Spam Alert PDF

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P.O. Box 11364,
TO: ALL STAFF 3rd Floor, Airtel House,
Ali Hassan Mwinyi/Kawawa Roads
Dar es Salaam.

FROM: DBS Tel: +255 22 2926001-6

Fax: +255 22 2926011

E-Mail: [email protected]
DATE: 26th July 2019



Kindly refer to the subject mentioned above.

There has been a number of SPAM emails sent to our inboxes of recently. A spam email
is a single message which contains advertisements and is sent to a variety of recipients
who never agreed to receive such messages. The most common methods spammers use
to build up their email lists include: purchasing lists of addresses, tricking users into
handing over their information through fake contests and false freebie offers, or using
email-harvesting programs to extract addresses from websites.

A typical spam email consists of;

• Email messages you did not ask for that are from senders you don't know.
• Unsolicited commercial email messages sent in bulk, often to a purchased (or
stolen) mailing list that contains your address.
• Counterfeit messages that look like they were sent by reliable sources that attempt
to trick you into supplying your personal information.
• Misleading messages from people you know whose email accounts have been

TANROADS is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania, established
underthe Executive Agencies Act, 1997
TANROADS will never send emails asking for users password, upgrades or login

information. TANROADS email users should beware of emails that ask for personal or

login information. Spammers and phishers do not typically target particular people but

instead send generic “customer” messages to a large number of individuals with the goal

of compromising a few accounts, access information that is personal, professional, or

financial. If you have received or will ever receive a message that matches or looks

similar to one listed below, please take caution by ignore or blacklist the email

sender (right click the email and blacklist) or report to ICT Helpdesk Support.

While we are taking all the necessary steps to prevent spam emails, please observe the

1. DO NOT open emails whose senders are unknown or suspicious.

2. DO NOT click on any link that has been sent to you in your email that you do not
know of.
3. DO NOT download and open unknown mail attachments.
4. In case you receive such email or opening suspicious attachment or installation of
suspicious application has happened, report immediately to ICT Helpdesk Support
(Ext. 271) or [email protected]

TANROADS is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania, established
underthe Executive Agencies Act, 1997

1. Your account ([email protected].) will be disabled

Dear valued user,

Your email account <[email protected]> has not been registered
in the new Microsoft cloud security firewall. Your email account would be disabled
and completely blocked from our server for violation of this security process.
Click here to help you perform this verification survey and prevent account closure.
Avoid losing this account <[email protected]>.

powered by: Microsoft

2. Account Upgrade/Update

We have upgraded to "X" GB Email Space, login into your account to confirm if
your account is still active. Click the link below to login into your account for
confirmation and upgrade.

Any Link for confirmation

We have send you this upgrade notification many times, and you have refused to
upgrade your account. Note that failure to upgrade this time, would result to
termination of your user account. Thank you.


TANROADS is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania, established
underthe Executive Agencies Act, 1997
3. Library/Office Account Access

Dear User,

Your access to your library account is expiring soon and it won’t be accessible for
you. You must reactivate your account in order to continue to have access to the
library services.

Visit the following page to activate your account:

<“Link to activate account”>

If you are not able to login, please contact XX for immediate assistance.


4. Message Of The Day

Dear <email address>,

You have received a new update course from Blackboard | Technology system, in
order to view this update you are to click the link below:

View Update


TANROADS is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania, established
underthe Executive Agencies Act, 1997
5. Fake Password Reset Scam

Attention User,

We were notified that your email has been infected with Trojan Virus, please
ensure do not download any unknown program from the e-mail.

In order to delete the virus and recover your email, please click on the following
link below.

<Recover Link>

Please do not ignore this email. We are trying to make sure that your email
account is secure.

Thank You,
Support Team.

6. Mail Box is Over Quota Email

To: <email address>

Subject: You are about to exhaust your usage allowance

An important message about your Webmail Internet Service

Dear Valued Customer,

Our records show that you have almost exhausted your usage allowance provided
with your webmail service.

Depending on your current storage space you may request for additional storage.

Please click here <link to request> to request for additional storage.

Keeping track of your usage.

TANROADS is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania, established
underthe Executive Agencies Act, 1997
7. Your DHL Express shipment request

Dear [email protected]

In order to ensure that your shipment is transferred as quickly as possible through

our logistics network, each package needs a unique label/waybill.

The details which you have provided via phone to our Customer Service team
have already been captured in this electronic waybill.

Please take a moment to validate these details, Then print out the waybill
Finally, please stick it to your package

You can review the waybill for your shipment by simply clicking here

If you have any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our local
Customer Service team for assistance.

Thank you for shipping with DHL Express!

TANROADS is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania, established
underthe Executive Agencies Act, 1997
8. DHL Intraship - Shipment notification

Dear Customer

Your parcel has arrived at the post office on 21st June 2019. Our courier was
unable to deliver the parcel to you due to incorrect delivery details. To receive your
parcel, Please see and check attached shipping documents.


This is an automated mail please do not reply

Thanks & best regards

TZ DHL Express Team

9. DHL On Demand Delivery


Hello Customer,

Your DHL Express shipment with waybill number 8338121233 from FASTBOX
DELIVERIES is scheduled for delivery TODAY by End of Day. A delivery signature
is required.

If you need to make a change or track your shipment, click here.

Waybill No. 8336121233

Thank you for using On Demand Delivery.

DHL Express - Excellence. Simply delivered.

TANROADS is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania, established
underthe Executive Agencies Act, 1997

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