Ultraspect Pro

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Ultrospec 2100 pro

Description Eighteen methods can be saved in three groups of six,

making the instrument very practical in a multi-user
The Ultrospec™ 2100 pro UV-Visible spectrophotometer has
laboratory. With a range of output modes - direct to
an integral high resolution graphics display and easy-to-use
Microsoft™ Excel, control by SWIFT II software, output to
software making it ideal for use in the modern laboratory. It
Seiko DPU-414 printer – and self test diagnostics for GLP
has both exciting styling and design (registered design protection
purposes, the Ultrospec 2100 pro is an excellent addition to
applied for) that place it at the forefront of its class. Furthermore, it
any laboratory bench.
uses xenon lamp technology so annual running costs are minimized.
In addition to the basic modes of absorbance, transmission
and concentration, there are routines for wavelength
scanning, simple kinetics, reaction rate, standard curve and
equation entry for multi-wavelength applications. There are
also stored routines for nucleic acid quantification and
purity assessment; the large informative display shows all
relevant results at the same time, and a nucleic acid scan
routine enables visual inspection of sample integrity.

Fig 1. Ultrospec 2100 pro

Features Benefits
Xenon lamp Press to read system means low cost of ownership during
product lifetime; a 3 year lamp warranty is offered
GLP self test diagnostics Prove performance of instrument at any time and at no extra cost
Integral VGA display with graphics Intuitive and easy to use
Built in applications software that is complete No additional expense for software modules
No possibility of losing software cards
Stored methods for Nucleic Acid Quantification Nucleic acid analysis is easy
< 3 nm bandwidth Optimum resolution for scanning bio-molecules
18 user stored methods in three customizable groups Simplifies filing and is ideal for multiple-users
Integral sipper accessory option Ideal for high throughput
Spreadsheet interface software option Direct download of data to Microsoft Excel

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Display and keypad Ultrospec 2100 pro
UV/Visible Spectrophotometer

The 240 x 160 pixel high resolution, graphical, liquid crystal

display provides the user with set up parameters and 1 2

experimental results in either English, German, French, 4 5 6

Spanish or Italian. To optimize viewing of the display, the

ghi jkl mno

7 8 9
back light can be turned off and the contrast adjusted. pqrs tuv wxyz

Using the instrument is very easy; press the soft key on the . 0 C

keypad directly below the corresponding option on the F1 F2 F3

display (F1, F2 and F3) to select that option. Pressing the red
stop key acts as an escape mechanism in most situations. Esc

Text entry is very easy, since the keypad has an

Ultrospec 2100 (Janus)
alphanumeric function at the appropriate menu options, 40Fig 2. Ultrospec
01 6802 2100 pro display and keypad
and letter entry is in the same manner as when using a Colour Legend.

mobile telephone. Pantone Warm Grey 1 EC

Pantone Cool Grey 8 EC

Basic Modes Pantone Cool Grey 6 EC

Pantone 285 EC
The measurement of sample absorbance, transmittance
Pantone Process Black EC
and concentration using a factor is fundamental in
Pantone Process White EC
UV-Visible spectrophotometry. The Ultrospec 2100 pro can Key font:

do these easily and efficiently, plus more complex multi- Numbers: Swiss Cn BT - 12pt -15% Kerning.
Alpha Chracters: Swiss Cn BT - 9pt - 15% Kerning (black and White)

wavelength measurements that are frequently used in F1,F2,F3, Esc Key - Swiss Cn BT - 12pt - 15% Kerning

Quality Control situations. Graphic layer change only, for all other details refer to 40 01 1992

Wavelength Scanning
The measurement of an absorption spectrum, together with Fig 3.Absorbance mode
identification of peak height and position, for a sample can
be done easily. With a survey scan speed of
3000 nm/minute and a wavelength range of 190–900 nm,
the Ultrospec 2100 pro is ideal for routine scanning
applications. Spectra can be viewed and printed out.

Simple Kinetics
The measurement of the change of absorbance over time,
particularly at 340 nm for NAD/NADH assays, is an
important application in UV-Visible Spectrophotometry.
Results are displayed graphically in either seconds or
minutes on the Ultrospec 2100 pro.

Fig 4.Typical wavelength scan

Fig 5.Typical simple kinetics assay

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Reaction Rate
The use of reagent test kits for the enzymatic
determination of compounds in clinical and industrial
laboratories is ubiquitous. These experiments are readily
performed on the Ultrospec 2100 pro with absorbance
change over the specified time period (multiplied by an
appropriate factor) being displayed at the end with the
slope and line quality of the assay.

Standard Curve
The construction of a multi-point calibration curve from Fig 6.Typical reaction rate result
standards of known concentration to quantify unknown
samples is a fundamental use of a UV-Visible
spectrophotometer. A common assay is the BCA
determination for proteins. Using the Ultrospec 2100 pro,
nine standards replicates can be used to build the standard
curve. This can of course be saved and retrieved as a
method. Slope and intercept are calculated automatically.

Multiple Wavelength/Equation Entry

Many quality control and development processes require
the use of absorbance values in equations to determine a
meaningful parameter. The Ultrospec 2100 pro can
measure five absorbances at specified wavelengths and
Fig 7.Typical standard curve experiment
then use these values in a user defined equation so that
post measurement calculations are done automatically.
Thus the instrument can be customized to suit your
individual needs.

Nucleic Acids
The Ultrospec 2100 pro has stored routines for measuring
DNA, RNA and oligonucleotide samples. Absorbance
measurements (230, 260, 280 and 320 nm), absorbance
ratios (A260/A280 and A260/A230) and concentration are
shown on the easy-to-read display together. Sample
dilution and cell pathlength are compensated for
automatically. In addition, a wavelength scan can be
Fig 8.Equation entry result
obtained for a visual inspection of sample integrity which is
particularly useful for RNA samples.

Volumes as low as 3 µl and 7 µl can be accommodated

using the capillary and the ultra micro-volume cell with the
appropriate cell holder, respectively. In addition, the
UViMicro UV transmitting disposable cell (volume
20–2000 µl, standard 15mm optical height) is compatible
without the need for adaptors.

Fig 9.Typical DNA result

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Good Laboratory Practice Ultrospec 2100 pro GLP Report
Being able to check that an instrument is working to its Instrument Ultrospec 2100 pro
published specification is an essential pre-requisite for GLP. Operator A T Dadd
The Ultrospec 2100 pro performs GLP self-diagnostic tests Da t e 2 2 Sep t em b er 2 0 0 0
for bandwidth, absorbance accuracy, wavelength accuracy Tim e 1 0 :0 0 :1 7
and stray light and compares them with the values
obtained during instrument manufacture (or last accredited Serial No. 79500
engineer service). The GLP calibration interval can be set by Version 4190 V1.0
the user to be always, daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. Calibrated 21 September 2000
Instrument Life 25.6 Hours
UViMicro disposable cell Lamp Energy 100%
Service 10 September 2000
The use of disposable, UV transmitting capillaries is popular
in sequencing labs, where primers and templates are Bandwidth
available in high concentrations. The capillary is not ideal, (2.0 - 3.0nm) 2.9 PASS
however, for more dilute solutions. These require the longer
Wavelength Accuracy
pathlength of a standard cell.
881.9nm (± 1 nm) 881.9 PASS
UViMicro has been designed to address this need. A
Absorbance Accuracy
minimum volume of 20 µl can be accommodated in a
220nm (1.763 - 1.781A) 1.772 PASS
10mm pathlength cell. The cells are supplied individually
340nm (1.633 - 1.665A) 1.649 PASS
wrapped and are sterile and DNase/RNase free. Since
500nm (1.477 - 1.491A) 1.484 PASS
expensive quartz cells are no longer needed, the tedious
washing and autoclaving procedures to maintain sample Stray Light
sterility are eliminated. They are particularly attractive to 220 nm (<0.05%) 0.021 PASS
scientists working with RNA but are also ideal for standard
DNA and oligonucleotide quantification procedures since Fig 10. Ultrospec 2100 pro GLP self diagnostics print out
the maximum sample volume is 2000 µl.

UViMicro offers great flexibility to researchers, particularly

since the 15 mm optical height of the cells has been
designed to fit the light path of the majority of
spectrophotometers available. The cells are self-masked,
offering the advantages that no adapter is needed to use
them and that the optical surfaces are protected against
accidental fingerprints.

Fig 11. UViMicro disposable cell

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Output to Printer
The Ultrospec 2100 pro is compatible with the industry
standard Seiko DPU-414 printer for print out of both text
and graphics. When combined with the printer stand, a
compact system that will suit any laboratory is obtained.

Download to Spreadsheet
The ability to download directly to Microsoft Excel from the
Ultrospec 2100 pro is a very powerful feature. Results can
easily be archived in this common format or exported to
other compatible applications for presentation or further
manipulation. Data is downloaded via a serial interface into Fig 12. Ultrospec 2100 pro with printer and printer stand
a macro that has to be loaded onto the PC; both the cable
and the macro are available as accessories.

Control by SWIFT II software

Although Ultrospec 2100 pro is a stand-alone instrument
for discrete measurements on the laboratory bench, it can
also be controlled from a PC using SWIFT II software. SWIFT
II is compatible with Windows™ 95, 98 and NT and
comprises of sophisticated application software for
Wavelength Scanning, Enzyme Kinetics, Time Drive,
Quantification, Multi Wavelength and Fraction Analysis
applications, providing extensive post run manipulations on
data acquired using the spectrophotometer.

Fig 13. Download of a wavelength scan to Microsoft Excel

Fig 14. Ultrospec 2100 pro under PC control using SWIFT II

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Technical specifications This product is designed and manufactured in accordance with an ISO 9001
approved quality system and is CE compliant.
Wavelength range 190–900 nm
Monochromator 1200 lines/mm Aberration Ordering Information
corrected concave grating
Description Code number
Maximum scanning speed 3000 nm/minute
Ultrospec 2100 pro UV-Visible 80-2112-21
Spectral bandwidth < 3 nm Spectrophotometer
Wavelength accuracy ± 1 nm
Wavelength reproducibility ± 0.5 nm
Light source xenon lamp
Companion products
Detectors two silicon photodiodes
Description Code number
Photometric range - 3.000 to 3.000 A, 0.01 to 9999
concentration units, 0.1 to 200 % T Seiko DPU-414 t hermal print er inquire
Print er st and 80-2112-13
Photometric accuracy ± 0.5 % or ± 0.003 A to 3.000 A at UViMicro disposable cells 80-2110-94
546 nm, whichever is the larger (supplied in packs of 100)
Photometric reproducibility within 0.5 % of absorbance value
to 3.000 A at 546 nm
Stability ± 0.001 A per hour at 340 nm
at 0 A
Stray light <0.05 % T at 220 nm using NaI and
<0.05 % T at 340 nm using NaNO2
Digital output 9 pin serial and Centronics parallel
Sample compartment size 210 x 140 x 80mm
Dimensions 510 x 350 x 160mm
Weight 13kg
Power requirements 100–240 V AC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz,
80 VA

Biochrom US Telephone: 1-508-893-8999

84 October Hill Rd Toll Free: 1-800-272-2775
Holliston, MA Fax: 1-508-429-5732
01746-1388 [email protected]
USA www.biochromspectros.com

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