Orgin & Development of Astrology PDF
Orgin & Development of Astrology PDF
Orgin & Development of Astrology PDF
KEYWORDS : Indian Astrology, Surya,
Origin and Development of Jyotisha Sastra Pitamaha, Vyasa, Vasishta, Atri, Par-
asara, Kasyapa, Narada, Garga, Mareechi,
Manu, Angeerasa
ABSTRACT There are in the heavens several bodies which appear to shed their light directly on this Earth; and also some
others which, having no light of themselves, serve to reflect that of the Soorya , and thereby become visible to
our organs of sight. The former are termed Sthira Nakshatra (Fixed Stars), because they appear to retain the same situation or to
be fixed in the same place; but the later, being observed to wander, are termed Planets. The number and distance of the stars are so
extensive. In this article the origin and development of Indian astrology and the names of famous astronomers, sages and insighters
of our great Indian astrologers as well as their work for the development of astrology is given.
1. Indian Astrology Zodiac is the outer wheel from where the radiation from differ-
ent celestial bodies is received, filtered and sent to Earth. Indian
Astrology links the planets and stars with gods. Gods are repre-
sentatives of certain types of energies. The entire Zodiac chart is
divided into 12 signs, starting from Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Can-
cer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,
and Pisces. There are 4 things to be done in a human life: Dhar-
Jyotisha from India is the most time-tested and oldest system of ma (righteous path), Artha (wealth), Kaama (Desire), and Mok-
Astrology in the world. The Sanskrit word “Jyotisha” (ja-yo- sha (Unification of soul with God). These are one by one repre-
teesh) means “science of light.” In Western countries, it is called sented by the 12 houses of the Zodiac. The hidden meaning is:
Vedic Astrology, which refers to Indian or Hindu Astrology. The A man should follow righteous path to achieve wealth and fulfill
origin of Jyotisha is from the Vedas, the scriptures of Hindus. his desires. At the same time he must be desirous of reaching
Jyotisha is the science of understanding the subtle influences God, and find ways to finally become one with the super soul.
that come to us from the greater universe. The potentiality to achieve this is represented step wise by the
Vedas are the oldest literature and compendium of multitude of
Knowledge. The history of Astrology traces back to Vedic times, 2.Indian Astrologers
lakhs of years ago from now. Astrology can be divided broadly In India, Astrology was taught in Guru kula system where the
as Siddhanta Bhaga (Calculation part) and Phalita Bhaga (Pre- master spoke directly to the students. While this system had
dictive part). In Rigveda, the year is divided into 12 months, the many advantages, one main drawback was that information was
special 13th month called extra month correlates the Solar and rarely recorded. The Master taught the secrets of Astrology only
to the best students. Some of the important knowledge was lost
forever as it came down from Master to the student. Ganita Skandha deals with Gola and Ganita. Hora Skandha deals
with horoscopy, Praśna, Muhurta and a part of Nimitta. Samhita
Sage Garga, Viddha Garga, Asite, Aryabhatta the math- Skandha deals elaborately with Nimitta. Samhita also deals with the
ematical genius, Sage Brighu the author of Brighu Sutram, varying fortunes of the people, changes in weather and progress of
Brihaspati(Guru), Badarayana, Kapila, Kashyappa, Manu, the animal kingdom. It sketches also the nature and shape of mete-
Manitha, Maharshi Parasara, Satyacharya, Varahamihira, Bat- ors, shooting stars and all the wonderful natural phenomena.” (Pras-
totpala, the commentator on Brihat Jataka, Prithyuyasa son of namarga 1.5-8.)
Varahamihira, Vaidyanatha Dikshitar the author of Jataka Pari-
jata, Kalidasa the author of Uttarakalamrita, Mahadeva the au- 4 The six Angas of Vedic Astrology
thor of Jataka Tatwa, and many others contributed to this vast
body of knowledge.
“The Vedas have six limbs, viz. Jyotisha, Kalpa, Nirukta, Siksha, In Jyotisha, the positions of the planets and other significant
Vyakarana and Chanda. For the Vedas, the six important limbs, points are calculated with reference to a person’s, or events,
viz. the feet, the face, the hands, the eyes, the nose, and the ears birth data. Based on this information the Vedic astrologer cal-
are represented by Chanda, Vyakarana, Kalpa, Jyotisha, Siksha culates about 100 charts and tables. It is the job of the Vedic
and Nirukta respectively. As Astrology is the eye of the Vedas, it astrologer to study them simultaneously and derive useful in-
is given the pride of place. No person possessing all the organs formation based on the rules of interpretation created by an-
intact but without eyesight can have individuality.” (Prasnamar- cient sages. Both systems use the same twelve houses and inter-
ga.10-12.) pret them similarly (though with variations). The Vedic system
makes the cusp the same beginning of the house, while Western
Therefore, although Astrology is a subordinate part of Vedic Astrology makes the cusp the middle of the house. This causes
knowledge, it still ocuppies a very preeminent position, because half the planetary positions in the Vedic chart to move forward
with its help one can foresee the results of his actions. Maitreya to the next house relative to the Western chart.
also mentions the three branches of Astrology, namely Hora,
Ganita and Samhita, which are also elaborated upon by Harihara Vedic Astrology uses an additional 27-fold division of the Zo-
as follows: diac called Nakshatra (constellations). Personality traits are
read more through the birth star (Nakshatra of Chandra ) than
“Ancient astrological science is divided into three Skandhas or by Surya’s sign. Nakshatra positions of planets are examined in
six Vedangas. The three Skandhas are Ganita, Samhita and Hora. the birth chart as well. The use of Nakshatra is very important
Sages have classified the great science of Astrology into six Ve- in Vedic Astrology, much more than with Zodiac signs. Vedic
dangas, viz. Jataka, Gola, Nimitta, Prasna, Muhurta and Ganita. Astrology uses a system of planetary periods called Dasa, The
REFERENCE An Introduction to Astrology by William Lilly Zadkiel,, History of world Astrology by Nick Campion, History of Astrology by
Derak Parker,. Kudumbajotidam by Lifco