MRU3-1 - AC Voltage Relay: Manual MRU3-1 (Revision A)

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MRU3-1 – AC voltage relay

Manual MRU3-1 (Revision A)

Woodward Manual MRU3-1 GB

Woodward Governor Company reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time. Information
provided by Woodward Governor Company is believed to be correct and reliable. However, no responsibility is as-
sumed by Woodward Governor Company unless otherwise expressly undertaken.

© Woodward 1994-2008

2 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

1.  Introduction and application ....................................................................... 5 
2.  Features and characteristics ...................................................................... 6 
3.  Design ........................................................................................................... 7 
3.1  Connections ........................................................................................................................7 
3.1.1  Analog input circuits ........................................................................................................8 
3.1.2  Blocking input ..................................................................................................................8 
3.1.3  Reset input ......................................................................................................................8 
3.1.4  Output relays ...................................................................................................................8 
3.1.5  Fault recorder ..................................................................................................................8 
3.1.6  Parameter settings ........................................................................................................10 
3.2  LEDs..................................................................................................................................11 
3.3  Front plate .........................................................................................................................11 
4.  Working principle ....................................................................................... 12 
4.1  Analog circuits ...................................................................................................................12 
4.2  Digital circuits ....................................................................................................................12 
4.3  Voltage supervision ...........................................................................................................12 
4.3.1  Selection of star or delta ...............................................................................................13 
4.4  Blocking function ...............................................................................................................14 
5.  Operations and settings ............................................................................ 15 
5.1  Display...............................................................................................................................15 
5.2  Setting procedure ..............................................................................................................17 
5.3  Systemparameter ..............................................................................................................17 
5.3.1  Display of residual voltage UE as primary quantity (Uprim/Usec) .....................................17 
5.3.2  D/Y – Switch over ..........................................................................................................17 
5.3.3  Setting of nominal frequency.........................................................................................18 
5.3.4  Display of the activation storage ...................................................................................19 
5.3.5  Parameter switch/external triggering for the fault recorder ...........................................19 
5.4  Protection parameters .......................................................................................................20 
5.4.1  1-phase or 3-phase U</U>-tripping...............................................................................20 
5.4.2  Parameter setting of over- and undervoltage supervision ............................................20 
5.4.3  Adjustment of the slave address ...................................................................................20 
5.4.4  Setting of Baud-rate (applies for Modbus-Protocol only) ..............................................20 
5.4.5  Setting of parity (applies for Modbus-Protocol only) .....................................................20 
5.5  Parameter for the fault recorder ........................................................................................21 
5.5.1  Adjustment of the fault recorder ....................................................................................21 
5.5.2  Number of the fault recordings ......................................................................................21 
5.5.3  Adjustment of trigger occurrences ................................................................................21 
5.5.4  Pre-trigger time (Tpre) ....................................................................................................21 
5.6  Date and time ....................................................................................................................22 
5.6.1  Adjustment of the clock .................................................................................................22 
5.7  Indication of measuring values..........................................................................................22 
5.7.1  Measuring indication .....................................................................................................22 
5.7.2  Unit of the measuring values displayed ........................................................................22 
5.7.3  Indication of fault memory data .....................................................................................22 
5.8  Fault memory ....................................................................................................................23 
5.9  Additional functions ...........................................................................................................24 
5.9.1  Setting procedure for blocking the protection functions ................................................24 
5.9.2  Reset .............................................................................................................................25 
5.9.3  Erasure of fault storage .................................................................................................25 
6.  Relay testing and commissioning ............................................................ 26 
6.1  Power-On ..........................................................................................................................26 
6.2  Testing the output relays ...................................................................................................26 
6.3  Checking the set values ....................................................................................................27 
6.4  Secondary injection test ....................................................................................................28 
6.4.1  Test equipment..............................................................................................................28 
6.4.2  Example of the test circuit .............................................................................................28 

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6.4.3  Checking the input circuits and measuring functions ................................................... 29 
6.4.4  Checking the operating and resetting values of the over/under-voltage functions....... 29 
6.4.5  Checking the relay operating time of the over/under voltage functions ....................... 29 
6.4.6  Checking the external blocking and reset functions ..................................................... 30 
6.5  Primary test ....................................................................................................................... 30 
6.6  Maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 30 
7.  Technical Data............................................................................................ 31 
7.1  Measuring input circuits .................................................................................................... 31 
7.2  Common data ................................................................................................................... 31 
7.3  Setting ranges and steps .................................................................................................. 32 
7.3.1  Interface parameter ...................................................................................................... 32 
7.3.2  Parameter for the fault recorder ................................................................................... 32 
7.4  Output relays .................................................................................................................... 33 
8.  Order form .................................................................................................. 34 

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1. Introduction and application

The voltage supervision relay MRU3-1 protects electrical power generators, consumers or operat-
ing components generally against over- or under-voltages.

Among other applications the relay can be used for detection of over- or undervoltages in power
genrating plants and energy supply systems

 to protect generators against critical overvoltages in case of defective voltage regulators

 as undervoltage protection for motors
 as generator stator earth fault protection
 as over- and undervoltage protection with evaluating the symmetrical components
(MRU1-2, detailed information on this type can be found in the relevant technical

There is also a similar protection relay IRU1 avail-able in a more simpler design, i.e. with less func-
tion, without display and without serial interface.

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2. Features and characteristics

 Microprocessor technology with watchdog,
 digital filtering of the measured values by using discrete Fourier analysis to suppress
higher harmonics and d.c. components induced by faults or system operations,
 two parameter sets,
 voltage supervision each with two step under-/ and overvoltage detection,
 Completely independent time settings for voltage supervision
 display of all measuring values and setting parameters for normal operation as well as trip
ping via a alphanumerical display and LEDs,
 display of measuring values as primary quantities
 1-phase or 3-phase tripping criterion for the U</U> step,
 Storage and display of tripping values in a fault memory (voltage-failure safe),
 recording of up to eight fault occurences with time stamp
 for blocking the individual functions by the external blocking input, parameters can be set
according to requirement,
 suppression of indication after an activation (LED flash),
 free assignment for output relays,
 display of date and time,
 in compliance with VDE 0435, part 303 and IEC 255,
 serial data exchange via RS485 interface possible; alternatively with Woodward RS485
ProOpen Data Protocol or Modbus Protocol.

For additional common data of all MR-relays please refer to technical description "MR - Digital Mul-
tifunctional Relays".

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3. Design
3.1 Connections

Figure 3.1: Connection of the MRU3-1 to phase-to-phase voltage

Note: Connection of phase-to-neutral voltage is possible too.

Figure 3.2: Voltage transformer in V-connection

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3.1.1 Analog input circuits

The external wiring of the measuring circuits are shown in the connection diagram. The analog in-
put voltages are galvanic ally decoupled by the input transformers of the device, then filtered and
finally fed to the analog digital converter. The measuring circuits can be connected in star or delta

3.1.2 Blocking input

When required to inhibit functions of the relay, the auxiliary voltage has to be switched to D8/E8.
Please refer to chapter 4.4.

3.1.3 Reset input

Please refer to chapter 5.9.2.

3.1.4 Output relays

The MRU3-1 is equipped with 5 output relays.
 Relay 1; C1, D1, E1 and C2, D2, E2
 Relay 2; C3, D3, E3 and C4, D4, E4
 Relay 3; C5, D5, E5
 Relay 4; C6, D6, E6
 Relay 5; Signal self-supervision (internal failure of the unit ) C7, D7, E7

All trip and alarm relays are working current relays, the relay for self supervision is an idle current

3.1.5 Fault recorder

The MRU3-1 has a fault value recorder which re-cords the measured analog values as instantane-
ous values. The instantaneous values

UL1; UL2; UL3 for star connection

U12; U23; U21 for delta connection

are scanned at a raster of 1.25 ms (at 50 Hz) and 1.041 ms (at 60 Hz) and saved in a cyclic buffer.
It is possible to store 1 - 8 fault occurences with a total recording time of 16 s (with 50 Hz) and
13.33 s (with 60 Hz) per channel.

Storage division
Independent of the recording time, the entire storage capacity can be divided into several cases of
disturbance with a shorter recording time each. In addition, the deletion behavior of the fault re-
corder can be influenced.

No writing over
If 2, 4 or 8 recordings are chosen, the complete memory is divided into the relevant number of
partial segments. If this max. number of fault event has been exceeded, the fault recorder block
any further recordings in order to prevent that the stored data are written over. After the data have
been read and deleted, the recorder to ready again for further action.

Writing over
If 1, 3 or 7 recordings are chosen, the relevant number of partial segments is reserved in the com-
plete memory. If the memory is full, a new re-cording will always write over the oldest one.

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The memory part of the fault recorder is designed as circulating storage. In this example 7 fault re-
cords can be stored (written over).

Memory space 6 to 4 is occupied.

Memory space 5 is currently being written in

Figure3.3: Division of the memory into 8 segments, for example

Since memory spaces 6, 7 and 8 are occupied, this example shows that the memory has been as-
signed more than eight recordings. This means that No. 6 is the oldest fault recording and No. 4
the most recent one.

Figure 3.4: Basic set-up of the fault recorder

Each memory segment has a specified storage time which permits setting of a time prior to the
trigger event.

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3.1.6 Parameter settings

System parameters
Uprim/Usek Primary/secondary measured value
display of the voltage transformers
/Y Selection of switching groups fN Rated frequency
P2|FR Parameter switch/ext. triggering for the fault recorder
LED-Flash Suppression of LED flashing after activation

Protection parameters
1/3 1-phase U</U> or 3-phase U</U> tripping
U< Tripping value for undervoltage low set element
tU< Tripping delay time for undervoltage low set element
U<< Tripping value for undervoltage high setelement
tU<< Tripping delay time for undervoltage high set element
U> Tripping value for overvoltage low set element
tU> Tripping delay time for overvoltage low set element
U>> Tripping value for overvoltage high set element
tU>> Tripping delay time for overvoltage high set element

Parameters for the fault recorder

FR Number of disturbance events
FR Trigger events
FR Pre-trigger time Tvor

Date and time

Year Y = 00
Month M = 04
Day D = 18
Hour h = 07
Minute m = 59
Second s = 23

Additional functions
Blocking function
Relay configuration
Fault memory

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3.2 LEDs
All LEDs (except LED RS, FR and P2) are two-colored. The LEDs on the left side, next to the al-
phanumerical display light up green during measuring and red after tripping.

The LEDs below the push button <SELECT/RESET> are lit green during setting and inquiry proce-
dure of the setting values which are printed on the left side next to the LEDs. The LEDs will light up
red after parameterizing of the setting values next to their right side.

The LED marked with letters RS lights up during setting of the slave address of the device for serial
data communication.

The LED marked with the letters FR is alight while the fault recorder is being adjusted.

 LED is displayed, date and time are shown.

If the 

3.3 Front plate

Figure3.5: Front plate MRU3-1

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4. Working principle
4.1 Analog circuits
The input voltages are galvanically insulated by the input transformers. The noise signals caused
by inductive and capacitive coupling are suppressed by an analog R-C filter circuit.

The analog voltage signals are fed to the A/D-converter of the microprocessor and transformed to
digital signals through Sample- and Hold- circuits. The analog signals are sampled with a sampling
frequency of 16 x fN, namely, a sampling rate of 1.25 ms for every measuring quantity, at 50 Hz.

4.2 Digital circuits

The essential part of the MRU3-1 relay is a powerful microcontroller. All of the operations, from the
analog digital conversion to the relay trip decision, are carried out by the microcontroller digitally.
The relay program is located in an EPROM (Electrically-Programmable-Read-Only-Memory). With
this program the CPU of the microcontroller calculates the three phase voltage in order to detect a
possible fault situation in the protected object.

For the calculation of the voltage value an efficient digital filter based on the Fourier Transformation
(DFFT - Discrete Fast Fourier Transformation) is applied to suppress high frequency harmonics
and d.c. components caused by fault-induced transients or other system disturbances. The micro-
processor continuously compares the measured values with the preset thresholds stored in the pa-
rameter memory (EEPROM). If a fault occures an alarm is given and after the set tripping delay
has elapsed, the corresponding trip relay is activated.
The relay setting values for all parameters are stored in a parameter memory (EEPROM - Electri-
cally Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory), so that the actual relay settings cannot be lost,
even if the power supply is interrupted.
The microprocessor is supervised by a built-in "watchdog" timer. In case of a failure the watchdog
timer resets the microprocessor and gives an alarm signal via the output relay "self supervision".

4.3 Voltage supervision

The voltage relay MRU3-1 protects electrical generation systems, consumers and appliances in
general against over- and/or under voltage. The relay is equipped with an independent, 2-step
over- (U>, U>>) and under voltage supervision (U<, U<<) with separately adjustable tripping values
and delay times. Voltage measuring is 3-phase. In this process there is a continuous comparison of
the line conductor voltages in case of a delta connection and of the phase voltages in case of a
star connection with the preset limit values.

With the MRU3-1 the highest voltage is always evaluated for overvoltage supervision and the low-
est voltage for under voltage supervision.

A distinction is made between 1-phase and 3-phase tripping. (1/3 – Parameter)

With 1-phase tripping the voltages are evaluated as follows:

U</U<</U</U>>: Activation or tripping takes place if at least one phase has fallen short of the trip-
ping value.

With 3-phase tripping the voltages are evaluated as follows:

U<: Activation or tripping takes place if all three phases have fallen short of the tripping value.
U<<: Activation or tripping takes place if one phase has fallen short of the tripping value.
U>: Activation or tripping takes place if all three phases have exceeded the tripping value.
U>> Activation or tripping takes place if one phase has exceeded the tripping value.

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4.3.1 Selection of star or delta

All six connections of the input voltage transformers are led to screw terminals. The nominal vol-
tage of the device is equal to the nominal voltage of the input transformers. Dependent on the ap-
plication the input transformers can be connected in either delta or star. The connection for the
phase-to-phase voltage is the delta connection. In star connection the measuring voltage is re-
duced by 1/√3 . During parameter setting the connection configuration either Y or delta has to be

Figure4.1: Input v.t.s in delta connection (D)

Figure4.2: Input v.t.s in star connection (Y)

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4.4 Blocking function

No. Dynamic Behaviour U</<< U>/>>

1 voltage to external blocking free programmable free programmable

input is applied
2 blocking input is released released
released instantaneously instantaneously
3 supply voltage is blocked for blocked for 200 ms
switched on 200 ms
4 3ph measuring volt. is sud- released released
denly applied
5 one or several measuring released released
voltages are switched off sud-
denly (phase failure)
Figure 4.3: Dynamic behavior of MRU3-1 functions

Blocking function set in compliance with requirements:

The MRU3-1 has an external blocking input. By applying the auxiliary voltage to input D8/E8, the
requested protection functions of the relay are blocked (refer to chapter 5.9.1)

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5. Operations and settings

5.1 Display
Function Display shows Pressed pushbutton Corre-
Normal operation WW
Measured operating values Actual measured <SELECT/RESET> one L1, L2, L3,
values time for each value
Transformer ratio of the CT’s (SEK) 1.01 – <SELECT/RESET><+><-> L1, L2, L3
Setting values: Y/DELT <SELECT/RESET><+><-> /Y
star/delta connection
Parameter switch/ext. trigger- SET1, SET2, B_S2, <SELECT/RESET><+><-> P2
ing for the fault recorder R_S2, R_S2, B_FR,
Switch-over LED flash FLSH <SELECT/RESET>
No LED flash NOFL <+><->
undervoltage (low set) setting value in volt <SELECT/RESET><+><-> U<
tripping delay of low set ele- setting value in sec- one time for each value tU<
ment onds
undervoltage (high set) setting value in volt <SELECT/RESET><+><-> U<<
tripping delay of high set ele- setting value in sec- one time for each value tU<<
ment onds
overvoltage (low set) setting value in volt <SELECT/RESET><+><-> U>
tripping delay of low set ele- setting value in sec- one time for each value tU>
ment onds
overvoltage (high set) setting value in volt <SELECT/RESET><+><-> U>>
tripping delay of high set ele- setting value in sec- one time for each value tU>>
ment onds
rated frequency setting value in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> fN
U</U> 1-phase/3-phase U<>1/U<>3 <SELECT/RESET><+><-> 1/3
Blocking function EXIT <+> until max. setting value LED of
<-> until min. setting value blocked
Slave address of serial inter- 1 - 32 <SELECT/RESET><+><-> RS
Baud-Rate 1) 1200-9600 <SELECT/RESET> <+><-> RS
Parity-Check 1) even odd no <SELECT/RESET> <+><-> RS
Recorded fault data: tripping values in <SELECT/RESET><+><-> L1, L2, L3,
star--connection: U1, U2, U3 Volt one time for each phase U<, U<<,
U>, U>>
delta-connection: U12, U23, tripping values in <SELECT/RESET><+><-> L1, L2, L3,
U31 Volt one time for each phase U<, U<<,
U>, U>>
Save parameter? SAV? <ENTER>
Save parameter! SAV! <ENTER> for about 3 s
Delete fault memory wait <-> <SELECT/RESET>
Enquiry fault memory FLT1; FLT2..... <-><+> L1, L2, L3
U<, U<<,
U>, U>>
Trigger signal for the fault re- TEST, P_UP, A_PI, <SELECT/RESET> <+><-> FR
corder TRIP

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Function Display shows Pressed pushbutton Corre-

Number of fault occurences S = 2, S = 4, S = 8 <SELECT/RESET> <+><-> FR
Display of date and time Y = 99, M = 10, <SELECT/RESET> <+><->
D = 1,
h = 12, m = 2, s = 12
Software version First part (e.g. D02-) <TRIP>
Sec. part (e.g. 6.01) one time for each part
Manual trip TRI? <TRIP>
three times
Inquire password PSW? <SELECT/RESET>/
Relay tripped TRIP <TRIP> or fault tripping
Secret password input XXXX <SELECT/RESET>/
System reset WW <SELECT/RESET>
for about 3 s
only Modbus
Table 5.1: Possible indication messages on the display

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5.2 Setting procedure

For parameter setting a password has to be entered first (please refer to 4.4 of description
"MR-Digital Multifunctional Relays").

5.3 Systemparameter

5.3.1 Display of residual voltage UE as primary quantity (Uprim/Usec)

The residual voltage can be shown as primary measuring value. For this parameter the transforma-
tion ratio of the VT has to be set accordingly. If the parameter is set to "sec", the measuring value
is shown as rated secondary voltage.

The voltage transformer is used for 10 kV/100 V. The transformation ratio is 100 and this value has
to be set accordingly. If still the rated secondary voltage should be shown, the parameter is to be
set to 1.

5.3.2 D/Y – Switch over

Depending on the mains voltage conditions, the input voltage transformers can be operated in delta
or Y connection. Changeovers are effected via the <+> and the <-> keys and stored with

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5.3.3 Setting of nominal frequency

For proper functioning it is necessary to first adjust the rated frequency (50 oder 60 Hz).

It can be selected between „f = 50 Hz“, „f = 60 Hz“ or „v = 50 Hz“, “v = 60 Hz”.

The difference lies in the method of voltage measuring.

With the setting "v = 50 Hz or v = 60 Hz“ voltage measuring is independent of the existing fre-
quency. This means, the voltage value can be correctly measured between 40 Hz and 70 Hz with-
out adverse effects from the frequency.

With the setting "f“ = 50/60 Hz the measured volt-age value is influenced by the frequency. (see
Table 5.2)

This difference in settings is required for the fault recorder. If the fault recorder is to be used, the
setting must be f = 50 Hz or f = 60 Hz.
At 50 Hz or 60 Hz the fault recorder determines 16 measured values per period. With the setting "v
= 50 Hz or v = 60 Hz" 16 measured values of the presently measured frequency would always be
determined. The disturbance recorder would not indicate any frequency changes and thus render
incorrect measuring results.

Setting v = 50 f = 50 v = 60 f = 60
Rated frequency* 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz
Influence on voltage none 0.5..1%/Hz none 0.5..1%/Hz
measurement (see table 5.1) (see table 5.1)
Fault recorder Recording Recording Recording Recording
distorted** correct*** distorted** correct***
Influence on all other none none none none

Table 5.2: Deviation of measured value at 50 Hz or 60 Hz

* Setting is important for correct recording of fault recorder

** Sample rate is variably adjusted to the momentarily measured frequency. 16 samples are always measured in one period.
*** Sample rate setting is fixed to 50 Hz or 60 Hz. 16 samples per 20 ms or 16.67 ms are always measured.

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5.3.4 Display of the activation storage

If after an activation the existing current drops again below the pickup value, e.g. U<, without a trip
has been initiated, LED U< signals that an activation has occured by flashing fast. The LED keeps
flashing until it is reset again (push button <RESET>). Flashing can be suppressed when the pa-
rameter is set to NOFL.

5.3.5 Parameter switch/external triggering for the fault recorder

By means of the parameter-change-over switches it is possible to activate two different parameter
sets. Switching over of the parameter sets can either be done by means of software or via the ex-
ternal inputs RESET or blocking input. Alternatively, the external inputs can be used for Reset or
blocking of the triggering of the fault recorder.

Software-parameter Blocking input used as RESET input used as

Software- Blocking input used as RESET input used as

SET1 Blocking input RESET input
SET2 Blocking input RESET input
B_S2 Parameter switch RESET input
R_S2 Blocking input Parameter switch
B_FR External triggering of the fault recorder Reset input
R_FR Blocking input External triggering of the fault recorder
S2_FR Parameter switch External triggering of the fault recorder

With the settings SET1 or SET2 the parameter set is activated by software. Terminals C8/D8 and
D8/E8 are then available as external reset input or blocking input.

With the setting B_S2 the blocking input (D8, E8) is used as parameter-set change-over switch.
With the setting R_S2 the reset input (D8, E8) is used as parameter-set change-over switch. With
the setting B_FR the fault recorder is activated immediately by using the blocking input. On the
front plate the LED FR will then light up for the duration of the recording. With the setting R_FR the
fault recorder is activated via the reset input.

With the setting S2_FR parameter set 2 can be activated via the blocking input and/or the fault re-
corder via the reset input.
The relevant function is then activated by applying the auxiliary voltage to one of the external in-

Important note:
When functioning as parameter change over facility, the external input RESET is not available for
resetting. When using the external input BLOCKING the protection functions must be deactivated
by software blocking separately (refer to chapter 5.9.1).

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5.4 Protection parameters

5.4.1 1-phase or 3-phase U</U>-tripping

Switching-over of the parameter permits selection between 1-phase and 3-phase tripping of the
U</U> steps.
Keys <+> or <-> are used to change the value and <ENTER> to store it.

When the MRU3-1 is to be used for measuring the residual voltage in systems with isolated or
compensated neutral or as generator earth fault protection, the measuring voltage has to be ap-
plied to terminals
A3-A4. Undervoltage functions U< and U<< have to be set to "EXIT" and overvoltage functions U>
and U>> have to be adjusted to the required pickup values.
The frequency must be set to 50 or 60 Hz. The parameter 1-phase or 3-phase tripping must be set
to U<>1 (1-phase tripping).

5.4.2 Parameter setting of over- and undervoltage supervision

The setting procedure is guided by two colored LEDs. During setting of the voltage thresholds the
LEDs U<, U<<, U> and U>> are lit green. During setting of the trip delays tU>, tU>>, tU< and tU<< the
according LEDs light up red.
Thresholds of the voltage supervision

During setting of the threshold U>, U>>, U< and U<< the displays shows the voltages directly in
volt. The thresholds can be changed by the <+> <-> push buttons and stored with <ENTER>.
The under voltage supervision (U< and U<<) as well as the overvoltage supervision (U> and U>>)
can be de-activated by setting the threshold to "EXIT".

Tripping delay of voltage supervision

During setting of the tripping delays tU<, tU<<, tU> and tU>> the display shows the value directly in
seconds. The tripping delay is changed via the push button <+> and <-> in the range of 0,04 s to
50 s and can be stored with the push button <ENTER>.
When setting the tripping delay to "EXIT" the value is infinite meaning only warning, no tripping.

5.4.3 Adjustment of the slave address

By pressing push buttons <+> and <-> the slave address can be set in the range of 1 - 32. During
this adjustment the LED RS lights up.

5.4.4 Setting of Baud-rate (applies for Modbus-Protocol only)

Different transmission rates (Baud rate) can be set for data transmission via Modbus Protocol.
The rate can be changed by push buttons <+> and
<-> and saved by pressing <ENTER>.

5.4.5 Setting of parity (applies for Modbus-Protocol only)

The following three parity settings are possible :

 "even" = even parity

 "odd" = odd parity
 "no" = no parity check

The setting can be changed by push buttons <+> and <-> and saved by pressing <ENTER>.

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5.5 Parameter for the fault recorder

5.5.1 Adjustment of the fault recorder

The MRU3-1 is equipped with a fault recorder (see chapter 3.1.5). Three parameters can be deter-

5.5.2 Number of the fault recordings

The max. recording time is 16 s at 50 Hz or 13.33 s at 60 Hz.
The number of max. recordings requested has to be determined in advance. There is a choice of
(1)* 2, (3)* 4 or (7)* 8 recordings and dependent on this the duration of the individual fault record-
ings is defined, i.e.

(1)* 2 recordings for a duration of 8 s (with 50 Hz)

(6.66 s with 60 Hz)
(3)* 4 recordings for a duration of 4 s (with 50 Hz)
(3.33 s with 60 Hz)
(7)* 8 recordings for a duration of 2 s (with 50 Hz)
(1,66 s with 60 Hz)
* is written over when a new trigger signal arrives

If the fault recorder is used, the frequency should be set to f = 50 Hz or f = 60 Hz (see chapter

5.5.3 Adjustment of trigger occurrences

There is a choice between four different occurrences:

P_UP (Pick UP) Storage is initiated after recognition of a general activation.

TRIP Storage is initiated after a trip has occurred .A_PI (After Pickup) Storage is
initiated after the last activation threshold was fallen short of.
TEST Storing is activated by simultane-ousactuation of the keys <+> and <->.
During the recording time the display shows “Test”.

5.5.4 Pre-trigger time (Tpre)

By the time Tpre it is determined which period of time prior to the trigger occurrence should be
stored as well. It is possible to adjust a time between 0.05s and the max. recording interval (2, 4
and 8s). With keys <+> and <-> the values can be changed and with <ENTER> be saved.

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5.6 Date and time

5.6.1 Adjustment of the clock
When adjusting the date and time, LED  lights up. The adjustment method is as follows:

Date : Year Y=00

Month M=01
Day D=01

Time : Hour h=00

Minute m=00
Second s=00

The clock starts with the set date and time as soon as the supply voltage is switched on. The time
is safeguarded against short-term voltage failures (min. 6 minutes).

The window for parameter setting is located behind the measured value display. The parameter
window can be accessed via the <SELECT/RESET> key.

5.7 Indication of measuring values

5.7.1 Measuring indication
In normal operation the following measuring values can be displayed.

 Voltages (LED L1, L2, L3 green)

 In star connection all phase-to-neutral voltages
 In delta connection all phase-to-phase voltages

5.7.2 Unit of the measuring values displayed

The measuring values can optionally be shown in the display as a multiple of the "sek" rated value
(x ln) or as primary current (A). According to this the units of the display change as follows:

Indication as Range Unit

Sec. voltage 000V - 999V V
Primary volt- .00V – 999V V
age 1k00 – 9k99 kV
10k0 – 99k0 kV
100k – 999k kV
1M00 –- 3M00 MV
Table 5.3: Units of the display

5.7.3 Indication of fault memory data

All faults detected by the relay are indicated on the front plate optically. For this purpose, the three
LEDs (L1, L2, L3) and the four function LEDs (U<, U<<, U>, U>>) are equipped at MRU3-1. Not
only fault messages are transmitted, the display also indicates the tripped protection function. If, for
example an over current occurs, first the respective phase LED will light up. LED I> lights up at the
same time. After tripping the LEDs are lit permanently.

22 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

5.8 Fault memory

When the relay is energized or is energized or trips, all fault data and times are stored in a non-
volatile memory manner. Events will be recorded at pick-up of the relay and faults when the relay
trips. Any further faults which occur during this tripping will also be recorded, when the time differ-
ence between the fault is >300 ms. The MRU3-1 is provided with a fault value recorder for max.
five fault occurrences. In the event of additional trippings always the oldest data set is written over.

For fault indication not only the trip values are re-corded but also the status of LEDs. Fault values
are indicated when push buttons <-> or <+> are pressed during normal measuring value indication.

 Normal measuring values are selected by pressing the <SELECT/RESET> button.

 When then the <-> button is pressed, the latest fault data set is shown. By repeated press
ing the <-> button the last but one fault data set is shown etc. For indication of fault data
sets abbreviations FLT1, FLT2, FLT3, ... are displayed (FLT1 means the latest fault data
set recorded). At the same time the parameter set active at the occurrence is shown.
 By pressing <SELECT/RESET> the fault measuring values can be scrolled.
 By pressing <+> it can be scrolled back to a more recent fault data set. At first FLT8, FLT7,
are always displayed. When fault recording is indicated (FLT1 etc), the LEDs flash in
compliance with the stored trip information, i.e. those LEDs which showed a continuous
light when the fault occurred are now blinking to indicate that it is not a current fault. LEDs
which were blinking during trip conditions, (element had picked up) just briefly flash.
 If the relay is still in trip condition and not yet reset (TRIP is still displayed), no measuring
values can be shown.
 To delete the trip store, the push button combination <SELECT/RESET> and <->, has to
be pressed for about 3s. The display shows “wait”.
Recorded fault data:

Measuring Displayed value Corresponding LED

Voltage L1; L2; L3; star L1; L2; L3
L1/L2; L2/L3: L3/L1
Time stamp
Date: Y = 99 
M = 03 
D = 10

Time: h = 17 
m = 21 
s = 14

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5.9 Additional functions

5.9.1 Setting procedure for blocking the protection functions
The blocking function of the MRU3-1 can be set according to requirement. By applying the aux. vol-
tage to D8/E8, the functions chosen by the user are blocked. Setting of the parameter should be
done as follows:

 When pressing push buttons <ENTER> and <TRIP> at the same time, message "BLOC" is
displayed (i.e. the respective function is blocked) or "NO_B" (i.e. the respective function is
not blocked). The LED allocated to the first protection function U< lights red.
 By pressing push buttons <+> <-> the value displayed can be changed.
 The changed value is stored by pressing <ENTER> and entering the password.
 By pressing the <SELECT/RESET> push button, any further protection function which can
be blocked is displayed.
 Thereafter the menu is left by pressing <SELECT/RESET> again.
 If the <SELECT/RESET> key is actuated again, the blocking menu is left and the assign-
ment mode is accessed.

Function Description Display LED

U< Under voltage step 1 BLOC green
U<< Under voltage step 2 BLOC green
U> Overvoltage step 1 NO_B green
U>> Overvoltage step 2 NO_B green
Figure 5.1: Blocking function for two parameter sets

Assignment of the output relays:

Unit MRU3-1 has five output relays. The fifth output relay is provided as permanent alarm relay for
self supervision is normally on. Output relays 1 - 4 are normally off and can be assigned as alarm
or tripping relays to the voltage functions which can either be done by using the push buttons on
the front plate or via serial interface RS485. The assignment of the output relays is similar to the
setting of parameters, however, only in the assignment mode. The assignment mode can be
reached only via the blocking mode.
By pressing push button <SELECT/RESET> in blocking mode again, the assignment mode is
The relays are assigned as follows: LEDs U<, U<<, U> and U>> are two-colored and light up
green when the output relays are assigned as alarm relays and tU<, tU<<, tU>, tU>>, red as trip-
ping relays.

Alarm relays are activated at pickup.
Tripping relays are only activated after elapse of the tripping delay.

After the assignment mode has been activated, first

LED U< lights up green. Now one or several of the four output relays can be assigned to under vol-
tage element U< as alarm relays. At the same time the selected alarm relays for under voltage
element 1 are indicated on the display. Indication "1_ _ _" means that output relay 1 is assigned to
this under voltage element. When the display shows "_ _ _ _", no alarm relay is assigned to this
under voltage element. The assignment of output relays 1 - 4 to the current elements can be
changed by pressing <+> and <-> push buttons. The selected assignment can be stored by press-
ing push button <ENTER> and subsequent input of the password. By pressing push button
<SELECT/RESET>, LED U< lights up red. The output relays can now be assigned to this voltage
element as tripping relays.

Relays 1 - 4 are selected in the same way as de-scribed before. By repeatedly pressing of the
<SELECT/RESET> push button and assignment of the relays all elements can be assigned sepa-
rately to the relays. The assignment mode can be terminated at any time by pressing the
<SELECT/RESET> push button for some time (abt. 3 s).

24 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

 The function of jumper J2 described in general description "MR Digital Multifunctional Re
lays" does not apply for MRU3-1. For relays without assignment mode this jumper is used
for parameter setting of alarm relays (activation at pickup or tripping).
A form is attached to this description where the setting requested by the customer can be
filled-in. This form is prepared for telefax transmission and can be used for your own
reference as well as for telephone queries.

5.9.2 Reset
All relays have the following three possibilities to reset the display of the unit as well as the output
relay at jumper position J3=ON.

Manual Reset
 Pressing the push button <SELECT/RESET> for some time (about 3 s)
Electrical Reset
 Through applying auxiliary voltage to C8/D8
Software Reset
 The software reset has the same effect as the <SELECT/RESET> push button (see also
communication protocol of RS485 interface)

The display can only be reset when the pickup is not present anymore (otherwise "TRIP" remains
in display).
During resetting of the display the parameters are not affected.

5.9.3 Erasure of fault storage

To delete the trip store, the push button combination <SELECT/RESET> and <->, has to be
pressed for about 3s. The display shows “wait”.

Relay function Output relays Display- Corresponding

1 2 3 4 Indication LED
U< Alarm ____ U<; green
tU< Tripping X __3_ tU< red
U<< Alarm ____ U<< green
tU<< Tripping X ___4 tU<< red
U> Alarm ____ U> green
tU> Tripping X 1___ tU> red
U>> Alarm ____ U>> green
tU>> Tripping X _2__ tU>> red

DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A 25
Woodward Manual MRU3-1 GB

6. Relay testing and commissioning

The following test instructions should help to verify the protection relay performance before or dur-
ing commissioning of the protection system. To avoid a relay damage and to ensure a correct relay
operation, be sure that:

 The auxiliary power supply rating corresponds to the auxiliary voltage on site.
 The rated frequency and rated voltage of the re-lay correspond to the plant data on site.
 The voltage transformer circuits are connected to the relay correctly.
 All signal circuits and output relay circuits are connected correctly.

6.1 Power-On
Prior to switch on the auxiliary power supply, be sure that the auxiliary supply voltage corresponds
to the rated data on the type plate.
Switch on the auxiliary power supply to the relay and check that the message "WW" appears on
the display and the self supervision alarm relay (watchdog) is energized (Contact terminals D7 and
E7 closed).
It may happen that the relay is tripped because of under- voltage condition after power-on. (The
message "TRIP" on the display and LED L1, L2, L3 and U< light up red). An undervoltage condition
has been detected after power-on, because no input voltages are applied to the relay. In this case:

 Press the push button <ENTER>, thus entering into the setting mode. Now set the parame
ters U< and U<< to "EXIT" to block the under voltage functions. After that, press the
<SELECT/RESET> for app. 3 s to reset the LEDs and "TRIP" message.
 The under voltage tripping after power on can also be eliminated by applying three phase
rated voltages after power-on and reset the LED and "TRIP" message.
 Apply auxiliary voltage to the external blocking input (Terminals E8/D8) to inhibit the under
volt-age functions (refer to 6.5) and press the <SELECT/RESET> for app. 3 s to reset the
LEDs and "TRIP" message.

(see chapter 5.9.1)

6.2 Testing the output relays

Prior to commencing this test, interrupt the trip circuit to the circuit breaker if tripping is not desired.
By pressing the push button <TRIP> once, the display shows the first part of the software version
of the relay (e.g. „D08-“). By pressing the push button <TRIP> twice, the display shows the second
part of the software version of the relay (e.g. „4.01“. The software version should be quoted in all
correspondence. Pressing the <TRIP> button once more, the display shows "PSW?". Please enter
the correct password to proceed with the test. The message "TRI?" will follow. Confirm this mes-
sage by pressing the push button <TRIP> again. All out-put relays should then be activated and the
self supervision alarm relay (watchdog) be deenergized one after another with a time interval of 1
second. Thereafter, reset all output relays back to their normal positions by pressing the push but-

26 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

6.3 Checking the set values

By repeatedly pressing the push button <SELECT>, all relay set values may be checked. Set value
modification can be done with the push button <+><-> and <ENTER>. For detailed information
about that, please refer to chapter 4.3 of the description “MR – Digital multifunctional relays”.
As relay input energizing quantities, three phase voltages should be applied to MRU3 relay input
circuits. Depending on the system conditions and the voltage transformer used, three voltages can
be connected to the relay input circuits with either star or delta connection. In case of a star con-
nection the phase-to-neutral voltage will be applied to the voltage input circuits, while the phase-to-
phase voltages will be connected to the voltage input circuits in case of a delta connection. The vol-
tage input connection must be set as a parameter, and should correspond with the actual voltage
input connection:

Star connection: Phase-to-neutral voltages will be measured and evaluated.

Delta connection: Phase-to-phase voltages will be measured and evaluated.

For MRU3-1 relay used for earth fault protection be sure that the frequency set value (f=50/60) has
been selected correctly according to your system frequency (50 or 60 Hz).
This also applies when using the disturbance recorder (refer to Chapter 5.3.3).

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Woodward Manual MRU3-1 GB

6.4 Secondary injection test

6.4.1 Test equipment

 Voltmeter with class 1 or better

 Auxiliary power supply with the voltage corresponding to the rated data on the type plate
 Three-phase voltage supply unit with frequency regulation (Voltage: adjustable from 0 to ≥
2 x U N)
 Timer to measure the operating time (Accuracy class ≤10 ms)
 Switching device
 Test leads and tools

6.4.2 Example of the test circuit

For testing of the MRU3-1 relay, a three phase voltage source is required. Figure 6.1 shows an ex-
ample of a three-phase test circuit energizing the MRU3-1 relay during test. The three phase volt-
ages are applied to the relay in Y-connection.

Figure 6.1: 3-phase test circuit

28 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

6.4.3 Checking the input circuits and measuring functions

Apply three voltages of rated value to the voltage input circuits (terminals A3 - A8) of the relay.
Check the measured voltages, frequency and vector surge on the display by pressing the push but-
ton <SELECT/RESET> repeatedly.

The voltages are indicated on the display in volts, at

 Phase-to-neutral voltages: LED L1, L2, L3

 Phase-to-phase voltages: LED L1+L2, L2+L3, L3+L1

Change the voltages around the rated value and check the measured voltages on the display.

Compare the voltage displayed with the reading at voltmeter. The deviation for the voltage must not
exceed 1%.

By using an RMS-metering instrument, a greater deviation may be observed if the test voltages
contains harmonics. Because the MRU1 relay measures only the fundamental component of the
input signals, the harmonics will be rejected by the internal DFFT-digital filter. Whereas the RMS-
metering instrument measures the RMS-value of the input signals.

6.4.4 Checking the operating and resetting values of the over/under-voltage

Apply three voltages with the rated value and gradually increase (decrease) the voltages until the
relay starts, i.e. at the moment when the LED U> (or U<) lights up or the voltage alarm output relay
(contact terminals D4/E4) is activated. Read the operating voltage indicated by the voltmeter. The
deviation must not exceed 1% of the set operating value.

Furthermore, gradually decrease (increase) the voltages until the relay resets, i.e. the voltage
alarm output relay is disengaged. Check that the dropout to pickup ratio is greater than 0.97 (for
overvoltage function) or smaller than 1.03 (for under voltage).

6.4.5 Checking the relay operating time of the over/under voltage functions
To check the relay's operating time, a timer must be connected to the trip output relay contact
(Contact terminals D1/E1). The timer should be started simultaneously with the voltage change
from sound condition to a faulty condition and stopped by the trip relay contact. The operating time
measured by timer should have a deviation about 3% of the set value or < 20 ms.

DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A 29
Woodward Manual MRU3-1 GB

6.4.6 Checking the external blocking and reset functions

The external blocking input blocks the selected voltage functions.
Care must be taken that these terminals are also assigned the blocking function (refer to chapter
5.9.1). The external blocking input inhibits under-voltage functions. To test the blocking function
apply auxiliary supply voltage to the external blocking input of the relay (terminals E8/D8). Inject a
test voltage which could cause tripping for the functions above mentioned. Observe that there is no
trip and alarm.

Remove the auxiliary supply voltage from the blocking input. Apply test voltages to trip the relay
(message „TRIP“ on the display). Return the test voltages to the sound condition and apply aux-
iliary supply voltage to the external reset input of the relay (terminals C8/D8). The display and LED
indications should be reset immediately.

6.5 Primary test

Generally, a primary injection test could be carried out in the similar manner as the secondary in-
jection test described above. With the difference that the protected power system should be, in this
case, connected to the installed relays under test „on line“, and the test voltages should be injected
to the relay through the voltage transformers with the primary side energized. Since the cost and
potential hazards are very high for such a test, primary injection tests are usually limited to very im-
portant protective relays in the power system.

Because of its powerful combined indicating and measuring functions, the MRU1 relay may be
tested in the manner of a primary injection test without extra expenditure and time consumption.

In actual service, for example, the measured voltage values on the MRU3-1 relay display may be
compared phase by phase with the concerned indications of the instruments of the switchboard to
verify that the relay works and measures correctly.

6.6 Maintenance
Maintenance testing is generally done on site at regular intervals. These intervals vary among us-
ers depending on many factors: e.g. the type of protective relays employed; the importance of the
primary equipment being protected; the user's past experience with the relay, etc.

For electromechanical or static relays, maintenance testing will be performed at least once a year
according to the experiences. For digital re-lays like MRU3-1, this interval can be substantially
longer. This is because:

 the MR- relays are equipped with very wide self-supervision functions, so that many faults
in the relay can be detected and signalized during service. Important: The self-supervision
output relay must be connected to a central alarm panel!
 the combined measuring functions of MR-relays enable supervision the relay functions dur-
ing service.
 the combined TRIP test function of the MR-relay allows to test the relay output circuits.

A testing interval of two years for maintenance will, therefore, be recommended.

During a maintenance test, the relay functions including the operating values and relay tripping
times should be tested.

30 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

7. Technical Data
7.1 Measuring input circuits
Rated data: Nominal voltage UN 100 V, 230 V, 400 V
Nominal frequency fN 40 - 70 Hz
Power consumption in
voltage circuit: < 1 VA per phase at UN
Thermal withstand in
voltage circuit: continuously 2 x UN

7.2 Common data

Dropout to pickup ratio: for U>/U>> : >98 %; for U</U<< : <102 %
Dropout time: 30 ms
Time lag error class index E: 10 ms
Minimum operating time: 30 ms
Max. allowed interruption of the
auxiliarxy supply without effecting
the function of the device: 50 ms
Influences on voltage measuring:
Aux. voltage: in the range 0.8 <UH/UHN <1.2 no additional influences to
be measured
Frequency: in the range 0.8 <f / fN <1.4 (for fN = 50 Hz) <0.15 % / Hz
Harmonics: up to 20 % of the 3rd harmonic <0.1 % per percent of the
3rd harmonic up to 20 % of the 5th harmonic <0.05 % per
percent of the 5th harmonic

DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A 31
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7.3 Setting ranges and steps

Function Para- Setting range Steps Tolerance
Transformer ratio Uprim/Us (sek) 1.01...6500 0.01; 0.02; 0.05; 0.1;
ek 0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0;
5.0; 10; 20; 50
Rated frequency fN f = 50/f = 60/v = 50/v = 60
Switch group D/Y D = DELT/Y = Y
LED blinking at FLSH/NOFL
Parameter P2/FR SET1, SET2, B_S2, R_S2,
switch/external R_S2, B_FR, R_FR, S2_FR
triggering for FR
1/3-phase 1/3 U<>1; U<>3
U</<< U</<< UN = 100 V:
2...200 V (EXIT) 1V 1% of set
UN = 230 V: value or <0.3%
2...460 V (EXIT) 1V UN
UN = 400 V:
4...800 V (EXIT) 2V
tU</tU<< 0.04...50 s (EXIT) 0.01; 0.02; 0.05; 0.1;
0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 s 1% or +15
ms/-35 ms
U>/>> U>/>> UN = 100 V:
2...200 V (EXIT) 1V 1% of set
UN = 230 V: value or <0,3%
2...460 V (EXIT) 1V UN
UN = 400 V:
4...800 V (EXIT) 2V
tU>/tU>> 0.04...50 s (EXIT) 0.01; 0.02; 0.05; 0.1;
0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 s 1% or +15
ms/-35 ms

7.3.1 Interface parameter

Function Parameter Modbus-Protocol RS485 Open Data Pro-
RS Slave-Adresse 1 - 32 1 – 32
RS Baud-Rate* 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 9600 (fixed)
RS Parity* even, odd, no „even Parity“ (fixed)
* only Modbus Protocol

7.3.2 Parameter for the fault recorder

Function Parameter Modbus-Protocol RS485 Open Data Protocol

RS Slave-Adresse 1 - 32 1 – 32
RS Baud-Rate* 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 9600 (fixed)
RS Parity* even, odd, no „even Parity“ (fixed)
*is written over when a new trigger signal arrives

32 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

7.4 Output relays

Trip relays/change-over contacts Alarm relaya/change-over contacts

MRU3 2/2 3/1

DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A 33
Woodward Manual MRU3-1 GB

8. Order form
Mains decoupling relay MRU3-
Standard 1

incl. measuring of the positive phase-sequence, 2

negative phase-sequence and zero phase-
sequence system component
Rated voltage 100 V 1
230 V 2
400 V 4
Housing (12TE) 19“-rack A
Flash mounting D
RS 485 Alternatively with -M
Modbus protocol

34 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

Technical data subject to change without notice!

Setting list MRU3-1

Project: Woodward-Job.-no.:

Function group: = Location: + Relay code: -

Relay function: Password:

All settings must be checked at site and should the occasion arise, adjusted to the object/item to be

Setting of the parameters

System parameter

Function Unit Default Actual

settings settings
Uprim/Usek Voltage transformer ratio sek
D/Y Input voltage correction dependent on the con- DELT
nection of the input transformer
fN Rated frequency Hz v = 50 Hz
LED LED – Display of the activation storage FLSH
P2/FR Parameter switch/external. triggering for the SET1
fault recorder

Protection parameter

Default set- Actual

Function Unit tings settings
Set 1/Set 2 Set 1/Set 2
1/3 1-phase/3-phase tripping U<>1
U< Pickup value for under voltage element (low set) V 90/210/360*
tU< Tripping delay for under voltage element s 0.04
U<< Pickup value for under voltage element (high set) V 80/190/320*
tU<< Tripping delay for under voltage element s 0.04
U> Pickup value for overvoltage element (low set) V 110/250/440*
tU> Tripping delay for overvoltage element s 0.04
U>> Pickup value for overvoltage element (high set) V 120/270/480*
tU>> Tripping delay for overvoltage element s 0.04
RS Slave address of the serial interface 1
RS** Baud-Rate 9600
RS** Parity-Check even
* thresholds dependent on rated voltage 100 V / 230 V / 400 V

DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A 35
Woodward Manual MRU3-1 GB

Fault recorder

Default Actual
Function Unit settings settings
FR Number of recordings 4
FR Saving of the recording at the occurrence TRIP
FR Time prior to trigger impulse s 0.05
Clock Year setting year Y=00
Clock Month setting month M=01
Clock Day setting day D=01
Clock Setting of the hour hour h=00
Clock Setting of the minute minute m=00
Clock Setting of the second second s=00

Blocking function

Default settings Actual settings

Blocking Not blocking Blocking Not blocking
Parameter set Set 1 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2
U< X X
U<< X X
U> X X
U>> X X

Assignment of the output relays

Function Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Relay 4

Default Actual Default Actual Default Actual Default Actual
settings settings settings settings settings settings settings settings
U< alarm
tU< tripping X
U<< alarm
tU<< tripping X
U> alarm
tU> tripping X
U>> alarm
tU>> tripping X

36 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A
Manual MRU3-1 GB Woodward

Setting of code jumpers

Code jumper J1 J2 J3
Default Actual Default Actual Default Actual
settings settings settings settings settings settings
Not plugged X No function X

Code jumper Low/High-range for reset input Low/High-range for blockage input
Default settings Actual settings Default settings Actual settings
Low=plugged X X
High=not plugged

This technical manual is valid for

For software-Version number: D06-7.01 (MRU3-1)
D07-8.01 (MRU3-2)

Modbus-version number: D56-1.01 (MRU3-1-M)

D57-1.01 (MRU3-2-M)

DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A 37
Woodward Manual MRU3-1 GB

Woodward Kempen GmbH

Krefelder Weg 47  D – 47906 Kempen (Germany)
Postfach 10 07 55 (P.O.Box)  D – 47884 Kempen (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 1


Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 216 or 342  Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 354
e-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 614  Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 455
e-mail: [email protected]

38 DOK-TD-MRU3-1 Rev.A

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