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Cardiology Department: Iccu and Wards

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Cardiology department deals with heart diseases.


It is better to provide this department near the emergency
because most emergency cases are cardiac problems. SURGICAL OT
It should also be next to the Radiology department so that
tests results of MRI and CT scan can be obtained faster. DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT
It must have its own surgical unit with a Cardiac ICU (Non-invasive, MRI, Pathology
services, CATH lab, Procedure room)
adjacent to it.
Accessible to blood bank, laboratories and pharmacy CONSULTATION

1. Consulting rooms
2. Examination room –
with ECG and tread mill,
Echo test and Cath test
3. ICCU with monitoring
facilities - doctor’s room,
nurses room, toilets
4. Atleast one OT
5. Surgical post operative ward
6. Dialysis unit
7. Laboratories
Following test facilities must be provided in the
cardiology department Auxiliary facilities
1. Cardiac catheterisation laboratory (CATH 1. Reception
LAB) 2. Waiting area
2. Echocardiography (ECHO TEST) 3. Technician’s room
3. Tread Mill Test(TMT TEST) 4. Toilets


WARD (No Operation)




•An Echo Stress can be obtained in a physician's office or in the hospital.
Imaging tests are generally obtained when a physician wishes to confirm or
CATH Lab rule out the presence of coronary artery disease. A Stress Echo is also
A catheterization laboratory or cath lab is performed in patients who have disease involving the heart muscle or
an examination room in a hospital or clinic valve, or if a patient is having inappropriate shortness of breath and a
with diagnostic imaging equipment used to visualize cardiac cause is suspected.
the arteries of the heart and the chambers of the •A patient should allow 1 1/2 to 2 hours for the entire test,
heart and treat any stenosis or abnormality found. including the preparation, echo imaging and stress test.
•Patient Couch
•A floor or ceiling mounted Image intensifier
•Set of viewing monitors
•Real-time ECG/Blood pressure/Oxygen Saturation
measurements with software to record and measure
these when needed.
•Injector Pump used for imaging the Left Ventricle or
•X-ray software for the recording and playback of
the Fluoroscopy runs acquired during the procedure
•Diagnostic Catheters
•Guide catheters
•Guide wires
•Angioplasty balloons
•Closure devices
•General nursing supplies
•Drugs TMT test is also called tread mill Test, Computerized Stress Test or
•Recovery bays simply Stress test. (45.72 X 147.32). Even with 90% blocks the
•Reporting station patients can have a normal ECG. In such cases the patient would also
•Scrub area agree that at rest there is no pain in the chest, the angina symptoms
would only come when they increase the heart rate, while doing
some physical exertion like walking.
X-ray computed tomography (x-ray
CT) is a technology that uses
computer-processed x-rays to
produce tomographic images(virtual
'slices') of specific areas of the
scanned object, allowing the user to
see what is inside it without cutting
it open.


A high dependency unit is an area in a hospital, usually located closely to the intensive care unit, where
patients can be cared for more extensively than on a normal ward, but not to the point of intensive care.
A coronary care unit (CCU) or cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) is a hospital ward specialized in the care
of patients with heart attacks, unstable angina, cardiac dysrhythmia and (in practice) various other cardiac
conditions that require continuous monitoring and treatment.

The main feature of coronary care is the availability of telemetry or the continuous
monitoring of the cardiac rhythm by electrocardiography. This allows early intervention
with medication, cardio version or defibrillation

ICCU equipment
Patient monitoring unit: the basic patient monitoring unit must include at least two ECG channels, invasive pressure channel, non-
invasive blood pressure monitor. It is desirable that 50% of the beds include the following additional basic parameters: five ECG
channels, two additional hemodynamic channels, end tidal CO2, non-invasive cardiac output, and thermometer.
Nurse station: to be used for central monitoring and analysing. At least one ECG lead from each patient as well as relevant
haemodynamic and respiratory data should continuously be present on a central screen. Slave monitors should be installed to enable
monitoring of patients from different sites of the unit, as well as working stations for retrospective analysis of index events, i.e. changes
in heart rate, rhythm disturbances, ST-events (ST-segment changes algorithm), heart rate variability, blood pressure, O 2 saturation, and
so on.
Patients beds for the ICCU
Beds in the ICCU have to allow vertical movement, with the possibility of up and down head and leg positioning. Every bed must be
equipped with oxygen, vacuum, and compressed-air intakes. It is desirable that one of the beds be suitable for patients with active
contagious infectious
It is important to make sure that the patient can be X-rayed on the bed.
ICCU and intermediate CCU staff
(physicians: cardiologists/residents in cardiology/cardiology fellows)
Physicians (day time shift):
Department head: a certified cardiologist.
First six beds: one physician every three beds.
If more than six beds: one physician every four beds.
SERVICES Air Quality and Distribution
In general, clean areas shall be maintained at
positive air balance and soiled areas should be
maintained at negative air balance with respect
Air conditioning systems will be
to adjoining areas
provided to heat, cool and ventilate the
Cardiology department. Corridors shall Lighting
not be used to supply or exhaust/return
air from adjacent rooms. In major procedure rooms like Cath Labs, EP
Labs and TEE, a separate, dimmable lighting
system to provide a low level of ambient
Exhaust System lighting shall be provided
The HVAC design shall provide for exhaust air
from spaces to control the transfer of odors and Medical Gas Systems
provide proper room pressurization and proper Medical gas distribution should be adequately
air changes designed
Colour codes for pipes-
Blue-nitrous oxide(anaesthesia)
Waste Water Systems Black and white-compressed air
Plumbing fixtures and drains shall be drained by Yellow-vacuum pipe
gravity through sanitary waste stacks, including Water Systems
required vent stacks. Any special acidic waste Domestic cold and hot water shall be piped to
should be drained through corrosion-resistant, all plumbing fixtures and equipment requiring
flame-retardant piping these utilities
AREA REQUIREMENTS( according to IS 10905(part 2)

For 500 bed hospital,
LOCATION of cardiology department- ends
Ground floor of IP block,next to an
2 cardiology OPs
Changing room
2 TMT and holter rooms
Echo test room
Rest room for doctors
Cath lab
Cardiac ICU
2 CCU(cardio care unit)-(5 beds&8 beds)
-3 Senior consultants
-2 TMT Technicians
-2 Echo technicians
-2 Cath lab technicians Starts
-7 Cath nursing staffs from
-21 CCU staffs(day and night shifts) here

Area Statement-
Spaces/Rooms in cardiology wing(live case study based)
NO m)
1 Cardiology OP 3 3X3
2 Tread Mill Test and Holter 2 3x3

3 Changing Room for doctors 1 3x3.5

4 Echo Test Room 1 3x3

5 Cath Lab
Small units 4 3x3.5
Large units 2 6x6
6 Sterile store 1 3x3.5
7 Equipment Room 1 3x3.5
8 CCU 1 1 9X9
9 CCU 2 1 6X9
10 Nursing station 1 3.5x3
11 Sterile corridor - 2m(width)
KMBR standards
Occupancy classification: Clear width
Group C
Maximum Coverage
permitted: 40%
Maximum F.A.R. permitted
(without additional fee ) : 2
Corridors- General 1.5m
Trolley 2.25m
(with additional fee) :3 Ceiling 2.4 m high
Windows < 25 m apart
SETBACK Installation of smoke doors
Buildings upto 10 metres height with more than
300 sq. metres built up area Parking requirement:
(i) front yard-average 6 metres with minimum 4.5 Stairs
100sq.m of carpet area
metres min width 1.5 <2.5
25% of above parking to be max rise 17cm
(ii) side yards-average 2 metres with minimum 1.5
meters (each side). provided additionally for 2 min tread 28 cm
wheeler parking.
(iii) rear yard-average 3 metres with minimum 1.5 Circulation Areas - Circulation
metres Stairway: building having
areas such as corridors,
more than 4 floors
(iv)10m+3xm =>.5x + setback entrance halls, staircases, etc,
including basement or
in the hospital buildings should
sunken floors shall have at
not be less than
least 2 staircases, one of
30 percent of the total floor
which maybe an external
area of the building.
IS 10905 part 3
• Ramps: if provided should be laid with SL. FITMENTS HOSPITAL WITH HOSPITAL WITH
slope not exceeding 1 in 10, surfaced NO. INDOOR OUTDOOR
with approved non-slippery materials. PATIENTS PATIENTS WARD
• Lifts: for every building exceeding 3
For males For females
storeys, in case of hospitals/medical
occupancies, shall be provided with 1 1 Water closet 1 for every 8 beds 1 for every 6
lift for every 2500sq.m. beds

• Every hospital should be provided with 2 Ablution taps 1 in each WC + 1

water tap with
1 in each WC + 1
water tap with drain
incinerator for the disposal of drain in vicinity of in vicinity of
hazardous and pathogenic waste. WC/urinal for WC/urinal for every
• Workable roof top rainwater every 50 beds 50 beds
harvesting arrangement should be 3 Wash basins 1 for every 12
provided as integral part of new beds
building construction. -
• For hospitals, the minimum capacity of
storage tank of the roof top rainwater 4 Baths with 1 bath with -
harvesting arrangement: 50l/sq.m. of shower shower for every
total floor area. 12 beds
5 Urinals 1 for every 12
• Water requirement, as per NBC, beds
including laundry: 450l per head per day
Floor Height - The height of all the rooms in the hospital should
not be less than 3.00 m and not more than 3.65 m, measured at any
point from the surface of the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling.
The minimum head-room such as under the bottom of beams, fans and
lights shall be 2.5 m measured vertical under such beam, fan or light.
KIMS , Trivandrum



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