PastLifeKarmaReincarnationReport VEDIC ASTOLOGY Hebrew Pythagoras NUMEROLOGY PART SAMPLE

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The document discusses past life karma and reincarnation based on Vedic astrology and Hebrew numerology. It indicates it will provide a report on the reader's past lives.

The text mentions that Vedic astrology examines the 9th and 5th houses to understand indications of past lives, and that higher divisional charts like the navamsha are used to further examine past life karma.

It states that the 9th house lord moon is in the 6th house of opposition in Aries, and suggests the reader may have had a past life connection to places ruled by Cancer like parts of Northern India, Pakistan or Holland that were near rivers.


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Your Birth & Other details:

Your Complete Life & Horoscope or Kundli Analysis &

Your Complete Life & Horoscope or Kundli Analysis &
email id
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Month of birth
year of birth
time of birth
first name
middle name
last name
minutes of birth
hour of birth
place of birth

Your Lagna & Navamsha Horoscope Details:

SECTION 1: Your Past Life,
Reincarnation and Karma Based
on Vedic Astrology
What is Past life about?
We have a very Powerful ,Unique & Rare Past Life
Karma report. That unfolds your past events based
on Vedic Swara Vigyana/Hebrew sages and also
Vedic astrology. If interested you may please let us
know. This report is a unique combination of wisdom
of Vedic and Hebrew sages-as Vedic culture was
spread over there in Egypt as well.

How Vedic Astrology deals with Past life?

 The ancient science of Vedic astrology deals with
past life based on the indications of the ninth
bhava and influences coming on the same. Also
the 5th bhava is checked for purva punya as
well. These houses and lords carry the energy of
the past life.
 Just like there was an economic slowdown due
to bad karma of people to do excess lending etc
in 2010, same is true with human beings. If do
not do the acts in the principle of creator we
incur karmic debts and that reflect into his birth
or coming birth. The world or the cosmos acts
like a bank to store all the good and bad actions
of the person.
 Also the Vedic rishis have designed the higher
divisional charts like the d9th or navamsha for
the purpose and also the d12 or dwdasamas for
the purpose plus the d64th for the purpose to
check our past life karma.
 So if the birth time is accurate and one has a
deep enough knowledge of Vedic astrology one
can atleast pin point the basic energies of the
past life.

The energies of Your 9th bhava and 5th

bhava(which country or state you may have
belonged in past life)?
 The lord of the 9th bhava is moon that is lord of
karkat a watery planet and is in the 6th bhava of
opposition in the Aries sign. The lord mars are
weak at 29+ degrees.
 The sign of cancer rules the following countries
 Holland, Scotland, New eland, Paraguay, New
York, Istanbul, Tripoli, Algiers, Venice,
Manchester, Amsterdam- but as moon is a bit
weak in 6th,so there could have been less wealth
and also the action component could have been
 If born in India , some chance is there as Jupiter
is fair and Scorpio sign rises you could have
been in Bihar or country like northern Pakistan
or north-western frontier province in Pakistan
may be near rives Indus or river Ganges.

 More Details in Actual Report

The energies of your d9 chart bhava?

What is the navamsa or d9 chart about?
 The navamsha or the d9 is the 9th division of
the sign that is 30 degrees/9 = 3 degrees 20
minutes each.
 The naming of the houses
 1st house = lagnamsha
 2nd house =vittamsha or dhanamsha
 3rd house = vikramsha
 4 house =sukhamsha
 5 house=putramsha
 6 house=shstamsha
 7 house=bharyamsha
 8 house=nidhanamsha or randhramsha
 9 house=bhagyamsha
 10 house= karmamsha
 11 house= labhamsha
 12 house=vyamsha

 In the parashari system the counting of the

navamsha starts from the movable sign of a
triad where a planet is placed. The 4 triads or
categorizations are fiery , earthy, airy and
watery signs or rasis.

 The birth chart or d1 is the physical existence.

The moon chart is the mental existence and d9
is the divine force of destiny hat decides the
course of events in our life.

 AS per the karma theory

A ) Birth chart is the sanchit karma
b) The d9 is the prarabhda the portion of the total
karma you would face in this life.

There are various deities of the d9 chart.

 A planet in movable sign is deva
 A plant in fixed sign is nara
 A planet in mixed sig is rakshas
 Moon sits in Scorpio in 3rd house(vikramsha) and
rules 11th (labhamsha)hsoue.So the Scorpio is a
passive sign so comes under Nara. So that
makes him but a practical and down to earth
person and also suggests good gains due to
lordship of 11th house.
 But moon is weak in Scorpio(virshchika) and in
the 8th sign. So this suggest in the past life the
person may have keen interest in
occult/astrology and other studies and anger
needs a proper control in this life time.
 More Details in Actual Report
The energies of your d12 chart bhava?
What is d12 or Dwadasamsa?
 The dwadahsmasa is the 1/12 division of a sign.
The horoscope is also known as suryamsa
signifying parents and grandparents. Each
division is of 2 degrees and 30 minutes. The first
division starts from the sign being occupied by
in the lagna chart.

 The 5th house denotes past karmas of parents.

The 6th house indicates debts of the parents that
are inherited by the person. Sun is the karaka of
father and moon is for mother.

The various deities of dwdashamsa are

The divisions of dwadasmsa
 1/5/9 = lord ganesha destroyer of obstacles
 2/6/10 = ashwini kumar
 3/7/11 = yama
 4/8/12= ahi or serpent

Your d12 chart or dwadasamsa analyzed

 Your moon is in the 11th division in the
ascendant Moon also indicates the debts of your
parents as it rules the sixth. It sits on your lagna
, it is with benefic Jupiter, Your lagna has
Aquarius sign- this is ruled by lord yama.
 So there is discipline and justice in the debts
you acquire form your parents and you have to
release the same also there is a divine blessing
of Jupiter as well to bless you in doing so does
this could help you in marital relationships and
also job or partnerships as such.
More Details in Actual Report

The energies of your d64th chart?

What is shashtiamsa chart for?
 The shashtiamsa is 1/60th division of the zodiac
of 30 minutes each. This is the last divisional
chart of the parshsari scheme. For any planet
the first shashtiamsa a starts from the sign
itself.D60 is seen to check all aspects of life


1. Ghora: Horrible, terrible, frightful speaks to
abundance Rahu(dragon's head) and sun vitality in
strife with Venus(Shukra) vitality so maa durgaa
govern it. Malefic sun and negative Venus(Shukra)
vitality here.

Nature: KRURA
2. Rakshasa: Demons, fiendish in life, because of
Moon(Chandra) and Rahu(dragon's head) mix speaks
to hands-on deal with material or tailors,
serpents(Moon(Chandra) or master Shiva) and

Nature: KRURA

3. Deva:Giving the correct bearing to individuals , as

Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) and Jupiter(Guru or
Brihaspati) benefic are included it implies like
religious heads or cleric, Brightness, individuals who
are loved or adored

Nature: SHUBHA

4. Kubera: Lord of wealth. Here Rahu(dragon's

head) vitality great and Moon(Chandra) and sun n
vitality are included. There is a gradualness and
furthermore distortion because of fourth division,
examiners or the individuals who handle cash and
furthermore swindlers.

Nature: SHUBHA

5. Yaksha: Protector of shrouded wealth. Here the

trader component of Mercury(Budha) and
furthermore Mercury(Budha) in addition to sun is
included. Mercury(Budha) manages strategy and yes
misdirection if negative because of twofold vitality.
Individuals how are political and furthermore control
cash and cheat it
Nature: KRURA

6. Kinnara: Celestial expressions. PLanet

Venus(Shukra) manages expressions and
furthermore Mars(Mangal) manages extensive
arrangement of individuals like jouralists.This
associates with expressions – the artist or
performers or specialists in any shape, it could
likewise be agents or columnists who serve a general
public or area (Centaur). Nature: SHUBHA.

7. Bhrashta: People how have left the way of

respectability , malefic Ketu(dragon's tail) and
Saturn(shani), or individuals who get ready bunks or
couches where individuals could sit.

Nature: KRURA


8. Kulaghna: People who have tumbled from their

genealogical picture, here malefic Saturn(shani) and
Ketu(dragon's tail) is there-Saturn(shani) manages
past or innate , or who challenge their family
customs, entertainer of the stage or TV or radio.

Nature: KRURA

9. Garala: implies Poison, Here malefic

Mars(Mangal) vitality and Venus(Shukra) vitality is
there so performing expressions and toxic substance
is there, individuals to do with acrobatic or other
forceful performing expressions, present day

Nature: KRURA

10. Vanhi: Agni or parsis,here planet sun in nobility

and Venus(Shukra) is included, so individuals who
petition to flame or do yagnas of flame and
furthermore the Vedas the karma kanda

Nature: KRURA

11. Maya: Illusion, here malefic sun, Moon(Chandra)

and raghu is included so religious heads come into
picture, individuals who lead religions, actually there
is no reality

Nature: KRURA

12. Purishak Disembodied soul, individuals who are

no more in this world, antagonistic Jupiter(Guru or
Brihaspati) and furthermore ne additionally hanging
individual or Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) is there
giving demise, altruistic associations that helps other
people. It is additionally the kingdom of dead

Nature: KRURA

13. Apampati: The divine force of the sea .Here the

planet Rahu(dragon's head) and furthermore twofold
Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) is there speaking to god.
Individual connected with individuals who are
impaired.. JT: Varuna or the water God.

Nature: SHUBHA

14. Marutvan: The divine force of the breeze ,

hanuman ji,here constructive Mercury(Budha) or
wind or vata is there alongside Moon(Chandra) and
sun vitality, individuals who pulverize evil,people
who gather the incomes

Nature: SHUBHA

15. Kala: The individual who is vulgar and

furthermore is a boozer, here malefic Venus(Shukra)
and forceful Mars(Mangal) is there,kala-purusha,
may get sudden fortune in issues.

Nature: KRURA

16. Sarpa:represents Serpents or snakes, here

Venus(Shukra) in struggle with sun and a karmic
Saturn(shani) is included, so fall of position, there
could be a bended movements, it may mean
ranchers, individuals who engage, clubs and films

Nature: KRURA

17. Amrita: Immortal Nectar, here positive

Saturn(shani) or shani and furthermore
Ketu(dragon's tail) are there so useful for
Saturn(shani) related callings, may exchange with
blooms or nectar from blossoms, chemicals or

Nature: SHUBHA

18. Indu: Moon(Chandra), here the constructive

Mars(Mangal) speaking to the state and furthermore
Venus(Shukra) for country or family is there, is
government hireling or individuals drew in I
administrations to state or country,

Nature: SHUBHA


19. Mrdu: Soft or delicate, great sun and

furthermore Mercury(Budha) is there, occupied with
insurance of individuals like armed force or police.
The nature of Moon(Chandra) comes in .

Nature: SHUBHA


20. Komala: Delicate, here Moon(Chandra) and

Rahu(dragon's head) is there so blooms and pastry
kitchen are there, one may manage organic products
or naturopathy or blossoms. Bread shop or unani

Nature: SHUBHA

21. Heramba: here the benfic Jupiter(Guru or
Brihaspati) is there alongside pessimistic
Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) so one could be
boastful(negative Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati)), the
individual could be proud and may coordinate move
or dramatization one even music, could be an

Nature: SHUBHA


22. Brahma: The maker or new things, might be

included with paan or creepy crawly leaf and flavors
as Rahu(dragon's head) and Jupiter(Guru or
Brihaspati) impact is there.

Nature: SHUBHA


23. Vishnu: The preserver and furthermore

manages restricted things because of impact of
Mercury(Budha) and Moon(Chandra) here, pirating.

Nature: SHUBHA


24. Maheshwara: The destroyer, the landowner or

heads of towns or civil bodies to impact of
Moon(Chandra) and Venus(Shukra).
Nature: SHUBHA


25. Deva: The fan the lights the individual who

gives. Is an ace of melodic instruments.

Nature: SHUBHA


26. Ardra: Wet, heads of religious organizations

because of Saturn(shani) impact here, life as water
or wetness implies life.

Nature: SHUBHA


27. Kalinasa: One who pulverizes sin and awful

contemplations at the top of the priority list. Nasha
implies annihilation.

Nature: SHUBHA


28. Kshitees: Horizon or khsitij, rules earth,

manages things of adornment.

Nature: SHUBHA

29. Kamalakar: a lake that is loaded with lotus or

kamal , could be managing solution/surgical
instruments and drug store because of
Moon(Chandra) and Mercury(Budha) impact.

Nature: SHUBHA


30. Gullika: Highly terrible offspring of Shani (it

Upagraha). Managing family products, beautifying
agents or hardware or design.

Nature: KRURA


31. Mrityu: Highly malefic posterity of Mangal

(Upagraha). As Mars(Mangal) and furthermore
Rahu(dragon's head) and Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati)
are included could be workers , transport work and
furthermore loaders( expressions + Rahu(dragon's
head) mix).

Nature: KRURA

32. Kala: speaks to time and furthermore is Son of
sun or Surya (Upagraha). Manages cutlery or
ceramics or stoneware.

Nature: KRURA

33. Davagni: fire of timberland, manages

exchanging of land related products,agricultursist
because of Venus(Shukra) and sun mix here

Nature: KRURA


34. Ghora: dreadful, because of Mars(Mangal) and

Ketu(dragon's tail)/Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati)
impact could be industrialists/business people and
entire deal exchanging.

Nature: KRURA


35. Yama: The divine force of death, plastic or

cowhide products, likewise elastic merchandise and
good obligations because of twofold Saturn(shani).

Nature: KRURA


36. Kantaka: It is for thistle, as it is Mars(Mangal)

and Ketu(dragon's tail) impacts it implies who
cuts(Ketu(dragon's tail)) the soil(Mars(Mangal)),so
tillers of land , drivers and substantial
machines(Ketu(dragon's tail) in addition to
Mars(Mangal) blend).

Nature: KRURA


37. Suddha: Means Pure, is likewise for a scholarly

individual or an educators as sun and Venus(Shukra)
the planet for authority and instructing are included..

Nature: SHUBHA


38. Amrita: implies Nectar. The twofold sun,

Moon(Chandra) and Mercury(Budha) influences them
to get into look into and furthermore researcher .

Nature: SHUBHA


39. Purna Candra:Means Full Moon(Chandra),

because of Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) and
Rahu(dragon's head) impact implies books
publishers(Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) +
Rahu(dragon's head)) , and printers or curators(
Rahu(dragon's head) + Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati)=
sorting out books)
Nature: SHUBHA


40. Vishadagdha: One who is singed with harm,

Rahu(dragon's head) impact on Jupiter(Guru or
Brihaspati), so speaks to who process things like
garments or washer men(Jupiter(Guru or
Brihaspati)), printers and dyers,

Nature: KRURA


41. Kulanasa: Destroyer of acquired great.

Moon(Chandra) Mercury(Budha) is a malefic blend so
implies one who avoids business, import or fare, long
adventures for business(Moon(Chandra) +
Mercury(Budha), Moon(Chandra) for voyages and
Mercury(Budha) for business)

Nature: KRURA _______

42. Vamshakshaya: Destroyer of the legacy or

race(Venus(Shukra) and sun = 16 = fall of race),
highdgeree of scholars(sun and Moon(Chandra)),
and make a beeline for religious organizations.

Nature: KRURA

43. Utpata: May be Destructive and with irregular
occasions, Ketu(dragon's tail) and Mars(Mangal) and
Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati)- offers approach to
higher information or Vedas/vedanga/and
Mars(Mangal) manages higher learning so
Ketu(dragon's tail) here influences it to even now

Nature: KRURA


44. Kala: Who is as Kala or end of life. Twofold

Saturn(shani) implies Saturn(shani) helps the
Saturn(shani) or the specialists that is the assistant,
secretary of enormous individuals

Nature: KRURA


45. Saumya: Gentle and calm, promising or Budha

(Mercury(Budha)). In any case, because of
Mars(Mangal) and Ketu(dragon's tail) impact could
be incredible warriors , heads of police or best
positioning issues.

Nature: SHUBHA


46. Komal: Fragile, delicate. Top authorities of the

government(sun=top and Venus(Shukra)=
individuals). civil servants and government bodies or
even NGOs.

Nature: SHUBHA


47. Sheetala: Cooling and supporting. Because of

Moon(Chandra) , sun and Mercury(Budha) impact
god at PCs, science and furthermore stargazing(
again to do with maths) and

Nature: SHUBHA


48. Karaladamshtra: Having Big tooth,

Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) and Rahu(dragon's head)
the dharma master alongside Rahu(dragon's head)
gives punishment.The teeth could be loathsome.

Nature: KRURA


49. Chandramukhi: wonderful facial appearance

that of Moon(Chandra) or chandra.Does egregious
violations because of Rahu(dragon's head) negative
and Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) negative, torturer or
the hangman(Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) negative
with Moon(Chandra) impact)
Nature: SHUBHA


50. Praveen: Adept, because of Moon(Chandra) and

Mercury(Budha) and furthermore positive sun impact
manages a wide range of powers (Moon(Chandra)).

Nature: SHUBHA


51. Kaalpavaka: manages fire that is interminable

and furthermore Shiva or Rudra are destroyer of
time. The Venus(Shukra) and Moon(Chandra)
influences the individual brokers, to natural product
merchants or individuals with accommodation
industry like inns.

Nature: KRURA _______

52. Dandayudha: Danda is stick and yudha implies

war or battles so a warrior with stick, Mars(Mangal)
and Ketu(dragon's tail) impact resembles a twofold
Mars(Mangal) impact so defender of individuals like
police/armed force or naval force/flying corps.

Nature: KRURA _______

53. Nirmala: unadulterated or Clean, twofold

Saturn(shani) with Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) here
makes one managing gold and gems as
Saturn(shani) is metal and Jupiter(Guru or
Brihaspati) implies inventiveness on metals however
with non-abrasiveness.

Nature: SHUBHA .


54. Saumya: Gentle and Auspicious, and

furthermore fragile because of
Mars(Mangal)/Rahu(dragon's head) and
Ketu(dragon's tail) impacts it could mean a cultivator
of terrains ,digging or cutting for gold or rich metals(
Mars(Mangal)/Ketu(dragon's tail) and furthermore
Ketu(dragon's tail) impact)

Nature: SHUBHA


55. Krura: Cruel or unforgiving, as Mercury(Budha),

Venus(Shukra) and sun are there-so business of
drain , meat or Mercury(Budha) could be there.

Nature: KRURA _______

56. Atisheetal: is Very frosty. As great

sun/Moon(Chandra) and Mercury(Budha) is included
so could mean entertainer of yagnas(
Moon(Chandra) + Mercury(Budha)) and furthermore
priests(sun and Mercury(Budha))

Nature: SHUBHA .

57. Amrita: implies Nectar or one which crushes

demise, Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) and
Rahu(dragon's head) arepositivelyy drew in so one
could be knower of 4 Vedas( Rahu(dragon's head)
=4) and furthermore Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati)
implies ved and vedanga.

Nature: SHUBHA .


58. Payodhi: Ocean of drain, additionally implies

water without end, as Moon(Chandra)( twofold sun)
and Jupiter(Guru or Brihaspati) included it could
mean heads of establishments

Nature: SHUBHA


59. Bhramana: Travel, meandering hobos, as

Mercury(Budha) negative and Moon(Chandra)
included so inverse of business that is beggary is
there, additionally taking blessings or philanthropy
and no entreprneurship here.

Nature: KRURA _______

60. Candrarekha: This could mean a line of

Moon(Chandra) Indu is Moon(Chandra) or Chandra
here and Rekha is sais for line. Dealers of perals as
shubha Moon(Chandra) and Venus(Shukra) is
there,fishermen and proprietor of
gardens(Venus(Shukra) + Moon(Chandra) + sun).As
Moon(Chandra) rules this divisions so useful for
master Shiva puja. Exceptionally great for Shiva

Nature: SHUBHA.
Your d60 or shashtiamsa Horoscope and

 Your d60th chart

 Your moon (odd sign Aries) is at 25 degrees 17
minutes So 25x 2 = 50 signs have passed and
51st sign division we are in.
 Moon is in 51 divisions Kaalpavaka: Shiva or
Rudra as destroyer of time. Nature: KRURA
Moon is in odd sign.
 More Details in Actual Report
 There would be good karma and religious effort
in the past. The past life lord of Jupiter is in 3rd
house of initiative. So one may be doing god
dharma or training or religious deeds in the past
 More Details in Actual Report
5. Yaksha: Protector of shrouded riches.
Yaksha is the name of a wide class of nature-
spirits, generally kind,
Nature: KRURA
It means protector of wealth of kuber, strategic
manipulators,traders and also cheats and may
be diplomats.

BONUS: How Does your Past Life karma

connect to Present life Problems like Love Or
Marriage OR Children Or Money Or Career Or
Job OR Legal Matters Or Family etc. based on
your Kundli or
asamsa/d60(shashtiamsa)) Or Planets-

 More Details in Actual Report

SECTION 2: Your Past Life, Reincarnation
and Karma Based on Yavnacharya
(Pythagoras secret teachings) & Hebrew
Your core numbers Based on Yavnacharya
or Pythagoras
Pythagorean or yavanacharya Numerology
 Pythagoras was born in 570 BC and is also
known as guru yavnacharya amongst the Vedic
traditions. He was highly inspired and a siddha
and could hear the music of spheres the OM
sound. He could also hear the sound of planets.
 He combined mathematics and numbers study
or numerology in one system. Like the Sankhya
system if India and Vedic mathematics( a
powerful and client system cryptically mentioned
in the vedas for fast calculations).
 Pythagoras could be treated as a guru of the
Vedic tradition itself. He could also see many of
his incarnations in the past in one row.
 He developed a very powerful and authentic
system of numerology which is simple like A=1,
first alphabet , B= 2 and K= 11=1+2=2 and so
on z= 26th alphabet = 2+6= 8.
 Given below are your name and birth date
analysis and connection with your past karma
based on yavana chrya system of Pythagoras.
Your Numbers based on Yavancharya system
first name
middle name
last name
 UNIT UNIT UNIT SYSTEM & the sum is 46
 the name 1 is
 UNIT UNIT UNIT SYSTEM & the sum is 26
 the name 2 is
 UNIT UNIT UNIT SYSTEM & the sum is 25
 the name 3 is

 PHYSICAL plane is equal to 3

 MENTAL plane is equal to 8
 EMOTIONAL plane is equal to 8
 INTUITIVE plane is equal to 5

ONE = 1 intensity is ====== 6 Expected == 3

TWO = 2 intensity is ====== 4 Expected == 1
THREE = 3 intensity is ====== 3 Expected == 1
FOUR = 4 intensity is ====== 1 Expected == 1
FIVE = 5 intensity is ====== 4 Expected == 3
SIX = 6 intensity is ====== 1 Expected == 1
SEVEN = 7 intensity is ====== 0 Expected == 1
EIGHT = 8 intensity is ====== 1 Expected == 1
NINE = 9 intensity is ====== 4 Expected == 3
 LIFE PATH number is = 39 [3] =Jupiter
 BIRTH DATE Number is = 23 [5]= mercury
 NAME NUMBER is = 97 [7] = ketu
 More Details in Actual Report
 It gives him fair inclination towards engineering.

He would be fun loving and outgoing a lot but

he has to control his emotional expression and
balance life and not to scatter his energies. May
get lost in fantasy and that has to be controlled.
 Excess of ego ( number1) and sensitivity need
to be controlled well.Could be analytical, fun
loving and restless. Much better after 34th year
of life.

 He would express himself much better

emotionally and mentally that is by thinking and
feeling the problem . But he could be fairly
demanding and needs control over matters.

 More Details in Actual Report

Hebrew Numerology based Interpretation

of your Number Horoscope
About Hebrew Numerology and ProphetMoses
 Prophet moses was born around 1571 BC. He is
said to be an earlier prince of Egyptian prince as
per Bible. Actually if we study history, the
sanatan dharma the mother of all religions was
all over the world includes south
America/Australia/Russia/Africa etc. but in kali
Yuga as lord Krishna declared the start I
Mahabharata times- the sanatan dharma started
declining and has remained only in India Nepal
and some part of the countries.
 Prophet Moses was sent by GOD to revive the
basic dharma in these regions. One can clearly
see the concept of reincarnation is there atleast
with a sizable Jews and Christian Rosicrucian’s
atleast. The most important is that it is said that
Moses developed a system of numerology to
know about past life so as to help the soul to
evolve much faster. This numerology is based on
the same. The Hebrew cabala is on some similar
patterns.Yes, they do believe in past lives. For

Your Hebrew Numbers Chart as per Your birth


first name
middle name
last name

The life is dividing into 6 aspects here &

corresponding word vibrations with the
same which interact with your chakras and
your mind
1. Physical karma
2. Spiritual karma
3. Physical talents
4. Spiritual talents
5. Physical goals
6. Spiritual goals

 Physical karma or material world karma =

SSRN = 15-15-20-14=64=10-1
 Spiritual karma or punya of past life=
AHTU= 1-5-9-6=21-3
 Physical Talents=INEM=10-14-5-13=42=6-
 Spiritual talents= KAEO=19-1-5-6=31=4-4
 More Details in Actual Report

 Your Physical karma = 10-1

 The physical karma that you have inherited is
the base number =1, so you have to look at
unity of things and not be restless or to
analytical in your approach. You have a manly or
masculine expression of GOD coming through
you. The male energy or the lord Shiva
 The number 10 suggest that you should be free
flowing as you are born with mercury energies-
but at the same time not to miss on unity n
matters.Like for studies matters like Vedic
math’s could develop more unity in thought
process and in physical culture maters like doing
Yoga or suryanamskaras could do you a favor in
integrating the physical or material view point.
 Please note your power number in Pythagorean
system is also number 1 comforting the same.

Elaborations with Correlation s of your

past Numbers and Horoscope or Kundli

 Your Spiritual karma = 21-3

 As per spiritual karma, you will have to face fair
enough spiritual challenges in this life time.
Especially of controlling restless mind and may
be sexual attractions.
 You will have to build endurance by spiritual
practises like art of living or lord Shiva prayers.

 You will have to go deep within to get

knowledge and share with people.
Please note your destiny number = 3 and birth
number is also 3 conforming this karma.
 More Details in Actual Report
 Your Spiritual goals = 18-9
 As you reach end of the life time, you have to
make discrete effort to reach the pinnacle of
spirituality and come out of materialistic goals.
Note you have fair Jupiter and 1 = power
number of yours suggesting great effort at your
end to achieve this goal.
 You also have to develop compassion and
distribute wealth.9 has a dragon of serpent
energy in you, that is the kindly. Please note we
got the same results in d60 chart above. You will
have t tame this serpent with sadhana.

 The destiny of Your SOUL(Most


12-3 = You have to express your abilities fully

and creatively for success. You have artistic ability
and the ability to think quickly use that to maximum
advantage. You have to gain in love and wisdom. So
hatred due to mars energy and serpent energy ahs
to be left.
Also more wisdom has to be gained, There could be
a great drive you to absorb love and wisdom. You
have the potential to become reference for other

 You will do well in business or engineering to do
with electrical or computer sciences.You have to
balance wealth gains and spirituality.You will
have to do a lot of sadhana in this life time

 As one can clearly see a strong correlation
between your horoscope and numerology
(Pythagorean and Hebrew systems). Follow the
advice properly/
 BONUS: How Does your Past Life karma
connect to Present life Problems like Love
Or Marriage OR Children Or Money Or
Career Or Job OR Legal Matters Or Family
etc. based on your Numbers of
Yavnacharya or Pythagoras & Hebrew
methgods- Special?

 More Details in Actual Report

SECTION 3: Coming 3 Years Predictions

2017 ending and 2018

 There could be a lot more than normal changes
in life in addition to possible travels may be.
Your problems and also luck might expand with
proper co-operation and sensitivity at your end.
Enthusiasm in addition to your inner feelings
must be taken care of well. There could be
reasonably added independence in your attitude
in addition to connection to various people.
 Travel or fun and outings also could possibly be
there on cards. Please don't skip the details in
general as you may skip goals as a result of
excess outings/fun

FAMILY/FRIENDS: AVERAGE: The actual rate may

well slow a tad and so you could appreciate with
the family/outings exhilaration
Education : AVERAGE: 2017 ending and 2018,
you will find it a bit hard to focus on studies. But
2018 could be a good time for self expression and
participating in extracurricular. Focus needs to be

 There could be a lot of hard work and delays in
matters. Time to build up your base and work
hard. Avoid any frustration coming in.Also on
the positive front.Gear to positive swing with
regard to a lot more than normal and may even
be likely exciting, socials/travel it's possible to
experience youthfulness along with enthusiasm
now. Expect more than usual socials/meeting
with folks in the home or perhaps
office/outings/travel in addition to
communication(calls/sms) is achievable on this
occasion. Try to stay focused with concerns as
an apart from enjoying the fun now.
fun/excitement and may even be vacation with
family and friends
Education: GOOD:You may feel a bit frustrated
due to extra work load at times. Be positive and
build your base now. Best for or developing a
new skill, additional connection to friends or
school presentation would be there, additional
opportunities with regard to you- you may be
additional beneficial
 Time for you to experience immediate road
blocks in addition to limits. One could encounter
combining exciting in conjunction with many
limits. Prospects may come upwards but in
conjunction with Many troubles or perhaps road
blocks. Allow not bad final results enable you to
deficits your cardiovascular. Day trip is
achievable so can be communication/connection
with some other people-
 But many this may not be clean because you
expect. Allow not exciting or perhaps lighter
spirits go bad the task on hand. Success might
feature cashing the means in addition to
concurrently using a well thought out method.

FAMILY/FRIENDS: AVERAGE: There could be an

opportunity in fun/excitement- try to keep good
Education : AVERAGE: You will have to work
very hard to get good marks. You may have too
many distractions to focus on work. But over all
positive fro you.But once done with base
creation , you will be done for future.

SECTION4: BONUS for you based on past

life and Reincarnation - remedies that
would help you in Better life.
 More Details in Actual Report

We wish you all the best in Life,

Arjun Pundit for

For any Clarification Regarding This Report–

Kindly Feel Free To Send Us a Mail at E-Mail Id
Given Below:

[email protected]

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