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Form.: Introduction: Today We Are Going To Convert Our Classroom Into A Cell Nucleus. We

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Lesson Plan template:

Unit: Cell Biology

Position within Unit: After introduction of basic cell structure and the introduction of the phases
of mitosis.
Title: Nuclear Classroom

OBJECTIVES(S) What should they learn by the end of the lesson? A conceptual understanding of why
PURPOSE mitosis works, particularly the idea that this process leads to exact duplication by the
following of very simple rules – no "brain" required.
How will achieving the objective benefit them? Giving students a "full-body", active
representation of mitosis (they get to see all of the steps in action) will help them
understanding the basic logic behind mitosis. This logic continues to form the basis of
an understanding of meiosis (in fact, with slight modification this activity can be
repeated for meiosis), which in turn forms the basis for Mendelian genetics.
CA STANDARDS Grade 7e. Students know cells divide to increase their numbers
through a process of mitosis, which results in two daughter
cells with identical sets of chromosomes.
Believe it or not, there is not a high school standard for mitosis.
However, a firmer understanding of Mitosis increases the
understanding for meiosis (Standard 2a) and all of the topics in
Standard 2: Mutation and sexual reproduction lead to genetic
variation in a population.
MATERIALS List and include all materials you will using. Attach the files of materials in electronic
Presentation materials: None
Copied materials: Chromosome printouts (attached) cut into individual chromosomes
Pages in textbook: None
Laboratory materials:
For the teacher or the class as a whole: None
For each laboratory station: Scissors
Other materials: None
ACTIVITIES Introduction: Today we are going to convert our classroom into a cell nucleus. We
already know that DNA is kept in structures inside the nucleus called chromosomes,
and that DNA occurs in a double helix – today we will get to practice the base-pairing
rules and see how genetic information is passed down from a parent cell to its daughter
cells. Pay close attention to the instructions and by the end of the lab not only will you
have an idea of what happens, but why it works.
(Anticipatory Set) Students will simulate the important parts of mitosis: Replication, Prophase,
(2-3 Minutes) metaphase, anaphase.

Replication: Students will each be given a unique "chromosome" with a small

segment of DNA with only one strand identified (two codons is the minimal
Activity #1 Mitosis
length, more could be done to stretch out the lesson, see provided chromosome
sheet). Ask students how many chromosomes are currently in the room ("cell
nucleus"), and correct as necessary. Students will then have to use the base-
pairing rules to figure out what the second strand's (lower box) sequence should
be. Once they have this, they will replicate their chromosome on the 2nd
"chromosome (both lines blank), which they will then cut apart to give them
Conclusion two identical daughter chromosomes (Identified by number so the proper
(--minutes) pairings can be easily identified later in spite of student mistakes). Replicated
chromosomes will be paper-clipped together in an X-shape. The paperclip
represents the centromere, and the doubled pieces of paper represent the
doubled chromosomes that result from replication. Students should sit at their
desks after completing replication. During this phase, the instructor should
circulate among the students checking to see that they are using base-pairing
rules correctly
Prophase: At this point the replicated chromosomes are distributed randomly
around the room, which represents the cell nucleus. This represents the
situation at the beginning of Prophase, and the instructor should point this out
to the students before continuing to the next phase. After this, the instructor
should periodically ask the classroom or individual students what phase the
"nucleus" is in, to reinforce the analogy. This is important as the students can
learn the terminology as they are physically moving around the room, which
will give them a positional reference to help their memory.
Prometaphase: Students are instructed to move their chromosomes to a line across
the center of the room (can be marked with yarn or a piece of string, or simply
by a row of desks or tables that are normally at about the midpoint of the room).
The movement of the chromosomes towards the middle of the room is
Prometaphase, when chromosomes move toward the middle of the nucleus,
known as the metaphase plate. (this can be skipped, as prometaphase is a
transitory step and you may not wish to cover it, particularly with lower-level
Metaphase: When all chromosomes are along the central line, this is metaphase.
Students will then pair up – one student from each side of the central line – next
to the chromosomes, with each hand representing a spindle fiber. Each pair of
students will take two of the paired chromosomes (one in each hand), and
within the paired chromosomes, each student should grasp a different daughter
chromosome. The instructor will have to check students to make sure that they
are grasping the chromosomes properly (see figure 1 below for a diagram). If
there is an odd number of students in the class, the instructor will need to be a
spindle fiber as well to ensure proper nuclear division (but should only need
one hand). This is a terrific way to get you interacting more directly in the
Anaphase and Telophase: Once all the students have been checked, just have them
return – carefully: ask them not to tear their chromosomes – to their seats
without letting go of their daughter chromosome. (Laminating chromosomes
would make this easier, plus save you from having to prepare new
chromosomes for each period. You would have to provide students with
erasable markers to write their info on them; however, this might rub off
easily). As they pull away from each other, the centromeres (paperclips) should
release – they may need some assistance – and the daughter chromosomes will
travel to opposite sides of the room. Then simply tell students that the halves of
the room will be separated by a membrane (see extension for an idea about how
to simulate this as well) during telophase.
Conclusion: To wrap up, split the board into 2 halves and have the students come
up and write their chromosome numbers on "their" side of the board. Once all
the numbers are up, have the students compare the 2 sides of the board to see if
they are the same or not (should be identical!).
Extensions: If there is time available, you can have the students try to compare the
genetic codes of the chromosomes to see if they are identical. If the activity has
gone right, they should be. If mistakes were made (which will probably be the
case), this gives you a perfect "in" to introduce the idea of mutation.
Membranes: Yarn or string can be added to surround the class to simulate
the nuclear and/or cell membrane. When chromosomes are in their final
location it can be drawn across the center of the room to get a visual of mitosis
and/or cytokinesis.

Figure 1: The doubled chromosome and how students should grasp it during metaphase:

ASSESSMENT Assessment can be done by giving the students a few simple writing prompts targeting the
main concepts students should come away with in this activity. If you want to check their
ability to use base-paring rules, simply have them put their names on their chromosomes
and you can collect them at the end of the activity and match them up.

1) What is the product of mitosis? Be sure to compare the chromosomes in the parent and
daughter cells as well as say how many daughter cells are made.

2) Briefly describe how the actual movement of the chromosomes explains how cells
usually avoid making mistakes during mitosis.
Chromosome 1 Chromosome 2 Chromosome 3 Chromosome 4


Chromosome 1 Chromosome 2 Chromosome 3 Chromosome 4

Chromosome 5 Chromosome 6 Chromosome 7 Chromosome 8


Chromosome 5 Chromosome 6 Chromosome 7 Chromosome 8

Chromosome 9 Chromosome 10 Chromosome 11 Chromosome 12


Chromosome 9 Chromosome 10 Chromosome 11 Chromosome 12

Chromosome 13 Chromosome 14 Chromosome 15 Chromosome 16


Chromosome 13 Chromosome 14 Chromosome 15 Chromosome 16

Chromosome 17 Chromosome 18 Chromosome 19 Chromosome 20


Chromosome 17 Chromosome 18 Chromosome 19 Chromosome 20

Chromosome 21 Chromosome 22 Chromosome 23 Chromosome 24


Chromosome 21 Chromosome 22 Chromosome 23 Chromosome 24

Chromosome 25 Chromosome 26 Chromosome 27 Chromosome 28


Chromosome 25 Chromosome 26 Chromosome 27 Chromosome 28

Chromosome 29 Chromosome 30 Chromosome 31 Chromosome 32


Chromosome 29 Chromosome 30 Chromosome 31 Chromosome 32

Chromosome 33 Chromosome 34 Chromosome 35 Chromosome 36


Chromosome 33 Chromosome 34 Chromosome 35 Chromosome 36

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