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Catherine Oakes Sinclair PhD, ND.

' '
God's Mighty Little
Messengers-Enzymes and
Catherine Oakes Sinclair, Ph.D, ND., NDphys.


Copyrighted material
Copyright © 2013 Catherine Sinclair, PhD, ND., NDphys.

ISBN: 978-1-312-52587-0

First Edition: 2014

Ali rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America .

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever for profit, without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in crit ical
articles and reviews.

Moming Manna. Pu.6/ications ~

R R #5 Box 683

Ava, MO 65608

(417) 683-1142

email contact: howardncatherine @gmail.com

cath eri nespersonal m essages@gma il .corn

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Ta ble of Conte nts

Table of Contents
Forward ......................................................... ... ....................... 9

Author's Note ................ .. ... ... .................... .. ... ... .................... 15

Introduction ................... ... ... .. .................... ... ... ..................... 17

Cha pter 1 ............................................................................... 23

Why Are Americans Dying in Record Numbers? .... ............... 23

Chapter2 ............. ... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .. .......... .. ... ... .31

Enzymes and Minerais - God's Light Messengers ................. 31

Enzymes - Thei r Scientific Definition ................. .. ............. 34

What Enzymes Are and How They Function ..... .. ... ... ........ 35

History of Enzyme Research ............................ .................. 39

The Importance of Enzymes .............................................. 41

Lock and Key Theory: ........................................................46

Enzymes Have a Big Job to Do .......... ................................. 50

Captains of the Host of Enzymes ........... ... ... ...................... 51

How Enzymes ln culcate With Mi nerais .......... .. ... ... ........... 54

The Electrical Spark ...................................... ..................... 57

Med ica 1 Ad va ntages of Enzymes .................................. .... .65

Cha pter 3 ...... ........ ........ .......... .......... .......... ........................... 75

Definition of Live Foods .... ... ... ........... ..... ... .... ... ... ....... ........ ... 75

Chapter4 ..................... .. ... ... ....................... ...........................83

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Enzymes and Minerais - God's Light Messengers

and gave enzyme supplements to over 700 patients, all

which responded variably.

ln 1960, the first enzyme whose amino acid

sequence was determined was called ribonuclease by
the American bioche mist William H. Stein and Stanford
Moore. Lysozyme was the first enzyme whose three-
dimensional structure was established in 1965 by the
well-known crystallographer David C. Philli ps.

Subsequently, numerous other enzymes were

characterized in this manner. The availability of highly
purified enzymes has permitted sophisticated studies of
the way in which enzymes participate in the chemical
(electrical) work of the living cell in microbial cultures,
plants and animais.

1' he Importance ofEnzyn1es

To understand why live enzymes and minera is are an

important component of whole foods, you should
understand the definition of enzymes from the
Nutrition Almanac - 4 th Edition (1996 McGraw Hill,
Gayla J. Kirschmann and John D. Kirschmann), "The
active chemicals in the digestive juices which cause the
chemical breakdown of whole foods are called enzymes,
combinations of ami no acids that are capable of
inducing chemical changes in other substances".


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God's Mighty Little M essengers - Enzymes and M inerais

Figure 9 Canned cranberry sauce DIO NOT

Figure 10 Store bought Bing Cherries did light the live Food lndicator


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Enzymes and Minerais - God's Light Messengers

Th is fermentation process allows the release of

the smal l mo lecule from within the cell. As the mo lecule
is released from the ce ll, its energy field is electrically
attracted (like iron to a magnet) to the field of energy
surrounding the ce lis of the stomach and intestina l
lining. lt is then electrically drawn to and passes through
the microscopie pores of the linings, and from there
passes into the blood stream. The rema ining fiber is
then disposed through the bowels.

The little molecule is now being pumped around

our blood system and eventual ly goes down one of the
millions of side roads cal led capilla ries that lead to every
cell. Capillaries are very porous. Their holes are sma ll
enough, however, to prevent most of the blood
components, such as water (the biggest constituent)
and the red and wh ite blood cell s, from passing
th rough. But most of our f ood molecu les do pass
through into the lymphatic flu id that surrounds ail of
our ce lis.

At this point something amazing happens!

Something so hidden that it is rare ly addressed by
mainstream science or nutritionists. The little mo lecule
now absorbs solar energy (as Dr. Johanna Budwig
discovered) and in fact acts like a capacitor in the
ignition system of some cars. lt bui lds up w ithin itself a
charge of energy that has the potential to be
exponentially far greater than its original charge (much
like the sound impulses from a microphone going
through an amplifier and coming out much louder) .


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God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

However, it still carries within its electrical

matrix the original frequency of the food it started out
as. ln some ways, this is not electrically dissimilar to the
process of photosynthesis occurring in plants. When
humans or plants are denied solar ene rgy (as miners are
when working underground at depths of 500 feet or
more) many degenerative diseases rapidly man ifest,
regardless of perceived adequate nutrition.

If food is properly fermented, its surrounding

energy field will have a positive charge. The field
surrounding a hea lthy cell has a negative charge. As we
move, our lymphatic fluid is pumped throughout the
body moving the molecule a round and causing it to
brush past a cell. What happens next is the sa me as
LIGHTENING. Since the fields of energy surrounding the
mo lecule and the cel l are oppositely charged, the
mo lecule zaps out a spark of energy into the cell, and
the cell zaps back its spark. At this point, the molecule's
field of energy should unde rgo a polarity reversai
(meaning its field of energy is now negatively charged).

This process is similar to a spark plug in your

car's gasoline engine, where energy (spark) jumps from
one polarity to another (a positive charged component
to a negatively charged component). Without it the
engine would not be able to function, t he fuel would
not become motive power for the car. lt is the sa me in
your body. Vou would not get the life force form the


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God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

From an electrical nutrition point of view, the

nutritional availability of food is indexed toits vibratory
rate {frequency). The higher the frequency the higher
the life form and the easier it is to rot or ferment
{evidence of enzyme activity). From an electrica l
nutrition stand point the quicker the food rots, the more
evolved it is, the higher the vibration rate it contains
and the greater the life force it has available.

Live enzymes manufactured in my home by

fe rmenting pineapple and lemons with honey over a
two week to four month period have a strong vibratory
frequ ency if the brightness of the 40 watt bulb is an
indicator of the life force within our food s. The enzymes
brilliantly light the bulb im mediately unlike some of the
pineapples, cherries, watermelon, blueberries that
often take at least a minute to gather their energy to
light the bulb.

Digging Dee1>er lnto the Sciences

Food science has brought out many truths

practiced long ago by the Essenes. Food science goes in
many directions today but most importantly, we cannot
understand nutrition without knowing the chemical
structure of foods, its minera is, vitamins, trace minerais,
electrolytes, enzymes, proteins etc. and the
chemical/electrical needs of the body. And we must
know that our bodies are as unique as every treasure


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Energy is the Key

Enzymes have a limited life and must be replaced

regularly." ln order to replace these enzymes we must
eat foods t hat have enzymes t hat have not been
destroyed one way or the other. Foods lacking in
enzymes and minerais do not replace missing or
depleted enzymes in the body .

Cultures t hat have eaten primari ly live foods

such as the Pelegasians (ancient Greeks reported by
Herodotus to live an average of 200 years) and t he
Essenes seem to have an extended life span, higher
quality of life, health, vitality and joy. Live foods have
the potent ial to turn us into superconductors of
electrical ene rgy and cosmic energy. This cornes about
with the use of foods that conta in the dynamic
activated enzymes. Plants convert from the soil, w ind,
sunshine and rain trace minerais and then the enzymes
transform the minerais into absorbable nutrients
needed for the body.

Testing Foods for Energy or l\'lineral/Enzyme


There is an electrical device; 1 ca ll the "Live"

Food lndicator. 1 use this indicator to test the vitality
and conductive energy in foods, herbs, supplements,
soils and soaps. The "Live" Food lndicator shows
evidences of ene rgy (the electrical matrix) available
whether minerai, enzyme, and elect rolyt e energy in the


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Energy is the Key

well endowed with copious amounts of lipase, an

enzyme which helps break down and metabolize the fat.
ln other words these foods that lost their team
members or messenge rs known as lipase enzymes.

ln 1966, Dr. Galton of Tufts University School of

Medicine found that overweight humans had deficient
amounts of lipase reserves in their adipose tissues
compared to normal weight ind ividuals . "lt may be that
obesity and abnormal cholesterol deposits both have
their genesis in our failure to permit fat predigestion in
the uppe r stomach (food-enzyme stomach) by
destroying the natural lipase content of fatty foods."

Persona ! research shows lifeless soil does not

have enough energy in it to light the light bulb on the
"Live Food lndicator" . 1 tested soil in Cleburne, Texas as
an afterthought while visiting my husband's son and
daughter-in-law. There 1 saw nothing growing and
wondered about the soil. lndeed the soil did not light
the light bulb on the Live Food lndicator.

Lif eless soil either produces lifeless foods not

capable of lighting the bulb or noth ing at ail. Per chance
1 noticed she also had a flower pot fi lled with purchased
garden soil that did not have any plant in it yet. 1 tested
that soil and the bulb on the indicator flashed on
immediately. Hmmmmm. So is it necessary we know
whether or not our soil we use to grow our foods in is
"live" or not? 1 venture to say yes.


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God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

know NOW whether or not the food product would light

the bulb and did not record or have a witness. "Yes", at
the end of the product mentioned means the 40 watt
bulb lit up, a "no" means the bulb did not light when
that product was tested with the Live Food lndicator.
"Brilliantly" means the 40 watt bulb lit up bri ll iantly. lt
means it was a very bright light indicating lots of
electrical energy. (Video) means 1 had opportunity to
make a video of the testing.

1. Sweet potato from loca l produce man -yes

2. Tomato from local produce man - yes
3. Red potato - Publix -yes
4. Cucumber - Winn Dixie - yes
S. "Fresh" Corn - no
6. 1 Can't Believe it's Not Butter - no
7. Pompeian oil - clear bot tle - no
8. Regina Fine Red Wine -yes
9. White Ho use Apples Cider - yes
10. Wesson Oil - no
11. Sue Bee Honey - no
12. Local farm honey - no
13. Land of Lakes Butter (sait ) - no
14. Lemon eut and refrigerated two days - no
15. Uncut lemon - yes
16. Corn from farm stand - left in refrigerator 22
days- no
17. Amy's Frozen Egg Plant Parmesan -yes, nearly
blew the light bulb out
18. Brown rice and chicken soup - no
19. Raw egg - free range -yes


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Energy is the Key

59. "Fresh Avocados - Walmart - sometimes yes

and sometimes no
60. Bottled Welch's Grape juice - yes- every time
tested and tested at least 10 different times
different bottles (video)
61 . Liquid "Brain Tonie" - Richard's Natu ral Health
Store - Charlotte, FL - no (video)
62 . "Cantaloupes- Walmart and local farmers
products - yes
63. On ions -Wal mart -yes
64. Potatoes - Walmart and local farmers market -
65. Beets - local farmer and Wa lmart - yes
66. Iceberg Lettuce-no
67. Raspberry Tea Leaves from Rose Mountain
68. Lipton Black Tea Leaves - yes
69. Pinto beans dry- no
70. Pinto beans cooked - no
71 . Pinto beans sprouted - no (video)
72. Fiesta's Pinto Sean Seasoning - over five years
on shelf -yes, brilliantly, (video)
73. Sesame seeds from Jean's Healthway, Ava, MO -
74. Bottled Noplea from Trivita -yes (video)
75. Genesis water- no (video)
76. Tap water Ava, MO - yes
77. Ta p water, Arcadia, FL - no
78. Weil water on my property - no
79 . Distilled water - no


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God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

80. Bottled Spring Water - Walmart brand - no

81 . Fuji bot tled water - no
82. Nancy Hetheirm ier's well water-yes
83. Procera -YES! (video)
84. Cherries f rom my farm received 5 days after
picking - no (video)
85. String beans from my farm received 5 days after
picking - no (video)
86. Granny Smith apple from my farm received 5
days after picking - yes (video)
87. Apples f rom farm - cooked into chunky
applesauce - yes (video)
88. Dried peppers from local f arm, Ava, MO after 18
months storage - no ( 1 have video)
89 . Cooked cabbage -yes, brill iant (video)
90. Cooked Golden Yukon pot ato from local fa rmer
- yes, bri lliant (vid eo)
91 . Purple onions shredded - week in refrigerator -
yes (video)
92. Taco Be ll Cheese - yes (video)
93 . Wa lmart Apple tested five days after purchase -
yes (video)
94. Rice Dream Organic Milk-yes (video)
95. Mashed potatoes - yes (video)
96. Cooked spaghetti squash - yes, brilliantly
97. Morning Star Veggie Lin ks - yes, bril lia ntly
98. Ali brands of Yogurt 1 tested -yes


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Energy is the Key

99 . Artesian well water raised lettuce - no

100. Homemade vani lla pudding from fresh
milk, fresh eggs, sugar - yes !
101. Bottled and Pasteurized Simply Orange
Ju ice-yes


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God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais


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God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

disease with enzymes. Enzymes have anti-inflammatory

and analgesic effect and so decrease pain. Health is
increased because healthy high density lipids are
increased and cholesterol levels are decreased.

According to Dr. Howell enzymes have two key


(1) Enzymes are living, bioche mical factors that

activate and carry out the biological processes in
the body. Th is includes all digestive activities,
detoxification on physical levels, nerve impulses,
healing the body, the function of RNA/DNA.
(2) The capacity of an organism to make enzymes is
exhaustible. Therefore on the biological level,
how we utilize and replenish our enzyme
resources will be a measure of our overall hea lth
and longevity.

1only have a miniscule knowledge of enzyme and

minerai activity and believe much research still needs to
take place to determine why my " Live Food lndicator"
40 watt bulb lights up even if the food has been cooked
at higher temperatures than the 115-129 degree point.

Why do some foods such as the root crops

(everyone 1tested) retain enough energy to light the
light bulb whether raw or cooked? Sometimes after the
cooking, the bulb not only lights but is brilliantly lit up.
Why do some foods lose their energy within minutes of
harvesting while others can test "live" after weeks of


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storage (root crops such as potatoes, carrots, beets, and

cold crops such as cabbage)?

Why does some well water, tested with the "Live

Food lndicator," light the bulb while others do not? Why
does pasteurized liquids such as Welch's grape juice and
m il k light the bulb yet other pasteurized juices do not?
To be honest 1 have no idea. But this one thing is for
sure. My husband and 1 showed measurable
improvement in our health even in our advanced years
(hubby= 92 and me= 63) when we chose to eat only
those delightful foods that lit the ordinary 40 watt bulb.

The foods that light the " Live Food lndicator" before
being consumed do not cause me a heavy feel ing in my
solar plexus after 1 eat the m, even those that were
heated above the acceptable critical temperature of 118
degrees. Those that do not light up the bulb every time
cause me a heavy feeling in the solar plexus, something
akin to heartburn. So something is a miss regarding the
hypothesis that all enzymes are destroyed by heat as
can be seen in the following research studies.

Research studies indicate rice heated to 90 ®C/

194®F for 4 days still sprouted. Most seeds were still
al ive after long exposure ta temperatures much higher
than 48® C/ 118® F.xxxviii Cooked rice also lit my light
bulb. Barley was heated to 84®C/183.2® F for 11 days
and still sprouted. Cooked barley also lit my bulb.

Sorne seeds have heat-tolerate enzymes. The reality

is that seeds and seedlings can conta in enzymes that are


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God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

stable above the temperature of 48®C/118®F. The

paper by Eglington et al. (1998) is a suggested entry
point for those interested in the related scientific
literature. Will raw food enzyme advocates change their
long-standing claims in response to this information,
and assert that the heat-stable enzymes in foods are

If they do so, is that equivalent to saying that

"cooked foods are as good as raw foods? My tests with
the "Live Food lndicator" showed, "seeds" (potato,
sweet potato, beets, carrots, onions) and cruciferous
vegetables such as cabbage and kale, had enough
energy to light the bulb after being heated and
prepared for dinner.

These experiments challenge the corn mon raw food

belief that foods heated above the tempe rature of
48®C/118® Fare always dead. According to Ju lie Walsh,
a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the
American Diet etic Association, "The Raw food Diet" - is
not supported by scientific literature at ail. Man has
used fire to cook food for ages. To refrain from heating
or processing foods could even be risky. Sorne studies
also suggest that cooked tomatoes release more
phytonutrients than raw ones. The lycopene found in
tomatoes is a strong antioxidant li nked to preventing
several different diseases - and it's released with
heat. "llill


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However, the founder, Dr. Ann Wigmore often

ta lked about how one of her most thrilling experiences
was the day she first observed cancer cells taken from a
human body and place under a microscope begin to
th rive on cooked food, yet dying off when in the
presence of only live raw food. xxxix

The situation here serves as an example of the

complexity of nature. lt reminds us that nature is not
bound by our simplistic rules and understanding. lt
brings to mind a famous quote from the eminent
mathematician and statistician Jerzy Neyman: "Life is
complicated, but not uninteresting" (Puri, 1984).

Though, 1 ma intain by choosing to eat fresh live

foods, plants, and herbs that are filled with enzymes
(the light or spark of God) or the life force, evidenced by
its ability to turn on the light bulb on the "Live Food
lndicator," you will maint ain a continuous exogenous
enzyme input in your body and therefore decrease the
endogenous depletion of enzyme energy. There is
strong medical evidence that the excess enzymes
released from the enzyme rich food s can be absorbed
into the body to increase our content and energy. The
more workable enzyme systems we have, the more
opportunities are open to us "so that our youth is
renewed like the eagles," Psalm 103:5.

Truly, God, our Source of Power, Energy, and

Light whispers the secret in the "ears" of His
messengers that He has sent to mankind for the ir


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Live Food lndicator Orcier Page




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God's Might y Little M essengers - Enzymes and M inerais

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alcohol, 39 detoxification, 35, 46, 56,
ALP, 66 120
Alzheimer's, 9, 108 Diet, 87, 122
American Heart Digestive, 38
Association, 25 Diseases, 12, 94
amygdalinm, 39 Divine, 45, 53, 106
Anselme Payen, 39 Dr. Budwig, 12, 98
anthocyanidines, 103 Dr. Emeto, 81
Asparaginase, 67 Dr. Howell, 40, 42, 44, 45,
Aspergillus, 52 70, 79, 120
Biles, 53 edema, 13, 69, 73
biochemists, 39 electrical, 12, 15, 17, 18,
bioplasmic, 26 19, 20, 27, 28, 41, 42,
Blood, 119 48, 55, 64. 65, 79, 80,
blueberries, 61, 92. 104, 8 1, 85, 90, 92, 93, 94,
105, 112 .95.. 96, 97, 98, 100, 107,
Brain, 113 108, 109, 119
Budwig, 12, 63, 94, 98 Electrical, 57, 131
Cancer, 12, 87, 94 electromagnetic, 27, 29,
Capillaries, .63. 124
Captain, 51, 52, 53 endogenous,38, 123
Captains of the Host, 33, Energy, 15, 83, 95, 111,
49, 51 123
catalyses, 119 enzymes, 12, 15, 17, 18,
Catalysts, 42 19, 20, 26, 28, 29, 33,
cherries, ..92.. 102, 103, 34,35,36,37,38,39,
104, 112 40, 41,. 42, 43, 44, 45,
Cherries, 60, 62, 114 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52,
Coole y, 45 53, 55, 56, 57, 65, 66,
Cultures, 95 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,


Copyrighted material
God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and Minerais

77, 78, 80, 81, 86, 91, Kugler, 67

..92,. 93, 94, ~ 96, 97, Kuh lman, 48
98, 99, 100, 101, 105, kundalini, 106
106, 107, 108, 119, 120, Lavoisie r, 39
121 . 123 Linus Pauling, 86
Enzymes, 1, 3.,. 17, 19, 31, l ive, 14, 19, 58, 59, 60, 61,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 62. 75, 80, 82, 92, 93,
Al.. 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, .95., 96, 97, 98, 99, 102,
49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 65, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109,
73, 80, 95, 119, 120. 110, 120. 121. 122 . 123.
124, 131 124
Eppinger, 94 Lock, 46
Father of lights, 124 lock and Key Theory, 46
ferment, 39, 78, 92 )ycopene, 122
fibromyalgia, 108 Maehder, 69
Fischer, 46 Manganese, 56
Forman, 37 Mega hertz, 29
Gabriel Cousin, 124, 13 1 Messengers, 1, 3,. 20, 31,
Gospel of Peace, 28, 85, 106
88, 98, 131 Metabolic, 37
Gospel of Peace Book 4, Miehlke, 48
28, 131 Mi lk, 114
gout, 102, 103, 104 Minerais, 1, .i., 31, 36, 54,
Gout, 102 56, 73, 96, 111
Greek, 20, 26 Molybdenum, 56
Heart, 12, 25, 66, 94 Nattokinase, 68
Hebrew, 20, 27, 131 neurop rotective, 105
Holy Stream, 28, 131 Northen, 56
lll ness, 27 Nutrition, 41, 56, 79, 87,
Jean-Francois Persoz, 39 105, 131
Key,46,83 Oatmeal, 80
Kirschma nn, 41 Oelgoetz, 40, 73
Kouc hakoff, 87 Pa ncreas, 38, 53


Copyrighted material

Payen,39 Selenium, 56
Pelegasians, -95 Sound,28
Pepsin, 39, 51 Spark, 57
Persoz, 39 Spur, 56
Phillips, .il Stein, 41
Phosphatase, 5 1, 66 Stomach, 38
polyph enolic, 105 Streptokinase, 68
prana, 27 su bstrate, 46, 4 7
Ptyalin, 52 Sucrase, 51
Raw,59, 78, 79, 110. 111, TN F, 54
112, 122 Trugman, 27
Raw food Di et , 122 Trypsin, 66
Rennin, 51 Vitam in B complex, 111
Renshaw, 40, 72 Vitamins, 48
Rheumatic disease, 72 Wade, 49, 131
ribonuclease, 4 1 Warburg, 40
RNA/DNA, 46, 120 W igmore, 119, 123
Rocks, 91 Wolf, 69
Rut in, 53


Copyrighted material
God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais


Copyrighted material
Endnotes & References

End notes

; Marcus Weiner, "More Precious Than Gold : Enzymes," Science

;; Carlson Wade, Helping Your Health w ith Enzymes (West Nyack:
NY, 1966) 9
;;; Carlson Wade, Helping Your Health with Enzymes (West Nyack:
;v "Angel," July 10, 2012 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel>.
v "Why Did Bipolar Disorder lncrease 40x Over Last Ten Years," July

11, 2012
<h tt p ://art icies. me rcola. com/s ites/ articles/ archive/2011/0
7/30/why-d id-bipolar-disorder-increase-40x- over-last-ten -
yea rs.aspx>.
v; "Word Study On Healing," July 10, 2012

<http ://debora hsme ss ia nicm in istries.co ml wo rdst ud yon h ea 1ing. ht

vii "Ale ph-Secrets of the Hebrew Letters," July 5, 2012

<http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=12Mgsjsc6b Y>.

viii Bernard Jensen The Chemis trv. o f Man (Warsaw: IN, 2012) 1+

ix Denie and Shelley Hiestand, Electrical Nutrition (New York: NY,

'Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, Gospel of Peace Book 4 / Holy Streams
(lnt'I Biogenic Society: USA, 1928)
xi July 13, 2012 < http://www.icpdas-

usa.com/products.php ?PID=3307&gclid=CMfCOvr4q LECFQK5Kgode

xii August 29, 2012 <http:/www.guidemagazine.org/mud>.

xiii Carlson Wade, Helping Your Health With Enzym es (West Nyack:

xiv Carlson Wade, Helping Your Health with Enzymes (West Nyack:

xv Dr. Gabriel Cousins, "Living Foods-Th e Next Evolutionary Step,"
Lilipoh 2005: 18, 19
xvi July 15, 2012


Copyrighted material
God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

<http://www.e 1m h urst. e du;~ ch m/vc hem book/5 71 lockkey. htm I>.

xviiBenny Hinn, Impact of Kathryn Kuhlman on My Life (Nashvil le:
TN, 1998) 113-115 Kathryn Kuh lman often stated, "God is not
only the source of Power but IS Power,"
xviii Carlson Wa de, Helging Your Health w ith Enzymes (West Nyack:
xix Center for Disease Contrai and Prevent ion, "Aspergillus." July
20, 2012 <http://www.cd c.gov/fungal/aspergillosis/>.
xx http://www.everydayhealth.com/health-center/ alka line-
phosphatase -results.aspx
xxi "What is Nattokinase," August 17, 2012 < http://www.smart-
pu b 1i cations .co m/art ides/natto ki na se-powerfu 1- enzyme-
preve nts-he art-a tt ack-a nd-stroke >.
xxii "The Oa t meal Test," July 16, 2012
<ht t p :f/www .you t ube.com/watch ?v=NVua Yzn hd hU>.
xxiii Carlson Wade, author of Helping Your Hea/th with Enzymes
xxiv Dr. Bernard Jensen The Chemistry of Man ((Warsaw: IN, 2012)

xxvDr. Gabriel Cousins, "Living Foods-The Next Evolutionary Step,"

Lilipoh 2005: 18 & 19
xxvi Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Emeto
xxvii Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. The Biology of Belief, (New York: Hay
House, 2011) 56
xxvrn Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, Th e Essene Gospel of Peace Book
One (lnt'I Biogenic Society: USA, 1928)
xxix Genesis 2:7
xxx Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, The Essene Gosgel of Peace Book
Three (lnt'I Biogenic Society: USA, 1928)
xxxiBruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. The Biology of Belief (New Yo rk: Hay
House, 2011) 46-52
xxxii www.b ipola rbreakthru.com
xxxiii Dr. Cares, pen name for Catherin e Sincla ir's w ebsites

xxxiv Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pi zzorno, N.D. Encyclopedia

of Natural Medicine and Breakthroughs in Natural Healing a


Copyrighted material
Endnotes & References

Bottom Line Publication 2011

xxxv Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book

Three (lnt'I Biogenic Society: USA, 1928)
xxxvi Dr. Gabriel Cousins, "Living Foods-The Next Evolut ionary Step,"

Lilipoh 2005: 18 & 19

XJ<xvii ibid

xxxvii "Are en zymes rea lly the life force in raw foods? Heat treatment
tests on seeds disprove raw food enzyme daims," 2/ 18/ 2012
xxxvii Wanted: enzymes--dead or a live? (Chemfusion), Canadian

Chemical News; Monday, March 01, 2004; Schwarcz, Joe,

" Wigmore w as a Lithuanian emigre t o t he U.S."
xxxviicousins, Gabriel. "Healing Cancer Nat urally." 08/30/12
<http://www.hea li ngca ncernatu ra i ly.com/heali ngwith light

xxxvii Wa nted: enzymes--dead or a live? (Chemfusion), Canadian

Chemical News; Monday, March 01, 2004; Schwarcz, Joe,
"Wigmore was a Lithuanian emigrant t o t he U.S."
xxxvii Cousins, Gabriel. "Healing Cancer Naturally." 08/30/12

htt p ://www.heal ingcancernat ura lly.com/healingwit hl ight9



Copyrighted material
God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais


Aguilera, Rich. " The Venus Flytrap." 08/30/12

www .gu idemaga zi ne .o rgLm udL3895-ven us-flytrap -i n-

"Angel" Wikipedia. 2012 wikiped ia.org. 08/12/12

<http ://e n..wi kiped ia.org/wiki/Ange I>.

"Alkaline-Phosphatase ." 2010 EverydayH ealth.com 06/23/12

<http :ljwww. everydayh ea lth.com/hea lth-
cen t er /a lka li ne- p hosphatase-resu lts.aspx>.

"Aspergillosis." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

07 /25/12

<http://www.cdc.gov/fu nga l/aspergil losis>.

Becker, Robert 0, and Selden, Gary. The Body Electric: New

York: Harper 1985.

Budwig, Johanna. Flax Oil as a True Aid Again st Arthritis Heart

lnfarction, Cancer and Other Diseases.

British Columbia : Apple Tree 2004.

Busch, Felicia. Smart Nutrit ion: The Essential Vitamin,

Minerai & Supplement Reference Guide. " n.p."



Copyrighted material
Endnotes & References

Clement, Brian. Lifeforce: Summertown, TN : Book Publishing


Davidson, PG. 2004. "How to Define Life." The University of

North Alabama. 08/18/2012
<http :ljwww.una .edu/faculty/pgdavison/Bl%20101/0vervie

Emoto, Masaru. The Healing Power of Water: Carlsbad, CA:

Hayhouse 2004.

--- The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering

Ourselves, Hi llsboro, OR: Beyon d Words 2005.

--- Th e Hidden M essages in Water: Hillsboro, OR: Beyond

Words 2004.

Gottlieb, Bill. Breakt hro ughs in Natural Healing: Clearwater,

FL: Bottom Line 2011.

Hamaker, John D, and Weaver, Dona ld A . The Survival of

Civilization Depends Upon Ou r Solving Three

Problems: Carbon Dioxide, lnvestment Money and

Population. Michigan/California: Ha maker-

Weaver Pub., 1982. (Special PDF edition prepared by

Weaver f o r the www, 2002).

Hiestand, Denie and Shelley. Electrical Nutrition: New York:

Avery 2001.


Copyrighted material
God's Mighty Little Messengers - Enzymes and M inerais

Hinn, Benny. Kathryn Kuhlman: Her Spiritual Legacy and lts

Impact on My Life. Nashville: Thomas Ne lson 1998.

Howell, Edward. Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme

Concept, W ayne, NJ : Avery 1995.

Jense n, Bernard. The Chemistry of Man : W arsaw, IN:

Whitman 2012.

Leatham, Pat and Higley, Connie. Reference Guide for

Essentia l Oils. "n.p" 1997.

Lipton, Bruce H. The Biology of Belief: New York: Hayhouse


M arcus W einer. Science Editor

Miehlke, K., Williams, R.M., and Lopez, R.M. Enzymes: Th e

Fountain of Life. "n.p." 1994.

Moon, Truman J., Mann, Pau l B., and Otto, James H. Modern
Biology: New York : Henry Holt and

Company 1956.Puri PS, 1984. Jerzy Neyman (1894-

1981) -An Appreciation. Technica l report 84- 42, Pu rdue

Department of Statistics. 8/16/12

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