Solar Energy For Electric Vehicles
Solar Energy For Electric Vehicles
Solar Energy For Electric Vehicles
Abstract — Several energy efficiency projects have been Based on the available components, the target of this pilot
performed on Weber State University campus in the past years. project is to build two solar charging stations with different
The achievement is remarkable. This paper will address the capacities. One station is for charging electric motorcycles and
design of a pilot project, Solar Charging Station, through the other is for charging an electric bikes. The capacity for
student’s senior project for education and research. Students will
electric motorcycles is larger than that of electric bikes. The
learn the theory of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems and to build
an experimental solar stations to charge the electric bikes and design consideration will be discussed in the following
electric motorcycle. The system will be demonstrated for two new sections. If the pilot project is successful, more solar charging
courses, Renewable Energy and Solar PV Systems. The project is stations will be installed on campus.
supported by the Office of Energy and Sustainability at the
University. If the pilot project is successful, more solar charging II. PROJECT MOTIVATION
stations will be installed on campus. The goals of this project are
to educate the students of the University with the concept of Weber State University encourages all faculty, staff and
sustainability, the theory and hands-on experience of solar students to utilize the public transportation and bikes for their
energy applications and to promote the sustainability on campus transportation between the train transit station and the
by utilizing renewable energy. University campus to reduce the use of automobiles. However,
the long uphill (about 4 miles) from the train transit station to
Index Terms— photovoltaic; solar panel; solar module; solar PV the campus will be a challenge to the bikers. Riding electric
system; electric bike; electric motorcycle; solar charging. bikes will be helpful to mitigate the burden and encourage the
utilization of the public transportation and improve the
I. INTRODUCTION environment. But if the electric bike is charged from the
A. Solar Charging Station # 1 – For electric motorcycles The following sections describe the functions, specifications
Solar charging system #1 is built for charging electric of each component and the design considerations.
motorcycles. We have one electric motorcycle for this project.
The loads of the electric motorcycle is 2500 Wh (Watt-hours). 1. PV modules
Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the system for charging the
electric motorcycle. For simplicity, the combiner box, Three 265 watts modules are used. The total maximum
Ground-Fault Protection Device (GFPD), overcurrent power output is 795 watts. It is known that the output voltage
protection devices and system grounding wires are not shown of a PV module is influenced by the ambient temperature. The
in the figure. range of the voltage output due to the extreme temperature
should be within the specification of the charge controller. The
temperature data from ASHRAE handbook is normally used
along with open-circuit voltage (Voc) and the temperature
coefficient of Voc (TCVoc) to calculate the range of the output
voltage from the PV module [1].
Tmax = 34 ºC – 25 ºC = 9 ºC
Imax = I1 = Isc x { 1 + [ 9 ºC) x (0.04% / ºC)]}
= 9.31 A x 1.0036 = 9.34 A
2015 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech)
2015 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech)
The electric outlet provides the receptacles for the charger TABLE 2
of electric bikes. It is the only device installed outdoor. So it COMPONENTS USED FOR CHARGING STATION #2
needs to be an outdoor electric outlet.
Component Qty Specifications
10. Safety Practices PV modules 4 Grape Solar GS-Star-100W
GFPD 1 MidNite Solar MNDC-GFP63
The PV system can generate a high DC and AC voltage
Square D Disconnect HU361RB, 3P,
during the operation. Proper personal protection equipment DC Disconnect 1
600V, 30A
(PPE) such as helmet, safety goggles, electric gloves, and DC circuit breaker 2 MidNite Solar MNEPV 150V DC, 30A
footwear, etc. should be used when the system is energized. Xantrex C35, Input voltage < 55V DC,
Students will learn the importance of safety practices and Charge controller 1 Output voltage 12V/24V DC, Load
operate in a safe condition [6]. current 35A, PWM charging process
Battery bank 2 VMAX SLR155, 12V, 155Ah
Xscorpion CB200A, 12V DC, 200A
B. Solar Charging Station # 2 – For electric bikes DC circuit breaker 1
(for battery output)
Magnum MM-1512AE, 1500VA, Input
Solar charging system #2 is built for charging electric Inverter 1 12V DC, Output 120V AC @ 60Hz
Modified Sine Wave
bikes. We have two electric bikes for this project. The loads of Square D QO 20 Amp Single-Pole
each electric bike is 230 Wh (Watt-hours) and 360 Wh AC circuit breaker 1
Circuit Breaker
individually. Figure 4 shows the block diagram of the system
for charging the electric bikes. For simplicity, the combiner The wiring diagram of charging station #2 is demonstrated
box, Ground-Fault Protection Device (GFPD), the overcurrent in Fig 5. The components used for this system are listed in
protection devices (the circuit breakers) and system grounding Table 2.
wires are not shown in the figure.
Charging station #2 is mainly designed for charging
electric bicycles. The capacity of charging station #2 is
different from charging station #1 because the load demand
from electric bicycles is smaller. We could use the same
capacity as charging station #1 for more days of autonomy, i.e.
how many days that the battery bank can supply the required
energy. But subject to the budget and the available equipment
and the materials, some components such as PV modules,
charge controller
Tmin = – 16 ºC – 25 ºC = – 41 ºC
V1 = Voc x { 1 + [ (– 41 ºC) x (– 0.32% / ºC)]}
= 21.9 x 1.1312 = 24.77 V
2015 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech)