130 Altivar 312 Schneider Quick Start PDF

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AltivarTM 312 Quick Reference Guide 8800HO1501


Note: Please refer to the Altivar 312 Installation Manual (BBV46391) and the Altivar 312 Programming
Manual (BBV46385) for complete installation and programming instructions.


REF LED, illuminated if (SPEED 4 x 7 segment display

REFERENCE) (rEF-) menu is
Load LED 2 CANopen status LEDs

MON LED, illuminated if (MONI- Used to quit a menu or parameter or to

TORING) (SUP-) menu is active clear the value displayed in order to revert
to the value in the memory

CONFLED, illuminated if the (SET- In LOCAL configuration, 2s press on

TINGS) (SEt-), (MOTOR CONTROL) ESC button switches between the
(drC-), (INPUTS/OUTPUTS CFG) (I-O-), control/programming modes
MENT) (FLt-) or (COMMUNICATION) Jog dial- can be used for navigation by
(COM-) menus are active turning it clockwise or counter-clockwise
- pressing the jog dial enables the user to
make a selection or confirm information

Functions as a potentiometer in LOCAL configura-

tion and in REMOTE configuration if (Ref. 1 channel)
(Fr1-) in the (COMMAND) (CtL-) menu is set to
(Image input AIV1) (AIV1)

MODE button (1): 3s press on MODE button RUN button: Controls powering up of the motor for forward
switches between the REMOTE/LOCAL running in LOCAL configuration and in REMOTE configura- STOP/RESET button
configurations. If (SPEED REFERENCE) (rEF-) tion if the (2/3 wire control) (tCC) parameter in the (INPUTS/ - Enables detected fault to be reset
is displayed, this will take you to the (SET- OUTPUTS CFG) (I-O-) menu is set to (Local) (LOC). page 47 - Can be used to control motor stopping
TINGS) (SEt-) menu. If not, it will take you to the (could be hidden by door if function disabled) * If (2/3 wire control) (tCC) is not set to (Local)
(SPEED REFERENCE) (rEF-) menu. (LOC), freewheel stop
* If (2/3 wire control) (tCC) is set to (Local) (LOC),
stop on ramp or freewheel stop during DC injection


rdY rdY rdY
These 3 parameters are r t II
only visible at first power
up of the drive bFr
Settings can be changed
subsequently in menu: FrJ (Output Frequency) (Hz)
d r C - for b F r
C t L - for F r J tCC
I - O - for t C C.

(SPEED REFERENCE) rEF- Parameter Selection




SEt- ACC 15.0
dEC 26.0
(APPLICATION FUNCT.) FUn- Refer to the programming manual
(BBV46385) for comprehensive menu
(FAULT MANAGEMENT) FLE- descriptions.

A dash appears after menu codes 26.0
CON- to differentiate them from parameter SFr
SUP- (SETTINGS) (SEt-), ACC parameter.

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Altivar 312 Quick Reference Guide 01/2015
Parameter Code Factory Factory Factory
Setting Parameter Code Setting Parameter Code Setting
Standard Motor -Hz bFr 50hz 3rd preset PI Noise reduction nrd YES
Frequency reference -% rP3 60%
Switching frequency -kHz SFr 4 kHz
Ref. 1 Channel (ana- Fr1 AI1 4th preset PI
log input source) reference -% rP4 90% Maximum frequency -Hz tFr 60 hZ
2/3 Wire control tcc 2C Preset speed 2 -Hz SP2 10 Hz Suppress speed SrF nO
loop filter
HMI Freq. Reference -Hz LFr 0-500hz Preset speed 3 -Hz SP3 15 Hz
(trim of input) Save the SCS nO
Preset speed 4 -Hz SP4 20 Hz configuration
Image Input-Jog Dial -% A1U1 0-100%
adjustment Preset speed 5 -Hz SP5 25 Hz Macro Configuration CFG Std

Freq. Ref (read only) -Hz FrH LSP to HSP Preset speed 6 -Hz SP6 30 Hz Return to factory FCS nO
Hz settings
Preset speed 7 -Hz SP7 35 Hz
SEt- SETTINGS Menu Varies w/ rating- means it is dependent on the
Preset speed 8 -Hz SP8 40 Hz drive rating
Parameter Code Factory
Setting Preset speed 9 -Hz SP9 45 Hz I-O - Input Output Menu
Speed ref. from Preset speed 10 -Hz SP10 50 Hz Parameter Code Factory Set-
remote -Hz LFr ting
Preset speed 11 -Hz SP11 55 Hz
Internal PI regula- Terminal strip config tCC 2C
tor ref. -Hz rPI 0 Hz Preset speed 12 -Hz SP12 60 Hz
Type 2 wire tCt trn (transition)
Acceleration ramp -s ACC 3s Preset speed 13 -Hz SP13 70 Hz
time Reverse assignment rrS LI2
Preset speed 14 -Hz SP14 80 Hz
Acceleration ramp AI3 low speed -mA CrL3 4 mA
time 2 -s AC2 5s Preset speed 15 -Hz SP15 90 Hz
AI3 high speed -mA CrH3 20 mA
Deceleration ramp Preset speed 16 -Hz SP16 100 Hz
time 2 -s dE2 5s Analog output AO1
config. AOIt oA
Current limit -A CL1 1.5 In
Deceleration ramp -s dEC 3s
time Current limit 2 -A CL2 1.5 In Analog output Logic dO nO
Start custom accel. Low speed oper. -s tLS 0 -no time
Ramp -% tA1 10% Time limit FLt (No fault
Relay R1 r1 detected)
End custom accel. Restart error rSL 0
Ramp -% tA2 10% threshold Relay R2 r2 nO

Start custom decel. Motor 2 IR compen. -% UFr2 20% Save the SCS nO
Ramp -% tA3 10% configuration
Motor 2 freq. loop -% FLG2 20%
End custom decel. gain Macro Configuration CFG Std
Ramp -% tA4 10%
Motor 2 freq. loop Return to factory FCS nO
stabil. -% StA2 20% settings
Low speed -Hz LSP 0 Hz
High speed -Hz HSP 50 hz Motor 2 slip compen. -% SLP2 100% CtL- Control Menu
Parameter Code Factory Set-
Drive Thermal Drive name- Frequency Lev.Att -Hz Ftd bFr ting
current -A ItH plate
Thermal Level Att. -% ttd 100% Function access
IR compensation -% UFr 20% level LAC L1
Current Level Att. -A Ctd In
Gain -% FLG 20% Ref. 1Channel (ana-
Display para. scale SdS 30 log input source) Fr1 AI1
Stability -% StA 20% factor
Sw. Freq -kHz SFr 4 kHz Ref. 2 config (analog Fr2 nO
Slip comp. -% SLP 100% in adjustment)
DC injection curr -A IdC 0.7 In drC- DRIVE CONTROL Menu Ref switching rFC Fr1
DC injection time -s tdC 0.5 s Parameter Code Factory Separate ctrl/ref
Setting channels CHCF SIM
Auto. DC injection -s tdC1 0.5 s
time Standard Motor -Hz bFr 50 Hz
frequency Ctrl channel 1 Cd1 tEr
Auto. DC injection -A SdC1 0.7 In
curr Nom. motor volt -V UnS Varies w/
rating Ctrl channel 2 Cd2 Mdb
Auto. DC injection -s tdC2 0s
time 2 Nom. motor fre- -Hz FrS 50 Hz
quency Ctrl channel CCS Cd1
Auto. DC injection -A SdC2 0.5 In
curr 2 Nom. motor current -A nCr Varies w/
rating Copy channel 1 to COP nO
channel 2
Skip freq. -Hz JPF 0 Hz
Nom. motor speed -RPM nSP Varies w/
rating Control via keypad LCC nO
Skip freq. 2 -Hz JF2 0 Hz
Motor CosPhi Varies w/ Stop button on PSt YES
Jog operating freq. -Hz JGF 10 Hz CoS keypad priority
motor power factor rating
Pl regulator prop. rPG 1 Rotational Direction
gain Cool state stator rSC nO rOt dFr
resistance on keypad Run
Pl regulator int. gain -/s rIG 1/s Save the
Auto tuning tUn nO SCS nO
PlD coeff FbS 1
Auto tuning status tUS tAb
Macro Configuration CFG Std
PlD inversion PiC nO
Voltage/frequency UFt n
ratio Return to factory FCS nO
2nd preset PI refer- -% rP2 30% settings

Note: The key drive settings to monitor are highlighted

in yellow. Refer to the AltivarTM 312 programming
manual for additional programming instructions.

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Altivar 312 Quick Reference Guide 01/2015
Parameter Code Factory Parameter Code Factory Parameter Code Factory
Setting Setting Setting
rPC (ramp adj) submenu Preset Ref PID 2 rP2 30% External fault input assign EtF nO
Ramp type rPt LIn Preset Ref PID 3 rP3 60% HIG (Active
External fault type config. Let high)
Start CUS accel ramp -% tA1 10% Preset Ref PID 4 rP4 90%
Yes (Free-
End CUS accel ramp -% tA2 10% PID wakeup threshold rSL 0% External fault stop mode EPL wheel)
Start CUS decel ramp -% tA3 10% PID Acting Internal PII nO Motor phase loss fault
reference OPL YES
End CUS decel ramp -% tA4 10%
Internal PID Reference rP1 0% Line phase loss fault config. IPL YES
Ramp Increment Inr 0.1
bLC brake logic Drive overheat fault stop
Accel. ramp time -s ACC 3s submenu OHL YES
Decel. ramp time -s dEC 3s Brake assignment bLC nO Mtr overload fault stop OLL YES
Ramp switching rPS nO Varies w/
Brake release freq. -Hz brL rating Modbus serial link fault stop SLL YES
Ramp switch. Thresh -Hz Frt 0 hz
Release current Varies w/ CANopen serial link fault
Accel. ramp time 2 -s AC2 5s -A lbr COL YES
thresh. rating stop
Decel. ramp time 2 -s dE2 5s Brake release time -s brt 0.5 s Auto-tune fault config. tnL YES
Decel. ramp adaptation brA YES Low Speed LSP 0 LSP 4-20ma loss fault stop Yes (Free-
options wheel)
StC (Stop mode) Brake engagement
submenu bEn nO
freq. thresh. Fallback speed with input -Hz LFF 10 Hz
Type of stop Stt rMP Brake engage time -s bEt 0.5 s
Undervoltage derated oper. drn nO
Fast stop FSt nO Brake release pulse bIP nO
Undervoltage drive
Ramp Divider dCF 4 LC2 submenu StP nO
DC injection stop dCI nO Current limit 2 Fault inhibit assignment InH nO
LC2 nO
DC injection current -A IdC 0.7 in Reset oper. time to zero rPr nO
Current limit 2 -A CL2 1.5 in
DC injection time -s tdC 0.5 s Product Reset rP nO
Motor switching
Freewheel stop nSt nO submenu COn- COMMUNICATION Menu
AdC (auto dc inj) CHP Motor Switching CHP nO Parameter Code Factory
submenu Setting
Nominal Motor 2 Varies w/
Auto DC injection Adc YES -V UnS2 Modbus drive address Add 1
Voltage rating
(standstill inj)
Modbus transmission speed tbr 19200
Nominal Motor 2 Varies w/
Auto inject. time -s tdC1 0.5 s -Hz FrS2
Frequency rating Modbus commun. format tFO 8E1
Auto inject. level -A SdC1 0.7 in. Nominal Motor 2 Varies w/
-A nCr2 Modbus timeout -s ttO 10 s
Current rating
Auto inject. time 2 -s tdC2 0s
CANopen drive address AdCO 0
Nominal Motor 2 Varies w/
Auto inject. level 2 -A SdC2 0.5 in nSP2
speed rating CANopen transmission bdCO 125
SAI (summing input) speed
Varies w/
submenu Motor 2 CosPhi COS2 rating CANopen error registry ErCO
Summing input 2 SA2 AI2 V/F Motor 2 selection UFt2 SVC Forced local input assign- FLO nO
Summing input 3 SA3 nO ment
IR compensation -% UFr2 20%
PSS (Preset spd) motor 2 Forced local analog refer- FLOC AI1
submenu ence
Frequency Loop gain -% FLG2 20% SUP- Monitoring and Display Menu
2 preset speeds PS2 LI3 motor 2
Frequency Loop Parameter Code Factory
4 preset speeds PS4 LI4 -% StR2 20% Setting
Stability motor 2
8 preset speeds PS8 nO Speed reference from HMI LFr
Slip Compensation -% SLP2 100%
16 preset speeds PS16 nO Motor 2
Internal PI feedback reference rPI
If presets selected then SP2 thru SP16 allow values to Limit Switch submenu
Freq. ref before ramp -Hz FrH
be adjusted
Stop Forward Limit LRF nO Output freq. at motor -Hz rFr
JOG submenu Switch
Stop Reverse Limit Output value in cust. units SPd1
Jog operation JOG nO LRr nO
Switch (function of SdS in Set Menu) SPd2
Jog Frequency -Hz JGF 10 Hz
Stop Type for Limit (you select which value d1,
LRs nSt SPd3
UPd submenu Switch input d2, d3)
Plus speed USP nO ATV31 emulation Current in motor est. -A LCr
RrE nO
Minus speed dSP nO Motor power calculated -% OPr
Save the configuration SCS nO
Save spd reference on Str nO Line voltage coming to drive -V ULn
power down Macro Configuration CFG Std
Motor thermal state -% tHr
PI regulator submenu Return to factory FCS nO
settings Drive thermal state -% tHd
PI feedback assignment PIF nO
(source) FLt- FAULT Management Menu Last fault LFt

PI regul. proport. Gain rPG 1 Parameter Code Factory Motor torque -% Otr
(response) Setting
Operating time rtH
PI regul. integral gain rIG 1 Automatic restart Atr nO
(stability) PIN Code 1 COd
Max restart time for tAr 5 min
PI feedback scale factor FbS 1 detected fault Autotuning State tUS

Reverse PI of signal PIC nO Reset fault (assignable Drive Software Version UdP
rSF nO
to LIX)
2 preset PI references Pr2 nO Denotes a 2 second hold requirement to change value
Catch on fly FLr nO
4 preset PI references Pr4 nO

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Altivar 312 Quick Reference Guide 01/2015

Terminal Function Electrical Characteristics

R1A Common point C/O • Min. switching capacity: 10 mA for 5 Vdc
R1B contact (R1C) of pro- • Max. switching capacity on resistive load
R1C grammable relay R1 (cos ϕ = 1 and L/R = 0 ms):
5 A for 250 Vac and 30 Vdc
General Wiring Diagram • Max. switching capacity on inductive
load (cos ϕ = 0.4 and L/R = 7 ms):
1.5 A for 250 Vac and 30 Vdc
R2A N/O contact of pro- • Sampling time 8 ms
R2C grammable relay R2 • Service life: 100,000 operations at max.
switching power
1,000,000 operations at min. switching
COM Analog I/O common 0V
Analog input 0 + 10 V (max. safe voltage
30 V)
• Impedance 30 kΩ
• Resolution 0.01 V, 10-bit converter
AI1 Analog input voltage • Precision ± 4.3%, linearity ± 0.2%, of
max. value
• Sampling time 8 ms
• Operation with shielded cable 100 m

10V Power supply for ref- +10 V (+ 8 - 0%), 10 mA max, protected

erence potentiometer against short-circuits and overloads
Bipolar analog input 0 ± 10 V (max. safe
voltage ± 30 V)
The + or - polarity of the voltage on AI2
affects the direction of the setpoint
and therefore the direction of operation.
AI2 Analog input voltage • Impedance 30 kΩ
• Resolution 0.01 V, 10-bit + sign converter
• Precision ± 4.3%, linearity ± 0.2%, of
max. value
• Sampling time 8 ms
• Operation with shielded cable 100 m
Analog input X - Y mA. X and Y can be
programmed from 0 to 20 mA
(1) Line choke, if used (single phase or 3-phase) • Impedance 250 Ω
(2) Fault relay contacts, for remote indication of the drive status AI3 Analog input current • Resolution 0.02 mA, 10-bit converter
(3) If a braking resistor is connected, set (Dec ramp adapt.) (brA) parameter to (No) • Precision ± 4.3%, linearity ± 0.2%, of
max. value
(nO) (refer to the programming manual). • Sampling time 8 ms
COM Analog I/O common 0V
Note: This diagram is for the standard ATV 312 products. Optional communication
cards may change the control wiring of the product. See the associated documen- Analog output 0 to 10 V, min. load imped-
ance 470 Ω
tation for the option cards for details. Analog output voltage or
AOV Analog output X - Y mA. X and Y can be
or programmed from 0 to 20 mA,
Analog output current max. load impedance 800 Ω
A0V AOC • Resolution 8 bits (1)
Control Terminals A0C
Logic output voltage
• Precision ± 1% (1)
• Linearity ± 0.2% (1)
AOC • Sampling time 8 ms
AOV or AOC can be This analog output can be configured as a
assigned (either, but 24 V logic output on AOC, min. load
not both) impedance 1.2 kΩ.
Logic input (1) Characteristics of digital/analog
+ 24 V protected against short-circuits and
tion switch 24 V Logic input power
supply overloads, min. 19 V, max. 30 V
Max. customer current available 100 mA
LI1 Programmable logic inputs
LI2 • + 24 V power supply (max. 30 V)
RJ45 LI3
LI4 Logic inputs • Impedance 3.5 kΩ
• State 0 if < 5 V, state 1 if > 11 V (voltage
connector LI5 difference between LI- and CLI)
LI6 • Sampling time 4 ms
CLI Logic input common See page 19 of Installation Manual
Connection for SoMove software, Modbus,
RJ45 Communication port and CANopen network, remote display,
configuration loader tools,

Terminal Function For Altivar 312

t Ground terminal All ratings

R/L1 - S/L2 ATV312ppppM2

Power Supply ATV312ppppM3
R/L1 - S/L2 - T/L3 ATV312ppppN4
PO DC bus + polarity All ratings

PA/+ Output to braking resistor All ratings

(+ polarity)
PB Output to braking resistor All ratings
PC/- DC bus - polarity All ratings
U/T1 - V/T2 - W/T3 Outputs to the motor All ratings

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