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Information Security Governance and The Law: Learning Objectives of This Chapter: Principles and Practices

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Information Security Governance and the Law

Learning objectives of this chapter: Principles and practices

of information security governance. Relevant policies and pro-
grammes. Laws and regulations, and policies and programmes
for/affecting information security. Governance, risk management
and compliance.

Information security governance is a core responsibility of the up-

per management of an organization (board, executive management)
to ensure that the organization’s information systems are well pro-
tected, by proper risk assessment and determination of strategic goals
while also ensuring proper alignment of these security goals with
the organization’s overall corporate governance and IT needs, and
accordingly committing resources to meet the goals. This includes
investment in enabling tools, personnel and (business) processes to
meet the identified security needs, and well defined organizational
structure, roles and responsibilities with well defined tasks, as well as
mechanisms to review and measure performance, and continuously
carry out necessary reassessment of the security goals and means to
realize any necessary course correction.

Guiding principles

Robust information security is arguably achieved as much through

art as science — in that there is no perfect recipe for it, but a few
basic do’s and don’ts are nevertheless well understood. These help
in charting out some guiding principles we elaborate next, before
delving into a more comprehensive discussion on information se-
curity governance within organizations, as well as national and
international laws are regulations to both facilitate organizations and
hold them accountable to carry out prudent information security
14 security management

Controls: Controls are countermeasures to prevent the exploitation

of a system’s vulnerabilities.
Controls can be broadly put into three categories, depending
on their purpose and at what stage of a security incident they are
applicable, namely — preventive, detective and corrective controls,
their meanings being rather intuitive. Mechanisms to prevent secu-
rity events fall under the category of preventive controls. A simple
and ubiquitous example is a login/password to prevent access to
a system, or an encryption technique to protect the confidentiality
of data, and so on. However, if despite preventive measures, some
event nevertheless does occur, then recognizing that a vulnerability
has somehow been exploited, and preventive controls have been
contravened is essential to contain the effects. Detective controls are
mechanisms to recognize security events - during or after such events
occur. Real time malware detection, intrusion detection, or identifi-
cation that a network router is down, or a data disk has encountered
a failure, and triggering necessary fall back actions, would all fall
under the category of detective controls. Corrective controls are the
fall back actions required to limit the extent of damage caused by an
event. For instance, when credit card information are stolen, revoking
those cards and issuing new cards to the affected customers would
fall under the category of corrective control.
Controls can also be classified based on the nature of the controls,
namely — physical, procedural, technical or legal and & regulatory
compliance controls. An example of physical control is to determine
who can or not access a specific section of an organization or a data
center. Another could be to prevent people from bringing in their
personal devices, or carrying out usb devices in/out of a premise.
Procedural control is to precisely codify the do’s and don’t to realize
different preventive, detective and corrective controls. This would
include incident response processes, management oversight, security
awareness and training, and so on. Technical controls refer to the
technological solutions being applied to realize security. Use of
multi-factor authentication (say, password and biometrics), malware
detection software, data backup and restoration system, etc. are
all examples of technological controls. Privacy laws (for instance,
Personal Data Protection Act of Singapore, the still being deliberated
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in European Union,
etc.), as well as industry specific standards and regulations, such as
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), Banking
Act or Casino Control Act in Singapore, are some representative
examples of legislative and regulatory controls.

Designing controls: Controls need to be designed with the

2. information security governance and the law 15

understanding that there is no perfect security. An immediate and

obvious ramification is that, preventive controls by themselves is
not going to suffice. The other corollary of this inconvenient truth
is that Defense in Depth is required — whereby multiple layers of
security controls (defense) are deployed throughout a system —
introducing redundancy, so that, should one control against a specific
vulnerability, or protecting a specific resource fail, there are other
controls which still continue to protect the resource. Ultimately,
even if the attacker succeeds in countermanding multiple controls, a
defense in depth approach also helps the defender buy some time,
to put in place further controls, or plan contingencies. The idea of
defense in depth for information security and assurance is a doctrine
borrowed from military strategy, and was conceived by the National
Security Agency (NSA) of United States of America.
It is worth emphasizing at this juncture, that even as multiple
controls are put in place, it is critical to ensure that the controls are
easy to use, and do not significantly deteriorate the performance of
the core functionalities of a system. Otherwise, there is a risk that
the controls won’t be properly used or configured, causing more
harm than good. Likewise, even though there are multiple controls,
best effort must be made that each control is as robust as possible,
rather than be complacent when deploying individual controls.
Furthermore, care must be taken to ensure that the multiple controls
do not share same vulnerability, which can then be exploited to
circumvent all the controls.

Defense in Depth: When designing and deploying a defense in

depth approach to achieve information security assurance, it is vital
to first identify the potential adversaries, their motivations and the
kind of resources the adversaries would have, and the class of attacks
they are likely to launch. Likewise, the security goals - such as con-
fidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, non-repudiation,
need to be compiled. This diligence is required because, typically,
there is a budget constraint on the amount of resource that can be
allocated for the purpose of defense, and the risks associated with
the failure to withhold a specific security objective helps prioritize
and allocate resources. This means, an executive decision to forego
some controls, and accept certain risks may have to be taken. It is
also essential to plan controls across the gamut of protection (preven-
tion), detection and reaction (correction). And the depth needs to be
realized through a robust and integrated set of information assurance
measures and actions across the three primary elements, viz. People,
Technology and Operations of an organization, and its information
system infrastructure.
16 security management

People: An organization needs to demonstrate a clear manage-

ment level commitment to information security and assurance, and
invest in its human resources accordingly. This includes a Chief Infor-
mation Officer (CIO) or an even more specialized Chief Information
Security Officer (CISO) carrying out a proper assessment of perceived
threats, laying out proper processes and procedures accordingly,
assigning accountable roles and responsibilities to individuals, and
enabling them through proper allocation of resources and necessary
Technology: The organization needs to identify, acquire and
keep up to date necessary technology to meet its security needs,
in coherence with its policies and procedures. This would include
use of third party solutions with proven credibility (for instance,
market recognition or industry certification), apply recommended
guidance, set up proper communication channels to communicate
newly detected vulnerabilities, and apply necessary patches in a
timely manner.
The defense also needs to be (i) at multiple places, and (ii) layered.
Multiple places refers to defending different targets. Layered defense
refers to applying multiple defense to protect any specific target. The
need of the later (layered security) stems from the realization that
there is no perfect security. No specific individual piece of technology
or security product can provide absolute security over the life-cycle of
a target, and eventually it is bound to be circumvented. Consequently,
multiple, independent defenses mitigating attacks against a specific
attack are desired. In the best case scenario, even if some of the
defenses are defeated, the target still remains protected. In also
provides more time for the defenders to respond.
Let’s elaborate the ideas of defense at multiple places and layered
defense with some examples. Say that an organization implements an
authentication based data access through a web based interface. The
ultimate target of an attacker being the data. An attacker may gain
access to it either by compromising the authentication system itself,
or gaining access to sniff network messages, or gain physical access
to the storage device on which the data is being stored. An example
of layered defence would be to apply two/multi-factor authentication,
say using password with biometric and/or a hardware token based
one-time password. This will ensure that even if the attacker gains
access to a legitimate user’s password, say, using a key logger, then
it will not be adequate to defeat the authentication system. However,
having layered defence for authentication will not be adequate if
the attacker can just walk in to the server room, and make a full
copy of the backend data base. The later situation elaborates why
the controls need to be applied at multiple places, and also, in this
2. information security governance and the law 17

case, demonstrate the physical nature of the particular control, to

complement the technology controls.
Operations: Having the technology in place, the procedures and
policies laid out, and the necessary people to effectuate the same, an
organization needs to ensure that on a day to day basis, the adopted
security posture is adhered to, and adapted as and when the threat
landscape evolves, and complacency does not set in. This includes
responding to an actual attack in a timely and effective manner, as
well as other aspects of assurance such as applying timely updates
and patches, conducting audits and checking readiness with security
drills (for instance, by carrying out a mock phishing attack, conduct-
ing penetration testing, etc.), regular certification and accreditation,
periodic reassessment of threats, and so on and so forth.

Principle of easiest penetration & weakest link

Say data is stored in a server in an encrypted manner, in a server
room with restricted physical access. Further, lets assume that it is
accessed using a web based application running on another server
(which also stores the decryption key) that requires multi-factor
authentication, then decrypts the data, ultimately providing access to
only specific subsets of the data based on the access control policies
that have been set up in the system for the particular user based
on the credential s/he has logged in with. However, if the actual
implementation of the web application allows a SQL injection attack,
or say, as in the case of the Target’s 2013 data breach incident we
studied in the previous chapter, the application does not prevent
an user from uploading an executable file to run some malicious
codes on the server, then all the other defenses in multiple places
and multiple layers of defense will fall short of fulfilling the ultimate
security objective. This (contrived) example is to elaborate the fact
that despite defense in multiple places, and applying layered defense,
security is ultimately no stronger than the weakest link.
Though the idea of weakest link was elaborated above using an
example considering only technical weaknesses in the system, fre-
quently, people end up being the weakest link. Be it being errors
made in configuring a system, or failing to follow a process or re-
spond too slowly (as was the case again with Target’s 2013 customer
and credit card data breach incident), or losing a laptop with con-
fidential data, or falling victim to a phishing scam, human errors
oftentimes provide the first point of entry to an attacker. Best of the
technology notwithstanding, the fallibility of the human in the loop
creates a sense of foreboding, which any security manager ought not
to take lightly.
18 security management

Need to Know
Since the weakest link in a system may expose the easiest path for
penetration, but it is never clear a priori who or which system compo-
nent or processes may be most vulnerable to an attack, it is desirable
to limit the potential damage. One mechanism to do so is to allow an
entity (be in people or processes) access to only information on the
basis of a ‘need to know’. If and when an entity does not need access
to a specific information to carry out tasks that have been assigned
to the entity, then the entity should be prevented access to said infor-
mation (also known as ‘least privilege access’). Need to know based
information sharing is often augmented with compartmentalization
when assigning tasks - where different entities have access to differ-
ent subsets of information, so that as an ensemble, a given task can
be accomplished, but most individual entities do not have access to
the whole set of information. This paradigm is again inspired from
military doctrine. A specific example of facilitating need to know
information sharing in the context operating systems is to apply
discretionary access control, where the owner of a file can determine
whether specific people can access the said file. Mandatory access
controls augments such an approach, where an explicit authorisation
for access of a particular resource is determined. A layman example
of discretionary access control will be where a project manager de-
cides to share a particular contract (say with a client) document with
a programmer working on the client’s project, because he thinks it
will be useful for the programmer to understand all the client needs.
However, if the official policy of the organization is that personnel
below managerial positions should in general not have access to legal
documents such as contracts, then, the programmer will still need an
explicit authorisation for access enforced through mandatory access
Implementing a need to know access paradigm may be wrought
with problems of practicality — it is not always obvious what might
adequate information to carry out a task, and if and when more
information is sought, it may be difficult to assess and grant access
in a timely manner not to disrupt functionality. In the best case
situation, it may render the system inefficient, while at the worst,
it may compromise functionality altogether. Thus, an organization
needs to carry out proper risk and benefit analysis and determine
when and up to what extent a paradigm like need to know is to be
2. information security governance and the law 19

Guidelines & Standards

Security guidelines and standards are aimed to articulate best prac-

tices for achieving cybersecurity. They typically enumerate security
concepts, policies, tools and technologies, safeguards, action plan,
risk management strategies, training and auditing mechanisms,
guidance on technology and configuration management, and so on,
which, if adhered to, ensure a level of consistency.
In contrast to guidelines or principles, standards are typically
actionable. Thus, a guideline may have a recommendation of the
nature ‘Use a good random number generator’, without necessarily
saying what constitutes a good random number generator or laying
out a mechanism to achieve it. In contrast, a standard would typically
lay out specific ways to carry out a function, or evaluate a system and
so on. For instance, the standard ISO/IEC 18031:2011 specifies the
characteristics of the main elements requires for a deterministic or
a non-deterministic random bit generator, and also establishes the
security requirements for both.
Often, standards do not have any legal mandate or enforcement,
but nevertheless, market forces (e.g., public relations, or competitive
disadvantage if not compliant of or certified for a specific standard,
etc) may motivate compliance. There are many agencies and (inter-
)national organizations which overlook the creation and maintenance
of such guidelines and standards. National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) in the United States, International Organization
for Standardization (ISO), The Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Information
Technology International Library (ITIL) and Common Criteria (CC)
are some organizations which have Information Security guidelines
and standards within their purview. There are also other groupings,
typically industry specific, aimed to fill in a void not catered by the
standardization bodies, or to unify somewhat ad-hoc practices among
the major industry players, who are custodian of one or just a few
proprietary standards particularly relevant for a specific purpose.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to increase
controls around card and holder data to reduce credit card fraud
via exposure of the said data is one such example proprietary and
industry specific standard.
Major industry players often contribute and negotiate the drafting
of a standard. There are multiple motivations at play. They can push
for something they may already be working on, and would have a
advantage once the standard is adopted. In all cases, it allows an
organization to see how the standard is evolving and better prepare
for it. It also provides leadership recognition and influence.
20 security management

Though there is often no legal enforcement of a standard, there

are a multitude of market forces that incentives following a standard.
Particularly in the context of security, it can be a public relationship
disaster not to be compliant to popular recommendations and stan-
dards, particularly given that standards are often seen as a minimum
common denominator (the least you ought to be doing) for security.
Standardisation also helps access diverse markets.
When an organization or a product adheres to all the requirements
of a standard, it is said to be compliant. If this compliance is actually
vetted by a neutral and competent third party (typically by a widely
accepted accreditation agency) then one is said to be certified. Ulti-
mately, having a certified product, or being a certified organization
can help enhance customer confidence, and facilitate in its marketing.

ISO/IEC standards

ISO/IEC 27000-series: International Organization for Standard-

ization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) jointly publish a series of information security standards - also
known as the Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)
family of standards. There are multiple standards within the family,
some finalised, some still under deliberation — spanning a wide
gamut of aspects, from specifying security requirements, to code of
practice,articulating how an implementation ought to be done, or
how to carry out an audit on an ISMS, or provide certification, and
so on. The 27000 series encompasses also a wide range of technical
topics: some standards delve into specific aspects such as network
security or storage security, while there are also several sector spe-
cific standards - for instances, related to health organization and
health information, financial services, and so on. Refer to ‘Figure 1 -
ISMS Family of Standards Relationships’ in the ISO/IEC 27000 doc-
ument provided separately on NTULearn as supplementary reading
The individual standards are also updated regularly - for instance,
the latest version of the ISMS overview standard ISE/IEC 27000
makes the first version published in 2009 version obsolete, and
introduces new notions and details, for example, pertaining risk
treatment which was absent in the original version. Likewise, the
2013 version of ISO/IEC 27001 standard renders the 2005 version
obsolete, and adds numerous new controls, including on system
security testing, assessment of and response to information security
events, etc.
Recommended supplementary reading: ISO/IEC 27000 and 27001
2. information security governance and the law 21

ISO/IEC 15408 computer security certification standard

The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evalu-
ation (abbreviated as Common Criteria or CC) is an international
standard (ISO/IEC 15408), along with the Common Methodology
for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CEM) facilitates the
international agreement Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement
(CCRA) to ensure that security products can be evaluated by com-
petent and independent (licensed) bodies to determine and certify
whether a specific product fulfils particular security properties. Be-
cause of a well defined and accepted set of procedures to carry out
the certification (by a properly licensed agency), the certificate is then
recognised globally irrespective of which particular agency actually
conducted the scrutiny — providing a degree of assurance regarding
the product and its certification.
In particular, with respect to different kinds of functionalities,
there is a well enumerated list of security properties that have been
laid out in the standards documents. For instance, the class FCO:
Communication (elaborated in ISO/IEC 15408-2:2008(E)) is aimed at
assuring the identity of a party participating in data exchange, be it
as the originator of transmitted information (proof of origin assuring
non-repudiation of origin) or the recipient of information (non-
repudiation of receipt). Likewise, Privacy is dealt with in another
class FPR: Privacy, which specify requirements for protecting a user
against discovery and misuse of identity by other users. And so on.
The ISO/IEC Information Technology Task Force (ITTF) web site
index.html provides the complete documentation, and readers are
referred to the same for an exhaustive list of the classes of security
properties enumerated in ISO/IEC 15408.
Specifically, an end user can use the Common Criteria frame-
work to specify their security functional (SFR) and assurance (SAR)
requirements using protection profiles (PPs). Vendors can then
implement or propose an existing product (or module) meeting
the said protection profile. This product is then to be evaluated —
Target of Evaluation (TOE). The TOE typically includes the actual
product as well as associated documentation and administrator
guides. The evaluation is then carried out in accordance. Depending
on the rigour of evaluation, different Evaluation Assurance Levels
(EAL: EAL1 through EAL7)1 can be assigned. EAL1 (Functional- 1
ity Tested) is the minimal requirement, where only the correctness
of operations (say, claimed in the associated documentation) are
evaluated, without further scrutiny of threats to security. EAL4 (Me-
thodically designed, tested and reviewed) is typically expected in
many products such as popular operating systems since it sits at a
22 security management

sweet spot of feasibilty and cost-effectiveness on one hand, while

guaranteeing that a principled design using security best practices
has been applied, and so on. A portal containing a list of all cer-
tified products, along with the assurance level is maintained at
In principle, Common Criteria is a good endeavour, particularly
in facilitating a certification process with a degree of consistency
that can be compared and thus recognised globally, and thus acting
as a guide for developers, evaluators as well as for organizations
procuring IT/security products.
However the Common Criteria mechanism has also been criticised
for several drawbacks: The evaluation primarily is centered around
the documentation, rather than evaluating the actual technical cor-
rectness or security of a product, and furthermore, the process is
time, effort and cost intensive – both in terms of preparing (for the
vendor) and then vetting (for the certifying laboratory) documentary
evidences of evaluation, requiring an upfront investment with no tan-
gible guarantee of creating a more secure product (though the testing
process may actually help identify some issues overlooked during the
normal implementation and debugging process cycle). The certifica-
tion is also meaningful only in the context of the security properties
that were evaluated. Thus, the certification and corresponding assur-
ance level has no meaning in isolation from the particular protection
profile (PP) for which the evaluation was carried out, and end-users
need to be careful in interpreting the same.
Alternatives to the Common Criteria include free and open source
software following agile software development paradigm, where
the openness of the source code allows thorough scrutiny, though
of-course, such alternative paradigms are also full of their own

Laws & Regulations

Recommendations and standards typically do not have any explicit

legal mandate or mechanisms for enforcement. In contrast, Laws
and regulations come with mandate from the legislative arm of a
government, or a regulatory board or agency, creating legal obliga-
tions that may be enforced by relevant enforcement agencies. In the
context of information & cyber security, there are many national level
(federal and state level) laws as well as some international laws and
agreements, that are directly related, for instance, Computer Misuse
and Cybersecurity Act (2007) of Singapore, while there are other laws
and regulations where the core focus is on some other issues, but
nevertheless they may have strong information security implications,
2. information security governance and the law 23

for example, Personal Data Protection Act (2012), Banking Act (2008)
or Casino Control Act of Singapore, which has direct implications
to issues such as data confidentiality (e.g., financial details of cus-
tomers), integrity (e.g., for audit purposes), availability (e.g., for audit
purposes or for fraud detection, and so on). Some relevant US laws
include Federal Information Security Management Act (2002) outlin-
ing the necessary security for IT infrastructure used by any federal
government body, while acts like Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is for
corporate accountability to check financial and accounting irregular-
ity, or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
1996 to protest patient health information acts serve specific (other)
purposes that however rely heavily on proper information security
management. Most countries have or are in the process of legislating
similar, as well as other laws and regulations which often have strong
information & cyber security implications, simply because of the
ubiquity of information systems in all walks of modern life.
Many cybercrimes are however borderless in nature, and hard to
address because of a multitude of issues, including heterogeneity of
national laws, some of which are occasionally conflicting in nature,
lack of a global law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over all
sovereign entities, as well also because many criminal (organizations)
are stateless, operating from dispersed geographic locations, and also
because many criminal acts are in fact orchestrated by state actors, or
state sponsored actors, albeit in disguise, to be conveniently denied.
Some examples where states or state sponsored entities have
been alleged (varied degree of evidence, but unsurprisingly, without
any convictions at any court of law) to have carried out cybercrime
(Cyber attacks/wars, Cyber espionage) include the massive denial of
service attack on Estonia’s IT infrastructure in 2007, the 2010 Stuxnet
worm incident, NSA’s PRISM surveillance programme (revealed by
Edward Snowden in 2013), to name a few prominent ones.
The conflicting interests notwithstanding, there are efforts to
streamline international efforts to stem cybercrime. The Budapest
convention on cybercrime (2001) is an international treaty aimed to
address internet and computer crimes by harmonizing national laws,
improving and coordinating investigations, and facilitate coopera-
tion among nations. Even where there are intent and in principle
agreements on part of countries, it is not always feasible to harmo-
nize all relevant laws, particularly when they are in contradiction to
other laws of a country. A well documented instance is the conflict
posed by US’s first amendment for free speech, based on which a
ban on virtual child pornography had already been struck down
from the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 in US by the U.S.
Supreme Court’s ruling (2002) in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition 2 , 2
24 security management

even though the international convention seeks to ban virtual child

pornography as well. In addition to global level efforts, there are also
numerous multilateral and regional efforts, most significantly in the
European Union, but also across other entities - which have direct or
indirect information security implications.
When it comes to inter/national laws, we also need to understand
that even legitimate businesses operating across multiple countries
may find themselves in legal quandary, even as they try to satisfy
conflicting requirements. For instance, in July 2014, Microsoft was
ordered in an US court to hand over emails of EU residents, and
stored in a data center in Ireland, operated by a subsidiary, which,
if Microsoft abides by, will put them squarely in violation with EU
privacy laws. It is worth mentioning that EU’s pri-
We shall next use some national level laws, typically from Sin- vacy laws are particularly robust. An
interesting and somewhat controversial
gapore and the US, mainly for the purpose of elaboration of key provision is the ‘right to be forgotten’
concepts and ideas. Many other countries may have similar laws. It is which requires that data collectors
remove data that is ‘inadequate, irrel-
however worth putting in a disclaimer at this juncture, that the treat- evant, or no longer relevant’. While
ment of the topics here is at a very high level, and may carry some journalistic and news websites would
inaccuracies, and for any legal purposes the readers are referred to thus be exempt from the requirement,
a search Engine such as Google is
the original legislative documentation and their precise reading in obliged to systematically eliminate
respective jurisdictions. such information from their search
results. A major precedent was set by
a 2014 decision by the Court of Jus-
Some representative laws and regulations from Singapore tice of the European Union (CJEU) in
the Google Spain v AEPD and Mario
The Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act, originally enacted Costeja González case, wherefrom
in 1993 and revised subsequently in 2003, as the name would suggest, Google (and search engines in general)
are obliged to consider requests from
has direct bearings to Information and Cyber Security issues. For individuals to remove links to even
instance, it has provisions regarding unauthorized access - which freely accessible web pages resulting
foremost has (among the CIA triad security goals) confidentiality im- from a search on their name. There
are several controversies around such
plications. Another section (specifically, Section 5) on unauthorized a provision, starting with its conflicts
modification of computer material likewise has integrity ramifica- with freedom of speech, but also its
practicality. Ironically, after having
tions, and so on and so forth. Laws generally not only enumerate removed the original documents from
precisely what are various illegal activities, but also stipulate the its query results, Google was brought to
penalties (which may be viewed as corrective measures) if an illegal task again, when in August 2015, UK’s
data watchdog ruled that Google must
activity is carried out, along with other practicalities as jurisdiction, now delist a new set of links referenc-
etc. ing articles about right to be forgotten
link removals and carrying the original
Some other laws, such as Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) name and information about Mario
of 2012 and Evidence Act (1997) on the other hand are aimed for Costeja González which needs to be
somewhat different purposes, but with very immediate and obvious forgotten!

concomitant of Information security. PDPA stipulates whether and

what information about a person can be collected and retained by
any entity, and how such personal information may be used, and
restricts transfer of said data outside of Singapore. Many other
countries also have, or are discussing similar — though some stricter,
and some laxer, privacy protection laws. Evidence Act requires
2. information security governance and the law 25

preservation and integrity of information, prohibiting information

tampering and requires adequate measures to not lose data relevant
as evidence for any legal proceeding.
Other laws and regulations, often specific to certain industry, may
at a first appearance not seem to have anything directly to do with
Information security, but ultimately the implications are equally
strong. For instance, the Banking Act (revised in 2008) provides
for the licensing and regulation of the business of banking and
similar financial institutions. Within, there are requirements which
necessarily rely on robust Information security management. For
example, sections 25 and 43 on publication and exhibition of audited
balance-sheet, and inspection of banks respectively can be facilitated
only when integrity of information is guaranteed. Banking secrecy is
aimed at providing customers privacy through confidentiality of their
financial records.
There are also many industry specific regulatory agencies which
both facilitate as well as hold accountable organizations’ information
security related activities (among other aspects). For instance, the
Casino Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Singapore derives its mandate
through the Casino Control Act, and monitors various activities in
Casinos. Among these is included the obligation on a Casino’s part
not to carry out any activity in absence of proper video surveillance,
where the surveillance and data retention plans need to be vetted and
approved by CRA, and any deviations from the approved plan are
likewise monitored and accounted for by the regulatory agency.
Likewise, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) overlooks
activities of financial organizations. In order to ensure that infor-
mation security is managed properly, MAS has prepared a set of
Technology Risk Management Guidelines3 , which again are centered 3
See downloadable resources
majorly around Information security, and is rather comprehensive under http://www.mas.gov.sg/
and holistic. It encompasses many diverse aspects, including ac- regulatory-and-supervisory-framework/
quisition of information systems and their source code review or risk-management/technology-risk.
certification requirements, issues pertaining system reliability and
data backup, power backup, access control (physical control, segrega-
tion of tasks, etc), IT audit requirements, and so forth. To elaborate
further on the nature of these MAS technology risk management
guidelines, let’s use a few specific examples. For data backup relia-
bility, resiliency and recoverability, the MAS guidelines suggest ‘pro-
cesses should be in place to review the architecture and connectivity
of sub disk storage systems for single points of failure and fragility in
functional design and specifications’ and ‘carry out periodic testing
and validation of the recovery capability of backup media and assess
if the backup media is adequate and sufficiently effective’. Likewise,
encryption is recommended for offsite storage. In a similar vein,
26 security management

the guidelines discuss IT outsourcing risks and things to consider if

cloud computing service is engaged. Similarly, for internal security,
numerous defense in depth best practices are catalogued explicitly.
These include — ‘never alone principle’, stipulating that more than
one person be required when conducting certain sensitive or critical
activities, segregation of duties and job rotations to mitigate weakest
links or perpetuity of single points of failures or fraudulent activities,
and application of principle of least privilege (need to know) based
on job responsibility and necessity.
We conclude by reiterating that though the above laws and regula-
tions have been derived from Singapore, they reflect upon what may
be deemed necessary or desirable in terms of their consequent Infor-
mation security implications in general, and have been discussed for
the purpose of instruction and elaboration. Nevertheless, it must also
be remembered that often the actual laws of a country also depend
on the values that the corresponding societies put to various aspects
of life. For instance, there could be conflicts between two ideals —
privacy rights as right to be forgotten versus freedom of speech and
right to know and transparency.

Some example American laws

Given its economic dominance, and its leadership in the IT indus-
try, laws in United States with information security implications often
have impact at a global scale, and we will thus discuss some key such
Following several financial and accounting scandals around 2001
(for example, the ones involving Enron, Tyco International, Adelphia,
Peregrine Systems, WorldCom) highlighting audit failures, in 2002,
the federal law Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was enacted, creating a set
of new or expanded requirements for all U.S. public company boards,
management and public accounting firms. Though the essence of
the law is to realize better transparency, accuracy and accountability
of financial activities to protect investors, it has several information
system and security management repercussions. The Section 302
of SOX states that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) must personally certify that financial reports
are accurate and complete. They must also assess and report on the
effectiveness of internal controls around financial reporting. This sec-
tion clearly places responsibility for accurate financial reporting on
the highest level of corporate management. CEOs and CFOs now face
the potential for criminal fraud liability. For them to carry out their
tasks effectively, CEOs and CFOs will require enabling information
systems which maintain proper log of all activities, guaranteeing
integrity and provenance of the information. The Section 404 of SOX
2. information security governance and the law 27

states that a corporation must assess the effectiveness of its internal

controls and report this assessment annually to the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). The assessment must also be reviewed
and judged by an outside auditing firm. This again requires proper
monitoring and logging of all information access and manipulation
within the system, and ensuring that the recorded information itself
is stored reliably withholding integrity and availability. In order to
comply with the regulatory requirements, organizations need to
deploy an enabling framework, for instance, Control Objectives for
Information and Related Technology (COBIT) created by Information
Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). The latest version
of this framework is COMIT 5 from 2012. The framework has many
aspects to it. These include mechanisms to link business goals to IT
goals, associating responsibilities of business and IT process owners,
as well as operationalizing the processes by dividing IT into four
aspects Plan and Organize, Acquire and Implement, Deliver and
Support, and Monitor and Evaluate.
Another far reaching US act, also from 2002, is the Federal Infor-
mation System Management Act (FISMA) aimed at strengthening
information security at US Federal Government agencies and organi-
zations. In itself, the law essentially states a high level wish list, man-
dating NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in turn
to translate the high level wish list to practice through development
of standards for mandatory information security risk management.
Specific follow-up and ongoing activities on FISMA are made avail-
able by NIST http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SMA/fisma/index.html.
Another, sector specific example is the US federal Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. The provi-
sions for patient privacy and confidentiality within require proper
processes and health information system infrastructure, as well as
adequate training of personnel to ensure that there are no inadvertent
or unintended violations of patient privacy. As an example4 , lets 4
Acknowledgement: The following
say Lisa and Carol work in the same medical insurance company example situation is adapted
from http://blog.rsystems.com/
but in different departments. While Lisa is a part of the Accounts aspects-of-security-in-healthcare-usa-2/
department, Carol works in the Administrative wing. One day, when
Lisa was away from her desk to get some water, Carol came look-
ing for her to go out for lunch. Carol happened to notice medical
billing records of her neighbor, Anne on the computer screen. She
was shocked to see that Anne was HIV positive and had underwent
an abortion.
Did something wrong happen here? Though Lisa is in the Ac-
counts section of the insurance company and thus may, as per her
job requirements, is entitled to know that Anne is a customer of the
company for accounting purposes, she may not have the need and
28 security management

thus right to know the actual medical condition(s) Anne has. This is
thus an example of breach of Anne’s privacy as a patient.
How can such breach be mitigated? The breach in this event did
not happen due to deliberate malice on either Lisa or Carol’s part.
Nevertheless, as per HIPAA requirements, PHI (Patient Health in-
formation) ought to be protected from even accidental disclosures.
The lapse here has been at the company’s process and/or operations
aspects. For instance, Lisa should have used a screen saver, locked
her computer or closed the application before leaving her desk. Like-
wise, Carol entered the accounts department. Likewise, if a policy of
restricted physical access was in place, then the PHI disclosure would
not have occurred.
This example also goes on to demonstrate that even a small slip-
page, whether unknowingly or by mistake could risk the confi-
dentiality and integrity of the organization and thus lead to major
The intent of the discussion here is not so much as getting into
specifics of what is required and how it is achieved in the IT space
to comply with SOX, FISMA or HIPAA (or other laws which have
implications on an organization’s information security governance)
but to emphasize that all acquired third party as well as built in-
house IT tools and systems used in relevant sectors are immediately
affected by the corresponding acts, and be it the executives of the
organizations that need to assess their IT infrastructure and acquire
the necessary tools, or be the IT product vendors catering to these en-
tities, a lot of information system design, implementation, operations
and monitoring has/had to undergo consequent changes and adap-
tations, and the effect sometimes transcend the specific industry for
which the original law was intended. For instance, a private sector
organization, or an entity even outside US may still also benefit by
using FISMA compliant products.

Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC)

Governance: The management ap-
So far, we have laid out guiding principles to approach information proach used by senior executives to
security, and how different instruments such as guidances, recom- direct and control an organization.
Risk management: Process to identify,
mendations and standards and legal checks and balances like laws
analyze and when necessary act, to
and regulations provide a roadmap for proper governance. But ul- mitigate risks that otherwise would
timately, it is the upper management of an organization which has affect the business objectives.
Compliance: Conforming with stated
to effectuate information security governance as an integral part
requirements - set out internally, or
of the overall governance of the organization. This is to be done by through extrinsic requirements like
aligning the information security objectives among others, with the laws, regulations, contracts, etc.

organization’s business goals and obligations - legal, e.g., laws, regu-

lations, contracts, etc. as well as self-regulation (internal policies) e.g.,
2. information security governance and the law 29

decision to be compliant to certain internal processes, best practices

or industry standards and recommendations, etc. In the process, the
organization will need to identify risks, and identify which if these
needs to be mitigated, and determine the controls accordingly, as well
as choose to accept certain risks. This will ultimately determine the
organization’s overall security plan (security posture) on how to carry
out risk management. Finally, having adopted a security posture, and
laid out the mechanisms and resources to achieve the planned objec-
tives, the organization will need to continuously assess whether they
are compliant with the aforementioned goals and obligations, deter-
mine the efficacy (measure performance) of the current practices and
tools, and use this assessment to continuously refine the governance.
Such continuous monitoring and refinement may also be necessitated
by a changing realities - for instance, emergence of new technology
(say, proliferation of cloud computing, which was not pervasive in
2005) or legislation of a new law (say, PDPA, which was not in effect
in 2005). GRC is then an umbrella term encompassing these three
aspects of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance.
Over the life-cycle of an organization, GRC may be seen as a
continuous sets of cycles of Identification (what are the threats?), As-
sessment (how serious are these threats and which of them should be
addressed), Enforcement (putting in place and applying the controls
to actualize the decisions based on prior steps of Identification and
Assessment) and finally derive Feedbacks to revisit the Identifica-
tion and follow-up activities, repeating the cycle. This cycle of four
steps can further be seen as a superimposition of the three logically
different activities of Governance, Risk Management and Compli-
ance occurring simultaneously. Thus, in the Governance phase, the
Identification step is based on business needs and extrinsic factors
such as environmental threats, laws and regulations. The compliance
phase applies audit tools, adhering to and aided by standards and
laws/regulations, determining both whether the due diligence in
the governance phase was adequate (in framing its policies and pro-
cesses, applying necessary tools, and operationalising everything),
and also ascertain if there is any shortcomings in the actual realiza-
tion - be it intentional, accidental, out of complacence or any other
reason. Risk management phase accounts for the dynamic nature
of the IT landscape in general, and also that of consequent security
implications. As business needs change (e.g., a new product being
launched, new kind of customer data being stored in the system, and
so on), or extrinsic factors change (e.g., a new law has been legis-
lated), a security incident has already occurred, a cheaper IT solution
has become available, etc., there is need to continuously manage risks.
Naturally, there is feedback based interactions among these three
30 security management

logical phases.


Depending on its domain of business, an organization is likely sub-

ject to industry specific regulations. For instance, health sector busi-
nesses, for instance hospitals, medical insurance companies, etc. are
legally obliged to adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Ac-
countability Act (HIPAA), Publicly traded companies are required
to follow the provisions of Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX), and so on.
There are various (audit) frameworks laying out the specifics of how
to ascertain if an organization is compliant with the required legal
requirements. A popular audit framework is COBIT (Control Ob-
jectives for Information and Related Technology), which is suitable
for a multitude of industries including publicly traded companies
(regulated under SOX), Banks and other organizations active in the
financial sector (regulated under Gramm-Leach-Biley Act, etc), credit
card merchants (governed under PCI) and so on.
The focus of the res of our discussions will be centred not so much
on the specific details of an audit framework, but an overview of the
major activities typically carried out in multiple stages under an IT
security auditing exercise.
Audit planning and preparation: The foremost task is to carry out
planning and preparatory tasks. This involves charting out known
and typical possible areas of concerns, review organisational chart
and job descriptions, review the companies IT policies, procedures
and planning documentation, attack response and disaster recovery
plans, inventory all equipments, software applications and operating
systems, and so on.
One of the cardinal outcome of the audit would eventually be
whether the actual operations of the organization are streamlined
with respect to the documented intent of its security posture.
Establish audit objectives: Next step is to establish well defined
objectives for the audit. It may be limited in scope and accordingly
selective (say, for due diligence), or be comprehensive (for instance,
to certify compliance with respect to a standard, or to determine
adherence to government laws). Limited scope objectives include
determining the need for (re)training personnel, determining if the
processes are aligned with industry specific as well as general regula-
tions, if the IT infrastructure and assets are properly maintained and
patched with latest security updates, data is backed up regularly, and
so on. A comprehensive audit will naturally encompass all these ex-
ample aspects, and many more - typically dictated by the regulatory
2. information security governance and the law 31

Perform the review: The actual review processes for the audit may
rely on various means. It could be manual assessments, including
interviewing staff, performing security vulnerability scans and pen-
etration testing, analyzing physical access to systems, determining
if the latest updates have been installed in all equipments, etc. Use
of computer-aided audit tools (CAAT) for automated monitoring,
applying statistical and data mining tools for anomaly detection, etc.
are also on the rise.
The final outcome of a review needs to detail the methodology
and steps taken to carry out the review, describe the findings on the
performance of the organization, as well as make recommendations
advocating corrective follow-up actions.
We conclude with a commentary on measuring security and its
performance. Though security is intrinsically measureless, there are
numerous attempts to quantify security performance, typically by
measuring different manifestations of security (lapses). For instance,
though it can still be be tedious, one can determine the number of
infected (by known malware) machines, or number of machines with-
out patches for known vulnerabilities. One can also record known
occurrences of security incidents. Likewise, an organization can qual-
itatively measure capability, particularly in a relative manner with
respect to some known benchmarks (say, relative to the industry best
practices). One can also align security measurement with risk man-
agement by determining the costs/benefits and return of investment
to determine whether to establish specific security capabilities, or to
assign a value to the said security.

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