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Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

KEYWORDS : Indian Astrology, Surya,
Origin and Development of Jyotisha Sastra Pitamaha, Vyasa, Vasishta, Atri, Par-
asara, Kasyapa, Narada, Garga, Mareechi,
Manu, Angeerasa

Sundarjee Reserch Scholar-Astrology, Dept.Sanskrit & Astrovedic Studies, PRIST

University,Thanjavur,Tamilnadu 613403.

ABSTRACT There are in the heavens several bodies which appear to shed their light directly on this Earth; and also some
others which, having no light of themselves, serve to reflect that of the Soorya , and thereby become visible to
our organs of sight. The former are termed Sthira Nakshatra (Fixed Stars), because they appear to retain the same situation or to
be fixed in the same place; but the later, being observed to wander, are termed Planets. The number and distance of the stars are so
extensive. In this article the origin and development of Indian astrology and the names of famous astronomers, sages and insighters
of our great Indian astrologers as well as their work for the development of astrology is given.

Introduction Lunar months. In Taittireeya Brahmana, the 6 seasons are de-

scribed. The details of planets as gods, solar and lunar eclipses
are available in Rigveda.

Vedic Astrology reflects the understanding and experience

of ancient spiritual teachers regarding the facts of life. Hindu
philosophers, sages, went into great intricacies to explain God.
Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by heredi- They explain that world is evolving under the benevolent influ-
tary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our ence of a Divine Being. The Supreme Intelligence takes care of
solar system at the moment of birth. The planets are regarded as every individual and puts him under those circumstances which
basic life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our are best suited for his growth. This gives faith and confidence to
very substance. These planetary forces take on different forms, the individual. Vedic Astrology believes in the spiritual nature of
depending on their zodiacal position and on the way they relate man, and guides him in realizing his true self.
to one another. The aspects formed between the planets de-
scribe these relationships, the positions of the planets in rela- It helps him realize that each soul is learning his lessons, which
tion to the place of birth tell us of their expression in the spheres he can only learn under those circumstances. Thus, he comes to
of life depicted by the astrological houses. By interpreting the know that astrological prediction comes true because the soul
roles of these planets and their qualities (the elements, signs is guided by Higher Beings, planets and the belief that, never
and houses) and creating a synthesis, astrology is able to pre- go wrong.
sent a complete and comprehensive picture of the person and
his potential, based on the natal horoscope. The oldest available book on Astrology is ‘Rigjyothisha’, written
by Lagadha. In this book, there are 5 types of years described,
There are in the heavens several bodies which appear to shed along with the ruling deities. The two Ayanas (parts) of the year
their light directly on this Earth; and also some others which, are also mentioned, along with their starting stars. Precision of
having no light of themselves, serve to reflect that of the Soorya equinoxes are explained. And the 27 stars are also given in this
, and thereby become visible to our organs of sight. The former book.
are termed Sthira Nakshatra (Fixed Stars), because they appear
to retain the same situation or to be fixed in the same place; but There are 18 pioneers in Astrology, who contributed to its de-
the later, being observed to wander, are termed Planets. The velopment. They are: 1. Surya, 2. Pitamaha, 3. Vyasa, Vasishta,
number and distance of the stars are so extensive. In this chap- 5. Atri, 6. Parasara, 7. Kasyapa, 8. Narada, 9. Garga, 10. Mareechi,
ter we study the origin and development of Indian and world as- 11.Manu, 12.Angeerasa, 13.Lomasa, 1 Poulisa, 15.Chyavana,
trology. This chapter also dealt with the famous astronomers of 16.Yavana, 17. Bhrigu, and 18. Saunaka. Each of the above sages
world and sages and insighters of our great Indian astrologers has one Siddhantha to each name to their credit.
as well as their work for the development of astrology.

1. Indian Astrology Zodiac is the outer wheel from where the radiation from differ-
ent celestial bodies is received, filtered and sent to Earth. Indian
Astrology links the planets and stars with gods. Gods are repre-
sentatives of certain types of energies. The entire Zodiac chart is
divided into 12 signs, starting from Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Can-
cer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,
and Pisces. There are 4 things to be done in a human life: Dhar-
Jyotisha from India is the most time-tested and oldest system of ma (righteous path), Artha (wealth), Kaama (Desire), and Mok-
Astrology in the world. The Sanskrit word “Jyotisha” (ja-yo- sha (Unification of soul with God). These are one by one repre-
teesh) means “science of light.” In Western countries, it is called sented by the 12 houses of the Zodiac. The hidden meaning is:
Vedic Astrology, which refers to Indian or Hindu Astrology. The A man should follow righteous path to achieve wealth and fulfill
origin of Jyotisha is from the Vedas, the scriptures of Hindus. his desires. At the same time he must be desirous of reaching
Jyotisha is the science of understanding the subtle influences God, and find ways to finally become one with the super soul.
that come to us from the greater universe. The potentiality to achieve this is represented step wise by the
Vedas are the oldest literature and compendium of multitude of
Knowledge. The history of Astrology traces back to Vedic times, 2.Indian Astrologers
lakhs of years ago from now. Astrology can be divided broadly In India, Astrology was taught in Guru kula system where the
as Siddhanta Bhaga (Calculation part) and Phalita Bhaga (Pre- master spoke directly to the students. While this system had
dictive part). In Rigveda, the year is divided into 12 months, the many advantages, one main drawback was that information was
special 13th month called extra month correlates the Solar and rarely recorded. The Master taught the secrets of Astrology only
to the best students. Some of the important knowledge was lost


Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179
Research Paper

forever as it came down from Master to the student. Ganita Skandha deals with Gola and Ganita. Hora Skandha deals
with horoscopy, Praśna, Muhurta and a part of Nimitta. Samhita
Sage Garga, Viddha Garga, Asite, Aryabhatta the math- Skandha deals elaborately with Nimitta. Samhita also deals with the
ematical genius, Sage Brighu the author of Brighu Sutram, varying fortunes of the people, changes in weather and progress of
Brihaspati(Guru), Badarayana, Kapila, Kashyappa, Manu, the animal kingdom. It sketches also the nature and shape of mete-
Manitha, Maharshi Parasara, Satyacharya, Varahamihira, Bat- ors, shooting stars and all the wonderful natural phenomena.” (Pras-
totpala, the commentator on Brihat Jataka, Prithyuyasa son of namarga 1.5-8.)
Varahamihira, Vaidyanatha Dikshitar the author of Jataka Pari-
jata, Kalidasa the author of Uttarakalamrita, Mahadeva the au- 4 The six Angas of Vedic Astrology
thor of Jataka Tatwa, and many others contributed to this vast
body of knowledge.

Maharshi Jaimini, Sage Patañjali, Sage Paanini , Rishi Katyayana,

Aryabatta , Varahamihira, Bhaskara, Lalla, Shridhara, Virase-
na, Jayadeva, Halayudha, Mahavira, Aryabhata II, Brahmadeva, The six Angas of Vedic Astrology are the following:
Bhaskara (1114-1185), Sripati, Mahadeva and Kalidasa were
given many authentic treatise for the development of Indian 1. Ganita: Mathematical calculations connected with the
astrology. movement and positions of the planets within the Zodiac.
2. Gola: Spherical astronomy, resulting from the spherical
3.Origin and description of Indian Astrology shape of the planets and their movements around their axes
and orbits.
3. Jataka: Radical Astrology, or analysis of the birth chart,
which includes all the general rules of horoscope reading.
Praśna: Query Astrology or analysis of charts erected for the
time and place of putting a question before the astrologer.
5. Muhurta: Analysis of favourable and unfavourable moments
to begin any activity.
6. Nimitta: Reading of omens, bodily signs, behavior or
humans, animals and natural phenomena.

Harihara also mentions that Vedic Astrology can be divided into

bphs 1.3 Paramamsa and Phala. Astronomical calculations come under
“Once upon a time, offering his obeisance’s to all knowing sage Pramanas (proof) as they deal basically with asrophysical char-
Parasara and with folded hands, Maitreya asked him: O vener- acteristics of the planets. This is still important for a Jyotisha,
able, Astrology, the supreme limb of the Vedas, has three divi- because these calculations will lie in the foundation of the as-
sions, viz. Hora, Ganita and Samhita. Even amongst the said trological interpretations. The astronomical interpretations
three divisions, Hora is still far excellent. I desire to know of its themselves come under Phala (fruits) as they actually delineate
glorious aspects from you. Kindly relate them to me.” the fruits of the native’s karma, or activities performed in his
previous lifetime.
These are the introductory slokas of the Brihat Parasara Hora
Sastra, the great classic of Vedic Astrology authored by Mahari- 5. Difference between Indian Vedic Astrology and Western
shi Parasara. The Shisya (student) of the Maharishi, Mitreya ri- Astrology:-
shi describes Jyotisha or Vedic Astrology as eye as the supreme Vedic and Western Astrology share a common heritage of 12
limb of the Vedas. Originally there is one Veda, which is said to Zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
have emanated from the breath of Lord Mahavishnu, and was Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces), and sev-
later divided into four branches by Maharshi Vedavyasa for en planets (Surya, Chandra, Budha, Sukra, Kuja, Guru and Sani),
easier comprehension. The four branches are the Rik, Sama, which they describe in a similar manner. Vedic Astrology also
Yajush and Atharva Vedas, which contain the hyms or mantras considers Chandra’s North and South nodes prominently. They
recited by the four priests preforming a Yajña (vedic sacrifice). are called Rahu and Kethu. The outer planets Uranus, Neptune
The auxiliary knowledge necessary for the proper performance and Pluto are not part of classical Vedic Astrology. But Vedic and
of the Vedic rituals is given in the six corollaries of the Vedas Western Astrology differ in several ways. The Vedic system is
called Vedangas. They are mentioned by Parijata Harihara in his more complicated, with many different types of charts and cal-
Prasna Marga as follows: culations to consider but very easy to understand.

“The Vedas have six limbs, viz. Jyotisha, Kalpa, Nirukta, Siksha, In Jyotisha, the positions of the planets and other significant
Vyakarana and Chanda. For the Vedas, the six important limbs, points are calculated with reference to a person’s, or events,
viz. the feet, the face, the hands, the eyes, the nose, and the ears birth data. Based on this information the Vedic astrologer cal-
are represented by Chanda, Vyakarana, Kalpa, Jyotisha, Siksha culates about 100 charts and tables. It is the job of the Vedic
and Nirukta respectively. As Astrology is the eye of the Vedas, it astrologer to study them simultaneously and derive useful in-
is given the pride of place. No person possessing all the organs formation based on the rules of interpretation created by an-
intact but without eyesight can have individuality.” (Prasnamar- cient sages. Both systems use the same twelve houses and inter-
ga.10-12.) pret them similarly (though with variations). The Vedic system
makes the cusp the same beginning of the house, while Western
Therefore, although Astrology is a subordinate part of Vedic Astrology makes the cusp the middle of the house. This causes
knowledge, it still ocuppies a very preeminent position, because half the planetary positions in the Vedic chart to move forward
with its help one can foresee the results of his actions. Maitreya to the next house relative to the Western chart.
also mentions the three branches of Astrology, namely Hora,
Ganita and Samhita, which are also elaborated upon by Harihara Vedic Astrology uses an additional 27-fold division of the Zo-
as follows: diac called Nakshatra (constellations). Personality traits are
read more through the birth star (Nakshatra of Chandra ) than
“Ancient astrological science is divided into three Skandhas or by Surya’s sign. Nakshatra positions of planets are examined in
six Vedangas. The three Skandhas are Ganita, Samhita and Hora. the birth chart as well. The use of Nakshatra is very important
Sages have classified the great science of Astrology into six Ve- in Vedic Astrology, much more than with Zodiac signs. Vedic
dangas, viz. Jataka, Gola, Nimitta, Prasna, Muhurta and Ganita. Astrology uses a system of planetary periods called Dasa, The


Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

Major Period of various planets. Most important is Vimshottari Muhurtarnava

Dasa, a 120-year-long cycle of planetary positions based on the Muhurta Bhaskara
birth Nakshatra, stars. With the help of this Dasa, The major
Period system a Vedic astrologer can predict future events ac-
curately. However, Western Astrology does not have the Dasa MuhurtaChudamani
system, with predictive capabilities as Vedic Astrology does. Muhurta Darpaanam
There are five main uses of Vedic Astrology: 1. Kama - family Muhurta Deepakam
and relationship issues like marriage compatibility, timing of
children and domestic happiness; 2. Artha - help with finances, Muhurta Deepika
business and investments; 3. Dharma - determination of career Muhurta Ganpati
and vocation; Moksha - guidance in the spiritual life and cosmic Muhurta Kalpadrum
and self-knowledge; and 5. Arogya - physical and mental health. Muhurta Maala
But these moral values do not have any importance in Western
Astrology. Muhurta Manjari
Muhurta Martanda
6.List of Indian Astrological classics/ Treatises on Nativity  Muhurta Muktaavali
Skanda Hora or Jyotishmati (God Brahma) Muhurta Prakash
Brihat Prajapatya (Daksha Prajapati) Muhurta Padavi
Vasishta Hora (Sage Vasishta) Muhurta Saagar
Garga Hora (Sage Garga)
Kousika Hora (Sage Viswamitra) Muhurta Sangraha
Sounaka Hora (Sage Sounaka) Muhurta Tattva
Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram (Sage Parasara) Muhurta Tattvapradeep
Jaimini Sutram (Sage Jaimini) Muhurtaarnava
Brigu Sutram (Sage Brigu) Muktaavali
Vedanga Jyotish (Lagadha)
Yavaneswara Hora or Yavanajataka( Sage Yavaneswara)
Sphujudwaja Hora (King Sphujidwaja) Naaradeeya
MeenarajaHora or Vridha Yavana Hora (King Meenaraja) Nibandha Chudamani
Saravali (Kalyana Verma) Poorva Kaalamrit
Brihat Jatakam (Varahamihira) Rajmartanda
Phala deepika (Mantreswara)
Ratana Koosham
Hora Saram (Prithu Yasas)
Sarvartha Chintamani (Venkatesa Daivajna) Ratanmaala
Hora Ratna (Acharya Balabhadra) Sakujaaaram
Jataka Parijatam (Vaidyanatha Deekshita) Shiva Swarodayam
Chamatkara Chintamani (Bhatta Narayana) Vaivaha Pradeepam
Kashyapa Hora (Sage Kasyapa)
Vivaha Kautuhalam
Poorva Kalamritam (Ganaka Kalidasa)
Uttara Kalamritam (Ganaka Kalidasa) Vivaha Patalam
Suka Nadi (Sage Suka) Vivaha Pradeepam
Deva Keralam or Chandra Kala Nadi (Achyuta) Vivaha Saaram
Tajaka Neelakanthi (Neelakantha) Vivaha Vrindavanam
Prasna Margam (Panakkattu Sankaran Vyvahaarochchyam
Daivajna Vallabha (Varahamihira) Yoga Yatra
7. Treatises on Indian Electional/Muhurtha Astrology
8. List of Indian Astrologic Samhitas: treatises on mundane,
Adbhuta Sagaara
portents, omens, meteorology etc.
BrahKuja hi Samhita
Brihaspati Samhita
Brihat Samhita
Daivygyamanoranjana Parasara Samhita
Daivygyamanohar Grantha Garga Samhita
Ganaka Mandana Rishiputra Samhita
Giana Manjari Guru Samhita
Hindu Electional Astrology Kashyapa Samhita
Jaganmohana Grantha Lomasha Samhita
Jyotiprakasha Maanava Samhita
Jyotirnibandha Naagarjuna Samhita
Jyotisha Ratana Narada Samhita
Jyotishsaara Shakalya Samhita
Jyotisha Chintamani Samaasa Samhita
Samhita Pradeepa
Samhita Sidhhanta
Kaala Khanda
Satya Samhita
Kaal Nirnaya Deepika
Surya Samhita
Kaal Prakashika Vaikhaanasa Samhita
Madhaveeyam VasistaSamhita


Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179
Research Paper

9.List of Indian Astrologic Siddhanthas : treatises on

mundane, portents, omens, meteorology etc.
Name of the Siddhantha Author
Ancient Surya Sidhata (Maya)
Brahma Sidhanta (God Brahma)
Lomasa Sidhanta (Sage Lomasa)
Poulisa Sidhanta (Sage Poulisa)
Pitamaha Sidhanta (God Brahma)
Vasishta Sidhata (Sage Vasishta)
Vridha Vasishta Sidhanta (Sage Vridha Vasishta)
Garga Sidhanta (Sage Garga)
Parasara Sidhanta (Sage Parasara)
Pancha Sidhantika (Varaha Mihira)
Modern Surya Sidhanta (Aryabhata II)

Conclusion: The knowledge of history and origin is essential

for understanding of any subject. Here we saw the Indian astrol-
ogy and its development in this short article.

REFERENCE An Introduction to Astrology by William Lilly Zadkiel, www.Wikipedia.org, History of world Astrology by Nick Campion, History of Astrology by
Derak Parker,. Kudumbajotidam by Lifco


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