Haccp For Catering

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Building a HACCP System

(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)

Implementing a HACCP System requires that both Prerequisite Programs and HACCP Plans are
Prerequisite programs are programs that are put in place in the facility to control hazards in the
environment, preventing contamination of the product. Prerequisite programs ensure a hygienic
environment and good manufacturing processes for personnel that reduce the risk of contamination of
the food product.
HACCP Plans are prepared for each process or product, and identify possible hazards and controls in
place to make sure the hazards are eliminated or controlled to ensure acceptable levels in the food

Why use HACCP?

Awareness of food-borne illness is increasing and concern throughout the industry is driving the use of
HACCP and HACCP based certification programs.

HACCP is based on seven principles:

1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis
This is where you evaluate your processes and identify where hazards can be introduced.
Hazards can be physical (i.e. metal contamination), chemical (i.e. can a cleaning product
contaminate the product, are there toxins that could contaminate the product?) or biological (at
what points could bacteria or virus contaminate your product?). You will need to make sure that
you have the expertise to make an accurate evaluation of the hazards. This means that if you do
not have sufficient expertise in your organization you will need to identify external resources
that you can use to perform the hazard analysis.
The hazard identification is done in two steps, first the identification of hazards, then an
evaluation of the hazard. The hazard evaluation is a determination of the degree of risk to the
user from the identified hazard. Once the hazard is identified and evaluated the team must
identify critical control points. These are points where the hazard must be controlled or it will
present a risk to the end user.
2. Identify the Critical Control Points
At what steps in your process can controls be applied to prevent or eliminate the hazards that
have been identified? These are your critical control points. For each critical control point you
will identify the preventive measure. How will you prevent the hazard?: Use of specific
Temperature, ph, time, procedures?
3. Establish a maximum or minimum limit for temperature, time, pH, salt level, chlorine level or
other processing characteristic that will control the hazard. This is the critical limit for the CCP. If
this limit is ever exceeded corrective action must be taken, and all affected product controlled.
4. Establish Critical Limits
Your next step is to establish criteria for each critical control point. What criteria must be met to
control the hazard at that point? Is it a minimum temperature? Are there regulatory limits that
you must meet for this control point?
5. Establish Monitoring Procedures
What will you measure and how will you measure it? You need to monitor the process at the
critical control point and keep records to show that the critical limits have been met. Can you do
continuous monitoring of the control point? If not, how often will the measurements need to be
performed to show that the process is under control?
The monitoring that takes place at the critical control points is essential to the effectiveness of
the HACCP program. The monitoring program will be made up of physical measurement or
observations that can be done in a timely manner, to provide the information in a time frame
that allows you to take action and control product if an out of control situation occurs.

6. Establish Corrective Actions

You will establish what actions need to be taken if a critical limit is not met. This will be
identified ahead of time for each CCP. The action must make sure that no unsafe product is
released. There must also be an evaluation of the process to determine the cause of the
problem and an elimination of the cause.
The action or actions taken have two purposes, to control any nonconforming product resulting
from the loss of control, and to identify the cause, eliminate it and prevent the situation from
reoccurring. By identifying the corrective action before an out of control situation occurs, you
are prepared to take action quickly if and when it does occur.
7. Establish Record Keeping Procedures
You will determine what records are needed to show that the critical limits have been met, and
the system is in control. Address regulatory requirements and include records from the
development of the system and the operation of the system.
8. Establish Verification Procedures
The HACCP plan must be validated. Once the plan is in place, make sure it is effective in
preventing the hazards identified. Test the end product, verify that the controls are
working as planned. Perform ongoing verification of the system. Are measuring and
monitoring equipment in control? What are corrective actions showing? Are records
being maintained as required?

The Food Safety Management Systems reaches beyond the hazard analysis critical control point and
also incorporates management systems principles similar to those found in ISO 9001. You will be
building a system to manage quality and continual improvement throughout your organization. It
will reach beyond the control systems that we have discussed above and into how you plan and
manage quality into your organization.

 Global market place

 Increasing incidents of food-borne pathogens
 New pathogens emerging
 Need to protect Brands, control risks

Food Safety Management Systems

To protect themselves, multinational food manufacturers, retailers and grocers are asking their
suppliers to implement a Food Safety Management System.

The Global Food Safety Initiative, GFSI has benchmarked a number of Food Safety Management
Systems Certification programs, all of which are HACCP based.

 FSSC 22000
 Others

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