(Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application) : A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics II 4as
(Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application) : A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics II 4as
(Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application) : A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics II 4as
Mathematics II
I. Objectives
After the discussion, the Grade 2 pupils are expected to do the following with at least 80%
a. to identify the denominations of Philippine coins and bills
Good afternoon class!
Checking of attendance
Now, let us check the attendance, row leaders, do we have absentees
It is nice to hear that we don’t have absentees today.
Before we start our activity, kindly pick up the pieces of paper under your
chair, and go back to your permanent seats. Are we all sets?
1. Drill
We will have an activity. Are you ready? Do you have money? The first row will be
the be first group, and 2nd row will be the 2nd group and so on. I want you to bring out your money. Make
sure that the money is properly accounted.
We will play “Bring Me”. The first group to bring what is asked will earn point.
Bring me 200 pesos. Bring me 50 pesos. Bring me 1 peso.
Thank you very much for the cooperation.
2. Motivation
Now, I will ask you questions. Do you use money when you buy foods, toys, or
Alright. We used money when we buy something, right?
How about your allowance, how much is your allowance everyday?
Okay, John’s allowance is 200.
How about you Crisha? Okay, Crisha’s allowance is 100.
How about the others? Yes Tom? Okay, 50 pesos.
That’s great.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
What do you think is our lesson for today?
Spending money? Okay, what else?
Okay, now class we are going to talk about the denominations of Philippine coins
and bills.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Before we go to our activity let’s give the meaning of the given words.
Denominations – It is the value of the particular coins or bills.
coins – a round piece of metal used as money
bills – It is a piece of paper money.
sentimo – it is also called as “centavo”. It is a monetary subunit of the Philippine
peso – It is the basic unit of money, a coin or bill representing one peso.
3. Activity
Class, we will be having a group activity. You will be divided into 4 groups. Okay,
let’s count off 1 to 4.
Now class, go to your groups. Group yourselves according to your numbers and
choose your leaders.
Anyway, before we start our activity. Let’s know first the rules of making group
What are the rules of making group activity?
Don’t be noisy.
Do not change other groups.
Participate to group activity.
Accept and respect the ideas of the members.
I have here real money, I will give each group 3 particular coin and bill and I want
you to describe each coin and bill. (Let the pupils recognize the coins and bills by its face, color,
Before we start our group activity, let’s read first the Rubric which will give you
points by doing the activity.
Correctness Gets all the correct Half of the answers are Few answers are correct.
answers. correct.
Focus on the Consistently stays Focuses on the task and Rarely focuses on the
focused on the task what needs to be done task and what needs to
task and what needs to be most of the time. Other be done. Lets others do
done. Very self- group members can the work.
directed. count on this person.
Working with Almost always listens Usually listens to, Rarely listens to, shares
to, shares with, and shares, with, and with, and supports the
Others supports the efforts of supports the efforts of efforts of others. Often
others. Tries to keep others. Does not cause is not a good team
people working well "waves" in the group. player.
4. Analysis
Now class, let’s proceed to read the answers of each group, this time the leaders
will stand in front but of course, let’s check if their answers are correct so that we can give points in
each group.
5. Abstraction
Class, did you know that we have the denominations of Philippine coins and bills?
So, I have here the actual denominations of Philippine coins and bills.
First we have 10 peso coin. It is portrait of Apolinario Mabini. The Philippine ten-peso coin
is the largest denomination coin of the Philippine peso.
We are done with the mainly used denomination of Philippine coins and bills.
Did you know that we also have rarely used coins?
So what are the rarely used Philippine coins?
Okay, so I’ll show you the actual rarely used denomination of Philippine coins.
The Philippine 25 sentimo coin is the third-lowest denomination coin of the Philippine
The Philippine 5 sentimo coin is the second-lowest denomination coin of the Philippine
peso after the one sentimo.
The Philippine 1 sentimo coin is the smallest denomination coin of the Philippine peso.
Again, we have 10 peso coin, 5 peso coin, 1 peso coin, 25 sentimo, 5 sentimo and 1
sentimo. In bills, we have 1000 peso bill, 500 peso bill, 200 peso bill, 100 peso bill, 50 peso bill,
and 50 peso bill.
6. Application
Pretend that we are at a store, I am the vendor and you will buy different things
to my store. Choose the coin or bill that you will use to pay for the item you want to buy. Make sure
that the denomination of you coins and bills are matches to the price of the item.
C. Post Activities
1. Generalization
Class, what are those denominations of Philippine coins?
How about the denominations of Philippine bills?
2. Valuing
Class, did you use you money wisely?
Very good. On what way did you use your money wisely?
Alright. By not spending too much.
Class, don’t spend your money buying junk foods, okay? Junk foods is not good
for your health and also soft drinks. You have to buy nutritious foods such as fruits and
vegetable. That’s good for your health and also you spend your money wisely. You also give
respect with our coins and bills. Alright?
IV. Evaluation
Write each denominations of Philippine coins and bills.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Prepared by:
Nikki R. Palconit
₱500 ₱5 ₱100
Write each denominations of Philippine coins and bills.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10.
___________ ________
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10.
___________ ________