Ceramic Coating
Ceramic Coating
Ceramic Coating
ABSTRACT wall of the heat exchanger. The WAT depends on the crude
An oil repellent organic inorganic hybrid coating was oil composition and also on the determination method.
applied on titanium plate heat exchanger plates and field Elsharkawy et al. (2000) used differential scanning
tested in an offshore crude oil cooler. The first trial calorimetry to determine the WAT for different crude oils
consisted in a partially coated plate heat exchanger (PHE) and reported values ranging from 32 to 38°C. The
where after, due to promising results, a fully coated unit was composition of the wax deposit is time dependent starting
installed. After several months in operation the coated plates with a porous structure which gradually becomes denser as
were inspected both visually and by the help of a light more wax molecules diffuses into the porous structure and
optical microscope. The following parameters were oil diffuses out (Singh et al., 2000). The denser the deposit
assessed: Fouling amount and strength of adhesion to the layer the higher the impairment on the heat transfer due to
plate, coating condition and repellency. The coating was the insulating effect of the wax layer (thermal conductivity
found to be successful in minimizing the amount of fouling of 0.073 W / m K, Torresola, 1998) at the surface and the
and reducing its adhesion to the plate, where the fouled plate more challenging the cleaning becomes. Several approaches
could be completely cleaned by a high pressure water jet, to mitigate oil fouling are reported in the literature including
thereby avoiding the use of cleaning chemicals. Only minor heating, chemical treatment (inhibitors), paraffin
areas of the coating presented defects and in major parts of hydrodynamics and surface treatment (Merino-Garcia and
the plate the coating repellency was still intact. Correra, 2008; Paso et al., 2009). In this work we follow the
As opposed to the need of sending the plate heat later approach i.e. alteration of the surface properties of the
exchanger onshore for reconditioning once or twice a year, metal substrate.
depending on the season, the fully coated unit maintained its A literature search regarding the use of coatings for
thermal performance for around 2 years. This implies a fouling reduction in crude oil cooling plate heat exchangers
huge benefit for the end user not only in terms of increased was unfruitful. Some coatings have however been tested in
process efficiency but also lower cleaning related costs crude oil. Fernandez and Rothan (2009) compared the
(time, energy and chemicals). performance of coated and uncoated shell and tube
reboilers. The coating, a phenolic epoxy polymer, was
applied on the tube side where the crude oil flows and was
INTRODUCTION heated with steam on the shell side. No fouling reduction
Fouling of heat exchangers in the oil industry results in was achieved on the coated reboilers and the coating
a loss of performance which leads to production stops for diminished the heat transfer due to its low thermal
cleaning and therefore increased operation costs conductivity. The effect of different coatings on paraffin
(Deshannavar, et al., 2010). Crude oil dehydration process wax fouling of cold steel surfaces have also been
consists of produced water being removed from the wet investigated (Johnsen et al., 2009). Three coatings (no
crude oil by a series of separators where the heat transfer details were reported on two of the coatings while the third
between the media is carried out by plate heat exchangers. consisted of an organic inorganic hybrid coating based on
One of these heat exchangers, the crude oil cooler, cools aminopropylsilane) were tested in a batch baffle stirred
down the crude oil to the required level by circulating sea reactor with a binary test fluid consisting of a paraffinic
water in the adjacent channel. The crude oil will then be solvent (n-decane) and paraffin wax solute (n-tetracosane) at
stored and transported. The cooling is necessary to minimize different flow velocities. Two of the coatings reduced the
evaporation of light hydrocarbons that would otherwise amount of wax deposit independent of the flow velocity.
create an explosive atmosphere in tanks. Fouling occurs due Several fouling reducing coatings (SiF3+ and MoS22+ ion
to the fact that the temperature at and near the wall in the oil implantation, Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) sputtering, DLC-
channel can be lower than the wax appearance temperature Si-O and SiOx Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour
(WAT) leading to paraffin wax crystallization at the plate Deposition (PECVD), autocatalytic Ni-P-PTFE and silica)
Santos et al. / Minimizing crude oil fouling by modifying the surface of …
Coated Surfaces
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Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning – 2013
Full-Scale Industrial Field Test Table 3. Amount of fouling determined on both the titanium
and coated plate. The amount of fouling was determined
Partially coated plate pack. The first field test was run from 5 plates placed at the end of the plate pack. sd standard
with a partially coated plate pack in a M20-MFD plate heat deviation
exchanger. From the total 349 titanium plates 15 were
coated and 5 each placed in the beginning, middle and end
Surface Average fouling Fouling reduction
of the plate pack (Fig. 4). The unit was in operation for 8
(g) ± sd (%)
months with hot runs being the only cleaning performed.
The amount of fouling on the coated plates compared to Titanium 585 ± 125 -
the uncoated reference plates was assessed visually and by ORC 203 ± 48 65
weighting the plates before and after the field test. Fouling
adhesion was roughly estimated by removal the fouling with
a cloth and by high pressure water jet.
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