Australia Pacific LNG Project

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Australia Pacific LNG Project

Volume 4: LNG Facility

Chapter 3: Project Description
Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description


3. Project description..................................................................................................................... 1

3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1

3.2 Location..................................................................................................................................... 2

3.2.1 LNG facility location selection ...................................................................................... 2

3.2.2 Location description ..................................................................................................... 7

3.3 LNG facility key components .................................................................................................... 9

3.3.1 LNG facility layout and alternatives............................................................................ 11

3.3.2 Marine infrastructure alternatives............................................................................... 17

3.3.3 Construction workforce accommodation and alternatives ......................................... 21

3.3.4 Mainland facilities and alternatives ............................................................................ 28

3.3.5 Government infrastructure ......................................................................................... 30

3.4 Construction ............................................................................................................................ 32

3.4.1 Construction management ......................................................................................... 32

3.4.2 Construction schedule................................................................................................ 32

3.4.3 Onshore construction ................................................................................................. 33

3.4.4 Coastal/marine construction....................................................................................... 34

3.4.5 Construction sequence .............................................................................................. 36

3.4.6 Construction hours ..................................................................................................... 37

3.4.7 Construction workforce............................................................................................... 37

3.4.8 Construction emissions and waste............................................................................. 39

3.5 Operations............................................................................................................................... 42

3.5.1 LNG process inputs.................................................................................................... 42

3.5.2 LNG production process ............................................................................................ 43

3.5.3 Flare system............................................................................................................... 47

3.5.4 LNG and LPG storage................................................................................................ 47

3.5.5 Marine facilities operation .......................................................................................... 48

3.5.6 Maintenance dredging................................................................................................ 50

3.5.7 Hours of operation...................................................................................................... 50

3.5.8 Operational workforce ................................................................................................ 50

3.5.9 Safety systems ........................................................................................................... 50

3.5.10 Security and safety zones .......................................................................................... 51

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

3.5.11 Operational emissions and waste .............................................................................. 52

3.5.12 Summary of key environmental design features........................................................ 57

3.6 Associated infrastructure......................................................................................................... 59

3.6.1 Workforce accommodation ........................................................................................ 59

3.6.2 Transport .................................................................................................................... 60

3.6.3 Water supply, storage and management ................................................................... 62

3.6.4 Stormwater drainage .................................................................................................. 67

3.6.5 Sewage treatment ...................................................................................................... 68

3.6.6 Liquid wastes control and minimisation...................................................................... 70

3.6.7 Power generation ....................................................................................................... 70

3.6.8 Telecommunications .................................................................................................. 71

3.6.9 Buildings..................................................................................................................... 72

3.7 Decommissioning.................................................................................................................... 72

Figure 3.1 Potential LNG facility site locations ....................................................................................... 4

Figure 3.2 LNG facility site regional location .......................................................................................... 8

Figure 3.3 LNG facility site environmental setting.................................................................................. 9

Figure 3.4 Cadastral boundaries and proposed lease areas ............................................................... 12

Figure 3.5 LNG facility footprint – berth Options 1b and Option 2a ..................................................... 13

Figure 3.6 LNG facility footprint and indicative layout – berth Option 2a ............................................. 14

Figure 3.7 Artist impression of LNG facility – indicative view from south............................................. 15

Figure 3.8 Artist impression of LNG facility – indicative view from east............................................... 15

Figure 3.9 Artist impression of LNG facility alternative – indicative view from south ........................... 16

Figure 3.10 Artist impression of LNG facility alternative – indicative view from east ........................... 16

Figure 3.11 Alternative reclamation area ............................................................................................. 17

Figure 3.12 Indicative dredge options (GPC, 2009)............................................................................. 19

Figure 3.13 Indicative material offloading facility layout....................................................................... 20

Figure 3.14 Indicative alternative materials offloading facility alternate layout .................................... 21

Figure 3.15 Mainland terminal alternative at Fisherman's Landing...................................................... 29

Figure 3.16 Mainland terminal alternative on the Calliope River.......................................................... 30

Figure 3.17 Ground-truthed regional ecosystems................................................................................ 36

Figure 3.18 Approximate construction workforce number.................................................................... 38

Figure 3.19 LNG production process ................................................................................................... 43

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.20 Schematic of the Optimized Cascade® process .............................................................. 44

Figure 3.21 Typical spherical LNG carrier............................................................................................ 49

Figure 3.22 Typical membrane tank LNG carrier ................................................................................. 49

Figure 3.23 Indicative temporary accommodation facility conceptual layout ....................................... 60

Figure 3.24 Monthly cumulative fresh water requirements .................................................................. 63

Figure 3.25 Facility water system......................................................................................................... 64

Figure 3.26 Proposed seawater desalination plant system.................................................................. 65

Figure 3.27 Site water balance............................................................................................................. 67

Table 3.1 Site evaluation criteria .......................................................................................................... 21

Table 3.2 Estimated quantities for materials offloading facility ............................................................ 35

Table 3.3 Estimated site gaseous emissions, construction phase....................................................... 40

Table 3.4 Expected construction phase solid wastes .......................................................................... 41

Table 3.5 Construction equipment approximate sound power levels .................................................. 42

Table 3.6 Annual usage of materials.................................................................................................... 43

Table 3.7 Expected feed gas composition ........................................................................................... 44

Table 3.8 Expected feed gas contaminants ......................................................................................... 44

Table 3.9 Point source emissions inventory......................................................................................... 53

Table 3.10 Indicative treated sewage effluent characteristics.............................................................. 54

Table 3.11 Indicative brine characteristics, desalination plant ............................................................. 55

Table 3.12 Indicative treated effluent characteristics ........................................................................... 56

Table 3.13 Anticipated LNG facility solid and semi-solid waste generation......................................... 57

Table 3.14 Estimated construction phase water demand (two trains) ................................................. 62

Table 3.15 Estimated operational water demand................................................................................. 63

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

3. Project description

3.1 Overview
Australia Pacific LNG proposes to develop a world class coal seam gas (CSG) to liquefied natural gas
(LNG) project in Queensland. This includes the development of the Walloons gas fields, the
construction of a high pressure gas transmission pipeline from the gas fields to Curtis Island near
Gladstone and a LNG facility on Curtis Island. The Project being assessed by this environmental
impact statement (EIS) will be spread over 30 years and has been addressed under the following
three main components:

• Gas fields

• Gas pipeline

• LNG facility.

This chapter describes the construction, operational and decommissioning phases involved in
developing the LNG facility element of the Australia Pacific LNG Project (the Project).

LNG is CSG which has been liquefied through cooling it to -161ºC. When cooled to liquid form, the
volume of gas is 1/600 of its original size. Liquefaction allows gas to be shipped and stored safely and
economically. LNG is odourless, colourless, non-corrosive and non-toxic and does not need to be
stored under pressure.

Australia Pacific LNG's proposed LNG facility is intended to be developed in stages to a nominal
capacity of approximately 18 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of LNG. The ultimate configuration of
the LNG facility is yet to be determined, but is currently expected to comprise four LNG production
trains, each nominally producing 4.5Mtpa of LNG. Initially, it is proposed to construct two liquefaction
process trains (LNG trains). The timing of construction of subsequent trains will depend on the LNG
market and gas field development.

To produce 4.5Mtpa of LNG, each train will require approximately 270 Petajoules (PJ) of CSG per
annum which is roughly equivalent to 11 million m3 of LNG per annum. Recent LNG train design
development has enabled the optimum design to be modified to give a production capacity of 4.5Mtpa.
The ultimate gas requirements and train configuration will be determined during the front end
engineering and design (FEED) phase of the Project.

The LNG facility is planned to operate 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

The LNG facility will utilise ConocoPhillips' proprietary Optimized Cascade® process technology which
is a proven and reliable technology well suited to a CSG application. The Darwin LNG facility, which
was developed by ConocoPhillips and its joint venture partners, utilises this technology and is of
similar design to that being planned by Australia Pacific LNG for this development. Each LNG train will
utilise six turbines to drive the primary refrigeration compressors.

Australia Pacific LNG has also allowed for the potential of LPG 'spiking' within the design of the facility,
wherein liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) such as propane, are added to the LNG product as it is
loaded on the LNG vessels. This is because CSG is primarily methane and does not contain quantities
of LPG that result in a slightly higher home heating value (HHV) required for conventional gas uses. In
order to meet some customers' and export market specifications, addition of LPG increases the HHV
of the LNG product where called for. LPG spiking is not anticipated for all LNG markets but Australia
Pacific LNG is prepared to meet market requirements with their LNG facility configuration.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

The establishment of the LNG facility will require the construction of wharf and jetty structures to
enable the loading of the LNG vessels. A materials offloading facility (MOF) which includes a ferry
terminal is also required to enable the transfer of personnel, materials and heavy equipment to the
project site for construction and operation.

Capital dredging required for shipping access to the LNG facility will be provided for by Gladstone
Ports Corporation (GPC), as part of the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project to enable
access for multiple port uses, including the LNG facilities and loading facilities. GPC is currently
undertaking an EIS process for this project. Two options for ship access to the proposed project
marine infrastructure (referred to as Option 1b and Option 2a) are included in the Western Basin
Dredging and Disposal Project EIS. Australia Pacific LNG has a preference for the Option 2a
configuration due to ease of manoeuvring, less impact on recreational and commercial vessels and
consistency with the near-to-shore marine facilities of the other LNG proponents in the Curtis Island
Industry Precinct.

The scope of the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project includes capital and maintenance
dredging and dredge material disposal requirements for shipping channels, berth pockets and the
approach channel to the MOF.

Minor dredging additional to that described above may be required for construction of marine
infrastructure, including the MOF, jetty and wharfs. The disposal of this dredge material will be at
location(s) approved under GPC’s approved projects such as the Western Basin Dredging and
Disposal Project.

The LNG facility described in this chapter receives its feed of CSG from the gasfields via the gas
pipeline described in Volume 3. The interface between the gas pipeline and the LNG facility occurs at
a pipeline isolation valve that is installed at the end delivery station of the pipeline, where the gas
enters the LNG facility at the site on Curtis Island. Specifically, the point of interface is at the flange on
the downstream side of the isolation valve. The isolation valve is actuated and acts as an emergency
shutdown (ESD) valve if required.

Other infrastructure services (such as power, water, telecommunications, and sewage treatment) will
also be established at the LNG facility.

The Project is underpinned by sustainability principles and a risk management approach that apply to
all stages of the project life. Australia Pacific LNG will continue to openly engage with the community
to ensure that their interests are identified and incorporated into the project planning, design,
construction, operations, decommissioning and rehabilitation stages to the greatest degree possible.

3.2 Location

3.2.1 LNG facility location selection

Australia Pacific LNG undertook a site selection study to identify potential site options for the LNG
facility. This study was reliant on input from several sources including the Connell Wagner study
completed for the Queensland Department of Infrastructure and Planning. The study initially
examined potential port sites located on the east Australian coast between Townsville and Brisbane.
Early investigations also included sites in New South Wales.

The Australia Pacific LNG study of potential port sites commenced in 2008 and initially reviewed the
following locations (refer Figure 3.1):

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Multi cargo facility, Port of Abbot Point

• Port of Mackay

• Dudgeon Point adjacent, Port of Hay Point

• Stanage Point, Shoalwater Bay locality

• Collins Island, Shoalwater Bay locality

• Port Clinton, Shoalwater Bay locality

• Cape Manifold, Shoalwater Bay locality

• Stockyard Point, Shoalwater Bay locality

• Torilla Peninsula, Shoalhaven Bay

• Broad Sound

• Cattle Point, Port Alma

• Sea Hill Point, Curtis Island

• Hamilton Point, Curtis Island

• North China Bay, Curtis Island

• Boatshed Point, Curtis Island

• Laird Point, Curtis Island

• Hummock Hill Island, Gladstone

• Port of Bundaberg

• Bulwer Island, Brisbane.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.1 Potential LNG facility site locations

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Chapter 3: Project Description

The initial review undertaken examined a variety of key issues as follows:

• Maritime

− Under keel clearance (available depth adjacent to port area)

− Metocean conditions

− Navigability

− Capital and maintenance dredging requirements and dredged material disposal options

− Port capacity (where applicable)

• Land access

− Land availability

− Native Title impacts

• Environment

− Marine ecological values

− Terrestrial ecological values

− Air quality protection

− Noise amenity protection

• Land use planning

− Land use compatibility and buffer land availability

− Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zoning / issues

− Community support

• Site suitability

− Proximity to wharf

− Geotechnical conditions

− Civil and structural engineering issues

As a result of the initial review of the potential site locations, the following locations were selected for
further investigation:

• Port of Abbot Point

• Cattle Point, Port Alma

• Hamilton Point, Curtis Island

• Hummock Hill Island, Port of Gladstone

• Boatshed Point, Curtis Island

• Laird Point, Curtis Island.

A site selection screening study was performed on each of the sites to assess the location suitability
for an LNG facility and the associated constructability. Prior consultant reports were initially reviewed

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

to identify potential site selection criteria. Site specific conceptual layouts were developed to establish
site cost criteria to be used in a comparison ranking matrix of the key cost drivers together with site
related subjective advantages and disadvantages for an LNG facility. This ranking comparison
identified the following as the key cost driver criteria for comparing the potential site locations:

• Proximity to the feed gas supply (pipeline length)

• Onshore and offshore jetty/trestle length

• Dredging requirements

• Site civil cut and fill requirements

• Site access

• Construction viability.

Based on screening level evaluations of these and other criteria, two locations on Curtis Island were
selected for a more rigorous detailed site development selection: Hamilton Point and Laird Point (two
berth options). The sites were selected because of the following factors:

• Relative proximity to the Australia Pacific LNG gas fields

• An existing natural deep water harbour

• Proximity to the existing heavy industrial base in Gladstone

• The perceived availability of suitable land in the Gladstone State Development Area

• Department of Infrastructure and Planning support for LNG development on Curtis Island.

Both sites are located within the Curtis Island Industry Precinct of the Gladstone State Development
Area (GSDA). The Curtis Island Industry Precinct designates the land in the precinct for the
development and operation of LNG facilities (including liquefaction and storage) for export. The Curtis
Island Industry Precinct also designates land for the establishment of infrastructure associated with
the LNG facilities including transport linkages to wharf facilities. The two sites investigated further
were both consistent with this development intent.

The site ranking evaluated seven key site parameters including subcategory factors in comparing the
two locations:

• Key cost drivers – including onshore and offshore LNG loading jetty length, dredging to
accommodate the ships, civil site development cut and fill quantities, sufficient land area for the
facility and temporary accommodation facility (TAF) and laydown

• Other site parameters – including presence of acid sulfate soils, land ownership availability,
proximity to future airport exclusions zones, site contour and natural limitations

• Marine facilities – including adequate manoeuvring, capital costs, channel maintenance, ferry
safety and MOF service functioning

• Shipping – Navaids and sea access route

• Community – proximity to local population and site location in relation to current airport

• Infrastructure – proximity to available transportation and wharf facilities

• Health safety and environment – environmental and cultural heritage issues

• Industrial planning and development attitude – available planning support.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

In all, 62 factors were considered in the site comparison. These factors were weighted in importance
and assigned a criteria weight. From the analysis, the Laird Point site was selected as the preferred
option. The Laird Point site has the following attributes:

• Available land within a state development area assigned for LNG facility development

• Navigable access given extension of dredged shipping channels

• Ability to design marine facilities with short trestle length

• Soils and geology suitable for LNG facility development

• Adequate land for viable LNG facility layout for full development and safety risk considerations

• Located in an industrial precinct with opportunities for industrial synergies to minimise overall
industry potential environmental impacts

• Proximity to the feed gas supply.

3.2.2 Location description

Regional context
The coastal city of Gladstone is located approximately 525km north of Brisbane in Central
Queensland. It is situated in a sub-tropical region comprising a flat coastal plain bordered by a range
of mountains of up to 630m elevation. The city includes Port Curtis which is a deep-water port with
major rail and road connections, and which is supported by the Gladstone State Development Area.
The Gladstone Regional Council area had an estimated population of 58,000 persons (June 2008).

Gladstone is an important industrial centre which contains several major industries and industrial
activities. These include:

• Cement Australia's cement and lime facility

• Rio Tinto Alcan's alumina refinery

• Orica Australia's chemical plant

• Boyne Smelters Limited's aluminium refinery

• QAL's alumina refinery

• Gladstone Power Station

• GPCs' coal export facilities – RG Tanna terminal, Barney Point terminal and Wiggins Island coal
terminal (under construction).

The LNG facility site is located within Port Curtis, approximately 13km north-west of Gladstone City on
Curtis Island (refer Figure 3.2).

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.2 LNG facility site regional location

Local context
The LNG facility site will be located near Laird Point within the Curtis Island Industry Precinct of the
GSDA and in the adjacent area of Port Curtis, as shown on Figure 3.2. Mainland facilities to support
the LNG facility will be located in the Gladstone port area.

The actual extent of land and marine area required for the development will be confirmed by FEED
studies. The real property description of the terrestrial LNG facility site is Lot 3 SP225924, in the
Gladstone Regional Council Local Authority area. The Department of Infrastructure and Planning has
freehold tenure over this land being part of the Curtis Island Industry Precinct of the GSDA. Other
proposed developments in this precinct include:

• Santos and Petronas' Gladstone LNG project (GLNG)

• BG Group's Queensland Curtis LNG project (QCLNG)

• Shell's Shell Australia LNG project.

The LNG facility site will have an area of approximately 230.5 hectares (ha) above the highest
astronomical tide (HAT) mark. Closure of the esplanade road and interior roads on the property will

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

add approximately 13.1ha giving a total of 243.6ha. The proposed reclaim areas will add up to 39.4ha
to the size of this site. The proposed Australia Pacific LNG seabed lease area to cover the location of
the marine facilities has an area of 325.3ha.

The context of the site in relation to features of state environmental significance, existing
infrastructure, and location of key vegetation communities are depicted in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 LNG facility site environmental setting

3.3 LNG facility key components

It is anticipated that the LNG facility will consist of the following key components:

• Processing facilities (4 x 4.5Mtpa LNG trains for a nominal production of approximately 18Mtpa

− Inlet facility (including pig receiving, inlet separator, and metering)

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Chapter 3: Project Description

− Acid gas removal and solvent regeneration

− Dehydration and mercury removal

− Refrigeration and liquefaction (24 refrigeration compressors), with nitrogen rejection

• Marine infrastructure:

− Loading jetty and wharfs to transfer LNG product to tankers for shipping to market or receipt
of shipments of LPG

− A MOF, which will also serve as a ferry terminal, for the transfer of construction materials
and heavy equipment to/from the project site

− A temporary 'rock dock' to facilitate early transfer of bulk aggregate and waste

• Utilities and support facilities:

− LNG storage tanks (3)

− LNG loading and boil off gas compression

− LPG storage tanks (2)

− LPG spiking system

− LPG vapour recovery

− LNG refrigeration

− Power generation (125 MW) and power distribution

− Vents, e.g. acid gas removal unit (4), nitrogen rejection unit (4)

− Flares - process gas, wet /dry gas and marine

− Refrigerant storage

− Fuel gas system

− Defrost gas system

− Effluent treatment

− Seawater desalination plant

− Water systems

− Cooling water (lube oil cooling)

− Plant and instrument air system

− Refrigeration gas compressor turbine inlet air chilling system

− Hot oil system (4 operating heaters)

− Waste heat recovery system

− Nitrogen system

− LNG facility site infrastructure (workshops, offices and warehouses, laboratory, fuel and
chemical storage facilities, access roads, laboratory, and so on)

− Communications tower

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Chapter 3: Project Description

− Helipad

− Construction workforce office, temporary facilities and accommodation facilities

• Mainland facilities for the transport of materials, equipment and personnel to Curtis Island

• Mainland warehousing/storage facilities

• Tug and non-bulk carrier berths.

3.3.1 LNG facility layout and alternatives

The site for the LNG facility will cover approximately 270ha, which includes a reclamation area of
approximately 39ha needed for LNG facility infrastructure as shown in Figure 3.4. This figure also
shows the seabed lease of approximately 325ha also proposed. The LNG facility footprint covers
approximately 156ha of the project site on Curtis Island. The LNG facility layout for the two berth
options still under consideration (Option 1b and Option 2a) is depicted on Figure 3.5 and the proposed
layout of the facility on Figure 3.6.

An artist impression of one concept of the LNG facility layout with berth Option 2a is depicted in Figure
3.7 and Figure 3.8.

The design of the LNG facility layout has been influenced by the site characteristics, environmental
and safety considerations, construction methodologies and operational requirements. A complex
number of factors are considered when designing the layout of an LNG facility. Optimisation of the
facility design, including layout, will continue during the FEED phase of the Project. Alternatives for
optimising the facility layout being considered include:

• Revised location of the LNG storage tanks within the LNG facility footprint

• Modification to the ground flare configuration, including the use of the wet/dry ground flare
enclosure for the marine flare, thereby eliminating the separate elevated stack marine flare

• Design changes to the MOF which decrease the size of the reclamation area required

• Revised location of the stormwater retention ponds and construction laydown areas within the
LNG facility footprint.

Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 show artist's impressions of the LNG facility with these alternatives
included in the design. Figure 3.11 shows an alternative reclamation area which is still being

The above alternatives have come about as a result of continued design development and efforts
toward optimisation of the facility layout and reducing impacts. Each alternative will result in
improvement(s) to the Project, and in most cases will result in a reduction of impacts to those
assessed in this EIS. Optimisation and improvements will continue through the FEED phase of the

Revising the LNG product storage tank locations will result in less generation of boil-off gas during the
loading operations and reduced construction effort due to the shorter loading line to the loading berths
from the storage tanks. The modifications to the ground flare configuration will result in reduced visual
amenity impacts as the marine flare will be located within the shielded area of the other ground flares
and not be visible from offsite.

Australia Pacific LNG will also revise the location of the stormwater retention ponds and the
construction phase laydown areas to optimise the construction effort and result in reduced effort, thus

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

lowering emissions. Lastly, the revised MOF location will enhance marine accessibility as it will be
orientated in a manner more in line with the direction of the marine currents as well as improving
safety and navigation of marine access. The alternate configuration of the MOF will result in a smaller
footprint and size, resulting in less reclaimed seabed.

Figure 3.4 Cadastral boundaries and proposed lease areas

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.5 LNG facility footprint – berth Options 1b and Option 2a

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.6 LNG facility footprint and indicative layout – berth Option 2a

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.7 Artist impression of LNG facility – indicative view from south

Figure 3.8 Artist impression of LNG facility – indicative view from east

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.9 Artist impression of LNG facility alternative – indicative view from south

Figure 3.10 Artist impression of LNG facility alternative – indicative view from east

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.11 Alternative reclamation area

3.3.2 Marine infrastructure and alternatives

To allow for loading of LNG onto ships and offloading of LPG from ships, the proposed facility includes
loading jetty and wharfs. It is expected that a single jetty and wharf will be required for the operation
of the first two LNG trains and an additional jetty and wharf will be required subsequently for the
operation of the second two LNG trains.

To facilitate the transport of materials, equipment and personnel to the site for construction and
operations purposes, a MOF is required. In addition, for construction purposes, a temporary 'rock
dock' is required to facilitate early transfer of bulk aggregate and waste.

LNG loading jetty

Alternatives for the general location of the jetty and ship berths have been considered by Australia
Pacific LNG. Two options have been considered in detail: Option 1b to the south-west of North
Passage Island and adjacent to the proposed GPC Fisherman's Landing Northern Expansion project
with shipping access via the Targinie channel, and Option 2a adjacent to the Australia Pacific LNG

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Project site between Curtis Island and North Passage Island with shipping access along Curtis Island
past other proposed LNG facilities. For each of these options, Australia Pacific LNG has considered a
number of options to optimise wharf and jetty location and design based on dredging requirements,
trestle loading and length, access for construction, harbour access for commercial and recreational
purposes, shipping manoeuvrability and shipping safety.

Two of the options (Option 1b and Option 2a illustrated in Figure 3.12) for the location of the ship
berths and associated marine facilities for the LNG facility have been considered in detail. These
have been assessed to ensure an optimal solution is implemented through consideration of potential
environmental and social impacts, in addition to technical and economic constraints. Included in this
assessment are the location of exclusion zones and the cost of infrastructure.

Dredging required for shipping channels, berth pockets and the approach to the MOF for both Option
1b and Option 2a is described in the EIS for the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (GPC
2009). Australia Pacific LNG has a clear preference for the Option 2a configuration due to ease of
manoeuvring, less impact on recreational and commercial vessels and consistency with the near to
shore marine facilities of the other LNG proponents in the Curtis Island Industry Precinct.

Australia Pacific LNG has sought feedback from the community and has determined that Option 2a
will be less obtrusive for recreational boaters in the Gladstone Harbour seeking access to Graham
Creek. This access is sought not only in severe weather as a safe harbour but also for recreational
reasons. The Western Basin can become rough under certain weather conditions and smaller boats
seek to travel up north in the Western Basin by skirting the western shore of Curtis Island. A jetty out
to and past North Passage Island, in the case of an Option 1b berthing configuration, would be
restrictive to small boats and passage would need to be on the western side of North Passage Island.
Marine traffic under the jetty would be precluded for safety and security reasons.

Australia Pacific LNG has conducted a navigational simulation study to assess the ease of marine
access associated with Option 2a and Option 1b. A key recommendation from the study was to alter
the footprint associated with Option 1b, so as to promote easier access for the LNG ships. The
recommendation results in an increased dredge footprint. Given that it was concluded that marine
access is 'easier' for Option 2a than for Option 1b, the overall risk of collision with the facility is lower
for Option 2a. As discussed below in the description on MOF configuration alternatives, Option 2a
would result in an approach to the MOF that enhances manoeuvrability for barges and ferries, as the
approach would be more in line with the currents. This enhances safety for material and personnel

Option 2a would contribute to a lower environmental footprint as a result of lower levels of boil-off gas
generated as compared to an Option 1b berthing location. This is because Option 1b requires a longer
trestle than Option 2a. With Option 1b, there will be additional environmental impacts associated with
the additional piling required and disturbance of mangroves on North Passage Island, versus the
preferred Option 2a.

The design of this Option 2a continues to be optimised in consideration of minimising dredge material
volume and operability issues. An alternative based on the outcomes of additional manoeuvrability
studies has been generated. This includes angling of the MOF in a southerly direction to enhance
manoeuvrability and safety for material and personnel movements.

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.12 Indicative dredge options (GPC, 2009)

Material offloading facility

The MOF will provide for the following functions:

• Offload of modules for LNG trains

• Offload of general construction materials from barges

• Embarkation point for personnel travelling to and from the project site by ferry.

The preliminary layout of the MOF is included in Figure 3.13. A temporary 'rock dock' will first be
constructed at the MOF location to allow offload of equipment and materials for the construction of the
main facility. The MOF will be capable of handling approximately 2,500 tonne loads and crane
access. Roll-on/roll-off ramps to unload heavy equipment, modules and materials will be provided for
construction of all LNG trains.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.13 Indicative material offloading facility layout

The design of the MOF continues to be optimised by Australia Pacific LNG. The base case orientation
of the MOF, almost orientated perpendicular to the Curtis Island shore, was determined to be the most
efficient for access in conjunction with an Option 1b berthing configuration. An alternative orientation
to enhance safety and operability has been developed: turning the MOF so that the approach to the
landings is more in line with the direction of the current.

This enhances safety and manoeuvrability on modelled approach scenarios. This alternative reduces
the required reclamation area for the MOF and results in a smaller footprint for the installation. Figure
3.14 gives an indication of the alternate MOF configuration for use with the Option 2a berthing

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.14 Indicative alternative materials offloading facility alternate layout

3.3.3 Construction workforce accommodation and alternatives

Australia Pacific LNG is proposing to accommodate up to 80% of the construction workforce in
temporary accommodation facilities (TAFs) with the remainder of the workforce housed within the
existing housing market in the Gladstone area. In the first 12 months whilst the TAF is being
constructed, it is proposed that the workforce be housed in existing housing and accommodation in
the Gladstone area.

To significantly reduce the potential impact from an influx of Australia Pacific LNG construction
workers into Gladstone, a temporary accommodation facility is proposed to be located on the project
site on Curtis Island. Alternative locations for the temporary accommodation facility have been
considered, including locating the facility at a mainland location in or close to Gladstone, and locating
the facility at another location on Curtis Island.

Evaluation Criteria
The Curtis Island location has been selected through an evaluation of the two site alternatives
(mainland and Curtis Island) based on a set of assessment criteria. These criteria are detailed in Table

Table 3.1 Site evaluation criteria

Criteria Issues to take into consideration

Economic benefits to the local Opportunities for local business to provide goods and services to the
community Project and workforce

Traffic impacts (land based) Transporting workforce and goods to and from Fisherman’s Landing

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Criteria Issues to take into consideration

Harbour traffic impacts Transporting workforce and goods to and from Curtis Island

Local Government / Perceptions of the benefits and constraints associated with the
community perception location of the TAF

Potential land use conflicts Compatibility with LNG development and associated infrastructure on
Curtis Island and other relevant land users on the mainland

Cost to Project Costs associated with transport of workforce, and materials and
supplies to and from Fisherman’s Landing

Project delivery risk Impacts on schedule and construction efficiencies

Environmental impact Impacts on flora, fauna, air quality, treatment of sewerage etc

Social and cultural impact Impact of location on workforce living in the facility and the wider

Opportunities for shared Opportunities and challenges associated with shared infrastructure
infrastructure such as accommodation and transport infrastructure

Community legacies Infrastructure and facilities which will remain after construction for the
use of the community

Health and safety issues Risk to human health associated with living in close proximity to a
hazardous industry and other risks

Assessment of alternatives

E c on omi c b en ef it t o t he lo ca l co mmun it y

Australia Pacific LNG is committed to enhancing the positive contribution of the Project to the local
economy. The Project will implement a local content strategy including participation in, or
establishment of programs which assist qualified local and regional businesses to tender for provision
of goods and services for the Project. Details of the strategy are provided in Volume 4, Chapter 20.
Australia Pacific LNG does not anticipate any additional revenues being afforded the local economy if
the TAF were to be located on the mainland.

One of the key factors which is expected to reduce the ability of mainland based construction workers
to interact with the local economy is working hours. The increased travel time associated with the
location of the facility on the mainland would mean that the workforce’s day would start between 3am
and 4am and finish between 6pm and 7pm. This leaves little time or energy for individuals to access
local business and services. Australia Pacific LNG does not believe that perceived benefits to the local
economy resulting from the location of the facility on the mainland would be realised. Regardless of
location of the TAF, a significant portion of the services required for an Australia Pacific LNG TAF are
anticipated to be drawn from the Gladstone economy.

Interaction with the local economy is anticipated to be most prevalent on employees’ days off. Workers
will be able to access the local economy during this period regardless of whether the TAF is located
on the mainland or Curtis Island. Australia Pacific LNG anticipates that a scheduled ferry service
would be provided for Curtis Island TAF residents to access the mainland in the evenings, on
occasion, and on their days off.

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Chapter 3: Project Description

T ra f f ic i mp act s ( la nd ba sed )

It is anticipated that if the TAF is located on Curtis Island, there will be approximately 16 bus
movements per day from the proposed car park facility at Ash Pond 7 to the embarkation site at
Fisherman’s Landing to cater for local staff. If all workers were to be accommodated on the mainland,
it would necessitate an estimated four times more bus movements per day (up to 65 movements)
between the mainland TAF and Fisherman’s Landing.

H a rb ou r t ra f f ic i mp ac t s

Australia Pacific LNG acknowledges the important role that recreational and commercial boating and
fishing plays for the Gladstone community. In response to this, Australia Pacific LNG and its
contractors will develop shipping operations protocols in consultation with regulatory agencies and
seek to minimise shipping movements where possible.

For the TAF on Curtis Island, it is estimated that there will be a requirement for approximately 4 ferry
movements per day at peak construction periods. If the construction workforce were to be
accommodation entirely on the mainland, harbour traffic associated with the Project is expected to
increase four to fives times to approximately 20-25 movements per day at peak. This would require
extra ferries and additional anchorage infrastructure including a larger area for boarding on the
mainland and a larger area for disembarking on Curtis Island.

Although there would be increased transport movement to transfer people, the benefit of a mainland
TAF would be that there would not be a need to ferry consumables and waste, required for an Curtis
Island TAF. This would reduce barge movements by approximately 20% per day.

L oc a l Go ve rn m ent an d c o mmun i t y c o n cer ns

Throughout stakeholder and community consultation undertaken as part of the Australia Pacific LNG’s
EIS process, a variety of views and concerns were raised by Gladstone Regional Council, state
agencies, service providers and residents regarding the location of the TAF. Key concerns raised with
respect to locating the TAF on Curtis Island included an expectation of reduced benefit to the local
economy and less opportunities for social interaction for the workforce. Alternatively, community and
stakeholder concerns have been raised during consultation regarding accommodating the workforce
on the mainland included impacts on housing affordability, community safety and local infrastructure.

Pot ent ia l la nd use co nf lic ts

Australia Pacific LNG is aware that the State Government presently has a policy which discourages
(although does not prohibit) any development within the Gladstone State Development Area (GSDA)
and Curtis Island Industry Precinct (CIIP) which has the potential to compromise the purpose of the
CIIP land use designation, the GSDA objectives and/or the integrity of the GSDA. Whilst Australia
Pacific LNG agrees with the principle of not undertaking development which could potentially sterilise
parts of the site for industry development, it is strongly believed that temporary accommodation can be
incorporated within the boundary of the Project site or elsewhere on Curtis Island without
compromising the integrity of the Australia Pacific LNG Project site or other projects on Curtis Island
currently planned or in the future.

To help ensure that the Curtis Island community of South End is not detrimentally affected by project
activities, none of the Project LNG facility workforce will be housed either permanently or temporarily
at the South End settlement. The existing farm tracks that connect the site to South End will not be
utilised by the Project.

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Co st t o Pro ject

In order to facilitate the development of the CSG-LNG industry, costs need to be managed so that
Australian projects can be competitive on the world stage, and in particular within the Asia-Pacific

Analysis of the costs associated with the development of a TAF has been undertaken by Australia
Pacific LNG in consultation with the preferred construction contractor. This analysis indicates that with
a TAF located on the mainland, the Project would cost an estimated A$180 million more in capital
costs. Whilst the cost of the construction and operation of the mainland TAF itself would be somewhat
lower, significant additional costs are expected to arise from the additional infrastructure associated
with transporting up to 1,800 additional workers from the mainland to Curtis Island daily (ferries,
buses, wharves etc). In addition to these increased capital costs, it is expected that additional costs
will be incurred through a predicted and assured loss of productivity associated with an increased
return travel time from 20 minutes (with an island-based TAF) to up to 3 hours per day with a
mainland-based TAF. This travel time impact has the potential to significantly impact Project costs,
project delivery, the attraction of workers and workforce health and safety.

P r o jec t del i ve r y r i s k

The ability to complete the first trains within the designated schedule and supply markets (customers)
with whom the Project has sales agreements is one of the key drivers for the Project schedule.

Risks to Project schedule, and therefore delivery, relate to workforce recruitment, schedule of
availability of the TAF and economic cost. Previous experience has shown that to attract and retain
non-local construction workers, projects need to provide a fully self-contained and catered
accommodation facility close to the project work site. Therefore the feasibility of constructing a project
without a TAF in close proximity to the site is greatly reduced on this basis as it will be very difficult to
“market” a project to non-local employees that requires extensive daily travel. Given that the
remuneration on the Australia Pacific LNG Project does not differ markedly from other major projects
where a 10-15 minute bus/car ride is the full extent of the daily travel requirements, the lure for
employees to work on the Project will be diminished if a mainland TAF is proposed which may require
up to three hours of travel time daily in addition to the workforce’s shift hours.

The use of a mainland TAF will make employment conditions less attractive in the context of a
nationally competitive environment for skilled workers. The significant increase in travel time and
resulting impacts due to fatigue has health and safety implications. The reduction in recreation and
recuperation time associated with a mainland TAF would harm the Project’s attraction and retention
strategy, thereby impacting directly on delivery risk. Given the anticipated extremely tight local labour
market within Gladstone, construction of the Australia Pacific LNG Project will largely be dependent on
the attraction of a FIFO/DIDO non-local workforce. To ensure the Project is able to go ahead, all
measures available to attract workers with the skills and experience necessary will need to be put in

Productivity impacts associated with the length of shifts and morale of workers is a potential risk to
Project delivery. For a TAF located on Curtis Island, the workforce will be housed within a 10 minute
bus trip to the work site, thus ensuring sufficient time for rest and recreation. The mainland TAF
alternative however, would require up to 170 minutes of travel time, in addition to a 10 hour working
day which could significantly impact productivity levels due to increased fatigue. Productivity on the
Project would also be impacted as a result of insufficient rest and it is highly likely that absenteeism
levels would increase and general morale would be negatively impacted.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

En vir o n men ta l Imp act

Australia Pacific LNG is committed to minimising adverse environmental impacts, enhancing benefits
associated with our activities, products or services; maintaining, and enhancing where the opportunity
exists, biodiversity values. As a suitable mainland site has yet to be identified, detailed environment
studies have not been undertaken to determine the potential environmental impact. It is possible
however to identify the key environment issues that may differentiate between TAFs on the mainland
compared with Curtis Island.

• Air Quality: the location of the TAF on the mainland is expected to lead to significantly more
bus and ferry movements. Whilst the impact of this on air quality hasn’t been quantified, it is
expected that it could be considerable over the construction period.

• Vegetation loss: The removal of vegetation on Curtis Island has been assessed as part of the
Australia Pacific LNG Project EIS. The proposed construction TAF will be contained wholly
within the LNG Project site and will require the clearing of 12 ha least concern and 3 ha of
concern regional ecosystem. The total area of the TAF is estimated to be approximately 15ha.

Although some land has been proposed by Gladstone Regional Council and other proponents
for the development of TAFs, the sensitivity of these land areas and other areas which may be
required to accommodate the workforce on the mainland is unknown.

• Marine impacts: Potential impacts on marine ecology associated with the Curtis Island
location including boat strike is discussed in Volume 4 Chapter 10. If the TAF is located on the
mainland, there is anticipated to be a considerably greater number of boat movements
(increasing from 4-20) which may result in a greater probability of boat strike.

• Water Resources: The estimated total volume of sewage generated during the construction
period is 412,700kL, with a maximum daily volume of 550kL. An outline of the proposed
management of water resources and sewerage is provided in Section 3.6.3 and Section 3.6.5 of
this chapter. A mainland TAF with on-site treatment will discharge water of a similar quality as
with an island-based TAF. Alternatively, wastes from a mainland TAF may be directed to the
existing Gladstone Regional Council sewage system, which may have an impact on this

S o c ia l a nd C u l t u ra l Imp act

It is Australia Pacific LNG’s intention to become an integral and valued community member by
upholding, and adding value to, existing community values and lifestyle conditions. A central
component of Australia Pacific LNG’s social impact management plan and policies is the management
of social impacts associated with the expected large non-local workforce. These impacts range from
behavioural impacts to sustainable demand on community services and facilities.

Stakeholder engagement for the EIS has found that there is a concern that segments of the
construction workforce may display anti-social behaviour which could impact on community values and
lifestyle. To mitigate against this potential impact, Australia Pacific LNG will manage its employees and
contractors through the Australia Pacific LNG Project Rules and specific Project Code of Behaviour to
ensure high standards of behaviour that extend beyond the TAF and into the general community.

The location of the TAF on Curtis Island enables better management of social impacts associated with
the non-local workforce through mechanisms including:

• the access to and consumption of alcohol will be controlled through the wet mess within the
TAF confines

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• controlled access to the facility - access of unwanted guests will also be easier to monitor and
“casual” drive in type visitors will be unable to access the TAF.

These mechanisms are anticipated to reduce impacts on the local community through decreased
incidence of anti-social behaviour.

O pp ort un it ie s f o r s ha re d inf ras t r uct ure

The possibility of combining or co-locating TAFs for all the LNG projects on Curtis Island is possible
from Australia Pacific LNG’s perspective. Opportunities to consolidate the TAFs in one location
enhance the management of the workforce and potentially allow for economies of scale in regard to
waste management, operating cost and the cumulative size of the TAF.

The sharing or collocation of TAFs has a number of challenges and opportunities. Key factors
regarding the sharing or collocation of facilities which need to be taken into consideration include:

• Industrial risks: shared infrastructure, whether on the mainland or on Curtis Island, would
introduce industrial risks between the different project workforces and would require agreement
between the different project proponents with regard to impact on differing project schedules,
revised location and transport networks; as well as on the design, construction and
management of a shared TAF and services. However, a combined TAF removes the risks
associated with differing TAF conditions between the projects.

• Workforce health: the location of all project workforces poses challenges in relation to the
containment of any sickness which might impact the facility. If all workforces are co-located, this
has the potential to impact multiple projects, rather than individual projects.

• Efficiencies: there are opportunities to achieve efficiencies with respect to sharing pre-
employment processing facilities between the three major LNG projects as well as
management, cost and transport efficiencies associated with a common site or facility.

C o m m un it y L e g ac i es

Australia Pacific LNG is aiming to ensure that it leaves a positive legacy for the Gladstone community
through a range of strategies. These strategies are proposed to be implemented regardless of the
location of the TAF. Further details of proposed strategies are outlined in the Social Impact
Assessment in Volume 4, Chapter 20.

Locating the TAF on Curtis Island is also anticipated to reduce the likelihood of negative community
legacies as air quality and traffic impacts associated with significantly increased road and marine
movements required to transport the workforce from Gladstone to Curtis Island.

He a lth an d S af et y

Workforce health and safety is Australia Pacific LNG’s first priority. The potential health and safety
issues are as follows:

• Hazard risk to a construction workforce in accommodation in the broad vicinity of a

commissioning or operational LNG plant

Australia Pacific LNG has undertaken preliminary quantitative risk assessments of the LNG
Plant and its operations. The conclusions of the hazard and risk assessment (Volume 4,
Chapter 22) include the finding that the TAF will be located outside the risk contours applicable
for residential land use as well as outside the more stringent hospitals and other sensitive
developments land use contours. The noise and vibration assessments (Volume 4 Chapter 15)

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Chapter 3: Project Description

indicate that potential impacts of the facility to the TAF residents are expected to be of low

The TAF would be occupied while the plant is operational as the construction of further trains
will occur after the initial trains are commissioned. The TAF has been located a sufficient
distance from the plant such that it is outside any harmful heat radiation or overpressure zones.
The LNG industry has demonstrated in many locations throughout the world that siting of TAFs
adjacent to work sites can be successfully implemented while preserving a safe work
environment and a low cost residential structure.

• Transportation of large workforces daily from the mainland to Curtis Island

Australia Pacific LNG and its preferred construction contractor’s concern for the safety of such a
large workforce travelling daily from mainland to Curtis Island is a major contributing factor in
support of the construction of a Curtis Island TAF. The cumulative effect of moving thousands of
workers on a daily basis significantly raises the risk profile of the Project.

Furthermore, risks inherent in the constant movement of employees by ferry associated with the
location of a TAF on the mainland mean an increased prospect of injuries from accidents to
both workers and users of the harbour. These risks arise from the general movement of vessels
in the Harbour and from embarkation and disembarkation and berthing (particularly if there are
multiple projects).

In addition, the additional fatigue and physical stress caused by the combination of working
hours and bus and ferry travel presents the Project with an unacceptably high safety risk.
Employees on the Project will work in physically demanding occupations performing safety-
critical work. If they are fatigued, they will have an increased potential to cause injury to
themselves and others.

• Community Safety

The good behaviour of Australia Pacific LNG employees and contractors who reside at the TAF
at Curtis Island (during the construction phase) or in Gladstone will be a key component of
mitigating potential impacts to community health and safety. The two components of this are
workforce culture and workforce health promotion programs.

Creating a culture of good behaviour, responsibility for actions and integration with the existing
community to ensure harmony and minimal disturbance will be partly achieved by the design
and construction of a high quality temporary accommodation facility. The TAF will be regarded
as within the top quartile of facilities within Australia and will have a diverse array of recreation
activities. As well as a high quality temporary accommodation facility, Australia Pacific LNG will
enforce Project Rules and a TAF Code of Behaviour to ensure high standards of behaviour that
extend beyond the TAF and into the general community. The Australia Pacific Project Rules
and TAF Code of Behaviour would be discussed during Project inductions and would extend to

The key drivers for locating a TAF on Curtis Island include:

• Health and safety of the workforce through reduced travel time and reduced risk of transport
related accidents

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Reduced risk to Project delivery associated with Project costs and attraction and retention of
non-local workers

• Greater ability to manage social behaviour

• Reduced impacts on local infrastructure and facilities.

3.3.4 Mainland facilities and alternatives

The facilities on the mainland will be established to provide for barge and ferry transport of materials
and personnel as well as mainland material staging and stockpiling, labour sourcing, training and
mainland buildings including offices and warehousing. The mainland facilities approvals may be
sought outside of the scope of this Project by Australian Pacific LNG or by others.

The mainland ferry terminal will accommodate personnel and roll-on/roll-off barges as well as facilities
for loading barges with civil materials such as sand, gravel, and rock. Mainland facilities will also
afford space for car parking and overnight bus and truck parking. Different facilities may be used
initially for construction than what is ultimately used during operations.

Several alternative locations for mainland facilities have been considered by Australia Pacific LNG in
consultation with GPC and the Gladstone Regional Council. Outcomes from transport and traffic
assessments in particular and other environmental and social assessments for the Project have been
considered in the selection process. EIS studies have been based on the following locations:

• Storage and barge loading of gravel, rock, sand and other aggregates from the existing
Fisherman's Landing between the existing Rio Tinto Alcan and Cement Australia conveyors
(Figure 3.15)

• Transport of construction personnel and other materials from the proposed Fisherman's Landing
North Expansion (GPC Fisherman's Landing Northern Expansion Project currently being
assessed through an EIS process) to Curtis Island

• Vacant land off Blain Drive in West Gladstone (commonly referred to as Ash Pond 7) for car
parking facilities during construction, with personnel being transported by bus to the ferry
location on Fisherman's Landing Northern Expansion. Buses and trucks would be staged
overnight on the Ash Pond 7 areas

• A permanent operations phase ferry terminal with car parking located on the proposed
Fisherman's Landing North Expansion.

This arrangement addresses both project and cumulative impacts to onshore traffic issues in the
central Gladstone region, ensures adequate space for mainland construction facilities and reduces
marine traffic congestion in the Western Basin, particularly through the area near Wiggins Island.

Alternative mainland locations also under consideration include:

• Port Central, adjacent to Auckland Point and Barney Point, for all storage and transport facilities

• A location on the Calliope River adjacent to the RJ Tanna Coal terminal (Figure 3.16).

Figure 3.15 and Figure 3.16 show early estimate sizes and locations for mainland facilities. Australia
Pacific LNG will continue to evaluate the alternative locations in consideration of potential
environmental and social impacts. The primary risks with the Calliope River alternative are associated
with dredging that would be required in the Calliope River mouth.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.15 Mainland terminal alternative at Fisherman's Landing

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.16 Mainland terminal alternative on the Calliope River

3.3.5 Government infrastructure

Australia Pacific LNG will work closely with government agencies and service providers to facilitate the
provision of infrastructure and services described in this section that are not within the scope of the
Project, but are crucial to its delivery.

Mainland facilities
Construction and operation of the mainland facilities on Fisherman's Landing will be dependent on the
GPC-proposed Fisherman's Landing Northern Expansion Project which is currently in the process of
gaining the necessary environmental approvals to undertake these works (GPC, 2009a1). The GPC
project proposes reclamation of an additional 153ha adjacent to the existing port facility. The


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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

reclamation will provide additional land to support the future construction of six wharves and for the
development of associated transport, storage, loading and unloading facilities. The reclamation will
also provide for the containment of dredge material from various future maintenance and capital
dredging programs in the port, including the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project described

The mainland facilities will also need connection to power and water supplies and telecommunications
from existing suppliers.

Ship access
Dredging will be required to enable vessels to access the Australia Pacific LNG terminal facilities and
MOF. This dredging work will be undertaken by GPC as part of the Western Basin Dredging and
Disposal Project. This project accommodates the long-term dredging and dredged material disposal
required to provide safe and efficient access to the existing and proposed Gladstone Western Basin
(Port Curtis, from Auckland Point to The Narrows) development areas.

The Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project comprises dredging associated with the deepening
and widening of existing channels and swing basins and the creation of new channels, swing basins,
berth pockets and approaches for MOFs. It is proposed that dredged material be placed into
reclamation areas for the Fisherman's Landing Northern Expansion.

GPC is currently in the process of gaining the necessary environmental approvals to undertake these
dredging works (GPC, 2009b2). The EIS for this dredging and disposal project examines the
environmental effects that may arise from the dredging required to service the needs of the Australia
Pacific LNG Project.

Minor dredging works that may be required for construction of the MOF, jetty and wharfs is included in
the scope of the Australia Pacific LNG Project. Dredge material from these minor works will be
disposed of in GPC reclamation areas that include the Western Basin Reclamation Area, a component
of the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project.

Shipping safety
Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) provides navigational aids, endorses protocols for shipping and
provides pilot services for vessels using Port Curtis. Additional navigational aids and pilot services will
be required for LNG shipping accessing the project's maritime facilities.

The requirements for pilotage in Port Curtis are defined by MSQ and the GPC. Pilotage will be
compulsory for all LNG and LPG vessels using the Port. Australia Pacific LNG, working in conjunction
with other LNG industry proponents, MSQ and GPC, has determined that four escort tugs will be used
for all LNG transits in and out of Port Curtis. This requirement will provide for an additional element of
safety in regard to groundings of LNG vessels, even in the unlikely event of a loss of propulsion or
steering. GPC will operate the tugs which will service the LNG industry.

The Pilot and Ship Master for all transits will be required to follow the port transiting requirements set
out in a Vessel Transit Plan developed for port LNG activities. The Vessel Transit Plan will be
prepared by MSQ and GPC in consultation with all LNG proponents in the Port, the Port's pilots and
other relevant stakeholders.


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Chapter 3: Project Description

It is expected that the Vessel Transit Plan will cover the following topics:

• Permission to enter the harbour procedures. These procedures will relate to berth availability,
metocean and shipping traffic constraints and other MSQ and GPC pre-specified requirements

• Pilot boarding and disembarkation procedures. These procedures will require compliance with
current Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations with regard to equipment, and GPC's shipping
and pilotage regulations

• Acceptable wind and sea state conditions for arrivals and departures

• Ship ballast draft conditions prior to entering the Harbour

• Tug configuration requirements will be determined in conjunction with MSQ and GPC. It is
expected one tug will escort the LNG vessel through the outer harbour, with a second tug escort
in the inner channel, and a third and fourth tug awaiting at the in the vicinity of Buoy G4 for final
transit and berthing

• Transiting instructions and speed limits. It is intended that LNG shipping will have 24 hour
access to the Port

• Required improvements to the existing navigational aid system in the Port

• Arrival and departure conditions for vessels and minimum vessel requirements

• Generalised vessel movement scheduling and traffic separation requirements

• Tug failure guidelines

• Heavy weather and cyclone evacuation protocols.

3.4 Construction

3.4.1 Construction management

The engineering, procurement and construction contractor will be responsible for the construction of
the LNG facility and ancillary infrastructure. The contractor's site manager will report directly to the
Australia Pacific LNG project manager. The contractor's site construction manager will have overall
responsibility for the construction of the entire facility. The core construction execution team will
comprise the managers for health, safety and environment, project controls, government relations,
security, field engineering, field supervision, contract administration, commercial services, human
relations and industrial relations.

Construction activities will be undertaken in accordance with Australian standards, as required.

First aid and medical facilities will be available on the site. A health, safety and environment (HSE)
management plan and an emergency response plan will be implemented, including provision of
training for all personnel. Mitigation measures to avoid and/or minimise environmental impacts as
described within this EIS will be incorporated into this construction HSE management plan.

3.4.2 Construction schedule

The LNG facility is to be developed in stages. Construction of train 1 of the LNG plant and associated
marine facilities is proposed to commence in 2011. Construction of train 2 will commence
approximately nine months after the commencement of train 1 to take advantage of the workforce and
construction equipment already mobilised on the Project. Each train takes about four years to

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

construct hence the first two trains are expected to be operating after approximately four years and
nine months.

Construction of additional trains can proceed while completed trains are operating. To avoid safety
concerns with site preparation for construction of subsequent trains while the initial trains are
operating, the entire development site will be prepared at the commencement of the initial construction
period. Areas not required until subsequent train construction will be stabilised and landscaped as an
interim measure.

The timing of commencement of construction of trains 3 and 4 will depend on the LNG market and gas
development. It is assumed that construction of train 3 would commence in 2017 and train 4 would
commence approximately nine months after the commencement of train 3 (as for trains 1 and 2).

Dredging required for MOF construction will commence in 2011 with major capital dredging works
(included in Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project) closely followed. MOF construction will
commence soon after completion of the dredging (anticipated during 2011) and will be completed in
approximately six months. Construction of the ship berths will take approximately 18 months.

3.4.3 Onshore construction

Onshore construction will include the following main activities:

• Construction of internal access roads and fences

• Erosion control

• Vegetation clearing

• Earth works and terrain levelling of the construction site

• Foundation excavations for main equipment and buildings

• Construction of the MOF

• Pile driving

• Installation of foundations

• Erection of field erected tanks

• Receipt and installation of process and utility modules

• Erection of field erected or 'stick-built' process and utility units

• Interconnection of modules

• Landscaping activities

• Commissioning and start-up activities.

It is estimated approximately 93,000m3 of concrete will be required for major foundations for the
onshore LNG facility. Estimated total pipework for four LNG trains is 225,000 linear metres. Other
materials and equipment required for construction of the facility include processing equipment
including modularised equipment, heat exchangers, gas turbines, gas compressors, power
generators, steel for onsite construction of the LNG storage tanks, LPG storage tank (if required),
flares, pipe racks, insulation, building materials (including for the TAF) and package utility plants such
as the water treatment plant.

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Water is required for site preparation, including dust control, concrete works and for hydrotesting
storage tanks, other equipment and piping. A supply of potable water to service the construction
workers onsite and the TAF is also required. Stormwater that falls within the development footprint will
be captured in impounding ponds and be used for dust control, firewater and for hydrotest purposes.
This water source will be supplemented by a seawater desalination plant.

Concrete is likely to be sourced from within Australia. Equipment will be sourced from Australia and
overseas. Large equipment will be transported to the site by barge or charter ship. The LNG loading
facility requires piles, access trestles, pipework, loading platforms and loading arms. These materials
and equipment are likely to be sourced from Australia and overseas.

Bulk products such as coarse aggregate as required, sand, cement and diesel will be transported to
the site on barges from the mainland facilities.

During construction, a temporary package treatment plant will be used to treat sewage effluent to
appropriate standards. Treated sewage effluent will be used for onsite irrigation and/or discharged to
Port Curtis.

3.4.4 Coastal/marine construction

Offshore construction will include the construction of the following components:

• Temporary 'rock dock'

• MOF construction, including ferry terminal (minor dredging works in preparation for construction)

• Jetty and trestle construction (including loading platforms, mooring dolphins and catwalks)

• Access channel, swing basin and berth pocket dredging (undertaken by GPC).

Material offloading facility construction

The preliminary layout of the MOF is included in Figure 3.13. As the LNG facility site has no external
road access, crews will initially install sea access to site to enable site preparation to commence. A
rock dock will first be constructed at the MOF location to allow offload of equipment and materials for
the construction of the main facility. One permanent dock capable of approximately 2,500 tonne loads
and crane access with roll-on/roll-off ramps to unload heavy equipment, modules and materials will be
provided for all LNG trains. The MOF will be designed and constructed with appropriate controls for
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) and customs. The following outlines a typical
construction methodology for the MOF.

The proposed design for the MOF is to use a rock fill causeway approach from the site and then a
cellular sheet piled barrier arrangement (for water exclusion) for the wharf structure. The construction
of the causeway is anticipated to commence from onshore by 'push-out' of suitable materials
generated during the site development, to create an initial causeway to the waters edge. As
excavation for site commencement progresses, more rock materials will be excavated/ripped from the
site. Dump trucks will move this rock material to the causeway and the build out will progress from
Curtis Island towards the dredged approaches, primarily by end dumping. Sheet piling will be
progressed from a marine barge or using specialty sheet piling equipment which commences from a
barge, but is self supporting on the sheet piles as they progress in installation.

The upper surface of the causeway may be finished with concrete stabilised crushed rock, to provide a
cambered paving surface for the movement of heavy cargo. Concrete pours will all be made from land
approaches as the causeway will be completed prior to the commencement of concrete pours.

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Temporary concrete batching facilities may be required if the site batching facility is not commissioned
and operating during MOF construction. Estimated quantities of materials for the MOF assuming a
length of 150m from the mainland are provided in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Estimated quantities for materials offloading facility

Item Description Quantity

1 Rock fill materials (assuming provided from site excavation) 250,000m3

2 Causeway shore protection 3,500m2

3 Cement stabilised road base (300mm thick) 15% cement 21,000m2

4 Steel sheet piles (barge driven) 12,000

5 Steel sheet pile whaler beams and tie-backs 150t

6 Concrete – for paving, sheet piling capping beam, misc paving 1,500m3

7 Bollard 18 each

8 Bollard foundations – concrete 144m3

9 Rubber fenders 2
Note: MOF expansion not required for train 3 and 4 construction or operation.

The majority of these materials are likely to be sourced from Australia with the potential for steel sheet
piles, beams and tie backs to be sourced from overseas.

Jetty and trestle construction

The construction of the LNG loading jetty and access trestles will initially be staged from the water
using floating barges and self-elevating jack-up platforms to install the initial piles for the jetty. The
marine contractor personnel will consist of divers, operators, labourers and supervisory personnel.
Tugboats will assist in the movement of all barges associated with the construction of the marine
loading facilities.

The construction materials will consist of steel sheet piles, steel pipe piles, structural steel, precast
concrete members, reinforcing steel and in-situ concrete.

The piles and other prefabricated construction materials will be delivered by barge. Materials may also
be stored on barges for short periods as the materials are being installed. It is anticipated several 50m
long material barges will be present throughout the construction period.

Once the piling operation is underway, one or two additional items of floating equipment will follow in
sequence to lift and set the precast pile caps, beams and deck planks. This equipment will consist of
one or two large floating cranes and material barges.

The work will also involve in-situ grouting of the precast members at the pile tops and other
connections. In-situ concrete work will be staged in a manner to prevent concrete from entering the
water. The roadways and platform deck will be constructed of reinforced in-situ concrete. The work
will advance outward from shore, using land-based concrete transit mixers.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

3.4.5 Construction sequence

Once suitable access to the LNG site has been established through construction of the temporary rock
dock and MOF, site preparation will commence.

Vegetation will be cleared in the footprint area of the LNG facility, laydown areas and TAF. The extent
of vegetation clearing is mapped in Figure 3.17, which shows regional ecosystems which have been
established through on site ground-truthing. Impacts and mitigation of vegetation clearing are
addressed in Volume 4 Chapter 8. Plant matter from clearing will be utilised onsite for erosion control
or landscaping and the remainder will be compacted and removed from Curtis Island for disposal.

Figure 3.17 Ground-truthed regional ecosystems

The TAF, internal access and laydown areas will then be established. This will be followed by the
excavation of elevated areas on the site to provide fill for lower elevation areas and so establishing a
level site for civil construction (i.e. cut and fill activities). The approximate quantity of fill material to be
excavated is four million m3. The excavated material is expected to be variable in quality. It will be
reused as fill for construction purposes and erosion control, subject to suitability. While preliminary

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Chapter 3: Project Description

design information suggests that the quantity of excavated material is approximately the same as the
quantity of fill material required for site development, any unsuitable or excess excavated material will
be disposed of either on site, or at an approved off-site disposal area. Should there be a deficiency of
material, then suitable materials will be transported to the site from the mainland.

Permanent plant equipment foundations and building slabs will then be installed. Concrete for all
foundations and other structures will be supplied from a concrete batching plant and transit mixer
trucks located onsite.

After the commencement of the concrete foundations, piping and electrical work, mechanical erection
of the gas turbine, process equipment and ancillary facilities will begin. The construction of the LNG
facility will include, but not be limited to, earthworks, piling, concrete construction, welding, installation
of various equipment, and erection of buildings. The construction timeframe for the LNG and LPG
storage tanks requires that construction commences as soon as possible after site preparation. The
duration of construction for these tanks is approximately three years.

It is probable that portions of the LNG facility will be constructed using modules which are
prefabricated at other locations, transported to site and then interconnected. Foundations and piling
will be completed before the process modules are delivered to the site. Fabrication yards for these
modules will most likely be located either elsewhere in Australia and/or offshore at an alternate site in
south-east Asia. The remaining work to be done on site will include connecting the modules together
and any other work that is built without modules or in a 'stick-built' fashion. The facility construction will
require the use of cranes, excavators, trucks and other heavy machinery on site. These are likely to be
transported to the site by barge or charter ship.

Access around the construction site will utilise typical engineered roads constructed in accordance
with standard engineering specifications. Vegetated areas that are not cleared during construction will
be retained and managed. Cleared areas required around the facility and equipment will be stabilised
and maintained. Where practicable, areas cleared during construction that are not needed for
operation will be vegetated.

3.4.6 Construction hours

Normal construction schedule will likely be five days per week, 10 hours per day for local residents
and five days per week, 10 hours per day plus eight hours on Saturday for those that reside in the
TAF. At peak construction, work will likely be undertaken on a 12-hour shift basis, up to 24 hours a
day, seven days a week.

3.4.7 Construction workforce

Workforce size
The Project will be faced with challenges in sourcing the significant quantities of labour required to
construct the LNG facility and marine facilities on Curtis Island. Additionally, the logistical challenges
of personnel movement and accommodation for the labour force, whether the labour force is housed
on the mainland or in TAFs on Curtis Island, will be significant. Executing direct work hours in a
location outside of the Gladstone area will reduce the need for as many labour resources on the Curtis
Island site. One way of doing this is to complete portions of the facility in blocks or modules, transport
these modules to the site on barges, and then put the modules in place (refer to Section 3.4.5). This
strategy is referred to as modularisation and results in lower onsite construction workforce on the LNG
facility site compared to building the Project in a 'stick-built' fashion. It is the preferred method of
construction for the LNG facility due to the constraints of labour availability in the Gladstone area. If

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Chapter 3: Project Description

the LNG facility were constructed using a stick-built methodology only, it is estimated the peak
construction workforce would be in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 people.

The modularisation approach detailed above is anticipated to reduce the peak workforce requirements
to approximately 2,100 based on approximately 45% of the construction being executed using
modularisation as is typically the case for this type of facility. The actual extent of modularisation and
stick-built applications will be determined during the FEED phase of the Project.

The construction workforce will comprise both people who reside locally and non-locals. It is estimated
that up to 80% of the construction workforce will be non-locals during the peak construction period.
These personnel will work four weeks on and one week off. It is anticipated the peak construction
workforce accommodated at the TAF on Curtis Island (refer to Section 3.6.1) would be 1,800. An
allowance for future expansion in TAF capacity is included in this figure.

During the initial construction period prior to completion of the construction of the TAF, it is estimated
200 to 400 non-local workers will need accommodation on the mainland for a period of approximately
12 months.

Figure 3.18 is a chart of the approximate workforce numbers profile during the construction period.


Workforce requirements























Figure 3.18 Approximate construction workforce number

Workforce recruitment
The onsite construction workforce is expected to be a composite of people residing in the local area
(defined as living/residing within a 60km radius of the Gladstone Post Office) and workers recruited
from other Australian geographical labour markets and overseas if required.

The scope of work is estimated to be executed on a direct-hire and specialty subcontract basis and is
intended to maximise the use of Australian labour and contractors. Local labour will be utilised to the
greatest extent possible particularly for staff roles and the non-manual component of the workforce. In
addition, local contractors and suppliers will be encouraged to provide day-to-day services and
supplies for the Project.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

The Australia Pacific LNG Gladstone Community Centre, located in the centre of Gladstone, will
provide a single location or 'hub' for all enquiries relating to the Project. The primary purpose of the
centre is to establish a presence for Australia Pacific LNG and provide a location where community
members and other stakeholders can directly liaise with project representatives with questions relating
to employment and project specifics. It will also provide an educational resource for information
relating to ConocoPhillips and Origin Energy and the Project through a series of visual and interactive
displays. Through the Gladstone Community Centre, stakeholders will be able to register their interest
for work and supply opportunities.

Skills base and training needs

The Project will train local personnel as necessary to support the short term, intensive construction
work and the long term, ongoing post-construction operations and maintenance work. It is the intent
of Australia Pacific LNG to hire locally as much as possible for the construction and operations of the
Project where appropriate skills exist. Training opportunities will be established for local residents.

Furthermore, the Project will assist with local community capacity building to supply services or
supplies to the Project. This will be achieved through a proactive contracting and procurement
program and the creation of supplier databases.

Australia Pacific LNG will implement these training and business support activities in consultation with
government and training and education groups.

Some construction work is specialised and requires specialised skilled labour. The availability of
skilled local labour to meet this need is expected to be limited. This work could be undertaken by
specialist contractors from within Australia or overseas if required.

Workforce logistics
Car parking facilities for construction workers who reside in the local area will be provided in
Gladstone. Buses will transport workers from the car park to the ferry embarkation location and return
workers to the car park after return to the mainland from Curtis Island.

The majority of construction workers who do not reside in the local area will travel by plane into the
Gladstone Regional Airport and travel to the site's TAF by ferry, after being transported by bus to the
ferry embarkation point from the airport.

3.4.8 Construction emissions and waste

Atmospheric emissions
Sources of emissions from construction are likely to consist of engine exhausts from vehicles and
diesel generators and from dust generated by earthworks and vehicle movements on sealed and
unsealed roads.

Various types of construction equipment will be used from the inception of the site work until start-up
and commissioning of the LNG facility. While the majority of this equipment will use diesel fuel, some
equipment will use petrol. Table 3.3 provides an estimate of expected emissions generated by the use
of construction equipment over a construction period of four years and nine months, the anticipated
time to construct two LNG trains. During this period, it is anticipated that diesel consumption will be in
the order of 10ML and petrol consumption in the order of 1.6ML.

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Table 3.3 Estimated site gaseous emissions, construction phase

Emission Total emissions (t) Total emissions (t)

(Trains 1 and 2) (Trains 3 and 4)

NOX 1,030 720

CO 1,890 1,325

SOX 80 56

PM10 90 63

CO2 42,000 29,400

VOCs 150 105

Estimate is based on a four year, nine month construction period to construct trains 1 and 2.
Emissions are site emissions only – no emissions associated with the transport of materials, equipment or personnel to and
from the site are included in these estimates.
USEPA emission factors have been used to derive emission levels.
Trains 3 and 4 emissions are lower than trains 1 and 2 emissions as much of the common infrastructure is installed with trains 1
and 2.

Wastewater discharges
Wastewater arising from construction phase activities will comprise hydrotest water, flushing water,
brine from the desalination system used to supply water to the site, stormwater and sewage treatment
plant effluent. However, where appropriate, it is intended hydrotest water, flushing water, and
stormwater will be routed to the stormwater detention ponds for reuse on site for dust suppression and
irrigation, in accordance with regulatory requirements.

After the hydrotesting of storage and pressure vessels has been completed, the used hydrotest water
will be discharged offshore at a location with adequate flushing to enable rapid dispersal. The
hydrotest water may contain traces of biocides and oxygen scavengers used to protect the inner
surface of the tanks from risks of fouling and corrosion.

It is expected the discharge of brine from the desalination system will be up to 3000 m3/day. Initially,
prior to the completion of the jetty, desalination brine will be discharged near to the end of the MOF. It
is expected treated sewage effluent from the onsite sewage treatment plant will reach a maximum of
550m3/day during the construction period. Wastewater discharges will be reused onsite or discharged
to Port Curtis, in accordance with regulatory requirements (refer Volume 4 Chapter 10).

General wastes
It is anticipated that the following waste streams will be generated from general construction activities,

• Vegetation cleared during site preparation works

• Oils, oily wastes from equipment and machinery maintenance activities

• Waste paints and solvent

• Waste adhesives

• Aerosol cans

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Waste antifreeze/radiator coolant

• General domestic waste and recyclables from construction workers

• Office wastes

• Paper, cardboard and timber from packaging

• Scrap metals (ferrous and non-ferrous)

• Surplus concrete

• General inert construction waste

• Greywater and sewage from onsite amenities

• Waste hydrocarbons, oily rags and consumables from equipment maintenance and refuelling

• Medical and First Aid station waste.

Additional waste streams will be generated from the TAF:

• Office wastes

• General domestic waste

• Food waste

• Greywater and sewage

• Medical and first aid station.

As part of the construction HSE management plan, mitigation measures will be implemented to reduce
the amount of and effectively manage waste generated during construction. These measures include
segregation of waste into recyclable and non-recyclable waste streams onsite at the waste storage
compound and transportation by a licensed contractor to appropriate licensed facilities for reuse,
recycling or disposal. Refer to Volume 4 Chapter 16 for more details on waste management. The
volume of waste expected to be generated over the total construction phase for train 1 to 4 of the
development of the LNG facility is outlined in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Expected construction phase solid wastes

Waste Amount (trains 1 and 2) Amount (trains 3 and 4)

Temporary accommodation facility

Sewage treatment plant solids (m3) 650 650

Food waste (t) 350 350

Domestic waste (t) 510 510

Other solid wastes (t) 1,020 1,020

Construction activities

All wastes (t) 52,000 30,000

Approximately 70t/day Approximately 50t/day

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Noise emissions
Noise will be generated from mainland traffic consisting of private vehicles and buses for personnel
transport to the embarkation point and trucks for delivery of construction materials and equipment.

Noise emissions generated by construction activities on-site will vary considerably depending on the
type of activity being undertaken and the intensity of activity at a specific time. For example, daytime
facility construction activities could involve impact hammers, cranes, bulldozers and trucks operating
at the same time and jetty construction could involve impact hammers, cranes, trucks and bobcats.

The main noise generating activities are expected to be pile driving for LNG tank foundations and jetty
trestles. Marine pile driving generates both underwater and airborne noise. The key noise emitting
equipment and associated sound power levels is outlined in Table 3.5.
Table 3.5 Construction equipment approximate sound power levels

Equipment Sound power level (dBA 1m from source)

Scraper 117

Impact gun 108

Motor grader 107

Truck (20t) 105

Bobcat 105

Concrete batching plant 105

Pile driver 99

Crane 88

Bulldozer 87

Concrete mixer 75

3.5 Operations

3.5.1 LNG process inputs

There will be three main input streams to the LNG facility:

• CSG pre-treated to remove water

• Seawater which is desalinated and treated to provide the quality requirements for domestic use,
plant processes and utilities

• Miscellaneous supplies and chemicals required for the general operation and maintenance of
the facility.

Other material inputs into the LNG process have been estimated in Table 3.6.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Table 3.6 Annual usage of materials

Item Units 1 train 2 trains 4 trains

Propane t 300 600 1200

Ethylene t 210 420 840

Concentrated N-methyl- m3 6 12 24
diethanolamine (MDEA 90%

Antifoam kg 860 1,700 3,500

Activated carbon t 20 40 80

Mercury adsorbent t 25 50 100

Water treatment chemicals t 45 90 180

Lube oil m3 18 36 72

Heating system oil m3 1.3 2.5 5.0

Other than the refrigerants, LPGs and the LNG product, all fuels and chemicals onsite will be stored,
handled appropriately in a dangerous goods warehouse in accordance with applicable Australian
standards and guidelines.

3.5.2 LNG production process

The LNG production process is shown as a basic flowchart in Figure 3.19 and as a more detailed
schematic of the Optimized Cascade® process in Figure 3.20. Further description of the process is
provided below.

Figure 3.19 LNG production process

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.20 Schematic of the Optimized Cascade® process

Each LNG train will utilise six turbines arranged with two identical gas turbine driven propane
compressor sets in parallel, two identical gas turbine driven ethylene compressor sets in parallel and
two identical gas turbine driven methane compressor sets in parallel.

Inlet separation
After the gas is delivered by pipeline to the facility site, it is metered and enters the gas pre-treatment
section of the LNG facility to remove components within the gas stream that are detrimental to the
natural gas liquefaction process. These components are primarily nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water.

The expected facility feed gas composition and contaminants are outlined in Table 3.7 and Table 3.8.

Table 3.7 Expected feed gas composition

Gas composition Units Base case High CO2 High N2

(wet basis) average gas feed gas feed gas

Nitrogen (N2) Mole % 3.75 2.0 5.0

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Mole % 0.56 1.03 0.24

Methane (CH4) Mole % 95.63 96.88 94.71

Ethane (C2H6) Mole % 0.06 0.09 0.05

Propane (C3H8) Mole % 0.00 0.00 0.00

Table 3.8 Expected feed gas contaminants

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Chapter 3: Project Description

Contaminant Expected concentration

Water 65 mg/m3

Mercury 20 μg/Nm3 maximum

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) < 4 ppmv maximum

Carbonyl sulphide < 0.1 ppmv*

Total mercaptans < 4 ppmv as methanthiol

Total sulphur content 1 ppm as H2S

Solids Nil

Treating chemicals Methanol < 0.1 ppmv -

Tri Ethylene Glycol : saturated

BTEX (Benzene, toluene, < 4 ppmv

ethylbenzene, xylenes)

Lube oils Nil

Oxygen < 0.1 ppmv

* ppmv = Parts Per Million by Volume

The feed gas is initially processed through a vapour-liquid separation system to provide a gas free of
water and liquid hydrocarbons. Although no liquid hydrocarbons are expected in the feed gas, the
design allows for the collection of any liquid hydrocarbons in the inlet separator for flaring.

Acid gas removal

Gas from the inlet separator is fed to the acid gas removal unit, where carbon dioxide (CO2) is
removed to eliminate potential CO2 freezing problems and any trace amounts of hydrogen sulphide
(H2S) present is removed to meet LNG sulphur specifications.

The removal of the contaminants is accomplished in a recirculating amine system using proprietary
activated amine as the solvent. The system consists of an absorber, a regenerator and associated
equipment. The CSG enters the bottom of the absorber and is contacted with the amine (which flows
down from the top). The CO2 and sulphur contaminants in the gas absorbs into the amine to leave a
natural gas stream exiting the top of the absorber.

The 'rich' amine solution containing the contaminants leaves the bottom of the absorber and is fed to
the stripping section of the regenerator. Acid gas and water vapour are stripped out and form the
regenerator overhead vapour leaving a 'lean' amine solution, which is returned to top of the absorber.
The regenerator overhead vapours are partially condensed and water is returned to the regenerator
and absorber. The acid gas, which is mainly CO2 with traces of H2S is vented. Should further testing
of the quality of the CSG from the gasfields show that H2S is present, an acid gas incinerator can be
retrofitted to the Acid Gas Removal Unit.

The treated gas leaving the top of the absorber in the acid gas removal unit is chilled prior to entering
the dryer inlet separator for separation of any condensed hydrocarbons and water. Dehydration is

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

accomplished with the molecular sieves dehydrators. The final traces of water vapour are removed
from the feed gas and retained within these sieves.

The dryers are regenerated by back-flowing clean, dry effluent gas (which is heated by waste heat
from gas turbine exhausts). The adsorbed water is stripped off the bed together with some CO2 and
heavy hydrocarbons (if present), restoring the adsorption capacity of the sieves. The hot, wet
regeneration gas leaving the dehydrator is cooled and passes to a knock out drum where the
condensed water is separated and sent to the oily water treatment plant. The regeneration gas is re-
circulated and combined with the feed gas.

Mercury removal
The dry gas from the dehydrators is passed through the after filters prior to entering the mercury
removal beds, which contain special sulphur impregnated activated carbon. This final gas treatment
step removes any trace amounts of mercury to prevent potential corrosion damage on downstream
heat exchangers. The activated carbon bed has the capacity to last at least three years before the
beds need to be replaced with fresh carbon. Spent carbon, containing mercury, will be returned to the
supplier for appropriate management.

After this stage, the gas is further filtered before flowing to the refrigeration and liquefaction units. At
this point, the facility inlet gas should be very dry and free of impurities.

The dry gas is fed to the refrigeration systems where it is liquefied into the LNG product through a
combination of heat exchange and pressure reduction with the refrigerants. This liquefaction system
consists of three refrigeration services – propane, ethylene and methane. Propane is the first stage of
the liquefaction.

The propane refrigeration chills the feed, condenses ethylene refrigerant, and de-superheats the
methane. Each driver/gas turbine driven refrigerant compressor combination is equipped with
individual suction drums and anti-surge control system for each stage. All compressors within a train
share a common condensing system.

Ethylene refrigeration further cools and liquefies the feed and methane refrigerant. The liquefaction
section consists of a cold box with flash drums and heat exchangers. The LNG product is pumped to
the LNG storage tanks. Boil-off gas is received from LNG storage and re-liquefied. LPG can be
injected into the LNG product as a ship is loading if this is necessary to meet LNG heating value

Nitrogen is vented to the atmosphere to prevent build-up in the fuel gas and methane refrigerant
streams. Nitrogen is removed from the gas stream using a dedicated cryogenic nitrogen rejection unit.

A closed loop, hot oil system will provide the LNG facility's process heating requirements. Waste heat
from the gas turbine exhaust will be recovered to heat the oil. A fixed gas-fired hot oil heater will be
provided as a backup to the waste heat unit for each LNG train.

Motor-driven air compressor packages will supply utility air, instrument air, and feed air to the nitrogen
generation system. Nitrogen will be used as blanket gas for selected storage tanks and as a purge
gas. Nitrogen gas will be supplied to the facility by a membrane type, nitrogen generation units. A
liquid nitrogen back-up system will also be provided.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

A fuel gas system will provide fuel gas for the liquefaction gas turbine drivers, for the power block gas
turbine drivers, and for the gas-fired heaters and flare pilots. The fuel gas system will also supply
defrost gas to portions of the refrigeration units and feed gas to defrost the equipment.

3.5.3 Flare system

The flare system acts as a vapour relief system and is the primary safety feature of the LNG facility.
The flare system will collect and dispose of hydrocarbon-containing streams which are typically
released during start-up and shutdown, but also during upset and emergency conditions. These
streams are disposed of by flaring. The design of the flares has been based on expected 'worst-case'
upset conditions for each stream.

There will be three types of flare systems within each ground flare:

• Wet flare

• Dry flare

• Marine flare.

The wet flare system will dispose of warm hydrocarbon streams that may be saturated with water
vapour and/or contain free liquid hydrocarbons and water. These streams will be mainly generated by
relief valve and start-up/shutdown control discharges from the process vessels. The dry flare system
will handle cryogenic hydrocarbons (both vapour and liquid) from the LNG storage tank and boil off
gas systems. These two types of burner systems will be located within the same ground level flare
enclosure. The flare enclosures will be located in a safe area away from the process LNG facilities and
LNG storage tanks.

The marine flare will handle any flashed LNG vapours generated during loading of LNG product to the
ship's storage tanks and from LNG storage tank and boil off gas systems. Boil-off gas compression is
important for limiting the amount of flaring required during loading of LNG. The marine flare will be
located near the LNG ship loading area. For the EIS studies, it has been assumed that the LNG facility
has a stack marine flare, but design options including the use of the wet/dry ground flare enclosure for
the marine flare, are being considered to mitigate the visual amenity impacts associated with a stack

3.5.4 LNG and LPG storage

Two LNG storage tanks, each with a capacity of approximately 160,000m3, a diameter of
approximately 80m and a height of approximately 35m, will store the LNG product from trains 1 and 2.
A further tank of similar capacity will be constructed with trains 3 and 4 to provide additional storage.
Each tank will be a full containment type with double-wall construction, with an inner wall being of low
temperature steel and the outer wall of reinforced concrete. These LNG storage tanks will be designed
to meet requirements of NFPA 59A and relevant Australian standards as required.

Each LNG storage tank will be equipped with loading pumps, level gauges, level transmitters, relief
valves, vents, temperature elements, and other basic instrumentation.

One full-containment, refrigerated LPG storage tank with a capacity of 100,000m3, a diameter of
approximately 80m and a height of 30m, will be provided to receive shipments of LPG into the facility.
This tank will be a full containment type with double-wall construction, with an inner wall being of low
temperature steel and the outer wall of reinforced concrete.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

In order to meet the heating value requirements of some LNG customers, it may be necessary to
increase the energy content of the LNG by adding LPG. The LPG required for this action will be
imported by sea, unloaded at the product loading facility and transferred to a second LPG storage
tank. This additional LPG tank will also be a full-containment type with a capacity of 28,000m3. LPG
from this tank will be routed though a treatment system and then to a cryogenic chiller system to the
super cooled LPG storage tank. The super cooled LPG is mixed with the LNG product. Vapour from
the LPG storage tank will be compressed and re-condensed during normal operations. Only during
emergency and upset conditions will these vapours be directed to the marine flare for disposal.

Both LPG storage tanks will be designed to meet requirements established in the relevant Australian
and international standards. Each LPG storage tank will be equipped with transfer pumps, level
gauges, level transmitters, relief valves, vents, temperature elements, and other basic instrumentation.

3.5.5 Marine facilities operation

Product loading
The ship loading facility at the Australia Pacific LNG complex will allow for the simultaneous loading of
two LNG ships ranging in capacity from 125,000m3 to 220,000m3 each.

The LNG product will be pumped from the LNG storage tanks to the jetty via a loading line, and
transferred to the ship via several loading arms. A vapour return arm will capture gas displaced from
the ship's tank, flashed gas including and vaporised gas from heat gain during ship loading, and return
this gas to the LNG tanks via a separate gas line.

The composite gas from the LNG tanks and from the ship loading system are compressed in boil-off
gas compressors as required and returned to the liquefaction section of the facility where it will be
re-liquefied. It is expected that during normal operation with all boil-off gas compressors in operation,
excess gas that may be produced during ship loading can be returned to the production process, and
obviate the need for disposal by flaring. However, depending on thermal condition of the ship upon
arrival (after dry dock maintenance or excessively warm) some discharging to the marine flare may be

LNG shipping
LNG will be transported by specially designed ships. At the LNG facility's nominal capacity of
approximately 18Mtpa, it is expected that a LNG vessel will arrive approximately every one to two
days for loading and export. Turnaround time for vessels will be approximately 24 hours, with a
product loading duration of approximately 14 hours.

The typical LNG tankers will have a minimum draught of 11.5m and are between 285 and 314m in
length with a carrying capacity of 125,000m3 to 165,000m3 of LNG. Figure 3.21 and Figure 3.22
provide examples of typical LNG tankers. The vessel in Figure 3.21 has an approximate length of 285
to 314m; the vessel in Figure 3.22 has an approximate length of 315m. However, it is possible that
LNG tankers with a capacity of up to 220,000m3 may also be used. These vessels have a draught of
up to 12m with a length of 315m.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.21 Typical spherical LNG carrier

Figure 3.22 Typical membrane tank LNG carrier

Ship access to the Laird Point LNG facility site will require deepening and extension of shipping
channels and in the Port of Gladstone and provision of swing basins. The impact assessment of this
development is included in the EIS for GPC's Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (refer to
Figure 3.12)

Australia Pacific LNG plans to use two tugs from the Fairway Buoy inward and four tugs in the vicinity
of Buoy G4 for assisting LNG (and LPG) vessels during transit and berthing in the Gladstone Port.
Tugs and associated facilities will be provided and managed by GPC. After an evaluation period, the
use of three 80 tonne bollard pull tugs from Buoy G4 inward will be considered.

LNG ships, as determined by the Regional Harbour Master, will use dedicated LNG anchorages
adjacent to the existing port anchorages. LPG ships will use the existing port anchorages. Australia
Pacific LNG has been working closely with GPC and the Regional Harbour Master on real-time

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Chapter 3: Project Description

navigation simulations and workshops in relation to safety of shipping resulting from the Project. This
has included determination of safe procedures, including number of tugs to be deployed and
navigational aids. Bunker oil will not be stored on the Laird Point site, but barges may be used for
bunkering of vessels and come under standard controls of GPC.

LPG shipping
LPG will be imported by ship and unloaded from one of the berths on the jetty used for LNG ships.
The other berth will be used for LNG loading only. The LPG ships are expected to have a capacity of
20,000m3 to 80,000m3 of LPG, similar to what is currently experienced in Gladstone Harbour. There is
one LPG loading arm. The expected number of LPG ship deliveries per year is about 40 (based on
80,000m3 ship capacity and four LNG trains operating).

3.5.6 Maintenance dredging

Maintenance dredging of shipping channels, turning basins and berths will be provided by GPC.
Plans for dredging and maintenance dredging material disposal and associated impacts and mitigation
are described in GPC's EIS for the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (GPC, 2009b).

3.5.7 Hours of operation

The facility will be operated 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year. The facility
may incur shutdowns on one or more of the production trains but will be continuously manned over the

3.5.8 Operational workforce

A workforce of approximately 100 is estimated to be required to operate the first 4.5Mtpa train of the
LNG facility, with a further 75 persons required for each additional train. At the nominal facility capacity
of approximately 18Mtpa the LNG facility will require an estimated operational workforce of 325
people. Additional personnel will be required during major maintenance activities.

The operational workforce will likely be split between two different rosters, either an eight hour day
shift, or a twelve hour rotating shift. As well as the core operational workforce, personnel will be
required to perform shutdowns of the LNG trains for maintenance. Major shutdowns are generally
scheduled every few years and will require an approximate workforce of 300 to 500 personnel,
depending on scope. Minor shutdowns may occur more frequently and will require an additional staff
of approximately 50 to 100 personnel.

Major and minor shutdown teams will work 12 hours shifts, operating 24 hours a day, seven days per
week. Project and recruitment information for potential operational workers will be available at the
Project's Gladstone Community Centre.

3.5.9 Safety systems

Emergency shut down, gas detectors and fire detection

Emergency shut down valves will be installed at the feed gas metering station and at critical points
within the process, product lines to the LNG storage tanks, lines to/from the LPG storage tanks, and
the vessel (un)loading lines.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Gas detectors and fire detection systems will be installed at key areas in the LNG facility. Signals from
the detection systems will activate systems that initiate protocols to activate the appropriate
emergency shut down valves and fire systems.

Firewater system
A self-sufficient, fire protection system is proposed to control or extinguish a fire within the LNG facility
site. The primary element of the fire protection system is the firewater system. Sufficient capacity is
available in the facility's firewater storage tank to provide water for fire fighting. This capacity provides
the ability to fight two sequential four hour design fires, as required by NFPA 59a. The tank's volume
and pumping capacity also allows for fighting two concurrent four hour fires on the jetty. Current
design includes two diesel firewater pumps and one electrical driven pump.

Firewater is pumped from the firewater tank through a ring-main distribution system to hydrants,
monitors, and hose stations at appropriate locations.

Chemical/foam system
The second element of the fire protection system is the dry chemical/foam fire truck which is equipped
with a 500kg of dry chemicals, 3,800L of foam, and the 3,000L of high expansion foam.

3.5.10 Security and safety zones

The LNG facility will have a number of security systems installed as part of the installation. Security
fencing around the cleared areas will be installed for the purposes of deterring unauthorised intrusion
into the LNG plant areas. The property boundary will also be fenced. Closed circuit television will also
be employed to allow for continuous monitoring of the perimeter fencing. Access to the facility will be
controlled via the marine access at the MOF and jetties. Access to the facility from the common
infrastructure corridor at the east boundary of the facility is anticipated.

The MOF will be designed and constructed with appropriate controls for AQIS and customs, including
an appropriate office. Cameras to monitor the wharf front will be installed to meet customs and
security requirements. Additionally, facilities will also be designed to meet the needs of the Gladstone
Police and other emergency services.

An exclusion zone of 250m from the ship's manifold adjacent to the loading platform will be enforced
at the LNG jetty. Vessels manoeuvring to and from an adjacent berth and associated craft will be
permitted to enter the exclusion zone subject to a set of procedures determined in consultation with
MSQ and GPC.

A preliminary risk assessment and a preliminary consequence assessment have been completed for
the Project (refer Volume 4 Chapter 22). These initial assessments demonstrate that offsite risk meets
the required criteria and also the consequence effects from worst-case scenarios should not affect the
adjacent infrastructure or operations. These assessments include assessment of safety risk for LNG
and LPG berthing and loading/offloading operations.

Safety and security operational requirements will be in force whilst an LNG or LPG vessel is moored at
the jetty. These requirements and procedures will include:

• All loading personnel have appropriate qualifications and certification

• During loading, a responsible officer will remain in the cargo control room

• During critical periods of loading, the Loading Master will be in the vessel's cargo control room

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Communication systems will include: a portable ultra high-frequency radio link, a very high
frequency link for standby tug(s), an emergency shut down transmitter, and a 'hotline' telephone
link between the vessel's cargo control room and terminal cargo control room for emergency
and priority use

• CCTV system installed on the loading platform

• Safety inspection checklist appropriately completed

• Adherence to fire protection control procedures, and with working order

• All fire fighting equipment to be maintained in good working order

• One tug on standby with emergency response equipment that meets fire fighting standards

• Main engine readiness is maintained

• Adherence to GPC's environmental procedures whilst moored

• Boil-off gas will not be vented to atmosphere under normal loading operations

• Pedestrian and vehicle access to the jetty is to be strictly controlled

• Non-Australia Pacific LNG vessel access will be prohibited at all times under and around the

LNG and LPG vessels will only be accepted to load if they have a valid international ship security
certificate and they have satisfactorily completed the ship security certificate list and the pre-arrival
questionnaire. Once the vessel is securely moored, the gangway will be positioned onto the vessel
strictly in accordance with terminal procedures.

3.5.11 Operational emissions and waste

LNG facilities are typically very low emission facilities compared to other industry located in the
Gladstone region. The processing of CSG into the LNG product will generate atmospheric emissions,
wastewater discharges, and waste (refer to Volume 4 Chapter 16).

Atmospheric emissions
Gaseous emissions are released by the facility during normal operating conditions and as a result of
start-up and emergency events.

No r ma l ope rat ing con d it ions

The production processes operate on a continual basis with static emission rates, and include the
following stationary emission sources:

• Gas turbines to drive refrigeration compressors

• Gas turbines for power generation

• Acid gas removal unit

• Hot oil heaters

• Nitrogen rejection unit

• Dry gas flare (pilot light operating)

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Wet gas flare (pilot light operating)

• Marine flare (pilot light operating).

An expected emissions inventory for normal facility operations is given in Table 3.9 .
Table 3.9 Point source emissions inventory

LNG 4.5Mtpa (1 train) 18Mtpa (4 trains)

production (t)1 (t)1

Emissions (t/per year)

PM10 56 215

SO2 1 2

NOX 860 3,440

CO 780 3090

CO2 1,337,000 5,112,000

N2O 30 100

CH4 3,1302 12,5402

VOCs 35 180

Greenhouse gas equivalent

t CO2e/year 1,412,000 5,408,000

Notes: Emissions from non-routine flaring are included
CH4 emissions do not consider oxidiser on the nitrogen removal unit

The total expected level of fugitive emissions (unintended loss of gas through processing and
transmission) has been estimated based on the proponent's experience at the Darwin LNG operation.

The estimates for each train are:

• Methane – 180 tonnes/year

• Propane – 190 tonnes/year

• Ethylene – 140 tonnes/year.

Facility start-ups and shutdowns are planned so that emissions are minimised.

No n- ro ut ine op era t ing co nd it ion s

Non-routine operations are those outside of the general operating parameters for the facility, and
which occur intermittently for a short duration. Emissions from these events will be variable and
intermittent. These emission sources include:

• Dry gas flare (maintenance or upset conditions)

• Wet gas flare (maintenance or upset conditions)

• Marine flare (maintenance or upset conditions).

Upset conditions could occur in the following situations:

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Operating pressure above normal operating range, which results in relief in a controlled manner
to the flare

• Emergency shutdown by LNG facility's safety instrumented system in response to an unplanned


• Loading of a warm LNG ship, resulting in large rate of boil-off of LNG which is returned to the
LNG facility for liquefaction but in excess of capacity.

The regular program of maintenance shutdowns for the LNG facility includes major maintenance
campaigns undertaken on each LNG train approximately every three years. These are planned
events. Unplanned shutdowns would be extremely rare.

Wastewater discharges
The LNG facility operations will generate the following wastewater disposal streams:

• Stormwater

• Sewage effluent produced by the sewage treatment plant

• Brine from the seawater desalination plant

• Potentially contaminated wastewater from the facility process areas.

C le an s t o rmw ater

Stormwater is generally not considered a waste unless it becomes contaminated in a construction or

process area. As such, stormwater will be diverted around the LNG facility's footprint to reduce the
quantity of stormwater entering the site.

Clean stormwater will be collected from sections of the LNG facility that has limited potential for
contaminating this runoff. This stormwater will be directed by surface drains to hydrotest pond prior to
harvesting for use in the LNG facility for irrigation and dust suppression purposes and/or for ocean
disposal during wet weather.

S ew age tre at me nt p la nt ef f luen t

The sewage treatment plant will be an extended aeration, biological treatment plant designed to treat
the wastewater to applicable standards for use for site irrigation purposes and/or for discharged into
Port Curtis. It is anticipated that during steady state LNG production (four trains), effluent disposal will
be at an average rate of 3.5m3/hour and up to a maximum rate of 15m3/ hour. Indicative effluent
characteristics from the sewage treatment plant are detailed in Table 3.10. Treated sewage effluent
will be stored in a tank for dechlorination purposes prior to being used for irrigation purposes or
discharged to Port Curtis. If it is discharged it is likely that treated sewage effluent will be discharged
with the desalination plant brine.

Table 3.10 Indicative treated sewage effluent characteristics

Parameter Concentration

pH 6.5 - 7.5

5 day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) 10 - 20 mg/L

Oil 5 - 10 mg/L

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Parameter Concentration

Total nitrogen < 4 mg/L as N

Total Kjeldahl nitrogen 1 - 4 mg/L

Ammonia nitrogen 1 - 4 mg/L

Total phosphorus <1 mg/L

Chlorine 1 - 2 mg/L

Total dissolved solids (TDS) 250 mg/L

B r ine d is po sa l

The brine will be piped and discharged into Port Curtis at a location sufficiently far offshore to prevent
the formation of stagnant hypersaline areas in harbour waters. The distance between the discharge
point and the location of the seawater intake is also an important consideration in the selection of
discharge location. For the EIS studies, it has been assumed that the desalination plant brine is
discharged from the MOF. Alternative locations under consideration in the FEED phase of the Project
include the ends of the jetty. It is anticipated that during steady state LNG production (four trains),
brine disposal will be at an average rate of 96m3/hour and likely up to 116m3/hour. The indicative
characteristics of the brine are detailed in Table 3.11.

Table 3.11 Indicative brine characteristics, desalination plant

Parameter Concentration

pH 6–8

TDS 50,000 – 60,000 mg/L

Calcium 600 – 750 mg/L

Magnesium 2,000 – 2,500 mg/L

Potassium 600 – 800 mg/L

Sodium 19,000 – 22,000 mg/L

Chloride 30,000 – 33,000 mg/L

Fluoride 1.5 – 3 mg/L

Sulphate 4,000 – 6,000 mg/L

Strontium 15 – 25 mg/L

Total suspended solids (TSS), average <15 mg/L

TSS, maximum 40 mg/L

Chlorine <1 mg/L

Anti-scalant 8 mg/L

Flocculent 5 mg/L

Polymer 1 mg/L

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Parameter Concentration

Silica oxide 1 – 2 mg/L

BOD5 5 – 10 mg/L

Pot ent ia lly c o n ta min ate d w ast ew ater

An integral part of the LNG facility is a dedicated system to collect and treat process and oily
wastewater, including oily water from the compressors and various hydrocarbon leaks, and potentially
contaminated stormwater prior to reuse or discharge. Such wastewater will be treated by passage
through an oil and water separator (corrugated plate interceptor), a dissolved air flotation unit and an
effluent filter.

The oily wastewater will be pre-treated in a hydrocarbon sump drum where vapours and condensate
will be separated. The condensate will be pumped to the oil and water separator for retrieval of free
oil, and the vapours will be sent to the wet gas flare for disposal. The separator produces three waste
streams – sludge, treated effluent, and waste oil. The sludge will be temporarily stored in a sludge
holding tank pending periodical transport by a licensed contractor for disposal at a licensed waste
management facility. Waste oil will also be stored and transported off-site for recycling.

The treated effluent from the oil and water separator will be sent to the dissolved air flotation unit and
effluent filter to remove any remaining oil. It will be stored onsite in a tank with treated sewage effluent
and is likely to be discharged to Port Curtis with the desalination plant brine if not used for onsite
irrigation purposes. The indicative characteristics of the treated effluent are detailed in Table 3.12.

Table 3.12 Indicative treated effluent characteristics

Parameter Concentration

pH 6-7

BOD5 15 - 30 mg/L

Oil 5 - 15 mg/L

TSS 10 – 30 mg/L*

TDS 250 - 350 mg/L*

*Note: quality characteristics are influenced by the water quality of the process water used

It is anticipated that during steady state LNG production (four trains), this stream will flow at an
average rate of 25 m3/hour and to 100 m3/hour.

Solid and semi-liquid wastes

The wastes generated by the operation of the facility will be:

• Non-hazardous wastes including waste lubricating oils, sewage treatment plant sludge,
molecular sieve waste, oily sludge from the corrugated plate interceptor, float from the dissolved
air flotation unit, cellulose and general garbage

• Hazardous waste such as spent solvents, oily filters and rags, process filters and batteries.

Table 3.13 outlines the anticipated LNG facility solid water generation in tonnes per year.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Table 3.13 Anticipated LNG facility solid and semi-solid waste generation

Waste product Waste source Quantity (t/year)

Waste lubricating oils Plant area 220

Spent oils Plant area 4

Cellulose Plant area 3

Biological sludge (dry basis) Sewage treatment plant 15

Oily sludge/float Corrugated plate interceptor/dissolved air floatation unit 28

Spent solvents Plant area 0.4

Ceramic balls* Dehydration 16

Molecular sieve waste* Dehydration 350

Activated carbon (Amine filter)* Acid gas removal 80

General wastes Plant area 320

Waste oil from slop oil tank Plant area 140m3/year

Mercury adsorbent** Mercury removal unit 100

Cartridge filters Plant area 12

* Adsorbent bed life is expected to be the facility design life.

Waste materials generated during the construction and operational phases that can not be reused
onsite will be collected in mobile garbage units or appropriately sized roll-on roll-off bins with proper
waste identification, colour and labels in a designated staging area, and transported by a licensed
contractor for reuse, recycling or disposal at licensed waste management facilities on the mainland.
Pre-processing such as compaction onsite will be considered during detailed planning with the waste

3.5.12 Summary of key environmental design features

The following is a summary of the key environmental design features incorporated in the design of the
facility to avoid or minimise potential environmental impact.

Liquid waste minimisation

The LNG facility will use a variety of technologies and practices to control and minimise liquid wastes.
These measures will include the:

• Segregation of waste water streams and their treatment (contaminated stormwater, sanitary
wastewater, clean stormwater)

• Reuse of treated sewage effluent and treated stormwater for potential onsite irrigation

• Use of the facility's inlet air chilling system to generate fresh water thereby reducing the need to
obtain water from the desalination plant

• Use of air cooling in place of water cooling; this will lessen site water demand for demineralised
water and will avoid the discharge of blowdown water

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Use of a waste heat recovery system using heat transfer oil in place of water to avoid the need
to dispose of boiler blowdown and to produce demineralised water

• Use of dry gas seals rather than water cooling to avoid potential water blowdown and thermal
discharges impacts

• Use of secondary containment structures for diesel tanks.

Solid waste minimisation

The LNG facility will use of a variety of technologies and practices to control, minimise, and reuse solid
wastes during construction and operation. These measures will include the:

• Implementation of waste management practices through the supply chain that will minimise the
generation of solid wastes and recycle as much as practicable at source

• disposal of inert wastes to an approved landfill on the mainland

• Reuse of cleared site vegetation as a mulch to aid site landscaping following site earthworks

• Air-drying of solvent-based wastes (waste paint, paint thinner, adhesives, etc.) prior to disposal.

Air emissions minimisation

The LNG facility will make use of a variety of technologies and practices to control and minimise
gaseous wastes. These measures will include the:

• Use of CSG as the fuel source where practicable, in preference to liquid or solid fuels

• Use of power generators equipped with dry low NOx technology, and aero-derivative gas turbine
drivers equipped with dry low emission (DLE) technology

• Use of waste heat recovery to supply process heat

• Capture and re-liquefaction of excess gas generated during ship loading in the ING process
rather than being flared. Which will reduce emissions resulting from the burning of this gas
stream, whilst preserving CSG resources

• Use of closed-loop sampling systems to minimise fugitive emissions.

Noise emissions minimisation

The LNG facility will use a variety of proven technologies and practicable mitigations to control and
minimise noise emissions. These mitigations may include the following pending on the overall noise
design limit:

• Low noise equipment

• Acoustic enclosures for gas turbines

• Acoustic enclosures for gas turbine generators

• Exhaust silencers for gas turbine exhausts

• Acoustic insulation

• Acoustic blankets

• Noise hoods for gearboxes.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Required sound power levels, such as 99dBA for the air coolers, will be included in specifications for

3.6 Associated infrastructure

3.6.1 Workforce accommodation

Housing in the Gladstone area will be required to cater for the initial accommodation needs of the
construction workforce up until the proposed TAF on Curtis Island is available for occupation. It is
estimated 200 to 400 non-local workers will need accommodation on the mainland during this initial
construction stage of approximately 12 months while the TAF is being constructed. For the main
construction phase, the non-local workforce will be accommodated in an 1,800 bed TAF on Curtis
Island. This TAF will accommodate single status male and female workers only. It is anticipated that
facilities and buildings at the facility will include:

• Office, reception, and training centre

• One person accommodation units

• Commercial kitchen and dining

• Laundry

• Recreational facilities – lounge, TV rooms, games room, fitness centre, basketball/volleyball

courts, tennis courts, squash courts

• Small shop

• Jogging circuit

• Medical clinic

• Warehouse and maintenance shop

• Guard house.

Figure 3.23 illustrates the proposed layout of the TAF.

The operational workforce is expected to comprise a mixture of single and married persons. Such a
workforce will require a range of accommodation types to satisfy their individual needs. It is expected
there will be sufficient housing stock available in the local Gladstone and district market to cater for the
housing needs of this permanent workforce.

In view of this expectation, no dedicated accommodation facilities for operational personnel will be
provided as part of the Project either on Curtis Island or in the Gladstone area. During major
shutdowns, the additional maintenance personnel required will be accommodated on the mainland.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.23 Indicative temporary accommodation facility conceptual layout

3.6.2 Transport

Construction phase
The MOF will enable all construction materials and personnel to be transported to the site by sea. A
materials staging area on the mainland side of the harbour at Gladstone will be established to facilitate
the loading of barges and ferries.

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Chapter 3: Project Description

It is expected materials will be transported to the Gladstone area by truck and rail from in-country
suppliers and subsequently delivered by barge to the project site. All offshore equipment modules,
fabricated offshore Australia or elsewhere within Australia, will be shipped directly to site via the MOF
where possible. It is expected that there will be approximately 60 modules for each LNG train.

It is also expected that construction of the LNG facility will involve the fabrication of a proportion of
process modules overseas or elsewhere in Australia and their transportation directly to the project site
by sea.

The transport of heavy loads of construction equipment and consumables to the site will be
undertaken by barge. It is estimated that in the order of 15 to 20 barges per day will be required over a
period of 48 months during construction of trains 1 and 2 and a similar time for construction of trains 3
and 4.

A quarantine facility will be provided at the site near the MOF. For modules constructed overseas,
inspection by AQIS may initially occur in the module yard before import to Australia. AQIS inspections
post-shipment can occur on Curtis Island for direct deliveries.

Transportation of the workforce from Gladstone to Curtis Island will be by ferry and occasionally by
helicopter. It is estimated that there will be two ferry trips using a barge with a 400 person capacity in
the morning and two ferry trips in the afternoon.

The expected average movement of vessels expected during the construction phase is as follows:

• Large deck barges with coarse aggregate: six per month

• Typical deck barges with sand: two per month

• Bulk cement vessels: two per month

• Roll on/roll off ships: two and half per month

• Jetty tenders: daily round trips from wharf to jetty with piling and beams

• Jetty tenders: daily round trips with armour rock, modules, topsides commodities

• Jetty multicast: pushing tenders and running personnel daily

• Crew boats and food supplies for TAF: one every two days

• Patrol boats: three daily

• Pilot boats: as required

• Diesel fuel barges: four per month

• Subcontractors deliveries: four per month

• Passenger ferries, two trips in the morning and evening with potential evening trips from Curtis
Island for TAF residents.

Operational phase transport

Transportation of the operational workforce from Gladstone to Curtis Island will be by ferry. It is
estimated there will be two ferry trips per day for the hourly operations workforce and two per day for
the dayshift staff.

The expected average movement of vessels expected during the operations phase is as follows:

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Chapter 3: Project Description

• Crew boats and food supplies for operations: one per every two days

• Patrol boats: three daily

• Pilot boats: as required to accommodate LNG vessel movements

• Diesel fuel barges: one per quarter

• Sub-contractor deliveries – four per month.

During major maintenance shutdowns, additional ferry and barge movements may be required for
personnel and equipment. The impacts and management of transport for the construction and
operation of the LNG facility element of the Project are detailed in Volume 4 Chapter 17.

3.6.3 Water supply, storage and management

Construction phase water demand and sources

Australia Pacific LNG will be as self-sufficient as practicable for all construction water requirements.
For the very early part of the construction phase, clean treated water will be brought to the site from
Gladstone in tanks on barges. Potable water for drinking will comprise packaged water purchased in

It is proposed to replace the import of treated water to the site as soon as is practicable. As a first
step, it is intended to capture surface water runoff water in impounding ponds established as part of
the temporary site drainage system. This water will be used for dust control, firewater and for
hydrotest purposes.

As the amount of water able to be supplied from this source will be variable and due to potable water
demand, it is also proposed to install a plant to desalinate seawater to provide a reliable supply of
treated water.

Freshwater will be used for integrity testing (hydrotesting) of the LNG storage tanks and pipelines, and
the flushing of other facility components. The large volume of water required to hydrotest the LNG
storage tanks will be required during the commissioning phase at the end of the construction phase.
Hydrotest water will be supplied from stormwater in impounding ponds. Desalinated water will be
used to supplement as required. Table 3.14 and Figure 3.24 outline the expected demand for water
during the construction phase.

Table 3.14 Estimated construction phase water demand (two trains)

Demand Quantity

LNG facility concrete work 31,500m3

Site preparation/dust control 6,000m3

Potable water 433,000m3

Hydrotest water (equivalent to 1 LNG storage tank) 160,000m3

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

25,000 Hydrotes t Wa ter to Stora ge

Concrete Ba tch Pl a nt Us a ge
Workforce a nd Other Us a ge
Cubic Metres




1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46

Figure 3.24 Monthly cumulative fresh water requirements

Operational phase water demand and sources

Australia Pacific LNG will be as self-sufficient as practicable for all operational water requirements.
Desalination of seawater to produce process and potable water will be used to supplement captured
stormwater. Stormwater collected in impounding ponds will be stored and used on the site if the
quality is suitable for reuse.

The demand for water is primarily driven by the continuous demand for demineralised water required
for amine makeup. Utility water and potable water demand are intermittent and generally lower
volume rates.

The design demand for the LNG facility during operations is estimated to be about 1,550m3/day
(four trains) of freshwater. This is equivalent to approximately 3,870m3/day of seawater intake.
Projected water demands for the facility are presented in Table 3.15. Note that this includes an
allowance of 20% for demand not currently specified in the facility design.

Table 3.15 Estimated operational water demand

Use Four train facility (m3/hr)

Treated water demand 1.6

Potable water demand 13.3

Laboratory usage 2.4

Clinical usage 2.0

Demineralised water 26.7

Safety showers 6.0

Firewater flush demand 1.6

Total water demand 53.6

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Use Four train facility (m3/hr)

20% margin 10.7

Expected freshwater demand 64.5

Total seawater intake to the facility 160.8

There are no suitable surface or groundwater sources in reasonable proximity to the site which could
be used as a permanent water source for the Project. The volume of water likely to be available from
groundwater sources is insufficient to meet project needs and of a quality that is not suitable without
treatment. Surface water runoff has the potential to provide sufficient water but only for part of the

In view of the above situation, a seawater desalination plant was selected as the primary water source
for the Project, with supplementary water provided through the capture of site runoff. The LNG facility
water system flow chart is outlined in Figure 3.25.

Figure 3.25 Facility water system

Seawater desalination plant

During operations, a permanent, onshore seawater desalination plant will be located within the LNG
facility site to provide potable water, fire/utility water, and demineralised water. Australia Pacific LNG is
also considering an alternative source of water via a pipeline from the mainland with fresh water
supplied by the Gladstone Area Water Board. This alternative to seawater desalination would need
collaborative support from other project proponents on Curtis Island and would need to be installed
with the gas pipelines from the mainland to Curtis Island to be practicable.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

The treatment process initially involves the removal of debris and other solids for the seawater. This
intake water is then passed through a filter package to remove suspended solids and turbidity.
Sulphuric acid, ferric chloride, polymer, sodium bisulphite and scale inhibitors are added to the water
as part of this filtration process.

The desalination plant is expected to use a two-stage reverse osmosis system to desalinate the
filtered water stream. The water stream will be passed through the first train of the desalination plant
to produce water of a quality suitable for potable water and fire/utility water uses. In addition, part of
this water stream will be passed through the second train of the desalination plant to produce
demineralised water for specific applications in the LNG facility. A typical flow chart of the process is
depicted in Figure 3.26.

Figure 3.26 Proposed seawater desalination plant system

Service water system

The service water system will provide water for the LNG facility's demineralised water and potable
water systems. The system will consist of a 5,000m3 freshwater tank, pumps, a potable water
treatment plant, and make-up water pre-treatment for the demineralised water system.

Service water will be treated to Queensland potable standards in a plant with sufficient capacity to
meet operations requirements. The potable water system will consist of a storage tank, filter system,

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

hypochlorite injection set to provide free residual chlorine, and transfer pumps. Treated water will be
dosed with salts to provide taste if necessary and stored in a buffer tank prior to distribution.

Service water will also be treated in a demineralisation plant to produce demineralised water.
Demineralised water will be used to wash the blades of the gas turbines and to provide make-up water
and wash water for the acid gas removal unit.

The effluents generated by the service water system components will be treated prior to release into
Port Curtis in accordance with discharge criteria established in the relevant environmental permits. A
discussion of the brine waste stream water volume and quality, dispersion modelling and assessment
of impact of this discharge on the marine environment, is provided in Volume 4 Chapter 10 and
Volume 4 Chapter 12.

Site water balance

The site water balance is shown diagrammatically in Figure 3.27. Water produced through
desalination of seawater will supplement stormwater captured in impounding ponds. Water condensed
from the inlet air propane chilling process will also be used to reduce the volume of desalinated water

Treated oily process water will be directed to a holding tank with treated sewage effluent and will be
used as irrigation water to the extent possible with any excess likely to be discharged with the
desalination plant brine.

Water conservation and management measures

The Project includes the use of a variety of means to minimise water consumption. Examples include:

• Using treated sewage effluent and treated stormwater for onsite irrigation to the extent possible

• Using inlet air chilling system to generate fresh water for reducing use of seawater desalination

• Using storm water ponds for the supply of hydrotest water for the LNG tanks and pipes to
minimise use of seawater desalination system

• A waste-heat-recovery system using heat transfer oil will be used instead of steam because it
will avoid potential water quality impacts associated with generation of boiler blowdown and the
increased demand for ultra pure fresh water to generate steam

• Air-cooling will be used rather than water cooling to avoid potential water blowdown and thermal
discharge impacts.

Further optimisation of water production and use, including opportunities for water recycling and
reuse, will be pursued during the detailed design phase for this facility.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

Figure 3.27 Site water balance

3.6.4 Stormwater drainage

Construction phase
As part of the initial clearing of the site, combinations of silt fences, check dams, hay bales, and other
means will be installed to reduce site erosion and sedimentation. The temporary stormwater drainage
system will direct all runoff to sedimentation ponds. Outfall structures will enable high flows
encountered during major storm events to be managed by discharging to Port Curtis after an initial 10
minute diversion.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

The sedimentation ponds will impound most stormwater. The main sedimentation pond will be used to
store stormwater to enable its use for dust control, firewater and/or hydrotesting.

Operational phase
The LNG facility's operational phase drainage system will consist of two components – a clean water
system and a contaminated stormwater collection system. The function of the system will be to divert
clean water away from process areas and to contain and manage potentially contaminated water to
minimise potential water quality impacts on the waters of Port Curtis. Potential stormwater impacts and
management are discussed in Volume 4 Chapter 11.

C le an s t o rmw ater s ys t e m

The clean water system will collect stormwater runoff from the parts of the project site that will not
potentially give rise to contaminated stormwater. This stormwater stream will be directed by surface
drains to settling ponds prior to harvesting for use in the facility where the quality is suitable for reuse.

Co nta minat ed st or mw ater s ys t e m

Potentially contaminated stormwater runoff from the process areas will be collected and routed via
concrete lined ditches to the process area oil skimmer. The skimmed oil/water will be directed to the
corrugated plate interceptor oil/water separator for treatment. The skimmer sump will be designed to
contain a ten minute refrigerant leak from the process area.

Waste water from the skimmer tank will be pumped to a 'first flush' retention pond. Retained water will
be tested to determine its suitability for discharge, prior to reuse for irrigation purposes and/or
discharge to Port Curtis. If the stormwater flow exceeds the pump capacity, the water in the sump will
underflow the oil/water separation baffle and then overflow into the effluent channel to the sea.

3.6.5 Sewage treatment

Construction phase
Prior to the TAF becoming operational, sewage streams will be handled by transporting sewage
effluent back to the mainland by barge for disposal via Gladstone's existing wastewater infrastructure.

The TAF and site sewage will be treated using a temporary package treatment plant with a capacity of
approximately 70m3/hr. The sanitary treatment plant will be an extended aeration biological treatment
plant designed to treat the sanitary wastewater to applicable standards suitable for reuse as irrigation
water when possible and for direct discharge to ocean outfall. It will have the capacity to handle a
maximum inlet flow of up to 70m3/hr. It will be equipped with the following units:

• Aeration chamber

• Clarifier

• Aerobic sludge digester tank

• Chlorine tablet feeder

• Chlorine contact tank.

Influent to the aeration tank flows through a screen for removal of debris. The aeration tank will have
capacity to provide a retention time of 24 hours for biodegradation of the organic contaminants to be
achieved. Effluent from the aeration tank gravity will flow to the clarifier, where, flocculation and

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

settling of biological solids is achieved. The bio-solids settled at the bottom of the clarifier are recycled
back to the aeration chamber at a controlled rate by means of an air lift pump. The recycled sludge in
the aeration tank helps to maintain the required concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids
(MLSS) in the aeration tank. In order to maintain the desired sludge age in the treatment system, it is
necessary to periodically remove bio-solids in the form of sludge. A side stream from the sludge
recycle line will be routed to the aerobic sludge digester.

The clarified water flows by gravity from the clarifier to a chlorine contact tank. Treated sewage
effluent will be used for irrigation or otherwise discharged to Port Curtis.

The bio-sludge from the clarifier will be periodically transferred to the aerobic digester. The digester
aerobically digests the sludge and reduces the amount of solids for final disposal. It is operated in a
batch mode and will be used to provide sludge thickening. Supernatant liquid from the digester will be
pumped back to the surge tank using an airlift pump. Aeration blowers provide the necessary air to the
pump and diffusers in the digester. The digested sludge will be periodically removed using a vacuum
truck and disposed of off-site. Further details can be found in Volume 4 Chapter 16.

Operational phase
Domestic sewage will be collected from a variety of locations on the project site and sent to the
sewage treatment plant for treatment. The detailed design of the sewage collection system and
treatment plant will be undertaken during FEED phase of the Project.

The sewage treatment plant is proposed to be an extended aeration, biological treatment plant
designed to treat the wastewater to applicable standards for ocean disposal and/or use for site
irrigation purposes. It will have the capacity to discharge treated effluent at an average rate of
approximately 84m3/day. It will be equipped with the following units:

• Bar screens

• Equalisation chamber

• Aeration chamber

• Clarifier

• Aerobic sludge digester tank

• Chlorine contact chamber.

The treatment process will involve the following steps. Effluent collected from around the site will
firstly enter the aeration tank where the biodegradation of the organic contaminants takes place.
Effluent from the aeration tank will then flow to the clarifier, where, flocculation and settling of
biological solids is achieved. The bio-solids settled at the bottom of the clarifier will then be recycled
back to the aeration tank to help maintain the required concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids
in the aeration tank. In order to maintain the desired sludge age in the treatment system, bio-solids
will be periodically removed in the form of sludge. A side stream from the sludge recycle line will be
routed to the aerobic sludge digester.

The clarified water from the clarifier will be sent to the chlorine contact tank for bacteriological
disinfection, prior to tank storage before reuse for site irrigation or disposal via a diffuser outfall in Port

The bio-sludge from the clarifier will be periodically transferred to the aerobic digester. The digester
aerobically digests the sludge and reduces the amount of solids for final disposal. Supernatant liquid

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

from the digester is pumped back to the aeration tank. The digested sludge will be transported by a
licensed contractor for disposal at a licensed waste management facility off-site.

3.6.6 Liquid wastes control and minimisation

The Project includes the use of a variety of technologies to control liquid wastes emitted during the
LNG production and loading processes. These technologies were selected because other alternatives
were deemed not practicable and include the following:

• Wastewater streams, potentially contaminated stormwater, sanitary wastewater and clean storm
water streams will be segregated (as opposed to combining all water streams and providing
treatment before disposal)

• Using treated wastewater for onsite irrigation to the extent possible will reduce the quantity of
discharges to the holding/evaporation ponds or discharge to the harbour

• Using inlet air chilling system to generate fresh water for reducing use of seawater desalination

• Using storm water ponds for the supply of hydrotest water for the LNG tanks and pipes to
minimise use of seawater desalination system

• Use of previously proven treatment technologies that are cost effective and should prevent
significant adverse water quality or other environmental impacts

• A waste-heat-recovery system using heat transfer oil will be used instead of steam because it
will avoid potential water quality impacts associated with generation of boiler blowdown and the
increased demand for ultra pure fresh water to generate steam

• Air-cooling will be used rather than water cooling to avoid potential water blowdown and thermal
discharge impacts

• Dry gas seals will be used rather than liquid gas seals where practicable to minimise liquid
waste generated by leaks

• Secondary containments will be provided for diesel tanks and firewater pumps amine storage
and the like.

All installed drainage control facilities will be sized to handle the anticipated design rainfall and runoff
quantities from the disturbed catchment areas. Additionally sediment and erosion control devices will
be implemented and maintained such as stone-check dams, silt fences, sedimentation basins and
intercept ditches (refer Volume 4 Chapter 5).

3.6.7 Pow er generation

Electrical power

C o nst ru ct io n p ha se

Approximately 10MW of construction power will be required. This power will be generated using
diesel generators. In addition, the 10MW generation system will be supported by adequate backup
power to ensure critical activities and electronic equipment continue to be powered should a blackout
of the main system occur. Diesel is likely to be transported to the site by barge and will be stored
onsite in accordance with the relevant Australian standards for the storage of combustible materials.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

O pe rat iona l ph ase

The LNG facility will utilise CSG for power generation in order to be self-sufficient in power
requirements. Electrical power will be generated onsite to supply electricity for LNG processing and
the common utility and off-facility areas.

Power for the four train facility will be provided by 13 Solar Titan 130 gas turbine generator sets for the
four LNG trains. The number and manufacturer of the generators are preliminary and will be finalised
during the FEED phase of the Project. However, Australia Pacific LNG is still optimising the turbine
configuration including the potential use of 14 turbines. The Solar Titan 130 generators are ISO rated
at 15MW each. Power generators will be equipped with dry low NOx technology and aero-derivative
turbine drivers equipped with DLE technology.

Low sulphur, diesel powered, generators with dedicated battery systems will be provided an
uninterruptible power supply and emergency backup power system. Diesel will be stored onsite in
accordance with the relevant Australian Standards for the storage of combustible liquids.

Energy conservation measures

The proposed Project includes the use of a variety of technologies to control gaseous emissions
during the LNG production and loading processes. These technologies were selected because other
alternatives were deemed not practicable. Examples of the technologies that were evaluated and
selected include the following:

• CSG will be used as the primary source of fuel for most operating equipment rather than liquid
or solid fuels

• Use of energy efficient gas turbines (efficiency approximately 40%)

• Waste heat recovery to supply heat to the hot oil system and the dehydration system
regeneration gas is recommended on two of the refrigeration gas turbines

• Excess gas generated during ship loading will be recovered rather than flared to minimise
emissions (Note: flaring may be required if a warm ships comes to the facility)

• Acid gas will be vented to atmosphere rather than being incinerated (oxidised) since the feed
gas does not contain any sulfur compounds or air toxics.

3.6.8 Telecommunications

Construction phase
There is no communications infrastructure presently available at the LNG facility site. A complete
high-speed microwave communications system back to the mainland will be required for both
telecommunications and data transfers to service the construction activities. Synergies with other
projects on Curtis Island will be investigated.

Operational phase
External telecommunications needs for the operational phase, including voice and data transmission,
will be provided by private, point-to-point microwave and cellular-based systems. Additional systems
will be installed for localised and internal site communications such as very high frequency ship-to-
shore radios and ultra high frequency land mobile radios. The ultra high frequency service will be
provided for facility operational use, and the very high frequency service will be provided for carrier,
tanker, tug and supply boat communications.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

A tower at the LNG facility will provide a microwave link between the LNG facility and a service
provider in Gladstone. The tower will support all local RF-based services.

Alternative communication systems including installing cables in the infrastructure corridor between
the mainland and Curtis Island during pipeline construction are being considered.

The telecommunications system will conform to current regulatory standards.

3.6.9 Buildings
The following buildings to be required onsite for the operation of the LNG facility:

• Operations control room

• Administration offices

• Maintenance building

• Laboratory

• Compressor control building

• Warehouses and storage buildings

• Guard house and ferry embarkation building

• Electrical substations

• Fire and medical buildings

• AQIS office and customs office.

3.6.10 Materials storage and handing

Materials required for the construction of the LNG facility will be stored handled and disposed of in
accordance with relevant Australian Standards and guidelines. Materials include, diesel fuel, paints,
solvents, chemicals. Refer to Volume 4, Chapter 16 for further details.

Materials required for processing of CSG to LNG will be stored, handled and disposed of in
accordance with relevant Australian Standards and guidelines. Materials include: diesel fuel, propane,
ethylene, concentrated N-methyl-diethanolamine (MDEA), antifoam, activated carbon, adsorbent,
water treatment chemicals and oils. Refer to Volume 4, Chapter 22 and Chapter 16 for further details.

3.7 Decommissioning
It is expected that individual items of equipment and the LNG facility as a whole will be
decommissioned when its operation is no longer economically viable.

Facility decommissioning activities will be carried out in accordance with a decommissioning plan and
will comply with regulatory requirements that are in force at the time of decommissioning and good
industry practice. The overall aim of the decommissioning plan will be to ensure that the site does not
pose an ongoing risk to public safety or the quality of the environment and fulfils community
expectations. The decommissioning plan will be prepared for the facility before decommissioning
work starts, in consultation with regulatory authorities and relevant stakeholders.

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Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

In preparing the decommissioning plan, Australia Pacific LNG will aim to demonstrate how it will
reduce as far as practicable the amount of waste requiring disposal. This will include consideration of
reuse and recycling alternatives where feasible, such as:

• Removal for use by another operator

• Removal for sale to a third party

• Leaving in place facilities or infrastructure of benefit to the community.

Australia Pacific LNG will consult with relevant regulatory authorities in relation to proposals for
facilities or infrastructure to be left in place. It is anticipated that this will include the causeway for the
MOF and the beginning of the LNG jetty, as it is predicted that:

• The local benthic habitat and the associated flora and fauna will have adapted to its presence
over the 30-year operational life of the Project

• The removal of these facilities would result in a greater environmental disturbance than leaving
them in place

• The causeway will be of value to the local community.

It is anticipated that the section of the LNG jetty that continues past the causeway and is mounted on
subsea piles will be dismantled, the piles cut off at the mud-line and the debris removed for disposal
on land. The dredged access channel to the MOF will not be refilled as the resulting environmental
impact would be greater than leaving the channel to reach a natural equilibrium. The same is true for
any areas where maintenance dredging is required during operations, although this is not expected to
be necessary. At the MOF, this equilibrium will most likely be reached well before decommissioning.

It is anticipated that the TAF will be decommissioned at the completion of construction of the fourth
LNG train. Decommissioning of this facility will be undertaken in accordance with the decommissioning

In some instances, certain infrastructure or improvements may also be purchased by the State under
agreements between Australia Pacific LNG and the State.

The decommissioning plan will provide for the procedure to be followed for the removal or making safe
of plant, equipment, structures and buildings. Where necessary, this will involve depressurising,
purging and flushing of hydrocarbons to ensure that the removal process does not result in adverse
hydrocarbon releases.

The hydrocarbon product to be processed will be predominantly gaseous; therefore, soil

contamination is not expected to be an issue. However, the decommissioning plan will provide for a
soil contamination survey to be conducted to determine if there has been any inadvertent
contamination (e.g. diesel fuel). If any contamination is discovered, a soil remediation program will be
developed and implemented consistent with regulatory requirements and good industry practice at the
time of decommissioning.

Where rehabilitation is required, measures and associated monitoring such as those described below
are expected to be included within the decommissioning plan:

• Revegetate land to its former vegetation community using native species recorded in that
community during preconstruction field surveys

• Species to be sourced locally to promote endemic and local provenance

• Undertake active weed management and control until vegetation becomes established.

Australia Pacific LNG Project EIS Page 73 March 2010

Volume 4: LNG Facility
Chapter 3: Project Description

GPC, 2009a. Gladstone Ports Corporation Fisherman's Landing Northern Expansion Project EIS.
GHD, July 2009.

GPC, 2009b. Gladstone Ports Corporation Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project. GHD,
November 2009.

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