Nurtured by The Word

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C O M PA S S B E A R I N G S G a r y Wa l t e r

Nurtured by the Word

became a new grandfather over the summer. Scripture, the Old and the New Testament, is the
Our granddaughter’s name is Lucia. I am Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith,
amazed at how many adults it takes to watch doctrine, and conduct.” We ask, “Where is it
a newborn sleep. Our whole family wrote on written?” as a way of earnestly wanting to know,
plain white bibs with permanent markers. My “What does the Bible say?”
favorite is from our youngest daughter, Lauren, And just how do we discern what it says? In
who wrote, “If Aunt Lauren were here right now 2008 the Annual Meeting approved a resource
I’d be eating chocolate chip pancakes.” paper entitled “The Evangelical Covenant
At Lucia’s dedication, I was struck again by Church and the Bible.” I encourage you to read it
the promises called for in our Book of Worship: in its entirety, available online at
“Will you as parents, by God’s help, dedicate or through the Covenant Bookstore.
yourselves to the Christian nurture of your child, In brief, we believe several important prin-
and bring her up in the worship and teaching of ciples are necessary in genuinely wanting to hear
the church, that she may come to know Christ Scripture speak. At our best we read the Bible The nurturing
as Savior, be baptized, and follow him as Lord?” faithfully, communally, rigorously, charitably, of faith is not
Nurture is a powerful concept of engagement. and holistically, with commitments to grace,
It implies priority, proximity, and purposeful- transformation, and mission.
ness. The nurturing of faith is not accomplished Faithfully means we let Scripture speak to haphazardly...
haphazardly either by downloading an mp3 our lives rather than using it to justify our lives; by downloading
file of a sermon or offloading our children it is where we seek God’s perspective and let an mp3 file of
to Sunday-school teachers, however vital the God speak.
church and home partnership. Communally means interpretation is not
a sermon....
In the Coveannt we talk about four long- something we do alone. Indeed, it has been said
standing principles that nurture both our faith that all heresy begins in isolation. Other voices,
as followers of Christ and our identity as a past and present, help us see things we would
movement. These principles were first intro- not otherwise see.
duced 100 years ago by President C. V. Bowman Rigorously means we recognize the origi-
at the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Evangelical nal historical and cultural contexts; we seek to
Covenant Church (ECC). I re-introduced them understand the issues being addressed at the time
in last month’s column, and this month we focus and from there find the timeless principles.
on the principle of nurturing our faith and iden- Charitably means we focus on the unity of the
tity through being a biblical people. church in areas of differing interpretations on
There is a truism that says the more you matters not central to our core beliefs.
know the more you see. For example, when I Holistically means we read the entirety of
look under the hood of a car I do not see very Scripture to understand the whole of an issue;
much because I do not know very much about we do not pick and choose selective verses in
cars. I can pick out the battery and the washer isolation or out of context.
fluid, but that’s about it. Mechanics know more We also read with essential commitments—to
and so mechanics can see the carburetor, alterna- grace because grace expresses the very character
tor, radiator, and any other -ators. of God; to transformation, with the profound
If we want to see more of what God is doing desire to be changed by our encounter with
in our lives and in the world around us, we need Scripture; and to mission, because valid reading
to know more about the heart and wisdom and leads us to join Jesus in his work in the world.
design of God, all of which we learn from the In 2 Timothy 2:15 we are admonished to
Bible. rightly handle the word of truth. In that spirit
The ECC takes the Bible as the authoritative these principles help us humbly search Scripture,
source for establishing a frame of reference for and humbly do our best to align with its truth.
all of life. Our constitution says, “The Evangeli- ■
cal Covenant Church confesses that the Holy Gary Walter is president of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

September 2010 | 5

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