Kds HRM Final

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Term paper is one of the most important topics of our 4th year B.B.A course.
Now the world is competitive. So we have to earn the knowledge about the critical
environment of business. This type of term paper helps the student to acquire practical
knowledge about the modern business organization. It will also help the student to be an
effective manager in future. Different organizations take different kind of policies to
operate their business. A reputed garment like KDS GARMENTS LTD. takes different
kind of modern system to satisfy their customers & employees.

As a student of 4th year B.B.A (Management) university of Chittagong, I have

been assigned to prepare the term paper on “Human resources Management) on KDS
Garments Ltd. I have tried my best with all my ability to complete this report with

First of all my Utmost gratitude’s is to Almighty, Who give me the courage and strengths
to prepare the report. Beginning of the report I deem it is my duty to record my
appreciation and gratitude to few person who have helped me to prepare this report in
many ways. I am indebted to the authority for taking the initiative to include practical
assignment for the BBA Students. This has created an opportunity for students to know
the various aspects as well as the research-based study. I want to mention the name of
honorable teacher Mr. A.K.M. Tafzal Haque Associate professor, Department of
management studies, Faculty of commerce, University of Chittagong.

My teachers gave me detail instructions how to collect data from primary sources as well
as secondary sources. He spent his valuable time to give me theoretical knowledge about
research methodology of Human Resource Management. For collecting data I want to
KDS Garments. I interviewed DGM-HR & Compliance (garments division) and other
High official. They are very much Co-operative and frank to give me data.

I feel highly obliged to my teacher and the official of the KDS Garments Ltd.
Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to get practical exposure and to know the Human
Resource Management in KDS garments Ltd. and other relevant objectives of the study

To know about the Human Resource Management Practically.

To Know the about the recruiting, Selection, Promotion, and discharge of the
To know the recruitment procedure whether it is viable with the present context
or not.
To highlight the service of the workforce.
To know the Promotional activities they take to motivate their employees.
To know the wage and salary structure of KDS garments Ltd.
To know the training Procedure of the garments.
To focus on the present service offered by garment toward the clients to satisfy which
other garments cannot render.

Methodology of the Study

To prepare this research paper, I have to collect data from various sources. To do this,
data have been collected from primary sources and secondary sources.

Primary data: have to be collected by direct interviewing the DGM-HR & Compliance
(garments division) and other high officials in this office.

Secondary data: were collected from KDS garments periodic journals, magazine,
garments annual report, Internet, etc.

I have also taken help from newspaper, Central Library of Chittagong University, for
collecting primary data, I prepared questionnaire, which was submitted to the DGM-HR
& Compliance (garments division) and arranged interview.
Limitation of the study

The study was carried out during April 22; 2010.to May 10, 2010. The budget time of the
study was limited. Within short period, I could not study properly about the Human
Resource Management in KDS Garments Ltd. In Bangladesh Supply of more practical
and current data is another short coming. The study was not done very successfully due
to in experience.

Executive Summary

Entering in to a new dynamic millennium of 21st century it is very interesting to observe

how organizations are involved to shape them for a new arena. Human resource
Management is the part and parcel of an organization. Without Human Resource
Management organization can not sustain in the age of globalization. It is conducted the
Term paper from that point of view. No doubt marketing contribute vastly and rapidly to
the development of business as well as the economy. Proper Human Resource
Management can ensure the organization to survive in the competitive market. In this
regard prepare this research paper on the Human Resource Management on KDS
Garments Ltd.

Human Resource Management means those people who are productive, creative,
innovative and workable persons working in an organization. Human Resource
Management is concerned with the people of Management. Since every organization is
made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to
high levels of performance and ensuring their commitment to the organization are
essential to achieve organization objectives.

Finally, we can say that, Human Resource Management is a branch of knowledge or

areas of Mgt. practices that deals with conducting the nature of manpower job,
manpower development, manpower remuneration and utilizing manpower and finally
discharging Management function Concerning Human Resource Management.

There was a time when people believed that human resource is nothing but a general
element like other elements of production. But today it is not only an element, it is
indicated the most valuable asset of an organization. In fact, human resource is the “real
capital” of an organization. Generally, human resource management is the set of
organizational activities directed at attracting, developing & maintaining an effective
workforce. Human resource is called ‘Human capital’ in an organization.

Basically the importance of Human Resource Management is increased after Second

World War. From that time the owner-servant relationship became management worker
relationship through Human Resource Management. After that this relation became
industrial relations.

The field of management involves planning, organization, directing and controlling

functions of procuring developing maintaining and utilizing a labor force. It is concerned
with the obtaining and maintaining a satisfactory work force.

Human Resource Management is that part of management concerned with people at

work and with their relationship with in an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and
develop into and active organization. Its men and women to make up an enterprise and
having regard for the well being of the individual of working groups, to enable them to
make their best contribution to its success. Human resource management is concerned
with the human and social implications of charge in organizations and methods of
working with in enterprise and of economic and social changes in the community.

Heneman, Schwab/ Fossum/ Dyer say “Human Resource Management in the attraction
of the necessary numbers and types of employees to the organization. Without them, the
organization cannot function.

Stephen P. Robbins says, “Human Resource Management is concerned with the ‘people’
dimension in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring
their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and
ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are
essential to achieving organizational objectives. This is true regardless of the type of
organization – government, business, education, health, recreation, or social action.”
Historical Evolution of HRM

Approximate Time Historical Phases

Industrial Revolution
1700 s ** Robert Owen.

1850-1920 ** Scientific Mgt.

F.W. Taylor.
** Welfare work movement
Personnel department
Industrial Welfare
Industrial Health
Research Board.

1920-1930 ** Personnel Mgt. Movement.

British Institute of
Personnel Mgt.
National Institute of
Industrial Psychology.

1930-1950 * Human relations movement

Hawthorne studies
Institute of labor management.

1980 * Professional Mgt.

* Behavior Science.
* HRM.

To Data

These aspects have been briefly discussed in the findings chapter-


It was previously stated that P/HR management is aimed at influencing the effectiveness
of employees in the organization. The managerial activities, external influences, and
important outcomes associated with this are contained in the model shows in Figure
Human Resource Management Model

Economic Forces Labor Laws and Labor Unions





Support activities
Analyzing Individuals
and Jobs
Assessing Outcomes Ability
Human Outcomes Motivation
Human Resource Performance
Functional Activities
External Staffing Retention
Internal Staffing and JOBS
Development Requirements
Compensation Rewards
Labor Relations
Work Environment Satisfaction

Bangladesh is an independent as well as developing country of South Asia. In
Bangladesh the position of Human Resource Management is become stronger with the
increase in the area of business organizations. As the basic things of Human Resource
Management are people so it deals with that part of management. Bangladesh is
improved technologically day by day. So the production of the organization also
Almost every sector in Bangladesh whether it is public, private, or autonomous Human
Resource Management is practiced. “Our people are our most important asset”. Many
organizations of Bangladesh are using this phrase, or sometimes close to it.
Now, our Human Resource Managers can easily realize that significantly improving an
organization’s Human Resource Management practices could increase its market value
by as much as 30 percent. In Bangladesh with the increase of scope area, complexity &
machinery development of our business institute the importance of Human Resource
Management is also increased. Because of proper utilization of physical resources & its
use in production process is not possible without Human Resource Management.

Human Resource Management practice in Bangladesh is important because:

 To meeting economic competition & survival of the fittest.
 To controlling labor cost & overall cost of production.
 To increase in total employment & efficient workforce of the country.
 To valuable investment
 To keep pace with the technological development or program.
The main scope of Human Resource Management in the light of industries in Bangladesh
(i) Manpower planning, collecting, selecting & appointing employee.
(ii) The workers assumption, wage system, identifies the industrial dispute &
tries to solve it.
(iii) Taking proper steps for analyzing, describing & evaluating the employee’s
(iv) Collecting personnel details for all the people who working in the
(v) Taking necessary training policies for the workers.
(vi) Maintaining good relationship between labor & management
(vii) Consider the interest of the groups that are related to the organization.
(viii) Taking proper steps for motivating workers & purchase their emotion by
giving them various employee services.
The Readymade Garment Industry of Bangladesh has become the largest foreign

exchange earning sector, exporting apparel of all sorts to the3 USA, Europe & other

developed countries. The readymade Garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh tells an

impressive story about the leadership of private enterprise & the country’s successful

transition to a major export oriented economy. The country registered its first apparel

export in 1978, but the progress since the early 1980s has been simply phenomenal. It

has by now become a colossal industry, earning the lion’s share of the country’s foreign

exchange & providing the nation’s women with the largest formal employment. The

growth of backward linkage industries like fabric, accessorie3s are due to the RMG

sector. The country’s growing sectors like banking, insurance, Hotels & Restaurants &

Tourism, Transport, Telecommunication including consumers industries are the gifts of

the RMG.The RMG sector is rich and attractive because we have low labor cost, natural

resources, friendly government policies etc. Over the past one and half decade, RMG

export earnings have increased by more than 8 times with an exceptional growth rate of

16.5 per annum. In the FY06, earning reached by 8 billion USD, which was only less a

billion FY91.Our RMG registered significant positive growth throughout the year.
In terms of GDP, RMG’s contribution is highly remarkable; it reaches 13 percent of
GDP, which was only about 3 percent in FY91. This is a clear indication of the industry’s
contribution to the overall economy. It also plays a pivotal role to promote the
development of other key sectors of the economy like banking, insurance, shipping,
hotel, tourism, road transportation, railway container services, etc. A 1999 study found
the industry supporting approximately USD 2.0 billion worth of economic activities.
When the value of exports stood at a little over USD 4.0 billion.

One of the key advantages of the RMG industry is its cheap labor force, which provides
a competitive edge over its competitors. The sector has created jobs for about two
million people of which 70 percent are women who mostly come from rural areas. The
sector opened up employment opportunities for many more individuals through direct
and indirect economic activities, which eventually helps the country’s social
development, woman empowerment and poverty alleviation.

Nature of Human Resource management practice in the Readymade Garment

(RMG) of Bangladesh:
Employment policies:
In the garments abides by the principle that decisions based on hiring, salary benefits,
advancement, termination or retirement are based solely on the ability of an individual
on the job. There shall be no discrimination based on race, gender, marital or maternity
status, religious or political believes, age or sexual orientation. Our 80% labor is women
and 20% male.

Forced labor:
In our country does not force the labor in any form: prison, indentured, bonded or
Child labor:
According to our industry law any person below the age of 18 to produce apparel,
accessories or equipment is not allow.
In the garments, provides each employee at least the minimum wage or higher and
provides each employee a clear written accounting for every pay period.
Our industries provides with legally mandated benefits. This includes meals or meal
subsides or transportation subsidies other cash allowances; health care, pregnancy, or
sick leave, vacation, religious holiday and contribution for provident fund.
Organ gram followed by The Organization of RMG:


Director Director Director

(General) (Finance) (Production)


Manager General
(Accounts) Manager Line chief &
admin supervisor

Section Team Team Worker

Leader Member

Administration HRD Import) Export)

Section Team Team Section Team Team

Leader Leader Member Leader Leader Member

Section Team Team

Leader Leader Member

Section Team Team

Leader Leader Member


(SEC-1) (SEC-2) (SEC-3)
The Main areas of Human Resource Management practice are discussed below:
There is an organized manpower policy in this type of production- oriented company.
This policy includes manpower planning, salary and wages administration, recruitment
and selection, training, performance appraisal, motivation, promotion/demotion,
employee moral, industrial relations, etc.

Manpower Planning
We know that the starting point in attracting qualified human resource is planning. HR
planning, in turn, involves job analysis and forecasting the demand and supply of labor.
Basically the personnel manager is responsible for manpower planning, but before taking
any decision he consults with line managers.
In fact, Manpower planning is the process by which an organization can engage the right
number of people for the right job at the right time.
Following structure for ensuring manpower planning by our RMG:

Right person to Right Job

The sequence of the activities performed by organization to ensure quality people on the
right job is given below:

Human Resource planning






Compensation and Benefits

Career Development
Employee Recruitment and Selection

In most of the organizations the human resources are properly viewed as their most
important assets. For employee recruitment and selections, the company consider
following factors to formulate principle:
 Needs of employee for present and future
 Opportunities of collection and selection.
 Economic conditions
 Goals
 Organizational style
 Nature of the tasks
Departmental manager who decides that he needs to add to his staff or to replace
someone who is leaving the organization customarily initiates the process of searching
for a new employee. Commonly he makes a written request to the personnel department
stating that he wishes to hire someone to fill a specific vacancy. The position to be filled
is defined in terms of its job description and of its job specification (human
qualifications). The hiring activity should be integrated with the human resources plans
of the company.


Recruitment is a process to find out quality people for the organization. It is directly
related to a number of personnel or human resource activities are as follows:-
Employment planning Recruiting Providing Job application
Prerequisite of Recruitment and Selection:

Job analysis is the prerequisite for recruitment and selection which is revealed in the
following chart:

Job Analysis

Job Description &

Job Specification

Recruitment & Performance Job Evaluation Training

Selection Appraisal Requirement

Job Analysis:

Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirement of a job
and the kind of person who should be hired for. Job analysis includes Job description and
job specification.
Job Description (details of the role):

A job description is a key document in the recruitment process and must be finalized
prior to taking any other steps in the process. It should clearly and accurately set out the
duties and responsibilities of the job and must include:

0 The job title (which must be sex neutral)

1 The location of the job i.e. apartment/faculty/division/research group
2 Grade of the post
3 The post to whom the post holder is responsible
4 Any posts reporting to the post holders.
5 Main purpose of the job
6 Main duties and responsibilities
7 Any special working conditions (e.g. unsocial or shift working patterns, the
requirement – for clinical posts – to obtain health clearance, the requirement
for a criminal record check).
Items that should be included in job descriptions are:

0 A note that indicates that as duties and responsibilities change, the job
description will be reviewed and amended in consultation with the post
1 An indication that the post holder will carry out any other duties as are within
the scope, spirit and purpose of the job as requested by the line manager or
Head of Department/Division.

The language in job descriptions should:

0 Avoid jargon and unexplained acronyms and abbreviations.

1 Be readily understandable to potential applicants for the post.
2 Avoid ambiguity about responsibilities and be clear about the post holder’s
accountability for resources, staff, etc.

Person Specification

The person specification is of equal importance to the job description and informs the
selection decision. The person specification details the skills, experience, abilities and
expertise that are required to do the job. It should be drawn up after the job description
and with the job description, should inform the content of the advert. The person
specification should be specific, related to the job and not unnecessarily restrictive - for
example only qualifications strictly needed to do the job should be specified. The
inclusion of criteria that cannot be justified as essential for the performance of the job
may be deemed discriminatory under race and sex discrimination law, if equal
proportions of men and women and those from different racial groups could not meet

The person specification must form part of the further particulars of a vacancy along
with the job description in order that applicants have a full picture of what the job entails.
The person specification enables potential applicants to make an informed decision about
whether to apply and those who do apply, to give sufficient relevant detail of their skills
and experience in their application. The person specification forms the basis of the
selection decision and enables the selection panel to ensure objectivity in their selection.
Elements of the Person Specification:
The person specification details the:
▪ Knowledge (including necessary qualifications)
▪ Skills and abilities
▪ Experience
▪ Aptitudes

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information:

Analyzing Jobs:
The job analyst asks three key questions:
What is done?
How is it done?
Why is it done?
Many methods are used to analyze jobs. Some of these are outlined

Methods used to analyze job Description

Using pre-prepared questions, talk with the job
1. Interview
holder about what is done and why.

Standard form questionnaires are often used.

The analyst should be aware that people often
2. Questionnaires
exaggerate their jobs to impress their bosses.
People are less likely to do this face-to-face.

Small group discussions can be useful. But the

3. Workshops or group
discussions should be on what the job is – not
what it should be.

The jobholders are watched at work and

activities are recorded. The drawback is that this
4. Observation
is time-consuming and may make the jobholder
feel uncomfortable.

The jobholders are asked to keep a detailed

record of activities during a set period, e.g. a
5. Diary/time log week, and the time spent on each of them. What
is actually done may be different from what
people think is done or should be done.
The various types of recruitment procedures are as follows:
1. Internal Recruitment:

Internal appointments cost less and they signal to staff that there are opportunities for
growth and development. Opportunities for advancement may not come up often, so
staffs are likely to welcome an internal appointment. It will also give the organization a
better return on its investment in the recruitment and training of employees. Generally
bank can make recruitment or can fill a vacancy from internal sources by various means
such as:
▪ Re-organization
▪ Staff transfers or promotion
▪ Job sharing
▪ Flexible working
▪ Computerization
▪ Job posting and bidding, etc.

2. External Recruitment:

Identifying Candidates:

A successful recruitment campaign is not one that produces the largest number of
applicants. This suggests the net has been cast too wide and the job described too
broadly. A better objective, especially for the busy chief executive of a small
organization, is to produce a small number of applicants who can do the job and who
would fit in.
The following factors need to be considered:

0 The nature and requirements of the job and the likely number of candidates.
1 How much an organization can afford to spend on newspaper advertising,
agencies or consultants, and other recruitment-related costs.
2 How willing or able the organization is to assist with relocation for an out-of-town
Sources of external candidates will include:

Sources of external Description

Referrals from employees or Existing employees or volunteer workers may know people
volunteers who are interested. There can be no guarantees that these
applicants will get preference over others, but they offer
some advantages.
They are already known to a member of the organization
and that person can provide comments and assessments.
The person who makes the referral will probably help ‘sell’
the organization to the applicant and if the applicant is
appointed, will support that person in the job.

Sources of external Description

Former employees and The organization/company needs to ensure that the
volunteers employees leave for positive reasons and they have good
relationships with the people of the organization. If so, they
could make useful and supportive employees.

Previous applicants People who have previously applied and missed out may
still be interested in joining the organization. If so, they can
be invited to apply.

Other organizations A few telephone calls might identify suitable candidates.

Employment agencies Recruitment agencies, management consultants and

executive search firms all offer fee-based services to help
organizations recruit and select employees at various levels.

Public employment agencies They can also help to find the right candidates.

Employment agencies Electronic recruitment is increasingly common. Each site

works differently, so an organization needs to check for one
that suits its situation. Advertisement can given on own
internet site.

Internet recruiting Advertising in newspapers and less often, in magazines and

on radio is the most frequent method of external recruiting.
It can be expensive, depending on the publications used, the
size and style of advertisement and the number of
The personnel recruitment process

External Environment

Internal Environment

Human Resource planning

Alternatives to Recruitment

Personnel Recruitment

Internal sources External sources

Internal Method External Method


0 The panel undertakes the short-listing process (this must include at least 2
Members of the proposed interview panel)

1 The Interview Arrangements Form is to be completed and forwarded, along with

all the original application forms, to Human Resources (the date for interview
should allow at least two weeks for notification, from the date of receipt in HR).
If the panel information has not already been sent, this should also be included.

2 The appointing manager must complete an interviewing/short listing codes list,

which is attached to each application form. This should be completed for all
unsuccessful applicants for monitoring purposes. This must be done at both the
short listing and interviewing stages.

3 Human Resources send letters out inviting candidates for interview as


4 The short-listed applications along with a panel letter informing of the schedule
of attendees, an offer form and the job outline/person specification for the post
will be forwarded to the chair of the interview panel prior to the interview date.
All other panel members will be sent a schedule of the interviews only.

5 The day before/day of the interview, HR will telephone the recruiting manager to
confirm the attendance of the candidates.

6 All interviews should include the use of a scoring system as a measurement tool
to aid the panels’ decision. An example-scoring sheet can be found in appendix.

7 Interviews take place.

Training and Development:

For increasing the knowledge, skill and improvement of competency of employees both
in-house and out-door system are followed. There are some training methods for
developing employees. They are:
 On the job training,
 Apprenticeship method,
 Lecture and conference method,
 Sensitivity training,
 Vestibule training
The importance of the training arte as follows:
 Increase productivity
 Heightened morale
 Reduce supervision
 Increase dynamic
 Rapid upgrading
 Employee satisfaction
 Reduced cost of production
 Versatility
Wage and Salary Administration:

Personnel department has its own policy for salary and wage administration. There is
some basis for setting pay. These are as follows:
a. Seniority
b. Experience
c. Performance
d. Position
e. Geographical distance
f. Academic qualification
g. Personal relation
h. Others
Minimum salary for employee in our RMG is 1662 taka. And this salary varies employee
to employee to employee. Seniority and performance are the main basis for setting basic
pay. 8hours is regular working time, after that period, there is also overtime, holiday
payment for workers. It offers package bonus in different heads, like festive bonus
special financial incentives. Moreover, there are two festival bonuses in a year.
Motivation can be defined as the process that account for an individual’s intensity,
direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. The three key elements in this
definition are important
In motivating the employees the HR department has introduced financial incentives,
increment, profit sharing, job security. Followings are the two factor theory of
 Intrinsic factors or motivational factor which is related to job satisfaction
such as recognition, growth advancement, work itself and achievement
 Extrinsic factors are associated with dissatisfaction such as company
policy, administration supervisions and salaries.
If extrinsic or hygiene factors are available than employees will not be dissatisfied, it
does not mean that employees are satisfied. Because, these are very common factors and
exist in every organization.
In my practical findings, motivates their employees through some facilities. These are:
a. Handsome basic pay
b. Extra allowances
c. Increment in basic pay
d. Job security
e. Job status
f. Good behavior
Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal is a process for evaluating the past performance of an employee
by his supervising officer who is conversant with the employees’ job performance. There
are two types of performance appraisals.
1. Traditional performance appraisal
2. Result oriented performance appraisal
In YSL, result oriented performance appraisal (MBO) is followed. There is a continuous
evaluation system for performance appraisal. The company has professional appraisers to
evaluate the performance.
For evaluating performance, this company uses an appraisal form to be filled by
nominee’s associates and superior.
There is a performance appraisal chart is given bellow.

Serial Item rated

1 Knowledge of banking, Finance, Accounting, Economics’ and
related subjects
2 Knowledge about assigned duties and activities/jobs.
3 Knowledge of organization, product, services, operation policies.
4 Ability to plan activities and prioritize actions for achieving goals.
5 Marketing and selling ability.

6 Communicating skill.

7 Preparedness to satisfy customer needs.

8 Willingness to work under pressure.

9 Response to challenging work.

10 Analytical thinking and interpreting skill.

11 Ability to influence others and get thing done.

12 Innovative ideas and creativity.

Job Rotation:

Organizations follow job rotation strongly when employees feel fatigue and monotony
because of continuation of job. It indicates change the job for sometimes in order to
minimize fatigue and monotony of particular employees.

Interpersonal Relationship :

Interpersonal relationship is very important, but in our RMG company does not tries to
maintain good interpersonal relationship of employees. It improves employee morality
and organization’s citizenship. The company can improve their interpersonal relationship
through attending party, meeting, counseling, annual picnic and official festival.
Participative decision-making:

Participative decision making is one of the core concepts of industrial democracy.

Industrial democracy is the modern global world phenomenon. Our originations does not
takes participative decision making, do not encourage in participative decision making.
But in RMG sector there are many labor unions who participate in various decisions
making on behalf of employee.

Labor turnover:
Labor turnover refers to the movement into an out of an organization during a definite
period. There are various effects of labor turnover. These are:
 Deceases of team spirit.
 Increasing the training cost
 Increasing the administrating expenses
 Increasing overtime cost
 Difficulty of optimum use of machinery.
RMG sector also faces problem in case of labor turnover.Laborturn over is high in lower
level,10% labor turnover in due to the employee’s personal interest. If the workers get
better opportunity they leave the origination. To reduces the employee turnover the
company gives the promotion and increases the salary.

Shift position from bottom to top which contributes or helps or develop employee’s
morale or productivity. The most important policy question in promotion is the relative’s
significance of seniority and competence. In recent time’s potentiality and competency
are considered as most important basis for promotion Origination evaluates its
employee’s performance for promotion. The evaluation process depends on employees
and officers, annual confidential report (ACR), Productivity, skills and other criteria.

If an employee can continue his job in a position with satisfaction, then industries made a
promotion of that employee, moreover annual confidential report (ACR), is the
considerable factor in case of promotion. In the upper level longevity of job and
personnel preference is also consider for promotion.
Demotion refers to the lowering down of the status, salary and responsibility of
Demotion occurs for the following reason:

 In adequacy on the part of the employees in term’s of job performance,

attitude and capability.
 Structural and technological hyper changes causes the old to unfit for the
quick change and can not do changed job efficiently and
 It is initiated as disciplinary measures.


Transfer is a horizontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job, section, dept.
shift, plant or positions to another at the same time or another place where his salary
status and responsibilities are the same. In the upper level transfer employees from one
industry to another industry.

Another cause of transfer is as:

 To satisfy the organizational requirement for the due concerns.

 To meet an employees own request.
 To utilize properly the services of the employees.
 To replace a new employee by an old employee
 To help employees work according to their convenient
 Transfer for the Maintenance of a tenure system.


Failure of people to report to work. Causes of absenteeism of are as fallows:

0 When employee are engaged in family activities.

1 Social and religious function.
2 Adequate welfare facilities.
3 Improper and unrealistic personnel policies.
Working Hours and Leave Conditions and Facilities :
Generally in the RMG for employees working hour in a day is 8 hours i.e., 9.00 Am to
5.00 Pm. So the total working hours in a week is 48 hours within these working hours
they get an interval for launch and rest for 30 minutes which is 1.00 Pm to 1.30 Pm.

Overtime facilities:
In the RMG there is also an overtime work facility but that is only applicable for
workers not applicable for class-1, 2 and 3 officers & staff.
They mention that the overtime is started after the required 8hrs work. And how many
hours they worked for, they get those hours payment in double of his / her basic salary.


In RMG there is no separate working hours for women and man and no provision for
minor employment opportunity. Each and every employee must be need to within
minimum 18-60 years old.

Leave facilities:
In RMG allows to employees 20 days per year casual leave but there is no provision
about sick leave (without maternity) because there is “Encashment leave” or “Earn
leave”. Since in RMG there is clear provision system of leave and holiday period
(organizational calendar). So the salary is given as smoothly all the months of the year.

Maternity welfare facilities :

There is a better provision for maternity welfare facilities for women employees. If any
women employee is in conceived and near to delivery she get 112 days maternity leave
facility. Though for this circumstance she / they not get any financial facility but get
salary since there is also “Encashment on Earn leave” provision as mentioned earlier in
wage and salary section.
Job satisfaction
Job satisfaction may be viewed as the amount of overall positive effect (or fallings) that
intervals have toward their jobs.

It is difficult to overall measure the job satisfaction in RMG. Most of the cases
employees are dissatisfaction for their internal management problem, exploitation and

Employee job satisfaction varies form employee to employee or environment of lacking

job condition or other technical problem.


Retirement depend on its own constitution in case of retirement of an employee. There is

no fixed retirement age like government job. Normally employees and officers have to
go for retirement when they are 60 years age.

Industrial Relationship
Industrial relation occurs within dynamic conflict situation. This is permanent and
unalterable so long as the structure of society of the social remains unaltered. Our
industries follow the industrial relation ordinance of 1960 properly. The management
tries to develop the relation with the labors. There are varies trade union activities in the
organization. The worker welfare committee discussed with BGMEA to solve the any
RMG sector also emphasizes on the following factors to develop industrial relation
 Payment the proper wages within due time
 Ensure better working condition
 Arrangement educational and training facilities
 Ensuring participatory management.

All the above are the over all scenarios of nature of HRM in RMG sector, but the HRM
depends on the constitute of the originations.
Problems of Human Resource Management in RMG of Bangladesh:

The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key export division and a main source
of foreign exchange for the last 25 years. National labor laws do not apply in the EPZs,
leaving BEPZA in full control over work conditions, wages and benefits. Garment
factories in Bangladesh provide employment to 40 percent of industrial workers. But
without the proper laws the worker are demanding their various wants and as a result
conflict is began with the industry

Low working salary is another vital fact which makes the labor conflict. Worker made
strike, layout to capture their demand. Some time bonus and the overtime salary are the
important cause of crisis. Insufficient government policy about this sector is a great
problem in Garments Company.

There are some other problems which are associated with this sector. Those are- lack of
marketing tactics, absence of easily on-hand middle management, a small number of
manufacturing methods, lack of training organizations for industrial workers, supervisors
and managers, autocratic approach of nearly all the investors, fewer process units for
textiles and garments, sluggish backward or forward blending procedure, incompetent
ports, entry/exit complicated and loading/unloading takes much time, time consuming
custom clearance etc.

But in Bangladesh Human Resource Management facing various problems in RMG.

They are given as follows:
(1) Selection of good employees: Human Resource Management effective when
good employees are selected. But in Bangladesh we all know that selection
process is very much corrupted. So, Human Resource Management faces the
problem to achieve their objective.
(2) Employee – Management Relations: The main goal of Human Resource
Management is to build a good relation between employee & management.
But in Bangladesh most of the organization does not have a good employee
management relations. Workers are not interested to employee their skill.
This problem is face by Human Resource Management very often.
(3) Frequency of labor turnover: The success in measured by the rate of labor
turnover. When the labor turnover is little then it says that the organization
has a good Human Resource Management system. When the rate of labor
turnover is very high then the Human Resource Management department may
face various problems. In Bangladesh the labor turnover is very high.
(4) Rate of absenteeism: When a worker is absent for work without permission
then it is called absenteeism. The causes of absenteeism may be available or
not. When the causes of absenteeism are avoidable then it is said the
performance of Human Resource Management is very poor. In Bangladesh
most of the absenteeism is avoidable.

(5) Volume of training: When the Human Resource Management department

takes various training program for the unskilled worker then we say that the
Human Resource department is very sound. But in Bangladesh Human
Resource Management department & many organizations does not take
training program for improvement of the employee.
(6) Low working salary: Our living cost is increasing day by day. But the
salaries of workers are not increasing. Investors are exploiting the workers
and day by day they are getting rich, but the workers are not getting their
basic salary to cope with the market.
(7) Labor conflict: The relationship between the employer and workers are not
friendly. The workers and management always carry hostile mentality. The
unsatisfied labors always create conflict with the HRM department. In the
recent time we see labor conflict at Savar, Kashpur, and Ashuulia etc.

(8) Strike: When the workers are not satisfied with there salary, are not getting
bonus timely, the HRM department not paying there payment timely, then the
labor union call strike. As a result the RMG sector loosing foreign investor
day by day.
(9) Lock out: Lock out is a common problem of our RMG sector. The employer
with out any notice lock out the industries. As a result it hampers the
morality, motivation system of the origination. Employees always feel a fear
of loosing the job without any payment
(10) Lack of workers safety: Safety need for the workers is the mandatory for
all originations. But without the facilities of necessary product a lot of
accidents occur in every year. some common safety problems:

 Routes are blocked by storage materials.

 Machine lay out is often staggered.
 Lack of signage for escape route.
 No provision for emergency lighting.
 Doors, opening along escape routes, are not fire resistance.
 Doors are not self closing and often do not open along the
direction of escape
 Adequate doors as well as adequate stair cases are not provided
to aid quick exit.
 Fire exit or emergency staircase lacks proper maintenance.
 Lack of proper exist route to reach the place of safety.
(11)Unhygienic working environment: Working environment providing is one of the
functions of HRM department according to industrial law. Problems faces by the workers
are below:
 In adequate ventilation by the circulation by fresh air.
 Intolerable temperature will threat the working comfort and injury to
their health.
 Intolerable dust and fume.
 Lack of facility of artificial humidity.
 Lack of proper lighting facility.
 Insufficient supply of drinking water.
 Lack of latrines and urinals

(12)Sit-down: Our RMG sectors always facing a great problem of go slow and sit down.
Our origination facing financial problem, marketing problem, high payment of rate
interest of loan and not able to compete with world market. As a result industries sit-
down and employees face a great problems.
(13)Lack of compensations and benefits: Compensations and benefits providing one of
the main functions of the HRM department. Our industries don’t provide sufficient
compensation such as insurance facility, housing allowance, medical allowance, festival
bonus, sick leave etc.
(14)Inactive labor union: Labor union is established for to ensure the rights of workers.
But the labor union don’t perform their job properly such attend to participated decision
making and talk on behalf of the workers, to solve the sufferings of workers.

(15) Lack of co-ordination with other department: TO perform the job of HRM other
department’s co-ordination is necessary such as financial, marketing, production etc. But
the departments don’t help co–ordinate to perform the function of HRM.

(16)Avoid the industrial law of RMG: HRM department avoid the rules and
regulations of industrial law such as engage child labor, not payment of minimum salary,
extra payment for overtime, lengthy working time etc.

(17)Lower job satisfaction: Job satisfaction is very important for workers. But the
HRM department is inactive to satisfy the workers. The department doesn’t take
initiative for workers training, promotion, financial, non financial incentive etc.

(18)Lack of ineffective planning: To perform the job function proper planning for
recruitment, slection, jod analysis, job description, orientation and training is essential.
But our industries don’t keep proper take care of these function of HRM.

(19)Lack of performance appraisal: Performance appraisal is one of the mandatory

functions of HRM. But in our industries there is no consultant to perform the job.

(20) Lack of government policy: Govt. policy is not sufficient to look after the
industries. The manpower of Government is not inadequate, industries law has various
faults, rules and regulation is loose for RMG sector.
Study about KDS Garments

A profile of KDS garments industries ltd.

Historical background of KDS group and KDS success story:

The potentiality of the readymade garment manufacturing industry was first brought to
light in the late 70s. The country being in its primary stage, having independence for
only a few years was in a rather vulnerable situation as for as international trade was

Thus, it was mainly with the perseverance of the few entrepreneurs, who visualized the
future of garment industry: the path of the industry was laid in Bangladesh. One of those
visionaries was Mr. Khalilur Rahman , the founder of KDS group.

Mr. Rahman set up one of the first garment-manufacturing units in Bangladesh; KDS
garment industry ltd. on September 11, 1983. 300 men and women on one single floor
worked eagerly to build a future together. Since then, KDS never stopped growing.
Numerous struggles and hurdles had to be toppled before the company started taking
shape to its present size and structure.

By, 1990 KDS had a total of 8 manufacturing floors where more than 7000 men and
women worked to export knit and woven items, mainly to USA, with the growing
difficulties faced with the import of almost 100% of the raw material, KDS set up its
accessories plant KDS packaging industry ltd., in a location just 5 minutes away from the
mother plant. Following that a services of accessories manufacturing units were set up in
the same location to support the mother industry and soon it farmed on independent
operational division, the KDS accessories division.

Apart from the accessories, KDS established its own washing, quilting and embroidery
plants to meet its growing needs of the international market. Export of ready-made
garment is mainly to the USA. But KDS identified the different markets around the
world. Export grew in Europe and with it grew a new sector, the jacket manufacturing,
now having it own manufacturing floors.

The KDS textile mills was its latest ambition related to the mother Industry which is
gradually turning into a reality as its now due to go into production 1999. In 1995 KDS
explored a completely different field. The steel industry KIY steel mills limited were
established producing Galvanizerd CL sheet mainly consumed locally. With the
immediate result of KIY, the plant was expanded to double its original size by 1995.

KDS has been the proud recipient of many international awards and the national export
trophy each year since 1985.

KDS is a symbol of progress and advancement in the areana of garment export trade.
Combined efforts of its workers staff members and owners are the forces behind its
unique position of achievements today, KDS believes in quality and time, and highly
emphasizes in maintaining a concerted harmony in its working process and its
KDS garment industry ltd at a glance

1. Name of the organization: KDS garment industry LTD.

2. Name of the chairman: Al-Haj Khalilur Rahman.
3. Location: 225, Nasirabad Industrial Area, Chittagong 4211, Bangladesh.
4. Communication media: Tel: 88031681240-04,Fax: 88031681398, E-
Web site: www.kdsgroup.net.
4 Initial Capital; 1670000. Current Capital 1368825167

5. Established: 11sep., 1983

6. Markets served: garments goods.
7. Total number of Employees10000 (male 3500;female 6500).
8. Quality standards: internationally approved.
9. Nature of business: manufacturer and 100% export of ready-made garment.
10. Export to USA, Germany, UK, France, and Spain markets.
11. Nature of ownership: private ltd co.
12. Board of directors: family members.
13. Pattern of leadership: tend to autocracy
14. Nature of employees: skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled.
15. Good working condition for the employees working in this company.
16. Trade union: absent
17. Strategy: lower cost strategy in marketing niche.
18. Policy: productive.
19. Mode of transaction: By letter of credit.
20. Te company has the pleasant social activities to the society.
Vision of KDS Garments Ltd.

**To become a globally preferred supplier of apparel solution upholding our social

Mission of KDS Garments Ltd.

** To timely deliver good quality garments to our customers.
Core Objective of KDS Garments Ltd.

# Active yearly sales target with minimum specified margin/CM.

# Procure raw materials at the best price & ensure they are in-house timely to provide
sufficient time to production.
# Produce & ship good quality goods on time every time.
# Control costs along with regular financial analysis & review.
# Develop our people.
Core Values of KDS Garments Ltd.

# Integrity
To be honest in all dealing with the company & each other
# Team work
To work together in a spirit of co-operation & mutual respect to achieve the companies
# Excellence
To continuously strive together to achieve the highest standards in the industry
# Reason optimization
To reduce west & optimize the use of company resources
# people development
To develop & take care of our people

New technology:

Adopting the latest technology available in the world related with them. Such as
1: Pay roll software (use in HR section)
2: Garber machine from Spain (use in drawning section)
3: Investronica machine from U.S.A.(use in drawing section)
Organogram of KDS Garments Ltd.
KDS Garments Ltd. is controlled by privately i, e, by the board of directors. The organ gram of KDS Garments Ltd.


Design & development

Recruitment & Selection:

Recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates from within
and outside an organization to begin evaluating them for future employment. Once
candidates are identified, an organization can begin the selection process. This includes
collecting, measuring, and evaluating information about candidates’ qualifications for
specified positions. Organizations use these processes to increase the likelihood of hiring
individuals who possess the right skills and abilities to be successful at their jobs.

Prerequisite of Recruitment and Selection:

Job analysis is the prerequisite for recruitment and selection which is revealed in the
following chart:

Job Analysis

Job Description &

Job Specification

Recruitment & Performance Job Evaluation Training

Selection Appraisal Requirement

Job Analysis:

Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirement of a job and
the kind of person who should be hired for. Job analysis includes Job description and job
Job Description (details of the role):

A job description is a key document in the recruitment process and must be finalized
prior to taking any other steps in the process. It should clearly and accurately set out the
duties and responsibilities of the job and must include:

8 The job title (which must be sex neutral)

9 The location of the job i.e. apartment/faculty/division/research group
10 Grade of the post
11 The post to whom the post holder is responsible
12 Any posts reporting to the post holders.
13 Main purpose of the job
14 Main duties and responsibilities
15 Any special working conditions (e.g. unsocial or shift working patterns, the
requirement – for clinical posts – to obtain health clearance, the requirement for a
criminal record check).

Items that should be included in job descriptions are:

A note that indicates that as duties and responsibilities change, the job description will be
reviewed and amended in consultation with the post holder.

An indication that the post holder will carry out any other duties as are within the scope,
spirit and purpose of the job as requested by the line manager or Head of

The language in job descriptions should:

Avoid jargon and unexplained acronyms and abbreviations.

Be readily understandable to potential applicants for the post.
Avoid ambiguity about responsibilities and be clear about the post holder’s accountability
for resources, staff, etc.
Person Specification

The person specification is of equal importance to the job description and informs the
selection decision. The person specification details the skills, experience, abilities and
expertise that are required to do the job. It should be drawn up after the job description
and with the job description, should inform the content of the advert. The person
specification should be specific, related to the job and not unnecessarily restrictive - for
example only qualifications strictly needed to do the job should be specified. The
inclusion of criteria that cannot be justified as essential for the performance of the job
may be deemed discriminatory under race and sex discrimination law, if equal
proportions of men and women and those from different racial groups could not meet

The person specification must form part of the further particulars of a vacancy along with
the job description in order that applicants have a full picture of what the job entails. The
person specification enables potential applicants to make an informed decision about
whether to apply and those who do apply, to give sufficient relevant detail of their skills
and experience in their application. The person specification forms the basis of the
selection decision and enables the selection panel to ensure objectivity in their selection.

Elements of the Person Specification:

The person specification details the:

▪ Knowledge (including necessary qualifications)

▪ Skills and abilities
▪ Experience
▪ Aptitudes
Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information:

Analyzing Jobs:

The job analyst asks three key questions:

What is done?
How is it done?
Why is it done?
Many methods are used to analyze jobs. Some of these are
outlined below:

Methods used to analyze job Description

Using pre-prepared questions, talk with the job
1. Interview
holder about what is done and why.

Standard form questionnaires are often used.

The analyst should be aware that people often
2. Questionnaires
exaggerate their jobs to impress their bosses.
People are less likely to do this face-to-face.

Small group discussions can be useful. But the

3. Workshops or group
discussions should be on what the job is – not
what it should be.

The jobholders are watched at work and

activities are recorded. The drawback is that this
4. Observation
is time-consuming and may make the jobholder
feel uncomfortable.

The jobholders are asked to keep a detailed

record of activities during a set period, e.g. a
5. Diary/time log week, and the time spent on each of them. What
is actually done may be different from what
people think is done or should be done.
Sources of candidates:

1. Internal Recruitment:

Internal appointments cost less and they signal to staff that there are opportunities for
growth and development. Opportunities for advancement may not come up often, so
staffs are likely to welcome an internal appointment. It will also give the organization a
better return on its investment in the recruitment and training of employees. Generally
bank can make recruitment or can fill a vacancy from internal sources by various means
such as:
▪ Re-organization
▪ Staff transfers or promotion
▪ Job sharing
▪ Flexible working
▪ Computerization
▪ Job posting and bidding, etc.

2. External Recruitment:

Identifying Candidates:

A successful recruitment campaign is not one that produces the largest number of
applicants. This suggests the net has been cast too wide and the job described too broadly.
A better objective, especially for the busy chief executive of a small organization, is to
produce a small number of applicants who can do the job and who would fit in.
The following factors need to be considered:

3 The nature and requirements of the job and the likely number of candidates.
4 How much an organization can afford to spend on newspaper advertising,
agencies or consultants, and other recruitment-related costs?
5 How willing or able the organization is to assist with relocation for an out-of-
town appointee.

Sources of external candidates will include:

Sources of external Description
Referrals from employees or Existing employees or volunteer workers may know people
volunteers who are interested. There can be no guarantees that these
applicants will get preference over others, but they offer
some advantages.
They are already known to a member of the organization
and that person can provide comments and assessments.
The person who makes the referral will probably help ‘sell’
the organization to the applicant and if the applicant is
appointed, will support that person in the job.

Sources of external Description

Former employees and The organization/company needs to ensure that the
volunteers employees leave for positive reasons and they have good
relationships with the people of the organization. If so, they
could make useful and supportive employees.

Previous applicants People who have previously applied and missed out may
still be interested in joining the organization. If so, they can
be invited to apply.

Other organizations A few telephone calls might identify suitable candidates.

Employment agencies Recruitment agencies, management consultants and

executive search firms all offer fee-based services to help
organizations recruit and select employees at various levels.

Public employment agencies They can also help to find the right candidates.

Employment agencies Electronic recruitment is increasingly common. Each site

works differently, so an organization needs to check for one
that suits its situation. Advertisement can given on own
internet site.

Internet recruiting Advertising in newspapers and less often, in magazines and

on radio is the most frequent method of external recruiting.
It can be expensive, depending on the publications used, the
size and style of advertisement and the number of


0 When an individual tenders their resignation, the manager must first complete a
termination form; forms are available as controlled stationery from the department. The
manager should also forward an exit questionnaire to the staff member’s ÿÿme address.
The employee should return this to Human Resources.

1 It is then important for the manager to review the post, job outline and associated
skill mix.

2 If from the above, there is a change in the established post i.e. grade, or it is a new
post, i.e. following a service change, the Manager must complete a Variation of
Establishment Form. This has to be agreed and signed off by the appropriate members of
the Directorate Management Team and the changes notified at the next available
directorate meeting.


1. When the decision has been made to recruit to the post the appropriate forms
within the recruitment pack must be completed.

2. All posts are required to have a job outline and person specification. Job outlines
should be reviewed if a post becomes vacant. It is not sufficient to just resurrect
the previous job outline. All job outlines and person specification must be typed
prior being sent to the department.

3. The manager is also required to draft an advertisement for all types of advertising
e.g. newspaper, web/internet, etc; using the appropriate pro-forma, adverts must
be typed prior to being sent to the department.

4. At this point the panel is to be selected as per the selection arrangements. At least
one member of the panel needs to have received the Organization’s Recruitment
and Selection Training.

5. All documentation should then be forwarded to Human Resources for placing

6. On receipt of the documentation, HR will complete the receipt to inform the
recruiting manager of the job reference number, the date of publication, the
closing date and the HR contact for the vacancy.


0 Upon receipt of the documentation, Human Resources will be able to identify if

there is a need for the post to be held for any possible redeployment requirements for
existing staff (i.e. ill health rehabilitation), or any other “at risk” areas that may be
identified. This will be discussed with Human Resources Manager responsible for the


0 Advertisements will also be placed, if appropriate, in web, newspapers etc via the
HR department with the organization’s advertising agency.

1 Time permitting, the appointing Manager will be required to agree the copy advert
and associated costs prior to confirmation of the advert with the agency.

2 Human Resources will prepare a job file, recruitment pack, and send out the packs
upon request based on information provided by manager on the Vacancy Approval &
Advertising Details Form.

3 Once the closing date has been reached, Human Resources will forward the
original application forms (with short listing and interviewing codes attached) directly to
the recruiting manager for short listing to take place, HR will include a the blank
Interview. Arrangements Form and short listing form is also enclosed as guidance for the
short listing panel.


8 The panel undertakes the short-listing process (this must include at least 2
Members of the proposed interview panel)

9 The Interview Arrangements Form is to be completed and forwarded, along with

all the original application forms, to Human Resources (the date for interview should
allow at least two weeks for notification, from the date of receipt in HR). If the panel
information has not already been sent, this should also be included.

10 The appointing manager must complete an interviewing/short listing codes list,

which is attached to each application form. This should be completed for all unsuccessful
applicants for monitoring purposes. This must be done at both the short listing and
interviewing stages.

11 Human Resources send letters out inviting candidates for interview as


12 The short-listed applications along with a panel letter informing of the schedule of
attendees, an offer form and the job outline/person specification for the post will be
forwarded to the chair of the interview panel prior to the interview date. All other panel
members will be sent a schedule of the interviews only.

13 The day before/day of the interview, HR will telephone the recruiting manager to
confirm the attendance of the candidates.

14 All interviews should include the use of a scoring system as a measurement tool
to aid the panels’ decision. An example-scoring sheet can be found in appendix.
15 Interviews take place.

1. Following the interview, a decision on who to appoint to the post will be made.
2. The recruiting manager should complete the offer form and then telephone the
successful candidate with a provisional offer. The manager must also gain
permission for HR to request references. The manager
must state that the offer is subject to references, occupational health clearance and
if applicable, criminal records check. Successful candidates should be informed
that they should not hand in their notice to their present employer until the
appropriate checks have been sought and the offer has been confirmed in writing
and a start date given.

3. The recruiting manager should also telephone the unsuccessful candidates to

inform them that their applications have been unsuccessful on this occasion.
4. The manager should complete the interviewing codes for the successful and
unsuccessful candidates and then return all the original application forms and the
offer form to Human Resources. All other copies should be destroyed.

5. Once HR has received the documentation to offer the post, an offer letter can then
be sent out to the individual confirming the provisional offer. The individuals’
employment references will be requested at this point.

6. Human Resources will also confirm in writing to all the unsuccessful candidates
that unfortunately that their applications have been unsuccessful.

7. Human Resources will then close the job file. A personal file will be opened and
all information for the appointed person will be forwarded to the manager. On
receipt of the employment references and occupational health clearance, these
will be logged and then forwarded to the Appointing Manager.

8. Guidance for managers on references is available via Employment References

Guidance notes for managers. Two references should be received for anyone
appointed externally, one of which should be the most recent employer. A
minimum of one reference required for internal candidates.


0 It is the mangers responsibility to ensure that references have been received or to
chase any further information required i.e. outstanding references. Additional advice and
support can be obtained from the HR management team.

1 Once all the information/checks have been received and are satisfactory, the
manager can agree a start date with the appointee and must confirm this in writing
enclosing the arrangements for the new employees first day of employment.


0 On the first day of employment with the organization, it is the responsibility of
the mangers to meet with the individual and complete the appropriate commencement
documentation, issue a Contract of Employment which can be found in Contract of
Employment section in HR policies and procedures (if it is not possible to issue contract
on the first day, this must be issued within 8 weeks of commencement) and commence
the corporate and departmental induction process.
Flow chart of recruitment and selection policy and procedure:

On the basis of discussion the recruitment and selection policy and procedures of KDS
Garments Ltd. can be summarized as per model given below:-
Vacant post identified and reviewed

Decision to fill vacancy made

Prepare job description

Prepare person specification

Write job advert

Submit to monitoring group


Decide selection panel

Receive application forms

Short listing by designated selection panel

Inform short listed candidates about interview dates, date for the selection test (where
and any other details

Take up references of short listed candidates

Panel preparation for interviews

Conduct selection interviews/tests

Make decision to appoint successful candidate

Undertake appropriate checks and administrative procedures

Inform successful candidates about the selection decision

Arrange for contract to be issued

Successful candidate commences duty

Training and development

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a
particular job.

KDS Garments officers and employees training and development program follows the
organizations own rules and regulation along with government rules & regulations.

To select and recruit officers and employees KDS Garments prefers educational
eligibility with experience, skill & efficiency. But for general workers educational
eligibility is not mandatory as skill & efficiency.

After selection the employee’s garments tries to prepare its officers and employees
according to garments objectives and goals. Generally KDS Garments gives training to
its human resource by:
A. On the job training
B. off the job training

On the job training: If new executives and Managers training and experience though the
direct practice and regulatory, then it is called on the job training. On the job training
method is applicable for the lower employees to middle level officers. To give training
according to the on the job training method, job relation method is very popular and

On the other hand, high officials are given training off the job training: Accounting to this
method includes lecture, Workshop, Seminar, video Conferencing and other theoretical
method which are helpful for policy and strategy making set up objectives and goals.

To give on the job training, KDS Garments arrange training atmosphere to give on the
training under concerned authority. Concerned authority are directed and instructed by
the head office.

To give off the job training KDS Garments prepare training methodology. Sometimes
Garments gives training by its own faculty. If necessary Garments send employees other
else where in country to give effective training.
Garments allow its high officials to go abroad for training. To give off the job training,
KDS Garments has its own training centers. It gives technical training & supervision for
machinery maintenance, layout, pattern etc. & behavioral training in sales & marketing
sight for communication, 7 habit of effectiveness etc.

Performance appraisal and merit rating

Performance Appraisal is a systematic appraisal of an employee by his supervising officer

who is conversant with the employee’s job performance.

Performance appraisal is on important part of on organization. Every organization

follows a specific appraisal process. KDS Garments Ltd. Follows an attractive appraisal
chart. They make annual & monthly report through it. They evaluate stillness in
production sector & performance in management section. This chart is given bellow.
Promotion, Demotion, Transfer and Absenteeism

Promotion: Shift position from bottom to top which contributes or helps or develop
employee’s morale or productivity.

KDS Garments Ltd. evaluates its employee’s performance for promotion. The evaluation
process depends on employees and officers, annual confidential report (ACR),
Productivity, skills, experience and other criteria.

If an employee can continue his job in a position with satisfaction, then the KDS
Garments made a promotion of that employee, moreover annual confidential report
(ACR), is the considerable factor in case of promotion.


Demotion refers to the lowering down of the status, salary and responsibility of
employees. But in KDS Garments Ltd. There is no demotion system.

Demotion occurs for the following reason:

** In adequacy on the part of the employees in term’s of job performance, attitude

and capability.

** Structural and technological hyper changes causes the old to unfit for the quick
change and can not do changed job efficiently and

** It is initiated as disciplinary measures.

Transfer is a horizontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job, section, dept.
shift, plant or position to another at the same time or another place where his salary status
and responsibilities are the same.

KDS Garments Ltd.transfer employees from one department to another department for
organization benefit as week as employee benefit.
Another causes of transfer are as:

** To satisfy the organizational requirement for the due concerns.

** To meet an employees own request.

** To utilize properly the services of the employees.

** To replace a new employee by an old employee

** To help employees work according to their convenient

** Transfer for the Maintenance of a tenure system.


Failure of people to report work. In KDS Garments Ltd. All employees have an identity
card they have to punch it for entrance & exit. In this way they count absenteeism.
Causes of absenteeism of KDS Garments Ltd. are as fallows:

4 When employee are engaged in family activities.

5 Social and religious function.
6 Adequate welfare facilities.
7 Improper and unrealistic personnel policies.

KDS Garments Ltd. follows its own constitution in case of retirement of an employee.
Normally employees and officers have to go for retirement when they are 57 years age.
But this rule is not applicable for higher level management employees.

Wages and Salary Structure:

Wage is the value of employees who are directly related with production. It included blue
color employee. In KDS Garments Ltd. The wage level is tk1663 – tk5140.

Salary relates to those personnel related with production directly. It includes white color
employee. In KDS Garments Ltd. The salary level is tk8000 (for JST) – above lakhs (for
tom level managers)
Factors influencing wage and salary structure

** Organization ability to pay.

** Supply and demand for labor
** Prevailing market rate.
** The Cost of living
** Productivity.
** The living wage
** Managerial attitude

Objective of salary and wage administration

0 For employee’s concern :

** To attract, maintain and retain quality people;

** To enable them fulfilled basic need;
** To establish their social status;
** To determine up to date pay Scale;
** To reduce employee’s unrest;
** To reduce labor turnover.

b) For organization concern

** Reducing labor unrest;

** Smooth functioning;
** Controlling cost of production;
** Ensuring good environment and keeping labor all concern commitment;

c) For Social Concern

** Cope up with economic stability;

** Controlling inflation
** Positive impact on social economic ingredient.
The salary structure of KDS Garments Ltd. is followed by prevailing market rate or,
compare with other Garments. Salary Structure is formed according to post, experience,
skill ness and other performance.

The employees and officers get on increment base on appraisal if meet the target KDS
Garments Ltd. allows time scale for its employee’s and officer’s. KDS Garments
Ltd.Allows automobiles and house facility with TA/ DA & other facilities for its high
Incentives, Reward and punishment

Incentives or reward can be anything that attracts a workers attention and stimulates him
to work.

An incentives scheme is a plan or program to motivate individual or group performance.

An incentives program is most frequently built on monetary rewards (incentives pay or a
monetary bonus) but may also includes verity of non monetary rewards or prizes.

KDS Garments Ltd evaluates its employees and officers and KDS Garments always try to
satisfy its employees to increase productivity and remain 100% accuracy. KDS Garments
Ltd always following incentives for its employees and officers.

** Give monitory reword if fulfill target limit

** Give yearly incentives
** Entertainment fund (only for top level managers)

KDS Garments Ltd gives direct financial reward for better performance. KDS Garments
Ltd always tries to keep accuracy, quality, on time delivery & no absenteeism. If
employees are not able to maintain these or 11 reasons as per government law or any
other faults, Bank takes as

** Financial punishment
** Suspension
** Salary held up
Work environment

KDS Garments Ltd is fully controlled by privately. Its working environment is dynamic
good & hygienic and fine also follow & fulfill all terms of latest labor act. Dynamic
employees and officers are fully satisfied with this environment. KDS Garments Ltd is
absorbing modern garments technology. All kind of modern garments industry facilities
are present in KDS Garments Ltd. KDS Garments Ltd decorates their office as open
office system. Their salary and wages administration is satisfactory to all employees.

On the other part, working environment is healthy. There exist friendly labor
manager relationships.

Disciplinary system

In KDS Garments Ltd conflict among employees is solved & reduced by motivation &
training. They follow standard pÿÿcedure to take disciplinary action as per labor law
2006.Inappropriate on-job behaviors & dishonesty is been taken here seriously as
disciplinary problem. They take oral warning, written warning, suspension as disciplinary

Job Satisfaction:

KDS Garments Ltd Mgt. tries to keep satisfied its employees. Maximum employees are
satisfied to their works. Because-
** Dynamic work condition;
** Modern Garments industrial system;
** Attractive salary system;
** Appropriate incentives;
** Environmental condition
** Appraising system
** The organization is globally remained
** Friendly college
** Seniors also friendly & caring to juniors

Though employees are satisfied to their job, so they try to serve with more productive
way. They want more, so their productivity is not declined at every lower level.
Prospect and problems of KDS Garments Ltd.

Prospect of KDS Garments Ltd. is as:

** Highly famous in Global market
** Ensure higher quality
** To be in the leading position in the world

Problems of Human Resource Department.

** Worker Migration.
** Changing the job of personnel Management
** Time duration take place in case of communication & decision making because of
chain of command system of KDS Garments
** Failure in framing suitable policy regarding selection and Promotion.
** Lack of prepare govt. Support.


The overall situation of Human resource Management in KDS Garments Ltd is

satisfactory. The Garments plan about Human resource Management is transparent. This
Garment maintain Human resources Management department in every branch. The
Human resources Management activities are controlled by the head office only. The
branches share all information about Human Resources Management with head office.

All of the employees are satisfied with their works because the KDS Garments Ltd
believes in dynamism. The overall environment of the Garments is modern and dynamic.


 David A. Decenzo and Stephen P. Robbins. Human resource management, New

York. John wiley and sons, Inc, 2002.
 Dr. M.A. Taher, Personnel Management, MIC House Chittagong-Dhaka.
 Heinz weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management, A global Perspective, Tenth
Edition, New York, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc,1994.
 Gray Dessler Human resource management
 Dr. C.B. Mamoria, Personnel management, Himalaya publishing House, Mumbai.

 Reports provided by KDS Garments Ltd

 www.KDS garments.net
Term paper report
“Human Resource Management” of

Submitted to
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Management Studies.
University of Chittagong.

Submitted By :
BBA 4th year
Exam. Roll : 2005 /94
Class Roll : 4588
Dept. of Management Studies.
University of Chittagong.

Date of Submission: May 10, 2010

Letter of Transmittal.

MAY 10;2010

Mr. A.K.M. Tafzal Haque.
Associate Professor
Dept of mgt. Studies
University of Chittagong.

Sub: Submission of the Term Paper Report.

I am greatly impressed by the submit the Term paper report on “Human
Resource Management” of KDS GARMENTS Ltd. to your cordial consideration
an evolution. This report has been Prepared on the basis of questionnaire and
elaborate discussion with the DGM-HR & Compliance (Garments division) and
other employee’s. I have studied on relevant issues and tried my level best to
collect information in this regard. I have also tried to reflect all the findings of my
study on this report to make it a rich one.

I would like to express my gratitude for your kind guidance in completed of the
report assigned for me. I sincerely hope that this report will meet your
expectation and will serve its purposes.

Yours Truly

4th year BBA
Class Roll: 4588
Exam Roll: 2005/94
Dept. of Mgt. Studies
University of Chittagong.
Preface 1
Acknowledgement 2
Objective of the study 3
Methodology of the study 3
Limitation of the study 4
Executive summary 4
Introduction 5
Definition of HRM 6
Historical evaluation of HRM 7
Model of HRM 8
Importance of HRM practice in Bangladesh 9
The importance of RMG sector in Bangladesh 10
Problem of HRM in RMG of Bangladesh 29

Study About KDS garments Ltd.
A profile of KDS garments industries Ltd 33
KDS garment industry ltd at a glance 35
Vision, Mission of KDS Garments Ltd. 36
Core value KDS Garments Ltd. 36
New Technology 36
Organ gram of KDS garments Ltd. 37
Selection & Recruitment 38
Training & Development 49
Performance appraisal & merit Rating 50
Promotion, Demotion, Transfer & Absenteeism. 53
Wage and salary Structure 54
Incentives Reward and Punishment 56
Work environment 57
Job satisfaction 57
Prospect and Problem’s 58
Conclusion 58
Bibliography 59

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