SimLab Basic Training v14.2c PDF
SimLab Basic Training v14.2c PDF
SimLab Basic Training v14.2c PDF
Basic Training
Altair Engineering
June 30th, 2016
© 2016 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.
Altair SimLab All rights reserved.
Why SimLab?
• SimLab objectives:
• Reduce the CAD to Solver time without compromising the quality
• Easy automation of the CAE Process
• SimLab strengths:
• Intuitive, Easy to learn and use
• Robust Tet-Meshing also for complex geometries
• No CAD cleanup or defeaturing needed.
• Efficient control over model size and element quality.
• Repeatability: Feature-based, Template-based
• Function level (Templates for Meshing, Props, Contacts, Excite modeling …)
• Process level (CAD to Deck)
• Complete solution: Pre, Solver (OptiStruct integrated), Post, Optimization
• Solver Neutral
• Physical-Entity Based Modeling: knowledge of solver card details is not needed.
• Solver interfaces: OptiStruct, Abaqus, ANSYS, Nastran, Permas, ADVC …
• Advanced tools for specific application (Powertrain)
Modeling Process
1. Import CAD/FEM
2.1 2D Mesh
3. Modify 4. Assembly
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
1. Import CAD/FEM
2.1 2D Mesh
3. Modify 4. Assembly
2.2 Volume Mesh 5. Cleanup
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
8. Post Processing
• 0. Getting Started
• SimLab installation
• Initial settings
• SimLab GUI
Depending on the model size and your graphics If you are planning on using an
card, consider decreasing the tessellation Ansys Solver, please turn on Use
angle for Parasolid and Step files under File | Ansys element types in File |
Preferences | Geometry. This will give a Preferences | Analysis.
smoother representation of the CAD geometry.
Middle Button
• Scrolling the mouse wheel: Zoom in and out
• Middle button click: Model rotation
SimLab GUI
Menu Bar
Model Browser
• Assembly Ribbon Area
• Mesh Control
• Loads and Vertical Tool List
• Picking mode
• Property
• Entity filter
• Groups
• Results
• Parameters
Graphics Area
Selection List
View Toolbar
Output Window
Single-selection icon
Multiple-choice icon
Multiple-selection icon
Additional functions
Custom Toolbar(s):
• Click on the “+” icon in the Menu Bar to add a
custom toolbar.
• Drag and drop icons from the standard ribbons into
the custom toolbar.
• Right click the ribbon area to customize new
toolbars (Import ribbons/Export custom pages).
• Right click the toolbar name to Export, Rename or
Delete the toolbar.
Window Repositioning:
• Browsers can be (un)docked, resized
and repositioned.
• Drag them into the desired position.
• Browsers can be overlaid to be viewed
as tabs.
1. Import CAD/FEM
• 1. Importing CAD
and FEM:
2.1 2D Mesh
• Reading Files
• CAD Geometry 3. Modify 4. Assembly
• Models
• Entities
• Selection 2.2 Volume Mesh 5. Cleanup
• Display
• Groups
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
Reading Files
• Therefore SimLab must have access to a working installation of CATIA, ProE/CREO or UG NX.
This can be linked during the installation of SimLab, or can be manually entered later in:
• The licenses of the CAD system will be used by SimLab only when the “reader” is needed, i.e.
during the meshing process.
• Only for a CATIA direct access, an additional reader (CADNexus) is required.
Model Structure
Model • Any CAD (or FEM) file read into SimLab will be referred
to as a Model.
Bodies • If the CAD or the FEM file has multiple parts, each part
will be referred to as a Body.
Model Structure
Model Structure
CAD body
Model Structure
• Elements
• Element edges
• Nodes
• Loads
Entity Selection
• The list of Picking Methods, which can be used to select entities, is accessible
through the Selection Toolbar and the RMB Menu in the Graphics Area.
• Available Picking Methods are: Single, Polygon, Intersection, DeSelect, Enclose,
Visible, and Transparency.
• The Entity Filters define which kind of entities will be highlighted and
• Only one filter at the time is active.
• Many filters apply on both CAD and FE entities.
• SimLab tries to activate these filters automatically depending on the context
of the operations and functions used at a particular time. In this case, the
active filter is highlighted in the Selection Toolbar.
Entity Selection
• Deselect All
Deselect Geometry
Deselect FEM to clear the selection list
(eventually only Geometry/FEM filters)
View Toolbar | Views is used to: View Toolbar | Render Mode: controls how
• Align the view to one of the global axes the model is displayed in the 3D graphics
(additional custom views can be defined in the area. Rendering and coloring options are
drop down menu View | Views | Create View) available for both CAD and FEM models.
• Rotate the current view in the Counter
Clockwise or Clockwise direction by a fixed
Import: Or Open
…\Models\1_Import_Models\D_wheelasy.gda …\Models\1_Import_Models\D_wheelasy.slb
1. Make sure you import the groups defined on the CAD geometry.
2. Explore the defined group.
You can use this model to work your way through the complete workflow in the
upcoming chapters.
1. Import CAD/FEM
• 2. Meshing Tools
• Meshing
Fundamentals 2.1 2D Mesh
• Mesh Controls
3. Modify 4. Assembly
• Preserve Entities
• Mesh Pattern
• Mesh 2.2 Volume Mesh 5. Cleanup
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
Mesh growth
• 1.5 means that an element can be
50% bigger than its neighbor
Geometry Approximation:
• The mesh approximates the geometry by varying the
mesh size with respect to the curvature (for curved
• Such a geometry approximation can’t result in a mesh
size smaller than Curvature minimum element size.
REMINDER: a body never contains both shell and solid elements at the
same time. Therefore:
• Once a Volume Mesh is created, the surface elements continue to exist
as faces of the solid elements, but they will not be exported. In other
words: there is no need to delete any Tri-elements once Tets are
• If membrane elements are required on the surface, they can be created
in a new (shell) body using Geometry | Body | Create | From Faces |
Duplicate and make shared faces.
• To delete the solid mesh, keeping the shell mesh:
Select the body, open the Right Mouse Button (RMB) Menu from the
graphics area and click on Delete Solid Elements.
Import the geometry without the logo from the folder A1_QuickMesh.
Mesh Controls
• Define new Local Mesh Controls from the MCs panel or through
the RMB menu after selecting the entities.
• Edit existing Mesh Controls by double clicking them in the Model
Browser or through the RMB menu.
No Layers
• Fillet Mesh Control is used to control the mesh over selected fillets,
along the fillet’s length and the curve’s direction.
• Typically, the number of element rows and the length of the
elements along the fillet are entered.
• Cylinder Mesh Control is used to control the mesh both axially and radially on any
selected cylindrical surface.
• Element size in the axial direction: typically in mm. (Use the Isoline MC to request a
given number of elements)
• Elements in circular direction: it is recommended to use a multiple of 4 (8, 12, 16, 20…)
• Isoline can be used to replace the Washer MC on existing hollow disc faces,
although Washer MC still remains as the preferred option in many cases.
The Region MC is used to apply a local refinement within a defined shape (cuboid /
cylinder / sphere) of a region, whenever the Break Option is set as none.
Please consult SimLab Help (F1) for information regarding additional Local MCs.
Valve Seat
Imprint Circle
• The Volume Layer MC generates layers of Tet elements along thin regions.
• It can be applied to entire bodies or locally to faces.
• Important: Volume Layer MC is applied on the surface of meshed bodies before
a volume mesh is done, NOT on the CAD geometry!
Preserve Entities
• The automated meshing process can collapse sliver edges and faces which
would disregard the minimum element size.
• The mesher will decide which ones to preserve and which ones to collapse.
• Using the Preserve Entities MC, the user can control which features will be
preserved when meshing.
100 SimLab Basic Training, V14.2
02 – Meshing Tools
© 2016 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.
All rights reserved.
• Mesh Control | Preserve Entity | Face shape retains the shape of the face
(typically planarity / cylindricity).
• The nodes will not get moved out of the face, although this will not prevent
narrow faces and edges from collapsing.
• Preserve Entity | Face shape is used on assembly faces (contact faces,
assembly faces).
• Mesh Control | Preserve Entity | Face edges (or Edges) is used to keep all the
edges of a face (or selected edges).
• Tiny edges and faces will be preserved and will not collapse. This will not prevent
internal nodes to be moved out of the face though.
• For example, Preserve Entity | Face edges can be used to keep the edges of a
logo (to be removed) apart from the geometry edges.
Mesh Patterns
• Mesh Control | Mesh Patterns defines the manner in which elements are
arranged in a face.
• Available patterns are: Iso mesh, Free mesh, Union jack and Aligned mesh.
Mesh Specification
4. Assign the Washer Mesh Control (representing the imprinting of the bolt heads) to the circles on
the upper side of the Cover. Use Select Feature to identify the circles.
Save the model to be able to keep working with it in the next chapter.
Open the file:
1. Import CAD/FEM
3. Modify Geometry:
• Create/modify
geometry 2.1 2D Mesh
• Remove/modify
3. Modify 4. Assembly
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
Face1 Face2
Geometry | Edge
Edge | Chain
Used to split faces by creating a
Topo-Edge on a chain of Element
With the option Create face it is
possible to introduce a pretension
surface for a solid bolt
Merge Faces:
• Face merging suppresses all edges between two or more faces merging them.
• The options Merge, Preserve and Split by angle determine what happens with the
boundary edges of the merged face (i.e. the external edges which are not suppressed).
Split Faces:
• This panel is used to automatically divide one or more faces into more faces by
creating edges based on an angle (By an angle) or on the face shape (By feature).
• Split Faces can be used every time a definition for certain edges/faces is missing,
for instance, when a mesh is imported from a solver deck.
• By an angle: this option is used to break faces using a specified feature angle, i.e.
the angle between adjacent elements. You can choose to create only closed edge
loops, or to accept floating edges as well (i.e. open loops internal to a face).
• By feature: this option is used to extract planar and cylindrical faces. It can be
used only on whole bodies in which a certain feature is already present.
By angle By
45° feature
Break Faces:
• Allows to split one face into two faces by drawing a new edge between two
nodes (or vertices) or between an edge and a node (or vertex).
• A re-mesh is required after splitting to improve the mesh’s quality.
• As an alternative one could also use Geometry | Body | Break on faces.
Replace Face:
• Replaces a face or set of faces in
a body (even in a solid body) with
new faces.
• The option Free edge boundary
allows to replace missing or deleted
• Three nodes must be specified on
both the new and the old geometry
to define the transformation.
• Boundary edges between current
and new faces must match. Even
though, the mesh on the boundary
between the new and current faces
can be similar or dissimilar.
Face | Modify:
• Advanced tools to edit surfaces.
• Some of them are useful for shell
• See Help for further information. Flatten is used to align and remove tiny
faces adjacent to a base face. It can be
used to remove features such as fillets and
chamfers (see section about de-featuring).
Two tools are used to remove thin faces:
• Collapse elements of a thin face to its
midline or to a selected edge (for example,
it can be used for thin faces on top of ribs).
• Merge tiny FEM faces, which have a width
below the value specified by the user.
Coordinate-based tools to create shell bodies for geometric primitives such as:
• Blocks (cubes)
• Cylinders
• Spheres (also Hex solid body)
• Cones
Entity-based tools to extrude, revolve and sweep both faces and edges in order to create:
• Solid (Hex/Wedge) Bodies (from faces or a polygon when using profile)
• Shell Bodies (from edges)
• Edges (from vertices)
It is possible to choose from different methods, each one has multiple options to choose from
as seen in the pictures below.
Membrane Elements
• Merge/Unmerge: merge two or more bodies into a single body, and vice versa.
• Equivalent to the Merge/Unmerge options accessible through the RMB Menu
when bodies are selected.
• Bodies or sets of faces can be broken apart using a plane, cylinder, box,
polygon or cone as the separation boundary.
• It works for shell bodies as well as for Parasolid CAD bodies.
• Options allow to create internal faces and to organize the entities into bodies.
• Similar results are obtained by using the Region Mesh Control while meshing.
Break | Plane
Break | Cylinder
Create Rib
• Tool to create 2D or 3D ribs in order
to bolster the structure (Tri3 only).
Features | Remove Fillet is not always the most efficient tool for de-featuring.
• For some cases more robust solutions such as Geometry | Face | Modify |
Flatten Face should be used.
• When dealing with planes, Assembly | Align | Plane should be used.
Moreover, an appropriate selection of the Mesh Control parameters could allow the de-featuring of
some small fillets directly by meshing:
• All fillets smaller than Minimum element size (Body Mesh Control) will be removed.
• Setting the angle per element = 90° in the Fillet Mesh Control may help remove fillets in particular cases.
• Select a chamfer loop with one click using the fillet selection mode.
• Select many chamfers at once using Select Features | Cones from the RMB Menu.
Tool used primarily to remove logos, part numbers and part names in a model.
The Logos’ faces can be preserved with a Preserve Entities | Face Edges mesh control.
This tool removes solid holes from a body. (Not to be confused with Mesh | Fill Holes, tool for surface holes!)
• It removes both blind and through holes, and their chamfers (Remove cones).
• It is possible to select a body and a radius range, or the hole faces (1 face for each hole).
Features | Attribute
Useful when importing geometry to SimLab, since certain attributes might not be
recognized or are missing, specially circular and cylindrical attributes.
• Validate attributes of FEM bodies. Check if the Feature data is valid for all of the bodies.
• Remove (invalid) attributes from a Body or Face.
• Update missing attributes of CAD / FEM bodies.
Assembly | Align
• Similar functions can be found in the panel FEM | Node | Move.
The main difference between them is that Align modifies the mesh by reshaping features
such as faces and edges, unlike Move Node which operates directly on single nodes, even
when they are not grouped in faces.
• The tools in the panel Features | Modify should be considered in certain cases, such as
changing a hole radius, thickness or, if needed, to translate/rotate faces within a body.
Not planar
Planar, aligned
Modify the geometry of the 2D Mesh performing each of the following operations at least one time:
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
1. Import CAD/FEM
• 4. Assembly:
• Modify
Intersections 2.1 2D Mesh
• Connect Bodies
3. Modify 4. Assembly
• Imprint Entities
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
• Assembly | Modify: tools to prepare the geometry for the assembly process.
• Assembly | Imprint: tools for the local, entity based development of a
congruent mesh between entities.
• Assembly | Connect: automated creation of matching (shared) nodes
between components.
• Assembly operations are generally supported only for mesh bodies (with a
few exceptions for Parasolids, such as Boolean and Imprint).
Modify | Intersections
Modify | Align
Different components are usually assembled through feature shapes such as: plane,
cylinder, disc, etc. So, if the faces of a mesh body do not conform to these shapes, due to
few of the nodes being slightly offset, then they can be aligned properly before calling the
Assembly functions.
• Since the Assembly | Align functions are mainly used to modify geometries, the description
of this tool was already given in the Modify Geometry chapter.
Show Join
Show Join
Connect | Join
Connect | Separate
Assembly | Separate: is a tool used to separate shared entities (Faces, Edges, Vertices)
between bodies.
• After separating the entities each body will have its own entities. Nodes will be coincident,
i.e., different nodes with different IDs will occupy the same place.
• Using Separate after Join is a quick way to obtain a congruent not-shared mesh.
Assembly | Connect | Boolean allows to perform Boolean operations between bodies with
• Combine – join bodies preserving (or not) internal faces.
• Remove – subtract bodies.
• To obtain an intersection, choose the Combine option while preserving internal faces in all
bodies and proceed to delete the external parts.
• Three options are available for Parasolid CAD bodies: Union, Intersection and Subtraction.
• Use Align | Intersection to manage / convert, overlapping and penetration between bodies.
Assembly | Connect | Fuse is used to fuse bodies, that intersect or go through each other, into
a single volume by closing the gaps between them.
• If the faces are not overlapping, and the gap between them must be preserved, you
can first project a copy of the reference face on the target face, for example using
Geometry | Transform | Translate or Offset.
Imprint – Edges
Exercise – Assembly
Import one of following geometries:
.. \Models\4_Assembly\A_engine_model1.xmt_txt
.. \Models\4_Assembly\ B_block_hole_with_clearance.xmt_txt
.. \Models\4_Assembly\ C_Assy_2bodys.xmt_txt
1. Import CAD/FEM
• 5. Cleanup and
2.1 2D Mesh
• Local Remeshing
• Topology 3. Modify 4. Assembly
• Topology Repair
• Manual Cleanup 2.2 Volume Mesh 5. Cleanup
• Element Quality
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
The ribbons Mesh and FEM contain tools to repair topology and fix the
quality of the elements. The following operations can be performed:
• Quality improvement through local re-mesh
• Verification and correction of the mesh topology
• free edges,
• non-manifold edges,
• intersections
• Element/Node based local mesh modification
• Element quality check and cleanup
On Edges:
ideal for the clean up after
assembly operations or
for local refinement.
On Elements
Mesh | Grid Mesh is an important remeshing tool to obtain a mapped mesh (90 degree triangulation) with
a given number of elements (“MxN”).
• The surface doesn’t need to be a 4-sided face. If the face can’t be reduced explicitly into a 4-sided shape, the
input of 4 nodes will be requested to establish the direction.
• Grid Mesh requires only one face as input. Use Merge Faces to apply the Grid Mesh on several faces.
• Use Project to the input face to make a finer approximation of the shape belonging to the original face. It can be
used on curved faces to preserve the geometry (nodes will be projected along the face).
• Note: the MCs to acquire the “MxN”-structure straight from the CAD are: Mesh Pattern | Iso Mesh, IsoLine and, of
course, Fillet and Cylinder.
Merge Grid
Use Mesh | Layers to change the number of layers for elements present in iso-meshed
faces such as cylinders and hollow discs (and also in 2.5D solid map meshed bodies).
Topology Verification
The Topology Verification tools are used to verify if a 2D shell mesh fulfills all of the
topological requirements to allow a volume mesh.
• Mesh enclosure (“Water tightness”) checked with both Mesh | Verify | Edges and
Mesh | Verify | Folds, and Cracks and Wedges are verified with Mesh | Verify |
• Non-Manifold Edges (allowed only for shared and internal faces) are checked with
Mesh | Verify | Edges.
• For a no self-intersecting or self-overlapping mesh use Mesh | Verify | Intersection.
• Mesh | Fill Holes is a tool used to repair (fill in) breaks (holes) in the outer surface of a body.
• If the option Body or Faces is selected, all free edge loops within the body or sets of faces
will be filled.
• Use Mesh | Verify | Edges to check for residual open loops.
• Note: Mesh | Fill Holes is a repairing tool of the shell mesh, and should not be confused
with Feature | Remove Hole, which is a de-featuring tool to remove design holes such as
bolt connections or lubrication channels.
• Mesh | Fill Holes with the option Edge | Single Face checked, gives a
practical way to re-create missing (preferably planar) faces.
• Pick the external free edge loop and any internal edge loop which will be
subtracted from the output face.
• With Fill Partial Loop it is possible to create (planar) faces also from an
open loop of edges.
External Loop
• Mesh | Fill Cracks allows to fill cracks and slots from selected faces or bodies.
• Cracks are defined as a closed loop of free element edges with an angle smaller than 30°.
No new elements are created to fill in the cracks.
• Slots are cracks with a minimum angle of at least 30°. If the minimum edge length allows it,
the slot will be filled by creating new elements, otherwise the slot is closed by collapsing
edges and equivalent nodes.
Crack Slot
Quad to Tris
Split Edge
Combine Tris to quad
Create Element
Note: if a panel doesn’t allow to create a Tri6, you can still fill holes in a second order
mesh with first order elements (Tri3). This will not be seen as a free edge: SimLab will
convert everything to linear or quadratic as soon as the volume mesh is created.
Quality Check
• SimLab generates a mesh that can be used for different types of analyses. For
each of these analyses, the mesh should meet a certain quality criteria.
• Since the definition of these quality measures can differ from one software to
another, refer to the SimLab Help to understand how each criteria is computed.
Element Type:
Select a body
taking into
account the
Element Type.
Clean Up:
automatic element
Compute: will show the Min and Max Display: shows the clean up for the
values as well as the percentage of elements that fail the quality selected criteria.
failure. Elements not satisfying the given test. Only 1 element quality
criteria will show a failure percentage. can be shown at a time.
Find Element by ID
… \5_Cleanup_Repair \Manual_cleaning.gda
1. Import CAD/FEM
• 6. Connections:
• Connectors
• 1D Bolts 2.1 2D Mesh
(NVH Bolts)
3. Modify 4. Assembly
• 3D Bolts
(Solid Bolts)
• Contacts 2.2 Volume Mesh 5. Cleanup
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
RBE2 “One-to-one”
• Select from Independent and Dependent Nodes
• Select Faces / Edges with a congruent mesh
Edit RBE
• Add / Remove / Change
Independent / Dependent nodes
Show Attached
• Finds nodes attached to connectors
• Works for RBE / Bar / MPC / Spring
Quick 1D Bolt
Automatic 1D Bolt
Trough Hole
Pick hole
Spider scale
Bar / Pretension
Thread Hole
Pick hole
Bar / Pretension
• Select the automation objects (Head/Thread)
from the Loads and Constraints tree then
click on Apply to create the connection.
• Pick two Head Objects (e.g. Head and Nut)
when using the Through option.
• Several connection types are available (also
with pretension). Check the Help Menu (F1) for
additional information.
• Head and Thread (or Nut) can be connected as
well using Rigid Bar or Equivalence.
• Use Bolt Modeling | Rigid Bar to connect the
centers of the RBE Spiders or end nodes of the
Bars through Rigid Elements.
• Use Bolt Modeling | Equivalence mainly to fix
free nodes of Bar Elements.
1D Bolts – Automatic
Import Bolt
• Automatic, template-based
creation of 1D Bolt
• The Automation is based on
the Body Names.
• The *.dat Template contains
the definition of:
• Head
• Thread
• Connection
• For additional information
regarding the syntax in the
Bolt Template refer to the
Help Menu.
1D Bolts – Exercises
Open the file:
4. Edit the Bolt Modeling through the Automation Objects in the Loads and Constraints
5. Run an analysis with OptiStruct to view the effects of the pretension.
CAD Based
Solid Bolt
Consider using Select features | Circles to quickly select the circular edges on the
• If the hollow disc faces are already imprinted on the CAD, use IsoLine Mesh Control
(with the axial parameter to be intended as radial) or Mesh Pattern | Iso Mesh to
obtain the structured mesh of the washer.
• To create a Washer Face on an existing mesh body
use Geometry | Edge | Create | Edge Offset.
Pick the option Offset selected edges on faces.
• Use the option Copy | with LBC to copy the bolt (including the
Pretension Load) into other holes.
Solid Pretension:
• Select: if the pretension cut already exists
(typically, when the bolt was created by SimLab
with Advanced | BoltModeling | Create Bolt).
Pick one shared face or a face pair when
having disconnected bodies.
Bolts created with the • Create: if the body has not yet been cut (i.e.,
Face/Group Based for CAD-Based Bolt creation with Advanced |
Method, will have their BoltModeling | Bolted Joint) pick the bolt’s body
pretension faces already
grouped here. and define the plane.
• Find: similar to Select, but allows to pick the
body instead of the faces.
• After doing the pretension, the bolt’s body is
divided into 2 separate volumes (divided by a
gap, if requested). Use the Body
Merge/Unmerge function to organize the
An alternative –quick– way to create a
pretension cut is by using: volumes into different bodies.
Geometry | Edge | Chain | Create Face. • The Pretension load(s) will appear under the
See Chapter 3 - Modify Geometry for more Loads and Constraints | Static Loads tree.
Export from
existing model
Automatic Creation
in new model
1. Use Advanced | Bolt Modeling | Create Bolt | Import Bolt to import the bolt
Import the CAD transmissional_3d_bolts_v1.xmt_txt containing the Bolts’
geometry and create one solid bolt using Advanced | Bolt Modeling | Bolted
2. Create the Solid Pretension for the bolt.
3. Position and copy the bolt into the other holes of the Cover using
Geometry | Transform | Position
Save the file to continue working with this setup in the next chapter.
1. Import CAD/FEM
• 7.1 Analysis
2.1 2D Mesh
• Loads & Constraints
• Load Steps 3. Modify 4. Assembly
• Material & Property
• Sets
• Export Solver Deck 2.2 Volume Mesh 5. Cleanup
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
• Every option allows a spherical, cylindrical or
rectangular CS Type.
• They differ mainly in the element which has to
be selected to define the CS.
Node selection
Face selection
Edge selection
Applies uniform or varying pressure loads on Solid
or Shell element faces. The pressure will be
applied opposite to the element’s normal direction.
Represented by
Yellow arrows
Pink arrow
Bearing Pressure
This option distributes a given load over nodes in a cylindrical face. The section
of the cylinder’s face in which the force will be distributed is specified by the:
• Semi Load Angle
• Cylindrical face
• Direction of the force
Body Force
Defines Acceleration (gravity), Angular Acceleration, Angular Velocity
and Centrifugal Force.
Applies a static uniform or
varying temperature load on a
Body or Face.
Represented by
Pink markers
Distributed table:
• Define a spatially varying temperature
load. Right click the Temperature Load
in the Model Browser and select Show
Contour to view the distribution.
• The table can be modified at any time.
Load Contour
Offers a variety of tools to define several
thermal conditions such as Flux and
Convection. Unlike the temperature loads,
thermal loads aren‘t listed under the Static
Loads and supports detailed thermal analysis.
This option is used to map Loads from one mesh onto
another. It requires only reference data (Data Table or
Results Data) or additionally meshed models.
Constraints can be applied on nodes, edges, vertices
(fixed and velocity) or faces. Each constraint can be
defined according to a Local or Global Coordinate System.
• Defines fixed displacement and
rotational constraints. Represented by
Enforced: a Green marker
• Defines translational and
rotational displacement
• A varying displacement
constraints Table can be created.
• Create velocity constraints for Represented by
implicit / explicit motion or a Blue marker
dynamic analysis.
This option is used to apply mass to a node or to define a mass element. It
is particularly useful to calculate the mass properties, centroid and moment
of inertia of meshed bodies. Select either a Global or Local CS.
Represented by
a Blue marker
Input Entities Face Element Body Edge Vertex Node Region RBE
Node sets
Shell Element sets
Solid Element Face sets
Solid Element sets
Rigid Body Element (RBE) sets
Membrane Element sets
Nastran/OptiStruct ASet
This is option is used to define materials
for bodies. Material definitions can be
created for elastic, plastic, acoustic,
rubber, gasket and fluid structures.
To Define a material:
• Click on Material,
• Select the Category, Type and Model.
Materials will be listed • Enter material properties and click OK.
in the Property tab.
Manage Transfer
Save and add a material’s information into a You can create or load a Material
separate database or select and add Materials database (with an *.xml format) to
into the Materials tree in the Model Browser. be used in any session.
Used to apply Solid, Shell, Bar, Membrane, Rigid Bar and Rigid Body
properties. There can only be one property (thus one material) per body.
• Properties can be viewed (and their names / IDs edited) in the Property tab.
To define a Property:
• Click on Property.
• Select the Category, Type and
• Proceed to enter material properties,
select the Element Type, select the
body on which the property will be
applied and click OK.
• Element types are solver specific.
Load Case
• Organize and group various loads and constraints into different loading
combinations (as Nastran / OptiStruct Sub Cases or Abaqus Load Steps).
• Subcase definition, including analysis types, Solution Control Parameters and
Output Requests, can be set up for each load step.
From the main menu File │ Import or Export │ Specifications you can
retrieve / save Load case Templates with the *.xml filename extension.
1. Go to Analysis | Coordinate | Create and define a Cylindrical CS on the faces of the bushing.
2. Define three Fixed constraints on the Carrier, with Analysis | Constraints | Fixed:
Constrains on
• Select the cylinders in both sides of the bush and constrain the displacements, in the Local CS, bushes (R,Z
for the R and Z axes and the other only in the R axis. and R axes)
• Place the last constraint on a face in the Z (Global) axis.
3. Create a RBE3 using Analysis | Connectors | Create RBE on the outer section of the Rotor bush.
4. Apply a force with Analysis | Loads | Force and Moment of 10e3 N in the Z axis
of the RBE’s Master Node.
Group the loads and constraints defined on the Carrier into a Load Case.
6. Export a solver input deck with OptiStruct and Solve. Rotor RBE+load (Z)
Save the file to continue working with this setup in the next chapter.
1. Import CAD/FEM
• 8.1 Post
2.1 2D Mesh
• Import/Export
• Animation 3. Modify 4. Assembly
• View Results
• Query Results
• Tools 2.2 Volume Mesh 5. Cleanup
6. Connections
7. Analysis Setup
Importing Results
After solving within SimLab, the results file are loaded automatically.
Otherwise, result files can be imported as follows:
• From File | Import | Results, select the results file you wish to import.
• The option Results data will import only the results (WITHOUT THE MESH!) and
assign them to the currently loaded database. (Be aware: results and current model
should have the same numbering!).
• Importing a new results file will delete (overwrite) existing results or model data.
Importing Results
• The option Both imports the mesh together with the results (if available in the result file)
• This will avoid discrepancies due to renumbering between mesh and results.
• New models/bodies are added to the database.
• The new imported geometry typically does not have features (edges, faces) defined on
it. Creating faces in many cases can help the postprocessing.
Display/Hide Results
• After importing a results file, you can Hide Results to view the model‘s
• From the RMB Menu in the graphics area, click on Display Results to
view the results again.
Export Results
Select Loadcase
• Shows a list of all available load cases and sub frame results.
• Select the load case results you wish to view and click on Display.
• For a static analysis, the VonMises stress is displayed as default.
• Select a face.
• Double click the solid
results you wish to view.
• Right-click the result to
view either the vector or
contour (default) plot.
Legend Settings
• Display a continuous or discrete color spectrum.
• Enter the Number of segments (1-25).
• Text format: choose from either Exponential or Float (Float |
Precision specifies the number of decimals).
Range display
• Set the color or transparency range to be displayed.
• The max and min values shown can be specified by the user.
• Changing Start or End Values is useful to isolate results, since
values outside of the range will be transparent.
Results – Animation
Contour | Animate
• Clicking on the Animate button will display the animation toolbar.
• The Animation Settings are accessed from the RMB Menu in
the graphics area.
Results | Deformation
Resultant deformation
X deformation
(no Wireframe of
(with Wireframe of model)
undeformed model)
Check the Element edge display to view the mesh lines and pick Reverse to
view the Wireframe of the undeformed model opposite to the cutting plane.
Section Cut
Section Cut (Element edges &
Reverse display)
Query results
• Query and export results values from selected nodes, elements and points.
• Are accessed via the RMB Menu from the Graphics Area.
• Nodes and elements will give the results value for each Node/Element ID.
• Points require its X, Y, Z coordinates as input, but has the option to enter Many points as a table as well.
• Choose the Result Component from either Displayed result or a selected Results Component, then
click on Query to view the Result.
Query results
• Import a spec results file (.xml) containing the results components, from
which you wish to calculate the Max and Min values.
• Click on Query Results, Update and Export Spec to export another .xml
file with the Max and Min values for each component.
Input Output
Results | Hotspots
Identifies results regions for a given threshold and local region mesh
control (which refines the mesh) can be defined for every region.
• Select the Range.
• Click on Identify Hotspots to have the regions displayed.
• The Capture Image command will take screenshots of each region.
Results | X / Y Plot
X Y Plots
Plot result components for selected nodes in a X vs Y graph.
• Select one data type: Node ID, Loadcase/Frequency or XYZ.
• Pick the nodes from which the data will be taken and click Plot.
• Loadcase/Frequency plots
curves for the selected Load
cases on each node.
• Click on the X data to select load
Stress Resultant
Calculates the force and moment values for a selected face.
• Select one face then click on Compute.
• The X, Y and Z Component Results will be displayed as well as its Resultant.
Strain Gauge
Calculate the Strain/Stress value at any point (center node) in a given
direction. Strain results must have been read before calculating.
• The center node, the direction and the strain gauge dimensions are
required as input.
• Click on Calculate to show the value.
Bore Distortion
Bore Distortion
Determine the degree of cylinder bore distortion from displacements at
the bore surface.
• Two methods for computation are available, one which uses the
current mesh and a second one which creates an iso mesh (if the
bore face has a perfect iso mesh) on a selected bore face.
Bore Distortion
Graph: Circularity
(Distortion: OverAll)
The Valve Seat tool helps determine the radial distortions on the intake
and exhaust valve seats for a combustion chamber.
• Select the intake and the exhaust valve seat edges.
• Define the radial and tangential directions for the valve seat’s cylindrical CS.
• Click on Compute.
• After computing, the Polar Plot of the distorted valve seat edge profiles can
be viewed.
1. Create features for the model making use of Geometry | Faces | Split (First by angle then by Feature).
2. Activate the Wireframe of the undeformed model from Results | Deformation.
3. Create a floating node in the center of at least two of the bore cylinders (FEM | Node | Create | Arcs).
4. Create a Circular Edge coordinate system in one of the cylinders from Analysis | Coordinate | Create.
• Hide Results to view the Coordinate System.
• Rotate the Z Axis of the CS to have its positive axis along the cylinder’s depth.
• Define the rotation axis using two of the floating nodes.
5. Compute the Bore Distortion for the cylinder (specify additional depths if wanted).
6. View different types of Plots.