2019 2020 Member Application DevEco PDF
2019 2020 Member Application DevEco PDF
2019 2020 Member Application DevEco PDF
1. Contact Information. Mr. Miss Ms. Mrs. Dr. *Birthday (required) _______ /_______ /_______
(Month) (Day) (Year)
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(First) (Middle) (Last) (Designation)
Primary Address This is a Home Business Alternate Address This is a Home Business
Company Name___________________________________________ Company Name_______________________________________________
Address__________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________
City____________________________ State/Province____________ City______________________________ State/Province_____________
Zip/Postal_____________ Country____________________________ Zip/Postal_______________Country______________________________
E-mail___________________________________________________ Alternate E-Mail_______________________________________________
Telephone___________________ Cell_________________________ Preferred Chapter Home Business Other____________________
Name/Chapter of referring member (if applicable)________________________________________________________________________________
2. Member Grade. 2a. Biographical Information. ONLY Member Grade applicants must complete this section.
For additional information on Use additional sheets or attach resume if necessary. Associate and Affiliate grade applicants do not complete this section.
member grades and benefits see School Location Dates of Attendance Degree/Course of Study
reverse or visit ashrae.org.
Member — $110
(must complete section 2a) Educational Record
Associate Member — $110
Employer Location Dates of Employment Position/Title
Affiliate Member — $30 first
year/$45 second/$55 third ___________________________________________________________________________________________
(new members, under 30) Qualifying Work Experience
Reinstate my previous
membership. Previous member Professional Engineering
License Number__________________ Field of Registration ________________
number:_________ Registration Information
Date Issued
__________________ Location of Registration _____________
3. Demographics. Please answer the questions 4. Areas of HVAC&R Interest. Enter the code for 5. Handbook Preference.
by entering the codes in the space provided. your area of interest from the list below: New Members and Associate Members
Code:____________ within the developing economy program
Which best describes your title? __________
Heating Refrigeration will have access to the Handbook in PDF
B-President S-Purchasing
A-Hydronic S-Unitary Refrigeration format starting 1 June annually, through
C-Partner Agent
D-Associate T-Draftsperson B-Forced Air T-Commercial Refg. logging into the ASHRAE Technology
E-Owner U-Estimator C-Steam U-Industrial Refg. Portal at technologyportal.ashrae.org.
F-Vice President W-Technician D-Process V-Process Refg.
G-VP Eng. Chief Engineer X-Instructor Professor E-Service Water W-Low Temp (<60F) If you would like an annual print edition
K-Design Eng./Designer Y-Student F-Solar X-Refg. Components
of the Handbook please use the regular
L-Proj./Application Eng. Z-Librarian G-Radiant
General Areas membership application.
O-Facility Eng./Mngr. ZZ-Other 1-Controls/Instrumentation
P-R&D Eng. Ventilating & AC
H-Air Cleaning 2-Heat Transfer Fluid Flow
R-Sales Engineer 3-Pipes, valves, fittings
Which best describes your firm? _________ K-Clean/Computer Room 4-Refg. & Lubrications
11-Consulting Eng. L-AC Equip. <20 tons 5-Sound & Vibration
51-Manufacturer 6-Insulation
12-Architectural & Eng 61-Manufacturer’s M-AC Equip. 20-200 tons
15-Design/Build N-AC Equip. > 200 tons 7-Energy Recovery
Rep. 8-Food Application 6. Privacy Notice If you DO NOT wish
21-Contractor 62-Sales Engineering P-Air Handling Systems
26-Property Mgmt & Dev. Q-Evaporative Coolers 9-Health, Safety to receive 3rd party physical mailings, please
71-Wholesaler/Dist. 10-Commisioning
31-Industrial Facility 83-Library R-IEQ check here.
41-Commercial Facility 84-Tech/Prof Assoc.
42-Gov’t, Health, Education 85-Trade Assoc.
7. Include chapter membership dues: Dues Amount:__________ Paying chapter dues is encouraged
86-Student but not mandatory, and can be paid separately to the Chapter at anytime. Contact chapter officers for amount. Add
91-Other/Misc. this amount to your Society dues in the ‘Total Amount’ of the payment section below.
Which best describes your function? _______
1-Design/Application 5-Sales 8. Payment. Visa Mastercard Amex Diner’s Club Check/money order**
2-Manufacturing 6-Research Card # ________________________________________________ Expiration Date _________/________
3-Maintenance 7-Teaching (Month) (Year)
Operations 8-Other Total Amount: ______________ Signature____________________________________________________
Checks will be accepted in US and Canadian funds. Credit card payments accepted in US funds only