Nullity of Marriage
Nullity of Marriage
Nullity of Marriage
PETITIONER, through counsel and unto this Honorable Court, most respectfully
state that:
1. Petitioner is of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of23 Gloria Diaz
St. BF Resort Las Pinas City for more than one (1) year already. He may be serve with
Orders, Resolutions, Decisions and other court processes and pleadings through the
undersigned counsel at23 Gloria Diaz St. BF Resort Las Pinas City.
4. After they graduated from college, they both worked abroad for two (2)
years, they had a long distance relationship for those years.
5. When they both finished their working contracts abroad, they went back
to Philippines; and both decided to stay here for good to continue their career and start
to plan about their future lives together.
7. Even they known each other for decades, petitioner observed that the
respondent is very emotional and very sensitive, the former thought that this may
change as they grow older and when they become matured. Unfortunately, the
respondent did not change at all even after they get married.
10. Because of the situation of the relationship between the petitioner and
respondent, the latter got fed up and leave their home for a months tried to figure out
11. Respondent learned that petitioner, months after leaving their home had
amorous relationship with other woman. Respondent, indeed, saw the insensitivity of
the petitioner towards her. Petitioner had no care at all to the respondent whenever the
latter will get emotional again. Although theywere a childhood sweethearts and been in
a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship for six (6) years before getting married, their
marriage only lasted for few years and they both decided to be separated in fact, even
until the present.
12. Clearly, from the foregoing, the respondent failed to comply with the
essential marital obligations under Articles 68, 70 and 72 of the Family Code, more
particularly the following:
14. These are psychological in a nature, the same being grave or chronic and
habitual. The same appears to be incurable, manifesting itself in the conduct and
behavior of respondent in these instances, to wit:
15. The Petitioner failed to provide the respondent love, respect, help and
support. The petitioner was never responsible as the husband of the respondent.
16. On the other hand, respondent failed to understand the feelings and
sentiments of the petitioner, thereby, resulting into an unhealthy marriage environment.
18. The parties have not acquired or incurred any conjugal property or debt.
I, EDUARDO O. DAMAYO, Filipino, of legal age and with address at 23 Gloria Diaz
St. BF Resort Las Pinas Cityafter having been duly sworn to in accordance with law
hereby depose and state that:
2. I have caused the preparation of the foregoing Petition and the allegations
contained therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
based on authentic records and documents;
3. I have not heretofore commence any action or proceeding involving the same
issue in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or any tribunal or agency;
5. If I should learn that a similar action or proceeding has been filed before the
Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, or any tribunal or agency, I undertake
to promptly inform the Honorable Court of the fact within five (5) days
SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this 25th day of January in 2019,
affiant exhibited to me his Driver’s License with No. 876543as proof of his identity
issued by the LTO Las Piñas City on January 22, 2018 valid until January 22, 2023.