Chap. 14 Insights
Chap. 14 Insights
Chap. 14 Insights
Grade: 11 or 12
Core Subject Title: Personal Development
Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school students aware of the developmental stage that they are in, f
development. Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their dev
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner is expected to able to think critically and make concrete plans and discisions
Power Standard: The leaners demonstrate an understadning of his/her personal development as an important component o
_______ Quarter
Content Content Standards Standards
Minimum Beyond Minimum Minimum
Analyze and
synthesize his or her
14. Insights into His or her personal development as
2. Share insights that m
Analyze and him or her realize the
synthesize his or her importance of personal
personal development in making
14. Insights into His or her personal development as development career decisions as adu
as an
One’s Personal an important component of setting adolesent.
Development career and life goals component of
setting career and
life goals.
3. Construct a creative
visualization of his or h
personal development
through of the various
he or she went through
stressors, influences an
descision making point
personal profile analysi
Performance Task:
l stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant people around them as they make important caree
cific themes in their development. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories, and
rete plans and discisions on the different aspects of his/her personal development; life and significant relationships and career pathways
The learners...
3. Construct a creative
visualization of his or her
personal development
through of the various stages Doing
he or she went through,
stressors, influences and
descision making points and
personal profile analysis.
gnment Map
Semester: 80 hours / semester
If needed):_______________________________
they make important career decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in persona
ant concepts, theories, and tools in different areas in psychology.