Application of Calculus in Computer Science
Application of Calculus in Computer Science
Application of Calculus in Computer Science
Computer science is the study of processes that interact with data and that can be
represented as data in the form of programs. It is the theory, experimentation,
and engineering that enables the use of algorithms to manipulate, store,
and communicate digital information. A computer scientist studies the theory of
computation and the practice of designing software systems.
- Scientific computing. Computer algebra systems that compute integrals and
derivatives directly, either symbolically or numerically, are the most blatant examples
here, but in addition, any software that simulates a physical system that is based on
continuous differential equations necessarily involves computing derivatives and
- Design and analysis of algorithms. The behavior of a combinatorial algorithm on
very large instances is often most easily analyzed using calculus. This is especially true
for randomized algorithms; modern probability theory is heavily analytic.
- Asymptotic enumeration. Sometimes the only way to get a handle on an enumeration
problem is to form a generating function and use analytic methods to estimate its
asymptotic behavior.