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Second Order Differential Equation of Motion in Railways: The Variance of The Dynamic Component of Actions Due To The Sprung Masses of The Vehicles

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Second Order Differential Equation of Motion in Railways: the Variance of the

Dynamic Component of Actions due to the Sprung Masses of the Vehicles

Article  in  International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Multiscale Mechanics · February 2016


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1 author:

Konstantinos Giannakos


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International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics


Second Order Differential Equation of Motion in Railways: the

Variance of the Dynamic Component of Actions due to the Sprung
Masses of the Vehicles
Civil Engineer, PhD, Fellow ASCE, Member TRB AR 050 & 060 Committees
Consultant, Researcher
108 Neoreion str., Piraeus 18534
e-mail addresses: kongiann@otenet.gr; kyannak@gmail.com;
website: http://giannakoskonstantinos.com/wp

Abstract: - In this paper the second order differential equation of motion is presented for the case of a railway
vehicle rolling on a railway track with defects/faults and its solution is presented for the Sprung (Suspended)
Masses of the vehicle that act indirectly on the track through the springs and dampers of the vehicle.

Key-Words: - Static/Dynamic Stiffness Coefficient, Sprung Masses, Unprung Masses, Fourier Transform,
Spectral Density, Variance, Standard Deviation, Dynamic Component of Actions.

1 Introduction In this simplified model, with the wheel rolling

The motion of a railway vehicle on the rail running over a surface with defects but undeflected itself,
table/surface or the motion of a road vehicle on the the acting forces are:
road, the response of the structures to earthquakes, a. the weight of the vehicle m∙g;
etc, is a forced oscillation with a forcing excitation b. the dynamic component of the Load Pdyn;
(force), and damping expressed by a random, non- c. the motive force P(t) which is equal to the
periodic function. The motion is described by difference between the tractive force of the
equations and, in railway engineering, it is locomotive minus the friction and it is
illustrated through the simplified form of a spring- positive in the case of increase of speed
mass-damper system as depicted in Fig. 1, with a (accelerated motion) or negative in the case
railway vehicle running on a track with longitudinal of braking (decrease of speed) since it is
defects (Fig. 1 left) and the forces exerted on the equal to zero if the motive force is equal to
vehicle’s “car-body” (Fig. 1 right). friction;
d. the reaction R1 provided by the system
“vehicle-track” equal to a spring constant or
coefficient of elasticity ρi (given in kN/mm)
multiplied by the subsidence u(x) of the
center of gravity of the vehicle;
e. the reaction R2 provided by the system
“vehicle-track” equal to a damping constant
ci multiplied by the first derivative of the
subsidence u(x) of the center of gravity of
the vehicle.
In practice, the circulation of a railway vehicle
on a railway track differs significantly from this
Fig. 1 A spring-mass-damper-system in railway simplified model, since the support/railway track is
engineering: (left) a railway vehicle on a railway not undeflected and the railway vehicle has the
track with longitudinal defects and (right) the forces Sprung and the Unsprung Masses as described
exerted on the “car-body”. below. The behavior of the Unsprung Masses (the
masses located under the primary suspension of the
vehicle) is approached with the track simulated
–with the observer situated on the wheel– as an
elastic mean with damping as illustrated in the

simplified model in Fig. 2. An analysis of the Masses (axle, wheels and a fraction of the semi-
behavior of the Non Suspended Masses was suspended motive electromotor in the locomotives)
presented in [1], [2]. For the simulation of the which act without any damping directly on the track
Sprung (Suspended) Masses of the vehicles (that is panel. On the contrary the Sprung (Suspended)
of the masses located over the primary suspension Masses that are cited above the primary suspension
of the vehicle), the forces resulting from the forcing of the vehicle, act through a combination of springs
excitation imposed by the rail running table –in the and dampers on the track. A part of the track mass is
most of the cases– have small effect on the rolling also added to the unsprung masses, which
of the wheel, but for defects of very long participates in their motion ([3], [4]).
wavelength, the oscillations of the Suspended The rail running table has the shape of a wave
Masses become predominant since the oscillations that is not completely “rectilinear”, that is, it does
of the Non Suspended Masses decrease. The not form a perfectly straight line but contains faults/
Suspended/Sprung Masses are examined in the defects, varying from a few fractions of a millimeter
present paper. to a few millimeters, and imposes forced oscillation
on the railway vehicles that move on it; the
faults/defects are represented by the ordinate n in
Fig. 2. Moreover during the rolling of the wheel, a
2 Problem Formulation deflection y of the rail running table appears (see
[5]), since the support (track) is not undeflected.
The general form of the equation of a vehicle
moving on an infinitely long beam, on elastic
ground without damping, is described in the next
paragraph 2.2..

2.2 Second Order Differential Equation of

Motion for the Railway Track
In this paragraph, the simulation of the track as an
elastic media with damping as shown in Fig. 2,
depicting the rolling wheel on the rail running table
(see relevantly also [6]), is attempted. Forced
oscillation is caused by the irregularities of the rail
running table (like an input random signal) –which
are represented by n–, in a gravitational field with
acceleration g. There are two suspensions on the
vehicle for passenger comfort purposes: primary and
secondary suspension, as described in the previous
paragraph 2.1.. Moreover, a section of the mass of
Fig. 2 Model of a Vehicle running the Rail Running the railway track participates in the motion of the
Table: the Non Suspended Masses (NSM) and the Non-Suspended (Unsprung) Masses of the vehicle.
Suspended Masses (SM), the primary and secondary These Masses are situated under the primary
suspensions are depicted. suspension of the vehicle.
If the random excitation (track irregularities) is
given, it is difficult to derive the response, unless
2.1 Simulation of the System “Railway the system is linear and invariable. In this case the
Vehicle-Railway Track” input signal can be defined by its spectral density
In Fig. 2 a simplified model of the system “Railway and from this we can calculate the spectral density
Track – Railway Vehicle” is depicted; in practice it of the response. The theoretical results confirm and
is an ensemble of springs and dashpots. The railway explain the experimental verifications ([7], p.39,
track is represented by the resultants of springs and 71).
dashpots, as described in [1] and [2]. The railway The equation for the interaction between the
vehicle has two levels of suspensions the primary vehicle’s axle and the track-panel becomes ([1], [5],
suspension between the axles and the bogie’s frame [6]):
and the secondary suspension between the car-body
and the bogie’s frame. Under the primary
suspension there are the Unsprung (Non-Suspended)

d2 y dy algebraically), we can approach the problem of the
( mNSM + mTRACK ) ⋅ 2
+ Γ ⋅ + hTRACK ⋅ y = random excitation, from cosine defect (V<<
dt dt
d 2n Vcritical=500 km/h).
= −mNSM ⋅ + ( mNSM + mSM ) ⋅ g (1)
dt 2
2.3 Fourier Transform and the Second
where: mNSM the Non-Suspended/Unsprung Order Differential Equation of Motion
Masses (NSM) of the vehicle in tonnes-mass, We begin from the hypothesis of a cosine form
mTRACK the mass of the track that participates in the defect on the rail running table of the form:
motion of the NSM (for its calculation see Ref. [3]
 V ⋅t 
and [4]), mSM the Suspended/Sprung Masses (SM) η = a ⋅ cos ω t = a ⋅ cos  2π ⋅  (4)
of the vehicle that are cited above the primary  λ 
suspension of the vehicle, Γ damping constant of the where: η the ordinate of the defect along the
track, hTRACK the total dynamic stiffness coefficient track (abscissa x), V the speed of the vehicle, t the
of the track (its calculation Eqn. 3 below), n the time and λ the wavelength of the defect, so:
fault ordinate of the rail running table, g the
2π 2π 2π Vt
acceleration of gravity and y the total deflection of T= ⇒ ωt = t ⇒ ωt = (5a)
the track. Furthermore: ω T λ
1 1 1 1 1 1 since the wheel overpasses the wavelength λ of
= + + + + (2) the defect, in:
ρtotal ρ rail ρ pad ρ sleeper ρballast ρ subgrade
T= ⇒ λ = T ⋅V (5b)
where: ρi the static stiffness coefficients of the V
constitutive layers of the track, the quasi spring If we set:
constants of the layers and ρtotal the resultant total
static coefficient of the track and htrack the total mSM + mNSM dy dz
dynamic stiffness coefficient of the track given by: y=z+ ⋅g ⇒ =
hTRACK dt dt

1 ρtotal
hTRACK = ρ = ⋅ 4 E⋅ J ⋅ (3) its second derivative will be:

2⋅ 2
d2y d2z
with E, J the modulus of elasticity and the =
moment of inertia of the rail (steel) and ℓ the dt 2 dt 2
distance among the sleepers. mNSM + mSM
The phenomena of the wheel-rail contact and of where the quantity ⋅ g represents
the wheel hunting, particularly the equivalent the subsidence due to the static loads only, and z
conicity of the wheel and the forces of pseudo-glide,
are non-linear. In any case the use of the linear random (see [20]) due to the dynamic loads. Eqn (1)
system’s approach is valid for speeds lower than the
Vcritical≈500 km/h. The integration for the non-linear becomes:
model (wheel-rail contact, wheel-hunting and
pseudoglide forces) is performed through the Runge d2z dz d 2n
mNSM + Γ ⋅ + hTRACK ⋅ z = − m NSM ⋅ ⇒ (6a)
Kutta method ([7], p.94-95, 80, [8], p.98, see also dt 2 dt dt 2
[9], p.171, 351).
In Fig. 2 the rail running table depicts a
 d 2 z d 2n  dz
longitudinal fault/ defect of the rail surface. In the ⇒ mNSM  2 + 2  + Γ ⋅ + hTRACK ⋅ z = 0 (6b)
above equation, the oscillation of the axle is damped  dt dt  dt
after its passage over the defect. Viscous damping,
due to the ballast, enters the above equation under Since, in this case, we are examining the
the condition that it is proportional to the variation dynamic loads only (derived from the actions of the
of the deflection dy/dt. To simplify the Suspended and Non Suspended Masses) , in order to
investigation, if we ignore the track mass (for its approach their effect, we could narrow the study of
calculation Ref. [3] and [4]) in relation to the much equation (6b), by changing the variable:
larger Vehicle’s Non Suspended Mass and bearing d 2u d 2 n d 2 z
in mind that y+n is the total subsidence of the wheel u =n+ z⇒ = +
during its motion (since the y and n are added dt 2 dt 2 dt 2

Equation (6) becomes: where:

d 2u dz Γ 2 ⋅ ω 2 + hTRACK
mNSM + Γ ⋅ + hTRACK ⋅ z = 0 ⇒ (7a) B (ω ) =
(m ⋅ ω 2 − h ) + Γ2 ⋅ ω 2
dt dt 2

d 2u d (u − n)
⇒ mNSM 2
+Γ⋅ + hTRACK ⋅ ( u − n ) = 0 (7b) B(ω) is a complex transfer function, the
dt dt
frequency response function, that makes it possible
to pass from the fault n to the u=n+Z. Practically it
where, u is the trajectory of the wheel over the
is verified also by the equation:
vertical fault (of ordinate n) in the longitudinal
B ( ω ) = H ( ω ) ⋅ G (ω ) =
2 2 2
profile of the rail.
If we apply the Fourier transform to the equation 2
hTRACK + Γ2 ⋅ ω 2
(6a) (see relevantly Ref. [10] for solving second = (10c)
(m ⋅ ω 2 − hTRACK ) + Γ 2 ⋅ ω 2
order differential equations with the Fourier NSM

passing from n to Z through H(ω) and afterwards
Γ ⋅ ( iω ) h from Z to n+Z through G(ω). This is a formula that
( iω ) ⋅ Z (ω ) + ⋅ Z (ω ) + TRACK ⋅ Z ( ω ) =

mNSM mNSM characterizes the transfer function between the wheel

trajectory and the fault in the longitudinal level and
= − ( iω ) ⋅ N (ω ) ⇒
(8a) enables, thereafter, the calculation of the transfer
function between the dynamic load and the track
Z (ω )
H (ω ) = , (8b)
defect (fault).
N (ω ) The transfer function B(ω) allows us to calculate
the effect of a spectrum of sinusoidal faults, like the
mNSM ⋅ω4
H (ω ) =
(8c) undulatory wear. If we replace ω/ωn=ρ, where ωn=
(m ⋅ ω 2 − hTRACK ) + Γ 2 ⋅ ω 2
NSM the circular eigenfrequency (or natural cyclic
frequency) of the oscillation, and:
H(ω) is a complex transfer function, called
frequency response function [10], that makes it hTRACK 2π V Γ ω
ωn2 = , ω= , 2ζω n = , β=
possible to pass from the fault n to the subsidence Z. mNSM λ mNSM ωn
If we apply the Fourier transform to equation (7a):
where ζ is the damping coefficient. Eqn (10b) is
( iω ) ⋅ U ( ω ) + Γ ⋅ ( iω ) ⋅ Z (ω ) + hTRACK ⋅ ( iω ) ⋅ Z ( ω ) = 0 ⇒
2 0

U (ω ) + Γ2 ⋅ ω 2 1 + 4ζ 2 ⋅ β 2
h2 B ( ω ) = Bn ( β ) =
2 2
G (ω ) = , G (ω )
= TRACK2 (10d)
(1 − β 2 ) + 4ζ 2 ⋅ β 2
Z (ω )
mNSM ⋅ ω 4

G(ω) is a complex transfer function, the The transfer function C(ω) of the second
frequency response function, that makes it possible
d 2 ( Z + n)
to pass from Z to Z+n. derivative of (Z+n) in relation to time: ,
If we name U the Fourier transform of u, N the dt 2
Fourier transform of n, p=2πiν=iω the variable of –that is the acceleration γ–, will be equal to ω∙Β(ω):
frequency and Δ̂Q the Fourier transform of ΔQ and
apply the Fourier transform at equation (7b):
p 2 ⋅ U ( ω ) = p 2 B (ω ) ⋅ p 2 ⋅ N (ω ) ⇒
d 2u du dn
Eq.(7) ⇒ mNSM +Γ⋅ + hTRACK ⋅ u = Γ ⋅ + hTRACK ⋅ n ⇒ (11a)
dt 2 dt dt
⇒ U (ω ) = p B ( ω ) ⋅ N ( ω )

 
(m NSM ⋅ p 2 + Γ ⋅ p + hTRACK ) ⋅ U = ( Γ ⋅ p + hTRACK ) ⋅ N ⇒ C (ω )

that is:
Γ ⋅ p + hTRACK
U (ω ) = ⋅ N (ω ) (10a) ω2
mNSM ⋅ p 2 + Γ ⋅ p + hTRACK C ( ω ) = ω 2 ⋅ B (ω ) = ωn2 ⋅ ⋅ B (ω ) ⇒
  ωn2
B (ω )
⇒ C ( ω ) = ωn2 ⋅ β 2 ⋅ B (ω ) (11b)

The increase of the vertical load on the track due where λ is the wavelength of the defect. This
to the Non Suspended Masses, according to the means that circular frequency in space Ω is the wave
principle force = mass x acceleration, is given by: number k of the equation of oscillation, and [13]:
d 2u d 2 (n + Z ) ∞ ∞
∆Q = mNSM ⋅ 2 = mNSM ⋅
dt dt 2
(12) ∫ S ( Ω ) ⋅ d Ω = ∫ s (ω ) ⋅ dω ⇒
0 0

If we apply the Fourier transform to Eqn. (12):

1 ν 
⇒ F  f ( ax )  = ⋅ fˆ   ⇒
∆ˆ Q = mNSM ⋅ p 2 ⋅ U (ω ) = mNSM ⋅ p 2 ⋅ fˆZ + n (ω ) ⇒
(13a) a a
ω  1
∆ˆ Q = mNSM ⋅ C(ω) ⋅ N(ω) = mNSM ⋅ p ⋅ B(ω) ⋅ N(ω) ⇒ S (ω ) = S   = ⋅ S ( Ω )
V  V
∆ˆ Q = mNSM ⋅ β 2 ⋅ ωn2 ⋅ B (ω ) ⋅ N (ω ) (13b)
where F is the symbol for the application of the
Fourier transform of f and f̂ the function after the
2.4 Input and Output Power Spectral transform. This is a property of the Fourier
Density and Variance transform.
The excitation (rail irregularities) in reality is Eqn (16a) applied in the case that the power
random and neither periodic nor analytically defined, spectrum of the vertical defects along the track (for
like the eq. (4). It can be defined by its the NSM) in the space domain is S(Ω) then the
autocorrelation function in space and its spectral power spectrum of the excitation of the wheel in the
density ([7], p.58; [11], p.700; [12]). If f(x) is a time domain will result after a replacement of Ω by
signal with determined total energy and F(ν) its the ω/V.
Fourier transform, from Parseval’s modulus theorem 1 ω 
[13], the total energy is [10]: sυ (ω ) = S   (16b)
V V 
+∞ 2 +∞ 2

∫ f ( x ) ⋅ dx = ∫ F (ν ) ⋅ dν (14a) The Variance or mean square value σ2(x) of the

−∞ −∞ function is given by [15], [16]:
where, F(ν)=Α(ν)∙eiφ(ν) and the power spectral 1
σ 2 ( x) = ⋅ ∫ S (ω ) ⋅ dω = x 2 (17)
density: 2π −∞
where σ(x) is the standard deviation of the
S (ω ) = F (ν ) = A2 (ν )
The Power Spectral density and the variance of a
Reference [10] solves equation (14a) as:
function are depicted in Fig. 3.
+∞ +∞
∫ f (t ) ∫ F (ω )
From equation (17) we derive:
⋅ dt = ⋅ dω
2π 1
−∞ −∞
σ 2 ( n ) = ∫ S n (ω ) ⋅ d ω
The square of the modulus F(ω) is called the π 0
energy spectrum of the signal because F2(ω)∙Δ(ω) +∞
represents the amount of energy in any ΔΩ segment σ 2 (z) = ∫ S (ω ) ⋅ d ω (18)
of the frequency spectrum, and the integral of F2(ω) 0
over (-∞, +∞)gives the total energy of the signal. An 1

input signal -like the running rail table- creates σ ( ∆Q ) = ∫ S ∆Q ( ω ) ⋅ d ω


π 0
through the vehicle an output signal: the wheel
trajectory. The output spectral density and the input where n is the random variable of the defect
spectral density of the excitation are related through (input), z the subsidence of the wheel (output) and
equation [14], [5]: ΔQ the dynamic component of the Load that is
added to the Static Load of the wheel due to the Non
SOUTPUT (ω ) = H ( iω ) ⋅ S INPUT (ω )
2 Suspended Masses (output also).
From these equations and the analytic form of
In order to relate the temporal spectrum with the the spectrum of the defects/faults, we can calculate
spectrum in space we use the following equation: the mean square value of the dynamic component of
the Load due to the Non Suspended Masses that is
2π Vt 2π
ω ⋅t = ⇒ω = ⋅V ⇒ ω = Ω ⋅V (15b) added to the relevant dynamic component of the
λ λ

A  
Suspended Masses and the total dynamic component +∞
A 1 1
of the load is added to the Static Load of the wheel. ⇒ σ ( z) = ⋅
∫ ( x) ⋅ dx = −   ⇒
π 0
2π  ( B + Ω )2 

A  1 
σ ( z) = −
⋅ 2 2

2π  B + 2 BΩ + Ω  0
A  1 
Fig. 3 Power Spectral density S(Ω) –the black ⇒ σ 2 ( z) = −  0− 2 ⇒
2π  B 
curve– Variance (mean square value x̅2) –the shaded
area– of a function [5]. 1 A
σ 2 (z) = ⋅ (23)
2π B 2
From the power spectral density and the variance
functions and their definitions [5]:
If we examine only the much more severe case,
S ∆Q ( ω ) = S n ( ω ) ⋅ B ( ω )
(19a) for the case of the Non Suspended Masses, of the
defects of short wavelength, consequently large Ω
–like the undulatory wear– then we can omit the
∆Q = mNSM ⋅ ∆γ ⇒ σ 2 ( ∆Q ) = mNSM ⋅ σ 2 ( γ(19b)
)⇒ term B, and using Eqn. (15b):

σ 2 ( ∆Q ) A A A ⋅V 3
⇒ σ (γ ) =
(19c) Sn ( Ω ) = = = (24)
mNSM Ω3 1
⋅ ω 3 ω3
and using the eqs. (19) and (11-12b): The term B characterizes the defects with large
wavelengths, for which the maintenance of track is
1 effective, and when we examine this kind of defects
σ 2 (γ ) = ⋅ σ 2 ( ∆Q ) ⇒
mNSM term B should be taken into account. Suspended
+∞ Masses should be examined for long wavelength
σ 2 (γ ) = ∫ B (ω ) ⋅ S n (ω ) ⋅ d ω (20)
⋅ defects.
m 2
NSM ⋅π 0 For the line “Les Aubrais – Vierzon”, the
2 +∞ parameters values are: B=0,36, A=2,1∙10-6 and S(Ω)
σ 2 (γ ) = ∫ β 4 ⋅ ωn4 ⋅ B (ω ) ⋅ S n (ω ) ⋅ d ω =
⋅ is calculated in m3 and σ(z)=1,57 mm. The
mNSM ⋅ π 0
eigenfrequency of the Non Suspended Masses of the
σ 2 (γ ) = vehicles is approximately 30 – 40 Hz and even for
speeds of 300 km/h there are wavelengths less than
1 1 + 4ζ 2 ⋅ β 2
= ⋅ ∫β
⋅ ωn4 ⋅ ⋅ S n ( ω ) ⋅ d(21)
ω 3 m [17].
π (1 − β 2 ) + 4ζ 2 ⋅ β 2
From equations (16) and (24):
1 1 A ⋅V 3 A ⋅V 2
Sn (ω ) = ⋅ S (Ω) = ⋅ = 3 3 (25)
From the above equations and the analytical form V V ω 3
ωn ⋅ β
of the spectrum of the longitudinal defects/ faults of
the track we could effectively calculate the variance
(mean square value) of the dynamic component of
the Loads on the track panel due to the Non 3 The Case of Non Suspended Masses
Suspended Masses. All the results of measurements
on track in the French railways network show that This case has been analyzed in [1], [2], [5], [18].
the spectrum of defects in the longitudinal level has The interested reader should read the relevant texts.
the form [6], [17]:
Sn ( Ω ) = (22)
( B + Ω) 4 The Variance of the Suspended

This implies that the mean square value or Masses

variance of the defects is given by:
+∞ If we assume that the defects of the two rails
1 A
σ ( z) = ⋅
∫ ( B + Ω) ⋅ dΩ ⇒ –constituting the cross-section of a track– are quite
π 0
the same at the same time and presenting the same
phase, or if we examine the trajectory of one wheel,

then the conclusion that will be derived can be used AV 2 1 + 4ζ 2 ⋅ β 2
sγ (ω ) = ωn4 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
(1 − β )
for more complicated cases of rolling of vehicles,
( BV + ω )
3 2 2
motion of car-bodies etc. Furthermore we consider + 4ζ 2 ⋅ β 2
the simplified model of Fig. 1 with one-floor mass- 1 + 4ζ ′2 ⋅ β ′2
spring-damper system rolling on a rail’s surface. ⋅ (27)
In order to calculate the power spectrum density (1 − β ′ )
2 2
+ 4ζ ′2 ⋅ β ′2
of the excitation sE(ω) from the excitation spectrum
of the wheel sυ(ω), we apply the Eqn. 15a with the The variance of the accelerations of the car-body
Eqns. 16, Eqn. 22 (the parameter B is not omitted) of the railway vehicles is given by (Eqns. 18):
and Eqns. 10 (in order to pass from the defect n to
n+Z): ∞
σ (γ ) = ⋅ sγ ( ω ) ⋅ d ω
π ∫0
sE (ω ) = B (ω ) ⋅ sυ ( ω ) ⇒

which converges for ω infinite. Consequently the

ω2 variance of the part of the dynamic component of
1 + 4ζ ⋅ 2

ωn AV 2 the load due to the Suspended/Sprung Masses of the

⇒ sE ( ω ) = ⋅ (26) vehicle is given by (see Eqn. 19b):
( BV + ω )
2 3
 ω2  2 ω

1 − 2 
+ 4ζ ⋅
 ωn  ωn2 ∆QSM = mSM ⋅ ∆γ ⇒ σ 2 ( ∆QSM ) = mSM ⋅ σ 2 ( γ ) (29)

where: sE(ω) is the power spectrum density of the Finally an approximation could be used for the
excitation, ωn is always the eigenfrequency of the calculation of the variance of this part of the
Non Suspended Masses, ζ the damping coefficient dynamic component of the load (see [5], [6]):
of the track, sυ(ω) the spectrum of the excitation of
the wheel due to the track defects/faults and V − 40
│B(ω)│the modulus of the transfer function of the σ ( ∆QSM ) = ⋅ N L ⋅ Qwheel (30)
motion of the wheel.
From the Eqns. 10 and the Eqns. 11, 12 and 13, where: Qwheel is the static wheel load, V is the
operational speed, and the coefficient NL is the
with the analysis cited above, we keep that, C(ω) ις
mean standard deviation of the longitudinal level
the transfer function of the second derivative of condition of the track, on a 300 m length
d 2 ( Z + n) approximately, for both rails is the mean standard
(Z+n) in relation to time: , that is the
dt 2 deviation of the longitudinal level condition of the
acceleration γ and it is equal to ω∙B(ω). track, on a 300 m length fluctuating between 0,7–
1,5 mm or more (see [6]; [19], p. 335–336); for the
In the case of the Suspended Masses │C(ω)│is
Greek network NL is estimated to fluctuate –
the modulus of the transfer function of the
mainly– between 1 and 1,5 [5].
accelerations of the car-body. Consequently for the
In more details NL, the average of the brutal
spectrum of the accelerations of the car-body we will
signal on a basis of approximately 300 m for the
use Eqn. 15a substituting the parameters ζ and ωn of
vertical and horizontal defects of the two rails, is the
the track with the relevant parameters ζ′ (damping
coefficient) and ω′n (eigenfrequency) of the car-
body. +∞  x − x0 
For the railway vehicles the eigenfrequencies ω′n N L ( x0 ) =
1 
η l ( x )e

300 
dx (31)
of the car-body are in the area of 1 Hz, since with the 300 −∞
development of high-speeds it could arrive 10 Hz.
For the damping coefficient of the car-body of the
where ηl(x) is the value of the primary signal; in
railway vehicles two characteristic values of ζ′ could
practice a weighted average index which “crashes”
be used with reliability: 0,15 and 0,20 (see relevantly
less the isolated defects than one classic average and
[17] and [7]).
simulates roughly the “memory” of the vehicle (see
relevantly [19]).
sγ (ω ) = C (ω ) ⋅ s E (ω ) ⇒

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