It is imperative that state and local regulations governing preschool programs are
followed. Check with local licensing agents to insure that regulations are met.
The FasTrack Discoverers‟ curriculum has the flexibility to meet guidelines.
In this program, you will find lesson plans to stimulate a child‟s enthusiasm for
learning. The lesson plans are full of activities and suggestions for classroom
exercises and contains a complete outline for class structure. These are only
guides that act as a catalyst to stimulate the interest of the children. If students
want to know more about a certain subject, veer from the lesson plan and follow
the interest of the children. Any age appropriate activity can be inserted into the
structure of the class.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructor’s Manual
Fastrack Discoverers educational approach
Reggio Emilia: This approach came out of the arts society of Italy. The base of
this philosophy is creativity and the child being in charge of their learning. A key
to a successful Reggio Emilia approach is for the environment to be considered a
center piece of a child‟s learning.
Montessori: This approach also came out of Italy. The main theory behind
Montessori is that children can be responsible for their own learning. Self-
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
directed learning by the child allows the teacher to play more of an assistant role
instead of a lecturing role.
Although the Discoverers program does not use Montessori material, the
philosophy of the Montessori approach is woven throughout the curriculum.
Project: A relatively new approach out of the United States. This approach
emphasizes a “community of learners”, where children are not only responsible
for their individual learning, but for the learning of those around them. There is
an emphasis on routines, classroom expectations, purposeful learning and
accountability for decisions made.
For More Information: The Project Approach: Making curriculum Come Alive by
Sylvia C. Chard
There are so many wonders in the world, children can‟t help but discover
something new. Discoverers is a multi-day program that utilizes material from
“Year Two” FasTracKids core curriculum in subject based lessons. Using the
FasTracKids Core program, our curriculum team developed activities for children
3 - 5 years old. These lesson plans will enable children to improve their
communication and language skills. Children are also introduced to activities that
improve literacy, phonics, math and music knowledge while having fun.
Due to the addition of the phonics component, every school year begins with
month 1 and proceeds through month 11. Children will be introduced to the
alphabet in order beginning with the letter A and proceed throughout the year.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Month 2 Theme: Beep, Bop, Zoom: How Things Work
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Month 6 Theme: Listen Up!
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Wk 4: Creating Stories
Discoverers DVD
There will be eleven DVDs (one per month) for the entire Discoverers curriculum.
Begin with month 1.
After opening the folder with the subject for the month, open the folder entitled
support documents. These are the documents needed to prepare for the
Discoverers lessons. There is a lesson plan folder which contains all the teacher
tips needed to conduct the class as well as a folder containing the handouts that
will be used for the month. These lesson plans are a thorough reflection of
activities that are age appropriate for children. Although there is extensive
expertise involved in the creation of these lesson plans, instructor creativity is a
vital part of a healthy classroom. As preparations begin for classroom
instruction, it is vitally important that the instructor insert activities and elements
that they are comfortable implementing and ensure that the lessons they deliver
to the children are uniquely reflective of their classroom.
In order to view the Learning Station activities, select the FTK_Launcher icon.
This will open to the Home screen for FasTrack Discoverers. Make the selection
for the particular week, day and activity to be shown on the Learning Station.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Activity Selection:
Learning Station: The Learning Station Activities for Days 1,3,5 are theme
based activities utilization FasTrack Tots materials. This Learning Station portion
is fairly short in order to reflect the attention span of these young learners. The
Learning Station Activities for days 2 and 4 revolve around a story. These stories
revolve around children in other countries. The stories are short and easy for the
students to remember. This element was written into the program in order to
share with children that there are other FasTrack children all over the world that
enjoy similar activities although they may live a far distance apart.
Songs: This element allows a Learning Station to lead the children through a
variety of rhymes and songs. Children will enjoy the interaction with the Learning
Station teacher. Encourage children‟s spontaneous interactions and have them
sing and move with the Learning Station teacher. Use this portion of the lesson
on Days 1,3,5. On alternating days select the Literacy Link activity. The song
menu consists of buttons 1-35. Those buttons correspond with the following
Song Selection
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Button Song Button Song
1 The Hello Song 18 The Muffin Man
2 Three Little Monkeys 19 Days of the Week
3 Hot Potato 20 The Alphabet Song
4 I Caught a Fish 21 Bingo
5 If You‟re Happy 22 Fireman, Fireman
6 The Rainbow Song 23 A Sailor Went To See
7 The Color Boogie 24 The Hokey Pokey
8 Head and Shoulders 25 Knock, Knock
9 Clap Your Hands 26 Rain, Rain Go Away
10 Teddy Bear 27 Pease Porridge Hot
11 Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo 28 Old MacDonald
12 Eensty Weentsy Spider 29 Skidamarink
13 Little Green Frog 30 Who Stole the Cookie?
14 Where is Thumbkin? 31 Hickory, Dickory Dock
15 Here is the Beehive 32 Walking, Walking
16 The Farmer in the Dell 33 The Mulberry Bush
17 London Bridges 34 One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
35 Ring Around the Rosie
Literacy Links: Research has shown that the size of a child‟s vocabulary upon
entering school is a great reflection on later school success. The literacy link
component creates an opportunity for children take an active role in book reading
thus increasing the size of their vocabulary. Day 2 selection of the Literacy Link
activity will bring a wordless book onto the Learning Station screen. The
instructor will guide the class through this activity by asking open-ended
questions regarding what is seen on the screen. Teachers will engage in
dialogue that promotes the use of new and rare words for the children. Selecting
the Literacy Link activity for Day 4 will allow the Learning Station to display the
same book as seen on day 2, but this book now has text. The instructor will read
aloud at a pace that is comfortable to the majority of the children in the
classroom. It is suggested that the instructor follow along the text with a pointer
as it is being read. This helps children clarify the concept that print goes from left
to right when reading the English language. The addition of text to the book also
lets the children know that print carries meaning. There are two comprehension
questions at the end of the book to help children use their summary skills. As
children advance through these books, some children may begin to read the
words from the Learning Station on their own.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Schedule of the day
Each class will follow the same schedule of the day.
Welcome Time 30 min.
Welcome Circle 20 min.
FTK Learning Station 20 min.
Snack Time 20 min.
Movement 20 min.
Academic Stations 10 min.
FasTrack Music 20 min.
Creative Time 20 min.
Closing Circle 20 min.
The Teacher‟s Guide is located at the end of this manual. The guide gives clear
directions regarding the implementation of the schedule for the day. Throughout
the curriculum the statement „refer to Teacher‟s Guide‟ occurs. This is an
invaluable guide as you conduct your Discoverers class.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
The teacher has the ability to create a room layout that is most effective for the
class, at their discretion. The following layout and equipment suggestions are
guides that may aid in the implementation of the classroom set up. These are
only suggestions and substituting items for what works best in your environment
and for your children is acceptable.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Early Enrichment Set Up – Mobile Tables & Shelves for “Theme” Areas
Counting Train,Alphabets
Calendar, Weather Map
Dramatic Play
(Stage, Kitchen,
Bathroom Store, etc.) Holiday Theme Wall
Block Area
*Beginning set of 80-100 wood blocks in assorted sizes (choose smoothly
sanded hardwood blocks that have been treated)
*Variety of wood/plastic vehicles
*Variety of wood/plastic animals and people
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
*Wood puzzles (toddlers need puzzles that have four to five pieces and each
piece is complete, i.e., each piece is an animal or food item; children ages 3-5
need 5-12 piece puzzles that each piece contributes to making a scene or object)
with puzzle rack or tub to contain finished puzzle.
*Floor puzzles (box gives recommended age)
*Pegboards and pegs – wood or plastic
*Legos (classroom set for 3-4 children to manipulate), Lego table is optional
*Attribute shapes with master pattern sheets for children to duplicate
*Wood cube blocks with master pattern sheets for children to duplicate
*Sewing cards
*Geo-boards and rubber bands with master pattern sheets for children to
*Magnifying glasses
*Variety of magnets - balls, wands, horseshoe-shaped, bars
*Globe, map of country where school is located, map of continent, map of world
*Color paddles
*A living plant
*Classroom calendars with removable numbers and a weather chart
*Magnetic letters (uppercase and lowercase) and numbers, small magnetic
boards or chalkboard to place on
*Large white board on easel or wall or small white boards, dry erase markers or
washable markers
*Lotto games of numbers and/or letters
*Shelf or table to display books
*Washable markers, broad and thin
*Crayons, broad and thin
*Wood pencils
*Child-size scissors
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
*Glue bottles and glue sticks
* Paint brushes, broad and thin
*Paints – tempera, water colors
*Tape - masking and scotch
*Hole Puncher
*Variety of paper – construction, newsprint, Manila paper, newspaper, old
magazines, scratch paper, crepe paper
Gross Motor/Movement
*Hula hoops
*Variety of sizes of bean bags (different weight, shapes, stuffed with beans or
rice) with containers to throw in, i.e., trash can, bucket, laundry basket, hula
hoops, commercial bean bag board.
*Variety of balls to toss and catch, dribble, bounce, kick.
*Tumbling mat (can use large, thick beach blanket or sheet towel)
*Ring toss
*Toaster oven
*Variety of large and medium plastic mixing bowls
*Large mixing spoons
*Measuring cups and spoons
*Paring knife
*Cookie sheet, cupcake tin
*Non-stick cooking spray
*Wind-up timer
*Pot holders
*Hand operated can opener
*Strong, serrated plastic knives for children to use
Please note that this materials list is not extensive, nor are the items required to conduct
the Discoverers class.
Teacher’s Guide:
This Teacher‟s Guide has been developed to provide a clear understanding of
how the curriculum is designed. Activities that are utilized throughout the
curriculum can be found in this teacher‟s guide.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Welcome Time: Transition & Socialization 30 minutes
Greet the
Children As children arrive to the Center, greet the children warmly.
Call the child by name. Make sure you are at the
child‟s eye level when greeting them.
Ensure parent signs the „Sign-In‟ sheet
Ensure the child‟s belongings are in the appropriate
place (i.e. coats on hangers, personal items in child‟s
cubby, any food items documented and refrigerated as
Document any special requirements that the parents
might communicate
Encourage the child to greet the other children and
begin a short free play and socialization period until all
children have arrived.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Welcome Circle: Creative Expression 20 minutes
Topic for the Day: Questions that you can ask the children to set the stage for
5 minutes the day will be provided. This time is meant to include the
children in a small group discussion (reinforce
communication skills) and to gain an understanding of the
children‟s level of knowledge on the subject to be taught.
This is also the time to identify the helpers of the day and
read a book aloud. The Discoverers curriculum uses Year 2
of the Core curriculum. Often it is suggested that some
material from the Core Year 1 is used in order to build
context for what children will be doing that day. This occurs
infrequently, but is suggested in the Lesson plans when to do
so. It is also at this time that any vocabulary words or
concepts children are unfamiliar with but that occur during
the Learning Station activities by introduced.
FasTracKids All Learning Station activities are taken from the Year 2 Core
Lesson: curriculum.
5 minutes
Learning Station Each daily lesson will expose the children to a concept or
idea, then an activity will follow that will reinforce the concept
or idea being introduced.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Academic Stations: Language Literacy & Math 10 minutes
Phonics Activity
and Math Activity: Math and phonics activities will alternate. It is recommended
that children are split into two groups and have each teacher
10 minutes lead a small group. Some activities will need more teacher
direction depending on the age of the students. Due to the
vast age and ability level of children at this age, this section
does not include a Learning Station portion. There are many
websites available for math and phonics to be displayed on
the Learning Station. Explore sites and select those that are
appropriate for the children in you class.
The Learning station is utilized during this portion of the class. Select a song
from the FasTrack song menu and allow the children to move and sing with the
FasTrack instructor on the Learning Station.
Song Selection
Days 2 &4
This is an important time where children can increase their
expressive vocabulary. On Day 2, children will be exposed
to a wordless book via the Learning Station. Children will be
encouraged to create a story that is uniquely created by
them. Children may work as individuals or in groups. The
instructor asks open-ended questions to help draw out the
child‟s creativity and imagination. Instructors will be able to
write the story on the Learning Station using virtual markers.
At the end of the book, the children will have an opportunity
to draw their own story on their own.
Day 4 the children will see the same story, but text has been
added. The instructor will read the story to the children
following the print with either their finger or a pointer. This
will help children understand that print carries meaning and
that directionality of the print is important. At the end of the
story are two comprehension questions in order to ascertain
if children understand the print on the page. Instructor‟s may
want to compare the child created stories from day 2 with the
story presented on day 4.
Creative Activity: This is a time for children to express themselves through the
20 minutes use of many artistic media. Children may sing, dance, sew,
draw or paint during this time. There may be handouts for
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
children to use during this time, but frequently the artistic
endeavor is left open for the children to express without the
hindrance of worksheets or prepared materials. As an
instructor, it is imperative that children are allowed to
produce their own work and not a duplication or replica of
what they see an adult creating. Never create an art project
for a child. If a child designs a dog without eyes or tale, it is
a valuable work of art and reflective of the child‟s
Review of Key learning points from the day‟s activities are provided. We
Learning & Next recommend that you set the stage for the next session by
Day‟s Activities: communicating some of the activities you will be doing.
5 minutes Acknowledge any of the helpers for the day.
Closing Story: We will recommend a book that aligns to the overall lesson of
5 minutes the day to use at your discretion. This will often be the same
book that is recommended during Welcome Circle. These are
only recommendations. Visit the local library for other books
that align with the educational theme of the month.
Closing Song: „FasTracKids Good-Bye Song‟ will always be recommended
5 minutes to bring closure to the day.
Get Ready to Go Direct the children to gather their things together and place in
Home their backpack or bag to go home.
5 minutes
Parent Tip
These fun songs are used continuously during the Explorers class. These are simply
suggestions and encourage creativity to produce songs that will reflect the uniqueness of
your classroom.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Tune: "The Farmer In The Dell" Hello, Hello
How are you today?
Mary's here today, Mary's here Hello, Hello
today. Won't you come and play.
Let's all clap our hands and say.
Hip, hip hurray! For an international flavor, you
can also chant this in other
(Repeat the verse using each languages
child’s name.) Maybe chant a new one each
week. Substitute the words for
"hello" in the chant.
Such as:
Tune: “Frere Jacques”
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
FTK Learning
Station Songs:
Song(s): Tune: “The Farmer In The Dell”
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Academic Stations: Language Literacy & Math
Math Songs: THIS OLD MAN
Tune: “The Old Man”
Phonics Songs:
Song(s): Tune: “Jack Be Nimble”
Kids be nimble.
Kids be quick.
Now it’s time for FasTrack Music!
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
Music Time: Music & Movement
Music Time
Ring, ring, ring the bell If you’re ready for a story, come
So everyone can hear. sit down.
Time to gather round the bell If you’re ready for a story, come
Circle time is here. sit down.
Jean Warren Let’s all gather near, so everyone
can hear.
(Sit at circle time area. Give a If you’re ready for a story, come
bell to the first child to join sit down.
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual
you. Have them ring the bell Jean Warren
while you sing the song
FasTrack® Discoverers
Instructors Manual