Jurisdiction and Venue Riano 2 Column
Jurisdiction and Venue Riano 2 Column
Jurisdiction and Venue Riano 2 Column
Monday, 20 May 2019
hear, try, decide and execute a case.
mistake will bind unless corrected.
ILLUSTRATION: Where there is jurisdiction ERRORS OF JURISDICTION are
over the person and the subject matter, the reviewable by the extraordinary
decision on all other questions arising in the writ of certiorari; whereas,
case is but an exercise of that jurisdiction. ERRORS OF JUDGMENT are
VIII. Error of Jurisdiction vs Error of Judgment reviewable by appeal.
A. Distinctions: B. Importance of the distinction — to determine
1. Error of judgment – happens when the the proper remedy
court vested with jurisdiction over the 1. An error of judgment should be raised
subject matter of the action, while in the a) on ordinary appeal, not by
process of exercising the jurisdiction, it certiorari because certiorari is only
committed mistakes in the appreciation of confined to correcting errors of
the facts and the evidence leading to an jurisdiction or grave abuse of
erroneous judgment. discretion.
a) When a court acquires jurisdiction (1) The governing rule is that the
over the subject matter, the decision remedy of certiorari is not
or order on all other questions available when
arising in the case is but an exercise (a) the remedy of appeal is
of jurisdiction; Errors which the court available or
may commit in the exercise of such (b) even if available, when it
jurisdiction, like errors of procedure will not be a speedy and
or mistakes in the court's findings, adequate remedy.
are merely ERRORS OF i) And when the remedy
JUDGMENT; whereas, of appeal is lost, you
2. Error of jurisdiction – is one which occurs cannot revive it by
when the court exercises a jurisdiction resorting to certiorari
not conferred upon it by law. because certiorari is
a) When a court takes cognizance of a not a substitute for the
case over the subject matter of lost remedy of appeal.
which it has no jurisdiction, or acts in 2. Error of jurisdiction — petition for
excess of jurisdiction or with grave certiorari is only confined to correcting
abuse of discretion amounting to errors of jurisdiction or grave abuse of
lack of jurisdiction, the court commits discretion.
an ERROR OF JURISDICTION. IX. Aspects of Jurisdiction
(GSIS vs. Oliza 304 SCRA 421).
A. Jurisdiction over the subject matter;
ILLUSTRATION: When the court B. Jurisdiction over the parties;
acts without authority (error of C. Jurisdiction over the issues of the case; and
jurisdiction) such act would be null D. Jurisdiction over the res or thing involved in
and void or at least voidable, but if the litigation
the court has authority but commits a (Boston Equity Resources, Inc. v CA, G.R.
mistake in the exercise of such No. 173946, June 19, 2013)
authority (error of judgment) such
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X. Jurisdiction over the subject matter — It refers D. Exception to the rule that jurisdiction is
to the jurisdiction of the court over the class of determined by the allegations of the
cases to which a particular case belongs. complaint
A. Example of subject matters are: 1. In Ignacio vs. CFI of Bulacan (42 SCRA
1. real actions, 89) and other ejectment cases
2. personal actions, (Salandanan vs. Tizon 62 SCRA 388;
3. actions incapable of pecuniary Concepcion vs. CFI of Bulacan 119
estimation. SCRA 222), where tenancy was the
B. How jurisdiction over the subject matter is defense, the court went beyond the
allegations of the complaint in
It is conferred by law which may be either determining jurisdiction over the subject
the Constitution or a statute. matter and required the presentation of
1. Consequences of the rule that evidence to prove or disprove the
jurisdiction is conferred by law: defense of tenancy. After finding the
a) It cannot be granted by the real issue to be tenancy, the cases
agreement of the parties; were dismissed for lack of jurisdiction
b) It cannot be acquired, waived, as it should properly be filed with the
enlarged, or diminished by any act or Court of Agrarian Reform (now
omission of the parties; DARAB) [de la Cruz vs. CA 510 SCRA
c) It cannot be conferred by the 103] plainly, after joining of the issues
acquiescence of the courts (Republic and the ultimate fact is revealed and
vs Estipular, 336 SCRA 333, 340). therefore the relief sought as well.
2. The law applicable to the case: E. Doctrines on jurisdiction
Jurisdiction being a matter of substantive 1. Doctrine of hierarchy of courts —
law, the established rule is that the Where courts have concurrent
statute in force at the time of the jurisdiction over a subject matter,
commencement of the action determines such concurrence of jurisdiction does
the jurisdiction of the court (Barangay not grant the party seeking relief the
Mayamot vs Antipolo City, G.R. No. absolute freedom to file a petition in
187349, August 17, 2016). any court of his choice. Pursuant to
C. Determination of the subject matter or this doctrine, a case must be filed first
nature (class) of the action — It is a before the lowest court possible
settled rule that jurisdiction over the having the appropriate jurisdiction,
subject matter is determined by the except if one can advance a special
allegations in the complaint (Baltazar vs. reason which would allow a party a
Ombudsman, 510 SCRA 74) regardless of direct resort to a higher court.
whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to a) When the doctrine of hierarchy of
his claims asserted therein (Gocotano vs. courts may be disregarded:
Gocotano 469 SCRA 328; Cadimas vs. b) In relation to cases filed with the
Carrion GR No. 180394, Sept. 29, 2008). Supreme Court, a direct resort to it
was allowed in certain cases, like:
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(1) When there are special and intricate matters of fact. (Villaflor vs. CA,
important reasons clearly stated GR No. 95694, Oct. 8, 1997).
in the petition; 2. Exceptions:
(2) When directed by public welfare a) Where there is estoppel on the part
and the advancement of public of the party invoking the doctrine;
policy; b) Where the challenged administrative
(3) When demanded by the broader act is patently illegal, amounting to
interest of justice; lack of jurisdiction;
(4) When the challenged orders c) Where there is unreasonable delay
were patent nullities; or official inaction that will
(5) When analogous exceptional irretrievably prejudice the complaint;
and compelling circumstances d) Where the amount involved is
called for and justified the relatively small so as to make the
immediate and direct handling rule impractical and oppressive;
by the court. e) Where the question involved is
(6) When there are genuine issues purely legal and will ultimately have
of constitutionality that must be to be decided by the courts of justice;
addressed at the most f) Where judicial intervention is urgent;
immediate time. g) When its application may cause
F. Doctrine of non-interference (Doctrine of great and irreparable damage;
judicial stability) — Holds that courts of h) Where the controverted acts violate
equal and coordinate jurisdiction cannot due process;
interfere with each other’s orders. i) When the issue of non-exhaustion of
G. Doctrine of primary jurisdiction (Primary administrative remedies has been
administrative jurisdiction) — Under this rendered moot;
doctrine, a remedy within the j) When there is no other plain, speedy
administrative machinery must be resorted and adequate remedy;
to give the administrative officers every k) When strong public interest is
opportunity to decide a matter within its involved; and
jurisdiction. Such remedy must be l) In quo warranto proceedings.
exhausted first before the court’s power of H. Doctrine of adherence of jurisdiction
judicial review can be sought. (Continuity of jurisdiction) — Under this
1. Under this doctrine, courts will not rule, jurisdiction, once it attaches cannot
resolve a controversy involving a be ousted by the happening of subsequent
question which is within its jurisdiction events although of such a character which
and also of an administrative tribunal, should have prevented jurisdiction from
especially where the question demands attaching in the first instance (Ramos vs.
the exercise of sound administrative Central Bank of the Phil. 41 SCRA 586
discretion requiring the special [1971]).
knowledge and experience of said 1. The court, once jurisdiction has been
tribunal in determining technical and acquired, retains that jurisdiction until it
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CA, 253 SCRA 705, 709, 710, 709-712 which they are desirous of obtaining a
[1996]) decision. (Black’s 5th Ed., 745 citing Muller v.
D. Objections to jurisdiction over the person of Muller, 235 Cal App. 2nd 341, 45 Cal. Rptr
the defendant
182, 184)
An objection to the jurisdiction over the B. How Jurisdiction Over The Issues Is
person of the defendant may be raised as a Conferred and Determined
ground for a motion to dismiss (Sec. 1(a) In order to determine whether or not a court
Rule 16). If no motion to dismiss has been has jurisdiction over the issue or issues of the
filed, the objection may be pleaded as an case, one must examine the pleadings.
affirmative defense in the answer (Sec. 6
Rule 16).
Q: Define jurisdiction over the issues.
If a motion to dismiss has been filed, the A: Jurisdiction over the issue is the authority
objection to the lack of jurisdiction over the to try and decide the issues raised in the
person of the defendant must be pleaded in pleadings of the parties. (Reyes vs. Diaz, 73
the same motion where such ground is Phil. 484)
available at the time the motion is filed,
otherwise it is deemed waived pursuant to the Q: What are pleadings?
omnibus motion rule. The defense of lack of A: Rule 6, Section 1 - Pleadings are the
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant written allegation of the parties of their
is not one of those defenses which are not respective claims and defenses submitted to
deemed waived if not raised in the motion to the court for trial and judgment.
dismiss. Only lack of jurisdiction over the In a civil case, pleadings are written
subject matter, litis pendentia, res judicata statements of the respective positions of the
and prescription are not waived (Sec. 1 Rule parties, namely, the claims for the plaintiff and
9 in relation to Sec. 8 Rule 15).
defenses for the defendant.
Jurisdiction over the issue is, therefore,
Effect of pleading additional defenses aside conferred and determined by the pleadings of
from lack of jurisdiction over the person of the the parties.
Jurisdiction over the issues may also be
The rule was re-examined in La Naval Drug determined and conferred by stipulation of the
Corporation vs. CA 236 SCRA 78). The parties as when in the pre-trial, the parties
pronouncements in said case are now enter into stipulation of facts and documents
embodied in Sec. 20 of Rule 14 which or enter into an agreement simplifying the
provides: ****The inclusion in a motion to issues of the case (Sec. 2 Rule 18)
dismiss of other grounds aside from lack of Jurisdiction over the issues may also be
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant conferred by waiver or failure to object to the
shall not be deemed a voluntary appearance. presentation of evidence on a matter not
XIII. JURISDICTION OVER THE ISSUES raised in the pleadings. Here the parties try
A. Meaning of Issue
with their express or implied consent issues
An issue is a disputed point or question to not raised by the pleadings. The issues tried
which parties to an action have narrowed shall be treated in all respects as if they had
down their several allegations and upon been raised in the pleadings (Sec. 5 Rule 10).
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C. Jurisdiction Over the Subject Matter evidence even if the claim is not mentioned in
Distinguished from Jurisdiction Over the the complaint. (Cindy and Lynsy Garment v.
NLRC, 284 SCRA 38, 45 [1998])
Jurisdiction over the issues is conferred by Take note that jurisdiction over the issues in
the pleadings and by the express (stipulation) civil cases is acquired after defendant has
or implied (failure to object to evidence) filed an answer. In criminal cases, jurisdiction
consent of the parties because an issue not over the issues is acquired when the accused
duly pleaded may be validly tried and decided enters a plea of not guilty or pleads guilty but
by the court as long as there is no objection seeks to prove a mitigating circumstance.
from the parties. Jurisdiction over the subject For a decision to be effective, the court must
matter is conferred by law and cannot be acquire the jurisdiction over the subject
subject to the agreement of the parties. (Vda matter, the person, the res in case the
de Victoria v. CA, GR No. 147550, Jan. 26, defendant is not around, and the last is
jurisdiction over the issue.
A: The following are the distinctions: E. Question of Law v. Question of Fact ( Bar
1. Jurisdiction over the subject matter is the 2004)
power to hear and try a particular case, There is a question of law when the doubt or
difference arises as to what the law is
Jurisdiction over the issues is the power applicable on a certain set of facts. There is a
of the court to resolve legal questions question of fact when the doubt or difference
involved in the case; arises as to the truth or falsehood of the
2. Jurisdiction over the subject matter is alleged facts (Sps. Santos vs. CA 337 SCRA
acquired upon filing of the complaint, 67).
When the issue involves a review of the
Jurisdiction over the issues of the case is evidence, it involves a question of fact
acquiredupon filing of the answer which because evidence, as defined, is the means,
joins the issues involved in the case. sanctioned by the rules, of ascertaining in a
D. When An Issue Arises Even If Not Raised In judicial proceeding the truth respecting a
the Pleadings
matter of fact. (Sec. 1 Rule 128)
Although it is a rule that jurisdiction over the XIV. JURISDICTION OVER THE RES or property in
issue is to be determined by the pleadings of litigation
the parties, an issue may arise in a case A. RES is the Latin word for “thing.” It is applied
without it being raised in the pleadings. This to an object, subject matter (not nature of the
happens when the parties try an issue with action), status, considered as the defendant
their consent. Under Sec. 5, Rule 10 of the in the action or as the object against which,
Rules of Court, when issues not raised by the directly, proceedings are taken. (Black’s 5th
pleadings are tried with the express or the Ed., 1172)
implied consent of the parties, they shall be B. Define jurisdiction over the res.
treated in all respects, as if they had been Jurisdiction over the res is the power or
raised in the pleadings. Thus, if evidence on a authority of the court over the thing or
claim for salary differential is not objected to, property under litigation. (Perkins v. Dizon, 69
the Labor Arbiter correctly considered the Phil. 186, 190 [1939])
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It is the power to bind the “thing”.
defendant, jurisdiction over the res becomes
How acquired — It is acquired either by the a substitute over the person.
(a) the seizure of the property under legal In the example of action for compulsory
process whereby it is brought into actual or recognition, even if the defendant is a non-
constructive custody of the court or (b) as a resident who is out of the country the object
result of the institution of legal proceedings, in of litigation is status here in the Philippines,
which the power of the court is recognized then acquisition of jurisdiction over the res
and made effective. (Macahilig vs. Heirs of confers jurisdiction to the court even if the
Grace M. Magalit, GR No. 141423, Nov. 15, defendant is abroad. The res here is the
status against which or in relation to which
Acquisition of jurisdiction over the res by the judgment can be enforced.
actual seizure is exemplified by an In Rule 57 Section 1, among the grounds for
attachment proceeding where the property is issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment
seized at the commencement of the action or is:
at some subsequent stage in the action. It is “(f) In an action against a party who does not
also acquired through a legal provision which reside and is not found in the Philippines, or
authorizes the court to exercise authority over on whom summons may be served by
a property or subject matter such as suits publications.”
involving a person’s status or property located XV. JURISDICITON OF REGULAR COURTS
in the Philippines in actions in rem or quasi in A. JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COURT
rem. (Banco Espanol Filipino vs. Palanca 37 1. The Supreme Court is not a trier of facts
Phil. 921, 927 [1918]; Perkins v. Dizon; Sec. — The SC is not a trier of facts, which
15, Rule 14, Rules of Court.)
means that passing upon a factual issue
In Land Registration cases or probate is not within the province of the Court
proceedings, jurisdiction is acquired by (Romy’s Freight Service vs. Castro, 490
compliance with procedural requisites, such SCRA 160). The findings of facts of the
as publication.
Court of Appeals are not generally
In a petition for change of name, the title of reviewable by the SC (Sarmiento vs. Yu
the petition must be complete by including the 497 SCRA 513). Also, factual findings of
name sought to be adopted; otherwise, the the trial court, particularly when affirmed
court acquires no jurisdiction over the by the Court of Appeals, are generally
proceedings. (Telmo vs. Republic, 73 SCRA binding on the Court (Tan vs. GVT
29 (1976). Engineering Services 498 SCRA 93;
C. Importance of jurisdiction over the res — The Office of the Ombudsman vs. Lazar0-
court obtains the authority to bind the “thing”. Baldazo GR No. 170815 February 2,
Sometimes it is a substitute for jurisdiction 2007).
over the person. There are instances when It is not the function of the SC to
the court cannot acquire jurisdiction over the determine the weight of the evidence
defendant like when he is abroad. But if the supporting the assailed decision (JR
court acquires jurisdiction over the res, the Blanco vs. Quasha 318 SCRA 373).
case may go on. Even if the court cannot However, factual issues may be delved
acquire jurisdiction over the person of the into and resolved where the findings and
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conclusions of the trial court or the quasi- SC is not only an original court, it is
judicial bodies are frontally inconsistent also an appellate court.
with the findings of the CA (Office of the B. APPELLATE JURISDICTION OF THE
Ombudsman vs. Tongson 499 SCRA SUPREME COURT
1. The appellate jurisdiction is found in
The highest court of the land is the Section 5, Paragraph (2), Article VIII
Supreme Court. It was not affected by 1987 Constitution:
the Judiciary Law (BP 129) which “Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm
reorganized the judiciary in 1983. Being on appeal or certiorari, as the law or the
a constitutional court, its jurisdiction is Rules of Court may provide, final
found in the fundamental law itself. The judgments and orders of lower courts in:
SC is both an original and appellate a) All cases in which the
court. constitutionality or validity of any
2. ORIGINAL JURISDICTION OF THE treaty, international or executive
agreement, law, presidential decree,
Article VIII, Section 5 , paragraph 1 of the proclamation, order, instruction,
1987 Constitution enumerates the ordinance, or regulation is in
ORIGINAL jurisdiction of the SC:
Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have b) All cases involving the legality of any
the following powers: tax, impost, assessment, or toll, or
a) Exercise original jurisdiction over any penalty imposed in relation
cases affecting ambassadors, other thereto.
public ministers and consuls, over c) All cases in which thejurisdiction of
petitions for certiorari, prohibition, any lower court is in issue.
mandamus, quo warranto , and d) All criminal cases in which the
habeas corpus.
penalty imposed is reclusion
Now, it is still premature for us to perpetua or higher.
discuss now what do you mean by e) All cases in which an error or
certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, question of law is involved.
quo warranto because that is f) All cases in which the
discussed exhaustively in the study constitutionality or validity of any
of Special Civil Actions. But you are treaty, international or executive
more acquainted with habeas agreement, law, presidential decree,
corpus. It is a special proceeding. If proclamation, order, instruction,
you are illegally detained, you can ordinance, or regulation is in
file a petition for habeas corpus question.
directly before the SC because it has So if the RTC in a certain civil case
original jurisdiction.
declares the law as unconstitutional
So that is the first provision in the since it has the power to do so, the
Constitution dealing with the same has to be appealed directly to
jurisdiction of the SC. However, the the SC. It cannot pass through the
CA because the SC has exclusive
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So more or less, these are the scattered (RA 8249), there is now a
provisions of the Constitution dealing CONCURRENCE between the SC and
with the SC’s jurisdiction.
the Sandiganbayan in so far as petitions
The ORIGINAL EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus,
of the SC refers to petitions for the habeas corpus, injunction and other
issuance of writs of certiorari, prohibition ancillary writs in aid of the
and mandamus as defined in Rule 65 S a n d i g a n b a y a n ' s A P P E L L AT E
against the following: the CA, the JURISDICTION.
Central Board of Assessment Appeals, SUPREME COURT:
NLRC or the Secretary of Labor under 1. Automatic review of death penalty. So
the Labor Code.
when the RTC imposes the death
The cases where its original jurisdiction penalty, whether the accused appeals or
is CONCURRENT with the CA are not, the case will be elevated to the SC;
likewise petitions for the issuance of writs 2. Ordinary appeal from the RTC direct to
of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus the SC. This only applies to criminal
against the following: the SEC, the CSC, cases where the penalty of reclusion
the different boards, tribunals or agencies perpetua or life imprisonment is imposed
which replaced the old Public Service or other offenses which arise out of the
C o m m i s s i o n ( e . g . LT F R B ) . A l s o , same occurrence or committed by the
issuance of writ of certiorari against the accused on the same occasion;
RTC and other quasijudicial agencies, 3. Appeal by Certiorari under Rule 45.
courts, instrumentalities and When it comes to appeal by Certiorari,
there are three types:
CONCURRENT with the RTC are those a) From the CA or all appeals from the
actions affecting ambassadors and other CA are certiorari which is different
public ministers and consuls. This is from the certiorari in Rule 65.
based on the Judiciary Law and the b) From the RTC direct to the SC. Now,
this is not ordinary appeal because
CONCURRENT with the CA and RTC this only applies to criminal cases. In
are those involving habeas corpus, quo civil cases, if you want to go directly
warranto, and writs of certiorari, to the SC, you can do so by appeal
prohibition, and mandamus against by certiorari, provided that the
inferior courts and bodies. For example, following conditions are met:
a petition for mandamus against the MTC If no question of fact is involved and
of Davao City can be filed with the SC, the case involves the
CA, or RTC although the policy of the constitutionality or legality validity of
Supreme Court is that it should be filed any tax, impost, etc., or jurisdiction
with the RTC based on the hierarchy of of the lower courts is in issue
the courts. (Vergara vs. Suelto, 156 ( Article VIII, section 5 par.(2)
SCRA 758)
4. only an error or question of law involved
Finally, with the advent of the new law (supra);
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which a court with jurisdiction may hear and Note: A court may not motu proprio dismiss a complaint
determine a case or the place where a case if on the ground of improper venue as it is not one of the
to be tried (1 RIANO, supra at 146). grounds wherein the court may dismiss an action motu
B. In civil proceedings, venue is procedural, not proprio.
jurisdictional, and may be waived by the Exception: Actions covered by the Rules on Summary
defendant if not seasonably raised either in a Procedure and Small Claims Cases
motion to dismiss or in the answer (BPI In these types of action, the court may motu proprio
Family Savings Bank, Inc., v. Sps. Yujuico, dismiss a case from an examination of the allegations
G.R. No. 175796, July 22, 2015). It is meant of the complaint and such evidence as may be attached
to provide convenience to the parties, rather thereto on any of the grounds apparent therefrom for
than restrict their access to the courts as it the dismissal of a civil action. (1 RIANO, supra at 148.)
relates to the place of trial (Heirs of Lopez v. The SC has the power to order a change of venue to
De Castro, G.R. No. 112905, February 3, prevent a miscarriage of justice (CONSTI. Art. VIII, Sec.
2000). 5, par. 4)
Basic Venue Analysis: in order to know the venue of a
particular action, the basic and initial step is to
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Forcible entry and detainer actions shall be The residence of the person is his personal, actual, or
commenced and tried in the MTC of the municipality or physical habitation or actual residence or place of
city wherein the real property involved, or a portion abode, whether permanent or temporary as long as he
thereof, is situated. resides with continuity and consistency therein. (Ang
Real Actions Klek Chen v. Sps. Calasan, G.R. No. 161685, July 24,
An action is real when it affect title to or possession of 2007).
real property, or interest therein. All other actions as
personal actions. (Id. At 151) When there is more than one defendant or plaintiff in
the case, the residences of the principal parties should
A real action is local, i.e., its venue depends upon the be the basis for determining the proper venue.
location of the property (Id.). Otherwise, the purpose of the Rule would be defeated
where a nominal or formal party is impleaded in the
Where the subject-matter of the action involves various action since the latter would not have the degree of
parcels of land situated in different provinces, the interest in the subject of the action which would warrant
venue is determined by the singularity or plurality of the and entail the desirably active participation expected of
transactions involving the said parcels of land. Thus: litigants in a case. (1 REGALADO, supra at 121).
Where the parcels of land are the objects of one and
the same transaction – the venue is in the court of any SECTION 3. VENUE OF ORDINARY CIVIL ACTIONS
of the provinces wherein a parcel of land is situated; or AGAINST NON-RESIDENTS
If subjects of separate and distinct transactions – there
is no common venue and separate actions should be Non-resident found in the Philippines
laid in the court of the province wherein each parcel of For personal actions – where the plaintiff resides; and
land is situated (1 REGALADO, supra at 118). For real actions – where the property is located.
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