The Use of Plickers As Formative Assessment
The Use of Plickers As Formative Assessment
The Use of Plickers As Formative Assessment
org 90
Student Response Systems (SRS) can provide effective, immediate, and efficient feedback to
students, particularly when undertaking formative assessment. Coupled with active learning
approaches, the use of such systems can be beneficial for English language learners by
providing opportunities for increased engagement with content and reflection on their
knowledge gaps. These opportunities can then potentially lead to increased learner
participation, motivation, and linguistic skill development. As an SRS system, the pedagogical
practicality of using and developing content with the Plickers application is reviewed, with
features of the application presented in detail. Methods of applying the application,
determining how it aligns with technological frameworks, and presenting the potential of the
application for use in the language teaching context are also presented. Ultimately as a tool that
can be used to engage students of all ages in formative assessment, it is unique in that it can do
this by taking technology out of learner hands while simultaneously assessing all students at
Keywords: mobile-assisted language learning; formative assessment; Plickers
Application Details
Publisher: Plickers
Product type: Web and Android/iOS applications
Language(s): English (website/app), Variable (question text)
Level: Any
Media Format: Image/text
Operating systems: Any smartphone that can run the app, active connection to the Internet if
using the website in conjunction with the app (not required)
Hardware requirements: Smartphone (iOS/Android), Internet connection (if using the
Supplementary requirements: paper-based QR codes for each student (free to print, laminated
cards available for purchase)
Price: Free (app/website), paid/free (laminated/downloadable QR cards)
Teaching English with Technology, 19(3), 90-104, 91
1. Introduction
When teaching English as a foreign or second language (EFL/ESL), one of the biggest
challenges for instructors is that of motivating and engaging learners (Niederhauser, 1993; Lee
& Oh, 2014). So too, in recent years, large ‘conversation’ classes of 40-60 students are
becoming the norm (Chetchumlong, 2010), coupled with often limited access to in-class
technology, and learners that have a fear of being wrong or are too shy to respond to questions
asked of them (Mula & Kavanagh, 2009; Wong, 2016), all leading to difficulties for students in
terms of being able to attain adequate language practice, and in receiving prompt feedback
from instructors. This is often coupled with environments where practitioners are inhibited by
administrative procedures or classroom contexts that hamper the effectiveness of their
instruction, and again, all leading to less time for student-teacher interaction and the provision
of timely and adequate feedback. As such, administrators, educators, and researchers need to
look for ways around these issues – a new and unique way being the innovative implementation
of student response systems (SRS) such as Plickers (
SRSs have long been available to educators and used in ways that fundamentally
enhance engagement with learning content by supporting the instructional process (Espey &
Brindle, 2010) by providing efficient, effective, and immediate feedback to assist in guiding
students with their learning (Crossgrove & Curran 2008). However, as Kim, Al-Mubaid, Yue,
and Rizk (2011) note, it is the use of active learning approaches (e.g., group work, discussion,
and collaboration) that leads to learning gains when employing an SRS. Active learning
principles, sustained by the use of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and constructivist
methods, have long been at the center of TESOL classes (Monk, 2014). One way of using this
method and approach when implementing an SRS sees that students need to work with each
other to identify relationships between new information while using prior knowledge to help
them reach a conclusion, and that in turn leads to increased comprehension skills, opinion
sharing, participation and student-teacher interaction (Lee & Oh, 2014; Yoon, 2017). Espey and
Brindle (2010) also note that when learners use an SRS, they can reflect upon peer mistakes
and retain more of what they study. Other research supporting SRS use in the classroom shows
that it can lead to increased student satisfaction (Hung, 2017), participation (Cordoso, 2011),
motivation (Yu & Yu, 2016), vocabulary development (Yu, 2014), and communicative
competence (Agbatogun, 2014). Further, research employing the Plickers SRS specifically
(Kent, 2019) illustrates that it can stimulate active learning, highlight student knowledge gaps,
focus learner attention, and encourage engagement with content through formative assessment.
Indeed, the most significant implementation of an SRS in the educational context is for
Teaching English with Technology, 19(3), 90-104, 92
formative assessment (Espey & Brindle, 2010). This kind of assessment in the EFL classroom
is something that can help engage students with the learning process and assist them in
developing mastery of skills (Premkumar, 2016), and this is something that teachers can use the
Plickers application to provide (Kilickaya, 2017; Krause, O’Neil & Dauenhauer, 2017).
The purpose of this review, then, is to highlight the means of developing pedagogical
content with the Plickers application, explaining how to use it with students for formative
assessment purposes, and to illustrate the features of the application in detail. In this way, the
potential of the application for use in the English as a foreign/second language teaching context
is presented, along with the method for how it can be used to engage students in the learning
process. The paper also goes beyond other reviews, such as Kilickaya (2017) and Krause,
O’Neil, and Dauenhauer (2017), by considering how the application aligns with the
substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition (SAMR) model (Puentedura, 2009) while
illustrating how the tool can be applied to provide instantaneous formative assessment while
taking technology out of student hands.
2. Description
Paper clickers, or Plickers, is a free student response system (SRS) that uses quick response
(QR) codes printed on paper for use as a paper clicker (see Figure 1). In this case, each side of
the QR code corresponds to one of four options depending on how the card is oriented (A, B,
C, or D), with each card assigned a unique number (1-63) for each student. These cards are
available for purchase (laminated in packs of 40), or are freely available to print from the
website in various sizes and quantities, with the larger cards easy for young learners to handle.
To date, QR codes have been used in EFL settings to great effect (Kent & Jones, 2012a),
improving motivation, and allowing for the integration of various technologies into the
classroom alongside the practice of language content (Kent & Jones, 2012b). An advantage to
this app is that, in a minimum-use setting, an instructor-held smartphone or tablet and a paper-
based handout per student are all that are required for the SRS to be effective. Responses can
also be displayed in real time, using the Plickers LiveView option from the website, and if Wi-
Fi and a computer with beam projector are available, feedback and discussion on each item can
then be conducted easily on-the-fly.
2.1. Pre-class
Text, images, or a combination of both, can be added to the question text, and any language can
be used for this purpose. Answers can be multiple-choice or true/false (yes/no) with a correct
answer set, or left unselected if conducting a survey or poll (see Figure 5a). Up to four answer
options can be provided. Questions can also be created from within the app by selecting the
class that the question will be used with, and populating the fields in the same manner as the
website (see Figure 5b). The application can also utilize the smartphone/tablet camera and
Teaching English with Technology, 19(3), 90-104, 95
photo library to insert images into questions directly. After being entered, questions can then be
edited, moved, un/archived or deleted. Question reports are available from here, as well as the
ability to assign the question to a class using ‘Add to Queue’ (see Figure 5c). Once questions
are assigned to a class or a list, they are ready to be used in the classroom in conjunction with
the teacher-held smartphone/tablet (with app installed) and the student-held cards. The order of
the questions can also be rearranged at this time, either from website or app, or chosen at
random during in-class time.
Figure 5a. Entering questions (website) Figure 5b. Entering questions (iPhone app)
2.2. In-class
Figure 6a. Question display (LiveView) Figure 6b. Question display (app)
After scanning the room, student answers are displayed in real time on the smartphone/tablet
display (see Figure 7a). Information presented includes number of correct (green) and incorrect
(red) responses, total cards scanned, and showing those not scanned (gray). Individual question
responses can also be cleared at this stage if responses need to be rescanned for any reason, or
saved before proceeding to the next question.
Teaching English with Technology, 19(3), 90-104, 97
Once a card has been scanned, the LiveView card number changes to a tick, assisting both
teacher and students in knowing if all cards have been scanned (see Figure 7b). The ‘Reveal
Answers’ option is available to disclose hidden responses (with incorrect options displayed in
red, correct in green) if desired.
There is also an option to show student responses anonymously as a graph initially, and then
with the correct responses (see Figures 7c). A similar screen is also displayed on the
smartphone/tablet (see Figure 7d).
Teaching English with Technology, 19(3), 90-104, 98
Figure 7c. Answer response graph with correct answer (LiveView) Figure 7d. Post-scan graph (app)
Depending on how the questions are being used, a discussion can then occur revolving around
response choices and the merits of each, or the next question can be displayed and answers
scanned in the same manner as described above until all questions set for the task have been
2.3. Post-class
Figure 8a. Report data for individual questions Figure 8b. Scoresheet for a class
3. Evaluation
Ultimately, using Plickers to deliver and inform upon the teaching and learning process using
formative (low-stakes) assessment is the strength of the application (Kilickaya, 2017), with this
kind of assessment referring to a wide variety of in-process checks of student comprehension,
learning needs, and academic progress throughout lessons, plus units of study and courses
(Dodge, 2009).
Plickers also excels at allowing teachers to engage even the shiest students in classroom
activities, allowing those reluctant to respond in normal classroom discussions to contribute
anonymously (if desired) while engaging with content, classmates, and the instructor
interactively. The application also provides teachers with a means to allow learners to
undertake assessment in a way that is less intimidating and anxiety-promoting than those
provided in a summative, traditional, or a paper-and-pencil-based manner. In this regard, it is an
app that addresses one of the most critical needs of teachers: rapid identification of learner
progress. Instant checks for understanding, in turn, identify those students who require
additional support or may be experiencing challenges, allowing teachers to decide which
students to then assign to others during pair/group work by tying stronger learners to weaker
Flexibility for teachers to craft their own question content for delivery, although limited
to four-option choices, provides for the import of questions and graphics from student-assigned
content, as well as allowing teachers to craft tailored questions that can encourage analysis,
inquiry and target language practice. This may initially be time-consuming, as questions are
Teaching English with Technology, 19(3), 90-104, 100
entered one at a time, but questions are reusable and adaptable. This potentially allows for a
variety of uses across a range of classes, including developing polls on hobbies or favorite
things for use with low-level conversation classes; pop-quizzes for review or as a summary for
all levels that might also offer practice for sentence structure and vocabulary; and presenting
content-based questions for English for specific purpose classes that check on both the
understanding of big concepts and the mastery of skills.
The customization inherent in the Plickers app allows any use of it to align with the
TPACK framework on an individual level. This is where the use of digital tools in the
classroom (technical knowledge) crosses over with the method and practice of teaching
(pedagogical knowledge) to present and ensure learning from material being taught (content
knowledge), with the relationship between these three areas producing different classroom
dynamics to traditional instruction, and from which effective teaching with technology can
emerge (Koehler & Mishra, 2009), particularly when considering the SAMR model of
classroom technology integration (Puentedura, 2009), to which Plickers aligns very well:
Substitution – Plickers replaces paper-and-pencil formative assessment tasks, and is more
interactive and engaging than having students raise hands or indicate a thumbs-up/down to
provide responses, offering anonymity in the process.
Augmentation – both teacher and student are immediately aware of recorded responses and, if
desired, whether that response is correct or incorrect.
Modification – Teachers and students are able to visualize answers in real time, and react
accordingly. Teachers can then holistically discuss responses by sharing responses
anonymously, and without revealing the correct answer, allow students to rethink and revise
Redefinition – All students can participate simultaneously, as opposed to calling on students to
provide answers individually which at times may see some learners unable to participate at all.
Teachers can also use the app to ask questions anytime during a lesson, recording answers that
can instantly inform on the direction of instruction.
As the app relies on laminated or printed cards that are scanned by a single
smartphone/tablet, this can be less intimidating for technology-challenged teachers or those
new to teaching with technology, and this allows teachers to focus more on teaching than on
setting up. Also, the use of a single device in conjunction with the app, combined with verbal or
paper-delivered questions, is all that is required if technology is lacking in the classroom, and
this is just as easily performed as using the app alongside the Plickers LiveView website if
technology is available. The smartphone/tablet can also save student-response data for teachers
Teaching English with Technology, 19(3), 90-104, 101
to analyze later from the device itself, or from the website once an Internet connection is
established. As such, there is no reliance on individual learners to possess or be provided with
equipment that might be forgotten, dead, or which the student does not know how to operate,
all of which can lead to lesson and classroom disruption, particularly if there is a need to
deliver 40-63 individual clickers to students or for using the same number of
smartphone/tablets in the classroom. Of course, as with any technology use, contingency plans
are a must in case the teacher’s device fails.
The laminated cards that can be purchased from sites like Amazon allow for plentiful
reuse, but if lost, can be freely printed. They also make it easy for all levels and ages of
students to grasp the concept of providing answers, as cards are simply rotated to the
appropriate orientation, and if teachers/students wish, responses can be hidden from peers.
Cards are also compact and light enough for teachers to carry in their everyday toolkit, with
questions and polls easily created on the fly if required. One issue here, though, is that teachers
need to ensure that each student gets the correct card, and using roll sheet order might be the
best way to assign cards, particularly since, in terms of privacy, no student information is
actually required by the app or website. Teachers may also need to practice scanning techniques
with challenges stemming from students shaking their cards, holding them at low angles,
getting glare from lights, or if a student is blocking another in a cramped classroom. Further,
students also need to be sure that they are holding their cards with their chosen response at the
top in order to avoid erroneous scans.
Although designed to be used with one card per student, this can be adapted with a card
assigned to pairs or groups to encourage discussion amongst students or teamwork activities,
with responses scanned once members have talked through a response. This would allow for
the development and inclusion of collaborative learning activities where students work in
groups or pairs to develop and demonstrate understanding of content and concepts
(Warschauer, 2011), from which instruction can be modified in real time through question
choices as the activity is conducted. The report data that is collected after scanning also easily
allows teachers to go back and identify where a learner has performed poorly, indicating overall
knowledge gaps, as well as being able to identify on a whole-class level where learners lack
knowledge. Here, Plickers use solves the difficulty associated with a teacher trying to perform
such a task by simply monitoring students as they complete in-class tasks, or when going
around the room interacting with individuals, pairs, or groups on a more personal level as they
practice their language skills.
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4. Recommendation
A major benefit of Plickers is that it sees minimal to no expenditure from the instructor or
institution (Taylor, 2016). As an SRS, it is unique in that there is no special equipment to use or
maintain, nor do students need to comprehend or use new technical systems or download any
apps (Lam, Wong, Mohan, Xu & Lam, 2011). In contexts where class hours are limited, this
facilitates fast and easy setup, allows for ease of employability with small to large classes
(either housed in big lecture halls or crammed into closet-sized classrooms), and it can do so in
a way where the focus remains on class content. It also provides increased instructor autonomy
over technology and the learner content being delivered, and wrestles technology away from
the student.
Overall, the app is pedagogically adaptable to a range of formative assessment types,
classroom polls, and review tasks, while also proving to be worthwhile as an exit ticket for
lessons. As an app effortlessly added to the arsenal of every 21st century language teacher, it
can help students easily and quickly understand what they caught from what was taught, while
simultaneously providing instructors with snapshots of learner understanding from which they
can identify student needs and knowledge gaps that can then be actioned upon in real time or
during follow up lessons.
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