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t "
It Is 1997, You area soldier of the United
States Space Commatad, a member of the war-
rior eWe. Backad by the most powlerful natfon
Iri on earth, your job is to protect our interests in
But tragedy strikes. Dudrag a rescue m b b n
at the space statim Arnerkq a Prcak explosion
tears you from your Shuttle and plunges you
through A time warp
Stranded in the future, a future where our
great nation fell to the enemy over two hundred
years ago, you and your s&ving crew vow to
continue your fight for €reedom.
"Welcometo Amerika, camrade . .

The Rolep
g Game of Arnerika in 2197 C.E.
Player Handout
The 4-page Player Han The 48-paG Training Manual The SO-page Adventure Guide
propells a novice into breathes life into your charac mer5 this idyllic splendor,
ture easily and clearly. It ter. From initial creation right urling the characters into
explains, in plain English, the dawn to sophisticated comba ightmare. Unique in the role-
concept of roleplaying, advises gear, the rules are carefully laying experience, players are
the gamemaster (referee)where sculpted to turn soldiers into s shocked and unprepared as
to go from here, offers an fighting machines - forces to their characte
example of play, and even be reckoned with. The weapons tragedy hits.
includes M ' c ~ s c orules-
~~ and armor a space soldier Year of the
everything a new player needs are as as ages characters to explore and
to jumr &ah+ into action! the military Shuttle itself.
ity to preserve life or bestow adventures included in the
death, the rules reinforce the
human aspect. Emotions, per There is advice on campaign
design as well as detailed
I containing all charts and
1 tables needed for play
2-pages of full color cut-apart In Year of the Phoenix, Zoviet Provinces battling for
cardstock vehicle counters characters learn and grow, Ithe wilderness that is
for use on the Combat grid gaining power realistically, a
1 7" x 22" Combat grid plus teachers can learn from stu-
Map of Amerika
I Master Character Sheet suit-
able for photocopying Fantasy Games Unllmted tnc, P.O. Box
- ._

181 R o d y n , New York 1 15 7 6

Read Me First!
You are about t o embark on the most important adventure of your life. Your job is t o defend the frontiers of space - and
America's interests out there. It won't be easy, but you are not alone. Men and women just like you are prepared to help -
soldiers with the flame of patriotism burning deep within them.
Welcome t o the Year of the Phoenix.

Believe it or not, you don't have to read both booklets in this game in order to play. If this is your first time playing Year of
the Phoenix (or even your first time playing a rolegame), read the Welcome t o Project Phoenix, the Kickstart rules, and the
Example of Play for an overview of the game. (All of these are located in this handout.) Don't worry about the Creating a Hero
Summary for now. Instead, cut apart and choose one of the pregenerated Phoenix heroes included in the center of this handout.
The information about your character (which you should be reading right about now) is listed on something called a Character
Sheet, and describes the role you'll be playing. This role i s a lot like a part in a play, where you are the actor. The only dif-
ference is, there is no script! Instead, you choose your character's actions. Just flip to the Example of Play and you'll begin
to understand what I'm talking about.

You also need t o choose one person to be the referee, or gamemaster (this is often the person who owns the game. The game-
master is a special person, because he or she plays the world and all the people the other players meet on their adventures.
The gamemaster should take some time (an hour or so) to gain a passing familiarity with the rules. If you're the gamemaster,
you should not try to memorize the rules! A rolegame uses so many concepts and terms that it has been compared to'a language.
And if you tried memorizing the rules, it'd be like learning to read by memorizing a dictionary! Instead, just get an iriea of
where specific rules are located so you can find them easily in a game session.
You also need to read over the introduction and the first adventure in the Adventure Guide before you begin playing. This
adventure is designed especially for beginning gamemasters.
All this reading may sound like a lot, but it shouldn't take more than an hour. Once you're finished, grab 2-6 friends and
start playing! Expect your first game to last anywhere between 3-6 hours (which you can break up into several sessions, if
you want to).

And that's it! Everything else comes with playing. Hurry, the fight for freedom has begun!

Excerpted from Major Roger Nathan's opening speech, April 24, 1997.

'Congratulations, soldiers. And welcome to Project Phoe- 'It won't be easy. In fact, it'll make boot camp look like a
nix. .. picnic. But if we didn't think you could hack it, we wouldn't
have picked you.
'As part of a continuing effort to protect our interests in 'You have been brought t o this Florida Air Force base
space, I am proud t o announce that the United States Space to have access to the Phoenix military shuttle. Each of you
Command has officially begun Project Phoenix. To effectively will learn how to fly the shuttle, and perform routine repairs
counter threats to America, our best soldiers have been select- on her. . .
ed from all branches of the Armed Forces. Some of you are
from the Army, others from the Navy, Air Force, or Ma- 'Evaluations will be performed during your training, and
rines. . you will be selected for specific positions. Further, the thirty-
six of you will be divided up into four Strike Teams of nine
'Some of you have been selected for your weapon exper- members each . ..
tise, others because of your command abilities, and still others
because of your background. But all of you share two things: 'When training is through, we will be a crack team of
love of your country and a special ability. military astronauts the like of which the world has never seen.
'Your outstanding patriotism brought you to our attention, Personally, I will not rest until we can run rings around the
and insured that we would consider your application most Soviets. . .
caref uIIy.
'Your special ability i s what actually got you in here. 'With the space station America virtually finished, and
Some of you have mechanical implants, others of you have presently inhabited and undefended, now more than ever we
a chemical reaction-based ability, and still others have devel- need brave men and women willing to risk their lives in de-
oped mental disciplines - all of which are powerful tools fense of their country.
to aid in the defense of Democracy. 'We've had threats against the America before, of course.
But the president believes that with the growing political
'You are now under my command, and we will be spend- tension, there is a real chance that the threats could become
ing the next eight weeks getting to know each other well. a reality. ..
Your training will consist of physical development, mental
exercises, and honing of your special ability. 'It is up t o you, the Phoenix, and her sister ship the Pega-
sus, to insure that space remains free."
Year of the Phoenix centers around a few basic rules, Learn them, skills. Specific Skills reflects this idea. Every character has a number
and you've learned how t o play the game. This section describes those of Specific Skills equal t o his or her age. So someone 21 years old
rules. has 21 skills. These Specific Skills are used just like Skill Spheres are,
This section is not detailed enough t o enable you to referee the but you have a better chance at them, since your character has worked
game, however. If you are the gamemaster, open the Training Manual to improve them. For example, Carol has the Machine Gun skill at 53%.
and read the Skills chapter (which defines skills), The Body chapter Obviously she has a much better chance t o succeed than w i t h her
(describing characters' bodies), and spend a few minutes on the Combat Manipulation Sphere of 29%. Of course, your character won't always be
chapter, as well. able t o use Specific Skills. (Carol can't use her Machine Gun skill t o
help her drive!)
Dice Characters use their Skill Spheres for things they have no training
Phoenix uses dice t o simulate Fate, Luck, or Chance (whatever you in, and their Specific Skills for stuff they're good at.
wish t o call it). Roll t w o ten-sided dice (the funny-looking pair in the
box) at the same time. Read o f f the lighter one as if i t were in the The Difficulty Die (DIF)
tenth's place (so a '2' result would be '20'). Read o f f the other one at Totally separate from skill rolls are D I F penalty rolls. This is a roll
face value, and add them together (if the darker die is a '5', the total is you perform on a regular six-sided die (a cube), and, as the name
'25'). This is called rolling percentile dice (usually written as 1D100). implies, you roll it when your character is suffering a handicap. Your
I f the lighter die comes u p a '3', and the darker one a 'O', the result is gamemaster will inform you when your character i s suffering a D I F
'30'. However, if both come up '0', the result i s '100'. I n Year o f the penalty, but D I F penalties usually come u p when your character is
Phoenix, you always want to roll a high number. tired, injured, or trying t o d o too many things at once.
You might also see thc notation D10. This means you r o l l a ten- Your gamemaster will tell you the exact number o f your penalty,
sided die and read it t o get a result between 1-10, I f you are supposed such as '-1' or '-2.' This means rolling between 1 and that number
t o roll 2 ten-sided dice and add them together (getting 2-20), the nota- is bad news. I f you have a D I F of -2, as long as you roll 3 or more,
tion would be 2D10. The notation for rolling 3 ten-sided dice is 3D10, there's n o problem.
and so on. I f you roll within your D I F number, then whatever skill you at-
Another kind of dice rolling i s done w i t h the regular cube-shaped tempted has failed. There i s n o other penalty for rolling badly on the
dice, refered t o as D6. I f the text asks you to roll a D6, you roll it D I F roll, but sometimes failing your skill roll is bad enough.
just like you're used to, getting a number between 1-6. Rolling 2D6 For example, Carol has the Machine Gun skill at 53%. Her player
means you roll both of the six-sided dice provided in the game and add uses the skill and rolls percentile dice (1 D100) and gets 83. Added to-
the results together, t o get a number between 2-12. Rolling 3 0 6 gene- gether, her total i s 136%! However, her gamemaster says that, because
rates a number between 3-18, and so on. she is wounded (from an attack only a few hours before) she has a
-2 DIF. Carol's player picks u p a d6, and rolls it. It comes u p a 2,
Skill Spheres which i s within the D I F range. Carol was not successful in her Machine
Every character can do things: swim, speak, write, etc.. Anything Gun attack after all, and her player curses.
a character can do is defined by one of six Skill Spheres. They are listed
on t h e pregenerated character you have chosen (if you haven't yet Skill vs. Skill
chosen a character, do it now). The Skill Spheres are Knowledge (KNO) Whenever there i s an opposing force involved in a skill roll, such as
(your education and street smarts), Talent ( T A L ) (your spirit, presence, Carol trying t o persuade a Captain t o allow her t o smoke, both sides
and persuasion ability), Observation (OES) (your five senses), Com- try skill rolls. Carol rolls her Persuade skill % + ld100, and the game-
munication (COM) (your ability t o entertain or teach someone through master rolls the Captain's T A L % + l d l O O (the Captain doesn't have the
conversation), Manipulation (MAN) (skill w i t h your hands), and Kine- Persuade skill, so he has t o use his Talent Skill Sphere). As long as both
tics ( K I N ) (prowess w i t h physical activity requiring your whole body). sides get a total o f 101% or better, the higher total wins. So if Carol's
Each Sphere has a number listed with it. For example, the character player rolls higher w i t h her Persuade% + l d l O O roll than the Game-
Carol Horn has a Manipulation Skill Sphere of 29%. This means she has master did w i t h the TAL% + l d 1 0 0 roll, Carol wins, and smiles as she
a 29% chance of performing any task related t o Manipulation. To find lights u p a cigarette.
out i f she actually performs a particular task, the player rolls per- This idea comes into play frequently. For example, it i s used when
centile dice, and adds Carol's 29% to the roll of the dice. I f the total a character tries t o affect an object, such as Carol trying t o pick a lock.
of percentile dice plus the Sphere percentage i s less than 101%, the I n this case, the player rolls against the lock ( i t is the gamemaster who
character fails. But if t h e total number i s 101% or higher, Carol suc- actually makes the lock's skill roll). It i s also used when your character
ceeds in her task. Carol's player rolls the dice and gets an '8' and a '0'. wants t o pick something up, such as a rock. In this case, you use your
This i s a roll of '80'. Adding Carol's 29% t o this, gets a total of 109%. Muscle (MUS) in a Skill vs. Skill roll against the rock (the gamemaster
Success! rolls for the rock).
It's important t o remember 'that the further the total percentage
is over 100%. the better the character performs. That's It!
Those few rules are the basic mechanics for playing the game.
Specific Skills Of course, there's a l o t more on your character sheet than skills, but
In addition t o raw ability (Skill Spheres), characters have developed your gamemaster can explain them as they come up. After playing
certain unique abilities t o d o particular tasks - specializing in certain once, though, you'll begin getting a real feel for how things work.

Example of Play
Everyone's gotten together for their regular Saturday evening of Sven: Okay, why don't you reintroduce youselves. I t ' s been a few
gaming. The players, Alice, Brian, and Cyndi, each have a pregener- weeks since we've played.
ated character sheet. Sven is the gamemaster. Cyndi: I'm playing Carol Horn. She's attractive but kind o f bitter. She
still smokes, thanks to Keeps.
Brian: Umm, m y character's name is Bruce Keeler. It says he doesn't It doesn't take l m g t o get your stuff together. All your gear is
like being called 'Keeps'. listed on your character sheet. You meet u p w i t h the other crewmem-
bers f o r the ride t o the airfield. Over in the hangar, you see the Phoenix
Alice: No problem, Keeps. I'm playing Captain Anthony Quill. He's
kind of quiet, but mischievous. He likes having a good time.
Alice: 'Okay, everybody, let's move out!'
Sven: Okay, okay. It's been k i n d of quiet the past two weeks. News
Sven: Everyone's soon strapped in and ready for takeoff. Anthony
reports say that the co-sponsored lunar base is ahead of schedule.
needs t o make his Shuttle Operations skill roll.
Brian: Who's t h e other sponsor? Alice: I roll a 49. Added to m y 68% gives me 117%.
Sven: The Soviet Union. I sure hope your characters can speak Russian. Sven: I guess you found the gas pedal! (Laughter.) You're o f f ! You taxi
There's a l o t of interaction w i t h them. effortlessly down the runway, and off i n t o the sky. You communicate
Cyndi: That's bizarre. I guess our scientific community isn't as para- with ground control for the first half-hour as you pass checkpoints and
noid as our government. recheck instrumentation.
Sven: Apparently not. Anyway, at about 4 in the afternoon, you are About an hour and a half later, you're travelling up far enough
jolted b y a siren. Other sirens are sounding now. You can hear trucks t o see the r i m of the earth. It's an awesome sight, floating across
and jeeps speeding through, and people are shouting. the galaxy.
Alice: It's about time. We quickly get dressed and promptly report Alice: Gee, I wish I could really see i t . . .
t o the briefing room. Sven: You suddenly see t h e Soviet shuttle Trotsky approaching from
your right.
Sven: What are the rest of you doing?
Cyndi: How close are we?
Cyndi and Brian: The same. Sven: You should be docking in a few minutes.
S o n : You show up, and the Major i s there. He looks as tense as you Brian: 'Commander, any special procedures?
do. There are eighteen of you all together. Alice: 'Prepare your weapons, and don't take any crap from 'em.'
Cyndi: Eighteen of us? Brian: 'Yes, ma'am!' U r n . . . I mean, 'acknowledged.'
Sven: Right. Well, there's thirty-six of you involved in ProjectPhoenix. Sven: You're getting close. The Phoenix systems are preparing for
You're divided u p into four teams of nine each. They've called in t w o docking maneuvers. Are you going t o l e t it cycle through?
teams. Alice: 'All hands: prepare f o r docking maneuvers.'
The Major addresses you. Sven: Okay. The procedure begins. The shuttle steering engines pulse,
'Well, the time has come all too soon, I'm afraid. We need you for a turning the ship. Cyndi, you need t o make Horn's Shuttle Operations
mission. You t w o Special Reaction Teams are the best that Project skill roll.
Phoenix has t o offer. Cyndi: (Rolls.) Made it w i t h a 127%. 'Looking good, Commander.'
'Two hours ago, there was an explosion on the lunar base. A section AI ice: 'A kn ow ledged.'
is cut off from the rest of the base, and there are reports that i t was Sven: The main engines are disengaged, and the autopilot is on standby.
sabotage. That section just happens to be the nuclear power plant for You hear the pressurization seal hiss above the cargo bay airlock, and
t h e station.' the light goes from red to green.
(Mutterings of amazement f r o m the players.) Alice: I float over t o the airlock. 'Thompson! Front and center! Horn,
Cyndi: 'Where d o we fit in?' Keeps: remain at your posts. Be prepared for emergency maneuvering.'
Cyndi and Brian: 'Aknowledged.'
Sven: The Major continues. 'The Phoenix military shuttle is being
Sven: As you hear their airlock opening, Thompson floats over t o you.
readied right now down at the airstrip. You will achieve orbit, rendez-
She looks a b i t nervous.
vous with the Soviet Shuttle Trotsky, and swap one soldier each.'
Alice: Poor kid. I slam my fist down on the airlock switches, and keep
Cyndi:(Chuckling) Well, I take it back. Everyone is still just as para-
my finger on the safety o f m y pistol.
noid. Mutual hostages. That's stupid.
Sven: The airlock hisses open, and before you can do anything, a
Sven: Does your character actually say that?
cosmonaut propells himself through the opening.
Cyndi: Uhh . . No.
Alice: I shut the airlock!
Brian: A n airstrip? Sven: Well, since your Manipulation speed is 3, that many of them
S e n : Yeah, the military shuttles are like airplanes. They take o f f and get into the Phoenix before you shut it. They are in full Extravehicular
land on runways. Remember, this is 1997. Activity Suits, and look ready t o d o a moonwalk at any moment.
Alice: Oh. 'Major, are there any circumstances which we should b e Cyndi: Oh n o ! That means -
aware o f ? S e n : 'Comrade!' The leader addresses you in English. 'You will now
S e n : 'Yes. According t o the president, the Soviets feel that this is our do exactly as we say. You are under Soviet martial law. After all, we
fault, and the last straw for them. In other words, if we don't get u p are over Soviet airspace. I f you refuse, we will decompress your ship.'
there and find out what's going on, the lunar base may be the least o f He pats his machine gun.
our problems. As a matter of fact, the president i s meeting right now, -~
Alice: What aarbaae! 'Soviet airsoace' indeed!
w i t h a Soviet representative.' Brian: Now what?!
Cyndi: 'What exactly are their charges? Do they have any proof that Cyndi: Figures that this would happen. We'll all die and "Poof" World
this was planned? War 111. Well, that's just fine.
Sven: 'Sorry, soldier. That information's classified.' Alice: Quiet. I have t o think for a minute. What is the Russian doing?
Cyndi: I want t o know. 1'11 t r y using my Persuade skill on him. I roll Sven: Studying you as intently as you are studying him.
a 65, and add m y skill percentage of 54%. That gives me a total of 119. Alice: (Stares intently at Sven.) Fine. 'You have ten seconds t o leave
I did i t ! this vessel or I shall be forced t o kill you. I s that clear?' (Quietly:)
Sven: So far. But the Major gets t o t r y and resist. This i s a Skill vs. Should I make a Persuade skill roll?
Skill situation. He's got a high score. Let's see . . (Rolls dice.) Nope, Sven: Umm, no, we'll act this one out. (Loudly:) He laughs, and turns
he's not convinced. I beat your roll. t o his companions.
'Sorry, soldier. I t o l d you that it's classified.' The Major shoots Alice: Does he have any hoses on the outside of his suit?
you a dirty look. Sven: Yeah. The Soviets aren't as concerned about comfort and safety
Cyndi: Oh, well. I tried. as we are.
Alice: What are the other astronauts doing? Alice: I grab one and pull it out.
Sven: About the same as you. Some of them seem a little nervous, .
Sven: You . . Okay. Roll. The suit is of 'Good' quality, so it has a
others look eager t o go. base of 120%.
The Major says, 'Anthony, you're commanding this mission. Horn, Alice: Anthony has a MUS of 9 0 kg. I roll 1D I O O and add 90, getting . .
I want you on his right side - pilot.' And he turns t o Keeps. 'And you, 172! Hah!
sir, are Communications and Payload Specialist. Any questions? ( A l l Sven: You beat the suit's total! His suit is no longer spaceworthyl
three players shake their heads 'no.') Good. He can't depressurize the Phoenix without killing himself! Nice work!
'Thompson,' he says, 'You're our 'hostage'. Don't l e t them get away .
Alice: 'What were you saying. . comrade?
w i t h anything. We'll plant a monitor on you so we'll hear everything.
N o doubt they'll d o t h e same.
'Get your gear. You've got twenty minutes before t h e troop carrier (The other players cheer as play continues far into t h e night. .. )
leaves for the landing field.
'Let's do this one right, troops. The world is watching. Let's Move Out.'
Cmeatlng a Hero Summary
Use this Summary once you are familiar with Character Creation. This is the ’Cliff Notes’ version.

I 2.1 SOCIETAL INFORMATION (See page 5 ) 2.4 CHARACTERIZATION (See pages 7 & 8 )

Name, Race/National Origin: Choose, Appearance: Choose.

Personality Profile: Choose a t least five traits from the Per-

sonality Profile list, tagging them with the quantifiers: Always,
Lower Class 10-29 K Usually, Often, Sometimes, or Never.
Middle Class 30-59 K
Upper Class 60-70 K Personal History Generator: Roll a t least five times on the
Personal History Generator.

2.2 PHYSICAL INFORMATION (See pages 5 & 6 ) 2.5 FINISHING TOUCHES (See pages 8 819 )

Gender: Choose. Date and Place of Birth, Political/Religious Affiliations,

Family/Personal Relationships, Hobbies and Special Interests,
Age: 2d6 + 20. Reason for Joining the U.S. Space Command Was: Choose.

Rank: Roll 2d6 or

Height (HEI): Roll 6d10. Females add +130cm to this, males choose. Roll Rank
add +145cm. 2-7 2nd Lieutenant
8-11 1st Lieutenant
Weight (WEI): Roll (2d8 x 5). Females add +15kg., males 12 Captain
add +30kg.

Handedness: Roll Roll Result

2d6 or choose. 2-3 left handed 3 SKILLS (See pages 10 - 27
4-11 right handed
12 ambidexterous
Skill Spheres: Divide 18d10 among the six skill spheres: MAN-
ipulation, KNOwledge, TALent, OBServation, COMmunica-
Conditioning (CON%): Roll ( l d 6 + 6) x 10 as a percentage. tion, KINetics, giving between 1-5 dice for each one. Then roll
the dice for each Sphere.
Ergs: Add the ( l d 6 + 6) CON roll to a roll of ld6.

2.3 FACTORED INFORMATION (See pages 6 & 7 )

I Dice roll + 15%= Sphere %.
Specific Skills: Age = No. of Specific Skills.
Muscle (MUS): WE1 x CON% = Kg.
Specific Skill % = 3d10% +Skill Sphere %.

Damage Class (DAM): MUS DAM

Reference your MUS on 05-24 -1
this chart t o find DAM. 25-44 0
45-64 +I Max. Success Klutz Roll Skill Sphere % Skill Speed
65-84 +2 00 01-05 01-19% 5
85-104 +3 99-00 01-04 20-29% 4
105-124 +4 98-00 01-03 30-39% 3
125-144 +5 97-00 01-02 4049% 2
96-00 01 50%+ 1

Body Points (BOD): Multiply your hero’s WE1 by the number

listed on each Hit Location. Moves: 6 - KIN Sphere speed.


Warning: This is designed t o serve as an orientation sourcebook only. Refer specific technical
questions to the appropriate department or ask your training officer for details.

US GOV. Top Secret 1055-278/01

Subject t o 234 U.S.C. sec. 788(b)
1 . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5.2 Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2 BIRTH OF A HERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.3 Additional Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.1 Societal Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 . THEBODY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2 Physical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6.1 Damage and Body Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 Factored Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6.2 Trauma & tnjury Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.4 Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.3 Ergs: Wind & Long-Term Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4
2.5 Finishing Touches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6.4 The Hazard Helix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3 SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.5 The Action Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1 Skill Spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.6Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2 Specialized Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6.7 Adverse Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3 Service Branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7. COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4 Generating Specific Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7.1 Preparing for Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.5 Using Skill Spheres & Specific Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7.2 Skills: Offensive. Defensive & Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.6 Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 7.3 The Combat Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4 . COMMONSKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7.4 Combat Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1 Knowledge Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7.5 Weapon Reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2 Talent Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7.6 Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3 Observation Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7.7 Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.4 Communication Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 7.8 Special Skill Results: Klutz and Max Results . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.5 Manipulation Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 .
7.9 Muscle vs . Muscle; Muscle vs Weight: Throwing . . . . . . . . 43
4.6 Kinetic Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 8 . EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.7 Additional Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 8.1 Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.8 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 8.2 Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5 . SPECIAL A B I L I T I E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8.3 Encumbrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.1 Origin & Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 8.4 Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Copyright 1986 Martin Wixted .
All rights t o this book are reserved No part of this book may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever w i t h o u t permission. except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews .
Note t h a t the Master Character Sheet. the Vehicle Statistic Sheet.
and the 4-page Player Handout included in this package are intended
for photocopying and that this constitutes permission from the pub-
lisher t o make copies o f these play aids .
Cover art and interior illustrations i s copyright 1986 David Dietrick .
Shuttle Schematic (centerspread) is copyright Martin Wixted .

The author i s happy t o respond t o any questions or comments about

this game . Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. and send t o
Special thanks t o Adam L. Gruen and to NASA for their assistance Fantasy Games Unlimited Inc., P.O.Box 182. Roslyn. New York.
in gathering data on plans for the U.S. space Station . 11576 USA .



memorandum t o : The P r e s i d e n t
from: Col. Carl A l b e r t , D i r e c t o r
P r e s i d e n t i a l Commission on Space Program S e c u r i t y
date: 15 J a n u a r y 1996
subject : S e c u r i t y P r o p o s a l ' P r o j e c t Phoenix'

M r . President:

Having a s s e s s e d t h e proposed f o r m a t i o n of t h e ' s p a c e m a r i n e s , ' I have t h e

f o l l o w i n g recommendations. These- s u p e r c e d e recommendations from t h i s o f -
f i c e d a t e d 1 2 November 1995.

1. A s n e c e s s i t a t e d by 24 U.S.C. Sec. 6 8 3 ( e ) , t h i s i s my o f f i c i a l r e q u e s t
t o c o n t i n u e f u n d i n g of t h ace Command f o r t h e n e x t t e n
(10) y e a r s , through t h e y e a r 2006 A

2. P u r s u a n t t o S e n a t o r H i n , I recommend s p l i t t i n g t h e or-
g a n i z a t i o n o f f from t h e A i create a s e p a r a t e e n t i t y c a l l e d t h e
United S t a t e s S p a c e Comma ion i s t o continue using the
A i r Force/Army r a n k s .

3. F u r t h e r , I recommend t h e f o r m a t i o n of a branch of t h e United S t a t e s

Sphce Command s p e c i f i c a l l y d e s i g n e d t o f i g h t t e r r o r i s m i n s p a c e and t o
p r o t e c t n a t i o n a l i n t e r e s t s i n r e l a t e d areas. T h i s o r g a n i z a t i o n i s t o b e
c a l l e d ' P r o j e c t Phoenix..

4 . To f a c i l i t a t e t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s a b i l i t y t o h a n d l e c r i s i s s i t u a t i o n s ,
two p l a n s must be f o l l o w e d :

a . A q u i s i t i o n of t h e m i l i t a r y s h u t t l e s Phoenix and Pegasus ( S h u t t l e

V e h i c l e Numbers MS-120 and MS-121, r e s p e e t i v e l y ) . T h i s p r e f e r e n c e
t a k e s i n t o a c c o u n t r e c e n t t e c h n o l o g i c a l advances - b o t h S h u t t l e s
are t r u e ' f l y i n g wings' w i t h t h e a b i l i t y t o t a k e o f f and l a n d un-
d e r t h e i r own power. T h i s a q u i s i t i o n i s n e c e s s a r y t o p r e v e n t t h e
p o s s i b l e d e l a y i f o t h e r m i l i t a r y o p e r a t i o n s w e r e t o be s c h e d u l e d
f o r t h e s e S h u t t l e s a t t h e t i m e a n emergency o c c u r r e d .

b . Commandeering l a r g e r f a c i l i t i e s a t Kennedy Space C e n t e r f o r

t r a i n i n g and e q u i p p i n g t h a n t h e Space Command p r e s e n t l y h a s . Space
Command c u r r e n t l y h a s a token p r e s e n c e a t t h e C e n t e r . The Phoenix


p r o j e c t requires separate support personnel, trained t o r e a c t

quickly i n emergencies.
c . A t o t a l of t h i r t y - s i x ( 3 6 ) members t o c o m p r i s e f o u r ( 4 ) S t r i k e
T e a m s c o n s i s t i n g of n i n e ( 9 ) members e a c h . These r e c r u i t s are t o b e
s e l e c t e d from e v e r y b r a n c h of o u r Armed F o r c e s , w i t h a minimum
q u o t a of two ( 2 ) r e c r u i t s from e a c h b r a n c h p e r S t r i k e Team. T h i s
i n s u r e s t h a t t h e s e l e c t i o n committee i s i m p a r t i a l , and shows t h e
American p u b l i c t h a t i t i s a j o i n t e f f o r t between a l l b r a n c h e s of
our Armed F o r c e s .

5. Because of t h e u n i q u e n a t u r e of t h e S p e c i a l R e a c t i o n Team (SRT), de-

v i a t i o n from t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n and equipment l i s t a s d e s c r i b e d i n t h e
United S t a t e s Army C o u n t e r t e r r o r i s m Manual (1995, r e v i s e d e d i t i o n ) i s ap-
The c u r r e n t Manual recommends a squad of n i n e ( 9 ) p e r s o n n e l as a b a s i s
f o r a n SRT, w i t h breakdown as f o l l o w s :

Team Leader
Advance Guard
S p e c i a l Weapons
Heavy Weapons
S e c u r i t y Element
R e a r Guard

Having reviewed t h i s m a t t associate personnel (see attached

l i s t ) , i t i s acknowledged team i s n o t a p p r o p r i a t e t o t h e
s i t u a t i o n s w e expect i n sp nor t o t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s of t h e S h u t t l e i t -
T h e r e f o r e , t h e f o l l o w i n g s u b s t i t u t i o n i s recommended:

Communications and Payload S p e c i a l i s t
Medic (Emergency Medical T e c h n i c i a n )
I n f a n t r y Heavy Weapons
S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s : Combat Engineer
S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s : Mechanic
S u p p o r t Services: E l e c t r o n i c s

T h i s breakdown of p e r s o n n e l p r o v i d e s enough f i r e p o w e r , and a l s o pro-

v i d e s f o r maintenance and emergency r e p a i r s on t h e main method of t r a n s -
p o r t a t i o n : the M i l i t a r y S h u t t l e . Naturally, only the appropriately-ranked
o f f i c e r i s t o be assigned t o each p o s i t i o n .
There i s a heavy emphasis on s u p p o r t p e r s o n n e l . T h i s i s due t o t h e
f a c t t h a t any h o s t i l e o c c u p a t i o n of a c i v i l i a n o r m i l i t a r y i n s t a l l a t i o n
i n s p a c e i s s u s c e p t i b l e t o c o v e r t o p e r a t i o n s by P r o j e c t Phoenix. Speci-
f i c a l l y , a h o s t i l e a c t i o n c a n n o t l a s t l o n g i f t h e SRT d i s a b l e s t h e i r
oxygen s u p p l y , o r e x p o s e s t h e i r v e h i c l e t o vacuum.

6. The Defense Department, as w e l l as s e v e r a l s e c u r i t y agency d i v i s i o n s ,

h a s been c o l l e c t i n g d a t a on American c i t i z e n s who p o s s e s s u n i q u e a b i l i t i e s
which have p o s s i b l e d e f e n s e a p p l i c a t i o n s . These ' S p e c i a l A b i l i t i e s ' i n -
c l u d e l i m i t e d p s y c h i c a b i l i t y , m e n t a l d i s c i p l i n e s , and e x p e r i m e n t a l
g a d g e t s t o which t h e y have become t e s t s u b j e c t s . S p e c i f i c a l l y , t h e recom-
mendation i s t o encourage t h e s e c i t i z e n s t o s e e k employment i n a b r a n c h
of t h e Armed F o r c e s . Once t h e y have s i g n e d w i t h a b r a n c h , t h a t c a d e t i s
turned o v e r t o Space Command f o r p o s s i b l e i n d o c t r i n a t i o n i n t o P r o j e c t
A l l members of P r o j e c t Phoenix w i l l be Commissioned O f f i c e r s .

7 . W e are i n t h e f i n a l s t a g e s of c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e s p a c e s t a t i o n
'America,' and i n t h e second s t a g e of c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e l u n a r b a s e .
T h e r e f o r e , i t i s u r g e n t t h a t a d e c i s i o n b e made on t h i s matter a s soon
as p o s s i b l e . You might a l s o wish t o c o n s i d e r t h e f a c t t h a t t h e American
p u b l i c i s w h o l e h e a r t e d l y behind t h e s p a c e program, and t h a t t h i s i s a n
e l e c t i o n year.

c o . KA:so
Heroes are created in the order given below. You should always it. (Actually, he had little choice in the matter, because even his in-
roll for your characteristics, b u t - w i t h the counsel o f your game- structors have begun calling h i m Keeps.)
master - you can change the result t o keep it in tune w i t h the k i n d o f
character you w a n t to play. RacelNational ity
Use a pencil when filling out y o u r character sheet, because infor- These help you visualize your character. Are y o u British-born,
mation changes as your character grows. o r maybe an Amerind? Of Australian descent, or Brazilian?
Anthony Quill, and his teammates Carol Horn and Bruce 'Keeps' Choose your character's race and national origin. All Phoenix heroes
Keeler are mentioned in these rules, t o help explain them t o y o u by are United States citizens.
Social Status
2.1 SOCIETAL INFORMATION This clues you i n t o the quality o f life your character i s used to.
It includes housing, food, a n d the ability t o get money and/or items
'Okay, Quill. You're the ringmaster here. Why don't you through various channels and contacts. Anthony Quill, for example, is
t e l l everybody just how you managed to get into this outfit, most definitely Upper Class (if the Major's tirade is t o be believedl).
eh?' Most Phoenix heroes are Middle Class.
'Sir?' ~ For the purpose of the game, money i s considered roughly equiva-
lent t o today's values.
'You heard me, mister.'
'I'm sorry Major, but I -'
'Your daddy, son. I'm talking about Phillip Quill. Congress- SOCIAL STATUS (ROLL 1D6)
man Phillip Quill. A little string-pulling and a flashy name Dice roll Social Status Income
Lower Class 10-29 K
got you into this outfit. But it means diddlysquat so far as
Middle Class 30-59 K
I'm concerned. Got that? That goes for all you miserable Upper Class 60-70K
types. Your name means nothing, understand? Your money
means even less.
'There isn't anybody is this whole outfit 'cares who you
I choose Anthony's name, his race (Black), and Nationality
are, what color you are, or what money you've got. All I care (JamaicanJ. I roll I D 6 for his Social Status and get 6. He is defini-
about is having to stare a t your disgusting mugs for eight tely Upper Class (the Major was rightll. Anthony makes $60-70,000
weeks. God knows you are sure some of the ugliest slobs a year! Being greedy, I decide he makes the most possible in his
I've ever trained. income bracket - $70,000.

Societal influences often have the most impact o n h o w other people

treat your character (with the possible exception of the officers a t 2.2 PHYSICAL INFORMATION
Space Command). A rich Irish immigrant grows up differently than
a poor, f i f t h generation Jewish American. Keep that in mind when
'We're going to learn a l i t t l e about keeping in shape: con-
generating this information, and choose your character's attributes
according1 y. ditioning, strength, and staying power. No, we're not going
to try a sex marathon, Quill. I'm talking physical fitness.
Name 'Good conditioning l e t s you recover from diseases faster,
In addition to your given and family names, y o u r character often lets you heal faster, and makes you able to keep your wind.
picks u p a nickname in t h e Academy -possibly one that he or she
Unless you smoke, right, Horn?'
doesn't particularly like. Bruce Keeler, for example, got the nickname
'Keeps' because he keeps just about everything he finds. 'Yes, Sir!'
He was uncomfortable w i t h the name a t first, but n o w he's used t o 'You smoke anymore, woman?'

'No, Sir!'
'Do you think you could outlast me in a marathon run?' I choose my character's gender: Male.
'No, Sir!' Age: I roll 206 and get 6. 6 + 20 = 26. Anthony is 26 years
'And why not?'
Height: Rolling 6D10, I get 12. 12 + 145cm = 157cm. Anthony
'Because I used to smoke, Sir!' is 157 ern tall. I'm not happy. I don't want a short hero!
'That's right, you clowns. So get it through your heads. Weight: I'm not happy with Anthony's height, so my game
Stay in condition, and you'll have more chance of survival. master lets me choose his weight: 90 kg.
Any questions?' Hand: I roll 206 and get 3. I don't want Anthony to be Left-
Handed, and my gamemaster allows me to change it. I write down
'Yes, Sir.' that Anthony is Right-Handed.
'What i s it, Quill?' Conditioning%: Rolling 106 I get a 4. 4 + 6 = 10. Multiplied
'You're serious about this, aren't you sir? Are we being by 10 gives Anthony a CON% of loo%, which is above average
prepped for something? What's up?' for a Phoenix character.
Ergs: I roll 1D6 and get 2. Added to my I D 6 + 6 CON% roll
'Nothing. Yet. But we may need you people soon. So
of 10, this gives me 2 + 10= 12. Anthony has 12 Ergs.
on the floor! Give me one hundred pushups.' Notice that I rolled some things and chose others, directing the
'Thanks a lot, Quill.' selection towards what I had in mind for my character. I kept
'That's two hundred for you, Keeps.' the HE1 roll while discarding the Handedness roll. Admittedly,
('Damn.') Anthony's HE1 isn't exactly what I wanted, but it gives him a bii
of uniqueness.
This kind of selection process becomes common as you use the
Physical Information begins where Societal Information leaves o f f - system, seeing the relationship of the items to each other.
now w e discuss your character's physical attributes.

Choose your character's gender. Both men and women are crucial 2.3 FACTORED INFORMATION
in the never-ending battle t o preserve American freedom.
'As I've said, fitness is everything. But just because you're
Age fit doesn't mean you're strong. It depends on how big you
The age of your character gives you a clue t o his or her mental
are. Now, you, Horn, I could lift easily. No big deal. But you
and emotional maturity. A t 26, Anthony i s relatively young (both
physically and mentally) f o r the Space Command. But, as you'll soon couldn't lift me. That's got nothing to do with conditioning:
find out, there is a good reason for many characters t o be so young. that's muscle bulk.
Your age also tells you another important thing about your character: 'Keeps. Over here. Sit down, facing me.
how many skills he o r she has learned. We'll discuss skills in the Skill 'Now, arm wrestle me.'
chapter, b u t for now, generate your character's age b y rolling 2 D 6 +20.
'Yes, sir ..
Height &Weight (HE1 &WE11 'As you can see, I'm having *oof* little trouble keeping
For Height, roll 6D10. Females add +130 c m t o this, males add him down. Now, it looks like *urr* Keeps i s in okay shape.
+145 cm. His health report is flawless - isn't that right, boy?'
For Weight, roll (2D8 x 5). Females add +15 kg t o this, males add
'*Arrggg* Yes, *Oommph* Sir!'
+30 kg. Weight affects your character's ability t o absorb damage
and i s a guide to h o w much he o r she can lift (which we'll get t o in a 'But being healthy doesn't mean you've got lots of muscles,
minute). does it, Keeps?'
'*Aahh* - No, Sir!'
Handedness 'Okay, Keeps - by the way, you should see a doctor about
Your character's dominant hand.
Roll 2D6. A 2-3 result is left-handed. A 4-11 result means right-
that swollen hand. Quill, get over here.'
handed, and a roll o f 12 i s ambidexterous.
Factored information i s based o n things you've already discovered
Conditioning (CON%) about y o u r character.
This measures how f i t you are in relation t o other people. As the
Major said, conditioning affects how well y o u resist disease, and reco- Muscle (MUS)
ver f r o m wounds. A l o w CON% (20%) indicates a feeble or out-of- H o w much your character can lift, carry, and push is known as his
shape character, while a high CON% (80%) means a muscular, phys- or her Muscle. For now, all y o u need t o k n o w i s that the amount
ically fit character. It also regulates the amount o f weight your charac- y o u can l i f t w i t h o u t trouble i s equal t o this value. I f you t r y to l i f t
ter can l i f t . something heavier, you may n o t be successful.
T o give you an idea where the high end o f this scale is, an Olympic WE1 x CON% = kg. your hero can l i f t .
weight lifter can l i f t as much as 300% o f his o w n weight. Roll 1D6 + 6,
and record this number. (You'll b e using it for your Ergs in just a
second.) Multiply this number b y 10 t o get y o u character's CON%.
You'll get a result somewhere between 7Ooh120%. That's because Damage Class (DAM)
you're heroes. Regular civilians aren't as f i t as you. A character's Damage Class is r 1

added (or subtracted) per b l o w

I n Year of the Phoenix, Ergs are units o f energy: your hero's ability due t o your character's unusual
t o perform strenuous and/or stressful activities f o r long periods of build, use o f larger (or smaller)
time - your character's w i n d (yes, just like the Major said). than average weapons, or other
Start o f f w i t h the number y o u got when you rolled 1D6+6 f o r modifiers. Since Phoenix Special
your character's CON%. This number i s used as a base, because your Forces undergo severe training,
energy i s influenced b y your conditioning. N o w add +1 D6 t o it. Circle they average a higher D A M
the result o n the Erg Action Track, a vertical r o w o f boxes located than normal civilian types, while
on the right side o f your character sheet. officers w h o specialize in physical
Ergs are explained f u l l y in The Body chapter.
Body Points (BOD) .
Wake 'em u p . .How should I know?'
A t the b o t t o m of your character sheet is a H i t Location Chart.
It shows how much damage your character can withstand in each body
part w i t h o u t having it disable h i m or her {like a crushed hand). This
concept is more thoroughly explored in 'The Body' chapter, but f o r
n o w you need t o generate BOD Points f o r your character. Each loca-
t i o n is assigned numbers or points, hence the term.
A character's BOD are determined f r o m his or her WEI. Each
location on the chart l i s t s a number you m u l t i p l y your hero's WE1
b y t o f i n d that location's BOD. For example, I m u l t i p l y Anthony's
WE1 b y .03 t o determine the number of BOD in his head.


Nec k/Sh Idrs . 04

The enjoyment of a roleplaying game comes f r o m exploring your
own creativity as you pretend t o be someone else - someone who
lives entirely in your imagination. I n other words, roleplaying i s a game
o f characterization. Characterization i s your characten's appearance,
history, and personality. Attitudes, interests, morals, motivation,
and personal habits all contibute to an overall portrait of your freedom
MUS: Anthony has a CON of 100%. He weighs 90 kg. 90 x 1.00 = fighter.
90. Anthony can lift 90 kg. The person you design should be interesting t o you; there should be
DAM: Anthony's MUS is 90,so his DAM i s +3. something about the character you find challenging or intriguing. Make
No matter what this actually means in game terms, Anthony is a commitment t o that character. Have a definite voice pattern, manner
pretty well set (considering the maximum value on the chart is a of speech, looks, and consistent reactions to recurring events. He
+5/. or she should experience or have had the experience o f extreme emo-
BOD: Anthony weighs 90 kg 90 x .03 = 2.7, or 3. His Head has tions; hate, love, envy, pride, honor, etc. Alternately, your character
3 BOD. may just be awakening emotionally, and every feeling i s a new exper-
Head 3 HandL
Neck/Shltirs 4 Hand R
Chest 7 Abdomen APPEARANCE
Arm L 4 LegL Face and Hair
Arm R 4 LegR rugged balding brunette
crooked teeth maned buck t e e t h
Anthony makes out fairly well. He'll need this advantage in the
eternal fight for freedom.
I angular
strange haircut
piercing eyes
cauliflower ears
beautiful teeth
bushy brows
shifty eyed
squinty eyes-
large ears
wild small ears sinister
2.4 CHARACTERIZATION delicate features conniving cold
receeding hair1ine auburn dark
Horn lay on her bed, listening to Keeps trying to play a
harmonica. He didn't have it yesterday, but that was nothing Voice
unusual - it would probably be gone tomorrow, traded for demonic chilling horrible
pitiful tolerable average
something else. She swung her legs out from the cramped typical good excellent
space and jumped t o the floor. superb amazing divine
'I need a cigarette.' It was a statement, not a question.
'You know what the Major said about -' Build
trim muscular robust
'I don't care. I need a cigarette.' He watched her face for
conditioned i m posing ample
a few minutes, dug into his knapsack, and proauced a pack rugged bulky forceful
of cancersticks. She held out her hand, but he pulled away. squat heavy burly
'You didn't get these from me, understand?' overbearing dynamic
'I understand.' She waited. He dropped two into her
Overall Appearance
frosty young rumpled
'That's all there is, Horn.' you t h f u I loose mature
'Thanks, Keeps.' drab middle aged flowing
'Don't call me that.' old angelic ancient
'Sorry.'She jumped back up, wrapped a sock around the devilish dirty innocent
clean glowing unkempt
sprinkler head she banged her head on at least once a day, otherworldly i mmacu late dead
and lit a cigarette. suggestive Iifeless foppish
'Carol?' repulsive rough drab
'Yeah?' refined unremarkable nervous
vacant looking comical . scarecrow
'What do you think they're training us for?'
disturbing limp outlandish
'Probably to bomb the Russians. They need a good straf- reedy sleepy severe
ing - maybe a Hydrogen bomb right on Moscow *POW*.'
Describe your character i n detail. What does he o r she l o o k like? o f scrap paper.
Act like? Sound like? What about first impressions? It's important Once you've finished rolling dice, l o o k up t h e results o n the Person-
t o have a clear picture t o relate t o others, for consistant character al History table and tie them together t o make a story. Rolling 'Time
inteyaction. o f learning' and then 'New friend,' you could decide that you met
Sometimes y o u can b e in a r u t - h o w many different ways can y o u someone w h o taught you many things.
think o f t o describe a character? Use the accompanying l i s t s t o spark This doesn't give you m u c h except the bare bones. Like everything
your imagination. else, twist and interpret this t o your o w n desires and conceptions.

Characters have particular and often peculiar patterns o f behavior. Personal History Generator (roll 1D 3 0 o r choose)
The Personality Profile is designed t o help your Phoenix hero come 01 Relocation
t o life. The Personality Profile i s a guide t o help y o u begin roleplaying 02 'Gain' o r 'loss' o f family o r group
your character - it's n o t a psychological profile (although, n o d o u b t 03 Time o f rebellion
your character i s familiar w i t h the psych tests needed t o join Space 04 Time o f poverty (of ideas, time, wealth, friends)
Command). 0 5 Time o f illness (emotional and/or physical)
Choose at least five traits f r o m the Profile list, tagging them w i t h 06 Time o f learning
one o f the following quantifiers: 07 Good occupation
Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, o r Never. 08 Weakening/conflict of group o r family ties
Don't feel limited t o the words o n the chart. Develop one o r t w o 09 Strengthening/reconciliation o f group o r family ties
o f your own. 1 0 New significant friend/enemy
11 Time o f spiritual fervor
12 Meet someone important t o you
According t o the Personality Profile Ichose for him, Anthony's 13 Identification or solution o f major task/problem
Never Cunning, Often Quiet, Sometimes Emotional, Always Brave, 14 Initiation into or expulsion f r o m a special group
and plain o l d Stubborn. 1 5 Revival o f a long-dead love/situation/illness/problem
I'm lazy, so I'llo n l y roll o n the table five times. Iget 02, 09, 1 6 Moderate personal loss (item, ideals, goals,friends,freedom)
22, 02, a n d 10. L o o k i n g over the results, Idecide t o a d d t w o more, 17 Time o f conscriptionlslavery (physical and/or emotional)
a n d choose 13 ana 12. 18 Time of philosophical questing
Plugging these i n t o my original concept o f Anthony, Idevelop 19 Personal conflict (wealth, goals, love, freedom, ideals)
the following. 20 Involved in disreputable activity
A n t h o n y Quill was b o r n A n t h o n y Sellers. H i s parents were 21 Personal advancement
k i l l e d in a train crash when h e was o n l y a f e w months old. 22 Large material gain
H e was raised b y his grandfather, a well-to-do congressman. 2 3 Deceit/deception personality affects y o u
Phillip Q u i l l gave the b o y h i s last name to save him from a n y em- 2 4 Large scale disaster (natural, financial, spiritual) personally
barrassment. affects y o u
The man was very interested in ancient civilizations, a n d his 2 5 Make a journey o u t o f necessity or gain
ward was n o exception, Before getting involved in the space pro- 26 Family or group member has injury/problem/secret/leadin!
gram, A n t h o n y went on m a n y crazy a n d w i l d expeditions. These a 'double life'
were funded by the finances o f the now-deceased Phillip. 27 The center o f public and/or private recognition/notoriety
A n t h o n y h a d an unfortunate love affair once and is wary o f 28 Time o f renewal/celebration/joy
romance. 29 Time o f wealth (ideas, friends, etc.)
3 0 Time o f deep love (person, place, thing)

People are the result of their experiences. What characters were 2.5 FINISHING TOUCHES
involved in during their lives influences the k i n d of skills they learned.
Carol Horn, f o r example, learned some skills totally different f r o m 'What are you in this far, anyway, Quill? I mean, what's
what you'd expect f r o m someone o f her high breeding. (Brawling,
your motivation? It certainly isn't becau.se you love the
indeed! 1
Use the Personal History Generator t o develop a history f o r your Air Force. Talk to me!'
character. You may roll o n it once for every year o f your hero's life 'Sir! I joined the Phoenix Special Forces to combat terror-
(if y o u want'your character t o have had a busy past), b u t roll at least ism and the growing Communist threat. With Mexico now
five times. There's n o way t o predict the t y p e o f information y o u w i l l almost Communist, and the Asiatic Conclave emerging, I
create, so personal history is o n the back o f your character sheet
t o give you enough room.
feel that -'
Turn your character sheet over and roll 1 D 3 0 as often as y o u 'Okay, Quill. Cut it. You're talking t o me now. And I
desire, w i t h i n the limits set above. Jot d o w n the numbers o n a piece don't buy it.

Personality Profile (Choose five traits)

1. Loyal - Untrustworthy 18. Religious - Nonreligious 35. Profane - Pious
2. Rigid - Flexible 19. Rash - Patient 36. Tender - Toughminded
3. Sarcastic - Deadpan 20. Apologetic - Uncaring 37. Dishonest - Honest
4. Modest - Proud 21. Envious - Satisfied 38.Suspicious - Trusting
5. Competitive - Goal oriented 22.Conservative - Liberal 39,Pessimistic - Optimistic
6. Forgiving - Vengeful 23. Openminded - Judgemental 40. Merciful - Sadistic
7. Jealous - Trusting 24. K i n d - Spiteful 41 .Curious - Apathetic
8. Good Natured - Moody 25.Temperate - Indulgent 42. Imaginative - Practical
9. Independent - Group/Farnily oriented 26,Conscientious - Expedient 43. Shrewd - Forthright
10. Chaste - Lustful 27.Excitable - Patient 44. Formal - Uncouth
11. Generous - Selfish 28. Logical - Emotional 45,Apprehensive - Placid
12. Brave - Cowardly 29. Energetic - Lazy 46. Pacifistic - Activistic
13. Liberal - Conservative 30. Outgoing - Reserved 47,Controlled - Casual
14,Adaptive - Resistant 31. Stubborn - Docile 48.Tense - Relaxed
15.Serious - Light 32.Assertive - Humble 49.Talkative - Quiet
16.Sincere - Insincere 33. Opportunistic - Idealistic 50.Subtle - Forceful
17. Honest - Deceitful 34. Venturesome - Shy

'The truth? Okay. I . . .want to be a Shuttle pilot. I want Rank

You are an Officer of the United States Space Command. R o l l
to live on the moon - go out there and see what makes
us tick. Why are we here?' The nine positions in the Special Reaction Team each require a
'Why'd you join us? There are some commercial space specific rank. The positions and the required ranks are listed on the
ventures who might take you.' table below. Your gamemaster may wish you t o simply choose a
'The money's quite good, sir. And frankly, I think I need position and take t h e rank required, or may require that y o u roll for
your rank and f i l l a position that you are qualified for.
the discipline.' Since there are nine positions it is unlikely that there will be any
'YOUcertainly do. But I'll turn your ass into an officer overlap, b u t i f t w o players b o t h want the same position, they (and
if it kills me. And it might. , . your gamemaster) have t o decide who gets it. This can be resolved in
'Back to work, mister.' various ways, including randomly, 'roll higher than your opponent
on a D6.'
I f there are more than nine players, the remainder are part of an-
Now your character is almost complete. Write the last few details
other Strike Team. Teams are often sent u p together.
that bring him o r her t o l i f e o n the back o f your character sheet.

Date and Place o f B i r t h

What State/country was your character born i n ? This isn't always Roll Rank
the same as your race or nationality. Did your character move around
a l o t ? What were the circumstances? Where did he or she attend school?
Anyone n o t born in the United States had t o get his or her citizen-
ship before entering t h e Space Command.

PoliticaVReligious Affiliations
What are your character's political and religious feelings? Have they Birth: Anthony was born on June 27, 1972 in Nebraska, U.S.A.
changed due t o recent or past events? Are y o u a right-wing Republican, Political/Religious Affiliations: Registered a Democrat, Anthony
or perhaps a middle-of-the-road Catholic? An obnoxious Fundamental- drifted away from both political parties, satisfied with neither. His
ist, or a quiet Feminist? (Extensive background checks are performed grandfather was Catholic, but Anthony delved into the old pagan
on each applicant: n o Communist character was permitted t o join the religions which were intertwined with many of his excavation
project. 1 findings. Those beliefs are more in tune with his inner feelings
Here's a short l i s t of some religions: Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, than any other religion.
Mormon, Eastern Orthodox, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, Shin- family/Personal Relationships: I decided these in Anthony's
toist, Sikhism, Taoist, Confucianist, or possibly you follow a tribal Personal History.
diety. It's also possible you don't believe in the concept o f religion; Hobbies: Ancient Cultures is a hobby of his, but not dancing.
'none.' Teaching Russian is another interest. He doesn't usually like people
who smoke land is constantly trying to get Horn to stop).
Family/Personal Relationships Reason f o r Joining: Anthony found he was a drifter as his
What are his or her parents' names? H o w many siblings does your life went on, so he turned to the military for the discipline only the
character have? Was your character involved in a relationship before armed forces could give him. So far it hasn't helped1
joining Project Phoenix ? Rank: I roll 206, and got a 12! I take it back - apparently
Anthony was successfullv trained! Anthony is a Captain.

Hobbies and Special Interests
What is your character particularly interested in? Favorite foods?
Television shows or dance styles? Playing instruments? Collecting
things (weapons, comic books)? Were you o n the school debating team?
Perhaps you like quiet walks, o r playing basketball. Maybe you smoke
or like loud rock and roll, o r even enjoy playing the horses (or the
stock market).
This i s your chance t o go w i l d-make your character something

Reason for Joining the US. Space Command

This i s a very serious point, and one o f your character's greatest
motivations. Take some time t o develop it. Was your character running
away? D i d he decide t o go in t o prove something t o himself? D i d she
come f r o m a military background (so i t was preordained)? D i d he
feel he owed the country some service? Perhaps your character went
in for less-than-noble reasons; a judge gave a choice: prison or Space;
drugs almost ruined his life; she entered t o beat the almost-certain
draft, etc..
This reason should color any decisions you make about your Ameri-
can soldier. Why is he or she here? Although your character will grow in playing, beginning w i t h a
strong characterization helps bring him or her t o life more vividly.

Rank Requirement Table

Position Rank Required

See the description of each position, and the skills that position offers, in the 'Skills' chapter.

A skill is a physical, mental, or social ability the character has because a hero knows a l o t (high K N O ) doesn't mean that he o r she
which enables h i m or her t o interact w i t h t h e environment. Your cha- has the prudence t o use it wisely. A l o w K N O probably indicates
racter, in theory, has an unlimited number of these skills. B u t since someone w h o had a sheltered childhood.
no one could possibly learn everything there is t o learn in one lifetime,
most of them are undeveloped. A n average Phoenix hero has about Talent (TAL)
27 developed skills. This deals w i t h the character's luck, as well as other unquantifiable
aspects of a character such as presence and persuasiveness. Someone
3.1 SKILL SPHERES w i t h a high T A L can be unattractive but s t i l l imposing, while someone
w i t h a l o w T A L can be unassuming, no matter h i s or her appearance.

'Quill! Are you a good runner?' Obsorvation (OBSI

'Yes, sir.' The character's adeptness at sensing the environment through taste,
'Keeps, are you?' touch, smell, hearing, odor, and sight. Someone w i t h a l o w OBS might
'No, sir.' be preoccupied most of the time, while a high OBS indicates that the
character i s very aware of his or her surroundings.
'What are you good at?'
'Finding things. I'm very observant.' Cornrnunimtion (COM)
'You mean spotting things no one else notices?' Social interaction, w r i t i n g artistically, and conveying complex
'Yes, sir.' information are all part o f COM. People w i t h low ratings might have
d i f f i c u l t y expressing themselves, while high COM characters could
'Good. As you may have guessed, this week we are be-
write entire books o n the subject o f communicating.
ginning our evaluations. Some of you will be trained to fill
the positions of Commander, Pilot, Communications and Manipulation ( M A N )
Payload Specialist, or another service branch. You'll all be The ability t o use the digits o f the hands and feet f o r detailed work.
trained in the arts of war, and in emergency procedures. A good M A N character can thread a needle, w o r k a lock, untie ropes,
juggle, o r d o calligraphy fairly well, b u t a l o w M A N character might
Some of you have a natural inclination towards an area.
have trouble t y i n g his or her shoelaces in the morning!
Horn, for example, seems to be quick on the uptake, and
has good reflexes. She may be chosen as a pilot. Keeps seems Kinetics ( K I N )
to be good in communications - it remains to be seen what Activities requiring the entire b o d y for balancing, movement, and
graceful motion begin here. K I N involves activities like throwing and
Mr. Quill is qualified for.'

The basis for a l l your character's skills are his or her Skill Spheres.
They are the accumulated ability he or she has i n a particular area. DETERMINING SKILL SPHERES
For example, most Americans k n o w h o w t o turn o n a television or N o w that y o u have a basic understanding of what Skill Spheres are
play a videotape recorder w i t h l i t t l e or n o instruction. This does not !and what uses they serve,'you need t o generate them for your charac-
mean that everyone i s skilled at it, b u t t h a t our culture teaches most ter. It's perfectly okay t o say that a character is, 'Smart and nimble,
of us (in a general way) h o w t o use electronic equipment. The same is but kinda' quiet.' However, we need an easier way t o compare that
true for other activities. character t o others. Each Skill Sphere is simulated in game terms
Your character has six o f these Skill Spheres - basic building w i t h a percentile rating ( f r o m 01-100%) that t e l l s you how well your
blocks. hero can perform in a particular situation.
You begin w i t h eighteen ten-sided dice t o divide among you charac-
Knowladge ( K N O ) ter's Skill Spheres as y o u see fit. You must allocate a t least one die
This is the cultural knowledge your character possesses, as well t o each Sphere, and you can give n o single Sphere more than five dice.
as the ability t o recall it accurately. This also reflects his or her ability I f you were t o construct an average character, he or she would have
t o absorb academic information and manipulate that data. But just three dice for every Sphere.

This method foe distributing dice allows y o u t o create the type While characters have Skill Spheres which allow them a basic chance
o f character y o u want. When deciding, keep in mind his o r her strengths t o t r y just about anything w i t h o u t training, experience w i l l improve
and weaknesses, and check w i t h your character's Personality Profile this chance.
and Personal History. What i s your character interested in? Gaining This experience is simulated in Year of the Phoenix w i t h Specific
knowledge? Put a lot o f dice into KNO. Spending t i m e alone? Y o u Skills. These are built up f r o m a character's Skill Spheres because
better put only one die i n t o COM. A n d so on. the abilities that Specific Skills simulate are trained u p f r o m the charac-
Once you have decided where the dice are going, roll them t o figure ter's basics. Keep this in mind when y o u choose your hero's Specific
out your character's actual Skill Sphere percentages. Roll the number Skills, because someone w i t h a low MAN, for example, w o u l d d o poor-
o f dice you have selected for KNO, and add them together. Always add ly in s k i l l s requiring a high degree o f manual dexterity.
a base o f 15% t o this number, so that y o u r character has a fighting
chance. A n average character has a Skill Sphere percentage of about
Anthony finally winds up with a KNO of 46%, TAL 19%,
OBS 2796, COM 20%, M A N 34%, and K I N 41%. Quite a range.
He has a high score in KNO and KIN, so he would do well to con-
I envision Anthony as being smart and nimble, but quiet. I see centrate on those types of skills. His M A N isn't bad, but his OBS
I'll probably have to revise my 'quiet' estimation some time soon and COM are below average. And he should stay as far away from
if his training keeps going the way it has1 But, I'll stay with it for TAL skills as he can get!
now. Using this, I decide to emphasize Anthony's KNO and M A N 1 J
Spheres I5 dice each), and give very little to his COM (one Diel.
I also give his TAL only one die, and leave his OBS and K I N at
three dice. Reviewing, I see that I have a total of eighteen dice Core Skills
> allotted - just the right number. The skills which all characters must take are called Core Skills,
Anthony has five dice for his KNO. I roll a 10, 3. 5, 6. and 8. and reflect the typical skills that characters learn while growing up.
Not bad! Adding it all together, and slapping on the free 15% Also included in t h e Core Skills are some basic s k i l l s taught t o all
basic percentage, Anthony has a KNO of 46%. Well, Anthony is space cadets.
certainly starting off on the right foot I f y o u feel that your character w o u l d n o t have a particular listed
skill, discuss it w i t h your gamemaster w h o m a y tell bou t o take it
anyway, or w o r k o u t an alternative skill w i t h you.
Some personal choice is provided f o r in this training. For example,
The Skill Sphere Grid y o u choose the second language your character knows (or Native
On the upper middle of your character sheet is a circular grid. language, if it is not English), as well as an interaction and personal
Record your character's Skill Sphere percentage o n each indicated management skill.
space, then p l o t the percentages on the grid. Each circular line simulates See the 'Common Skills' chapter f o r a description o f these skills.
10%. The innermost circle i s 10%. the next one o u t is 20%, and so on.
Finish the grid b y connecting the points. This provides you with a
quick reference t o check where y o u r character is strong or weak.
Since an average character has all Skill Sphere percentages a t about 3.3 SERVICE BRANCHES
33%. the more round the drawn circle, the more well-rounded your Every hero is trained t o fulfill a specific position aboard the Phoe-
character is. nix - a Service Branch.


'Yes, Quill?'
'Ouill!' 'why are you riding me so bad?'
'Sir!' 'You came all the way over to my office a t this time of
'VJe've been sitting here on the Phoenix's flight deck for night t o ask me this?'
over an hour. Why the hell can't you figure it out?' 'Yes, sir.'
'I don't know, sir!' 'And you expect an answer.'
'A simple thing like Launch and Ascent procedures, and 'Yes, sir.'
you can't do it. Keeps managed to memorize the procedure.' 'Fifty pushups, mister.'
'I guess I'm not as smart as Keeps, sir.' 'Yes, sir!'
'Bull. You're just as bright as he is. You're just not trying. 'The reason I'm riding hard on you, Quill, is because I
Now, state preflight alignment again.' think you're command material. There's only a few - keep
'CRT number 2 should report that we are stabilized for those knees locked -who I'd consider capable of handling
launch at.28 degrees, 36 minutes, 30.32 seconds . .uh . . .. the job and you're one of them. But you're lazy, Quill. Real
north latitude, and 80 degrees, 36 minutes, 14.88 seconds. , . lazy.
west longitude.' 'What was the big lunar event last year?'
'And where is that location, exactly?' 'After finding those cosmonauts that "oof * crashed on
'Main runway,,Kennedy Space Center, Florida, sir!' the Darkside, the president returned them t o Russia as a
'Correct, Quill. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?' 'token of goodwill'.'

Skill (Skill Sphere) Notes and Examples

Self-loading Pistol (MAN) Trained o n the 9 m m Glock 24. (See the 'Equipment' chapter.)


The following l i s t s are the Service Branches available t o Phoenix 0 MEDIC

ieroes, along with the skills each branch IS taught. Choose one for The role o f Medic is a crucial one, because Phoenix Project
/our character, after making sure he o r she is o f the appropriate will undoubtedly have casualties. A n d since the characters w i l l
ank (see the individual Service Branch). Characters w h o have been be as far f r o m hospital care as humanly possible (when they're i n
n the Space Service for many years may have more than one space), the Medic's responsibility is to provide flrst aid a n d emergen-
jervice Branch under their belt, such as a forty-five year-old hero cy care.
Jeing qualified for b o t h Commander and Medic. Virtually n o The rank o f .1st Lieutenant is required t o f i l l this position.
leginning character has more than one Service Branch.
See the 'Common Skills' chapter for a description of these Emergency Medical Technician ( K N O )
,kills. Forensics (OBS)
Pharmacology ( K N O )
Psychology ( K N O )
Description: Includes rank required t o
_- Shuttle-Operations ( M A N )

Skill (Skill Sphere): Skills required

4 character takes these skills before any A T ENGINEER
,elected. construction and destruction
, and deployment o f explosives,

Crew safety and
wlity. N o action o n
her approval. And,
for all actions perfo
need t o know about

Astrogation (Kj(l0)
Cartography (t6lAN) '
Psychology ( K N O )
Shuttle Operations ( M A N
Shuttle Weaponry ( K N b ) ,

posit ion.

Astrogation ( K N O ) '
Cartography ( M A N ) %d
Meteorology (K N 0 )
Emergency Medical Technicia
Shuttle Operations ( M A N )
Shuttle Weaponry I K N O )

The Communications and Payload Specialist hlo
munications t o and f r o m the Shuttle, and coordinates-poyl BS1, Scan (06s). o r Spot (06s)
operations The payloads differ widely o n the Shuttle, b u t usually
fall into either vehicle o r personnel transport. The Specialist also I N F A N T R Y (HEAVY WEAPONS)
customarily takes the role of interpreter when dealing w i t h non- The heavy-duty bunch, Infantry (Heavy Weapons) are specifi-
English speaking gamemastered characters. cally trained t o capture and hold enemy strongpoints
The rank o f 1st Lieutenant o r Captain is a prerequisite for this A n y rank may f i l l this position.
Assault Rifle ( M A N ) or Machine Gun ( M A N )
Communications Systems ( K N O ) Sense Surveillance ( T A L )
Counter- Insurgency (COM) Survival Training ( K N O )
Meteorology ( K N O ) Shuttle Weaponry ( K N O )
Secondary Language ( K N O and COM) Tactics ( K N O )
Shuttle Communications ( K N O ) Listen (06s). Scan (OBS), or Spot (06s)

'Okay. When did they crash on the Darkside, and what Increased Skill Percentages: Choose a Specific Skill twice, and add a
roll o f 3D10 t o it twice (or add 15% to it twice). This skill counts as
were they doing out there?'
t w o s k i l l s towards your total (see 'How Many Skills Do I Get?', above).
'I *grunt* don't know, sir.' This qualifies as t h e most expensive way t o be assured o f getting high
'Those cosmonauts were up there before 1969 - before skill percentages, It works, b u t it can limit your Personal Skills selec-
we landed on the moon. They were supposed to orbit the tion.
moon and come back. They didn't. See what I mean, Quill?
Learning Skills Together: This allows you t o use u p 4 skill selections
You just don't have the required background a commander when getting t w o skills (so someone 2 6 years old w o u l d only get a
needs t o draw on when making decisions.' total o f 2 2 skills i f this option was chosen). In addition t o these skills
'But I can learn, sir!' behaving just like any other skill, the benefit f r o m this is that your
'I have no doubt about that. That's why you're here, character can use b o t h a t the same time, and w i t h full efficiency,
Normally, when y o u t r y using more than one skill a t a time, there is
and that's why I'm putting the pressure on you. You need
a penalty (see 'Multiple Skill Use' elsewhere in this chapter). This
a lot of training. Dismissed.' is recommended for skills that y o u expect t o be using as a team. For
'Thank you *wheeze*, sir.' example, you could choose firing a weapon and Dodging - so y o u can
avoid your opponent's attack just as y o u successfully land one, or
Persuasion and a secondary language skill - to be sure and get your
Personal Skills
point across!
All characters have additional skill selections they may n o w fill.
For the skill percentages, generate the skills normally ( + 3 D l O
You have complete discretion for these. Keep i n mind, though, that
or +15%).
a character's skills should be a mixture o f occupational, cultural,
and hobby skills. A former history teacher, for example, w o u l d d o well
to select a t least three o r f o u r different skills having t o d o w i t h history
and the teaching o f it. The character w o u l d also benefit f r o m leisure
and sports skills for a well-rounded personality.
Using Skill Spheres
Discuss your hero w i t h the gamemaster and the other players.
His or her Skill Sphere i s the untrained ability your character has
They may be able t o help y o u develop s k i l l s appropriate t o your
o f performing any activity related t o that Sphere. T o jump a wide
character's background and personality.
chasm, for example, 1 w o u l d roll on Anthony's KIN%. I f I missed the
Most skills are listed in the 'Common Skills' chapter, hereafter.
roll, I might use M A N % t o let h i m t r y and grab an overhanging branch
as he falls. Failing that, and w i t h m y fingers crossed, I roll o n his
T A L % t o see i f he was lucky enough t o land in the water, instead o f
3.4 GENERATING SPECIFIC SKILLS the rocks t o either side.
Specific Skills are built u p f r o m your character's Skill Spheres,
To attempt any feat, r o l l lDlOO and add your character's Skill
and reflect specialized training in a specific subject.
Sphere percentage. I f the total i s 101% or more, then your character
was successful. I f the total i s 100% or less, your character has failed
How Many Skills Do I Get?
the skill attempt, b u t may usually t r y again.
A hero's age equals the number o f Specific Skills he or she has.
The preceeding Core Skills and Service Branch Skills count towards
that total, so someone like Anthony, w h o is 26, takes the 1 1 Core
Skills, and the 6 Service Branch Skills (for Commander), leaving him Anthony is asked by a group of Shuttle technicians to go out on
w i t h (26 - [ll + 61 = 9)9 Personal Skills. the town with them. Anthony does, and discovers that he's violated
curfew to go to a disco! Always looking on the bright side, Anthony
Generating Skills agrees to enter the seedy looking joint, and even agrees fo dance
Here are t w o different ways y o u can generate Specific Skills. The when asked by an attractive woman.
last t w o i t e m s are related options. Now, Anthony never learned his left foot from his right. But he's
an easygoing guy. He needs to use his K I N Skill Sphere percentage
3D10 Generation: Choose a skill, roll 3D10, and add the controlling (41%). NO problem. I roll l D l 0 0 and get 37. Adding the two
Skill Sphere percentage t o the roll. The result is your Specific Skill . .
together, I come up with 78% . Not exactly a gigolo on the
percentage. This random factor has a possibility o f giving you anywhere . dance floor. The others make sport of him.
between 3-30 points, with an average o f 17%. This is the standard
method for generating Specific Skills.

Adding 15%: Instead o f randomly rolling, you may choose t o simply Using Specific Skills
add your Skill Sphere percentage t o a flat 15%. This is lower than the Specific Skills are used just like Skill Spheres. Roll 1 DlOO and add
average 3D10% roll because y o u are n o t risking anything. This is useful your hero's skill percentage. If the total is 101%+, the skill attempt
f o r those times you feel a skill is t o o important t o leave t o chance. is successful.

The Difficulty Die (DIF) I f y o u are using the Quality Results Table (explained hereafter),
A character's skill percentage reflects his o r her best possible chance here's a shortcut. R o l l the D l F and, instead of subtracting f r o m the
of success in a stress situation. When conditions are less than perfect skill roll, just reduce the Quality Result b y 1 step (i.e. a '1' D I F result
(such a s the character suffering f r o m an i n j u r y ) the character's ability reduces a 'Good' result d o w n t o 'Typical'.). You get the same result as
t o function is reduced. This procedure i s made fairly effortless w i t h i f you'd subtracted 20% f r o m the skill roll.
the application of the Difficulty Die, which is a D 6 rolled when your
gamemaster requests it. Each pip on the die is a threshold, and the more
~~~ ~~ ~

DIF penalties your hero accumulates, the tougher i t is t o succeed i n With the above example, I rolled a 1 o n my DIF die. Using the
any skill. Optional DIF ruling, r o l l i n g a 1 means I subtract 20% from m y
The use o f a D I F implies a disability or a reduction in the charac-
ter's usual chance of success. So i f your character i s suffering f r o m a -1
10100 roll. I d o so, a n d get a final total o f . 95%. Oh, well. An-
thony missed i t anyway. H e falls back d o w n the hill, after all.
'penalty (or more), y o u r o l l the D I F die along w i t h your l D l O O skill
attempt. If the D I F roll comes up within the range o f your penalty
(rolling a 1 if y o u have a -1 penalty, or rolling anywhere between
1-3 i f you have a -3 penalty) then your hero has failed that skill at-
The D I F takes care o f the mechanical aspects o f the situation.
I t ' s u p t o the players t o roleplay it.

Later on in the same evening in which h e failed the Talent Con-

test, A n t h o n y is o u t o n the beach. H e is currently t r y i n g a short c u t
t o his car, a n d faces a steep sand dune.
Reminding himself t h a t Saundra (whom he m e t a t the disco)
is shivering o u t o n the beach, h e attempts to climb i t rather than
go around.
M y gamemaster thinks for a minute a n d says that because
o f the night a n d the steepness o f the dune, A n t h o n y has a -2 DIF
penalty. Iplead Anthony's case, p o i n t i n g o u t that i t is a perfect
night f o r romance, therefore the m o o n should be out. My game-
master smiles a n d agrees to give A n t h o n y o n l y a 1 DIF.
Ir o l l o n Anthony's KIN S k i l l Sphere (which is 41%) a n d Ialso
r o l l a I D 6 DIF die. M y percentile roll comes up 74! A n t h o n y climb-
e d the hill w i t h a 115%! But I look over a t the DIF, a n d see a
result o f 1 staring a t me. A n t h o n y slides back down the hill.

DI F Penalties Chart
DIF Option The following list offers a wide variety of D I F penalties to serve
The D I F rule is designed for ease o f use. Once everyone i s familiar as a model. This way gamemasters can easily judge the severity o f any
w i t h t h e game system, you may wish t o change it t o the more complex, situation where DlFs might come i n t o play.
b u t Jess severe, ruling which follows.
Whenever a player rolls the D I F penalty, the die result is mul- Multiple Skill Use
tiplied by 20%. and subtracted f r o m the l D 1 0 0 skill roll. This means When using NVO or three skills simultaneously, your character's
that someone w i t h a -4 DIF, who rolls a 2, subtracts 40% f r o m the reduced ability to d o any of them well i s taken i n t o account by using
skill attempt. the D I F die.
This option can be b o t h more time consuming and more math- If your character attempts t w o skills at once, the first skill incurs
intensive, b u t you may feel that i t i s w o r t h the bother. And it also a -1 DIF, and the second incurs a -2 DIF.
deals w i t h the question of what t o d o about skills which pass 100%- I f three skills are used, the first has a -2 DIF, the second a -3 DIF,
the standard D I F rule ignores any skill percentage over 100%. and the t h i r d a -4 DIF.


DIF Penalties

1 or at nioht I
clearly and accurately or hear -1 DIF for each torn a f t e i th8 initial 20mL
away than 20m
I Attempting to smell something further away than -1 DI F f o r every 1 m after initial range* I
arm's length

Attempting a skill w i t h o u t the proper tools -1 DI F or -2 DI F (or else impossible)

I - ._. -- .--
n r with r l a r n a m d t n n l c I


Using a nonweapon to attack w i t t i DIF varies depending upon sine,' b'dk, and weight -a large table has a -4 DIF, while a'
letter-opener has no penalty
Lacking the skill Extravehicular Mobility U n i t -2 D I F t o all skills
(EMU) while in microgravity

If the object i s beyond the initial range (20m or arm's length) and i s large, noisy, or has a strong odor, reduce the penalty b y 1 D l F .
I f the object is beyond the initial range and is small, quiet, o r has a faint odor, add -1 D I F t o the penalty.
The DlFs are applied in the order i n which the player attempts Of course, many skills take longer than one Sequence t o perform.
t o use them. A character using Climb, Stealth, and Fast Talk must Haggling, for example, takes the character's Skill Speed in minutes,
decide which skills are being emphasized, and then roll f o r each. This and Pharmacology takes the hero's speed in hours.
is important in situation where characters are performing many over- The time scales of Sequences: Minutes. Hours: Days is another
lapping skills- i n a short period of time. (Also see 'Sequencing and flexible aspect of the skill system. When a character Klutzes a skill
Maneuvers: Multiple Skill Use Adjudication'). attempt (see 'Max and Klutz
rolls') the skill still takes the
character's Skill Speed, but in
the next time scale. So the
Anthony is outside the military compound where he is staying.
character realizes that t o suc-
He missed curfew, lost his identification in a tumble down a sand
dune, and is trying desperately to Persuade the MP patrol who
discovered him not to report him. To make matters worse, he is
1 cessfully Haggle the price down
t o where he or she wants it
standing around outside because his new flame, Saundra, insisted
on climbing the fence behind him to p get his second I. 0. currently
in his room.
I will take hours instead of minutes
(if b o t h characters stick around
that long), Klutzing Pharmacol-
Anthony is using three skills: Persuade (to sweet-talk the MPs), ogy means it takes days instead o f hours t o prepare a drug, and so
on. The excess time can be attributed t o nervousness, memory lapse,
Law (to tie the MPs UP in their own rules). and Listen (to hear
outside conditions, o r even stubborn merchants.
Saundra). I decide to emphasize his Persuade and Law, figuring that
even i f he does hear Saundra, there's no way to warn her in time. Conversely, a Max result swings the other way. The Haggling takes
,Plus, i f he manages to Persuade them, they'll leave. only seconds, m i x i n g the right ingredients takes only minutes, and
I decide to put -2Persuade, -3 Law, and -4 Listen. My gamemas- so on.
ter tells me to roll out my Law first (I fail) and states that Anthony
can't out-maneuver them with their own laws. Anthony has the following speeds:
Okay, I decide to continue m y persuasion attempt and drop the KNO (46%) 2
Law. But since I was using it with the other two, my Persuade TAL (19%) 5
is still -2DIF, and m y Listen at -4 DIF. OBS(27%) 4
COM 120%) 4
M A N (34%) 3
KIN141%) 2
Multiple Skill Use and Minor Actions
Occasionally a character will want t o perform an action which is He can deduce things very rapidly IKNO 2). is a little slow
n o t a Specific Skill (drawing a pistol, speaking, pulling at something when judging the foolhardiness of an action (TAL 5), doesn't notice
that is stuck, etc.), and attempt t o perform a Specific Skill simultan- things exceptionally well (OBS 41, takes a little time to find the
eously (run, play an instrument, sing). In t h i s situation, these minor ri@t words (COM 4), but is fairly nimble with his hands (MAN 31,
actions are considered skills f o r the purpose o f Multiple Skill Use, and quick on his feet ( K I N 2).
and get appropriate D I F penalties (even i f there i s n o Specific Skill Anthony has a variety of strengths and weaknesses, which helps
1 DlOO roll). make him interesting to plav.
-~ ~~ ~~~~

Sequencing and Maneuvers

When events develop at a pace that could become unmanageable, Sequencing and Maneuvers: Multiple Skill Use Adjudication
your gamemaster needs some way t o keep order. In Year of the Phoe- Characters w h o attempt multiple skill use incur D I F penalties
nix this is simulated by using Sequences. All actions and events are (see 'The D i f f i c u l t y Die'). However, since skill times are defined in
assigned a relative speed. These speeds are then compared t o determine orders' o f magnitude (Sequences/minutes/hours/days), only those
the order in which the actions or events take place. skills which are occuring in the same order o f magnitude affect each
A Sequence i s the smallest u n i t o f time in the game. A simple math other.
problem can be solved in one Sequence. A knife wielded by an expert For example, repairing a vehicle takes the character's Skill Speed
takes b u t a single Sequence t o attack with, as does running about i n hours. Anthony is repairing his Volkswagm, so it will take him
3 meters. 2 hours. During this time, he takes a break and cooks himself dinner.
It is important t o understand that the measurement o f Sequences Since cooking dinner takes takes only minutes (as he wants t o hurry
is related t o real-time, but a slavish each-secondequals-1 -Sequence back t o his car before it gets dark o u t ) that cookingskill has n o effect
policy should be avoided. Sequences can expand or contract b y a few on his car repair skill. and vice versa.
.seconds t o f i t t h e dynamics and pacing o f the adventure when deemed But, if Anthony were a master chef and decided t o take hours
'appropriate by the gamemaster. preparing a culinary delight, his cooking skill would definitely interfere
w i t h his repair skill.
Another example o f this occured when Anthony was out o n Safari.
Skill Speed H e lost his guide and wandered through the wilderness for several
A hero's familiarity and experience w i t h i n a Sphere makes that days. After the t h i r d day, he began foraging for food, and his player
character more confident and masterful. This is reflected in the smaller rolled a Klutz (see 'Klutz and Max rolls'). Since it now takes Anthony
Sequence costs for characters proficient w i t h a particular Sphere. 2 days (instead of hours - see the Specific Skill 'Survival Training')
Looking at the Skill Speed Chart (hereafter), someone w i t h a 34% in h e spends a day foraging. A t the end of the day he is attacked b y a
M A N like Anthony j s able t o accomplish a simple act in 3 Sequences, wounded pain-crazed tiger. Since his combat skills take only Sequences,
while someone w i t h a M A N o f 23% would take 4 such Sequences. while h i s Survival Training skill takes days, h e does n o t get a DIF
On your character sheet, t o the left of the Skill Sphere Grid, is a penalty t o either his weapons skills or his foraging attempts.
section marked Skill Speed. Record your speed f o r each of your Skill
Spheres. Personal Speed
A character's Personal Speed is the speed o f the skill he or she is
presently using. This term i s for the comfort o f the gamemaster w h o
can simply ask, 'What is your character's Personal Speed?'

A character only moves so far i n a given period o f time. More nim-
ble characters can cover more ground. ( T o be fair, so can tall characters,
but t h a t relationship has been ignored for simplicity.) The distance
a character covers in a single Sequence i s known as his o r her Moves.
When swimming, your character moves at half Moves. Climbing
reduces Moves by 2/3,while running speed is twice your character's
Moves also specifies the distance your character can jump. Vertical
jumping is half the character's Moves, and horizontal i s twice Moves.

ter moves in 1 Sequence.

6 - K I N Skill Speed Moves. This is h o w many meters your charac- Quality Results Table
T o succeed a t a skill attempt, y o u already k n o w that your 1 D l O O
roll plus your character's skill percentage must exceed 100%. But,
this i s n o t just a Pass/Fail question, f o r the further past 100% you go,
Anthony's K I N Skill Speed is 2. 6 - 2 = 4. Anthony's Moves the higher the quality o f the skill result.
Use the Quality Results Table as a guide t o determine how well
value is 4.
skill is performed, a product manufactured, or information is recalled
or relayed.
The Table's purpose is t o give y o u a feel for the quality o f skill
attempts - n o t t o dictate.
Shaving Speed (Option)
Despite all precautions, heroes inevitably find themselves in pre-
Skill vs. Skill
dicaments where every second counts. I n these cases, characters can
When a character is using a skill which is working i n opposition
push themselves beyond their normal limits t o perform skills faster
t o another, such as Anthony using his Persuade skill and an MP using
than they should.
his COM Sphere against that Persuade attempt, b o t h skills are attempt-
For every Sequence Shaved o f f a skill attempt, the skill incurs
ed normally.
a -1 D I F (see 'The Difficulty Die'), and the character suffers the loss
I f b o t h succeed, the high total (better quality result) wins. I f An-
o f 1 Erg (see 'The Body' f o r a discussion o f Ergs).
thony's total (Skill% + 1D100 r o l l ) is higher than the MP's COM +
Players should refrain f r o m using this technique often, because
a character's self-preservation instincts have a tendency t o override
1D100 roll, the M P is persuaded.
such foolishness. I f your gamemaster feels your are Shaving Speed This i s true in all skill vs. skill situations, such as combat where
t o o often, your character may find Shaving beginning t o escalate in someone may attempt t o dodge an attack. The higher total wins. I n
cost (-2Ergs, and a -2 D I F . . , o r even higher). these cases, only the actual percentages are compared. There is n o need
t o reference the Quality Results Table.
Another f o r m of this is Skill vs. Item. Sometimes your hero will
attempt t o affect an object, such as t r y i n g t o pick a lock. T o resolve
Anthony's new flame, Saundra, is busy picking the lock to
this question, your gamemaster decides the quality o f the item -
AnthonyS room when she hears a guard approaching. There is no
how well it performs i t s function - o n the Quality Results Table.
time to find a place to hide. Saundra's MAN speed i s 4,so it will
He or she then reads o f f the lowest number across f r o m that quality
take her 4 Sequences to pick the lock. Her player chooses to Shave
level (for example, a 'Good' result equals 120%). You must then get
Speed, reducing the required time down to 1 Sequence. It's a
a higher total (skill + 1 D100) t o be successful.
gamble, but otherwise she'll automatically be caught. Saundra
Note that the gamemaster does n o t roll any dice, o n l y the player
incurs a -3 DIF and loses 3 Ergs. Th? DIF die is rolled, and comes
up a 6! Praying that she doesn't Klutz the roll (turning the time
needed from Sequences to hours) Saundra's player rolls, and beats
Klutz and Max Rolls
the lock's Quality! (See the QuPlity Results Table.) Saundra leaps
A character's familiarity and expertise w i t h a particular Skill Sphere
into the room and silently slides the door shut. She hears the MP
makes h i m o r her more confident and masterful with Sphere-associated
stroll by outside and slowly releast- her breath, smiling. She hasn't
skills. But n o matter h o w well trained o r n o matter h o w ignorant
had this much fun in ages!
a character is, chaos w i l l see t o it t h a t a few skill attempts turn o u t
disastrous or superb.
This is simulated with the Klutz and Max (Maximum Success) rolls.
You can see the effects o f these results o n the Quality Results Table.
Increasing Accuracy (Option)
The better y o u are in a Sphere, the more often you will Max, and the
If a character has a D I F penalty because o f outside conditions
less often you w i l l Klutz. Unfortunately, i f y o u are very clumsy in a
(slick walkway, new moon, etc.) the character can temporarily ignore
particular Sphere, the opposite is true.
those DI Fs through concentration and patience. Doubling the Skill
One o f the nice side effects o f a Max roll is that it overrides any
Speed o f the skill knocks o f f 1 DIF, so it w o u l d bring a -2 D I F down
Difficulty Die Penalty.
t o a -1. This also causes 1 Erg loss for each D I F penalty the character
i s suffering. Thus, the more DlFs the character i s burdened with, Determining Your Character's Max and K l u t z Ranges
the tougher it i s t o concentrate. F o r every addition o f the original Skill On your character sheet, locate the section for listing Skill Speed,
Speed, the character's skill is reduced b y 1 DIF. A skill requiring Max and Klutz rolls (upper left). Record your percentage for each
a speed of 3 w o u l d lose -1 D I F at a speed o f 6, and a -2 D I F a t a speed
Sphere, referenced o f f the chart hereafter.
of 9, and so on. Whenever you roll 1 D100, and the dice result falls w i t h i n the range
I f the D I F penalty is due t o the character being injured or fatigued
listed o n your sheet, your character has either just failed spectacularly,
(see 'The Body' chapter) he or she cannot utilize this option against
o r succeeded remarkably.
that D I F penalty.

Skill Quality I Klutz/Max Results Table I

Characters d o n o t exist in a void. Skills interrelate with other skills. Skill Sphere Max Klutz
Characters can attempt more than one skill a t a time, and the quality
of skill attempts vary. The question of skill quality in Year of the
Phoenix i s handled w i t h the Quality Results Table, Skill vs. Skill
situations, and Klutz/Max rolls.
I Qualitv Results Table

See 'Klutz and Max' Rolls.


Gaining 1 Experience Mark Requires.. .

0 1 hour of training w i t h a teacher
0 2 hours of practice o r study w i t h other scholars
0 4 hours of studying alone
0 8 hours of w o r k using the skill a t a job
0 1 skill roll (successful o r n o t ) during a game session

1 H o u r of Training With a Teacher: The teacher must be a person

or sentient robot capable o f interacting in a free manner in response t o
the student. For purposes o f the game, in order t o qualify as a teacher,
the instructor must have a Specific Skill percentage more than 20%
higher than his or her pupils.

Major Roger Nathan has Operate Shuttle at 123%.His srudent,

Anthony, has 68%. Since Anthony's skill is more than 20%lower
than the Major's, Anthony picks up 1 Experience Mark for each
hour the Major trains him.

2 Hours of Study or Practice W i t h Other Scholars: For purposes o f

discussion, other scholars are defined as those characters w i t h a Specific
Skill percentage w i t h i n 20% o f y o u r own.

The technicians again ask Anthony out on the town. He agrees, Anthony has Operate Shuttle at 68%.Carol Horn has the same
and they wind up at the disco once more. It being Amateur Night, skill at 72%. Since the difference between the two skills is only
Anthony i s prodded, pulled, and cajoled into trying out. He decides 04%, they each gain 1 Experience Mark for every 2 hours they
to sing his favorite song - 'Oh, Danny Boy. ' study together.
Anthony's COM is 20%, so his Max chance is 99-00, and his
Klutz i s 01-04. Unfortunately, I roll a 02 on the 10100.A Klutz.
M y gamemaster rules the attempt a horrible failure, and decides 4 Hours of Studying Alone: This indicates that the character i s working
that the Accordianist only knew the song in 15 flat, and that An- with a film, book, computer program, o r the like. T o learn f r o m an
thony tried singing it A Cappella. Anthony doesn't care. He met a inanimate object, it must have a Specific Skill percentage more than
lovely woman who decided that anyone who had the guts to stand 20% higher than your character. Your gamemaster can set the skill
up in a public place and sing that badly must be a lot o f fun. percentage o f inanimate objects (see the Quality Results Table).

8 Hours of Work Using t h e Skill a t a Job: For every 'honest day's

work,' the character receives 1 Experience Mark.
Complex Skills (Option)
Some skills simply d o n o t follow the Skill Sphere concept. For
example, one does n o t have his o r her Skill Sphere percentage chance o f Since the Major's skill is so much higher than his student's,
speaking or writing a language. B u t because the Skill Sphere concept he cannot hope to learn much from Anthony. The only rhing the
works so well with so few exceptions, it was retained. The exceptions Majoi gets for his trouble (besides possible boredom) is 1 Expe-
are handled by use o f this rules patch. rience Mark for every 8 hours of instruction.
A l l languages begin a t 01% and improve normally. However, lan-
guage s k i l l s never default to the Skill Sphere, as d o all other skills.
I f your character has Latin Literacy o f 03%, the Latin Literacy r o l l 1 Skill Roll (Successful o r N o t ) During a Game Session: In 'real' situ-
is 03% and n o t the K N O Sphere's percentage. ations (as opposed t o classroom situations), characters tend t o learn
Skill Spheres, however, still govern skill increases. (see the option quickly. While the classroom environment lets them make mistakes,
o n Improvement). the real world i s rarely as kind.
If a character attempts t o play her guitar during a game session,
Technical Skills she receives 1 Experience Mark for that skill, even i f she played badly.
Piloting a plane i s n o t a skill that most people possess. True, some- T o keep track o f Marks during an adventure, take a piece o f scrap
one might be able t o start one and get i t into the air, b u t a landing paper a n d j o t d o w n the half-dozen or so skills you use most often
attempt i s the likely result at t h e end o f t h e flight - a landing attempt., (experience w i l l tell you). Then, when y o u attempt a skill, mark it o n
T o simulate the fact that some characters might actually succeed, the paper. A t the end o f the session, update your character sheet.
(and prevent any Yes/No skill use situations) any character can freely
attempt such dangerous feats using only his o r her Skill Sphere. How- How Many Experience Marks Do I Need to Increase My Specific Skill?
ever, i f the skill attempt fails, it is an automatic and disastrous K l u t z The number of Experience Marks required t o add +01% t o your
(equal to a 01 roll o n a 1 D l O O ) . So the plane stalls or crashes, the Specific Skill is equal t o the skill percentage y o u are attempting t o
truck overturns, and. t h e tourniquet you applied requires your friend's reach (always 01%above your current skill).
arm t o be amputated once y o u arrive at the hospital.
Anthony's Cheat skill i s 41%. He needs either forty-two hours
3.6 IMPROVEMENT of training by a teacher, eighty-four hours of help from other stu-
In Year of the Phoenix, just as in real life, characters improve w i t h dents, one hundred sixty-eight hours of personal study, or t o work
experience and training. a month at a casino (three hundred thirty-six hours), make forty-
two Cheat rolls during game sessions, or any combination thereof
Increasing Specific Skills to get 42 Experience Marks, and raise his Cheat skill up t o 42%.
Specific Skills increase w i t h training and practice. It is n o t necessary He could pick up 6 Marks by working at a Casino for forty-
t o be successful in all the character's attempts to use a skill, f o r it is eight hours, pick up a few more Marks b y actually gambling there
a human ability t o learn just as much f r o m our mistakes as f r o m our himself, and so on.
successes. And, while picking u p expertise in a skill is n o t totally
linear, the hills and valleys average o u t t o a fairly even pace. Because
of this, skill increases occur whenever a character fairly tries a skill, Skill Ease (Option)
or is undergoing training. Someone with a high Skill Sphere should be able t o learn a skill
TO increase i n a skill, Year of the Phoenix uses Experience Marks. faster than someone w i t h a l o w Sphere. The higher-Sphere character
Your character gains a Mark in any one o f t h e following ways: has a wider base f r o m which t o pull ideas and experiences t o apply

t o the new skill. The other character lacks this.

T o simulate this fact, use a multiplier t o determine the number of A n t h o n y just spent 12 hours repairing his Volkswagen using a
Experience Marks a character needs in order to add +01% t o a Specific b o o k h e b o r r o w e d f r o m the library. This satisfies the requirement
Skill, as follows. t o receive 3 Experience Marks f o r Studying Alone. H e applies it
towards getting the Specific Skill: Vehicle Repair. Since his KNO
0 1.5i f the Skill Sphere is 01-19% i s currently 46%, h e needs 47 Experience Marks for h i s player to
0 1 .O if the Skill Sphere i s 20-39% write d o w n Vehicle Repair a t 47%.
0 0.5 i f the Skill Sphere i s 40-00% J
Anthony's T A L Skill Sphere is 19%. This gives him a multiplier
o f 1.5.His Bargain skill is currently a t 37%. This means it takes him
(37 x 1.5) fifty-six Experience Marks t o increase his Bargain skill
t o 38%.
I f this option is used, gamemasters should be aware that, o n the
whole, Skill increases will accelerate. As gamemaster y o u may wish
to slow r t down b y changing the equations t o read:

1.5 01-33%
0 1.0 34-66%
0 0.5 67-00%

Increasing Specific Skills Over 100%

Klutz and Max rolls are based o n the Skill Sphere, as are Skill
Speeds, and the Difficulty Die (without applying the Optional rule) i9
nores any skills over 100%. Therefore, there are only 3 reason t o pursue
Specific Skill percentages over 100%. The first i s to increase the con-
trolling Skill Sphere (see below), the second i s t o w i n more often in
Skill vs. Skill situations, and the last i s to get consistently high results
o n the Quality Results Table.
The ceiling for all Specific Skills is loo%+ the controlling S k i l i
Sphere %.

Learning New skills

The character uses his o r her Skill Sphere as the appropriate Speci-
fic Skill, and applies Experience Marks towards gaining an additional
percentage in rh-t skill.
This listing supplies y o u w i t h an idea o f what skills w o u l d nor- w i t h special emphasis o n camouflaging equipment and vehicles for
mally encompass, and what they w o u l d n o t cover. If y o u don't see night maneuvers. I f successful, t h e i t e m i s hidden f r o m view, and re-
a skill y o u want, discuss it with y o u r gamemaster, w h o may help y o u quires a Scan o r Spot Skill vs. Skill roll to find.
develop one. Other types o f detection - such as radar - w i l l reveal the item,
Skills which state that they are used on 'gamemastered characters' unless steps have been taken t o camouflage the item f r o m that as well.
are n o t normally used against other players' characters. Your gamemas-
ter must decide case-by-case.
Civil Engineer
Caveat: Because a skill is listed under a particular Sphere, don't t h i n k The ability t o design structures (houses, office buildings, bridges,
that it is uninfluenced b y other attributes. Modelling reality is some- etc.) using state-of-the-art materials. Space constructions require a
times a conjectural exercise, especially when done t o t h e exclusion o f separate Specific Skill ('Space Civil').
speed and playability. For this reason, a skill is listed w i t h what I
consider t o be i t s primary Sphere, and other input is ignored.
Combat Engineer
Knowing the most effective way t o f o r t i f y o r destroy the structures
4.1 KNOWLEDGE SKILLS (KNO) that Civil Engineers design, This skill either doubles the effective de-
fense o f the structure, or enables the character t o k n o w the best way
t o go about destroying the structure. The hero needs to k n o w specifics
Animal Lore about t h e structure before making a recommendation. If the structure
The ability t o discern what type of animal might be in the area. is unusual, a close study (by on-site inspection o r even blueprints)
Can be used t o track an animal using i t s spoor, disturbed foliage, may b e necessary.
tracks, etc.. Klutzing indicates that the character identified the wrong
animal with the information. This is a typical survival skill.
Communications, Shuttle
Operation and maintenance o f standard N A S A communications
Archaeo logy equipment - onboard systems as well as ground-based operations.
The ability t o reconstruct f r o m relics, artifacts, etc., the probable
civilization which l e f t remains there. Each skill roll enables the hero
to deduce one thing about a component o f the civilization, such as the Communications Systems
people's cooking methodslprobable types o f food, or leisure t i m e The ability t o repair and maintain most non-Shuttle communica-
activities, or gender roles in that society, o r technology, etc.. tions systems, including telephones, televisions, a n d tapping into
phone lines.

The ability t o use stellar coordinates t o navigate even if Shuttle Computation
systems are out. Astrogation i s most useful on Earth-to-Lunar o r For the purposes o f Year o f rhe Phoenix, this skill encompasses
Earth-to-Space platform runs. virtually all mathematical operations needed by an astronaut character.

Astronautics Computer, Shuttle

The theory and practice of Shuttle construction and maintenance, Operation and maintenance o f standard onboard as well as ground-
w i t h an emphasis o n makeshift repairs o f critical systems by scavenging based N A S A computers. These computers are fundamental tools,
less-crucial systems. and every Phoenix astronaut has this skill. The character's skill speed
is the number o f Sequences it takes t o retrieve a piece o f data.

The ability t o disguise or change the appearance of something,

Computer Programming Psychology

The hero's ability to program, understand, and read computer The science of dealing w i t h the m i n d and with mental and emo-
system languages. May choose u p to three languages in which to be tional processes - the science o f human and animal behavior This
proficient. skill permits the hero t o analyze the current behavior of someone and
understand the reasons for it, o r t o predict likely reactions of that
person under specific circumstances.
Constructing and breaking codes and ciphers. T o break a cipher,
the item's quality IS rolled b y the gamemaster in a Skill vs. Skill roll Regional Knowledge
( q v. Skills chapter). A n understanding of, and/or experience with, a specific culture set
The character's Skill Speed is the average number o f hours it takes in a specific locale. Phoenix heroes have their Regional Knowledge
for each skill attempt based in the State where they grew up. Gamemasters should impose
D I F penalties for areas far away, b u t s t i l l applicable. For example,
someone living in New Y o r k might get a -1 D I F about subject matter
Demolitions dealing w i t h Pennsylvania o r Connecticut.
Familiarity w i t h a variety of explosives and their uses. This deals
w i t h examination, construction, and setting o f demolition devices.
A skill roll i s needed for each. A Klutzed setting means the device Robot Repair
needs to be rewired, unless a 01 is rolled, in which case it detonates. Allows the repair o f simple problems in robots, such as the robot-
deploy arm in Orbiter bays. This skill does n o t include dealing w i t h
security passwords and codes. The character's Skill Speed is the number
Electronics Repair o f hours needed t o effect repair.
The character's ability t o deduce, adjust, and repair electronic Lack o f tools incurs a -1 t o -3 DI F (gamemaster discretion), and the
equipment. I f the character lacks the proper tools, a -1 t o -3 D I F D I F number is multiplied by the character's Skill Speed t o f i n d the
is applied t o the skill attempt (gamemaster discretion). total time in hours it takes t o fix.
A K l u t z result means total repair time i s in days, n o t hours. A
Max result changes the repair time t o minutes.
Emergency Medical Technician ( E M T ) This skill deals slightly w i t h electronics, but mostly mechanical
This includes information o n caring for shock, choke victims, repairs.
stopping blood loss, dealing w i t h snake bites, and making splints
and gurneys o u t o f available materials. Successful use o f this skill
reduces a character's Trauma b y 1 Level (see 'The Body' chapter). Second Language Literacy
As per Native Language Literacy, knowing how t o read and write
in another language. See the selection o f languages a t the end of this
Graphology chapter.
The detection o f forgery. The character attempts a Skill vs. Skill
roll against the Quality o f the forgery (q.v. Skills). Success means
the character has detected the forgery.
- . Survival Training
Setting u p a camp outside. Includes starting fires (even w i t h green
or wet wood), constructing makeshift~. shelters.
~~,and aatherina one full
History meal per successful skill use. The character's Skill Speed i s the number
The history o f a particular people (Amerinds, Chinese, Feminists), o f hours this takes.
o f a certain place (South America, Persian Gulf, Antarctica), o r o f a Gamemasters should note that there may n o t always be f o o d t o
specific era (Victorian, Paleocene, t h e space age). find.
Alternately, y o u can choose this as a 'popular history' and cover
a broad range o f subjects (with a -1 D I F for any attempt t o remember
a useful fact). Tactics
The character, after having the opportunity to study his o r her tar-
get for a t least his o r her Skill Speed in minutes, can predict the target's
Law next action (for the same length o f time). The character can predict
There are several types o f Law; church law, general law, criminal if the target w i l l move, attack, retreat, etc.. A missed roll means the
law, corporate law, tax law, etc. Each is a separate Specific Skill. character doesn't know, and a Klutz roll means he or she is mistaken
General law is what the layperson might k n o w ('the right to a phone about the target's n e x t move, b u t i s unaware o f the mistake.
call,' or 'usingcopy-righted material i s against the law,' etc.).

Vehicle Repair
Meteorology The intimate knowledge and repair o f most non-NASA wheeled
Understanding weather patterns. The character is able t o predict vehicles. The character's Skill Speed is the number o f hours the repair
the weather ( w i t h gradually-lessening exactness) f o r a number o f requires. Lack o f tools incurs a -1 D I F t o -3 D I F (gamemaster discre-
days equal t o 6 - K N O Skill Speed. I f the hero travels for any length o f tion), and the D I F number is multiplied by t h e character's Skill Speed
time, it may take u p t o t w o weeks (2D6 days) t o accustom h i m or t o find t h e total t i m e in hours it takes t o fix.
herself t o the new weather patterns in order t o make accurate predic- A Klutz result means total repair t i m e is in days, n o t hours. A Max
tions. result changes the repair t i m e t o minutes.

Native Language Literacy Vehicle Repair, NASA

Reading and writing in the character's native tongue. A n y skill over As above, b u t involves military and Lunar vehicles
20% i s towards perfecting the nuances o f t h e language. See the selec-
tion o f languages at the end o f this chapter.
Weaponry, Shuttle
Although Orbiters lack defense, the Phoenix and the Pegasus b o t h
Pharmacology contain t w o (one fore and a f t ) computer-guided laser turrets (equal t o
The ability t o process and prepare various drugs f o r consumption, a Heavy Laser, see the Equipment chapter).
this requires a lab and proper materials. This skill permits the astronaut t o take the system o f f the computer,
The character knows h o w t o f i l l almost any prescription, o r knows and fire manually. This skill is required t o use the lasers i f the com-
where t o look t o f i n d such information. puter system fails.
Normally, the weapons are r u n using the Shuttle Computer skill.

~ ~~~


Twisting words t o f i t your needs (convincing police officers not
Bargain t o arrest you, making someone sign something, etc.). The subject is
A b i l i t y t o bring down the price (not just money) o f an item down. convinced until he or she has had time alone t o t h i n k about it. This
A Klutz means the dealer i s insulted and may be unwilling t o sell skill is normally o n l y applicable t o one target a t a time.

Dangersense The ability t o use available cover to disappear into a crowd, t o
Listening t o his o r her inner self, the hero feels the presence of crouch in a dark alley and be overlooked, o r t o appear totally unim-
anyone o u t t o d o him o r her personal harm. Heroes w i t h this skill posing. This skill cannot be successful i f the hero is under direct ob-
should get a roll each time they have the potential t o be ambushed, servation.
or someone is trailing them. This ability is n o t effective against non- ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~

living things, (such as mechanical traps). Range is roughly 6-Skill

Speed multiplied b y 10m. Sense Surveillance
The character has the feeling of being watched. The watcher can be
human, nonhuman (robot, camera), o r alien. Range for this skill av-
Detect Lie erages 6 -Skill Speed multiplied by 10m.
The character has a 'funny feeling' when a lie is being told. The
hero is not aware of the truth, o n l y t h a t the gamemastered character
is withholding or twisting something o u t of context. limesense
The astronaut always knows what time i t is (0400 hours, 1600
hours, etc.). I f the character moves far enough that the gamemaster
Hypnosis considers the hero t o be in another time zone, it takes that hero u p t o
This skill must be used on a willing subject t o be successful. S u g three days t o get oriented (1 D3 days).
gestions cannot cause the subject t o d o something he or she w o u l d ~~ ~ ~~~~~

f i n d distasteful or 'wrong' i f done under his o r her own willpower. 4.3 OBSERVATION SKILLS (OBS)
Every suggestion is a separate skill roll, and must overcome the sub-
ject's T A L roll t o be successful. Hypnosis i s most useful when rein-
forcing a character's o w n thoughts (such as t r y i n g t o give up smoking). Forensics
People usually remember everything that happens t o them under The ability t o spot clues and t o f i n d physical evidence o f a crime,
hypnosis. 'lab criminology'. Such clues include determining the time and probable
cause of death of a body, where a person had t o be in order to have
shot someone at such-and-such an angle, and the amount and/or type o f
explosive that was used. Each successful roll means t h a t i f there was a
clue to found, the hero found it. This includes knowledge o f proper
analysis techniques (but such analysis may be impossible i f the right
equipment i s unavailable, at the gamemaster's discretion).

Atlows the hero t o see in the dark b y analyzing patterns of grey
tones. There must b e at least some light (a crescent moon will d o )
for this skill t o be effective.

Find Direction
Enables the character t o spot little things t o confirm or f i n d o u t
what compass direction is where (moss growing on a particular side
o f a tree, the angle o f the sun, etc.).

When listening intently, the character can identify garbled or
m u f f l e d sounds n o t otherwise normally discernable. Sounds can be
~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~
localized and identified (i.e. from t h e wind, a footstep, yelling, etc.).

Successful Skill vs. Skill r o l l against subject's T A L means the game- Scan
mastered character gives out as much information as t h e hero's Skill Discerning things from a distance. You can tell what type of ship
Quality indicates (see the Quality Results Table). Gamemasters may is coming in o r what kind o f bird i s wheeling over your head - a t least
wish t o have some gamemastered characters w i t h a 'Resist Interro- y o u can identify what it looks like, not necessarily remember its name.
gation' skill.

Lie Convincingly Allows hidden objects t o be noted, t h e opposite o f Scan. This is
The skill of l y i n g t o someone's face. This is used against gamemas- a close range skill, n o t designed t o b e used more than about 31-17away.
tered characters, and is a Skill vs. Skill roll against the character's TAL.

Spot (Disguise)
Memorize A b i l i t y t o note peculiarities in a person that might indicate a dis-
To recall in vivid detail any event or object encountered. This skill guise, anything from a w i g t o stilted conversation. A K l u t z means the
can be used t o memorize a tome o n l y after serious reading. The Quality hero has misidentified a real person as an imposter.
Results Table indicates how much information is recalled each time
a hero attempts t o d o so. The gamemaster may impose a -1 DIF f o r
each year past the first that the hero attempts t o recall some event Track
or item. Tracking in the wild, this i s similar t o Animal Lore, b u t this is used
while t h e tracks are still fresh in order t o hunt or follow. A Klutz

result means the character i s following the wrong tracks, and is con- 4.5 MANIPULATION SKILLS (MAN)
vinced they are the correct tracks.


Piloting small military vessels, such as a Coast Guard Cutter.

Putting on a performance, t o become another character. Used in Bomb Disposal
both public and private performing (often called theatrics). Acting This is the skill of disarming explosive devices. A successful Skill
picked u p o n the streets is liable t o be more free and creative and - vs. Skill r o l l against the Quality o f the device is required. A failure
more underrated. means the character may t r y again, while a Klutz indicates that the fir-
i n g mechanism has been activated. A r o l l o f 01, however, means the de-
vice has detonated.
Animal Handling Almost any device, except a nuclear warhead, can have a time delay
Training dogs t o sniff out explosives, drugs, and weapons, this detonation.
training could also include sentry duty.

Carousing Mapping o u t an accurate portrait o f the area travelled o r examined,
The skill o f being accepted as one o f the group and going out on or accurately reading a Map. Includes rolling plains i f driving, o r stellar
the town. Can be used t o pick u p information, and to examine loca- systems i f using a telescope (specify which kind o f cartography your
tions o f interest. hero has). Klutzing means t h e character miswrites or misreads a map,
b u t i s convinced that it has been done properly.

There are t w o forms o f this. One i s t o Swindle; gyping someone out Escape Bindings
o f a product or their money . . . and being far enough away before they Removing rope or other obstruction/restraining items o f a highly
realize they've been had. There i s also Cheat a t Game, which is used secure nature. I f under direct observation, this skill cannot successfully
during card games o r other games of chance. A Klutz means the victim be used w i t h o u t t h e character's actions becoming obvious.
noticed the attempt.

Forgery (Type)
Counter- Insurgency Reproducing and/or altering items o f a highly secure nature. This
The ability t o be a spokesperson between traditional government is actually several different Specific Skills:
and anti-government forces This i s a liaison position, and the character
knows the boundaries past which he or she cannot socially step. This 0 Paper Forgery: All forms o f w r i t t e n documents.
skill i s inneffective i f one side (or b o t h ) does n o t accept the character.
0 Electronics Forgery: Replicating electronic patterns o r signals
(often w i t h jury-rigged equipment).
Engaging someone in conversation. The engaged character i s so 0 Material Forgery: Duplicating the look, feel, and weight o f an i t e m
absorbed that he or she w i l l notice nothing except the speaker. (clothing, a hand-held scanner, keys, etc.).

0 Computer Forgery: Faking access codes, authorization vouchers,

Etiquette and bluffing authorization requests.
Knowing what t o say, how t o say it, and when n o t t o say anything.
A character can prattle o n in an inoffensive manner on all sorts of
subjects he or she knows very little about (and the listener probably Time t o perform each of these activities i s broken d o w n i n t o Min-
knows even less). utes, hours, or Days, depending o n the job. A simple Forging might
take o n l y a few minutes, while doctoring a six-page report could take
several days. The t i m e frame is u p to the gamemaster and your charac-
Flirt ter's Skill Speed i s the amount o f that time it takes your character.
Interaction w i t h sexual overtones b u t n o commitment to such I f a K l u t z i s rolled, the Forging takes longer than expected (Minutes
activity. This is also the skill of politely refusing t o interact w i t h ano- change t o Hours, Hours change t o Days, Days change to complete fail-
ther character, to avoid offending him o r her, ure). I f a Max is rolled, t h e Forging takes less time than expected
(Days change t o Hours, Hours change t o Minutes - perhaps the forger
has the proper materials a t hand, o r uses materials set u p for a job
Lovearts that never materialized).
The skill o f lovemaking.

Native Language Linguacy Stealing very small items. Walking by a table is all a character has
The counterpart o f literacy, the ability of the character to speak to do in order to swipe a prechosen i t e m o f f o f it,
his or her native language.

Guerrilla Traps
Second Language Linguacy The ability to set snares, pit traps, falls, and other 'primitive' con-
The same as Native Language Linguacy, this deals with any addi- cealed traps. The damage such traps d o is equal t o 1D6 for every
tional language a character can speak. 20% (or part thereof) this skill roll ismade by. Gettinga total o f 146%
o n this skill when setting a trap means it w i l l d o 3 D 6 damage t o whom-
ever triggers it. Requires an OBS or T A L (or appropriate Specific Skill)
Streetwise Skill vs. Skill roll t o detect.
The language of the street. The underside of Etiquette, this skill
allows the character t o interact w i t h the lower classes t o obtain infor-
mation, safe passage through the territory, o r what-have-you. A Klutz Gunnery
means the character has insulted the people he o r she is talking to, Skill in using mounted, electronic weapons systems, such as a mis-
while a Max means the hero has w o n the respect and, therefore, help o f sile system o n a tank.
the street people.

Lockpicking Remove Security LockISereen

Using the proper tools, the character can lock or unlock a device. This skill deals mainly w i t h tricks o f the trade and other Iittle-
This takes a number o f minutes equal t o the character's Skill Speed. known short cuts for disarming an electronic item. Time required
A Max result meant that it takes seconds instead of minutes. A is the character's Skill Speed in minutes.
Klutz indicates total failore, while a r o l l o f 01 means t h e character has
broken the lock or broken o f f a piece o f tool in the lock, thus prevent-
ing the lock f r o m ever being used. Surgery
Once fastened or unfastened, the character may d o so again auto- All types o f relatively minor surgery such as setting bones, treating
matically (at his or her Skill Speed). simple burns, and removing tonsils. Klutzing means the j o b has t o be
done over, unles a 01 is rolled which means the patient has been injur-
ed. More serious surgery requires Specific Skills in a particular area.
Operate Vehicle Lack of proper instruments curbs the use of t h i s skill.
Driving most land-based craft, designed f o r transport of passengers Veterinary surgery is a separate skill.
or cargo. The hero must choose a specific class o f vehicle:
1. Motorcycles (2-3wheeled)
2. Passenger vehicles (4 wheeled) Weapons
3. Non-passenger vehicles (over 4 wheels) M A N weapons include only aimed weapons. Having a specific wea-
4. All wheeled vehicles pon skill allows you t o shoot, maintain, and diagnose problems w i t h
5. Special vehicles only (a speedboat, etc.) all weapons of that type. See the discussion of Specific Skills under
These simulate generic driver's license Classes. I f your character A selection o f M A N weapons available to Phoenix heroes are l i s t -
chooses Class 3 or up, note the circumstances in his or her life leading ed hereafter.
t o such a Class of driver's license i n the hero's Personal History.
Klutzing indicates that a possible crash situation exists. A successful Self-loading Pistol
skill roll i n the following Sequence negates the dangerous condition. Revolver
Self-loading Rifle
Assault Rifle
Operate Vehicle, Lunar Shotgun
Use o f vehicles o n the lunar surface. This includes virtually all Auto Shotgun
moon-based transportation. Subrnachine Gun
Machine Gun


For d i f f i c u l t terrain, such as cliffs, mountains, or sheer faces,
true climbing often involves equipment. A K l u t z indicates that the hand
and f o o t holds have run o u t and the character must backtrack, unless
a 01 js rolled which means the character falls.

Dancing and effectively conveying the mood and feeling o f the

A Defense Skill (c(.v. Combat), used t o avoid falling rocks, pianos,
and weapons. You could n o t dodge bullets or lasers, b u t you can dodge
slower missiles, such as arrows.

Extravehicular M o b i l i t y Unit (EMU)

Use, maintenance, and minor repair of space suits. Includes train-
Operations, Shuttle ing f o r use in microgravity (such as experienced in orbit), thus Phoenix
Piloting a military Shuttle. This encompasses runway maneuvers, heroes have n o problems functioning in nearly weightless environments.
takeoff, landing, and docking, as well as emergency procedures. Also includes training in the use of Personal Rescue Enclosures, or
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~
rescue balls (see the Equipment chapter).

Play Instrument
Playing a musical instrument. Any skill over 20% is towards per- Grapple
fecting your skill w i t h the instrument. This skill serves t w o purposes. First, it acts as a 'grab skill t o permit
players extra accuracy when catching something. Secondly, t h e charac-
ter can grab another character more easily.
Pilot, Jet If, in a Skill vs. Skill situation, b o t h the Grapple skill was suc-
The skill in piloting a one- or two-seater high speed military air- cessful, and the opponent's defensive act was successful, there are t w o
craft. possible outcomes.
If the defender dodged, or got a higher skill total, he or she has
evaded the grapple attempt.
Pilot, Light Aircraft However, if the defender used an item t o parry with, and the grap-
Piloting domestic aircraft. pler got a higher skill total, the grappler has caught the item that was
used t o parry.

Pilot, Rotary Wing

T h e ability t o fly helicopters.

HALO Punch
'High Altitude - L o w Opening' training permits paratroops t o jump A n y thrust or sweep o f the hand, doing 1 D3 damage, modified
f r o m air transport flying above radar nets (over 10,00Om), and wait b y the character's DAM.
until they fall below radar detectors t o open chutes (around 1,300m).
Thls skill includes the use o f oxygen masks at altitudes above 5,000m.
~~ ~~
Riding a horse i n t o battle o r controlling it when it moves unexpec-
Jump tedly. Anyone can ride a horse a t a walking pace.
Jumping horizontally and vertically. Maximum distance for a run-
ning start is five times the character's HE1 in a horizontal jump, and
t w o and one-half times the character's HE1 in a vertical jump. Halve Scuba Diving
the distance for a standing jump. This maneuver i s performed a t half Military training in the care and use of scuba gear as well as combat
your character's Moves speed. underwater. A n y character with this skill suffers n o penalty for being
underwater (normally a -1 DIF).
Any and all characters performing skills underwater add +1 t o all
Kick M A N and K I N Skill Speeds.
A thrust or sweep o f the leg, doing 1D6 damage, modified by the
character's DAM.
Walking quietly. Speed of the walk I S one half the character's
Martial Arts usual walk. Can vary according to terrain. Characters need t o win
Martial artists attempt t o improve themselves in all areas o f l i f e a Skill vs. Skill roll using OBS o r Listen in order t o hear the character
(such as increased CON%, Ergs, TAL%, K I N % and inner peace and using this skill.
control) b u t such extensive treatment is beyond the scope of this
A n y player m a y select Martial Arts Specific Skills f r o m those below, Swim
as long as it is compatible with the character's background. The character's CON% is added to his or her Swim percentage t o
get the number o f minutes the character can swim w i t h o u t tiring.
0 Punch: Thrusting o r sweeping a hand, doing 1 0 5 damage, modified Without this skill, the character's CON% is used by itself.
b y the hero's DAM.

0 Lunge Punch: A n attack combining a maneuver w i t h a punch. Tumble

The attacker m a y move up t o twice his o r her Moves value during Turning a fall i n t o a Tumble is used t o prevent injury, and is a skill
this artack. commonly taught t o military astronauts. With this skill, a character
can fall up t o three times his o r her own HE1 with n o ill effects (rather
0 Kick: Thrusting or sweeping a leg, doing 1D8 damage, modified than just his or her HEI).
b y the hero's DAM.

0 Lunge Kick: As lunge punch, o n l y permitting a movement u p t o Weapons

four times the character's Moves value during the attack. The weapons under KIN reflect ones requiring force on the part o f
the character - using the entire body i n the attack.
0 Throw: Hurling a target through the air. A successful Grapple Having a specific weapon skill allows you t o shoot, maintain, and
i s required first. Then this skill is used. I f successful, the character may diagnose problems with all weapons o f that type. See the discussion
throw the target a distance o f u p t o twice his or her height in any o f Specific Skills under 'Equipment.'
direction. Damage i s calculated f o r the subject as f o r Falling (see A selection o f KIN weapons available t o Phoenix heroes are listed
'The Body' chapter). hereafter.

0 Unarmed Parry: This permits the character t o intercept some wea- Selfbow
pons, slow missiles, or limbs. Slow missiles include rocks, arrows, Sling
and crossbow bolts. Attempting t o parry (knock aside) a slow missile Whip
incurs a -2 D I F Knife
High velocity missiles (bullets, lasers, etc.) are n o t parryable.


There are an infinite number o f additional skills, and players are The classification of new skills greatly depends upon the extent t o
encouraged t o develop skills o n their own. which t h e gamemaster wants t o stress certain aspects of the game.
The preceeding skill descriptions are there t o give y o u an idea For example, the gamemaster may feel comfortable allowing o n l y a
o f h o w much a typical skill should cover. Although a list o f undefined handful o f computer skills, o r he or she may want upwards o f a dozen
skills is included hereafter, players should strive t o develop unique or more such skills.
skills for their characters. Also, i f there is a skill you can't quite place in a specific Skill
A n y new skills should be discussed w i t h the gamemaster, keeping Sphere, chances are it needs t o be broken down into several different
an eye out for t h e skill's specific applications, scope, and restrictions. skills - y o u may b e trying to p u t t o o much into a single skill.

Additional K N O Skills Additional T A L Skills Additional COM Skills Additional MAN Skills Additional KIN Skills
Art Speed Reading Teach: Dancing Conceal Skating
History Disguise Lucid Writing Calligraphy Trapeze Work
Bugging Sales Sense Seduction Juggling Hide
Coining Story Sense Train: Animal Painting Water Skiing
Computer Theft Nerve (chutzpah) Journalism Safe Cracking Mime
Mythology Gamble Counseling Woodworking Acrobatics
Photography Joke Telling Knot Tying Balance
Political Science Additional O W Skills Reporting Leatherwor k Braw Iing
Compose Music L i p Reading Public Speaking Dyeing
Falconry Perfect Pitch Opera Singing Sculpture
Trivia: Baseball Scouting Ridicule Simple Repair
Story tel Iing


Here's a random selection o f languages for you t o choose from. Interested gamemasters may d o the same for computer language
It isn't an exhaustive list, but it does cover a wide range. families, if he or she desires.

Language Family: Examples
Baltic: Latvian, Lithuanian North American Indian: Cherokee, Cheyenne, Comanche, Maya,
Benue-Congo: Bantu, Kiswahili SIOUX, Yuma
Celtic: Breton, Gaelic, Gallac, Welsh Polynesian: Hawaiian, Indonesian. Tahitian
Chari-Nile: Hottentot, Nubian Semitic: Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Maltese
Creole: French Creole, Taki-Taki Sinitic: Mandarin, Cantonese
EskimoAleut: Aleut, Eskimo (Inuit) Slavic: Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak,
Finno-Ugric: Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian Ukrainian
Germanic: Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, English, Flemish, German, Thai: Lao, Thai
Icelandic, Swedish, Yiddish T i beto-Burman : Burmese, T i betan
Indic: Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Sanskrit Turkic: Tatar, Turkish
Indonesian: Indonesian, Malagasay, Malay Independent Families: Albanian, Armenian, Basque, Egyptian,
Iranian: Kurdish, Persian Greek, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Mongolian, American Sign
Latin: French, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Spanish Language, Vietnamese
A r t if icial : Esperanto, Interl ingua
SpecCal bb312t3er
'You've all been called to this gymnasium so that we weapon - i t can hinder as often as it helps. Each Ability operates in
can t e s t each of your Special Abilities. Your Ability is what a unique way.
got you in here, so we're determined to see what it can do.
Mechanical: The result o f a mechanical device permanently attached
To your left you can see that metal enclosure. It's a steel t o the hero's body.
box with a door, really. That is for testing things like weapons Mechanical Abilities, as a rule, are always present. This can pose
and heat-sensing,and heat-creating Abilities. problems in any number o f ways. For example, a character w i t h bionic
'Over here, t o your right, are an odd assortment of ve- legs cannot safely walk across a weak floor or be easily lifted.

hicles and computers. l see a couple of Corvettes, an army Physiological: Abilities present as a result of quirks o f metabolism,
jeep, and three old, reliable Macintosh computers. Those genetic oddities, chemical imbalances, and the like. Basically, the hero
are for testing machine empathy, as well as interfacing and possesses an uncommon physical property. They have the potential
electrical powers. for various problems which may n o t be immediately apparent.
'The rest of the stuff, like the trampoline, i s fairly self-
Mental: Abilities present because o f special training, psychic properties,
explanatory. Oh, and there's a medical team stanaing by. or simply unusual force o f will, they can be difficult t o use and rather
I'm sure there'll be some casualties today.' fatiguing.

5.1 ORIGIN AND PURPOSE Abilities function in various ways. When y o u choose an Ability for
Every Phoenix hero has one or more abilities. This ability i s the your hero, decide h o w it actually functions.
reason your hero was selected b y Space Command for Project Phoenix.
Desiring a high survival rate o f the mission crew, they chose a wide Skilled: The ability is treated like a Specific Skill. You roll each time
variety of Abilities. This way the unexpected could be, i f n o t antici- your character attempts t o use it.
pated, a t least compensated for. A successful r o l l means the A b i l i t y functions normally. A Max
When choosing your character's ability, also decide i t ' s origin: means the Ability performs especially well, while a Klutz always means
w h y d i d your character w i n d u p w i t h the ability that he or she has? the hero has h u r t him o r herself somehow (1D 2 Trauma Hits).
T h i s background detail, coupled w i t h your personality, may influence A failed roll requires the character t o wait a t least 1 2 hours before
when, where, and how you choose to use it. attempting t o use that A b i l i t y again.
When deciding on a power, give i t a special name. For example, Special Abilities which w o r k well under this system are Physiologi-
Anthony Quill calls his power his 'Nerve Pinch', after Mr. Spock on cal and Mental.
Star Trek. Don't be afraid t o b e creative. Alternately, y o u could have
grown u p being taught that your Special Ability was 'wrong', and have Erg Loss :This Ability costs energy t o use, in the f o r m o f Erg loss
therefore never given it a name. for every u n i t o f time the Ability i s in use.
Mechanical and Physiological Abilities w o r k well under this sys-
Ability Generation
Each hero has 1 + 1 D 2 Ability Points t o spend o n Special Abilities. External Stimulus: These require some external stimulus t o set them
They can all be spent o n one Ability, or distributed among several off, such as a drug o r a hypnotic trance.
Abilities. Every Phoenix hero must have at least one Special Ability. This approach is generally used for Physiological powers, b u t
All Abilities must have the same Power Source. occasionally for Mental ones, as well.

Limited Duration: While t h e hero can turn on the A b i l i t y a t will,

Power Source it functions for a limited (and often varying) time, and then shuts
There are three basic sources o f Special Abilities: Mechanical, down. There is usually a recharge t i m e before the Ability can be used
Physiological, and Mental, A Special Ability i s always a two-edged again.
Limited Duration Abilities are Physiological o r Mechanical. o f super strength drains 1 Erg.
Mental: A conscious capability t o control the flow f r o m the adrenal
Delayed Activation: Almost the inverse o f the above power, this also and paradrenal glands. This ability can be dangerous, because for
runs for a limited time, but is usually o f a more predictable duration. every 10 sequences it is used, there is a 05% cumulative chance
Unfortunately, it takes quite a while t o activate. Delayed Activation o f injury. I f an injury i s indicated, the hero incurs 1 D 2 Trauma
is often the case w i t h Physiological o r Mental Abilities. Hits. A f t e r shutting d o w n this ability, the hero loses 1 D 6 Ergs
per 05% injury chance.
Side Effect: The Ability has a side effect which severely impairs the
character. For example, Anthony Quill blacks o u t whenever he uses his
psychic Ability. Side effects may be present w i t h any Special Ability.
Machine Empathy
The hero has an innate ability t o f i n d any problem w i t h a vehicle or
device. The character does n o t know h o w to fix the problem, b u t
5.2 DESCR IPTlONS can locate it very quickly.
The following Abilities are examples, and you should take some
Spending one Ability Point enables the character t o locate the
t i m e with your gamemaster t o discuss and develop your o w n unique
problem w i t h i n the character's T A L Skill Speed in hours, and the
character must be handling the machine.
The listed description names are f r o m the Top Secret military
Two Ability Points changes the diagnosing time t o minutes, and the
report: The Project Phoenix File.
character must be w i t h i n 1 0 m o f the machine.
Three Ability Points allows the character to diagnose the machine
in a matter o f Sequences, a t a range of u p t o 100m.
Heightened Sight
Normal Line o f Sight is 3 0 0 m o n a cloudless afternoon. Every Mechanical: This neural implant can be used a t will, b u t costs 1 D 1 0
Ability Point spent doubles the range, and effective viewing distance Ergs for each use, due t o the strain o f interfacing with the implant.
(at 6 meters, y o u make o u t detail as though it were only 3 meters. Additionally, any injury an item incurs w i t h i n range of the character
away). momentarily (up t o 10 seconds) affects him or her. The effect is
The following side effects are the same, regardless o f Power Source. like a sharp pain in the mind.
Mental: This is as a T A L Specific Skill. A klutz indicates the hero
1 Ability Point: Colorblind (cannot distinguish between similar colors. has misidentified the problem. A Max result means the character
For example, most yellows and oranges, o r purples and blues l o o k automatically knows where the problem i s w i t h o u t even looking.
the same).
2 A b i l i t y Points: Poor night vision (see o n l y blurry greys any further
than 50 meters). Self-Heal
3 A b i l i t y Points: Sensitive t o normal daylight (without eye protection The ability t o heal rapidly.
such as sunglasses, accept a -1 D I F t o any activity performed while For every Ability Point spent, divide original recovery time b y
in bright sunlight). 2, 3, o r 4.
The character is also entitled t o an additional CON% Trauma
recovery roll for every A b i l i t y Point spent. Someone w i t h a 2-Point
Wallcrawl Self-Heal can roll 3 times a day for CON% Trauma recovery rolls
The superhero ability t o scale walls by crawling u p them, Wallcrawl (see 'The Body' chapter).
speed i s half a character's Moves rating.
Every Ability Point spent allows y o u to carry half again your Machanical: A collection o f glandular implants which improve the
normal MUS. efficiency o f the immunological system. Unfortunately, they also
sap normal energy levels while doing so. For a number o f hours
Mechanical: Fingers and toes have small gripper claws. Impossible to equal t o the total Trauma levels taken, all Erg costs are multiplied
hide from a thorough search, b u t gloves and shoes hide f r o m any b y the A b i l i t y Points invested in this power.
cursory inspection. Physiological: Nothing more than a hideously efficient biological
Physiological: Adhesive secretion f r o m palms and knees. Must wear system.
special covering t o function normally. Unfortunately, it can be t o o efficient f o r i t s own good. The
individual systems attempt t o dispose o f foreign matter and repair
damage regardless o f whether there is a good reason or not. This
Body Armor is simulated w i t h a -1 D I F per Ability Point spent o n this power,
The character has increased BOD points. Every A b i l i t y Point spent applied against all grafts, drugs, or transplants. In addition, the
increases effective weight for purposes of calculating BOD by half character has some trouble w i t h rapid hair and nail growth.
again, determined f r o m the character's original weight. Note that the Mental: This is a T A L Skill Sphere roll, used to consciously guide
character's weight does n o t actually increase. the healing processes o f the body. It requires one hour o f undis-
turbed meditation per Trauma Level.
Mechanical: Armored epidermis. Causes lack o f tactile sensitivity.
For each Ability Point Spent, -1 D I F to any task requiringdelicate
touch. A n y contact w i t h skin reveals peculiar texture. Heal Other
Physiological: A certain drug interacts w i t h the character's makeup. Speeds u p mending o n the hero's o w n body, o r that of another's.
Character can t r y , once per week t o make a Plant Lore skill r o l l Each Ability Point reduces the healing time b y I D 3 days, weeks,
in order t o gather 1 D 6 applications. The character must have o r months, as appropriate (to a minimum of 1). In addition, each point
access t o a regularly-cultivated herb plot, o r accept a -1 D I F to gives one extra CON% Trauma recovery roll per day (see 'The Body'
Plant Lore skill when searching for the drug 'on the road'. The chapter).
drug takes 3D10 minutes t o take effect, and lasts one hour. Each
successive dose applied w i t h i n 24 hours incurs -1 D I F to the chance Mechanical: A n early version o f the medbot is built into the character's
o f it working. o w n b o d y and linked to his o r her nervous system. This Ability
Mental: This i s a T A L Specific Skill, just like amy other. uses 1 D6 + 5 Ergs per use.
Mental: This is a T A L Specific Skill, costing 1 Erg for every day the
healing is reduced, and 1 Erg for every CON% Trauma recovery
Enhanced Muscle roll permitted the afflicted.
This gives the character abnormal strength. Each Ability Point
increases MUS by half again, determined f r o m original MUS.
Animal Communication
Mechanical:. Skeletal supports and servomotors function as an ecto- Allows the hero t o contact a certain animal o r type of animal
skeleton. When supernormal strength i s activated, internal accumu- to help. With this A b i l i t y the hero can direct animals to d o very simple
lators supply power for 3 D 1 0 + 30 minutes, and then require 48 tasks f o r h i m o r her, n o more than a trained dog or monkey could do.
hours t o recharge. This skill involves nonverbal communication.
Physiological: Muscle tissue w i t h abnormal efficiency. Each 5 sequences Each Ability Point adds lOOm t o the range o f the power, and adds

1 t o the number o f animals the character can control. A single Ability process. Each A b i l i t y Point adds 2D10% t o the character's K N O
Point allows the character t o calm one hostile animal, while the t h i r d Sphere, and half that roll to his o r her other Spheres. This is rolled
allows the character t o domesticate three otherwise w i l d animals. for once and recorded.

Physiological: This biochemical ability has an uncertain duration o f Mechanical: A very sophisticated microcomputer i s tied directly i n t o
3 0 1 0 + 30 minutes. After this time your hero has absolutely n o the character's brain. It has a tendency t o send o u t miscoded
control over animals. signals and causes seizures similar t o 'grand mal' epileptic f i t s .
Mmtd: This i s a T A L Specific Skill. The animal senses what y o u are This occurs o n any roll o f 01-05% while this power i s in operation.
feeling. A hungry lion w h o senses fear requires the hero's total (Rolled on 1D100 at the beginning of each use.) This disables
concentration t o prevent it f r o m killing him or her. The animal the hero for 3D10 + 30 minutes, and causes 1 0 2 Trauma Hits.
is permitted a T A L Skill vs. Skill roll t o break the binding. Physiological: The ability to supercharge the character's Skill Spheres
for a short time. Every 10 Sequences this Ability is in operation
causes 1 D6 Erg loss.
Control Mental: The ability t o go i n t o a yoga-like trance. This takes 3D10 +30
The character takes over t h e target's gross m o t o r activities. A n y minutes to achieve, and last for 3D10 minutes, or u n t i l one task
skill covered b y K I N can be controlled w i t h this Ability, as well as some i s completed, whichever i s longer. Afterward, the character must
very crude M A N activities. wait 3D10 + 30 hours before attempting it again.

Mechanical: A brain implant transmits specially phased electromagnetic

signals, overriding the target's o w n nerve signals. It has a chance Interface
o f backfiring equal to 35% minus 10% per Ability Point. This Permits the character t o operate electronic equipment intuitively,
failure chance must be checked after each command has been w i t h n o need for an understanding o f how the machine works. One
sent. A backfire causes 1D2 Trauma Levels. Each point allows Ability Point spent on this power permits it to be used a t touch range.
the hero t o control one character. T w o points allows it t o be used a t 10m away, and three points a t
P h y s i o b j c a l : This intense pheronome emanation is treated as a T A L 100m. A character is in a trance state when using this ability.
Specific Skill. All characters w i t h i n 3 meters will d o as y o u com-
mand unless they can w i n a T A L Skill vs. Skill roll. Mechanical: The character has a sophisticated electromagnetic pulse
Mental: This costs 1 D6 Ergs for the first five minutes o f each command device that allows him or her t o drown o u t the device's normal
given. For each subsequent command, or for each additional five internal communication. This operation is inefficient, and expends
minutes, 1 D 6 additional Ergs are lost. Each p o i n t allows the hero considerable energy. Every 10 Sequences using this power con-
t o control one gamemastered character. sumes 1 D6 Ergs.
Physiological: The hero phases his o r her nervous system in w i t h the
electronics. This is considerably more efficient than the mechanical
Weapon version, and is a T A L Sphere skill, lasting 3D10 minutes.
A n integral system in the character's body. Each Ability Point Mental: The character empathically links u p w i t h the equipment
spent upgrades the character's DAM b y +2, and also acts as 2 extra and draws his o r her consciousness into it. The character is linked
BOD points t o the character's hands (or feet) when parrying w i t h that for 3 0 1 0 + 30 minutes. If the machinery is damaged while the hero
body part. is in it, the character takes 1D2 Trauma Hits. I f the device is de-
stroyed, the character incurs an additional l D2 Trauma Hits.
Mechanical: Extendable claws, blades, metal plates, etc., reside in
and/or around the hero's hands (or feet i f desired). Unfortunately,
the reflexive nature o f these weapons (and their p r o x i m i t y t o Speed
l i m b joints) make it likely that an individual w i l l accidently injure Permits the character to increase normal reaction t i m e and move-
him or herself while using these weapons. A n y Klutz w i t h a M A N ment distances. Each Ability Point subtracts 1 f r o m all Skill Speeds.
or K I N skill during combat incurs a simple Trauma Hit t o a random Additionally, the first p o i n t doubles Moves, the second triples it,
part of the weapon limb. and the t h i r d quadruples it.
Physiological: The character possesses the ability t o 'grow' weapons
o u t o f his o r her body, or has them as permanent features. It re- Mechanical: Implants consisting o f nerve-firing enhancers along major
quires certain drugs to manifest/keep its shape, however. After ap- nerve trunks and in the brain, There is, however, the possibility
plication, the ability is available for 3D10 + 30 minutes. Afterward, o f strain. Every 10 Sequences the Ability is operating, the charac-
the character may n o t be able t o imbibe the drug again f o r 24 ter must make a CON% roll o r suffer 1 general Trauma Hit. For
hours, because it acts as a double dose o f Level 2 Poison (q.v. every 10 Sequences beyond the first that the character continues
the [Plant] Lore Specific Skill under Common Skills). w i t h o u t resting, the CON% skill roll is penalized by -10%. After
Mental : The result of certain exotic martial arts/yoga techniques, 2 Trauma Hits have been afflicted, the device automatically shuts
this requires at least five minutes t o enter the proper mental state. down.
The conscious m i n d is only partially focused in this reality during Physiological: The character temporarily overloads his o r her nervous
this time, so a -1 D I F per A b i l i t y Point spent o n this power is ap- system, pushing it t o the limit. The character i s adapted t o this,
plied t o any K N O or COM s k i l l s attempted while in this state. so injury i s n o t likely. It is fatiguing, however, so all Erg costs
A double or triple Trauma H i t breaks the trance. are multiplied by the same value as the character's Moves value.
Mental: A psychic ability to borrow future time. The character quick-
ens his or her temporal state relative t o others. However, this abil-
Mindread ity can o n l y be in operation for 3D10 + 30 minutes at a time.
The capability t o determine the surface thoughts o f a gamemastered Then for an equal amount o f time, the character i s proportionately
character. One Ability Point permits this to be used a t touch range. 'slowed' as much as he o r she was 'hastened.'
A second point allows it t o be used a t a range o f 10m, a third point
at 100m.
Weakness Analysis
Permits the hero t o determine weak points in objects and creatures.
Mechanical: A microprocessor hooked into a large number o f sensors
T h i s gives the character t h e ability t o d o double rolled damage with
monitoring brainwaves, body language, chemical emissions, voice
an attack after proper preparation. The first A b i l i t y Point permits the
stress, and dozens of other factors, and resolving them i n t o probable
hero t o choose one class o f thing this power can b e used against:
thoughts, Because this ties into the hero's nervous system to func-
humans, aircraft, walls, etc.. The second point broadens it; animals,
t i o n properly, the character is immobile when using this. It takes
vehicles, structures. I f three points are spent, the hero can use it against
ten Sequences for the character t o power u p o r shut d o w n this
anything. The range o f this ability i s limited t o sight.
Mental: This is treated as a TALSpecific Skill. Mechanical: A specialized microcomputer hooked into sensory gear
tied t o the optic nerve. The system takes over the eyes for 3D10
Sequences before locating the weak point on the structure, blinding
W i g h t e n d InteHigence the hero for this period of time.
Ups the speed and the ability of the character's normal thinking Mental: A trained natural mental talent. It i s a specific OBS skill.
emanating heat from all areas of his o r her body. The body emits
Electrical Touch heat full blast, damaging or destroying clothing, gear, and the like
This allows the hero t o generate electrical current through his or until the hero passes o u t from Erg loss (Trauma Level 5).
her hands. Each A b i l i t y Point permits generating a l D l O O current.
( T w o points generates 2D100.) Divide this damage by half the target's
WE1 (plus insulative armor) t o determine the number of Trauma Hits Death Simulation
inflicted. Allows a hero t o almost perfectly simulate death. The body's
cells drop t o a very low maintenance level, and most internal processes
Mechanical: A battery u n i t w i t h discharge pads implanted in t h e palms. virtually cease. Only careful medical examination (such as a medbot)
The palms have 20 points o f insulation per point spent. The battery reveals that the character i s still alive. (The o l d breath on the mirror
holds the character's CON/10 in charges, and recharges at a rate o f 1 trick does n o t w o r k . ) The hero can maintain this ability f o r a period
per hour. A Klutz (01-05% o n 1DlOO - rolled each time the ability o f time equal t o a roll o f 3D10. I f the character has invested 1 Ability
is used) means the hero has short circuited him or herself a t full Point in the power, this number is days. If 2 A b i l i t y Points, then this
possible damage. number i s in weeks, and 3 points equals months. In addition t o playing
Physiological: A natural electrical ability, such as that of the electric dead, the character does n o t worsen due t o wounds, poison, damage,
eel. It costs 1 D 6 Ergs per A b i l i t y Point spent. The character resists and the like, that he or she is currently suffering.
shocks at his or her full WE1 (not half).
Physiological: The hero can monitor his or her body on a subconscious
level. The only difficulty i s that the character must stay in the
deathtrance for the entire rolled duration.
Mental: Cellular telepathy - the ability t o override the operation of
every cell of the body w i t h the specific shutdown message. The
character can wake u p at will, as he or she still maintains minimal
contact w i t h reality, b u t coming o u t o f the trance i s a shock t o the
system. Divide the time u n i t used (days, weeks, or months) by 10,
t o get the D I F penalty suffered.

The character can leap further than the human norm. These are
running jumps. Halve the distance for standing jumps. For each Ability
Point spent, m u l t i p l y the character's original leaping distance by 2,3,
or 4, respectively.

Mechanical: The character has artificial legs, equal in additional weight

t o 1/5 the character's original weight. Because of this, the character
may crash through flimsy surfaces (surface quality on a Skill vs.
Skill roll against the character's total weight). Also, swimming
incurs a -1 DIF per p o i n t spent on this power, because the heavy
legs are more a burden than an asset in the water.
Physiological: The character has unusual bone and muscle structure.
Because this is tiring, the character must make a CON% skill r o l l
each time this ability is used, w i t h a -1 D I F f o r each time the Leap
Directional Sense power was used in the previous 24 hour period. I f this roll fails, the
One Ability Point allows the hero t o always know compass direc- character suffers a Trauma H i t i n one leg (choose or roll).
tions. A second point allows the character t o f i n d any location he or Mental: The character is able t o lighten him o r herself, focusing all
she once occupied, and a t h i r d p o i n t allows the hero t o retrace his strength in the legs, and angling the body perfectly t o c u t w i n d
or her direct path, even i f the character was unconscious during part resistance and increase leaping ability. This Specific KIN skill uses
o f the transit. 1 D6 Ergs each attempt.

The effect o f this ability is the same, n o matter the power source.
Because the hero is so oriented t o his o r her position, sudden changes Presence
may b e disturbing. This is, in effect, m o t i o n sickness. When a character The ability t o seem impressive. This has many applications, b u t
is free falling, or in a vehicle making sharp turns, or in any similar the character must b e there in person t o influence someone. Talking
situation, the player rolls 1D6. If the result is less than or equal t o over the phone or video w i l l n o t do. This power adds to the character's
the A b i l i t y Points spent on that power, the character is disabled f o r T A L Sphere f o r the duration of the Ability, a t +2D10% per A b i l i t y
3D10 + 3 0 Sequences. A l l actions are performed at -5 DIF. After this Point used. Any time the character i s t r y i n g t o influence a character,
time, the penalty is reduced t o -4 D I F f o r an equal length o f time, it is a T A L Skill vs. Skill situation.
then down t o -3 DIF, and so on.
Physiological: The ability t o subconsciously tap subliminal dominance
signals, such as voice volume, pitch, and speech patterns, odor,
Thermal Touch body language and so on, and the ability t o play o f f these signals.
Allows a hero t o emanate heat f r o m his or her hands. For each This ability can be performed w i t h o u t trouble for 3D10 + 3 0
A b i l i t y Point spent o n this Ability, the hero does 1 D10 points damage minutes. After each use, the character begins t o feel the strain
(enough t o start small kindling fires, burn cloth, warm a cold body, in his or her own mind, and becomes nervous, timid, and otherwise
or even heat u p soup). the opposite o f his or her former self for 3D10 + 30 hours. During
this time the character has a DI F t o all skills during stress situations,
Mechanical: A power pack and thermal emitters in the palms, plus at a rate of -1 for each A b i l i t y Point used.
replacement of some skin surface w i t h a heat resistant material. Mental: The ability t o project a mental self-confidence signal t o one
In addition t o emitting heat, the hero can handle h o t objects safely. person per A b i l i t y Point placed i n t o this power. It is tiring, and
The power pack has enough charge t o r u n f o r a number o f Se- costs 1 D6 Ergs per minute.
quences equal t o half the hero's CON%. This recharges a t a rate
of around 1 Sequence per twelve minutes (roughly five Sequences 5.3 ADDtsTIONAL AB1 LIT1ES
per hour). There are an infinite number o f possible powers, these are only a
Mental: The character increases his or her metabolic rate and channels sample. You should attempt t o develop unique ones, o r at least p u t a
the results through his or her hands. This costs 1 Erg per 5 Se- t w i s t t o one of the powers listed here. Discuss it w i t h your gamemaster,
quences for every A b i l i t y Point spent on this power. I n addition, and come t o an agreement. Be fair, and choose a limiting factor that
every 10 Sequences incurs a 01% (multiplied by A b i l i t y Points) is t r u l y limiting t o you. This helps add the element of roleplay as well
cumulative chance of losing control. If t h i s occurs, t h e hero begins as strategic planning.

6,The Body
‘Okay, officers. We‘re gonna talk about pain now. Lots Hit Locations
of pain.’ When your character i s hit y o u need t o determine where the injury
occurred t o see if the injury causes a Trauma Hit. This i s accomplished
b y the division o f the human body i n t o ten sections known as Hit
‘Yes, Keeps?’ Locations.
‘Are you going to arm wrestle me again, sir?’ T o determine the area hit, roll 1D20 and consult the Hit Location
’No, listen up. It‘s imperative to understand that anything chart a t the b o t t o m o f your character sheet.
that occurs to you affects your ability to do your job. I f
you’re wounded, you can’t concentrate on returning fire, Anthony is in physical training While climbing a ten-meter
if you’re addicted to cigarettes you get winded awfully fast, high wooden wall with rope and tackle, the mooring grapple at
and if you‘re sick - or suffering from radiation poisoning - the top dislodges and falls. Anthony follows, and lands in a pile
you could die. I‘m telling you all this so that you’ll pay of wooden support beams. M y gamemaster decides that Anthony
might have injured three locations, and rolls 1020 three times
attention to your combat training, your health classes, and
getting 8 (left arm), 17 (left leg), and a 13 (right hand). Since the
you’ll be especially careful around radiation. There‘s a few first two injuries are on the left side, my gamemaster decides to
things on the Phoenix which radiate, so you’ve got to take change the last location to the left hand.
safety precautions.
‘So stay alert a t a l l times and you’ll always come back Head 3 Hand L 2
Neck/Shoulders 4 Hand R 2
alive. Any questions?‘ Chest 7 Abdomen 5
’Major, what specific things on the Phoenix are possible Arm L 4 Leg L 5
radiation hazards?’ Arm R 4 Leg R 5
‘There’s a few engine components - three, I believe -
M y gamemaster then determines the amount of damage done
that have the potential to leak. They are inaccessible from
to each location, figuring the left arm first. The fall did 3 points.
the interior, so only servicing personnel should encounter Anthony can manage 4 points, so i t might only throb - a bruise
them. But you never know, because you may need t o make perhaps Next, his left hand takes 2. He can only handle 2, so he
emergency repairs a t some point.’ just makes i t on that one. Definitely a wound. Finally, my game
master determines that Anthony took 8 points in his leg. But he
can only handle 5.
Year of the Phoenix deals w i t h pain, fatigue, and damage separ- Anthony has suffered a Trauma H i t to his left leg, although
ately Within the game system, most damage i s transitory. Characters it‘s possible he only badly sprained his ankle.
heal speedily and have many alternatives when dealing with inpries.


To simulate the amount o f damage a character can manage, you use Physical damage has numerous sources, but can be sorted o u t i n t o
BOD points. Your character‘s body weight i s multiplied b y the numbers a handful o f categories.
given on the character sheet for each area t o determine that Concussive damage is the result o f being pummeled o r bumped.
location’s BOD (see Birth of a Hero). This is the amount of abuse It can leave bruises and broken bones.
the body can take from a single wound w i t h o u t sustainingany enduring Wound damage is open cuts, t o r n o r strained muscles, o r punctures.
injury. Wounds invite infection.
I t isn‘t that the hero i s ignoring wounds and bruises, o n l y that the Chemical damage is corrosive or acidic, which includes most forms
injury is manageable. I f damage f r o m a single w o u n d exceeds that o f burns and functional (i.e. no observable cause) pain or other symp-
location’s BOD points then the wound i s considered traumatic. These toms. Chemical damage results f r o m things being ingested, absorbed
kinds o f wounds are Trauma Hits. through the skin, or inhaled by the lungs.

Asphyxiation damage is b y oxygen deprivation, and i s transitory This also includes Trauma Levels from fatiguing activities - marathon
in i t s early stages. Permanent damage t o organs o r the brain can result runners can run themselves t o death.
f r o m a character revived f r o m a late stage o f asphyxiation. I f your gamemaster allows, characters w i t h a fantastic physical
Radiation damage is a result o f exposure t o a radioactive area. CON% (200%+) o r someone w i t h terrific willpower ( T A L 75%+)
Radiation damage is permanent, b u t the effects are temporary. Con- might be able t o recover o n their o w n w i t h n o help.
tinual exposure can k i l l 'a hero. Because o f the unique way it affects Permanent disablements aren't a common occurence, b u t anyone
heroes, radiation has i t s own rules, discussed later in this chapter, lacking medical attention will often have trouble w i t h injuries n o t
mending properly. This is left t o the gamemaster's discretion.
Extent of an Injury A character w h o receives a triple Trauma H i t t o the torso or head is
A Trauma Hit is a definite problem. Trauma Hits actually interfere fatally injured. Unless sophisticated and immediate medical help is
with a character's functioning. applied (within the hour), the character dies.
When the damage from a Trauma H i t i s more than l x and u p t o
2 x the Location's BOD, it is called a simple Trauma Hit. A simple
Trauma H i t to a Location injures that location. It i s n o t o u t o f com- 6.2 TRAUMA & INJURY RECOVERY
mission and can still be used. A simple Trauma Hit t o the head means There are t w o ways t o deal with injury and Trauma effects; arti-
the character is momentarily stunned, and must begin any action ficially and naturally.
over again. A Hit t o the hand causes your character t o drop whatever Medical a i d reduces the symptoms o f Trauma and speeds healing.
he or she is holding, while a simple Trauma Hit t o the leg o r abdomen It can b e used t o reset broken bones, bandage patients, etc.
means the hero falls t o the ground. However, the character can im- Bionic aid replaces lost limbs with mechanical ones, b u t can be done
mediately rise under his o r her own power. o n l y after wounds heal. (This technology is generally unavailable,
Any damage that exceeds 2 x BOD points t o a location is serious b u t some heroes have already benefited f r o m it w i t h a Special Ability.)
trouble. These are called double Trauma Hits. A double Trauma Hit Drugs and Healing Lore can heal. A drug i s an herb, a vitamin,
t o the head means the character is suffering f r o m a concussion and i s a shot or a robot. They assist the body's ability t o heal itself. Healing
probably unconscious. (A successful CON% roll w i t h a -1 D I F means applications are measured in Levels. A drug's Level is subtracted f r o m
the hero remains conscious.) A n y other location so hit is o u t of com- the time wounds take t o heal, and adds free CON% recovery rotls
mission and cannot be used. (see hereafter).
A n y blow that exceeds 3 x the Location's BOD i s a lethal blow. Characters can also have a Special Ability t o heal, or ignore pain
Referred t o as a triple Trauma Hit, if it strikes the chest, abdomen, and discomfort f r o m wounds.
o r head, the hero dies. A n y limb struck is either severed o r maimed.
Trauma Hits are n o t integrated - they are individual events. T w o
simple Trauma Hits to a location does n o t equal a double Trauma Hit. Physical Injury Recovery
That location is s t i l l usable. Likewise, a simple Trauma Hit and a double With simple care most injuries heal naturally,
Trauma Hit t o a Location doesn't equal a triple Trauma Hit. Simple Trauma Hits cause sprains, bruises, m i n o r burns, and lacera-
tions. They require 1 D 6 6 days t o heal. I f treated properly, a charac-
Trauma ter could be semi-active (depending upon the location and the desired
Year of the Phoenix emphasizes discomfort, pain, shock, and their action - a sprained hand cannot be used in writing).
effect o n heros above any physical injury. This is handled b y the Double Trauma Hits cause serious injuries like broken bones and
Trauma Table. The Table adjudicates b o t h internal problems (disease, back problems. These take about 1D6 + 6 weeks t o heal properly.
poison), and external damage (gunshot wounds, broken legs). Back injuries and punctures can't be moved w i t h o u t further injuries
In the game, there are six stages of Trauma, progressing f r o m (and an increase in discomfortlTrauma levels).
Mild (Level One) t o Lethal (Level Six). Traumas are simply a frame-
w o r k t o base symptoms on. Getting effects f r o m the table does n o t Triple Trauma Hits t o a l i m b have caused maiming or severing.
always mean that a character suffers a Trauma. They ,take 106 + 6 months to completely heal. (Triple Hits t o the
When suffering f r o m Trauma Hits, visualize what is happening to Torso o r Head are fatal.)
your character rather than paying attention t o the game mechanics. The A drug's Level is subtracted f r o m the die roll that determines
gamemaster w i l l offer some symptoms, depending upon the severity h o w long wounds take t o heal. Someone w i t h Level 3 Healing rolls
o f your character's condition. It i s u p t o you t o roleplay those symp- 1 D 6 + 3 t o determine how long healing takes.
A simple Trauma Hit causes a one-level shift on the Trauma Table.
while a double Trauma H i t causes a two-level shift o n the table, and Trauma Relief: Recovery Rolls
A character surviving a triple (limb injury) Trauma Hit shifts three In addition t o the actual healing, your character suffers f r o m pain
levels. and discomfort simulated b y the Trauma Table. Your character can
See the Trauma Table hereafter. attempt a CON% recovery r o l l once every 24 hours if he or she has
gotten a good night's sleep. I f the character lacks sleep, n o recovery
Permanent Damage and Death roll may be attempted. I f this r o l l is successful, your character loses
I f a hero reaches Trauma Level 5, he or she will n o t be able t o 1 Trauma Level [for example, Level 2 becomes Level 1). This Recovery
recover without medical aid o f some kind. The damage is t o o severe. Roll includes any D I F your character i s currently suffering. Drugs o r

The Trauma Table

Level DIF Possible Symptoms Possible Causes
Mild -1 Temporary headache and/or shormsss af breath, ex. First degree burns, combat situations, run-
haustion, nose bleeds, dull pains. ning extensively or desperately.

Guarded -2 Severe pain, burning sensations, nausea, vomiting, Second degree burns, injury leading t o
severe headaches,. hvoerventilatina.
.. I
disabled limb. food Doisonina.
. ~ "
Serious -3 Cramps, convulsions, confusion, sight distortion o r Third degree burns, loss o f limb.
loss, dehydration, constricted breathing, choking,
slight cynaosis, arthmias.

Severe -4 Severe heart palpitations, paralysis, seizures, possible Venomous bites, wasting disease.
brain damaae. Dossible hallucinations.

Critical -5 Unconsciousness, coma, severe dehydration, spasming, Ultimate terror or insanity, major wounds
cynaosis, heart attack, brain damage. hallucinat,ons covering extensive areas.

Lethal -6 Death Death


Healing Lore gives your character a free recovery r o l l for a number It's the pitch o f the situation that suggests t o the gamemaster
of days equal t o the Level o f healing (Level 3 healing gives the character that Ergs should come i n t o play. The frequency o f die rolls combined
one extra recovery roll three days in a row). This recovery rate is how w i t h the player's reference t o speed, tension, or dynamics are also
long it takes t o get rid o f the symptoms and effects o f Trauma Hits. indications.
This recovery does n o t help the actual injuries. Someone t r y i n g to use a Cheat skill w i l l have n o problem. B u t if
I f the character moves around before the wounds have healed, she is attempting t o use Cheat a number o f times, all the while bal-
the Trauma Levels return until bed rest (or the equivalent) i s restored. ancing herself o n a railing a n d singing, she will definitely expend Ergs.
For example, a hero with a broken arm moves about freely with
little or n o discomfort. Then the character attempts t o use the arm, Other causes o f Erg loss (Option): Each t i m e a character is hit (and
so severe pain (Trauma effects) return. the damage gets past armor, i f any,) b u t a Trauma Hit does n o t occur,
I f the character i s traveling - in a boat o r the back o f a cart, the he or she loses 1 Erg. This simulates minor wounds which aren't an
character can only attempt a recovery roll once every 48 hours. A immediate problem, b u t eventually tell upon a character.
hero's recovery can also be interfered w i t h by improper care, infections,
lack o f food and water, n o t setting bones, etc.. Long Term Fatigue
Characters w h o d i g ditches all day d o n o t regain all their vitality
overnight unless they pace themselves. In the same vein, riding a horse
Anthony is suffering Trauma Level 2. After 2 4 hours, he at- or marching all day produces fatigue and lack o f energy the next day.
tempts a CON% roll with a -2 DIF. He rolls a 1 on the D I F and
stays at Trauma Level 2 for that day. Strenuous Activity: Whenever a character spends the better part of
the day in strenuous activity, the player temporarily crosses o f 1 Erg
f r o m the Erg A c t i o n Track o n the character sheet. This means that the
character n o w has 1 less Erg t o use, and w i l l get winded faster.


During combat and other stressful situations participants falter,

lose concentration, and get injured f r o m fatigue rather than lack o f Anthony has 12 Ergs. After a day of heavy activity he is down
skill. The more tired, the less nimble and aware you are. to 1 1 Ergs. The next day, he is in a mock combat and uses up
1 1 Ergs. He suffers a - 1 D I F an0 continues. Again, he still has only
Caveat: Fatigue rules exist in order t o limit characters. Gamemasters 1 1 Ergs, so after 1 more are lost he suffers from a -2 DIF.
utilize them when players attempt t o go t o o far w i t h their characters.
Because o f this, and although these fatigue rules are comprehensive
and relatively uncomplicated, some gamemasters m a y choose not t o Smoking: I f a character smokes, figure o u t h o w many 'packs a day'
implement them and instead have all participants roleplay fatigue (and the character smokes. This number is the amount o f Ergs crossed o f f
agree to DI F penalties administered arbitrarily by the gamemaster). the character sheet.
Note that if this is the case, n o character should choose a Special
Ability powered by Ergs. Cross-Country Travel: Running or marching can wear o u t a hero.
The character's current Moves value is multiplied by 10. (A character's
Wind Moves value can temporarily change. See the Hazard Helix, hereafter.)
Wind i s a character's short-term energy. Each hero has an Erg value The result is the number of kilometers a character can travel a t a time
which comes i n t o play when dealing with concentration or kinetic without long-term Fatigue loss.
activities. For every 10 kilometers travelled over this amount, 1 Erg is crossed
Ergs indicate the number of times a character can repeat a skill o f f the character sheet. To avoid this loss, a f u l l night's rest (or equi-
or series o f skills without incurringa Difficulty Die Penalty. valent) i s required between marches.

Anthony has an Erg rating of 12. He can repeat a skill 12 times Anthony has Moves of 4, and is currently suffering from Trauma
without fatiguing himself. Level 2 Using the Hazard Helix rules (see below), Anthony's
effective Moves value is 2. Anthony can travel 20 km without long
term Erg loss. .
When characters pass their Erg threshold, they incur a Difficulty
Die Penalty o f -1. When passing their Erg threshold twice, they incur a
-2 DIF. Passing their Ergs three times i s -3 DIF, u p t o five times Ergs
incurs a -5 DIF. Exhaustion: Every 3 hours after the first 12 t h a t a hero goes w i t h o u t
Frequency o f the Erg loss is n o t based on time, but o n the number sleep, the player must cross o f 1 Erg. In addition, the character incurs
o f s k i l l s attempted. The more s k i l l s characters use, the faster they a -1 DIF for every 12 hours after the first 12 hours.
get fatigued.
Along w i t h the Difficulty Die Penalty is a rise in pain and fatigue, Effect of Long-term Erg Loss: Once a character is reduced t o 1 Erg
matching 1 Trauma Level per 1 D I F penalty, until Trauma level 5 b y this method, he or she is n o longer able t o function, and is bed-
when characters pass out. ridden. The character m a y rise after regaining an Erg (so the character
has a total of 2 Ergs), b u t i s again bedridden i f the character is again
thrust d o w n t o 1 Erg through L o n g t e r m Erg loss.
Anthony has 12 Ergs. He i s in a fight and uses UP Ergs. When he
uses his 12th Erg, he suffers a - 1 DIF, and goes back up to 12 Restoring Long-term Fatigue Loss: The character recovers long-term
Ergs. Again, he uses 12 Ergs and now he suffers a -2 DIF. Erg loss exactly the same way as he or she recovers from Trauma Hits.
One CON% roll is attempted every 24 hours, after a good night's rest.
For something like quitting smoking, your gamemaster may only
Wind Recovery: When characters decide they've had enough, rest can permit a CON% recovery roll once per week, or even once every 2
help restore vitality. weeks.
Your character recovers f r o m one Erg-induced Trauma Level in one
hour. 6.4 THE HAZARD H E L I X
Someone w i t h Trauma Level 2 (like A n t h o n y ) takes t w o hours to A Helix is a spiral, while Hazard means peril and/or danger. The
lose b o t h Trauma Levels. Hazard Helix is a perilous spiral. In Year of the Phoenix, it is a down-
Once your character has lost at least 1 D I F penalty, change the ward spiral, possibly resulting in death. There are ways t o get caught in
character sheet tally back t o f u l l Erg strength. the Helix, all having t o do w i t h hazardous conditions or actions.
I f a character incurs a Trauma Hit, (a fall, combat injury, poison-
What's a Fatiguing Action?: A fatiguing activity is any action o r series ing), h e o r she has entered the Hazard Helix. A n y other time a Diffi-
of actions which are stressful and/or exertive, w i t h o u t benefit o f inter- c u l t y Die Penalty comes into play and t h e gamemaster considers
mittent, meaningful rest. that situation strenuous or requiring undue concentration, the character
Mechanically, it's any action requiring a die roll. The gamemaster might enter the Helix. This is rare, however.
determines what constitutes 'meaningful rest'. The Helix itself has f o u r factors.
The Helix Factors
0 +1 Trauma Level
0 -1 Difficulty Die Penalty
0 -1 Erg
0 +1 Speed Modifier

They are interrelated, so i f a character i s suffering f r o m a simple

Trauma H i t or a DIF, the other factors come i n t o play immediately
(the character suffers a Trauma Hit, incurs a -1 DIF, -1 Erg, and applies
a +1 Speed Modifier t o all skills).
Simply getting a +1 Speed Modifier or losing 1 Erg will n o t draw
a character i n t o the Helix. Getting a Trauma Level o r a D I F are the
only things which usually draw a character i n t o it.
Receiving a double Trauma Hit causes a -2 DI F and -2 Ergs. And +2
is added t o all Skill Speeds.
With a triple Trauma H i t t o a limb, t h e character suffers a -3 DIF,
-3 Ergs, and +3 t o all Skill Speeds, b u t the character isn't in any condi-
t i o n t o d o anything b u t l i e there in pain.


The interrelationship of all these factors is made easier t o deal
w i t h b y utilizing the Action Track located along the right margin
o f the character sheet, and using the Trauma Level indicator at the
very b o t t o m o f the character sheet. Drug Matrix
The Action Track is numbered 1-18. Use a D6, placing it on the TO f i n d the effect of various doses, use these computations:
square corresponding t o the character's Erg total.
Have the D6 d o double duty. Since there are six Trauma Levels, 1. Determine the No. o f doses needed t o produce the desired
and six sides t o the die, the side facing u p is the Trauma Level the effect. One dose is needed per 5 0 kg. (or part thereof) o f the in-
character i s currently suffering. I f a hero isn't suffering any Trauma, tended subject.
the '6'side should be u p (Level 6 is n o t used in play). 2. Doses needed - the Drug/Herb Level that reflects the desired
Every time a character expends an Erg the D6 is slid along the Track symptoms = the maximum No. of doses the subject needs t o have
until the character's Ergs run out. When they d o run o u t the character an effect equal t o 1 Level o f that Drug o r Herb.
suffers a DI F (entering the Hazard Helix) and returns t o the beginning
of the track.
I I Example: I f someone wanted to kill an animal he or she would
Anthony has 12 Ergs and the player places a 06 with the '6' use a Level 6poison (Corresponding to Trauma Level 6). to produce
face up, on the box marked 12. a Lethal effect. The character needs one dose per 50 kg of the
Anthony uses a total of 12 skills. The player has slid the 06 animal, so two doses of Level 6 poison would be needed if the
along the Track down to 1. Anthony uses another skill and the D 6 victim weighed around 100 kg.
is returned to the 12 box. The player also turns the die so the num- A 300 kg character needs 6 doses of poison for a full dose.
ber ' 1 ' i s face up. Anthony is at Trauma Level 1. The 300 kg subject i s given 2 doses of Level 3 poison. The
computation, using the Drug Matrix, is 6 - 3 = 2. This means that
i t takes 2 doses to inflict a single Trauma Level on the victim.
When your character suffers a Trauma Hit due t o wounds or fatigue, More than 2 doses would send the victim to the next Level.
circle the appropriate Trauma Level on the tally at the b o t t o m of Since the poison given was 2 doses worth, the victim is a t Trau-
the character sheet in pencil t o have a written record. Also keep track ma Level 1, Mild Trauma
o f the location and severity o f any Trauma Hits.
If you use plastic sheet protectors and a grease pencil, marking o f f
Erg losses becomes more reliable. Dice have an uncanny ability t o get
knocked o f f tables, bumped, or eaten. Descriptions
The following is a suggested l i s t of game drugs and their game uses.
6.6 DRUGS There is n o attempt t o correlate real drugs w i t h their true functions -
The term Drug in Year of the Phoenix refers t o over-the-counter d o n o t use these descriptions as a real-life reference.
pills, salves, liquids, etc.. Most often, a character's contact w i t h a drug
will be medication t o help heal a wound, or the popular recreational Doses: Throughout t h e descriptions o f the drugs the term 'full dosage'
drug called alcohol. The medical equipment aboard the Phoenix con- is used. As mentioned earlier, a single dose o f a drug is needed f o r
tains medicinal drugs (see the Equipment chapter). Drugs are usually every 50 kg. o f the subject. Therefore, a 100 kg. subject needs 2 doses
clearly marked as t o use and dosage, so the only question which might for a 'full dosage'. Less than this, and the drug has n o effect. More than
arise is proper administration. This i s subsumed under any medical this, and the subject might overdose.
skill. Drugs are n o t Specific Skills. Drug TYW
Drugs have various effects upon characters, b o t h beneficial (healing) General information.
and harmful (poisons). They are rated in Levels, f r o m 1-6, and use the Drug Example [ F o r m of Administration] (additional information)
Drug Matrix Table t o determine the results of the dosage.
Healing: Healing applications are rated f r o m 1-6, which are the number These serve t o slow down the body, o r calm nervous
o f days an additional CON% Trauma relief roll is made, so a Level 2 excitement. For every full dosage, the character's Skill Speeds increase
offers one additional roll each day for t w o days. The rating also reduces b y 1, and he o r she incurs a -1 D I F t o all skills. A CON% roll must b e
the healing time o f wounds. made each hour. Failure indicates the character i s sleepy. These effects
last 1 D3 hours per dose.
Poisons: A poison causes or simulates an effect o n t h e Trauma Table. Kharkov's Remedy [pill]
T o f i n d the effect of various doses, use the Drug Matrix Table Alcohol [liquid]
Poison Antidotes
Other Drugs: There are numerous other drugs, such as depressants, These counteract, prevent, or cure the invading malady. Preventa-
Poison Antidotes, Hallucinogens, and Stimulants. tives last about six hours (gamemaster secretly rolls 1D3 + 4 for the

number o f hours i t w i l l b e effective). Antidotes must be consumed lmpol

within 30 minutes o f ingestrng poison to have any effect. A time-released drug distributed t o all astronauts before launch.
Kern [pills] (counteract alcohol effects i f taken before consumption) The medication i s applied to a small circular bandage placed behind
Bittersweets [pills] (technical name is Swarnett, serves as a blanket your right ear. This medication i s slowly absorbed through the skin
antidote against all poisons, 80% chance effective against a particular and prevents space sickness.

Hallucinogens 6.7 ADVERSE CONDITIONS

The subject can experlence illusions in all five senses. A subject Some o f the most perilous aspects o f a hero's well being spring f r o m
might also feel anxious, giddy, amorous, confused, dynamic, persecu- such things as starvation, radiation, and disease.
ted - any emotion that can be felt, b u t taken t o an extreme. The
gamemaster should discuss w i t h the player what effect the drug has Starvation and Dehydration
upon t h e character. The Trauma Table can simulate the effects o f starvation or dehy-
Morphine [variousI dration. For every t w o days after the first that a character i s denied
Mescaline [ var io us 1 water he o r she sinks one Trauma Level.
After the t h i r d day w i t h o u t f o o d a character displays some syrnp-
Healers toms f r o m the Table, descending one Level f o r every 1 D 3 + 1 days
Healing applications are rated f r o m Level 1-6, which i s applied without food.
t o the subject when figuring the number o f days an additional CON%
healing roll is made (q.v. 'The Body'). Disease
Neervit Ointment (Level 3 healing) Diseases come in all forms. Some attack Skill Spheres, other go
Zipnaught [ p i l l ] (pain reliever and Level 1 healing) for CON%, or other aspects o f a character. Diseases have t w o variables
which must be considered: communicability, and effects.
Poisons Diseases are lumped into three broad categories of communicabil-
A poison injures or causes the death o f a subject. Poisons, like ity; Difficult, Average and Easy. When the gamemaster decides a
Healers, are rated f r o m Level 1-6. character has been exposed (depending upon how the disease is trans-
Alcohol [drought] (Level 1-6, symptoms appear within minutes) mitted), the player attempts a CON% skill roll. This i s compared t o
Chemical Warfare [inhaled/absorbedl (Levels 5-6, specific names vary) the gamemaster's roll for the disease's communicability in a Skill vs.
Skill situation. Diseases t h a t are Difficult t o transmit have a roll of
Stimulants 1 D100%. Diseases w i t h Average communicability have a roll o f 1DlOO
These speed u p the character's metabolism. Habitual use can result + 50%. and Easy ones use 1D100 + 100%. I f the disease wins, the
in physical dependence. When under the influence o f this drug, the character has been infected.
character's normal Erg total i s multiplied b y 1.5. The drug effect Each disease should be treated differently for effects. Most po-
lasts about 12 hours (your gamemaster secretly rolls 9 + 1 D 6 ) at tentially lethal diseases should be in the Difficult communicability
which time the character loses all Ergs and incurs 1D 2 Trauma Levels. range. A m i l d f o r m o f disease might just cause 1 D 3 Trauma Level
This takes twice the character's normal recovery time (a Trauma symptoms f o r 2D6 days. An average disease might reduce the charac-
Level 1 takes t w o days t o recover from, and a Trauma Level 2 takes ter's CON% b y 1 D6% permanently. A more serious disease might cause
four days). 1 D 3 + 2 Trauma Levels for 3 D 3 weeks, cause a temporary loss of
Q'enta [pill] 3D10% o n KIN and M A N Spheres, and cause a permanent 2D10%
Stimdoze [injection] (a f u l l dosage stimulates an unconscious subject loss on t w o o r three Specific Skills in KIN and M A N spheres.
i n t o a conscious state. This takes 10-30 minutes (your gamemaster Taking a real-life example, Malaria has an incubation period o f
rolls 1 D20 + 10). Twice that dosage (technically an 'overdose') causes about 1-3 days. I t s attack temporarily reduces the character's CON%.
the subject t o fall unconscious. Both effects last 1-6 hours). Attacks can recur a t any time, with an intitial duration o f 1-3 days,
tapering o f f t o one hour after repeated attacks. It is usually caught
Other Drugs f r o m mosquitos, with communicability o f 1D 1 0 0 + 50%.
There are drugs which are designed t o perform a specific function, Effect possibilities are endless, including loss o f sight, hearing,
and d o not fall under the classic types listed above. ability to be intimate, appearance disfigurement, etc..
A nasty effect that some diseases might also have i s that the victim
Tannin becomes a carrier o f that disease.
A full dosage affects the mind, making the subject open t o sugges- Rabies is a virulent disease w i t h an incubation period o f anywhere
tion. The effect lasts 1 D6 + 6 hours. Subjects become mentally coma- f r o m a week t o a year. A n y character bitten b y a rabid animal must
tose. The character simply cannot function. The subject is permitted resist against a communicability rating of 1 D l O O + 100%. It affects
a T A L Skill Sphere roll to resist the Suggestion. the brain and nervous system, causing a reduction o f all six Skill
Spheres b y -1D10% per week. When any one Skill Sphere reaches
Tri Nox 5 0%. the victim dies.
Corrects sight t o 20:20 vision over a period of 3 + 1 D4 days.
T w o drugs, sold as a set. SKIN'UM ['skin numb'] blocks nerve Radiation Sickness
receptors o n o r just under the skin, while T-NUM ['total numb'] A n insidious horror, radiation is a silent t i m e bomb. Each exposure
works o n a specific area b o t h internally and topically. SKIN'UM i s t o roentgens ( R A D S ) builds u p the radiation level in a character.
usually a spray or salve. T - N U M i s often injected. A n overdose o f This causes mild symptoms a t first, b u t rapidly degenerates into severe
T - N U M can cause death, as the voluntary and involuntary muscles are problems and eventually death.
interfered with. Do n o t use T - N U M w i t h i n a hand-span o f a heart. Every ten minutes a character i s exposed to RADS, the gamemaster
secretly decides the amount o f R A D S the character incurs, often
Synthaskin between 1-10, R A D S are permanent.
Artificial, spray-on skin. The Synth attempts t o graft itself o n t o A t the the end of each day that a character i s exposed to radiation,
real skin and eventually expel1 any foreign matter (dead o r burnt the gamemaster tells your character how many R A D S he or she suf-
tissue, pieces o f debris, etc.). The results o f the graft are k n o w n w i t h i n fers. You must check t o see i f there are any ill effects. Attempt a
a few days, although the Synth usually grafts w i t h n o problems (95% Skill vs. Skill roll, using CON% + 1D100, versus half the character's
success rate) and is complete w i t h i n t w o weeks. total R A D S + 1D100.

Disease Communicability
For every 100 R A D S a character has, he o r she suffers 1 DN Trauma Concentrated Damage
Levels, where N equals RADS/100. When an attack i s constant, and concentrated in a specific spot,
damage accumulates from Sequence t o Sequence. A n example is
driving a knife through someone’s chest. Each push o f the knife com-
A n t h o n y has been exposed to radioactivity several times (he pounds the damage. Another example is a noose slowly drawn tighter
used t o live near Three M i l e Island?) builaing his exposure up to and tighter. In these cases, damage per Sequence i s compounded.
225. So the character getting knifed, taking 3 points o f damage t h e first
During the day, h e accumulates 10 more RADS by drinking Sequence, and 2 points the second, w o u l d take a total o f 5 points
radiation-poisoned water, bringing his total up to 235. in the second Sequence. This compounding can lead t o multiple Trau-
That night, Ir o l l Anthony’s CON% versus 118 getting a total o f mas and death.
145, while m y gamemaster gets 197. A n t h o n y is sick. Since Antho-
ny has 235 RADS, rounding off to 200 means I roll 102. H e gets a
2, a n d A n t h o n y i s a t Trauma Level 2. Falling and Fire Damage
Each time characters fall their body HE1 (or part of) they lose
1 Erg. A character w h o i s 2 m tall and falls f o r t y meters loses 20 Ergs -
When a character’s R A D S average o u t t o the 500 level (450-549 enough t o cause a double, o r even triple Trauma Hit.
RADS), he o r she rolls 1D4 + 1 for the number o f Trauma Levels In addition, each t i m e the character falls his or her HEI, 1 D3
suffered. damage is done t o a random Hit Location. T h i s is a t y p e of Concentrat-
A t the 600 level (550+), 1D4 + 2 is rolled. ed Damage (q.v.), so a Location might receive as much as 4 D 3 or even
6 D 3 damage, rolled as one attack.
Duration: The sickness lasts N d 6 days, where N equals the Trauma Fire causes 1 p o i n t o f damage per Sequence t o each exposed loca-
Level the character suffers. tion. This damage continues t o build upon itself, so after six Sequences
I f Trauma Level 6 i s the result when rolling for radiation sickness, exposed t o fire, a location takes 6 Damage Points.
the character dies sometime during the last week o f the ( 6 D 6 day) Smoke inhalation causes the character t o lose 1 Erg every ten
sickness. Sequences, so after sixty Sequences the character loses a total o f 6
Ergs. Most people die f r o m asphyxiation before fire,ever gets near.
Sleeping characters need an 06s r o l l to awaken f r o m the smoke.
Anthony suffers Trauma Level 2. I roll 206, getting 7. A n t h o n y
i s sick f o r 7 days.

I n n n I


a d -

In Year o f the Phoenix, combat is deadly. Experience w i t h the Once your gamemaster has finished, you m a y place your piece on
game will bear this out, b u t remember that more graves have been dug the field. Your gamemaster has the final say as t o the positioning o f
than heroes made. It isn’t that the game promotes a high kill ratio, any piece. Try t o be reasonable in case o f disagreement with the other
but that injuries are truly debilitating. Incurring several minor injuries players. Just because y o u assume your character was behind Leonard‘s
can immobilize a character, thus making him or her open to defense- character doesn’t mean Leonard isn‘t assuming his character was
less attacks. behind v o u r character!
A l l forms o f combat are mutually-agreed-upon rules for attempting
t o inflict injury upon another. If this were untrue, there would be n o Option: If the gamemaster has decided that your opponents have
such thing as ‘fighting dirty’. surprised you, he may have them attack you first, and only then pull
What all forms o f combat have in common i s attacking and being out the Battlefield. This reflects the inability of your character t o react
attacked. A battle soon becomes a whirlwind as participants clobber immediately. A n d not t o mention the fact that you might be as sur-
each other i n t o unconsciousness. The goal o f a good combat system prised as your character. Surprised characters are inactive f o r 1 D 3
i s t o permit the players the feeling that they are really there. This Sequences (the same amount o f t i m e that characters w h o Klutz in
requires some detail. However, needing t o reference a different rule combat are inactive).
for every action swiftly bogs d o w n the game i n t o number crunching
and rule-referencing, Because of this seeming contradiction, we need -a
method that organizes combat without hindering the f l o w o f the game. 7.2 SKILLS: OFFENSIVE, DEFENSIVE, & MANEUVERS
There are three types o f combat maneuvers in Year of the Phoenix:
Offensive, Defensive, and Maneuvers.
For resolution o f combat, your gamemaster displays the Battlefield, 0 Offensive skills include swinging a weapon, firing or throwing a
a 17” x 22” map included i n Year of the Phoenix. All personal combat projectile, using a special ability, o r physical assault. Offensive skills
i s played out on this grid o f alternating squares. Each square represents are used at your character‘s Skill Speed. A character’s Personal Speed
1 meter. indicates h o w many Sequences he or she takes t o perform an attack.
Covering it w i t h a clear plastic overlay allows terrain t o be drawn Someone with a M A N Speed o f 4 takes 4 Sequences t o shoot a gun.
directly onto it w i t h china markers o r grease pencils and wiped o f f w i t h 0 Defensive skills usually involve interposing an in-hand item between
a damp cloth. Otherwise, you might want to use playing blocks, model the character and an Offensive act. Shield blocks, sword parries, dodg-
train buildings, or spare dice t o indicate buildings, m o o n bases, and ing, and martial blocks are all Defensive acts. Unlike Offensive skills,
other terrain features. Defensive skills take only 1 Sequence, regardless of the action.
Miniature figures are used t o indicate your character’s position I f you wish to use a weapon in both an Offensive and a Defensive
o n the Battlefield when the specific location o f characters becomes capacity, y o u must have t w o skills in that weapon. For example,
important. I f y o u lack Year of the Phoenix miniature figures, then you an average character could have a Knife w i t h Offense at 67%, and
may want t o use buttons or spare dice. You could also create your Defense a t 57%. Additionally, skill in throwing a weapon accurately
own cardboard counters, i f y o u prefer. must be taken as a Specific Skill. If you don’t, these skills are a t your
The last items, dice and scrap paper, should already be lying around Skill Sphere percentage, just as all other non-specific skills are.
(assuming combat i s going on somewhere in the middle of a session). 0 Maneuver skills involve covering distance in an attempt t o engage
or evade an opponent, o r picking u p o r pushing an object. Charging and
Setting t h e Scene retreating are t w o types o f Maneuvers. Maneuver speeds are based o n
Next, your gamemaster sets the stage by giving a description o f the your Skill Speed.
current situation, including your character’s relative position t o the
action. Your gamemaster describes your opponents and, i f they are
in view, places miniatures representing them onto the Battlefield. 7.3 THE COMBAT CLOCK
I f they are n o t in range, he o r she describes (in general terms) h o w far Year o f the Phoenix combat i s played against an insistent metro-
away they are, and in what direction. To keep track o f ranges, you can nome beat, Sequence! Click! Sequence! Click! Sequence! Click! Beat
use dice lying o n the Battlefield in the direction of the enemy. If your upon beat o f the combat clock. Your gamemaster counts o f f Sequences
opponents were 230 meters away, there w o u l d be three dice on the when he or she sees the need for structure, such as in combat. Your
Battlefield, reading ’2, 3, 0‘. character moves a n d performs skill attempts within this structure.
Every act has a speed. Generally, the speed o f an act depends upon is u p to, using these definitions rnay increase play speed, 'I'm preparing
your character's Skill Sphere speed (q.v. 'Skills' chapter). There can m y weapon,' 'My character i s changing position from crouching t o
b e modifiers t o this speed, such as being encumbered. standing,' etc.
When your gamemaster begins Sequencing he or she petitions y o u
for your character's Personal Speed (current Skill Sphere speed plus Prepare a Weapon
any modifiers - see The Body chapter for modifiers t o your Skill This activity takes place when the weapon you want t o use i s n o t
Speed). A character's Personal Speed indicates how many Sequences in your hand. It takes your character 1 Sequence t o unholster a weapon
he or she takes t o perform a maneuver. Someone w i t h a M A N Speed or t o unsling it f r o m his o r her back. (A weapon buried in the b o t t o m
o f 4 takes 4 Sequences t o shoot a gun. o f a knapsack which i s l y i n g across the room obviously takes longer
Your gamemaster then announces each Sequence. As they are than 1 Sequence t o prepare.)
announced, you determine i f your character can act. Reloading a weapon i s also considered preparing or 'readying'
As Sequences click by, characters can begin an action, terminate a weapon. Your character's Personal Speed i s the number of Sequences
an ongoing action, perform multiple actions, interrupt one action it takes t o relaod a weapon, plus 1 Sequence per missile loaded, unless
w i t h another, o r d o nothing a t all. you character uses a clip/magazine, which o n l y costs 1 Sequence t o
load. Most modern day weapons have clips of some type.
Step One: Announcing Intentions A character using a pistol that has 6 chambers, w i t h a M A N speed
When your gamemaster starts Sequencing he or she asks for your o f 3 Sequences, spends 3 Sequences t o reload, plus 1 Sequence per
intentions. This is often phrased,'What i s your character doing?', or bullet that is loaded. To completely reload that particular pistol takes 9
'What do you want t o do?', etc.. Sequences. Good luck i f he or she i s in the middle o f a fight. . .
Keep your intentions simple. Avoid beleaguering your gamemaster A character using a Longbow w i t h a M A N speed of 1 takes 1 Se-
w i t h a series o f actions, conditional or linear - t h i s defeats the entire quence t o aim and fire, plus 1 Sequence t o load t h e arrow, for a total
purpose of Sequencing (that being t o break down a confusing series o f 2 Sequences per arrow.
o f actions i n t o manageable pieces), although most gamemasters are
n o t hostile t o conditional actions - 'If she charges m e I w i l l attempt Aiming a n Attack
t o Dodge. otherwise, I'm looking f o r m y communicator.' Your character is spending extra time t o aim a weapon, brace the
Your gamemaster might ask each player his o r her intention begin- weapon, or i s otherwise involved i n an imminent attack. 7
ning w i t h the character o f the slowest KNO skill speed. This allows There are t w o different methods o f achieving this, and players
those characters w h o can t h i n k quickly t o react t o the other character's should decide which they prefer and then stick t o it.
actions. Your gamemaster could also ask based upon Personal Speed, Method One: Every Sequence the character pauses, aiming the shot,
or any other method, including random selection. the player may adjust the Hit Location roll by 1 point. The character's
I f you say nothing, i t is assumed your character is continuing his Skill Speed - 6 i s the maximum number of points the H i t Location d i e
or her actions f r o m the last Sequence. can be altered, so someone firing a gun w i t h a MAN Skill Speed o f 4
waits 2 extra Sequences before firing. That player can adjust the H i t
Step Two: Counting Down to Action Location roll b y 2 points. The character is free t o continue waiting, b u t
Once you've stated your intention, it's u p t o you t o keep track it w o n ' t affect the aim.
of when you can act. I f your hero's Personal Speed i s 4 y o u must count Method Two: Look on the character sheet and count u p the slots
4 Sequences between announcing intentions and rolling t o see i f that allotted t o the H i t Location you are aiming for. For example, the Chest
action was successful. Don't expect your gamemaster t o i n f o r m y o u is listed as, '4-7', which means there are 4 slots (4, 5, 6, 7). 6 -total
when it's your turn. If you miss your cue, and f i n d that your game- number of s l o t s = DIF penalty. Aiming at someone's chest therefore,
master has passed the Sequence in which y o u would act, it means that has a -2 D I F penalty. H i t t i n g someone's hand has a -5 DIF, while
your character paused and did nothing. Your gamemaster should not shooting for the Abdomen is a -3 D I F.
backtrack for you (and is n o t obligated t o d o so). On t h e other hand,
your gamemaster i s obligated t o allow you t o complete your action Attack
in the present Sequence, and n o t have you begin the action over again. Your character can attempt t o attack anyone he or she can see
(or knows the location o f ) as long as the target is w i t h i n range.
Step Three: Acting After you've waited the proper number of Sequences, roll 1D100
When the appropriate number of Sequences have passed, tell your and add the skill percentage just like any other skill. If the total is
gamemaster, w h o tells you what dice t o roll or asks for more informa- 101% +, then the skill attempt is successful.
t i o n w i t h which t o adjudicate the results.
If t w o combatants are able t o act in t h e same Sequence, their raw Defend
Skill Sphere speeds are compared and the faster character acts first. Defending means that your character is t r y i n g t o block an attack
I f both speeds are the same, t h e characters act simultaneously. w i t h something. or else t r y i n g t o dodge or duck t h e attack.
Unlike other skills, you are always free t o spontaneously perform You may always defend at any time during a combat, even while
a Defensive skill in any Sequence o f your choosing, as Defensive skills in the middle o f your own attack (such actions are Multiple Skill Use).
only take 1 Sequence. I f you are in the middle o f usinganother skill, However, the weapon used t o defend w i t h cannot be used t o attack
however, (or wish t o defend against more than 1 attack), it is Multiple w i t h i f b o t h happen in the same Sequence. Which means you rnay
Skill Use (see t h e Skills chapter). break o f f an attack t o defend yourself, i f y o u wish.
I f y o u attempt a Defensive s k i l l (such as parrying, blocking, or
Step Four: Recording Changes dodging) t o evade an attack, then you must announce your intention
The gamemaster's response may include changes t o your character t o defend before your opponent rolls the dice for the attack. I f y o u
such as, 'Your gun is empty', or, 'You have sprained your ankle'. w a i t until the dice have been rolled (and can see i f it needs defending
Besides these ch'anges, your character is using u p Ergs, possibly against or n o t ) you cannot initiate any defensive measures. If you d o
suffering Trauma Hits, and you are definitely counting Sequences. announce a defense attempt before your attacker rolls the dice, i t is
These need t o b e kept track of. Update your sheet between sessions, Skill vs. Skill (q.v. Skills). Both s k i l l attempts are rolled at the same
recording any long term changes t o your hero. time, if b o t h the attack and the defense are successful, the higher
Your gamemaster may also opt t o 'freeze' the action every so often total wins.
t o let everyone update their character sheets (actually, players should Unlike other skill attempts, defense skills take only 1 Sequence.
be busy scrawling over scrap paper and wait until the end of t h e game ' ( I t w o u l d also make the combat system unusable i f Defense skills
t o write on their character sheets). This might also include resetting t o o k more than a single Sequence.)
t h e combat clock t o '0' and starting again. Characters in the middle
of an action carry o u t their Sequence count - they don't start all Maneuver
over again. Characters are free t o back up, dive, charge, or perform any other
maneuver they are capable o f performing w i t h i n the constraints o f
physical ability and terrain. Maneuvers involve moving f r o m square t o
7.4 COMBAT ACTIONS square o n the Battlefield.
When represented by a miniature figure o n the Battlefield, your All maneuver skills are based upon your character's K I N Skill
character i s 'in combat', regardless o f his o r her actual condition o r Sphere percentage. Particularly dangerous or absurd maneuvers are
actions. Combat offers the following selection of activities open t o your subject t o any D i f f i c u l t y Die Penalties imposed by t h e gamemaster.
character. When you are telling your gamemaster what your character Running, sprinting, jumping, climbing, or swimming while attempt-

ing another skill is Multiple Skill Use. I f the Maneuver skill fails, the Combat Facing
character has found that he or she is unable to both move and perform Although a character can technically attack i n t o all adjacent
the other skill. A Klutz result means the character falls. squares, the character's senses can't watch a 3600 radius. A character
Specific Maneuvers are explained later. can effectively attack and defend f r o m the three Primary Zone squares
he or she is facing (see Illustration 2). This arc of concentration extends
Change Position out f r o m the three Primary Zone squares, as shown.
Characters can change facing, stand up, fall down, sit, etc., as long I f a character is somehow aware of it, he or she may Dodge an
as they remain i n the square thay are in. Each change takes 1 Sequence. attack f r o m any direction, b u t may only parry or block in his o r her
This i s considered a skill attempt, b u t you don't usually have t o roll effective attack area (you cannot block a blow to your back).
o n your K I N t o see i f it was successful. However, if y o u are suffering
a D I F penalty (or y o u would be suffering f r o m a DIF penalty by Threat
performing this movement, such as the ground is slippery - see the l i s t This Defensive act is performed with a long weapon (range o f 2 m
of D I F penalties in the Skill chapter), then just the D I F i s rolled. or better) when your character wishes t o keep his or her opponent at
Of course, i f you are performing another skill while you are chang- bay. This takes 1 Sequence, as the weapon does n o t have t o aimed o r
ing position, it i s Multiple Skill Use. swung, just held out.
The attacker must roll a successful Dodge (Skill vs. Skill - see the
Other Skills chapter) t o get around your character's weapon.
Talking, thinking, or preparing a Special Ability all qualify as If and when the attacker gets around your character's weapon,
other activities. it cannot be used t o effectively attack with in that Sequence.

Nothing Missile Weapon RangelThrowing Range

This i s always an option1 Your character simply waits in the posi- Missile weapons require a direct line o f sight for aiming. It's possible
tion he o r she i s in t o shoot over an obstacle, arcing a spear, arrow, o r crossbow bolt,
b u t don't expect pinpoint accuracy (usually requiring a Max result).
Of course, the broad side o f a barn i s another matter. . .
7.5 WEAPON REACH Weapon throwing ranges are determined by your character's ability
Although t h e Battlefield might show your character standing t o throw, based u p o n his o r her MUS. This isn't true for those weapons
comfortably in the center o f a square, your character IS actually moving w i t h their own power; guns, and the like.
about within the general area defined by that square. Range f o r an item depends u p o n the item's design and intended
A typical character has an unarmed reach approximately 1 / 3 his function. Missiles launched f r o m a b o w travel farther than a hand-
or her HEI. This means an average hero standing in a 1 Meter wide hurled stick.
square can easily reach t h e edge o f the square. The square a character The following chart shows four categories, with examples in each
stands in is his or her Personal Zone (see Illustration 1 ). A weapon's category. The 'Multiplier' amount i s applied t o the character's MUS
length determines how much further your character can reach out t o find the item's range in meters.
o f your Personal Zone, and any length lost due t o gripping require-
ments are ignored I I
A weapon u p t o 1m long can be used t o attack an adjacent square, Weapon Ranges in meters
known as a character's Primary Zone. A weapon longer than l m and Example Multiplier
u p t o 2 m can, in addition, strike i n t o the next square, called the Secon- Axe, bric-a-brac, knife .10
dary Zone. Weapons longer than 2m can attack into a third square Throwing axe, spear,
(or more, depending upon the length o f the weapon), known as the javelin, grenade, rock .25
Tertiary Zone. Shortbow, sling 1
Longbow, crossbow 1.5
Illustration 1 - I
___ ~~ ~

Anthony's MUS i s 90 kg. H e c o u l d t h r o w a k n i f e (90x . 1 ) 9rn,

o r shoor a L o n g b o w ( 9 O x 1.5) 128 m.

I f y o u r character Feints he or she must actually have been in range
t o d o so. Otherwise, the opponent is n o t fooled. Announce your feint
as i f it were a normal attack, and wait f o r a response f r o m your oppo-
nent. If your opponent announces that his or her character w i l l defend,
immediately announce (before any dice are rolled) that you are feint-
ing. Both o f you attempt skill rolls.
I f y o u fail y o u r skill roll, your feint was unsuccessful. It counts
as a skill attempt in all ways, and looks t o have been an ill-attempted
I f y o u succeed in your skill attempt b u t your opponent wins the
Skill vs. Skill roll, the Feint does n o t count as a skill attempt for you -
completely ignore it.
However, i f you d o w i n the Skill vs. Skill roll, it does n o t count as
a skill attempt for your character - completely ignore it. (Clever
Primary Zone characters w i l l attempt to feint in the very same Sequence they are
actually attacking. This gives their opponent a DIF penalty for Multiple
Secondary Zone Skill Use.)
Your opponent must treat his o r her die roll as a real one in all
Tertiary Zone respects.

MAN Weapon Speed

Weapons are listed o n the Weapons Chart w i t h their Melee Ranges Your character's Personal Speed when firing a gun o r other self-
A weapon listed as '0-2m' means your character can use it in his or her powered projectile (not bows, darts, etc.), applies o n l y t o setting u p
Personal (Om) Zone, Primary ( l m ) Zone, and Secondary ( 2 m ) Zone. and shooting t h e first projectile. Once the first shot is fired, and i f the
A weapon listed as '1-3m' means it can be used f r o m your character's target moves n o more than 1 m per Sequence, the weapon can continue
Primary Zone ( l m ) u p t o Tertiary Zone (3m), b u t n o t in his or her t o be fired at the rate o f 1 shot per Sequence.
Personal (Om) Zone That weapon i s t o o large t o use in personal com- However, if t h e target i s moving a t a faster rate than the attacker's
bat Move speed per Sequence across t h e attacker's field o f fire (but n o t

Illustration 2

A character's typical attack areas are shown as above. The character may o n l y utilize the three Primary Zone squares that he o r she
i s facing, as shown, and t h e rest o f the effective attack area extends f r o m these parameters.

directly toward or away) t h e attacker must use his or her Personal 1010 r o l l (maximum o f 0 o n the 1DlO). This simulates corrections
Speed to set u p for each shot, o r accept a -1 D I F f o r every meter f r o m a forward observer. If there i s n o way to observe the missiles,
the target moves per Sequence. y o u m a y n o t correct the 1 D10.
If rapid-fire weapons are used, they technically fire one burst
per Sequence.
Opportunity Fire Each square i s considered t o be roughly 1 meter across. Therefore,
Your character must proceed w i t h a missile attack, and wait through an average character (Moves o f 3 m ) can move 3 squarps per Sequence
t h e number o f Sequences required to fire it. Then he o r she may wait during combat.
further, defining an area he o r she is aiming at. The very first target A fatigued charcter o r one suffering f r o m Trauma takes longer t o
which matches the player's announcement o f where he o r she is aiming cover the same distance. A typical character at Trauma Level 1 (see
('Next person to come through that airlock', 'Anyone w h o pokes their The Body chapter) moves 2 squares per Sequence (any character
head u p f r o m that crater', etc.) must be fired at. If the character does can always move a m i n i m u m of I m unless prone, unconscious, etc.).
not want t o shoot (a friend walks through the airlock), the player Detailed below are some o f the more c o m m o n Maneuvers characters
must make a successful T A L % skill roll t o avoid shooting. may wish to attempt.

Overshooting Changing Facing

I f y o u made your skill roll, but missed your target with a straight- Examining Illustration 2, you can see that there are three differnt
line trajectory (such as a bullet or laser) in a Skill vs. Skill attempt, positions indicated, all facing N o r t h (Northwest, North, Northeast).,
this means your target dodged o u t o f the way, o r blocked the attack There are an equal number o f positions facing South. Therefore, there
w i t h a shield. If the target dodged, your gamemaster figures if there are 8 different facings open t o a character while standing in a square.
was anyone past your target that could have been hit, instead. If the Turning f r o m one facing t o t h e next one (i.e., f r o m N o r t h t o Northeast,
answer i s yes, see i f your skill attempt hit them (they may, o f course, o r f r o m South t o Southwest) takes n o time t o perform. I n fact, those
defend - i f they can see the attack coming!). types of movement normally occur in combat. However, moving any
If y o u failed your skill roll, the attack misses everyone. (Option: further than that (changing f r o m N o r t h to Southeast, o r f r o m South-
I f there i s a crowd, your,gamemaster may want t o have the missiles hit west t o Northeast) takes 1 Sequence t o perform. This i s considered a
other characters anyway.) skill attempt, b u t you don't usually have t o roll on your K I N t o see i f
it was successful. However, if you are suffering a D I F penalty (or you
Deviation w o u l d be suffering a D I F penalty by performing this movement, such
When an arced missile attack fails, the target was not hit but some- as i f the ground i s slippery - see the l i s t o f D I F penalties in the Skills
thing else was hit. There are t w o steps involved t o determine where chapter), then the D I F i s rolled.
the missile landed: Of course, i f y o u are performing another skill while you are
1. Roll 1 D10. Multiply by 10 i f the missile was launched by a ma- changing facing, it is Multiple Skill Use.
chine (grenade launcher, etc.), or b y 20 i f fired by a large caliber gun
(howitzer). This is the number o f meters the missile i s off. Sidestepping
2. Roll on the Scatter diagram t o determine the direction the missile A character cannot prevent an opponent f r o m shifting position,
takes. circling around the character, unless the character changes position
along w i t h the opponent. This can impose Multiple Skill Use if the
defender or attacker is also performing another skill.
Scatter Diagram (Roll 1 D10)
(Long) Brawling
Don't have a gun o r a sword? Use a bar stool! Brawling i s a blanket
skill that allows y o u t o use non-weapon items (a leg o f lamb, a trash
can) at a higher skill level than your Skill Sphere.
Since Brawl is a KIN Skill it includes head-stomping, chair bashing,
and general mayhem. Those characters w i t h o u t a specific Brawl skill
can use their KIN Skill Sphere' Brawling is a single skill. Unlike other
combat skills it is n o t a set o f offensive and defensive skills, and any
Brawl action takes your character's Skill Speed t o perform.

A character w h o chooses t o charge must have enough time to build
u p momentum. This t i m e is equal to a character's KIN Skill Speed in

6.7 Anthony is cornered by Libyan spies He decides to charge one

(Short) of the two men. His K I N is 2. Anthony needs to move in a straight
line for 2 Sequences to gain the benefits of a charge.
Continuous firing, such as from a mortar, can slowly correct the
inaccuracies. For each additional firing, subtract 1 f r o m the initial

On the last Sequence o f a charge, the character may automatically because larger or smaller characters use weapons scaled t o their size.
attack. This attack i s attempted just like any other skill roll, b u t the Damage Class f o r an average character is '0'. The D A M for your
character may act before his or her opponent ( w i t h one exception - character was figured during character creation. The D A M number
see below). The character is penalized for Multiple Skill Use. is considered t o be a d i e side, so that a D A M of +2 will change the
damage d i e on a weapon from, say, a D6 t o a D8. Or f r o m a D4 t o a
D6. A D A M of -1 will change a D6 t o a D5,or a D10 t o a D9.
There are 1 l m between A n t h o n y a n d his target, a n d i t takes Weapons requiring a character's physical ability t o wield use the
him 1 Sequence to run 4m. Three Sequences later A n t h o n y has D A M modifier. These include clubs, fists, kicks, shield, a switchblade,
reached one o f the men a n d can immediately r o l l f o r his attack. a whip, and the like. T h i s adjustment also applies t o any handbow,
because the more muscle available, t h e more pull the character has.
Weapons that the D A M i s n o t applicable t o are those w i t h their own
Anyone w h o runs i n t o a weapon set t o receive a Charge takes the propellent such as guns, lasers, crossbows, etc.
weapon's rolled damage, modified by the charging character's DAM. ~

A set weapon is attempted at the t i m e the Charge attack is rolled.

A Longbow does 2010 + 2. A b e l has a D A M of +3. Because
the Longbow is already up t o lDl0, he m u s t start another die.
The spy grabs a piece o f broken metal railing to use as a make- H e has a L o n g b o w that does 2010 + 103 + 2.
shift spear. H e props i t o n the floor, bracing himself A n t h o n y Betty, o n the other hand, has a D A M o f +5 a n d is using a ham-
comes running up, a n d rolls for his attack a t the e n d o f 3 Sequences m e r which is l i s t e d a t 107. Her hammer does lDl0 + 103. She is
The spy also rolls for his attack, to see i f his set spear p l o y worked. also using a Knife, listed 104 + 1. Adding her D A M gives her 109
I t did! + 1.
The gamemaster decides the spear does ID8 + 1 just 1ike.a Cuthbert, unfortunately, has a D A M o f -2.A Blackjack does
regular spear, and the spy rolls a total o f Gpoints worth o f damage. I D 6 which he m u s t use a t 104. H e is also taking Kick, listed a t
Anthony's D A M is 2. This is added to the weapon's total. A n t h o n y 1D6. H i s k i c k o n l y does 104.
receives 8 p o i n t s o f damage f r o m the set spear. Hischarge attack,
meanwhile, has failed.

'ulled Blow5
Your character can restrain an attack, reducing the potential damage
7.7 DAMAGE b y reducing the amount or size of the damage dice. For a weapon
Each weapon has a damage rating listed f o r it, which is the amount doing 1 0 8 + 1, y o u might choose t o roll only 1 D 6 + 1, or even 1 D4.
o f damage a typical weapon of that type does. For example, a fist
does 1D3 (1-3 points). Anytime a successful attack i s scored, 1D3 i s Firing a t Protected Targets
rolled and the result compared t o the location that was struck. I f the If a rolled H i t Location is protected by an obstruction, such as a
weapon damage exceeds that location's BOD, then a Trauma H i t has stone wall o r automobile door, the missile hits the protection. It may
been scored. (For a detailed look a t Trauma, see The Body chapter.) s t i l l get through i f the damage exceeds the obstruction's BOD points
When determining weapon damage and H i t Locations, the one (see below).
who is h i t rolls the location, while the attacker rolls the damage (this
helps t o speed u p the game). Hit Location Modifications
When one character has a height advantage over another such as
I a mounted adversary, when in the three-dimensional arena o f space,
Anthony's fighting a L i b y a n spy in a corridor of the space or when using natural weapons such as fists and kicks, H i t Location
station America The woman fires her p i s t o l and i t does 108 + 1 rolls are altered.
damage. The player rolls a 4 a n d adds 1. The bullet does 5 points When attacking from a disadvantage or when using a k i c k t o attack
o f damage. Anthony's player rolls 1020 a n d consults the Hit anyone, roll 1 D13 + 7 t o determine H i t Location.
Location chart o n the character sheet He rolls a 12. H e was hit in When attacking f r o m an advantage, or when using a fist, roll 1 0 1 6 .
the L e f t Hand. A n t h o n y has 2 B O D points in his L e f t Hand. The These don't apply t o ranged missile attacks (David and Goliath
p i s t o l does 5 points. He i s suffering from a double Trauma Hit. clearly proved that).
His hand is broken and bleeding!
Object BOD Points
When your character slams i n t o the side of a space station w i t h
a crippled Shuttle, attempts t o defenestrate someone through a closed
window, or tries t o destroy machinery, the question o f damage t o
inanimate objects comes up. How badly did y o u hurt something?
The Skills chapter handles characters attempting t o work w i t h
damaged equipment. The following l i s t gives BOD points for those
items. A n object's BOD points w o r k exactly like a human character's.
Trauma Hits can be scored, etc. When an object receives 6 Trauma Hits
(or a triple Trauma H i t ) it is totally o u t o f commission and must b e
replaced. Any damage less than this means the item can (usually)
be repaired.
There are exceptions t o this ruling, of course (aren't there always!).
Normal glass, for example, shatters after a single Trauma Hit, b u t
bullet-proof glass will n o t shatter from bullet fire. Your gamemaster
must adjudicate these damage results w i t h common sense.

Attacking: I f the character i s using a missile weapon, and therefore

cannot h i t the exact same spot w i t h eac'l attack, all damage is comput-
ed normally. However, i f the character i s standing next t o the item
and can hit the same exact spot repeatedly (such as smashing a Shuttle
control panel w i t h a sledge hammer) then the rules f o r Concentrated
Damage are used (see The Body chapter for details).

Hit Location: Large objects will n o t be total19 destroyed from damage.

For example, destroying a Shuttle instrument panel does n o t mean you
must build an entirely new Shuttle. Characters desiring t o destroy
Damage Class only a section o f larger objects (such as using the Shuttle's lasers t o
The damage listed for each weapon assumes a typical character puncture the wall o f a craft (and thereby decompressing it) treat that
i s using the weapon. The damage a weapon does i s often modified target as a H i t Location. Thus, t h e breached craft can still be piloted

1 Object BOD Points

1 Wood 4 Furniture, Door

Hard Wood/R ubber 8 Vehicle Wheels

I Plate Armor 20 Tank

b y someone in an Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU).

Nuclear explosions, however, are usually large enough t o treat Knockbacks
'Shuttles (or even moon bases) as a 'small item' (i.e., n o Hit Locations). A character taking damage equal t o o r more than his B O D (not
B O D t A r m o r ) f r o m a single attack suffers a Knockback, which is a
stun, loss o f balance, and/or momentary daze causing the character
7.8 SPECIAL SKILL RESULTS: t o lose momentum. The character is unable t o act for a moment and
KLUTZ AND M A X RESULTS ends any current activity. A n y interrupted action IS begun again starting
Both Klutz and Max rolls in combat achieve special results, as d o in the next Sequence.
involuntary Knockbacks. A n y time characters suffer a Knockback f r o m a non-Trauma Hit,
they m a y have the presence of mind t o continue w i t h their actions
Klutz Rolls in Combat and n o t be interrrupted b y the Knockback.
I f a skill attempt is Klutzed, it is u p t o y o u r gamemaster t o adjudi- I f the characters make successful T A L Skill Sphere rolls they have
cate the results as n o game can possibly list all the occurences that successfully blocked/dealt w i t h the pain (or are just plain lucky),
might befall a character in a specific situation. There is n o chance o f avoiding a Trauma Hit Knockback, however.
For example, your gamemaster might rule that your character
jammed his gun, got her blade wedged between some rocks, the laser Option: A Knockback i s also caused when a character i s struck (not
misfired, etc.. There are many possibilities b u t they all b o i l down to necessarily a Trauma Hit) w i t h a high velocity missile; bullets, arrows,
,losing time. Your character must spend each Sequence attempting a lasers, blasters, o r bolts.
M A N skill roll to freelunjamletc. t h e weapon, or simply spend 1D3
Sequences collecting his o r her wits. The character can attempt another
skill while doing so (Multiple Skill Use). Your character may also 7.9 MUSCLE vs. MUSCLE;
choose t o simply abandon the weapon. MUSCLE vs. WEIGHT: THROWING
In situations where one character i s t r y i n g t o physically act upon
Max Rolls in Combat another character o r an object, it i s a Skill vs. Skill situation.
When your character rolls a Max result with a n Attack , Defense,
or Dodge, (and the skill attempt succeeds if it is a skill vs. skill situ- Immobilizing a Subject
ation) consult the effects below. Your character must first succeed w i t h a K I N o r Grapple to grasp
the subject. (Note that the Specific Skill: Grapple only allows charac-
Max Attack: A n y Max Attack automatically causes a Trauma Hit t o ters t o successfully grasp a random Hit Location. It does n o t provide
a Random Hit Location. Immediately roll 1 D6, and apply t h e results. characters w i t h the ability t o h o l d the subject.)
If a character wishes, the Max Attack breaks the opponent's weapon Once the subject is grasped, roll l D l O O t M U S versus the target's
instead o f causing a Trauma Hit (see Max Defense, below) 1 D l O O + MUS. The higher total wins.

L i f t i n g a Resisting Subject
Roll 1D6 Result I f your character attempts t o move o r l i f t a resisting subject, ( d r a g
Simple Trauma Hit gins or pushing someone w h o i s kicking and screaming, for example)
Double Trauma H i t your character should immobilize the subject if possible. This can be
Triple Trauma Hit done any number o f ways, but a right cross t o the jaw is sometimes
I I effective (also. see above).
I f the subject i s free t o resist, roll 1 D l O O + M U S versus the target's
Max Defense: A n y Max parry means the character has broken the 1D l O O t M U S or WEI, (whichever i s higher). The higher total wins.
opponent's weapon. I f the opponent's weapon was a natural weapon I f the resistance is actually another force (another character, a
(horn, fist, f o o t ) it is treated as a Max Attack, above. The Hit Location machine, etc., holding the subject) all rolls are made vs. the other
i s automatically the attacking weapon. force's M U S or W E I .
I f a character wishes, a Max Defense disarms the opponent instead
o f breaking the weapon (excluding natural weapons). The weapon L i f t i n g an Unresisting Subject
flies 1 D3m i n a random direction. I f your character attempts to move an unresisting subject, he or
she must w i n a simple Character's M U S vs. Target's WE1 contest.
Max Dodge: A n y Max Dodge permits the character t o attempt a Free I f the subject i s helping (such as your character pulling a thankful
Strike. The target may not actively defend in any way against a Free subject u p f r o m the edge of a cliff), the target's WE1 i s halved.
Strike. I f your character manages t o l i f t something which weighs more
A Free Strike simulates the character's ability t o use his o r her time than your listed M U S (a definite possibility, considering your MUS
effectively t o take advantage o f a chance break in the opponent's represents the ability t o l i f t something without difficulty), he or
defense. Free Strikes cost n o time and are played just like any regular she is subject t o the following restrictions. For every 10 k g o f the
skill attempt, b u t without regard f o r Skill Speed. object over your character's MUS, your character's Moves value IS
reduced b y 1 p o i n t (may go d o w n t o 'O', meaning that your character
Anthony takes 1 Sequence to attack with his pistol. H e rolls a i s immobile). Also, for every 10 kg. o f the object over your character's
Max! The defender makes his Defense skill (holding up a shield). MUS, he or she expends 1 Erg every Sequence.
but his total i s lower than Anthony's Anthony's attack succeeded.
I roll ID6 for the severity o f the blow, getting a 4. Anthony's Pulldown
inflicted a double Trauma Hit. If your character attempts t o pull a subject to the ground, use the
rules for moving targets.

Knockdown Average Weight of Common Objects

A successful charge is necessary, plus a successful 1D100 + WE1 The following chart shows the average weight of common objects
versus 1 D l O O + WE1 roll. for the purpose of lifting and moving.

Option: A character receives +05% t o the ID100 + WE1 roll for every
Moves point (modified due t o armor, wounds, etc.) he o r she has. I Average Weight of Common Objects
Throwing Range
In Year o f the Phoenix, the distance y o u r character can throw
an object depends mostly o n the item’s weight. The item‘s weight ChimpanzeeiChild 20
is subtracted f r o m one-half your character’s MUS. This is the chorac- 1 Television SetiBicvcle 25 1
ter’s throw range (in meters) for that particular item. I f the item is Extravehicular Mobillty Unit ( E M U ) 40
large or bulky, your gamemaster i s free t o use only one-third o r even
one-fourth of t h e character MUS. Items designed f o r throwing are
different, and covered under The Battlefield and Weapons Ranges
(q.v. ). Washing Machine/Safe/Piano 100
Note that your character’s theoretical throwing range has little 1 Tiger 225 1
t o do w i t h actually throwing something, The ability t o aim is a regular Pony 250
KIN skill. HorseIBear 450
Elephant 10,000
Shuttle (empty) 70.000
‘Now, does anyone here know how t o use the medical of ventilation tubes, which is crucial for healthy functioning.
kits stowed aboard the Phoenix?’ 0 Waste Removal: The Unit collects human waste and prepares it

’Yes, sir. I believe I could.’ f o r convenient disposal.

‘Keeps, where did you learn this?’ Combat Unit
’Well, my parents were doctors -‘ Every character receives an armored jumpsuit. Dull grey-silver in
’Son, I’m afraid that growing up in a house with a doctor color, it i s worn under an Extravehicular Mobility Unit, and over a
isn’t exactly what I had in mind. . . ’ Support Unit. The Combat U n i t has been soaked in a fireproofing
chemical. It has several special traits, as follows.
’- and I’ve had five years of medical school.’
‘Well. . . Oh, yes. It‘s listed here on your form. Good.. . 0 Accessories: A pair o f gloves and an attached cap are included.
Ahem.. . 0 Armor: It is completely reinforced w i t h flexible, light armor.
’Officers, time is being set aside in these last three weeks The Unit i s designed to reduce damage, and does so fairly well.
t o teach you familiarity with your equipment. You’ll be 0 Storage: The Combat Un,it has numerous Velcro and zippered
pockets scattered about i t s surface, permitting the character t o keep
receiving stanciard issue combat and communications gear.
personal items (see below) a t hand a t all times (things have a tendency
You’ll also learn evacuation procedures, and special emergency to float away in microgravity when y o u p u t them down).
actions which will help prevent the loss of life. Both Orbiter 0 Three sets o f underwear are issued w i t h each Combat Unit (females
accidents and that Space Command Shuttle disaster two are also issued brassieres). Extra sets are available upon request.
0 Combat boots are issued w i t h each Combat Unit, sized for the
years ago were enough. We don’t want t o lose any more of
specific team member.
you - we are trying damn hard not to. Understood?
‘Any questions? Good. Proceed to outfitting. The personnel Extravehicular M o b i l i t y Unit (EMU)
there will take your measurements and supply you with the Every launch, an E M U i s worn by all personnel. These are lighter
proper equipment. Dismissed.’ and more flexible than previous models ( b u t s t i l l weigh 40 kg), and
much o f the electronic equipment is miniaturized and tucked into
corners o f the Unit. The U n i t is in 3 pieces - joined at the waist by a
8.1 GEAR metal connecting ring, with a helmet.
Every Phoenix hero i s supplied w i t h the latest equipment and com-
bat gear before any mission. In addition t o the standard gear described 0 Airtight: This Unit is w o r n when in vacuum conditions. I f the
here, specific missions may require various other items. You will be Unit is punctured, t h e astronaut is s t i l l capable o f surviving for u p t o
equipped w i t h the items that Space Command deems appropriate, a minute (40 + 1 D20 seconds). He or she must immediately expel1
although y o u m a y suggest preferences. any air in the lungs (which could cause internal embolism) and then
repair or patch the leak, o r get to a pressurized area.
Support Unit 0 Atmosphere: The slim, flat unit attached t o the inside lining o f the
This is a skin-tight one-piece garment which i s w o r n whenever a Unit (at the chest) is the Unit‘s Support Module. It generates a maxi-
character is in space and requires the EMU. It covers the body f r o m mum of 1 kilogram of oxygen and 1 o f nitrogen, enough for twenty-
ankles t o wrists, and u p t o the neck. Made of a special t y p e of spandex, four hours. (Compare this t o the first Moon landing, where the astro-
the Support U n i t performs several important functions. nauts spent a total o f 2 1/2 hours o n the Moon.) It also converts
carbon dioxide (which humans generate b y breathing) into lithium
0 Coolant: The support Unit keeps the hero’s body temperature carbonate which it then expells i n t o space, and water vapor which it
regulated b y circulating water through a network of tubes lying next stores b o t h for the wearer t o drink and for the automatic changing
t o the astronaut‘s skin. The water circulates due t o the astronaut’s o f the water in the Support Unit (see above). Excess water is vented
movements - pumping the liquid through the tubes. Without this into space.
cooling action, a character w o u l d eventually pass o u t f r o m heat build- There is a 4 hour safety margin imposed, so the maximum amount
up. The E M U (see below) constantly changes this water. o f t i m e an astronaut can remain in vacuum is twenty hours.
0 Ventilation: The Unit permits the entire body t o breathe by way 0 Electricity: A battery powers the Support Module for ten hours

Unit. T w o boxes o f ammo are included, at 24 rounds per box.

(with a 2 hour safety margin). The Support Module has an external
For particulars, see the Weapons Charts, hereafter.
plug and a socket. Using the plug, it is possible t o recharge the U n l t
whlle remaining in vacuum (so that you may stay Out the full twenty
hour period). The socket permits the wearer to use specific tools F A R C 15.56) Assault Rifle or MZ 14 (5.56) Medium Machine Gun
designed t o be powered by the Unit. This includes a small laser-welder, All infantry personnel are issued the FARC, while infantry (Heavy
and power drill. Each half-hour o f tool use subtracts 1 hour o f f the Weapons) may choose between the two, or take both.
battery's charge. In addition, any team member may choose t o take one of these
0 Environment: Protects against heat, cold, and radiation. weapons, as long as he or she has received training in it (i.e., the charac-
0 Ease o f Use: The E M U takes approximately five minutes t o don, ter has the appropriate Specific Skill). T w o boxes o f ammo are includ-
and can be done alone (compared t o the first Apollo spacesuits, which ed, a t 50 rounds per b o x f o r the Assault Rifle. The Machine Gun has
t o o k upwards o f t h i r t y minutes and required an assistant). 4 boxes, a t 500 rounds per box.
For particulars, see the Weapons Charts, hereafter.
Personal Gear
Personal gear is supplied by Space Command, and each item fits i n t o 8.2ARMOR
a specified pouch o n the Combat Unit. You have been t o l d n o t t o Each character was issued their o w n Combat Unit. Characters have
switch items, because i f a situation occurs where y o u are unable t o ten Hit Locations, which the armor covers. The armor i s w o r t h 5
respond, a quick check b y another astronaut w i l l reveal what posses-
points o f protection against all kinds o f damage. On the b o t t o m of
sions you currently have (which m a y have something t o d o w i t h your
your character sheet, there is a H i t Location Chart, with spaces t o
inability t o respond - such as having swallowed a pen). l i s t your 'ARMOR'. List t h e number 5 o n each line.
The number 5 is added to all your Hit Location's BOD. This new
Com System total represents the amount o f abuse your character can handle w i t h o u t
Weight: .5k g
major problems. This new total is written in the 'BOD + ARMOR'
Range: Line-of-sight
listing on the character sheet.
This i s a headset w i t h a boom microphone. It contains a battery
created specifically for communications, which lasts sixty hours (with
a 4 hour safety margin).
The communicator has 3 settings: Constant Open, Voice-Activated, Ia d d 5 t o Anthony's Hit Locations a n d come up with: Head 8,
or Push t o Talk. And it has 6 channels: 2 channels f r o m Earth-to- 9, Chest 1.2, A r m L e f t 9,A r m Rigfrt 9,Hand L e f t 7,
astronaut, 2 channels f r o m Shuttle-to-astronaut, and 2 channels f r o m 7, Abdomen 10, L e g L e f t 10, L e g Right 10.
space station America-to-astronaut.
You will eventually be able t o communicate w i t h the moonbase
(currently under construction). Armor Effect
A n y attack must n o w exceed that Hit Location's BOD points
I-R/Polarizing Goggles plus armor points before the attack w i l l cause a Trauma Hit. Of course,
The Polarizing feature (standard mode) i s specifically designed poison-tipped weapons need only t o get past the armor and hit for
t o reduce Sol's glare (a hazard w i t h the flight deck observation win- at least 1 p o i n t to inject i n t o the character.
dows). The goggles can b e switched t o Infrared mode, allowing the Unlike a character, i f the damage exceeds an armor's protection,
user t o see in almost total darkness, and i s enough light t o read by. the armor does n o t 'suffer a Trauma Hit.' Excess damage i s simply
applied t o the character. A r m o r rarely wears o u t f r o m a single blow.
This watch tells military t i m e w i t h b o t h a digital readout and a Option: A Max roll reduces the armor's effectiveness by 1 p o i n t o n
glow-in-the-dark dial. It permits the wearer t o tell what time it is the Location struck.
at any time zone around the globe. The battery lasts 2 years.

Swiss A r m y Knife 8.3 ENCUMBRANCE

This contains scissors, 4 knives, a screwdriver blade, bottle opener, The more a hero carries, the slower he or she becomes. Distributing
corkscrew, file, and metal rod. the weight of b u l k y items can help. Encumbered heroes are slower,
have less energy, and are less alert than a hero w h o is traveling light.
Misc. Accessories A d d u p all Encumbrance Factors f r o m weapons and armor, and
Flashlight pen, 1 felt-tip marker, 1 pressurized pen, 1 mechanical apply it t o your Ergs, using the rules below.
pencil, compass, whistle, handcuffs ( w i t h 2 keys) - all handcuffs
use the same keys. Space Command Gear: A l l Project Phoenix crewmembers have Personal
Gear and Combat Units which add u p t o a total o f 3 Encumbrance
Telescopic Sight points. A n E M T k i t takes u p 1 more, and an Assault Rifle or Machine
A 4x telescopic sight for mounting on rifles. This is n o t required Gun i s 1 Encumbrance Factor. (Wearing a full Extravehicular Mobility
equipment if the current assignment does not include rifles. Unit adds 5 additional Encumbrance Factors.)

EMT Kit Erg Reduction

Weight: 4 k g Take your total Encumbrance Factor and apply your D A M nega-
This i s issued t o medical personnel w h o have been trained in its tively t o it. So i f you have a +1 DAM, subtract 1 f r o m your Encum-
use (i.e. characters w i t h the Emergency Medical Technician skill and brance Factor. I f y o u have a -1 DAM, add 1 t o your Encumbrance
assigned t o the Medic position o n the crew). This relatively lightweight Factor. The D A M i s used in this situation t o represent your character's
backpack contains the following items. ability t o carry things and is based on your character's MUS.
Defibrillator, intravenous fluid system, respirator, stethoscope,
4 disposable thermometers, blood-pressure cuff, 3 pairs sterilized Encumbrance Factor: The resulting Encumbrance Factor is noted on
surgical gloves, pen light, 4 sutures, 6 tongue depressors, 10 hypo- the back o f your character sheet and subtracted f r o m your character's
dermic needles, Band-Aids, adhesive tape, nasal spray, aspirin, anti- Ergs. This reduction remains as long as the encumbering items are
septic, germicide, anti-nausea pills, t w o dozen gauze bandages (vary- carried. Removing the items allows those Ergs t o b e restored as per
ing sizes), and cotton balls. The standard drugs in an E M T k i t are in normal Erg recovery (q.v. The Body),
pill form and come in sets o f 10 (see The Body chapter f o r descrip-
tions). They include Karkov's Remedy, Kern, Zipnaught Stimdoze, Speed Modifier: Every -4 Erg reduction causes a +l Speed Modifier
and Impol. Also included i s the d r u g Numpack in a liquid state (5 t o t h e character's K I N Skill Sphere speed. Note any Speed Modifier
applications administered via hypodermic needle) and 1 can o f spray-on on the back o f your character sheet. If armor causes the character's
Synthaskin (6applications). K I N Skill Speed t o increase, it also slows d o w n the character. Each
This is stowed under the Communications and Pavload Specialist's point added to K I N is subtracted f r o m the character's Moves (minimum
seat when n o t in use. Moves o f 1 ).

9mm Glock 24 Dodging & Stealth Skills: In addition to the Erg and Speed penalties,
A belt-and-suspender holster i s included and w o r n under the combat every -4 Erg reduction imposes a -1 D I F t o any character's KIN skllls.
Someone w i t h -8 Ergs has a -2 DIF. This DIF penalty o n l y applies
t o KIN skills, n o t t o other skill use.

Weight Factors: Whenever t h e character's WE1 i s compared t o some-

thing (such as a skill vs. skill roll using WE1 vs. M U S t o see if the charac-
ter can climb a rope) the character's Encumbrance Factor i s added t o
his or her WEI.

Other Encumbrance Factors

Anything a character carries can be encumbering. Compare it t o
the weapon it most resembles in terms of overall bulk, weight, and
handling. Use that weapon's Encumbrance Factor. If all else fails,
use 1/4 i t s weight as a crass rule-of-thumb.

Anthony has Personal Gear and a Combat Suit for a total of

3 Encumbrance Factors.
Applying his +3 D A M negatively, Anthony has an Encumbrance
of 0. That is, if he adds another 0 or 1 encumbrance thing, he brings
his Encumbrance up to 1, which will take 1 Erg off his Erg Action
Track. He cannot ever use that extra Erg until he takes his equip-
ment off.
t When fired continuously (burstlrapid fire) machinegun firing
8.4 WEAPONS rolls 1D6 t o determine h o w many shots hit the target. Damage and
I f you want your character t o be proficient in more than the one location are rolled individually for each bullet. For other indicated
or t w o weapons that Space Command demands, use the following weapons, r o l l 1D3 for the number o f bullets that hit,
lists. The ability t o use other weapons may affect your chance of t t A t close range, rolled damage i s tripled. A t Medium Range,
promotion, due t o your adaptability in combat. damage i s doubled, n o t tripled. A t Extreme Range, damage i s n o t
Melee weapons are listed in case your character belongs to a group adjusted. Armor is twice it's normal protection against shotgun
which encourages their use - such as the Society for Creative Anach- damage.
ronism, Inc.. Although a sword i s n o t likely t o be found o n the space The given range is the weapon's Effective range. Up to twice
station America, your gamemaster may allow your hero t o use that this range is Medium range. A n y weapon (except the shotgun)
skill when brandishing a piece o f metal railing. receives a -1 D I F for accuracy at this range. Four times the weapon's
Mines, Rockets, and Mortars are n o t in the realm of space combat, Effective range is i t s Extreme range. A n y weapon (except the
as the power o f these items will, more often as not, d o t o o much shotgun) receives a -3 D I F for accuracy a t this range. (The shotgun
damage. They are listed i n the Adventure Guide i f y o u r gamemaster never receives accuracy DIFs.)
decides Space Command needs t o use them o n a mission. * * Ranges for bows and sling missiles are based upon the character's
The final listing in this section i s the Heavy Laser system o n the MUS (see Combat).
Shuttle, so that you may see what type of damage (in comparison to A d d 5 Sequences t o a character's Personal Speed when using
hand weapons) the space laser can do. a crossbow, for reloading delay.

Missile Impact Weapons

Specific Skill/Sphere Missile Damage Rounds/ Melee Nation/Year Dur.
Example (caliber) Range" Feed Range of 1st Manuf.

Self-loading pistol/MAN


2D8 +1 6iRounds 0 Austria/c.l900 +2

Self-loading Rifle/MAN

SVD (7.62mm) 250m 2D8 + 1 1O/Box 0-1 Russia/l957 -

Assault Rifle/MAN

I M I Meir ( 9 m m ) 60m 2D8+lt 30/Box 0-1 Israel/l992 +2


Explanation of Headings: Personal Weapons

Damage: This i s the damage t h e projectile does when it hits. Automatic and Semi-automatic firearms can double this damage, shotguns
can triple it.
Dur (Durability): This value i s added t o the Skill Sphere's Klutz value, t o indicate the weapon's tendency t o misfire/jam/etc.. The new
Klutz value is used whenever an attack is rolled using this weapon.
Melee Range: When used as a melee weapon, this is the reach o f the weapon in meters.
Missile Range: The range of the projectile.
Nation/Year of 1st Manuf.: The principle or original manufacturer o f the weapon, and the date o f the first commercial manufacturing.
Rounds/Feed: The number of projectiles in one clip or magazine. Once this number o f shots have been fired, the character must reload.
Feed is the type o f mechanism used t o supply the weapon w i t h projectiles.
Sphere: The Sphere the Specific Skill falls under.
Skill or Specific Skill: The Specific Skill your character must have t o use the non-boldface weapons. For example, a character w i t h
the Specific Skill Self-loading Pistol can use a l l Pistols shown under that heading.
Without a Specific Skill, characters use weapons at their Skill Sphere percentage.


Energy Weapon
Specific Skill/Sphere Missile Damage Charge NationIYear
Example Range of 1st Manuf.

Shuttle Computer or
Shuttle Weaponry/KNO
ForeIAft Heavy Laser Unlimited"* 3D10 + 2 100 Rockwell International

* * A n y atmosphere completely dissipates beam.

Charge: The number o f shots available on one battery charge. Once the battery i s drained, it must be replaced or recharged.
See Explanation o f Headings: Personal Weapons f o r a description o f the other Headings.

Melee Weapons
Ski ll/Sphere Melee Damage
Examples Range ( m )

Hano Axe 0-1 1 D8

Mace 1 lDlO Missile Impact Weapon Descriptions (selected)
Kick/KIN 0 1 D6 Guns: Rifles and machine guns need t w o hands t o be used effectively.
Longbow: A b o w typically the height o f the user, it shoots further
than a Shortbow, does more damage, b u t cannot be used on horseback.
Often hazel or yew.
1 D3 Shortbow: A b o w held upright, it is often strung w i t h more tension
than a Longbow, giving it good range.
Sling: A leather thong, usually w i t h a cup t o hold a rock or pellet.

I Shortsmord
1DlO ' Melee Weapon Descriptions (selected)
Hand Axe: A one-bladed axe often used as a w o o d cutter's axe.
Battleaxe: T w o huge blades at the end o f a thick, sturdy shaft. Must
be used t w o handed.
Shortsword: A n y short, straight, double-edged sword.
Longsword: A relatively long straight weapon which comes t o a point
yet does n o t impale.
Great Sword: A sword requiring t w o hands t o use, it i s double edged
and needs surprisingly l i t t l e r o o m t o wield effectively.
Hammer: A hefty weapon, w i t h a claw o n one side of the blunt head
and a small spike o n the other.
Mace: Similar to a club in overall shape, it is typically made of metal.
It often sports a spiked or banded head.
Quarterstaff: A long, strong staff sometimes used for both fighting
and as a walking stick. When fightiny, it i s normally used in both
hands, horizontally. Both ends are weighted, and are used t o strike
Spear:, A pole o f wood, pointed a t one end, ofteri w i t h a stone or
metal blade.
Whip: Usually about 2m long, it can be used t o entangle and immobi-
lize a character (when a Max is rolled) instead o f doing damage. A whip
lash stings.
Riot Shield: They come in t w o sizes: 'Buckler' and 'Full,' hence the
two listings for Melee range a n d for damage. These are police r i o t

Police barricade,
police roadblock, etc.





Hovercycle Hovercycle
1-8 Engine' 313
1-8 Engine* 313
9-16 Propulsion" 6/6
9-16 Propulsion* 616
17-20 Passenger varies
17-20 Passenger varies


0 0


o m o m
Jl . . . .




Suit n
8 OL . . . .
o m o m
m m - - r


9. WHAT'S G O I N G O N ? .......................... 2 12.5 Helicopters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
9.1 Role of the Gamemaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 12.6 Dirigibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
9.2 H o w d o I Stai t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 12.7 Vehicle Counter Use Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
9.3 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13.ENCOUNTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
9.4 The Game i s A f o o t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 13.1 Gamemastered Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
9.5 Glossary and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 13.2 Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
World War Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 13.3 New Characters for Players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
10.NORTH A M E R I K A : T H E VIEW F R O M H E R E . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Amerikan Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
10.1 Geography and Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 4 . T H E A R T OF G A M E M A S T E R I N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
10.2 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 14.1 Creating Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
10.3 Population and Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 14.2 Your Campaign: Running Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9
Population & Climate Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 14.3 The Tao o f Rule Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
10.4 Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Languages Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 T H E ADVENTURES
10.5 The Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 PLUNGE I N T O N I G H T M A R E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
10.6 The Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Episode One: Skyjack! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
10.7 A Day in the Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Episode T w o : I n t o the Hierarch's Lair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9
10.8 Political Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Shelter HL V- 17 Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
10.9 State of t h e Union: Military Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Dyesyat Refinery Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
North America Strategic Direction ( T O & € ) . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Episode Three: The Rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
St . Augin's Book o f Days: The Third World War . . . . . . . . 17 South Building Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
11.EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Collection Dish Station Interior Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
11.1 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Quickstart Vehicle Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
11.2 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Episode Four: Show and Tell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
11.3 Medicinal Herbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Map of a Portion of Eastern Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1 1.4 Medical Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ROADTONOWHERE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
11.5 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Encounter One: Nathaniel Crosby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
11.6 Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Encounter Two: The Borrika Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
11.7 Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Borrika Mine Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
11.8 Leisure Items/Staples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Encounter Three: Scranton. PA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
11.9 Vehicle Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Further Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Vehicle Statistics Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 BENEATH THE CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
1 2 . V E H I C L E ENCOUNTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Episode One: Start Spreading the News . . . . . . . . . . . .67
12.1 Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.2 Setting the Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Liberty Bay and Manhattan Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Episode T w o : I'm Leaving Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0
12.3 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 World Trade Center Station Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
12.4 Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72


To Sven Ohah. whose support. love and encouragement help t u r n all Copyright 1986 Martin Wixted .
my dreams i n t o reality . All rights t o this bo6k are reserved . N o part o f this b o o k may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission. except in
PLAYTESTERS. ENCOURAGEMENT A N D HELPFUL ADVICE: the case of brief quotations embodied i n critical articles or reviews .
Wayne Shaw. Elizabeth Wolcott. Frisbee. Larry Lattman. Connie Long. Note t h a t the Master Character Sheet. the Vehicle Statistic Sheet.
Matthew McMillian. Randy Kovacs. T o m Dean. Janice Frankel. Paul and the 4-page Player Handout included in this package are intended
Frankel. Diane Thome. James Reynolds. Thomas Malaby. Steven for photocopying and that this constitutes permission f r o m the pub-
Malaby. Renee Lambert. Amanda Logue. James Logue. Karl Albert. lisher t o make copies o f these play aids .
Alice Roushey Exley. Cyndi Carroll. Patty OMarra. Sven Ohah. and Computer Maps by Martin Wixted .
many others w h o have helped t h e Epic system become what it is today . Vehicle Counters by PatricK Zircher .
Special thanks t o Chris Keelingfor his help on weaponry .
The author is happy t o respond t o any questions or comments about
this game Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. and send t o
Epic Rule System Design: Martin Wixted w i t h Scot Michael Fritz Fantasy Games Unlimited Inc., P.0.Box 182. Roslyn. New York.
Developmental Assistance -.Wayne Shaw and Curxis M . Scott 1 1576 USA .

Possession of this document by unauthorized persons constitutes treason against the
United Provinces of Eastern Russia

TO: Colonel General of Troops FROM: Major of Reconnaissance Co. 55

L.M. Sadenjo S. Chernanko
Headquarters 912.2 Motorized Regiment
United Provinces of Eastern Russia United Provinces of Eastern Russia
Colonel: March 1,2197

Reports continue to come in concerning an airship of some kind. Telemetry reports indicate it went
down over the ocean at 2104 hours on February 28.
This new ship demonstrates equipment possibly equal to, or slightly better than, that which we cur-
rently possess. That our defense systems are inadequate to deal with the speed and trajectory of this
craft is a sobering thought. We simply do not have the ability to stop an attack from an airship traveling
at that speed and decending at such an angle.
Neither France nor Great Britain currently have the capability to manufacture - in secret - such an
airship. Belgium is out of the question, as are the pathetic Amerikan Rebels. The Asiatic Conclave ap-
pears to be our best assumption.
One of my subordinates thinks the angle of descent indicates that the craft came in from an extreme
altitute - perhaps from earth orbit. This is clearly impossible. No one has placed anything into space
since our liberation began, and Eastern Russia herself has only begun the first few glorious steps t o re-
claim space.
We have not yet determined whose it was, but be assured that we will find out.

We are having some small difficulty with several communities in the area. Executions were ordered
and carried out, to little effect. I have ordered the bombing of one of the larger villages, to commence
The difficulties can be summed up as follows:
0 The locals speak almost exclusively their native language (English, French Canadian, Spanish, etc.).
Although mandatory, the teaching of the Russian language is lax. This is not an isolated occurence.
I have reports from all the Provinces in the last few years. Apparently we have the same problem with
our Russian troops. The Russian language is now rarely spoken, and only seen in its written form in
official documents.
0 The rebels seem to have several contacts in the area. I believe I have dealt with most of them, but
they continue t o spread their poison among our people - causing them to turn away from Mother
0 Food rations have been reduced again, due to the drought in the miawest Provinces. I realize this
is a worldwide problem, and we must all cooperate in these hard times. Still, it is a contributing factor.
Your latest plan, I believe, is a good one. It is time the resistance was finally crushed and all of Eastern
Russia freed. Bad morale has been a factor in the last few years. Attempts t o provide incentives have met
with limited success. The upcoming mobilizations will provide a clear goal and a clear enemy to fight.
Something we have lacked for some time.

Major M. Krucshev of Battalion 1 2 assures me that his regiment is prepared for action at a moment’s
notice. We await your orders.

Translated b y Hugh Beaumont of the Dixies.

'The setting is North America. You are an Officer of the United States Space Command (established in 1985) -
a crack team of military astronauts. Your mission is to protect American interests, and you have the resources of the
mightiest nation on earth to back you.'

Welcome t o the Adventure Guide. Here y o u w i l l f i n d a world But a set of roleplaying rules i s something else, as well. Remember
quite different f r o m the one the players are expecting. The Training when y o u played cowboys and indians/cops and robbers/intelligent
Manual paints a heroic picture of America exploring and defending apes and humans in your backyard? When there was a disagreement
the last frontier - outer space. But during the astronauts' first adven- as t o the outcome of a situation (you shot the cowboy, you outfoxed
ture, they are hurled from their Shuttle and t h r o w n back o n t o earth . . . the coppers, y o u knocked out the gorilla) arguments often ensued.
in the year 2197 C.E. When they awaken, they soon realize that they Well, as gamemaster, y o u are in charge of arbitrating all disagreements.
lack the vital tools, medical equipment, supplies and knowledge that Relax, it's not as bad as all that because the rules serve as a buffer
they are going t o need t o survive in this desperate new world. It i s a between you and your players, and between the players themselves.
harsher world than when they were here last, and a grimmer one. The rules decide if the player's character gets away w i t h b l u f f i n g
Through some act o f God (some w o u l d say Godlessness), the a guard or destroying a missile base. The rules choose w h o gets shot
Russians n o w occupy m u c h o f N o r t h America, and have f o r over a at and where, and the rules define what characters can and cannot
century. The occupied country is called the United Provinces of Eastern do.
Russia. The oppressive yoke o f Communism threatens t o engulf the Also, n o t everyone is a surgeon. That's okay, the rules l e t you
world. pretend that y o u are a surgeon, because the game doesn't require
But all is n o t lost! Groups o f Amerikan freedom fighters roam the t h a t you have any real knowledge about t h e things that your character
continent, striking out for democracy: for that w h i c h was lost over is doing. Thus, the rules also serve as a crutch when none of the parti-
one hundred years ago. Freedom is just a dream t o these Rebels, cipants have expertise i n the area that the character knows well.
b u t one that w i l l not die. Your players' characters eventually m e e t All this sounds as i f y o u and your players are at odds w i t h each
such a group near the ruins o f New York, and perhaps t h e characters other. N o t true! The rules handle any potential disagreements so that
join them in the quest t o free their homeland, for i t is the astronauts' y o u and your players can share a story -
the story that y o u create
homeland as well, n o matter h o w much has changed. and they flesh out. The essence of roleplaying is charaaters interacting
w i t h each other and their environment, and that's what the rules free
9.1 THE ROLE OF T H E GAMEMASTER y o u t o do.
Roleplaying is similar t o improvisational radio theatre: everything Oh, and one more thing: the rules help you have fun. I f everyone's
is done verbally. You write a story, set the background, and provide having fun, you're playing the game correctly.
the theme. Your players help out b y creating the story w i t h you.
As gamemaster, y o u are the director of Year of the Phoenix. You're 9.2 HOW DO I START?
in charge o f the scenary and bit parts, as well as some o f the major T o prepare t o gamemaster your first game, y o u need t o become
stars. familiar w i t h the rules i n the Training Manual. I n particular, pay close
Gamemasters are in charge o f the Big Picture. You k n o w what is attention t o the chapters o n Combat, Skills, and The Body. Again,
happening 4, 5, o r even 20 kilometers away. . because y o u decide it isn't necessary t o k n o w all the rules. But y o u should have some
what i s going on. The events transpiring far from the characters can idea where t o f i n d them when you need t o look them up. You need t o
have an indirect bearing on their existence. For example, t h e characters check over all o f the pregenerated characters and review their different
enter a small village and are virtually ignored. Unless an informant skills, and look u p each Special A b i l i t y in t h e Special Abilities chapter.
tells them that Zoviet troop movements are occuring nearby, they You also need t o read over t h i s introductory chapter and study the
won't understand that everyone i s t o o terrified t o help them. You first adventure, Plunge i n t o Nightmare.
t h i n k about the Big Picture between game sessions, deciding what This may sound like a lot, but you should be ready t o play i n
events are transpiring around the world. Does an o i l embargo imperil undevan hour.
thousands of innocent Amerikan Zoviet citizens w h o w i l l go w i t h o u t
heat for t h e winter? I s a Chief Marshal visiting f r o m Mother Russia 9.3 COMPONENTS
and stirring u p t h e troops across the whole country? These events i n In addition t o any homemade props you use, you'll most likely
the Big Picture help bring l i f e t o your games - letting t h e players be refering t o the booklets, dice, and other play aids Year o f h e Phoe-
k n o w that things are happening around the world. nix supplies.
Leaving the Big Picture behind us, we enter the Immediate Situa-
tion. This i s the area of the world surrounding the players' characters - 0 Player Handout: This includes a 4-page folder detailing h o w t o
i.e., what they can detect w i t h their five senses. This includes the farm- play, the background of the game, some o f the basic rules, and an
house they stayed in last night and the news they hear o n the radio example of play. Accompanying this folder are 6 pregenerated charac-
this morning. This is the focus o f your adventures, and i s what y o u ters. You'll be using these for your first game. If y o u have more than
and the other participants actually play. The raid on a munitions plant, 6 players, either copy the sheets (and just change the names - I suggest
the rescue o f Zoviet political prisoners, the panicked flight f r o m one copying the Infantry and Heavy Weapons characters), or have your
hiding place t o another, or even helping t o move the Liberty Bell players create some characters using the Training Manual. This Hand-
t o safer quarters are all activities that your players and y o u w i l l deal out i s ideal for allowing new players t o get i n t o the game quickly -
with. give them the Handout and a pregenerated character sheet, and they're
The t h i r d stage is the Inner Self, the individual character's inter- ready t o play.
action w i t h the world. This is the job for your players: t o create a
personality and play their creations. You have your o w n set o f Inner Training Manual: This introduces roleplaying in general, and Year
Selves. These are the gamemastered characters, and y o u play these o f the Phoenix specifically. It tells h o w t o build an American astro-
yourself. Many of them are b i t parts, so they're n o t terribly deep roles, naut for t h e Phoenix Project, offering n o h i n t about what i s t o come.
but other roles you'll play are designed t o motivate your players'
characters, t o befriend them, and t o betray them. 0 Adventure Guide: (You're reading it.) This contains information
H o w d o y o u accomplish all o f this? By using c o m m o n sense, by for you, t h e gamemaster, including vehicle rules and other assorted
using your imagination, and by using the rules set d o w n i n these book- information.
lets as tools. In the Player Handout, I compared a booklet of rules t o The meat o f t h i s booklet is taken up b y several interlocking scen-
a dictionary. Exploring that comparison, y o u might say that there arios. I t is best i f o n l y the person w h o is the gamemaster reads the
are a few words in the dictionary that you never use. They are either scenarios before playing them, otherwise players will k n o w the p l o t
t o o esoteric, t o o large, don't f i t i n t o your way of speaking, or maybe beforehand.
y o u just don't like them. This is the way y o u may f i n d a few o f the The center o f this booklet has a pullout section called Encounters.
rules in these booklets. A n d because of that, y o u m a y never use them. It contains all the game information y o u need f o r the people your
Other words in the dictionary you use on a daily basis, sometimes players' characters w i l l meet during their adventures.
pairing them u p w i t h other words t o f o r m complete ideas. Many
rules in Year o f the Phoenix w o r k together and rely o n each other t o The center o f this Guide also has a set o f full-color drawings on
function, just as words do. And finally, there are those simple words cardstock. Cut these o u t for use i n your games - take a moment t o
that y o u use all the time, just like some o f the basic mechanics in look them over. They are a variety o f vehicles w i t h a table on the back
the game. o f each one.

F o r more i n f o r m a t i o n o n these, see the Vehicle Encounters chapter easy. Here are some suggestions t o help smooth over pofential trouble
in this book. spots.

0 Gamemaster Screen: A three-panel cardstock screen i s included t o Setting Up

hide the gamemaster's notes f r o m p r y i n g eyes and also displays many Y o u should choose a place w h i c h offers c o m f o r t f o r y o u r players,
of the charts y o u need during play. enough light to see by, and a convenient surface to display items
and r o l l dice. This is o f t e n a kitchen o r dining r o o m table, but can
0 Character Sheets: There is a Master Character Sheet l y i n g in the also be a living r o o m floor w i t h b i g pillows, o r even the bed of a parked
game box (unless you've taken it o u t already). Take a m o m e n t t o l o o k truck, Try t o situate yourselves so t h a t y o u don't have t o move t o
it over. Your players use character sheets t o have permanent records another location in t h e m i d d l e o f a game, and so pets don't have
o f Characters' personalities and various abilities. This insures t h a t y o u r easy access t o t h e dice or gaming materials.
players won't forget t h a t their characters can't swim after they effort-
lessly d o just t h a t across a deep river! Creating Characters
The other k i n d of character sheet i s the Vehicle Statistic Sheet F o r y o u r first game, use the six pregenerated characters provided
found at the end o f the Equipment chapter. Just as a character sheet in the game. I f y o u are an experienced roleplayer, don't have enough
tells of a character's abilities, the Vehicle sheet l i s t s the attributes pregenerated characters, o r feel l i k e y o u w a n t y o u r players t o create
of t h e vehicle the characters are currently using. their own, devote the first session t o creating characters. Don't over-
Y o u should photocopy b o t h types o f character sheets so y o u l o o k the t i m e character creation takes - it often involves several
have copies f o r everyone, or y o u can design y o u r own. hours.
Once the characters are done, set aside the first h o u r o r so o f the
0 Maps: Included i n t h e game b o x is a 17" x 22" map o f N o r t h game session to explain the basic rules. I t ' s helpful t o hand o u t p h o t o -
Amerika. It shows the various political regions o f c o n t r o l (including copies o f the Player Handout f o r new players t o refer t o . The Handout
Zoviet-control led states and rebel camps), radioactive areas, and various also has a short summary o f the character generation rules. The more
industries. independent y o u r players can be, t h e easier running games w i l l be for
The other side o f the map is a Battlefield for combat situations you.
i f y o u are using Year o f the Phoenix miniatures, or have designed This session is especially useful f o r discussing and ironing o u t
y o u r own. It is also useful f o r some vehicle encounters. any rule questions y o u o r y o u r players m i g h t have. I f y o u feel adven-
turous, r u n a f e w i m p r o m p t u situations, and demonstrate the basic
0 Dice: Included i n this game are four dice; t w o 6-sided dice, and t w o skill rolls, Skill vs. Skill, damage, and maneuver rules.
10-sided dice.
Year o f the Phoenix uses established roleplaying conventions
when refering t o dice.
A six-sided die (the cube) is w r i t t e n "D6.' A ten-sided die is w r i t t e n
'D10.' R o l l i n g t w o six-sided dice is w r i t t e n '2D6,' w h i l e rolling three
10-sided dice i s w r i t t e n as '3D10.'
Odd-sized dice are easy t o extrapolate f r o m t h e dice included in
the game.

1 D1: One point.

1 0 2 : Roll a D6, 1-3 = 1, 4-6 = 2.
1 D3: Roll a D6 and divide b y 2.
1 D 4 : Roll a D6 and reroll a 5-6 result. Your Players
1 D 5 : Roll a D 1 0 and divide b y 2. Players like dice. You'll be amazed a t the different uses those
1 D20: Roll a 1D 1 0 along w i t h a 1D6 c o n t r o l die. If the 06 comes up l i t t l e pieces of plastic w i l l b e put to. Players use t h e m to occupy their
1-3, read o f f the l D l O result as rolled. I f the result i s 4-6, add 1 0 idle hands, t o build towers with, t o t h r o w across t h e room, t o lose,
points t o the 1 D 1 0 roll. and - incidently - t o roll. Y o u r first encounter with dice-happy
1 D30: Roll 1 D 1 0 along w i t h a 1D6 c o n t r o l die. I f the control r o l l players m a y convince y o u t h a t each player needs his or her own set
i s 1-2, just read t h e 1 D 1 0 result as rolled. I f the c o n t r o l reads (obtainable almost anywhere).
3-4, add 10 t o whatever I S shown o n the 1 0 1 0 die (a range of Paper and pencils are also essential t o make notes, map o u t areas
11-20), I f the control reads 5-6, add 20 t o w h a t is shown o n the travelled, etc.. Using a pencil is y o u r best bet, as any scrawling can
1D 1 0 die (a range o f 21-30). easily be erased. Either supply some, or remind players t o b r i n g their
1D100: Roll t w o 10-sided dice. Treat the light-colored die as t h e own.
tenth's place and t h e darker d i e as the one's place. R o l l i n g a light 6 Also remember snacks. Each player might contribute something o n
a n d a dark 4 gives a result o f 64. R o l l i n g a light 0 and a dark 2 a rotating basis, o r y o u m a y go o u t t o eat afterwards, etc.. Each group
gives a 02, or just 2. R o l l i n g a 0 o n b o t h dice, however, means q u i c k l y develops i t s o w n routine.
y o u rolled 100.
Unlike the D l O O r o l l (called percentile dice) a r o l l o f 3D10, o r When everyone is finished creating characters (or you are using
2D6, etc., i s done b y rolling each individually and adding t h e results the pregenerated ones), prepare a manifest o f each character's MUS,
together. Using 2D6, y o u could r o l l 3 and 2 f o r a total o f 5. CON%, Skill Sphere ratings, and important equipment. This lets you
A n y t i m e a dice r o l l has a percent sign (%) after it, treat it just like refer t o each character's abilities between (or during) games, and see
any other d i e roll, except that y o u retain the percent sign. So instead i f the encounter y o u are preparing i s challenging and properly targeted
o f w r i t i n g down, for example, 17, y o u w o u l d w r i t e d o w n 17%. towards the character's abilities. W i t h practice, you'll be able to gauge
There can also be additions and subtractions to dice rolls, such as this, but f o r n o w keep it as a reference d u r i n g play.
1 D 6 + 1. This means r o l l i n g t h e indicated die and then adding the Before t h e game begins, place a large sheet o f paper where everyone
extra number listed. So 1 D 6 + 1 w o u l d generate a number between can reach it. Have each player w r i t e (legibly!) his o r her character's
2-7. name o n the paper. Then, when one character talks t o another, the
N o t e t h a t copies o f Year of the Phoenix purchased outside o f the player can glance a t t h e paper and use t h e character's name, Alter-
U.S. may n o t include dice due t o customs regulations. nately, y o u can have everyone wear a nametag with their character's
name o n it, but t h e former m e t h o d i s quicker.
0 Miniature Figures: Year o f the Phoenix miniatures are available Once everyone i s ready t o play, have each player announce his
f r o m Frontier Miniatures, 7343 Branding Iron, Canutillo, T X 79835. o r her character's name, general appearance, and any other information
Use of miniatures is highly recommended as they add visual appeal the player thinks the other characters m i g h t k n o w about. For example,
and make identification easier when regulating movement and position a player m i g h t say, ' A n t h o n y i s usually quiet, a n d generally looks
on the battleboard. scruffy. He's p r e t t y accurate w i t h a gun a n d doesn't go back o n his
9.4 THE GAME IS AFOOT! Be sure t o take a break a t least once every two hours. Fatigue
So you've read the Survival Guide, and n o w you're eager t o play. can lead t o tension and disagreements. Games should n o t be endurance
B u t h o w d o y o u get started? Taken step b y step, running a game is tests.
Although 'gamespeak' has been avoided as m u c h as possible, there Frontier Miniatures, available at most hobby shops (see the enclosed
are certain terms and abbreviations standard in gaming, and a few order form), cardboard figures, or homemade 'figures' (dice, buttons,
unique t o Year o f the Phoenix. etc.), used to show relative positions of characters on the Battlefield
Adventure: A n episode o f t h e game. A n 'adventure' i s a k i n t o a b o o k Moves: A number f r o m 1-5: telling h o w many meters a character
or movie. It can be serialized (extending over m a n y playing sessions) m a y move in 1 Sequence. The average number i s 3.
or a single item (one session). MUS: Muscle; a character's attribute which equals the number o f
Battlefield: The 17" x 22" map provided with the game f o r setting u p kilograms a character can l i f t w i t h o u t trouble.
miniatures and/or drawing o n t o show relative distances between loca- OBS: Observation: a Skill Sphere simulating a character's ability t o
tions o f interest in an adventure. detect t h e environment using all five senses.
BOD: Body Points: every character has ten H i t Locations, represented Percenteg: I n this game, percentages usually r u n f r o m 0 1 %-100%.
b y B O D points, which is the a m o u n t of damage t h a t particular b o d y but can go higher.
location can withstand before it is noticeably impaired. Player's Character: A n y character r u n b y a player instead o f the game-
Character: The fictional character w h i c h players pretend t o be, repre- master.
sented b y numbers and other i n f o r m a t i o n on a sheet o f paper. Rolegame: A roleplaying game - a game of make believe where players
Character Sheet: A permanent record o f a character, used as a refer- verbally assume roles and then attempt t o act as they t h i n k their
ence during the game. character would.
COM: Communication; a Skill Sphere dealing w i t h human interaction. Roleplaying: See rolegame.
CON%: Conditioning (Physical); the character's ability t o resist disease, Run/Running: T o r u n a game means t o be the gamemaster for an
his or her ability t o heal, and the percentage o f his or her o w n b o d y adventure.
weight t h a t the character can l i f t . This statistic i s represented by Session: A single day o r evening's play.
a percentage. Sequence: A u n i t o f t i m e roughly equivalent t o 1 second o f real time.
DAM: Damage Modifier; a bonus or penalty a character incurs t o his Skill: The character's ability t o p e r f o r m a specific task, based on a
or her ability t o i n f l i c t damage. percentage chance.
D I F : D i f f i c u l t y Die Penalty; a number f r o m 1-6.I f the D I F d i e r o l l S k i l l Sphere: The general knowledge and k n o w - h o w a character has in
is w i t h i n this range, the character fails his or her skill attempt. a specific area, There are 6 Skill Spheres: Knowledge, Talent, Obser-
D i f f i c u l t y Die: A 6-sided die used to decide i f adverse conditions w i l l vation, Communication, Manipulation, and Kinetics.
cause a character t o fail; it avoids mathematical figuring d u r i n g a game. Square: A meter-wide measurement on the Battlefield when using
Encounter: A single 'scene' o f a session, where t h e characters meet u p miniatures.
w i t h one o r more gamemastered characters. TAL: Talent; a Skill Sphere describing the character's peruasion,
Hit Locations: The character's b o d y is divided u p i n t o t e n locations 'presence, and l u c k factors.
for purposes o f assigning damage. WEI: Weight; t h e character's weight in kilograms.
Gememaster : The arbitrator, referee, director, supporting cast, and
companion t o t h e players i n a rolegame. Rounding O f f : In all operations r o u n d o f f t o t h e nearest whole num-
Gamemastered Character: The characters that a gamemaster plays, ber. R o u n d exact halves up, so 3.5 w o u l d be 4, while 17.4 w o u l d be
as opposed t o those t h a t a player runs. They are n o different f r o m 17.
those the players use. The gamemaster m a y also wish t o round o f f dice values. When the
H E I : Height; the height o f the character i n centimeters. rules ask f o r t h e player t o r o l l an o d d size, such as 1 D9, the gamemaster
K I N : Kinetics; a Skill Sphere measuring the character's accumulated is free t o substitute 108 + 1 o r another semi-equivalent roll, such as
know-how. 1 D10, but should adjust it b y no more than 1 p o i n t .
MAN: Manipulation; a Skill Sphere defining a character's hand dex-
terity. A Note.on Syntax
Max: M a x i m u m Success: an awesome skill a t t e m p t result - better than Readers m a y note t h e use of 'he and she' and 'his and her' through-
any other skill attempt result. out the text. Use o f t h e singular terms 'he' and 'his' were f o u n d t o b e
Miniatures: Either official Year of h e Phoenix metal figures f r o m b o t h artificial a n d clumsy.
The middle 1990’s add 1.5 billion people to the world’s labor force. Some countries benefit, notably
the People’s Republic of China, Singapore, Brazil, and Nlalaysia. With the Union of China and Japan in
economic matters - the Asiatic Conclave - they become one of the most powerful organizations in terms
of GNP in the world’s history. This union shocks political experts worldwide.
Some countries do not benefit: Niexico, Argentina, and the wealthy members of the collapsing Indian
Union and the just-established Persian Gulf Alliance (also known as the Syrian Cluster).
East Germany begins a constant, low-pressure assault on the Soviet Union, seeking more economic in-
dependence. Poland begins diverging from USSR norms, trying free enterprise incentives. As Polana sways,
so does Czechoslovakia ana Hungary.
Central America firmly establishes itself as Communist. Civil war erupts, fueled by CIA insurgents.
1997: Egypt suddenly invades Sauai Arabia and the1 Gulf. The United Arab Conference, supportea by
Russia, pushes through a coup a’etat. Pressure on Iran - the only possible firm hand (without airect US
or USSR intervention) -vaporizes as the Ayatollah is assassinated.
The Syrian Cluster launches a successful takeover of an American space station. A bomb destroys the
station as a special Space Command team sent t o rescue the hostages prepares to dock. None survive.
Civil war rages in Iran as NATO fears a Soviet client state so close to the Persian Gulf and the Soviets
fear NATO forces on their Southern Boraer. Russia is also concerned about bringing its satellites under con-
trol or facing the increased risk of turning them towards capitalism.
2007: Testing of a new Ion Propulsion engine by the Japan American Corporation in space leads t o
disaster for Earth as the magnetic effects wipe out many computer systems monitoring life support, water,
sewage, and power use. The polar ice caps begin to melt as Earth is ripped asunder. The Van Allen belt
disrupts the Ozone Layer, admitting vast quantities of ultraviolet radiation. Earth’s fault lines convulse
and nuclear power plants around the globe suffer chain-reaction meltdowns.
During the confusion, Communist Cuba (backed by a more powerful Jamaica) stages a successful coup
d’etat in Mexico, on a signal from an injured Soviet Union. At the same moment, Soviet troops surge into
East Germany and request the aid of other Communist countries in their bid for world domination. The
Soviets are hurt badly by the catastrophe, but gamble that the rest of the world is completely helpless.
The Ensuing Months: Disease begins its insidious spread as radiations sickness, rabies and cancer tear
through the innocent populace.
The W-arsaw Pact forces - including Polish, Czech, and East German troops - join the Soviets in their
bid for world conquest. Terrific civil resistance slows Hungarian involvement. Bulgaria and Rumania boldly
refuse to aid the Soviet attack.
Undaunted by the quickly suppressed civil strife and resistance to their attempted coup in Mexico,
Central American forces sweep into Mexico and take the country.
US military planning is in chaos, as plans are revised to deal with sending forces to the Mexican border
and also honoring US commitments to NATO. An airlift of troops t o Europe is begun, but it suffers from
a concentrated Warsaw Pact air surge.
Fraught with their own special problems, Italy is still very weak and reacts slowly. Russia conquers
Rumania. Great Britain swings into action, with a like movement from the US Navy. A successful Soviet
feint into Sweden hurts both NATO navies as some land-based tactical nuclear missiles get through the
satellite defenses and decimate them. The Soviets invade Italy.
Satellites are open game as the comparatively undamaged Asiatic Conclave surges into Russia. At least
four attacks successfully damage industry-crucial areas, now that most satellite defense systems are out.
Russia strikes again, successfully destroying NORAD, Washington D.C., and other US locations.
The Asiatic Conclave is ordered by the USSR to surrender. It refuses. Russia uses the last of its nuclear
weapons in a tactical strike against the Conclave. Not a single missile strikes home.
Russian troops occupy America. Resistance is fierce.
The Ensuing Decades: Russia has problems meeting its personnel requirements. It begins manufacturing
biomechanical soldiers and soon refines the process. The Conclave begins guerrilla warfare in Greater
Russia to counter Soviet attacks in the Asiatic Conclave’s own territories. Both Russia and the Conclave
slowly escalate weapons technology.
Russian troops continue to suffer losses from guerrilla warfaretin the former United States. Russia
begins recruiting heavily in the satellites to gain manpower t o subjugate the Americans and continues the
war on other fronts, including the long-awaited invasion of France. France resists valiantly, but many of
its nuclear weapons are sabotagea by Soviet agents.
Today: 2197: The Russian Occupation forces in America still face an uphill climb. Britain has never
surrendered, France is fighting a guerrilla hit-and-run war, while the Asiatic Conclave is a deep thorn is
the Russian side. High-tech personal weaponry is the norm, as Soviet biomechs take over much of the
war fronts in America.

I There are several areas where Amerikans have staked their claims - but the Zoviets have finally geared up
to begin an aggressive campaign against these ‘Amerikans.’
The astronauts' new home i s very different f r o m the one they left.
Climate, language, population, government, and technology offer Slang
different challenges these new visitors have to face. Between the t i m e the astronauts were knocked unconscious,
and the time they awoke, language was constantly changing. Below
10.1 GEOGRAPHY & CLIMATE are some o f the most c o m m o n terms the astronauts m a y hear.
In the cataclysm, m u c h was changed. The N o r t h American con-
tinent settled, dropping m a n y areas below sea level. These areas were Airships: Just about any aircraft, this includes Dirigibles and
eventually reclaimed when nuclear winter increased the polar ice caps. discarded airplanes (discarded due t o lack of aviation fuel 1.
This rapid changing o f the coastline and climate forever altered the Amerika: A rebel word, t o distinguish themselves f r o m the
ecology o f the sea, driving warm water l i f e South, and encouraging America the Zoviet government represents.
the growth of cold-adapted sea life in the north. Arcane Progress: Devices or practices dating f r o m before the
In m a n y places, t h e people who survived slowly increased their Cataclysm.
intake o f fish a n d other marine life, decreasing consumption o f other Bios: Zoviet soldiers w h o are part machine and part human,
foods. The population in t h e center of the continent d i d not have somehow 'grown' in huge complexes deep in the Ural mountains.
t h a t o p t i o n and starvation and cannibalism were common. Blasted Heath: Refers to any radioactive zone. Originally meant
Today, the coastline is slowly losing ground as the earth continues a specific radiation-soaked area in t h e Southwest.
a warming trend. Coastal diets favor seafood, and many regions have By t h e Day of Great Blood: An oath t o swear upon, 'By the
sea farms, cultivating seaweed and the like. The continent's interior Day o f Great Blood I d o swear t o u p h o l d this treaty.' Refers t o
continues to show rapid population growth because the warmer climate unspecified past event, having t o d o w i t h t h e cataclysm.
permits an abundant harvest. Fineous, Fineous: A great rebel leader o f l o n g ago. A remark
used to show disapproval f o r a change being made which the speaker
does not approve of, said in a t o n e meant t o suggest t h e sentence,
The Cataclysm 'Tsk, tsk, i f o n l y Fineous were here.'
N o r t h Amerika was engulfed in a cataclysmic disaster over a cen- Forbidden Zone: (archaic) Areas o f intense radiation cordoned
t u r y ago. The exact nature o f it i s uncertain (letting t h e gamemaster o f f b y t h e Zoviet military.
tailor the facts t o fit his or her o w n campaign), b u t t h e results are Future History: Prediction t h a t a certain event i s important
all around. Wprld population is drastically reduced, culture has been enough t o be remembered years f r o m now, 'Well, that's certainly
altered, and the Zoviets rule N o r t h America. Future History.' 'We're t o o late t o stop it. It's Future History
T w o different versions of a possible holocaust ( t h e Third World now,'
War) are included: one at the beginning o f this chapter, and t h e other Nadies: Foul language (rebel children are reprimanded for
a t the end, The first one stipulates t h a t everyone knows w h a t happen- using i t ) evolved f r o m the abbreviation N.A.S.D. o r N o r t h Amer-
ed, while the latter assumes t h a t portions o f the w o r l d entered a 'Dark ican Strategic Direction (the original offensive strike i n t o America
Age,' f r o m w h i c h they are o n l y n o w emerging. b y the Russians). The Russians are k n o w n as the Nasties b y almost
every native Ameri kan.
M a p One: Population & Climate shows climate details. N e w Government: The rebel w o r d f o r the two-hundred-year o l d
Desert: The great Mojave desert has all-but disappeared, thanks (?) Zoviet government.
t o the s h i f t in weather and the increased size o f the Great Salt Lake Propaganda Pravda: Rebel slang f o r the official mouthpiece
Although several regions are semiarid, o n l y in the former area of o f the Russian government, Province Pravda.
Mexico is there true desert. Radical: Literally: Dangerous o r disastrous. Apparently evolved
Forests: They have altered w i t h t h e climate, f o l l o w i n g the region's f r o m t h e R A D (radiation indicators) amulets t h a t used t o be w o r n
weather. The tundra pushed the needle-leaved forests lower than they b y all citizens, and f r o m the Zoviets 'denouncing' (read: killing/
were, and almost snuffed o u t deciduous broad-leaved forests ( n o w deporting) any citizen associated w i t h the original meaning o f the
making a comeback). And, as usual, t h e Southern West Coast continues word.
i t s o w n unique shrub woodlands (Mediterranean vegetation). ,Russia: Refers o n l y t o Mother Russia, or the official name f o r
Mountain Ranges: No new mountain ranges sprang up as a result the N o r t h American continent; U n i t e d Provinces o f Eastern Russia.
o f the cataclysm, b u t most have changed in height t o some extent, Common citizens d o n o t use it.
w i t h several volcanoes active along the Northern West Coast. The X - O X : Name f o r child's game of tic-tac-toe.
R o c k y Mountains (height 19,000 ft.) and t h e Coast Ranges (21,000 ft.) Zoviet: Evolution o f t h e twentieth-century term, 'Soviet.'
o f the West have a reputation for deadly travel. The Appalachians
(12,000 ft.) are somewhat easier. Frequent rockslides and abundant
year-round snow caps make these effective blockades. What does this mean to the newly-reborn players' characters?
Plains: They have increased dramatically in size, thanks t o the They should have some trouble understanding slang bantered between
taming o f the desert. This has led t o increased regions of grassland t h e natives. Concepts w h i c h they t o o k f o r granted are n o longer valid.
and shrub woodland in the midwest. This can be demonstrated most effectively when the player characters
need t o read something. T y p e it w i t h o u t spaces between words, l i k e
this (Put i t in italics, too, i f you have a word processor!): Thisisdiffi-
10.2 LANGUAGE culttoread, and shows h o w t h e characters should be stumbling through
Language i s forever changing, no matter h o w many scholars wish their first few months in Amerika.
it otherwise. This is probably n o more evident to the characters than
in the Year o f the Phoenix. None o f the languages shown on Map Two:
Languages are unaltered f r o m a twentieth-century standpoint. Each has 10.3 POPULATION & GOVERNMENT
bled o f f t h e other, sharing terms, concepts, and ideas. When one lan- The most densely bopulated areas o f Amerika are under Russian
guage d i d n o t have a w o r d t o express the changing world, it borrowed rule. This reflects the need for organization a n d proper equipment
f r o m others. Indeed, o n l y t h e Sino-Tibetan (Chinese and related) to supply the rudiments o f sanitation, power, f o o d supplies, and other
languages seem to have escaped any strong Indo-European influence. services to support such a concentration o f people.

Map 1 Population & Climate

A. Tundra
B. Forest
C. Highlands
D. Desert
E. Semiarid
F. H u m i d Continental
G. H u m i d Subtropical
H. Wet & Dry
I. H u m i d
J. Marine (West Coast)

Population per square kilometer

The other reason f o r the population distribution is the Zoviet's i n t o t o t a l chaos. Eventually, though, order was restored and the Zoviet
limited ability t o control. The less area they control, the more effective Ruble became t h e new international trade medium.
monitoring can be. This philosophy permeates the Russian government Rubles are t h e standard mode of commerce i n the U n i t e d Provinces
at all levels. They are n o t interested in gaining more land, except at o f Eastern Russia, slowly being replaced with plastic ration cards
the expense o f an enemy. When provoked, they either move in and which include t h e citizen's name, birthdate, place o f birth, bank ac-
occupy, or destroy any farmland, thus starving the enemy out. This count balance, and other relevant data. All government officials al-
o f t e n works, as most non-Zoviet areas lack t h e organization and techno- ready carry such cards, color-coded according to rank within the party.
logy t o stage effective counterattacks. Naturally, there are 'party member' stores where such cards p e r m i t
L o n g range plans call for control o f t h e p n t i r e continent, b u t this exclusive service n o t available to the masses.
i s n o t an aggressive invasion. Instead, the 2,oviets wish t o increase tech-
nology far enough ahead o f everyone else t o take t h e rest o f Amerika
all a t once, in a several-year sweep through the rest o f the country. Rates of Exchange
During this b u i l d u p process, however, it i s imperative t o prevent a l i k e The Ruble i s the current m e d i u m o f exchange i n Eastern Russia.
buildup of t h e enemy's forces. The plan i s open enough to p e r m i t
glory-minded Majors and Colonel Generals t o grab t h e limelight. By 30 grams o f gold = 200 Rubles
striking at k n o w n rebels, these m e n hope t o advance their careers, 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks

Information: N o t as efficient as they pretend t o be, t h e Zoviet

machine is nonetheless exceedingly d i f f i c u l t t o infiltrate. The Offi- Leisure Time: Leisure t i m e is n o t o f t e n available, as all adult citizens
cial newspaper -Province Pravda - contains just a s m u c h real infor- are assigned t o public w o r k s projects t o speed u p completion o f local
mation as i t s parent in Moscow does. Still, news leaks f r o m many facilities (public telephones, sanitation, road construction, park main-
places, and t r o o p movement i n f o r m a t i o n i s occasionally picked u p tenance, etc.) and all children are members o f m i l i t a r y prep schools
f r o m vagabonds wandering through. and m i l i t a r y groups. When free t i m e is available, there are plays, m o t i o n
Freedom: The Peoples' Province of Eastern Russia has an i r o n grip pictures, t o w n recreation halls (glorified bars, usually), and other items
o n human rights. Some illegal or objectionable groups are Jews, M o r - n o t tied t o o closely t o capitalistic pursuits (such as video games, beach
mons, Fundamentalist Christians (and, t o a lesser extent, other religious parties, or r o c k and r o l l - the Beatles' music is considered seditious
groups - the Bible being seditious material) Blacks, Feminists, Human- material). Alcoholism a n d drug addiction are as m u c h o f a problem,'
ists, Planned Parenthood, Homosexuals, Orientals, racially-mixed i f n o t more, as in twentieth-century Russia.
marriages, a n d Republicans. Groups which are encouraged include the
Communist Party and t h e reformed K u K l u x Clan.
Money: The U.S. dollar was t h e medium o f international exchange 10.4 TRANSPORTATION
after the Second World War, originally o f f e r i n g t o exchange an ounce Vehicles are usually restricted t o the upper powers, and civilians
o f gold for $32. The value of gold continued t o climb, however, and t h e must make do. There are many bicycles in use across the country,
oil embargo o f the early 1970's was the last straw. The rules were and farmers currently o u t o f favor w i t h t h e Zoviets must resort t o
changed, and t h e price o f gold began floating. wooden carts and beasts to ship their produce.
The cataclysm changed all that, plunging the world's economy N o r t h Amerika is divided i n t o 18 Provinces. Traveling o u t o f your

o w n Province requires a passport, something which may take months The Constitution offers freedom o f speech, press, assembly, pro-
(and many bribes) t o receive. Passports are normally good for 3 cessions and demonstrations. Freedom of nationality, race, sex, and
months. Civilians w h o w o r k i n one Province and live i n another are religion are also guaranteed.
most susceptable t o 'misplaced' passport applications, so they tend t o There is compulsory 8-year education, and all schools are State-
be the most paranoid about being perfect citizens. sponsored. (This does not prevent many religious organizations from
conducting secret education classes.)
10.5 ECONOMY Anyone over the age of 18 ( w i t h the exception of those certified
The Russian invasion was aimed at getting as many food-producing as insane) i s permitted t o vote.
and manufacturing areas as possible, thus t h e t w i n thrusts through the Finally, the Constitution provides f o r free Sanitariums, holiday
heartlands o f Canada and the U.S., and some control points such as homes, clubs, maternity homes, nurseries, and kindergartens for the
the D.C. area. A portion o f California was successfully taken over workers.
in order t o gain agricultural, petrochemical, and electronics resources. Some people w o u l d say that this sounds like a 'workers paradise.'
Alaska was taken for i t s oil, as well as northwest Alberta. (Other oil Fortunately for the economic system, productivity goals, and military
sources are Mexico a n d an occasional offshore platform - but owner- needs o f the government, t h e Zoviets have never allowed any Con-
ship o f the platforms i s never a sure thing.) stitution t o stand i n their way.
N o t as successful as they wish t o be, it was enough t o entrench
the Zoviets f i r m l y on the continent. Political System
The Zoviet political system i s based upon direct election of officers.
Unfortunately, only the Communist party i s allowed t o run for elec-
10.6 THE GOVERNMENT t i o n unhampered.
When the Zoviet government t o o k over, they kept the American Provinces are run by a Deputy-Governor. The Deputy-Governor
Constitution intact. I n fact, their o w n Constitution offers more li- is elected by direct vote for a period of 4 years. The council of Deputy-
berties than the original U.S. one! Governors is called the Zoviets o f Working Peoples' Deputies, Directly
According t o the arnmendments t o the Constitution, all power is under each Deputy (the positions o f power in Zoviet America are
vested in the w o r k i n g people. All property belongs t o the State, except invariably held by males) are the Deputy-Mayors of the individual
for co-operative and collective-farm property. Citizens have the right cities and towns. He, i n turn, is the Chairman o f the Exectuve Com-
t o o w n income and savings derived f r o m work, t o o w n a d w e l l i n g mittee for that area. This Executive Committee i s composed o f the
house and supplementary household articles. Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary, and other respected members
o f the c o m m u n i t y elected t o the committee. Members of Executive
Principles Committees are elected b y direct vote f o r d period of 2 years.
The ammended American Constitution includes the following prin- Above the Deputy-Governors are the Chambers of the Supreme
ciples: 'Work is a duty and a matter o f honor,' 'He w h o does n o t work, Zoviets: the Representatives of t h e People and the Zoviets of the
neither shall he eat.' Senate.
'From each according t o his ability, t o each according t o his work.' The Representatives are elected by the citizens, voting by election
The ammended Constitution also calls for 7-hour workdays, &hour on the basis of 1 Deputy-Representative f o r every 1,000 i n popula-
days for arduous trades, and 4-hours in arduous factory work. tion.
The Senators are elected by the Deputy-Governors, and Deputy-
Mayors. These positions are held for 2 year periods.
Laws are passed b y a simple majority, and congress is monitored
b y the Chairman o f t h e Zoviet Union, along w i t h his four Vice-Chair-
The position o f President of the United Provinces of Eastern Russia
was phased out over one hundred f i f t y years ago..

The dominant language o f the area IS shown,
if there is one. Russian i s the official language
o f the United Provinces of Eastern Russia.

R. Russian
A. American (English, influenced by Spanish
and French)
E. Eskimo
F. FrenchVCanadiac
M. Mixture - n o dominant language
S. Spanish (influenced b(/ Russian and English)


10.7 A DAY IN THE LlFE.. . Apparently his employees were running a black market r i n g o f
Myrna Greenwich raised one eyelid and glanced a t the clock. some kind.' ( T o o bad. I was going t o get a new pair of shoes o u t o f
5:32 AM. It slid closed again, then she suddenly sat up. It was that place through a friend.)
5:32 A M t h e last t i m e she looked. Sure enough, t h e electricity was 'That's what y o u get f o r disobeying the law.' (Gee, that's t o o
out again. She climbed o u t o f bed i n t o the late-morning light bad. I knew y o u were l o o k i n g f o r a new pair o f shoes.)
and prepared for the day. 'So, are y o u busy tonight, Myrna? (Can I come over t o t a l k ?
'I hope m y travel p e r m i t comes today', she mused as she made Something's bothering you, isn't i t ? )
her breakfast. She had her cereal w i t h o u t m i l k so t h a t she didn't 'I'm afraid so. Perhaps 1'11 see y o u sometime later in the week.'
have t o open the refrigerator. She didn't k n o w h o w long it was (Yes, something i s wrong. B u t maybe w e can t a l k about it later.)
going t o be before t h e electricity came back. Last m o n t h it was 'Well, take care.' (Be careful.)
o u t for three days. She was glad that all utilities were free. She 'I w i l l . Bye.' (You, too.)
shuddered a t the thought o f paying f o r services as bad as she en-
As Myrna prepared t o leave, she considered taking o u t her
contraband portable radio. No. She knew the batteries w o u l d n o t
last for m u c h longer - and she was unsure of getting more. Besides,
it was just another power outage. She w o u l d have heard something
i f there was more t o it than that.
After walking d o w n six flights o f stairs, she was o u t o n the
street. Wrapping her w o r n coat about herself, she walked briskly
towards the Post Office.

'No. There i s n o package f o r you. Yes, I am positive'. Myrna

turned away f r o m the window. There was something slightly mock-
i n g in the postal worker's voice. Myrna turned back t o the woman,
a ruble in hand. She plunked d o w n t h e bill a n d asked again, 'Is
there anything for me?'
The woman eyed the bill, eyed the customers behind Myrna,
and glanced over her o w n shoulder. The bill disappeared i n t o the
folds o f the woman's blue u n i f o r m .
'Why, yes! There i s ! A letter. F r o m the Travel Permit Bureau. M y r n a slowly made her way home, carrying her bag o f groceries.
H o w foolish o f me. So sorry. Here it is.' M y r n a thanked the w o m a n She should have haggled w i t h the cashier over the price o f those
and waded her way through the c r o w d t o the street. She very tomatoes. They were n o t fresh. She sighed a n d moved the grocery
much missed the. o l d days, when mail was actually delivered t o a bag over t o her other hip. That's when she noticed the man trailing
person's house. She c o u l d recall it o n l y vaguely, as it was phased her. I t must be the same one. She quickened her step, passing b y
o u t while she was s t i l l a l i t t l e girl. the o l d Roman Catholic church w h i c h burned d o w n mysteriously
Myrna walked over t o a clear spot against the Post Office wall one night last year after the priest made some off-oolor remarks
and opened the letter. The w o r k p e r m i t was quite late. Myrna read about the way t h e church had been searched by the C I A the day
t h e letter enclosed, a n d nearly wept. 'Province-to-Province Travel before. Funny, the firefighters t o o k over an hour t o arrive o n t h e
Permit denied.' Simple, and uninformative. The Travel Permit scene. She passed b y the M o t o r Vehicle Department w i t h i t s long
Bureau letterhead was blazoned across the top, and it was stamped line snaking o u t t h e doors.
w i t h the official government seal. So she was n o t going to get t o 'Some things never change,' she thought, and entered her apart-
w o r k at t h e machine shop, after all. It w o u l d have meant a sub- ment building.
stantial raise i n salary - over 4 more rubles a week.
Depressed, she saw a phone b o o t h o n the corner a n d consi- 'Who are you?' t h e m a n asked, blocking the stairwell. Myrna
dered calling her friend Marcia t o c r y about it. B u t she deeided stopped in shock. Beth a n d Michael Simper, w h o lived on the first
against it. Y o u never k n o w who is listening i n o n those calls. Maybe floor, were standing in the corner, crying.
it was a good thing t h a t almost n o one she she knew had a phone. 'Myrna Greenwich. I live o n t h e sixth floor.' M y r n a couldn't
She suddenly realized t h a t she had been leaning against this help glancing i n t o their open apartment door. She saw several
wall for some t i m e n o w . police officers moving around, d u m p i n g over furniture and t h r o w i n g
'Above all,' her mother had always said, 'When y o u are in public, things. They were l o o k i n g f o r something, o r maybe just mindlessly
do n o t attract attention. The C I A are everywhere.' harrassing them.
Myrna thought she saw one over b y the newstand. 'Let's see y o u r identification papers.'
'You're o n l y spooking yourself,' she thought, and passed b y it 'Yes, sir. Here they are.' She handed t h e officer the papers,
on her way t o the market. But the man p u t d o w n the paper he was hoping he w o u l d n o t destroy them, as the other officer had last
looking at a n d began f o l l o w i n g her. week.
'Now, now. Mother always said y o u were t o o paranoid. H e isn't 'I see. Open the bag.' The officer last week even made her give
following me. He just happens t o be walking this way.' Just the u p all the money in her wallet, w h i c h amounted t o o n l y a f e w
same, she couldn't help b u t l o o k behind her. The man stopped and rubles. B u t he also t o o k her f o o d ration card.
looked i n t o a shop window, Myrna shivered. She remembered her 'What is this? Chocolate?'
brother disappearing over ten years ago. He helped one o f those 'Yes, sir. It's my birthday t o m o r r o w and I just wanted something
'rebels' fighting for freedom. Privately, she wished the rebels well. a l i t t l e special.' She lived f o r the rest o f t h a t week on charity. F r o m
Publicly, o f course, she was vocally against them. She still had scars people like Beth and Michael. She looked over towards them. They
f r o m the police questioning. Perhaps the government s t i l l suspected pleaded w i t h their eyes f o r her n o t t o interfere.
t h a t she had been involved. She ducked i n t o the grocery store. 'I see. Are y o u allowed t o purchase chocolate w i t h your f o o d
ration card? I t ' s blue. Y o u can't get chocolate with a blue card.'
'Myrna! I haven't seen y o u in days!' ( A r e y o u o k a y ? ) 'No, officer. I paid f o r it with cash.' She lowered her eyes.
'Oh, hello Henry. H o w are you?.' (As good as y o u are.) She wanted desperately to help them, b u t there was n o way t o d o
'Fine. D i d y o u 'heart that those rebels destroyed a hydrogen it.
plant yesterday? Yep. Killed some American soldiers, too.' (Good 'I see. Carry on.'
for them. I hate soldiers.) 'May I have my papers back, please?' Beth and Michael had
'Oh, that's a shame.' ( I d 0 t o o . ) been crying. They were c r y i n g now.
'Yep, They say it was an inside job. Say t h a t the rebels don't ' H u h ? Oh, yeah. Here.'
have the ability t o p u l l o f f something l i k e that.' (Of course, that's
just the line the government feeds us.) M y r n a stumbled u p t h e stairs to her apartment, listening t o t h e
' I s that so?' Well, they are probably right.' (Yes, I t h i n k so too.) sounds o f destruction fade as she climbed. She reached her refuge
'Hey, I hear they executed some grocery manager i n N e w Minsk. and locked the d o o r behind her.
A l l cases are conducted i n Russian but people involved are legally
Power Play p e r m i t t e d to have interpreters (whenever one is available. . . ).
The Peoples’ Province of Eastern Russia is in a state Despite theory, t h e actual judicial system requires the accused t o
prove his or her innocence. The death penalty i s handed o u t regularly.
of flux. Until last year, the military had unlimited power
especially t o political prisoners, k n o w n capitalists, troublemakers,
over any Deputy. But that has been steadily changing. and other enemies of the State.
Deputy-governors and Deputy-Mayors have been chal- ‘Treason t o the Motherland‘ includes:
lenging the absolute power of the military, and have been 0 Violation of oath o f allegiance

somewhat successful in curtailing operations within their 0 Impairing t h e m i l i t a r y power o f t h e state

0 Desertion to the enemy
own Province.
e Espionage
Characters may be able to exploit this internal unrest. These are the most heinous o f crimes, punishable b y death or
banishment t o an Aleyeskan gulag.

Legal System
The presiding judicial system is the Supreme Court o f the U n i t e d
Provinces o f Eastern Russia, elected for a period o f 5 years by the 10.8 POLITICAL BOUNDARIES
congress. The Supreme Court Justices m o n i t o r the Procurator-Gen- N o r t h Amerika is currently divided i n t o 18 occupied Zoviet p r o -
erals o f each Province, w h o are elected by the Province Procurators vinces, 5 t o v i e t satellite states; 9 major Free States, and unclaimed
f o r a period o f 5 years. The individual Province Procurators are elected wilderness areas. These wilderness areas contain population, b u t n u m -
b y the people o f t h a t Province, again f o r 5 years. bers and dispositions are vague at best. The area is fairly w e l l unclaimed
Under Russian law, all legal cases are public -
anyone can watch. by b o t h sides.
Cases o f visitors being u n r u l y (catcalls, obscene gestures, and making The 17” x 22” N o r t h Amerikan map located in this game cross
f u n of the accused) have remained fairly steady. indexes the following information.

I. Zoviet Province: CAPITAL; Chief Sources of Revenue L. Indiana; I N D I A N A P O L I S ; agriculture

A. Aleyeska; F A I R B A N K S ; oil, minerals M. Illinois; SPRINGFIELD; agriculture
B. Alberta; C A L G A R Y ; agriculture, o i l N. Wisconsin; L A K E G E N E V A ; agriculture
C. Saskatchewan; R E G I N A ; agriculture, timber 0. Iowa; DES MOINES; agriculture
D. Manitoba; WINNIPEG; agriculture, timber P. Nebraska; L I N C O L N ; agriculture
E. Ontario; O T T A W A ; manufacturing, some agriculture, timber, Q. Kansas; LAWRENCE; agriculture
minerals R. California; FRESNO; agriculture, electronics, o i l
F. New York; A L B A N Y ; some agriculture, manufacturing
G. New Minsk; H A R T F O R D ; manufacturing textiles, electronics II. Zoviet Satellites
H. Pennsylvania; H A R R I S B U R G ; manufacturing, m i n i n g S. Mexico
I . Tidewater; R I C H M O N D ; agriculture, pharmaceuticals, admin- T. Florida (claimed b y Cuba)
istrative center U. Texas (claimed b y Mexico, n o t f u l l y controlled)
J. Ohio; COLUMBUS; agriculture, light manufacturing V . Cuba
K. Michigan; LANSING; agriculture W. C A D R (‘cater‘) (Central American Democratic Republic)

111. Free States

1. Star-Six Country: Remnants of civilian a n d m i l i t a r y population of Aleyeska. Takes its name f r o m t h e 6th L i g h t Infantry Division
and their star shoulder patch. Strong martial spirit a n d traditions help t h e m persevere through the harsh conditions.
Population: 3,000

H o w They View.. . Outlook

Current economic condition Very strong

- new Arnerikan
Strangers receive
- novernment
-c1) -- -‘--+r”.b- %-+-F-.%.Y.*,r*nr
Armed Forces-run Reoublic
Interest and occaiionally in
View of Zoviet rule Brutal and Inhuman

2. Native Arnerikan Alliance: Indians f r o m numerous reservations iri the Pacific Northwest ( b o t h U.S. and Canada) w h o avoided much
of t h e cataclysm’s effects due t o their relative isolation.
Population: 4,500

H o w They View.. . Outlook

I Current actions aaainst Zoviets Total noncooperation

Current economic condition Stronq, b u t weakentnq

I Ideal new Amerikan oovernment
. .- -. “
x I
Ger i stoc racv
. - , -- *1c--.** ..*Tu
‘Strangers receive ’ ” ^ Active shunning

View of Zoviet rule Typical treatment b y whtte man


3. Allouettes: French Csnadians. Currently regrouping.

Population: Several thousand.

Best way t o restore Ameri ka

Current actions against Zoviets No organized resistance
- - ”
Current governing form Splinter groups each have the%owit.
Current personal freedom Varies, b u t moderate overall

Current economic condition Disastrous

4. Maple Leaf Confederation: Union of northern New England and Canadian maritime provinces.
Population: 7,000

How They View.. . Outlook

Best wav t o restore Amerika Constant raids against crucial Zoviet resources

Ideal new Amerikan government Democracy

5. Dixie: Simplistically described as a revived Confederacy. (Contains small splinter group called Hounds o f God, a fanatical religious
group attempting t o obliterate anything the Bible outlaws - resistance fighters are n o t immune.)
Population: 1,000

How They View..

W o r l d Prospects
. Outlook
-ix . * I . . ...
Ameri ka‘s prospects Positive
Best way t o restore Amerika Aggressive crusade
ressive resistance

Current economic condition Poor

Ideal new Amerikan government Theocracy

6. King Country: The majority are Black and Oriental holdings. Most minorities w h o fled f r o m Zoviet oppression have wound up here.
Currently in flux over whether or n o t t o draw u p a new Constitution (having found what they believe t o be the original Constitution
of the b n i t e d States).
Population: 3,000

H o w They View.. . Outlook

Best wav to restore Amerika Persistent attacks o n food-producinq areas

7. Creole Country: Cajun/Creole inhabitants o f the swamps and land around Louisiana, East Texas, Southern Arkansas. includes
several Indian tribes.
Population: U n k n o w n (6,000+?)

How They View.. . . -1

W o r l d Prospects Hopeful but wary
Ameri ka's prospects Unsure
Best way t o restore Amerika Lay l o w
Current actions against Zoviets Occasional supply raids
Current governing form Default to geriatocracy (elderly)
Current personal freedom Wioderate (dictated b y custom and manners)
Current economic condition Almost self-sufficient barterina
Idea. new Ameri kan government Undecided
Strangers receive Questioning, and then usually acceptance
V i e w o f Zoviet rule Yet another hardship t h e L o r d has burdened us w i t h - only a
temporary one

W. Mormons: Largest passive Free State, located around t h e Great Salt Lake. Manufactures most o f the Amerikan flags. Zoviets k n o w
o f their existence.
Population: 10,000

- -.Thnv
Hnw . ..- , Viaw
- .-... . . ___
World Prokpects Hopeful
Arnerika's prospects Hopeful but wary
Best way t o restore Amerika Pray for deliverance and pass the bullets
Current actions aaainst Zoviets M i n o r S U D D ~ Vraids. intelliaence sDvina
, L

Current governing form Hierarchy (religious in nature)

Current personal Freedom Moderate t o relaxed (Emphasis placed on accepting responstbilityl
Current economic condition Fair t o p o o r
Ideal new Amerikan government Hierarchial Iy-gu ided Democracy

9. Nonnewaug Resistance: Located o n the former Staten Island, they keep the Statue o f Liberty Enlightening the World safe u n t i l
the flag o f freedom once again shines f r o m sea t o shining sea.
Population: 1,000

.-.. Thnv - - -.. . .
. - , Vi-.
World Prospects
. #*. , . .. ** . X I .
Ameri ka's prospects Hopeful
Best way t o restore Amerika Persistent attacks

10.9 STATE OF T H E UNION: M I L I T A R Y AFFAIRS works slowly and laboriously, b u t thoroughly. They d o n o t abandon
The Zoviets maintain t w o fronts on Amerikan soil; The Atlantic o l d ideas, n o r accept new ones easily. Incidentally, that may be part
F r o n t i s headquartered i n Indianapolis, Indiana, a n d the Central F r o n t of the key t o their downfall. Their refusal t o accept new ideas and
i s headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Zoviets also maintain implement t h e m may spell their o w n d o o m .
two fleets; the large Atlantic Fleet headquartered in Richmond, Tide- The improved Zoviet economy and better international relations
water, and the smaller Pacific Fleet headquartered i n Fresno, Cali- have spurred the Russians to step u p their timetable for global con-
fornia. quest. Part o f this plan involves eradication o f the rebel groups current-
None o f the modern-day armies have t h e power o r prestige they l y littering the N o r t h Amerikan continent. It i s this task that t h e
once commanded. Where once there were thousands, they are n o w Eastern Kremlin has recently turned it's dark thoughts to, spurring
o n l y hundreds. Scarce resources are a byproduct o f the cataclysm - its generals onward, The war machine is springing t o life, and has
b o t h in materials and people. already opened up one eager eye. The resistance forces had better
Each f r o n t has a command staff numbering upwards o f eight hun- rally soon or they w i l l be crushed under t h e oppresive heel o f Commun-
dred, These administration centers serve t o coordinate border patrols, ism forever.
intelligence sweeps, the installation o f m o n i t o r i n g devices, maintenance
o f tracking stations, and control o f the resistance groups bordering Composition of the Front
Zoviet territory. Since Tidewater is also t h e capitol of the U n i t e d Both Fronts share the same m i l i t a r y structure, as outlined i n the
Provinces o f Eastern Russia (also called ' L i t t l e Moscow'), there i s a accompanying schematic. The specific breakdown o f specific forces
separate a r m y there. This entire division's sole purpose i s t o p u t d o w n are as follows.
any civilian uprising and protect the Eastern Kremlin f r o m i t s own Only a Motorized R i f l e Regiment and Tank Battalion are specifical-
military. This Internal army i s controlled b y the Federal Bureau of l y detailed, as these are the t w o types o f units t h a t players' characters
Investigations (FBI), which is under the direct command o f the K G B w i l l encounter most often. Specific game mechanics for the weapons
in Mother Russia. and vehicles are located elsewhere. Use the 'Civilian' Vehicle Counters
as jeeps, and t h e Cargo T r o o p Carriers as Armored Personnel Carriers
North American Strategic Direction (N.A.S.D.) (APCs). A d d 2 t o all A r m o r locations when using them in this capacity
The plans f o r conquest o f the continent are s t i l l o n the books. (see the Equipment chapter).
They have n o t been cancelled, simply postponed. The Zoviet machine The specific breakdown o f hardware and personnel i s vastly reduced

Nortb American Strategic Direction


Motorized Armored Airborne Medical Motorized Maintenance Communications

Rifle (2) Recon Infantry (2)

Tank (2) Service/Supply Assault Transport Engineer Artillery Air Army Chemical
Helicopter Warfare

XXXXX Front Ill Regiment moo P l a t o o n

XXXX Army II B a t t a l i o n 00 Section
XX Division I Company
X Brigade

I Motorized Rifle Battalion 1 I Tank Battalion I


f r o m the Zoviet heydays o f the t w e n t i e t h century. They chose t o re-

duce personnel and shrink each u n i t rather than a d m i t that they d i d
not have the personnel t o f i l l the positions.

Motorized R i f l e Division
There are t w o Divisions per Front, each numbering around 9,000
officers, soldiers, and Bios. The Divisions are broken u p i n t o Battalions
for purposes of discussion, as players' characters should n o t meet u p
w i t h anything larger (unless they have a nuclear weapon a t their dis-
posal. Otherwise it c o u l d be a very short game).

MA: APC m o t o r - r i f l e battalion headquarters. 6 officers, 5 enlisted,

10 Bios, 2 APCs, 1 jeep, 2 trucks, 5 laser assault rifles, a n d 2 Sazonov
laser pistols.
MB: Maintenance Platoon. 5 enlisted, 4 Bios, 2 trucks, 8 Sazonov
laser pistols.
MC: Supply Platoon. 3 officers, 20 enlisted, 10 Bios, 1 0 trucks.
MD: Artillery Company. 4 officers, 30 enlisted, 2 0 Bios, 4 RPG-210
rocket launchers, 5 trucks.
M E : Medical section. 1 Warrant officer, 3 Bios, 1 civilian vehicle (in-
ternally altered t o accomodate ambulance fittings), and 1 Sazonov
laser pistol.
M F : 3 Motor-rifle company headquarters. 3 officers, 4 enlisted, 4
Bios, 2 APCs, 4 laser assault rifles, a n d 3 Sazonov laser pistols each.
M G : 3 m o t o r - r i f l e Platoons. 1 officer, 1 0 enlisted, 15 Bios, 2 A S S 2 6
auto-grenade launchers, 50 522-XTs, 20 laser assault rifles, 5 Sazonov
laser pistols, and 3 APCs each.

Armored Reconnaisance Division

This i s composed o f some 5,000officers, soldiers, and Bios. They
command approximately 2 0 0 hovertanks a t any one time. They also
maintain several hundred APCs. The average Armored Recon soldiers
are equipped w i t h submachine guns or Savonov laser pistols.

Airborne Division
This is composed of around 5,000 officers, soldiers, and Bios.
These are the elite troops, a n d have the best o f everything. The Air-
borne division is composed o f some 50 Dirigibles with an attendant
Assault Helicopter Company. Airborne soldiers are invariably equipped
w i t h laser assault rifles and Sazonov laser pistols.

Medical Brigade
They are t h e lowest in prestige, and the m o s t ill-equipped. The
Medical Brigade numbers around 400 officers, soldiers, and Bios- the Service/Supply Division
worst o f the lot. The average soldier is equipped w i t h an assault r i f l e Keeps about 900 personnel busy w i t h arming, feeding, and clothing
or a pistol. the Red Horde. They have about as m u c h status as t h e Maintenance
Motorized I n f a n t r y Division
Number around 9.000. They receive assault rifles, machine guns Assault Helicopter Division
and pistols. The infantry usually commands 100 hovertanks. Supports 4,000 officers, soldiers, and Bios. There are t w o regi-
ments per division, each having 3 flights of 4 helicopters each.
Maintenance Brigade
Numbers around 1,000. They are marginally better equipped Transport Division
than the Medical Brigade. 6,000 personnel attend t o 2 Regiments o f 5 0 Dirigibles each,
1 attendant escort Assault Helicopter Regiment, and 1 Transport
Communications Regiment Helicopter Regiment. Transport Helicopters carry u p t o 1 4 personnel.
With about the same standing as the Motorized R i f l e Division,
the Communications Brigade i s composed of 800 officers, soldiers, Engineer Brigade
and Bios. This is the group t h a t monitors the airwaves and attempts This is composed o f some 1,000 officers, soldiers, and Bios. They
t o locate illegal transmissions. share t h e same influence as t h e Service/Supply Brigade.

Tank Division A r t i l l e r y Brigade

There are t w o Divisions per Front, each composed of about 800 This Brigade numbers around 1.500. It has shrunk i n recent years,
officers, soldiers, and Bios. The Tank Divisions are broken u p i n t o due t o artillery shortages, b u t i s n o w resuming much o f i t s former
Battalions f o r purposes of discussion, just as the Motorized-rifle division size.
is (and f o r the same reason).
Air Army
TA: Tank battalion headquarters. 4 officers, 5 enlisted, 2 Bios, 1 Composed of some 18.00 personnel, this A r m y serves as the air
command Hovertank, 1 APC, 1 recon jeep, 5 A K M S - 2 9 assault rifles, support for all territorial boundaries and harbor patrols. The A i r A r m y
and 4 GA-66 pistols. maintains some 1 5 Recon aircraft, about 30 transport craft, and over
TB: Service/Supply Company. 1 officer, 8 enlisted soldiers, 15 Bios, 50 fighter planes.
8 trucks, 10 A K M S -29 assault rifles, and 1 G A - 6 6 pistol. The Coast Guard works in conjunction w i t h the A i r A r m y t o
TC: 3 tank company headquarters. 2 officers, 2 enlisted, 2 Bios, 1 prevent defections and harrass Resistance supply a n d trade routes.
Hovertank, 1 APC, and 6 GA-66 pistols each.
TD: 3 tank Platoons. 1 officer, 1 enlisted, 4 Bios, 2 Hovertanks, and Chemical Warfare Regiment
6 GA-66 pistols each (In tank platoons of motor-rifle regiments there Of the 200 personnel in this Regiment, over 9 0 % are Bios. The
are 3 hovertanks.) remainder are officers and soldiers.

Corporal (none)

Stalin was the o n l y person t o h o l d this rank.

'I'he Third W'orld War

And so it was in those days that an evil grew across the land. The Red Death it was called,
and like death it was. Others tried to hold against it, but none were successful. City after
city fell under the heel of that angry daemon.
Then God spoke to the ruler of the geatest nation which opposed the Thing and said unto
him, "Though you would perish, and with you all that you have known, it is My
Commandment to go forth and end this plague that lingers upon the earth. This task will
prove your love for me." The ruler of freedom spoke, saying, "Oh Lord, thy will be done.
But what of my flock? How shall they fare?" Answer from the Lord there came none.
22 The great ruler brought together his war chiefs, and bade them to go forth across the great
sea. And they did. On the hundreth day, they left in their chariots. Some flew across the
sky, others dove beneath the waves. Still others walked across the water, for the spirit of
the Lord was upon them. But Evil had not been idle. Seeing that an army of Gods
children would soon be upon him,he fled from their sight, retreating from the holy sword.
23 Upon landing, the great freedom's leader saw the carnage and rain of death that Evil had
wrought. Wrathful, and praying to the Lord for righteous strength, he led the holy crusade
across the length and breadth of the land, searching for this Evil.

57 On the twelfth year of his task, it is written that God again came to him. In his vision, the
Lord spoke thusly, "Great soldier, your faith is steadfast, and your mission here is finished.
Return now, to your homeland, and bear all of life's misfortunes well." "It shall be done as
you command," the man spoke, and returned home.
58 I11 was his heart at the words of God, and his foreboding was not misguided. The Evil
One had indeed fled from sight -and had struck at the ruler's own family, rending their
home asunder. A rain of death had come to freedom's door. The ruler fell to his knees in
dismay, crying, "Lord my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
59 God heard his plea, and pitied him. "It is your holy quest to destroy this Evil, to seek it out
wherever it lurks and rid it from the face of the earth. Once the world is again DUE. vou

may live in freedom. Your flock is gone, so that you may well heed my message &iraise a
new people who must obey my word or perish." The ruler accepted his mission and went
forth into the daylight to fulfill the Holy Word of God.


Discovered near the Blasted Heath, and translated by Sister Emanuel Luth.
Phoenix heroes do n o t begin the game in the best of situations. on liquid Hydrogen. Some of the largest generators also create some
There are a few items that have washed ashore, b u t they are as likely Hydrogen as they burn it. This is perhaps the most fascinating example
t o be dead crewmembers as they are equipment t o help them survive. o f resourcefulness out of all the inventions the new w o r l d offers.
This list o f Resistance (and occasional Zoviet) equipment shows Power Pax are the crudest source of stored energy. Although power-
the variety of approaches humans have taken t o solve the unique ful enough t o serve as weapon fuel, they are n o t able t o yield great
problems of the year 2197. amounts of energy over extended periods o f time.
Solar panels are most common o n vehicles which run on Power
11.1 POWER Pax. I f the car runs o n Hydrogen, it doesn't use them.
There are several ways that the world o f 2197 is supplied w i t h
power, Power (psychological or mechanical) is often a temporary thing, 11.2 INFORMATION
depending upon w h o can hold it. The resistance uses n o long-range communications equipment.
Even Radio Free Amerika uses shortwave radios t o broadcast the voice
Principle Sources of Stationary Power of freedom. (Zoviets monitor all phone lines as well as radio frequen-
This has the hazard o f being easily conquered. Stationary, power cies.) Instead, t h e resistance uses short-range communications equip-
changes hands swiftly, and just as swiftly returns t o i t s original owner. ment, and hard copy of information which must be transmitted any
Most stationary power sources need close attention and expertise distance.
t o keep running, as unattended sources tend t o self-destruct rather niques, including artificial memorization such as hypnotism. The
suddenly. On the plus side, such power sources provide far more results were less than favorable. Coupled w i t h the belief that n o life
output and are far more economical than mobile units. was w o r t h any piece of information, and t h e campaign the Hounds
There are windmill fields which generate w i n d power. There are o f God religious sect waged t o abolish hypnotism practices, the idea
several of these, deep i n the heart of the continent, near uncivilized was abandoned.
areas. They are easily destroyed and d o n o t always provide an uninter-
rupted source o f power. Wrist Communicator: These are useful as watches, camouflaging their
Dams which generate hydroelectric power are few. Though the true nature. Specifics are listed in Recon Equipment, under Tools
technology which b u i l t them occasionally unearths, the practical (see below). Price: 50r
problems of building them escape even some o f the most inventive
minds. Sun Dishes: Used for long-range communication, these are reflective,
In the same category as dams, waterwheels provide the service movable dishes between 1 and 2 m i n diameter. They are mounted
they have always done: preparing grains. They also provide many along key mountain ranges several miles apart, and are used t o signal
homes w i t h indoor p l u m b i n g . . . of a sort. ships. The old morse code is used. Price: 450r i n parts and labor.
Nuclear power plants are scarcer than dams. The technical know-
h o w t o keep them running i s in the hands of only a select few. These Radio Monitors: These are mounted on trucks and kept mobile. Be-
are the best-defended and the most desired, for they can supply even cause the Zoviet surveillance system has the capability t o detect moni-
the largest group's every need: constant strong power only a fingertip tors, it is necessary t o use them far f r o m secure areas. Price: 250r.
There are also places which thrive on solar power, b u t these were Microphone Bugs: These electronic 'bugs' are the size o f a fingernail.
never supported by governments, leaving this source abundant i n When l e t loose, they search out a dark corner and settle down. Once
some places and unheard of i n others. there, they monitor and transmit all sounds w i t h i n range. Microphone
bugs r u n f o r about six months because they use so l i t t l e energy, w i t h
Principle Sources of Mobile Power a transmitting range of several kilometers. Price: 350r.
Mobile power has the advantage o f movement. Rebels on the run,
and other people w h o need t o hide the fact that they are using power, Bug Detector: Locates and identifies microphone bugs, this i s a hand-
favor them. held device w h i c h runs on power pax. Price: 475r.
Liquid Hydrogen is the major fuel source o f the planet. It is rela-
tively effortless t o create and burns cleanly (so i t i s safe underground Computers: Computers are few and far between. The technology need-
and stored i n enclosed spaces). I t s major drawback i s the need t o keep ed for construction and maintenance keeps them out o f common use.
i t cold. This i s performed by a refrigeration u n i t w h i c h actually runs The Nonnewaug resistance o n Staten Island has one which monitors
their farmlands o n t h e seabed, Poisons in the Body chapter. Poisons, like Healers, are rated f r o m
Microcomputers, such as watches, synthesizers, or engine timers Level 1-6.
are uncommon b u t n o t rare. Price: Microcomputer.14.000r; Business Herbs: Belladonna [ingested] (Level 1-3, takes u p t o one hour f o r
machine, 250,000r. i t s effects - gamemaster should roll I D 5 0 + 10 minutes), Hemlock
[ingested] (Level 5-6. f r o m one t o five minutes).
Infra-red Jammer: A device which blanks out an area o f u p to 1 0 K m
f r o m infra-red observation. Price: 340r. Stimulants
These speed UP t h e character's metabolism. Habitual use can result
Amerikon Sign Language: This language i s taught t o all members in physical dependence. When under the influence o f this drug, t h e
o f the resistance. character's normal Erg t o t a l i s m u l t i p l i e d b y 1.5. The drug effect
lasts about 1 2 hours (gamemaster secretly rolls 9 + 1 D 6 ) after which
t i m e t h e character loses all Ergs and incurs 1 0 2 Trauma Levels. This
11.3 MEDICINAL HERBS takes twice the character's normal recovery t i m e (a Trauma Level
Herbs, like drugs, are substances which are injected, inhaled, swal- 1 takes t w o hours to recover from, and a Trauma Level 2 takes four
lowed, o r absorbed through the skin. They cause physical effects hours).
to the body. Drugs a n d Herbs are divided into types: Depressants, Herbs: Wild Pansy [paste - ingested], Hazel N u t [whole leaf] (only
Poison Antidotes, Hallucinogens, Healers, Poisons, Stimulants, and lasts 5 + 1 D6 hours).
N a t u r a l herb remedies are concocted b y the Amerikan resistance Others
groups (and b y an occasional Zoviet citizen ). Black Alder (a soap which cleanses the b o d y of parasites. T w o
The t e r m 'Drug' in Year o f the Phoenix refers t o Zoviet over-the- cleansings, each 24 hours apart, are required).
counter pills, liquids, etc., f r o m drugstores and hospitals. Drugs are Hazel N u t (used t o stop coughing and relieve congestion. Made i n t o
not d i f f i c u l t to find, b u t they m a y be d i f f i c u l t t o obtain through a bitter syrup. I t s effects are almost immediate and last about 4 hours).
normal channels. They are usually clearly marked as t o use and dosage, Asarabacca (a drought w h i c h causes vomiting w i t h i n the hour).
so the o n l y question which might arise i s proper administration. This Black Hellbore (a paste which, when eaten, acts as an abortifacient).
is subsumed under any medical skill. Drugsare n o t Specific Skills.
See t h e description of drugs in the The Body chapter o f t h e Train-
i n g Manual. 11.4 MEDICAL DEVICES
Herbs cost a f e w Rubles per dose. Devices can sustain or prolong life, such as Cryochambers and
LifeSafers. Artificial limbs also qualify as devices.

Descriptions (KNO) Item

The f o l l o w i n g i s a suggested l i s t o f game herbs and their game uses. Description, including routine uses and limits.
There i s n o a t t e m p t to correlate real herbddrugs w i t h their true func- Manufacturer: Principle manufacturer. I f there is more than one,
tions - d o n o t use these descriptions as a real-life reference. Some items b o t h are listed.
are listed more than once. Size: Overall dimensions in meters.
Weight: The weight of the i t e m in kilograms.
Example Item: General description of t h e t y p e Power Supply: Usual power supplies are Solar, L i q u i d Hydrogen,
has. or battery 'Power Pax.'
Herbs: [ F o r m o f Administration] L i s t s a t least Components: This gives an idea of w h a t skills may b e needed f o r
tional information. i f needed). repair o r construction.
Frequency: Where this can b e encountered and h o w c o m m o n it is.
Depressants Cost:.Cost of actual purchase in Rubles. Black market rates may
These serve t o slow d o w n the body, o r calm nervous excitement. easily be double o r triple this amount.
F o r every f u l l dosage, the character's Skill Speeds increase by 1, and Body Points: The a m o u n t o f damage it can withstand before it is
he or she incurs a -1 DIF t o all skills. A CON% r o l l must be made each disabled. Devices suffer 'Trauma Hits' just as characters do.
hour. Failure indicates the character is sleepy. These effects last 1D3
hours per dose. Cryochsmber
Herbs: Hyssop [crushed and eaten], O p i u m [smoked] (this addictive These devices h o l d the character a t an almost frozen level. This
d r u g is extremely popular in all Zoviet circles - despite being illegal retards damage effects, allows t h e b o d y t o heal at half normal rate
in all Provinces). with about double t h e survival rate, and can extend the life o f a charac-
ter almost indefinitely. Existing in a Cryochamber insures recovery.
Poison Antidotes This f u l l body-sized device has a sheer black surface and is a perfect
These counteract, prevent, o r cure the invading malady. Preventa- cylinder. The base o n w h i c h it rests holds the actual machine 'brain'
tives last about six hours (gamemaster should secretly r o l l 1D3 + 4 w h i c h uses the liquid hydrogen as fuel.
for the number o f hours it i s effective). Antidotes must be consumed A b o d y placed in the chamber may remain as long as the fuel
w i t h i n 30 minutes o f ingesting poison t o have any effect. holds out. A t a n k holds enough fuel for one week. A subject taken
Herbs: Butterbur [paste] (effective against Level 1-3 Poison), Nettle out o f t h e machine f o r u p t o or past one h o u r ( D 3 0 + 3 0 minutes)
[pastel (as Butterbur, b u t effective against Level 3-6 Poison). dies i f t h e thawing and rejuvination cycle i s skipped. Bringing the b o d y
down 10 near-freezing takes t h i r t y minutes, w h i l e thawing takes u p to
Hallucinogens one h o u r ( D 3 0 + 3 0 minutes).
The subject can experience illusions of all five senses. A subject
m i g h t also feel anxious, giddy, amorous, confused, dynamic, perse- Manufacturer: Zoviet Provinces
cuted - any emotion that can be felt, b u t taken t o an extreme. The Size: 2.5m long x 1m wide x 1m deep
gamemaster should discuss w i t h t h e player what effect the d r u g has Weight: 450 k g
u p o n the character. Power Supply: Liquid Hydrogen fuel (7 d a y capacity t a n k )
Herbs: Peyote [various], Valerian [chewed -
n o t swallowed] (a Components: Metal, Electron@, Refrigeration, Hydrogen Engine
double dose is a Hallucinogen, and swallowing it turns it into a Level Frequency: Major hospitals, a f e w resistance groups
3 Poison 1. Cost: 1,500,000r
B o d y Points: 1 0 (Underside 2 )
Healing applications are rated f r o m Level 1-6, which i s applied t o
t h e subject when figuring the number of days an additional CON% Life$af ers
healing r o l l is made (q.v. The Body). These are small versions o f Cryochambers, and n o t always reliable.
Herbs: Alehoof [salve o r o i n t m e n t ] (Level 1-3 healing, depending They encase a limb (arm or leg) and perform t h e same function. The
u p o n how it is prepared), Bugle [drought] (Level 4-6 healing). mechanism sometimes doesn't provide adequate transition at the
point where t h e device ends, occasionally causing t h e character to
Poisons lose the limb a t t h a t juncture.
A poison injures o r causes the death o f a subject, as outlined in The chance o f malfunction/inadequate transition is 1% f o r every

Trauma Level t h a t the limb i s suffering. In addition, t h e device is SO (or t o o monotonous) f o r humans. Although they are just as affected
fragile, almost a n y accident destroys it. b y radiation as 'real' humans, t h e Zoviets have recently begun sending
them i n t o places t h a t are official Forbidden Zones. This poses a threat,
Manufacturer: Zoviet Provinces for m a n y resistance groups use t h e uncontaminated fringes o f these
Size: 1 m long x .5m wide x .5m deep Zones as safe havens f r o m the Zoviets.
Weight: 40 k g When captured, m o s t groups have realized t h a t these Bios have
Power Supply: A set of t w o Power Pax some intelligence and are eager t o learn. Most o f f e r citizenship t o these
Components: Metal, Electronics, Refrigeration creatures, which is sometimes accepted. One notable exception t o this
Frequency: Most hospitals, a few resistance groups i s the religious group named the Hounds o f God, w h o patrol Dixie
Cost: 250,000r i n search o f heathen. Bios are branded 'demon w o r k ' and burned.
Body Points: 2

Cyborging 11.5 TOOLS (ASSORTED)

This i s the replacing o f b o d y parts w i t h mechanical devices. In The w o r l d is a strange one, where technology is just as spotty and
all respects, the device acts like a one-point cost Special A b i l i t y (q.v.1. uneven as it always has been. Although it is possible t o supply the
entire hemisphere with power tools, electricity, and running water,
Manufacturer: Zoviet Provinces and a few resistance groups these are, as always, o n l y available t o a select few. Some groups have
Size: per subject enough initiative and inventiveness, however, to somewhat equalize
Weight: per subject (often 1 / 5 t h e subject's WE1 f o r a leg; 1/10 f o r this imbalance. Various groups have developed their o w n tools and
an arm; incidental for an eye; etc.) equipment, independent o f t h e larger political factions.
Power Supply: A Power Pax (needs recharging once per week) What follows is a scattered listing o f the types of tools available
Components: Metal, Electronics t o a random citizen o f t h e Nonnewaug rebel command.
Frequency: Most hospitals, a few resistance groups
Cost: varies, between 150,000r (a hand, a f o o t ) -500,000r ( f u l l arm, Survival Kit:
f u l l leg, one eye) 3 m square t a r p f o r shelter
Body Points: Typically 3 (arm), o r 6 (leg) mosquito n e t t i n g
reflec hammock
Maid-64 3 fish hooks & n y l o n line
This i s a f u l l y self-contained hand-held machine which contains compass (points approximately N-NW)
medical devices (and the character needs a medical skill t o use it). 24 daily Vital1 Pills (cuts in half t h e body's water and f o o d require-
Most drugs are stored in a M a i d and administered b y a H y p o (nee- ment)
dles which inject the d r u g through microscopic breaks in t h e skin), 7 days rations
the size and t y p e depending u p o n the character's skin and the a m o u n t
o f the dose. The administering o f a drug (typically kept in a liquid Recon Equipment
state) is performed b y the Maid itself. Wrist Communicator (doubles as a watch - range o f 50KM [ t o
The Maid analyzes a character's physical condition, taking almost reduce Zoviet eavesdropping] 1
half an hour to d o so. Once completed, it administers aid beginning Infra-red Jammer
w i t h the worst area first, and proceeding t o less-damaged parts. It can Infra-red goggles
be t o l d t o bypass this procedure and perform a specific function. Gas mask

Typical Routine: Weapons Kit

1. Analyze subject w i t h laser b y walking along entire length (like a Rangefinder Scope (per weapon) w i t h Infra-red Sight (reduce
spider 1. D I F range penalty by 1, so Medium Range has n o DIF, and
2. Treat subject w i t h antiseptic (enough spray f o r several dozen ap- Extreme Range has -1 D I F )
plications ). 3 Charges/Plastique (see 11.6, Weapons)
3. Treat subject w i t h drugs (up t o ten different chambers with five Weapon Cleaning K i t
doses each). Numpak (spray/salve), Synthaskin (spray), Stimdoze Extra AmmolBatteriesletc.
(injection), and Neerwit (ointment) are standard. Other possibilities
are Bittersweets (pill), Zipnaught (pill), o r Q e n t a (pill).
Electronics Kit
When all is said and done, the Maid can d o less than a good nurse, Series o f delicate instruments t o measure, solder, and f i x electronic
b u t most hospitals use these routinely t o prepare a subject f o r surgery, equipment, including a voltage/wattage indicator, wire, soldering
and to administer t i m e d drugs. iron, hand-held computer information-entry keypad, etc.
Portable versions exist, designed t o be w o r n as a backpack. The
technical name for the device is 'Medical A i d lmplimentation Device Medkit
C-64.' 1 can Sterifoam (sterilizer f o a m )
1 t u b e Alehoof o i n t m e n t (12 applications)
Manufacturer: Zoviet Provinces sterile bandages
Size: .5m long x .25m w i d e x .25m deep 2 splints
Weight: 1 5 k g
Power Supply: T w o Power Pax (needs recharging every other use) Farming Kit
Components: Metal, Electronics 1 underwater suit (air hose t o surface)
Frequency: A l l hospitals, most resistance groups ra kelhoelknifeletc.
Cost: varies, between 2,000-5,000r
Body Points: 3 (stationary), o r 6 (portable)

Bios 11.6 WEAPONS

These are 'Biomechanical Soldiers.' Bios emerged almost f i f t y Most Russian troops have armor which protects them against b o t h
years ago f r o m Zoviet factories buried deep in the Ural mountains. energy and impact weapons, b u t they favor energy protection. Be-
These things were n o t bright, and often malfunctioned. The later cause o f this, t h e rebels have been quietly increasing the number of
models are more reliable, and more intelligent. impact weapons they use.
Their design has n o t been duplicated, although various resistance The availability o f impact weapons has been helped b y slowly-
factions have managed t o capture one o r t w o . Bios are essentially hu- increasing trade w i t h England, Canada, and France, all in the same
mans somehow bred in tanks. They receive various pieces o f equipment position as Amerika: Under Siege. B u t w h i l e their c o n t r i b u t i o n i s
transplanted i n t o their body, n o t a b l y artificial strength, a specialized vital, it cannot compete in terms of sheer volume with the Asiatic
sense o r two, and some k i n d o f computer which ties i n t o the central Conclave. Supplying the free Ameri kas w i t h sophisticated weapons
nervous system and controls it. and equipment shows their continued support f o r guerrilla warfare
They are sent on missions a n d guard d u t y deigned t o o hazardous against the Zoviets.

Personal Weapons
Since the last t i m e our heroes saw the the earth was 1997, n o hero
character may have, as a Specific Skill, any weapon dated later than
1997. Characters are free to have such weapons, b u t they m u s t use
hem at their Skill Sphere percentages u n t i l they learn t o use them.

Specific Skill/Sphere Melee Damage Price


Stunstick: A r o d w h i c h causes Erg loss instead o f observable
physical damage. The Stunstick uses a standard Laser Pistol Power
Pax in the handgrip base. (See t h e description of Missile Energy
Weapons.) A r m o r does n o t protect against this damage.
R i o t Shield: They come in t w o sizes: 'Buckler' and 'Full,'
hence t h e t w o listings for Melee range and damage. They are Zoviet
r i o t police shields.
Specific Ski II/Sphere Missile Damage Charge Melee Nation/Year Price

Laser R i f l e i M A N
20mm Assault R i f l e 1 loomX 3D8 +2 50 1-2 Russia121 4 2 650r

HeaGiase'rlHRW ' ~ -
. %.

M a r k I V Heavy Laser 2000m' 3010 t 2 100 - Conclave12 1 6 8 1.000r

HI L Stunner 1Om (3D10) 10 0 Russia, France/2088 300r
Tasser 15m (406) 20 0 Conclave/2089 200r
d,sntp"~or ." v . - 9. .__ - c - *. . . , A.. L " .I

Sonic Disruptor 20m 2 D8 30 0 Free Amerikas, 450r

Canada/Z 195
See 'Missile Impact Weapons' notes.
Every laser weapon has a 'Power Pax;' a battery w h i c h requires m o n personal weapon in the Zoviet Army, w i t h laser shots 20mm
recharging. Zoviet equipment takes 6 hours t o recharge o n Russian wide.
Province Standard electrical current (120 volts). Other equipment M a r k IV Heavy Laser: A laser m o u n t e d o n a t r i p o d base, trans-
may take other voltages, but all recharge w i t h i n 6 hours. portable ( d i f f i c u l t l y ) for use o n the battlefield. It emits a laser
The pistol o n l y accepts pistol Power Pax. The Rifle accepts shot 3 0 m m wide.
b o t h Pistol and R i f l e Pax. If it uses Pistol Pax, there are o n l y 20 HIL Stunner: Stunners cause Erg loss instead of observable
charges. physical damage.
The Mark I V Heavy Laser has a unique Power Pax. Taaer: The Conclave's answer t o the H I L , it has a longer range
Stunners each have built-in batteries, different f r o m Laser and different Power Pax.
Power Pax. The entire weapon is plugged i n t o an outlet - the bat- Sonic Disruptor: This is the first weapon mass produced b y the
tery cannot be removed. rebels. It combines long range w i t h a unique converter assembly.
The Sonic Disruptor uses Laser Rifle Power Pax. This converter allows the weapon to get 3 0 shots o u t of Laser
R i f l e Power Pax. It emanates a cone area o f effect, 20m long and
10mm Sozonov Laser Pistol: A silent, small pistol that is easy 10mm in diameter a t the end. This cone emits sound vibrations,
to conceal. It emits laser shots lOmm i n w i d t h . inaudible t o t h e human ear, b u t able t o disrupt human cells.
20mm Assault Laser Rifle: The Assault R i f l e i s the most com- No armor defends against Erg damage,

E X P L A N A T I O N OF H E A D I N G S : P E R S O N A L WEAPONS factured, such as Free Amerika weapons o r weapons supplied

Charge: The number o f shots available o n one battery charge. b y Canada.
Once the battery is drained, it m u s t be replaced or recharged. Price: Price in Rubles. Black market prices are considerably
Damage: This is the damage the projectile does when it hits. higher.
Automatic and Semi-automatic firearms can double this damage, Rounds/Feed: The number o f projectiles i n one c l i p o r maga-
shotguns can t r i p l e it. zine. Once this number o f shots has been fired, the character must
Dur. (Durability): This value i s added t o the Skill Sphere’s reload. Feed i s t h e t y p e o f mechanism used to supply t h e weapon
’ K l u t z value, t o indicate the weapon’s preponderancy t o misfire/ w i t h projectiles.
jamletc. The new K l u t z value is used whenever an attack is rolled Sphere: The Sphere the Specific Skill falls under.
using this weapon. Specific Skill: The Specific Skill t h e character must take t o use
Melee Range: When used as a melee weapon, this is the reach the non-boldface weapons. For example, a character w i t h the
o f t h e weapon i n meters. Specific Skill Stunner can use a H I L Stunner and Tasser. A Charac-
Missile Range: The range o f the projectile. ter with the Specific Skill Laser Pistol can only.use a Sazonov
Nation/Year o f 1st Manuf.: The principle or original manu- Pistol.
facturer o f the weapon, and t h e date o f first commercial manu- Without a Specific Skill, characters use weapons a t their Skill
facturing. In some cases, the weapon is n o t ’commercially’ manu- Sphere percentage.

Specific SkiII/Sphere Missile Damage Rounds/ Melee Nation/Year Dur Price

Assault R i f l e I M A N
AKMS-29 (4.5mm) 100m 2D8 +It 40lBox 0-1 Russia12029 - 450r

Machine G u n I M A N
PKMS-29 ( 4 . 5 m m ) [ l i g h t ] 2 0 0 m 2D8 + 1 t 40 or 751Box 0-1 Russia12029 - 900r

t When fired continuously (burst/rapid fire) machinegun f i r i n g Guns: Rifles and machine guns need two hands t o be used
rolls 1 D 6 t o determine h o w m a n y shots hit the target. Damage and effectively.
location are rolled individually f o r each bullet. For other indicated Seed Gun: A n outlawed weapon, it plants a ’seed’ bullet into
weapons, r o l l 1 D 4 f o r the number of bullets t h a t hit. an organism. The organism must be warmer than 0 degrees Celsius
tt See Description. for the seed t o sprout. It does so after approximately ten minutes
The given range is the weapon’s effective range. U p t o twice and q u i c k l y grows thread-like strands around the central nervous
this range is Medium range. Any weapon (except the Shotgun) system, feeding o f f the neurons. It causes agony and death. There
receives a -1 D I F for accuracy a t this range. F o u r times the wea- is n o known cure, and these guns are very rare. The rebels dis-
pon’s Effective range is i t s Extreme range. A n y weapon (except courage their use.
the Shotgun) receives a -3 D I F f o r accuracy at this range. (The I f t h e 1 D 6 damage does n o t b i t e i n t o the character’s B O D
Shotgun never receives accuracy DI Fs.) (because of armor, etc.) t h e Seed does n o t enter the character’s
body. Such seeds die within ten hours.
Some of these weapons are either unchanged f r o m t h e late
1990’s. o r refinements o f existing models.

Grenades, Rockets, I& Mines has devised portable steel catapults w h i c h p e r f o r m the same function,
Grenades and rockets are valuable commodities in the free Amer- b u t a t markedly reduced accuracy. A Specific Skill is needed t o use
ikas. They are held in armories and dispensed for specific missions Launchers; GrenadeIRocket Launcher. It is, o f course, a crime t o pos-
or common defense. Rocket launchers are rarer still, a n d the Resistance sess such items.

Launcher Range Rounds/ Nation/Date of Dur. Price

SA-71 ( 1 l O r n r n ) f R L l 500m 1 /round Russia12004 +1 20,000r


I E X P L A N A T I O N OF HEADINGS: L A U N C H E R S zine. Once this number o f shots have been fired, the character
Launcher (caliber) [type] : Describes the name of the Launcher, must reload. Feed i s the type o f mechanism used t o supply the
the caliber o f the projectile it uses, and its type: Auto-grenade weapon w i t h projectiles.
Launcher (AGL), Grenade Launcher (GL), Rocket Launcher (R L), Nation/Year of 1st Manuf.: The principle or original manufac-
or Mortar (MO). turer o f the weapon, and the date o f first commercial manufactur-
Mortars add +5m t o t h e Burst radius of Warheads. Mortars add ing. I n some cases, the weapon is not 'commercially' manufactured,
+ l m t o the Blast o f F R A G grenades and an additional die t o F R A G such as Free Amerikan weapons or weapons supplied b y Canada.
Contact Damage. Dur.(Durability): This value is added t o the Skill Sphere's
Price: Cost in Rubles. Black Market prices are higher. Klutz value, t o indicate the Launcher's preponderancy t o misfire/
Range: The range of t h e Launcher, in meters. jam/etc. The new Klutz value is used whenever a launch is attempt-
Rounds/Feed: The number of projectiles i n one clip o r maga- ed using this equipment.
I 1

Grenades Contact Burst Burst Blast Blast Price
-~ Damaae Radius Damaae Radius Damaae
-m-I Dm-
CONC (Concussion) 3D8+(3D8) 5m 2 0 8 + (2D8) 15m 1 0 8 + ( 1D 8 ) 50rlcase o f 2 0
WP (White Phosphorus) 3D3" 20m 2D3" 25m 1D3" 250rlcase o f 2 0
HEDP (High explosive, dual purpose)
10D10 5m 2D10 10m 1D8 250rlcase of 5 0
Sonic (4D6) l m (3D6) 5m (2D6) 500rlcase o f 20

Illurn 3D10 l m 1 D3 - - 200rIcase of 40

Concentrated Damage (q.v.)

Explosive Contact Burst Burst Blast Blast Price

Example Damage Radius Dama

Warheads Contact Burst Burst Blast Blast Price

Example Damage Radius Damage Radius Damage


Contact Damage: Damage result i f the projectile explodes Grenades are easily t h r o w n by hand. They have a 5-second
w i t h i n a meter o f a character. Damage in brackets '0' i s subtracted time delay before detonation, or can be set t o explode upon impact.
f r o m Ergs, n o t BOD. Grenade launchers have a longer range, but are very rare.
Burst Damage: The heart of t h e explosion, concentrated damage. Characters w i t h i n a grenade's area of effect may be knocked
Burst Damage: Any character w i t h i n the radius of the Burst over. A n y character w i t h i n that area must make a one-half MUS +
area takes this much damage. Damage i n brackets '0' is subtracted l D l O O roll vs. the grenade's f u l l damage + 1D100. I f the grenade
from Ergs, n o t BOD. wins, the character is knocked t o the ground.
Blast Radius: The secondary effects of a blast are f e l t at this
range. This range i s added t o the Burst range. WP (White Phosphorus): This burns f o r 2 D 3 Sequences.
Blast Damage: The damage a character suffers i f w i t h i n the Sonic: Causes sound waves t o disrupt the cellular walls of organ-
Blast radius. Damage i n brackets '0' i s subtracted f r o m Ergs, not isms. Range is 30m. This works o n the same principle as the Sonic
BOD. Stunner. Damage i s assessed against Ergs, not BOD.
Price: Cost o f the item i n Rubles. Black Market prices are Thermite: Creates an explosion of intense heat i n a very small
higher. area. Often causes first or second degree burns.
Note: The number o f dice used t o determine damage is the die Chemical: Spews f o r t h an irritant or lethal gas. Characters
size used t o find out h o w many H i t Locations the damage affects. failing a CON% + 1 DlOO r o l l versus the gamemaster's 100 + 1 DlOO
For example, a Claymore mine does 4 0 1 0 Contact Damage. Since roll suffer f u l l effects. Those w h o make their roll suffer only half.
you r o l l 4 dice, r o l l 1 D4. I f the result i s a '4',apply 4 D 1 0 w o r t h Chemical grenades spew enough Trauma Level 3 poison t o affect
of damage t o 4 Locations. I f t h e 1 D 4 result is a '2', apply 4 D 1 0 a total o f 2 0 0 kg.
w o r t h of damage t o 2 H i t Locations. Multiple Damage t o the same Glitter: Discharges metal particles into a cloud, obscuring
Location is Concentrated Damage (see The Body chapter). vision, and preventing laser fire f r o m penetrating. In use, the Glitter
You may either r o l l for the damage once f o r all locations, or roll grenade has a Skill Quality of 150%. Laser shots in the area must
for each Location's damage separately (gamemaster decision 1. make a Skill vs. Skill roll t o get through. This percentage is reduced
This rule does n o t apply t o damage done against Ergs. by 10% every minute.
Illurn: A parachute flare which creates a zone of brightness
roughly 2 0 0 m in diameter for about one minute.

Mines Contact Burst Burst Blast Blast Price

Examole Damaae Radius Damage Radius Damaoe

MINES w o u l d d o them l i t t l e good in former c i t y areas (also known as

Since the Zoviets are slowly changing their m i l i t a r y vehicles Badlands and Blasted Heaths) where mines can be camouflaged
f r o m wheeled t o hovercraft, a n d t r o o p transport i s mostly done a m i d scraps o f buried metal and magnets - the plastic casings
b y air, the Zoviets consider mines t o be archaic items. Because of are almost impossible t o detect.
this, they are serving the Free Amerikas well. The Russians d o n o t The Claymore is carried in a shoulder bag, weighing in at 2kg.
currently have any m i n e detection equipment, and i f they did, it Antipersonnel weigh in a t 4 kg, w h i l e antivehicles weigh 12 kg.

Rockets Range Damage Price

, - .Example-."+.-,"
Heat Seeker
. ..#I" ~

2Wm (does not use

_ I (

launcher) 3 D8 150r/l
522-XT 300m 3D10 100rIl
Agin (launcher's range) (3D10) 175r/2

R O C K E T DESCRIPTIONS 522-XT: A sperical device which detects movement (range o f

A l l rockets have their o w n propulsion systems and are designed 300m). It travels at 50 k m / h o u r t o impact w i t h i t s target, aiming
t o be launched f r o m any rocket launcher (rare). The Free Amerikas f o r the warmest spot. U p o n impact, spikes will imbed i n t o the
have devised metal catapults w h i c h p e r f o r m the same function. target a n d h o l d fast while a bore drills f o r 2 D 1 0 damage per Se-
There are half-size (and half the damage) versions o f these rockets quence, this is Concentrated Damage (q.v. The Body). Often used
which are fired f r o m Longbows. The 'Mini-rockets' d o n o t have b y the Zoviet police t o catch condemned criminals, it requires
their o w n propulsion systems and are therefore silent u n t i l they a M U S vs. M U S r o l l t o p u l l off, doing an additional 2 0 1 0 damage. It
impact. has a M U S o f 90 kg, and 3 A r m o r Points.
Agin: T i n y silver balls, l o o k i n g l i k e ball bearings, when they
Heat Seeker: Exploding u p o n impact w i t h their target, they impact with something (such as being t h r o w n ) they e m i t a tone
can be programmed t o seek o u t a specific heat pattern. I f more than inaudible t o the human ear. The sound intensifies in t h e weapon's
one item w i t h the selected pattern i s w i t h i n a 200m range [each area of effect. This causes 3 D 1 0 points o f damage t o ERGS each
human has a unique pattern] t h e item w i l l go t o t h e nearest. The Sequence. After t h e character has suffered Trauma Level 4, unless
Seeker is pointed at the target, and the red 'Program' b u t t o n is a T A L r o l l is made, t h e v i c t i m lapses i n t o unconsciousness. A f t e r
pushed. The target's pattern i s locked in. This rocket is indepen- Trauma Level 5, t h e target's bones shatter. Agins must be crushed/
dent of any Rocket Launcher. destroyed t o be stopped. They have 3 A r m o r Points.

11.7 ARMOR Shields

- ~ . ~ ~ .
There are t w o types o f damage in Year o f the Phoenix; energy Shields, like armor, absorb/deflect points and d o n o t 'suffer Trauma
and impact. Some armor o n l y protects against one t y p e of damage. Hits.' W i t h a successful Shield skill a t t e m p t y o u can b l o c k an incoming
I f the armor does n o t protect against the attack, the armor does n o t blow. A n y damage over what t h e shield can manage i s applied to the
help against the damage. Further, the armor i s reduced b y 1 p o i n t character's armor, then t o t h e character.
on the location t h a t is hit. Shields can be obtained t h a t absorb 1 4 points o f damage, depend-
i n g u p o n t h e size a n d t y p e of shield.
The damage a shield can d o when it is used t o attack equals its
Anthony is hit by laser fire. The location is his Abdomen. protection value. A 2 p o i n t shield does 1D2, while a 4 p o i n t shield
He is not wearing armor that protects against energy damage. does 1 D4.
The damage is applied directly to his BOD, and his leather armor This category includes Zoviet energy screens. These d o damage
is now 4 points on his Abdomen. He'll need to have i t repaired when someone runs i n t o t h e m and such damage i s energy damage.
to get it back up to 5 points. Energy absorbingldeflecting armor w i l l help reduce this damage.

Explanation of H e s d i n w the character's Ergs as l o n g as the armor i s warn. Energy screens

A r m o r Type: The c o m m o n names f o r t h e various types o f avail- have a simple Encumbrance Factor, l i k e weapons do, due t o bulk.
able armor. The descriptions here include all the armor available
t o the Resistance. The Zoviets have other types o f armor, including ARMOR DESCRIPTIONS
forceshields. Leather: Can include pants as w e l l as a jacket. This is heavy
Protection: The protection the armor gives t o the wearer. leather, protection against impact damage. It is also a very good
The player chooses a value w i t h i n that range f o r each character's insulator against cold. Includes a steel helmet.
H i t Location. You can choose a different type and protection Flak Jacket: Composed o f ballistic nylon, it pro?ects better
value o f armor f o r each H i t Location. against impact damage than leather, b u t is n o t proof against c o l d
When an armor i s effective against energy damage, an 'E' i s weather. Includes a ballistic n y l o n helmet.
n o t e d after t h e protection range given. When it is effective against Alumen Jumpsuit: A relatively t h i n material designed t o be
impact, an 'I' is noted. Reflect Suits and R i o t gear protect against w o r n over b u l k y clothing, it is effective o n l y against energy wea-
b e t h impact and energy damage. pons. This can be w o r n over Flak armor, leather armor, or w i n t e r -
Encumbrance Multiplier: The averaged armor protection o f a clothing. Includes an Alumen c l o t h hood.
specific character is m u l t i p l i e d by the number given. I f the charac- Reflect Suit: A jacket/pants combination, this affords equal
ter i s wearing multiple types of armor, choose the largest multiple. protection against b o t h impact and energy damage. Reflect per-
The result i s the armor's Encumbrance Factor, which may affect forms very favorably against c o l d weather.

Rsflec Suit Availability: Manufactured b y b o t h the Zoviets

and t h e Free Amerikas, it is n o t always available. A player wishing
t o have a Reflect Suit for his o r her character first designs the suit
and then averages the protection value. Roll 1 D 2 0 and add the
impact average. I f i t is 20 o r less, the suit is available. I f the result
i s 21+, y o u must choose something else for y o u r character t o start
o f f w i t h in the fight f o r freedom.
R i o t Shield: Standard Police issue, these Shields d o well against
impact damage and (at least when new) also deflect energy damage,
Includes an Alumen-covered steel helmet.
Energy Screen: Zoviet technology has recently developed
a portable backpack energy screen device. I t creates a dome over
the wearer, sealing o f f h i m o r her f r o m any outside forces. Because
it does n o t even p e r m i t oxygen exchange, and due t o peculiarities o f
the still-experimental device, it is t i m e d t o t u r n o f f after ten minutes
o f use. The battery used is the same as the Mark I V Heavy Laser
battery, and lasts for a t o t a l of six ten-minute segments. before

The leisure time Phoenix heros have w i l l be precious, indeed. A Citizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,00Or
mental rest as well as physical rest i s needed to keep b o d y and spirit Communist Party M e m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40,000r
together in a w o r l d t h a t has seen t o o m u c h death.
Clothing Restaurant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20r-
Clothing is usually utilatarian, and almost always in earth tones, Fancy Restaurant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Or-
in order t o blend in when o n patrol o r on a mission. People are nor- Week shopping for a family o f f o u r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,150r-
m a l l y clothed as m u c h as possible t o avoid attention a n d t o keep t h e F i f t h o f Liquor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5r
insects a t bay. However, practically everyone has an o u t f i t o r t w o f o r Cigarettes (pack) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2r
festive occasions o n w h i c h they go crazy. There are bright colors T o p quality beef (per kilogram). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l o r +
and crazy looks. Puffed shoulders, pants up t o t h e knee, sleeves ending Dozen eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lr+
a t the elbow, and other daring styles abound. Loafofbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lr+
Apples o r Grapes (per kilogram) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5r+
Music Corn (per kilogram). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2r+
Battery-powered synthesizers are the norm. They are usually the Coffee (per kilogram). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2r-
length and weight o f a forearm, with a two-tier keyboard. Harmoni-
cas and other simple wind instruments are slowly m a k i n g a comeback - Personal Items
items t h a t don't get in t h e way during a sudden ambush firefight, Razor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lr
where b u l k y items can be y o u r undoing. Pantyhose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5r
Undergarments . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5r
Food Aspirin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( l o 0 pills) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5r
F o o d prepared w i t h care is considered a leisure item. Such meals 2 lightbulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6r
are all t o o infrequent. The type of f o o d consumed depends u p o n t h e
region and t h e people. The Nonnewaug resistance living o n o l d Staten Clothes
Island, for example, has a large seafood diet. They farm the ocean Man's pants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30r
bay for most o f their staples. Man'sshirt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lor
Man's shoes . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40r
Woman's s k i r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30r
Prices anti Availability Woman's dresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50r
Map One: Population & Climate shows 3 different population Woman's shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50r
scales; under 5,000 per square kilometer, 5,000-1 5,000,and 16,000+.
The Following price l i s t s are based on a purchase f r o m the middle p o - Lodging
pulation scale (5,000-15.000 per square kilometer). Items w h i c h are Rental o f 4-room apartment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300r/month+
more expensive closer t o densely inhabited areas have a '+' listed after Rental o f 6-room house w / y a r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800r/month+
t h e price. That is, these products can cost u p t o twice t h e listed price in Government subsidized housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Or/month
an urban area (16,000+ population), and cost less elsewhere. Prices w i t h 2-room apartment ( 4 people)
a '-' cost a b o u t half in an urban area, a n d twice as m u c h as the l i s t 4-rOOm apartment (single Party Member)
price i n a sparsely populated zone (Under 5,000). Hotel R o o m per night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60r+
Prices are extremely subjective, o w i n g t o the various influences:
exports t o Mother Russia, bad season, good season, imports f r o m Electronics
Mother Russia, more demand, less demand, etc. Gamemasters should Portable radio ............................ 2Or-
feel free t o alter the listed price by as m u c h as 300%o r more i n either 2 Batteries. . ............................. 4r-
I f there i s a product t h a t i s n o t listed, f i n d o u t w h a t today's price Raw Materials
is in dollars and go f r o m there. Lumber (5cm x 1 0 c m x 2 m long). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5r+
Finished lumber (same dimensions). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15r-
Plumbing (one complete system,
11.9 VEHICLE STATISTICS f o r sink/tub/shower/etc) . . . . . . . . . ........... 150r-
For vehicle statistics, I have chosen t o present generic vehicle Tools (hammer/naiIs/screwdriver1. . . . . ........... 5-lor-
types. Thus all hovercycles are generic, troop/equipment trucks are
generic, etc. A gamemaster must breathe life i n t o these statistics by Leisure
personalizing t h e vehicles he o r she creates. Paperback B o o k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4r
Unicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Or-
Fuel: Unless otherwise proscribed, vehicles r u n o n l i q u i d hydrogen. Tickets t o Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70r+
For a discussion on h o w vehicles maintain it in a cool enough state, Candy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5r
see 11.1 Power.

Mode of Travel: A b o u t half the vehicles currently in use b y the Zoviets Dirigible: Floating fortresses filled with hydrogen, the Zoviet war
are hovercraft, the others are wheeled. These hovercraft w o r k best machine uses t h e m f o r economical t r o o p and equipment transport
over flat areas (such as a road) because their air jets use the ground as well as high-altitude m o n i t o r i n g of weather, communications, land
t o react against. Depressions in the ground d o n o t provide a force t o movemen ts, etc.
push against, and the hovercraft drops. Hovercraft must travel a t no Range: 1,000 k m No. Passengers: 24-40 (or more)
more than half their t o p speed when o f f a road, o r else roll o n the Handling: 3
Vehicle Accident Table in the Vehicle Encounters chapter. Accel./Decel.: 20 k p h T o p Speed: 20 kph ( w i t h a good
Over 99% o f t h e vehicles used by the c o m m o n populace are beast- tai I w i nd )
drawn (carts) or self-propel led (cycles). Load: 4 tons
Hit Location Chart: A l l vehicles have H i t Location charts p r i n t e d o n Price: 30,000r
the backside o f the vehicle counters (pictures of vehicles) w h i c h are
used w i t h the Vehicle Turning Disk, When a vehicle is successfully Helicopter: Surveillance copter, designed f o r missile f i r i n g and infrared
struck, r o l l on t h e chart f o r the result. tracking. Uses antiaircraft missiles (heat seeking). Speed of target
means nothing, a n d t h e missiles are computer guided (computer often
Vehicle: General description o f t h e vehicle, with special notes. programmed w i t h 8 0 % accuracy skill). Missiles have a m a x i m u m range
All vehicles are described as i f they had wheels. When this i s n o t so, o f 150,000m. a n d do 6D10 damage t o a 3 m radius. Missile skill i s
there i s one hoverpad per t w o wheels ( m i n i m u m o f t w o pads). programmer's skill in a Skill vs. Skill r o l l against characters using
Range: Total milage expected o n a f u l l tank/battery. infrared jamming device skills.
No. Passengers: Typical number of people the vehicle was designed A copter's weapons, pylons, a n d rangefinders are n o t armored.
t o hold. The copter itself i s o n l y armored from below.
Handling: A rating describing the vehicle's agility. Usually rated Equipped w i t h heavy laser.
f r o m 1-3. Range: 1 4 0 0 km No. Passengers: 4 enclosed/2 o n
Acceleration/Deceleration: T o p speed (acceleration)/safe speed Handling: 3 pylons in medic
(deceleration) o f the vehicle. Speed i s always in 1 0 k p h increments. cylinders
Top Speed: T o p speed under the best conditions (rare). Accel./Decel.: 30 k p h Top Speed: 180 kph
Weight: Weight o f the vehicle when empty. Max Climb: 200m /minute
Load: M a x i m u m weight t h e vehicle i s designed t o handle. Weight: 500 k g Load: 1,000 kg.
Price: A m o u n t o f rubles an authorized purchaser m i g h t expect t o Price: 80,000r
pay. Blackmarket prices are usually 2-3 times higher.
Hovercycle: Two-wheeled hydrogen-f ueled cycle.
Range: 3 0 0 k m No. Passengers: 2
Bicycle: Two-wheeled human-propelled cycle. Handling: 3
Range: User's ability No. Passengers: 1 o r 2 Accel./Decel.: 3 0 kph Top Speed: 120 kph
Handling: 3 Weight: 160 k g Load: 3 0 0 k g
Accel./Decel.: user's ability T o p Speed: user's ability Price: 4,000r
Weight: 15 k g
Price: 5 0 r Hovertank: War machine. Typical armament: Heavy Laser Cannon
(Double all Phoenix Shuttle Heavy Laser Stats except No. o f Rounds),
Carpo/Troop Carrier: Six-wheeled t r u c k w i t h flatbed. Mounted medium machine gun (detachable).
Range: 2 5 0 k m No. Passengers: 2 f r o n t l 3 m x 2m Range: 1 6 0 k m No. Passengers: 4 crew
Handling: 2 truckbed Handling: 1
Accel./Decel.: 20 k p h T o p Speed: 80 kph Accel./Decel.: 20 kph Top Speed: 80 kph
Weight: 1 0 tons Load: 2 tons Weight: 10,000 k g Load: 2,000 k g
Price: 15,000r Price: 60,000r

Civilian: Four-wheeled car, designed as civilian vehicle. Wooden Cart: Four-wheeled beast-drawn cart.
Range: 280 k m No. Passengers: 4 enclosed/2m x Range: beast No.Passengers: 2 / 2 m x 31-17bed
Handling: 2 1m flatbed Handling: 1
AccelJDecel. : 2 0 k p h T o p Speed: 100 kph Accel./Decel.: beast Top Speed: beast
Weight: 1 t o n Load: .5 ton Weight: 0.25 t o n Load: 0.5 ton
Price: 10,000r Price: 4 0 r



Vehicle kange km

No. Passengers Armor Points -Handling -

Acceleration/Deceleration -km
Top Speed km

Mounted Weapons

Location Ammo

r Damage and Notes

Vehicle Turning Disk

Feel free to copy this Vehicle Statistic,Sheet for personal use.


Combat o n the road, vehicle t o vehicle . . . The smell o f burning rubber . . . Amerikan trucks
careening dangerously close t o a cliff‘s edge t o avoid the deadly rain o f laser fire.
Vehicle encounters in Year of the Phoenix emphasize dramatic elements, n o t rules.
Tactical Setup Example
With a tactical setup, the 12.1 VEHICLES
map is laid out with obstacles, A t the start o f this chapter i s a Vehicle Statistic Sheet and enclosed in this game i s a selection
o f Vehicle Markers (pictures o f vehicles). Make copies of t h e Vehicle Statistic Sheet f o r y o u r personal
problems, and gamemaster use.
controlled vehicles written A f t e r y o u r characters have chosen/found/bought a vehicle, fill o u t a Sheet (see ‘Vehicle Statistics’,
below). Then choose a marker t o represent the vehicle and place b o t h in f r o n t o f the person playing
aown. the driver.
The turns requiring skill The sheet i s used t o f i n d the relative facings and direction o f vehicles. To determine distances
between vehicles, see ’Setting t h e Scene’(be1ow).

A hovercycle has the following statistics:

Handling: 3. This is about the highest rating for a land vehicle. Hovercycles maneuver well.
Acceleration/Deceleration: 30 kph. Hovercycles again have an advantage in pick-up.
Top Speed: 120 kph. Nice top speed, but dangerous on a bike.
Armor Points: This is where the potential problems lie. No armor to speak of. A single hit can
easily knock i t out of commision. Engine 3/3, Propulsion 6/6.

I I choose the Hovercycle Marker, setting it down in front o f me, and fill out a Vehicle Sheet.
M y character is ready to move out! I
Vehicles can’t go anywhere w i t h o u t a terrain to traverse. There are t w o ways t o develop challanges
f o r y o u r player: t h e tactical setup and t h e dramatic setup. Choose t h e setup t y p e you prefer, b u t m o s t
gamemasters use a m i x t u r e of these t w o extremes.

The Tactical Setup

Take a sheet o f graph paper and d r a w o u t t h e entire route t h e characters will encounter, I recom-
mend graph paper t h a t i s eight t o t e n lines t o t h e inch, w h i c h gets a l o t o f road o n a sheet o f paper,
a n d the scale i s large enough t o p e r m i t a fair a m o u n t of detail. I f you decide each square is 10 kph

Vehicle Statistics
L i k e characters, vehicles need qualifiers t o determine their abilities. The Vehicle Sheet has
spaces t o l i s t these items. Vehicle statistics are f o u n d in t h e ’Equipment’ chapter.

Handling: The a b i l i t y of t h e vehicle t o t u r n q u i c k l y a n d p e r f o r m taxing maneuvers. Most land-

based craft have a Handling rating f r o m 1-3.

Acceleration/Deceleration: The m a x i m u m speed in kilometers at which the vehicle can accelerate

and safely decelerate each Sequence.
This is also h o w fast vehicles move in Reverse, a n d twice this speed is h o w fast trucks m a y
1 c l i m b steep upgrades.
apart, a hovercycle going 30 kph per Sequence moves 3 squares. (This means each square is about
2 5 m long.) See the map example a t the beginning o f this chapter.
Every obstacle and terrain feature can be represented, and encounters occur along the roads
as they are marked. I f y o u w o r k from an actual map o f the area, y o u can develop the changes that
have taken place in 200 years o f guerrilla warfare.
Every t u r n has i t s degree (such as 40° o r 120°) marked o n the page f o r Maneuvering purposes (see rolls are marked, as are the
below). Y o u r players are t o l d about each encounter as they get t o it, and the surrounding terrain hazards the characters may
helps t o determine what is visible from t h e vehicle. Draw out w h a t t h e characters see on another
piece o f paper and show it t o them, keeping t h e original map f o r youself as t h e gamemaster. encounter. More detailed
This m e t h o d allows t h e gamemaster t o m o n i t o r a n y gamemastered vehicles, and insures t h a t descriptions of the locations
n o t h i n g is forgotten.
are usually written up before
The Dramatic Setup the game.
Write u p a selection o f encounters, with specific details o n the terrain and the encounter in drama-
t i c terms. When t h e players' characters travel along t h e road, select an encounter y o u think f i t s the
mood, moment, and/or general terrain, This is a looser, freer way t o game encounters, w i t h several
First, t h e players are not given a concrete reference, p e r m i t t i n g ambiguities to crop up. There are
problems when y o u r view of the situation differs f r o m y o u r players'.
Second, y o u m a y forget i m p o r t a n t details of the encounter, or even forget the specific terrain.
When players want t o veer o f f to the left, y o u may n o t remember t h a t it's a steep c l i f f u n t i l after
they've climbed it.
A n d third, things can occur t h a t t h e players feel are contrived. The Zoviet tank j u s t happens
t o appear as they prepare t o b l o w u p a munitions depot by t h e side o f t h e road. The tactical setup
doesn't have t h a t problem, because y o u r players realize t h a t y o u had previously set it u p t o come over
t h e rise at t h a t moment, regardless of their actions.
All potential problems aside, the dramatic setup is often the most rewarding. Harrowing escapes
and dramatic escapades are supported m o r e frequently with t h e dramatic setup.

A vehicle's movement depends u p o n h o w well t h e car handles, the speed t h e car is travelling, I_ ~ f l

and t h e skill o f the driver.

Simple Vehicle Movement

Barring unforeseen problems, a n y vehicle can accelerate u p to i t s T o p Speed, and travel along
any halfway decent road, The vehicle can t u r n u p t o 450 in either direction with no penalty.
I f there are obstacles in the road (or even no road at all) a vehicle's T o p Speed w i l l get y o u i n t o
trouble real fast.

Top Speed: The m a x i m u m speed in kilometers t h e vehicle can move (not always t h e safest speed).
This automatically takes i n t o account typical road conditions such as numerous m i n o r potholes
and washouts. M o r e severe conditions, such as weather effects, are handled separately. I f the
vehicle isn't travelling o n a road, this speed is halved.
Speed o f a vehicle is always measured in 10 kph increments.

Armor Points: The toughness o f t h e vehicle against weapons. There are t w o ratings: impact a n d
energy. Vehicles suffer Trauma Hits, just like humans, causing DIF penalties t o the driver's skill

- 2 I

-1 1 "-_
M y character tears out tires squealing She can accelerate 30 kph My character's careening along af 120 kph down a stretch o f
each Sequence, and four Sequences later finds her ripping along road when she spots an eight-wheeler blocking the road up ahead.
at 120 kph. She swerves 450 to the left, in an attempt to avoid becoming a
ball of flame. My character's Operate Vehicle skill is 80%.
I roll 80 + l D 1 0 0 , and get 107. My gamemaster rolls 60 f
Turning I D 100, getting 99. My character is successful!
Vehicles have various t u r n i n g radii. This is simulated b y using t h e She doesn't want to go quite so fast an ymore.
Vehicle Turning Disk and t h e vehicle's Handling rating, b o t h located I J
o n the Vehicle Sheet.
The Disk shows six wedges, l i k e pieces o f pie. The f r o n t wedge Other Characters Performing Skills
(at 00)shows h o w far any vehicle can t u r n l e f t or right w i t h no prob- When any character in a m o v i n g vehicle attempts a skill, t h e game-
lems. A n y vehicle can t u r n u p t o 45O w i t h o u t the driver needing t o master judges whether the vehicle's movement interferes with the skill.
make a skill roll. I f the car i s turned more than 450,t h e driver m u s t I f it does, the player must a t t e m p t a Skill vs. Skill r o l l against half
attempt a skill r o l l o n his or her Operate Vehicle skill (or K N O Sphere) the vehicle's current speed.
(see Maneuvers).
On either side o f this i s a wedge labelled '-1 DIF'. These show h o w I
tight a vehicle with a Handling rating o f 1 can turn. Additionally, A passenger in an eight-wheeler sees a hovercycle roaring to-
any vehicle turning this far has a -1 D I F applied t o t h e driver's skill wards him, then i t veers off. The passenger decides to shoot at the
roll. Failure means t h a t t h e vehicle was unable t o t u r n that far, and obviously non-Zoviet driver.
the vehicle must be turned back t o anywhere w i t h i n t h e Oo wedge. The truck is moving at 40 kph. The passenger has a Pistol skill
The next wedge i s '-2 DIF'. This is the limit any vehicle w i t h a hand- of 60%. The player rolls 60 + l D l 0 0 against the gamemaster's
ling of 2 can turn. A n y vehicle turning this far has a -2 applied to t h e 20 + 10100. The player's total is 97%. and the gamemaster's is
driver's skill roll. Failure means t h a t the car must be turned back 60%. The passenger won the Skill vs. Skill (so the movement of the
t o t h e -1 D I F wedge, and the D I F r o l l is repeated. I f the second D I F ~ truck didn't interfere with the shot), but failed anyway, with a 97%.
r o l l fails, the vehicle is O u t o f Control (q.v.1. 1
The last wedge is '-3 DIF', f o r vehicles w i t h a Handling rating o f
3. A n y vehicle turning this far has a D I F o f -3 applied t o the driver's If the driver incurs any D I F penalty, f o r any reason, t h a t D I F
skill roll. Failing requires the vehicle t o be turned back to the -2 wedge, penalty is also applied t o t h e passenger's skill attempts. N o t o n l y does
and the D I F roll is repeated. I f the second D I F r o l l fails, the vehicle terrain affect the passengers, b u t t h e driver's physical condition can
i s Out o f Control (q.v.). cause erratic driving.
There i s an exception t o this r u l e . ' I f the vehicle is moving a t i t s
Acceleration Speed o r slower, it receives n o D I F penalties t o turning, Wounded Drivers
and requires n o skill r o l l t o perform. A wounded driver (any character with D I F penalties due t o i n j u r y )
Remember that the Disk o n l y shows the position of t h e car relative rolls a D I F die, just l i k e a n y other situation. Turning a vehicle a t more
t o the passengers. The gamemaster's tactical m a p shows the compass than 45O angle adds D I F penalties t o t h e die roll, just l i k e any external
direction the car is actually going. influence.

Weather Emergency Deceleration

Weather and terrain alternately help a n d hinder characters in their I f a character slams o n t h e brakes, there's a good chance the car
quests. A cloudless night can spell d o o m f o r a recon probe, while a w i l l go o u t o f control. Pumping o n t h e brakes and steering o u t o f the
scorching day can provide the right distraction t o surprise an enemy. way i s marginally safer.
Weather w h i c h affects vehicles includes snow and rain. A heavy
precipitation or extremely high winds cause a -1 D I F t o all drivers' Slamming on t h e Brakes: I f the character slams o n the brakes,
skill rolls. Oily surfaces, ice, or snow-clogged roads incure a -2 DIF. every 20 kph the car i s going over the Acceleration speed incurs
Specific instances are ruled b y the gamemaster's judgement and sense a -1 DIF, rolled immediately. A failed r o l l means the car locked i t s
of fair play. brakes and i s in a skid. (See 'Out o f Control', below.) I f the r o l l is
successful, the D I F penalty m u l t i p l i e d by 10 k p h is h o w far the vehicle
travels before c o m i n g t o a complete stop.
Maneuvers are actions a driver performs in reaction t o outside con- Pumping t h e Brakes: I f the character is pumping on the brakes
ditions. Swerving t o avoid a pothole, slamming o n the brakes t o avoid a and steering, every 40 kph t h e car is going over t h e acceleration speed
collision, or t u r n i n g at an extreme angle are all maneuvers. incurs a -1 DIF. The result is as above, b u t t h e D I F penalty multiplied
Maneuvers are standard Skill vs. Skill rolls. The driver rolls his by 40 k p h i s h o w far the car travels before stopping. N o t e t h a t i f the
or her Operate Vehicle skill + 1 D100, versus half the vehicle's Current driver turns the car further than 450. there are D I F penalties tacked
Speed in k p h + 1 D100. The higher total wins. I f the driver wins, he or on t o this roll.
she keeps control o f the vehicle. I f the vehicle wins, t h e driver loses
:ontrol. Out o f C o n t r o l
When a vehicle goes o u t o f control, anything might happen. The
~ ~~ ~~~ ~~


@61-38"" ' -Vehicfe*s

31-50 Vehicle skids, fishtailing wildly. It stalls, any power steering locks up. Distance travelled is as above, in a random direction.
Use the Scatter diagram in the 'Combat' chapter (7.4 Special Conditions).
.I .e8 -a. ..+....e
i- .p~.4.-a?"%.,.wv.~,%+?lpB?#"w.y."Em~ ..*~,-.11F.-ya?R-m~m" ' n i r * . r i b W ---w-*cl+b.-
g1-70 ' I - ' Vehicle rolls' perpendicular to its original heading. It suffers 1D6 damage per Sequence it r d l s t o m H i t Locetion
damage i s Concentrated Damage (q.v. 'The Body'), so it i s totalled u p and rolled as one attack against the car's A r m o r
points. Distance travelled is as above. Occupants must make T A L Sphere rolls ( f o r luck). Failure means t h a t character
takes half the damage that the vehicle takes t o 1 D6 r a n d o m Hit Locations.

71-90 Vehicle crashes, doing 2 D 6 damage for every 1 0 k p h it was moving, as above.

' ~ 1 3 0. - - VehbTe
" - &&hi
was moving. The vehicle explodes i f the driver does n o t make a Skilf vs Skill rofl, using his or her Operate Vehicle skill
against the total a m o u n t o f damage t o the vehicle +1 DlOO%.
Vehicle Accident Table summarizes typical events, b u t gamemasters
should use the table as a guide - tailoring it t o t h e specific situation.

Stunts are aggressive acts performed b y t h e driver. The Bootlegger
Reverse and Ramming are typical stunts.

Bootlegger Reverse
This involves spinning t h e vehicle so t h a t t h e rear end swings around
u n t i l t h e car is stopped and facing back the way it came.
This is a t r i c k y maneuver, and must b e performed a t a speed slower
than the vehicle's Acceleration speed (or equal t o it), and incurs a -3

Ramming a n d Sideswiping
High speed chases can involve cars t r y i n g to ram i n t o one another,
push one another o f f cliffs or i n t o buildings, and generally having
as exciting a n d dangerous a t i m e as in o l d movie serials. When two
vehicles collide, y o u must f i r s t generate a speed total.

0 I f t w o cars ram head-on, b o t h speeds are added together for t h e

speed total. ( B o t h cars receive damage.) Maneuvers
They are performed just like vehicle maneuvers.
0 If they are coming a t angles to one another, o r i f they are travelling
in the same direction, use the speed o f t h e faster car. (The slower car 0 Rotating: This i s pivoting while staying in the same spot, and i s
receives f u l l damage, the other car receives half damage.) performed a t the helicopter's Acceleration speed or slower.

Damage to a vehicle's A r m o r points are then determined f r o m this 0 Diving: The angle o f the dive determines the D I F rating, using
speed total. the Vehicle Turning Disk.

0 T r u c k (more than four wheels - or equivalent i f hovercraft) damage Terrain

is 1D6 damage points per 1 0 k p h o f the speed total, applied t o t h e Helicopters are visible f r o m l D l 0 x 600 m away, unless f l y i n g
other vehicle's A r m o r points. below line o f sight due t o terrain obstructions.

0 Car damage i s 1 D 6 damage points per 20 k p h o f the speed total, Out of Control: Helicopters
applied t o t h e other vehicle's A r m o r points. When helicopters go o u t o f control, the results can be disastrous.
Helicopters cruise at a n altitude anywhere between 1 6 kilometers.
0 Motorcycles ( t w o or three wheels - or equivalent if hovercraft) The damage a helicopter suffers i s 1D 3 per 1Om fallen, a n d this is
do 1 D 6 damage points per 4 0 kph o f the speed t o t a l t o the other Concentrated Damage (see 'The Body' chapter).
vehicle's A r m o r points.
Dirigibles have n o statistics f o r combat, as they move t o o slowly
Damage Effects and awkwardly t o be considered c o m b a t craft.
On the back o f each Vehicle Counter i s a Hit Location Chart. Sim- A n y flammable item larger than a b l o w t o r c h near a ruptured Dirigi-
ple or double Trauma Hits add -1 or -2 D l F s t o any passenger's (or ble causes it t o explode. Dirigibles are f i l l e d w i t h Hydrogen.
driver's) skill rolls, respectively. A triple Trauma H i t means the Hit
Location i s damaged b e y o n d use. I f the Location i s the Engine, it 12.7 VEHICLE COUNTER USE SUMMARY
fails. Whenever a t r i p l e Trauma Hit is caused t o a Location marked The full-color vehicle counters included with Year o f the Phoenix
w i t h a '*', t h e vehicle i s n o longer roadworthy. Roll o n t h e vehicle serve several uses.
accident table. Reroll any result between 1-50.
0 Easy Reference: A Counter is placed i n f r o n t o f the person playing
the driver so t h a t n o misunderstandings can be raised about n o t k n o w -
12.5 HELICOPTERS i n g w h o i s driving, Also, the vehicle's Hit L o c a t i o n chart i s indexed
Helicopters use most o f the rules f o r vehicles, with a f e w m i n o r on t h e back f o r convenient reference.
0 Visualization: The counters end debate o n exactly what a vehicle
The Vehicle Turning Disk looks like, a n d help the players identify w i t h t h e situation.
This i s used in two ways. The f i r s t indicates t h e l e f t l r i g h t move-
ment of the helicopter (as per vehicles), the second indicates the up/ 0 Battlefield Reference: When drawing o u t a setting o n the Battle-
d o w n movement (altitude). B o t h times the ' 0 range i s 'forward', field, the vehicle counters can b e placed in the display, showing accu-
b u t t h e '-1 D I F ' is up o r d o w n 4 5 0 when determining altitude. Reverse rate proportions o f the vehicles, because they are scaled t o the Battle-
movement is still -3 DI F. field, as well as the Year o f the Phoenix miniatures.


5 0 m per Sequence.

I 51 -70 The engine dies, and it spirals d o w n w a r d in a random direction (roll o n Scatter table in the 'Combat' chapter for compass
direction). Driver can a t t e m p t t o restart it as above, w i t h a -1 D I F applied to the attempt.

T A L Sphere rolls (for luck). Failure means that character takes the f u l l damage the vehicle takes t o 1D 6 random Hit Loca-
tions. I f the T A L r o l l is successful, the character takes half t h a t damage.

13. Encounterr
This section i s designed t o provide y o u with information o n charac- K l u t z ranges are t h e same as the Skill Speed. For example, a Skill
Speed o f 3 Sequences means the K l u t z range is 01-03.
ters mentioned in the enclosed adventures, to be used f o r generating
gamemastered characters, and as an aid t o creating new characters
f o r players. Major Characters are included here, such as informants, Personality Profile: Designed t o give a simple guide to the average
patrons, traitors and villains, as well as Bit Parts like generic guards creature, t h e Personality Profile is a t o o l f o r gamemasters. A t one t i m e
and soldiers. o r another, most gamemasters have brought a character i n t o an en-
counter w i t h o u t being able to determine what his or her feelings w o u l d
Organization be about a situation. The Personality Profile can help bypass many o f
This chapter IS divided i n t o three sections. those stumbling blocks b y l e t t i n g y o u r o l l percentile dice t o determine
the gamemastered character's reaction. A p p l y the f o l l o w i n g percentages
0 Grmemartered Characters: Includes those characters required t o t o the Personality Qualifiers:
play o u t the enclosed scenarios, w i t h the actual statistics located in
t h e center o f this Adventure Guide. That p u l l o u t section i s organized Always 100% Usually 80% Often 60%
i n t o Episodes, w i t h gamemasterd characters listed together. For ex- Sometimes 20% Never 100%
ample, although the Duchess' soldiers appear i n the first episode,
they are listed w i t h the Duchess herself under 'Episode Two.' A K l u t z means t h e character acts in contradiction t o his o r her
Pull out and set this reference file next t o y o u r notes so y o u d o n ' t normal feelings, w h i l e a Max means t h e character adheres fanatically
have t o f l i p through the Adventure Guide during t h e middle o f a game t o the trait. Therefore, someone w h o is 'Never Bored' is never bored
t o f i n d important information. as long as y o u d o not K l u t z t h e reaction roll.
This is designed f o r use when the outcome o f the reaction r o l l is
0 Animals: Defines a small selection o f w i l d animals t h a t characters incidental. This should n o t be used f o r important characters w h o are
may encounter d u r i n g the course o f their travels. The characters are featured often.
just as likely t o see these animals in their travels as t o see them on a
menu. Passions: In addition t o the Personality Profile, gamemastered charac-
ters also have Passions. In Year of the Phoenix, a Passion is any intense
0 New Characters f o r Players: Defines new character types, such as emotional attachment exhibited b y a gamemastered character towards
other astronauts, 2 0 t h century characters newly revived f r o m a frozen an object, person, o r idea. The object o f a Passion c o u l d be the charac-
state, and native Amerikans w h o can be used when introducing new ter's offspring, or another character's home. It could be a quest f o r
players t o t h e game, o r t o replace a deceased character. justice, o r intense hatred t o w a r d a group.
As gamemaster, y o u m u s t determine the intensity o f the Passion.
13.1 GAMEMASTERED CHARACTERS Passions are listed w i t h a percentage, much as Skill Spheres are, with
Each major character's description includes a bit o f personal his- a number f r o m 01% - 100%. Use the percentages listed f o r Personality
tory, as well as notes o n roleplaying h i m or her. Use these notes as a Profiles.
springboard f o r y o u r o w n improvisational abilities. Don't feel l i m i t e d Passions come i n t o play whenever a gamemastered character en-
b y them, b u t use them to start sculpting t h e character towards y o u r counters t h e subject o f t h a t Passion. F o r example, if a character hates
o w n impressions a n d desires. another (at, say, 80%). a deal between the t w o w o u l d be difficult.
As gamemaster, r o l l secretly for t h e character's reaction. I f the skill
Skills and Skill Spheres: Each listing shows t h e dice distribution for r o l l was successful, the character's Passion rules the decision (and there
that character's Skill Spheres. Specific Skill averages are also listed, i s n o deal). I f the r o l l is a Max, t h e character becomes obsessed (and
along w i t h Skill Speeds, and Max rolls. This saves the need f o r a long a fight breaks out). I f the skill r o l l is failed, the character i s n o t govern-
l i s t o f Specific Skills for each gamemastered character. Included i s a ed b y his or her Passion, a n d can make a decision rationally. I f the
brief selection, where practical, o f suggested Specific Skills f o r the skill roll i s Klutzed, the character may reconsider his o r her feelings
character. (reducing t h e 80% t o 60% - depending u p o n past experiences with
A d d anywhere f r o m 10-50% t o a listed percentage i f y o u t h i n k the subject o f t h e Passion, o f course).
the character w o u l d k n o w a particular skill well.
Statistics: The actual statistics for t h e gamemastered characters are
Max and K l u t z Rolls: Only Max ranges are given in t h e descriptions. located in a p u l l o u t section in the center of this b o o k .

13.2 ANIMALS Bear

There are few animals, contrary t o folklore, w h o w i l l attack hu- Height: (Shoulder) l m CON%: 50% Moves: l m
mans. The list is actually quite small, and includes w i l d cats, wolves, Weight: 400kg MUS: 2 0 0 kg Run: 4 m
dogs (and their relatives), barracudas, pirannha, sharks (and their Ergs: 10 D A M : +8 Sprint: 10m
relatives). These animals usually hunt other prey and attack a human
only when ill or their usual diet is unavailable. Skill Dice Ave. Spd Max Ave.
There are also animals w h o wouldn't usually attack a human, b u t KNO 1D10+15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
might under extraordinary circumstances, such as i n self defense, TAL 15% 15% 5 00 30%
i f a warning is ignored, i f their territory is violated, o r i f young ones OBS 5D10+15% 40% 2 97-00 55%
are involved. Snakes, bears, boars, lizards, birds, elk (and other antler- COM 15% 15% 5 00 30%
bearing animals) f i t this description. MAN 1D10+15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
Herbivores generally shy away f r o m possible threats. Herbivores KIN 1D10+15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
d o n o t protect each other. It i s UP t o the attacked animal t o defend
itself (through fight or flight). However, a mother alone w i t h her Species Personality Profile
young i s more inclined t o protect them. Usually shy, Very Watchful of young
Carnivores usually avoid direct contact w i t h humans (unless wound-
ed, starving, etc.). They aren't as shy as herbivores and won't flee i f ap- Appearance
proached. They always fight t o the death t o protect their young. Bears are characterized b y the looseness o f their skin, length of their
coarse fur, rudimentary tail, and comparatively short legs (but they
Notes on Entries can still outrun a human for a short period o f time).
T o attempt a l i s t o f dozens o f animals w o u l d be ridiculous: each The most common bear is t h e Brown Bear, which usually sports
one w o u l d w i n d u p a simple list o f abilities and n o notes on roleplaying a b r o w n fur coat.
them. Each description is an attempt t o develop the animal as uniquely
as possible. Description
Each entry has a list of the average statistics for that animal. Some Bears are usually defined as carnivores, b u t they can also e x s t on
o f the listed animals are assumed t o b e the descendants o f animals berries, honey (their shaggy coat makes them impervioys t o bee stings)
which escaped f r o m zoos and 'nature safari' tourist attractions across insects, leaves, roots, cones, nuts, and vegetables. They like hunting
North America. fish, frogs, turtles, snakes, and any birds or mammals they can catch.
Although often considered clumsy and prefering flight t o fight,
Moves: Real-world movement distances and speeds are included when- they can be vicious i f cornered or protecting their young.
ever possible. They usually have 2 cubs i n a l i t t e r (anywhere from 1-4) and the
cubs often weigh n o more than half a kilogram.
CON%: A l l 'non-intelligent' animals have a CON fixed at 50%. Although their eyes are small and their eyesight poor, their accute
hearing and sense o f smell more than compensates.
B O D Points: So as not t o overcomplicate the character generation There are grizzly bears o n record as weighing in at over 450 kg,
system, Year of the Phoenix i s geared o n l y towards humans. Therefore, b u t grizzlies are n o more aggressive than other bears.
adjustments are needed f o r animals over 100 kg. Treat every 1 0 0 kg
over the first 100 k g as only 1 0 kg when figuring B O D points. A n r
animal w i t h 457 BOD i s figured as i f it had (457 - 1 0 0 = 357. 357110 Location Roll Armor BOD WE1
= 35.7, or 38.) 138 kg. This simulates the fact that vital organs d o n o t Head 1 Furl1 12 .03
get much more d i f f i c u l t t o hit after a certain size i s attained. NeckIShldrs 2-3 Furl1 8 .02
Forequarters 4-7 Furl1 12 .03
Skills 8nd Skill Spheres: Each listing shows the dice distribution f o r Foreleg L 8-9 Furl1 4 .01
that animal's Skill Spheres. Specific Skill averages are also listed, Foreleg R 10-1 1 Furl1 4 .01
along w i t h Skill Speeds, and Max rolls. Included is a brief selection, Hindquarters 12-16 Furl1 12 .03
where practical, of suggested Specific Skills for t h e animal. Hindleg L 17-18 Furl1 4 .01
A d d anywhere from 10-5076 t o a listed percentage if y o u t h i n k Hindleg R 19-20 Furl1 4 .01
the animal w o u l d have mastery o f a particular skill.
Some animals have Skill Spheres listed at the basic 15%. This indi- W88pOnS:
cates that the animal has only a basic ability in that area. Whether it Claws
comes from instinct o r training, it is there, Some animals, due t o a Damage: 1 D10 + 1D 4 Spd: 4
high instinct o r cunning, have K N O over 15%. Range: 0 Sphere: K I N

M8X and Klutz Rolls: Only Max ranges are given i n the decriptions. CrushlJpws
Klutz ranges are the same as the Skill Speed. For example, a Skill Damage: 1 D10 + 1D6 Speed: 4
Speed o f 3 Sequences means the Klutz range is 01-03. Range: 0 Sphere: K I N
Personality Profile: Designed t o give a simple guide t o the average
animal, the Personality Profile is a t o o l for gamemasters.
Great Cat
Natural Weapons: Weapons have n o Offense o r Defense percentage Height: (Shoulder) .75m CON%: 50% Moves: l m
listed f o r them. The Specific Skill percentage i s used. Weight: 225 k g MUS: 11 3 kg Run: 4 m
The weapon damages have been adjusted f o r the animal's listed Ergs: 2 0 D A M : +4 Sprint: 20m
DAM, and the weapons are for a typical member of the species. Some
natural weapons have different basic damage potential than a fist or Skill Dice Ave. Spd Max Ave.
a kick. These are listed below. KNO 2 D 1 0 + 5% 25% 4 99-00 40%
TAL 1 D 1 0 + 5% 20% 4 99-00 35%
OBS 5 D 1 0 + 5% 40% 2 97-00 55%
COM 15% 15% 5 00 30%
Weapon Dam8ge
MAN 1D10+15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
Claw: Tiger, Hawk 1D6
KIN 3D10+15% 30% 3 98-00 45%
Tusks: Boar, Goat 1D6
Antlers: Elk, Antelope 1D8
It being a predator, the only skills players' characters will normally
Crush: Bearhug, Boa 108,
encounter are a Great Cat's combat abilities.
Jaws: Crocodile, Wolf 1 D8
Trample: Elephant, Horse 1 DIO1
Special Personality Profile
Territorial, Very Watchful, Protective of young
If performed in successive Sequences, damage is cumulative.

Appearance War horses, as their name suggests, are trained t o fight in battle in
The Great Cats include the jaguar, lion, lynx, puma, and tiger. A d u l t conjunction w i t h the rider. It will usually attack what is in front of
males can measure 2m from nose t o rump, and their tail can be as long it when directed or when something attacks the horse. They often b i t e
as l m . and can rear and plunge, trampling the target.
Concentrating on the tiger, the prominent color is fawn or tawny Wild grass i s the best f o o d for a horse, containing oats and other
yellow, barred by dark or black cross stripes. The underbelly is white, products necessary f o r a horse's health. Domestic oats are used t o
add fat and increase a horse's energy for long distance travelling.
Description Other products a horse can eat in varying quantities are: rye, bran,
Tigers frequent grassy plains and abandoned buildings. When attack- mash (dregs of liquor makings), corn, wheat, alfalfa, hay, and molasses.
ing a large animal they seize the nape of the neck w i t h their jaw and Some of these things must be mixed w i t h others or it might be danger-
hold tight w i t h their claws. With a powerful wrench they snap the ous t o the horse's health.
They breed t w o t o six cubs per litter.
Tigers are n o t stupid, prefering to hunt down weak stragglers. Location Roll Cart Riding Cavalry War Horse WE1
They d o not attack a group of humans unless something is dreadfully Head 1 3 5 5 6 .03
wrong - such as i f the animal is wounded. Neck/Shldrs 2-3 2 3 3 4 .02
Forequarters 4-7 4 6 6 8 .04
Foreleg L 8-9 2 3 3 4 .02
Location Roll Armor BOD WE1 Foreleg R 10-1 1 2 3 3 4 .02
Head 1 Fur/l 3 .03 Hindquarters 12-16 4 6 6 8 .04
NeckIShldrs 2-3 Fur/l 2 .02 Hindleg L 17-18 2 3 3 4 .02
Forequarters 4-7 Furl1 7 .06 Hindleg R 19-20 2 3 3 4 .02
Foreleg L 8 -9 Fur/l 2 .02
Foreleg R 10-1 1 Furl1 2 .02 Weapons Cart Riding Cavalry War Horse
Hindquarters 12-16 Furl1 7 .06 Jaws lDlO 2010+3 2D10+1 3D10+1D4
Hindleg L 17-18 Furl1 2 .02 Kick, Trample 1 D10 + 2 2D10 + 1 D5 2D10 + 1 0 3 3D10 + 1 D 6
Hindleg R 19-20 Fur/l 2 .02 Speed 3 3 3 3
Sphere KIN KIN
Claw 2D4 1D20+4 1D4+ 1 1D8
Damage: 1 D l O Spd: 3 20 yrs 30 yrs 22 yrs 24 yrs
Range: 0 Sphere: K I N

Jaws Python
Damage: 1 D10 +2 Spd: 3 Length: 81-17 CON%: 50% Slink: 8 m
Range: 0 Sphere: K I N Weiaht: 35 ka MUS: 18 kg Slither: 16m
Ergs-: 6 D A M : -1 Swim/Climb:30m

Horse skill Dice Ave. Spd Max Ave.

For the purposes of the game, horses have been divided i n t o four KN 0 15% 15% 5 00 30%
categories; Pony, Riding, Cavalry, and War. TAL 15% 15% 5 00 30%
OBS 3D10+15% 30% 3 98-00 45%
Statistic Cart Pony Riding Cavalry War Horse COM 15% 15% 5 00 30%
HE1 (Shoulder) l m 1.5m 1.5m 1.9m MAN 15% 15% 5 00 30%
WE1 135 kg 675kg 600kg 1,125kg KIN 3D10+15% 30% 3 98-00 45%
CON% 50% 50% 50% 50%
MUS 70 kg 340 kg 300 kg 5 6 0 kg Description
DAM +2 +15 +13 +26 Very rarely as long as the stated length (most are about 3 m ) p y -
Ergs 20 30 25 20 thons tend t o hang in trees or shrubs near water, waiting for potential
prey. They can sometimes be found sunning themselves on warm
Walk 2m 2m 3m 2m rocks. When attacking, they pounce upon their prey and attempt to
Trot 3m - 4m 4m 3m crush them. Once dead, they spend as long as an hour swallowing
Collected Canter 4m 5m 6m 4m their prey whole. Pythons are very lethargic after eating (halve all
Gallop 5m 6m 7m 6m Maneuver speeds, and halve current Ergs).
Maximum Pull 225 kg 540kg 500kg 600kg
Range(0ne Day) 25 k m 33 k m 50km 35km
Locat ion Roll BOD WE1
Skill Dice Ave. Spd Max Ave. Head 1-5 7 .02
KN 0 15% 15% 5 00 15% Body 6-1 3 4 .01
TAL 15% 15% 5 00 15% Tail 14-20 7 .02
OBS 4D10+15% 35% 3 98-00 50%
COM 15% 15% 5 00 15% Weapons
MAN 15% 15% 5 00 15% Crush
KIN 5 D 1 0 + 15% 35% 3 98-00 15% Damage: 1 0 7 Spd: 3
Range: 0 Sphere: K I N
Horses have n o Specific Skills, except those they have been trained
in, such as combat.
Red Deer
Description Height: (Shoulder) 1.3 m CON%: 50% Moves: 1m
Cart Ponies are n o t normally trained t o carry passengers. They Weight: 80 kg MUS: 40 kg Run: 4m
would not be able t o ride for any length o f time, nor go very fast. Ergs: 20 D A M : +5 Sprint: 8 m
In case of fright or battle. they t r y t o run.
Riding Horses can be trained t o attack, like most other horses. Skill 0 ce Ave. Spd Max Ave.
The only time a horse w i l l d o so voluntarily is when cornered or threat- KNO 1 D10 + 15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
ened. TAL 1 D10 + 15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
Cavalry horses are trained t o be ridden in battle b u t not t o fight in OBS 5D10 + 15% 40% 2 97-00 55%
coordination w i t h the rider. Either the rider or the m o u n t may attack COM 1 D10 + 15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
at one time. When the m o u n t is attacking, the rider has all he or she MAN 1 D10 + 15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
can d o t o stay in the saddle. KIN 1 D10 + 15% 20% 4 99-00 35%
Sense Danger (TAL), Spot, Search, Scent (OBS), S w i m ( K I N )

Species Personality Profile

Always Dumb, Usually shy, Always skitterish, Sometimes curious,

Called the Red Deer, Stags have dark b r o w n coats which t u r n
grey in winter. Males grow antlers u p o n maturity, sometimes sporting
a dozen or more points.

Males shed their antlers and regrow t h e m i n the spring. Rivals
stage fights b y means o f these antlers, and d y i n g because b o t h have
locked their antlers happens infrequently. Location Roll BOD WE1
Their y o u n g are born in the spring, usually numbering 1 or 2. Head 1 2 .03
The adult male i s a Buck, the female i s a Doe. Young are fawns.
Neck/Shldrs 2-3 1 .02
Red Deer occasionally attack humans, m o s t l y during the spring Forequarters 4-7 4 .06
mating season. Foreleg L 8-9- 2 .03
Foreleg R 10-11 2 .03
r Hindquarters 12-16 3 .04
Location Roll BOD WE1 Hindleg L 17-18 3 .04
Head 1 4 .03 Hindleg R 19-20 3 .04
Neck/Shldrs 2-3 4 .02
Forequarters 4-7 4 .03 Weapons
Foreleg L 8-9 3 .01 Claw
Foreleg R 10-1 1 3 .01 Damage: 1 D 6 Spd: 2
Hindquarters 12-16 4 .03 Range: 0 Sphere: K I N
Hindleg L 17-18 3 .01
Hindleg R 19-20 3 :o 1 Jaws
Damage: 1 D 8 Spd: 2
Weapons Range: 0 Sphere: K I N
Damage: 1 D 1 0 + 10 3 Spd: 4
Range: 0 Sphere: KIN
There w i l l come a time in y o u r campaign when a character w i l l
Wolf die. I f the player is n o t playing more than one astronaut, a new charac-
Height: (Shoulder) 1m CON%: 50% Moves: l m ter m u s t be generated t o allow t h a t player t o continue in y o u r cam-
Weight: 7 0 k g MUS: 35 k g Run: 6m paign.
Ergs: 1 5 D A M : +4 Sprint: 1 2 m
Character Origins
Skill Dice Ave. Spd Max Ave. N e w characters entering an established campaign have 3 obvious
KN 0 2D10+15% 25% 4 99-00 40% choices when generating a new character: Astronaut, Time Capsule
TAL 3D10+15% 30% 3 98-00 45% Survivor. and Native Amerikan.
OBS 5D10+15% 40% 2 97-00 55%
COM 1D10+15% 20% 4 99-00 35% Astronaut: The beginning episode assumes that n o t everyone was
MAN 1D10+15% 20% 4 99-00 35% accounted for. I f so, it is l i k e l y that other astronauts survived the
KIN 5D10+15% 40% 2 97-00 55% accident and have been wandering around m u c h as the original charac-
ters have been. I f this i s the case i n y o u r campaign, it is quite feasible
skills t o postulate meeting u p with such astronauts. It makes more dramatic
Sense Danger ( T A L ) , Spot, Search, Scent (OBS), Swim, Grapple sense for rumors about t h e other astronauts t o have been circulating
(KIN) in y o u r campaign for some t i m e before they make an appearance.
Alternately, the original characters may be involved in rescuing them
Species Personality Profile f r o m the Zoviets o r perhaps some natural catastrophe.
Always cunning, Never foolhardy, Often hungry This works well when a handful o f new characters are needed t o
revitalize t h e campaign.
The w o l f averages over l m long, w i t h a .5m bushy tail. Wolves Time Capsule Survivor: The disaster w h i c h befell t h e w o r l d t w o hun-
sport a yellow-grey coat, w i t h occasional black patches above a n d dred years ago m a y n o t have caught everyone b y surprise. Wealthy
w h i t e patches below. patrons may have had specially constructed bunkers set u p where
Wolves t h a t have bred w i t h w i l d dogs are o f varying colors and people were frozen just in case such a calamity occured. Now, two
sizes. hundred years later, they have awakened a n d are wandering about,
just as the astronauts are. Or perhaps it was a natural occurence near
Description some arctic region. A n d the ice f l o w movement f r o m t h e relatively
Wolves are dangerous predators. Their normal diet consists o f recent warming trend has released them.
small animals and birds, along w i t h occasional sheep o r deer. They can This scenario works well t o insert some conflicting beliefs and at-
exist o n carrion a n d vegetation. They often hunt in packs during t h e titudes about the f u t u r e o f the group, due t o possible orders f r o m the
winter, and rarely attack humans. patron o f t h e T i m e Capsule Survivors which conflict w i t h the astro-
When they d o attack, the silently circle for some t i m e before mak- nauts' goals.
ing a united attack. If they are clearly losing, they w i t h d r a w immedi-
ately. Native Amerikan: This is possibly the simplest t o justify, but the most
Caves, tree trunks, thickets, or d u g holes are their usual dens. d i f f i c u l t t o rolepray. Amerikan characters have been b o r n i n t o the
Here is where t h e mother has 4-14 cubs in February and/or June. world's current situation, and k n o w m u c h about day-to-day living that
The cubs stay around for u p t o a year. most astronauts w o u l d have n o knowledge of. In addition, Native
Wolves o f t e n mate for life. Amerikans m a y or may not see the Zoviet rule as oppressive. ( I f you've
Most wolves are n o t p u r e - much interbreeding has occured be- never been o u t o f t h e forest, h o w can y o u conceive o f an ocean?)
tween t h e m a n d 'man's former best friend.' This selection is recommended for serious rolegamers.

Other: Other possible characters are variants on the typical Native

Amerikan How about playing a Zoviet defector' A member o f a Chirurgery ( K N O I
religious cult7 Or even a Zoviet spy) This skill permits diagnosing and aiding a patient. It includes k n o w -
ledge of what t o d o t o make the patient comfortable. Particularly
The Effect of Culture on Skill Selections deadly or u n k n o w n diseases may o n l y allow using this skill t o p e r m i t
If a particular skill is one heavily p r o m o t e d b y t h e culture then the victim t o die w i t h o u t pain.
the basic dice f o r that Specific Skill can begin at 4D10% instead of This skill can help prevent infections. Treatment includes applying
the usual 3D10% o l d spider webs to stop bleeding, and applying maggots t o festering
Alternately, there are those skills which are culturally shunned wounds to eat away dead tissue.
These might begin at 2 0 1 0 % Successful use o f this skill prevents infection, and reduces Trauma
The Specific Skills affected b y this ruling should be few and far b y 1 Level.
between You should set the limits f o r y o u r game yourself, b u t i f
this option IS used, then Native Language Literacy and Linguacy
should b o t h begin at 4 0 1 0 % History (KNOI
The ability t o remember and a p p l y orally taught history. This i s
a prime skill for Amerikan Bards.
Andrew wants the skill of wiretapping. Since society outlaws
it, the gamemaster rules that i t i s a culture-shunned skill and will
begin a t 2010%. The player decides not to take it.

Young Characters (Option)

For characters beginning the game less than 1 8 years old, their
age equals the number of Skill Sphere dice the player has t o distribute.
Someone 1 4 years o l d has 1 4 D 1 0 t o distribute among his or her Ski!'

Older Characters (Option)

For every ten years a beginning character i s older than t h i r t y years
old, give the player a bonus Skill Die t o add when creating the charac-
ter. The player is free t o apply the die t o any sphere.

Academies (Option)
As children, w e learn t o b u i l d u p o n basic skills t o deal w i t h the
world. Most o f us learn t o speak, jump, run, possibly fish, perhaps
cook, start fires, b u i l d clubhouses, or learn basic farming techniques
(how to m i l k a c o w or p i t c h hay).
Because these skills are actually t h e basis f o r further specialization,
this experience can only help contribute t o characters' Skill Spheres.
Most characters have Skill Spheres which reflect basic abilities and,
as such, w i l l n o t use the f o l l o w n g optional rules. However, a c h i l d
growing u p i n an environment which leans towards a specific occu-
pation or vocation tends t o concentrate i n some areas and ignore
I n Year o f the Phoenix, such an environment is called an Academy (Plant) L o r e ( K N O )
n o matter what it actually may be. This Academy assumes intense This is a series o f skills, dealing w i t h herbs; where t o l o o k and what
study in a limited area o f knowledge, k n o w n as a Concentration, t i m e o f year, t o f i n d plants, fungi, and roots. This includes knowledge
Such Academies might be tutelage under an Amerikan Bard, or of h o w t o preserve and use them. Few Heroes have these skills.
perhaps the child was raised in a private M o r m o n school, or was raised Drugs are rated i n Levels, f r o m 1-6, and use the Drug Matrix Table
b y use o f machines and drugs t o become a living computer. t o determine the results o f the dosage.
When you and y o u r player agree that his or her character comes
f r o m such a background, 3 emphasized Skill Spheres begin at 5 D 1 0 +
25%. while 3 ignored Skill Spheres begin at 1 D l O + 10%. 3 Spheres Healing L o r e ( K N O I
are usually chosen t o increase, while 3 others are decreased, Healing applications are rated f r o m 1-6, w h i c h are the number of
When y o u design your Academies, keep in m i n d t h a t other things days an additional CON% Trauma relief r o l l i s made, sa a Level 2
besides Skill Spheres can be affected. A Martial Artist m i g h t have the 3 offers one additional r o l l each day f o r Poison Lore: A poison causes
emphasized items be increased Ergs (starting at 3 D 6 + 6). increased or simulates an effect o n the Trauma Table (q.v. The Body). The rating
CON% ( 1 0 + 1 D 5 m u l t i p l i e d b y lo%), and increased KNO. The A r t i s t also reduces the healing t i m e of wounds. To f i n d the effect of various
w o u l d have t o pay for it b y reduction of, say, COM, T A L , and social doses, use the Drug Matrix Table in the Training Manual.
Academies tend t o be exclusive. With so many aspirants desiring
Academy training the Masters use requirements t o distinguish out- Other Lores ( K N O )
standing candidates f r o m mundane ones. Generally these requirements There are numerous other Lores, such as Depressants, Poison
have some connection w i t h the skills being trained. A Bard College Antidotes, Hallucinogens, a n d Stimulants.
looks for students w i t h good voices and some musical ability.
A n elite commando training school w o u l d require the character
t o b e i n good physical condition (high CON%), have a basic knowledge Storytelling (COM)
o f several weapons and possibly some military background. The a b i l i t y t o compose, remember, and relate compelling and en-
Naturally, n o t all Academies w i l l have such requirements. Some tertaining stories and legends. The orator can evoke emotional re-
religious schools, for example, might only consider those aspirants sponses i f he o r she i s experienced enough (gamemaster must judge the
whose parents have made sizeable contributions t o their organization. story's Quality in t h e Quality Results Table)

Amerikan Skills heapon (MAN)

Here are a few skills f o r players creating Native Amerikan charac- Includes any weapon included in t h e game.
ters. Phoenix heroes must b e taught any o f these skills.
Pullout - Page 1

Encounters ( ~ ~ l l ~
Here are the statistics for the gamemastered characters featured You will see check-off boxes t o record a character's ammunition
in t h e adventures. This section i s designed t o be pulled f r o m t h e supply, as well as boxes t o keep track of the individual character's
b o o k and set aside as a reference when running the adventures, Trauma Level Those characters w h o have repeating statistics
saving y o u from f l i p p i n g through t h e b o o k each time y o u need (guards and soldiers) have major information presented once,
relevant data and then separate tallies f o r Trauma H i t s

Plunge i n d o NCghamare
Duchess Ona (Elizabeth Kellman)

Race: Caucasian Personality Profile

Sazonov Pistol
Damage 2D8 + 2 Spd 4
Nationality : American
Social Status: Middle
Often Proud
Sometimes Suspicious
Usually Rigid-thinking
Arm L
Range l O O m
Rounds: (20)
Sphere M A N
Gender: Female Never Ideal istic Arm R 10-1 1 4
Age: 42 Always Honest (when she says any- Hand L 12 2 Punch
Height: 1.6m t h i n g a t all) Hand R 13 2 Damage 1 D8 Spd 4
Weight: 5 5 k g Appearance Abdomen 14-16 5 Range 0 Sphere K I N
Hand: Right The Duchess looks t o be in her early Leg L 17-18 5
CON%: 140% thirties. She has long, f u l l auburn Leg R 19-20 5
hair w h i c h she usually ties behind
Ergs: 15 her, and has slightly oriental fea- Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0
MUS: 126 k g tures. She i s in very good physical
D A M : +5 shape, which helps accentuate her
other physical qualities. Characters Filn McDougal (The Duchess' Personal Guard)
Moves: 2 w h o converse with her f o r any length
of time see a careworn face t h a t has Race: Caucasian Personality Profile
seen too m u c h agony and misery. Nationality: British Always Quiet
Always Loyal ( t o the Duchess)
Passion: C o m m i t m e n t t o Justice (her Gender: Male Usually Brave
style, o f course) 80% Age: 3 6 Always Watchful
Height: 1.7m
Description Weight: lOOkg Appearance
Elizabeth has never experienced compassion in her life. She has Hand: Right F i l n wears robes which are varying
had t o fight f o r w h a t is hers, and it has cost the lives o f m a n y CON%: 100% shades of green His head and hands
people that she loves. She i s a w i d o w and is n o t prepared t o lose her are always wrapped, t i n t e d goggles
o n l y son, Michael. However, she w i l l n o t stop him f r o m d o i n g Ergs: 6 are m o u n t e d t o his face, and breath-
what he feels is his responsibility t o the c o m m u n i t y she rules. MUS: lOOkg ing tubes lead f r o m his nostrils t o a
The Duchess has noble intentions, colored b y a desire to keep D A M : +3 filter o n his back. He usually stands
her people healthy and out o f the limelight. She tolerates Father virtually motionless and noiseless o n
John Haldin's visits (see b e l o w ) because he always has valuable Moves: 5 t h e Duchess' right when she i s hav-
information (and she is wise enough t o realize the possible threat ing an audience.
he and his group c o u l d be t o her i f they were enemies).
Tile Duchess is nearsighted, b u t does n o t wear glasses or con- Passion: Serve and protect the Du-
tact lenses. chess 100%

Character Inspiration Description

Sable Colby f r o m the series The Colbys, Winnowill f r o m the F i l n was a munitions runner between England and t h e Maple
Nfquesr graphic novels, T'Pring f r o m the Star Trek episode Amok Leaf Confederation when he m e t Elizabeth and A l t o n Kellman.
Time. F i l n was soon the Kellman's best friend and loyal supporter. Over
ten years ago, the Kellmans decided d o begin their o w n group
Sphere Spd M a x Avg. Prominent Specific Skills (splitting o f f f r o m the Confederation). F i l n l e f t behind his lover,
KNO 50% 1 96-00 65% Russian, Spanish % Ameri- Paul, w h o refused t o go. They have n o t seen each other since.
can Literacy, Healing Lore, When her husband, Alton, investigated a part o f w h a t i s n o w the
American History, Memo- Duchess' headquarters, an explosion occured. F i l n went in t o t r y
rize, Astronomy, Survival and save him, but it was t o o late. As a result of the rescue attempt,
Training Filn was horribly scarred a n d his respiratory system i s faulty (hence
TAL 30% 3 98-00 50% Detect Lie, Dangersense, Re- the l o w Erg value a n d t h e filter). His speech is coarse and raspy,
sist Persuasion, Interrogation and h e cannot talk louder than a whisper w i t h o u t hurting himself.
OBS 40% 2 97-00 60% Listen His eyes were also damaged, so he constantly wears t i n t e d goggles
COM 30% 3 98-00 5 0 % Russian, Spanish & Ameri- to reduce the glare o f b r i g h t lights.
can Linguacy, Etiquette, F i l n w o u l d defend the Duchess t o t h e bitter end.
Per suas ion. Leadership
MAN 40% 2 97-00 60% Play Flute, Simple Repair, Character Inspiration
Operate Civilian Hovercar, B i b Fortuna (Jabba's lieutenant) f r o m Return o f the Jedi, o r
Laser Pistol, Laser R i f l e Sam Gamgee f r o m Lord o f rhe Rings.
KIN 20% 4 99-00 40% Dodge, Punch, Kick, Grapple

Pullout - Page 2

Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prominent Specific Skills t h i n g that w o u l d enable him t o prosecute Filn under t h e laws o f
KNO 40% 2 9 7 - 0 0 60% Russian, Spanish & Ameri- Dixie (and the Duchess and F i l n are doing their best to keep it
can Literacy, Electronics t h a t way), b u t he is still looking.
Repair, Memorize, Animal The Hounds o f God are gaining c o n t r o l o f Dixie, m u c h to the
Care, Survival Training dismay o f the m a j o r i t y of the t r u l y Christian people there.
TAL 30% 3 98-00 50% Dangersense, Resist Persua-
sion, Shadowblend, Sense Character Inspiration
Surveillance, Timesense Patrick the cleric in The Mists o f Avalon ( b y Marion Zimmer
OBS 40% 2 97-00 60% Moonsight, Scan, Spot, Bradley), and general historical data o n clergy of the medieval
Track period.
COM 20% 4 99-00 40% Russian, Spanish & Ameri-
can Linguacy Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prominent Specific Skills
MAN 50% 1 96-00 65% Simple Repair, Operate Civi- KNO 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian, Spanish & Ameri-
lian Hovercar, Operate can Literacy, Church Law,
Truck, Laser Pistol, Laser Psychology, Momorize, The-
Rifle ology
KIN 55% 1 96-00 70% Dodge, Lunge Punch, TAL 20% 4 99-00 40% Detect Lie, Interrogation,
Kick, Throw, Stealth, Grap- L i e Convincingly, Persuade
ple OBS 50% 1 96-00 6 5 % Scan, Spot, Track, Listen
COM 40% 2 9 7 - 0 0 60% Russian, Spanish & Ameri-
can Linguacy, Acting, Cheat
Location Roll BOD Weapons a t Game, Etiquette, Distract
Head 1 4 Sazonov Pistol MAN 30% 3 98-00 50% Calligraphy, Paper Forgery,
Neck/Shldrs 2-3 5 Damage 2 D 8 + 2 Spd 1 F i Iching. L o c kpicking,
Chest 4- 7 10 Range l O O m Sphere M A N Knife, Pistol
Arm L 8-9 5 Rounds: ( 2 0 ) KIN 20% 4 99-00 40% Dodge, Stealth, Dance
Arm R 10-1 1 5 00000000000000000000
Hand L 12 3
Location Roll '0'
Hand R 13 3 Lunge Punch/Lunge K i c k Weapons
Head 1 2 Knife
Abdomen 14-16 7 Damage 1D 8 / Spd 1
Leg L 17-18 7 1D10+ 1 Neck/Shldrs 2-3 3 Damage 1 D4 + 1 Spd 4
Chest 4-7 6 Sphere KIN
Leg R 19-20 7 Range 0 Sphere K I N Range 0
Arm L 8-9 3
Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0 10-11 3 Self Loading Pistol (Walther P62)
Damage 2 D 8 + 1 Spd 1
Range 3 0 m Sphere K I N
Rounds: ( 1 5 )
Father John Haldin 17-18 5
Leg R 19-20 5
Race: Caucasian Personality Profile
Nationality: American Usually Pompous Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0
Social Status: Lower Sometimes Subtle
Extremely Religious
Gender: Male Untrustworthy Duchess Guard
Age: 6 3 Usually Proud
Height: 1.7m Race: Caucasian Personality Profile
Weight: 8 0 k g Appearance Nationality: American Always Respectful
Hand: Right Father John i s an elderly man w h o Social Status: Lower Always Efficient
CON%: 50% wears a black shirt and pants. H e i s Always Self-sufficient
tonsured and constantly fondles a Gender: Male Never U n t r u s t w o r t h y
Ergs: 1 0 heavy rosary hanging around his Age: 2 5 Always Watchful
MUS: 40kg neck. His eyes sparkle w i t h life, and Height: 1.7m
DAM: - he seems spry for his age. Weight: 7 0 k g Appearance
A n d yet, many people feel un- Hand: Right The typical Duchess guard wears grey
Moves : 2 comfortable around him. CON%: 200% overalls while inside the complex.
When outside, they usually wear
Passion: Fanatical Religious Zeal Ergs: 18 heavy outer gear, reflec armor (see
100% MUS: 140kg description under 11.7 Armor in the
D A M : +5 Adventure Guide).

Description Moves: 5 Passion: Defend t h e Duchess 80%

Father John i s a member o f t h e Hounds o f God, a fringe group
o f radicals which has been gaining m u c h political power in the Dixie Description
rebel organization t o the South. He o r she i s quiet, efficient, and disciplined. The typical guard
Father John's contention i s that everyone must live strictly i s trained t o f o l l o w the orders o f b o t h the Duchess and Filn. They
according t o t h e Christian bible's teachings. A n y deviance f r o m it are honed t o think o n their feet, and are well trained f o r outdoor
w i l l result in God's w r a t h reaching i t s f u l l intensity a n d finally rid- missions.
ding the w o r l d once and for all o f all the blasphemy he has created. When they w e n t o u t to get the astronauts they wore full-body
Father believes that t h e Zoviets are here as a punishment and test grey-green s u i t s w i t h faceplates. (These are radiation suits.) They
for the chosen ones o f God. quietly scanned t h e astronauts, in case the astronauts came f r o m
H e often visits the Duchess, o n the pretense of converting her the South (where a batch o f radiation still exists).
and her followers i n order t o save them. However, his visits are The Duchess does n o t care about anything except the guards'
often politically motivated, and he i s also attracted to the Duchess. loyalty a n d ability t o d o the iob.
He has often mentioned that - l i k e it o r n o t - there should be a
man in control o f the Duchess' headquarters, n o t a woman. Character Inspiration
He i s aghast at F i l n - obviously F i l n must be very evil because The villain's space station personnel in t h e James Bond f i l m
of what God d i d t o h i m . Father John s t i l l has n o t uncovered any- Moonraker.
Pullout - Paw 3

Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prominent Specific Skills Description

KNO 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian, Spanish & Ameri- The typical Zoviet soldier can be bribed - if the bribe matches
can Literacy, Camouflage, what he feels the risk i s w o r t h t o h i m . They are w i l l i n g t o l o o k the
Demolitions, Electronic Re- other way unless they can get more o u t o f it by doublecrossing you.
pair, Survival Training, Tac- The average soldier i s n o t taught t o t h i n k for himself. Instead, he
tics. must always w a i t f o r orders f r o m a superior officer.
TAL 20% 4 99-00 40% Detect Lie, Interrogation,
Persuade, Dangersense, Sense Character Inspiration
Surveillance, Shadowblend The real thing.
OBS 50% 1 96-00 65% Scan, Spot, Track, Listen,
F i n d Direction Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prominent Specific Skills
COM 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian, Spanish & Ameri- KNO 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian & American Liter-
can Linguacy, Distract acy, Survival Training, Bu-
MAN 30% 3 98-00 50% Escape Bindings, Guerrilla reaucratic red tape, Survival
Traps, Operate Civilian Ho- Training, Tactics
vercars & t r u c k Hovercars, TAL 30% 3 98-00 50% Bargain, Detect Lie, Danger-
Mines sense, Interrogation, Lie
KIN 50% 1 96-00 65% Dodge, Grapple, Jump, Convincingly, Resist Persua-
Tumble, Stealth, Laser Pis- sion
tol, Laser Rifle, Heavy Laser, OBS 40% 2 9 7 - 0 0 60% Liaten, Spot, Scan
Stunner COM 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian & American Lingua-
cy, Carousing, Persuasion,
Weapons Leadership
Location Rol I BOD BOD 2 0 m m Assault R i f l e MAN 30% 3 98-00 50% Filching, Lockpicking, Op-
+Armor ( Laser) erate Vehicle, Laser Pistol,
Head 1 8 2 Damage 3 D 8 + 2 Laser R i f l e
Neck/Shlders 2-3 9 3 Spd 3 KIN 20% 4 99-00 40% Dodge, Punch, Kick, Grap-
Chest 4-7 12 6 Range 11OOm ple
Arm L 8-9 9 3 Sphere M A N
Arm R 10-11 9 3 Rounds: ( 5 0 ) I
Hand L 12 7 1 000000000000000 Location Roll BOD BOD 20mm Assault R i f l e
Hand R 13 7 1 000000000000000 +Armor (Laser)
Abdomen 14-16 10 4 000000000000000 Head 1 5 2 Damage 3 D 8 + 2
Leg L 17-18 10 4 00000 Neck/Shldi'S 2-3 6 3 Spd 3
Leg R 19-20 10 4 Chest 4-7 9 6 Range 11OOm
Sazonov Pistol Arm L 8-9 6 3 Sphere M A N
Trauma H i t s 0 0 0 0 0 Damage 2 D 8 + 2 Arm R 10-11 6 3 Rounds: (50)
Spd 3 Hand L 12 4 1 000000000000000
Range l O O m Hand R 13 4 1 000000000000000
Sphere M A N Abdomen 14-16 7 4 000000000000000
A r m o r Type: Reflec Rounds: ( 2 0 ) Leg L 17-18 7 4 00000
( 6-point) 000000000000000 Leg R 19-20 7 4
00000 Sazonov Pistol
Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0 Damage 2 D 8 + 2
Spd 3
Duchess Soldier Trauma H i t s Duchess Soldier Trauma H i t s Range 1OOm
Angry 000000 Hunched 000000 Sphere M A N
Bald 0 0 0 0 0 0 Innocent-looking 000000 A r m o r Type: R i o t Rounds: ( 2 0 )
Curly-haired 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jolly-looking 000000 (3-point) 000000000000000
Dirty-uniformed 0 0 0 0 0 0 Khaki-trimmed 000000 00000
Eagle-nosed 0 0 0 0 0 0 Long-legged 000000 Zoviet Soldier Trauma H i t s Zoviet Soldier Trauma H i t s
Fat 0 0 0 0 0 0 Medium-height 000000 Anemic 000 000 Horrendous 000000
Gangly 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nimble 000000 Bruised 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ill-mannered 000000
Chunky 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jerky-motioned 000000
Lydee Doveech 000 00 0 Sandy Tegg 000000
Michael Kellman
Dumpy 0 0 0 0 0 0 Knuckle-headed 000000
000000 Energetic 0 0 0 0 0 0 Long-armed 000000
Frightened 0 0 0 0 0 0 Muddy 000000
Greasy 0 0 0 0 0 0 Numb 000000
Average Zoviet Soldier

Race: Caucasian Personality Profile

Zoviet Bio Soldier
Origin: Ural Mountains Personality Profile
Nationality: Russian Usually dishonest
Often Selfish
American Often Selfish
Social Status: None Always Cautious
Social Status: Lower Always Cautious
Usually Rigid-thinking
Usually Rigid-thinki n g
Gender: None (Male) Often Stubborn
Gender: Male O f t e n Shrewd
Age: 2 Sometimes Dogmatic
Age: 2 4
Height: 1.7m
Height: 1.7m
Weight: lOOkg Appearance
Weight: 7 0 k g Appearance
Hand: Right The original B i o models were distin-
Hand: Right Most Zoviet soldiers the rebels come
CON%: 50% guished b y their jerky movements
CON%: 80% i n t o contact with are clad in a black
and obviously plastic appearance.
w i n t e r coat, black gloves, and black
Ergs: 10 hour Power Pax M o r e recent models, however, offer
Ergs: 1 3 f u r cap w i t h a red metal star o n the
MUS: 5 0 k g no immediate way t o tell t h e differ-
MUS: 5 6 k g front. In the summer, the winter coat
D A M : +1 ence between a B i o and a real soldier
D A M : +1 and gloves are replaced b y a simple
unless y o u are close enough t o see
u n i f o r m jacket.
Moves: 3 t h e soldier's eyes. Bios have camera
Moves: 3 Passion: Vodka 80%
lenses f o r eyes.
Pullout - Page 4

Passion: Well-oiled cleanliness 100% Weapons

Description Location Roll BOD 2 0 m m Assault Rifle (Laser)
Head 1 4
Bios are mere machines t o the Zoviets, despite the fact that they Damage 3 0 8 + 2 Spd 3
learn and grow like humans do. Most rebel groups p e r m i t Bios Neck/Shldrs 2-3 6 Range 1 l O O m Sphere M A N
t o defect and join them, treating t h e m as normal citizens. Chest 4-7 12 Rounds: ( 5 0 )
Bio soldiers cannot normally b e bribed, unless they have been Arm L 8-9 6 00000000000000000000
i n service long enough t o see it occur. Arm R 10-11 6
The average Bio soldier cannot t h i n k f o r himself. Instead, he Hand L 12 2
must always wait for orders f r o m a superior (living) officer. Hand R 13 2
Note: A l l Bios are male i n general appearance, b u t they are n o t Abdomen 14-16 8 Savonov Pistol
physically equivalent t o male humans. Bios d o n o t have Ergs; they Leg L 17-18 8 Damage 2 D 8 + 2 Spd 3
run o f f a ten-hour Power Pax. Leg R 19-20 8 Range 100m Sphere M A N
Rounds: ( 2 0 )
Character Inspiration Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0
Westworld, Futureworld, Star Trek, etc.
A r m o r Type: A Bio has double
Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prominent Specific Skills a human's BOD.
KNO 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian & American Lieracy
TAL 30% 3 98-00 50% B i o Soldier Trauma H i t s B i o Soldier Trauma H i t s
OBS 30% 3 98-00 50% Listen, Spot, Scan Angled 000000 Hobbling 000000
COM 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian & American Lingua- Burnished 000000 Injured 000000
CY Clanking 000000 Jerky 000000
MAN 30% 3 98-00 50% Laser Pistol, Laser R i f l e Dented 000000 Klicking 000000
KIN 30% 3 98-00 50% Extra-tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 Limping 000000
Funny-looki n g 0 0 0 0 0 0 Murmuring 000000
Gurgling 0 0 0 0 0 0 Neglected 000000

Nathaniel Crosby KIN 20% 4 99-00 40% Dodge, Punch, Kick, Grapple
Race: Japanese Personality Profile
Nationality: American Often Proud
Social Status: Lower Rarely Suspicious Location Roll BOD Weapons
Usually Friendly Head 1 2 Punch
Gender: Male Sometimes Forgetfull Neck/Shldrs 2-3 3 Damage 1 D 3 Spd 4
Age: 7 5 O f t e n Curious Chest 4- 7 6 Range 0 Sphere K I N
Height: 1.5m Arm L 8-9 3
Weight: 70kg Appearance Arm R 10-11 3
Hand : L e f t Nathaniel Crosby looks like he hasn't Hand L 12 1
CON%: 50% slept or had a bath in months. ( N o t Hand R 13 1
true. He had a bath a week ago.) He Abdomen 14-16 4
Ergs: 9 lives o u t o f a shack constructed high Leg L 17-18 4
MUS: 35kg in a tree, a n d the patches o n his el- Leg R 19-20 4
DAM: - b o w s and knees f r o m climbing u p
and d o w n attest t o that fact. Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0
Moves: 2 Passion: Old Records 80%

Nathaniel is slightly o u t o f his mind - just far enough t o make
living o u t i n the woods t r u l y enjoyable.
U p in his treehouse, Nathan keeps a generator w h i c h powers an
ancient compact disc player - a real relic. The visual projector Zoviet Citizen (Father Bolan, Marsha Wiseman)
doesn't w o r k anymore, b u t the audio w o r k s just fine. Nathan has a
collection o f some 40 or so compact discs, w i t h subjects ranging Race: Caucasian Personality Profile
from, 'Visual Tour o f the Grand Canyon' to, 'Bruce Springsteen, Nathional i t y : American Often Proud
Live in Concert. ' Social Status: Lower Always Suspicious
Sometimes Friendly
Character Inspiration Gender: Male/Female Usually Sincere
A n y movie w i t h an o l d prospector or other o l d man. Age: 3 0 Often Curious
Height: 1.7m
Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prominent Specific skills Weiaht: 7 0 k a ADpearance
KNO 50% 1 96-00 65% Russian, Spanish & Ameri- Hand: Right- Father Bolan i s dressed in black, w i t h
can Literacy, Healing Lore, a w h i t e collar. He has multiple %lo-
American History, Memo- rosis, and a macrobiotic d i e t keeps
CON%: 5 0 %
rize, Astronomy, Survival symptoms in remission. When neces-
Ergs: 10 sary, Father Bolan uses a cane.
TAL 30% 3 98-00 50% Detect Lie, Dangersense, Re-
s i s t Persuasion, Interrogation Marsha Wiseman looks l i k e the pro-
MUS: 3 5 k g
OBS 40% 2 9 7 - 0 0 60% Listen
DAM: - verbial bag lady since the bombing o f
COM 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian, Spanish & Ameri- the town, although her face still ap-
Moves: 3
can Linguacy, Etiquette, Per-
pears y o u t h f u l (i.e., she has all her
suasion, Leadership
teeth, etc.)
MAN 40% 2 97-00 60% Play Flute, Simple Repair,
Operate Civilian Hovercar,
Passion: Staying alive.
Laser Pistol. Laser R i f l e
The average Zoviet citizen ekes out a living under the baleful Location Roll BOD Weapons
eye of the communist government. The citizen often lives under Head 1 2 Punch
Damage 1 D 3 Spd 4
substandard conditions, unless he o r she can, through manipulation Neck/Shldrs 2-3 3
or deceit, rise i n rank i n the Zoviet political system. Chest 4-7 6 Range 0 Sphere K I N
Arm L 8 -9 3
Father Bolan i s a gentle man w h o serves his god faithfully. Arm R 10-11 3
He has always looked upon the other members o f his c o m m u n i t y Hand L 12 1
as his responsibility, and i s emotionally distraught when the t o w n Hand R 13 1
is ravaged. Abdomen 14-16 4
Leg L 17-18 4
Marsha Wiseman is a fighter i n a country that chews them up Leg R 19-20 4
and spits them out. She's a tough person and is n o t above deceit
t o get what she needs t o survive -
b u t she reserves that f o r the Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0
Zoviet patrols.

Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prornonent Specific Skills

KNO 50% 1 96-00 65% Russian & American Litera- Miners
CY (For the miners and maintenance crew at the Borrika Mine,
TAL 30% 3 98-00 50% Detect Lie, Dangersense, Re- use the statistics for the average t o v i e t soldier.)
s i s t Persuasion
OBS 40% 2 97-00 60% Listen, Spot
COM 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian & American Lingua-
cy, Persuasion
MAN 40% 2 97-00 60% Simple Repair, Operate Civi-
lian Hovercar,
KIN 30% 3 98-00 50% Dodge, Punch, Kick, Grapple

Average Nonnewaug Rebel (Malcolm Hein) Sphere Spd Max Avg. Prominent Specific Skills
KNO 50% 1 96-00 65% Russian, French, Spanish &
Race: Varies Personality Profile American Literacy, Animal
Nationality: American Very Proud Lore, Camouflage, Survival
Social Status: Lower Always Loyal Training, Tactics, Demoli-
Often Flexible tions, Mines, Rockets, etc.
Gender: Male/Female Always Sincere TAL . 30% 3 98-00 50% Detect Lie, Dangersense, Re-
Age: 2 0 Usually Discip Iined sist Persuasion, Shadowblend
Height: 1.7m OBS 40% 2 97-00 60% Listen, Spot, Scan, Disguise
Weight: 70kg Appearance COM 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian French, Spanish &
Hand: Right There i s n o typical Rebel. Like the American Linguacy, Ameri-
days, Nonnewaug i s a melting p o t o f kan Sign Language, Persua-
CON%: 10% ideas and values. This i s reflected in sion
the hair styles and clothing. Even MAN 40% 2 97-00 60% Simple Repair, Operate Ho-
Ergs: 15 missions or scouting parties have lit- vercar, Sea Farming
t l e in the way of proper uniforms, KIN 40% 2 97-00 60% Dodge, Punch, Kick, Grap-
MUS: 7 0 k g other than making sure the outfits ple, Stealth, Tracking
DAM: i 2 blend i n w i t h the surrounding ter-
Moves: 4 rain.
Location Roll BOD BOD Weapons
Passion: Restoring Liberty +Armor
Head 1 8 2 A K M S -29
Description Neck/Shldi rs 2-3 9 3 Damage 2 0 8 + 1
Rebels have varying ideals and varying ideas o n how t o remold Chest 4-7 12 6 Spd 2
this country once it is free again. The council makes most policy Arm L 8-9 9 3 Range 1OOm
decisions, and the typical rebel soldier is satisfied w i t h his or her Arm R 10-11 9 3 Sphere M A N
position i n the fight against communism. Hand L 12 7 1 Rounds; 140)
Hand R 13 7 1 000000000000000
Abdomen 14-16 10 4 000000000000000
Leg L 17-18 10 4 0000000000
Rebel Trauma Hits Leg R 19-20 10 4
Awkward 000000 Tasser
Burly 000000 Trauma Hits 0 0 0 0 0 Damage ( 4 0 6 ) "
Cute 000000 Spd 2
Dusty 000000 Range 15m
Enigmatic 000000 Sphere M A N
Feeble 000000 Rounds: (20)
Gorgeous 000000 Armor Type: Reflec 000000000000000
(6-point) 00000
Malcom Hein 000000
This is Erg damage
Pullout - Page 6

Mac's Assassin
Location Roll BOD BOD Weapons
Race: Caucasian Personality Profile +Armor
Always Silent Head 1 5 2 Crossbow
Nationallty: American
Neck/Shldrs 2-3 6 3 Damage 2 D 8 + 1
Social Status: Lower Always Proud
Chest 4-7 9 6 Spd 1
Sometimes Sadistic
Arm L 8-9 6 3 Range 1 5 7 m
Gender: Female Never Cowardly
Arm R 10-1 1 6 3 Sphere M A N
Age: 3 5 Always Thorough
Hand L 12 4 1 Quarrels: ( 1 0 )
Height: 1.6m
Appearance Hand R 13 4 1 0000000000
Weight: 70kg
Hand: Right The Mac's typical assassin i s garbed Abdomen 14-16 7 4
Leg L 17-18 7 4 Knife
i n black or w o o d b r o w n (depending
Leg R 19-20 7 4 Damage 1D8 + 1
CON%: 150% u p o n the j o b t h a t needs t o be done.)
Her head i s wrapped in tanned lea- Spd 1
Ergs: 1 0 ther, and she wears gloves reminis-
cent o f racing gloves.
Trauma Hits 0 0 0 00
Sphere K I N

MUS: 105kg Under the dark garb, she wears

leather armor. A r m o r Type: Lea-
D A M : +4
ther (3-point)
Moves: 1
Passion: Killing.
"Costs 5 Sequences
t o reload
The Mac prefers using female assassins as they are, o n the whole,
more nimble and they are smaller so that they can f i t through
places that men w o u l d have d i f f i c u l t y going.
The Mac also expresses a personal preference for female beauty,
and his assassins are indeed beautiful.
They are n o t stupid, and prefer flight t o dying. I f outnumbered
or losing, they fade back i n t o t h e shadows, i n t o the crawlspaces,
and i n t o the darkness, never t o be seen or heard again The subway
tunnels, especially, are their private domain.
The assassin hides along the path of her intended victim. A t the
appropriate moment (i.e., the target is w i t h i n range, b u t hasn't
yet reached the h a s s i n ' s perch) a crossbow b o l t i s loosed. Immedi-
ately afterwards, the assassin silently drops her crossbow and draws
her knife, prefering the element o f surprise.
Another strategy i s t o set u p a circle. The forward attackers
loose bolts, w h i l e the rear assassins use garrotes.

Sphere Spd M a x Avg; Prominent Specific Skills

KNO 40% 2 9 7 - 0 0 60% Russian & American Litera-
cy, Camouflage, Demoli-
tions. Cryptography, Re-
gional Knowledge, Survival
Train ing, Tactics
TAL 30% 3 98-00 50% Detect Lie, Dangersense, Re-
s i s t Persuasion, Memorize
OBS 40% 2 9 7 - 0 0 60% Listen, Spot, Scan, Track
COM 30% 3 98-00 50% Russian & American Lingua- Assassin Trauma H i t s
cy, Persuasion, streetwis,e Silent 000000
MAN 50% 1 96-00 65% Simple Repair, Filching, Tal I 000000
Guerrilla Traps, Lockpick- Blonde 000000
ing, Remove Security L o c k / Nimble 000000
Screen Deadly-lloking 000000
KIN 50% 1 96-00 6 5 % Climb, Dodge, Punch, Kick, SIend e r 000000
Grapple, Stealth, Tumble
Pullout - Page 7

The artwork on this page is provided f o r use w i t h the vehicle counters. Note that carts and wagons may be p ~ l l!a
e oy
' .
a slngle horse
or by teams of t w o t o up t o ten horses. It is impossible t o anticipate your needs, so adequate horses are included kiere to provide any
team you may require,
Note that these 'counters' should be photocopied, colored w i t h markers, and then mounted w i t h rubber cemen.r t.o a 'heavier card
stock, Only then should they be cut apart w i t h a craft knife (or scissors).
Pullout - Page 8

VehCcle % t a t s
Roll 1D20 Hovercycle Roll 1D20 Cargo/Troop Carrier
1-8 Engine" 313 1-4 Windows 3I 3
9-16 Propulsion' 616 5-8 Cab Sides 7 I7
17-20 Passenger varies 9-10 Engine * 3I 3
11-13 Propulsion' 6 I6
* I f Triple Trauma Hit, roll on Accident Table 14-20 Cargoltruckbed 513

Handling: 2
II) T o p Speed: 8 0
I 1 AccIDec: 20

I 1-10 I D 2 Sides
" I f Triple Trauma Hit, roll on Accident Table

c 14-15 Cannon
1 6 / 1 9 Propulsion*

a 20 Machinegun
Handling: 1
Top Speed. 80
515 Roll I D 2 0
1-10 Windows
11-15 Sides

0 AccIDec. 20 16-17 Engine'

18-20 Propulsion*
U 1 " I f Triple Trauma Hit, roll on Accident Table Handling: 2

c Top Speed: 100

AccIDec: 20

"If Triple Trauma Hit, roll on Accident Table

Roll 1D20 Helicopter

- A

1-14 Underbelly 717

15- 18 Wtndows 313 Roll 1D20 Wooden Cart
19 Rotor 212 1-3 Yoke 310
20 Engtne" 515 4-10 Wheels 410
Handling' 3 11-16 Cargolbed 510
Top Speed: 1 8 0 17-18 Propulsion varies
AccIDec. 30 19-20 Passenger varies
Handling: 1
'IfTriple Trauma Hit, roll on Accident Table Top Speed: varies
AccIDec: varies
Equipment Amerikan Occupations
Amerikan rebels usually have access t o anything listed under '1 1.5 In addition t o typical occupations i f the character lives in a Zoviet
Tools (Assorted).' An average rebel character has one missile weapon c i t y or is attached t o a m i l i t a r y force, rebel characters have lived close
(anything f r o m a laser t o a crossbow) and one melee weapon (anything t o the soil, relearning h o w t o use the basics o f nature in the fight for
from a knife or hand axe t o a club). The usual armor f o r a rebel is survival. Listed herafter are some random occupational tvpes for
n o t h i n g m o r e exotic than leather vest a n d pants. Few average characters Amerikan characters.
have access to a Flak Jacket and almost certainly n o t a Reflec Suit.

Drugs ana Herbs 1. Baker 26. Painter

Phoenix heroes d o n o t begin the game w i t h any herbs. Characters 2. Chandler (candlemaker) 27. Fisher
living in this t i m e (c. 2197)m i g h t begin the game with a small supply, 3. Physiciadblidwife 28. Cook
b u t n o t all Amerikan characters w i t h d r u g skills have them available 4. Advance Scout 29. Mechanic
at the start of a game. 5. Spinner 30. Religious member
6. Fuller (Launderer) 31. A u t h o r
Herbs: T o determine the number o f doses a native Amerikan character 7. Locksmith 32. Entertainer
has of a particular herb, the player attempts (Plant) Lore skill rolls. 8. Demolitions Maker 33.Bard
Each successful r o l l indicates t h e character begins t h e game w i t h a 9. Cartwright/Wheelwright 34. Vehicle Driver
single dose. The player m a y continue rolling f o r a particular herb until 10.Tailor 35. Electronics Engineer
the skill roll is missed. I f the r o l l is missed t h e first time, it indicates 11. Leatherworker/Tanner 36. Barber
the character does n o t have any o f t h e drug on hand at the start o f 12.s p y 37. Psychologist
the game. 13.Ambassador 38.Cobbler
14.Cattle herder 39. Book Binder
Drug: A character can be assumed t o have a t least 1D4 + 2 doses 15. Butcher 40.Weaponsmith
o f any drug he o r she wishes as long as t h a t d r u g is not 'illegal.' Need- 16.Scholar 41.Cordwainer (ropemaker)
less t o say, possession b y a citizen o f any d r u g m o r e p o t e n t than aspirin 17.Toymaker 42. Teacher
i s illegal. The possibility o f procuring 'illegal' drugs b y characters 18.Illustrator 43. Mason
must be decided b y t h e gamemaster, as it suits his or her campaign. 19. Sharpener 44. Inkmaker/Papermaker
20. Architect 45. Sailor
21.Cartographer 46. Trader
22. Beekeeper 47. Hydroponic farmer
23. Law Enforcer 48. Undertaker
24. Potter 49.Miner
25. Scripter (copier of books) 50. Glass Maker
After the box has been opened, t h e books ravaged, and the intro- w i r i n g a car.
ductory scenarios sacked, y o u may f i n d yourself at a loss. H o w d o y o u There i s excitement in t h e story, all t o o o f t e n brought about b y
continue the s t o r y ? combat when intrigue does just as nicely. The character asking ques-
Don’t panic, f o r you‘ve already got a head start - y o u k n o w the tions about the test suddenly realizes t h a t the shopkeeper he is talking
background, skills, and personalities o f y o u r characters. They’ve already t o i s a member o f the FBI. A f t e r some nervous fast talking and w o r d -
been through the three adventures in this b o o k , so y o u have a fair twisting, the character escapes.
Idea o f h o w they w o r k together and t h e various approaches they take _ _ _ _ _ ~

towards solving problems.

Your first decision about the design of an adventure is the p l o t . Problem Solving
Often Images, paintings, o r books offer plots for adventures. (See When writing an adventure, focus the events around
’Creating Adventures,‘ below.) problem solving. Some events should occur over which the
Once you have an idea o f which type of gamemastered characters
y o u need for the adventure, design a half dozen o n f i l e cards. Make character has no control, but it isn’t much fun walking
them as varied and fleshed o u t as y o u can so t h e characters feel they are through an adventure in which your character doesn’t
meeting real people w i t h their o w n interests and lives. Even i f y o u need to make any decisions.
don’t need more than a few f o r the first adventure, it’s helpful for those Events which require the characters to do some prob-
times when y o u need to a d d a new gamemastered character i n t o a
lem solving also give the characters a feeling of accomplish-
plotline while in the middle o f a game (such as when they have caused
the death of someone delivering important news - w h i c h must be ment and some feeling that they have control over their
delivered in order t o continue the story). You certainly won’t w a n t character’s destinies. This should always be encouraged be-
t o take time out to create one. cause without that, the players feel that their characters are
mere puppets to serve the gamemaster’s whim.
Every playing session i s a story and should have elements o f a good When designing adventures, always think in terms of
story woven i n t o it. With character interaction woven i n t o the threads the skills the characters might use to solve problems.
of several plotlines, adventures o f t e n come together w i t h all t h e in-
trigue, humor, and gripping suspense of any good novel.
The f o l l o w i n g outline suggests one way o f designing scenarios, Keep the p l o t twists fresh and inventive. Just when they t h i n k
Refer to i t when p l o t t i n g your o w n . something i s solid, change it. By the same token, a test may l o o k
easy b u t gets more d i f f i c u l t as time goes on. Sure the idea o f m i l k i n g
Introduction the locals for i n f o r m a t i o n seemed easy. B u t an F B I p l a n t was n o t
The introduction of the story i s short and t o the point. The gener- what the character expected t o find.
al m o o d i s present, t o b e fleshed o u t as t h e story progresses. The One way t o imbue a story w i t h suspense i s t o include a time limit.
characters k n o w some o f the basic facts about the situation they are N o w the players m u s t figure time i n t o any decisions. For instance,
in and are familiar w i t h t h e other characters. Their entry into the the characters are still unsure when the test i s supposed t o occur
storyline i s at the place where things are c o m i n g together - reaching tomorrow.
a critical or crucial point. I f an important person demands something o f the characters, w h o
For example, i f there are reports that a f l u r r y o f Zoviet activity knows w h a t the real reasons are f o r him o r her t o send the characters
i s occuring near a small town, that isn’t very dramatic, nor i s it even on that errand?
very noteworthy. But i f rumors are also f l y i n g about ‘tomorrow‘s Another factor might be the weather because bad weather m i g h t
t e s t of new experimental detection equipment,’ suddenly the very impede travel (and set the m o o d ) .
survival of the resistance i s in question. Normal plots in a story might include one o r m o r e o f the classic
Main Action
This is the heart o f t h e story and where characters have the most 0 Characters against Characters
freedom. A l l o w them as much r o o m t o develop clues and sense o f 0 Characters against Nature
purpose as you can. 0 Characters against Themselves
I t is always better t o let the players decide o n the direction to take 0 Characters against Society or A u t o r i t y
w i t h gentle guidance f r o m the gamemaster, than t o have gamemastered
characters or items p o i n t the way. Sometimes, though, y o u need t o The Climax and Conclusion
steer characters along the path towards the adventure i f you haven‘t This i s the pivotal p o i n t o f the story. The greatest tests are perform-
got anything else prepared. For example, they m i g h t even ignore ed, Will the characters w i n o r lose? Pass or fail the tests? Sometimes
the rumors o f t h a t testing, and go about other business. losing helps keep t h e players o f h o w ’human’ the characters are.
Start w i t h many choices open for the players t o pursue. As they A l l major p l o t threads come together at this p o i n t and are resolved
choose or avoid them, their future choices narrow, spiralling inward, more or less simultaneously.
u n t i l there is o n l y one choice . . , either t o act or to not. When the Dramatic b u i l d u p t o the climax w i l l be rewarded w i t h a like b u i l d u p
characters reach the town, they have m a n y options open t o them. of excitement b y y o u r players. They’ve got t h e stolen car, the explo-
H o w d o they enter the t o w n ? A t w h a t time ? Who do they contact ? sives, they k n o w t h e location o f the testing grounds, and have managed
H o w d o they act? H o w are they dressed? A n d so on. t o get to it. They are laying the explosive by the machine when the
I t is this part o f the story that is the most challenging f o r the game- alarms go o f f , the searchlights spring on, and y o u see the FBI ’shop-
master t o perform well and is also the part t h a t challenges the charac- keeper‘ r u n i n t o the r o o m w i t h a squad of soldiers. They rush to the
ters w i t h tests. Some require teamwork w h i l e others need a single car, b u t it w o n ’ t start! They return fire, t r y i n g t o cover the character
character w h o can overcome and pass the test. Getting accurate infor- f i x i n g it. The car starts up, they j u m p in, and take off, crashing the gate
mation about t h e test c o u l d require someone well-versed in Russian and avoiding the shells f r o m the nearby hovertank.
t o make discreet inquiries at the corner store. Meanwhile, several A f t e r the climax the story winds d o w n t o a rather calm finish.
other characters are planning a diversion, stealing dynamite, and h o t - More a k i n t o a movie than a book, a s w i f t conclusion i s best for gaming.
The participants have finally accomplished their goal, a n d can be gate the forest o f f t o t h e left (which y o u had n o time t o flesh-out,
impatient t o wrap things up. having invested all your t i m e creating the c i t y ) .
The explosive goes off, t h e F B I agent escapes, a n d the characters Map o u t exactly when and what the characters w i l l meet u p w i t h
manage t o evade pursuit. They've managed t o set the Zoviets back on their adventure (you'll become freer w i t h your plots as y o u become
for at least another few months. more experienced). you can have diversions and red herrings b u t most
of them should have some bearing o n the story.
Gamemastered Characters Good adventures can have Danger, Difficulty, Foreshadowing,
Create personal foes f o r the characters. Make the foes sinister or Personality, Reward (not just money), Roleplaying, Continuity, Strong
innocent-seeming; b u t inbibe t h e m w i t h a distinct personality. A l l o w Emotions as Motivations, and Excitement. N o t all adventures have
them t o escape several times t o b u i l d u p frustration and a real sense every one o f these elements, b u t vary your adventures t o take some
of accomplishment when the villains are finally dealt w i t h b y the cha- o f these i n t o account.
racters. They w o n ' t soon forget t h a t F B I 'shopkeeper' - and they'll
have a personal reason t o chase him when they see him again. The Opening Scene
Keep in mind t h a t love interests are as i m p o r t a n t t o a story as Get right i n t o the action. By this, I mean present a situation in the
hate ( b u t never force a character t o fall in love). Romances between first f e w minutes o f the game which demand an active response f r o m
characters are encouraged, and many characters could even w i n d u p one o r more characters. I f there is a l o n g monologue which takes place
having relationships w i t h each other or w i t h gamemastered characters. at the beginning o f the adventure, either d r o p i t entirely, convert it i n t o
a photocopied handout the players can read before the game begins,
or set it further i n t o the adventure. Y o u don't want y o u r eager players
t o start yawning 5 minutes i n t o the game.
Use weather to y o u r advantage when telling the story. H o w do
the adventurers feel about embarking o n a journey during a rainstorm?
Motivation : Push-mepuIl-you During w i n t e r ? A sunny day?
Doctor Doolittle aside, character motivation i s d i f f i c u l t to d o well, You are p u t t i n g o n a show. It's all in the performance.
and d i f f i c u l t t o p u l l o f f w i t h i n the fabric o f the campaign.
There are t w o different techniques most o f t e n employed to further It Makes Sense
t h e game, and another w h i c h is obvious, b u t usually underdeveloped. You are the five senses for y o u r players' characters. Describe what
they can see, hear, feel, touch, and taste. Mention t h e funny smell, the
Push-me: Push-me's are motivators which compel1 t h e heroes forward faint grinding noise, and the sharp edges on the piece o f plastic one o f
w i t h o u t regard f o r (and o f t e n in spite o f ) their wishes to the con- the characters is handling. Mention the rust t h a t comes o f f on her
trary. F o r example, groups w h o are after the characters (the Zoviets, fingers as she examines t h a t scrap o f metal falling o f f the hovercar,
or even members o f the Hounds of God, intent o n destroyingthese and the f u n n y vibration the ground i s making as they stand near the
living blasphemies), show up w i t h evil intentions. The heroes are thus supposedly abandoned railroad tracks.
forced t o move on or t o deal w i t h their opponents. Another push-me
may be a t i m e limit, o r perhaps a climate factor t h a t needs to be dealt Gamemastered Characters
w i t h (the water is rising, and will soon engulf a mountain pass t h e Gamemastered characters are excellent role models that y o u can use
characters need t o cross). t o show players h o w t o roleplay, and they are one of your most impor-
Used sparingly, and alternated between major and m i n o r influences, tant tools. I f y o u r characters t a l k rather than fight, i f they are more
push-me's can be effective motivators. interested i n news than money, chances are the players' characters w i l l
show deep and varied rolls.
Pull-you: Pull-you's are positive motivators which draw a character Build stories and adventures around them and remember t o feature
towards an objective. Be it obtaining an item, rescuing a person, learn- the same ones over and over. Locate their dwellings in specific places:
i n g information, or tugging on a character's heart strings, pull-you's 'In t h e next town,' '425 Bleeker Street,' etc.
tend to be less annoying t o most players. Handled carefully, they are
often the staple o f a campaign. Gamemastered Character Types
Gamemastered characters serve many roles in an adventure, depen-
Character-induced Motivation d i n g u p o n y o u r desires and the needs of the plot.
The most often used m e t h o d f o r compelling y o u r characters along
i s character-induced motivation, y e t this i s rarely recognized. When a Extras are also k n o w n as B i t Parts o r Cannon Fodder. These p o o r
campaign begins w i t h character backgrounds as detailed as the ones folks have a life expectancy in combat about as long as all those securi-
in Year o f the Phoenix, such motivation comes naturally. Players t y guards o n the Srar Trek television shows. They are i n t h e back-
should develop goals o f their own, and relay t h e m t o t h e gamemaster. ground, serving to set t h e m o o d or to fall d o w n dead u p o n command.
This includes t w o things. They can b e f o u n d o n soup lines and as nondescript Zoviet guards.
First o f all, it clues t h e gamemaster i n t o the k i n d o f adventures Very few Extras have speaking parts.
t h e players are looking for.
Secondly, it permits the gamemaster t o offer rewards that t h e Informants serve t o relay information t o the players' characters.
characters are w i l l i n g t o risk their lives for. I f y o u tell the players, 'Your characters have discovered that the
Such motivation does n o t come w i t h o u t potential problems, h o w - train comes through here every 3 days,' that i s hardly deep roleplaying,
ever. If the character attains all that he or she desires, the hero no nor does it leave r o o m f o r d o u b t . B u t if the y o u n g girl they m e t on
longer has a n y reason t o be involved i n the game. The 'goal' has been the riverbank tells t h e m t h a t the train comes along, 'Oh, every 3 days
reached. To circumvent this, ask f o r several goals; some long-range, or so, I guess,' then they have received i n f o r m a t i o n they cannot always
some attainable quickly, others w h i c h definitely take t i m e and re- trust, have exposed themselves t o someone w h o m a y report them,
sources. In this way, y o u can weave together m u l t i p l e goals, a n d reward and you've introduced a character they m a y see again and again,
t h e characters in steps. When a b i g goal is reached, a few lesser goals
should have already begun w i n d i n g their way i n t o the story. This way Obstacles are simply t h a t - people w h o serve t o get i n the way. Toll
there is n o a w k w a r d j u m p in the action f r o m one p l o t device t o an- collectors, bureaucrats, small children w h o won't tell y o u anything
other. because you yelled at them, and t r o o p movements which force the
Motivation i s n o t an easy subject t o handle, and can be very fragile. characters to make a w i d e detour all f i t under this harrassment defi-
Only t i m e and experimentation will show y o u h o w to handle it w i t h nltlon.
y o u r particular group o f players.
Patrons/Motivators urge the characters towards a goal. A mourning
14.2 YOUR CAMPAIGN: R U N N I N G ADVENTURES widower asks for an escort across t h e border, a rebel commander
requests that the characters p e r f o r m a mission, and a character's loved
'Imagination is more important than ones are sick, p r o m p t i n g a quest f o r medicine o r other supplies.
knowledge. '
Villains o f t e n compeil t h e characters t o d o crazy o r foolish stunts,
- Albert Einstein
just so they can have t h e pleasure o f nabbing him or her. Villains
Start small. N o t h i n g i s worse than spending several hours creating are o f t e n p r i m e motivators: t h e twisted mind behind several inter-
an entire bombed-out c i t y and having the players bypass it to investi- weaving plots which are actually wheels within wheels.
Ham It Up
All gamemastered characters need to be played as
individuals. They have their own lives and their own inter-
ests; they aren't sitting around waiting for the characters
to stumble upon them. Give them individual identities.
Change your pitch, volume, speech patterns, accent -
stutter, slur your words, fidget, coo, or yell. Have some
fun. Cause the characters to come into contact with game-
mastered characters who have sweaty handshakes, who
pace about the room, who have a tendency to slam their
fists on the table to make a point (this means that you
should pace the room, and use your own fist on the table).
All these help create the illusion of gamemastered charac-
ters having their own personalities.
When describing something, mention a few things about
it. A mere touch or two brings that object to life.
'He always seemed nervous. Even his nails were bitten
to the bone.' Contrasted with: 'He was a very nervous
person,' the second example pales in comparison. In the
words of Charles Dickens, 'Don't say, 'The woman scream-
It i s important that when such a death does occur, t h a t it is dramatical-
ed,' bring her in and have her scream.'
l y appropriate. A character w h o is o n a routine h u n t i n g expedition
' A trick for individualizing gamemastered characters and plunges t o her death w h i l e attempting t o cross a bridge i s n o t
i s to pattern them after someone you know. I t works dramatically justifiable, However, a character w h o manages t o kill
wonders as a base for characterization. t h e Province's Deputy Governor and then i s gunned d o w n has a drama-
ticall y-pleasing death.
Death of a character should be heroic, i f a t all possible, n o t arbi-
trary. You can manipulate t h e dice rolls i f y o u feel that t h e outcome
combat will be more compelling. a n d such die rolls are n o t always t o benefit
Don't l e t combat rule the game. It can be a central p o i n t of a ses- the player! I f the character has a clear shot at the Deputy Governor,
sion, b u t should n o t always b e the o n l y way to solve problems. Perhaps and the soldier who spotted t h e character and shoots a t h i m somehow
more so than in other games, gamemasters should w o r k towards alter- manages t o miss, y o u could have the shot h i t anyway. Suddenly the
nating combat w i t h noncombat situations. character i s wounded, and managing t o shoot the Deputy-Governor
When combat does occur, run it fast. There i s nothing more boring i s m u c h more exciting.
than the players lazily r o l l i n g their dice when their t u r n comes up. Keep in m i n d t h a t death i s n o t always necessary f o r the story.
Speed it up. A l l o w players only a second o r t w o when it is their t u r n Disablement o r being taken prisoner are sometimes better, and o f t e n
t o d o something, o r presume that their character i s continuing whatever lead t o more adventures.
he or she was doing last Sequence. It is important t h a t the gamemastered character w h o kills an impor-
Make it interesting. Instead o f a simple barroom brawl, have the tant rebel character is o f enough stature t o justify the death.
gamemastered characters overturn tables, swing o n chandeliers, and
run u p and d o w n t h e starcase, crashing over t h e balcony. Specials
When designing the combat area decide i f it w o u l d make a good I f y o u feel a character is being played especially well, y o u might
setting for a movie. I f not, open it up. Give the players some choices. want t o bestow a Special. These are 'brownie points' given t o a charac-
I f they don't utilize their surroundings, let the gamemastered charac- ter f o r good roleplaying a n d creativity o n the part o f t h e character's
ters. That's sure t o wake the players u p a bit! player.
Don't fall i n t o the 'Soldier No. 1 i s shooting at you,' syndrome. No character should have more than 2 a t a time, a n d most charac-
Instead, when setting u p the scene, give each gamemastered opponent ters w o u l d be l u c k y t o have even 1.
a descriptive w o r d for t h e players t o refer t o : 'I'm shooting a t the They are spent when t h e character desires t o cause any dice to be
tall one,' 'Okay. Them I'm shooting at the b l o n d one.' etc. This reduces rerolled, o r t o reduce the severity o f a Trauma Hit by 1 level (a triple
t h e tendency f o r the players t o t h i n k of their opponents as numbers Trauma Hit becomes a double Trauma Hit). A n y dice r o l l is rerolled by
on a piece of paper. using a Special. This includes dice rolled b y the player, other players,
Year of the Phoenix has few rules for dealing w i t h ammunition. and even the gamemaster.
This is because various gamemasters have varying needs. Some game- Also called Hero Points or Lady Luck, Specials are merely a game
masters w i l l ignore the question entirely, w h i l e others w i l l w a n t a construct t o encourage and reward a player in a definite and controlled
detailed account of every single bullet expended, and retrieval o f the fashion.
expended casings for bartering. The latter inventory-style w i l l n o t w o r k This rule is optional, because some players feel t h a t using Specials
well, as the rules assume t h a t all machine guns fire 6 bullets per burst, i s a w a y o f cheating the game's reality, and some gamemasters feel
while other rapid-fire arms fire 3. This i s clearly n o t accurate, and is uncomfortable about judging a player's actions so obviously.
used t o reduce paperwork.
H o w t o solve the question o f a m m u n i t i o n ? A middle-of-the-road Judging Responses
solution i s t h a t any t i m e a character rolls doubles (55,22, etc.) or Rolegaming rules are n o t hard and fast. They require constant
Klutzes, the rapid-fire gun i s out of bullets. Another method i s b y interpretation b y the gamemaster a n d the players. Rolling dice and
counting Sequences. A firearm w i t h a magazine holding 1 0 0 rounds calling o u t numbers i s n o t compelling story-telling. Compare the t w o
can b e used for 100 Sequences before reloading. dialogues below.
What all these rules patches come done t o is: when it i s dramatically
necessary t o run o u t o f ammunition, the firearms should d o so. Natural- Curtis: 'Definitely looks like she's going t o tell.'
ly, c o m m o n sense should prevail. Someone f i r i n g a machine gun for 5 Wayne: '1'11 t r y t o r o l l m y Persuade . . , (Rolls.) I get 147%. Does
minutes straight w i l l definitely r u n o u t o f ammo, no matter what that d o it?'
rules are used t o regulate it. Curtis: 'Let's see. (Rolls.) Nope. I got 163%. She's gonna tell.'

Curtis: 'Definitely looks l i k e she's going t o tell.'

Character Death Wayne: 'But she can't! I must convince her o f m y sincerity - the
Because the game emphasizes the struggle o f an oppressed people fight is t o o important. 1'11 t r y t o Persuade her in any way
t r y i n g t o right an ancient wrong, death w i l l come as a matter o f course. I can. I rolled 147%.'

Curtis: (Rolls.) ' M y brother was killed helping in the fight for your 14.3 THE TAO OF RULE WRITING
so-called freedom. He's n o t free - he's dead. Go t o hell,'
'Consistancyand realism are subservient
Such freeform interpretation o f the dice results goes a l o n g way to enjoyment,
towards effective, memorable gaming. since they are intended to enhance it,
Hand-in-hand w i t h dramatic dice reading is assessing D I F penalties
rather than being goals in their
and other modifiers t o dice rolls. These adjustments can be l o o k e d u p
i f the characters are in a leisurely situation, but i f there is a l o t o f
own rights.
exciting action, and things are heating up, it's best to w i n g such ad- - Robert Plamondon
justments instead o f pausing t o l o o k them up. The feel of the story
and the pace o f the adventure are more important than technical ac- It's important t o remember t h a t the goal of any rolegame is enter-
curacy. tainment. T o this end, rules serve as a framework t o help further this
I n addition t o controlling skill modifiers, y o u are also c o n t r o l l i n g enjoyment, f o r they add the element o f suspense t o the game,
the game session itself. This means y o u need t o keep everyone's atten- Rules in any rolegame are a basis t o w o r k from, the agreed-upon
tion, and keep everyone involved. reality. No rule should b e enforced i f y o u f i n d it gets i n the way.
Keeping everyone's attention i s necessary i f y o u glance u p a n d Never h o l d to a silly rule just because it i s there. After y o u have seen
notice that one o f y o u r players is reading a comic book, a n d the other t h e w a y the entire rules system works, and h o w each rule works w i t h
two are discussing last night's football game. This may be a clear in- the others, feel free t o change them. T r y t o figure o u t w h y some rules
dication that either, a) y o u should t h r o w in the towel, b ) adjourn are set u p the way they are.
t h e game t o another time - there are some days when n o one feels The specific rules that gamemasters choose t o implement, ignore,
like playing - or, c ) t h r o w a situation a t the characters which requires or add depend u p o n what k i n d of stories the gamemaster wants t o tell.
their response. You m a y f i n d that players w i l l wander i f there are n o Gamemasters o f t e n alter rules t o f i t their own personal conception o f
decisions their characters need t o make. the world. This is good, because rules are a tool. As w i t h any tool,
I f y o u manage t o keep everyone interested with a twisting, what- they should be used or ignored as needed. For example, I f t h e charac-
happens-next feel, y o u w o n ' t need t o grab t h a t comic b o o k o u t of y o u r ters are in a tight spot a n d d i d all they reasonably c o u l d t o avoid the
player's hands. But such effective storytelling i s n o t always easy t o situation, some gamemasters allow them t o escape. 7 I f a character
accomplish. w i t h 5 BOD points i n his chest faces an opponent and y o u r o l l 16
The other half t o helping t o m o n i t o r a game session is t r y i n g to points o f damage, y o u are perfectly w i t h i n y o u r rights t o adjust the
keep all the players involved. If y o u have been playing for a while damage rolled, or perhaps change the hit location instead of killing
and you suddenly realize t h a t one o f y o u r players has n o t done any- the character. Alternately, some gamemasters feel that the dice are
t h i n g f o r some time, t u r n y o u r attention t o him or her, involving t h a t t h e final judge, and play accordingly.
player in the events. Don't let the players tell y o u h o w t o interpret the rules. They
I f necessary, y o u m i g h t even have that player take a gamemastered must play b y your rules and interpretations. On the other hand, i f y o u
character t o play for a while. This usually requires some forethought f i n d t h a t y o u players are unhappy w i t h the way y o u are running the
o n your part, but the rewards are w o r t h it. game then y o u may want their counsel t o better everyone's level of
enjoyment. Remember t h a t it i s their game, too.
lntercharacter Conflict
Occasionally a character's interests conflict w i t h those o f other Adding Rules
characters in the game. This is n o t something that, as a gamemaster, There m a y come a t i m e when you w a n t t o change, alter, or delete
y o u should t r y t o manipulate. I f t h e players are good, their roles w i l l rules. I f y o u are considering adding rules, remember that they have
be all t h e more interesting as the characters develop and interact. t o apply t o b o t h the characters and the gamemastered creatures.
If these goals go beyond roleplaying and interrupt the game, speak to Ask w h y the rule is desired. To further a certain t y p e of character?
the errant player privately, I f more drastic measures seem necessary, Sometimes rules are set u p t o reflect a cultural limitations or benefits
y o u m a y consider maneuvering t h a t character o u t of play. t h a t exist i n the milieu of t h a t game. Pay attention t o h o w it m a y
affect t h e culture.
Final Notes Every game needs some a m o u n t o f unbending structure t o keep it
If the main action o f the story takes place after a t w o day journey, f r o m turning i n t o an intimidation session, b u t t o o many rules can
and the journey itself serves n o other purpose than t o get the characters r o b a game o f its possibilities, t u r n i n g it i n t o a strategy prison.
to a particular destination, condense the action. Simply say, 'After a Because o f this, ask yourself these questions when developing a
t w o day ride, y o u finally reach the city.' Don't drag o u t the ride rule.
with random encounters t h a t add l i t t l e o r n o t h i n g t o the overall p l o t -
line. I s This Rule Necessary?
Keep i n mind t h a t most players d o n o t act - they react. Don't Explore alternatives. Use any m e t h o d at your command. The
expect the characters t o go o f f somewhere w i t h o u t p r o m p t i n g o r hints. environment, geography, culture, o r localjpersonal authorities can all
Give the players a l i t t l e help so they k n o w their characters aren't influence or limit characters w i t h o u t a rule being imposed.
wandering aimlessly. For instance, i f y o u f e l t it necessary t o limit the use o f martial
I f a character comes u p w i t h an ingenious plan o r idea, let it some- arts weapons (nunchakus, tonfas) in the game, use both geophysical
times work. This way they'll continue to t h i n k and be encouraged (weapons and training are available only in a far-flung c o u n t r y ) and
to t r y a different approach t o the tests they face. cultural limitations (trainers very ethnocentric and refuse t o train
When it gets late and tempers flare, it's a good idea t o pack up foreigners) rather than simply imposing a ban o n such weapons.
and resume later. Characters are less likely t o d o silly o r stupid things This, naturally, provides a purpose o r destination for characters.
i f players are conscious. ( N o t t o m e n t i o n t h a t arguments over who I f they actually get t o t h a t c o u n t r y a n d finally persuade someone
d i d w h a t , as well as m e m o r y lapses, can be avoided.) t o teach them, they have accomplished quite a feat.
When ending a story in the middle, e n d it o n a high note, a t a t i m e
when players are about t o encounter something exciting (and they Can a Player be Allowed to Choose J Response?
k n o w it). This helps keep interest high for the n e x t playing session. T r y relying on y o u r players t o make a reasonable decision. I f you
When characters have a long-range goal of immense proportions, f i n d t h a t it doesn't w o r k f o r your group, t u r n t o a chart o r other
give them l i t t l e clues, leads, or pieces to the puzzle t h a t help t h e m a- randomizer as a last resort. Rare i s the group in which either is strictly
chieve their goals. Some stories can concentrate o n achieving some t h e case. Most gamemasters trust their players t o p i c k appropriate
of these goals, w h i l e others have n o bearing o n them. Be careful not t o names, a n d some allow players t o choose their character's initial belong-
r o b the characters o f their reason for living b y m a k i n g it t o o easy/ ings.
quick t o accomplish. In practice, d o n ' t let t h e m find, repair, and escape Obviously, y o u need t o consider the people in y o u r group, and
w i t h the Shuttle Phoenix after three weeks o f play, o r there'll be no allow t h e m t o make decisions whenever you can. This way y o u avoid
reason to continue t h e campaign. O f course, it is q u i t e possible t h a t player resentment and rule imposition at the same time. You can keep
t h e character w i l l abandon the quest f o r the shuttle, and stake o u t a open the d o o r o f creativity and allow y o u r players to feel they are
new life in this strange Amerika. contributing members o f the shared fantasy.

What Natural Forcer Can I U s e as a Pattern?

Strive t o make t h e rule as inconspicuous and culture-oriented

as possible A game rule is less noticeable i f i t fits i n t o a well-estab- Conclusion

lished concept i m p l i c i t i n t h e w o r l d o r culture L o o k closely at these considerations and impose rules only when
Phoenix heroes, f o r example, d o n o t begin the game w i t h more you understand the impact o f each rule.
than a pocketfull o f equipment This was designed t o offer a roleplay- This, o f course, does n o t help y o u when y o u are forced t o make
ing challenge for the players, and f i t s i n well w i t h the opening events a ruling in the middle o f a late-night session. T o resolve this situation,
of t h e game w o r l d ask your players t o help reach a reasonable decision. Appeal t o their
intelligence and ask them t o be objective. With this method i t ' s usually
What Real-World Facts Can I Use? possible to reach a satisfying compromise. Perhaps more importantly.
Learn how t h e situation w o u l d be handled in this w o r l d and use don't be afraid t o be wrong. If, at some future date, evidence i s unco-
that as a base For the most part, game w o r l d sciences closely resemble vered t h a t proves y o u wrong, acquiesce - and f i x whatever needs t o
real-world ones, and where they differ, y o u can s t i l l use the real w o r l d b e righted. T h i s does n o t necessarily extend t o resurrecting characters
as a pattern Good thing, too, or y o u w o u l d be forced t o construct w h o die because a rule i s misread. Errors l i k e those are best l e f t as
you o w n reality1 they are.
There i s a wealth o f information available t o anyone w h o cares Implementing these ideas at y o u r discretion w i l l enable y o u t o be-
t o look, concerning just about every facet o f life, f r o m archery mech- come a successful, confident gamemaster w h o runs an exciting and
anics t o weather patterns, and f r o m aerodynamics t o linguistics. Y o u rat iona I campaign.
don't have t o depend u p o n your o w n experience a n d imagination
use the public library t o help create rules t h a t are b o t h accurate and
Plunge Cndo
Welcome to the first adventure f o r Year o f the Phoenix. alter t h e adventure as they see fit, improvising t o their heart's content.
I f y o u are just starting o u t in rolegaming, don't w o r r y about impro-
Preparing to Play vising ( i t comes w i t h practice). I f the characters do manage t o get
Take it slow. Read through t h e entire adventure. Get t o k n o w t h e o f f track o f the adventure, t r y t o steer them back. I f all else fails,
plot, major gamemastered characters, and the rules you'll be using. simply admit y o u aren't prepared t o handle whatever they are plan-
Flag rules that m y s t i f y you, and look t h e m up in t h e Training Manual ning. Good players will understand, and w i l l t r y t o help y o u w i t h the
before play begins. game. Roleplaying i s a shared pastime and cooperation is the back-
bone o f a good adventure.

Pregame Checklist: Check t o be sure the players (and y o u ) have A Note o n Rules: This first Adventure has been structured so that
done the following. y o u m a y play w i t h o u t t h e rules o n Ergs and Experience Marks, i f y o u
wish, This simplifies record keeping (something which new players
0 Read the 4-page Player Handout (Skipping the Creating a Hero f i n d intimidating), A t the end of the adventure, award each character
Summary). 20 Experience Marks t o spend o n skills they've used in the adventure.
A f t e r this adventure, however, institute the regular Experience Mark
0 Each player has chosen a pregenerated character. (You don't rules.
choose one.)
Starring Roles: Every gamemastered character, such as Duchess Ona,
0 Everyone i s sitting around a table (or other convenient playing i s detailed w i t h personality notes and game statistics in the 'Encounters'
surface) and can easily reach t h e dice. p u l l o u t located i n the center o f t h i s booklet. Some o f the lesser roles,
such as the Duchess' guards, share generic statistics. Each guard has
0 Everyone has plenty o f pencils, scrap paper, (and refreshments been labeled w i t h a descriptive adjective ('Bald,' 'Tall,' etc.) and a tally
i f desired). i s provided f o r marking o f f Trauma Hits on each one during combat.
I f y o u don't want t o write i n the book, just scribble d o w n the pertinent
0 You have read over this adventure at least once. i n f o r m a t i o n o n a piece o f scrap paper and use that, instead.

0 Everyone has w r i t t e n their character's name on a piece o f paper Break Points: This adventure is divided u p i n t o Episodes. I f y o u a n d
sitting in the middle o f the table. This way, players can l o o k your group want t o take a break for a while ( t o order a pizza, or what-
at it d u r i n g the game and refer t o the other characters b y name. ever), Episode breaks provide natural stopping points.

0 Everyone has introduced their characters t o each other and HISTORY OF THE REGION
t o l d a bit about themselves. Pennsylvania has been the major thoroughfare between the South-
western and Northeastern Provinces since it was first overrun b y the
0 Everyone is ready to have an exciting t i m e f o r a f e w hours. Zoviet horde. The industrialized zones lie mostly i n the West, where
well-maintained highways seeded small communities.
The middle of t h e Province supports Harrisburg, the capitol of
How This Adventure is Organized Pennsylvania. In Harrisburg proper can be f o u n d 3 motorized tank
Plunge into Nightmare is a Linear adventure. This means that the battalions. These are under the command o f a Major M. Krucshev,
adventure IS easy f o r beginning gamemasters t o run. The different t h e administrative ruler o f Pennsylvania f o r over 7 years. Krucshev
things that characters can do are covered, so t h a t the answer IS always was b o r n i n Russia and sent here t o 'straighten out' this Province
in the book. Some experienced gamemasters feel t h a t parts o f this w h i c h has seen i t s share o f rebel interference. In the last 5 years o f his
adventure l i m i t the player's choices o f actions. I f so, they are free to rule there have been n o reports o f destruction or black marketeering

directly traceable t o rebel forces The Major has apparently done his and demand that the astronauts surrender immediately. They are taken
job well underneath the village, t o a high-tech hideout.
There IS an official contaminated zone t o the East, b u t only resid-
ual radiation lingers there n o w Thar area i s desolate, f u l l o f twisted Episode Two: Into t h e Hierarch's Lair
slag and grass-covered building mounds This episode finds our heroes meeting the area's ruler: The Duchess.
A few kilometers n o r t h o f this forbidden zone i s a group of buil- I f they t h i n k t o ask, they can f i n d o u t that they are in Zoviet-control-
dings which burned d o w n some dozen or so years ago The place IS led Pennsylvania, in,.the year 2197 C.E.
overgrown now, and the wooden buildings are slowly deteriorating The Duchess informs them (in her o w n self-assured w a y ) t h a t she
due t o the elements L o o k i n g closer, however, some o f the buildings has retrieved the f l y i n g machine they seek. And, she w i l l give it t o them
look t o o well preserved This IS t h e location of the Duchess' head- i f they p e r f o r m a task f o r her. They m u s t rescue one of her lieutenants
quarters (her son) f r o m the Nasties, and deliver h i m back t o her.
The Duchess fled f r o m Zoviet rule many years ago and soon estab- I f t h e astronauts refuse, the adventure i s over (you can start with
lished herself as a tough resistance fighter Through t h e years. many the n e x t scenario). I f they agree, she disguises them as Zoviet soldiers
things have shaped her power, and many things have shaped her con- and sends them o f f t o free the lieutenant.
science N o t all o f them are pleasant, nor remembered k i n d l y b y the
participants Through t h e years the Duchess emerged as a leader to few, Episode Three: The Rescue
yet p r i v y t o most She has an uncanny knack f o r k n o w i n g what SI Our heroes travel d o w n the coast t o a l i q u i d hydrogen refinery.
happening around her area, and w h o t o talk t o She has connections I f they manage t o enter t h e c o m p o u n d via hang gliders, they discover
(and s p i e s ) deep w i t h i n the opposing camps around her She IS always he i s the Duchess' son. This i s a simple rescue operation, hampered
on t o p o f any troop movements b y Major M Krucshev Some say b y the fact that a planned diversion i s sabotaged, so escape routes are
he is well aware o f t h e Duchess, and some even go so far as t o say changed.
that they have worked together o n occasion The Duchess neither
confirms nor denies this, b u t her actions indicate t h a t she IS n o t as Episode Four: Show a n d Tell
omnipotent as her reputation w o u l d paint her. The Duchess' son produces the Zoviet communication t h a t he and
A few scant kilometers f r o m t h e Duchess' home base i s the t i n y his companions l i f t e d o f f t h e messenger. It tells o f the appearance
Dyesyat refinery, which i s a converted power station that uses river o f the srrange ship in the sky (the Shuttle) and hints at the corning
water t o create liquid hydrogen It i s linked up via satellite t o dozens mobilizations t o wipe o u t t h e Rebels.
o f other power stations d o t t i n g this Province, and all are powered b y The Duchess then rewards t h e astronauts. She takes them i n t o her
the satellite network The solar o r b i t i n g platforms w h i c h beam the Truck Bay, and reveals t h e helicopter -f u l l y repaired and w o r k i n g -
power t o these collectors were trained o n these sites long ago lacking o n l y fuel. She cannot understand their dismay, and is t r u l y
upset t h a t this i s n o t the f l y i n g machine they want. She also makes
Recent Events the connection between the communique's reference to a strange air-
Four days ago, the Duchess' son and a small band o f guards were ship, a n d the appearance of the astronauts. She realizes that they are
somehow captured when they waylaid a messenger near the Dyesyat n o t f r o m this world, and shows them the message. Because she i s in
refinery - there i s possibly a spy in the Duchess' camp The Duchess a state o f shock (having almost never been wrong about anything
knows the Zoviets have n o t taken the prisoners o u t o f the area and before), she implores them t o accept the helicopter anyway.
hopes that they have n o t killed them The Duchess is currently t r y i n g The astronauts are stranded in a strange land, w i t h n o destination
t o figure o u t a way t o spring them w i t h o u t using u p any more o f her and n o home. The Duchess suggests they travel N o r t h t o the Nonne-
personnel On case one of them i s a spy) waug tribe. That rebel group is always looking for fresh talent. The
The command decision handed d o w n b y Colonel General L M Duchess w i l l n o t accept offers t o remain w i t h her, and is t o o shrewd
SadenjO (see t h e What's Going On? opening letter) has t h r o w n this t o a d m i t that she considers their independent attitudes t o o dangerous
entire region i n t o total chaos Just before this adventure begins, troops t o t r y t o control.
begin an overland drive f r o m the south of Pennsylvania (where they
were involved i n wargames) towards the N o r t h Their target? New Salvaged Equipment
Y o r k City t o eradicate a small band of rebels Major M Krucshev SI When the crew first wakes u p (see the Disaster Strikes! section
traveling w i t h them t o personally oversee the operation He certainly below), they may o r may n o t have all o f their equipment w i t h them.
has more important things t o d o than deal w i t h a few rebels caught There are three ways t o handle this. First, y o u can simply assume
outside a hydrogen refinery t h a t they have everything t h a t i s marked o n their character sheets.
A Platoon of recon Helicopters f r o m the Major's troops flew over This o p t i o n has a major disadvantage, however. It doesn't force them
this area early last night, and one o f them w e n t d o w n near the Duchess' t o t h i n k their w a y o u t o f a situation. It lets them play 'Rambo' at their
headquarters The p i l o t was killed instantly (the b o d y washed o u t t o first opportunity, and t h a t could well get them killed. The n e x t possi-
sea) and the order came d o w n that n o time was t o be spent in a search b i l i t y i s rolling o n the f o l l o w i n g chart before t h e game starts. Then y o u
operation Thus, the Duchess' troops found the Helicopter during the can simply i n f o r m your players what i s lyingaround. The t h i r d possibil-
night. and t o o k i t back By the t i m e the astronauts awoke o n the i t y is t o have each player roll t o f i n d o u t what equipment remains.
shore, the Helicopter was repaired, and sitting in the Duchess' head- I recommend the t h i r d alternative, because allowing players to r o l l
quarters the dice themselves gives them a sense o f control over their destiny,
In this t i m e of m i l i t a r y mobilizations, the astronauts wash u p and insures t h a t every group begins the game with differing resources.
on the shore of a Zoviet Province k n o w n as Pennsylvania Note that this chart includes items washed ashore. Just because a
character's Glock i s salvaged doesn't mean t h a t it i s o n the character's
THE PLOT person. ( A n d it m a y be a weapon or item originally belonging t o some-
This adventure i s designed t o let the characters survive Because one else.)
o f this, some situations are slanted slightly i n favor o f the astronauts Roll for each astronaut separately.
Don't w o r r y There are plenty of other opportunities for death o u t
i n this w o r l d
Salvaged Equipment Chart
Episode One: Skyjack! Item Roll Needed o n 1D6 for Salvage
The adventure begins as t h e astronauts are briefed f o r their first Combat U n i t undamaged 2-6"
mission Libyan terrorists have taken over t h e space station Arnerlca, All Personal Gear intact 3-6 *
and they must retake i t They are t o l d t o employ a f u l l frontal assault, Extravehicular M o b i l i t y Unit
for there i s n o way t o surprise the terrorists undamaged 6***
Once the group reaches the station, the terrorists detonate a bomb, E M T Kit washed ashore 3-6t
and t h e astronauts are plunged i n t o darkness
The astronauts wash ashore in the early morning, alive They also
realize they might be anywhere England, Canada, even Siberia
9 m m Glock 24 w / a m m o
R i f l e o r Machine Gun w l a m m o
Our heroes spend some time assessing their situation and their gear
They have the choice o f moving, o r staying p u t u n t i l somethingcomes I f the Combat Suit was damaged, r o l l 1D6 f o r the number o f
UP locations lacking armor, and use the H i t Location Chart on the
They meet a stray d o g Suddenly a shot rings o u t and the dog i s character sheets t o discover the specific locations. These locations
killed Strangely garbed figures appear f r o m the direction o f t h e shot have '0' armor points. I f any character's Hit Locations lack armor,
r o l l randomly t o see which Locatipn received a Simple Trauma Hit and is virtually worthless The 12-hour battery i n the backpack
sometime during the disaster (if they think of i t ) i s probably the o n l y t h i n g that can be salvaged.
* * I f the r o l l is failed, character i s missing 1 D6 items (begin w i t h the t I f i t washes u p on shore, r o l l again A roll o f 4-6 means i t IS water-
first item listed in the Training Manual - the Corn System - and go tight, and none o f the items are spoiled b y the seawater Otherwise,
d o w n f r o m there) t h e drugs and the bandages are useless
* * * I f the U n i t i s damaged, t h a t means that it i s i n several Dieces tt A 6 i s needed i f the Combat Unit i s damaged.

Read the followtng o u t loud: I t ' s possible t h a t a player w i l l attempt t o use a skill like Persuade
against the Major. He has a 30% T A L . Roll 30 + l D l O O against the
Well, it's been almost eight weeks since you entered train- player's roll. Whoever rolls higher (if y o u b o t h roll over 100%)wins.
ing to become a Phoenix astronaut. On the first night of the If the player i s successful, the Major reveals the following.
eighth week, a warm June night, you are awakened by piercing
alarms shrieking through the military base. You hear com- 0 The skyjackers' leader has been identified as a k n o w n Libyan
terrorist, currently going by t h e name M a y m o n Zimbalist.
mands barked and soldiers swearing. There is the sound of 0 The condition o f the hostages are unknown, b u t the terrorists
running and searchlights snap on, sweeping the grounds. claim t h a t they w i l l k i l l one an hour u n t i l their demands are m e t .
What 00 you do?
I f the players ask something n o t covered i n the above information
or in the read-aloud below, say t h a t the information is 'unavailable'
The proper response i s t o dress immediately and report t o the
or 'under investigation' or ' T o p Secret.' Or, if y o u feel adventurous,
briefing room. Regardless o f their actions, they hear the f o l l o w i n g
ad lib the Major's responses.
over the compound loudspeaker (announce it l o u d l y and urgently):
I f the players ask f o r details about their p a r t i n t h e mtssion, read
the foloowing. Otherwise, read it once the players have finished asking
Attention! Attention! All Phoenix strike team personnel all the questions they wish.
report to the briefing room immediately. Attention! Atten-
'Your role in this mission i s fairly straightforward. Eighteen
tion! All Phoenix strike team personnel report to the briefing
of you - our first two strike teams - will board the Phoe-
room immediately. This is not a drill! Repeat, this is not a
nix. The two backup teams will follow in the Pegasus as soon
as she is readied for liftoff - in about an hour. (Those bastards
Your players' characters k n o w h o w t o get t o the briefing room,
caught us with our pants down.)
for that i s where a lot o f their orientation meetings have been held. 'Since the terrorists control the command module, you
Once your players have said that their characters comply w i t h t h e cannot hope t o surprise them. Therefore a straight frontal
order, read:
attack i s required. Tou are to enter the station via airlock
seven - just aft of the command module - neutralize the
The briefing room is as you remember it. The green paint
targets, and secure the station. We aren't sure where the
is s t i l l peeling off the ceiling, and the old school desks look
hostages are being held, or what the terrorists will do i f threat-
as shabby as ever in the fluorescent lights. It's too bad the
ened, so time i s of paramount importance.
new training buildings aren't finished yet. You go in and s i t
'Umm. . . ' The Major wets his lips. 'I'm not supposed
down, Other Strike Tream members enter t h e room in various
t o reveal this but, dammit, you deserve to know. There's
states of sleepiness. By the clock on the wall, it's 2:OO in t h e
another reason to work fast. There is apparently a bomb on
board, which they will detonate if their demands are not
The Major enters and strides t o the podium a t the front
met. You have to neutralize them before they destroy the
of the room. You see his shirt tail hanging out.
station. The President doesn't want them turning the America
'Well, officers. It seems that your services are t o be needed
into a multi-million dollar piece of junk.
sooner than we anticipated.
'Any questions? Anthony, you're to command the Phoe-
'As you know, t h e space station America has been occupied
nix, Horn i s pilot, andKeeps -.sorry - Keeler i s communi-
around the clock for the past several weeks in an effort t o
cations. You've got twenty minutes t o grab your gear and get
complete essential systems. Well, as of 0100 hours this
over t o the troop carrier. Let's Move Out!
morning, terrorists boarded the station and are holding the
'Quill, I want t o see you.'
technicians hostage.'
You hear gasps of amazement and horror from the Strike
The Major tells t h e f o l l o w i n g to Quill, but l o u d enough f o r anyone
Team members around you. listening (i.e., the other players' characters) t o hear what he has t o
R u s e here. a n d let the players t a l k about it. They can ask questions
t o which the Major knows the following facts.
0 The terrorists entered the station via a T h i r d World Shuttle system 'Quill, it would be a shame if there was an accident up
which is currently unidentified, 'But we're w o r k i n g o n it.' .
there. . I mean, if the terrorists were caught, but then shot
0 They have issued demands, b u t the details are T o p Secret.
0 The President i s in a meeting right n o w t o decide what other actions
while attempting to escape . . You can be assured that the
may be appropriate.
President will ask no questions. Do I make myself clear?'
0 Very l i t t l e actual i n f o r m a t i o n is k n o w n about t h e situation. as the (Wait for Quill to respond.) 'Good luck.'
terrorists managed t o seize the communications system before anyone
c o u l d report hard facts. I f y o u are using the pregenerated characters, their gear IS listed
0 This Strike Team has been assembled b y direct Presidential com- o n their character sheets, so y o u can just mention that it takes 'a few
mand. minutes t o grab your stuff and get o n the t r o o p carrier.' If y o u r players
0 The terrorists number somewhere between ten and twelve. have their o w n characters, a n d have n o t chosen equipment, have them
d o so n o w (glve them about 5 10 minutes of real time, then continue
w i t h the game)

After a short trip to the runway, you board the Phoenix.

It's all fueled up and ready to roll. A brief systems check
i s in order for your first real mission.

Anthony Quill needs t o make a Shuttle Operations skill roll, and

Bruce Keeler needs t o make his Shuttle Communications skill rolls.
I f either character fails, announce that they've detected a possible
problem w i t h the equipment, and they should n o t i f y launch control
immediately Respond t o their call w i t h

'Roger, Phoenix. Acknowledge system malfunction. Launch

postponed for one minute. ( I f they Klutzed, it's a delay of
one hour.) Emergency crew on full alert. Emergency pro-
cedures on standby. Emergency exits read Green. Awaiting
further instructions, over.'

Wait a few minutes, a n d then only the character w h o failed should

t r y again. I f the r o l l was successful, continue below. If not, repeat
the procedure u n t i l the skill roll i s successful. Once everything checks
I t takes t h e Shuttle about an hour and a half t o get w i t h i n range
out, they need t o call i t in
o f the space station. I f y o u feel like playing this time out, b y all means,
d o so. B u t most players w i l l be itching for some excitement and w i l l
'Roger, Phoenix. Acknowledge system correction. Launch be more than happy i f y o u just tell them:
starting a t T minus 5 minutes and counting. Emergency
crew stepped down to yellow alert. Emergency procedures The trip takes over an hour, and you soon see the glittering
on standby, over.'
structure of America floating serenely against a backdrop of
stars. To your right i s the earth, and to your left is the moon.
Let them wait a few minutes, then the n e x t comminique comes Docked on the planetside of the command module like a
over t h e radio.
leech, sits a gleaming silver Shuttle without markings of any
kind. It has a pronounced needle-shape and i s smaller than
'Phoenix, this i s launch control. Radio check. Remain on a Military Shuttle or Orbiter.
this channel. The space station does not have access to it,
Boarding the Space Station America
Okay, gamemaster. Here i s where the story twists, and the charac-
Point t o the player using Bruce Keeler, and ask for a response.
ters are t h r o w n through time and space. The players cannot stop
He should respond w i t h 'Radio check, Roger,' or something equiva-
this f r o m happening (unless y o u w a n t t o play Year of the Pegasus:
lent Supply the response i f your player isn't sure what t o say.
7997 C.E. - which is perfectly all right w i t h me, and i f there are
enough requests, F G U may publish a Campaign Pack f o r adventuring
'Phoenix, this is launch control. Abort advisory check. w i t h t h e Pegasus i n the year 1997). U p o n approach, the characters
Go or No-go decision required, over.' m a y go directly t o the docking port, a t t e m p t t o destroy the other
Shuttle, t r y a space walk, t r y docking w i t h the other Shuttle, and/or
attempt communication w i t h the terrorists. I f they discuss a space
Point t o Carol's player. Carol needs t o make her Shuttle Operations walk, i n f o r m them that it will take a long t i m e - more t i m e than they
skill roll, just as A n t h o n y did. Once the r o l l i s made ( w i t h possible have. I f they s t i l l decide t o d o it, have the Major call them on the
delays), Carol should state, ' A l l systems are Go,' or something equiva- radio and ask their present situation. He denies them permission t o d o
lent, I f the player asks for help, supply the response yourself. an EVA, and urges them t o hurry. I f they wish t o dock w i t h the other
Shuttle, they'll quickly figure o u t t h a t the o n l y docking p o r t on that
shuttle is attached t o the space station.
'Roger, Phoenix. You are on internal power. Abort pro- N o t e : I f they t r y t o destroy t h e other Shuttle while attempting
cedure deadline i s past. You may not abort. Repeat, you may t o communicate with the terrorists, just use t h e Destruction bit, below.
not abort - you are committed. You are Go for launch. It i s better i f the players believe t h a t they caused the disaster them-
Repeat: you are Go for launch. Do you copy?'

A n y o f the characters may respond. Y o u r players should be getting Pacing

the feel for this b y now. Tell them t o s i t back and be prepared for During exciting moments like the encounter with the
mysterious Shuttle, your actions as gamemaster can help
the story. If the scene i s tense, then s i t on the edge of
You hear launch control counting down as the automatic
your seat, talking clearly and rapidly. If it's a relaxing
systems engage one by one. There i s a deep rumble and the
situation, lean back, put your hands behind your head,
Shuttle begins to move forward. Faster and faster you travel
along the runway. Both Anthony and Carol have their hands and speak slower.
on their control sticks as the nose of the Phoenix rises. The Players (like most people) pick up body language.
Use yours to dramatic effect and t o reinforce the mood
pressure of takeoff i s similar to what you've experienced
you are trying to generate.
in your simulations and test runs, but this one's for real.

I f they radio for the status of t h e Pegasus, launch control tells them Docking
that the Pegasus i s about a half-hour behind the Phoenix, b u t they are The docking procedure i s straightforward. Either A n t h o n y or Carol
not t o wait for i t . must make a Shuttle Operations skill roll. I f they fail, they m a y t r y

again. There i s very l i t t l e t h a t can go wrong in the vastness of space. Pause here for a few seconds, just u n t i l everyone catches their
I f they Klutz, the shuttle drifts i n t o the side of the station a n d bumps breath. Then read:
i n t o it, and they immediately get The Radio Ntessage (see below).
I f the skill attempt i s successful, the automatic docking routines are
You awaken with sand in your mouth. You spit it out,
engaged, and they only need t o m o n i t o r the Shuttle's progress. They
k n o w the docking procedure w i l l take 10 minutes. After 8 minutes, look around and find you are On a beach - a long strip Of
the get The Radio Message (see below). sand arcs out of sight t o your left, but continues for many
kilometers as you look t o your right. Ocean waves lap a t
Destruction your legs. A golden sun peeks over the fir trees lining the
Destroying the terrorists' Shuttle requires a successful Shuttle
Weaponry skill roll b y Bruce Keeler. There are f o u r possible outcomes:
beach as suddenly realize can see your breath' It is
max success, success, failure, klutz. cold here, with the ocean breeze, but the smell of spring
hangs in the air and you can see seagulls winding their way
across air currents high above you. Strange weather for June
0 Klutz: You adjust the range and target locators. . and . 12th.
hit the Fire button. As you do, you notice that one of your
three vectors are off the mark - and the powerful laser bolt
'Where are we?' is the appropriate first question. Give them n o
lashesOut in a silent flash Of light# striking the hints. n o indication of what they have .iust aone throuqh. As far as t h e
command module head on. players know, they could have- landed somewhere in- Siberia (1997
Continue immediately with Disaster Strikes!, below. C.E., o f course).
This i s the appropriate time t o determine what equipment the
players have, i f y o u have n o t already done so (see Salvaged Equipment,
0 Failure: You line up the shot and press the Fire button.
above). Depending u p o n the determining method y o u used, some
A bright beam of light shoots out silently. . . and flashes supplies, weapons, and other items m i g h t be strewn o n the beach.
past the terrorists' Shuttle. The beam travels out into space. I f you have 10 or fewer characters on this adventure, they see 1D3
A clean miss. other astromauts o n the beach. (The missing characters l e t y o u a d d
more astronaut characters later in the game i f you get new players,
Continue with The Radio Message, below.
or i f some Dlaver's astronaut dies. The 'new' astronaut simply washed
u p o n the beach somewhere else and has been wandering ever since )
0 Success: You fire the weapon, and a bolt of bright white U p o n examination, the dead astronauts have drowned They have n o
light flares out. . , and punches a hole right through the other equipment, and their combat suits and E V A suits are vtrtually de-
Shuttle's engines! Clean shot! You see small flashes of light
as the fuel explodes, ripping apart their engines. They're not ' H o w d i d w e get here7' i s the next question Anyone making a
going anywhere! successful Shuttle Operations skill r o l l remembers that i n an emergency,
Continue withThe Radio Message, below. the Shuttle systems go o n automatic p i l o t and attempt t o return t o
Earth f o r a splashdown reentry Mention that it i s entirely possible that
rescue teams are even n o w rushing t o the s i t e and that the Shuttle is
0 Max Success: You adjust the three vectors and punch the possibly on t h e b o t t o m o f the sea. Also casually remark that the
Fire button. There i s a blinding flash as the mysterious silver Shuttle costs several b i l l i o n dollars. (That may occupy their thoughts
Shuttle is punctured. You see silent flashes of light as the f o r a while.)
front windows of that Shuttle blow out, and suddenly the
'When are we?' Considering the t i m e it w i l l take the characters t o
entire Shuttle explodes!
organize themselves a n d check o u t their supplies, they notice that the
Continue immediately with Disater Strikes!, below. sun i s rising. It i s dawn. As far as they know, it is dawn on June 12,
1997 C o m m o n Era.
The Radio Message
I f the astronauts attempt t o contact the station ( or y o u are directed 'Where are we?' A successful Survival Training roll tells the character
here f r o m one o f the above paragraphs), they get a message: t h a t t h e astronauts are probably along the 60° Latitude line they -
c o u l d be in the Orkney islands o f f o f England, in the Hudson Bay area,
Suddenly, your radio crackles to life. It's on the space n o r t h o f Ontario, Canada, o r even i n the Baltic Sea near Leningrad.
B u t judging f r o m the tree types, beach formations, and other clues at
station channel! A deep voice booms in broken English, hand, the Orkneys are out. (They are totally wrong, of course, as
'Americans! We hold your station hostage! Come no closer Earth's current climate doesn't m u c h resemble 1997's.)
or we kill everyone!'
'How d o w e f i n d o u t what happened and/or get back home?'
Options: The players may choose to ignore o r respond t o the message. All astronauts k n o w o f someting called a 'Black Box,' in every Military
Let them decide what t o d o and then tell you. As long as they d o n o t Shuttle, just like airplanes have. I f that can be recovered, all the details
shut o f f the radio, another message follows shortly afterwards. o f the flight should be recorded on it (including speed, trajectory,
specific flight path, etc.). Be sure t o mention this even i f the players
don't t h i n k to ask t h e question. This c o u l d t u r n out to be a b i g reason
Another message springs over the radio, 'Now Capitalist t o l o o k for the Shuttle: learn what happened and use t h a t information
Pigs! You shall perish! You would not listen to our warnings! t o reverse the procedure t o go home.
Now you die!'
No matter w h a t y o u r players say their characters are doing, conti- Where DOWe GO From Here?
nue w i t h Disaster Strikes!, below. The characters are cold, wet, a n d miserable. The have several de-
cisions t o make. D o they move or stay p u t ? Keep together or split u p ?
I f they decide t o stay p u t , a successful Survival Training skill r o l l
Disaster Strikes! provides adequate f o o d and shelter.
There is a brilliant flare in the eerie silence, almost as if I f y o u r players decide t h a t the characters are moving out, f i n d o u t
the Sun was going nova. The cockpit is suddenly heating up. their organization: w h o i s carrying what weapons; are their weapons
Your radio crackles to life: drawn? does anyone have t h e Medical kit?; and so on. Once the players
'Phoenix, this is Pegasus. Our E.T.A. i s - ' The warning are organized, they can begin moving. Repeat the description of their
surroundings f r o m above.
systems drown out the message as lights dance along your I f they t u r n l e f t a n d travel along the shore, they soon encounter a
instrument panels. System after system tries to respond __
set o f tracks It looks like somethina was draqaed towards (or awav
to the overheating. And then. . . Nothing. f r o m ) the sea shore. The tracks m a r k u p about an 8-meter wide section

of t h e beach, and disappear i n t o the flattened underbrush Several courage them t o l e t her stick around, She has n o infectious diseases
dozen boot-clad footprints m i l l around, and some are deep in the and doesn't even have rabies. She responds t o any name, and i s very
sand, showing that they were either carrying a heavy weight or were appreciative o f a k i n d w o r d o r a b i t of food.
possibly pushing something away f r o m the water Someone using either (The dog i s here t o set u p the f o l l o w i n g encounter. No one will
a Spot skill or a Heightened Sight Special A b i l i t y can tell t h a t the expect to get shot at, and a death shows that the people the astronauts
tracks were made w i t h i n the last 12 hours. are about t o meet mean business.)
If they turn right, they see the beach stretching for several k i l o - I f the players seem t o be interested in the dog, let it be as friendly
meters There i s n o t h i n b u t seagulls d o w n this way as you can. If they are cruel, it tags along just ahead of them, o u t of
If they choose t o go directly inland, they travel about ten meters the range of blows.
and stumble upon a single person wide path It meanders past them If they characters remain on the beach, alter the following encoun-
directly towards the sea shore, and the other end winds through the ter so t h a t the Duchess' guards show u p on t h e beach, instead of the
trees and gently u p the sloping hill in f r o n t of them astronauts journeying inland. ( I n other words, they have t o meet u p
w i t h the guards t o continue t h e story.)

You Go Your Way, 1'11 Go Mine

Breaking up the group is a Bad Thing. Many new game- . . . There's Fire
Roll for any characters w i t h Dangersense skills. I f y o u r rolls are
masters may find the thought of his or her players' charac- successful, i n f o r m those players that they feel uneasy. ( Y o u roll these
ters running in all direction t o be quite intimidating (not so that in case y o u r rolls fail, the players aren't alerted t o the possibi-
to mention that the scenario i s not s e t up to allow for that l i t y o f danger
possibility). This panic i s understandable, and leads to Give them 5 or 1 0 seconds of real time t o decide what t o d o about
it, then read the following
the following suggestion i f they seem interested in doing
just that very thing.
I f one of the characters has Survival Training, inform Suddenly you see a silent flash of light come from some-
the player that his or her character realizes that splitting where ahead, and it lashes out directly a t the dog. The dog
up could well mean the deaths of all the characters - yelps once, and collapses with a whimper.
they don't know where they are, etc. (No skill roll is
required.) If this doesn't convince them, you may need to
(The guards killed the d o g because it might have rabies. As long as
admit that the scenario is not designed to handle that possi- anyone can remember, dogs and cats have been disease-ridden vermin
bility. Of course, experienced or adventuresome gamemas- that need t o be exterminated. The guards ignore the dead dog.) Pause
ters may have already devised a half-dozen ways around here t o l e t the astronauts consider their options. Most likely, they wrll
this sticky situation, and are cordially invited to ignore draw weaDons.
this comment.
Striding out of the woods from all directions you see
strange people clad in full-body gray-green suits. The suits
Where There's Smoke. .. are bulky, and remind you of old radiation suits, complete
I f the astronauts are walking inland, they come over a rise and see
with face plate. All of them appear to be wielding strange
this. I f they remain at the seashore, choose a character t o notice t h i s
(roll a D10, o r have them all make OBS Skill Sphere rolls. The one w h o rifles. The apparent leader of the group gestures towards
rolls highest sees this.) you with an obvious command t o surrender.

Off to the left, you see dust being stirred up. The thick The strange group (the Duchess' guards) outnumber the astronauts
brown clouds trail off for quite a ways. It looks like some 2 t o 1. I f the players l o o k like they want t o get i n t o a fight, mention
kind of vehicle convoy might be traveling along a road which t h a t they don't k n o w w h o they're fighting, the figures have n o t actually
fired on them, the suits m i g h t be bulletproof, and - apart f r o m the
passes through this area, coming from your left and going
Phoenix lasers - you've never seen the likes o f that flash o f light
off towards your right. They seem to be over 2 km away. t h a t killed the dog. ( I f they s t i l l seem intent o n destruction, a heavy
And flying (floating?) above the convoy looks like about sigh and a, 'Are y o u sure y o u w a n t t o go through w i t h this?' should
six or seven airships - Dirigibles, perhaps. You know that deter them. I f not, let them f i g h t it o u t - show n o mercy. The sur-
both the US. and Russian military have been using dirigibles vivors can continue w i t h the game, and the losers can go watch tele-
vision. The Duchess' guards' game statistics are i n the Encounters
for years now.
p u l l o u t section ( i n the center o f this b o o k ) .
The figures take the astronauts' weapons, apply handcuffs t o
(Don't t e l l y o u r players, b u t t h e dust comes f r o m the troops led each character (cuffing their hands in f r o n t of them), and lead t h e m u p
b y Major M Krucshev [see What's Going On7 opening letter] They a path f r o m the beach. If characters a t t e m p t t o use a skill such as
are i n the middle of an overland drive f r o m Pennsylvania t o New Y o r k 'Escape Bindings' t h e troops notice t h e attempt and t h a t character has
City A n d the items floating are, indeed, seven dirigibles 1 a personal guard f o r the remainder of their time in chains. The troops
The astronauts can notice l i t t l e else f r o m here, b u t anyone m a k i n g ignore anything t h e astronauts might say. A b o u t ten minutes later,
a successful Scan Skill r o l l can t e l l that the dust i s f r o m a line o f vehi- the group makes a t u r n around a c l u m p o f boulders and sees:
cles (or things that might be vehicles) about half a kilometer long
In a clearing up ahead are the remains of a small group
of buildings. The burnt stumps and overgrown cellars a t t e s t
Before you have too much time to think about this, you to their age. Obviously its been years since anyone's livea
hear a dog barking. Suddenly a mangy mutt jumps out of around here. The leader of the group walks over t o one of the
the trees in front of you, and pads up to you with it's t a i l buildings and you notice for the first time that this building
wagging and tongue hanging out. i s not as damaged as the rest. In fact, it looks too well pre-
served. This observation i s supported by the figure as it walks
The dog i s a stray mongrel, half-starved for f o o d and affection. up to the front of the building and slides forward a picnic-
She has n o collar or identification of any kind. Her paws are battered
table-sized clump of debris, revealing a hatch of some kind.
a bit, b u t anyone w i t h an Animal Handling, Animal Lore, or Emer-
gency Medical Technician skill can tell t h a t the damage i s expected There i s a humming sound and a hiss of pressure equalization
f r o m the type of life the dog apparently leads, and n o t due t o ill as the leader slowly pulls open the hatch, starts down a ladder
treatment ( n o skill r o l l i s required t o use the skill). By the way, en- built into the side of the tube, and motions you t o follow.

This i s t h e second time that players may feel panicky enough in the wall in front of you, with a numerical keypad next to
t o t r y violence. A successful Dangersense skill r o l l reveals o n l y m i l d it. T~ your right isanother irisand a hole in the wallwhere
uneasiness. I f so, the same rulings apply as before, b u t this time the
astronauts can do l i t t l e b u t head-butt or kick their captors, as they are
a keypad should be. It looks like it was taken out some time
handcuffed. Certainlv n o t verv heroic. .
ago. Lighting i s provided via several fluorescent tubes linina
I f they agree t o descend: the edge between the walls and the floor. Looking down,
you realize you are standing on a metal grid. Below, you can
see conduits and pipes snaking through this chamber. The
I t i s difficult going, as your hands are cuffed in front of last few figures wait on the ladder, as the one nearest to the
you, but eventually you descend a t least 10 meters and end top slowly swings the hatch closed. With a hissing sound
up in a small 3 meter-wide white cubicle. There i s an iris above you, you realize that you are sealed in.

Epiisode Two: Into ahe H i e r a r c h %

The astronauts have been captured b y the Duchess' troops and t i o n t o utilize the Duchess and her headquarters i n future adventures
brought i n t o her secret headquarters. In a rare display o f trust ( o r o f y o u r o w n design, and run an assault against the complex (if so
foolhardiness), the Duchess d i d n o t order t h e m blindfolded ( t o pre- desi red 1.
vent them f r o m memorizing the location), hoping her o w n display o f
truthfulness w i l l c o u n t towards honest discussion. Shelter HLV-17
The accompanying map ('Shelter H L V - 17') details the Duchess' Exterior Defenses: Scattered around the perimeter of the site are
underground hideout. m o n i t o r i n g devices. They pick u p any movements, sounds, radiation,
H L V was originally a biological warfare laboratory, sometime in or other disturbances, and transmit such information t o the command
the not-so-distant past. It was a project most likely independent o f center below the surface. The center has 8 lasers at its disposal, strate-
any government, f o r the biological accident which w i p e d o u t the resi- gically located at the logical assault sites, including 2 at the Truck
dents went apparently unnoticed. A t least the Duchess has n o t y e t Bay doors. They are camouflaged, so a successful Spot Skill VS. Skill
heard f r o m any group claiming ownership o f the property. I n the 10+ roll i s required t o see them (the player must r o l l higher than 180%
years since the Duchess and her husband A l t o n stumbled (literally) t o detect them, as they are hidden w i t h Amazing skill). The monitoring
u p o n it, it has proven itself over and over t o be an effective base f o r devices are o f 'Good' quality, so any 'Camouflage' o r 'Stealth' skill
defense as well as attack. must beat 120% i n a Skill vs. Skill contest t o avoid detection.
The following description is designed t o give y o u enough informa- Interior Defenses: There are 5 entry hatches, descending 12 meters

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
.. .. .. . . . . . . . . .
Command Power Plant .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
..:......:......:.....: ..: ..:
............. . .
....... .........................................................................

i n t o the earth, and each one opens i n t o a metal decontamination plus 2 pilots). It i s Zoviet i n design, and has Zoviet A i r A r m y m i l i t a r y
chamber. Solid steel iris doors seal the chambers o f f f r o m the rest of markings.
t h e complex, The iris doors have 1 5 BOD points. When this site was
operating as a laboratory, l i q u i d decontamination f l u i d was sprayed The last module in the complex is sealed o f f f r o m the rest o f t h e
on each entrant in this white, d i m l y illuminated chamber. There are complex b y a cement-filled corridor ( b y order o f the Duchess). When
irls doors between every u n i t of this complex, as well. The interior this place was first discovered b y the Duchess and her husband, he went
doors are kept open during normal operations, b u t sealed during night t o investigate what was i n this module. The result was a sudden explo-
shifts. A l l doors have numeric keypad security locks, a n d the Duchess sion, which tore half the module t o shreds and cost h i m his life. It is
has the 9-digit combinations changed frequently. The skills 'Crypto- her husband Alton's final resting place, and a reminder t o her about
graphy' or 'Remove Security Lock/Screen' can b e used t o discover being t o o self-confident when c o n f r o n t i n g the unknown.
that week's code ('Lockpicking' i s n o t applicable). The security locks
are of Amazing quality and, therefore, require a skill r o l l of 181% or
better t o figure out, However, i f more than 3 unsuccessful attempts Nleeting the Duchess
are made w i t h i n a time span o f 5 minutes on the same keypad, the The guards lead the astronauts through entry hatch number 1,
keypad locks u p and an alarm sounds. and directly N o r t h i n t o the Command module where the Duchess is
Since virtually the entire complex IS s t i l l airtight and self-regulated, busy passing sentence on an F B I spy. (The FBI is under the jurisdic-
specific chambers can be depressurized (flooding w i t h a l i q u i d or gas t i o n o f the KGB.) This encounter should be interesting, as players may
used to be possible as well, before that system went d o w n years ago). misinterpret the Duchess as someone w h o i s w o r k i n g against a govern-
The controls t o p e r f o r m such a task are located i n the Duchess' module ment which has n o t existed f o r over 200 years.
and the left command module. Either set of controls can override the Read:
other w i t h the proper code access ( o n l y the Duchess a n d her son k n o w
it). The leader cups a hand around the keypad, blocking
Corridors: Corridors are 2 meters wide, and equally high (equal t o your view, and presses some buttons. The iris hisses and
2 squares on the Batrlefield included in the game). Octogonal i n cross-
slowly cycles open, revealing an octogonal corridors 2 meters
section, they are l i t b y mesh-covered fluorescent lights lying in strips
just under either edge of the metal grid walkway. Pipes, ventilation wide, and equally high, lit by fluorescent tubes lying in strips
tubes, and electrical conduits snake along the the f l o o r of all corri- just under either edge of the metal grid walkway. YOUsee
dors, adding some r h y t h m i c h u m m i n g t o the area. The walls and ceiling pipes, ventilation tubes, and electrical conduits snake along
are covered i n metallic black. The w h o l e effect looks like something o u t the floor under the grid walkway, as before. The walls and
of a science f i c t i o n movie. A l l corridors have cameras hidden above the
iris doorways at either end. The o n l y visible clue i s a dark hole t h e size ceiling are covered in metallic black. There is faint humming
o f a baseball just above each door. A 'Spot' skill r o l l can discover the from all around you. The leader urges you forward to the
cameras, b u t o n l y i f the character i s specifically looking for such de- opposite end of the ten-meter long hall, t o the iris a t the
tection devices. Have any player w h o has a character w i t h the 'Sense
other end. Your footsteps echo down the corridor, and again
Surveillance' skill attempt it each time the character i s in a corridor.
I f successful, the astronaut feels watched. you wait while the keypad i s manipulated. There is an old
The f i f t h corridor e n t r y hatch is at the other end of a two-kilometer sign stenciled on the door. It reaas: 'HLV-17.' There is that
long corridor, and opens u p i n t o a dead h o l l o w tree. hiss again, and the iris slides open.
Command Modules: There are t w o in the H L V - 1 7 complex, linked
(Characters with a 'Surgery' or 'Forensics' skill can attempt
via a steel iris. The left module looks similar t o the corridors, as it i s
8-sided and a metallic black w i t h a metal grid floor. Control panels to recognize the label a t a -1 DI F. Characters with the skill
line the chamber's perimeter but, despite the glowing b u t t o n s and 'Pharmacology' have their normal chance. If successful,
monitors, the r o o m i s q u i t e dark. There are anywhere f r o m t w e n t y t o the character believes that it is probably a biological term
t h i r t y personnel in here, working a t the controls or guarding the Duch-
having t o do with viruses or possibly germ warfare. A max
ess. The center of this spacious area supports a command chair o n
a dais. F r o m her swivel chair, the Duchess observes every panel, every result means the character i s certain it has to do with a type
monitor, and every technician. of biological research that is s t i l l very, very new. A klutz
' The right command module contains support services such as a means the character cannot remember ever seeing the label.)
kitchen, lavatory facilities, laundry area, nursery, hospital ( w i t h vir-
You see an octogonal room about ten meters in diameter.
tually all medical tools known), recreation center, and repair station.
Quarters: There are t w o Quarters modules and each contains t i n y The brightly lit control panels which line the chamber illumi-
chambers for f o r t y personnel divided u p into f o u r separate sectors (the nate the twenty-odd men and women sitting a t them, but
Duchess commands about 70 men and women). The different sectors fail to penetrate much of the gloom inhabiting the rest of the
can b e sealed o f f for contamination reasons, b u t the hatches are usually room. You see 4 other iris valves in addition to the one you
left open. The center o f each module i s a personal hygiene station
are entering through, and all but one of them are open:
containing lavatories, showers, and the like. The N o r t h chamber was
originally reserved for males, and the South for females. The Duchess, you see the same kind of corridor you are in now. Ceiling
however, never one t o stand o n ceremony, ignores the stylized logos spotlights throw occasional pools across the floor, but your
i n each module. Her guards are also pleased w i t h this arrangement, attention i s drawn to the center of this chamber to a raised
especially the married ones (the Duchess performs all marriage cere-
dais. On this dais s i t s a woman illuminated by overhead
The Power Plant i s a nuclear reactor which, so far, seems t o require
lighting. She i s wearing some kind of dark clothing which
n o maintenance. This i s a positive feature, because n o one w i t h i n glitters as she gestures. As you approach, you see that it i s
t w o hundred kilometers even knows h o w one of those things works. a pantsuit of some kind, with a light jacket worn over it.
The hallway t o the reactor i s d o u b l y shielded against radiation. The The woman herself looks t o be in her early thirties, but it
iris t o the power plant corridor i s the only one kept locked at all times.
i s difficult to judge in this light. Her long auburn hair i s full,
The Duchess' Module i s a converted storage area. It i s r i c h l y ap-
pointed, and contains a m o n i t o r i n g station w h i c h is capable o f t y i n g in- and loosely tied back. She has slightly oriental features.
t o every console in the Command module, as well as the surveillance Behind her right elbow stands a figure wrapped in multi-
cameras in the corridors. Only this module cannot be depressurized, hued dark green robes, with strips of cloth completely con-
as the Duchess has a crude, b u t functional, vertical escape chute built, cealing the person's head. Binoculars of some kind protrude
which i s n o t airtight. This chute has a steel hatch on i t w o r t h 18 BOD
points, and i t ' s o w n personal 9-digit combination.
out where the eyes should be, and medical tubes run from the
Truck Bay: This chamber serves as a vehicle bay as well as a storage nostril area over the person's shoulders. He or she looks like
area. The massive doors open u p o n t o a ramp disguised as a burnt- an accident victim of some type. This is Filn MacDougal,
out cellar. I n this bay t h e Duchess has t w o cargo carriers (Swheeled
the Duchess' right-hand man. See his description in the 'En-
t r u c k w i t h flatbed), 4 hovercycles, 2 wooden carts, and a beatup
civilian car. As this adventure begins, one of the flatbed trucks current- counters' pullout section.
l y holds a newly-repaired helicopter (can h o l d u p t o 14 personnel, Behind the woman's left shoulder stands an eloerly man
I f they say that they are w i t h the U n i t e d States Space Command,
the Duchess i s very interested. She had n o idea the Zoviets were back
i n t o space travel. Whatever their final story, she i s n o t totally con-
vinced, b u t she assumes that they are probably lying, anyway.

Whatever you call yourselves, I have a proposal for you.

You have lost an airship. I have founu it. Vve picked it up
last niyht on the beach, and I had my technicians do a main-
tenance check.

These statements may cause q u i t e a stir If the astronauts specify

t h a t it was a Shuttle, she waves away any requests for clarification
She knows n e x t t o nothing about airships and w i l l become slightly
annoyed i f they ask for more information. ' D o y o u d o u b t m y word?'
I f they a d m i t they do, she becomes upset that anyone w o u l d even
consider challenging her.

Reyardless of what you may think, I have an offer you may

find interesting. In exchange for your airship (she says 'Shut-
tle' if they mention it) you must rescue one of my lieutenants
from the nasties.
(The 'Nasties' is one of the many names for the Zoviets,
in black pants anti shirt. He is tonsured, and has a heavy
taken from the initials for the title: North American Strategic
rosary hanginy arounci his neck. The silver cross ylitters even
Direction 'NASD' = 'Nasty.')
in this feeble light. (This is Father John Haldin, visiting from
the Dixie rebel organization to the South.)
I f they refuse t o deal w i t h her, saying that she must be lying unless
All three people have their attention drawn to a figure they can see t h e Shuttle f o r themselves, she asks, 'Can y o u really a f f o r d
kneeling in front of them, flanked by two military-looking t o take that chance?'
types with the same type of rifles that your captors possess.
The woman i s talking. She has a slight Spanish slant to her Uncooperative Characters
voice. (it is, indeed, slight. The Duchess does not have a If the astronauts totally refuse t o deal with the Duchess,
pronounced accent.) she lets them go and commands them to go far away.
'- therefore, it has been established t o my satisfaction that If they are within her territory by nightfall, they will
you are, indeed, an FBI agent. Do you have anything t o say be shot.
before I sentence you?' She i s angry that they will not help her get her son back,
'Only that I am innocent of this charge. I am an American and is convinced they are Zoviets. On their way out,
resister, as you are.' The kneeling man has a rich Russian she tells them that i f they are interested in bloodbaths
dialect. and killing Amerikan rebels, they should go north towards
'As you know,' she continues, 'I have only one penalty the convoy. No doubt the astronauts' friends will be
for spying. And you have just earned it.' bombing another town or pillaging some farms on their
'But, Duchess -' way to wherever they're going (she isn't sure where
'Take him away.' the Zoviet caravan i s going).
The guards drag him t o his feet and e x i t out the way Continue with the second adventure in this book.
you came in. The door shuts behind you as your guards
motion you forward. The woman called 'Duchess' turns to you
Questions & Answers
and asks, 'Now, who are you and why are you in my terri- A t this point, i f they haven't already, they should b e barraging the
tory?' Duchess w i t h all sorts o f questions.
The Duchess reveals any immediate information the astronauts
Explanations and Exclamations ask. She s t i l l assumes they are f r o m this time, and are perhaps for-
The Duchess is patient, b u t n o t stupid. I f more than one character eigners. She i s n o t familiar w i t h their outfits, b u t thinks they may be
attempts t o speak at the same time, she holds u p her hand. I f they f r o m some other c o u n t r y aligned w i t h the Zoviets. No matter. She
continue, the culprits get the b u t t o f a rifle. She does n o t ask them to believes they w o u l d d o just about anything t o get their ship back
kneel, t r y i n g hard t o be as diplomatic as possible (which i s n o t easy so they don't get executed f o r destroying valuable Russian property.
for her). When answering their questions, she assumes t h e astronauts k n o w
I f the astronauts feel threatened, they m a y n o t tell the truth. t h a t it i s the year 2197 C.E., and t h a t the Russians have controlled
As gamemaster, listen t o h o w they t e l l their story. I f they attempt t o most of the w o r l d f o r years and years.
falsify it in any way, t r y listening t o it objectively. I f it isn't totally
obvious t o y o u that the story i s false, (or i f y o u don't trust y o u r o w n Where are we? Y o u are in m y headquarters. No, I mean in general -
judgement) t r y rolling the Duchess' 'Detect Lie' skill. I f y o u r o l l higher where is this place? You are a few thousand meters f r o m the Atlantic
than the character's T A L or 'Lie Convincingly' skill. t h e Duchess sees Ocean, i n the state of Pennsylvania, several kilometers f r o m Easton.
through the deception. She sighs and asks f o r the truth. Pennsylvania? The one i n N o r t h Amerika. Does that answer your

The Duchess and her troops have heard rumors of the Russians would spot them and arrest them.
phoenjx's entrance last night. She has heard (or has come They are ZOViet soldiers testing a new airship. But since
up with) the following rumors. they crashed it, they are on the run (as their commander
They are Zoviet spies,and the crash was a to will have them shot for destroying such valuable property).
flush out resistance groups in the area. I f resistance mem- The Duchess believes the latter rumor, and it colors
bers were t o scout around looking for the crash site, the every decision she makes in relation to the astronauts.
question? 'The Dyesyat Refinery lies some few scant kilometers South.
Who are the Nasries? Where have y o u been? The nasties are . . . Several o f m y best soldiers and m y first lieutenant were captured n o t
the Nasties. The Russians. Who are you? Y o u may call me the Duchess. far f r o m there, and taken t o the refinery. It has been four days, and
I rule this l i t t l e spot o f land, I f o u n d y o u o n m y aoorstep this morning. they are s t i l l there.
Call first next time, w o n ' t y o u ? 'Tonight, y o u w i l l travel South o n f o o t w i t h a complement of m y
Are you always so sarcastic? Continue asking those types o f ques- soldiers u n t i l y o u reach t h e Hedge cliff. F r o m there, y o u w i l l pair o f f
tions and you m a y n o t be around long enough t o f i n d out. N e x t ques- o n hang gliders and cross over the T y l e marsh. Once past the marsh,
tion. What is this place? M y domain. Next question. How long have you y o u w i l l land and proceed on f o o t through t h e woods surrounding the
been here? A b o u t ten years. Why? refinery.
Whose side are you on? I am n o t altogether o n anyone's side, ' Y o u w i l l circle around t o the Northwest and c u t through the fence
because n o one i s altogether on m y side. B u t there i s little love lost behind the Collection Dish. Once in, y o u w i l l separate. M y soldiers
between the Zoviets and I. ( A t this, the cleric chuckles.) Who are w i l l head directly f o r the fuel depot, t o set u p explosive charges in
( T o Father John Halden)? Father John i s a dear friend o f mine. He case we need a diversion. T w o o f them w i l l also steal a hovercraft
comes f r o m a group i n t h e South. (Father John smiles and puts o u t his in which t o escape. You must head directly i n t o the Collection Dish
hand, 'How d o y o u do?' A t t e m p t a 'Dangersense' skill r o l l f o r any station where m y lieutenant i s being held. F i n d him. Free him. I f any
character w i t h t h a t skill. I f successful, pass them a note telling them o f the others are there, get them o u t as well. I f a distraction becomes
' t h a t they feel uneasy near Father John.) necessary, y o u can detonate the fuel tanks and cover y o u r escape.'
What was that convoy of vehicles we saw outside? (The Duchess
gestures t o Filn MacDougal, w h o leans i n toward her. They have a slight Typical questions the characters m i g h t ask are as follows.
conversation. A n y character making a successful 'Listen' roll can hear Why diu you wait four days to rescue them? The refinery gets
the words 'Major Krucshev,' 'Offensive,' and 'New Y o r k City.' She power f r o m o r b i t i n g satellites. F o r a period o f 1 hour every 6 days,
turns back t o y o u . ) I t i s o f l i t t l e concern. Military movement through something happens t o c u t o f f that power. There i s an electrified fence
m y territory occurs frequently. around the perimeter o f t h e compound, so it was impossible to d o
What are you the Duchess of? M y land - this territory. anything covert u n t i l tonight.
Why did your people kill that dog? T o prevent the spread o f rabies. Why us? I have something y o u want, and because o f that, I hope
Where d i d y o u come from, under a r o c k ? Everyone shoots those y o u have very l i t t l e reason t o doublecross me.
vermin - cats as well as dogs. They aren't very good eating, though, Why not a frontal aftack? Because I d o n ' t k n o w what position
m y soldiers are in. It i s q u i t e possible that t h e Zoviets could easily
What The Duchess Will Not Tell Them: k i l l them all w i t h i n the first few moments of such an assault. I can't
0 The man they are t o rescue i s her son. a f f o r d t o make t h a t mistake. What does the inside of the Collection
0 That she suspects that there i s a t least one Zoviet spy in her organi- Dish station look like? None o f m y people have ever come o u t of
zat ion. there alive. I don't know.
0 What function this place served. (Even she i s unsure.) Why not fake a vehicle? T o o risky. They kick u p a l o t o f dust -
0 What yoear this is (unless specifically asked). Today's date i s March y o u saw the convoy t h a t passed b y here - and the engine noise might
2, 2197 C.E. alert them.
What is the lieutenant's name? Michael Kellman.
What kind of equipment are we getting? Y o u w i l l each receive a
The Rescue Plan Sazonov Laser Pistol. Y o u get the battery f o r it once y o u are o n your
The players may eventually get tired o f parleying w i t h her ladyship way. (If they request rope and grappling hooks, or something o f a simi-
and finally get d o w n t o some decisions. They can refuse t o cooperate, lar nature, they may have it. Remember t h a t the Duchess has very
attack her, or agree t o her request. l i m i t e d resources, b u t it i s her son w h o is in danger. She refuses t o load
I f they attack her, they have l i t t l e hope o f victory. The guards t r y them u p w i t h any more weapons, and she has n o armor t o spare,
t o subdue the astronauts rather than k i l l them (although the Duchess except f o r 2 Alumen Jumpsuits. See the 'Equipment' chapter f o r a
may have one killed as an example). description.)
I f they agree t o her request, Father John looks disgusted and
leaves t h e room. (He does n o t show u p for the rest o f the adventure.
Once the questions are finished, t h e astronauts are led t o the 'Quar-
See his description i n t h e 'Encounters' section i f y o u w o u l d like him
ters' module, receive full meals, and are permitted t o use the hygiene
t o t u r n u p in one o f y o u r o w n adventures.) F i l n remains. The Duchess
station. A n y clothing w h i c h has been damaged i s repaired, and all
leans t o the l e f t of her chair, and pulls o u t several documents and a
clothes are washed.
map f r o m a compartment. Locate the accompanying Dyesyat Re-
When the characters again see t h e outdoors, it is dark o u t and they
finery map, and show i t t o the players (or give them a sketch of it).
w i l l be o n their w a y South t o t h e Refinery.
She opens u p the map as the guards remove the handcuffs f r o m the
characters. She tells them the following plan.
Episode Three: The Rescue
This episode pits a group of commando-trained astronauts against ground are various shaped parcels, and you are directed to
a well-defended military installation Part of the problem w i t h the res- carry one. These are evidently the hang gliders.
cue is that the Duchess' suspicion i s correct - there is a w o l f i n the
f o l d A Zoviet spy b y the name of Lydee Doveech infiltrated the The walk takes them about an hour. Although it is dark, they have
Duchess' hideout t w o years ago, and has been causing trouble ever infra-red goggles and the natives k n o w the way. They soon reach the
since, He is crafty and resourceful, so much so that he has been hand- c l i f f face spoken of, and assemble the hang gliders. There are f e w de-
picked b y the Duchess for this mission He i s well aware that the Duch- cisions for the players t o make at this point. They are l i t t l e more than
ess i s trying t o rescue her soon, and wants t o sure her son does n o t cargo.
come o u t of the refinery alive The Duchess will then need a lieutenant,
and Lydee i s open for the position. I n that role, he can f i n d o u t about
t h e rebel camps that the Duchess often has contact with, so t h a t he
can finally report their locations t o the Eastern Province of Greater The gliders are soon put together, and you are briefed
Russia's government on how t o move with the pilot - leaning into the turns and
That i s his plan, anyway He has n o t counted o n Zoviet troops
(the astronauts) dropping i n and agreeing t o rescue the man. Therefore,
pivoting properly. They seem a little amused, expecting you
Lydee w i l l have t o make sure that this 'planned diversion' is bungled, t o be total goofs.
and that he himself w i l l be driving the stolen vehicle o u t of t h e com- One by one you are paired off, males with females, and
pound and u p the coast long before those Zoviet traitors have rescued vice versa. The idea is t o reduce the total weight of the cargo.
Michael Kellman the Duchess' son.
(Find out who wants t o go first.)
Gaming Equipment You and your pilot walk to the edge of the Hedge cliff.
This Episode i s designed f o r use w i t h miniatures, specifically the Looking down, you see the Tyle marsh. I t isn't much of a
raid o n the refinery's Dish Station. The interior of the Dish Station marsh from this distance. As if in response to your thought,
is keyed t o the dimensions o f the Battlefield miniatures display, making your pilot quips, 'We lost a half-dozen good fighters in that
i t simple t o use the Battlefield t o regulate this scene. (See the 'Combat'
chapter i n the Training Manual.) Prepare y o u r materials before play
muck. It can pull a struggling person down faster than quick-
begins so that the game runs uninterrupted. This includes sketching sand. Hang On!'
out the Dish Station beforehand, and selecting miniatures. With that, you feel like you're falling right toward the
ground. Faster and faster you fly, until you realize that you
Character Equipment
are moving across the marsh and not into it. It's a cool night,
Prepare y o u r players' characters b y giving them each one of the
following: but the chill i s invigorating. Looking to your left, you can see
the glassy sheen of the ocean. The moon i s rising over it.
0 Zoviet soldier u n i f o r m I t is a beautiful sight.
0 Sazonov Laser Pistol
0 Infra-red Goggles
0 Wirecutters Each character's flight is basically t h e same. The pilots are experts,
0 One Wristwatch detonator and a mishap is nigh impossible. The f l i g h t takes five minutes, and each
craft touches d o w n o n a grassy meadow bordering thick woods.
A n y reasonable requests for supplies they might desire (such as
rope and a grappling h o o k ) w i l l be honored, b u t t h e Duchess w i l l give
out n o more weapons, and has 2 Alumen Jumpsuits available. The Refinery
T w o of t h e soldiers are carrying plastique. The Refinery is in i t s sleep cycle, as well as i t s l o w power cycle.
Anthony Quill (or the leader o f the group i f y o u r characters are During the routine breaks f r o m collecting power (which happens for
using their o w n characters) receives the Wristwatch Detonator f r o m 58 minutes every 6 days, due t o the fact t h a t only 2 o u t o f t h e ori-
Lydee. He or she i s t o l d that, once inside the complex, wait a t least ginal 3 solar-collection satellites are operating) the station runs o f f
ten minutes for the crew t o set u p the plastique near some tanks of batteries. The fence cannot b e electrified, and most machinery is
liquid hydrogen Pressing the watch's b u t t o n three times in a r o w w i l l shut d o w n , The Duchess' group reaches the station just ten minutes
detonate the plastique. D o this o n l y i f it is necessary to insure escape. after t h e power has shut d o w n , They have 48 minutes.
I t takes minutes t o reach the refinery boundary. The group comes
Into the Wild Blue Yonder d o w n f r o m the Northwest, toward the Collection Disk. Take o u t the
There is one Duchess soldier for every astronaut. Read: Refinery map and show t h e players ( o r make a sketch t o show them).

You are notified that the time has arrived for the rescue. The lights from the refinery gleam in the dimness. All
You get yourself together, and accept the uniform handed to looks very quiet. There i s a guardpost in the Northeast, and
you. I t i s a black winter coat which reaches your knees, another in the Southwest. Other than that, there don't seem to
black gloves, and a black fur hat with a small red star on it. be any patrols or other activity, The fence which circles the
I t all feels like some kind of bad joke. But you know that camp has barbed wire across the top and notices around it
everyone involved i s deadly serious. in Russian and English which read, 'Danger: This Fence is
The leader of your expedition is Lydee Kelvin (Doveech, Electrified.'
the spy), one of the Duchess' most trusted soldiers. He's a
I n p o i n t o f fact, there i s n o activity at this time o f night. The guards
medium height young man with bright eyes and a quick are inside their posts playing cards, and everyone else i s asleep.
You each receive a laser pistol, infra-red goggles, and wire Lydee Kelvin motions two soldiers forward, and they begin
cutters. working on the fence. True to the Duchess' word, it i s not
You are led out of the complex the same way you came in, electrified, and it takes scant moments t o create a hole large
and emerge to darkness. I t i s colder out than it was during the enough for two people to crawl through. Lydee goes first,
day, and you're thankful for the heavy coat. Stacked on the and makes several hand gestures (Amerikan Sign Language)

Oil Drums
Some o f these drums are fairly new, others have rusted out. There
are t w o hand-held o i l cans o n the floor, w i t h w e t rags around them.
Evidently, the Dish Station machinery needs frequent oiling.

This i s a hand-operated wooden platform. I t has seen better days,
but is quite safe and s t i l l functional. It can rise t o the entrance door
one-story above the floor. The door has a chain across it which I S fas-
tened w i t h a simple c l i p to the door jam.

Collection Dish Machinery

This I S a huge collection of electrical equipment w h i c h rises up t o
the ceiling. A catwalk extends o u t of a service panel on one side of
the machinery, where lubricant i s administered. The equipment has a
total o f 500 BOD points, b u t t h e service panel has only 12. I f the
service panel receives a Trauma Hit, a loud bell sounds continually,
signalling a problem w i t h t h e machine.

South Building
The door t o this building i n unlocked. U p o n entering:

A hallway stretches South from the doorway. There i s

a door on either side of the hall and one a t the end for a
t o the two soldiers carrying the explosives. They come through total of 3 doors. The place smells of. . death. .
next, and run into the shadow of the overhanging Collection
Disk. The rest of you are motioned through. It is here that you The door o n t h e l e f t is an e m p t y office. There i s a dusty desk,
a broken swivel chair, and a Russian electric typewriter. It IS n o t plug-
are scheduled to split up. You see Lydee and his soldiers
ged in, as there are n o outlets in this room.
moving off to your left, skulking along the shadow of the The door t o t h e right is a bathroom, I t i s a dingy place, w i t h blood-
Collection Disk. stains on the walls and floor,
The w h i t e door at the end of the hall i s locked, and looks like a
Entering the Station meat locker door w i t h a wide metal handle. The l o c k is of Excellent
There are three doors i n t o the structure. U p o n selecting a door, quality (140%). The door has 8 BOD points, and i s made o f steel.
t h e characters f i n d it i s unlocked
Once they enter t h e structure, show t h e m the Dish Statron Infenor
map so they can see w h a t they are looking at ( o r p u l l o u t y o u r Battle-
field and miniatures, as discussed above).

The door leads t o a catwalk, suspended one-story above

the floor. (If they enter from the East door, they see an ele-
vator and descend that way, if they like.) There are two
rung ladders a t either end of the catwalk, descending to the
floor below. The walls of the chamber rise two stories up,
then converge in a mass of machinery which s i t s like a center
support pole in the middle if the room.
in here are 2 one-story high buildings. In the Northeast
corner are several drums of what looks like oil.
T h e place i s lit by bare bulbs scattered intermittently
around the room. All is quiet.
The next step is u p t o y o u r players. The f o l l o w i n g section details
each section of the Dish Station in clockwise order, but y o u r players
decide what t o investigate and when. 0
Sandy Hymen
N o r t h Building M ichael
This building is in the Northwest corner of the station. The buil-
ding's dimension's are 9m b y 4m. The d o o r i n the East is locked. It
requires the skill 'Lockpicking,' or a good heave with a strong shoulder. The door opens, and the first thing you see i s a body.
The lock is o f Good Quality (120%). The door itself has 5 BOD points. It is a young man. Hanging half a meter above the floor.
Once inside: Suspended by a rope around his neck. His face i s purple and
I t looks like a storage shed. There are gardening tools contorted.
stacked up against the left wall, including rakes, hoes, and As you look around the metal-lined room, you spot three
flower pots. There is a huge trough of soil t o your right, more bodies, lying on the floor by the South wall. The place
now dry and dusty. The rest of the place i s taken up by reeks. I t i s indeed a meat locker, with ventilation holes ram-
rusting metal shelves, stacked with various car parts, and med through the ceiling. The hooks are hanging about the
mouldy old cardboard boxes. room. The other end of the noose is tied to one of them.

A successful 'Spot' skill r o l l discovers a strange area near the f r o n t Of the three people, one is dead. He i s an older Chinese man, and
door. If the character has any medical training ( E M T skill, Surgery, looks l i k e he was beaten t o death. The other two, another fairly y o u n g
Veterinary skill, etc.) he or she recognizes the dark stains on the wall man and an older woman, b o t h appear t o be alive, and in fairly good
and floor as dried blood. A successful Forensics skill r o l l deduces this shape. The w o m a n looks o n in terror and inches closer t o the wall,
area was recently ( w i t h i n the past week) used for torture, and t h e b l o o d pulling her legs u p t o her chest. Only then d o the characters see the
is probably human. bruises all over her. Her l e f t knee i s bandaged w i t h strips o f c l o t h
(her kneecap is shattered). The y o u n g man does n o t stir. You come out into the cool air. Michael and Sandy are
The woman is frightened because they are in Zoviet uniform. I f supporting each other. Sandy appears to have a wounded
they reassure her, she does n o t believe them unless they mention the
knee. (Her left kneecap i s shattered.) Lights are springing on
Duchess. Her name i s Sandy Tegg. The young man is, of course, Michael
Kellman, the Duchess‘ son. ( B u t don’t t e l l the players. Let them f i n d all over the place and it looks like every square meter of
o u t b y asking.) Michael can be awakened b y gentle nudging. ground will soon be illuminated. To the South, you hear
I f questioned, the t w o survivors can tell the astronauts the follow- several pairs of boots run across the compound, toward the
ing items. compound‘s Southern entrance. Directly across from you
0 The Duchess got a t i p o n an important message being relayed by
i s a closed gate, and a supply truck.
courier, so they were sent t o waylay him.
0 They got t h e message, killed the courier, and were captured, Evi- The characters may choose t o wait for Lydee t o appear w i t h the
dently the courier had a jeep behind him that the Duchess was not hovercraft. I f so, they have a short wait. No, he doesn’t appear, b u t
t o l d about. they d o f i n d o u t where he w e n t :
0 Michael s t i l l has the message rolled u p i n his b o o t . (This i s the letter
which opens t h e Whar’s Going On? chapter o f this booklet. I f the A shout rings out near the Southwest gate. There’s a
characters show an interest in looking at the letter, show your players
mixture of English and Russian, as you realize that a hovercar
that section.)
0 They all w o u n d u p here, and have n o t been o u t o f this r o o m (they i s trying to crash the gate. It’s a small civilian car, and it’s
don’t k n o w h o w long they have been here), having some trouble doing so. You hear machinegun fire
0 Steven was injected w i t h rabies some t i m e ago. N o t wanting t o go from there, and shouts about not letting the prisoners escape.
through that k i n d o f death, and t o protect t h e others f r o m his attacks, Obviously they think that Michael and Sandy are in the
he hung himself.
0 Hymen was beaten because the Zoviets were robbed of the ‘plea-
sure’ of watching Steven slowly go mad. Neither Sandy nor Michael Suddenly an explosion rocks the ground. The car disap-
k n o w t h a t Hymen i s dead u n t i l they are told. They are in such bad pears in a ball of flame.
shape, the news doesn’t really have that m u c h effect.
I f t h e characters have tried using the wristwatch detonator b y this
time, they m a y have a good idea that something has gone very wrong
w i t h the plans. I f not, be sure t h a t t r y i n g t o crash t h e South gate i s
Using the Wristwatch Detonator
a very strange way to rescue them. (Incidentally, this is probably the
When the situation begins getting harried, Anthony may end o f Lydee Doveech, and his accomplices. Until he turns u p again
push the button on his watch 3 times t o set off the plas- sometime in t h e far f u t u r e , . , )
tique. When he does, pause for a moment, then t e l l them, A t this point, some soldiers spot the characters and give a yell.
‘You hear nothing.’ The characters must make a move. I f they d o n o t t h i n k o f getting the
supply truck t h a t i s sitting nearby, Michael does. H e runs towards
Give the player no more information than that. After it as he yells for the characters t o follow. Sandy follows his lead,
all, the character has no way to know that Lydee ripped and jumps in t h e f r o n t seat.
out the guts of the watch so that it is completely useless. Take a supply t r u c k counter out, and display it. Mention that it
J is a hovercraft, and t h e cab i s open t o t h e rear o f the truck. The truck-
bed i s empty.

T h e keys are not in the truck, but somehow you get the
feeling that t h e two you just freed are old pros a t hotwiring,
because Sandy is already under the dashboard.
As you watch, 3 Zoviets take up defensive positions near
a hydrogen tank, and begin firing.

These are Zoviet Bios - biomechanically-engineered soldiers.

They are detailed in the ‘Encounters’ section. Switch t o Sequences,
and give the players’ characters 3 Sequences t o p e r f o r m actions before
t h e Zoviets open fire. Due t o her present condition, it takes Sandy
10 Seauences to riq the truck.

Bios Explode Messily

Bios are not well constructed. A simple Trauma Hit
knocks a Hit Location out of commission. Since your
players (and their characters) assume that the Bios are just
regular Zoviet soldiers, you should dramatize the first time
one explodes. This serves further to heighten the feeling
of ’don’t trust anything a t face value in this new world’ -
the character’s (and player‘s) sense of Culture Shock.
‘You h i t the soldier, and suddenly his arm explodes!
Shrapnel flies in all directions. He recovers, switches the
rifle to his other hand, and blithely continues to fire.
You can’t tell from this distance, but it doesn‘t even
look like he’s bleeding!’
Or how about:
‘You shoot - and his head explodes! Pieces of flesh
fly everywhere, along with metal parts, and electrical
Flight t o Freedom
Once the characters have exited the Dish Station, read the fol-
wiring. The . . . soldier . . .freezes in position. From your
lowing: vantage point, you distinctly see circuits sparking and
sputtering in the smoky cavern that was his face.’

Possible Targets
When the characters begin shooting, they have several targets
o Hydrogen Storage Tank I t has 6 B O D points, and a triple Trauma
H i t w i l l cause i t t o explode, killing the soldiers cowering behind it
Shrapnel will come towards the truck as well, doing 3 D 6 damage t o
1 D 6 H i t Locations
o The plastique applied t o t h e hydrogen tanks The area i s n o w well
lit, and the plastique i s sitting there in full view I f the characters wish,
they could also r u n o u t there and grab i t
o The soldiers themselves This i s a fairly good idea A l l 3 soldiers are
kneeling behind horizontal feed lines, so a n y damage rolled which
should h i t below the Chest actually hits the pipe The pipes are cur-
rently empty, and have 3 B O D points

Home Free
After 10 Sequences, t h e engine starts u p !

There is a rumble, a high-pitched whine, and suddenly you

feel like the truck i s floating on water. Michael throws the
truck into reverse, yells, 'Hang on!' and you go flying towards
the closed gates.
A thunderous crash signals the gate's destruction. He
slams the truck into forward, and floors it. The whine grows
louder as the truck increases speed. You are heading directly With Sandy's help, you're off again! The two on hover-
for the ocean. cycles are close enough t o smell now, and they intensify their
Michael drives the truck right out onto the beach, where fire.
sand i s whipped up into a hail of lethal rain. He skims the
surface of the ocean, and heads up the dark coast. You've The t w o on hovercycles are Bios, and stats for them are in the
' Encounters' section .
escaped !
The hovercycles w i l l be w i t h i n range of the Bios' weapons after
Suddenly the truck begins weaving. Michael slumps across 10 Sequences, unless the astronauts gun them down. ( I f the driver
the steering wheel. The truck slows to a halt, it's engine Klutzed, the astronauts have only 5 Sequences before the cycles are
idling.. Sandy turns t o you, 'Does anyone know how to drive w i t h i n range.)
one of these things? I can't - my knee's hurt.'
Suddenly a burst of gunfire rings out from behind you. There aren't a heck o f a l o t of choices o u t here o n the beach.
You turn and look through the open back of the truck to see Going o f f i n t o t h e sea w i l l not change anything, as b o t h the sea and
2 hovercycles bearing down on you. sand have the same effect o n the t r u c k : they slow it down. Maximum
speed is about 40 kph. Fortunately, the cycles are just as encumbered.
Turning off i n t o the woods in the middle of the n i g h t is n o t recorn-
Michael i s d o w n f o r the count, and w o n ' t regain consciousness
mended - a crash w i l l definitely result, and Sandy i s not at all keen o n
u n t i l after they reach the Duchess' headquarters A character w i t h a
the idea i f it i s offered.
medical skill can tell that he has suffered internal injuries o f some
k i n d They rnay or rnay n o t be serious
It i s time t o shift back to counting Sequences It w i l l take Carol
CI imax
This i s essentially a running shoot-out, b u t 5 well-armed astronauts
Horn 4 Sequences, and Cynthia Shanders 3 Sequences, t o start the
should make easy w o r k of these Bio clowns.
truck moving Meanwhile, the t w o hovercycles are w i t h i n 2 5 0 m of
the truck This means t h a t all laser fire incurs a - 1 D I F due t o the long
With a tremendous explosion, first the cycle, then the
range (until the cycles come w i t h i n l O O m of them)
Here's the time f o r some heroic character t o j u m p in the driver's soldier erupts. The other cycle is buffeted, but stays on
seat and take command Of the pregenerated characters, only Carol course.
Horn ( w i t h an Operate Vehicle skill at 50%) and Cynthia Shanders After keeping pace with you for a second or two, the sol-
( w i t h an Operate Tractor of 50%) have Specific Skills applicable t o dier makes a wide arc and heads back to the Refinery.
the task If either one tries t o drive, they have a -1 DIF. I f anyone
else tries, they must use their M A N Skill Sphere percentage
Since Sandy i s w i t h them (and conscious) only a K l u t z r o l l w i l l I f t h e characters can k i l l the soldier w i t h i n 5 Sequences then he, t o o
spell d o o m for them I f the character does Klutz, the engine stalls explodes. Otherwise, he escapes. If t h e astronauts contemplate turning
That means the character must make a successful skill r o l l t o restart the around t o finish h i m off, Sandy pleads w i t h them t h a t they must get
engine, and can d o so at his or her Personal Speed Michael home - w h o knows what shape he i s i n ?

Kickstart Vehicle Rules

The full rules are in the 'Vehicles' chapter, but for they must roll a higher total than 1/2 the vehicle's current
now the only thing you need to concern yourself with i s speed (20) + 1D100. This i s technically a Skill vs. Skill
the speed of the vehicles. situation. You as gamemaster roll each Sequence in which a
The hovercycles and the truck can both go a maximum character attempts t o make a skill roll. If your total i s
of 40 kph on the sand. Unless the player states otherwise, higher, the jostling of the vehicle made the skill attempt
assume the driver of the truck i s going a t that speed. fail.
The main skill that characters will attempt in this epi- Also, if the driver i s suffering from any DIF penal-
sode is firing upon the Zoviet cyclists. To accomplish this, ties, every character who tries t o perform a skill is penalized
they must successfully make their skill roll. In addition, the same amount (a wounded driver maneuvers erratically).

That's it1 They've rescued Michael, survived a traitor's sabotage, d o present Michael t o the Duchess, and collect thelr reward - the
and evaded the Zoviet soldiers. N o w there are o n l y t w o things left to Shuttle. Err, perhaps their troubles are just beginning ,

This i s the final chapter o f the first adventure. In this episode,

the astronauts return t o f i n d o u t that the man they rescued i s the Espionage!
Duchess' son, t h a t t h e message he carries spells certain d o o m f o r the Before the players finish discussing the Nonnewaug
rebels to the North, and that their reward is nothing more than a fuel-
less Helicopter - and n o t one o f the characters has a Pilot skill. tribe with the Duchess, Filn comes back. He goes to the
hchess, and whispers into her ear for a few moments.
The Return Home He tells her about the circumstantial evidence which
The characters return speedily and w i t h o u t incident t o the Duchess' suggests that Lydee was probably not trying to save her
headquarters. U p o n approach, concealed spotlights snap on, offering a
son. She does not take this well, and will relate the infor-
rout t o follow. Sandy directs the vehicle d o w n a ramp t o the Truck
Bay doors, where they are m e t b y guards. The soldiers have stretchers, mation t o the astronauts apologizing profusely (note that
and use one to carry Michael. The Duchess (and her silent bodyguard 'profusely' for her is 'minimally' for anyone else), and
F i l n ) is there t o greet them. I f any o f the astronauts are badly hurt, says that there are Russian spies everywhere. The Duchess
they are taken t o t h e Duchess' hospital. The group w i l l adjourn and
i s shaken by this news - she had high hopes for Lydee,
the story continues in the hospital.
and is amazed to be so completely wrong about him.
The Duchess rushes up to greet you. 'How did everything
go? I hope that - 'She stops short upon seeing Michael.
She looks over a t your group. 'How bad i s is?' Show.. .
When the characters are finished discussing the current situation,
Encourage some k i n d of c o m f o r t i n g response. Whatever they m a y the Duchess is prepared t o reward them f o r the safe return of her son.
say, she takes Michael's hand. I f any of t h e characters are injured, compress game time b y saying,
'After y o u are all healed, t h e Duchess is prepared t o reward y o u ' I f
any character died, new astronaut characters can be picked u p at this
He stirs, and opens his eyes. They seem unfocused. time, as well
'Mother, I am home.'
'Yes, Michael, you are, indeed. Everything will be all She leads you over to the Truck Bay. The massive doors -
right now.' She turns to the other soldiers. 'Take him inside. looking for all the world like they were taken off a bank
And Sandy as well.' Sandy limps along, supported by two vault - swing shut behind you. The interior i s brightly lit,
soldiers. Filn hands the Duchess the document that Michael quite a contrast to the dim outdoors.
had, and follows the two former prisoners into the head- You see a chamber a t least 50m by 20m. There are a
quarters. number of vehicles in here: a hovercar, 2 rickety old carts,
She watches Michael's body until they disappear into the a couple of hovercycles, and two 6-wheeled flatbed cargo
dimness of the Truck Bay. Meanwhile, the soldiers take back trucks. One of the trucks has a large tarp covering something
the laser pistols. bulky. It is about t h e size of another truck. It is t o this tarp
that the Duchess leads you. She signals, and several of the
N o w that he is home, the Duchess admits that Michael is her son.
The Duchess reads the letter and her shoulders sag. She drops her a r m guards standing around come over and remove the tarp.
t o her side. There, sitting squarely on the back of the truck, is a Zoviet
'This spells doom for them, you understand? They cannot She turns t o you and smiles.
stop such an invasion as this portends.' She stops, as if sud- (And here is your flying ship that washed up on the shore
denly realizing she is not alone. last night.'
I f pressed, the Duchess i s w i l l i n g t o share the information. She
hands them the document and lets them read it. This i s the translation; . . .and Tell
the original was destroyed. If asked, the Duchess relays the following The characters ( n o t t o m e n t i o n your players) may be rightly o u t -
information. ( I f she is n o t asked, she w i l l relay this information later, raged at this deception. However, the Duchess was n o t attempting to
before the characters leave.) deceive anyone. She t r u l y believed that this was t h e ship the astro-
nauts were looking for. She i s horribly dismayed and upset that she
0 There i s a resistance group i n the North, near the ruins of N e w Y o r k was wrong, and pleads w i t h them t o take it anyway.
City, called the Nonnewaug tribe. They are valiant defenders of Liber-
ty, b u t this is t o o much. 'I don't know what to say, except that I am very sorry.
If you - . . . This means that you are not Russians! Please
0 Reading between the lines, it appears that t h e t r o o p movements
everyone saw moving through this area yesterday were definitely
forgive me. I thought you were Russian soldiers looking for
heading North. the ship you lost. I was wrong. . .I was wrong!'

0 This also corrolates w i t h other information t h a t t h e Duchess has The Duchess i s as upset about being wrong as she i s about deceiv-
heard f r o m other sources. i n g t h e m (and the deal w i t h Lydee only makes it worse). Fallibility
w i l l take some getting used to. It also convinces her that the astro-
0 She is n o t overly f o n d o f any group, but any b l o w to L i b e r t y nauts are t o o m u c h o f an u n k n o w n factor - t o o unpredictable t o
could be the death knell t o freedom. keep them around.

0 South: I t i s a Contaminated Zone To go around it, y o u w o u l d

Guiding the Action enter a Zoviet Province's populated area.
0 East: The Atlantis Ocean.
Oftentimes, players desire some kind of guidance from
0 West: The Peoples' Roadway is directly West, and 8 kilometers
the gamemaster on where to proceed with the story. West of that i s the Zoviet c i t y o f Easton.
Players often pick up signals from the gamemaster's dia-
log, and they notice the emphasis he or she places on The Duchess pushes them t o go North, as that is the only route
certain events. that offers a chance o f survival (and a goal 1.
I f asked, she tells them that she 'has n o maps o f anything except
Because of this, it will probably not be necessary to t h e immediate area' (show t h e players A Portion o f Eastern Pennsyl-
emphasize the impending Nonnewaug annihilation. Your vania).
players will pick up on the hints fast enough.
The Longest Journey. ..
Where to Go From Here After a night's rest, the Duchess supplies them w l t h t h e following:
The Duchess realizes that she has a duty, as a resistor t o the Zoviet
oppressors, t o warn the Nonnewaug people. If necessary, she offers 0 F o o d for a week, 'With no dog i n it. The good stuff.'
the astronauts 90 grams of gold (equal t o 600 Rubles) t o deliver the 0 Bedrolls
message of impending destruction. 0 Ponchos
0 Laser Pistols
Two of my people died getting this information. Their 0 One tent for every 4 astronauts
0 Signed document f r o m the Duchess w i t h her seal, asking f o r the
deaths have made this information valuable beyond compare. bearer's permission t o see the leaders.
I t does no good to remain in my hands. 0 A c o p y o f the document stolen f r o m t h e Zoviets.
0 One R A D each (An amulet w h i c h acts as a geiger counter. It hums
If they accept, the Duchess says that once they get t o the tribe, when radiation i s near. I t i s tin, and waterproof. The battery should
she guarentees them entrance t o see the leaders of the tribe: Paul and last almost 2 years.)
M o l l y Sender.
She cannot a f f o r d the loss o f any other vehicle except the truck
holding the helicopter.
Welcome to the Neighborhood
If the astronauts ask about the surrounding regions, the Duchess The wooded hills stretch out in front of you. The day i s
tells them: overcast, and the sea breeze whips the wind into a chilly
blast. As you make your way over the first hill, a light drizzle
0 North. There I S a coal m i n i n g operation a few kilometers up, b u t
from then on i t i s w i l d country u n t i l they reach New Y o r k .
Welcome to March 3, 2197 C.E. . . .

ir\ (/Eastern PA.

One Kdometer

(Anthracite Coal)
Welcome t o the second adventure for Year of the Phoenix. This people i n these encounters. Because of this, the encounters describe
i s different f r o m the first adventure in t h a t it i s an 'Open' style scena- t h e people and leave t h e dynamics o f the actual encounter t o y o u .
rio. Open adventures are best suited t o large areas o f land which charac- This entire adventure t o o k some ten hours t o complete during
ters must cross, often w i t h o u t specific motivation. This description playtesting, b u t interest varies f r o m group t o group. Don't b e afraid
fits the astronauts perfectly. t o wrap u p an encounter i f i t appears that y o u r players are bored
and interested in advancing the story.
Encounter Format The first encounter, Nathaniel Crosby, i s designed w i t h an eye
Each encounter includes the general location o f the encounter. towards humor. H e i s an o l d hermit w i t h n o special power or influence
Use t h e map f r o m the previous adventure ( A Portion of Eastern Penn- excepting that which the characters might t h i n k h e has. This i s a
sylvania) f o r referencing. Each encounter also has the time of day simple diversion, and c o u l d make for an enjoyable evening's roleplay.
when it is most likely t o take place, and the composition and dis- The second encounter i s the Borrika Mine. This adventure IS design-
position o f the ecounter. ed t o allow the characters t o steal a few m i n i n g sults. The suits w i l l
Specific game statistics are in the Encounter Pullout i n the center come i n handy in the next adventure (and makes travel across harsh
of this booklet. terrain m u c h easier).
The encounters are 'hard-keyed' t o the six pregenerated characters. The last encounter i s the t o w n o f Scranton, PA, This i s a tragic
I f your players are n o t using them, y o u may wish t o tailor some o f the scenario, designed to instill the characters w i t h a desire t o defend
encounters t o w a r d the size and disposition o f y o u r group. other communities like this one against the Red threat.
The encounters assume that t h e characters f o l l o w the Duchess' Following this last encounter i s a section o n creating more ob-
lead and go North. I f this is n o t so, y o u may wish t o move the location stacles, motivators, and escapades f o r the players' characters.
o f these encounters so that t h e players' characters stumble u p o n them
anyway. The Helicopter
I f the characters take the t r u c k w i t h the helicopter, they cannot
Using the Encounters drive the t r u c k very far before the terrain (rough ground and woods)
These episodes are discrete objects to be changed, deleted, and forces them t o either take t h e road o r abandon t h e whole thing.
added to. Many o f t h e potential roleplaying aspects cannot be antici- I f they take the road, generate some encounters using the 'Further
pated - they depend u p o n h o w y o u r playing group responds t o the Encounters' chapter.

Immediately N o r t h o f the Duchess i s t h e habitat of one Nathaniel j o i n u p w i t h the astronauts for any reason. Nathan IS an honorable
Crosby. Nathaniel i s usually o u t in the woods either collecting things. chap, and n o t greedy, n o r does he harbor grudges,
hunting for food, or spying o n the Duchess, the Zoviets, o r the Borrika
Mine. A t night he i s at home in a treehouse he has constructed f r o m Typical Conversation
scraps o f cars, wood, and sheet metal. H e lives alone i n his house high Nathan: 'Born in the USA, I was Born in the - _ What d o y o u want?'
i n the trees, b u t i s always eager for company. Character: ' H e l l o . Who are you?'
I f they encounter Nataniel during the day, he is most likely singing Nathann: 'I was about t o ask y o u t h e same thing.'
one o f his favorite songs, such as Born in the USA. H e i s n o t afraid Character: 'We are, u m m , visitors.'
o f people and i s more than likely t o o eager t o divulge all his 'secrets' Nathan: 'We are all o n l y visitors o n this world, friend,'
(which usually aren't true anyway). Character: 'Yes, I see. D o y o u live around here?'
H e has t o l d so many stories about himself and his past that even he Nathan: 'UP there. In that tree. See m y house? Bet you'd like t o
isn't sure about it anymore, b u t he appears t o be at least 70 years old. visit for some dinner, eh? You look p r e t t y hungry.'
He apparently lives day t o day w i t h n o clear goal other than survival. Character: 'Well, yes. We're actually o n our way t o the Nonnewaug -'
H e has n o great ambitions, other than the flights of fancy he delights i n Nathan: ' S H H H H H ! They'll here y o u . Come u p i n t o m y house. They
and i s content t o live out the rest o f his life b y himself. He will n o t can't detect us there.'

later Rumors
I f y o u wish t o make Nathaniel a true i n f o r m a t i o n source, he knows
Nathan 'So y o u see m y predicament I need t o get all the rats i n the the following rumors. The first t w o rumors are true, as far as they go.
w o r l d and help them to take over '
Character 'But they aren't - ' 1 'Nonnewaug is going t o get hit and they k n o w it. They've no time
Nathan 'Save y o u r breath They sure are intelligent More intelligent t o Bug Out, so they're going t o fight. A n d lose. But they'd rather
than we were Look what the Mets d i d t o the Astrodome1 L o o k die on their feet than live o n their knees.'
what Kentucky Fried King d i d t o McDougal'sl Why, all that compe-
t i t i o n almost destroyed this planet ' 2. 'The leaders o f the Nonnewaug have been asking for help f o r the
Character ' I see Well, i t ' s getting late and we need t o get an early past 3 days, b u t nobody's answered. They want some k i n d o f raid
start ' using explosives. I didn't listen t o o hard t o the messenger.'
Nathan ' D i d y o u k n o w that mice used t o be in politics7 A n d that one
of the Presidents of the United States was a mouse?' 3. 'The sewer systems w h i c h snake under the o l d c i t y o f New Y o r k
Character ' U m m w e really have t o go ' are infested w i t h cockroaches b i g enough t o sever your arm w i t h one
Nathan 'Oh, come now. I've heard all about i t . Just before the Big bite.
Bang everybody talked about their mickey-mouse politics.'
Character ' Y e a h , '

How Nathaniel Views. .. Outlook

World Prospects 'Oh, I ' m n o t i n t o politics anymore. Years ago, o f course, I was renowned
as t h e . , .'
Amerika's Prospects ' I pray that we'll get r i d o f those nasty Russkies, o f course. I t doesn't
have t o be i n m y lifetime, b u t that w o u l d be nice.'
Best way t o restore Amerika 'Well, I'm n o politician, but I've a couple of ways. Hey - d i d I mention
about getting all the rats i n the w o r l d together?'
Current actions against Zoviets 'I spit o n the road after they go by.'
Current Economic condition 'Well, I got a cashe o f Rubles tucked away f o r when I need 'em. I f I can
o n l y remember where I tucked 'em away . . .'
Ideal new Amerikan GovernmenIt 'The rats couldn't govern us any worse . . .'
Strangers receive 'Hello. Can I help you?'
View of Zoviet rule 'Horrible. Inhuman. I f I had m y druthers, w h y I'd wallop them a good
crack.. . '

Encounter Two: The BorrCka Mine

This encounter assumes that the characters immediately see the The office i s located in t h e administration building.
tactical value o f the m i n i n g suits and w i l l endeavor t o acquire 1 or A t night, the 2 foremen and the engineer are quartered in the
more for their o w n purposes. ( O f course, players may decide t o in- administration building. The miners and maintenance personnel are
vestigate the suits simply because they l o o k 'cool ' ) quartered near t h e main coal furnaces t o the West.
I f your players' characters d o n o t take an interest in the goings on
at the mine, they may freely bypass it, b u t they w i l l have a less-than-
Approach and Reactions
friendly time in the subways of Manhattan in the t h i r d adventure
During the day, the o n l y approach which will go undetected i s f r o m
I f i t appears that there w i l l b e a m i n i n g suit fight between the
the Southwest. When detected, one o f the foremen brings 4 technicians
players' characters and t h e mining personnel, you m a y wish t o use the
w i t h h i m and approaches t h e characters, demanding t o k n o w w h o they
Battlefteld t o resolve i t
are, what they want, and to see their identification papers.
I f they manage t o get a suit, a t least 2 miners c l i m b i n t o other
A scant 2 kilometers N o r t h of the Duchess' territory lies the Bor suits and give chase.
rika Mine This mine i s currently i n operation L o o k i n g at the Portton
I f t h e characters are s t i l l around after ten minutes o f game time,
of Easrern Pennsylvania map, the characters w i l l most likely come
a t r u c k carrying fifteen average Zoviet soldiers drives u p and begins
across the Eastern cluster o f buildings shown o n the m a p This cluster
shooting at t h e characters.
i s shown in detail o n the Bornka Mlne map
A t night, floodlamps illuminate t h e compound u p t o a distance
The long building is an administrationisupply depot I t IS occupied of ten meters f r o m any equipment. The 2 foremen and the engineer
almost around the clock The square building i s a machine shop The
spend their nights planning the next day's w o r k , and m a y n o t hear the
Eastern Mineshaft (others are located nearer t o the coal furnaces
Characters' approach ( O K % Skill Sphere rolls). I f anything untoward
in the West) is composed o f a supporting scaffolding rigged t o an ele- happens, they each get a pistol and go outside.
vator The elevator runs o f f a generator, w h i c h also provides electricity I f t h e characters manage t o steal a suit, the 3 gamemastered charac-
t o the buildings
ters grab a m i n i n g suit and give chase. They chase the characters until/
When the characters come across the area, a fuel truck i s sitting o f f
unless the characters get t o o far ahead for them t o reasonably expect
t o the West, over a dozen oil drums are scattered near the maintenance
t o catch them (about 5 minutes o f game time).
building, and t h e 3 m i n i n g suits in t h e South are sitting there
I f the characters arrive during the day, t h e 5 suits i n the N o r t h
(the Red suits) are all in t h e mine shaft I f they arrive before o r after Capture
normal w o r k i n g hours (8 A M t o 7 PM), the Red s u i t s are sitting as I f t h e charcters capture one or more o f the miners, the miners
shown in the diagram k n o w very little. They can c o n f i r m the t r o o p movements, b u t have
very l i t t l e pertinent i n f o r m a t i o n for the characters.
Personnel I f the characters are captured b y the Zoviets, they are taken to one
During the day, there are 4 t o 6 maintenance personnel loitering o f t h e rooms i n the administration building. There they wait u n t i l a
around the buildings I n addition, the mine employs 9 miners, 2 fore- Zoviet patrol comes b y t o pick them up. They have a 2-day wait w i t h -
men, and 1 engineer None o f these people have weapons o n them, o u t food. Water i s provided t o them twice a day. Escape should be the
b u t a supply of 6 pistols i s i n a cabinet in t h e office of the foreman obvious choice, and t h e details are l e f t f o r you t o adjudicate.

Bonika Mine
seal e _IJ_I_I
1 2 3 4 m

Eb pole w/
Mining Suits ( 5 )

L3 or

N Mining Suits ( 3 )


Radio transmitter (2 k m range)


The m i n i n g suit was designed to:
Withstand the unique atmospheric conditions o f the mine,such
as no ventilation, extreme dust, and the like.
0 Survive frequent cave-ins and other disasters which result f r o m
Oxygen backpack - Twelve-hour
Support Services
poor command decisions. (Spotlights, etc.)
0 Manipulate a variety o f tools, including m i n i n g lasers,chisels,
and other m o t o r activities which d o n o t require precision w o r k .
0 Remain below ground f o r periods exceeding ten hours.

All controls are in the hand modules. There i s plenty o f free
space w i t h i n the machine, b u t ventilation w i t h i n the suit itself i s
While in the suit, all characters add +1 t o M A N and K I N speeds,
and all M A N and K I N skills are a t their Skill Sphere percentages.
Also add +lo0 t o t h e wearer's MUS. This can affect the wearer's
DAM, which also changes the suit's damage dice f o r fist and tram-
The suit has 5 B O D in each location. The suit i s treated like
a separate e n t i t y - it i s n o t considered armor.

Dimensions: Height 2m, Weight 2 5 0 kg

Composition: Metal and high-impact plastic construction

Mining laser
(Treat as laser /

A l l joints
are hydraulic
Retractable a r i.a.m r claws ( 3
front, 1 rear per f o o t ) Treat as
Trample, b u t doing 3 D 1 0
damage 1 I I
E n c o u n t e r Three: Scranton, PA.
This episode i s intended t o inject some pathos i n t o the campaign. 0 The pastor of the church, Father Bolin, i s probably the characters'
The people here have just been subjected t o barbaric acts at the hands initial contact w i t h the distraught inhabitants o f the town. Trouble
o f the Occupiers, and i t i s time for someone t o strike back at the Red is Father Bolin is on the b r i n k o f reality. due t o the holocaust which
menace befell his l i t t l e t o w n n o t twelve hours ago.
This encounter also warns the characters that they aren't dealing 'They burned m y children, they burned m y children!' he cries over
w i t h incompetent miners or lazy refinery guards The group that passed and over, referring t o the flock of parishioners under his care. He loved
throuqh here is a true army them dearly and i s taking the destruction of his t o w n very badly. He
i s convinced that h e i s n o w sure t h a t the 'voice o f the devil' can be
heard i n every spoken word, every child's cry, and every animal's
The Town sound. He pities the living, and thinks t h a t we should envy those
Scranton, PA i s a few kilometers N o r t h o f the Borrika Mines already dead - those w h o have been spared this 'living torment.'
The characters should encounter i t w i t h i n a day o f leaving the Mine I t will take several days, b u t he eventually returns t o his senses,
if they set a good pace (and don't stop for lunch) This t o w n IS quite and begins t o deal w i t h the horrendous slaughter. I f the characters
small, despite the Peoples lnterprovince Roadway c u t t i n g through the t h i n k t o m o u n t a cleanup operation and get him involved i n it, he
center o f i t Folks continued t o move away f r o m i t l i t t l e b y l i t t l e comes o u t o f it m u c h faster.
Although i t looks as if i t could have harbored about three hundred Father Bolin i s so far gone he doesn't care w h o he talks to.
people, less than one hundred actually live there
Well, d i d live there u n t i l the Zoviet convoy passed through The 0 Marsha Wiseman, however, does care w h o she talks to. The w i d o w
leader of the 'police action,' Major M Krucshev, had reports o f rebel is currently occupying a badly b u r n t building. The b o t t o m f l o o r i s
activity in the area and t o o k i t u p o n himself t o resupply his forces here almost totally intact, so she has taken u p residence there. I f the charac-
at Scranton When the townspeople were uncooperative, a few public ters begin p o k i n g about, she comes o u t of her hiding place and warns
executions soon p u t them back i n line When this happened, t h e local them away. Says she'll get the FBI after 'em. Or maybe even the CIA.
priest p u t u p a fuss during his h o m i l y Or maybe they are C I A plants, here t o finish the j o b that the soldiers
T o set an example, t h e Major torched several of the larger down- started. I f the characters deal w i t h her kindly, she softens a b i t and
t o w n areas, regardless o f their occupied status There i s l i t t l e l e f t of talks about her late husband and what a good policeman he was,
Scranton proper, even though over half t h e people are still alive there 'not sadistic like some o f them.'
Before they leave she hands them a locket she has been wearing,
explaining that it is her last defiant act. She also explains that 'there
Approaching the Town must be hope f o r us all - there must be something w o r t h living for,
The stench of b u r n t bodies can be detected ten minutes away even d y i n g for. We need a leader. Someone strong. Someone t o bring
from the town, when downwind (as the characters w i l l be) The t o w n us o u t i n t o the open and t r i u m p h against t h e chains w h i c h b i n d us.'
itself looks like some sort of natural disaster hit i t The surrounding She fades back i n t o the debris. I f they open the locket, there i s a l i s t
fields are trampled, most o f the buildings in the area are smoking of names o n a piece o f paper. They mean nothing t o the players'
ruins, and a few childrens' toys are scattered i n the streets O f f i n the characters, b u t i f given t o the Nonnewaug rebels, they immediately
distance an agonized cry rises and falls on the breeze recognize some o f them as Zoviet contacts a n d other members of t h e

Resources Other Residents

The t o w n well i s s t i l l good, b u t very l o w The local stores are Feel free t o include other characters i n the town. T h i n k about
looted, b u t a l i m i t e d supply of day-old bread and other local produce i s some o f the townspeople in your area and include parts of their per-
available There are, o f course, n o weapons shops or any weapons of sonality in Scranton residents. Postulate h o w these characters w o u l d
any k i n d in evidence Clothing stores have been looted as well, b u t they react to such a disaster i n their o w n c i t y .
are relatively intact The corner drug store i s b u r n t t o the ground,
the hardware store i s half burnt, b u t the gas station i s a crater
The Red Army
Major M . Krucshev and his troops are half a day's journey o u t of
The People Scranton. This means the players' characters should have n o trouble
The t o w n i s quiet when the characters approach. The largest struc- avoiding and skirting the lumbering horde o n their way t o warn Nonne-
ture i n the t o w n i s the remains of t h e stone church, still smouldering. waug. The priest and/or Mrs. Wiseman relays this information.

Further E n c o u n t e r s
The journey t o N e w York i s rife w i t h adventure possibilities Here Encounter Table Organization
are several l i s t s t o help spark your imagination. When deciding how The tables are steps, w i t h each step further defining the encounter.
well-equipped these people are, remember that i f they are a military Feel free t o break away f r o m the tables at any p o i n t and continue t o
group o u t looking for trouble y o u should give the characters a good flesh o u t t h e encounter o n y o u r own.
chance t o evade or overcome them, as these are n o t scenes w h i c h have The encounter tables are n o t weighted toward or away f r o m any
a major bearing on the overall p l o t Of course, y o u c o u l d decide other- specific k i n d o f encounter, because they are designed for inspiration
wise and have several scenarios occur between n o w and the final adven- and n o t as boundaries. In other words, I d o n o t expect y o u t o actually
ture which have a major impact o n y o u r campaign However, keep i n roll the dice t o determine every aspect o f an encounter. Instead, r o l l for
m i n d t h e time factor I t w i l l n o t take t o o long for the army t o reach some specifics and choose others. I f y o u r o l l for every step, y o u w i l l
New Y o r k and begin setting u p for the assault o n the Nonnewaug inevitably roll u p something w h i c h makes n o sense. O f course, t r y i n g
rebels t o w o r k the seeming contradictions i n t o the encounter can be f u n too.
Also, too, there can be more than one group encountered together,
w i t h more than one motwe. Also, members of a group may have a
secret reason for being w i t h the group.


1 DlO Who d o t h e Characters Encounter? 1D10 How are t h e y traveling?
1 Zoviet Armed Forces 1 I n disguise
2 Zoviet Local Authorities 2 Impersonating another group/person
3 Zoviet Officials or attendants/aides 3 Obviously
4 Rebel outcasts 4 Quietly
5 Rebel search and destroy group 5 By vehicle (horse-drawn cart, tank, car, boat, etc.)
6 Rebel recon patrol 6 A t night
7 Rebel messenger 7 I n short jaunts
8 Rebel special mission 8 In pain or b y caravan
9 Rebel members 9 In overabundance
10 American Citizens 10 Alone

TABLE 4 - W H Y ?
1 D20 Why are t h e y d o i n g this?
1 Doing their j o b
2 Lost
3 Need informationiwant t o give information (urgently?)
TABLE 2 - W H A T ? 4 Bad intentions
1D30 What are they doing? 5 Needs favor
1 Hunting 6 Does n o t offer expanation or i s a decoy
2 Setting traps/ambush 7 Detour
3 Harvesting 8 Wants t o buy/sell/give away something/someo,ne
4 Preparing signals/signs 9 Outcast
5 Camped 10 Running away
6 Fashioning item 11 T r y i n g t o warn others
7 Gathering 12 I s being chased
8 Inventing new concept/device/procedure 13 Out o f fuel
9 Working 14 Is chasing someone
10 Digging 15 Prophetizing
11 Hiding 16 Something IS brokenilost
12 Fixing 17 Were recently robbed
13 Searching for something/someone 18 Committed a crime
14 Waiting f o r passerby 19 Wants escort o u t o f area
15 Practicing/training 20 L o o k i n g f o r a good time
16 Seeding
17 Secretly planting an i t e m t o b e f o u n d b y another
18 Cooking
19 Recreation TABLE 5 - COMPLlCATIONS
20 Traveling through the area 1 D10 Possible Complications
21 Wandering lost 1 Composed of rival factions
22 Following astronauts/others 2 Mistaken identity
23 Running away 3 Item being transported has escapedlis lost
24 Scrounging for f o o d 4 I s rude
25 Living in the area 5 Admires astronauts
26 Living in squalor 6 Engaged i n illegal activity
27 O n assignment 7 Wanted b y authoritiesiescaped criminals
28 Transporting someone/something 8 Being followed
29 Planning something 9 Has disease
30 Official execution/murdering someone 10 Have unseen guarddguard dogs

ir b

Welcome t o the last adventure in the Year o f the Phoenix boxed set. option in the scenarios presented here, and the characters should be
I n this adventure, the characters finally meet u p w i t h the Nonnewaug made aware o f that.
rebels, hopefully loin them, and then agree t o a dangerous mission.
Episode One: Start Spreading the News
The rebels meet u p w i t h the Nonnewaug Tribe. This i s a roleplaying
History of the Region encounter where t h e characters learn about the Nonnewaug society,
Officially, the area surrounding New Y o r k C i t y has always been and participate in a war council. Word comes that t h e Russian com-
quiet The real estate i s valueless - tearing d o w n the ancient buildings mander i s setting u p on t h e roof o f the remaining World Trade tower.
which were razed, long, long ago w o u l d be an exercise i n government The astronauts are asked t o go underground and destroy that tower.
waste, especially when there are thousands of kilometers of open area The rebels have no misconceptions. They cannot hope t o defeat
across the country for the State's citizens to develop. an army. Their intent i s t o b u y enough time t o evacuate.
Unofficially, the Zoviets have k n o w n for several years t h a t rebel
activity oriqinates out of the general New Y o r k C i t y area U p u n t i l Episode Two: I'm Leaving Today
recently the rebels have been ignored because the government had The astronauts embark on their perilous journey through the
enough problems of i t s own, such as t r y i n g t o feed i t s people half-destroyed subway tunnels o f B r o o k L y n n and Manhattan. Due
A b o u t once a year, a Zoviet ship i s damaged or sunk when under- t o obstructed tunnels, t h e y rise f r o m the caverns and begin a hazardous
water mines detonate A l l the explosions occur near the m o u t h o f the trek across the blasted land where they meet street gangs intent on
Hudson river, and were originally attributed t o mines left there f r o m either helping t h e m o r hindering them.
the Cataclysm (either placed there or accidently dumped). However, This episode i s designed t o introduce some o f the baser life forms
recent events have chanqed all that which l u r k i n this new world, and t o play around a l i t t l e more w i t h
the characters' culture shock, David T o t h is the o n l y pregenerated
character w h o knows his way around New Y o r k City, b u t everything
Recent Events has changed since he was last here.
In the last few months several bombings and assassinations occured.
and were traced t o members of the Nonnewaug rebels This stirred u p
interest in those rebels and the Zoviets finally located the Nonnewaug Conclusion
base of operations through newly discovered electronic detection me- I f they are successful, the Trade Tower collapses and the characters
thods State's Island, j u s t o f f the t i p o f Manhattan escape. The return journey i s probably relatively quiet (depending
Due t o this discovery, the responsibility for t h e loss o f life and upon i f the characters made any enemies o n their way over o r n o t )
property damage f r o m the mines has been attributed t o t h e rebels and they are reunited w i t h the Nonnewaug tribe, w h o are frantically
(whether or not they are actually responsible IS immaterial) preparing t o Bug Out.
The U n i t e d Provinces of Eastern Russia has finally come t o grips The astronauts are also invited t o visit the Shrine o f the Lady,
w i t h i t s econony, enabling the war machine t o open i t s slumbering and learn the t r u t h behind the religious aspect of the Nonnewaugs.
eyes again Several important m i l i t a r y leaders, headed b y Major M
Krucshev, have decided t o make an example of the Nonnewaug rebels
Troops led b y Major Krucshev himself are marching on New Y o r k Further Adventures
even as you read this Although some Year of the Phoenix adventures such as Liberty
the Fugitive (published separately) chronicle the continuing adventures
of the Nonnewaug people on their long journey South, other published
The Plot adventures are singular events n o t tied t o past or future adventures,
This adventure i s dangerous. Characters may die in this adventure enabling y o u to tailor the campaign t o f i t y o u and y o u r players' style
if they are foolish or fight instead o f talk. Retreating i s o f t e n a wise of adventure
Episode One: %#art
Spreading the News
The characters are o n a journey North, t o warn the Nonnewaug The Recon Patrol
tribe of impending d o o m . I f the characters d i d n o t choose t o embark The leader of the l i t t l e group is Malcolm Hein He appears t o be
upon this mission, the Duchess w i l l send someone else. The rebels w i l l about 15 years old, and i s p r o u d o f t h e fact that he IS the leader of the
be warned, b u t at great cost; almost half the tribe is wiped o u t before group It t o o k him 2 years on recon patrols to prove that h e could
they can destroy the Trade Tower. b e a leader, and he has finally gotten his o w n command
This group o f seven men and women are part o f a larger recon group
which i s stationed a half-hour’s w a l k f r o m this location On the way
The Greeting over, they explain t o the characters about the test, including the fact
The rebels have heard rumors about the astronauts and don’t k n o w t h a t t h e ’burning car’ has been there for years and that they simply
what t o believe. The astronauts are variously said t o be Russian secret set u p a fire underneath it.
agents, Russian pilots w h o crashed, o r even foreigners f r o m another Paul and M o l l y Sender are mentioned as the leaders of Nonnewaug,
country. The rebels have set u p a l i t t l e scenario t o t e s t the characters’ and the astronauts probably offer t h e letter they bear Malcolm w i l l
loyalty because it is n o t clear if the astronauts are friendly t o the read the letter, and hand it back, clearly in awe that the characters got
cause or against it. A l l the participants i n the following scene are a letter f r o m the Duchess herself A t this p o i n t the group meets u p
Nonnewaug rebels. with the rest o f the recon patrol, and the characters may recount
Feel free to set this situation u p using t h e Battlefield, w h i c h w i l l their exploits i f they desire
further convince the players that their characters have stumbled across The characters are cut short i f any mention i s made of the impend-
an authentic firefight. i n g Zoviet attack N o one i s t o speak of i t except t o the chiefs Paul
a n d M o l l y Sender
As you come out of a wooded area into a small clearing, I f t h e characters o f f e r f h e locket, they are asked t o wait and give
it t o the Senders
you hear gunshots off to your left. Just over a small rise
you make out the shape o f a burning car.
The Duchess Myth
Let the characters approach as they wish. Regardless o f their phys-
F r o m time to t i m e the Duchess has contacted the Rebels, b u t
ical orientation they see the following.
meetings have always occured o n her terms A n enigmatic figure,
she has always w o r k e d towards peace and has been a stabilizing
Two men in Zoviet uniforms are pinned behind a tree presence in the area
by enemy fire. The Zoviets have hand lasers. Their opposition T o f i n d o u t that n o t o n l y have the astronauts met her and seen
her home, but they have come away w i t h a ‘blessing’ f r o m the
is a group of four people dressed in brown, close-fitting
Duchess herself, i s t r u l y amazing (comparable t o having the Presi-
clothing. The clothing looks like animal leather. The four dent o f the U.S. come t o y o u r house for dinner).
are brandishing various weapons, including a bow and arrow,
submachine gun, pistol, and assault rifle.

I f the astronauts decide t o approach t h e Zoviets f r o m behind, The Senders

they almost get w i t h i n shooting range ( w i t h i n 10m. due t o the heavy The t r i p t o State‘s Island i s accomplished via an o l d freighter.
forest) when a Zoviet ’gets shot’ and slumps down. He begins crawling I f the m i n i n g suits are along, they are stowed below deck, w i t h offers
away and spots the astronauts. He slowly stands and reaches o u t his to recharge the Power Pax once the rebel base i s reached. U p o n dock-
hand, beckoning towards them. i n g somewhere along t h e Southwest shore o f State‘s Island, they are
I f the characters prepare t o shoot at the Zoviets at any time, the m e t b y an entourage led b y the Senders, w h o offer them f o o d and
‘wounded’ soldier and the rebels across the way cease fire, yelling lodging.
f o r the astronauts t o ‘Stop! D o n ‘ t shoot!‘ The Nonnewaug rebels
regroup and explain to the characters t h a t they have just passed the
test of loyalty - welcome t o the group. The War Council
The same scenario occurs i f the astronauts approach the rebel That afternoon, there i s a council of war The meeting takes place
side, but it is assumed the characters w i l l attempt t o shoot alongside in a concrete bunker located in the center of the island There are SIX
the rebels instead o f a t the rebels. members o f t h e rebel forces at the meeting, and all of the astronauts
I f the characters are using a m i n i n g suit i n the hopes that such an are asked t o attend
apparition w i l l cease fire, they are correct. However, t h e players o f this The f o l l o w i n g paragraphs relate general descriptions o f the council
l i t t l e charade continue the deception u n t i l the astronauts’ intent i s members, and the information they have t o report (as well as the
made clear. general reaction t o the news).
I f the characters should actually manage t o injure or k i l l a Nonne-
waug rebel before the situation can be explained, he or she is n o t repri- Paul Sender i s co-leader o f the rebellion He i s a stocky man w i t h
manded in any way. The situation i s hastily explained, and there is a t r i m beard He i s smooth, gentle-mannered, and bright Together
no ill-will towards the astronauts. The rebels knew this test was dan- w i t h Molly, they manage to keep the rebel group focused and re-
gerous. sponsible t o themselves

How the Resistance Views. . . Outlook

World prospects Hopeful
Amerika‘s prospects Hopeful
Best way t o restore Amerika Persistent attacks
Current actions against Zoviets Random (& effective) raids o n various targets
Current governing f o r m Democracy (elected directly b y the people)
Current personal freedom Moderate t o total
Current economic conditions Slowly stabilizing
Ideal new Amerikan government Democracy
Strangers receive Questioning, then usually offer t o stay
View o f Zoviet rule They are the epitome o f ignorance
M o l l y Sender i s the authoritative one She can be called on t o judge gestions o n h o w t o fight the battle, and their opinion o n the intent
disputes w i t h an objective eye, and i s counted o n heavily b y Paul of the small group which went t o Manhattan.
for her unbiased opinion o n decisions which effect the rebellion
A Commotion
Miguel Answan IS head o f the evacuation He's a tall, handsomely When you feel i t is appropriate (i.e., when the players have r u n Out
dark man He i s always looking t o blame someone for things which of things for their characters t o say), a messenger interrupts the meet-
have qone wronq, and i s constantly tapping his pencil on the table ing.
Miguel i s well aware of sexual politics, and i s not above using his
looks t o get what he believes i s best for the c o m m u n i t y Suddenly the door opens and a sweaty youth enters,
0 The rebels are n o t able t o evacuate in time I t w i l l take a m i n i m u m striding over to the Senders. He drops a letter on the table
of t w o more days, due t o the fact that Nonnewaug has grown m u c h i n
and exits as silently as he entered.
the last few years and evacuation plans have never been updated during
that entire time
Molly picks up the letter and reads it.
(The Senders quiet the outcries o f dismay, saying that no one 'Says that the group in Manhattan includes the Mahor
alone i s t o blame They are all guilty ) himself. They have climbed the Trade Tower and have set up
a command center on the roof.
Jennifer Porsi i s Miguel's assistant She's a Japanese bombshell,
and just as well versed in the ways of sexual politics as he IS Y o u might
'Hmph. That's a very good place for an armchair general,
say that they w o r k well together She i s t r u l y dedicated t o t h e rebel I think. The highest spot for many kilometers around. Well,
cause, and desires justice we'll give him a fight he won't soon forget.'
0 F o o d w i l l b e the biggest problem, followed closely b y the problem
of moving the shrine of t h e Lady Pause for a f e w moments t o see if the players offer any ideas,
(Everyone blesses h i m or herself w i t h the sign o f the cross at the such as t r y i n g to enter Manhattan and destroy the Tower, or even
mention of the Lady See the final episode for a description of the a small patrol t o sneak u p the Tower and assassinate the Major. I f they
shrine The players' characters must wait u n t i l the crisis i s over before d o n o t t h i n k of any such idea, then Laura Connery speaks, slowly
they may see the shrine 1 and distinctly.

General Laura Connery i s a new member of the military, at age 17 'We have him.'
She i s usually quiet, b u t when she has an idea, it i s a good one Paul and Molly exchange glances.
The Russian troops are led b y the dread Major M Krucshev He i s
'Excuse me?' asks Paul.
t h e most sadistic o f the known officers, and he w i l l gladly take pri-
soners 'We have him. Send a group into Manhattan and destroy
(This news upsets everyone at the table ) the Tower.'
0 We cannot hope t o w i n any k i n d o f direct confrontation, we have 'Umm, General, do we have enough explosives, expertise
always dealt w i t h the enemy f r o m the vantage p o i n t o f surprise, w e are
and - '
masters of guerrilla warfare N o w i t appears that w e w i l l pay for our
inability t o defend our home base 'The tunnels, Paul. The tunnels. I was on an expedition
(Miguel and Jennifer object, saying t h a t we should have known 5 years ago to map out the caverns underneath the city.
that w i t h our increasing influence we w o u l d eventually come under the Send a group under the city and blow out the Tower's founda-
scrutiny of the enemy ) tions. One of the subterranean tunnels runs right under that
building. Meanwhile, I suggest a diversion of sufficient force
General Roger Healy has very long black hair, and i s a veteran o f
the resistance A t 35, he i s among the oldest of the rebels When he to distract Major M. Krucshev.'
speaks, others listen The r o o m i s very quiet while General Healy thinks it over. He
0 The enemy has, at last count, twenty tanks, and some t w o hundred eventually agrees that it i s a fine plan, b u t t h a t no one he knows has
soldiers and associated equipment and vehicles the expertise t o pull it off, asking General Connery i f there i s anyone
0 They are massing just inside the Pennsylvania shore, slightly N o r t h f r o m her expedition s t i l l around, as she cannot go (she uses a wheel.
of State's Island (New Jersey n o longer exists), except for a small group chair).
o f some 40 soldiers w h o have proceeded i n t o Manhattan Connery is hesitant and unsure. She believes there m i g h t be, b u t it
was 5 years ago, after all.

Guerrilla War
When the rebels fight, they d o so t o harrass and annoy - n o t Prompting the Players
t o win land o r stack u p kills. The litany o f a guerrilla war includes Now, it should he clear f r o m the events which have taken place
the following scripture that t h e players' characters are in line for the job.
I f y o u r players are using the pregenerated characters, Cynthia
0 Don't be afraid t o run away I f the enemy is clearly t o o strong, Shanders has a Demolitions skill, and David T o t h used t o live i n
disperse and regroup elsewhere Waste y o u r enemy's time and re- Manhattan. He certainly knows t h e subway system - at least he
sources n o t your o w n
knows h o w i t used t o be.
I f your players seem unwilling or ignorant of the obvious setup,
0 I f the enemy has captured a significant site, d o n o t a t t e m p t t o y o u m a y need t o actually ask them (via the gamemastered charac-
retake i t You are fighting a war which y o u w i l l w i n b y harrass- ters) t o accept the job. I f they refuse, the adventure w i l l revolve
ment ~ y o u w i l l make it t o o costly f o r the Zoviets t o keep the around the characters helping t o pack u p and move o u t the rebels.
land Alternatively, t h e astronauts c o u l d just walk o u t on the rebels.
Neither of these options seem t o o exciting. Here are some co-
0 Never surrender The Zoviets extend n o mercy and honor no ercive actions y o u m i g h t drop i n t o t h e story i f the characters
condition I f y o u have no chance of escape, take one of them seem reluctant t o help:
w i t h you 0 Free r o o m and board. This doesn't sound very silly i f they t h i n k
about it. Eating i s a pastime w h i c h could easily take u p more than
314 o f a day . . . every day.
0 A center f o r information on other survivors of the Shuttle,
Player Character Responses as well as news o f t h e Shuttle itself. This p o i n t should be brought
The council n o w asks the players' characters what they k n o w about o u t i n casual conversation i f the players seem hesitant about helping
the Duchess' military strength, what she is doing about the military the Nonnewaugs. The Senders even agree t o send o u t patrols and
action, and i f General Healy's guess as t o t h e composition of the army information requests specifically about the Shuttle.
i s correct Have the gamemastered characters react using the indicated 0 This i s a chance t o get back at the Russians f o r doing these
personality notes suggested above terrible things t o Amerika, and a chance to be an important part
I f the characters seem hesitant, or when they appear t o be running of the fight f o r freedom.
out of information, Roger Healy interrupts and asks them for sug-

a: Underwater Mines
Liberty Bay & Manhattan

A, B, M, R, 1, 2, 3: ldentlfied subway lines

b: Sea Farming Several forays i n t o the subway tunnels has
c: Mac the Knife's terrttory produced limited informatlon.
d: The General (Free passage)
e: Phillip McKay (Nonnewaug Branch
f : Nonnewaug Outpost
1- Subway bl oc ked/f looded/etc. I
g: Shipwrecks (2188 C.E.) 1- Subway continues - n o t yet investigated I

The Departure Preparing for War

With luck, the characters agree t o journey t o Manhattan. When The astronauts are t o l d that it w i l l take t w o hours t o prepare
they do, General Connery pulls o u t the L i b e r t y B a y 5 Manhattan for the diversion, as the rebels were planning for a defensive posture,
map. (Show i t t o your players.) The map i s fairly self-explanatory, n o t an offensive one.
b u t she warns that i t was made over 5 years ago. During the two-hour waiting period, Paul and M o l l y approach
Laura Connery offers the following plan. t h e characters a n d o f f e r t h e m permanent citizenship in the Nonnewaug
tribe - n o t something t o be taken lightly. They can f i n d o u t the fol-
Take a small fishing boat across to Brook Lynn, where lowing information.
the Southern entrance to subway ‘R’ i s located. Take that
up, cross over to the ‘E’, and follow that as far as you can. The Resistance
The resistance i s divided i n t o nine major groups across what were
You must go up to the surface, walk West a few minutes, once t h e U n i t e d States o f America. T o i d e n t i f y themselves as distinct
and transfer over to the ’R’ again. Follow that until you f r o m t h e corrupt regime w h i c h plagues this country, t h e y have adopted
intersect with the ‘2, 3‘ tunnel, which will take you under the t h e spelling ‘Amerika’ as a t o k e n of t h e coming change.
bay. I t eventually connects with the number ’I’tunnel. The Nonnewaug tribe provides and enforces freedom of Press,
Religion (although people practice worship o f The Lady almost ex-
Follow that South until you reach the ’World Trade Center’
clusively - more o n her in the final episode), Race, Nationality, Gen-
station. There, plant the explosives and go back North, der, Orientation, a n d Age.
retracing y o u r steps. Use a t least 10 charges. That Tower A f t e r puberty, it i s the child w h o decides when he o r she has attain-
must fall. ed adulthood. Once self-professed, t h e c h i l d is an adult.
Marriage i s legal between any t w o adults, and is encouraged t o
If t h e characters have the m i n i n g suits, she suggests using them. check t h e spread o f contagious diseases.
Cannibalism is n o longer lawful thanks t o t h e p l e n t i f u l f o o d supply
Each astronaut receives a Recon Equipment package, a compass, (but this may change i f they cannot re-establish some k i n d o f regular
a flashlight. and a Weapons K i t as listed in t h e ’1 1 5 Tools’ chapter o f harvest after the pending move).
this booklet A n y other listed equipment i s available t o the astronauts Crimes are usually dealt w i t h b y counciling b o t h the v i c t i m and
i f they request i t the offender.
Also, every astronaut receives a copy of the L h e r t y B a y 5 Man- Other resistance groups are governed quite differently. For example,
hattan map t h e Dixies of the South use a literal interpretation o f the bible as
their law.

About the Map Key

If characters ask about the information which appears o n t h e had l i t t l e contact w i t h him for the last few years.
Map Key, the General t e l l s them the following. d. The General is o n good terms w i t h t h e rebellion and never
a. Underwater mines - They’ve been there as long as anyone requires a payment for passage through his territory.
can remember. They keep Zoviet shipping d o w n t o a d u l l roar, e. Phillip M c K a y started a fringe group o f rebels o u t there.
so t h e rebellion has not done anything about them. We were getting t o o big, and we k n e w it.
b . Sea Farming - Most o f the Nonnewaug‘s f o o d comes f r o m f . A simple building where t h e rebels keep an eye o n Zoviet
harvesting the sea floor. If there was time, they w o u l d show the shipping.
suits used f o r the job. g. Ships which must have been there for some time. They look
c. Mac the Knife’s Territory - Friendly w i t h t h e Zoviets, they’ve as i f a concentrated blast destroyed them.

Episode Two: I’m Leaving Today.

This episode i s composed of Encounters, like the second adventure, Statue of Liberty herself are nowhere to be found. No doubt
R o a d to Nowhere. And. like those encounters, these are also keyed t o the pedestal is under the water somewhere and she has been
specific locations. Finally, like i n the other adventures, key gamemas-
carried off as the spoils of victory or ravished for her copper.
tered characters are listed i n the Encounter p u l l o u t in the center o f
this booklet Across the water you see Pennsylvania. . . and three
dirigibles floating silently over the land, The location of the
The Boat Ride Zoviet army i s no secret.
The ride f r o m the Northeast tip o f State‘s Island t o t h e South
end of Brook L y n n takes about ten minutes. During that t i m e the If they ask about the ‘Statue o f Liberty,’ none o f t h e rebels k n o w
characters can view Liberty Bay. anything about it. As they prepare t o disembark, they are warned t o
maintain radio silence. The attack w i l l commence in t w o hours. That
For those of you who have ever visited New York - in your should be enough time t o get under t h e Tower. Everone has a watch,
own time - the scene i s arresting. Brook Lynn i s a series of so they k n o w t h a t the Tower is set t o b l o w at 1500 hours.
The m o u t h of the subway i s easy to spot once they disembark.
grassy mounds and hillocks dotted with rusted spires. Off
to the North you can see the South end of Manhattan. A mass
of buildings still stand over there, and they are certainly The Subways
I n 1997, t h e subways had been k n o w n f o r their filth, crime, and
a mess. The single remaining World Trade Tower rises majes- other (perhaps) undeserved attributes. In 2197, those complaints
tically into the air. Most of the windows are broken, and are m u c h closer to the truth. But n o w the rats are t h e size of dogs,
the entire structure seems to l i s t to one side, but the view i s and t h e humans w h o live in the caverns are well armed and able t o
s t i l l impressive. defend their territory.
T o get an idea o f t h e conditions of the underground terrain, read
As you look around the bay, you realize that the water the following.
level has risen or the North American continent has lowered.
Governor‘s Island i s much smaller than you remember. and You descend into pitch blackness. Your flickering lights
over a t Manhattan, the water almost seems to be licking show the way, shining beams stabbing into the murky dark-
a t the base of the Tower itself. Sadly, the pedestal and the ness. You can hear water dripping off to your left, and what
sounds like something being dragged just ahead, The noise
stops. Looking around, the tracks which supported over 6,000
subway cars and which in turn shuttled over 100 million
passengers to their destinations each year, now lie twisted
and rusted.
Looking up you see the fissured ceiling with ruptures the
size of trucks. Every few kilometers a shaft of light pierces
the gloom, allowing some air into the dank wetness.
As you walk, you stumble and throw an arm to catch
yourself. You reflexively recoil from the slimy wall. Looking
a t your hand you see dirt, paint, and several slugs oozing
pus down your wrist.

The Blocked Passage: 1407 hours

The characters manage t o make their transfers quickly and w i t h o u t
incident, dodging f r o m tunnel 'R' t o tunnel 'B' and back t o 'R'. The
transfer to '2, 3' was relatively painless, but now they are somewhere
under Liberty Bay, and they have a problem: a blocked passageway,
and there isn't t i m e t o backtrack. The double-track tunnel i s crammed
w i t h the wreck o f a subway train. A t least eight cars are piled u p i n
a jumbled, rusted mess. (There are a total o f 10 cars.)
Possible solutions are:
The statistics for the Mac's assassins are i n t h e Encounters Pullout
a. Using the M i n i n g Suits t o move the cars o u t o f the way. Each car in the center of this booklet.
takes the character's Skill Speed in minutes to move. The shortest
route has 4 cars in the way. The Explosion: 1458 hours
The World Trade Center Station i s fairly standard as stations go.
b. Climbing over and through the cars themselves. A n y o n e slipping The diagram shows the Western half of the station. The p l a t f o r m
o f f a car (failed K I N % r o l l o r Klutzed C l i m b r o l l ) falls i n t o a subway o n the other side is completely caved in w i t h a massive rockslide.
car and is faced w i t h about a dozen skeletal remains. The bones are There i s a beam fallen o n t o t h e main waiting platform, and the
scattered about, and the sound o f rats can b e heard scurrying around. ground has buckled under part o f t h e tracks. A t t h a t same place a part
I f the character Klutzed, he o r she falls o n sharp metal or glass, and o f the ceiling has fallen in. There are also some o d d scraps of twisted
takes 1 D 3 points of damage t o 2 random H i t Locations. metal l y i n g i n a heap in the center o f the area.

c. Use a Special A b i l i t y . T r y i n g t o p u t electrical current i n t o the The Approach

m o t o r s w o n ' t w o r k ; t h e engines are rusted hulks. Special Abilities I f they are fairly quiet, they can hear a radio o f some k i n d above
which might prove useful include Wallcrawl o r Leaping t o get over them. The sound d r i f t s d o w n the single open stairwell. Characters w i t h
the mess. exceptional hearing (perhaps a Special A b i l i t y ) , o r those w h o move
closer t o the opening, hear t h e f o l l o w i n g (in Russian!).
d. Using a plastique charge t o b l o w cars o u t o f t h e way. It takes one
charge per car. The characters experience some temporary ( 1 D 3 + 3 'Sorry, lieutenant. I know what the scanners picked up,
hours) hearing loss due t o the confined space. The w h o l e tunnel shakes but there's nobody around here. We'll be moving below
and rumbles when an explosion goes off, a n d debris sifts d o w n f r o m
the ceiling. A n y Combat Engineer w o u l d vote against this tactic,
in a few minutes, as soon as my patrol finishes rechecking
b u t the tunnel remains intact. the first few floors.' Pause. 'No, sir. If there is anyone, they'll
be caught.' Pause. 'Yes, sir. I'm sure the Major is worried,
sir. Yes.' Pause.
Using Time as a Motivator 'No,sir. The rebel prisoners are either dead or dying right
I f t h e characters spend t o o m u c h t i m e fooling around, just
announce the gametime, like, 'It's n o w 1439.' Y o u r players w i l l now. Yes, they're with the Major on the roof. He's using the
get the hint, a n d it w i l l add tension as t h e relentless march of t i m e mind scrubber on them.'
forces the characters t o choose quick resolutions t o problems
instead o f possibly better resolutions. (The times listed in the That was t h e ground security discussing the fact that t h e astronauts
encounter titles are o n l y suggestions. Alter them as drama dictates.) were picked u p on scanners a b o u t 5 minutes ago. They have been sear-
Tell the players, i f they seem complacent a b o u t the t i m e their ching the area for some time, and are preparing t o descend i n t o t h e
characters are wasting, t h a t the rebel attack o n the Zoviets begins subway. The 'mind scrubber' i s an undefined torture device. I f the
at 1500 hours exactly. characters get it i n t o their heads t o t r y t o save the prisoners, tell them
I f the Tower i s n o t destroyed a t around that time, t h e Zoviets b l u n t l y t h a t there is n o time. The characters have precious minutes
w i l l probably be able t o wipe o u t the entire rebel a r m y w i t h i n t o set the charges, and they k n o w it.
fifteen minutes. A successful K N O % Skill r o l l (someone w i t h a Demolitions Skill
automatically knows) tells t h e characters to set the explosives o n the
tunnel supports which stand between the tracks. A few around the
The Attack: 1429 hours ceiling o f t h e p l a t f o r m couldn't hurt, either.
The General, w h o operates w i t h i n the boundaries of Manhattan The charges have a m a x i m u m delay of ten minutes.
was 'taken care o f ' about 2 years ago when Mac t h e K n i f e decided t o
expand his influence. When the characters reach the intersection o f The Escape
the ' 2 , 3' and t h e '1', f o u r shadows detach themselves f r o m t h e sur- The dramatic style o f t h e climax here determines u p o n h o w y o u
rounding area and lunge f o r the characters. wish to r u n it. I suggest t h a t things happen in the following order:
I f one o r m o r e o f the Mac's assassins are injured t o the p o i n t o f
immobility, the others will assist t h a t assassin and they all fade back 1. One o f the M i n i n g Suits quits ( and t h e others quit one-by-one
i n t o the shadows. further d o w n t h e escape r o u t e i f y o u are wary o f keeping these Suits
I f none o f the assassins are actually killed before they manage t o in y o u r campaign) due t o the moisture, lack o f routine maintenance,
escape, and the destruction o f t h e Tower somehow fails, a force o f six and general conditions d o w n here. (The m i n i n g shafts are notorious
are waiting f o r the astronauts i f they return this way. I f one or more are f o r being d r y and hot. These tunnels are w e t and cold.)
killed, or t h e Tower destroyed, t h e Mac does n o t t r y t o stop them o n
their return. 2. As they start d o w n the tunnel, they hear exclamations o f surprise

World Trade Center Station f r o m behind them and 3 or 4 Zoviet troops come out onto the plat-
form and begin shooting at the astronauts-turned-rebels.

3. One o f the shots hits an explosive charge. A l l the characters are

knocked t o the ground b y the blast as i t triggers the rest of the ex-
This seals o f f the tunnel, collapses the Tower, and knocks all the
characters unconscious. (This is also a good place t o destroy more
Mining Suits.)

I Token
Return t o the Land of t h e Living
They awaken after half an hour's time, and slowly make their way
out. It is a simple process t o return the way they came. During their
journey beneath the bowels of Manhattan, they notice the tunnels
getting warmer (due t o t h e fire ripping through the streets o f Man-
I f t h e characters decide t o leave the tunnels while still i n Manhattan,
they witness a c i t y o n fire - originating f r o m where the Tower used
t o be.
Further encounters w i t h Mac the Knife and his crew as they flee
the c i t y via the tunnels are l e f t for y o u t o practice your improvisational
skills upon.

The astronauts are prbably victorious, Manhattan is in flames, hope and our faith. Without her we would have disbanded
and the characters escape back t o State's Island. Dramatically speaking, long ago.'
chronicling their return t o State's Island is unimportant, b u t y o u may
play it out using the notes in the previous chapter.
As he speaks, lights begin brightening and you begin t o see
the outline of a massive statue standing before you. The room
The Return is cylindrical, and over 30 meters high. The statue takes up
Read the following: most of the space.
As the light intensifies from recessed spots, you stand in
While Manhattan burns (probably not for the first time), shock a t the base of the Statue that you have known all your
you are ushered back onto the island and back into the council life. It i s the Statue of Liberty.
chamber. Everyone who was there for the meeting has return-
ed. Some look like they've been working - most likely work- L e t the characters react as they wish. After a short period of time,
ing on the Bug Out. Everyone looks happy. the group leaves the chamber, preparing f o r the Bug Out. The Nonne-
waugs ask the astronauts i f they have decided t o stay or not. If so,
Using the roleplaying notes f r o m the last chapter, congratulate the prepare t o be o n the move.
characters i f they did a good job, o r sing them a tale o f woe for a poor
The Zoviets are disorganized and unsure about their next move. I
The resistance did quite a number on them (if the characters were It's Only a Model . . .
successful), and they began moving out about half an hour ago t o an If the characters choose t o p o i n t out the t r u t h behind the shrine,
unknown destination further inland. the Nonnewaug characters listen w i t h interest, b u t their reverence
I f the characters ask about t h e 'prisoners' that they overheard the for her i s unshaken.
lieutenant refer t o while they were under the Tower, the r o o m grows 'It is not important w h a t she used t o be. It is only important
si lent. what she is now.' They request that the characters never mention
the Lady's origins t o anyone else.
Molly speaks. 'So that i s what happened to them. They ~

were an inexperienced patrol. We never should have authorized

their unit t o scout out Pennsylvania.'
Paul cuts in, 'The patrol was captured almost a week ago.
Now we know their fate. I t is time to pray to the Lady for
their souls. Quickly, before she i s dismantled for the move.
Won't you join us?'
The request sounds more like a gentle command. The
group leads you down a long underground tunnel, which
eventually terminates a t a sealed door and a keypad similar Further Adventures
The Adventure continues i n Liberty the Fugitive!, a massive exodus
to those in the Duchess' headquarters. Everyone bows as Molly
across the face of the continent t o safer quarters i n the catacombs
punches a code. You hear a hiss as the door slides open. beneath an ancient Florida amusement park.
Looking in, whatever is beyond the door i s pitch black. Also look f o r Surf's UD!, an adventure outside the storyline estab-
The others file in quietly. You can just hear the motors on lished i n these introductory adventures (and continued i n Liberty
General Connery's wheelchair as she glides into the darkness the Fugirive.!), taking the characters across the continent t o Silicon
and stops a short distance away. The Year of the Phoenix Sourcebook outlines life in Amerika
You hear Paul quietly speak. 'The Zoviets would love to i n the year 2197 C.E., and includes an extensive index t o b o t h t h e basic
get their hands on her. But we will not allow that. She i s our game and this Sourcebook.

0 p?

w m



- m



m -
w w w 0 0 0 3 0 3 Lo
? +

P P P - - W W Q ) W N

w w w 0 0 0 3 0 3 ,,-$g
Name RaceINationality Social Status

Gender- Age- HE1 -cm WE1 kg -handed CON- % MUS-kg DAM+/--

Personality Profile Appearance



Skill Speed Max/Klutz -
KNO - - -

TAL - - Special Ability

OBS - - 11
COM - - COM-% 10
MAN -- 9
KIN - ,-

0 1 2 3 4 5
% % o/o

% % % %
Location Roll BOD + Armor Armor Type & Points BOD= % WE1 Kg. Weapons

Head 1 .03
Neck/Shldrs 2-3 .04 Damage -Range -
Chest 4-7 .08 Off- % Def-%
Arm L 8-9 .04 Sphere -Speed-
Arm R 10-11 .04
Hand L 12 .02 Damage -Range -
Hand R 13 .02 Off-% Def-%
Abdomen 14-16 96 Sphere -Speed -
Leg L 17-18 .06
Leg R 19-20 .06 Damage-Range -
Personal History Date and Place of Birth

Political/Religious Affiliations

Family/Personal Relationships

My Reason for Joining the United States Space Command



Hobbies and Special Interests:

Personal Possessions


Finances: Encumbrance

Dollars/Rubles Encumbrance Factor/Erg Penalty:


Other Speed Modifier +



01 -30 Vehicle skids. Speed x 10 equals the distance it travels in meters.

31-50 Vehicle skids, fishtailing wildly. It stalls, any power steering locks up. Distance travelled i s as above, in a random
direction. Use the Scatter diagram in the 'Combat' chapter (7.4 Special Conditions).

51-70 Vehicle rolls perpendicular t o i t s original heading. It suffers !d6 damage per Sequence it rolls t o 1D6 Hit Locations.
This damage i s Concentrated Damage (q.v. 'The Body'), so it i s totalled u p and rolled as one attack against the car's
Armor points. Distance travelled is as above. Occupants must make T A L Sphere rolls (for luck). Failure means
that character takes half the damage the vehicle takes t o 1D6 random H i t Locations.

71-90 Vehicle crashes, doing 206 damage for every 1 0 kph it was moving, as above.

91-00 Vehicle crashes, and i s destroyed. Occupants take 2D6 damage t o 2D6 random H i t Locations for every 1 0 kph the
vehicle was moving. The vehicle explodes if the driver does n o t make a Skill vs. Skill roll, using his o r her Operate
Vehicle skill against the total amount o f damage to the vehicle +10100%.

Range: 300km. No. Passengers: 2
Handling: 3 Acceleration/Deceleration: 30kph.
Top Speed: 120kph. Weight: 160kg.
Load: 300kg. Price: 4,000r.

CargoITroop Carrier
Range: 250km. No. Passengers: 2 front/3m x 4m truckbed
Handling: 2 Acceleration/Deceleration: 20kph.
Top Speed: 80kph. Weight: 1 0 tons
Load: 2 tons Price: 50,000r.

Range: 280km. No. Passengers: 4 enclosed/Zrn x l m flatbed
Handling: 2 Acceleration/Deceleration: 20kph.
Top Speed: 100kph. Weight: 1 t o n
Load: .5 t o n Price: 20.000r.

Range: 160km. No. Passengers: 4 crew Vehicle Turning Disk
Handling: 1 Acceleration/Deceleration: 20kph.
Top Speed: 80kph. Weight: 10,000kg.
Load: 2,000kg. Price: 600,000r.

Range: 1400km. No. Passengers: 4 enclosed/ 2 on pylons
Handling: 3 i n medic cylinders
Top Speed: 180kph. Acceleration/Deceleration: 30kph.
Weight: 500kg. Max. Climb: 200m/minute
Price: 400,000r. Load: 1,000kg.

Wooden Cart
Range: Beast No. Passengers: 2/2m x 3m bed
Handling: 1 Acceleration/Oeceleration: Beast
Top Speed: Beast Wkight: 2 5 t o n
Load: .5 t o n Price: 40r.



01-50 Helicopter stalls. Driver can attempt t o restart it a t his o r her Operate Vehicle skill speed. The helicopter falls a t
a rate o f 5 0 m per Sequence.

51-70 The engine dies, and it spirals down in a random direction (roll o n Scatter table in the 'Combat' chapter for com-
pass direction). Driver can attempt t o restart it as above, with a -1 D I F applied t o the attempt.

71-00 Vehicle is damaged. The rotor blades snap. The helicopter tumbles as it falls, plummeting downward. Occupants
must make T A L Sphere rolls (for luck). Failure means that the character takes the f u l l damage the vehicle takes t o
1 D6 random Hit Locations. If the T A L roll is successful, the character takes half that damage.
Player Character Personality Profile/Gamemastered Character Passions

Loyal - Untrustworthy Conscientious - Expedient

Rigid - Flexible Excitable - Patient
Sarcastic - Deadpan Logical - Emotional
Modest - Proud Energetic - Lazy
Competitive - Goal oriented Outgoing - Reserved
Forgiving - Vengeful Stubborn - Docile
Jealous - Trusting Assertive - Humble
Good Natured - Moody Opportunistic - Idealistic
Independent - Group/Family oriented Venturesome - Shy
Chaste - Lustful Profane - Pious
Generous - Selfish Tender - Toughminded
Brave - Cowardly Suspicious - Trusting
Liberal - Conservative Pessimistic - Optimistic
Adaptive - Resistant Merciful - Sadistic
Serious - Light Curious - Apathetic
Sincere - Insincere Imaginative - Practical
Honest - Deceitful Shrewd - Forthright
Religious - Nonreligious Formal - Uncouth
Rash - Patient Apprehensive - Placid
Apologetic - Uncaring Pacifistic - Activistic
Envious - Satisfied Controlled - Casual
Openminded -Judgemental Tense - Relaxed
Kind - Spiteful Talkative - Quiet'
Temperate - Indulgent Subtle - Forceful

Always 100% Usually 80% Often 60% Sometimes 40% Never 100%

Quick Characters Skill Spheres 81Specific Skills
Quick Characters Physical Info
Character CON% MUS DAM
2d10+15% 26% 99-00101-04 4 43%
3 d 1 0 + 15% 32% 98-00101-03 3 49%

6d10 + 15% 48% 97-00101-02 2 65%

7d10+15% 54% 96-00101 71%

Quick Characters Hit Location:

Innocent/Unarmored Civilian
H i t Location Roll BOD WE1

Chest 4-7 6 0%
Arm L. 8-9 6 Riot13 3 .04

Hand R 13 1 02 Hand R. 13 4 Riot13 1 .02

Abdomen 14-16 4 .06 I Abdomen 14-16 7 Riot13 4 .06 I
Leg L. 17-18 7 Riot13 4 ' '.06"
Leg R. 19-20 7 Riot/3 4 .06
Quality Results Table

180-199 % Amazing/Additional Usefulness/as above

ZOO%+ or Max Roll Superb/Superbly crafted/All aspects of subject recalled or related clearly

DI F Penalties

Situation DIF Penalty, or Feat Defaults to:

lacks the proper one)

ditions or new moon)

Attempting a skill without the proper tools -1 DIF or -2 DIF (or else impossible)
or with damaged tools

(EMU) while in microgravity

Object BOD Points

I Chimpanzee/Child 20

Washing Machine/Safe/Piano 100

Hazard Helix Factors

0 +1 Trauma Level
0 - 1 Difficulty Die
0 -1 Erg
0 +1 Speed Modifier

The Trauma Table

Level DI F Possible Symptoms Possible Causes

Lethal -6 Death Death


Sample KNO Skills Sample COM Skills Sample M A N Skills Sample KIN Skills
Animal Lore Acting Escape Bindings Brawl
Chirurgery Carousing Forgery Climb
Communications Systems Cheat Filching Dance
Computer Programming Distract Gunnery Dodge
Cryptography Etiquette Lockpicking Jump
Demolitions Fast Talk Mapping Kick
Electronics Repair Haggle Play Instrument Martial Arts
Graphology Lovearts Remove Security Lock/Screen Punch
History Native Language Linguacy Surgery Lunge Punch
Law Persuasion WeaDons Kick
Memorize Sing Lunge Kick
Native Language Literacy Second Language Linguacy Conceal Throw
Operate Vehicle Teach (Subject) Calligraphy Unarmed Parry
Outdoor Survival Carpentry Punch
(Plant) Lore Command Golf Ride
Regional Knowledge Flirt Juggling Stealth
Robot Repair Teach: Dancing Painting Swim
Second Language Literacy Interrogation Safe Cracking Tumble
Vehicle Repair Lucid Writing Woodworking Weapons
Seduction Costume Crafting
Astrophysics Train (Animal) Knot Tying Skating
Art Journalism Leatherworking Trapeze Work
Bugging Counseling Dyeing Hide
Coining Joke Telling Sculpture Water Skiing
Computer Theft Leadership Simple Repair Mime
Cybernetics Reporting Acrobatics
Exobiology Public Speaking Sample T A L Skills Balance
Mythology Opera Singing Detect Lie
Legend Lore Ridicule Sense Danger
Photography Storytelling Sense Surveillance Sample OBS Skills
Political Science Bribery Moonsight
RadarISonar Selling Disguise Find Direction
Smuggling Personal Items Sales Sense Listen
Smuggling Operat ions Sense Fear Scan
Compose Music Story Sense spot (Disguise)
Engineering: Genetic Know Present Time
Engineering: Civil Nerve (Chutzpah) Track
Engineering: Astrophysics Gamble
Astronomy Lip Reading
Fruit Preserving Perfect Pitch
Falconry Navigation
Lobby i ng Scouting
Speed Reading
Trivia: Baseball

Specific Skill/Sphere Missile Damage Charge Melee Nation/Year
Examples Range Range of 1 s t Manufacture
Laser Pistol

Laser Rifle

Heavy Laser



I -’” Sonic D i s r u p t o r ’2om .268 30 0 Free Amerikas,

Canada12195 I
Survival Kit: Weapons Kit:
3m square tarp for shelter Rangefinder Scope (per weapon) w i t h Infra-redsight (reduces
mosquito netting D I F range penalty by 1, so Medium Range has n o DIF, and Ex-
reflec hammock treme Range has a -1 DIF)
3 fish hooks & nylon line 3 Charges/Plastique
compass (points approximately N-NW) Weapon Cleaning K i t
24 daily Vital1 Pills (cuts i n half the body's water and food Extra AmmoIBatteriesletc.
7 daw' rations Medkit:
1 can Sterifoam (sterilizer foam)
Recon Equipment: 1 tube Alehoof ointment (12 applications)
Wrist Communicator (doubles as a watch - range of 50km) sterile bandages
Infra-red Jammer 2 splints
Infra-red Goggles
Gas Mask farming Gear:
1 underwater suit (air hose t o surface)
Electronics Kit: rake/hoe/knife/etc.
Series of delicate instruments t o measure, solder, and fix elec-
tronic equipment, including a voltagelwattage indicator, wire,
soldering iron, hand-held computer tnformation-entry keypad,

Armor Type Protection Encumbrance Multiplier
Astronaut Combat Suit 51 +2 Encumbrance factors
Leather Armor & Steel Helmet 1-4 I x 112
Flak Jacket 5-8 I x 112
Alumen Jumpsuit 3-6 E x 114
Reflec Suit 5-8 I,E x 114
Riot Shield w I R i o t Helmet 1-4 I,E x 112
Energy Screen 1-10 I,E +2 Encumbrance factors

Scatter Diagram (roll ID101

Melee Weapons 1
SkilVSphere Melee Damage
Examples Range (m)

BlackjacklMAN 0 1D 6
Hammer 0-1 1 D8 \ol
Hand Axe 0-1 1D8 a
Mace 1 1 D10
Kick/K IN 0 1 D6
Knife/KIN 0 1D4t
Quarterstaff 0-2 1 D8
Punch/KI N 0 1 D3
Riot Shield/KIN 0-1 or 0-2 1 D4 or 1 D10
SpearlKlN 0-2 1D10+ 1
Shortsword 0-1 1 D8
Longsword 1-2 1 D10
Specific Skill/Sphere Missile Damage Rounds/ Melee Nation/Year Dur
Example (caliber) Range* Feed Range o f 1 s t Manuf.

Self-loading Pistol/MAN

Walther P62 (9

'Saturday Nite Special' (.38) 20m 2D8 +1 61rou nds 0 Austriaic 1900 +2

SVD (7.62mm) 250rn 2D8 +1 1Olbox 0-1 Russia11957 -

Assault Rifle/MAN

Type 56 (7.62mrn) 200m 2D10 + 1t lO/rounds 0-1 Russiat1949 +1

'Double Barrel' Sawed-off 1Om 2D10 + 1t t 21rounds - -

Submachina GunlMAN

lnaram M13 (.380) 40m 2D6+lt 30Ibox 0-1 Canadail995

Machine Gun/MAN

MZ14 (5.56mm)[Mediuml 200m 2D8+lt 2 x 50012 x box 1 USAil976 +1


Shortbow ** 2D6 +1 - 0-1

Notes: The given range is the weapon's effective range. Up to twice

t When fired continuously (bursthapid fire) machinegun firing this range is Medium range. Any weapon (except t h e Shotgun)
rolls 1 D6 t o determine h o w many shots h i t the target. Damage and received a -1 D I F for accuracy at this range. Four times the wea-
location are rolled individually for each bullet. For other indicated pon's Effective range is its Extreme range. Any weapon (except
weapons, roll 1 D4 for the number of bullets that hit. the Shotgun) receives a -3 DIF for accuracy a t this range. (The
t t t See Description. Shotgun never receives accuracy DI Fs.)




I 11







A. Aleyeska (Fairbanks) J. Ohio (Columbus) -
B. Alberta (Calgary) K. Michigan (Lansing) zov
C. Saskatchewan (Regina) L. Indiana (Indianapolis)
D. Manitoba (Winnipeg) M. Illinois (Springfield) S. M
E. Ontario (Ottawa) N. Wisconsin (Lake Geneva) T. FI
F. New York (Albany) 0. Iowa (Des Moines) U. T
G. New Minsk (Hartford) P. Nebraska (Lincoln) v. c
H. Pennsylvania (Harrisburg) Q. Kansas (Lawrence) w. c
I.Tidewater (Richmond) R. California (Fresno) -

1. Star-Six Country
2. Native Amerikan Alliance
I E T SATELLITES 3. Allouettes
exico .4. Maple Leaf Confederation
lorida (claimed by Cuba) 5. Dixie
exas (claimed by Mexico, not fully controlled) 6. King Country
uba 7 . Creole Country
ADR ['cater'] (Central American Democratic Republic) 8. Mormons
9. Nonnewaug Resistance

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