(Full syllabus begins on next page.)
Full Syllabus
I. Keeping and Serving Beer
A. Purchasing and accepting beer
1. The three-tier system in the United States and the reasons for its existence
a. By law, alcoholic beverages sold in the United States must move through the
three-tier system. The three tiers are Brewers/Importers, Wholesalers (also
known as Distributors), and Retailers
i. Brewers and importers sell to wholesalers
ii. Wholesalers sell to both on- and off-premises retailers
iii. On- and off-premises retailers sell to consumers
b. Some states have granted exceptions to the three-tier system. Common
exceptions include:
i. Brewpubs that both brew and retail to consumers
ii. Breweries that brew and sell directly to retailers or consumers
2. Taxes levied on beer
a. Specific taxes
i. Federal Excise Tax – paid by brewers
ii. State Excise Tax – generally processed and paid by wholesalers
iii. Sales taxes and other locally required fees – paid by retailers
iv. Income taxes levied on brewers, distributors, and retailers
3. Assessing beer shipment: physical condition and age
a. Date code if available
i. Meaning
• Bottling/packaging date
• Best by date
ii. Type: Order and number of digits may vary
• Traditional consumer date codes (e.g., 060912 = June 9, 2012)
• Julian/ordinal date codes (364-12 = December 30, 2012)
• Brewery-specific date codes
b. Physical condition of container
i. Not dented or broken
ii. No signs of leakage or box weakness
c. Temperature
i. Ideally beer will still be cool when it reaches the retailer—the flavor of
beer that is warm or hot to the touch may have changed substantially
during shipment
B. Serving alcohol
1. Alcohol’s effects
a. Absorption and elimination
b. Physical and behavioral indicators
2. Responsible serving practices
a. Provide accurate ABV information to consumers
b. Adjust serving size based on ABV
C. Beer storage
1. Beer is best consumed fresh
iii. Bag-in-box or “KeyKeg” style kegs that separate the applied gas
from the beer with a flexible plastic barrier can be pressurized with
compressed air.
iv. A party pump limits the flavor stability of the beer to less than one
day because oxygen and airborne contaminants are put in contact
with the beer
D. Draft principles
1. CO2 pressure is applied to maintain carbonation of the beer during dispense
a. Each beer is carbonated to a specific value. Brewer or brand owner provides
this information to retailer
b. Temperature, pressure, and gas blend combination must match this
2. Movement of beer to tap must overcome system resistance from:
a. Friction in lines
b. Change in elevation
c. Possible variable resistance device on tap
3. Force needed to overcome that resistance comes from two potential sources:
a. Total gas pressure applied to keg
b. Beer pumps
E. On-premises draft systems and their maintenance
1. Anatomy of a standard keg
a. Common commercial volumes
b. Awareness of variety in keg valve systems/coupler types
c. Internal structure of the keg
2. Pressure side components, anatomy and function
a. Gas sources
b. Cylinder/bulk tank
c. Nitrogen generator
d. Air compressor
i. Never use with traditional keg
ii. May be used with “bag-in-ball” type kegs (e.g., KeyKeg)
e. Gas blender
f. Primary and secondary regulators
g. Gas line
h. Couplers
3. Beer side components, anatomy and function
a. Couplers
b. Jumper line
c. FOB detectors
d. Wall brackets
e. Trunk line (an insulated bundle of beer line and glycol line)
f. Power packs (glycol chillers)
g. Beer line (vinyl, barrier, stainless, etc.)
h. Draft tower
i. Beer faucets
i. Standard (rear shutoff) faucet
1 The Cicerone® Certification Program uses the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines as the reference source for all matters related to
style in its exams. You can access the guidelines online at and through their mobile device apps.
2 Certified Cicerone® and Advanced Cicerone™ candidates should be aware of the Brewers Association guidelines. Master
Cicerone® candidates should have familiarity with the general differences between the BA and BJCP guidelines, and should have
knowledge of BA categories that do not exist in the BJCP guidelines.
b. Flavor
c. Aftertaste
d. Mouthfeel
e. Perceived bitterness
f. Appearance
C. History, characteristics, and flavor attributes of styles by region
1. Belgium and France
a. Lambic beers
i. Lambic
ii. Gueuze
iii. Fruit Lambic (Kriek, Framboise, etc.)
b. Flanders ales
i. Flanders Red Ale
ii. Oud Bruin
c. Trappist and abbey ales
i. Belgian Dubbel
ii. Belgian Tripel
iii. Belgian Dark Strong Ale
d. Pale Belgian beers
i. Blond Ale
ii. Belgian Pale Ale
iii. Belgian Golden Strong Ale
e. Unique beers
i. Saison
ii. Bière de Garde
iii. Witbier
2. Britain and Ireland
a. England
i. Pale ales
• Ordinary Bitter
• Best Bitter
• Strong Bitter
• English IPA
ii. Dark ales
• Dark Mild
• British Brown Ale
• English Porter
• Sweet Stout
• Oatmeal Stout
• Foreign Extra Stout
iii. Strong ales
• Old Ale
• English Barleywine
b. Scotland
i. Scottish Light
ii. Scottish Heavy
• Black IPA
• White IPA
d. Dark ales
i. American Brown Ale
ii. American Porter
iii. American Stout
iv. Imperial Stout
e. Strong ales
i. American Barleywine
f. Historic styles
i. Cream Ale
ii. California Common
g. Beers made with special ingredients or processes
i. Alternate grains and malts (e.g., rye)
ii. Smoked malts
iii. Sugars and other non-malt fermentables (e.g., honey)
iv. Fruits and vegetables
v. Herbs, spices, and natural flavorings (e.g., coffee, chocolate)
vi. Fermentation with non-Saccharomyces organisms (e.g., Brettanomyces
vii. Fermentation or aging with barrels/wood of various types
5. Other regions
a. International
i. International Pale Lager
b. Scandinavia
i. Baltic Porter
iv. Creaminess
v. Alcoholic warming
2. Variations in taste perception
a. Genetic and biological differences
b. Physiological factors
c. Personal/behavioral factors
i. Smoking, coffee, food preferences
ii. Consumption habits
d. Mental and psychological factors
3. Beer evaluation
a. Setting and tools
i. Environment for tasting
ii. Drinking vessels and other accessories
iii. Beer temperature
b. Components of evaluation
i. Appearance
ii. Flavor profile
• Aroma
• Taste
• Mouthfeel
• Aftertaste
c. Key evaluation techniques
i. Aroma techniques
• Distant Sniff: Swirl beer while holding glass six to eight inches (15-
20 cm) away from nose and take one to two short sniffs
• Short Sniff: Swirl beer; bring glass to nose and take one to two short
• Long Sniff: Swirl beer; bring glass to nose and take one long sniff
• Covered Sniff: Cover glass with hand; swirl beer for three to five
seconds; bring glass to nose, remove hand, and sniff
ii. Use consistent background to assess color and clarity
iii. Beer should reach all parts of tongue during tasting
iv. Flavor perception continues after swallowing
B. Identify normal flavors of beer and their source
1. Malt and grain flavors
a. Pale beer: Uncooked flour, bread dough
b. Golden beer: White bread, wheat bread, water cracker
c. Light amber beer: Bread crust, biscuit, graham cracker
d. Amber beer: Toast, caramel, pie crust
e. Brown beer: Nutty, toffee, chocolate, dark/dried fruit
f. Black beer: Roast, burnt, coffee
2. Hops
a. Bitterness, flavor and aroma effects
b. Traditional regional hop traits
i. American: Piney, citrus, resiny, tropical fruit, catty
ii. English: Earthy, herbal, woodsy
A. Ingredients
1. Grains
a. Malted barley
i. Why barley used for brewing
ii. Species of barley, cultivation areas
iii. Malting: process stages and steps
iv. Process variations that lead to different malt types
• Kilned: Pils, Pale Ale, Vienna, Munich, Victory
• Stewed: Crystal/caramel malts
• Roasted: Chocolate, Black Patent
b. Wheat, oats, rye, and other specialty grains
i. Sensory contributions to finished product
c. The use of corn and rice in beer
i. Contributions to wort and beer
ii. Requirements for processing
iii. Styles where used
2. Hops
a. Anatomy of hop plant and cone
b. Cultivation
i. Structure and layout of hop field
ii. Harvesting, drying, and baling
iii. Storage and delivery to breweries
c. Major growing regions
i. Continental Europe
• Germany
• Czech Republic
• Belgium
• Slovenia
• Poland
• France
ii. Britain
iii. United States
• Yakima Valley, Washington
• Oregon
• Idaho
iv. Australia and New Zealand
d. Categories of hops
i. Bittering hops (high alpha acid)
ii. Aroma hops (desirable flavor and aroma properties)
• Noble hops (Hallertau Mittelfruh, Spalt, Tettnang, Saaz)
iii. Dual use hops (possessing properties of both bittering and aroma hops)
e. Chemistry
i. Alpha acids, isomerization, and IBUs
ii. Hop oils determine flavor and aroma
f. Hop forms and products used in brewing
i. Whole hops
- Corn sugar/dextrose/glucose
- Candi sugar
- Honey, molasses
• Non-fermentable
- Lactose
ii. Fruits and vegetables
iii. Herbs and spices
• Common cooking herbs/spices
• Chili peppers
• Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, teas
b. Historical precedent for addition of non-traditional ingredients
B. Processes
1. Milling
a. Possible flavor impact of milling on finished beer
2. Mashing
a. General description and goals
b. Awareness of other mashing methods (cereal mash, step mash, decoction
3. Lautering
a. Objectives of lautering
b. General process of lautering
i. Initiate wort run-off
ii. Vorlauf (recirculation)
iii. Begin collection of wort for boiling
iv. Sparge
4. Boiling
a. Process and objectives of boiling
i. Inputs and outputs
ii. Significant physical and chemical changes
b. Flavor impacts of boil
5. Whirlpool
a. Objectives of whirlpool
b. General operation of whirlpool including wort removal
6. Chilling
a. Modern methods of wort chilling
i. Heat exchanger
ii. Coolship
b. Flavor issues associated with wort chilling
7. Aeration and pitching
a. When wort is aerated in the brewing process
b. Reasons for wort aeration
8. Fermentation (Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccharomyces pastorianus)
a. General description of fermentation
i. Ale fermentation
ii. Lager fermentation
b. Major biochemical inputs and outputs
i. Input: Sugars
ii. Outputs: Alcohol and carbon dioxide
c. Resulting flavor compounds (see flavor section, III.C.1)
d. Equipment used for fermentation
e. Variations in fermentation temperature and their flavor impact
9. Lagering
a. Objectives of lagering
b. Lagering temperature and duration
c. Impact on finished beer characteristics
10. Aging
a. Flavor impacts of aging
i. In stainless steel
ii. In new wood
iii. In previously used wood
b. Factors influencing flavors produced
i. Prior use of vessel
• Residual flavors from other liquids
• Microflora
11. Clarification
a. Common methods used for beer clarification
i. Filtration
ii. Finings
iii. Settling/aging
12. Carbonation
a. Carbonation levels found in beer (by style or type) in volumes of CO 2
b. Methods of achieving carbonation in beer, when and how used
i. Capture during fermentation
ii. Forced carbonation
iii. Secondary fermentation in serving vessel
c. Sensory impact of carbonation on finished beer
13. Packaging and pasteurization
a. Package types
i. Draft
ii. Bottles
iii. Cans
b. Force-carbonated vs. package conditioned (e.g., bottle conditioned)
c. Quality control
i. Cleaning/sanitizing of containers
ii. Importance of air exclusion during packaging
iii. Cap-on-foam
d. Pasteurization and its impact on beer
i. Impact on stability and flavor
can expect exam questions on the following guidelines. They will also be asked to demonstrate
an understanding of these concepts by naming beers or beer styles to pair with various foods and
A. Possible outcomes of successful beer and food pairings
1. Desirable flavors are highlighted in both the beer and the dish
2. Combination of the two invokes memory, emotion, and/or deeper thought
3. Pairing creates new flavors not originally present in either the beer or the dish
B. Beer and food vocabulary
1. Beer vocabulary
a. For common beer flavor descriptors, see section III.B
2. Food vocabulary
a. Describe specific food tastes beyond basic identification of key ingredients and
preparation (e.g., instead of “seared scallop”, use “scallop has a caramelized,
crispy sear with rich toasted and toffee flavors, while the dense interior has a
buttery sweetness”)
b. Understand basic cooking techniques and their effects on flavor (e.g.,
poaching, roasting, frying, etc.)
c. Familiarity with a range of commonly encountered foods and ingredients (e.g.,
vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, etc.)
C. Pairing concepts
1. Intensity (sometimes referred to as “impact” or “weight”)
a. A beer’s intensity is determined by the levels of several characteristics
i. Malt flavor
ii. Hop bitterness
iii. Sweetness/body (note that these are related)
iv. Alcohol content
v. Carbonation
vi. Tartness/sourness
vii. Fermentation derived flavors (esters, phenols, etc.)
viii. Hop flavor/aroma
ix. Special ingredients/processes (e.g., fruit, coffee, barrel-aging, etc.)
b. A dish’s intensity is determined by the interplay of several characteristics
i. Flavor impact of individual ingredients
ii. Preparation/cooking method
iii. Spices used
iv. Sauces served alongside
v. Levels of fat, umami, sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, sourness, etc.
2. Flavor interactions
a. Interactions between similar flavors
i. Complement/resonance—Similar or compatible flavors present in both
the beer and the food complement one another (e.g., an Indian curry with
cloves resonates with the clove flavors found in a Dunkles Weissbier)
b. Interactions between dissimilar flavors
i. Contrast—By offering an opposing flavor, the beer
highlights a flavor in the dish or vice versa. (e.g., mussels served with
gueuze seem richer and sweeter due to the acidity of the beer)
Cut—Some beer traits help refresh the palate by lifting, cleansing, or
removing rich or fatty flavors from the palate. Common “cutting”
beer traits include carbonation, sourness, and bitterness, and to a
lesser extent, alcohol and roastiness
D. Common beer and food interactions
1. Malt flavors
a. Complement toasted and caramelized flavors in a variety of foods
b. Soothe/soften capsaicin “heat”
2. Hop flavors
a. Depending on hop variety, can complement fruit, citrus, herb, and spice flavors
3. Fermentation-derived flavors
a. Esters
i. Harmonize with fruit flavors
b. Phenols (clove and peppercorn flavors)
i. Resonate with spices
ii. Contrast fat and umami
4. Carbonation
a. Cuts fat, umami, and sweetness
b. Accentuates capsaicin “heat”
5. Bitterness
a. Cuts fat, umami, and sweetness
b. Accentuates capsaicin “heat”
c. Can create harsh or metallic effects with certain foods (e.g., oily fish)
d. Can harmonize with bitter foods (e.g., bitter salad greens)
6. Roastiness
a. Complements chocolate, caramelized, and burnt flavors
b. Cuts fat
c. Contrasts sweetness
7. Alcohol
a. Can cut fat
b. Generally resonates with sweetness
c. Can accentuate capsaicin “heat”
8. Tartness/sourness
a. Can brighten some food flavors
b. Can complement or accentuate sour flavors
c. May favorably contrast fat, umami, or salt
9. Sweetness
a. Soothes capsaicin “heat” and other spices
b. Accentuated by saltiness
E. Creating a pairing
1. Match intensities of both beer and dish so that neither overpowers the other
2. Consider the flavor interactions listed in sections V.C.2 and V.D to hone the
F. Designing a meal
1. Intensity of dishes and pairings generally increases as the meal progresses
G. Classic beer and food pairings
European traditions
Recommended literature
a. Brewmaster’s Table, Garrett Oliver
b. Tasting Beer, Randy Mosher
H. Cooking with beer
1. Common uses
a. Used in place of water or other liquid as an ingredient or cooking medium
2. Flavor effects
a. Concentrating beer through cooking intensifies non-volatile flavors
i. Bitterness can intensify exponentially and may become unpleasant
ii. Malt flavors and sweetness increase, sugars caramelize
iii. Volatile hop and ester flavors decrease and may disappear entirely
iv. Astringent/burnt flavors of roasted malt can increase and may become
b. Delicate hop and fermentation flavors in beer can be brought to a dish by not
cooking the beer (e.g., using an IPA in a salad dressing)