicts on an individual and group level
Importance and relevance of stakeholder agreement e.g. is it required? How to elicit
agreement or validation e.g. showing how issues and concerns have been dealt with and
sign off and negotiation skills
Indicative Content
Evaluating effectiveness
Benchmarking, questionnaires, focus groups, participant, observation/ethnography, surveys
and interviews
Evaluating effectiveness
Audience analysis
Stakeholder analysis, international / cultural issues, evaluating communication
channels (in respect of stakeholder groups)