Memorandum of Agreement
Memorandum of Agreement
Memorandum of Agreement
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Schools District of Calinog II
Calinog, Iloilo
MANUEL S. LAGARAS JR., of Legal age and a resident of Libot, Calinog, Iloilo,
hereinafter referred to as the “Second Party”;
WHEREAS, the services of the janitor included among “General Services” that can be
paid from the allotment for the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) of the
Jaycon Elementary School, as per Expenditure Code “Other General Services” of the Revised
Chart of Accounts.
WHEREAS, the Second Party has signified his intention, to which the First Party has
accepted, to provide the service needed by the latter.
1. Jaycon Elementary School shall allocate the amount to pay the 2nd party of P 83.34/night.
2. That, the computation of payment shall be based on eight (8) hours per day of service for
actual work days rendered per week effective June 1 to December 30, 2018 and to be
paid on monthly basis, at the option of 1st Party.
3. That, Jaycon Elementary School has the option to terminate, suspend or cancel this
Memorandum of Agreement without the benefit of consent from the end party.
4. That, it is understood that this contract does not create an employer-employee relationship
between the 1st Party and the 2nd Party, that the services rendered hereunder are not
considered and will not be accredited as government service.
5. That, the 2nd party shall not be entitled to any additional benefits except as stipulated in
this contract/ memorandum of agreement.
6. That, this agreement shall be in effect unless sooner terminated, revoked, or cancelled by
the 1st party.
7. That the Second Party abides by the Drug Testing Program of the Department of
Education. Further, the Second Party agrees that: (a) he/she is under obligation to be drug
free for the duration of the contract; and, (b) any confirmatory positive result from a random
drug testing program of DepEd, unless negated in a challenge test on the same sample,
shall result in the automatic pre-termination of the contract of service/job order/MOA/MOU.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand at Iloilo City, this
Funds Available:
ART CARCILLAR, of Legal age and a resident of Malitbog Centro, Iloilo, hereinafter
referred to as the “Second Party”;
WHEREAS, the services of the janitor included among “General Services” that can be
paid from the allotment for the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) of the
Malitbog Elementary School, as per Expenditure Code “Other General Services” of the Revised
Chart of Accounts.
WHEREAS, the Second Party has signified his intention, to which the First Party has
accepted, to provide the service needed by the latter.
1. Malitbog Elementary School shall allocate the amount to pay the 2nd party of P 150/day.
2. That, the computation of payment shall be based on eight (8) hours per day of service for
actual work days rendered per week effective June 1 to December 30, 2018 and to be
paid on monthly basis, at the option of 1st Party.
3. That, Malitbog Elementary School has the option to terminate, suspend or cancel this
Memorandum of Agreement without the benefit of consent from the end party.
4. That, it is understood that this contract does not create an employer-employee relationship
between the 1st Party and the 2nd Party, that the services rendered hereunder are not
considered and will not be accredited as government service.
5. That, the 2nd party shall not be entitled to any additional benefits except as stipulated in
this contract/ memorandum of agreement.
6. That, this agreement shall be in effect unless sooner terminated, revoked, or cancelled by
the 1st party.
7. That the Second Party abides by the Drug Testing Program of the Department of
Education. Further, the Second Party agrees that: (a) he/she is under obligation to be drug
free for the duration of the contract; and, (b) any confirmatory positive result from a random
drug testing program of DepEd, unless negated in a challenge test on the same sample,
shall result in the automatic pre-termination of the contract of service/job order/MOA/MOU.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand at Iloilo City, this
Funds Available: