This curriculum vitae provides biographical information about Muhammad Pasa Frasetia, including his name, date of birth, phone number, email, religion, address, hobbies, marital status, education history from elementary to high school, areas of expertise in motorcycle repair and service, and social media profiles.
This curriculum vitae provides biographical information about Muhammad Pasa Frasetia, including his name, date of birth, phone number, email, religion, address, hobbies, marital status, education history from elementary to high school, areas of expertise in motorcycle repair and service, and social media profiles.
This curriculum vitae provides biographical information about Muhammad Pasa Frasetia, including his name, date of birth, phone number, email, religion, address, hobbies, marital status, education history from elementary to high school, areas of expertise in motorcycle repair and service, and social media profiles.
This curriculum vitae provides biographical information about Muhammad Pasa Frasetia, including his name, date of birth, phone number, email, religion, address, hobbies, marital status, education history from elementary to high school, areas of expertise in motorcycle repair and service, and social media profiles.
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Nama Muhammad Pasa Frasetia 2007-2013 SDN SINDANGSARI 1
Ttl Cianjur-22-01-2000 2013-2016 SMPN 3 CILAKU No.Tlp 6285559156373 2016-2019 SMK MUTIARA QOLBU Email [email protected] Agama Islam BIDANG KEAHLIAN Alamat Kp.Cihaur Rt/Rw 03/01 Desa Sindangsari Kec.Cilaku Kab.Cianjur Perbaikan/service SEPEDA MOTOR Hobi Badminton Status Belum Menikah