Eng 11 Ib Syllabus 2019-2020

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Course: English 11IB I

Instructor: Francis Decker (D-4) [email protected]

Required Texts and Materials:

 Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
 Medea by Euripides *
 Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
 The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan
 A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace
 Pastoralia by George Saunders
 Atonement by Ian McEwan
 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn*
 No Exit by Jean Paul Sartre*

*Denotes that you MUST have the edition specified on MBS website.

All of these books are available on Trinity’s online bookstore: www.MBSdirect.net. You MUST
have all these books no later than August 23rd. Do not buy these on a Kindle or ebook. You
MUST have the actual book in class. I will hold you accountable for this!!!

Course Description:
This literature course is structured thematically and focuses on the short stories, plays, novels of
writers of differing cultures. Students will write in-depth responses, literary analysis papers and a
research paper. The ability to read, interpret and analyze literature is fundamental to this course.
These skill sets are also fundamental to your success in college and in IB English.

Course Goals:
This course is designed to help you think and write more analytically about literature.
Throughout the year we will explore techniques that will help you to develop reading and writing
habits that allow you to encounter literature more consciously and aesthetically. This course is
also meant to prepare you for college work. Therefore, my expectations for your work ethic and
effort is accordingly high. If you are someone who hates reading and puts in the minimal effort
into their writing THIS IS NOT THE CLASS FOR YOU.

Your Class Notebook: You will be required to keep a class notebook that is to be divided into
two separate sections. You will NOT be allowed to use a computer to take notes. Please bring
this notebook to every class. At the end of every week you will be required to take a picture of
these notes and upload it to a designated IB English A: Literature folder. This notebook will be
divided up as follows:

Section I: A section in which you keep all class handouts. We will be using a number of
short stories, biographies, and plays that are not in the texts we are using. Once given
this material you are responsible for holding on to it. This material will come back to
you in the form of tests, quizzes and writing assignments.

Section II: A section in which you keep written class notes and in-class writing. Note
taking is very important in this class. Often you will find that taking notes both from my
lecture and the ideas brought up in class discussion will help you not only understand but
also write more effectively.
Course Requirements: All Assignments will be posted online on the gradebook site, and on
the white board in D-4. Papers and writing assignments will be turned in on Google

Throughout the year your grade will consist of your performance on tests, reading quizzes,
papers, various homework assignments and participation.

Tests & Reading Quizzes: Will originate from the works we are currently discussing and will
either be in the form of essay questions or short answer.

Homework: These will usually be in the form of reading and writing assignments and used to fuel
discussion of the text in question.

Papers: We will write several expository papers based on the readings we cover in class. These
will be practice papers that will cumulate in the

Participation: You participate in class by doing all of the scheduled readings and writings and
involving yourself in class discussions. I will be keeping track of your participation in daily log.
Not participating in the class discussion or arriving late will have a negative effect on your
participation grade. Additionally, not completing the homework assignment will also have a
negative effect. Participation is thus heavily influenced by involvement in class discussion and
always improved by fulfilling reading assignments. Therefore, if there is little to no discussion
about the information you are to have read I will assume that you have not completed the reading
assignment and give a pop quiz on the material.

Missed work: If you miss homework due to an absence you must turn this in the next day you are
in class. See my white board for the assignments OR reach out to a fellow classmate OR email
me directly. If you miss a quiz or test you must take this as soon as you return. If you are sick on
the day a major writing assignment is due, THAT ASSIGNMENT IS STILL DUE.

Tests: 30%
Major Writing Assignments: 40%
Homework: (including participation): 10%
Quizzes: 20%

Late Work: If a major paper or writing assignment is late your grade will drop significantly. The
usual late penalty is 10 points per day. However, this penalty increases if we have spent a
significant amount of time writing the assignment in class.

Cell Phone Policy: Don’t use it in class. There is absolutely no reason to use your phone in class.
It must be in your backpack AT ALL TIMES.

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