Target Geo-Localization Based On Camera Vision Simulation of UAV
Target Geo-Localization Based On Camera Vision Simulation of UAV
Target Geo-Localization Based On Camera Vision Simulation of UAV
DOI 10.1007/s12596-017-0395-0
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Xb (Heading)
UAV is considered in this simulation to take a circular path
around the target due to its ease of implementation and effi- Yb (Right
cient capability of tracking target [3]. The vision simulation of Xi (North) Wing)
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function out =
scenegenerate(uav,gimbal,cam,A,info,lattiff,lontiff) Xb
% lat,lon to utm conversion Ψ: Heading Angle
[utmx, utmy, zone] = ll2utm(, uav.lon);
% Inertial frame to Vehicle frame translation
vXi = utmx; vYi = utmy; vZi = uav.alt;
vTi = htransl(-vXi, -vYi, -vZi);
τ: Bearing Angle
% Vehicle to Body frame transformation
bTv = hrotx(deg2rad(-uav.phi)) * hroty(deg2rad(- Target Location
uav.theta)) * hrotz(deg2rad(-uav.psi));
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Longitude (deg)
12.9626 12.9628 12.963 12.9632 12.9634 12.9636 12.9638
Latitude (deg)
Error reduction techniques UTMy(i) is the x and y UTM Coordinate true value com-
puted for ith sample number.
The estimation of geo-location coordinate calculated for
each images taken from different bearing angles are bound Moving average estimation
to be error prone even if ideal conditions are considered in
the simulation. The error in simulations like in this study Moving Average Estimation is determining the mean of
can be mainly due to the inaccurate localization of pixel subset of value, where only a few recent determined from
coordinate, which can be due to either, incorrect selection bearing sample number location of x and y UTM coordi-
of pixel coordinate or target being located at integer pixel nate values are considered (in this study, 5 recent values
element, or both the criteria. Also, when a practical real chosen) for computing the mean of the subset. Moving
time experiment is considered, the error in estimation can Average computes only subset of values as mentioned in
increase due to the uncertain parametric environment cre- Eq. (11), in contrast with True Average value which con-
ated by different error bias [8]. Hence for reducing the siders the entire dataset.
error observed in the estimation of geo-location coordi-
1 X k
nates, localization methods based on multiple bearing Utmx mavgðkÞ ¼ UtmxðiÞ
w i¼kwþ1
images can be considered. Averaging is one such method, ð11Þ
where results of multiple bearing images are considered to 1 X k
reduce localization error. The Averaging methods used in Utmy mavgðkÞ ¼ UtmyðiÞ
w i¼kwþ1
the paper are.
where, Utmx_mavg(k), Utmy_mavg(k) is the Moving
Average estimation Average Value determined for the kth Sample Number, w is
the window size for the Moving Average.
Average Estimation is determined by computing the
arithmetic mean of estimation as shown in Eq. (10). Recursive least square estimation
1X n
Utmx tavg ¼ UtmxðiÞ Recursive least square (RLS) is a simple method of
n i¼1
ð10Þ recursively fitting a set of points to some function of choice
1X n
by minimizing the sum of the squares of the offset of the
Utmy tavg ¼ UtmyðiÞ
n i¼1 points. The results obtained using RLS is identical to the
true average, but the process of obtain it is more efficient.
where, Utmx_tavg, Utmy_tavg is the True Average Value Another benefit of using RLS is that it provides intuition
of target x and y coordinate in UTM coordinates, n is the behind such results as the Kalman filter. The Matlab code
total sample number (n = 36 in this study), UTMx(i), snippet used for determining estimation from RLS
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Algorithm is mentioned below. Here RLS Functions A_n, Results and discussions
A_n1,b_xn, b_xn1, b_yn, b_yn1, P_n and P_n1 are deter-
mined to compute X_n1(j) and Y_n1(j), the x and y target The Simulation setup for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
coordinate value in inertial coordinate for the jth bearing (UAV) equipped with a camera, orbiting around target is
sample number considered. realized using Matlab. For this study, the target is chosen to
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Target Location and MAV Location Target Location and MAV Location
Target Location Target Location
MAV Locations in Circular Path MAV Locations in Circular Path
77.652 77.65142
Estimates from MAV Location Estimates from MAV Location
77.6518 77.651415
Longitude (deg)
Longitude (deg)
77.6516 77.65141
12.9626 12.9628 12.963 12.9632 12.9634 12.9636 12.9638 12.963015 12.96302 12.963025 12.96303 12.963035
Fig. 7 Error in estimation of Estimation of Error in determination of target using Geo-Location Algorithm
Geo-Location for each bearing
sample number considered
Error Estimation in mts.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
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Target Location and MAV Location Target Location and MAV Location
Target Location Target Location
MAV Locations in Circular Path MAV Locations in Circular Path
Estimates from MAV Location Estimates from MAV Location
True Average Estimate 77.65142 True Average Estimate
Moving Average Estimates Moving Average Estimates
RLS Estimates RLS Estimates
Longitude (deg)
Longitude (deg)
12.9626 12.9628 12.963 12.9632 12.9634 12.9636 12.9638 12.963009 12.963019 12.963029 12.963039 12.963045
Latitude (deg) Latitude (deg)
be NAL overhead Water Tank with Geo-Location Coor- The simulation images are generated for each of the 36
dinate of Latitude 12.963021580681730 and Longitude equally spaced waypoints using the Matlab code as men-
77.651407302614828 as per the Google Earth Geo-Co- tioned in ‘‘Synthetic scene generation’’ section. The UAV,
ordinate database. The simulation UAV model is imitated Camera and Gimbal Parameters used for simulation for
to orbit the target with an altitude of 60 m and orbit radius each bearing angle s is (Table 2). Synthetic Image gener-
of 50 m, so that the target chosen always remains under the ated for some bearing angles are displayed in (Fig. 5).
camera field of view. Simulation Images are generated for The Target Geo-Location is estimated for each of the
36 equally spaced circular waypoints (Fig. 4). The UAV images generated from the 36 equally spaced circular
Circular waypoint location calculated using Haversine waypoint, by applying Geo-Location Algorithm using the
Formula for each bearing angle with respect to target user defined target pixel coordinate location and simulation
(Table 1). parameter involved (Fig. 6).
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Sample Numbers
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