Gwhs Syllabus Photo2 Krause
Gwhs Syllabus Photo2 Krause
Gwhs Syllabus Photo2 Krause
Photography 2 is an intermediate yearlong course in photography designed to offer experiences with a DSLR camera.
Various camera settings will be learned to offer greater creative and technical control. This course continues off the
foundation from Photography 1, and encourages students to reflect on their visual literacy regarding both form and
content of photographic images. The elements and principles of design as they relate to photographic composition
are emphasized. Students also learn to examine images critically through weekly critiques. Intermediate digital
processing techniques will be utilized using Adobe Photoshop. This class requires a time commitment outside of
school to be successful.
All projects and homework are graded based on a four-section rubric that correlates directly with the CO Visual Arts
Standards. Standards & rubrics can be found on the course website. Overall grades are broken down accordingly:
• 50% Product: Final Projects & Critiques
• 50% Process: Homework, Research, Daily Assignments, Quizzes, Journal
All students are required to fulfill the following:
● $40 Art Fee: Elective visual arts courses cost $20 per semester. Upon registering for this course, this charge will be
added to your student account. Please try to make payment for each semester within the first month.
ORIGINALITY: Students must always use their own images for all class projects. Students are not allowed to work
with published or copyrighted photographs or images of any kind unless special permission is given by the instructor.
If special permission is given for a student to work from a published or copyrighted image, the image must be
significantly altered (50%) so that it does truly become his/her own, in the student’s own artistic voice, and in the
student’s own personal style and expression. Mere duplication of another person’s image, even in a different
medium is not allowed. Students are always encouraged to work from their own vision and unique imagery.
DEVICES: Students are welcome to bring their devices to class, however, if a device is distracting a student from
instruction it will be confiscated for the remainder of the class period.
ATTENDANCE: You are expected to be in class and on time. This is a collaborative course, and we need you present to
do well and contribute to the class community. Hall Passes: Students are expected to ask the teacher before they
leave to visit the restroom. Time outside class must not exceed 5 minutes. Passes will not be given during the first 10
minutes or the last 10 minutes of class, unless it is an emergency.
In Photography 2, we will cover these concepts, styles, and techniques through thematic units. The Photography 2
curriculum is not limited to these topics, as we will expand on a range of skills. Integrated in each lesson will be a
comprehensive look at art history, aesthetics, and visual culture. Students will be exposed to a variety of art historical
eras and perspectives.