Insite Icon - Christopher Benninger
Insite Icon - Christopher Benninger
Insite Icon - Christopher Benninger
In Pursuit of
One of India’s most highly decorated and respected architects, Christopher
Charles Benninger studied urban planning at MIT and architecture at Harvard
where he later taught. He settled in India in 1971, and has since then founded
a studio that only works on projects involving study, analysis and exploration
of visual, spatial, formal, social and technological ideas, and concepts related to
architecture, urbanism and human settlements. All his projects address
the complex issues of design, context, climate, materials, sustainability, and
technology, amid the client’s programmatic needs.
One of the six recipients of the Great Master Architect Award presented every
three years, Prof. Benninger recently released his award-winning book Letters
To A Young Architect. The master architect pens this special piece for Insite,
revealing how his childhood influenced his design philosophy, his love for
architecture, and his journey as a master designer.
My mother and father were with Doshi as a youth, and we can design a new culture that
of French and Czech origin shared a common urge to start a respects and builds on all
respectively. My father held a school of planning. communities and on the fragile
Ph D in economics and pursued a eco-system.
career as a university professor. As a boy I spent my spare time
I suppose this led me to focus on hiking, cycling and camping, How did I discover that the
studies and teaching. Apart from bringing me close to nature. profession of design was my calling?
working in studios, I pursued Thus, there is a thread weaving As a boy, my aunt presented me
postgraduate degrees and began my life into a fabric and giving with a copy of The Natural House
my career teaching in Harvard’s me meaning in what I do. I feel by Frank Lloyd Wright. From the
Graduate School of Design at my childhood engaged me with moment I picked that book up, I
about the age of 26. I became a a love for nature and imbibed was lured by Wright’s truth. I read
tenured Assistant Professor by 28; many idealistic and utopian it cover-to-cover in one sitting,
that was when B.V. Doshi asked concepts into my thinking. I grew turning pages through the night,
me to come back to India, to up believing each one of us can until the early morning. I suppose,
initiate the School of Planning. “design ourselves,” and that, I have never put that book down,
I had been a Fulbright Fellow together, right-thinking people not even today.
Kallmann, Jane Drew, and so many famous musicians like Aaron
others. But my studio life started at Copland just ahead of one in the
Sert’s studio with Joseph Zalewski checkout line to pay for milk, or
as my mentor. Here we worked Julia Child living next door, while
hard and Sert spared little time for we watched her on television
smiles and laughs. This was serious teaching cooking. My career was
work with six boys bent over six really hard work, but it was the
drafting boards, on a row on long ambience of intellectualism, and
drafting tables, in ten aisles. We the milieu of great people all
had seniors like Lindemulder around that inspired me to do
and Kruger, watching us sliding something different and hopefully
1 Samundra Institute of Maritime
our Mayline parallel bars up and better. Studies, Lonavla.
down our drafting boards, and 2 Bajaj Science Centre, Wardha.
3 Kochi Refineries’ Headquarters.
sharpening our pencils as
Philosophy and Influences 4 CDSA, Pune.
they dulled! 5 Mahindra United World College, Pune.
My philosophy grew out of the
Our studio was over a coffee shop practice of architecture and
where Joan Biaz first sang for needing “beginning points” to
nothing just around the corner catalyse my thinking. I believe the
from where Gropius and his teams “truth of architecture” lies in a few
worked. At lunchtime we’d cross “beginning points.”These are: (1)
him on the narrow brick sidewalks, the site and its context; (2) the
and in the studio, he would make client’s Brief; (3) the local geo-
surprise visits and give us a free climatic conditions; and (4) the
portion of his imagination. In this technological situation (materials
tiny village, Geodesics was run available, skills of craftsmen,
by Buckminster Fuller, the Arrow and appropriate technologies).
Street Group with Kevin Lynch The way craftsmen assemble the
and pioneering urbanists began materials into my shapes and
setting urban standards, and the forms are crucial, as one has to
Harvard Coop, with thousands of change for them, and not the
new books on its shelves, inspired other way around! I think one has
us as we browsed for hours among to begin thinking after analysing
colourful books and magazines. these beginning points. Then
These were heady times with in realising that these “truths” 3
4 5
7 8
the Indian Institute of “art form,” and we based our work
Management, Calcutta, and in theory and within values.
Suzlon One Earth. These Today, I fear modern architecture
large projects helped us set up in India has fallen hook, line
procedures to handle still larger and sinker for copying what
projects like the Indian Institute the rest of the world does, good
of Technology in Hyderabad, the or bad. Global architecture is
Forbes Marshall Industrial Park, a formula built on very smart
the Azim Premji University and structural systems and mechanical
the Lodha township in Pune. Each equipment engagements. This is It was my teachers
has been a learning stage to build where we can learn. But the firms who gave me
the succeeding stage! in the West do very little study
and are mainly engaged in “façade a mission in life…
When I began my formal practice architecture”, packaging and As I have always
16 years ago, India was still not cladding systems that just hide a said, “The best luck
within the mainstream of global dark box within. There is no art in
in life is to have
practices. Foreign firms were this. It is just decoration!
not interested in India, because great teachers.”
there was no money here. Those Architecture has become the art of
practicing architecture saw it as an the mundane! One needs a lot of
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