Paracord Cross Necklace: Materials: Four Pieces at 5 Feet of 550 Paracord Break-Away Buckles or Pop Barrel Connectors
Paracord Cross Necklace: Materials: Four Pieces at 5 Feet of 550 Paracord Break-Away Buckles or Pop Barrel Connectors
Paracord Cross Necklace: Materials: Four Pieces at 5 Feet of 550 Paracord Break-Away Buckles or Pop Barrel Connectors
Step 1: Find the center of two pieces of Step 2: Cross the left and right cords over
cord and overlap them as shown. the middle cord.
Step 3: Bring the bottom cord over cord A Step 4: Bring the top cord over cord B and
and under cord B under Cord A. Always go over the nearest
cord and under the farther cord.
Step 5: Joining the two sides. Work the Step 6: Bring the left cord over A and
same process by bring the cord pointing under B.
down on the left (A) to the top and the
cord pointing up on the right (B) to the
Step 7: Bring the cord on the right over B Tighten and repeat steps 5 through 7 eight
and under A. more times for the bottom.
Repeat step 8 until all four cords are in the Repeat steps 5 through 7 to join the
center. Then tighten. bottom cords. Then repeat four times to
create the top. Repeat step 8 to tie the
knot at the top.