Roman Roman
Roman Roman
Roman Roman
✣ constructed in the first century BC
✣ was built to honor the god Portunus, who was
the god of trade and harbor.
✣ The temple of Portunus is made of tufa
(volcanic rock) and travertine.
The early Roman Empire consisted of two dynasties :
the Julio-Claudians (Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula,
Claudius, and Nero) and the Flavians (Vespasian, Titus,
and Domitian). Each dynasty made significant
contributions to the architecture of the capital city
and the Empire.
The first Roman emperor, Augustus, enacted a
program of extensive building and restoration
throughout the city of Rome. He famously noted that
he “found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of
marble.” 5
Flavian Amphitheater
✣ The popular emperor was soon deified by the Roman Senate.
Emperor Domitian, Titus's brother and successor, commissioned
the construction of the Arch of Titus that same year to honor his
late brother and to commemorate the victory in the Jewish War.
The arch was dedicated in 85 AD with large festivities.
The Roman Pantheon
✣ The Pantheon as we know it today was built in 120 AD by Emperor
Hadrian Who was passionate with architecture and designed it
together with Apollodorus of Damascus.
The Arch of Constantine
is located along the Via Triumphalis in
Rome, and it is situated between the
Flavian Amphitheater (better known as
the Colosseum) and the Temple of
Venus and Roma. This location was
significant, as the arch was a highly
visible example of connective
architecture that linked the area of the
Forum Romanum (Roman Forum) to
the major entertainment and public
bathing complexes of central Rome.14
✣ It was erected by the Roman
Senate to commemorate
Constantine I's victory over
Maxentius at the Battle of
Milvian Bridge in 312.
Dedicated in 315, it is the
largest Roman triumphal arch.
Aula Palatina
In 1856, the Aula Palatina became a Protestant
church. In 1944, the building burned due to an
air raid of the allied forces during World War
II. When it was repaired after the war, the
historical inner decorations from the 19th
century were not reconstructed, so that the
brick walls are visible from the inside as
well.The Aula Palatina was built around AD
310 as a part of the palace complex. Originally
it was not a free standing building, but had
other smaller buildings (such as a forehall, a
vestibule and some service buildings) attached
to it. The Aula Palatina was equipped with a
floor- and wall-heating system 16
✣ at Trier, Germany is a Roman palace basilica that was commissioned by
the emperor Constantine I (AD 306–337) at the beginning of the 4th
✣ The Aula Palatina was built around AD 310 as a part of the palace
complex. Originally it was not a free standing building, but had other
smaller buildings (such as a forehall, a vestibule and some service
buildings) attached to it. The Aula Palatina was equipped with a floor-
and wall-heating system 17