Hydrogen Bonding: Where To Find Hydrogen Bonds?

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Hydrogen bonding

Where to find hydrogen bonds? 1

Hydrogen bonding


A hydrogen bond exists when a hydrogen atom is bonded to two
or more other atoms, a donor atom X and an acceptor atom Y.
Since the hydrogen atom has only one orbital (1s) at sufficiently
low energy, hydrogen bonds are mainly electrostatic in nature
but covalent and repulsive orbital-orbital interactions are also
Depending on the type of X and Y, there are strong and weak
hydrogen bonds.
In the case of weak and very weak hydrogen bonds, hydrogen
bonding is mainly electrostatic in nature.
In the case of strong and very strong hydrogen bonds, covalent
bonding phenomena are also of some importance.
This means that hydrogen bonds are something special.

Hydrogen bonding

Hydrogen bonds
solid H2O (weak)
and HF (strong)

The strongest hydrogen bonds are formed to the most

electronegative elements
Hydrogen bonding

Enthalpies of some hydrogen bonded systems and transitions

Hydrogen bonding

Normal boiling points of p-block binary hydrogen compounds

Hydrogen bonding
is directed by the lone pairs of the acceptor atom(s) Y

Gas-phase hydrogen-bonded complexes formed with HF and

lone pair orientation as indicated by VSEPR theory

Hydrogen bonding
for Y = O this leads to

The crystal structure of ice. The large H2O cages in the clathrate hydrate
cycles represent O atoms. The H atoms Cl2.(H2O)7.25. O atoms occupy
are placed between the O atoms. intersections H atoms the lines.

Structure building of hydrogen bonds

Hydrogen bonding

Types and structure building of hydrogen bonds

Hydrogen bonding

Types and structure building of hydrogen bonds

(intra and intermolecular hydrogen bonds)

Hydrogen bonding

Structure building of hydrogen bonds

Hydrogen bonding

Structure building of hydrogen bonds

Hydrogen bonding

Configuration/coordination of water molecules of crystallization

Hydrogen bonding

(a) Cl—H…………...…Cl (b) F……....H……..F

137 185 pm 113 113

Potential energy curves for X-H…X bonds with

(a) double-minimum for weak and (b) single-minimum for strong H-
Hydrogen bonding

Infrared spectra of pure (bottom) and diluted (top) Isopropanol

showing the shift and the broadening of the O-H stretching band by
hydrogen bonding
Hydrogen bonding
How to investigate/characterize hydrogen bonds?

By systematic investigation of isotypic compounds

(e.g. Oxohydrates MXO3.nH2O (X = S, Se, Te), M(HSeO3)2.nH2O)
with X-ray and neutron diffraction, NMR, IR, Raman, INS

Hydrogen bonding
How to investigate/characterize hydrogen bonds?

By systematic investigation of isotypic compounds

and correlation of the structural, spectroscopic and theoretical data16
Hydrogen bonding

νOH δH2O νSO3 δSO3

Hydrogen bonding

Hydrogen bonding

Hydrogen bonding

δH2O νSO δSO3



H2O librations

Hydrogen bonding

IR spectra and νOD/d(O…O) relations of some salt hydrates 21

Hydrogen bonding


A hydrogen bond exists when a hydrogen atom is bonded to two or more
other atoms. Since the hydrogen atom has only one orbital (1s) at
sufficiently low energy, hydrogen bonds are mainly electrostatic in nature
but covalent and repulsive orbital-orbital interactions are also present.
The strength of hydrogen bonds is governed by
(i) the inherent hydrogen bond donor strength (acidity) of the hydrogen
atom and the acceptor capability of the respective acceptor group,
(ii) collective effects, as cooperative, competitive, and synergetic effects,
which increase or decrease the inherent donor strengths and acceptor
(iii) structural features, as the number of acceptor groups, e. g. two-center,
three-center (bifurcated), etc. hydrogen bonds, and the hydrogen bond
angles X−H...Y and H...Y−Z built by the donor (X), acceptor (Y), and H
atoms (linear or bent), and
(iv) packing effects and constraints of the respective crystal structure.

Hydrogen bonding


In the case of weak and very weak hydrogen bonds, the respective
bonding is mainly electrostatic in nature with attractive and repulsive
charge-charge, charge-dipole, charge-induced dipole, and charge-
multipole interactions between the partially positive charged hydrogen
atom and the negative charged areas of the acceptor atom Y.
In the case of strong and very strong hydrogen bonds, in addition to the
Coulomb forces, covalent bonding phenomena via orbital-orbital overlap
attractive and closed-shell repulsive forces are of some importance.

Hydrogen bonding


The strength of hydrogen bonds in inorganic solids is governed by both
the hydrogen-bond donor strength of the hydrogen-bond donor X and the
hydrogen-bond acceptor capability of the hydrogen-bond acceptor Y.
For the formation of hydrogen bonds two rules have been established:
(i) All hydrogen-bond acceptors available in a molecule will be engaged
in hydrogen bonds as far there are available donors.
(ii) The hydrogen-bond acceptors will be saturated in order of decreasing
strength of the hydrogen bonds formed.
Both the hydrogen-bond donor strengths and the hydrogen-bond
acceptor capabilities, are modified by additional phenomena like the
synergetic, the cooperative, and the anti-cooperative or competitive
effects. The various effects are highly non-additive.

Hydrogen bonding

Hydrogen-bond donor strength and acceptor capability

The synergetic effect describes the increase of the strength of a hydrogen
bond through metal ions coordinated to the donor atom X.
The cooperative effect means the increase of the donor strength of a
hydrogen-bond donor if the donor concurrently acts also as acceptor for a
second hydrogen bond.
The anti-cooperative or competitive effect means the decrease of the strength
of hydrogen bonds due to the decrease of
(i) the donor strength e.g. through coordination (donor competitive effect) or
(ii) the acceptor capability (acceptor competitive effect) of the entities
involved in the respective hydrogen bonds.
Both may be caused by the different coordination of the donor and acceptor
atoms X and Y.

Hydrogen bonding
Hydrogen-bond donor strength and acceptor capability
The acceptor capability primarily depends on the gas-phase basicity of the
hydrogen-bond acceptor groups to hydrogen atoms. It is modified by the
acceptor competitive effect due to the coordination and bond strength of the
acceptor atom Y, e.g. by
(i) the receipt of more than one hydrogen bonds,
(ii) the total number of atoms coordinated to the acceptor atom,
(iii) the strength of the Y−Z bonds of the hydrogen-bond acceptor group, and
(iv) the deviation from the most favorable hydrogen-bond acceptor angle H…Y−Z.
In the case of O−H…Y hydrogen bonds, the relative acceptor capability range as
ClO4- < NO3- < BrO3- < IO3- < I- < Br- < H2O < Cl- < < SO42- < SeO42- < SO32- <
SeO32-< PO43- < F- < OH- (hydrogen-bond acceptor series).
The donor strengths of common hydrogen-bond donors range as OH- < SH- <
NH2- < NH3 < H2O < HSeO3- < H5-nIO6n- < H3O+. It is governed by both the
positive partial charge at the acid hydrogen atom, and the strength and
hybridization of the X−H bond of the donor molecule. The donor strength is
increased due to the cooperative and the synergetic effects and decreased due to
the anti-cooperative/donor competitive effect.
Hydrogen bonding

Hydrogen-bond donor strength and acceptor capability

In the case of the synergetic effect, i. e., bonding of the donor atom X to metal
atoms, the X−H bonds of the donor are both weakened and polarized with
increasing strength of the respective M−X bonds and, hence, the acidity of the
respective hydrogen atom and the donor strength are increased.
The synergetic effect increases with increasing charge and decreasing size
of the respective metal ions as well as with increasing covalence of the M−X
bonds. The latter is particularly strong in the case of Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+ ions.
In the case of the cooperative effect, the X−H bond of the hydrogen-bond
donor is weakened because the donor atom X acts concurrently as hydrogen-
bond acceptor and hydrogen-bond donor, and, hence, acidity and donor
strength of the respective hydrogen atom are increased.


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