FCI Registration Slip ANUP
FCI Registration Slip ANUP
FCI Registration Slip ANUP
भारतीय खा य नगम
Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering),
Assistant GradeII (Hindi), Typist (Hindi) and Assistant GradeIII (General / Accounts / Technical / Depot)
Registered Application Form
Application Form for the Post of : Assistant Grade III (Depot) ( I ) EAST ZONE
Registration Number : 39260798534
2. (a) Father's Name : LATE AKSHAYA KUMAR SAHOO
(b) Mother's Name : TILOTTAMA SAHOO
3. Gender : MALE
4. Date of Birth : 04/08/1993 5. Age : 21 Year(s), 4 Month(s), 28 Day(s)
(As recorded in the Matriculation / as on (01.01.2015)
Secondary Examination Certificate.)
7. Whether Domiciled in the Kashmir Division in the State of Jammu and NO
Kashmir during the period 01011980 to 31121989:
8. Whether ExServicemen / Availed the benefits of ExServicemen: NO
9. Whether Person with Disabilities(PWD)/ Physically Handicapped(PH): NO
10. Whether Departmental (FCI) Employee: NO
11. Whether belonging to Minority Community: NO
12. Nationality : INDIAN
13. Zone Applied For : EAST
14. Name of the Written Test Center: Bhubaneshwar
15. Post Applied For : Assistant Grade III (Depot) ( I )
16.Educational Qualification
(a) Name of Academic/ Graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized University
Professional Degree/ Diploma
(which makes you eligible): Do you have : Proficiency in use of Computers YES
(c) Year of Passing 2014 (Year)
(e) Percentage of Marks : 59.85 %
(Marks up to 2 decimal points in aggregate of all years/ semesters (In case of CGPA / OGPA / Letter Grades, it is
equivalent percentage(%).
(f) Remarks if any :
17. Whether completed : YES
18 (a). Email Id : [email protected]
(b). Confirm Email id: [email protected]
19. Mobile Number : 8763764117
20. Experience : NO
21. Communication Address :
(a). Address Line 1: AT/POBALARAMPUR
(6). Address Line 2: VIAATHGARH
(c). City: CUTTACK
(d). District: CUTTACK
(e). Pin Code: 754295
(f). State: Orissa
24. Whether FEE Paid : YES Bank Reference Number : IK72825869 , Deposit Date : 12 Mar 2015
Amount {Excluding bank charges but including service tax of Rs. 39/. Service Tax Code (Registration Number) –
AAACF0365NST099} : 350.00 (in Rs.)
25. Declaration :
i. I have not submitted any other application for this examination. I am aware that if I contravene this rule, my application will be rejected summarily by
ii. I have read the provisions in the Advertisement carefully and hereby undertake to abide by them.
iii. I further declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limits, educational qualifications, experience etc. prescribed for the post
applied for.
iv. I also declare that I do not stand debarred by FCI as on date and have never been convicted by any court of law. I also declare that no charge sheet is
pending against me in any court of law. Further declare that I have never been dismissed or compulsorily retired from the service of the Corporation or
from a Department of a State or the Central Government or from any Public Sector Undertaking or my service been terminated during probation.
v. For Candidate belonging to OBC
I declare that I belong to the community, which is recognized as backward class by the Govt. of India for the purpose of reservation in services as per
order contained in Deptt. of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 36012/ 22/ 93Estt.(SCT) dated 8.9.1993. I also declare that I do not
belong to the person / sections (creamy layer) mentioned in column 3 of the schedule of the OM mentioned above and modified vide Govt. of India
DOPT OMs mentioned in the Notice. I further declare that I am in possession of OBC Certificate in the prescribed format given in the Notice of the
vi. I hereby declare that there is no Vigilance / Disciplinary case pending against me. I am in possession of ‘No Objection Certificate’ from my employer
which shall be required to be sent along with other essential enclosures in case of my shortlisting on the basis of the Written Test / Skill test at the
designated Address which shall be informed / notified through the designated website (www.fcijobsportal.com)
vii. I hereby declare that selfcertified copies of relevant certificates / documents are in my possession. In case, selfcertified copies of the relevant
certificates / documents are not provided by me along with the Registered Online Application Form Printout, if called for, my candidature will be
cancelled without any notice.
I hereby declare that all the information given/ statements made by me in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or suppressed. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or is not in
conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement at any point of time my candidature / appointment may be cancelled / terminated
without any notice and / or I shall be liable for any other action under the extant rules.
Date: 12 Mar 2015 Signature:
Place: Candidate's Name (in Capital letters):
(Please Print the form for Further Reference)