Work Methodology, Road Works
Work Methodology, Road Works
Work Methodology, Road Works
Work Methodology
The project road is located in Makueni County in Lower Eastern Region. The project road starts at Wote
Town Junction (B60/B61) and runs in a South Easterly direction and terminates at Makindu Town at its
junction with Mombasa Road (A8). The length of the project road is approximately 72 Km.
Scope of Works
1. General: Office Administration and Overheads/Preliminaries
4. Site Clearance
5. Earthworks
7. Excavation and Filling for Structures
8. Culvert and Drainage works
11. Paved roads- Shoulder Maintenance and Repair
12. Natural Material Bases and Subbase
14. Cement and lime treated subgrade, subbase and base
15. Bituminous surface treatment and surface Dressing
16. Bituminous Mixes
17. Concrete Works (Major Structures)
20. Road Furniture Repair and Maintenance
26. Performance Contract (PBC WORKS) [B]
This section comprises those items that are required at the Commencement and Completion of the
Works or that are Provisional Items applicable for the duration of the Works. This involves:
The training & Internship shall be conducted in accordance with relevant Clauses in the Conditions of
Contract and as directed by the Engineer.
Material Testing shall be done as it shall be directed by the engineer to check materials against the
Specifications. The Contractor shall submit certificates of test from the suppliers of materials and goods
required in connection with the works, and such certificates will certify that the materials or goods
concerned have been tested in accordance with the requirements of the specifications and will give the
results of all the tests carried out.
The Contractor shall provide and erect two (2) publicity signs boards on the site as directed.
The Engineer will, as shown in the Drawings, direct the minimum dimensions and thickness of
the steel framework and sheet. The framework and sheet will be prepared and painted black,
while the ring at the top of the supporting frames will be painted white. The wordings and
KeNHA’s logo will be printed on backlit sticker paper resistant to the effects of weather using
reflectorised paint or material approved by the Engineer. The colours, fonts and heights of the
letters will be as indicated on the attached drawings and as directed by the Engineer.
The contractor shall conveniently provide, at the beginning of the project, fuel and maintain with
drivers (1 No). New 4WD double cabin pick up, and 4WD Station Wagon vehicles of diesel
Engine for use by the Engineer in accordance with clause 138 of the special specifications.
The Contractor shall provide allowances as instructed and in accordance with relevant Clauses
in the Conditions of Contract.
The sections comprises of heavy bush and clearing and light bush clearing.
The Contractor shall set out the centerline to follow the existing road alignment and as per the drawings
or as it shall be fit to the engineer.
Heavy and light bush clearing involves clearing of bushes, shrubs, grasses, trees, stumps,
boulders, stripping and grubbing of the topsoil, removal of anthills and other unsuitable materials for the
specified widths of the road, quarry and borrow areas.
This activity shall be carried out twice, each time before the rainy season or as shall be
instructed by the Engineer.
Where the Contractor shall be instructed by the Engineer shall trim tree branches to improve visibility.
Cut material shall be collected and disposed of as directed by the Engineer and burning of waste
material shall not be permitted.
The Contractor shall excavate around any trees to be removed to a depth not less than 0.5-0.75m
before cutting the roots. Existing stumps shall be uprooted in the same manner. All holes left by the
removal of trees and stumps shall be back -filled with approved material and compacted to
existing ground level. Cut material and stumps shall be collected and disposed of as directed by the
Engineer. Burning of waste material shall not be permitted
• Conditions and precautions listed in the project specifications shall be followed as minimum.
• All staff involved in the project shall be inducted on the safety, health and environmental issues
• Only trained personnel with relevant experience shall be allowed to handle machinery.
• Appropriate Safety Signboards, barriers and lighting and other safeguards shall be provided
as required by the nature of and location of the works. All operations shall be carried out in
• All field personnel will use PPE safety requirements like safety boots, helmets, cover all, dust
This section involves cutting and filling of hard/soft materials and compactions.
Only soft and hard material approved by the Engineer will be used for fill in embankments.
Material with high swelling characteristics or high organic matter content and any other
undesirable material will not be used, unless specifically directed by the Engineer. Unsuitable
materials are as per by the specifications.
Filling low-level areas shall be to the level of sub grade as designated. After completion of
clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall carry out the necessary leveling in order to control
the thickness of the layers of fill.
The existing natural ground shall be scarified in place to a minimum depth of 75mm for the full
width of the embankment
The Contractor shall not proceed with filling and compaction of any subsequent layer before
testing and securing the approval of the Engineer for the previous layer.
Where improved sub-grade material will be required, this will be compacted and finished to the
same standards and tolerances as those required for normal subgrade and clauses in the
specifications applying to normal subgrade will also apply.
The excavation of cutting shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant approved
drawings and to the levels, widths and heights shown thereon.
Hauling of material from cuttings or the importation of fill material to the embankment or other
areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient compaction plant is operating at the place of
deposition to ensure compliance with the specification requirements.
Any excess depth excavated below the formation level exceeding tolerance of 300mm shall be
made good by backfilling with suitable material of similar characteristic of that removed and
compacted in accordance with specifications.
Finish level shall be recorded in accordance to survey practice and jointly inspected in
the presence of Engineer.
The side slopes of cuttings and embankments shall be as per the approved drawings.
If during the progress of the work the soil encountered has characteristics, as determined by
tests conducted under the direction of the Engineer, that render it unsuitable for incorporation in
the road embankment, the Contractor shall excavate and remove such unsuitable material to
the extent directed by the Engineer.
No excavated suitable material shall be removed from the site without the approval of the
Engineer. Should the Contractor permitted to remove suitable material to suit his operational
procedure then he shall make good any consequent deficit of fill material arising there from.
Excavation in hard material shall be carried out by a tracked bulldozer and ripper or by the use
of blasting with explosives or any other method approved by the Engineer.
After it has been established that the excavated material is rock and after the area where such
rock exists has been defined, the Contractor shall incorporate the rock in the embankment.
Compaction in hard material shall be compacted to 95% MDD (AASHTO T99) - French Drains.
• Conditions and precautions listed in the project specifications shall be followed as minimum.
• All staff involved in the project shall be inducted on the safety, health and environmental issues
• Only trained personnel with relevant experience shall be allowed to handle machinery.
• Appropriate Safety Signboards, barriers and lighting and other safeguards shall be provided
as required by the nature of and location of the works. All operations shall be carried out in
• All field personnel will use PPE safety requirements like safety boots, helmets, cover all, dust
The contractor shall excavate the site to the alignments, widths and grades as shown in the
approved construction drawings. Prior to the erection of gabion wall if any unsuitable soils
present, should be removed and replaced by good quality soil compacted with smooth wheel
vibratory roller by specified compacted granular fill as directed by the Engineer. All pits and
depressions shall be backfilled with fill free of deleterious, organic matter, and compacted as
directed by the Engineer.
Assembled boxes, or groups of boxes, shall be positioned in the structure. The side or end, from which
work is to proceed, shall be secured either to the completed work, or by rods or stakes driven into the
ground at the corner. These stakes shall/must be secure and reach at least to the top of the gabion
Further gabion boxes shall be positioned in the structure as required each being securely laced to the
preceding one along all common corners and diaphragms.
The contractor shall provide and place gabion fills which shall be a hard durable & non frost susceptible
rock having minimum dimensions of 200mm. The grouting to gabions faces shall be provided as
• Conditions and precautions listed in the project specifications shall be followed as minimum.
• All staff involved in the project shall be inducted on the safety, health and environmental issues
• Only trained personnel with relevant experience shall be allowed to handle machinery.
• Appropriate Safety Signboards, barriers and lighting and other safeguards shall be provided
as required by the nature of and location of the works. All operations shall be carried out in
• All field personnel will use PPE safety requirements like safety boots, helmets, cover all, dust
This section covers all Works in connection with the installation of concrete pipe culverts 600mm and
900mm with surround, Culverts cleaning, placing of A142 wire mesh, stone pitching, headwalls, wing
walls, apron toe walls and drop inlet structures.
The Contractor shall carry out all excavations for new culverts and drainage works to the lines, Levels,
inclinations, and dimensions shown on the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. When fill is
required, it shall consist of materials conforming to the specified requirements. Pipe culverts and other
structures shall not be placed until the foundation preparation is completed, and the subgrade surfaces
have been inspected and approved by the engineer. Compaction of bedding or filter material will be
compacted as instructed by the engineer and specifications. Extra care shall be taken with foundation
preparations in order to ensure a level and smooth surface.
Cleaning of culverts of specified sizes, the outlet/inlet structures, and the outlet drains, keeping them
free of all debris, weed, silt and any obstruction to ensure free passage of water at all times. The debris
shall be deposited in approved spoil dumps.
The contractor shall do the shaping of the drains to free flowing condition as directed by the Engineer
and shall removing any broken side slabs for inverted block drains and replacing with new ones. The
contractor shall also remove any broken inverted block drains and replace it with Concrete class 20/20
and A142 BRC reinforcement.
Quarry waste or similar approved material shall be used to back fill scoured and eroded side, outfall
and cut-off drains. The material shall be compacted to form a flat or curved surface preparatory to stone
pitching of drainage channels, existing and new scour checks as directed by the Engineer.
Stone for pitching shall be granite or other clean, hard dense and durable rocks free from cracks,
kaolinised patches, organic or other impurities.
The dimension of each stone measured perpendicular to the face of the pitching shall not be less than
225mm. The exposed face of each stone shall not be less than 0.02m2 in area.
Stone shall be hand placed with closed joints on a layer of gravel or crushed stone to a minimum
finished thickness of 225mm or otherwise as shown on the Drawings.
The sides of stones shall be roughly trimmed with a spalling hammer to obtain a reasonably close fit
and the interstices filled with clean coarse aggregate or gravel well rammed and wedged with spalls.
The finished pitching shall show an even surface to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings.
The joints in pitching should be raked out to a depth of at least 50mm and sealed with 1:2 cement/sand
mortar finished neatly flushed with the surrounding stones. The stones shall be left clean of all mortar
and stains.
The bed of stone boulders upon which the leveling concrete will be placed will be smooth, compacted
and true to the grades and cross-section will be set to the required lines and grades.
Forms will be made of wood or metal and will conform to the shape, lines and dimensions shown on the
All timber will be free from holes, loose material, knots, cracks, splits and warps or other defects
affecting the strength or appearance of the finished structure.
Release Agents – Release agents will be neat oil containing a surface activating agent.
Formworks will be designed to carry the maximum loads that may be imposed, and so be rigidly
constructed as to prevent deformation due to load, drying and wetting, vibration and other causes. After
forms have been set in correct location, they will be inspected and approved by the Engineer before the
concrete is placed.
If requested, the contractor will submit to the Engineer working drawings of the forms and also, if
requested, calculations to certify the rigidity of the forms.
Concrete works:
This work will consist of furnishing, mixing, delivering and placing of the concrete for the construction of
culvert walls and slabs, in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the requirements
shown on the Drawings.
Concrete class 20/20 will be used for culvert walls and slabs. The requirements of Concrete class 20/20
are provided in the specifications unless otherwise instructed be the engineer.
Concrete Batching will be done by weight in the accuracy listed in the specifications.
In preparation of the placing of concrete, the interior space of forms will be cleaned and approved by
the engineer prior to placing concrete. All temporary members except tie bars to support forms will be
removed entirely from the forms and not buried in the concrete.
The Contractor will provide a sufficient number of vibrators to properly compact each batch immediately
after it is placed in the forms.
The contractor will provide, lay and join 600mm and 900mm inner dia concrete pipes. Concrete pipes
shall be laid on a 150mm thick concrete bed of class 15/20 and the pipes shall be bedded on 1:3
cement: sand mortar at least 50mm thick, 150mm wide and extending the full length of the barrel. The
Concrete pipes for the culverts shall have ogee joints and will be joined by 1:2 cement: sand mortar and
provided with fillets on the outside as described in clause 810 of the standard Specification.
Where multiple activities are scheduled, the contractor shall review in advance the priority of work and
schedule the appropriate time frame to allow each to complete their scope of work.
All personnel shall wear all personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times including hard helmet,
safety glasses, boots, gloves, and reflectors.
Prior to any work commencing supervisors shall conduct a hazard assessment of all applicable
work areas. Any hazards that are found during the hazard assessment must be addressed prior
to any work commencing.
This section involves the provision, placing and compaction of natural gravel to Shoulders accesses
and bus bays.
Shoulders will be constructed in accordance with guidelines given in the specifications and as directed
by the Engineer.
For sections where shoulders are extremely low and require fill material before the shoulder is
reconstructed, the construction of fill embankment shall be in accordance with specifications.
Low shoulder shall be reconstructed by cutting benches, filling and compaction of approved fill material
to form the formation to the shoulders.
The gravel material shall have a minimum CBR of 25 at 95% MDD (AASHTO T180) and 4 days soak.
The gravel will also be within a Plasticity Index of 15-20.
Shoulder reconstruction will be same in all sections including the slip roads.
• Conditions and precautions listed in the project specifications shall be followed as minimum.
• All staff involved in the project shall be inducted on the safety, health and environmental issues
• Only trained personnel with relevant experience shall be allowed to handle machinery.
• Appropriate Safety Signboards, barriers and lighting and other safeguards shall be provided
as required by the nature of and location of the works. All operations shall be carried out in
• All field personnel will use PPE safety requirements like safety boots, helmets, cover all, dust
This section covers the provision, placing, spreading and compaction of natural gravel for base.
Where instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall undertake repairs, widening and reprocessing to
the existing carriageway and shoulders in accordance with sections 12 and 14 of the Special
Places with pot-holes shall be excavated cleaned and natural material of or being accepted by the
engineer shall be applied at the rate specified. This mainly shall be approved murram from borrow pits
mixed with 3% cement to stabilize the mix for it to perform the purpose it serves.
Where multiple activities are scheduled, the contractor shall review in advance the priority of work and
schedule the appropriate time frame to allow each to complete their scope of work.
All personnel shall wear all personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times including hard helmet,
safety glasses, boots, gloves, and reflectors.
Prior to any work commencing supervisors shall conduct a hazard assessment of all applicable
work areas. Any hazards that are found during the hazard assessment must be addressed prior
to any work commencing.
This section involves the provision, transportation, spreading, cement stabilization on natural material.
Curing and protection of treated layers.
Cement Treatment: Cement for stabilization will be CEM 1 Portland cement conforming to KS 1262.
The cement content of the stabilized material shall be as indicated by the Engineer and will normally be
about 4%. The Engineer shall exercise his discretion to any variation in the rate of application of the
cement, which he may see fit, to order from time to time.
Moisture Content: The moisture content of the stabilized material shall be as directed by the Engineer
but nevertheless within the range of 85% to 100% of the optimum Moisture Content (AASHTOT.180)
Mixing and Placing: The material to be stabilized and the cement shall be mixed by an approved
mixing plant, which will either be a stationary mixing plant for material to be used for pavement
reconstruction, widening and shoulders.
Lime Improvement: Lime improvement shall be carried out in accordance with Section 14 of the
Standard Specification.
Protection & Curing: Protection and curing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of
the Standard Specification but provision shall be made to wet the surface from time to time as directed
by the Engineer. This will be done by water tanker.
• Conditions and precautions listed in the project specifications shall be followed as minimum.
• All staff involved in the project shall be inducted on the safety, health and environmental issues
• Only trained personnel with relevant experience shall be allowed to handle machinery.
• Appropriate Safety Signboards, barriers and lighting and other safeguards shall be provided
as required by the nature of and location of the works. All operations shall be carried out in
• All field personnel will use PPE safety requirements like safety boots, helmets, cover all, dust
This involves provision and spraying prime coat to carriageway, shoulders, busbays and junctions
The contractor shall provide and spray MC 30 cut-back bitumen as prime coat to carriageway,
shoulders, busbays and junctions at the rate of 0.8-1.2 lts/m2 as prime coat. This shall be
sprayed using a distributor.
Prime coat shall be applied to gravel areas that are to receive bituminous mixes as directed by
the Engineer.
Observe the site owners established safety policy at all times and obey all written and verbal
instructions from site managers and representatives. Wear all personal protective equipment at
all times including hard hat, safety glasses, boots, gloves, supplied air respirators and masks as
required. When preparing and applying coating sand chemical materials all personal protective
equipment must be worn including: gloves, safety glasses, supplied air respirators and
protective paper masks as required. When using high pressure plural component
spray equipment, all personnel working in the application area must wear double filter breathers
or supplied air respirators.
This section covers Pothole patching, the provision and spraying of K-160 as tack coat at a rate of 0.8-
1.0L/M2 as directed by the Engineer. It will also cover clearing and cutting of potholes and failed areas.
The boundaries of the distressed area shall be marked, taking care to encompass a slightly larger area
than that reflected by the distress. The repair boundaries shall be as rectangular as possible and shall
take into consideration the dimensions of the equipment that will be used for removal of the old material
and compaction of the new material.
The boundaries of the patch square shall be cut using a diamond saw. Care shall be taken not to
damage the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface layer in the sound pavement.
We shall remove water and debris from the hole. Depending on the size of the pothole, this may be
accomplished manually with a pick and shovel or with various combinations of power equipment, i.e., a
pneumatic hammer and shovel, backhoe, or front-end loader.
The sides of the holes shall be made square until the edges of the hole are sound pavement. Tack coat
of asphalt emulsion to the sides and bottom of the hole shall be applied. The tack coat shall either be
sprayed or brushed on the edges of the repair, never to be poured.
The patch material in the hole shall be placed and if the patch is placed manually, shovel (not a rake)
shall be used to place the asphalt concrete material taking care to avoid segregation or as directed by
the Engineer. The hole shall be overfilled by 20 to 25 percent of its depth to provide adequate material
for compaction. An asphalt rake shall be used to feather or blend the patch edges.
The patch material shall be compacted with a hand device or a small vibratory roller. The finished patch
shall have a 3 to 6 mm (0.1 to 0.2 in) crown. This will allow for further compaction by traffic and will help
prevent standing water in the patch area.
K-160 Tack:
Immediately before placing the bituminous mix in the pavement, the existing surface will be cleaned of
all material and foreign matter with mechanical brooms or by other approved methods. The debris will
be deposited well clear of the surface to be covered. Any defect of the surface will be made good and
no bituminous mix will be laid until the Engineer has approved the surface.
K-160 tack coat will be provided and sprayed using distributor, prior to laying the bituminous mix, at a
rate of 0.8-1.0L/M2 in accordance with specifications or as directed by the Engineer.
Observe the site owners established safety policy at all times and obey all written and verbal
instructions from site managers and representatives. Wear all personal protective equipment at all
times including hard hat, safety glasses, boots, gloves, supplied air respirators and masks as required.
When preparing and applying coating sand chemical materials all personal protective equipment must
be worn including: gloves, safety glasses, supplied air respirators and protective paper masks as
required. When using high pressure plural component spray equipment, all personnel working in the
application area must wear double filter breathers or supplied air respirators.
17. CONCRETE WORKS (Major Structures)
This section comprises of provision, placing and compaction of concrete class 15/20 for blinding,
concrete class 25/20. Provision and fixing framework class F2, bending and fixing reinforcement bars.
Concrete: All materials shall be tested, and only approved materials shall be used in concrete works.
Testing procedure shall be in accordance to the sections, and instructions by the Engineer.
This work will consist of furnishing, mixing, delivering and placing of the concrete for the construction in
accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the requirements shown on the Drawings.
Concrete class 15/20 will be used for blinding. The requirements of Concrete class 25/20 are provided
in the specifications unless otherwise instructed be the engineer.
Concrete Batching will be done by weight in the accuracy listed in the specifications. In preparation of
the placing of concrete, the interior space of forms will be cleaned and approved by the engineer prior
to placing concrete. All temporary members except tie bars to support forms will be removed entirely
from the forms and not buried in the concrete.
The Contractor will provide a sufficient number of vibrators to properly compact each batch immediately
after it is placed in the forms.
Framework: The contractor shall provide vertical steel framework and sheet class F2 finish, the
framework and sheet shall be prepared and painted black, while the ring at the top of the supporting
frames shall be painted white. The wordings and KeNHA’s logo shall be printed on backlit sticker paper
resistant to the effects of weather using reflectorised paint or material approved by the Engineer. The
colours, fonts and heights of the letters shall be as indicated on the attached drawings and as directed
by the Engineer.
Reinforcements: The contractor will provide and cut, fix and position the reinforcing bars as shown in
the drawings. The bars will be bend by bending machine, fixing and positioning shall be done by
experienced steel fixers, in order to achieve good quality of work.
Observe the site owners established safety policy at all times and obey all written and verbal
instructions from site managers and representatives.
Wear all personal protective equipment at all times including hard hat, safety glasses, boots, gloves,
supplied air respirators and masks as required. When preparing and applying coating sand chemical
materials all personal protective equipment must be worn including: gloves, safety glasses, supplied air
respirators and protective paper masks as required. When using high pressure plural component
spray equipment, all personnel working in the application area must wear double filter breathers or
supplied air respirators.
The contractor shall provide Road reserve boundary posts as directed by the Engineer and in
compliance with Standard Specification clause 2001. They will be placed at 50m. Intervals along the
boundary of the road reserve.
The contractor shall provide Edge marker post as directed by the Engineer and in compliance with
Standard Specification clause 2003
Permanent Road Signs will be provided as directed by the Engineer and in compliance with the
requirements of the "Manual for Traffic Signs in Kenya" Part II and standard Specification clause 2004.
Where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall take down road signs including all posts, nuts,
bolts and fittings, and remove and dispose of the concrete foundation and backfill the post holes. The
signs will be stored as directed by the Engineer.
Paint for road marking will be internally reflectorized hot applied thermoplastic material in accordance
with Clause 219 of the Standard Specification.
Road studs are moulded of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) conforming to ASTM Specification
D1788 – 68, class 5-2-2 shell filled with inert, thermosetting compound and filler. The lens portion of the
marker of the marker is of optical menthlymethacrylic
The road studs will be constructed of high impact ABS containing a multi-biconvex glass lens reflector
system. It will be of monolithic construction, and not less than 98.5. m2. The height of the marker will
not exceed 17mm and the underside will contain a non-honeycomb base (flat).
The markers will conform to the following requirements as per the specifications
Contrary to the Standard Specification, guardrail posts will be concrete 200 mm diameter set
vertically at least 1.2m into the shoulder as directed by the Engineer. Spacer blocks will also be
made of concrete.
Beams for guardrails will be "Armco Flexbeam" or similar obtained from a manufacturer
approved by the Engineer.
Edge marker posts will be provided as directed by the Engineer and in compliance with Standard
Specification clause 2008.
Where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, place, trim, shape and compact
to line and level asphalt concrete rumble strips on the finished shoulders. This will be done to
the satisfaction of the Engineer
Where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, and install 150mm diameter
steel encased bollards. The Bollards will be concreted 300mm into the ground and 900mm
above the ground, they will be painted and marked with two strips of retro reflective yellow
tape around the post. Concrete will be class 15/20.
The contractor shall provide all the services that include all activities, physical and
Rehabilitation and improvement works
Repairs and Maintenance works will be carried out by the Contractor when specifically
instructed by the Engineer. Activities include:
Site clearance
Excavation and filling for structures
Culvert and drainage works
Passage of traffic
Paved roads - shoulder maintenance and repairs
Natural material bases and subbase
Cement and lime treated subgrade, sub base and base
Bituminous surface treatment and surface dressing
Bituminous mixes
Concrete works (major structures)
Road furniture repair and maintenance
Miscellaneous bridge/drift works
Emergency Works
In the event of an emergency the Contractor should draw to the attention of the Engineer that certain
works need to be carried out to repair the carriageway and other road features to restore the safe
passage of traffic along the road and ensure the integrity of the road and its corridor